THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THIjnjtSDAY , NOVEMBER 20 , 1888. Wheat in the Hands of the Bulls Yesterday. CORN OPENED TAME AND QUIET. I'rovlslons Acnln Ilonrlnli HORI Active tivennd Iiowcr Cnttlo Huslncss l-'Alr nnrt rrlcru Steady on Good. CHICAGO rnoiiucB MAHKBT. CrtH'Aoo , Nov. 21-Speclal [ Telegram to TUB HKI : . ] The whcnt market was bullish to dny , and n further Improvement of 2'fc In May was made , of which 2 ° o was held. The now * was generally bullish , and the crowd was bullish , cnblci were bettor , and Now York reported good foreign buylnp of De cember and May , the Germans being repre- Bcntud as most actively ciiRagud in accumu lating ccrunl property. The " .mount on passage - sago Is 1,130,1'OU bushels less than last weelc , and the domestic movement Is shown to befalling falling off. Hough weather Is coming on and further diminution in movement Is expected to follow. No exports of wheat are men tioned , but the equivalent of about 130,000 bushels went out In the shape of flour irom Haltltiioro and Now York alone , and in proof of tlm revival of the foreign demand for wheat at the seaboard , Now York ndvlHes that December shows a greater relative advanceby p c in December than In May , the dlffercnco huvlrig been narrowed to that extent. There i * little doubt that farmers' deliveries of spring wheat are dropping away , though the receipts at Min neapolis promise to bo largo until the cars already on the way from thu interior are emptied of their contents. The markets up there aio quoted as Urm at nn advance over yesterday. Receipts nt this point nro ridiculously small , only amounting to thirty- six cars yesterday with the estimates lor to day forty-seven cars. For a market that all creation is pointing to as being absurdly out of line with the rest of the world , this Is cer tainly u remarkable exhibit. About the only thing that occurred to disturb the security of the bulls was the Information that St. Louis millers had reduced the price of their Hour , and that this example was being followed through the winter wheat sections , wheio values are already below these ruling in the northwest. Kevrral local llrms rcK | > rted foreign selling orders at thu advance. Then Prime giv es It as his opinion tlmt the winter whe.xt is going Into winter in splendid condition as a whole. These little things .did not weigh In the bal ance to-day , however , for the bears were pretty badly rattled , and the more timorous among them did not propose to go over Thanksgiving short of any wheat. ' 1 ho cov ering by shoits was very general , and , at on yesterday , the market failed to react when the BUDDort from that source relaxed occa sionally. The bulls were in charge , and there was good buying from every quarter. The recovery from yesterday morning amounted to fully 4o. One cause of the strength was the report that passed around , that thcro was not the slight est danger of cash wheat in Chicago being Hung friendless upon an inhospitable world on the 1st of December. It is in a fair way to bo taken c of by friendly hands. May wheat opened this morning at Jl.O'JK. ' advanced to * 1.00&G 1 MWbioko back to $1.0 ! i , advanced stroiiL'b' to $1.10 % , sold off to 81.Id's ' , advanced to fl. 11 and closed at $1 11' < < S11'WDecember opened at $1.03 % . ranged to t\M@lM \ } { and closed at1.0l f. January opened ut $1.11 % ranged to 1.M ( ) < J @l.W , and elosod at tl.OO. The buying was general , though Lenn , Mitchell , Logan , Kammercr , Boyd , Uaker , P.Urbank , Ciulahy , Holmholz , Hnlchinson , Young and Smith figured perhaps most conspicuously. The shorts and bulls wcio competitors for thu wheat that came on the market , and both elements were equally anxious. The sentiment was very bullish. Several times during the dav Linn took the market away from Hutchinson's brokers by bidding over the market for round lots , when the old gentlomnn loomed up as a buyer. The crowd seemed to regard this as a Joke on Hutchmson , who Is now regarded as the leading short. Corn opened tame and quiet , without any special feature. The continued over-running of receipts beyond the previous days'esti mates keeps the fact of a larger crop and Its possibilities constantly before speculators. There still continues to bo a fair amount of business done for export at Now York and other Atlantic shipping ports , with a moder I ate quantity going out by way of Now Or leans , but Liverpool was weak to-day and lower , and for Friday estimates were 020 cars. The opening prices were about at yesterday's closing rates to a shade higher , but at these thort was only a moderate de sire evinced to trade. The demand for cash corn for shipment was good , but the bearishness - ness of the speculative branch of business enabled shippers to buy atfromK@/o under yesterday's figures. There was a good deal of realizing by tired longs and some chang ing from December to May. Fluctuations wore narrow , but a slight decline was estati- llshed along the cntliu line of speculative futures. November elosnd nt UO u and Is now oven with December. January closed at 85 c , and nt BSe. In provisions the movement was again bearish , The largo run of hogs at all the prominent packing points continued the sell ing noted yesterday , and as prices receded - and the decline forced the unloading of ' 'stop order1' ' holdings offerings became excessive. The bear clement had , indeed , complete con trol , and mot with little opposition In prose cuting their operations. The shorts , of course , bought pretty freely , but the specu lative business transacted on thu outside , and the general account was comparatively moderate. Ciish property , however , was in good request , and thu sales of lard and meats make quito a largo aggregate. The speculative interest , as usual , was con fined mainly to January and May , and , as on yesterday , the best prices of the day pre vailed at or near thu opening. Closings worn nt the bottom figures as a rule for lard , and a tnlle better than the inside quo- lotions for short ribs and porlc. In pork the actual decline sulTorcd was 17' @ 'J5c , In laid 7 © 17 c , in short ribs 7 > i@10c. CHICAGO 1,1 VK STOCK. CHICAGO , Nov. 23. ( Special Telegram to TUB UEK.I CXTTLE Huslness fairly nctivo and prices steady on everything good or use ful , olthur in native , ranger or Texas lino. Good natives , and eyon useful steers , wcro icarco , and on the other hand , the pens wcro flooded with rubbish and common stock , both natives and Toxans. I'rlma native cows and holfcrs are selling substantially higher than last week , and the chances are that such will Hud a good market now that the run of rangers Is about coming to acloso , or at Toast , n big reduction In number. Tlio canning took remains as low as at any time , and there Is little or no show for im provement in this class , as canncra have made their Roods this year at vary low prices and are now ready sellers. Good butchers' stock is liable to sell readily /rant this tlmo on until spring. Stacker and feeder trade Is clown to low ebb , and cannot Improve until thcro Is nn up-turn In fat cattlo. Choice to extra beeves , 15.00(2 ( $ 6.60 ; medium to good steers , 1,850 to 1,600 11)8 , I4.UO ; l.fioO to 1,850 Ibs , $3.50 04.10 } 050 to 1,200 Ibs , I 8.20 ( 3.75 : stackers and feeders. $1.)0 ( ) < R3.30 ; cows , bulls and mixed , ; bulk , f2.10t5K5.40 ; Tcxai fleers , fJ.SJgy.-lo ; Indians , J3.00@a.M : cows , fl.C5C'J.BO : western rangers , ja.'JSGHUO. IIoos With fresh receipts , which were unexpectedly heavy , there wore 45,000 to 47- 000 on salo. Values ruled fiQlOo lower , but at that decline there wiu an active business , both packers and shippers taking their aver age number , yet a good many were carried over. Some packing sorts sold down to J5.1U @ 5.1B , but the bulk sold around about $5.25(3 ( 6.65 , and best heavy at 15.4005.45. Light eorts wcro not plentiful , and sold largely at 15.35or 160 to IW-lb averages. Light of 120 to 135-lb averages were extremely scarce , largely sought for and sold higher than any other sort , the NoUa Morris outfit paying as high as I5.BCKJ15.65 for seine lots. It should bo remembered by shippers ( hat this demand 1 * liable to cease auy day , or as soon us tbo fclwls party 1111 their outstanding contracts , for light Knellsh meats. The demand at thcsa prices Is likelv to collnnso any day. The ordinary run of 10 to 1K ! ) Ib averages and IfX ) averages sold around about $5.33 to M.40 , with Moran & Hcaly and the Kowlers the lending buyers. The Tlpton company , who are reckoned on ns regular buyers of the 100 Ib averages , are buying rather sparingly at present. _ FIXAXCIAtj. Nr.w YonK , Nov. 23 , [ Special Telegram to Tiir : Hen. ] SmrKS Stocks opened about steady , and early thcro were some small ad vances made. Hock Island was more ani mated than for some tlmo , and broke badly. It was sain that the Presldeat Cable's state mcnt to the exccutivo board yesterday was unfavorable , and there was a good deal of selling in consequence. Depressing cables regarding the London situation also had n weakening effect , while Hock Island's dc- cline hclocd to drag the list down. The oe cline up to noon , however , was not heavy. The break In Rock Island was severe , it sell Ing down to par , but closing 1 ! points bet ter , or 4 * points below the opening. Some long stock undoubtedly came out , but much of the decline was duo to the bears am shorts selling. It was rumored that dlvi dcnds would bo reduced or passed , and thai rt resolution would bo adopted changing divl- dends from quarterly to srmi-annually Omalm lost Uf points and Northwestern X o n point. The general market closed llrm , and aside from the aforementioned , was not far from the opening figures. The following wuro the closing quotations : JJ.S.fs regular . .KS'j Northern 1'nclllc. U.S. coupon ! . . .12S1 , cloprcferrcd I' , y. . m . . . . IT. S. 4 > iii coupons.iugt ! { do preferred , . . . .HI 1'nclflcoiof 'Oi . . .121 N. V. Central 107J , Control 1'nclllo . . . aiyP. , , I ) . A : K * . , „ Chlcapo i Alton . 1.11 Hock Inland . . . . 1014 ClilcaBo.IlurllnBton C. . M. & St. I * . . . . ra % { AcQulnev 10SU ilo preferred IlKSi I ) . . I. . & \V i : , St. l > aul * Omalm . 33'i ' Illlnoli Central. . .ll.IJi1 ilopre-ferred va J : , H.&W II UnionI'acillc Ill \aiH i A ; Texas . .13V..8t.Ij. . & P K'i do preferred.4'5 ' Mlchlenn Central. , \VestcrntIiilon KJ\ Mlssonrll'acmo MON-CV ON CALL EASY nt 2S2' ( { percent ; last loan , 'IV per cent ; closing offered at U per cent. PIIIMC MEUCANTILB PAPBU 13 (20) ( ) per cent. SrnHLisa EXCHAXOE Dull and easier nt W.S > 4'f for sixty-day bills , and W.syf for de mand. PKOOUO13. CiiiCAno. Nov. 23Wheat Firmer ; cash and December , fl.OI'f ; January , f l.Oti ; May , fl.ll 3-10. Corn Stcaily ; cash anil December , 3C'H'c : January , 33 > jfe ; May , 3Sa Oats-Steudyj cash , 204'e ' ; May , SO o ; January , 20J c. K.VO 53c. Uariey Nothing doing. Prime Timothy Nothing doing. Flux $1.31. Whisky $1.20. Pork Easier ; cash , nml December , $13.85 ; May , ? U.HO ; Jtmunry , SiJ.)7j : ! ) . Lard Easier ; cash , fcj.'JO ; December , ? S.15 ; January , $ S.02 ; < f ; May , SS.20. Flour Nominally and unchanged ; winter \vlicatf.00a5.T5 ( ; spring wheat , $ -I.S : > ( * 4l7.'i. Uullc Meats Shoulders , ir.'J.rC'T.iTK ; short clear , f8.00@3.ia > ; short ribs. $7.25 © 7.35. IJutter Steady ; creamery , 25@30e ; dairy , Cheese Steady ; full cream cheddnrs , @KlVfc ; mts , 10 > i@llc ; Vounu' Americas , 11 * IKc. Egf * Sto.idy ; fresh,21(323c. ( Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted , 0 > ( fe ; light green salted , ( UCe ; green , 5o ; salted bull , Bj c ; green bull , 4.Cc : 'green dry ( lint , 7J ( ( ? ac ; dry calf , 7 ( < ? So ; branded hides , 15 per cent off ; deacons , 25@3io each ; drv salted. 10 15c. Tallow Firm ; No. 1 , soliil packed , 5c ; No. 2 , 4o ; cake. 5e. RocQipts. Shiumcnti. Flour , bhls 24,000 23.000 Wheat bu 38,000 25,000 Corn , uu 414,000 509,000 Data , bu l'J4,000 27,000 Hye , bu St. Jjonls. Nov. 28. Wheat Higher ; cash , $1.01 ; January , $1 01 ; May. J1.09 > . Corn Lower ; cash , 35cMay ; , 35e. Oats Steady ; cash , 25c ; May , 30c. Pork Weak at $15.00. Lurd Weak at $8.12XdS.2o. Whisky Steady at $1.14. Butter Strong and advancing ; choice to fancy creamery. 