Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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The Thurston Petition Onuses Oon-
Bldornblo Comment.
lie 15 till a Ins the Motives Wlilcli
rroiiiptcU tlio Clrciilittlon of the
noctiiiiunt Ulio Hiiprcinc
nml IHttrlct Courts.
LIXCOI.X HffiCAO ori-iinOtMitt HBB , I
IlttV BTiuinr ,
LIXCOI.V , Nov 27. I
The petition circulated at the utato house
In the Interest * of John M. Thurston by
< iMioral McUrldo yesterday has provoked
v 'iisidcrablo comment In political circles A
politician In the state house said to-diiy "To
siij UR- least , It was a most unusual tliltif * to
do , iind certainly impolitic. Such n move
< otild not have been fathered by any astuiu
politician during sober moments of railec-
tion. Mimy Lancaster republicans would
like to eo ti secretary of the In
terior , and would no unwilling reasonable to
j > ee so desired nn end Hut when it comes to
putting the chief Union I'ncille railroad nt-
tornoy in fciicli u , position a solemn protest
will bo made. " ,
One aud all oxprcfi ? preat satisfaction that
the facts concerning tlio petition have eomo
to Unlit Mr. McHririe eomt-H in for i-cnMiro
for the part ho has tnkon In flrculfiUnir tlio
petition. Some Insist Hint the inovo on his
pnrt was duo to a tie-up looking toward the
spcakcrslilp of the house of representative ; * ;
that Thurston is to five him his Influence to
MTU re tlie position he.seekc This kind of
talk is somewhat loud. In a shoi i talk with
Alt llrldo last nih'lit , he said.
"I did -nothing moro for Mr. Thurston In
presenting that petition nt the state house
ihan 1 would for any other able , representa
tive republican , who would do credit , to Hie
j-tiito as an occupant of a cabinet position.
State priilo oiiuht to Influence * action occn-
Hlonalb. I don't think that petition will do
him any tfood. Ills chances to bo fteeietary of
the interior uro slim at best. Mutual
friends asked me to do it and I h.-ne no rea
son to bo ashamed of the course. I took in the
matter. Mr. Thurston would be the last
man on earth lo help mo in my canvass for
the opcnkcrship. If 1 can't be elected speaker
of the next house on personal nicilt 1 wnntlo
be defeated. None but my enemies give any
credence the idle talk ( rolinr the loumls ro-
1'ardlnif a tio-up between Thureton and mj-
acJf "
Loadln/r / | xlltlcians hero express astonish
ment that such a petition wus ciiculatcd at
all. The opinion Is that such aourbC would
ruin instead of help any candidate or aspi
rant. It Is. too well known all precedents
louvo tlao president-elect untrainmelul In the
selection of. his cabinet ,
"According to a recent editorial in Tun
IJnr , " icinarkcd Governor Thaver to-day ,
"Mr Huscnlt saldt A '' trovcrnor
Is not lit to appoint members of the police
"Tho trouble with Mr. Hascall was that
the governor \\nuld not appoint disreputable
characters after Ilascall's slump. As to
'mobsback , ' Mr. llasc.ill was not jicriiiittfd ,
if reports were true , to stay long enough in
ono place to gather moss. Men wore r.p-
pointcd police commmsIoncrH who could uot
bo bought , bulldored. cajoled , or led by any
one , and they have given Omaha a good po
lice irovcrnmcnt. There's the nib. That's
what's the matter , to use n c nt phrase. "
Court met iiersuant to adjournment Mr.
Cyrus 1 * Flick was admitted to piactice.
Dunham v Courtney , rcfei red. The fol
lowing cases wcie dismissed ; State ex rcl
Gallagher vs O'Donncll ; Warden vs Hoxlo ;
Madson vs Gordon.
ThoXollowiiifrojses wore continued ; Planck
vs Bishop ; Do Ynrinon vs State ; Eckley vs
Kaufman ; Oavino ys IJurelsou ; Walton vs
JDo Yarmon.
The following coses were submitted : Goes-
well va GUfllth , motion ; lilsenuui vs Galla-
chcr , motion ; Chambcilam vs Jirown ; Wilkins -
ins VH Wiltons ; Coombs vs Urooklander ;
Walton vs llalhgero ; F. E. & Mo. V. H. H.
