Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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No AtUrrtlHoinciHH will bo tnkon Tor
tlirso columns niter IStitO i > . in.
Xcrin Cash In ntlvnnoo.
AdvertUement * under this heart 10 cents per
line for the ilr fntcrtlon. 7 tents for ouch sul > -
flcuucnt Insertion , and II tf ) n line Per month
isomivfit''ttneni ; tRktn for less jtmn2.-icenti
ihciim'.nscVtion. 8c" n word. . jwlll bo .cmtntcj .
. nnu
to Hio llnei they mint nm tMRfCnti.fiy
hitnt tw paid in ADVANCIJ. AH nrtm o-
jnents mtist lie handed In before 1 2. JO o'clock ; .
in.und under no clrcntnfitaiues will they b
taken nr discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In the columns nnd bav
in } their nnnwcrs atfilrewil incijro of Tiir.lltt
w III please nsk for n cn < > k to enable them to not
their lcttpr , us none will be delivered except on
pr * riitntlon of rheck. All nlmwcrs to adver-
tlnptntnts should bo enclosed In envelope * ,
All nilvertlements In these columns are pub
lished In both mornlni * nnd evening editions of
3m : IIKH , the circulation of which nr8rRnti > s
more Hmn 18,000 papers dally , nnd clvcn tlio ad
vertisers the brniefn , not only of the city circu
lation otTnic IlKr , but also of Council nlurfs ,
J.lncoln nnd other cltlfs nnd towns throughout
this section of tlio country.
Advertising for these columns will bo taken
ori ( lie above conditions , nt the follow in bust-
He s houses , who nre nuthorlzed nm-nts for TIIK
JlFKFpecinl nollcen , nnd will quote the tarns
rated ns cnn bo had nt the main office.
J OHN'W , TlKLL , 1'harmnclst , 820 South Tenth
_ _
HARK A. nnnr , Stationers and Printers , 113
Botith IQIli Blreoti
Sll. rAHNSWOHTII. I'harmnclst , 2115 Cum-
. Ing Street. _
\\J .1. 1UJO Ili:3 : , Pharmacist. C21 Noith ICth
T } Btreet
; . \V. I'AItlt , Pharmacist , IBCOSt. Mnry'i
Gio.V. .
" \\T ANTED Situation by stYong boyofllMn
> pome Htorooron wagon ; wages no obloct ;
wood reference furnished. Address L 7 , Ileo
uUlce. Oil '
rplll ! advertiser , an active young tnan.iinyears
JL of nge , desires n position as private socrc-
Inry , correspondent , bookkeeper , or genetnl
ofllcnnmii. I'nderHtands dutlns pertaining to
each Owns and operates a Ilammoi.d type
writer. Has hadciitlii'clmrgoof largo private
ronl ontnto Interests In the oust , building opera
tions , etc. , etc. Tor Interview nddiim L II ,
Omnhn lice , U1I2 < '
A ( OJII'LTLNT Klrl wants place to do general
housework. Apply nt 281 > Cass st. vassv
WANTUD Sltuntlou In now or second hnnd
fumlturo stoic tosetup , llnlshnml lepalr
rurnltiiro , I nderstnnd bnyinir and M-lllng.
A ddresa p. o. box KM lleutrlce , Nt b. Ml 23f
\ \rOMAN wants place in Final ! fnmlly , city or
IT coutitiy to do light work or would help
Wllh work and cute for children. 2720 Hurt Ht.
U24 2itt
\\fANTKD Situation for n Scotch ulilIfTa
good rook nnd liundress ; waijea , Jfi. No
objection to leaving the city. Also for 4 colored
girls , 2 nro N" . 1 cooks , nent nnd reliable ; nnvo
nnv umount of girls for general housework ,
OlshvMishois sfiub girls , chambermaids , etc.
Mrs llrega , IU'4 ' S l'ith. IKW2 <
\\rANTHl > bltuntlonby young hulvai dross-
T nmker to uo out by the day , Apnlv 2812
J.enveiiworthst , OUI 2St
WANTUD bltuntlon by stiong young mnn
where he cnn go to scliool nnd work morn-
JIIRS nnd ovnulnss for board. Heforeiices Riven ,
J'lttiick Butllvan , 122 S l th St. 871 . ' 10 *
TAT" AN'I ID ; _ position ny lady t-tenographor
> T nnd tjpc writer , familiar with Insurance
imdlriMt woik ; can furnish machine , Addioss
K7I. Hoe. h7i.2 > '
SIT t" ATI ON , by live , Meady man accustomed
. - to ollico woik. Address , L 5 , Ileo. b8j23t
VJ I'l 1'ATION to tnko care of horses niul cows ,
k or do gcncrnl work , by competent , steady
man , Aildicss , L4 , llee , btO 2W
BITI'ATION Wnntcd-llv "iTliTst-claTs cook ;
well recommended. Addicss 1C72 , lloo.
b7. ) 28 *
\\rANTKD rnergotle men tinil women ov-
T erj whcro for u genteel monay-mal.lnifbus-
Inefcs. J < iO weekly prollt Riiarnuteed ruslcr than
SMI monthly otherwise. H\perlnnu > absolutely
umiecessaiv. Poimiinent posltllion and oxclu-
nlve tcirltoiy asbiucd SJ.Ou samples fiee. Wiltn
fnrpaitlciilnis. Addicsa , with stump. Jferilll
Jlfg. Co. H r > : i Chicago. HI ) 27 ?
" \\fANTEI ) Men to will nursery stock to fur-
i merx , hlghoHt coinuilsslon paid. .1. S.
Havens , Nurseiyiuun , Dt > s 041 28t
\\rANTIJD-3 Hv o cnergi tic men to Introduce
> un aitlele of merit. This w 111 pny to'inv 03-
tlgato. Cull 511 S ibth st , bet. 8 nnd 10 n m.
009 25 *
T\7 ANTUI ) Office bov about ID , one wheT
T speaks ( lermaii pioforred. Apply Or. EdWard -
Ward blomnn , 2208 1'arnam st. 871 29
T\ 7ANTii-JjO ; teams for railroad grading In
T > \Vycmilng , ut Albilght'H Labor Agency.lU'O
t. booT
WANTED Agents to bundle tlm new patent
Chemical Ink Krnslng I'eiicll. Gieatest
novelty over produced. Htuscs Ink In two hoc-
ends. no abrasion of paper. LVO to f.Ulpci cent
pi oil t. One agent s sules amounted tofU20 In
ulxdays ; nnothei $ .IJ In two hours. Territory
absolutely flee. Salary to good men. No ladles
need answer. Sample J5 cunts. For terms ami
full particulars , address the manufacture-in. J.
Vt . Sklnuor & Co. . Onalaska , Wis. ffi 28t
" \JJ ANT1ID Men for now tallroad work In
' Wj online , a good Job and will last a year ,
Allnlgtit's Labor Agency , lliOTarnum " st.
i _ _
WANTISD Agents In every town in the
west for our oil burners for cooking and
lientliiK stove * . . Bend htamp for catalogue.
jPuttcrnGii Oil lluruer Co. , 3U a , 12th st. Omaha.
Q ALrSMTN Wo wish n few men to sell our
'goods by gnmplu to the wholesale nnd retail
trade. Larfiect manufacturers In our line , r.n-
doi > e2-contbtumn. Wages M per day. reiina-
limit position. No postals ansvvoied. Money
Advanced for wageslutvertlMnr , etc. Centen
nial Jliin'f'g Co. , Cincinnati , ( mlo. 132 J s fcO
* t\7 ANTI.D A stnto manager to open ofllco In
T t oaf h of the follow Ing cities : Topekii , Nash
ville and Lincoln , Nub haluiy , 81,000 per year.
Must Invest SI.UOO Address , George S. I line.
V nguer Hlock , Des Molncs , la , U7
* f\rANTIU ) A good canvasser , apply ut 217
> > N. lUtll Ht , Omaha , Neb. 757
ti\rANTUI ) Snlesmen , to Introduce a new
T > mid very suleublo article In his locality and
ndjoining cities. Salaried paid to nctlve , ener
getic salesmen. Address , enclosing tlneoceiits
lu Mumps , the Atlas Mmmfactuilng Co. lock
lox JIM , Otnclnnatl , Ohio. 701 d I *
\\rANTHI > Mnle& femulo ngont.s easy selling
f I goods , room 24 , llaiker blk , 15th M'nrnani.
