Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMAH& DAILY BMB ; FBTDAY , 30 : l 88. > TWiaLrE
No AdTcrtlsctnriil * will bo taken fat
column-i nflor IS'iJO | > , in.
Trrins Cnsli In ndvimco.
Aclvfttl'ements tinder this head 11 cfntsp'-i
line for the llm im-ortlon , . rtnu for cn < h iul >
Bfqotnt ln crtlui , and ll.Wa line per month
Nomhmii'etnpnt tnVcn for lf s than ! i. cent-
the lirst .nsertlon. t-oven ords will be rountci
totlio line ; tbey tnuat run const ctith ely nml Ira pnld in AHVANCK. All niUeitlso
mentH must no hamlnl In before I2n : o'i lot k n ,
m. , mill tinder no i Ircumstnnccs will they be
taXcn or illicoiiHn'U'd by telephone.
1'nrMos advi-Hit-mc In t > K > o columns find hav
Intrtl.plrnniwirnniMre'ipr ] Itifnro of IiiKlln *
will please nik for n . tier * to enable tb mtoR l
their letters nt nnnn will IIP dellxordlrxrept on
prexentatlnn of die' hi All answers to ndver
llscnitntR should .i > encloicd In envelopes.
All nrt\crtIsf > nii'ntH In thtin roltimns lire pub
HMieil In both murnlnq ami evening edition1" ol
TlIK IIEB , the tin-illation of Which
more than 1H.IO ) naptTi dally , unit circa the ad-
, not only of the rllyln-u
lotion < > f Tnr I In : , but nlioof Council IllutM , "In nnd other rttl s mid town * throughim !
of tlm country ,
Advertising for thc o columns will been
on thp nlravo rnnilltlons , at thn following Imsl
ne s homes , who are authorized agent * for Tiir
lii'Kiipeclal notices , nnd vlll quote the saint
rated UR can bo hud nt thn main olllc .
OHN W. HI'.LL , PharmaciflCkw BouTh Tenth
IIASK ATlMirTv , Stationers and Printers , 113
Koiltll Ililli rllrcot .
II. FAHNSttbllTH , Phnrimiclst.21ir.Cum.
. Ing Street.
J .1. lir < JHI.9 , PlmrranclM. C2I North ICtb
I . Street
7x ) . W. PAIlfl , T'hurmaclst , ISWSt. Mnry'
WANTKD-Sltniitionby stroiiK boy of 19 111
porno stoni or on ngonsMIIO no object !
Rood reference fiirnlalteil. Address l < 7 , Hot
olllcv. I'll ' EU'
"TTfANTRn Situation by Rtronc yoiin man
T ? nliprohofnn o to scliool nnd worn mom'
liiKHjind oNunlntjs torbonrcl. llcferonces ulvon ,
1'iitrlck Sullivan , 4ITJ S Ifcth st. 871 Jj *
KD- Position My Indy stenoRraphot
nntl tjpo rltcr , riinilllar with iinurancc
and leital work ; tan furnlsli machine , Addros"
K 71 , HOP. 87 ! 'li-
WAN TEU iyAt.HELP. ! .
Laliolm \ AUu ,
\\TANTIU ) Po\v inon to cam n i , full line eli
i > hniisehold HiiKrlaltlm. rufoienct i rciiulicd.
Io\ell M'f'K L'u , iltil.iUI N llili. ttnl li
" \VANTir : > A boy itlutj [ rvforonrv , to take
> earn of horan unit cow and deliver poods.
Knllirn ( | 1721 DodKi' . I'.Vi 'M
M7TANTl"ilOlllco ) boy about 1" , ono who
HiieakH ( lurnmn proforred. Apply Ur. Uil-
ward oioiimn , KIM rarnam a\ \ . 671 ! R )
WANTBI ) mtontiis for railroad Rradlnir In
Wyomliift t Albrlclit'H Labor Agom y.lK'O
1'ainum Ht. Kl'J
WANTl'D Men for now rallion.ilorkln
Wyoming , n peed job and will lust a year
AlbilKliL's Labor Agcniy , 11-1) Paruam st.
7g )
_ _
\\7 ANTKDAKUIUS In every town in tbo
T west for our oil bniuers for pookliiK and
heating HtoM's. Send btamp for catalogue.
Pattericu Oil llurner Co. , III. ) . l.'tli st. Oniiihu ,
Neb. iicidlJ
_ _ _ _ _
SAliKSMIJN Wowlili afewmon to sell our
poods by sample to the wholesale nnd ictall
trade. I.nrie ! t mnnuftu nucis in our line , Kii-
close --cent. Htunn ) . Wn osKlpcrilay. Perma
nent position. No postals answered. Jlonuy
ndvnni'ed for MIICI 9,0.111 uitlilmr , etc. Centen
nial Ma'n'f'K Co. , Cincinnati , Ohio. 132 J u b'j
\\T ANU'LIA tnto iiiuiiaRor to onen oillco In
T each of the follow ln > , ritii's ; Topekn , Nash
ville and Lincoln , Neb hnlniy , tl.MX ) per year.
Nust inxest Jl.uoi ) AiliUi M , Uooijo S.I line ,
Wagner lllock , Dr Jlolncs , In , liJT
\\T.\ N'l P.D A Rood caiiTasscr , applv nt L'l"
N. ICthM , Omaha , Nob. 7i7
"IS7ANTIM ) Suleiman , to Introduce n new
V > nnd xery saleable aitlclo In his locality nnd
adjoining cities. Snliirlvs pulil to active , oner-
jjuti'1 salesmen. Addiess , OIK losing three cents
in stumps , the Atlas Manufacturing Co. lock
box 8X1 , Cincinnati , Ohio. TCI d I *
\\7'-liNTfil ) jfalcA femnln ncents easy selling
T joods , ntomSt , Darker bit , 15th feFiirnnm ,
AdKNfS WANTii-$7r. : a mouth and ex-
. /X pension paid any actlvo person to bell our
cooUs ; no capital , salary monthly , exnenses In
advance , paitlculars froa. btnndard Silverware
Co. , lloaton. 47 ! >
Tol. Co. , JSOlUouRias.
T\7 .ANTK1 > Jiau to tnko the agency ot our
T > isnfcs ; BizuX'exlKxIH Inclieb ; welEhtBOOlbs ;
retnll iirlcor > ; other sizes in proportion. A
rar onanco nml i > ormanont bnslneis. These
bafes meet n demand never befoie supplied by
other f-afo companlei , aso nio not governed
bj the Bute pool. A IplneSafo Co. Cincinnati. O.
_ _ _ _ 010 _
WANTKD-Clood life i uranco aollcitorl
with bank references , uro wanted by the
Union Life nt 401 Merchants' national
building , Umaha , Olllco houis 8 to 10 a. m. nnd
too p , m. till
ANTKD A man to solicit ; salary HOO per
month ; inuit deposit fjr > and give security
for money collected. Address George S. Cllne ,
Wagner block , DCS Molno ; , . la. M6
WANTKD-A competent girl for general
housework. Mr . H.O.Mooie.1069 Park ave.
_ .107 2"
\\rANTKD -A girl for housework , r.09 K 2fltU
V St. UU5 M *
WANTED A good girl for general house
work. 8)IS2Ibtst. 11521 *
\VANTED-Olil-Mi-3.Jas. Neville , WW N lHth.
' 01U oO *
WANTKD A youii glrl for housework In a
' Miittll family. B-1J corner yjd and Cumin u
r' s
\\7ANTKD A girl for general houseworlc at
2314 Douglas. KffgJ"
\\7ANTKD-A govoniOits who can bpnak
Ti Ficnch , ( ioinmn , and Is accomplished In
vocal and Instiiirncutal music. Addiess ll'ix 'J < ,
1 tlly. . 40o
T\rANTKD Ahuly to Bollrlt ; must deposit J23
f i and give security for money collected.
Address ( leorco B. Clln , Wagner block , llm
G 1HL for Roneral hoiisowoik. Mrs. Thos , I * .
Hull , IMi tiherman uvo. kM
"VirANTUD Ladv solicitors. Must mako'smu
Ti deposit. Position permanent , aluiyifk !
permunlli. Address. K ill , nun Hce. (111 ( ! d : i
0 CANADIAN EmploymentOHIce. Mra. Iliegn.
; 311J ( 8.16th. HefcrencoOmaha Natlonal b.uik.