Co. vs Marloy.
The follov/mp cases were ( lied : Stephens
& Kobcits vs 11. A. 1'atterton ; euur
from Booiic county.
T , T. Hell , conteHtant vs , John W Temp-
lin. succumbent ; original case from How
ard county. This c. ! > o is to settle ' 'which ' as
tottior" was elected county attorney of iloiv-
Ard county at the late election. But the
opinion is expressed that the supr mo court
is not the court , of proper jurisdiction for
causes of this kind , and that it will bo dis
The causes of tlio Twelfth judicial district
arc now on trial , and it is said that the ses
sion of the supreme court will close by Thurs
day of this week. No important decisions
tvcro handed down to-day. Couit adjourned
until to-morrow at S:30 : o'clock.
No very important causes occupied tue at
tention of the district com t to day. The case
of Fmlay W. Kinzcr VB W. H. Hickard was
given to the Jury Just before noun and was
decided in favor of the defendant. The ac
tion was In replevin and was run upon some
goods owned by both parties , during a former
partnership. Dissolution led to differences ,
The settlement , however , at the close of their
business iclations scorns to have given the
property in question to tlio defendant , anil
the jurv so decided after n brief conference ,
assessing the value of the goods at f-i)0 ) mid
giving rlOO damages for wrongful detention
of them.
The cause of H. C. C ! raves & Son ,
nurserymen , of Sandwich , III. , vs Theodore
F Itarnos , waa the next put on trial. The
action Has biougbt upon a promissory note
for il'Jl.yri , given in Novcmboru ISbT , which
was admitted bv the defense Hut thcanswcr
sots up that the consideration foiled , and
enters a counterclaim of $ .JOO damages , and
upon this Issue the case will piobublv bo
given to tlio jury this evening. The debt , if
iiny , was contract i for fruit and digitate
trees. The plaintiff claims that they were
delivered in good condition , which is most
emphatically denied bv thu dctendant.
M\V : I > O > IISTK : iNLOitroimio.Ns
The recoids in the ofllco of the secretary of
Rtalo now show the incoipotntion of thu
Cimtrul Investment company , the Omaha
JJasItot Manufacturing company , the Omaha
Abstract company , und also < i certificate pro'
vldlnir for an incieaso of the capital stock of
Sio Grand Island .t Wyoming Central rail-
jjnad coj. unny from i7.GOO.COO to JIS.OJO.CUl )
Tlio in tick's and certificates uf these com
panics were duly Hied today , Tno invest
incut comp.uiy , incorporated bv M S. Lind
say , John M. Thurston. W E Henley , of
Onuilia ; S. U. Duvldge , J. 11. Miidllold , M.
Ella Ilavldgo. of Newark N'alloy , N. Y. ,
and N. 11 , Hichardson and Mar\
Ann Ulchurdson , of Ncwbuigh , N. Y ,
authorize a capital stock of ? : ! , 'jO,000
for thu purpose ol transacting a general real
Cbtato business in the broadest souse. It is
stipulated that business html ! conllhuo nndur
thu corporatu imino from the l&lh of Novem
ber , 1SS3 , to November 15 , 1UIS , or thiity
i caret from the date of the indenture sub
scribed to. The Omaha Basket Manufactur
ing company commenced business Ufa on thu
LMIIi Inst. Douglas county , Nebraska , is lu-
definitely Juclurcd to be the piincipal and
only place of transacting business. The
company will manufacture , buy and sell all
Kinds of baskets , boxes and other woodou-
ware on u subscribed capital stock
of * ? UIXX > . Charles Roberts , M. J ,
U Luke , Gilbert K. Ferry ,
Ucorgo D. Keller , Goorpo N , Hicks , Oscar
J. I'lckard and John A. Weaver uro the In
corporators and comprise the company. Tbo
Abstract company authorizes a capital stock
of $ : t5,000 , all of which was paid on the date
of issue , November 'JO. Tlio caption of the
company indicates the business coutuui-
liltited. U is to live ninety-two years unless
uthcrwlso ordoluod. Appended to the artl-
clcjj ore the signatures of Aldenk Itiley ,
Knvstus A. Benson , Louis P. Mclono and J ,
i ) , Curmk-tmel ,
ciry KK\\a AND KOTCS.
