Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Wlioat Errntio With Prices Lower
But Strong Later.
Cntilc Heoolpts Heavy .nnil Values
Duwn Tlio Provision Movement
Henrlsli HOB * n
IVw Cetus Up.
CnirAOO , Nov.0. . [ fipceial Telegram to
I'm : HI.B J Wheat \vas Jerky nnd erratic to
day , with the nvcrngo of prices lower than
on Wednesday , but the recovery from the
bottom was so good as to leave the bulls
with the impression Hint thei had won a vic
tor } , though closings show homo decline as
compared with Wednesday , December suffer-
ititf most. The opening rmif'o was stl II 'j , for
May , with the flist quotations on December
and January SI 04\1 MM und fl Oi5 , re
spectively. There were ft few sales of .May
as high as * 1 11 4 , but the decline carried the
market down n full cent duiinir the next hiilf
hour. The market reacted to $1.11 , und then
sold off to Sl.lli.V rtcoveriii } . ' , however , nnd
ranging around or above * 1 10 most of the
time thereafter , gcttint , ' decidedly strong
toward the last nnd closing nt nearly out
side puces. December ranged frnm fl.OI1 ;
down to HOI and up to tl.OI1 , , . closing
theie. .lanuary ranged from Jl.Oti down to
tl 018 , and closed at $1 0' . ' < . The c.irly news
\\us bearish. Now York wired Unit the buy
ing of Tuesday und Wednesday , so widely
advertised as Doing for foreign account , was
in reality coveiing for foreign account of
wheat previously hold , and that foreigners
were developing a disposition to a shoit mar
ket uk'Uin. On the bulge the Selling In this
market was liberal on these udvices. Hutchinson -
inson was the leader in selling , us indeed ho
has been for several daj 8 , and ho may bo
, mentioned as the principal and most aggros-
slvo seller throughout the whole session. He
denies that he is short on wheat , but tells
everybody he knows that ho is elllng out
his "long wheat , " whei cat listeners drop
their eyelids and smile. The lloor esti
mate Is that ho went home Wednesday
short -i.OOO.OCO or r > ,000UX > bushels The
floor estimate may bo wiong , but it seenis
to bo generally accepted as approximately
coricct. To add to the caily bearish feeling ,
Minneapolis reported the receipt of about
fOJ cars of wheat ( two days' arrivals ) und
for "good weight" and added that the mills
were all shutting down there. This gave
the local raideis renewed courage , and they
hammcied the market industriously. The
steady and largo buying by Milmine ,
Hodman .t Co. uttiacted attention , nnd the
market began to liaiden. A few minutes
Inter n quiet Hurry occiii i cd on the receipt of
advices fiom San Prancisco that inquiry was0
being Hindu ut that point to shin to Australia
on account of the almost total failure of the
crop in the southern part of that vast insular
continent , Several weeks ago the com
mercial papeis mentioned the repoits
of the Australian ciop damage , but
ibis wns the ilrst intimation that the dam-
i'go was serious. The local market advanced
rapidly when this bit of news citciliated ,
May going to 1.10'4 ' and refusing to react
moie than O'oc under heavy picssure in
the Ilutchmson inteiest. The market got
its second wind the last half hour , and the
price walked up to $1.11 jrf , closing stiong at a
fractional icaction from the bull impiove-
nicnt. tha last quotation being H i ( ) ' < c.
Later advices fioni" the northwest were of
of n bullish touor. The movement from the
back country is most coitauily loning up ,
nnd the diminishing demand at division hcad-
quaitcisfor " 'empties" to move giain is n
featuio of railroad repoits It is true that
most of the Minneapolis mills aio shutting
down , but ice is ono cause for that.
Probably not the main cause , how
ever , for if thcio was urgent demand
for Hour , steam engines would bo sot
to work. The hhut down will bo only tem
porary : though , that seems to bo as
sured. In the wheat pit to day , a IHely
battle was being fought mo b of the time
between Hutchinson nnd the crowd. Ho
pounded prices down rcpcatrdly , and did not
seem very much pleased at the elasticity the
"old thing" displayed whenever ho relaxed
the pressure. Indeed , the maikct quite
of ten demonstrated its independence of the
old gentleman by lifting him and his pressure
right up bodily. The sluggishness of the
flour market and the light exports continue
to bo the principal weapon of the beais.
These two factois anrmgcd ns the all-suf-
flciont reason for lowonncr prices ,
Uoceiptsof OTil cars to day and the weak
ness in the pork maiket held out no en
couragement to bulls in corn , and in consequence
quence there WAS ngam considerable unload
ing of stuff previously bought on the strength
of possible small receipts of No. " coin in
December tempting some ono to squeeze
nhoit sellers during that month. This
theory , or hope , is being uujndoncil now , and
whoio holdcis aio not selling out entirely ,
they me L langingg over to May , a good deal
in that wuv being done to-day. Expoits
were light , being only JH.OOO bushels from
the three principal Atlantic ports , * although.
Now Oileans contiibntcd ! ! 0,000 bushels in
addition. To-morrow's icceipts being esti
mated at % 0 cars , was another depressing
feature. The iccoyery of wheat toward the
close made an improvement , in the tone of
the corn market about the sumo time , which
was aided by the brisk demand which ex
isted all day for spot coin by shippeis. The
changing of December Into May also helped
the hitter mid gave it a higher closing to day
than it had on Wcdnchday. The amount of
trading was only modciato , and the result of
thu day's doings is a decline in cash of ' 4'c ,
excepting No ! ) , which closed u little better
In prlco than on Wednesday , while in futures
near deliveries closed fractionally lower ,
and those more remote u trillo higher. The
closing prices were. November and December -
comber ! u , ugamst S0'c on Wednesday ,
and May Ih'j.c ' split , compared with ! l > c.
In provisions the movement was stiongly
bearish. Notwithstanding that the niimbor
of hogs marketed ut the loading pacKlng
points was somewhat disappointing and
prices for the same showed u substantial im
provement , the late dcpicsaion in the product
wns continued , Under the lead of Armour ,
who was thu largest individual seller of fu-
Una pork , the ficu selling was the mlo
thioughout. llutchlnson , Haldwm nnd for-
tiumto short bolleis weio liboial buyoiH , yet
olferings were excessive , and closings were
at bottom figures for lard , and only a little
better than the snmo for pork and short ribs.
The bear skin hud practfcallv complete con
trol , nnd ns compared with Wednesday's ' lust
quotations , n decline amounting to ' "H''r > "
was suffeied in pork , fi f 1'JJ c in lard und lOo
in shoit ribs , _
CHICAGO , Nov. 30 , ) Special Telegram to
Tim Hun. ] CATnK Medium and common
native steers , thin in tlesh and undesirable
in appearance , are from 'J3 to 30o lower than
lust Tuesday , such as are selling around
nbout M.OO , or thereabouts. Good cows nnd
liclfcr-s are ul o lower than lust Tuesday ,
nnd so far as poor cows and canning stock la
concerned , ono would suppose that such
were down as low as it is possible to go.
There was a fair per cent of Texans and
rangers iimotig tha arrivals , perhaps 2,000 in
nil , amcnm which were largo numbers of
cows and tough steots , yet buy
ers preferred that cUss to com
mon native cow stock , and , In
bonie cases paid more money for the same.
