THE OMAHA DAILY BEEy WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 28 , 188a THE CITY. An infant chiffi of , Hans .Tanscn , 711 Louvonworth street , was buried at UK expense of the county , the parent beinp too poor to bear the funeral ex Thurwlny evening at 7 o'clock then ' ill bo div'lno services hold at thn synagogue goguo on llarney and Twcnty-fourtl streets. Rabbi I5enl-on will ollleiatoant lecture. The public in general is in vlted. The festival commemorating the re dedication of the temple by the heroic Maccabees ( luring the reign of Antio chin Kpiphanes ifl usually celobratei annually on the 2oth day of the nintl Jewish month called ' 'Kislov , " corresponding spending this year with Thursday , the liitth inst. It lasts eight days. Service1 at the synagogue will bo held LYidaj uvenlng al tlio usual hour. The family sermons of Pastor Lama' nt First Haptist church Sunday night are attracting very large audiences Last Sabbath night every available sea was IHlcd and n lariro number of chair hud to bo secured. The afler-meotiiif wns large and deeply interesting. Twt professed conversion and seven other ! asked the prayers of Christians. Nex Sunday night the subject will bo "Obligations of Wives to Husbands. " aragraphs , Governor Thaycr Is In the city. A. M. Withrow , of Chicago , Is at the Pax ton. .1. S. Husscll of Hoston Is at thoPattoi hotel. hotel.W. W. , f. Wyman , of Lincoln , is at the Mer chants. J. Woodman is registered at the Mcr chants. Ira H. Jackson of Denver is a guest at tin Murray. L Valentine , of Kansas City , Is at tin Merchants. I } . H. Osborno , of New York , Is a guest n the I'uxton. Mrs. A. Ptitimn and daughter are stoppini at the Mumiy. C. F. Keith , Worcester , Mass. , is a gucs ut the Miihird. H. W. Green has inscribed his name on tin Paston'.s register. O car Pepper Pierce of St. Louis is regis tered at the P.ixton. H. Lee Smith , of London , Eng. , is regis tcied at the Paxton. A. J. Lewis , of Salt Lake City , is regis tered at the Merchants. H. G. Coo and wife ofj Milwaukee an guests at thoMillnrd. Mr. W. 1C. Ilolloway , wife and child are guests at the Puxton. Thomas .T. Swan , of Cheyenne , Wyo. , is registered nt the Paxtou. C. E. Frommann's iiumo appears on tin register of the Murray. E. P. Shields , Kansas City , is in the citj and a guest at tno Miihird. J. E. Kite , wife and daughter , Ucatrice , uro registered at the Miihird. II. A. Draincrd , editor of the Lancastoi Union , was in town Monday. W. F. Palmer and John E. Wilson of Chicago cage are registered at the Miihird. Charles S. Galligan. S. Lowcnshou nnd Gcorco F. Johnson of New Yorit are regis tered at the Murray. Mr. William Anderson , cashier at the Mur ray , has gone to his homo in DCS Moincs to upend Tluvnkbgiving day. Mis. John O'Kecfo , of Crcston , la. , is con fined to the residence of her mother at 1811 California street , with sickness , At the Arcade : A. Crowell , Tekamah ; James Marsh. Heatrice ; M. F. King , jr. , Lincoln ; C. H. Combs , Weeping Water ; Albert Clark , Craig ; James A. Masters , Ponca ; P. Newman , Ulair ; D. C. Langford , Tckamab ; N. B. Davis of Blair. TwoBcliool Holidays. In accordance with the rules governing schools in this city , there will be no sessions of the Omaha schools on Thursday , Thanks giving day , nor the day following- , . Silicon Closed. Deputy Sheriff Houck levied upon tRo sa loon , Block and llxtures of Gustav Stclling at South Omaha yeslcrduy , to salisfy a claim ol Thomas D. Hanna , to the extent of $ SOO. The latter , It is sain purchased the saloon , nnd placed the former in charge of it , but Stclling refused to recognize Hanna oven as n partner , ' and in consequence the latlor closed the cstubllsraunt. The Chiefs Order. In his last general order Chief Seavoy no- lilies the members of the police force that any ofllcer who is found drinking any kind of intoxicating liquor , in a saloon or elsewhere , while on duty , shall bo immediately sus pended and n recommendation sent lo the board of 11 ro and pollco commissioners that they dishonorably discharge each and every offender. _ The Democrat Incorporates. The Democrat Publishing company has filed articles of Incorporation , with capital Block placed at $ .10,000. The incorporates are : W. \'auglmn , J. II. Lamar , M. V. Gannon , E. H. Chapman , B. A. Fowler. Wil liam Mellugh , Sam M. Hnrdotto , W. 1 { . Vaughan , jr. , and H. E. Incrraham. The bus- of the company will bo the printing and publishing of a daily and weekly newspaper , and conducting u job printing establishment. Mr. Clavor's Ijuuky Draw. Having Interviewed Mr. .Tno. T. Clover in regard to his reported lucky draw in the Lousiana State Loltery , wo Jlnd that ho held one-twentieth of tjcket No. K.7R5which ! drew the ilrst cnpilal prhw of $300,000 in the company's drawing on the SJtli of October last , and that ho has received his money fl5,000-on the same. Mr. Clavcr's ticket cost him ono dollar and was the llrst and only money ho had ever Invested In that way. Uy an agreement with Mr. William Foster , of this place , who held a ticket In the Instl- tullon , that if either ot their tickcto drew a prize they would dlvldo equally , Mr. Foster receives one-half the amount. Mr. Claver and Mr. Foster are both well rcspeclcd cllbons of ibis vicinlly , and what ever may bo said pro or con of the lotlory Usolf , this amount of money will olovnlo them from moderate lo well to-do circum- utauccH , and It is to ho hoped that it will bo Invested in a way that will give it circulation In this city and comuiuiilly. Murr.iy ( Iowa ) ' news , Nov. 15. _ , ACIlAl'TKlt PUPM 111311 ijlKJS. A Female Tluof Whom ) IlnmlH Arc Htnlnctlultli Itlnod. Pearl Wright , the Ilery-lmlrcd oyprlan who was arrested In Council BlulTa Monday by Dotectlvo Ormsby for stealing a number of dresses from Lllllo Maim , the head woman of a bawdy house In this city nt 111 South Ninthslreel , although yet young , Is Bleeped in crhnonnd hus considerable of n history. I ! Thrco years ago Pearl , which by the way , m not her right name , was living with her mot her ut New Lebanon , Indiana county , Penn sylvania. Her mother was a widow , bul weal thy , and a lino-appearing but penniless widow er named Kennedy was a zealous aspirant for the widow's hand and dowry. Pearl took a hearty dlsllko to the prospective utopfathor. ami told her mother that If she married Kennedy she would kill him. The mother , however , laughed al the threats of the six-- tccn-year-old daughter and gave her hand and heart in marriage to the wldowor. Ken nedy proved to bo a bad step-father and drove Ills wlfo'g children away , and installed his own progeny In choir place. Pearl resented the Intrusion of Kennedy in the household , and dolled his authority in ordering bar to Icavo her homo. A quarrel ensued nnd Pearl , arming herself with a sU-ahoolur , shot Kennedy dead , The affair proved a profound sensation , and after Jymt ; Jti Jail for u year Pearl was trial on the charge of murder , but was acqultlcd , Bho then drifted west , landing In Lincoln. At 11 rut she tried to make her living by honest work , but the contamination received from follow prisoners while in jail poisoned her morals , and she soon cainu to Omuha and entered a house of sluuno. Her course down ward has been swift , and now ut the early ngo of nineteen she ranks among the vilest of the vile in Omaha. Standard ahortuaud school. 