THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , DEQEJIBEK 2. ISSa-SIXTEEN PAGES. Factory No , $78 FOR THE BEST CLEAR HAVANA CIGAR for CALL ON flnndtnan Drug Co , 1110 1'ntnnm \V ti Hamilton , IDtn niul Rimini Oimilm liUK ) Co , mil Doago.ll .1 A I'nllur \ To. HIM and imtmlai S II I'urnsxuiit ) ] , No-ll" > l'iimliuH V ! A HoMottur. Nn ! Si ! CnmlilK * ( T I'milson , li III nmll low aril . ? DUotitn ICtli iinillll'kory W S Iliilihiir , Iiilh niul Capitol avenue .1.1 Deal IlfJ South Kith htroot. O r.Munro. : > m Noilli Uith > trr-ot KllluuV ( ( i. . I'M Si.lit II IMIi stl.'Ct II si > yoi I iiil > ei isnn. Noli , ( 'has Knsor , llollnim Nob. I ) 1 Clink , Cicitou , Neu. H Mn < on , lltlinnd rim \V ! ' HulT/ky. 1 lili niul Williams TW Smith. No in.'I a 10th ht A Sclirotur , No IM7V4 I'm 11nil r < < honlioruw .v Suinniois , sth Ami I'nrnani .1 \V'lmk ( , raiknveamloolorth \ A It Shannon , l r > I'.irk Ave Von KII > K ( > \ 1'nhl , 17ih ami ulark M i.Ill-lies. : North Mil St In-tllulu DtnuSloip , 1 Ith nml Doilgo. S mimicrriY : < 'miilnn street. A S l\ nolei. . Kill N'Utli Ka'indei-3 street .M II ( iioss , 1 uil dark HI root IClmIlinh. . Pair-Held Ni b. .1 nMnt ( > , Meadow { iri\ ' , . \i'b , U.K. , A-hhmd' Neb. \ff \ B Any dealer purchasing 1,000 of the above cigar can have his name in the this advertisement ESTABLISHED 1861 ( I8O So. Chicago , BII3. IciarUSt. Tlie Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON | ] still Treating with tlio Greatest SKILL and SUCCESS Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases , J93-NERVOUS DEUIMTY , Lost Manhood , Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible Dreams , Head and Back Aclic aiul all llic effect ! Ic.idmfi to early decay .mil | > edups Consumption ot Insanity , treated ucnlilically by new method * with never-failing * uct ess. 0B- SYPHILIS anil all bad Blood and Skin Dis eases permanently cured. tfS-KIDNEYnnd URINARY complaints , Gleet , Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Vat icocele and all dUeascl ofthi Gcnlto-Urinary Organs cured promptly without iojiiry to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organi. aff No experiments. ARC and experience im portant. Consultation free and sacred. AB-Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works en Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diaeavss. .ttB-Those contemplating Marriage send for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each 15 cenu , both 35 cenu ( stamps ) . Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter orcatlmay savefutiiresiilier- ing and shame , and add golden years to life , K Mtook "Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( stamps ) . Medicina ami wilting sent everywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , 8 to 8. Sundajs 9 to u. Address F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 186 So. Clnrlc St. . CHICAGO , IUL. ONI A HA MEDICAL ' SURGICAL INSTITUTE , N. W. Cor. 13th & DoclRO Sto. VOH TUB Till ATMEKT OV A LI , Appllaneoa for Deformities and Trussss. lloel fncllltlei , apparatus muil rorundlat Xorsuroosv ful trrHtuii-nt ot orerr form of rtlsettsj requlrlni UtiJIral or Hurnlral TroatuiHiit , FIFTY nODM3 FOR PATIENTS. lUnnl nnj tUtomlnnco ; bust liosiiltul Hccuuituuda- tlons In tlifl ITDI wi Vru , ieitrii.ilr. rnrnlgrni , Kwllppiy. Kidney. Illartdur , * sye , Kr , Skin and Ulood.unl . iillSurtloilOponulonj DIsonsoH of Woman a Specialty. HOOK ON DiBKioLrt oir Wouhif I'ncu. , ONLY RELIABLE HEDICAL IUCTITUTB MAKING A SI'KCI II.TV Of PRIVATE DISEASES. All IUcKxl DUeiict iMoooiUullr truatod. rtri'iillltla I'oljuu rqmorvd irom tUu iiiU'in wllliuut inorciirr. Mrir rettorxUvo iri tmenl for lost or