7Mdl *
AOBN'JS W'ANTKD-tTS a mouth nnd ox-
iieuscs paid any net ho peition to bell our
goods ; no capital , h.iluiy monthly , expenses In
ndvnnce , pniticuliirs free , Stand aid Sllvorwaro
Co. , lloston. 4rJ
'oOVB-Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. .
" \\T ANTUD Jlan to take the agency of our
T > snfe.s ; size 2Kxlfxl8 Inches ; w eight 500 ibs ;
retnll price tM ; otner sires In proportion A
rnriuiinuco and pcrmannnt business. Thosa
nulc * meet n doiiiand never bofoio supplied bv
Dthei ftafA companies , as wo nro not governed
l > 7 the eufe pool. AlplnoSnfe Co. Clticlunntl. o.
' tlO
\\7ANTKD ( lood llfo nsuranca solicitors
T T with bank references , are w anted by the
Union Life at 401 Merchants' national uunk
Inilldlug , Omaha , Ollico hours 8 to 10 a. m , and
ton p.m. mi
* l\7"ANTKD A man to solicit ; salary J100 per
T I mouth : must deposit Ml nnd give security
for money collected. Addtess Georgob. Clluo ,
Magucr block , Pea .Mulnua. lu. 6.15
via uo *
\\rANTKD-Talent for Illackvlllo . . . .
T * to take the load Doccmberlut. 'llueo la-
flics for specialty. I'luo gouts , old man and
lumody parts. People must have good voices
und fair dancers. All pcopln work In black
face. Call or address Alciide hotel , 1'ar o \
\vrANTKU-A younu girl for lioiiHenorlclu a
l > ainall family. B-U coiaer .Wd ana Cuming
ft. Oil 2U
ANT15D A gill for general housework at
2iU Douglas. 1127 27 >
_ _
WANTKD A girl of Hlxteen or seventeen
ytf-irs old to asalst In geusrul liouseuork.
Apl'ly. 11 JO Blicriuuu aye. _ bTJ 2j ;
IV" A NTH I ) A governeJ8 who can apeak
TV t'rcjich , ( iotnmil , uiul lit accomplished in
Vocal and IcatiuuicnUl miiblc. Aditresi llox 'M.
city. 4ia
to solicit ; must deposit $15
und give eecuilty for mouey collected.
Addresi U orge B. Cllue , > Vagnar block. Des
Ilolue * . Ift _ feJJ1
U * - > - " -1
I IIL for general liounework. Mrs. Tiios. I' .
G Hall , ] &lf Sherman ave. VM
\\7 ANTlTD-Ladv solicitor * . .Must motce'sina
Y tlepoilt. roultton prtrmnuent. Kilarv ttl'i
ptr wDutt , AldrtJ3 ( , K.JI , core lisa , tie d 3
. StlKLTON , 10lH.2nh * ti , cor. Dodge.
Kirst-class family hotel. Hoard anil rooms ,
Mngle or tnaulte , at reasonable prices. Infer
ences required , Those wishing rooms tor tna
winter , pleais apply noon. J. Campbell , 1'rop'r.
Foil first-class tfiblo bo rd apply nt I3H ! {
Sin rinnn ave S7n 2St
"T T.NOE HoomAtl 13and 1616 Capitol av ,
J V2 blocis from 1 0. , newly furnished , private
boarding house.plcasantrooms.all conveniences
iy ju
73 QA III ) aud rooms , 1813 Chicago st
JjTAI1LK boarders wnnt il , 1003 Douglas.
TAI1LK 811
ANTL'D-Tablft boarders at 1703 DoJasi
7J9 N W
_ E Nl P UO Y M E NT DURSAU3. . _
CANADIAN KmploynientniceT Mrr ( iTreRn ,
J 1 1 Vt S. Uth. Ke f ercuco Omah a. Nat lonal bank.
N' iilHASICIl : Kmnloj ment offlcc , 317 N
MM ills
\\rANrr.D A nvounc lady room mate by a
V > ludy , In rv suite of rooms over the Fair ,
609 8 13th. ( Vtt ! Mt
\\T A NT III ) Lidy cortpspondnnt. Object
Vi matrimony. Address , K 07 , Hou oince.
8M 27'
"IxrANTKD To do washlnii bv the day In prl-
Y > vate fiimllM. Address ( Cr.2. Hee. 73323'
\\rAN1I5D Young ladies and gentlemen to
know they cnn obtain n , thorough nnd
practical know Indpo of telegrnpnj. fitting themselves -
selves In n short tlmo for good paying positions
nt thfl I.lectrle Telcgrnpli school. HoomsMS
nnd r0 ! Pr-xton block , cor lOtU mid Tarn-mi st.
ENOAor.MKN'TS to do dross-mnKing in fam-
IHux solicited , MUs Sturdy , 2U17 l.en\en-
worth st. 781 2s *
" \\7ANTlJD-Ilorscs to winter ; new bnrn.
T good yard for exercise. Host of reference
given. Jolm Harard. lith and Onto. 4VJ2i ) *
T\/"ANTlD / : Horses to winter. T huvn nrcom-
11 niodations for 200 hiindied horaos nt
Omaha fair grounds , having largo yards for ex
ercising during the dny ; each Horse bus a largo ,
warm box stall at night. A. Thomson , Omaha
fair grounds , 3. > 7 d 11
WANT1JD HOMO ami buggy for winter for
their keeping. Inquire 1J18 l.'ariun. ] ; _
tC , i
" AIirN'llMl'SSliorthiucPano TypowritlnB
Institute , Now 1'uxtou bulldlur , Onifthn ,
Neb 'I ho only tfxcluslvo , legitimate shorthand
sellout In tnu state. lori ) u hundred gradu
ates in good situations. Tlio hchool is unilor
the man.igoniont of C. C. Valonllnn.olllclal Rlcn-
ogranhoi of the Jd Judicial dlstrlitof Nebiaaka ,
nnd I'rof. II. It. lloylos , an experienced teacher
\uibitimicpoiter Day nnd c > cnlng SPS-
slons. Htudcnts can enter at any time. Komi
foi circulars. - ! " l 1)15
II : AI/Ij I'or society purposes ; one night n
week. Address , 1 2 , lice. > 'J
WANTIJD 7 or8 loom lioasc , nil modern
convenlcnres State locution and rout Ad
dress K ! il care llee. 71'J 2S
FOli IIIINT-n-ioom rottncn , city nnd feott
water , SiSpoi niontli , "JJ1 DcciUurst.
9M 30 *
711(0 ( HUNT Nice o-room cott.ige , splendid
- location , 810 per month. Co Opoiatlvo I and
and Lot Co. . 205 K 10th st. Hill HO
T710II UIINT AiitceSroom cottage , well lo-
X1 cnted. JIO per month. Coopetutlvo Land 4.
Lot Co. , 200 N loth st. 01" JO
FOU HIINT-Cott.igo , 411 Convent f.t. Innulrc ,
1323 Juckaou at. 75 < iiOt
FOll llTlNT 7-room house , 15 : ) Jackson.
IIU1 : *
" 171O11 IlKNT I'nrt of house , f urnlshoil or un-
-t ? fmnlshed 9JU 2'.l
- , 1720 Capitol u\o , *
,011 , UI'.NT B-room house , $11. G. K. Thomp
son. Sli Sheoley block. D3S
BIIAUTH'lILS-iooin homo , gas' , city water ,
hath room , hot aim cold witer , on pu\i > < l
stieets with street car , near a goo 1 school , only
$ .15 per mouth. Tlio hoiibo : s new. Apply at
onto. C. K. llarridou Mercnams Nat. banK.KO
NIJW house of7 looms. In gooa locality , barn
for four horses. i'M j > er month. Apply at
once. C.I' . Hurilaon. Merchants'Nat. oank.
T71OH HUNT Some very dcslrablo now mod
J cm houses , * Jto $ JO per month. J. 11.1'nr
lotte , 1IXN1 Chicago st. Wl 2
'TT1OH HUNT Ulcgant ten-loom brick rosl-
JJ donee , furnace , electric boll" , hot and cold
water on three lloors , including sanitary , newly
papen-d. Apply WJ S. lull , between St. Muiy'n
avenue and Leitxouworth. bv9 29 *
FOK HUNT A doom lint , llrst lloor , over
1617 Howard st. Inquire C. * . Shaw , 1015
HowtuUst. Wi
OH HUNT r.legnnt lioii'o , steam heat. etc.
luqulie 172 ; ] Diuenpoit at. 8b2 .K
TTlOtt HUNT lly Dec. 10th or nth. 0-ioom cot-
-IJ tago on 25th nnd CumliiB sts , in good re
pair ; rent reasonable. Inquho , WS S Ihth st ,
or 1)37 21th st. btO : ) t
Foil HUNT Nino-room house , all modern
Impro\emi3iits , J15 per month , tltl 1st of
April , Inqulie on premises , cor. 10th nnd 1'ar-
iinm- 831 2 t
TT1O11 KENT IIouso and bnrn.IIan > .rom place.