Umplojincut oillco , 31 ? N Ulthst.
Iii dl3
' "
: , . ( parlors open where atlrst
dags tit is imniantiied nnd latt-xt Purls
nt > les , lu connection is a dress-tutting scliool ,
viii'iu cutting uud lilting Is taught in all Its
branches , any omt run make their own drest-es
vhlleloainliuT , The I ) . W , Moody tulloi'pyn-
tern , thn only system that drafts directly ou
lothccnts wnntcd , good territory given.
llooms4Uund IM llamgo lilock Ml Ot
pill VATi : board m nice family , 210 S 10th st.
JLjFl per week. vcs 1
flMIE SIIULTON. IDlS.IHth St. , cor. Dndge.
J. riiBt-clttss family hotel. Hoard and roomn ,
plnglo or cnsiilto , at reasonable prices. Hifer-
I'licws reciulrcd. Those wishing rooniH for tne
v Inter , please apply Boon. J. Campbell , Prop'r.
A VUNUHHoomR At IfllSnnd 10IB Capitol ave.
rujbloctb from P.O. , newly furnished , mivnte
boardliiu house.plcasant rooms.aU com entenros
rtO ) M9
IDOAnUauil rooms. 1312 Uhlcago t.
* ' 449J15t
_ _ _ _ _
nIILE boardern wanted , HflJ Douglas.
- * 311
VY \ rAN'llil ) Table boardeia nt 17U ) Do-i
Y > 7i N
A cyomiR lady rooin-mnte by a
lu * blllto ° ' roows ever lno l < rtlr-
. aat
_ _ _ _ Q.II
-Vouus ladle and gentlemen to
. tlle > ' obtain a tTiorougu ami
practlral knowUdp of tetegrapny , llttlm ; them.
. L'.M " ' , .1 noft time for good paying po.iillous
at .VT. ' loct 'lq Teleernpli school , lloonu W4
mid o-vj 1'axtou block , cor IblL and t'urnuin st ,
_ _ U'Jn7f
IXrANTKn-HorHs to winter ; new barn.
T good yard for exercise , ot ref rei c
Klran. John Hazard , litU auj 'Julo. iklf
-Hor .ps . to winter I hnv
tnodntioni for 201 hundred Lorses a
Omnl A fair ground ! , having largo yards for ex
rcislng diirinc tlio d y ; each n > r o hv : a large
wnr ii box stail at night A. Thorns m. ( > mi h !
fair f . j n
\\r.\.vrin : lorsonn'lb'i ! < y for winter fo :
IT their keeping Inquire ills rarnam. .
" \ r ALffNTINL 8 ShorthHnd nno fypWrltlnl
> Intitule. Now Parton hmldlnr , Omaha
Nt b. The only exclusive , legitimate shorthatu
< lioollntho : ate. Over one hundred pradtt
iiu-s in good situations. The school is undei
the ninnacemctit of C C Valentlno.ofllrial stn
ogrnphcrofth * M 1udt < tal diMHrt nf Nebraska
and ( Tor. II. II. llnvio .an etpTln'i cd tcarho
and \erbittm rcpoit-r Day nii.l . veiilm ;
son students rnn enter at any time , r
for ilrc'ilnrs 4"il D 15
M A Hill I'D couple desiie pleasant room nni
tioarl for tlw vln'.er rate not to ex pod V *
per month , j. Id , llc-e olln ! > . IIMSI *
"TT \ I.I , lor docl.ty tiurp
J I wcclc. AUilnt , L2 , Ika
17lOlt HUNT -A Oi.Ungo with sit rooms am
1 large basement lalindrv , nice dry cellar , < is
tern ami fcprlug well , ut } 2.i. Apply ntl'U'S ' 12th
v.s 2 ?
lilOH HHNT-Modoin brlok ilmilllng oppnsit !
JL1 Tilnlly Cathedral , 1720 C'npitol ave. Inquite
Netherton Hall , It. 4.SI. First Nat , bank. I'M ' 29
IIKNT-.t-iootn nnd sot
TfOH - - cottage , city
water , | i per month , 2'jJl Decatur st.
. H2J no *
IjMlO HUNT Nlre U-rooin ciittnge , splendli
i liiii.tlon , $10permonth. Co Operative Lain
nnd Lot Co. . LU'j N Ifith Ft. SHIP 3U
"fitOH HKNT Anlro.lroom collage , welTTo
Jlcatod. . ilflper month. Co-opcratlvo Land I
Lut Co. , 201 N Itithst , flll'lW
II i : N -Cottugo , 411 Convent st.
ItLNT 7-room house , r > ; i Jaikson ,
171OK Itl'NT Part of housp , furnished or iin
Jfuriiliheil , 17'JJ Capitol nve , ( ll'l ' i ,
"fnolt HENT-n-room hoiiso , $11. ( J II. Thoiiip
JP son. ' . ' 12 Sheoley block. IW
Bl'AlJlirUL8-room home , ( jns , city water
bath room , hot nnu cold mler , on pavei
sticcts vvith street car , near u gooJ school , onlj
( W5 per month. The house is now. Apply ai
oni-o. C. K. Hurrlson Mcrcnants' Nat. banK.
"VTI'AV hoii o of 7 rooms , in gooa locality , bin
i > for four horses * -J per month Applv a'
once. C. ! ' . llurilsou. Merchant's' ' Nat. onnk.
Foil HUNT homo v rv desirable now mod
ern homes fJO to < 3U pur mouth. J. II. Par
rotti * . IhOUChlingoat. H2l-a
J/\OU \ ur.NT Klegant ten-room brick i sl
duuev , tninnup , eli'itrlc boll" , hot nnd cok
water on three lloorsi , IncludlUB "anltaiy. newlj
ti.ipcnd. Apply 70U S. Hth. buwLvn St. Mury's
a \euiie and l.i-avenwoitti. _ blU a
FOR HUNT A 0-room Hat , ihst tloor , ovoi
H'17 llownrd st. Inqtilro C. P. Shaw , 101,1
Hownidst. V08
IMINT P.Iegnnt house , steam heat , etc
Imiulie 17UI ) Davenport st. bW Si
HI.NT-Uy Dec. lOtn or 13th. 0-ioom cot
taKO on Mth nud Cuming sts. In good 10
pair : rout teasonable. Inquire , K.3 S isth st ,
orlU7'ithst. . sto 3 ?
"JjlOll HUNT Nine-room house , all modcn :
JL' Improvunu'iits , $ r > per month , till 1st ol
April. Inquire on piumkius , cor. 40th nnd Par-
mini- h-Si S3f
FOK HUNT Ilousf and b.irn.Hansfom plaeo
Hniu ? . loom 411 , First Nat'l bk blilg. 8.H )
" " "
FUH UUNT No7 Hli ? .
room house In good repair : rooms newly
papi-U'd and painted : nice yard ; line cistern
water. Kent ! .i n month. Possession tiven at
onco. Apply to HUl's 1'Jth ' st. pharmacy.3T
3T j
TTIOll HUNT Nice nowcottnge , I12.ri0 : 4 rooms
JJ upstnli-H , IIU ; 'I rooms upstalu. SJ. 8.nth
Ft , houth of tracks. Theo , Olson , roomI I , Con-
tlneutal block , nth nnd Douglas. 8DU--S
"IT OH ULNT 7-roomed n w house w 1th largo
-L ct'lhir.clty water and bath. Apply "M'l Fraulc-
Unit MBit
FOH IIEN'J' Purnlshod qottTto of 7 rooms ,
( ompltte for houselccupliiK ; location < un.
tral ; leferenco retilrcd. | Nothcrtou Hall
room 4SJ. first National Hand. Kit ) 1 *
T7\Olt \ UKNT fl-room cottage on fiill lot , de
J-1 flrablo location , well , clstoi n nd city water.
i N. Stthst. SO 1 *
" 1J1OH HUNT A ten-loom house , on nwcor.
J.1 nth and Capitol ave , one block from busi
ness. Jlooms can bo rented mid pay the lent.
Suited lor boarders. See Ur. N'ivllli' , nw cor.
Douglas nnd 14th. 74 2J
H OL'faE for rent. J. W. Fead.
701 20 ?