Vlial l'ow r. J'er.vjns uimblo lo iltit ui mar t > u I routed at hnmubf corrciiiuJjnre All rommunlciitloii * coullJeiUlnl. Jilwllftnei or Inilrumtnli tent by mull or utpra i , jutmeljr ii ( ! Vi-J. QU mark ) ( a lixllcikia contuuii or nuder. Ono personal laterTluvr pruforrod. Call an I vuuniiltu oriunillilitory at your case , and we will nJ In I'Ulu "rnppor , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon 1'rlvntu , Hnciolal or Norroui Pl ca > oi , Impo- toiieyHriitilliiiUltxaud V ruocelo , wall qutsuon Kit. Aildie and Hnrnical Institute , or JK. ItlcMHJ.VA IY , Cr. tilth and UoJi'd-fiU. . OllAlf.V Mn : , To ( Jlussow , IU > ll'iit > t , Dublin ami From New York Every tuesdav , Calilu passnun K't niul * "A nrronllnR to location ot M ftlo loom. inil's ; ioti W > to f Hi. BtffrnKQ to niul from t'urnpe nt l.uuust liutoi. AUSTIN IIAI.OW1N & ( ' ( ) . , ( Jin'Ic nt . M llroaiinny. Now V'ork. 30JIN HUXJI5K , Gon'l WevternAKent. IIAIIIIY K. Tloiluucd Utibln Untos to ICx- litbltton. IFOR SALE-I- EVERYWHEHE. CALIFORNIA ! TIIK JAND OF DISCOVERIES. HM/ roi\ „ tATARRH OROVILLECAL C5Sold on circular , tty tcltjt 3 9.- Santa ' Abia : and : Cat > R-Cure For Sale by Goodman Drug Co. LOMBARD lio.itoii , js.i. . ; ICanKaa City , Mo * Capital & Surplus , $1 $ , This company hns i > puiu < a niiOmuliaolllcenml Isjut'ji.ut'ilto fmulilt uiout-y [ numi'tly ' uu 1111- mm e < l city mill f.uiu lilopei'tj- . No uppllciuloi. * noiut'w-iy for apr" ' * ' " ! . Loans cloaoil unil p.ilil \vltlioutilelay , Jllll.N W ( il-11. MititBKur. SOU South luth Stn-Bt. J'lrdl Kntlotial Itanlc i : OP Bi-llcvue I lospitul College , N. Y. City. , Class 18 4. Will , try life own method , KUfkr.uit e to purfootly niulpcruiiiuciitly curoiilLUw | o ( 1'Uos. ' ruinlii , I'lssiuc , etc. , wftliotlt Ub of Kulfu , Llcatnu- , I'lirliollo Aclilor luiyl'iuibtlo. Dr. Jlnxwull htiK heeu lociiU'd In Omulia inure tliitu u ymir , nml la liuiopfniiiuiPiitly. Thcro 1110muiiy In tlio illy unil virinit\ lie luivo lieon fin-oil by him , jvliu U-xtlf ) to the truth of the nbovu. Ills trvntmant Ihinllil ; nit iletimtkiii from InikliH-.s , ttml no ( limserfri > m trentmont. Olllcu , I'axton Itloo ! ; , looms 1 f"M. r ; iu.lp ! m , to ti p. m. itoslilimco , tlii'nuuu Are , btttvvieii L'oi by unil Locust i-ts. Dr. J. E. McGrew , Ouu uf the Most in the Treatment of all Chronic or tha So-called Incurable Diseases , K//P / , Kar , Throat , J iinan , J.ivcr , Jlail < lci' . KMnvi ) and J\'oj-ro/s Dis cuses treated with unccmn nn- cijttatlvd. A cnrociiarnntecrtin nil ci\3 of I'llIVATIl nili ] SCIN DIHHABBS. All illoorderi ot tha LAIi OltlJANK OiniKU and A1ANJ10UU ilNKUUV UBSTOHKU CO.NHUI/rATiON Treatment by corrtstinoudancu. Send stamp toe 1 Itull * f OlflL-o Uushmnn Blao < , lath ana Doualac ata. Unialiu. Nab lid Holt. 1807 l.ako P II Illshnp , Snunnrrs and r.nko II II Sterns. IMt'i S .1 II Cli'tty , 1417 Douclas r Ilallaut''i ' lrtll Uith Chns Illnu. IIW7 VlntonSt (5 ( M Crl-M-y , aith anil l.auu CoinNli > \ 1,0 rovro , ftith and Iako .lava rulloo llouse , H1H street ll.\I Ilioun , I7.JISI Marv'Hiivumiii O V 1'almur .t C'o , Illalr. Neb .1.1 ( Jiccr , .lolin Mtiran. Callounv , Ni'b. li 12 ItiTd , Hth amU npllol ave ] t U Twarts , 1717 hi. Wnn 'savp. I'otwln A. Oiailunl. M8 a Bias for Public Prlntlnc. STATI3 OP NrilRASKA , ) B or TUB STATK HOAIHIOK I'JJINTINC ] , ! JilMCOl.N , NOV. 13 , ISb ! ) . ) .NOTICI ; TO IllDDUItS : . Scnlotl pioposals will bo received nt any time on or botoro J o'clock n. in. of tlio llth d.iv of December , A I ) . Ih88 , fortheprlutingof all bills tor the leglsl.ittue , with such matters as may bo ordoiod by either house thereof to bo printed In "bill form. " whU'h Is shown nml