-I-1 Hams , room 411 , Flist Nut'l bk bldg. 8UO
T7TO It"HRNT No. 1411 B. 7th ave. , n nlco 5-
JH room house In good lopair : rooms newly
papered and painted ; nice yard ; Una clsteui
water. Itout W5 a month. I'osac'islon given at
once. Apply to Hell's 10th st. pharmacy.
EOH IlKNT NIconcw cottage , 112.50 : ) looms
upstairs , 810 ; : i rooms upstairs. US. 8. 20th
St. , south of tracks. U'lico. ulbcn , loom 1 , Cou-
tinental block , 15th aud Douglas. 809 20
" | 7Hll HUNT T-roomed now house wIth largo
JL1 collar.clty water and bath.Apply 281 Frank
lin t. 810 It
_ _ _ _
TJtOH 11RNT rurnlahoil cottage of 7 rooms ,
JL1 compluti ) for housHkeoplng ; location cen
tral ; lefoienco iOinlred , Netherton Hall
room 423 , l-lrst Nationallland. 828 !
FOH HUN'T 0-rooni cottage on full lot , tie-
sliablo location , well , cistern and city watur.
Inquire 222 N.2lth ) at. 7bO 1 *
lOll HUNT A ten-room house , on nw cor.
nth and Capitol me , one block from busi
ness. Hooms can bo rented and pnv the rent ,
hulled for boardeis. See Ur. Nijvllle , nw cof ,
Douglas and Hth. 7192) )
H for rent. J. W. 1'ead.
764 20 *
1T10H HUNT S-room modern improved liousu
J.1 A 1 locality. . Itent moderate. Apply , M , nt-
guttn , UUl I'mium st. "JJ
KIJN'1 8 reduced , II to 10 room IIOUBOS nil paits
otclty. J. II. I'arrolte , IWXI Chicago.
_ [ _ _ 743dB
FOH HKNT-Hy lloswortli .t Joplln. HarKor
block , a , 4 , B , 0 , 7 , f. 0. 10. 11 , H-room houses
in all parts of the cltv. 690
5 HOOM lioiwo , 8. 2ltti st , , near shot tower.
T7IOH HKNT Now H-room house vith all mod-
Jern liupioveuit'iits , cor. Hickory and Georgia
YC , pnco tin. LiKjiilro 121J Le.ivcnvvorth at
T7IOH HKNT One of these 10 room houses In
J. ' Park Teiruce , cor. llimscom purK , all mod-
uin Impiovemeuts , to par mouth , Inqulin Lee
A. Nlc'hol , 2athana Leavonworth. _ bw
"TTIOH HKNT IlouheS rooms 22J1 Ca g Bt , cot
JL1 taie5ioonis ; loth ami Hickory , Inqulie loom
COS. Siieoloy blk. m
"ITIOH HUNT 4-rcKim nouio on S. ICtll St. , two
JL1 blocks south of Vlntuu si. ; will rout for 110
per month or sell on teims to suit purchaser.
Ueo. J. blernadorff room 0 , opposite V. 0. OU
* IT1OH HKNT Ilou8e.s-T rooms , 28th aud Hai-
J. ' uey : 10 rooms , 2Ut and Locust ; 7 looms ,
12th and Jones ; U looms , 19th and Martha.
Llnulmn \ Mahoney , 1'axtou block. Hit
TT10H HKNT-room House 'and burn , if iTror
JL' 2ath ave and Webstoi st , $ Ji ) per month. lu-
quire 005 I'axtou block. I' , J. Creadon. 621
StOOM framc No , 2B10 Ilamilton Et. , $27.r.O.
Leavltt llurnhum , No. 1 Crelgiiton block , Wi'J
TllOH HUNT When you wish to rent a house ,
JU store or olllce call on us. 11 , ] { . Cole , room
0. Continental block. tU
TTIOH UKNT 6-room house , 24 U , T-rooni lioimV
-U St i I'opplclon a-ir. Qeo. I. Gilbert , With.
uell b'J'u. _ 610
171(111 ( HKNT ID-room house with Mourn heat ,
.1 ? nf.'UI H. 21th ht. O. K. Thompson , hlieely
block. 15th and Howard uts. _ yj |
1T10H HKN'l New 9-rooni house , all modern
JJ Improvement ! ) , 23d nnd Chicago ata. , tent
reasonable. Inquire 1113 1' at. ( "J
iTlOHTllINT-i-roora hoaso , IS38. 1'llu
K Wl DQt
" | 7\OH \ IlKNT O-ixjom liousf. rlly water , No.l\10
J 1 1'aclliost. Inquire i > t IWJ Ilovvunl. t
batb room ; coodbain :
UJl Daveiipi'i-t . ; luqiilr 'JU Cap av vo
Frtn HRNT ItotHM , storel and fiats : frott
8M to tXQ per month , to desirable tenants ,
7 room honao , with stable , J5) .
Broom flat , bath , gas , etc , ro.
Store. ] ; Park ATC , with basement , Inclusive
of water. tW.
0 room house , Sill Chicago st. , J50.
nroom homo , stable , etc. . f-M.
frtorc rooms on St , Mary's ave , 112 to IS.
Two splendid 14 room residences , furnices ,
ranRO' , mantel , laundry , very desirable loca
tion , ITS nnd iv > .
11 room residence 2112 Cass st , 870.
Nine room house on Snundcrs n ar 1'ratt
street , hot and cold water , bnth nnd closet ,
stable for two horses , Snren room lious tame
location , city water , good stable , Both houses
very desirable ,
C. K. Mayno , HaM Estate & Trust Co.
_ _ SSI _
1OH HKNT-At very low rctes. 10 and 14 now
i1 rc9ldenc , 2404 and 2114. Cass street. Clarke
I'Juce. Oan block south of Crelchton college , on
J'srnum ftUfl 21th street car line. All modern
Improvements. rrT.r , U , T. ClarU Union Trust
Co. . or at 242J cass straet c"
1710H HUNT Hou eof8room , 23d and Casa.
JInqulie lloom MM. Sheeley block. a51
NKWLY furnliliid roours iuriu ce"ba't
621 a lOthit. I'ji
1TIOH HUNT Ono nicely furnished front room
J-1 for housekeeping ; also , 'looms for $12 ; 2101
Decntur st y'l if ) *
1DLK ASANT room and board , No. nifl 3 22nd
Jst. . Hot nnd cold water , gas and furnace. ;
HKNT Furnished rooms , 1201 Tarnum
_ 1)1 ) J 4 *
A t.AHOK elegant south room vsry ulcoly
tiirnlshod ; fiirnnco heat and ever ) modern
convenience , fjiio-hnlf block from cable cms.
2107 Douglas St. Kl'J
TTIUHNISllKDiooni with board In prlvnto
J. ' family. ( Ins , bnth and furnace bent In house.
New cublo line. 21JI i-evvard st. 1)50 )
FOH HIINT rurnlshed trout room , steum
heat , every convenience , live minutes from
1 * . O.Ill ) Douglas st. Most desirable location
In city. _ 918 U ) *
OH HKNT Suit rooms , Stonm licnt , Sultn-
nble for four gentlemen , 004 8 10th tl , second
end floor , OJO 3 *
FI'ItNISHUD rooms with boaid It desired.
Modem conveniences , 1'Jll Douglas st..m .
\.m \ 4 >
Fl'HNISIIKD looms , boaid It desired 1027
Cass tfti 2i *
F(1H ( HKN'T Deslrablo furnished looms ; now
house ; nllmcderucoaveuleucos ; nlso board
210 S. 2ith st.
TTIUHNISIir ! ) loo'ii for rent ; modern con-
JL venlences and Hi st class board. 2uin Dounlas.
_ _ 778 JOJ ; _ _
PUHNISIIHD south fiontioom , 190I rainnm.
701 dlt
FOH HT.NT Lnrgo , nicely furnlahod south
room ; steam heat ion Douglis. 03J-2i
F PUNISHED front looms with BUS. nnd
bath. In private family. Hetercitces 10-
qllllod. 2110 Dodge , bll-21) ) *
FritNISHED Hoom Verj' pleasant , li tji )
south trout room lu most detlrnlilo part of
city , 7 oloiks from 1' . O , on cable line. Itent
roii-ounble. Hoard If dealt ed. 2010 Davenport.