Ii'OH HUNT 0-room modern improved house
A I locality. Hent moJerate. Apply , M. Kl-
gutter , 1(01 ( Faruam nt. 2tO
E1JNTS loduced , 3 to 10 room houses all parts
of city. J. II. Parrotte. luoo Chicago
OR RENT By Iloswoith * .loplln , Darker
block , . ' ) . 4. 6. 0 , 7 , 8 , 9 , ID , 11 , 14-loom houses
In allpaits of the citv. .00 .
5 HOOM house , S. "Ith st , , near shot tower.MS
FOH Itf.NT Now S-room house with all mod
em liupu emeuts. cor. Hickory and lioorgla
ave , price . ' 5. Lnnulro 121J Lea\enworth st
TpOH HUNT One of those 10-roOra hoiibes in
JL'Pal k Ten ace , cor. Hanscom pnrK , all mod
em Improvements , $10 per month , fuqulrn Lee
& Nlchol'Mil and Lnavonworth. nn
TJ10II HENT House 8 rooms 2221 Cass Bt , cot
X' tngofiroonifl luth and Hickory. Inquire room
KK Slieoley blk. 1S4
TTtOK KKNT i.Toom house on S. 10th St. , two
JL1 blocks south of Vlutonst. : will rent for 110
per month or bell on terms to suit purchaser.
Heo. J. StenudorlT loomU , opposite V. O. 012
FOH HKNT Houses 7 looms , 20th and llar-
nej : 10 rooms , Slst and Locust ; 7 rooms ,
12lli nnd Jones ; II looms , 19th nud Martha.
Llnulian & Mahoney , 1'uxton block. 844
FOH HIJNT-Broom nouso and barn , S Ecor
2Sth ave nnd Webster at. JJO per mouth , lu-
qnlieW ( ) Paxtou block. P , J , Croodon. 824
ItOOM fiaieNo. snillainlion st.i
§ L _ - Ilurnham , No. 1 CrelgHton block" . Ni'J
TpOH HUNT When you wish to n-nt a house ,
JL' stote or ofllco call on us. H. 1 . Cole , room
0. Continental block. _ 01 j
T71OH HiN' : house
- house , 2413 , 7-ioom
JL1 212.1 Pojiplcton ave. Ueo. 1. Gilbert , With ,
ncll b'l'K. * ia
Poll HUNT10room house with Kteam heat ,
at ail H. 2lth ht. 0.15. Thompson , Shoely
block , nth and Howard bU. 2J4
ITIOH HK.N'I Now ! ) -ioom house , all modern
JL' Impiovenic-nls , 2d ! und Chicago bts. , lent
rcabonabh > . Inimlio IHUFaiuamst. 4J
T710H Hl'.NT-l-room house. EsTs , 18th.
J. IKJil uct-
1JIOH lliNT ; 5room nouso , city water , N'oTifio
JJPiicllie nt. Inquire at lUoi ) Howard , S4 *
HOI SI ! U rooms and bath room ; good barn ;
2621 Da eiipoitfct , ; Inquire 2 > 1S Cap. avcu
DJ ! dlj
Foil HIJ.NT Houses. HtortM and llaW ; from
J A ) to $ . ' 00 per month , to desirable tenants.
7 room lioiiNti. with atable , 8JJ.
fl r < Kin llat. bathgas , ate. , li'i.
Store , U)7 ) Patkavc. with basement , lacluslvo
of water , if-X ) .
uroom house , r.ll Chicago St. , } 53.
Broom hiiuse , stnble , etc . $ JJ.
Store rooms on St Mary's ave , J1J to 15.
Two splendid II room residences , furnaces ,
ranges , mantel , lutmdry. very desirable loca
tion , 7l nnd ? M.
11 room lesidence,2112 Casi st. iro.
Nluorooin house ou Blunders nnar Pratt
street , hot and cold water , bath nnd closet ,
htabln for two hordes , Bcron room house siunu
location , rlly WMtor , good stable. Holh houses
very desliablo.
t. K. Mnyne , lt al Hatate & Trust Co.
TTIOH HCNT Atvcry low rates. 10 and 14 now
J-1 resldenctts. 2401 und 2411. Cass tre t. Clarke
Place. Oil" block south of Crelghtoncollege , on
Faruam ami 21th Htreet car line. All modern
lmpro\ements. Apply , H , T , Clark Union Trust
Co. , or ut SlX > Can street OU
"IT10II ftl'NT House of 8 rooms , 2Jd and Cass.
JL1 Itiqulro Hooui IKS , bhoelcy block , iVil
7FOR R E f < VRb O Mg PU"n Nls'H'E D
Jl' moderate terms ; home comforts. Apply !
U.hiunley , wcit Hat , 1323 Capital avenuo.
Uo'l St
17011 HKNT-NIcely furnished room * with
Jboard. . All convenience. 1010 Capitol ave.
NT.WLV furnished room ; fnrnucu , bath. etc.
Kil S 19lh st. UJ18J
17IOH HK.NU'-Oim nicely furnlbliod front loom
J- for huuickecpina ; aUo.'J looms for ( I' . ' : U3 |
Dccalur at. Vil g >
"IDI.h'AiANT loom and board. No,610S Ei'nd
JL st. Hot nml cold water , uaslind furnace. !
au uo <
IIE.NT FurulstieU looms , 1201 Farnum
912 i *
Ar.Annnefeqnnt south room r ry nlcelj
f tinuMieth funiaca heat and every morterr
convcnltnco , One-half block from cable ars
2107 DoilRlas t. B49
lf f tlN IStrKnroom with board In
Jfnmtly ( fax , bath and furnace heat In titnlge
Nev- cabin line. 2121 gewaid at. PV ) !
FOR HUNT Furnished front room , steatt
bent , even com onlencV , tire minute' f run
P , O. Z1\'J \ Douglas st. Moat desirable loc itloi
in city. _ 4s .jQ
171011 HENTSuit rooms , steam heat. Sulta
JL1 nblo for four g ntlemeti , W4 ! 1 ith t , i-ec
end noor.
F MINISH HI ) looms with board If "dcsTred
Modem com eulcnces , 1911 Douglas st.
room for rent ; modern ron
vcnleucss and first class board. 2015 notmias
_ 778 ! _
17irilNlSHii : ) south front room , 1901 Fnrnam
JL1 7 i tm
iriCHNISHi : ! ) front roomswlth gas , heat and
JH bath. In private family. Hufercnccs ic
quired. 24tn Dodge. 84KW *
Y L' HSlSlTiiT : lloom-Vory plansnnt. "loriRt
JL' outh trout iiom lu most desirable part ol
nty , 7 nlnrks from P , O , on cable line. Item
rct-onablt1. llo.nd if desired. 2010 Davenport.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IHJI 2'lf _
"L1OH HKNT i urnlilicd rooms with bath uns
X1 and heat. 2227 Dodge st , 2i 0
TpOU HUNT Snlce roonii for gent lemon IK
JUtier month ; it rooms en suite , furnished or
unfurnished , KM cor , IStli nud Lottvenuorlh !
S4Q2) )
_ _ _ _
J7OH lir.NT-Ilooms smtablo for two geiitlo
JJ men , team heat. 172.1 Davenport st.
? s3 3-
_ _
\TICI5li V furnHhed rooms with g 11 , hot anil
-l > cold water , cheap. 012 N 17th st , KM Hi *
TAHUi : front room with FmaU room ndjolii'
ItiK. < tr > atn heat end modern conventeueos ,
2J17 : Douglas. Wi 2) ) '
1 Al 'I t Nrl S I1P.D or nnfuriilshod rooms , UK
JDodiwst , ni"ct block to postollici1. from fl
upwards. Inquire room 8 or 112J I'ouplas st ,
room 2. Wl d2it
" 17irHNISHiDioom ; for two gentlemen ; dav
JL1 board ; 2-0 N luth st , _ MS Mj :
DUSlHARti : furnished room , 2J10 Davenport
st. 7.1 m
"ITIOll HKNT Nkciy furnished rocms.nll mod.
Jern couveiilunres nnd the best accommoda
tions , to llrst-class people only , 2205 1'arnm st ,
_ 78)30t ! )
JJX > H HENT Jor 0 rooms at 603 N l.Ith st.1
AVKNlTfi rooniM , nt 1(11.1 ( and I ir , Capitol avo. ,
are cheapest llrst class family rooms in city.