TJio talk is serious that Lincoln will make
an effort to obtain membership In the western
base ball association. It Is understood Hint
u number of influential citizens will giro thu
BChomo substantial encouragement.
The oily council gave Mnyor Sawj or au
thority to borrow f . > ,000 to bo used In duvt-1-
opine tlio Antelope well plant. It U said that
it will taka that sum and probably more to
foct the new water system , but. the assur
ance Is given that Lincoln gullets will ucvor
again be tickled by brine.
Lincoln Collegium , No. I'M , cave their first
Annual banquet at the A. O. U. W. hall this
moiling , Socially it proved to bo a great
The aUonduuw was largo. Com , .
mltteemcn Kieo , Hough and McSbano did
splendid work and to them I/clones a full
shnro of the glor } Although young in icars
the sof Icty is dtrnnfi in numbers.
MM P W , Barker passed Into the un
Known uorld nt her homo on Seventeenth
and Maple streets lust night. She left a hus
band and three children , ono of uliom , little
Jessie , twelve yearn of ago , Is very nick , to
mourn her death. The remains were sent to
3'ortcr , Kan. , to-day for interment Mr.
Barker was unable to accompany them on
riccount of the sickness of his little girl.
Olllcer Pound Investigated a couple of
thieves' dens this morning. Ono of them
was located on th Antelope near H and
FMonly-sixth ( ilreetfi. Hero n vnluablc wolf
robe was found , and some other nrtu-loa , but
thci ucro In u bail rendition anil not wuHh
carrying awav Tlio other Joint was in acov-
cred cellar on n vnrnnt lot nouth of J. be
tween Seventeenth mid nightconth. Thereof
roof had been put on very Ingeniously , and a
few rods awaj ono would baldly detect ft.
Among tlio goods found hero \\as n piece of
cm pet stolen from Dr. Casebccr. The parties
\vlio frcipicnt thc o dens are. under suspicion
and arrests will doubtless bo made.
A disordered condition of tlipttonmch ,
or malurin in tlio byslom will produce
sick headache. You can rcnuivo this
trotiblo by laldnir Or. .T. II. Mr Lean's
Little Liver and Kidney Pillcts. U-5
cents n vial.
A QUPIT Action.
QUVHA , Neb , ov. ST.To Tlio Editor of
TIIK Una : Would you not enlighten the tax
payers on a somewhat Important question !
A special tax was levied about the first of
October last for lajlng a pipe kewcr on Pop
plcton avenue , district 70. About five or six
persons wore notified by postal cards. The
larger portion not nt all. Now the charter
section 77 , Bays : "The treasurer shall with
out dclav , glvo at least five days notice
through the ofllciul paper of the city , of the
time when such taxnhall become delinquent. "
That dnto was the SJil of November and no
jiotlco whatever has yet appeal cd. Now has
the treasurer nny right to uli.irgo penalty
and luteicst under the circumstance I
A glass factory in the btato of New Jersey
is said to bo engaged in little else but the
manufapturoof bottles for Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup Price 20 eta.
1 have been sullenng thnpastthreo months
with rheumatism. One bottle of Salvation
Oil gave entire iDlief. TIU.VK 0'BniAV
Baltimore , Md.
Tlic * Kort Silt" .
Monday General Brooks in company
with Postmaster Gallagher viewed a site
near P.ipillion for a military fort. The prou-
city lu question Is a piece of laud containing
4-11) ) acres and is located about eight miles
from Omaha , near I'apilllon , Messrs. Gal
lagher and baling hold an option on the pi op
city , and tender it to the government for
Sl'-.rx ! ! ) per IIITUwhich noiounts to the modest
total of K > 5501 > . General Brooks , when
shown the location , failed to pass any com
ment on it , but it Is generally thought that
ho will not approve of a site at that point.
An Absolute Curo.
Is only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absDlute cure for old soies , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles.
MEiv'T. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at < ! 3
cents per box by mail 30 cents.
A "WnrnliiK Ac l"st Kraiids.
LOVDON , Nov. 27. The United States le
gation here warns the public against frauclu-
lent attempts to obtain money on pretended
recommendations of the legation.