_ I'Jl ' 2l ) { _
"I/IOH HKNT i in nlshed rooms with bath gas
J atid Iieat122.7 Dodge at. 23J
_ _
IfOlt HKNT S nice rooms for gentlemen 310
per mouth ; . ) rooms oil suite , f mulshed or
unfurnished , tOUcoi. 18th and Leavenvv 01 th I
840 20
jr-OH nr.N'T-Honms suitable for two gentle-
JJ men , bteam heat. 172J D.ivonpoit st.
_ BHG n
\T1CELY fuinlsheil rooms with mi' . , hotnnd
-L > cold waloi , cheap. 01N 17th bt. 8'Jt yo *
I Alton front loom with Final ! room adjoin-
Jlnp , steam heat mid modern conveniences ,
2JI7 Douglas. 002 21'
ifTlTUNlSIIKD or unfurnished rooms , 1110
JL Dodue st. ne\t block to pnstolllce , fiom 41
upwaids. lucjulro room 8 or H2J Douglas st ,
room 2. iKJlcl O
1TII KNISIIUD room for two gentlemen ; day
Jc boaid ; 22J N 1'tthst ,
DKSIH.VnLi ; f mulshed loom , 2210 Davenport
St. 773 3Ut
ITiOH HUNT rurnlshed sleeping room. tSup-
JL1 ward , payable wceKly or mouthy. t03 How-
urd 775 2s *
FOH HUNT Nicely furnished rocms.nll mod
em couv em-nces mid the best accouimodu-
tlous , to mat-class people only , 2JOj ruiimm st.
7 i not
JJ10H HKNT--J or 0 rooms at 003 N 13th st.l
1JOOM.S with boatd , 17W ( Dodge. Itefoiences
XXoxchanged. 70U 2S *
AVL'NUII rooms , at 1(313 ( and ] B15 Capitol ave. ,
are cheapest llrst class family rooms in'city.
'M 20 *
TTIUHNISI1ED front room , $3. 1311 Davenport
TTIOH HKNT Furnished room. Heat , gnsand
J bath. 110 S. 25th. 04J
TIWO fiont rooms In one of the finest resi
dences In the city , centially located , feteam
heating , gas , with use of bath room , on Dec. 1 ;
references i oqulred. Address 1C 13 , Hoo. D14
A SOUTH pallor nnd oedroom , suitable for a
lady and gentleman , or two or three" gentlemen -
men ; moderate teims and Urat-clahs board.
25.19 St. Mary's 405
NICKLV furnished rooms all modern con
veniences , also board , 1009 Douglas. 311
T710H IlKNT A large front room , newly fur-
JL' nlshed , south front , cheap , corner 17th and
Cumlugs sts , northeast corner. 393
"ITIOH HKNT Nlcelv furnlsned rooms , slnglo
-L or on suite ; board If desired : 1811 Cumlug.
EL1IOANT front nnd back parlors , furnished
Niiltablo for2 gentlemen or man aud wife ,
modern conveniences 10U9 Douglas at , 927
"OOOM8 with stoves * 1 per week or $ .1.50 per
XV month. 602-4-0 S lEtli st. 452 iU.
ITIOH KENT Furnished rooms in Qreunls bit
JJ cor. 13th aud Dodae sts. Inquire of deo. H. .
Davis. Jlillard hotel billiard room. C17
LAHGI ! pleasant loom , furnished , brick flat.
1110 Chfcagosr 4C5
FOH HUNT 2 large unfuimshed looms , IMS.
1'uclllc st. 877 2Jt
3 NICE nnfunilshcd rooms , 1U02 rarnam st.
KU-'ij *
FOH HHNT I'nfuinlshed rooms Three rooms
In I'ltch block , cor. Woolworth and Park
avenues , water , gas , huth and all Inside conven
iences. Knqulrti at south cor. of Hat , up stairs.
TT1OH HKN'IV-D chambers convenient for house.
JL.1 keeping to a man and wife without children. J
blocks fiom postofllce. Jl ! ) N 17th. C'JO d2t
rTNrUHNISHEi-Sultablflfor nousBKeepmi , ' .
O Throe fl ) looms 1JJ7 N. 2 th st 12 M
ronrOlroiims , 41J H. luthst 27 WJ
1htco < 3) ) room cottage iu alloy llthnnd Chi . . .
cuyobts . . 1000
Three iJ ) rooms , 110S S. 7th st 10 00
'Hui'iM.Diooms. lu.'riN..0th : fit 1000
'ihrce.1)rooniH.lOUi ( ) N.20thst 11 00
' 1 hiee.llooms. ( ) lOltfN , 21stst 10 0
'llireoCJtoonis. . 707 I'aclllo st 11 M )
I'our ( lioonis ) , 1704 VVebsternt 1020
Jiulgii Iteming Agency , s. vr. tor. lUrnov and
litli Hts , Hooui 1. up stairs. 23i
ITU ) ! ! HKNT Now Btoie. tth and IMorce. suit-
J. able for grocery. Will leuso to right pcibou.
1' . 1C. Dai ling , 1521 Fainiun. mo iflj
1DAHT of phyolclan's ollicofor icnt vciy low.
Physician or dentist preferred. Inquire ,
Hoom . 'i , Iron bank. y.i 29E
TTIOH HUNT Cheap. 3 large stoics aud 7 room
JL1 Hats ; South luth near Wlllluuiftt. Unquire
lames fully , on prcmUes , or Llnuhun iV Muho-
ItlivT-Solllcurooms In Ilcdlck's block ,
1509-riil rnrnnni et , on2d lloor ; one oUlce ,
east front , on 2d lloor , over Omaha Hanking Co.
bank. cor. I5tU st ami Ilurney st. Innulro at
1511 ruuum bt. , loom 8 , Paulson & Co. t'.rl
T7IOH HUNT One store-room , one bakery , cor.
J-1 1'urk . and Wonlworth
- nve. ave. Jiiquliu
'I hos. r. Hall , fil7 1'uxton building. _ 138
T71 0 H HCNT Storeroom , No. 211 3. Hill Bt. An-
J } i'Unt 1110 lloMarclst. _ 831
TTIOH H Birr 3 stoios on 10th and r.eavea
J worth , apply llauk of Om.ilia. 019
T Oir'ltKNT-Ilrlclc stoie , list above , 21th nnd
J- Hamilton , doblralila bu lneas location. Lea-
> lit llurnham , room 1 , Crolghton block , 00)
T7UH KENT OQlce suite (25 month , 2 elngla
Jofllces f 15 each , all fronting ICth st. , Iluau-
man block , N. 12. Cor. loth aiiu DouglaJ. W. M.
Mil Lea\enwortU , f"l
GKO , J.l'nul , I'M Tarn , st. Houses , stores ,
etc , fur tent , iw
\\TK give attention to renting and col-
I T lectlne rents , list with us , II. K. Cole , room
6 , Coialnoutitl block. B.'i
GEOHGK J. STKHNBDOHKF , roomO , opp. I1.
( > . . w 111 her af ter civ npacUl attention to
renting homes , stores and Hats. It you want
your property rtmtod without delay and to rell-
ub ) tuottiU , do nut ( all to list tuo s mo with
him. W
IT TOD wnntyour ttoai5Tntrt ! jitnet them
With BenniTit & Co , U'li opposite po < tofnc .
AOOOD runultiB blncksmlth shop for rent
cheap on M and I'upulcjon ave 0 Madacn.
< 0182m
_ | f _
FOR RENT Cheap LJlMe a large livry
bjirn. toro room n nil three living rooms ,
&OxlO feet , nnrt accomnicwWlnij ome 00 Uors ,
good location for store , oh Dodge tt. this th\o of
the Dolt line , Omtiha , tnaJj a will rent cheap to
responsible parties. W , CB VatighnnW Par >
nam gt , Omaha. HJat gfcdli )
STHAYUD-Bunday , Nov. 25 , small bay
horse- , depressed rlrirt hip , strap Around
nock , Howard paid for msreturt to 1410 far-
nnm fct. John ma. M71
_ _
C.T Jl y inl > ro "ony , snddlo mark on
TAKftri 1 eo. T. tnrA J loronco , Nebraska.
oct so-n-e-1'i 20-27 *
UHOHTIIAND nnd. typo-writlnB-Stiticrlor
fj advantages In these branches nt the
Omaha Commercial college , opp. I * . O. ,
cor 1'th nnd Jlodgc , Scores , of uradimtes In
good positions. Students complete manual In
ten doj s nnd ou to 1D > words per minute In three
months. lle t tenclu-rlii the state. I'ractlcnl
ollico ill 111 given students free Dictation live
hours dally. Dny nnd evening sessions. Hnpld
dictation for reports nt night. Tor circulars
wilte Hohrbough llros. , Oinnhn , Neb.TO3D20
Nlf"MILLION Ao'ffns-stock nieliTliftotr.
tlou. ' 1 ho Union PncIHc Hallway company
olfcr for lenso one million acres best grnzlng
lands In eastern nnd central Colorado for n
period of one or two years.