30@33e ; choice to fancy dairy , 2S@30e. Milwaukee , Nov. 23. Wheat Strong ; cash , 81.01 ; December , * 1.01 { ; January , fl.Ol . Corn Easy ; No. 3 , 32@34e. Oats Steady ; No. 2 white , 29@30c. live Active ; No. 1 , o2@32Kc. IJarley Steady ; No. 2,07 0. Provisions Easy ; pork , cash , $13.63. Minneapolis , Nov. 28. Wheat Hecoipts wore 290 cars , and holders were asking $1.23 on track. Sales of nil other grades show little improvement over yesterday , though as usual , considerable low grade stuff was carried away unsold. Closing quotations : No. 1 hard , December , $1.21 : May , $1.28 ; on track , $1.21. No. 1 northern , December - comber , $1.09' ; May , $1.10'f ( ; on track , $1.10 ( rftl.lSKi No. 2 northern , December , Jl.OJ ; May , tl.OO ; on track , $1.0i@1.0o. Uliiolnnntl. Nov. 28. Wheat In good demand ; No. 2 red , $1.04 1.05. Corn Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 4lJ c. Oats In good demand ; No. 2 mixed , 29) c. Hye In lightdetnauu and heavy ; No. 2 , " " ' " "whis'iy Firm at $1.14. New iTork , Nov. 28. Wheat Rccelnts. 00,000 , ; exports , none ; soot market firm , and l ! > f < YZ2i ; higher but dull ; No. 2 red , $1.04'V ( < jJ 1.03 in elevator ; SI.OUH@I.Oil nloat ! ; ? 1.03JJ/ ( jsl.07 . 4 ! , f. o. b. ; No , U red , 'J7f ; ! ; ungraded red , 81i ( ( i'uiNo. ; 1 red , $1.11 1.11 , Optioni active , stroi-g nnd higher ; ooncu ) ( ( n o up , advanced 2 > Jo and closed 2Jfe over yes terday ; free buying by foreign houses and bhortBcovering ; No. 2 red , December , closed Corn Receipts , 81,150 ; exports , 123,100 , ; spot market weak and % c lower ; frco sel lers ; No. 2 , 47'fc In elevator ; 47I < f ( < Jli3'o afloat ; 49 , ' , f. o. b. ; ungraded mixed , 37@4Sc. Options more active , Irregular and , ' ( , ' 0 lower ; steady ; December closing at 47 > c. Oats Receipts , 74,000 ; exports , 21,000 ; spot market trifle easier and ( jnlet ; options dull and J ' o lower ; December closed at 319 o ; spot , No. 3 white , 35 f@355fc ; mixed western , aO@J3u ; white western , a-l 42c. 42c.Coffee Coffee Options opened steady , closing llrm ; sales , 113,250 bag-i , Including December , $14.40@14,75 ; January , $14.50@14.75 ; Febru ary , * 14.5UMH.bO : March , $14.GO@I4'JO. Spot Rio higher ; fair cargoes , $111.12. Petroleum United closed at 8 , " > . ? < c. Steady and quiet ; western , 25).j Pork Quiet. Lard Dull ; western steam , $ S.70 < JS.75 ; December , $5.5i. Uutter Higher ; slight offerings ; western dairy , 14@27o ; creamery , 22@3sc ; Elgins , .K > & I0c. Chceso Strong ; good buying demand ; western , OKCjntfc. Liverpool , Nov. 23. [ Special Cablegram to Tim 15ip. : ] ! l:30 : p. . in. Close. Pork- Holders offer moderately ; prime mess , east ern , t2s ! Ud , llrm ; do western , 71s 3d , tirm , Lard Holders offer moderately : spot 40s 9d , steady/ November , 40s 8d. steady ; De cember and January , 45s td ) , steady , Wheat Holders offer moderately ; new No. 2 , winter , 8s , dull ; do. spring , 8s Id , dull. Flour Holders offer freely at 12s , llrm. Corn Holders offer freely ; spot. 4s 8)/d ) , dull ; November , 4s 8d : December , 4s 8 , ' d , dull : January , 4s Od , dull. Kaunas City , Nov. 23. Wheat Hlifher ; No. 2 red , cash , no bids nor offerings ; December - cember , bUJ o blu ; May , Oso bid ; No. 2 soft , cash , no bids nor offerings ; May , $1.04. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 2So bid ; January , 2So bid ; May , 31 , ' e asked : No. 3 white , cash , 80c asked. Oats No. 3 , cash , no bids nor offerings ; December , 21o bid ; May , 31o bid. LIVE STOCK. Ctilonso. Nov. 23. Too UrovorV Jour nal renorts as follows : Cattle Receipts. 14,000 ; market slow ; cholco bceyes , f. > .OiK35.50 | steers , $3.20 ® l.M ; Texas cattle , * 1.05 3.05. Hogs Receipts , B'J.OOO ; morkct'.wcak and So lower ; mixed , $5.15(35.40 ( ; heavy , $5.20 ® 5.45 ; light , $5.1535.49 : amps , { 3.111 5.00. Sheep Receipts , 0OUO ; market eteajy ; na tives , | J DOQl 60 ; westerns , U.25(3y.SO ( ; Tex. ans , rJ. OaJ.4D. Lambs. 3.T5Q5.i5. ! City , N Y.85-C Ul9-UoceIpts , 5,150 ; shipments , 4/XK ) ; offerings mostly com mon ; market slow and in mo a cases weak good to choice corn fed , M.09@V15 ; common to medium , $ a20dc4.45 ; stackers and feeding - ing steers , $1.CO J3.40 ; grnis range steers , 11.00(93.00 ( ; cowi , $ t.OK 2.CO. Hogs Receipts , 15,000 : shipments , none market weaker and lOc lower ; good to choice. $ . " > .iX5.17Jf ; ; common to medium , $4 95(35.10. ( Nntlonnl Slock Yftriln , I2nst St. Louis. Nov. 21 Cattle Receipts. 4,000 shipments , 200 ; market strong for fnt corn cattle and lOc lower for common to fan grasscrs : choice heavy native steers. S4 < Ki3 ) ( 4.115 ; f lrtogood native steers , $3.37.f . I 25 ; butchers' steers , medium to choice , $ J.OO ( < i 4.25 ; stackers and feeders , fair to trood. $ .2.00 (43.50 ( , ranpers , corn- fed , $3.0504.00 ; grass fed. $ i.2 < xat.oo. ; Hogs Receipts. 0,500 : shipments , 200 ! market lower ; cholco heavy and butchers selections , $5.25(35.30 ( : packing , medium to prime , $ . " > 15jfHi.35 ( : light grades , ordinary to best , $500 < vt5.20. OMAHA HTOOIL Cattle. Wedncsiluv. Nov. 23. 18S9. There were hardly enough cattle hero to make n market , and what wcro hero were not very choice. The market opened very sloxv and no trading was done until after noon , when about everything was sold. The prices paid weio about steady with yester day. There were only a few hogs In when the market opened , and they sold steady to 5c higher. As the later trains arrived very dis couraging reports wcro received from the cast indicating u decline in pork and live hogs , and the market here flattened out. 11 closed lOe lower with thirteen loads unsold. Hhcep. The market was steady and the supply moderate. Cnttlo . 500 Hops . 4K ( ) ( Sheep. . . . . . bl > 0 Pruvnltmi ; Prlcm. The following is a table of pricaa pUd in this mantel for the gridoj of stoc.c men tioned PrimosteoM. 1300 to O4.CO Prime stcera. UOJ to 1300 ibs. . 3.10 < cfl4.40 Native feeders . 2.50 @ : i.05 Western feeders . U.SO ( iM.UO com'on choice 2.50 . Range steers , to ytli.PO v Common to good cows . 