Starch "rows sticky common powders
lisivo a vulgar tilnro. Po/zoni's is the
only Complexion 1'ovrder fit for use.
Beach Del'oats Hnnlnn.
Si DKBV , N , S. W. , Nov. 2r Beach and
Hanlan rowed a race on the Par.imetta river
to-day for JCoOO a side. Beach won.
If you need a perfect tonic for a blood
pifrillcr , take Dr. Jones' Red Clover
Tonic. It speedily cures all troubles of
tlio stomach , kidneys and liver. Can
bo taken by tlio most delicate. Price
50 cents. Goodman DrugCo. .
Instruments Placed on Keoord Our-
inj ; Yesterday.
A K Stiaw mid wife to It J Scanncll , lot B ,
blkl , Ste\enV place , v d . . . f 2,300
J II Keith and wife to it K Cutter , lot i' ,
blKSI.Omalui.wd 15.000
M K Carter to A 1C Keltli , lop S , blk 81 ,
OmiUiH , w d. . 1G.OCO
H A Irman to It i ; btoln , tot W. blK o , Jo-
lomu Park , < ] c < l . . . . . . . . G
WeitFartiam Street llulldlngnsaoclatlon
to U U tjtuin , lot 40 , tilk 6 , Jerome I'arlr ,
Md 2.000
C M K Adams to N K Aclums , lots 7 anil 8.
blkr > , Denlse'Radd. wd 18,000
3 C Urowater to public , plat of liast Jn-
WllllHin N .McCnyne to K E Moores. lotO ,
Calalpa'rt-MuJd. wd 800
K II Jbtuveas to U C Cary , lot 17. blk S.Asli-
Und Part , w d . . i'.OW
0 W Lopanctnl to K Stiles lot 111 , Hut-
tin's mid. w d . ' . . . 1.100
J A Dwellcvnnd wile to M Clo\e , SUxllO ]
ft lot I. bitI'mk place , wd . ; VXW
H II Miller to I. ( jtay , lot- : . blk U , North-
Held , w d . . , . WO
G 0 Wiillari' , tinstco. to J fl Collmiin , lot
U. blk .1. Moninoiilli park , w d . . . 750
A I ) Ilimui" ) to J Jl MuCullocli. lot 1 , blk
8. Summit add. ( jd . . 1
H llcnl and \\ifo to II Abchrengost , pt lot
r . blk U. l.oweundd , w d 1,100
M H I.linlsiiy stud wife 10 A Illoom , lot 4 ,
blk I , Mnjne'ii iluilil , wtl. . . . 1 , 00
G U Wallace , tiudtee. to A II Atuood , lots
K ' > . U and ] l. blLl , Moiimouthmuk.
w d 0,100
II .1 Hi aimcll to A i : bhnw , lotl ! , blk JJ ,
rilltoa Hill , w rt 1,000
A Illuvo rtnd Imsbund to .1 W Dwor-fk , nb-
utrnct ( > of u w cor lot & ! , SUltugeia ,
Okolmma , wd ' ,300
Nineteen transfitis . . t xlT !
Skin nntlrolv 1:011 e. Flesh a inns.4 ut'
< llnoiiHO. IJDI ; ( limlnlHliril onn-third
in Hi/o , Condition linpnloss , ( Jurcti
ly inn ( Jiillourn Kunicdinf ,
For threa years 1 woKnininst crlppkilltlinn
an rul Kuru leg fioui tuy Xiu u down to my uuUlu ;
tliPsKInas entlr ' ! y gomuiul tlio lli > U wns
one lUJi-s of ( llsciue MMJIU ulirblctani iiro-
nnunrpil 11 imm.iblc. It hiul ( Iliumlblicil about
one tlilid tliu K/O | of Hi" other , uiul I WHM In n
coiulllion. After tr\luinll kliuls of
ulilrhl pot no iclli'f Hliute\er , I \\a-i i > i'i uiu1fil
to try your CUTICUIIA HKHKDUS. und tlioicstilt
wiisuii follou.H : Attei tliruo rtuvs ] uotlcod n
dcclilfil rliangj for tin.1 betlui anil at the und nc
to months 1 wi * rotnpletuly cnicd. My tlesli
\ \ us pin Ilioil , and tliu lionolilcli ( liad been x-
posi'tl for OVITIV jfiiriROt iniind Tlio Ik-dll lie-
ante Rtov , anil today , anil for nearly tvvo
jo.ird nust , niy h'fe Is i\sueU serlt uns.HoniKl
in svi'iy ii'fcpect , and uot a sign uf tlie dheasoto
bu seen ,
H. Q. .MlRltN , Uubol * , Doilgu Co , Qa.
Torrililn Sutfcrlnc from Skin Dlsonacs.