This partially accounts for the low prices
and deptesscd condition of native cow stock ,
The prime cause , however , is the unprece
dented number coming Into the market. Ho-
coipts Include l,500 ! Texas and western
cattle. Choice to extra beeves , (523i ( $
C.12U ; medium to good steers , 1.3.M ) to
1,600 Ibs. ? UO@4t > 0 ; 1,200 to I.U50 IDs , | 3.T5
SHMO : iito 1 , 00 Ibs , 3.00@3.TO : stackers
and feeders , tl OOCja.SO : cows , nulls and
mixed , fl.itO&UO ; bulk , fJ.15@2.5li ) Texas
Btcera , | a.40i(3.-10 ( ( ; cows , * 1.75(63.80j ( western
f rangers , t3.OOCH.2fi.
Iloas in the Hock Island division the
market opened with an upturn of 6@10o ;
one of thu bold speculators , or ns ho spoaUs
of himself , " 'plungers , " opened thu game bv
paying a high as ( fi 5i > i for a load that
afterward , and especially toward the ( .lose ,
old as low a * lo 4 ; ami the bet heavy
xvoiild not soil for $ . > 41@ ' 45 l the close.
Lots lifld over that \\oulnliavc sold forlo.45
wont at ? ' (0 ( this morninc. The bulk of the sort * sold nt { " > T > ( r5 'it'tf , closing
nround about $ * i 30ni.l5. ('lit sort *
scarce , sold largely nt ? 5 40 for
the ordinary run of ISO to 100 Ib
avcracri , but nt the close would not brlns
over i. " > ! < . . Jotifs nnd Stiles were the prin
cipal bii.vcrs ofKI \ \ \ , t > ivltig $ " > JO for 140 Ib
averages. Moron & llealy nnd the Morris
outtlt wore not buying un to n Into hour.
The Inttor llrm paid 45 rr , for lluht light
Sostcrtlay , and If wanted today would cost
about that price Singeim ? pigs nro scarce.
The Ijinton compunv were on the market ,
but couUl not find the style ana quality
YOIIK , Nov. ; )0. ) Telegram
to TIIR Hr.i 1 - S-rorKs The stock market
opened strong this morning and fractionally
higher. Hosk Island was again active. It
started higher , but broke as on Wednesday ,
cari'i Ing the general matket with it In a do-
ffrce. There was said to be Considerable
manipulation In this stock , Traders were
disposed to await the action of the Central
'Irafllu association meeting , which was held
In Chicago to-day , nnd the volume of busi
ness ( luting the morning hours was light.
After the early weakness there was a reac
tion , and by noon the markel.wiH dull and
steady to lirm , Kcner.illy at but slight
changes from opening figures The market
closed stiongat prices within 1 point of the
The following wore the closing quotations :
* tl. S. < s rcRiiUr Noithern I'.ictfic.
IJ. S. 4s coupons doprefurred. . . . fi 'i
IJ. S.j8r ' Ktilnr. IDS C. * N. W . . . .I07jt
U.H.4'jstO'ipons HO' , < lopreferred , . . Ill
I'acIIlcCsor'U.118 N' . Y. Central . . . .Hld'i
Ontrnl 1'upltlc . .11 P. , It. & I1 XM'j
Pltlcairo * Alton 111 Hot k Island . . 101'i
ClilcHgo.HiirlltiHton t'.M.8t.P . . MS
.V. qtitiicy . . . 108' ' . , do preferred. . 101
I ) . . I , . ! cV. . . . .1't ! ' , St. I'.xnl J.Omuh.i . : i8
Illlnoli Central. 114-j < . . . WJ'i
1. . II. AW 14 UnionI'.iciQc . . . . M1 ,
Kun ns A. Texas 1.1 M'.St.L. ftl > . . . 12
I.akoShuro . Hll'j ' do preferied.
MIchlKan Central N > H'Western ' Union a.
MlssotirlL'acitic . . TU'il
Kx int.
MONET ox CAU. Easv at 2fM ( per cent ;
lust loan , UV per cent ; closing offered at 'JK
per cent.
PlllMB MenCANTII.E PAPKU l > f@0'lj ] )0r )
Srrufcivo EICHXNOE Dull but steady at
S4 bl' < for sixty-day bills , and ) for de
CIIKHOO , Nov 30 Wheat Strongercasli ; ,
. ( WS , January , * 1 02 , ' * : Maxfl.lOJtf. .
Corn Finn ; cash , 35 0 ; . lanuarya. ) 15-10e ;
May. SSH-lOc.
O.its Steady : cash , SGj c ; January , SG c ;
May , .Wfc.
live 0ic. ;
liarloy Nothing doing.
Prime Timothy Nothing doing.
n.ixl.o :
"Whisky fl.20.
I'ork i'asier ; cash , $1360 ; January ,
$ ii.70 : ; May , $ H.07 > .
Lard Him ; cash. fS.10 ; January , S7.02U ;
May , $30-i/ .
I'lour Nominally unchanged ; winter
Wheat , S3 OU ( I > 75 ; spi mg whe.U , $1 fi'(7ij ) ( ! 75.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , 7.'JVri)7.37J4 ) ;
shoit clear , $7.0J1 @ 7.73 , shoit ribs. ? T.lUuJ (
Hutter Steady ; creamery , OSSSlie ; dairy ,
Cliyuso Firm ; full cream cheddars , 10'
Wc ; flats , IU n < nc ; Young < \incncas , 11
Ejfgs r m ; fresh , 23 ( < < .24e.
Hides Unchanged ; hoav.v green salted ,
G > c ; light green s.iltod , ti o ; green , 5c ;
sailed bull , V.o ; green bull , i' ' o : green
dry flint , 7' ( ibj ( ; dry calf , 7i < tSu ; briindol
hides , 15 per cent off ; deacons , H3@3Jc each ;
drv Baited. lO&lnc.
Tallbw Firm ; No. 1 , solia packed , 5c ;
No. 3 , 4oi cake , 6c.
Hcc'sinU. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 5,000 14,000
Wheat bu . 15,000 11,000
Corn , bu . 31T > ,000 103,000
Oats , bu . 127,000 79,000
Kye , bu .
New York , Nov. 31. Wheat Receipts ,
5'J,700 ; exports , 3.2,500 : snot market unsettled ,
but clos'ing steady ; No. 3 red , $1.04 % in ele
vator ; * 1.0G@1.0i.K . afloat ; * 1.04' ( rl 07
f. o. b. : No. 3 led. ON.1 ; ungraded red , $1.00
( * 1 07" ; No. 1 red , M.lSCaM.M. Options
active but iiregular and lower ; openeu } @
? Mo lower , declined I'sfet' c , advanced 1 } < ; @
1 4 c and closed steady ; No. 2 icd , DeccEber ,
closed at $1.U4J ; January. M.00 % .
Corn Hcceipts , lb3.Wt ' ) ; exports , 13,440 ;
spot market firmer but less doing and Ic
higher ; No. 2 , 47' { ( ! l7Jfc : in elevator ; 47Jf
( glll c afloat ; uniiaded mixed , 39@40c.
Options fniily active and 1'4(3 ( > 13HC higher
and steady ; December closing at 47c.
Oats Hecoipts , lOT.OOU ; exports , 01 ; spot
market moderately active and a tnflo higher ;
options quiet but firmer ; December closed
at 31' c ; spot , No. 2 white , 85 ' ( gas c ;
mUcd WUSIGIU , po&jac ; white western , 34 ©
Coffee Options opened steady nnd closed
firm ; sales , 100,7. > 0 bags , including December ,
$11 UOGU5 00 ; January and February , $1500
@ 152o ; March , J.15 10@13 30 , April , $1510 ®
1540. Spot Uio higher ; fair cargoes , $1075.
Petroleum Quiet ; United closed at 80c.
Kirgs Steady and fair demand ; western ,
25H < S-'Go.