designated ns Clash ono ill under the pi luting laws ) of the state of Isolira ka. I'or tlio printing and binding In paper covers one thousand 11AO ) copies caih of the biennial report i of the auditor public1 accountstreasurer , huiiot.iryotHtntc.nml commis-'ioner of public land- , and bulldi'ips ; and flvo hundiod (500) ( ) topics cnrb of tile toports of the attor- my genoial. superintendent public institution , hiuto libimlan and adjutant gpneiul ; and all otlior icpoits and I'oinimonts that may boor- deiod | iiliit > d by tie ! legislatme , except Mir-Ii as may cntoi Into and fuim a p.ut of the Journals , whli ] class of w urk H know n and designated at > ( .liiih.l under tlio pi ml Ing Laws of Isebrasku. Tlio 1)111 work oAociited undi-r Class 1 hliall bo prlnti d In small pica typo on paper fourteen (11) ( ) inches lone by eight and oue-lialf ( S ji Inches wide , single p.igo. puperto be " .s pounds double cnptotliii loam , and accept the tltlo panec.ii'li page shall i-nntain not loss than twcnty-tlvo ( " i ) lines of solid mutt or of s-jvon ( ) indies In length , and thu lines shall DH buccosslvoly numbered with H blank only In oacli space between the Ilium. The title jingo otsald bills shall contain not least linn oiKUluon ( IS ) lines as above , with ( U ) Inches nddltlonal space ullowable for display title innttrr. Kach bid shall state what tlio bidder - dor Is willing to do the work complete for per page. Including composition , paper. preisworl : , btltcliluR. foldliiK and all work , or material en tering into the work letiulrod. All'worlccxocmed under Class 1 shall bo de livered In good order by the contractor to the olilcoot thobtcrotaiy of state wltlUn three (3) ( ) days after tno receipt ot the order by said con tractor Irom the chuirmau of tlio com mittue on printing In either brancliofthe lo Hlaure. All work executed under Class tnroeiJ ) shall bo printed In long primer , lirovler anil non pareil typ ? . on paper to be nine ( U ) inches long by six ( b ) wide , slnglo page , paper to bo forty- live iJIi ) Ibs. to the loam , white book. Uach bid under UUs.s , l hliall btato what the bidder Is-will ing to do tile work complete for pur iiago , on each import or item In thocliifcs. Including com position , pupor. presswork , stitching , foldlnif and all work ornuitf ilnl entering Into thu work .romdred. Galley nml page pioof imibtbofnr nlMied whun reiiulreil by the ollicers of tlie uxocutlVB department or the chuirmau of the committee on printing In either biaiuli of tjio legislature , \voik when completadto bellvorod flee of expense t the state house. 1'ioposals for work on ouch of the above cliLSHos will not bo considered unless the same Rhall bo HTompanlod by n bond In thu sum of flvo. thousand iJjJCO ( ) dollar * , with two or-inorn hiiretlcN. that in raso the party propoilng for Hiich Loutract shall bo awarded thu i-uino party will within live days after the award to Iilm of such contract enter into bonds for the faithful porforjnonco thereof , as provided by law ami ( lie terms ot thfao proposals. I'ropobuUi Mmll bo marked "Proposals for Public l'iluting" and addressed to the stuto bo-ird of pi inline ; in caie of tuo secretary of btato. Mmoln , Neb. ContiactMon Clas ono ( I ) as abovespeclfleil wilt be awarded as u whole. ( ontijictaon Uluss tlneo (3) ( ) as above bpedfled will I > o awarded in whole or in part , as the boaul may sloct. Samples of thu work to bo-pxocutcil under clHMos ono and tlnoe may bu facou nt the olllco of the secretary of utaio. Cdiitriictaon nboto classes ono and three to um two > eai from Deo. II. Ibta. 