7U-"JJ _ _
TjTPUNISHED front room , SS. 1811 Davenport
JL , fi40illD3
"TTlOlt HUNT Piirntshnd room. Heat , pasnud
JL1 biith. lltlS. Butli. (14 ( J
rpwo front rooms In on of the finest rest-
-Ldencesln the cltv , centrally located , teani
heating , ga , with use of luth loom , on Dec. Ij
references lequlrcd , Addtess K 15 , Ileo. fill
A SOUTH parlor and nedroom , suitable forli
lady and gentleniau , or two or thrtv gentle-
ini'ii ; moderate terms and llrst-cUss board.
KiW St. Mary a ixvo. 4M
fCTlCIiLV fuinKhcd rooms all modern con-
- Lcnlonces , also board , lijl'j Douglas , fill
FOH KENT A largo , front loom , newly fur
nished , south fi out , cheap , corner 17th and
Cunilngs sts. northeast corner. iWs
T71OH HUNT Nlceh furnisnea rooms , blnfilo
JL' or en suite : board if desired ; l ll Cuming.
EL-I'd A NT ftont and back parlors , furnished
suitable for 2 gentlemen or man aud wife ,
modern com enlt'iices lujli Douglas st. 9JI
EOOMS with stoves ? l per week or $3.50 per
month. WW-4-rt S Ibth st. 4'fi n2j *
rfOlt KENT Furnished looms mOreumg bit
JL' cor. 13th and Dodge ste. Inquire ot Qeo. K , .
Davis. Mlllnrd hotel billiard room. ( ,17
TA , lion pleasant room , fui nlshed , brick Hat.
JU141U Chicago st 465
fgR'REH T - R 00 MS UN FU R N | (3 ( H E 57
HCXT 2 large unfurnished rooms , IJQj
'acllicsl. ' 877 21 *
"IjlOll HUNT Unfurnished looms Thiee rooms
JL1 in Fitch block , cor. Woolworth and I'nrK
uveiiues , water , gas , batli and all iusido conven
iences. Uuquirn at boutn cor. of Hat , up stairs.
HUNT ! i chambers convenient for housekeeping -
keeping to a man and wife w Ithout chlMrpu. J
blocks , from postoOlqo. 319 N 17th. C'JO iLS
U Three pi ) roon'is. 1027 N.2Jthst 12 5'j '
Four (4) ( ) rooms. 41U S. lath st 27 UO
Thieo(3) ( ) room cottage In alley llthaud Chi
cagosts lu 00
Tinoe (3) ( ) looms , 1 loss. 7th st ID UO
Three ( ! ) ) rooms , lirJii N. "Oth st 10 00
Three ( J ) rooms. IDi'J N.UOthst 1100
'Iliree ( .1) ) rooms , 1010 N. 21st st 10 W
Three (3) ( ) rooms. 707 I'aclilo st. 11 50
Four (4) ( ) rooms , iai Webster st 1(1 ( 2(1 (
Judge Itentlng Agency , s. w. cor. Ilurnev nnd
ISthhts. Hoom 1. up stairs. 23 ( >
HHNT-New store , Fth and Pierce , suit-
-L' able for grocery. Will lease to right peisou.
F , 1C. Darling , ir/'l Farnam. ! UO 'JJ
IAKT of physician's oilico for rent very low.
I'hyalclaii or dentist preferred. Inquire ,
Hoom 5 , Iiou bank , ; 7 iJt
T7IOK 1UJNT5 olllce rooms In Hedlck's block ,
JL' 150J-P.11 Pnruam st , oni'd lioor ; ono olllce ,
cast front , on 2d iloor , over Omaha Hanking Co ,
bank. cor. Utli st .mil llnrney st. Inquire at
1511 Kuril itn st. , room 8. Paulson A ; Co. 41U
71011 HI2NT One store-room , one bakery , cor.
. ' Part a e. and Wonlnorth ave. Inquire
ios. P. Hall , M7 1'nxton building. lw !
TjlOIl UKNT Storeroom , No. 2H S. Htii atrXp"-
JL1 plr at 1110 Ilowardst. _ Kil
FOH HUNT 3 stores on Ifith and Loavoa
worth , apply Uauk of Omaha. 010
" 171011 Iir.XT Ilrlck store. Hat above , 21th and
JL' Hamilton , desirable business location. Leu-
Tltt Uuraham. room 1 , Crelghton block. COJ
TjTOH 11ENT Omco suite Bo mouth , a single
JJ onices S15 ench. all fronting IGth at. , llnsh-
maii block , N. B. Cor. 16th and Douglas. W. M.
Bushman. 1411 Leavemvortr. . C2I
G iO. : J.Paul , 1C03 Tarn , at. Houses , stores ,
etc. for lent. 150
"VT JK glvo special attention to renting and col-
r I lectlng rents , list with uj. H. C , Cole , room
0 , Continental block. G.4
GKOIKJE J. STDUNSDOIil'F , room u , onp. p.
O. , will hereafter give special attention to
renting homes , .stores an > l Hats. 1C you want
your property rented without < l iay and to rail-
able tenants , do not fall to list tuu same with
him. Oil
IP YOU want your nouses rented place them
with IJonawa & Co. , 15th , opposite postoillce.
n _ - .
AiOOI ) running blacksmith shop for rent ou2u : unil I'opplutou ( uo , C Mndscti.
HIIN'T Cheap. I have a large livery
' liarn. store room and three living rooini ,
xlKi feet , mid accommodating some w hoisea ,
good location lor stoie , on Dodge bt. this side of
tlio Holt line , Onnlia , that 1 will rent cheip to
re pen > -iblo parties.V. . K. Vaushan , 14 M Far- st , Omaha. 24dlO :
JJTII A YlJp-Sunday. Nov. 25 , btmill bay
> ihorse. tlepiesied right hip. strap around
neck. Howard paid for his return to 1410 1'ar- st. John lisa. 8U7 1
CMIHTH\NI ( ) > ami type-wrltlng-fiunerlor
kJ advantaged In these branches nt Hie
Oninhn Commercial college , opp. P. o. ,
cor inth ami Dodge , Pcoies of graduatcB in
good positions , titudents complotu manual In
ten days and 1.0 to KM words per minute In thiee
months , lleU teacher In the state.
ollice di 111 given HtudenU free Dictation five
hours daily. Day ami ovonlng sessions , Hupld
dictation for leports nt nUlit. I'ortlrculara
wilte llohrhouaU llros. , Omaha , Neb.P08DM
_ LANDS. _
O NB MIM.ION AUHr.S-Stofic nii'ii.'attcTnl
tlon. The I'uion I'aclilo Hallwny lompuuy
ilfcr for lease one million acres best urnVliiR
lands in easteni nnd central Colorado fora
i > orlod of ono or two ye.ii.s.
Wlllle.isoliiiuautltleiof | not less than four
sections to one party.
All applications subject to the approval of the
genet al land commli ioncr , and must bo made
on or befoie Dec. 20.18J8.
Tor particular ! us to terms nud location of
anils uili WSH. mentioning this paper. II Mi >
MlBdter , Land Commissioner U. I' , li'y , Omahu ,
- wishes the loan of KJOO
X for one year , nt 10 per cent Intcron per an
num. Can give good reference , nnd ( security on
aluable partonal property. Address , I , 1 > .