1007i Far- 8IIOKT HPUKCUUS. Ititt Full of Korco DclKcrcd t > y Soutl Oinnlin. Couiiotltiion. "I've n d n sight moro interest In the ( street viaduct tlmn have In L street , ntn they had no wrangling over that. If yoi keep on we'll KPtn poor country bridge In stead of ft viaduct , and t don't give a gel ilnrn whether we get u M-cent viaduct or not but I want to got the cheapest and the host , ' were the wordi that shocked TUB HII : : re porter's cars as ho took u scat In the Soutl Omaha Jail Monday night , along \vilhtho ) res of the city council. The trouble was this : The council oni week ago had accepted the bid ol the MM waukco Uridgo & Iron company , to build thi L street viaduct for < U,5fH , while nnothc : company had put ono In lower There has been any amount of trouble sinci then , because the citizens object to paylni the outside price for work to bo ilono nm Monday night the merits of th < bids mndo by the Keystone nn < Missouri Valley companies wore discussed There was n difference of $1,100 bptwcer them , but Councllmen I'uiino , Smith mu U.iylcss were willing to pay the oxtr.i ? l,70l ( because the cheapest company had the ad vantage of hearing the bids from the othoi competitors , and then putting in a sccom bid. Councilmun McMillan , Kaflcrty nm Hurko thought otherwise and said HO , nm claimed that if the council hndicceivcd tin second bid , they should stand by it and M.IVI citizens ilTOO if they could. The dob.uo or the subject was confined to McMillan , Uay- less , t'"enno , Hurke and O'Hourlro , with tin mayor occasionally putting in a word or two All they said could not bo reported , because some of the speeches were long and others short , but among the short ones were "II seems that ono councilman can't trust an other and thinks hu'u making moro than he is , nnd I'll vote to throw it nil out " "I thlnli it's ' d n well dismissed to night. " "I bii .you , the world and the devil di'lluncc" " ] say ho's a liar to his face you'ro u liar , " " deal. " 'That's .lohn. "Wo want u square what wo want , and we'll get It , too , " and n few others , lleloro all this took place , the committee on streets and alleys had ropoitct : in favor of the bid of the Missouri vnllo.v Jlridgo company , of Leavcnworth , fortho Q street viaduct at ? 'ilSOO , "complete nnd rcadj for trafilc , " but the report was rejected by the votes of McMillan , Halfoityf Ilurke anil O'lJourko. ' They voted "no" because the Keystone Uridgo and Iron company offered to do the same \vork for $ . ! 0OM.00 ) , and then It was learned that the latter company had been allowed u second bid , because they were wrongly informed as to the specifica tions. Another debate followed , in which the city engineer explained that the Keystone bid was not really the lowest , because the combined price of the main structure.nnd the extras they added , amounted to $ H3iOU ; , but this , the ropicscntalive of that company , de nied. Then the two rcprcntativcs of the two rival companies were given the floor , nnd spoke at some length on the relative merits of the eye-braces , irirders and hand-rails of wood and iron , until the council changed the subject and talked about bridges , and by re quest Engineer Lawrence read over the ten bids as received. Another war of words followed , and Councilman Fcnno moved , seconded by Councilman Smith , that the highest bid of ? 31M)0 ) bo accepted. On n vote being taken Messrs. Smith , Fenno and Hayless voted yes , and McMillan Uurkc , UafTerty and O'Kourke ' , no. Then Council man McMillan moved that the lowest bid , # . ! 0bO ( ) bo accepted , but it was voted down by Messrs. Fcnno , Smith , Hayles , O'Hourko and the mayor. The mayor explained why ho voted no , and then after another debute Councilman Smith moved that the bids for Q street viaduct bo re-advertised. Councilman KalTort.v moved an amendment that the bids for Q street viaduct be included in tlio adout- lon , but the mayor said that deal was closed nntl he had already accepted the bonds of fered by the contractors. An alarm of lire sounded about that time ami for a moment Hie councilman uudo for the door but came back ami remained long cnoutrh to carry the original motion ana adjourn. "New tenders for the (2 ( street viaduct will now bo i eceived , nnd the city for the present has been saved a useless expenditure of $1,700. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al ways bo usedforchildrenteething. Itsoothea the child , softens the gums , allays all pain , curcsjwind colic , and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. 'Joe a bottle. Itnili-oatl Notes. Conductor Wilcox and Train Baggageman Too Tabor , of the briclgo train , are bath se riously ill , the former with rheumatism and the latter with blood poisoning. A company of recruits from the east went west on the Union Pacific yesterday to re port at the various headquarters to which they were assigned. Engine 101 , a back number on the Union Pacific , came in from Montana to bo over- liaulcd In the Union Pacillo shops. D. E. Thompson , general superintendent 3f the I ) . & M. , went west this morning. Train No. 2 on the Union Pacific arrived In fourscctous from the west yesterday morn ing , and the regular No 2 was four houi s late. Western connections delayed it. All the eastern trains wore on time yester- lay morning except tho"Q , " which was llf teen minutes later. V. P. Murray , general western passenger igent of the Nuw York Central , left for St. loseph yesterday morning. Thanksgiving turkeys are among the icavicst arrivals at the Uuion Pacific depot ust now. Thcrowas u'puz/lcd conductor and brake- nan on No. a of the 13. ix M. The brakeman liscovored u pug dog in care of n lady in the Irst class coach , and tolu hot- that it would lavotogoin the baggage car. She objected ind ho went for the conductor , but when -hoy returned thcro was no dog in sight. They made a thorough search for the canine , md the lady politely stepped Into the aialo to iccommodato them , but they were unable to ocato it and return discomlltted. When nil vas quiet , the lady drew the dog from her 'Improver" where It had rested peacefully n the shallow of her cloak , while the rail- vny men cio making their unavailing .carcb. . Three all steel furmicos reserved for ) umhi. ; No joints , Aildrosb , It M. Wim : , IJoone , Iowa. Ilio Kcil Unites Wo Through the negligence of the waterworks iorapany in failing to put up proper signal Ights near n trench for water mains in Slier- nan avenue , near the fair grounds , William Ick , of the ilrmof Kck & Ilolstcu , came near oslng his hfo by being precipitated into the lltcu while driving along that thoroughfare , bout 8 o'clock Monday evening. The liorso vas injured seriously and tho-wagon badly mashed. Kck was badly bruKod by falling nto the hole , but fortunately none of his m- urlcs uro borious , 'I am weary of llvhifj , " moaned poor Mrs. Ulack , 'For I'm fairly worn out with the ache In my back ; My nervrs are n chain Of weakness and pain , Ind my poor l\uad \ is-nuhing as if it would crack. " 'Now , don't bo discouraged , " cried good Mrs. White , 'It Is never so dark but there's promise of light : I cnn toll you , In brief. What will give you relief Merco's ravorito Proscription will soon set you right. " It is the only remedy for woman's po- iulhir weaknesses and ailments , sold by ini l'lst9 , under a positive guarantee rein the manufacturers that it will { jlvo atlbfaetion in every case or money will 10 refunded. See guarantee on bottle mippoi- . Largo bottle (100 ( doses ) for 1. Six for $5. flniul Hull aintoli. A big hand ball match was played at rilffannoiut Hart's court yesterday morning , 'ho ' contestants were Morgan Hoafoy and . H. Uoyd , u merchant of Now York Cltj' . 'ho ' stakes wei0 25 , best two out of thrco , i the llrst fromo the honors were equal , Icufoy winning by only an eco , i tlio second , however , ho com. letoly demolished his competitor and 10 Omnium's victory was received with en. lURiastlo . 