Poik Quiet ; mess , $1550@15 75.
Lard Lower and dull ; sales , western
steam , $8.70 , closing at $8.00 ; December , $3,40
( < 8. 14.
Uutter Less firm and quiet , western
dairy , 14@27c ; cruamery , 22@JSc , Elgins , 30
Checso Firm and in fair demand ; west
ern , O'i ll' ' o.
Mimiraiiolls , Nov. 30. Wheat Thn de
pression in the speculative markets put a
damper on buyers of milling wheat and sam
ples displayed on the tables went begging
for purchasers in the Hist hour.
Some inquiry developed later , but with
most of the local millers out of the
market , owliif ? to the shutting down
of many of the mills , there was not an ex
tensive inquiry to 1111 up. Concessions were
offered by sellers , but no one seemed to bo In
very gi eat need ol grain Kccolpts for two
days woio 7011 cars ; shipments were 00 cars.
A larger proportion than usual of aiunplo
wheat was can led uwav unsold ut the close.
Closing quotations : No. 1 hard , December ,
SIS 1 : May , $1.27 ! on track , tl 2No. . 1
noitlicrn , December , $1 09)j ) ; May , $1.10 ; on.
track , $ t.ll@l 14. No. 2 northern , Decem
ber , $1.03 ; May , $1.09 ; onjtraclc , $1.01.05. !
Milwaukee , Nov. 30 , - Wheat Steady ;
cash , $1.01 ; December , $10 ; January.
51 Os' .
Coin Quiet ; now No. 3 , B2VT33o. (
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 white , U0@31c.
Kvo-Stoady ; No. 1 , 3JJ c.
UarloyFirm ; No. 2 , iiTJfc.
Provisions Uasy ; poik , cash , $13.00.
Cincinnati. Nov. 30. Wheat In fair
demand ; No. 2 icd , Jl.OJ l.05.
Corn Firm ; No 2 mixed , 4 Ic.
Oats-Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 29&293- .
Hyo Dull ; No. 2 , 55e.
Whisky-Steady nt $1.14.
Liverpool , Nov 80 [ Special Cablegram
to Tun linn 1 3 30 p. m. Close. Pork
In fair demand ; prime mess , eastern , 823 ( id ,
firm ; do western , 71s 3d , firm.
Lard Demand fair for spot and poor for
futures ; spot 47s 3d , firm ; November , 47s ,
firm ; December and January , 45s ( Id , steady ,
Wheat Fair demand ; now No. " , winter ,
Ss. dull ; do , spring , 6s Id , dull.
Flour Fair demand ut I'-'a , firm ,
Corn Fair demand ; spot. 4s 6 d , dull ;
Novemour , 4s Sd , dull ; ' December , 4s 3).fd ,
dull ; January , 4s 5) 1 , dull.
KaiiHiiH City , Nov. 80. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 red , cash , no bids nor ollerinirs ; De
cember. We biuj January , OOo bid : May , OSc
bid ; No. 3 soft , cash , 0-i bid ; Mny , $1.04 bid.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , " a ankcd ;
Docombcr. 27fo Did ; joar , 'Z o bid ; May ,
Ji : bid : No , 2 white , cash. 29 > ic asked.
Oats No. 2 , cash , no bids nor offerings ;
May , 23J c bid , W o asked.
St. IjouU. Nov. 80 , Wheat Higher ;
cash , $1.01 ; December , Ji.OlJf ; May , J1.0UK-
Corn Lower ; cash , 3l > fij ; May , 35V , ( §
Oats Pirin ; cash , 24Ko ; May , 80c.
I'ork Weak ut fll.&C&U.UJ > ,
Lard Weak at IS 00.
Whisky-Steady at 11.14 ,
Hutter Quiet and steady ; choice to fancy
ci-e.uneiy , BJ@30u ; choice to fuucy dairy ,
til vis
CliliMico , Nov. ? 0. 1'ba DrovsM' Joar.
rml roDortsas follov.-j ;
Cattle Receipts , 12,000 : market Slow :
bteves , p.-jyjO.WKi steers , J3.C02I 00 ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , $1.30fI3.10 ( ; Texas cattle
51 75M340 ; western rangers , $3.004 ( 35
IIogs-Kocciiits , ISKH ( ) ; lower , mired
f5.00r 540 ; heavy , S..3J 5oo ; light , $5 SO ®
000. skips , M 4(1(4520 (
Sheep Itecoipts , ft 0)0 ) ; market strong : nn
lives , $ .1 ( K @ 4 oo , westerns , $1.40T3 ( ( SHI ; Xcx
ans , $2 f 0 rtd.60 ; lambs , $4 OJJ < 5 25.
KiuiHiiH Cltr. Nov , ' ! 0. Cattle nocolpti
4,4'J. ) , shipments , 2(93 ( ; market steadj for
peed , weak for common ; medium to choice
corn fed , $4.50@ 10 ; common to medium
$ J20ri 4.40 ; stockeis and feeding steers , $1 CO
CM. 10 , grass lange steers , $1. 00 ( 3.00 ; cows
$1 00(32 ' 0.
Hos's Kcccipts , 0,709 : shlnmcnts , none ;
market opened Cc higher , closing wcnke
with advance lost ; good to choice , $5,3 J@
5.bO ; common to medium , $1 So o.10.
Friday , Nov. 30 , 1SSS.
The general market was ahont stetdy to-
iln.v , although cho'co ' beef catllo might bo
called stiong. There \\ero plenty of c.ittlo
hoic , hut good were rather scaice. din
ners were In largo supply nnd Iho market
weak on that class of stock. The number of
cattle sold was small In proportion to the ic
The receipts of hoes were moderate nnd
thu c.irlv arrivals sold fie higher th in yester
day. When the later icpoils were received
f i om the east Indicating a heavv break in
prices , the market lioio llattencd out and
closed with sixteen loads unsold.
There were n few here , but they were light
and not choice.
Cattle 1,10(1 (
Hoifs ! ) , 10(1 (
bhecp 570
Provallitiir I'rluui.
The following is n tibia of priC3 ? jnU In
this tnaritot for the gnlot of stoot men
Priracstoors , 1300to iwnibs..ri,10 ( SI 50
Prime steers. UOJ to UJt ) ibs. U.40 iril.iH )
Native feeders 2511 ( < it.lO !
Western foedcis 1MIO ( < ? 2.1K >
Hanco slcers , com'on lo choice 2 50
Common lo good cows 1.25
Choice to fanev cows " .f)5 ) frt3.00
Common to choice halls 1.2" > Cd3.l ) ( )
Pair tocnoico light hogs ft IH ) ni5.5 !
Falrtocnolco Heavy lioea .2 > ( n ) " ) 3" >
Fair to choice mixed hogs 5.15 ( aj ' 5
KeprcNimtauvo S il. ) -
No. " AT. 1'r.
21 bulls 1.2.W J1.75
2 cows 1,0')0 ) 2.10
1 cow 1,1)10 ) 2 15
1 cow 1)70 ) 2.15
21 cows 1,013 2.r
17 cows 1,12:1 : 240
7 cows 1,1.Y > 240
22 cows 1,018 2 10
1 cow 820 2.10
0 steers , slackers b55 2.00
2 cows l,2b > 205
20 feeders , natives U" > 0 30d
77stccis , westerns 9M II 25
I ) calves UK ! 350
31 steers lltS 3 50
30 steers 1,1'Jl 350
2 steers 1I'JO ( 8S5
Ib steeis , corn-fed I,2b7 4.20
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
. .Ml 200 ? 5 10 74. . .200 120
o 15 50. . . .3.JO 200 5 25
5 IB ( .0. . . . .HOI 20J 5 25
80 5 15 54. . . .IiO'i IrtO 5 ,5
480 515 07. . , .3i4 20il 5 2T
100 5 ID 50. . , .305 2H ) 5.5
240 5 20 51. . .34' ' ! 2JO 5 25
12J 520 lt > 0 5 2'
20 5.20 400 5 25
240 5 20 UbO 5 21 !