Jmaha Dee. wo U
pUHSONAL-Ifyoiihavoa personU lt raoi
L any communlcatiao , drop U la on of The
i * ' * jnc ni ; boxei. IQJ
IjTotriA ItCar ot IK VZworirniu'i T li
JL1 quire i ; . M. Llpsey. Ifcflcoln. Neb , m 0 * ;
8AIK-A upJor -
stereoptlcon or maine itntern , with f" . x > lt (
views. AddtessNo.Sj2cor2Ud anrt Mntun
OmahA. VM W *
"IOH SALICllefl : fifTnlturB of 4 room.'clt
--1 water , rent tl04 niskmth st. _ 017 g
171O11 HALC-Chcap , mfo , 1 family hors
X1 3 oting and gentle. Inijuire , 101 S 1 > th st ,
_ | u _ as ro * _
SALn At ft sacfiacp. 7n oows ami feet
p y terms ; oTniorpiul , must bo sold. Ai
dre s N. C. Mfcy M. Somerset , Neb. KMIJ
iriO il S \ LE 1 oys nml , holiday goods at le
I1 tnnn wholesale vnlubv > close out stoeic ; bl
bargains for country tnotlmnts , Address 3 :
S. luth st , Omaha , Neb. ' TO 1 lie
I71OH SALE-HncR-vr. bar hnrsp , 1100 Ib
J. ' hnrnesv IQW- phaeton ami cutter , all near !
new. 01 111 nxcnango for house and lot clcs
or with imall inruiubranco. 'Iho Gotham clgt
store , an S. IJth st. _ T2J
STOCK of groceries. flTttu-Ps , tennis nnrt A <
. livery wagons , mortgagee's snle , 412 N if tl
Wi 8 *
PIANO tor sale or trade. Inquire , Hoom 31 :
Pnxton block. ll
FOK SALK or trndo New two seated rai
rlago and Mnglo top bucgy. 8elby , IK
farnam. 375
_ _
ACAUINRTgrand upright piano , llrst-cliif
make , for snlo M a sicTitlco , only used on
j car. part rash and pait time it ilcsirod. AC
dress 11 10 , care Ileo. 7Ki ill
" 17IOH HALU-Vcry line family horse iin
J- ' phaeton nt your own pilce. luimlre room 211
I'lrst National Hank. 1,70
UESSMAKIXG-Mlss M. A. 3hino Fs'prc
pnrod to do fashionable dressmnklng n
most moderate prlcxs nt HIT N If.tli st. ni . d"
A HSTHACTS Llnahali A. .Muhouoy , room MX
-fV Paxtoii block. en-
rprin banjo taught as an art by Geo.l' . Gellei
JL beck. 323 So. 10th SU _ l&J
LAD ] KS MolesTTifd supcriluoiis' iiair "on " t
facoorneck removid. nud the roots li
staiuly killed by the electrlr needle process
leaving no marks or wars. PoMtlvulr theonl
permanent remedy. Mrs. Dr. Packard , IOC
Uouglusst. M'eunwdays and Thursunyn onlj
S'Wd 18 *
_ _
A OI'NCV American llulldlng nud Loan nssc
XXclntlon , the lending bulldlnn society of th
United States , Authorised capital S.'iO.OOO.O'il '
fclnros $ liu ( each , payabln ni rents per montl
each. Subsiriba for sh vr s nt 30J S IDthst. M.
A. I'pton , pres't local board. 4111
"Till iSTlNOTMcIlrldo & Itylin. 1510 Uodcfl
l 7dff
Mn : * HVAN. printing , 1C10 Dodge.
TNO. ML'LDOON A. Co.,313 S 10th st : lu"btoiic
w cutters , I2c lineal foot , Colorado sandstone
< > , * ( !
MIDLAND ( Jnarixntoo and Trust Co. , 1SJ3 l-sa
aam Complete Abstracts tiirulshod , it title
to real estate examinedperfected & guaranteed
BKNSON&CAHMILHAKL furnish complete
and guaranteed abstracts of tltlo.toan' '
real citato In Omaha nud Douglas county upoi
short uotlco. The most complete set of ubstiHC
boc-Kslu the city. No. 15Q-J Farnam st. C23
STOHAdU-Meichnmirs/t.-SlB / South 10th st
; . _ 07 1
"TOKA(3i-At ( : low itjtps at 1121 ParU'im st
S Omah.i Auction .V StoSsre Co. J Jj
311 ! South lOtl
TRACKAGE , .storsso , lowe t rates. W.
Imshman , 1 1ll LBoVomvorth. OJ3
V\/-AN'ini-Tobnyl br. 2 horses , light dc
ii llveij lig , goo I and cheap , Address L U
H ° o ollice. O.H . ) ISO * ,
"V ? rANTP.D One upright piano of Btnmlnn
ii inninc. Nnmo mak r ; price , tenns , am
to bo Seen. Address , L lj.Jiee olllce. b72 29
H OHSi ; wanted for luii diivlng aurlug win
tor. UoxCUp ( ! , o. . ffll
Purnltiiro , ciirpets , stoves niu
household goods of oil kinds OmnhuAuc
tion & fctoiauo Co. , 1121 Paianm. 13. >
ON KV to Loan In amounts to suit on col-
M la'oral and porson.U security at Jre.ixonabli
ralesbusiness strictly conlldentlal Nebraska
Mortgage Lo.ui Co.roqms .ilb \ 510 P.ixton Illcli
MONEY to loan on furniture , ' .vagoa1 ! , etc. ,
without removal , or on collateral security ,
Business .strictly confidential. A. K. Uroonwood
& Co. , K 1 Ounulngh.uii bit , cor. Uth& Jackson ,
GW PKCK loins money , cash on hand , S.YX ) ,
WJ. can be placed on Lity nnd farm pi op
erty at lowest rates ; building loans a specialty
Hoom 4 , Frenzer block. Opp P O. 012 dlu *
rplin Central Loan & Truht Co. , No. IfiH Pnr-
JL iiniii Bt. , have a f ueclal fund of J1G3.0UO tc
loan at unusually lo rates of interest on cholct
Omaha or Council Dlmis property. 8i ( , ' 30
MONK Y to loan on Improved city property 01
for building purposoj ; lowest rates ; no
delay. Mutual Imcstment Company , room 1 ,
Darter block , 10th and Farnnm. 5J1
1\/1 / ONEYto' Loan-On Omaha and South Oma-
J--l ha nropeny. U. K Harrison , Merchants' Na >
tloual baiiK. 777
HONKYto Loan Lowest rates. Loans closed
piomptly , II. K. Cole. Hoom 0. Continental
_ _
' . fund. t > < KO to loan at 0 per cent In-
SI'P.CIAL on Omaim real citato. Callntonce ,
L. 1' . Hammond , room , Darker blk. (11(3- ( (
d 5Q0.66o o per cent. Money to loan on lm-
typrovett farms or city proporty. James A.
woodman , at the old Hie Insurance oillco of
Murphy & I.ovatt. it ) a. 13th st. _ lit !
TAON'T borrow mouoy on fiirntturfl , horsaj ,
SJ wagons , etc. , until you have soon C , It. Ja
cobs , teem 410. First National bank building ,
cor. i Jth nnd Farnam 61' ! negotiated at low rotes with
out delay , and purchase good
paper nnd mortgage notoi. 8. A. Sloman , Per ,
] Jth nnd rarnam. _ 4JJ
to Loan un real estate nnd chattel
hecurltv. ilonoy without delay. Western
Land and Loan exchange , 117 S. loth st. 59tn3 !
Gl'EH CUNT money to loan-Casn on hand
it. M. Harris , room 20 , Freuzer bloclr opp ,
1' . O. Oi'J
. - room.TO * . First National bank
building. Now Unglauu Loan and Trust Co.
T OANS made on city property , chattel nnd ,
JLJcollutcral socuilty , moit-cages bought. Kimball -
ball , Champ & Ityun Hoom 0 , U. 8. Nat. bank
t 4dt
MONUY to loan on furniture , norses. wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved neturlty. J. W. Holt-
bins , Il.Jkfi Sheely blk , lith and Howard , C4J
EF. COOK loans money at n per cent on loans
of * IOOOOand upwaras , Hrlng abstract of
tltlo and Bavo delay , H2jDouglas. ; 410dl4j :
MONIIV toToancasli ; tt"liandno delay , J.
W..Siulro. isitf Faiuain st. First National
bankbutldlni ; . C41
LOANS made on real inlnto and mortgages
boligiu. Luwls a. Ileert & Co. , l&'l Faruam ,
MONHY to oali on Improved real estate ,
Loavltt llurnham , Crejghton block. 6n
MONUY to loan. oTKipavls Co. , real estate
and loan agent1M5 ) Fftrimm st. 018
V , OX ) to loan nt 0 per cont. Llnahan * M a-
$ lionny , room SOU , Paxton block. Wi
KiMOVii-To : : room walllrst National bank
building , rroviacutwrust Co. Oil
( TJOODclty and fjrm "cans wantoU by A. 1C ,
.J Hliey. IMil Faraam. > , KU
RIIAL estate loins , lo\Vojt rute-i , OdellUroj ,
* Co. . 312 S. lUthat. - U > J
MOVUY to loan ; long Hma. George J. Paul
looaParnam t a
BUILDING loan * . Llnnlian k Mauoney.OU
D O ; VO1) ) want to borrow money ? If you have
dlimoiuls , watches or jewelry and desire to
Jiroct a loan on favorable terms in a strictly
> rlrato und confidential manner , or fchould you
ant a loau on furnltura. horbes , carrlaios.
and contracts or pcisonal property of any lie'
crlptlon , you can have money advanced nt
owest rat of Interegt nnd ample time to nay
jy calling on or sending postal card to the
"n1"1' * Mortgage Loan Co.
wniiaiwVout"iUr ° wn money , makt out our
) V/n Winl7 . " ° co' ' ' lasion , thus glV-
niii7.R.flt ? to ttln 'wrrower.