'ecrs. Mr. Jloyd will remain In iwn for bprao days us ho lius largo proprlo- iry Interesta here and will meet Mr. Huafey i uuoUier.coiUest. Another match has also sen arranged between lUcUaril Gcorpo Cnnflcld and Wlllinnl Plemmini ngallist ldward Ilrcnnan , Charles Fnnnitii and Hugh Murphy. It will take place PI Thanksgiving evening. Do you suitor with catarrh ? You can bi cured if you taku Hood's Sarsaparilla the jroat blood purifier. Sold by al druggists. _ _ A IJUUTAIj ASSAUIjf. < 1 , O. Flatter Seriously Itcntcn by ni Mr. .1. O. Fisher , proprietor of the Flshc : Printing company , 1011 Farnam street , wa the victim of a vicious iisinult by Mat Hlncr foreman of the press room Monday evening Fisher's business has required him to put n a force of men ou at night as well ns days and he appointed as foreman of the nigh gang a friend from Hastings. This did no in any way Interfere with Ulncr's authority ns day foreman , but ho objected to Fishcr'i appointing the nicht force w.ihout con suiting him llrst. Hiner has therefore beet surly for n few days , nnd apparently get ting a notion into his head that he was point to bo discharged , ho made up his mliu to give Fisher a thrashing. At 8 o'clock Monday nmhtho went into th < third story of the establishment and after i few angry words knocked Fisher down , am proceeded to beat him In a merciless man tier , Umcr is a powerfully built nnd iitliletu fellow and ho Indicted some fearful bruises continuing his assault until his employer wa ; beaten into insensibility. Uinor then lied Mr. Fisher was picked tip bleeding and in sensible und carried to his homo at 220 ! Douglas , where for several hours ho wa thought to bo dying. Yestanloy morning he suffered less , but his mind wandered , and i Is feared that ho has suffered a concussion o the brain. _ ICtldy'H Miss Hosnlio Eddy of the Paul school whoso Illness has already been mentioned has suffered a relapse and Is In a dangerou6 condition. Her friends are greatly alarmed , Her patents , who live in the western partol the state , have arrived and will do nil they can for her. Absolutely Tills uowtlih never varies. A marvel of purity Btienctli and wliolesonienes.s. Moro econom ical than thu ordinary kinds , and cannot bu sold In competition with thu mnltltuda of low cost , short w eight alum or phosphate powder * , Cold only In cans. Hoval imklng l'o\vdcr Co. , l'ii \Vallsticot. NewYoik. Bennro of Fraud , as my name and the price arc itampcn on the bottom of all my advertised shots before leivine the factory , which protect the wearcri against high prices and inferior Roods If a dealer offers W. I , . JtiniKlu * shoes al n reduced price , or says he Ins them without my nime and price stamped on the bottom , put him down as a fraud. FOR GENTLEMEN. The only calf 83SKAMLiSS Shoo smooth In- side. NOTACKSoMVAXTIIllKAntohurttlio feet , easy as haud-soncd and AVILL NOT Kir. TO THE PUBLIC. The recent circular irnt out br the New Koglftrid I. iter' Protective Union tinted Aiiguit lit. IS H , rcxjuetting labor or- jrtnliationt to bojcott my tiorf , it 1-lifl and iiiiiTeaaing , at tbe re It no trouble at rnr fictury , It I running at Hi lullcit capacity , and ) IM brcti for over a > car. Icinploj both Knlchli of Labor and Die Latter * 1'rotfctlve Union men , and in order to prate to th * inrnibrnot Labor orpinlntloni evFr > here Ibitthe itatcincnti made In laid circular are raise lufler $5,000 REWARD la HIT ft nun or pcrionl ha III prove all the itatrmenli mnjs In tafdclrculir to te true. Tlili oiler * 111 hold cooU until Jinuirylil , 1889. M' . I , . DOUGLAS , Itrorktnn , Slnm. For sulo by Kelley , Stipo-i & Co. and 3co. S. Miller , 012 North 10th St. Au Important Announcement About ilf wceki ego. while at builnria , i wnb suddenly attacked with excruciating paint lu ni ) feet , kiiaen ami hands S > so\t r * Iho atluck that 1 took my bed limnodlutcdy , anil lu two or thrro dujs my jolnuvir iwollru to nlmott clouMo thefr iiaturHliilza , ndikcp wna dilrrn from me. AfHrtutTur. In ? the most oiirncliulntt pnln foritHrrk , UklnullulincnU aniUurloim inlur rciupdle * . frl.'ud ttiiotyinpnthlwd with uij lielplcu couduion.ialiltouiai "Why uon't jou pet Bwlft' Sjx > cine nnd otolt. \vlll8uaronteBn cure , nnd Kitdou tot the inrdUlnu nhull