Will len e In quantities of not less thnn four
sections to one imrty.
All applications subject to the npprox al of the
gencial laud comtuUslcmcr , nnd must be made
on or befoto Dec.20,1KB.
for particulars ns to terms nnd location of
lands address , mentioning this pnpor , II Mc-
Allaster , Land Commlssloiier U.I' . H'y , Oinaliii ,
-pEHSONALr-lt jou navoa personal itenf , or
JL any communication , drop It lu cma of The
Bee's messnga boxoa. 106
FOH SALU Cheap ; furniture of 4. loom , city
water , rent 410. ul8N27thht. 1)17 ) CO *
EOH SAL13 A superior McAllister-make
stercoptlcon or mnglc Innlern , with tB select
OWR. Addiess , No. 8j2 , cor 23d nnd rariiam st ,
Omnhn. l > 2d 28 (
-J710H SALH Cheap , a No. 1 fanillv
-U jouug and gentle. Inquire , 101 M lllth st.
POH SALU At u sacrifice. 7".ro .s nnd feed ;
easy terms ; owner dead , must be hold. Ad
dress N. C. M } crt ? , Somerset , Neb. tr.iMIJ
"EpOll 8 VL ! * Toy and holiday goods nt lest
-t/ / than wliolesalo value to cloau out stock : bl
baignlus for country meichauts. Addrc s318
t , , Omuliii. Neb. 79 1 30 *
FOll BALK-rinpR-yr. biy horse , 110J ibs.
harness , low phaeton and cutter , nil nearly
new , Or will exchange for house and lot clear
01 with small Incumbranco , The Gothum clgai
store , 213 tlutli bt. 7 J
STOCK of gioceilo * . fl\iurei > , teams and do-
llvory wagons , moitgnzeo's sale. 112 N ICth ,
FOH SALE-Ono fresh milk cow. MllDocn-
t u r a 11 d 34 th s t. Ml 12s $
PIANO for sale or trado-lnmiire , Hoom 312 ,
I'axlou block. { . on
FOK SALK 2 cook stovWaud t parlor stoves
2011 St. Mary's avo. 1"3
Foil SALE or trade N6w two tcated car-
lingo and iinglo t6p ttucgy , Solby , 15J1
Farnam. * , IT5
A CABINET giand upright piano , llrst-c'lass
mnke. for sale nt : i sicrlllce. only mod ono
year , part cash ami part tlmolf desliort Ad-
ditos 11 10 , earn Hce. 7U dl
FOH BALC Veiy line family lioiso nud
phaaoti at your own price. Inquire room 210 ,
rirst National Hank. J ! > 70
T\HES3M MCINCi Miss M. A. Bhlno Is pre-
J-'pared to do fashionable dressmaking at
most moderate prices nt JIT N 10th st. Dl dSf
AHSTKACTS I.lnalian & , Mahoney , room 600 ,
Paxton block. 4i-
TIHK banjo taught as an art by Geo.P , Gellon-
buck , 31 So. luth St. 182
LADIES Moles and superlluous hair on the
face or neck removed , nnd the roots In-
stnntly killed by the electric needle process ,
leaving no marks or scars. 1'oMtlN ely the only
permanent lemedy. Mrs. Dr. Packard , 1S2J St.
Mary's a\e. Weaucsdnys and iburbdnys only.
AOKNCV American Iliiildlng nnd Loan asso
ciation , the lending building society of the
United States. Authorized capital 550,000,000.
HiarclOO each , pajablo 00 cents per month
each , Subsi rlbo for Miarcs at J33 S KltUst. M.
A. Upton , pics't local board. 493
P UINT1NO , Mcllrlde 4. Hyan. 1510 Dodg .
Mi 1JUIDK KYAN , printing , 1510 Dodgo.
l)7d9 !
NO. MTLDOON & Co.,315 8.10th St. ; 10 stem >
cutters , lite lineal foot , Colorado bandstoue ,
TVIIDLANT ) Guarantee and Trust Co. , IWi 1'ar
J.'J"-nam Complsto abstracts furnished , & titles
to real astato examinedporfoctoil & guaranteed.
"ENSONJcCAHMICIfARL furnish complete
JJ ucl guaranteed abstracts of title tto any
real estate In Omaha and Domjlai county upon
short notice. The most complete set of abstract
tools in the city. No. 1509 1 arnam st. C23
S' TORAOU-Mcrchandlse. 319 boutll 10th st
S TOU AGE At low rates at 1121 1'iirnain st.
Omaha Auction \ Storage Co , Uj
QTOHAGE Household goods 3l'J ' South 10th
mitACKAQR , ntorsga , lowe t rates. W. M
Jlluahinau , nil l.eavenwortli. _ CJ-J
T\7ANTii-Toljn7l : or 2 "liorsesT
' lively ilg , good and cheap , Address L 13 ,
Dee olllce. WJ 30 *
\\rANTni-Onoupilght piano of standard
T I miimc , Nnme inakt r. price , tetms. and
to be been , Audiess , LO , lice ofllco. 87J 29
HOHSK wanted foTiuiit driving during win-
toi. Ilex o"j p. o , _ fcUt
WANTRD Fumlturo , carpets , stoves and
household goods of all kinds , OiuahaAuc
tion & btorago Co. , ll'il 1'urnam. _ 1.15
" to loan on lurauure. . ,
without removal , or on collttrral socuilty ,
Business btrlctly conlldenuGkl. A. K. Greenwood
& Co. , It 1 Cunningham Liltl cor. 13tli& Jackson ,
_ _ _ _ H _
rpTti : CentioT'r oanTTstfkt Co , No lGll KaT-
Jnnm ht. , hn\eu Biieclhl fund of 1 li)5uoo ) to
loan nt unusually low rates of Intel est on choice
Omaha or Council Illulfs property. 80 : 30
MONIJy to loan on Improved city property or
for building puiposo-i ; lowest rates ; no
delay. Mutual inve&tmont Company , jooiu I ,
llaiker block , 15th and l-'uq am , &M
] \ | ONHYto Loan On Omiha and South Oma-
J.'l ha property , C. r. Harrison , Merchants' Na
tional bank. 7J7
MONBV to Loan Lowest rates. Loans closed
promptly , II. U. Cole , Houm 0 , Coutlneutal
Illock. 009
S I'IIC IAL fund , f Si'oCO ' to wan at 0 percent iiT-
Intoiust ou Omaha rekl fcatate. Call at once ,
. 1 * . Hammond , room ' . ' , linker blk. U1U-
rtWO/XXl-fl per cent , Money to lo in on | m-
CDprovcd farinA or city property. James A.
woodman , at the old lira Insurance olllcu of
Muri'hy & Loyett. 2 S Uth at. _ 64 1
TyJN'T borrow money on furniture , Dorses ,
.l./wagona , etc.untll you Imro Keen C. II. Ja
cobs. roam 410 , 1'irat Natloual bank bulldlnsr ,
cor. 13th and rariiam 012
TirONKV Loans negotiated at Ion- rates with-
I'l out delay , and purchase good commercial
nnd mortgage notes. B , A , Slomun , Cor.
iui and 1'uniaiu. 4JJ
_ _
M ON RV to Loan unreal estate and diattel
eecurltr. Money without delay. Western
Land and Loan exchange , HTH. 10th st.
Cl'iit ; CENT money to loan-Cash on hand
Vf. M. Harris , room 20 , 1'reuzer block , opp.
TKMOVr.D-To room flOS. 1'lrst National bank
iVbuliaitifc' . NBH Uiitflaud Ivoatl and Trust Co ,
_ _
GW PKCK loans money , cash on hand , f500 ,
00) , can bo placed on city and farm prop
erty fit lowest rutotnilldlne : loans u specialty
Hooui i , freuwr block. OI > P V U. Oil dU *
LOANS m&d on city property.
collat ral security , mortgage * 1
ball , Champ & nyan Hoom 6 , U.