. Juch that-wo can nccommo-
rrf ! * Prompt and confidential man-
itnien yon falr- honorable ana courteous
& 'I ! 2ft ! ! Le. ? S'Ait ! ' 8 n l rates.
AVewlll payoffany mor KiB9 , you now har
indglve you Ions time ana low ; will loan
my sum from W to 11,000.
Commercial and lit mortgas * paper bought.
Jmaha Moitgaue Ioan Co. . rooms 217 and 21d
irst Nativmil Hank bulUllru. ( U3
T\0 YOTJ want to borrow money ?
.It nil ! § ave you time.
It w 1 Ufa ve y ou money.
You can borrow from
D.I' . Makers.
HOce.Morto W.K. Crftfr ,
room 4 , Wthne ibld'n . 1MH and lur-ier Ms.
JiiVfJA cVft HOD , tx > u. i.vx ) . turn ) , tJ.twu. no.wo ,
In fact any sum you want on furnltuM , piano-
horses , males , wagons etc. . on easier terms am !
lit. Ipjverratostnnn at tiavot heroines In the city ,
without pu > jltcit > or removal ot property from
your possession ,
If nn Installment Is due on your property and
you cannot meet it , call nud sen HIP. 1 w III pay
U tor you. If vou hnvo a loan In any other of
lice , call nnd get my rates. I w ill take It up and
carry It for > oil.
I make loans for ono to sit months nnd you
can pay a part at any time , reducing both pr In-
cijnl and Interest.
All loans renewed at original rates and no
An business strictly contlilentlal. Call ami
sco me.
Don't forget the number.
UooMj. wltliiicU block. 435
PEOPLE'S Financial K\chnngo-Tho fairest ,
JL quietest , most liberal money exchange In
the city ; loans made without delay or pubiielty ,
In nny amount large or small , nt the lowest
rates of interest , ou nny available security j
lo\ns may bo paid at any time or renewed n1
original into * . O , llou.scnrcu , mgr , room MiVi ,
lUr&orblk , nth nnd rarnam. 70s
MONKVto loan In any amount , either for
building or otherwise , at lowest rates ol
Interest and on short , notice. 1) . V. Sholos. room
210 First Nat'l bank , cor , l.ith uud Farnnm. | ( ! 4'J '
JL Haiker Hlocit , aoutbwtit coiner of Fnruam
and 16th sts.
Makes a speclAltr ot short-time collateral
RBd real estate loans.
Money nlvrays ou hand In. sums of J100 and
upwards to any amount , to loan on approved
" '
"sacure'd notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Clear real estate ami cash to exchange for
good llrst or second mortgages.
Loans made upon land contracts , stooics ,
bonds , trust doodn , llrst or second moitsAgo sa-
curlty , without publicity , delay or rod tape.
Financial buslueii of nny kind transactoa
Promptly , quietlv and fairly. Hoom 15. lUrker
block Corbctt. Manager. UH _
I > KOPLF'S Financial Kxohango Largo nnd
small loans for long and short time , nt low-
, tst rates of Interest , ou real estate , mortgage
notes , chattels nf all Itlnrts , diamonds , watches
nnd jowciry. Don't fail to cnll If you want fair
nnd cheap accommodations , O. Houscaron ,
mgr , room ( W4 Darker blk , 16th and Furnnm.
r i 70S
on household furniture , pi
anos , horses , wagons hnd other personal
property ; also on mortgage paper and contracts
as collateral security ; cash always onhiud : lib
eral extensions granted ; business transacted
falrly.quletly nnd promptly. The Fairbanks In
vestment Co. , 8 W cor IGth & Douglas , upstairs.
MON'nYto loan on Improved property nt first
hands. No applications font away for ap-
proml. Security and titles examined free of
charge o borrowers. Lombard Investment
company , . ! ) S. 13th t. _ ( H 7
rpo LOAN From ono to two hundred thous-
JL and dollars or smaller sums promptly , east
ern capital always on hand cheap. Philadelphia
Mortgaco and Trust Co. , Oco. W. P. Coates , u
board of trade. lija
_ . '
- - '
A N expert book Itoeppr with SJ.OJO would like
xvwhole or half Interest in Borne m f'gor
mercantile business. Address L 14 , Dee ollice.
UOJ 2 *
"ir\OH \ SALF. Myroslnuint.t , situated at 3J2
1 North 1'th st , dolugn good business. Will
hell cheap for cash If tikeu within thn next In
or 20 days , as I want to go south. H C.I
Son. 1) ) .
IT10H SALII Flr-l class clgarstand. Co Opor-
Jatho Laud and Lot Co. , 2iu N lull st.
I'll ' ) 30
"T71OH HENT Km nlshed rooms , good location.
1 ? gas ami heated \\ltli furoaco. 110 S 23th
nvc. 017 30 +
FOH SAL1I Complete set of butcher's tools
nnd tlxturcs for a llrst class meat market.
Ituycr can have bcnclltot location and ti ado.
Must leave cltv rt once , account HI health. S.
II. ( julnn. 1711 3 20th bt. 045 29 ;
TjlOH SALK A BtooK of millinery , an organ ,
-U ami set of carpenters tools , be bought at
n snciillco as It Is compulsaiy lor owner to .sell.
Appl.v J.VM4 Cuming St. 012 t *
GENTS furnlsning store tor sale ; best locp
tlou In thtfcity , on good terms ; answer at
once Address L 1. . lice olllce. l)10-2'J )
ryill ! ! right partv can ecuro n controlling in-
JL tfipsl Inonaof thubest enterprises In No'
braskn by answering this adxortlsemi'iit ; no
experiment ; Is already a success. Cash lequired
about $3.000 , or will take well secured paper ,
Addiess Immndlntoly , L8 Dee ofllco. OJ7 2f
QMALL Jewelry store for sale. Best location
lOlu the city. Address , 1C CO , lloo Olllce.
t. 2
I31OII UKNT riirulahpil bar room , nt the
1 ? Cozzens hotel , Address M. J. I'lanck , mop.
_ 7 < 1
WK wish to employ a reliable man in your
county. No experience required ; perma
nent position for three years , balarv Increased
each year. Light , e.isy , genteel business. Money
advanced for salary , ttdvoi Using , etc. Largest
innnuf'rs In our line. Enclose 2-cent. No
pobtals. Centennial Al'f'g Co. , Cincinnati , O.
_ 13 j j j 69
T71OH SALE A stock of general merchandise
JL1 Inono of the best towns on the Fremont ,
Elkhorn it Missouri Vnlloy railroad : stcck will
ln\oiw about JII.OOD ; yparlv bales i)0OJO. ) For
particulars address J. H. Van Uaasbeck , Fre-
inont. Neb. _ 7CO dO *
POIl SALE A small nnd well-assorted drug
s. Including elegant llxtures.nt a bargain
If taken soon. Can bo moved to advantage. Ad
dress immediately A. lliown , care driigbtoro ,
21DN2H11 713
17OH ! BALKJ13.000 stock of hardware for
JL1 bale , doing a splendid business. Is located lu
ono of the best towns In the state. The Block
1 j clean and In good shape : the renson for sell-
In T. other business occupying my time. Part
ca ih and bankable paper for balance. Address
1C 43 Uee olllce. fM
T CAN place about Jl.i/ju on llrst mortgage at
Jgoodlnterest nnd on good security. I ) . 1) .
Smtaton , Darker block. 5D7
A HEAL chance for good business with 81,01
to J-.OIK ) , to become partner in llrst-class
cash business. Address 1C 10 , Dee oillco.