voet JiHl nothlUK. " r I at uuca eecurtMl the S 0. H. , and nflrr csln It the tlrst < lny , hnd a iulet night und refrtdilng tlern. In a wific I felt uruuilr teneiutwl In fireB\vccks ! I could kltnpuua walk about the room , nnd utter ualnic Bis totllci I aa out and M > lu In K < > to builuem. Blncothca I h o beeureBiilixrlyutiiiy von of duly , and eland on my fiet fromnlnoto ten hours a dayiind nm eutlreli freofrom . Then ) are the plain and blmplofact * imrcuf.iuid I will vherrfullyuiunerall Inuulrlti iclatlvo thereto , elh | < r In i > er ou or iy luall. TiioHis TUrKiuir. * , 11 W. Whetreet.Jiuw York City. Niinviui. TFJIH I hnvo warded off n vcru attack of rheumalUm by n timely rc or to HwlU'ii K'li'lnc. In nil cutes hi i o a l r- nmueul rdluf U sought tldJ infdltlne com- monilj Itfdf for n rniutUulloual trtatinejit that thoroughly eiadlcatt * thu nodi ol dU- ctiiufigm thu i ) "Hiii. _ tt. Key. W. P. lUnnLSOH , D. D. ' , 61 "in ATE. After cprmllDi tJU to be iclleicd ( f Dlooil I'ulton ullhout ID lici.rllt . , nfuw bottle * of Bwlft'sBpeiltlg workedmxifectcure. C. I'OKTXR. 1 riEMi , Ov.-Mr llttlo girl , aged Bizand boy. ( ! . ' ' fuur yoart , had lerufula In tha worit iraintcit hai > p. Th y were jnuif and ilckijr. lu'daythuyaro liialthyuudro- lU tolHliOK ultof ukliiKS.B. 8. - v , Jae T. COLUXB. 1 LADT Uki , ScuTicn Co , Fia. Your B. B , B. hai ire > rd a wonderful kiicctki In inr case. 11 o cuncur ou my f oco. no doutf. would hat o teen hurrlrd me to my ( rave. J do llUolc U U uodcrf ul , nnd liai no i qual. , U. II. UlUD , 1'Oitaiaitcr. J _ . . . . VTico , TKAS , Way , 1838. 1 I. H. Co. , Atlanta , Oa. j 1 Oentlenieu-Knowing that-you cjiproelat * voluntary teitlmoulali. we taVu plraiureln autlug Oiat one of our lady culoiur baj nKaliiod her health by th u e of feurlar * pollloi of your great rt-n cdr , after having b * u an In talld for toreral } nar * . Her trouble Wai eitrt uie debility , caund by a cUiaaie p - ullarloherioz. WituJft Cu.IlruKcUta. i Three lx L > mailed free ou application. ' tllH.S.a Til * Bniirr Brrcrno Co , i \Drancrl.AllantaQx The "GlGiiuCiiniiiE" Cape Top OTorcoat The inostiucc'cisfulgnrmont tntroducotl lij1 us this season. The capo1 * nro tip- tuclmblo nnd tlio innturluli aio of stroiiR twocd nnd thu splumlld Irish Frieze textures. AUo u complete stoek of plain Ovrcoats and Frieze Ulstors. OVER 10,000 , MA6EE RANGES 2,000 MAGEE FURNACES AND 13,000 , MAGEE HEATING STOVES WERE SOLD IN 1887. These figures tire moio eloquent than volume' \\hlcli might \ultten In praise of tliepo' ullui merits noviessed bj tin1 M.itfeo ( lOixls. Mi - > 1' vur.o \ SAY * oi TIIK Uni s : "I use tlio MiiKi'u Kunuo const intly In mj Schools anil Priv.itn Kitchen : It fulfills over } requirement for tlio most usaetlntrxork ; ] uoulil not e\ehniiKO it for any raiigtj made. " bend for our I'lirnnco Circular anil lead whal physician professors. seleiill ts. mcrhanlcs am meirliants say of the Mngoe I'uniaci's tnoy havi In use. Don t put In bti-am nr lint \Vatur Ap parntns.tlll you KNOW \Mrnt a MUST-CLASS Hoi Air furnace will do for half the cost. Tin Moi i : lt\MirsFu NA < isllrriro : \NI COOKIMl STOVKIHK Sll ( 13UlYW 111 111 * 1)J nur agents , and o wiiriant em li one to glu perfect satisfaction to the. Oil ) or M.U.ii : KtMtNACn CO. , : ToW ! UNIONST. . , Hobton. bi Lake St . Agents Omahu. OMAHA HEDiCALa SURGICAL INSTITUTE , N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sta. JOB THK TBEATJIENT Of ALI , 03Sl.-A.CES , Appliances for Deformities and Trnssas. Boat fftcllltlen , oppnrotus nj rnnieili s for success- 'nl Hcitnii'iit ot erery form of dbcuao requiring UoUlcal or bursltMl Treutmcnt. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard and ntlendnnco ; beb boipltal nccomiuoila- lions In tbe won. \VIUTB roil ClBCDT.AiisonIoformlUe3oDiJ1)raco ) > , Prussot , Club Kt'ot. Curvuturo of lliu t-nlne , IMI , I'uinorB , Cancer , Catnrrh , QroncnllK Inhnlallon , electricity , I'nraljlm , lCillop | < y. Kidney , ninrtilur , Cye , U r , Skin uiil Illood , ana allguritloilOucrntloni Olsoases of Woman a Specialty. llOOK OH DlSEAftKS OF WOMEN I'llKlt. 