200 5 20 . .2SI 240 5 25
120 5 20 ( to. . . .2011 UVJ 5 2i
5 20 ( I ) . . . .293 SO 5.2 ]
ICO 520 00 . . .309 ItH ) '
100 5.20 51. . 240 SSj' '
120 520 59. . ' .OJ 5 30
000 5 20 00. . 120 5o : ;
r. Olix 54. . 120 530
100 53 $ 05. . . .301 200 5 : io
100 , > 25 59. . . .305 :
2M ) 5.25 5S. . . 324 bO r : m
1 ( > 0 ' 153. . . .3JO 4bO 530
100 5 2j' 58. . . . : uo to 5 3J >
120 5 So CO. . , . ! U2 40 535
120 5 25 100. . . .327 300 5.35
CO..293 2iO 525
Highest ana Lowest.
The following arc the highest anJ lowest
prices paid for hogs during the past few day- *
and on the corrojpoiiduij d itoa ono and two
years ago :
Produce , Fruits , Ktc.
BuTTnu Fancy , solid-packed creamery. 22
( ? | 2ftc ; choieecountry,19 ( iv2oiHcdium ; gniucs ,
10@19c ; couitnon gmdes , 10@14c.
FLOUII Nebraska , pitunts , $3.00 ® " .50 ;
Minnesota patents , $0.23(787.75 ( ; s raight
grades , ? 5 00@5 50 ; bakers' Hour , ? 5.25@5.75 ;
per bbl.
PoTATors Nebraska , 23@40c per bu ; Colo-
ado , 7530c.
S\mi POTVTOCS 3W3) o per Ib.
Poin/niv Live chickens , $ ) 50@2 75 per
doz ; spring chickens , $ i.50@-H ) ( ) ; dressed
chicltens , 7WSc ( per Ib ; turkeys , bclOc. (
Eons Strictly ficsh , 2'c candled.
MAHOi OitAi'cs In kegs , 12u per Ib.
lUNis'As Common , ? 1.503.25 per bunch ;
choice , $ i 5J3.50
LtMONb f5 00 per raso.
OitAN'oiis Florida , $ J .W ® " ? . " , " ; per box.
GAMK-I'or dozen : Mallards , f250i ( 2.75 ;
leal , 1.00.M . 25 ; quail , V 50 ; prairie chick
ens , f J 75@UX ) ; rabbils$1.00 ; snulrrels , Jl.Oo ;
venison , UtJlOopcrlb.
CiuxnKiiniEs 55.00 ? 0 00 per bbl.
PROVISIONS Hams , No. 1 , lljtfc ; No , 2
lie ; shoulders , 7)fc ; rib bacon , lie ; clear
bacon , 11' c ; picinu luuns , lOc ; dried boot
hams , lOV o : dry salted clears , short , 8' ' c :
extra shoit , 8' c : shoit ribs , 8lic ; pickled
pigs' feet , 15-lb kits , bOc ; lurd , b@Du ;
smoked sausnsjo , 0 ( Sc jier Ib ; hog casings ,
iv 25(330o ( per dozen ; fancy 60c.
O.NIOVS 30 ( 40o per bu ,
CA1UHOH-J3 00 per 100 ,
HIITS : ; Ido per bu ,
'ruiiNiil3--30o per bu.
SAUCK IC.tvtrr Ubls , fl.75 : half bbls , $2.75.
Ai'W.iss Cholco , J250@2 75por bbl ; fancy ,
$3.00 per bbl ; common , $1.5U@1.75 per bbl.
CIDEH Michigan , tJ.OO&O 50 per bbl of 32
gals ; California pear cider , $15.00 per bbl.
Per Cons Hlce , 3c ; common , 2 > c.
CAIIUOTS lOo per bu.
HEtss Cholco eastern handplckcd navies ,
J2.00 per bushel ; western handpicked na
vies , | .75@1 80 ; mcdlums7$1.80@1.50 ; Lima
boatiH , 5c per Ib.
Hoc F. o. b. cars , No. 1 upland 10.00 ; No.
2 upland , MOO ,
- HIIAX | 15.00@1000 ,
CIIOITKD FEUD $14.00@15 00 per Ion.
OATS 22g23c. (
VINEOAK Cider , lo@18o per gal. ; white
wino , 10@20c per gal.
Ho.vm Mb frames , 10@18c.
Orocorij" Ijlat.
Revised prices are as follows :
HAGCJINO Slark A , Reamloss , 2 c ; Amos-
kcag , seamless , l"Ke ; Lewiston A , seamless ,
19c ; American , seamless , 17c ; burlaps , 4 to 5
bu , ll@14e ; gunnies , single , 13o ; gunnies ,
double , 20c ; wool sack , 35o. TwUics Flax ,
HSo ; extra sail , 20@21o ; sail U , 20@21n ; cot
ton , 22o ; Jute , Uc.
UIIIBD FHUIT Figs , in boxes , per Ib , 13 ®
lOc ; dates. In boxes , 7@10o ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per box , t3.50@3,75 ; Malaga
loose raisins , f2.30g'J.50 ; new Valencia
raisins , per Ib , 8 c ; California loose musca
tels , per box , t2.00HlO ( | ; CaliforniiiLondons.
18S8 , ? 2.40 ; pitted clierrlos , perlb. 18o ; Coll-
fornlupitted plums , perlb , 12 ( < $18o ; dried
blackberries , per Ib , 7K@So ; dried raspber
ries , per Ib , 24@25o ; evaporated apples , TW ®
Isc ; California sun-dried peaches , I3o ; Cali
fornia unparod evaporated peaches , 15f < ? lSc ;
evaporated California nppricots , IBo ; X.unteo
can ants. OXQ70 : Turkish prunes , 4/4ffoj
citron , 2i@2 o ; orange pool , 15o ; lemon peel.
NSo ; California French prunes. ll@10c.
COFFEES Mocha , 25M20u ; lllo , good , 16 ®
17c ; Mandnbling , 20@Wcj routing Hlo , 15(3 (
ir > o ; O CJ Java , 2Wif * " , .Tave , interior , 22 1
Ser ; Klo , fancy. 18(611' , Santos ami Murn-
ruibo , I'WlOc ; Arbuc' ' < lci , 21'4' ' ; McLaugh-
lin's.XXX.21 14
Si IKH Uranulatcil , T' 6 ! conf. A , 7-Vc ;
white extru C , 7l4icxtru C , i ' , i' ; , \ ellou C ,
O'-oC ; powdered , bV c ; cube * , bV t'
Hnr w * \ Choice yellow , 'JOgJJJ c ; dark
colored , Ital4c ! (
CIIKESB Youncr America , full cream , TJ , < D
12 < T , . full cream Cheddars. llJUo ( ( ; fullcrcam
llats , U4c.
I' Medium , In bbl , $ . ' 00 ; do. , In
half bbls , $ miitn.ill. in blili , 3103 ; do , In
half bbls , gnfiO. gherkins , in bbls , $7,00 , do. ,
in half bbls. * l IH )
Toiuno Plug , SrtStttc ; smoking , ICQOOc.
.Tr.t.l nt : II .M per ! IO 11) pall.
HAiT-t H0@l .T > per bbl.