'Iho ntato prlntini ! bouid reserves the light to tcject auor ail bldn. ( ! . U 1\\\S , Si'oielaryof Slate , II , A. II MICOCK , Auditor I'ubllrAcc'ls , ( ' . II WIl.I.AHD , SlatoTronsiiror , iv.'ldtodio of > lie titatu lloaid of I'rlntlng. STOVES. Garland Stoves ; Oak Stoves , MONITOR STEEL RANGES Largest Stock ! Best Goods ! Lowest Prices ! Milton Rogers & Sons , COR , I4TH AND FARNAM , OPPOSITE THE PAXTON. B. IREY. TO LOAN , Oa City mid Furm Pronortyl GASH ON HAND , it Mortgage Papon Bought. Freuzur Block , opp , 1 , O. J Hooil , aitli ami Crnrn 7. Stevens. 913 North "Isf Snyiler A : Illiiklc. North ICthSt .1 II Schtiltt , Cunilngs anil Saumlcr * Max Neur , lll'JS lUUiSt > lntie ! s K CnnlUnnhniu , E03 North IGthi J I rriioliuuf , 1118 12th .1 N DrukL > , LoiiUt Ilia. Nnb. S 8 Abbott , Aslllunil , Neb N U Wllcox , I'millllon. Noh HI C IJopslur , Ulutxr Wntor , Neb r. Milllnprr. Oxfoid , Nob. .1 A Iil7t'll , 115 H IBtli Bt A U Amlaon. 1717 St Mary's av . A U Ityors , fa wanton , Nub- IN AltlCANS.VS. Itallot Boxes Stolen juul Tlu-onts Cut. Ar.Tus , Ark. , Nov. iii. [ Corrcsiioiulcncc otTm : Hue. ] Last pi-esidontial election u little incident occurred at Plummet- , this state , a town about t\\Jonty miles norlli of Little Hoclr , tlio outoonifc of which is causing a slight ripple of Intcrcjst. About 8 o'clock on the night of the election the ballot bo\-cs were stolen from the limnls of the juilces. These ofllcials , ono a republican ana the other a , were on the way to supper f i om the polls , and had the boxes with them. While passing through an unfrequented quarter of the place throe masked men hulled them and relieved them of the boxes. In the search that follnxved suspicion fell { upon the judges. They were charged with being interested in the matter to u greater extent than they were willing to nr > knowledge. Huskies the judges several other men were arrested. At the examina tion nil were released but three , including the judges , who wore required to &ive bonds ot$2,000 aach , to insure their nppuarunco ut the next term of court. The cltUcns whoso votes wore stolen were nearly all colored gentlemen. Neither boxes nor ballots have as. yet been recovered. The matter has caused merely u ripple of interest mid no excitement whatever. U.v many it is thought that when the casca como up they will bo dismissed with scarcely ixn inquiry. At LIWlo Kock during tlio state election the ballot boxes were stolen before the votes were all counted. Some wiseacre suggested that pel-hup * if some boxes wore loft in n ojrtain part , of the city the ballots would bo returned during the niicht. The experiment was tried , resulting in the ballot boxes being well stuffed. Kaglo was the democratic candidate for governor , while the union labor men had put ill ) Narwood , who wns endorsed by the republicans. As a result ot the ballots being stolen and re turned in the manner mentioned , Narvoocl declared that the election of Eagle was ille gal. Ilo contested the election but was defeated. Tlio election of someof the minor oftlccrs was conlirmod by the court. A dispute over representatives will bo determined by the stutu legislature. The parties who stole the ballots linvu not been npiirchniidcd , A curious case of biiicldo occurred in this pliioo a row days ago. .lohu Snildths , u farmer living near here , has for some titne , been ti victim of temporary insanity. He was known as an honest , uptight oitizon , but his attacks of mpiital aberration were thn cause of considerable anxiety to his friends and relatives. Of late the. at tacks Began to grow moro frequent. Ho dis appeared a short thro ugo , but was oapturoil by the sheriff and brought back to Altus , win-re ho was lolt at the homo of a German namud Joseph Stiunpli. While the sheriff wan absent