3NLY HELIABL3 MEDIOAL INSTITUTE MAKINO A SPECIALTY1 OB- PRIVATE DISEASES. All IIlool Il8en-e luoccatfully trcntod. Srplillllli ) "olaon rumored from the ifslmn without morcurr. uvr reviorattvo IroutmHnt forlos * of Vital f'uvror. * ersonq unable to vUtt us may bo trentod at homo by lotresnundence. All commualoullonn tuutlilenUul. iIcdlcfiK'i or lugtrumtnti sent by mull or ( xprrafi , securely pacKcd , no mnrkn to Indlciito contiiiils or leudur. Ono personal Interrieir pioforrud. Cnll and : on ultui or send hlitory of your ca u , and wo will Mnd In plain wrapper , oar BOOK TO MEN. FREEj Ipon Private , Hpeclal or Nervous DlscaioJ , Impo- cucy , Srplillu , Gloat uJ Varlcccila , wllhquviuon MU Addrojs Jmaha Medical and Sirtcal ( ( ; Institute , or DR. McME\AI IY , 3 r. 13th and Dodce Sts. . - . OMAnA.J < En. las Moysr-EstaWishfld IGSC-Adolph lloyor eyer 9 IIXTLEXTII AX I ) rAKXAM STIlKiri'.S. ' Cicucral ApcnlCor STEINWAY. BICKERING , KNABE , VOSE & SONS , BEHR BROS , , and JAS , W , STARR lory & Clark and i5ioniiiier-B8ll ! Bl'I'.CIAI , I'JUCUS AND TJ5KMS. Write forCatalot'iio ) r. J. E. McGrew , Ono of Iho Most Siicccj'sfiil SPECIALISTS i the Treatment of all Chronic or the So-called Incurable Diseases , A cure cuanintced In all cases ot I'HIV'ATB id HKIN llbiAHiS. : : AU dlBoiil.TS of thn : \UAI , OKtJANS CUHHl ) nna .MANHOOD idl'.NHWU' UKb'fOltUU. Under the Doctor's form of treatment no ilia- , ko Is coDHldcreil Incurable , until lliu ji.irts of o body ndurtcd iiy ilUuasu are ilestrojud atertliau tliey can ba reputrud or built up. CXNSUI.TATiON l'UiU. : Treatment by correspondence. Bend stamp r reply. fflCG Buohman BIoo . 13th caul DpUL'l& HIM , O OISTTIIST IE3 ZsT T JLJBIT Superior Quality and Reduced Prices. \Vo hnvo decided lo offer for the bal ance of this month aspecial inducement lo cash buyers throughout the west lo purclmso an overcoat or ulster at bot- loi.i prices. Our entire wholesale slock of"A,000 ) worth to s-clect from , onibrac- hifT Kino Klysitins , Ueavprs , Cliincilla ; ! . Meltons , Kerseys , and Fur Beavers. There is no fabric lee expensive for our ready-mado Ovcrcoals and wo guarantee thorn lo be betlor in every respct than low priced Custom work. We mention a few of the special lots which we oiler at Iho sale. Lot No. 1 , Price $25. Is a Diagonal Chinchilla in two colors. Blown andBluo.lined lhroughoutbody& sleeves with Win.Slfinnei\VSoirsbcst s't- : iu it in every detail of manufaeluro , Ihoy are as near porfecl as wo can make them. Wo olfer Ihcso Overcoats to genllomon who can appreciate perfect worlc and superior materials , but who do not want to pay tailors $ oj , which they would have to do for one of equal qualily. $2. ) each. Wo unhesitatingly claim that the garmentcannotbe bought oulbido of the Continental for less than * 35. - I Lot No. 2 , Price 20. Wo offer 160 Blue- Chinchilla Over coats , lined with a light colored woolen lining , satin slceyes. piped edges and made equal to liny custom garment. Wo expect that this will bo one of the most popular lots offered at this sale. The price is lower than the same coat can bo bought for in regular retail stores and lor business men wo recommend this ns ono of the best values wo have over olTcred. Lot No. 3 , Price $15. This lot is made of blue chinchilla , perfectly fast color , made and trimmed to give perfect satisfaction. No cheap trimmings used in any of our low priced garments. Wo recommend this lot for a medium priced garment , knowing that the purchaser will be entirely sat isfied with it. Price $15 ; all si/jus ; 35 to Lot No. 4 , Price $ IO Wo 'otter i200 Mcns' Plain Moscow Hcnvor Overcoats in bltio nnil brown i\t 810. This is tlio lowest prieoil ovoroout that wo rooonunond to our trade. For $10 nolhitifj bettor can bo inn-chased I than this garment , jruanuitoi'd lobe perfectly honobt in every robpect. AH sizes.Vo believe that the coat is sold for $16 in the ordinary coui-bO of trade. Men's ' Ulsters. MPIIS' Chinchillti Ulstors ? 