1.25 ft2.25 Cholco to fancy cows . SJ.H5 3.00 Common to choice balls . l.Ti W2.00 Fair tocnoicoiipht hogs . f > .iK ) fits. 15 Fair to choice heavy hoes . 5.1U ( Sr.HO Fair to choice mixed hosts . 5.00 ( JS3.25 OA.TM.K. No. Ar. Pr. 1 bull . 1,080 $1.25 1 cow . 9td 1.75 Ibull , yearling . 840 1.75 1 bull . 1.500 1.75 1 cow . 1,130 2 00 C cows and heifers . J > 16 2.10 4 oows . 1,162 2.15 19 cows , westerns . 1,0 2 2.15 19 cows . 1,094 2.25 19 cows . U50 2 25 2(1 ( cows . 1,03 2.35 12 cows . 1,130 2.37 1 cow . 1,130 2.10 21 cows . l,09t : 2.40 2J cows , westerns . 970 2.40 5 mixed . bbO 2.50 1 steer , tailing . 1,040 2.50 22 co ws . DOS 250 11 cows . ' .103 3.115 41 ! feeders . 895 o 711. . " ' .i-15 13 heifers . 783 2. i. - ) 18 steers . 870 3.00 1 heifer. . 1,110 3.00 2 steers . l , uO 3.00 5 steers . 1.2S4 3 5- 10 steers , westerns . 1,157 , 3.00 17 steers , natives . 1.150 : i.i"i ( 2 steers , corn-fed . 1.174 JI.9J 19 steers , corn-fed . 1 , 10 1 3.00 nous. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. M. . .283 2-0 ? 5.00 54. . .27S 100 $5.20 (12. ( . 23'i 200 5.00 t5..27i ! bO 5.20 13. . . 109 5.00 53..270 3uO 5 20 34. . .197 120 fi.10 ( U..IS03 120 5.20 39. . .20'J 120 5.10 58. . . .2S7 40 5.20 19. . .184 40 5.10 t3. ! . . .27J 200 5.20 20. . .173 5.10 54. , . .27(1 ( 120 5.20 .200 40 4'J. . . .20U 40 5.20 37. .255 80 . .270 40 5.20 52. .300 200 49. , . .21)9 ) bO 5.20 43. .275 200 ! U2'3' 03. , . .290 200 5.20 31. .238 120 5.12' , , ' 07. . . .2(13 ( 230 5.20 34. .273 120 5.15 . .305 2SO 5.223 * 58. .303 4bO 5.15 5 ! . . .30.5 120 5.2231 01. . . 200 S.15 01. , . .323 80 5.23 71. . .259 200 5.15 72. , . .206 5.25 77..2M ! 0 5.15 72. . . .2(53 ( 2i6 5.25 SI..270 ICO S.15 C.5. , . .2S3 240 5.23 ( M..2C ! ) 3 0 5.17'f 59. , . .294 240 5.25 73..245 SO 5.17 53. , . .301 bO 5.25 .251) 2-10 5.17 < O.J. , . .311 8150 5.25 CO. .258 100 5.20 51. , . .343 280 5.23 59. .287 100 5.20 54. , . .274 40 5.25 70. .275 280 5.20 55. . . .335 200 5.25 04. . 200 5.20 C5. . . 303 40 5.30 65. 277 100 5.20 . .335 200 5.30 SHEEP. No. Av. Pr. 231 natives. 73 $3.00 Ill natives. 88 3.05 Packers' I'uroliascs. The following is the number of hogs bought by the leading buyers in to-day's market. G II Hammond & Co 423 Omalm Packing Co U33 Armour C P Co 1430 T.M.Sinclair 183 vj/ Highest unil Lowest. The following are the highest and lowest priccspaid for ( Jogs duriugtho past faw days nnd on the corrojpaiulln datoj onu uiU tWJ years ago : T N < ) v7n r I Nov. I-HT. I Nov. ISSil. fl Sunday. t < o ui rr > 11 ! B ; W atfi lr > 4 0.1 4tt 5'i H C5 < U > J K9 13 , f , J ® ' > fA Sunilay. 3 7U 451 N ) 14 6 J3 SC5 40 4 1M ® l 60 Suuilay _ in ! r > : u w , in I 10 it I i } 17 ! " 26 < & " ' M > I ! d" , CJ.1 8" > Sunday. 4 K > fit I B ) II 2J C&T 40 r , : ta tar , i 4 4U 4SI N ) ! 1 70 64 * 00 5 ' 40 Sunday. 3 70 d .l 'JO r. 15 40) ) ftl 00 Sunday. r , oo CM : n 4 fiO fill 3) ) Iti 75 a m JM 27V4 4 ISO Qr > 00 ; i ns r , 10 < a ? > 40 4 Oi ti'i OJ 3 45 W Ki Sunilav 4 W ) Del ! M ; i tr , 4 tw 6tr , .r. 4 IV ) ai 115 II 45 d& B5 5 03 dSA Sf > butuluy. 3 M < & \ Ki OMAHA WIIOLK3A.LK M\HICI2T3 Produce , FriiltH , Etc. Fancy , solld-pickcil creamery , 23 < jl > y > cliolcofountryl \ ! Q3'J < ' ; incilluin grades , lfiO"Sl'.io ' ; common grades , l14c' ( ) . I'Youil Nebraska patents , $0.00@7.50 ; Minnesota iiatonts , $ ti.ii. ! ( < ir.7 , " ( ; straiRlu grades , 5.00@j.50 ; baiters' Hour , ? 5.'Jo ( < | 3.75j i > or bbl. POTATons Nebraska , 03@10c per bu ; Colo- ado , 7 , " > @SOa SWECJ' POTATOES 3@nJc } par Ib. POUI.THV Llvo clilckcns , $ J.CO@2 75 per doz ; bpriiiK clilckons , S-.TjOQ .TO ; dressed chlcltcns , 7@So per Ib : turkeys , 8@10c. Knas Strictly fresh , S2o candled , MAMGA fitAi'is ! : In ltO'J ( , l-o per Ib. UANANAS Commou , $1.50'J.25 per bunch ; Choice , } 3.50 : i.50. LKMONS f5 00 per case. OittNans Florida , | 3.50rtJ3.7B per liox. GAMK-Per dozen : Mallards , $250(32.75 ( ; teal , J1.00@1.'J5 ; quail , 52.f > 0 ; pralrio chick- eiiB175@4.)0rubblts1.00sijulrrolsfJOJj ( ) ; , ; venison , UQlOcperlb. CiuNBEiiuiES f3.00@9 00 per bbl. PUOVISIONS Hams , No. 1 , lljfc ; No , 2 lie ; shoulders , 7Jc ; rib bacon , lie ; clear bacon , HKo ; iiicniu hams , lOo ; dried beef hams , 10)50 ) : tlry salted clears , short , 8tfo ; extra short , 8 } o : short ribs , Sj c ; pickled plus' feet , 15-lb kits , 80cj lard , 8@9o ; smoked sausage , 0(38o ( per lb ; hog casings , 17@lbc. CBi.uur 25i730o ( per dozen ; fancy Wo. ) ONIONS au&lOo per bu. CAHHAOE 1.00 per 100. JiEcra lOo per bu. TUHNJl's SOo per bu. SAUEH KRAVT libls , 11.75 : liixlfbbls , $3.75. APPLES Cholco , f3.50@2.75 per bbl ; fancy , | 3.oaper bbl1 ; common , H.50Q1.75 per bbl. CIDKII Michigan , 5J.03gO.50 per bbl of 03 gals ; California pear elder , $15.00 per bbl. I'oiCoitx Ulco , 3oj common , 2 > < o. CAIIIIOTS iOo per bu. HBAXS Cholco eastern hantiplckcd navies , 2.00 per bushel ; western handplckod na vies , | l.78@l.80j mediums. { l.UO@1.50 : Lima beans , So par Ib. lUv I-Vo : b , oars , No. 1 upland $0.00 j No , 9 Upland , 15.00. URAN-$15.00@10.00. CUOPMJD FBKI > U.OO < ; jl5.00 per ton. Cider , lO lSo per Bawlilto \ ; wine , 10i20c per ( ? al. HOXCT Mb ffanics. ICtjlSc. Orocrrs' List , IJcvlocil prices nro as follows : lUnotNQ Stark A , scamleM , S-Jc ; Amos oap , seamless , IT'j'c ; Lcwiston A , seamless o ; American , seamless. I7c ; burlaps , 4 to 5 bu , IKriHo ; pinnies , slni > lc , llc ! ; cunnlcs double , SOc ; wool sack , U"ic. Twines Flax 3 c ; extra sail , SJQJ21C , sail 1J , 20gair ( ; cot ton , 22c ; Jute , I'o. ' OntEii FutMT rips , in boxes , per Ib , 13(5 ( Irto ; dates. In boxes , TrtlOc ; London Malawi layer raisins , per b'fif , ? 2.60ii3 75 ; Malaga loose raisins , * J.30wJ)0 ( ; now Valencia raisins , per Ib , S fe ; California loose muscii- 'tcls , per box. $2.0 ( 2.10 ; California London * , 18 , ? 240 ; pitted cherries , per Ib. ISo ; Cali fornia pitted plums , perlb , 12@13c ; dried blackberries , per Ib , 7'j'@Sc ; dried raspber ries , pcrlb , ! 