MONEY * to loan on furnitnr * . borsei , wagons ,
to. , or on any npprored security , J , W.llob-
bins , H. 200 Sneoly bit , 15th and Howard. 643
ET. 0001C loans money at fl percent on loans
of * 10w and upwards. Hrlng abstract of
title and save delay. im Douglas. 410dl4t
MONEY to lonni cash ou hand.Mio dnmy , J.
W. S5nulro , 121 Farnam st , i'lwt National
Mink Ijiillding. _ CM
M" ? V to loan on Improved ronl
eavltt narnham , Crelghtou block. 617
G O\Dclty and farm onus wanted by A. K.
Ullcy. Ult tMraam. 6.53
iAL citato loan ) , lovroit rates , OJill llros.
. . 3138. 18th st. Bjq
OAVSmndeon ronl estate nnd mortgftio
bougnt. Lewis S , Heed , VCo. , U-'l Karnnm.
MOJfr.Y to loan. O. P. Davis Co , real estate
arid loan ngent ; . 1503 1ft main st. _ 013
500.000 to Tb4n at o j ? C nt ; I.lnalmu & Mahoney -
$ honey , room tiOfl. Pmtou bioct. Iffl _
KWMOVKD-To room 3W. Plrst National bank
building. 1'roudent Trust .Co. Oil _
TV/rc / N'UV to leant long time. George J , 1'nul
It-LlCtfJ rarnain t 631
13 1'lLDlNQ loans. Lluaban it Mnnonov
O YOU want to borrow money f
Head Ihls ,
It will save > outline.
It wlllsu\oyou money.
Von can borrow from
n. V. Masters ,
succe sorto W.H. Croft.
room 4 , Withne Ibld'n . 15th and Haruay sts.
$10 , JJ ) , fiW , 1100 , tSOu. 50tl.WJO ) , $1W.K ) , HO.OOO.
In fact any sum you want on furniture , piano s
horses , mules , wagons etc. . on easier terms and
nt low or rates tnan at ilnv ether ollico In the city.
without publicity or removal of property from
your possession.
If an Installment Is duo on your property nnd
you cannot , call anil ECO mo. I wilt pay
it toi you. If vouiia\o a loan In ntiv other of-
lice , c ill nnd get my rated. 1 w 111 take It up nnd
cnrry It for you ,
I mnke loans for one to sit months nnd you
can pay a part at any time , i e Juclug both pr In-
clpiil and Intel est ,
Alllonna lencwcd nt original rates nnd no
charges for pipers.
All business strictly coutldcntlnl. Cull and
Don't forget the number.
Hoom 4 , Wltlmcll block. 425
PKOPLTVS Financial rXclmngo-Tho fairest.
JL quietest , most llbcinl money exchange In
the city ; loans made w Ithout deluy or publicity.
In any amount Inrgo or small , at the lowest
rates of Interest , on any n\alli\hle socially ;
loniui may bo paid ut any time or renewed ut
original i ales. O , Houscarcn , mgr , room MCJ ,
llai keiblk , Jlth and rarnam. _ 703
MONEY to loan In any amount , either for
building or otherwise , at lowest rates of
Inteicstand on short notice. I ) V. Slioles , room
210 1'lrst Nat'l bnuk. cor. 13th and rainaiu. 104' ' )
DO YOU wunt to borrow money ? If you have
diamonds , watches or Jewelry and doslro to
eifect a loan on favorable terms In astilctly
private and confident ! U maiiuar , or should you
want a loan on furniture , horses , cairlagos ,
laud contracts or personal property of any de
scription , you can hao money advanced at
lowest rates of Interest and ampin time to pay
by calling on or sending postal curd to the
° JUIllln Moitgago Loan Co.
\ " ° loan out our own money , make out our
own papers and pay no commission , thus giv
ing the beUOllt to the bonower.-
OuTiaciiitlos aiosuch that wo can accommo
date you in n prompt and confidential man-
nei , giving yOu /air honorable and courteous
All loans renewed at original rates.
We will pay oT any mortgage younowhavo
and gh o you long time and io\r \ rates ; will loan
any sum fiom ifJ5 to 81,000.
Commercial and 1st mortgage paper bought.
Omnhn Mortgage Loan Co. , looms 217 and 21S
1'lrst National Hank building. _ tC3
rilillS Umalia Klnnnclnl nxclmnKO. Hoom 15 ,
O. llnrker Hlock , southwest corner of Farnnm
and lutb sts
Makes a specialty of short-time collateral
and real ostnte loans.
Money always on hand In sums of $100 and
upwards to any amount , to loan on approved
Secure'd"otes bought , gold or exchanged ,
Cleirreal estate and cash to exchange for
good flist orsecoud mortgages.
made upon land contracts , stocks ,
bonds , tiust deeds , Mr-,1 or second mortgage 33-
curlty , w Ithout publicity , delay or rod tnpo.
Financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly aud fairly. Kooin 15. IJarker
block Corbett. Manager. _ OJl
1"3koi'LK'S Tlunnclal Ilxchango Lnrgo nnd
flinall loans foi long nnd short time , nt low
est rates of Interest , ou real estate , mortg-igo
note . chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches
tind Jewelry. Don't fall to call if you want fair
and cbeap accommodations , O. Itouscnren ,
mgr , loom COJJ Uatker blk , I5th and rurnnm.
a 70s
to loan ou lionsaliold furniture , pianos
anos , hoisos. wagons and other personal
property ; also on mortgage pnper nnd contracts
as collateral secuuty ; cash always onlnnd : lib
eral extensions granted ; business transacted
falrly.quletly nnd promptly. The Fairbanks In
vestment Co. , S W cor IStli i Douglas , upstilrs.
MONEY to loin on Improved property at first
hands. No applications sent uway for ap
proval. Security and titles examined free of
charge o bonowers , Lombard Investment
company. 30J S lth'5t. _ 6J7 _
rPO LOAN 1'ioin one to two hundred thous-
JL and dollais or Minuller sums promitly , east
ern capital alwajs on hand che ip. Philadelphia
Moitnago and IrustCo. , Cioo. W. 1' . Coates , u
board of trade. 038
BY to Loan In amounts to suit ou col
lateral and personal pocmlty at treasonable
rates business strictly confidential Nebraska
Blortgago Loan Co.rooms BIS & 519 1'nxton Illilg
D .182-d 1J.
FO H-S A LU My restaurant , situated at 3:2
North Irfth st , doing u good buslnosh. Will
poll cheap for cash If taken within the ne t 15
01 XU days , as 1 want to go south. H U. Lewis &
Son. Oit
IJIOH SA Li : rirstcliiss cigar stand. Co Opei-
JL1 utlvo Laud and Lot Co , 2lo N Kith bt.
1119 30
TTIOH HKNT Fmnlshed rooms , good locution ,
L1 gas and heated with fuinuce. 110 S 25tli
live. 017 not
FOH SALR-Comploto set of butcher's tooH
nnd fixture * fern first class ment market.
Iluyer can have benefit of loiutlon nnd ttude.
Must leave city nt ouc-e , account 111 health. H.
H. Qlilnn , 17108 20th st. _ 9529t |
FOH SALII Or trade , for Omaha or fcoutli
Omntia property , unliicumbeied , a line
young diivlnghorsu and light buggy. Ilxcel-
lent outilt. Address. 1C 70. llee. 937 23t
THOH BALE A stocK of millinery , nnoiftnu ,
J- and set of carpenters tools , can be bought nt
n bacilflco as It Is compulsary for owner to hell.
Apply AMI Cumins st. _ HI. I *
Ti ANTKII-lMitncr w ith SKO to J15I ) for light
i r nnd easy buslnobs , largo piollts and quick
siies. Addrej * 11. o. box li-l'J ' Itoutrlcc , Neb.
9J1 2St
IT some growing concern desires to nssoclnto
with themselves a young , active business
man fiom tlm east , with unveil yearn1 successful -
ful business experience , university education ,
nnd u feiv thousand dollars , please nddiess L
3 . Oniiiha Hoc. _ UIU'S *
GKNTS furnlsniug store tor mlo ; best locp
tlon In the city , on good terms ; uunworut
once Address L 1Ileo olllcu. 910 gtt *
l ; rlEht party can oecuro a controlling In-
tcrtst In one of the beat enterprises lu Ne
braska by answering this advertisement ; no
cxperltm nt ; la aheady a success. Cash roqulied
about W OOli , or will take well secured paper ,
Address Immediately. L8 lice olllce. lUi St
Jewelry store for Rale. Ilest location
hi tlio city. Address , ItCO , lloo Otlhu.
bm 2 *
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
iriult HKNT Fuuilshed bar room , ut the
JL1 Co/zens hotel , Address M , J. rrunclvprop.