10 to $25. Men's Klysian Ulbtors , $10 to $1212. Men's Irish LYio/.e Ulstors. Men's Capo Overcoats. Men.s Fur Trimmed Overcoats. Men's Fur Trimmed Ulsters. Men's Fur Overcoats of all kinds. MAIL OUDKUS. Send for n sample garment of nny of the lots advertised and if it is not satisfactory in every respect , return ut our expense. and 15th Street , I. " . J time. ' : The Burlington takes the lead. It was in advance of all Imes in developing Nebraska. It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car service between Missouri river points and Chicago. . ; - ti lt was in advance of all lines in giving the people of Omaha and the West a fast mail service. It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from the East into Omaha proper. It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago. It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can % foave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the evening of the same day. It has been progressive in the past. . It will lead in the future. Travel and ship via the Burlington. Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. r Depot on Tenth Street. U Dit. U. 0. WI'ST'H Nniivn : a uimnintced giipcllli for Hysteria , lil//l ness , Convulsloni ) , rits. Nervous NenrnlKla Jlcadaolio , Nervous j'rostration. catisuil Iiy tlia IHO or.ilcohol or tobacco. Wttkuruliifss , Mental Depm a'.on , HoftenlnKot Oio llraln , resulting in Insanity , and Ipnduic to misery , deo.iy nnd Ufutli , I'lematureOlu HKO llarrennoss. Loss of 1'ort'cr In either sot. Involuntary I.OHCB and Bpermatorlici'ii caused bv over-nxertlon of tlio brain , stdf-abusoor over IndnlKcnca. I'.ach box contains ono month's troitmont $ l ) al > ox or six boxes forSI 00 , s-'nt by mall Prepaid on re ceipt ot price. WR OUAUANTHIO SIX IJOXIC * To cure any case. With ojch order received by us for alx bo'cos , actompanleil ultli } " > "I , wu \s 111 send the purchaser \\rUtfUiKiuirantea to refund the money If the tro itmeut doej not clfect a euro. Gnunuitee-t 1-suod only by C' . R OUJDMAN. Drumrtst , Bole Aeuut , llioraruaut Btreet , ( Jmaliu Nub , I1 1 nMCV nrt nil urinary troubles ( nBlly.riulct MUllLI ly urn ] uafiily cured by 1HJ01 iItA < . ' .il > - bules , riovurul cubM cured in M'von darK bold II 60 per box , till druKKlsts , or by mull ( rum Ito- liaWhrtobt..N V.I nil Dliuu PEEBLKS IYES" To s , Dolls , PlnsljJii ORDELME & QUENTIN OI'MIMVAUKIIK. Will Imvo Iliplr full line ot sampli-s displayed tit the follow IUK plai oa before Nor ' 'f th. Grand Is'-ani , Columbus , Norfolk , Hastings and Lincoln. CUSTOMERS EXPENSES PAID to nny of the above towiiB. For parUcu- liiro und datcB , uddrcss our truvolUny mini , KOIECHT lTTitt ) ; , Kebruska. xnit u-oi' xua vuiut LLIU : ) 's T" " "Anchor" Stone Building Blocks , r al Btqne , . The III'.HT rill'.b-1'.Nf for cWIJrsu tut uJuHa. For $1.75 or ' ( U /pjjy for Dewrljitlio CaUlojuo , rent ponUfrto , to Ft AD , RfCHTER 4 00 , , tJlOUroartway , tlow York , - GOLD MKDAL , PARIS , 18V2i BAKER'S _ Warranted aluoluleliniro Coeoii , from which the oiria * ot Oil lias been mnored. It liai thru ttmei Hit itrtnglh ot Cocoa inlzod with ( Slarch , Arrowroot or fiugar , and li tlaroforo far moro cconoml * cat , ( Oitlny Itii than oni ctnt a cup. It la dcllclou > , nourlslilng- , Btrenptlicnlni ; , t Ailly dlgegtod , ana admirably adrtUd for Invalid ! ag well a > for -rionilnJi.aUli KolJ bjr Uroftm CTorjnlicrg. BAKER & CO , Dorchester , Mass , KemarJcable for powerful iftap > UieUotfine , pllabla act Ion and uC laaluta duratlluT. ft ) yoara' rtcortf , Iho tmt guaranlca of tli ici > lone * ot tnesa lintrumcnta. Surgeon and Physiciai. OfilreN. W Comer uth and Uouu'lasat. Offlsa lok-puoue , i jj itosldenw t l pUva i WJ.