Horn 7-10 , llo
Mu'i.u SniAH Urlcks , ll@12o per .b ;
penny cikes , 12rHta per Ib ; pure maple
sytip , ? 1 " < ) per gal.
TIMS Young Hyson , common to fair , IS ®
Coe ; Young Hyson , Kood to fancy , : ! 0@55o ;
Gunpowder , common to uood. 2JV4'i."cj ( Gun
powder , choice to fiinrv , 40rtt > 5t.1 ; Japan , com
mon to medium ,"JOc' ( , Japan , choice to
fancy , 30C4iet Oolong , common to peed , 25
@Uic ; Oolong , choice to fnnc.50ti70c ; Im-
pcriul , 0111111011 to inttlluin,2.iftoc ( ( ; ; Impel tnl ,
good to fiincvJOfd.VJc
NUTS AlmondH , ir ( iMSc ; lllberts , ujfffllfic ;
llrazil , 0@10L' ; alnuts , 12 ; pecans , Hllo ) ( ; ( ) ;
lifilllllts , LntC. ( ) !
CiULKr.tis r > fi\0c \ per Ib ; assorted cakes ,
SffWo | x > r Ib us per list
C\M\ Mi\PtiUli12l < c ; stick , 0 viMlc ( ! ;
rock candy , KiJ d&l.ic ; fancy candy , 7i'J ( ! c.
UdM AVI > Hi nitisfi We.
Conmii (
, .
C\Kt'ir : Wiup llibhitj , I'.io ' ; colored ,
Standard , So gen , Uc ) ; beauty ,
I'J'-ji1 ' ; boonu , I4c ; it , cased , Jim
I'm NTS Solid colors Atlantic , i'e ; Slater ,
Co. Itorlin oil , ( i'jo ; Gainer oil , ll < } 7c
Pin STS 1'ink and llobes Allen Oj ; Kivor-
pcjlnt , 540 ; Steel Ulvcr , ti'jc ' ; itlohmonil ,
( J' ' o ; Pacific , 7o
PIIIVTS Dross Charter Oak , 5'/e ' ; Hani-
npo , 4'c ' ; ijO'li.n' ' c ; Allen , do ; Uichinoml ,
( > o ; Windsor , ( i'e ' ; lMdystonet ; ' < jc ; Pacific ,
. SnnKTivoMorkeliy cambrlo
No ( X ) , ! ) i c ; Host Yet , 4 4 , n'o ; butter cloth ,
O O , l'fe ' : ; Cabit , 7' j'c ; IVrwell h ilf blu ichcd ,
b'.jc ' ; Fruit ot Loom , (1140 ( ; Greene G , tl'.fu ;
Hope , 7Jfc : Kinc Philip cambi-li' , ! ! < ; Lous-
dale cainliric. ll' c ; LonsJile , Do ; New York
mills , lO' ' o ; r'pppcrell , 4J in , lie : Pcpporell ,
40-in , 12c ; Peppeioll ( , l(5o ( ; Poppet ell , 8I ,
Jlc ; Pcpprrell , ' . ) 4 , 2-tu ; i'eppcroll. 104 , 25c :
Canton , 44JjC ' , Triumph , Oc ; amsutt.i ,
lie ; Valley , r > c.
NUi.s Plaid Itaftsnien , 20c : Goshen ,
Clear Lake , Ilil 'e ; iron Mountain ,
FiAVNLi.-i White G H , No. 2. 5. . 22 > tfc ; G
H , No 1. % , 2tio ; U H , No. 2 , V J o ; U II ,
No. 1. f. 3ilo ; Qucchco No. I , f , 4. t ;
dis No. 4 ,
UUVIMS AmosltcaR , 0 oz , liji c ; Everett 7
07 , lll'.jo : York. 7 o18l < fi' ; Hiv nnkor , Bl e ;
Jaffroy XX , llljc : Jutfroy XXX , 12lje ;
Hu.ivcr Crook A A. 12o ; Boiver Creek 13 U ,
lie : Heaver Cronk CC. 10c.
KUVTLUKI JKVNMiniunal , r > e ; D.ikotv ,
Ibu : Uurli im , 27' c ; II 'i-cules , lc ; Linming
ton , 2J > jC ; Cottvold , 27'-Jc.
Ciusn Stevens' 13 , ( > > u ; Stevens' 13 ,
bleached. 7c ; Stevens'A. < WjC : Slovens' A ,
bluauhcil , 8J c ; Stevens' p , S'ji : ; Stovons'
P , bleached , ' .l e ; Stevens'N , 0 > c ; Slovens'
N , bleached , lOKo ; Slovens' SHt , IJ' ' c.
Miicri.Lvviot Table on cloth [ ? J51 ;
plain Holland , ! ) > ; c ; U.ido Holland , U'jC '
Hrown Shcctme Atlantic A , 44 , 7.J e ;
Atlantic H , 1-4 , 7' e ; Atlantic D , 4 4 , o4c ;
Atlantic P. 4-1. CKJ : Aurora LL. 4 4 , Ou ; Au
ror.i C , 4 4 , 4 c ; Crown XXX , 4-t , ( l c ;
Hoosicr Lu. 4-4 , lie ; In Head , 4-4 , 7 > | e ;
IjiuvTunca LL , , 4 4 , ( ic ; Old Uoininion , 4-4 ,
5J c ; Pc | > perell H , 4-1 , 7o ; Pop.jeroll . O , 4-1 ,
( i'.e ; Pupperoll , 84 , 18 } c : Popperell4 ! ,
Sic ; Pepparell , 10 4 , 2.ic ; atica. C , 4-4 , 4' c ;
Wuchusctt , 4-4 , 7' ' c ; Aurora 11 , 4-1 , 7c : Au-
roniH , 4-1 , O e.
Di'cic West Point 21 In. S oz , lOJ o ; Wd3t
Point 20 in , 10 m. 12' ' c ; West Point 2'J ' in , 12
oz. 15c : Wc t Point III in , 11 oz , lOc.
Fi.vvvKi.s eJ , C , 21 in. 15' ' j ; E , 24 in ,
21' ' c ; GG , 24 in , 2Jo ; HAF , % , 2xr JHF ,
GIXOIUM Plunkett checks , 7' ' < fc ; Wlutlen-
ton , 7' c ; York. 7' ' o ; Normindi drosi , 8Wc ;
Calcutta dress , 8c ; Wliillcnlon dress , 8Kc ;
Ken f icw dress , 8 } f i > 12)ji ) ! .
CMIWIC - . Slater , 5'fc ; Woods , 5J c ;
Standard , 5) ) c ; Peacock , 5' c.