7i I
WK winli to rmploy a reliable tnan in your
county. No experience required ; peima-
nont position for throe > oara , balary incn\iacd
each yenr , Light , eisy. genteel business. Money
advanced for salary , advertising , etc. Largest
inanuf'rs In our lino. ICntlosn 2 cent. No
postals Centennial MTg Co , Cincinnati , O ,
l ij ! b9
All A Hi : Chnnce A bulldins and machinery
for enlo , HUH been limning for nix months ,
doing a good puj lug business In manufactui lug
furniture. Can be bougnt cheap. Tor terms
liiqulre of Thou. LOP , ( iraiid iHlmiil. B9128
TTIOH tjALH A f-tock of general merchandise
Jlu one of tlic bo > .t towns on tlm J 'turnout.
IHkhoni i Ml.isoui 1 Valley rallioad ; atcckwlll
luiolce alwiiit SI I. COO ; yearly sales { JQ.OTO. Tor
piirtlcnlars address. J , II. Vanllaasbock. 1're-
mont. Neb. _ 750 d'i'
FOK BALI : A small aud well-assoited drug
f ick , Including i legiint llxtures.nt n bargain
If taken hoon. Can be moved to advantage. Ad-
dreii Immediately A. Urowa , cure dtu&ff & > tore ,
213N2itli | 7U
_ _ _
1710H SALP.JI3.000 Block of hardware for
.1. ' hnle , doing a xplendld liualnesj , U locp.ted In
one of tlio best UIWIIH lu the filule , 'Jhofitock
IB clean and lu good fehnpe ; the reason for boil
ing. other business occupying my lime. Part
tush and bankable paper for balance. Address
K 4 1 llee olllce. ' C5.I '
3' ( JANplnconUoutll.uiJU on llrat mortiuge ; at
goodlnt ei e stand ou good locurlty , l > II.
Bmeaton , UM Lor block. 607
AHK A I , clianco for eood busluusa vvltu l , 'JtH
to Jl.WJ , to become partner in tlrut class
cash bu luu 3 , Addr 34 1C 10 , Ileo olllce.war
war ,
TTIOll SALR or oxchftnt ( , IOMO anil fumlturo
JU ot blocr.of thirty-nre rooms , CnnttAlly loca
ted , and proQtnbly occnplecl , Address K 24
line * T7
aj,1.r 00 boot and ehoe stock to erclianfre for city
'I1 property , Iowa or "a.strrn Nebraska farm
land. Address , L 0. Hee onico. lei S8t
TTKUl THADE l.OOJ acres nn * blue pra s land
JU in Kentucky , on Kentucky river , for Omaha
property. TuU Is offered for n few days only.
and IB wortlunvestlgiUlug. 0. H. Maynn Henl
Kstnte and Trust Co. Ml 28
\\fIIAThavo you to trade for31pts InJeromo
rarkj Incnmbrancoof ( l.Oia on the lots.
T71OH THADB-TiTOtnousnnd acres Improved
JL' land to trade for merchandise or cuttle and
horses. Oeo. U. llowrlntf , Stuart. Neb.
ANTUD-llulldlnt ; uiatorlal of all kinds ,
for cash ; first mortgage notes , lots , lauds !
farms , etc. W. J. Paul. lft > J f.irnam st. 207
ITIOH Tradb Choice lot In Orainniorcy I'nrk
X1 and choice double corner In Llpton Place for
good land D. V. Sholes. 210 , rtrst Nftfl bank.
IliATlT tW AIM T > arsoi2l STOT y Q ! l 'l '
kinds for trade. Call and sAdlho , ( leoraa J.
Bternsdord , room 0 , opp. I * . O. CM
V\r ANTUU Howe nnd buppv or pnoatou for
V > lota , etc. Win. J. 1'ftill , ItW'J Fiiruam BU
1J1OH r.XClIANaiv-UousoaUdlotln Creston ,
JJ Iowa.
Ilousnnnaiotlu Illnlr , Nob.
IfiO ncres In Lincoln county , Neb.
190 ncres In Howard county , Nob.
Lot In Bounder * & Illmob.iugU'a nda ,
20 lots in other additions. . . ,
A. I1. Tukoy , 13th and Douglas.
Y\rANTT0-tock of goods In exchange 'tor
farms and city pniuerty.estornLaud
nnd Loan Exchaiigo , 117 H 10th. iMMIJ
1T10H UXCIIANQl' 1'or deslrablo residence
JU propeitv in Omaha , any or nil of following-
40 choice Inside residence tola in Hastings.
lin lots In Lincoln.
040 ncrns line farmlns land , Lancaster county.
rino residence propertv. Lincoln.
( lood rental property , Lincoln.
Choice fancy residence , cornor. lxs Angeles.
A nent residence property In Hunscoin 1'lacu.
Also some good mortgage notes.
Address , giving location aud price of property ,
J. K. 11 , , caio llaum lion Co , 1417 Loavenwoitli.
1TIOHTIIN11 teller Mrs. Lonorman ran bo con-
JO suited on nil nlTnlrs of life. Satisfaction
guaranteed No JUS N lUlist ( _ _ osndli ;
. NANNIE v7 Warren , clairvoyant. Med
ical and business medium. I'aniato diseases
n specialty , no. N. Hitlint. Uooinsa &a B.5B
SALH Or trade ; whole or 14 lutoio.t
FOH acres 2 miles from two it. 11. depots , 35
miles from Onmlia , best stock and gram farm
in Nob. i'ino chince for young man with
moiiov. Cull or address Win. Ulbson , room iJ ,
Chnmber of Coinnierce , Omnhn , or T. H. ( lib-
son , Fremont , Neb. _ CC2 d.X ) "
T > AHTir.sT\Tshlngto sell South Omaha prop
JL city please cull on D , D. Bnicdton , lluiker
block. Omaha. _ 605
you know of u bigger bargain than n full
DO on 24th nud 1 Bts tor H.Ufl1C you do lot
me know of It. D. D. Smcatou. Unrker block.
Omnho. f'Oil
TrToll SALK Hero's a bargain : 22-ll-ur-8S
a.1 feet south front on Douglas 6t. between lOUi
nnd 11th. atloja than WJO per front foot. How
long will jou lot your money wear jour pock
ets out w Ith a bargain like that staring > ou lu
the faceM. . A. Uptou Co. _ ! )55 )
rfuvO-SI'OHY brick block , nearly new , with
Jst ires on llrst illoor nnd seven room Hats on
second floor , with nil modern Impiovemonts.
This property is on corner flouting pa\cd
street , with sew or , water nnd KT.A and brings
an annual rental of $1,050. Will sell cheap ou
terms to suit. Address It 70. Hoc. 403
nuwSALK Wo have thirteen lots In Centinl
JC subdlv islou , Council Hlulls , twelve acres In
Hlco's subdivision , nnd eight ncres adjoining
Henson's second addition ou the north , all nenr
iicctilc : Motor lino. Will sell In n bunch ntu
positive bai gain. C. K. Muyuo , Hoai Ustuto A :
'iriibt ' Co , , omaliH. _ 33.3
FOHSALi : A few lots in Stewart place at n
bargain. The Motiopolltan cable load pisses
this addition ou Lowe u\e. Hairls & , llnirls ,
loom 411. Iht Natl Hank. _ 480
flJBOObiiysa full lot mid good 4 rtionr cottage
Pcasv terms and good location. 1) . V , Sholos ,
100111210 , first Nat'l bank , cor. 13th and Far-
nam. _ 050
CC3,500biiysa good 2-story 8-roora house nnd
Plot , east front , in Windsor 1'laco , a bargain.
D. V. Sholes , Hoom210 , Tiist National llank.
_ _ _
FOK SALK Two elegant homes In Hanscom
Place on reasonable terms ; moitgage pnpor
taken as putt payment , /iosvvoith 4 : Jopllu ,
liarker block. 6M
OT8 I'or Sale 1 Imvo 10 fine lots In Uriggs'
pluco nad. for wale. Korfmthcr iuforinutlon
s n JcITcry Ouleuu , III , t-01
171 OK SAlTB Lot DOXI5U , with good 2 story
JL1 IIOUSB nicely finished , all modern conven
iences , within 1 blk paved St.5 blk from I'nrk
school and Jl , E. church , Hnnscom plico. This
Is one of tlm best properties in the city , and
can be had at a bargain by addiesslng the
owner , 1' 14 , Ueo oince. _ 413
"TTIOH SALH Or exchange for Omaha proper-
JJ ty , 80 acres , suitable for platting ; will make
400Ints ; all cloir ; big mouoy In It for some ono
who can push this ; located just outslda of tlm
city limits of Council llluirs. Inquire Ueo. J.