24cg'oc ! ; evaporated apples , TJ fo ) ISc ; California sun-drlcd peaches , 13o ; Call- fem ia tin pared evaporated peaches , cvajwratod California apprlcots , 18c : Xnnteo currants , 6 > < @ 7c ! Turkish prunes , ( $4 * 0 citron , 22a"-lc ( ; oratifro peel , 15c ; lemon pcul lOc ; Callfortlia French prunes , llftslGc. Corrnns Mocha , Uo@20c ; Klo , good , lf ) ( < 5 17c ; MandahlliiK. ' 'tVSWc : roasting Uio , lfi ( ( $ Ific ; O. G Java , lMtfOc ( ; Javo , Interior , 22' < 5 U5c ; Kio , fancy , 18 if 1'Jc ; Santos nnd Mara- calbo , 17 ( < tlflc : Arbuckles , 81 1McLaugh ; - ' SuiiAit Uriinulatcd , 7J o : conf. A , 7a c : \vhito extra C , 7'.jc ' ; ottra C , 7'iCj ' ( yellow C OJ c ; powdered , H' c ; cubes , SV c. MKKswtx Chdico yellow , 20g$2)c ( ; dark colored , ll@14c. ! CitKnsn Younir America , full cream , 12 ® 12'ft ' ; full cream cheddars. HQ12c ; full cream Hats , 12 } ( c. 1' Medium , ill libl.M , $5,00 ; do. , lu half bbls , ia.OO ; Himilt , In bbls , IO.IX ) ; do , in half bbls , W.Mt ; gherkins , in bbls , $7.00 ; do. , in half bbls , $1.00. TOIIUTO Pluir , 2rtC3o ; smokhiB , 10@10c. Jni.i.iKS f 1.25 per 30-lb pail. SUT JI.II001.35 per bbl. KOIT. 7 111 , lie. MAI-I.U SuiiAit Urlcks , ll12c ( ( per ! b ; penny cakes , I'JJCHic per Ib ; pure uiaplo syrup , tK \ ( ) per gal , Tcvs Youiifj llysou , cointnon to fair , 1SS ( 25c ; Young Hyson , # oed to futicy , no.Vic ; Gunpowder , common to uood , ! ij ( ) 25o ; Gun powder , cholco to fancy , 40 ( < ? tVie : Jnprin , com mon to medium , 15i)20c ( ( ) ; .lapan , choicu to fancy , ! iOit45c ( ; Oolopc , common to oed , 2. @ ' )5c ) : OoloiiR , choice * to fancy , Myioo ) ( ; Im perial , common to medium , 25ibi5c ( ; ; Imperial , good to funcy , 40iti ( > 0c. NUTS Almonds , iiffll8f ( ; Illbcrts , l2Sl5c ( ) ; Qnizll , 0@IOo ; walnuts , 12. ; ; pecans , IOC-flic ; peauuts , tciXli' . CiiAcuiiits 5@10c per Ib ; assorted cakes. 8(7E2.C ( " per Ib as per list. "Cixtiv Mixed , O MIU c ; stick , < Jif@41r ; roc'U eaml.v , li ) } f13c ; fancy candy , 728c. ( Hoi. i AND Hi nifivn OOc. CODFISH J'i@7' < c. Dry Goods. COTTON EIANSJKI.S 10 per cent dls. ; LL , 5'tfo ; CC , tl c : SS , 79/u ; Nameless , 5c : UX , Ibc ; 11 , 20o ; No. 10 , s' ' o ; No.10 , loj o ; No. f,0 , I'J'tfo ; No. 80 itjc : ; No. JJO.colored , ! ) c ; No. 50 , colored. IB.No ; 7 > ) , colored , 12''c ' ; Urlstol , 12Kc : Union Pacific , ITc. WAUI' IJIb white , IOo ; colored , S Standard , So gem , lOc ; Ueauty , 12'.Jc ' ; boouo , 14c ; 1J , cased , $3.50. I'm NTS Solid colors Atlantic , ( Ic ; Sinter , Co : Herllu oil , ti'tfc : Garner oil , ( i@rc. PKIXTS Pink and Ilobes Allen. Os ; River- point , 5) ) < fc ; Steel Uiver , GUic ; Richmond , 0'ijc ; Pncillc , 7c. S Uress Charter Oak , 5'/c ' ; Ham ape , 1'ijc ; Lodi.n' ' o ; Allan , tic ; Uichmond , tic ; Windsor , O c ; Eddy8tone , ( > Xc ; Pauittc , SiiKKnvnflerkeky cambric No. ( W. D' ' c ; Uest Yet , I 4 .OVc ; butter cloth , O O , J'4c ; Cabot , 7' c ; Harwell half blenched , S' . < c ; Fruit of Loom , fl'fc ' ; Grccno G , fi' ' c ; Hope , 7-Jfc : Kiiitr Philip cumbrio. He ; Lons- dalc cambric , ll' c ; Lonsdalc , lie ; New York mills , lifc ( ) ; Peppcrell. 42-in , lie ; Pejipcrcll , 40-lu , 12e ; 1'epperell , ti-4. 10u ; Pepparell. 8-4 , 2lc ; Pcppproll , 0-4 , 2'ic ; Peppcroll. KM , 2oj- Canton , 4-4 , 8c ; Triumph , Oo ; AVuuisutta , lie ; Valley , 5c. FiAvsui/3 Pliild Uaftsmen , 20c : Goshen , 112'yo ' ; Clear Lake , UO,1 ; Iron Mountain , " ' ' : . White G H , No. 2. Pf , 23Kc ; G H , No. 1 , ? { , 20u ; H H , No. - ' , f , 2iXc ; b H , No. 1. % , Jiilo ; Qucclico No. 1 , % , 4Jc. Coii4nrJE\js Androscougin. 7 c ; Kear- sarKo , 7Jfc : Uockuort. OJf ° ; Conestojja , OKc. TICKS York , 30 m. , 12'/fc ; York , 2 in , inj c ; Swift river , 7fo ; Thorndike OO , 8 > < c , f hormltke J3E , 8 0 : Thorndiko 120 , ll > jp ; riiorndlke XX , 15c ; Cordis No. 5 , 0 > < u ; Cor- dis No. J , 7Kc. Dcxivs AmosKeag , 0 oz , lO'c ; Everett 7 oz. 13) ) c ; Yoi-k , 7 07 , 13' c ; Ilavmakur , SV c ; falfroy XX , ll > c : JafTrey 'XXX , 12' ' r ; Beaver Creek A A , 12c ; IJeavor Creek 1JQ , lie ; Ucnver Creole CC. lOc. KcvrutiKV \Ns-Memorial , 15c ; Dakota , ISc : Durham , 27J c ; Hercules , ISc ; Leamiag- ton , 22 > c ; Cottaxvold , 27 fc. Cisisn Stevens' H , ( ! > c ; Stevens' ' B , jleachcd. 7c ; Stevens' A , TJtfc ; Slovens' A , bleached , SJfc ; Stevens' P , 8Kc ; Stevens' P , bleached , fl o : Stevens' ' N , OKc ; Stevens' N , bleached , lO' ' o ; Stevens' Silt , 12) ) 0. Mi-cni.i.AXious : Tublo on cloth , * 2.50 ; plain Holland , O' ' c ; Dado Holland , 12 c. Urown Shooting Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7Ho ; Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7 c ; Atlantic D , 4 J , ( y4c ; Atlantic P. 4-4 , Cc ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , fie ; Au rora C , 4 4 , 4 c ; Crown XXX , 4-t , Olfc ; HoosierLL , 4-4 , lie ; InJian Head , 4-1 , 7Kc ; Lawrcuco LL , 4-4 , (5c ( ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , ri } i ) ; Pepiierell 11 , 4-4 , 7o ; Pepperoll O , 4-4 , Jaic ; I'cpperell , 8-4 , Ib' c : Peppercll , 0-4. 21c ; Peii3rcll | , 10-4 , 23c : Utica , C , 1-4 , \c\ \ VVachusott 4-1 7 Aurora H11 7c Aurora , - , c ; , - - , : rora H , 1-4 , IIKc. DUCK West Point 20 in. 8 oz. , lO'tfc ; West" Point 20 in , 10 oz. 12'fc ; West Point 23 in , 12 oz , 15e : West Point -10 In , U oz , lOe. FiANVni.8 Hod , C , 24 in. 15J c ; E , 21 in , 21J c ; GG , 24 in , 2Jo ; UAF , % , 23u ; JHF , ? , 27c. GixniUM Plunkett checks , 7J'jo ; Whitten- , on , 7J o ; York , 7' < o ; Normindl dross , 8 > e ; Calcutta dress , h' c ; Whlttenton dress , 8 > c ; Hunfrow dress , S' ' 'ifliit r. ' CAMIWICS Slak'r , 5 > c ; Woods , 5 } c ; Standard , 5'fc ; Peacock , Htfc. PitiKTS , I N'liir.D Arnold , &VtcAmer \ - can , ( i' ' o ; Glouc.'ster , O' ' c ; Ainol'l C lonu ; loth. Oo : Arnold IJ IOIIR cloth , 10) ) c ; Arnold Gold Scnl , 10' c ; Stiefet A , 12c ; Windsor Guld Ticket , 10 > c. Liiinl cr. First and second clear , iy in..M9 005151 00 First and second clear , 1'rf in. . . 47 OOfg.'jO 00 I'liird clear , Vi\X ( \ In . 43 OOfelO 00 A select , P4'iil ( ) > j in . ! )7 ) 00 H Hclect , lf } ( < l > < in . BH 00 A stock boards , 120lli ft , 12 In . 