PIIIKTS , iNDiooHr.ui : Arnold , OV c ; Amer
ican , tl' ' e ; Gloucnstor , 0faArnoltt } \ C Ion ; ;
cloth. 9o : Arnold H long cloth , lO c ; Arnold
Gold Seal , I0 > < fc ; Stiefcl A , 12c ; Windsor
Gold Ticket ,
Hemlock sole , 18 ( < 7iJ7oporlb ; oaksolo , 33@
30c per Ib : oak harness , ! )0ia8o ) per l ! ) ; selec
ted ouk and trace , H."ic pel Ib ; oulc and hem
lock miner. 2(1 ( 'lia per foot. Hemlock calf
skin , No. 1 , bO 'fOo jwr Ib , accoidmt ; to
weight ; onk calf skin. No. 1 , iKcigl. ) ( < )0 ) per
Ib ; Philadelphia calf sum , extra , f 1 OOC ' 1.10
perlb ; hcmlouu kip skin , No. 1 , ! > 0 ( < i > iOu per
Ib : oak kip ( km , No. 1 , ? 0f o0c per Ib : Phila
delphia kip skin , extra , tfO yUc per Ib. I1 rcnch
calfskins , ( acLOiding \\oightuml quality ) ,
SI 15rgl.75 per Ib. Fronbh kipsltiiis , do , bci5 ( ) (
t-1.10 per lb. Cordovan russett , 18c ; satin
llnisli , 20c per foot ; welt leather , $ ,1.5'JW4.0J
| ) cr side ; moroccos , ( pebble goat ) , 20j10
per foot ; mororoos. boot IOL' , 250301 ; per
foot ; gtbvo talf hkms , 2l.it3 ) ( ) per foot ;
Uouglas kid , I0@lUo ! jer foot ; kangaroo
skins , 40 250c per loot , according to ( | iiulity ,
Toppings , $ S oOiiilO 00 per doron ; lining's ,
? 5Mjt000 ( ! per do/.en ; npronskins , $10.00 ®
1J.OU per Uo/en.
First and second clear , 1'4 ' In.$10 00n51 00
L-'irst and second clear , 1J In. . . 47 00@50 00
1'hird clear , I'f&Zljf in 4U 00 ( 4 ( ! 00
Ahelcct , 1'fO'l in ! ! 7 00
U select , l'4" ' ( ll < ; in ! M 00
Abtockbo.uds , 12f IU ft , 12in 4d 00
11 stock boards , 12 ( { Id ft , IS m 41 00
C stock boards , 12rtld ( ft , 12 In 3(1 ( 00
I ) stock boards , UyClO ft , 12 In 2t 00
Mooring , Ilrst common din 31 ( Ml
flooring , second common , 0 In 31 00
Select fencing flooring 1000
Siding , lirst and second clearll@lt ) ft..21 00
Siding , Hi st common , Id ft 2.3 00
aiding , second lommon 1'J ' 00
-otn inon boards Id 00
No. 2 boards , all lengths 14 50
Fencing , No , 1 , 12ftfaj ft Id 50
Fencing , No 2 , 12 , 14 nnd 18 ft 15 CO
Joist and scantling , 2x4 , 1 tjjld ( feet Id 00
I'linbor , 4x4 , bxb. 12@1U feet 17 09
Pickets. U and H 2J 00
Pickets , 1) and H squaio 2200
shingles , extra A 2 M )
Shingles , Standard A 2 dO
Lath 240
O G Halts , 2 > In 00
O G Halts , 1 x3 , S I S M
Sin well tubing , Band M bev 2300
.Metals nnil Tinners' Block.
Ulock tin , small pig $ .23
Ulock tin. bar 29
Joppcr , planished boiler sizes 84
Joppcr , cold rolled , - . . ,31
Copper , sheathing 30
2oppor , pitts 80
Copper , flats 31
llul. sheet iron , Juniatti , 50-10 and 5 pore. dis.
Pat. planished iron , 24 to 37 A 10 }
Pat. planished iron , 24 to 2713 0
Roofing , 1C , 14x20 , 112 sheets $ d.OO
Hoofing , IX , 14x20112 sheets 7.50
Hooilnjf , 10,20x28 , 112 sheets r.11,00
Hooting , IX. 20x23 , 113 sheets 14.50
Sheet iron , No. 20 350
Sheet Iron , No. 27 , it CO
Solder 15H@1T >
Tin plate , best charcoal
1C , 10x14 , 225sheets , , d50
IX. 10x14 , 225 sheets , 8,23
Tin plate , coke
1C , 10x14. 225 sheets 025
Steel nails , pur keg 2 25
3tcol wire nails , per keg , . . , . . 2.90
Foil Over n IJunk ami Injured.
Ellsworth Walker , a young man employed
at the Arraour-Cudahy packinghouses , on his
vay homo Thursday night from un evening's
visit , fell over a bank Into Twenty-fourth
treet , a distance of fifteen or eighteen feet ,
ilr. Walker received injuries in tbo back ,
ho left hip and right knee. A stranger
icarlng him light went to his assistance , and
on his regaining consciousness removed him
to his boarding bouse , Jumcs Haynor's , Second
end uud Twenty-fourth street. The
dark that Mr Walker could hot see
and stepped over thoilangorous bank.
Ono Ncctl nt the Stockyard * .
A stockman snid yesterday : "A bulletin
board should be put up In the stookyanis , so
that every Incoming train , with the number
of cars , kind of stock , and names of the
consignees , could be posted. This would bo
n great help to the yard employes , a benclll
to buyers , shippers and commission men , anil
n public convenience generally. It would
not be a burden to any one , nor nn expense
to shippers or transportation companies , as
the railroad companies' have tnc-lr telegraphic
communication , nnd could furnish this bit of
needed Information as readily as not. 1 hope
that the stoekitu-ds oflleials will make a re
quest on the icprc-iiuitatlvcs of the several
railroads to have telegraphic advices of in
coming trains , so that they can bj bulletined
each day. "
Notes Aliout flip Cltr.
Frank C Marshall has returned from Col-
fax Sptitigs , la , much Improved in health.
Masonic meeting In Ur J. Smlloi's oftlco
this evening.
The supper given by the ladles of the
Methodist liplscopul chinch added $2J 95 to
the coffers of the church.
The logulnr meeting of the board of trade
will be held In President David Anderson's
ofllco this evening. A full nttcmlenco Is
desired , as business of iuipoitnnco will bo
transacted ,
Misses Molllo Slnttery and Klttie Connelv ,
of Omaha , are the guests of Miss Celia Mud-
P M , Campbell , who resigned his position
as Union stookyatds ci.r ai-oountant to nc-
ct'pt the position of ehii'f cleik to Superin
tendent Uossltiuie , has resigned anil rotuuied
to the stockyards ngnin.
South Omaha is the best hay market in
the United States. Wednesday last the
South Onmhii prices wore 12f cents higher
than Ivans is City , fi cents higher than Sioux
City , the siimoeprice as nt bt. Louis , nnd
onlv 10 cents louer than at Chic.igo , although
there Is a difference of nearly Ml tents lit
freight between the Magic City and Chicago
More than this. President Underwood of the
Omaha Packing comp tny states that the
hog icceipts at South Omaha are better than
either ChlciiL'o , Kansas C'it. > or St. Louis.
John Kilkcr having refused to give : v lease
for the ground for the Third ward jail , the
building will bo erected on the ground gen-
eiouslj offered by Councilman H. .letter.
William M. Umight of the Union Pacific
freight department , has returned from Chicago
cage , where ho has been visiting fneniU for
a fnitnlj.'lit.
During the month of November 44,211 pas
scnpeis were cairied on the Union Paciiie
dummy tialns from South Omaha.
Hon. M , V. Gannon , of Omaha , ex-presi
dent of the Land Leuguu of America , will
open the St. Agnes fair.
The ShaUcspormn club will meet at the
residence of Samuel P. Hrlghum , No. 241U N
street , Wednesday evening.
The republican city executive committee
will meet ut the ofllco of David Anderson ,
Lisici1 block , Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Miss Nellie Chesney gave a pleas ml pai ty
lo friends Phursdav night at , thi < residence of
hei parent * , Mr. and Mrs. byhoiterChesney ,
Twenty-hCLOiul and P sticets.
C. K Miti-holl , alias Thompson , said lo bo
the loader in the Cohen robbery , wns ai rested
\estoulay forenoon by O filters Sexton and
Lundgien. The South Omaha vigiluiit police
are close after and a terror to lawbreakers.