Stornsdorir. opp. Dostofflce. _ 1105
TTJOH SALK NetTer trade. 6H 70 nci os of lm-
JJ proved land 2 miles from Marquette In ,
Hamilton Co. , Nebraska. I'ramo house , frame
nelf-teedertrouclis. etc. ; 75 acres clover ; ngood
stock ranch.
1'rlco ( about 112 per acre ) $ fl.f 00
Cash 3.600
3 years time at 0 per cent 3.000
Go nnd look over the land nnd nddiess the
owner , 1' . 1C. Atkins , 1502 I/irimor at , , Denver ,
Colo. [ 241
8ALU Cl- acres Ilumlltou Co. . Neb. ,
FOK . $ U per acre , one-third cash , balance ntu
per cent , Address W. J. Wildman , Denver , Col.
1 J. *
TTIOH SAfJK 'ir xciiange. Wo have some
JL. good Omaha renl ostata and Nebraska
farina , which we will sell cheap or traaa for
stock of clothing , furnishing goods , dry goods ,
boots and shoes , groceries or Hardware. Schlej-
incer Uros. OU S. 10th st. 05U
\ \ ill build you a neat 4-room cottage in
Van Beureii Heights.
\\lth eloselH , cellar , well , cistern out houses ,
wiilkH , etc , nud Hell at the easy teims ot JUJcaah ,
nnd Jl-.W per month. Or will > > ell you n lot for
( J75 ; per month , W uiu piepnicd
to build any htylo nnd size of house jou want
and Hell nt corresponding onsy terms. These
lots lire located nenrovcrul ( largo fuctoiles ;
are loss than 20 minutes from Webster btieot ,
depot ; only 5c fare on Holt Hue.
2ncrolols , near I'nrt Omahn , price J500-JOOO ,
Will tutu good lioise or team us part payment.
Kaliincerusy. Lots In Lafayette 1'nrl : , attiJUlo
} , WO. One-fourth cash , balance l-J-J-1-5 yeai.s , at U
percent. Will take hoisos as pait piymcnt on
these lots. VAN llt'.l HUN.
Douglas and 14th btiectri
Colonel VV , P. Supp returned yostorduy
moniuiK fiom Ucs Monies , vvliuio ho wont u
few days hlnco to uttoml a inliiniK incotlng.
IwUgeno Iloughton , formerly of this city ,
but now of Al. K. Smith .t Co. , dry goods
inoi chants of Omaha , was ou this sldo of tlio
river ycstoi dny.
Mr. George W. Daltou 1ms gone to Olon-
wood to fipcud TluiuUsglviii 'i i id visit , old
trlcnds , Intoudliiff to bu gonu several days.
Mrs. George W. Daltou Is vlsltlnu friends
nt I'oitsmouih , In.
Mr. Charles IColth , formerly gonernl agent
or the "Q" at this point , spent yusturday In
the city , Ho left last evening for St. Louis ,
his present homo.
Prof Hudd of the Iowa Agricultural college - '
logo wLl bo hero at the mooting of the West
ern Horticultural society , on tlm lltli of Oo-
com lie r , ana is expected to deliver un ad
There was a largo audience nt Dohanoy's
last evening to sou Miss Hoslna Voltes , sup
ported by n flrst-clnss company In the tin oo
amusing comediettas nnd extravaganzas en
titled "Toans , " "My Mlllinor'a Hill" and
"I'antomlnilo Rehoaral , " The pioiltictloim
wore ulinost without plot , and served well
the purpose for which they woio intended ,
to amuse , Tito nudlonco was i epoatedly con
vulsed with laughter at the ludlorous situa
tions and went homo apparently satisfied.
i *
Pears' soap Is the most elegant toilet
adjunct ,
The Western Iowa Horticultural society
will hold Its thirteenth annual meeting at
Council Bluffs , December 11. U and 1U. The
headquarters will be at thu Ogden houso.
nunntns between Council lliniTand Albright.
In addition to thu statloiii montlouod. trains
Leave. Arrlvn
A No. 2 O.OOfp.m.'A ' No.l 7:00aiu :
O No. . . . . C:00a. in.lC No.Ii 550.ii
A No. 4. .0:40-v.m : lA No.3 . . . . iif-i'm :
A No.4 . . , : No.D 1-Ma.m.
A * No.8 . . . .r > : lrp. m. A * No.7 . . .5I9 ; ] ) . m ,
A No.O.tnop.m. . A Neil .11:50 : P m.
A No.o ! ) : lOn.m. A No. : ) 7iOA.m :
A No.4 . : l0p. ! m D No.l .7OJu. : m.
li v.No.2 KIO : | ) . m. \ No,5 .8:41 : p. in.
OlIICAUO. MI/iWAtUvKi / : .t ! T. PAUL.
A No.2 , 'l.lOu. m , A No.l . .Hi'Uii. in.
A No 4 ; 7:00 : p. III. A No 'I 0:10 : r. 111.
A No.2 O.S3a"iif.A "No.3 a. m.
A No-4 o'cifcV li cfVic.-0 1'-111' '
A No. 10 . . .7:03 : a. m A No. II. . . . 8:5.5 : a.m.
A No.12 7ODp.m : A No.ll . . . 0:00p. : in.
A No.8. 3)0p : m. A No.7 . . .llJ5a. m.
A dally ; II dally except Saturday ; O except
Sunday ; U except .Mnndny ; * fust mull.
The time given above li for Tiansfcr. there
belm ; from tlv o to ton minutes botw ecu Transfer -
fer and local depolfl.
MATTEHof application of'ihoma'JCiiinnilnga '
for liquor license.
Notlcols heiobyglven tlmtTlioinnsCummlngs
did upon tho2Uthdr.y of November. A. D. ] 8ftH ,
11 lo his upillcntlon to the mayor and city
council of Omnhn , for license to sell mult , Hplrlt-
nous.und vinous liquorsat lot 1 , block 1. IChK-
wooil Add , Kitth vvuiii , Omahn , Nebinsku , from
the llrst dny of January , IBB' ' , to the 1st day ol
January , Id'K ) .
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or pro
test filed uitliUi tv\o weeks fiom NovemboL'2Uth ,
A. D. IBSb. the Bald license will be grantnd.
'I'IOMA3 | Cl.'MMI.NU ? , AppllCUllt ,
J. II.SotniiAiti ) . City Clerk. uJI-83
Scaled proposals will bo i ocelvod at the ofllco
of ( ounly ( lurk. DouglnH County , until 2 p. in.
Saturday , Dccomboi ith , 1H-.1 ; fur the following
supplies , ( more 01 let-n ) , forcltj poor , doltvciecl
ut the Court House :
I/XW pounds lolleo ; 1,000 pounda TcaMOIloies
Bonpfi,0xi : pounds beans ; 4U.OOO pounds I'four.
lUicli bid to bo accompanied by a certified
chucknf fSi.ixi
The loai d i eservos the right to reject any and
all bids , M. L HOCIIK , County Urrk.
, ' " ' . Jc B ? . ltUlir ,
AuionuneirofjLii unmnroui points o
* " * 1. rp e. Omli
" ' I ' I'lrBiiij ' , are IU thrna trains n dor of JMY
roACIIUS. vrlilclinr * llio flnait lUHt hiiraan art and
ncenullr tnn cream. lt I'ALAU/MLRUI-INO cXll3
thotqualor which can not Do found ol nh r . A
Council lllutTi. ibu tr ln of the Unlos I'aeiao Hall.
war connect In union rtepot WUU tboi * ol tbii cl
jauo A. Norllitre | < TU Hr. In Clilcnuo thi tralui of
! : ti ? n { " "t" u' ° conucctl < " > with Iboieof ll otlio ?
vina.r''VJiYW' iWi"11 1l. V < 1"lnlJ'ollti ! Clnolnnatl ,
t Initarn I alH , liuirala , I * ttfburir , 'J'oronlo. JJonin-nt
lufton. Now Vork. I'lilladtlpbiu , Halt uuia V ifih !
jn Jtun , and all points lu tbe i it. Alk for tickvu VU
W. N. IIAncoCK .
l > . II. UIMIIAM..TIck t /x"t.
iini „ " ' WKST. CitrP nepferAtenll
KOI yarnam HtOm alia. Neb.
Mrs , KatoM. Clanipltt , 2O8 N. IGtlu