40 00 H stock boards , 12' < 4Ui ft , 13 In . 41 00 C stock boards , 12Mlil ft , 12 in . 'M 00 1) stock boards , 12 10 ft , 12 in . 2.1 00 L''loorlii ( , ' , llrst common din . Ill 00 Flooring , second common , 0 in . ill 03 Select lencnifj llooiinij . 19 00 SIdiiifr , first mid second clcarll@10 ft. . 25 00 Siding , llrst common , 10 ft . 22 00 Siding , second common . 10 00 Common boards . 11) ) 00 No. 2 boards , all lengths . 14 50 Fencing , No , 1 , 12 ( > t20 ft . 10 50 Fencing , No 2 , 12 , 14 and 18 ft , . 15 50 loist and scantling , 2x4 , 14 ( < 10 feet . II ) 00 .Timber , 4x4 , 8x8. 12@10 feet . 17 Oi ) Pickets , D nnd II Hut. : . 22 00 1'ickets , D and H square . 2200 Shingles , extra A . 2 SO Shingles , Standard A . 2 00 Lath . 2 40 O G Uatts , 2Jrf in . GO O O Halts , Ijtfx3 , S I S . ! )5 ) 3 In well tubing , D and M bov . 22 00 Lientlior. Hemlock solo , 18@27c perlb ; oak solo , 83@ ! 0o per Ib ; oak harness , ! 10(232o ( per Ib ; Bolec- cd oak and trace , 35c per Ib ; oak and hctn- ock upner , 20-22o per foot. Hemlock calf skin , No. 1 , 80@90o per Ib , according to velfiht ; oak calf skin , No. 1 , 00c@1.00 per b ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra , J1.00@1.10 icrlb ; hcmlocK kii > skin , No , 1 , COS ( > 70o per b : oak kip ckm , No. 1 , 70 ( < J80c per Ib : Philn- delphla kip skin , extra. 80@UOo per Ib. l-'rench calfskins , ( according to weight and quality ) , ! 1.15@1,75 per It ) . Frenhh klpakins. do , & 0c@ 1,10 per Ib. Cordovan russett , ISoj satju Inish , 20c per foot ; welt leather , * 3.50@4.00 > er side ; moroccos , ( pebble goat ) , 20W > cr foot ; moroccos , boot loir. 25@30o per oot ; glove calf skins , 20@30o per foot ; Douglas kid , 30@40o per foot ; kangaroo skins. 403500 per foot , according to quality. Toppings , * 3.oo@l0.oo per dozen ; linings. 5.00itO.OO ( per dozen ; apronskms , flO.OO ® 2.00 per dozen , Metnls nnd Tluuors' Stouk. Jlock tin , small plff . f .23 Jlock tin. bar . 29 Copper , planished holler sizes . 84 Copper , "cold rolled . HI topper , sheathing. , . , . 30 Copper , pltti . 00 Copper , Ibita . . , .31 Qal , shoot iron.Junlata , B0-10nnd Spera di u , Iftt ? planished Irgn , 24 ( g 2 ? A . 10 > i. Pat. planished Iron , 21 to 2713 . , , . . . . Kooflnc , 1C , 14x20. 112 sheets . * 600 Uooflng , IX , HxAV , 113 sheets . 750 Hoofing. 1C , 20x23 , 112 sheets . 1100 Hoofing , IX , 20x2S , 112 sheets . 14.W ) Sheet iron , No. 20 . 350 Shfctlron , No. 27 . 803 Solder . IShQl'M Tin plate , best chnrcoal 1C , 10x11 , ! J25 sheets . $ r > 0 IX. lOiU , 225 sheets . 8.25 Tin ulnto , coke 1C , 10x14. 2J5 sheets . fl2T Steel nails , per keg . S2. Steel wire nails , per keg . 2.PO TUB KI2A1 < TY MAIIICCT. Instruments Placed on llccur.l Dur- Snir Yrnicrilay. Win fl Allirltfht nnd wife to M Mftlcnh r. lot H. lilk , sub nt blk 3 , Albrlelit's choice , w < 1 ; , oo Win ( I Albright and lfo to M .Malcnlioy. lot 13 , bit ii , sub of bile 30 , Albright's choice , w d l.f-0 O 1-obeclcund wife to M 1 < Attliur , lots3 and 4.blkf. l.lucoln plnte , wil TOO Theo Olsm nnd \ > lie to J A Wcllunl , lot fl , blk I , South Onmlm imrk. vril. . . . . . 275 K S Hood nnd Ite to V II Coirnmn. lot 21. blk II , rtud lot 2 ! ? , blk 10 , Albright's an- UBX , wd 060 M .Morrison nnd Ito to II lloak'K , lots t ) ami ! i. lilk 1 , Morrison's ail'l ' , u il . . , 1,025 It U I'almer nnd wt.'o to K A Stern , lots 1 nnd L' . tec 1C , 115. r 10 ow d . 1,100 J II House , at nl. to IK'imuIngtiam , S Int In lot \VoodlR\ui , vd ZJ4 V II Col ! iimn to .1 Ij Woods , lot 28. blk 10. ZJ4MO Albright's unmix. il MO TKCtttlurRUd to II I'hclps , wM ft of e KU ft of s > i lot it , bli- . Orchard hill , wd . IKO ! A DM ! iind wltn to G I'hnleil. o ! i of uw 14 of n-lfl-1'J o , wd . . l.GCO J II Levy to I ! A Cnscy , n SO ft of lot B , blkSXM , , OmUm\v il 1.1,2110 (1 ( ( } WnllurL' , tr , to 11 .1 1'ox. lots 0 nnd 10 , blk.'l. Monmouthpark. w d l.GOO ( SO Wnlliuu. tr , to lU 1'ox , lots 2i and 2B , blk 4 , Montiiouth piuk. w d l.CO ) Willlnm Si McCagiiolo K11 > kComioll , lot 2 , ! ( > < U-15-l.'le , n c d n K rrunih to P K McConnell. lilk ' , West Omnlin.rod | 1 131 ! I'lrnch to V K MiConncll , lot 2 , nee 1to H-15-Uo , cicd to Jo'inTinonuinto ' P Nelson , lot 18 , Ueod's .Muthl , wil P.OOJ O l.oli-ck nnd wife to C S Crossiunu , lots ' - nnd il , hliifoln place 700 0 K I'ninp niidlfo to A Nelson , a 1 7-10 norc < , t \ lot 2(1,14 ( lc-12 . . . im 1' II Carey und wife to K U Cut t IT. e HO ft of M Ji lotO , blk2 , Orchard 11111 2,10 , ) Tncntvono transfers . . . W3.1.I7 ESTABLISHED 1851 I ISO So. Chon60f | | Mg. ciarkSt. The Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN A11D SURGEON U still Treating with the Greatest iSKILL and SUCCESS Clironic , Ncryons and Priyate Diseases , NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood , Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible Dreams , Held and Back Ache and all the effects leadiriK to early decay and peih ips Consumption ot Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with never-fatling UICCCM. SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin Dis eases permanently cured. * S-KIDNEYand URINARY complaints Gleet , Gonorrhoea , Strlcturo , Varlcoccle and all diseases of the Gcnito-Urln uy Organs cured promptly without Injiiiy to Stomach , Kidneys or other Gtgan : * . aaNo experiments. Ace and experience Im portant. Consultation Tree and sacred. 3- Send 4 centi postage for Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervous nnd Delicate Diseases. -Those contemplating Mamace nil for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each 15 cents , both 25 cent ? ( MarnpO Conmlt the old Doctor. A friendly letter or cjll may save futurcsuffer. inland < hamcnnd aiM golden > ears tolifc.T&uool : "Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " socents ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings sent e\erywhcre , secure from exposure. lIc-UH , 8 to C. Suiida > s 9 to 12 Address F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 183 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL. IS OUT OF ORDER ? BEAD THIS IF IT IS. Medlcmn tlmt neeOj but tril to prom 1U worth. Drs Callender's ' Left liver Bilters , Tne only Dlatlll d Hitters In tha United BUtcH. 