Mr Smidths bcctircll an old case- knife. sharpened it * on the grindstone , and nlacing u chair near the stone , ho sealed himself , boi/cil his chin beard with his loft hand , throw baolc his head , and bctran saw ing nwny on his throat with the ola knife. The weapon was evidently of poor mctnl , for it was HOOII dulled , Now and then ho would cease operations and sharpen his knife on the slono. The old German , Herr Ktuinph , was in the yard , but ho was Ion badly frightened to do anything. It Imppunrd to bo ncur the street , and the lleoplo began to congregate. A high picket lonca separated them from tun man with the caso'ltnifo. Meanwhile tlio subject of RO much curiosity and interest had diligently sawed uwuy and the bkmil was coming out in n good stream , splattering down upon his cloihing , thunco to the ground. There was no gate near by and the crowd grqw frantic- over the old German s inactivity unil their nwn inability to stop the work of self destruction. The more they would yell the greater became thn fear of Jlorr Ktuiniili. At last ho nmdo a start. With commendable hastu ho ran Into the house , lore u hlonkut from the bud , und came out mid. clapped it over the homlof Mr. .Smidths just as nu was about to fall over from the loss of blood. Hut ho was too lato. Mr. .Smidths died m a few momejits. His ncuk was cut clear to the bone , but none of the Inrpe arteries hud boon severed. The knlfo was tpo dull to Imvo any effect upon thorn , y Hornl'm-ilto Aold Ilucnminomldl l > of nil Milmols , JVithe bruin , ncrvcn , mid Stonmuli , ( f * a Mild Spu-ll. Xcw I'uili 'Jrlbuni. When fall weather's like June It's a posslblo boon To the chap whoso top t-ont Is in pawn. Hut to him who has Just Got an ulster on trust The mild weather will make him forlorn. An Abboltiio Curn * The OIliaiNAL AJHI3'm'K OINTMENT is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes , and Is an absolute euro for old sorou , burns , woumlb , chapped hands , and nil skin erup tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles , Ask for the O1UGINAL AUIETINK OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug' Co. , at M oo a IB jior box by mail ! tu cents. jiomo < * tirN flftf r > f cliaiv1AlilfM. . PROF.F.O. FOWLBR , MOOdUi.Conn. Burlineion BurliigBn The Burlington takes the had. It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebrnski It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car service between Missouri river points and Chicago. v < < : . . It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of Omaha and the West a fast mail service. " , - YV * * * > It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from the East into Omaha propar. It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago. It was In advance , and is the only line by which you can foave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the evening of the same day. It has been progressive in the past. It will lead in the future. Travel and ship via the Burlington. Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot on Tenth Street. NOTHING OVER & SCHOELPLEY Again to the Front. We tire today selling n first- class line of shoes , at prices that defy competition. Ladies' Fine Dongola , Hand- sowed , turns , at $8. Ladies Dongola , Kid Machine- sewed , from i1.6O to $3. We are selling the very best class of shoes shown in Omnha. Ladles , call for the Martha Washington mon Sense or New York lasts. A Word to tie GDI Gouts , we have the finest kind of work in our mens'dcpartment It will pay you to call on us be fore shoeing for the winter. Just think of it Gents' hand sowed custom-mndo shoes , in button , bal or congress _ _ from $ B to $7. There are no better goods on eai-th. Also a full line of Fine Calf , sewed shoes from $2.BO to $4. These are goods that com mand more money in any other stor ein Omnha. A full line of ami i a FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE ! At prices that will command your attention. Step in , we want to show you prices at The'LUDLOW HUH oblaincil it roputtitlnn wherever in- trnilucoil for "ConiiKcri STYLis 'Tun * I'Kcrr FIT , " "CoiiroiiT ANJ > Duu.