The onlr road to Ufce for DCS Molnm , Maralmltown
C Jar ItanicH , Clinton , Dlion , Chicago , Milwaukee ,
and allpofntB Kant. To the pi-iiple of Nobrniknt.olo-
[ Hflo ; Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , JeTiida , Oregon. Wash-
jwon ami California. It pliers superior advantages
not possible by any otuerllne.
Amoncn ti\r of. the numi-rous points of supcrlorltr
fnjoyrd by Hie patroni of tUla road between Onmhn
MU1 t-hlCBRO , ore lu threa tnilni u doof DAY
; UAt-HKI ? , which are the IInest that hnmiin art unit
InecnHltj tnn create. Itn l'AIACK Mrci'IMCAUS
thp equallot whkh can not bo found clcwhercAt
( ouncll llluirn. the trains of tlio Union I'ncltlc Hnll-
vrajr connect In union depot with those of the Clil-
i'i"l" > . , 'V orlliwi-itcrn lly. In Chloauo Hip tralnn of *
J jjtllnoinake close connection ultli those of nil other
tor Detroit . Columbus , InillminpolK Cincinnati.
J Ujara 1 all . Dunalo , I'ltlsIiurK. 'loronto , Jlonln-nl ,
ojton , lw Vork , rhtlacii'ljiliiH , Iliiltliuurc.ani -
melon , aad ill points in the hust. Ask for tickets MA
If you wish the best occoiumoilntion All ticket
iiceiiu tell tickets via thli line.
11. lIUilIll ( < T. B. I > . W1I.30V.
( , cn UMaiiBdor. Uen'I I'asar Agent.
\V. N. BAI1COCK , f ! < -n I Western Apent.
1) 1 ! KIMIMU , Ticket Auent.
, .A , , ' * ' VVKST. City I'as'enscr Agent
1401 St _ Omaha. Neb
or TUB
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Pan ! R'y. '
The Best Route from Oimitm nnd Council
CLicngo , N - AND - MHwnukpc ,
St. I'aul , Miuncnpolls , Cedar ItupIUs ,
Itock Island. Freeport , Itui-kfunl ,
Clinton , ] ) iilitiic ( | , Jjncnioit ) ) ,
Elgin , Mii'lison , Jancsvlllo ,
IlcloifcYinoiui , Ln Crosse ,
Anil all other Important nolnli K * t , aad
Forthrounh tlcketi , call on the ticket aeent nt 1601
Fiirnnm etruct. In llarlier Ulock , or at Union 1'atlllo
l'iilln. i ] Sice pew arxt the flne'tDlnlnu Curs In the
TTOrM are run on the main line uf tuu ChliH o , .Mil *
wakoo X Bt , I'aul Kalltrur , and urcry attention Is paid
to uuttcn/rrs Lr courtotiui amplorci of lUeconjpanr ,
It. MIIJiKH , Uoncral Murmur.
3. r TUCKlSIt. A lrtnntU ui > ral Manager
A. V. It CAIlI'tNTKH , General 1'auuDger an *
Ticket Axont
UKO. K. HKAl-rOIlD , A 'litani General
and 'llckel Agent
J.T. CLAIliT. UvnorUauncrliiteiidenU
Are the Best ,
Durability , Evenness of
Point , and Workmanship.
8 niile for trial of 12 different ftylca by null , on
rtceli I of 1O ci-nt in tminpa. Auk fur e.rJ Ho. B.
T.K. i'ALMKn. N I' . HtniMAX. J , U 1II.AMUAUU
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Ofllc Hooin 34 , Onpoiltu Kiclmngo Ilulldlne , Union
_ _ Block vnfd , BouHiOia rii > , Nub ,
Liye Stock Commission ,
Itoora 15 , KicbunKO UulldlnK , llnloa Etoek.Tardi ,
bouth Umulia , .N'tb.
Commision Dealers in Live Sock ,
oom22 , Uppotlta Kitlianga llulldlng , Uuloa Stock
_ _ _ Yard , ( ioulU OiaaUuy > .C.
Of Omaha , LtmM
ABrlcintiiroi itiiplonionlo.
" "
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
< " rrl ecs nml lliKff-lf < .Vtip * atrrrl hetwccuttlinml
AEricnlliirallinplcmenls.Wagons.Carriagc'j . . ' Wholesale. Otnntm , NVbni'Vn
A Ticiiltnral Implcnients , Wagons & Bnggies
Ml , SW , IXC nnO HIT Jouc Street , Oninlm.
P."P > 7 MAST A CO
Mannfactnrers of BncXcyc Drills ,
CulllT ( oM , l ? r Itnkci. CMcr .Mlll and I.ulinn Pul-
TiTlicn Cor Illu and Nlclinlnn virccti.
\ \ ho'c'nlp
AjfricDltBral Implements , Wagons & Bossies
Pnrnrrlllh "ml Mi-holm Mrp < M
Akron , Ohio.
Harycsling Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W K Mtml , Xlnnujcr. 12111 envenworth * U Omnlm
Mnniitnctnn rsmi.lJol'bcrs m
Wagons , Bnogles , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. Dtlmtjl I'aiiile hlret'tn , Omnlm , Scb.
Artists' Matorlnln.
" ' " "
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
111.1 l > ouul bin rt , Omulm , N rbrarki.
Booksellers nnd Stnllonora
H. M , & S. W. JONES.
Succcssorsto A , T. Kcnjron A Co. , Wholesale .t ItotKll
Booksellers anil Stationers ,
Fine \YeJdiiiK StBion | > r , ( Viniiierilnl MMIonory
1622 Pou ltiK btii-et Ouinlin > eb *
Boots and Shooa- , ,
Iteod. Jnnci A Lo )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
Agouti for IlintDii llubticr Shoe Co. 1102 , 1101.V 110 *
llKniry bt. , OmuLa. eL aKltn.
W. V. MORSE \ CO. .
Jotes of Boots and Shoes ,
1101,1103-1103 Douglas St. Otn ilm Manufactory , Sura
mor-t. licitun.
Coffeoo , Splcos , Etc.
Omnlm Coffee anil fplie Mllli.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
HaYurlnc KJlrnctu , Leuuitrr nine. lnk . Ktc. 1 < 1 <
Ull' lUrnur fclrufl. OmtiaNobrtttkn
Crockery nnd
w. L. WR'IGHT ,
Agent for the Mnnufnetnrcri > nnd Imroilem of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
1 te omrn.tlTS lllll M , Omi\h& , Nehrasks.
Imnnrtcrs niul lotberinf
Crockery , Gteware , Lamis , Silverware
Kte. 1514 1 ! r-u > S' ' O' 1 . .nou
Commloelon and Storfigo- _
" "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
pecisitlr- " ' " ' ' " - r , r - * I'ouitrr , Gnmr ,
. Omaha.
buccossora to Mc unno A brhroeder )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Ouiuha , Nubnikka.
Wbo'o ' slo
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Coinmision
Merchant. Correspondence ell ( Itod lOMNortblClli
btrcel.Omuh i , e .
Coo ! , Coke and Limo.
Jolioers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
203 South 13lh Street , Oumlin , Ncbraika.
J. J. JOH NSON &CO , .
Mannfactnrers oflM
Anrtslilnpcri ul foul , COAk , Coaion l'i"tnr. | I.ltn
Uraiu'lllc. anil Suwer Pipe. OJlje 21Sv. lUh
81 , Oniaba , Neb. Taleplitn til.
_ Dry Goods ana Notions' '
M. E SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 anil 1104 JVMnrlns , Cor. llth St , Oinnhfi , Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GcodsNotions ,
Gents' FurnUhlnK ( ! ootl . Corner lllli and Iliuncy
fat * Oinnba. Nehrneka.