. 401 29-
"T7IOH SALE or exchange , lease and f multure
Jof blocK.of thlity live rooms , centrally loca
ted , and prolltably occupied. Addicss 1C 21
Hco. C.77
$ lrO'J boot nnd shoo stock to exchnngo for city
piopcily. Iowa or pastein Nebraska farm
land. Address , L ! ' , Dee oillco. DM 2At
TTIOll THADi : 1,00) ) acres flno blue grass land
X1 In Kentucky , on Kentucky river , for Omaha
property. This H allured for n few days only ,
nnd Is worth investigating. C. U. May no Heal
Kntuto aml'Irust Co. H81 2a
\\7HAThavo you to trade for3 lota lu Jerome
IT ParkIncuinbrance of $1,013 on the lots ,
Addiess 1C f'2. ' llee olllee. 643
FOH TKADIJ-Two tnousanrt acres Improved
land to trade for merchandise or canto and
horses. Goo. II. llowrlng , fetuart. Neb.
"V\7ANTRD-DulldlnB material of all kinds
II for cash ; llrst mortgage notes , lots , lands ]
farms , etc. W. J- Paul , iiiju I'ainainst. aff
fjlOH Trndu-Choice lot In fiiammorcy Park
J-1 nml choice double corner In Lipton Place for
good laud. i ) . V. Sholes , 210 , First Nnt'l bank.
I II AYE real nnd personal property of all
klndi for trade. Call and nee me. George J.
Btenisdorff. room 0 , opp. P. Q. CJl
-\\7ANTBI ) Ilnrae and buggy or pncaton for
I T lots , etc. Win. J , Paul , IDJ'J Furuum Bt.
FOH EXCHANGU-Houso nnd lot lu Creston ,
House and lot In Illulr , Neb.
100 acres In Lincoln county , Nob.
I * ) ucri-H In How.ird county. Neb ,
Lot In Baunders A : Illmebuugh'ti add ,
20 lots * In other additions.
A. P. Tukoy , Utli and Douslas.
\\7ANTI5D-Stockot goods in extnango for
ii fiirms nnd city ptopeity. Western Land :
nnd Loan Exchange. 117 S IGth. J.'dl3
T71OH KXCHANGJ ; For destrablo romdonco
J-1 propel ty In Omaha , any or all of following :
4U choice InMdo residence lots In Hastings.
V lots In Lincoln.
( ill ) ucies tlno farming land , Lancaster county.
Fine residence property. Lincoln.
Clooa lental property , Lincoln.
Choice fancy residence , corner. . Los Angeles.
A neat residence propeityla Ilanscom PUuo.
Also some good mortgage notes.
Address , glviug location nnd prlca of property ,
J. E. 1 } . , care llaum Iron Co. , 1'17 Leaven worth.
. 'CNU lellor Mrs , LoDorman can be con-
' suited on all alfulrs of life. Battifactlon
Kuaranteeq. No 318Mliilhat BM dU ;
DH. NAN NIK V. Warren , clairvoyant. Hed-
leal and business medium. 1'spiilo diseases
' . ' ' . ' " H9. N. IQtlidt. Itoooni'&a. KA
I SALE-Or trade ; whole or 54 IntoroJt
i acres Smllca from two H , H. depotA , a"
oil , Fr mout , KeU ,
"OAtlTITW w-Uhlnc to ncll South Omnha proj
L orty plet cnll on L ) . D , SmiAton , llarko
bloclc , OliiftllO. SQ5
T\0 yon know ofnblpcer bargain than a fill
Jviot onSlth and Isflor It.UOf If von do 1 *
mo Know of It. 1) . 1) . Smcnton , llaricr block
Omaha. R > 1
.i- : ro > a burRalni l4-cn-s <
feet south fronton Douplas st. between 1011
and lltli , at Icai than * , S20 per front foot , llnv
long will you let your money wear jour peek
ets out with n bnrrnln Hko that starlnc you it
the face ? M. A Upton Oo. _ TO
rp WOSTOll5 brick btoclc , nearly now , wit !
JL stares on llrst tlloor nnd seven room lliUs on
second lloor. with nil modern Improvements
This property U on corner frontlne pa\t > i' '
street , with ypwer , water nnd cas nnu brlntt'
nu annual rfiiUvl oftV ) < 0. Will sell cheap or
lerms to suit. Address 11 70. llee. _ < OJ
OH SAI.P.Wo have thirteen lots In Central
siibdlvlMon , Council llluT' ( < , twelve acres 111
HIcu'ft subdivision , nnd elslit ncroi adjoining
Iloii on's second nddltton ou the north , nil ntvu
Klectrlc Motor linn. Will soil In n. bmii U nl n
poMtlvo barRnlu. C , K Mayu * . Hem Uslato A
Truit Co , , ( imaluv , _ i J
FOH SA1(1' A few lots In Stewart plnco at r
bargain. The Mitiopolltnti cable road juiios
this addition on Lowe. i vo. Harris V Karris ,
room 411. 1st Natl Hank. _ < . -
GJPtX ) buys n full lot and poott 4-rootn cotta o
Pcair termi and peed location. 1) . V. Sholos.
room 210. Hrst Nat 1 bant , cor 13th and Far-
nnm _ RV )
( P3.600 buys a Rood 2- tory 8-room house and
Plot , east front , lu Windsor Place , n InrKuln.
I ) . V. Mioles , Hoom 210 , First Nntlonal IlanK.
& 7H
" 171OH SAliK Two elCKunt homos In Hanscom
J- ' Place on ro.vionablo terms ; mortgaBe paper
taken na i rt payment , llosworlh * Joplln ,
Darker blocK. MJ
LO fb For Sulf I havii 10 tlno lot * In l
iilaco add. for sale. Foi f nrtlior luformatlon 1 } JclTcry Clalen.i , 111 , t-oi
171011 sv i .oKbw with Rood 2- < tory
J houvi nicely finished , nil modnni conven
iences , within 1 bile paved st. , blk from Park
school and M , K. church , Hanscom plico , This
Is ono of thn best properties lu the city , and
can bo had nt n bargain by mldresslim the
owner , V 14 , Hce oiflco. 41S
Foil SAM ! Or exchange for Omaha proper
ty , 80 acres , suitable for plat t lug ; will make
4001ota ; nil clear ; bit ; money In it for somn ono
who can push this ; located Just outside ot the
city limits of Council muffs , luqulio ( loo. J.
SternsdorIT , opp. uostofllce. aoi _
17IOH SA1.E Not for trade , liin.76 acres ot 1m-
-L proved land miles from Marquette in ,
Hamilton fo. , Nebraska. Frame hoiiso , frame
stalls , oUU ncres under n Rood 4 barb-wlro fence ,
round cedar potts and - stayi ; lIvltiR water ,
peed corral. 2 wolH , w Ind mill. 3-Ubariol tank ,
jielf-tecdertrouphs. etc. ; 75 ncros clover ; a good
htncK ranch.
Price ( about J12 per acre ) fB.WH
Oash JI.MO
a yews time nt 8 per cent ! 1,00 < J
loand ! look over the land and nddiosstho
owner , r. K. Atkins , l&OJ Lurlmur St. , Denver ,
Colo. J4
SAIilI filS ncies Hamilton to. . Neb. ,
Foil , J'J per acre , ono-ttilrd cash , balance ntu
per cent. Address W. J. Wlldman , Denver. Col.
FOH SA1.IJfir xcnamTei S'e have seine
good Omaha real rstato nnil Nebraska
farms , which wo will soil cheap or trade for
Btockof clothmi ; , furnlshlnir ( tooiH , dry poods ,
boots and she s , urocorles or hardware , Bchlei-
Infer Hros. , Cli H. 10th st. UM
\ \ ill build you a neat -i-room cottiiKo In
Van Beuren ISeiglits.
With closets , collar , well , cistern out houses ,
walks , etc , nnd sell nttho easv tcims otriUcash ,
nud JlifiU pel month. Or wrtl soil you a lot for
tfTfi ; fill cash , { . " > per month. Wo are piepaied
to build any style and slzo of house you want
and sell at coi responding easy terms. These
lots aie located near pe\oral l.upo factories ;
me less than 20 inlniitos irom Webster Street ,
depot ; only 5c fnro on licit Hue.