\mir rrv. " Tlwy hnvo no Himoriora in Hiind Turns , llund Welts , Goodyear Walts , and Mncliiin ) Sowed. LH < ] | UH , usk for Iho "Li'oi/ovv" SHOM. Try tliuni , und you will buy no other. J. S. ( ML CO , , Propi's. jPranch of the largest iniiiiufacloiy in tlio U. S. Now oiion nt 2'20 S. 14th Sh , near Paxton [ loiol , currying the Inrgcsl line of T.U UNKS , VALISES , II AND SATCII13LS , POCK 13T- IJOOKS , etc. , ever shown in Omaha. Goods sold at what our competitors pay for them. Work to order. Impairing a specialty. ' W. G. ALBRIGHT , Real Estate , aiSS. isth St. , Omaha. BEST AND CHEAPEST SOUTH OMAHA. BUY NOW TERMS EASY We arc now rraelvliif/ t/ie flntsf. and latest d-sl nn in Mnc flai Fix tures , inclndinu Hi-ot LlnMs , Portable Stands , Lnmini , etc.jtti'ic i'it- rleli/ofJiHi'01'lriliilnitlev , ( Sloln-x and OltiitiH'arc. Exclusive Jdiyns a Specialty. JL'riccs JScaaumiblc * LARCESN AND FINEST SHOW ROOMS WEST OF CHICAGO , THE HUSSEY & DAY COMPANY 409-411 South I5th Street. xn JIIK pjiAisi-3 LJ1AD1NU CIUAll DHALKIl IXxn MIA. Box Trndo Solioitod. Pi-hrato LockEoxo.- ) . J3AJUU2R J1LOVJC , JpAIiNA.M anil J fit It. PAID UP CAPITAL , $30OOOO. SURPLUS $40.000. AMERICAN LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY , UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. o Interest on deposits , compounded aoml-nnnunlly * Savings Cortlllcnlos with Intoreet coupona attached. DEBENTURE BONDS In Denominations of 3200 , 030O , 8r50O , and Siooo , based upon Flrat Mortgage Ron ) Eotnto Socurltlou cloposltotl with , and bonds cortinod by the Union Trust Company of Now York. Drafts drawn on the principal cities of Europe. A. C. POWELL , CASHIER. ; . - . - . . : -.DIRECTORS ; = 0. M , CARTER , Prcs. D. D. COOLEY , V.-Prcs , PHILIP POTTER , Sec. J. J. BROWN. ALVIN SAUNDERS , C. S. MONTGOMERY. j. FRED ROGER3 , AHP.HITPfiT0- - STAUn , JCIO Ko\rarn Bt. , Omnlw. lm drawn plans , ana MIlUIIIILUI gpeclircatlnnsforn 0-ioom frnmehousB. v.lilili vombluua _ utillty.romfort.oconoiny nnU litiiuty.luu v.'ny impoHHiblo In any ifood " IHIUBO t' int costa from tl.'ftt to Jl.iJUJ. A * moi tUuu 1W _ * Z + j will Ijuhutit ro , I ciin nfTbril to offer.i copy for Orlglnnlnnrl nplenflli t)5 ) , the 'jBtnl f e otllorwlao being from deslirnH fnrnlslicd ui can bo ludcea t par cent more. nil rtctcrlptlonH 1 hnvo In my olliop. rnnntnK In test ttom ooo to (100,000. My unusual cxporlence will Kiiiranten satUUetlon Hid rciublo contractors only are enjjagud on wyrork . 1'arttes wlslilne to build me cortHvlr lo rlted , DEWEY & STONE , FU A nmgnifiuonl difiplay of qvorything' useful and omamonta iu tlio lurnituro nialcor's art , at reasonable prices . \VcliuTOnnoiUlTO euro III ixn tit Ilt.utNiMi 1'n.Ksi Jif it DENTIST. ii(8 iljou uiiilii n ( i u > of lunK in ml ail luvo btivn cmotl , hixtruiizliuur fault In lit cunillro putvori UiiU wo will mull out ) niii > lu box mtE tounr R W BAILEY .tuift-rer. N- II.1'liln l no liumbuvi , , Ijou nctiull ) ' ri'cclrnn Lot Jiouljy re turn mall , ( not u lot of cliculun ) . anl nilillU I'mctoii Illoct. Ouiahn. i iil > H | > plU llon will couvince you of U'uutli ( jxtrwtcil wiUiotU | . | ( i worth Adil niii'lV W. Mlllutd Co. , JluHily , N. V. Oold nnd alloy Illlliu" ) fct PAD. ruuiouublo prices. iafcu'