Shippers of Coal and Cob ,
211 South Uth Ml , Omafcn Neb.
_ _ Furniture. _ " "
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
_ rurnntn Etrcot. Oinuha. Nebraska
Omaha , Ncbraski.
, G A L LAG H E R C ( .
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
705. Tiff. T09 and 7U 8 lOh St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
) th and I cnvenwortb Streets. Oniuljn , .NV
_ Hardware. _ _
" " " "
\\lioIcBalo .Manufacturt.r9i (
SadoleryS Jobbers of SaWlery Hardware
AuUIoathcr. IWi , Ita'i nnl IIJ7 llnrr.jy bt , Umnhu ,
JHoayy Hardware.
' " ' " "
w. J. ER'OATC"H.
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Sprlngi , Wanon Stork , Hardnnro , Lumber , Eto.
and Ull llaniey atrcct , Uuiutia.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
UucUanlct' Tool ! anil lIulTAlo 8c lni. IMS Dou lui
btleet. Omulm.ebruakn. .
Wholesale Hardware ,
Ith and Ilarao" Sl , Oiiinhii , N'eliVfitern
lor Auitln 1'owtlur U , ) , JufTi'rion fettcl ulIl ) ,
( alrbauht WtanJard Heulut.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
tlctuU.BhePt.Ilun , tc.cents fur Iluwr B < alea ,
Jllnnil l'o cler and l.yiimn llnrbcd \ \ lie ,
, Caps , Eto ,
w. L. PARRO'TTE & co.
Wholesale Hats , Caps .and Straw Goods ,
HOT Uaruor Stre6tbiu inKoti.
J-umbor _ WJ , . ,
All Kinds of Building Material at Y/hoiest /
latj Street unil Union I'ncltlc Tract.Om h' .
Dealer in Lumber , Latli , Lime , Sash ,
Doon.iilc. VirJ - Corner ; ih und Doutfiaa , Cgintl
HU HUU UuiuUi ,
C. N. DIET2 ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
ISIhnml Oalifomln SlrcoKOiualn , N
Lumber Lime Cement
Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
CornorOb nnil l > ouglii ri .Omaha.
To Dealers Only ,
Oftlro , HiV1 rarnnm Street Omaha ,
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported ami American I'ortlaiul foment SUM *
AKtnt fur .Milwaukee II ) ilranllr Cement and * 1
. WulnoyMiltc 1 line.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood C/irpol nnd 1'nriiuet flooring Oth ami Donglii
Mllllnorvntul Notions.
" * "
Importers & Jotters in Millinery & Notions
W 710 nnil 212oillli lllll ' iff Pt
_ _ Ovornlln.
" " "
Maniifactiircrs of Overalls ,
Jeans 1'nuUi , bhlrta , KtIKCnnil 1101 UoiiKlM Street.
UiunhH. N < b
. . .
Notions- t
"J ? T. n ouiN so N * N OT ! o7Tcor ! i
Notions and Furnishing Goods
4(0 ( nm ! 40.1 B < nth lOtliSt.Onnlm ,
_ _
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , ,
Aile ( ire > i . Kle.Omalm. A 11 l l hnp. MuniUfH
Notions and Gent's ' Fiirnisliing Goods ,
11(16 ( llnrnci Slrci t , OnmU *
Offlco Fixturos.
Bank , OfflCGaiidSon Fixtures ,
Mnntlix , Mdi'l'onnl' . Hook Ciiso , limit Mituroii.Wnll
( 'a < - , I'liitltlnn Hnlllni ! ' , ( < innlcr . Itccrnnit Wind
CooliT ? , Mil-nil * oti I IK lory nm' oillci * , ITAIotid lid
btfulli IJlli hi. , ( JiuHha Tolupluma 1UI.
Paints and Olle.
\ \ holc ale lenlcr In
Paints , Oils , Window Gla $ , Etc ,
HIS Furnam Stroct , Omaha , Neb.
Wliolcsale Paper D'caicri"
Carry a nice plock of I'rlntlng , WrappliiK nnil Wrltlnf
lh 4r. bpeclftl attention HJVIMI lo tar load onlera.
Paper oxos. . .
JOHN trwiLKiE.
-Proprietor Omalia Paper Box Factory.
N'os HIT and 131'J Douglis bt , Omaha , Nob.
_ _ _ Soods.
PHIL. STIMMEiT.v"co'.7
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
911 mul 8U Join's tri'tt Umuliu.
Storage , Forwarding & Commlaalort
Storage , Forwarding and Commission.
Dr inch bou-o of the Homicy HIIBC } Co. lluxclen * !
wuulcsulu utid n lull. 1 Jb iJlOiind 1IU IcarU jjireet ,
Oiuutia , TtiJephoiie No. "W.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1M1 NorthElgthteonlIi ( Street , Ounilm , Kcb.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
Jouu Kpotictcr , I'riiprli'lur 'iaj Doilirc and Wl and 11 *
Nortu linli street , Omiilm.
Printoro' Mntorlnla.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dealers la Tire , J'roiscs nnd I'rlnters' Suppllci. 601
South liih fatrtut. Ouiutm.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
311 Clotblni ; unit J.caUicr Ilcllliiu. l' ' Ja I iirniim Blroot ,
_ S'jsh , Doors , Etc. _
M. A.bTsBROV' / GoTT 1 ' Si
\Vliolc iilu "luiitir ctururi of f |
Sasli Doors , Blinds and Mouldings.
Ilrnuch unico , Ktli nnil Izuril ijtnscln , Oinuhu , Nub , )
Manufacturers of Sasli , Doors , Blinds ,
M uldlDBi , hlalr Work nd Inlcrlur Iliiril Woo I llri
th. N. U. Coruir htli nrnl l.envemvurtli btrccln ,
Uuiulia , Nou.
_ fltoam Flttlnco , Pumps , Etc.
" " " " " " "
Pumps , Pipes and Engines.
itonm. Wiilrr. Hn Iwnr nnd Mlnlnic Huppllcs , Etc.
tUO.U.M anil V2I Inn. mil Slrn'l , Uumlin ,
c K u i-Tc H fL L P U"M p co.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , ' Fittings ,
Jteain mid Wutcr Supplies. IT < " i tnriPr- for Mn t.
_ Kirnnra t. , Ota a
torn and Water Supplies ,
° m.- . .
. BROWNELL & co. .
engines , Boilers and General Macliinery ,
fhtotlron Work filp m I'uniii. , Sow MlMi JjlM.'U
I earun ortliMr fti Oruiiljil
Iron Works.
' Carter & son , IVnp . Manufuctiiremof nil kinds
Sleai Boilers , Tanks and Slieot Iron WorK
Wcrka goutli JJth und H , | M C'rottlng.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building WorK ,
and I7tl ) Btrc _
Manufacturers of Wire anil Iron Railings
Desk Hall * , Window ( Jilnnl" . KlnwLr Hlftnilt , Wild
Hiliu , Etc. JS1 Norlli ICHi Html , Omulm.
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
nlta.jHll Work Iron uinl Wlrn Ftntlnu. HUin , Kto.
O , AuiltcLn , I'ldf't Cor. lllll anJ Jotknoii till ,
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
vud Bcrront , ( orl'tnki ntllies lori' ro i'luiCOJ ! , plot
luiiT'jiu'J ' Awnlni-'x I ocK"iiilli MIIIIIIT | | ; nnu
llluik.iidtli Wor * Wi uulliJMlh M
Fireani Bunlar Pwif SafesJime Loa'is