'Hie only Hitters recognized 07 thu United States Internal revenue lawn as a Pro prietary Medicine. Lawfully Patented. No. ot Patent 14-O.573. Contains no fusil essential oils , no foreign uubMsnco or damag. Inz driiKB. A perfectly pure medicine , com pounded from Pure Hoot Herbs nnd Old Poach ; pleaiant to the taste , quiet nnil derisive In it * effect. Cures Dyspepsia or Yellow Jaundice In five days. HoculutoK the Honrle. Invlcoratea Inactlre LiTer , Cures Diseased Liver , Krtvlve * Uu Kidneys , Improves the Appetite Quickly , RegDlRtet the woolo systora. New Llfo to th vrhols system. ol.efU.lver lllttori Rro noM in Omaha. Neb , bytha llowuitf IruKKi'tsKlilmnlson DniK CnfiSpcrlnl lallflrs us lollouvi , Uoodmanl-ui ! ° Co. , W. J. WliltcliunsB , T. W.Spif- f ril. Sara II. ftim'wortn. Htlirotorn rliurmucy Kuhn * Co . Jo'm UludlKli , M. 1'arr , J. A. tullcr A. Co. W .l.ltunliiB , .Icihn It Contii , C. J. Trice. .M..I. I'uwull h. ll.diMitmli.Jnlin F. HiitTtky.Mc > rrnlls ninrinaey .Inracs honytli , II. I" Hell , Dr..1. J. S.irlllo , C .M.Cria- rer , F.-liaiidlur , llalin'n I'hnriiincr.Uiirnajr * Iliiy'n J.O Kluu.J W Clarke , I II. riclimldt. Max HetlitJ KCIirl | Hn on.V. . K. L rahcrHOn , H. S. Cor , .Mnx Conrnil , Krnr k W. 1'o.jZ , It. Ua < mu Min , ( ! BO. llocdor Iloyrt's Phnrmacy , c. A , Molclier. llnwaril Meyers , hrunli DclloiiB A , Co. , wLiolesalo dealer' la Ciuun iiaJ J ftl.lvcr Hitters r MIItittdthro _ _ Jii < tl crrtUni 01 . rficciDiiuNfricTn - - . , . nnuo'if , mild * loolhlrg current ! ot jty flMtillhri.ujh ( II wttk II > MI rtitoi. -lo ImltB < nd Vljvicu. Slrintlh. lltrtno Current C'J-f ltlniuiiilror cfiftltajcco { Inc. * . Urttteif ImprorrmrntlOTfr all olhtr belli Vfont rklire per * ciftntntlyctirttlta thrttnoatbi. 8r l d ! - „ , _ IhoSindonEloctrieCo. l69Liaallc t..Chlcaa5 T. E. CILPIN FIRE INSURANCE BBOKER , ICoum 03 Traders' Itullilltir ; , CHICAGO. Rcrorencei HotronolltBD Katlonal Hank Ji. U 1)111 A Ck ) . Tlio radftrtetCa Rntl nil iirinar/troubleseaslly.ntilck. lyaudsafelycured by UOCI'UUACuic . tjoverul caueii cured In Heven daja. gold l.M per box , all OrupKlsta , or by mull from IJo- cutaMffe'.Co H3Wbrtot > t.N Y.I'ull Directions Ki P. BICIIMAN. J. II. PALMER , RICHMAN & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants * n' ORlMERWE3TERFIELp& MALEY Live Stock Coinmission , tooni 15 , Kzcbanee HulldlnL' , Uiiloo Eteck Yurdj , rkiutli Uuiuhu , Neb , ALEXANDEH & PITCH , Commision Dealers in Live SocK , 300D123 , Oppoilto KxchanEe Jlulldlni , Union 'Stock * " _ YariJ , Huuth OuinUt.h'tC. . _ UN ON 8tOCH YARDS CO. , "Of Omaha , Limited , AerTctiltiirni Implements , "CHURCHILL PARKER , DealErinAgricnllnrallmplements , Wagons rarrliRCi rind llnctlf. J < nietrrrtl ) tweeQ2thant IDth , OniahiL , Xebraika. LiNTiMGER' & METIMLF CO , , Agricnltnrallfflplements.fagonSjCurriagei . niiRlr , Ktc. WboleiaU. Oniihn , K t > raiilia. PARLIN , ORENDORF & MARTIN , 1 > 'hol ialf Dr&lf r In Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies Wl , SKI , Vt > nd TO ? Jono Street , Omaha. P. P. MAST Si CO. , Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders Cultivators , llay FUkci.Cldor Mill * ami I.uVnn I'ul itrltrrt. ( \ > r Ulh and Mcholm Mrveti. WINONATMPLEMENT CO.T Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies OMAHA IHIANCU. J. P. SEIBERLING & CO. . Akron , Olilo. Hanesting Machinery and Binder Twine , W. K. Moai ! , Manier , 1311 uaTrnnorlh Omaha MOLINE.MILBljRN&STbDBARDCo Manufactutvrs ami Jobbers In Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , Cor , 9th and 1'aclflc Street ] , Omaha , Neb. Artists' Nlntorlnlo. " " ' 'A HOSPE. Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 161.1 Houilai Slrrct , Omaba , Nobraika. BooksollorB nnd Stationers. H. M. & . B. W. JONES , Succciiornlo A.T. Kcnyon A Co. , Wholesale Allotnl Bookseller and Stationers. t'lae7 * > ldlne Stationery , Ccmnirrclal Stationery li.-J l > ouilft ! < Street Omaha , .Ncli. " Boots and Shoe * . KIRKENDALL , JONES A CO. , ( Bucccilorilo ItffJ. Jonti 4 Co ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoe Agentilor llotton HubDer Shoe Co. I WE , 110 JtllOJ llnrney St. , Omaba. Ktbraaka. W. V. MORSE i CO. . Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1101 1103-1105 Douglas St.Omaha ManufactorySum nicr St lloaton. Cpffooa , Splooa , Etc- CLARKE COFFEE c6.T Omalm Coffee ml bplcu Xlllli. Teas. Coffees. Spices , Baking Powder , FlaTcirlnc KitrocU , Laundry Illue. Inks. Ktc. Ill Ill6Harn y Street. Om hn. N br t . Crockery end ciaeawnjrtD. ' ' 'w. L.'wmcHT. Aprnt for tbe Manufacturers and Importeii of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Ktc Office.31" S Ulh St. , Omaha. NcbrMka. PERKINS. CATCH &LAUMAN. Imoortero and Jobbers of Crcckery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware Ktc. 1M4 Icrc St. KOT t'cston nul Comrnlaslcn nnd Storage. " ' " ' RID'SELL & RIDDELL. Storage and Commission Merchants , cclalt " - - " - - - . rs < 'Vi.try ] , ( Ju 11311oward Striot. Omaha , ca OEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , tSuccoiiors to Mcbbitnc & fcliroedcr ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Oaiiba , Nobrnika. FREDERICK J. FAIRBRASS. WUolcinlo Flour , Feed , Grain and General Comniision Mcrchnnt. Correspondence Bol'.cttea. loll .NortU ICtli Street. Oinxlm , .Npb. COAL. COKE a Jolers of Hard and Soft Coal , 3no South nth Street , Omaha. Nohraika. J. J. JOHNSON &CO. . Mannfactnrers o/Llmn / , Bi1 hlpi PrH uf Coal , Coak , CJIDRII liaatcr , T.l Drain Tlio , ami Sowar Hpe. OMce 21S.ij.ntki St. , Oiuatia , Neb , Talcphcn 1)11. ) Dry Cooda ana Notions. MrE SM7TH * CO. , " Dry Goods , Furnisliing Goods and Notions. * Um and 1101 Douglm , Cor. 1Kb St , Omaha , Neb. KILPATR1CK-KOCH DRYGOODSCo Importers and Jobbers in Dry GooflsNotions , Gents' FumlBhlnK Ooodi. Corner llth nntl IloJnoj Stfl. , Omaha. Nebraska. SKA FUEL of Coal and ZH 3outU I3th ft. . Orunha Neh. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE , Wliolesale.Dealers in Fnrnitnre. I'arnam Street. Omaha. Ncbraika. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furnilure Onmlm. Noliraska. Croc rlos. " " PAXTON , GALlTAaHER CO Iliolesale Groceries and Provisions , 70S , 707,700 ami 711 B. JOtli St. , Omaha , Neb. MoCORD. BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , ) th ana I/cnvonivortl ) 8treet . Omaha , Nobrmko. Hardware. MARKS UROS. SADDLERY UO. Wholesale MnnufacturcrauT Sartillery & Moors of Saddlery Hardware AndLoallior , noj , 14K > iindllirr Ilnraey , Nebr * ku. JH avy Hardwnro W. J. BROATCH , Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Spring ! , \YaKUU Hturk , IInrilvrnro , Lumber , lite , nud 1211 Marnuj titritut , UOJalia. HIMEBAUGH i TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Sbop , Machaulci' Tools and IIutTalo Bcalei. 1406 Duuglai Htrcot , Omaba , Nebraika. RECTOR , WILHELMY & CO. , Wliolesale Hardware , Cth anil Ilarner Ht , Omaba , Neb. Weitom A genii ( or Auitlo rowrter Co , JeCenon Hteul Nails , Kalrbtnki Htandird Hcatci. LEE , CLARKE. ANDREE13EN HARD WARE COMPANY , Wliolcsalc Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , UetnlH. hlir-ot Iron , fltc. AK nta for ndwe Scales , Miami 1'owdcr andl.yman llarbcd YCIro , Otaahit , W. L. PARROTTE & CO. , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods HOT Hinter rJlre U Omaha. Neb. OMAHA LUMBUR co All Kinds of Bnilding Material at WHo 18t4Str ( itaDa Uolopl'aclflo Track , Omahn. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasl ) , YirdC rner 7tb an < l UowtlHi : Coroci C. N. DIET2 , Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , ISthand California glrod . Omah.i , Ncbra k . Limber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Corner < Uh nd non lmSu..Om nn. I. W. HARVEY LUMBER CUTe To Dealers Only , QfflC , jtCT Kurnmn gtrrft Omnhi. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD Wholesale Lumber , Etc , ( julncr Wlilln Umo. CHAS. R. LEE. Dealer in Hardwood Lninlicr , Wood C rrl ml l' rquft Kloorlnf h a _ Millinery nnd Notions. _ " > ' I. OBERFELDER * CO.i" Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions uth uih sim > t OvornllB. CANFIELD MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jcsns rnl3Shirt * . Ktc. lURMiil 1101 loutil ) Street , uruntia. Neb , Notions. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. . Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods 4 < IJ ami IK > He nth 10th St. , Oinatm. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Ailo Ornaiif. Btc. , Omahs. A. II lll'hnp , M VINYARD & . SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , 1104 lliuncj Struct. Oralin. Office Fixtures. TUB BIMMONDS MANUKACTUItlNO CO. Mnnufacturn.s of Bant , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Mantle * . Sideboard * . Book Onsen , Drue Hxlim'i.Wal ] t'a ( i < . Partition ! . Itallluiis.Coiintcri , tteernwl Wing Cooler * . .MlrrorK.cto I'ailory ami omce , 17JU utid 17 ? ) boulb 13th St.umaba. Telephone 11:1. Pnlnts nnd oils. CUMMINOS & NEILSON , Wholc-nlo Dcnlcrnln Paints , Oils , finilow Glajs , Etc , lllSVarn m Blroct. OmahaNeb. Popor. CARPENTER PAPCn CO. Wholesale Paper Dealers. Curry n nice stock of Printing , Wrnpplim iiml WrltlDi rn ar. tfpcclil altonllon ulron to tnr lot > l oitleri. Paper Boxos. JOHN L. WILKIE , Proprietor Oinalia Paper Box Factory , Noi. 1317 and 1310 Douglni St. , Oiimba , Neb ) Soods. PHIL. STIMMEL .t CO. , Wholesale Farm , Fielfl and Garden Seeds til nnd 1)13 ) Jonon ttrcvt Onmlm. Storage , Forwarding & Conimlaolon ARMSTRO NO. PETTI S 4 CO. , Storage. Forwarding and Commission. Drnnrh hon > of tlio llerrnry Iluacy Co. IIUKxIci ti nliolcsalu and retail , 1 US I.TlOnml 131. UarJ Street/ Omaha. Tclepliono No. "M. Broworg. STOR2 & 1LER , Lager Beer Brewers. 1521 North Klgtlitcenth Street , Oinnlial > e.t > . Cornloo. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS. J Mannfactnre Galvanized Iron and Cornice/ / John Cponotcr , Proprietor. (130 ( Dodffn nnd 103unil lol North luth Strout , Umnlm. Printers' Matorlnls. WE TERN"NEWSPAPER"UNION. Auxiliary Publishers , D .er..n . . , B.pplle. . Rubber Goods. \ OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods 311 Clotbluc uud 1-tcther lleltlnt' . IftM Kiinmru Btreetl SjnhDrjora _ , Etc. M. A mSBRCW/ CoT. "f Wholoulo Mniiiir .cturcrs uf Sasb. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings. llr.incli ufflce , 1'itn and Izunl tJtrccU , Onmlm , Nab , v " BOHN MANUFACTl/RINa / CC3. I Manufacturers of Sasli , Doors , Blinds , . ' -ulilliiLM , Stnlr Work and Interior IlnKd Woo.l Mn > u. ti. K. Corner Htb KII.I l.i ittunwcirth btroulfl , ' Ociabit , tiou. _ _ StojQmFlttlng8 , Pumps , Etc. * A. LT1 > TRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , : tcam , Water , Itu.lnny nnil Mlnlnit Kiinpllot , Etc. KUIWauJVJl raruum htreetOmaha. CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Stoara arid Water BupplUs. n " "la'inrter for Mnit , _ Farnam t. , Om U. b. WIND ENGINE ft PUMP CO.T Hera and Water Supplies , Uallldar Wind Mllli. 018 nnd OM Farnntn Bt. . Omaha/ _ * ' ' _ jt""At-tlnn Malinger. BROWN E'LL & uo. . Bnsnes , Boilers and General Machinery/ Neuron ? T 5 | ' } - ; : . - | . . 1IMIU Iron Works. STEAM BOILER WORKS , Carter Fen , Trap's. .Muniifacttircriofnllklndl > Steam Boilers , TanKs and Slice ! Iron VM Work SoutU SOlli and II. A .M. Cromlng. I'AXTON & VIKIIMNU IKON WOIIKU. \ Y7rDUglit anfl Cast Iron Bnildliig Worfc1 Klno. llrm Work. Qoncrtl Kouudrr. M OIIIO ! | an ! Ulackimlth Work , oitlco anU Works , U , r. llf. and ITIb btreut , _ " HJON WORKS , Mannfactnrers of fire and Iron Railings Desk Italli , Window funrd . Klnwor Ht ndi , Wlr fcllini.Ktc. Ul Nortli Kill Htruc'l.Umntift. OMAHA SAFE nnd IRON WORKS/ Man'ifs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes f Faulti. Jail Work , Iron oul Wire KuuilnK. Hleni , Kto. U. Andreta. Prup'r Cor. llth uu.I Jutluoir bu , CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WORKS ron and Wire Fences , Railing Guards nfl Scroenn.forUanlt ? , p1l'c . toro ie Usacoi. ( etc , JroproTfA Airnn. | fx > ckiuitri | .Mnclilnfry und , Jllacxtmlib Worki. IM botiUiHUir-l. _ _ MEACHER iWHITMORE , Fireani Burglar Proof Safes , Time Loc : _ _ * fr.J * * "f