2ncrelots. near Fort Omah.i , price $ T > 00-fiOO.
WllHnko good noise or team as part pavmont.
llalr.nce easy , hots In I.afnyotto Park , nt * iuO to
SHU ) . One-foin th cnsh , balance 1-2-3-4-5 years , at 0
percent. Will take horses as part payment ou
these lots. VAN IttilJKKN.
Douglas and 14th Kticet.s
I ) ( .solution Notice.
Notice Isheieby glxeii that tlio partnership
hcrctoforo existing botwcen Kdward O.l.awi-on
and Murrvll. Cary , us Law-oil A. Cary , is this
day dissolved by mutual consent , the said lid-
ward (1. Law ton rettrhiK and the said llarrv 12.
Cary will pay all Indebtedness of thol.itolhm
of l.awbon X Caiy and collect all Indebtedness
duo It. P.DWAHD ( ! . hAWSON ,
The undersigned , Harry K. Cary nnd Charles
A. Harvey , hn > e this day formed n ro-paitner-
shlp , nndei tile name of Cary X Hm \ ev liir the
punioso of continuing the business lately tai i led
on by I < aw > on & Cary and they will collect all
bills due said I.aWbon A ; Cary , and will pay nil
the indebtedness of bald linn.
Omaha , Nebraska , Nov. 27th. , 1868.
Matter of Application of F.benezer Dallow , lor
Liquor License.
Notice Is hereby jjU en that Kbcnezer Hallow ,
did iimm the I'M day of November A. I ) . 18S8 ,
Illo his application to the Mayor and City Coun
cil of Omaha , for I.iccnbo to soil Malt. Bpirtuous
nnd Vinous Liquors , at No. 1011 Chicago Street ,
Third Waul. Omaha , Neb , from thu Mist day
of Junuaiy 1SK' , to tha First day of. January lflj. )
If them bo no objections , lomonstranco or
Artificial 2ccth
Gold and other I llllngl at reasonable Prices.
Teeth Extracted Wihoub Pain.
312 and 313 Paxton llloek , Omaha , Nebraska.
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
c2ale.0 ! > * r ? $ * * ? .tmko frDes Molnoi. Maralmltnwn
.riita/'lilc".ntS1' ! / ! ' n. Cblc.KO , Mllnnukco.
uP K"r,1. ' , T ° "l9 P'OP'O ' NobrHlkaColo :
rnrtn . Wjornln UtnU. No rada.Ore.ton.Vn.b. . .
fiiir of the narncroui point * nf unnerlorltT
- - Patrons of tills road botwown Oomlia
. inn-fki . / * . i , : , * ° i Bro " 8 tliri'o trnlni n dnr of DAV
enultVean ? " ' " " " ' ' " " ' '
b rrcBle" " ? "i.Vilf , 'i'lIMB,1 ? ! ! .
. " 1 ? not T ' 0"lll eliewliere At
} " " " 0' tu" "n'nn ' I'aciHo Hall.
onnect In union depot with thoio of Iho Ohl-
ihl , llff.Wiro"1118111 ? Ur- ' . " t' Iho train ? of
' clo' ° '
- ilnV ? OOI"'CC tlunwltlillioio of oil other
Kh\ ' ' . ? i,0i"lbl. ' . " ' 'nai n polU. Cincinnati ,
. , . .
, , ,
| "
" " ' | 'Ittsliiirg. ' !
, { , . ? ! v JUB\ ' Toronto. Montreal
? nn'0i'T Yor " ' ' nl'a.lHplJiB , iiaiumorn. Wiuli !
i . , . . , , .
Ington , auJ all
polnU In the Katt. A * lor Helen via
1'1"1 A" tlck91
. .
u. uuniiiTT. ne'j : . p. WH.80M ,
1 '
EX'l'KA 1IOI.IIIA.T OlTIJIt. To raplillf
Introduce our new "I'aiiiy < | ncrn" cljur.Vu
will. If unleroU at once , tlcllvnr luo ut llieiii. 2
I'oien or 10 ( luara ouch l'Kii : ; to nnr I'otl nr
Kn > re onic in the U H Alio unryeni' ' * uli.
crlpllnii tioiipald In 'I'exui NKII.iu' " upon ro >
celpi of lour dollars ili yiarlr tor Hint rou-
ularilliuilrajil Uimce ] . Wrllo numu nml
| . ( toince adilrcsa | > lulnlr Heiplt I > T roniitered
mull or I'OstHl ' nutaund utldretiiiitourc
II. W. TANSILL&CO. , 6ti Slate St. , Chlcano
Advei Using ban ulwuja piovoa
euccossful. Ilcforo placing any
Newspaper Advertising ooasux
IS la 19 > itoJ lil. SlneU CIIICACO.
Inoomoir&blv tlio Coat.
Ilunnlng between Council lIlultAtul Albrlgh * .
In addition Jo the btaUoni inentlonod , tralui
A No.2 flOflpCmA : : ? | No.l T.-
O No. 0 nlo-S. : ( . No.5 . . . . . .r ,
No.o ! ) : IOft.m. A No.a 7:10a.m
No.l fl:00p.m.l : ) No.l 7:00a. : in.
No.2 . . . .Hilllli. m. A No.5 . . .0:15 p.m.
No. 2 . .0:40 : a. in , A No.l . (1:50 ( : a. m.
No. 4 7:00 : p. in. A _ No. .1 -
KANSAS ClTV'rS'iri'.iOSiipVi & - coUNCIfl
_ LiliU 1 I e- .
A No.2. ? 'a.m. A No.n fl.-TOn.m.
NoNe . * .0:20p. : m A No 1 0:3 : m.
To.lO , 7Ja.m.A : ( ) No.l' ' 8:1- : a. m.
No.12. . . . 7:00i : ) . in. A No.ll 0:00 : p.m.
No.8. . . aiOi : > . m. A No.7 ll:1"ia. m.
A dally : II daily except Satin day ; O except !
Sunday : D except Monday : * fast mail.
Thnilmo Klvon above Is for Transfer , there
lielnirfrom llvo to ton minutes botwcen Tiaus *
for nnd locnl depots
Pealed proposals will be received nt the ofllca
otCounty Clerk , DouglaH County , until 2 p. m ,
Saturday , December Xth , IDrfl : for the following
supplies , ( morn or loss ) , for city poor , dellvoroa
nt the Court House :
1.500 pounds Cotleo : 1,000 pounds Tea : 40 Doxotf
So.ip : 5,0)0 ) pounds beans ; 40.0UO pounds Flour ,
l.'ach bid to bo accompanied by u certltlcj
cliocKof SJ'I.IM
Tlio board i oscrvos the rlsht ; I o reject any nmj
all bids. il. L. JIOCIII5 , ( . 'ouuty Llurk. 4
Rooms 403 and 4 W I'lrst National Hank.
L. E. JIAYJlAKQlilt ,
Attorney at Law ,
Hoom 28 , llai ker lllock , Omaha , Nub. Specialty
Cilmlnal Law.
Teacher of the Spanish Mandoline ,
With Max Moyer&Co.
22O8 Fnrnnm Streot.
3fllco Hours 8 to UilJO a. m . and 1 to 3 , and 7 to
H p. m. Telephone No. 2TJ. Omaha , Not ) .
J. E. JENKINS , M. D. ,
Physician - : - and : - Surgeon ,
Special attention to clinoases of chlldien ,
"llhce at rear of Worrell's Drug Store , B. 15. cot.
Ibtll uud Chicago Ktieots , omuliu.
Homoopnthlc Physicians.
niscnsosof Wnm n and Children a epoclalty
4'Xi North lith atrcgt. U'ulcphono LM ,
JAS. H. VEAliODY , M 1) . ,
Physician - ; - and - ; - Surgeon ,
tesldencp , No. 1 0 Capitol A va. Oinco\Vitniioll
IJlk. Tttlephono , rualUouco , I-i ; olllto , 5)2. )
Physician : and - ; - Surgeon ,
) IIlce Hooms 3 and 4 , Continental UlpcV. N. .
or. ir.tli ami Douglas Sts. Itwildanco-HJlUB. 17IU
It , Olllco lulephouu , D01 ;
0. 8. HOFFMAN , M. b , ,
Physician - : and - ; - Surgeon ,
) llicv-N. W. Cor. Htli nud Uguglaa. Office t t * <