I lmv been n ton Iblo snirerni for yenri from
dlscnucs of tlio skin und blood , und ! m\o been
olillecd tohliun public ! places by leaboiuif my
ilhll | nrlnt ; liuinois. lli\\e liadtlio best orh'si- | )
clans und i > i > iit liundred-i of dolui ! , but cot no
lelluf until I u od tliu ( 'iiTict'iu ' KI-SIKDIKS ,
\\lilch luive rnied me , und ) < > rt inj bUlu us clear ,
11 ml ni ) blood an ini re us iirhlld'H.
IDA. MAVltASa.OllM- illicit P. 0JI1 S.
From 1 15 Pound10 172 I'oiuidH ,
I linve ( HKcn hcvernl liottlesC'rTic-t'iiA li. ( oi < -
vt NT with nil the i esulls 1 could n l.ih for. About
t Ills t line last > ear , wtieu ( oinint'iicltiKiti USD. I
wtlglifd It'i iiouuiU , nnd UMluy 1 ultll 17
lOUiidJJ. Ui:0. : C'AMl'l ; i.L.V lilUKtOli.I ) , 0.
KUTT. TlieCt'Tict'iii ' llrsoi.vKM U beyond
all doubt the ( jrtiuteit blood puilller ever com-
jioundoiJ ,
CuiicuiiA. the urcnt Skin Cuie , nnd CrricnnA
1-OAi' . an vxijulsito siln llenntllli'r , e < iit > rnally ,
and L'UTicOciA UKSOI.VIINT. the new Illood 1'url-
Jlor. Intel nully , Hre a positive cine for u\ery
foriupf bUlnond Illood Dbeaae , from I'lmplea
to bcrolulu.
Sold every ulieie. I'rl iCtiTici'iiAfiOo.So\p.
-ric. : Hi I'reparuil b ) tlio 1'orri.K
DHI'd AMI ClIKMIO.U. CO. , lIOSfdN. > | AB8
CVbend for "How to C'nro Hkln Diseases , " 01
paves , W Illustration ! ! and 100 tetttinuuUU.
BABY'S ' Skin and tea ) ] ) juestTVO'i ' and beaut 1-
ned by CUTICUIK MrniOATrntinii * .
Mac * Ache , Kidney 1'ulus , and e.t *
ncse ; fcorcjieis. I.aiiR-MHj , BtNliu aud
Oral anil tmly nnlu-LIIIln pUtvr , U c uta.
S&nta Abie : and : Cat-R-Cure
For Sale by
Goodman Drug Co.
HAvn N'ivnit : IU'
IQUAU : TO 1'itus-
Throe Lengths
Short , Medium and I2x-
tru Long.
Twelve Grades.
Highest Awards
Grunted ,
Mention the Omalm Uec.
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
Incorporated by the legislature of 1RH8 , for
Educational and Clmiitable puruoseft , und its
franchise made a part of the present State Con
stitution , in IbTl'i by an overwhelming popular
takeplacoSeml-Animallj'Mune and Ikvomlior
and Its OltANi ) & 1NUUI NL'JJIlKIt DRAW
ING.S take place In eacliof the other ten months , und me all drawn la public , at the
Academy of Music , New Orleans , J.n.
"IVo do hereby ceitlfy that we supervise the
aiiuugements for nil the Monthly and Scml-An-
nuallJrawliiKsot TheJ/oul8lun.i Stiito l.otterv
Company , undlii person mnnucu nncl coutiol
the Urawingb themselves , aud thut the f.inio
are conduoted with hone ty , fuirnc s , nnd In
Rood fnltli toward all parties , and we aiithorl/o
the company to use this certificate , with fac
similes of our signatures attached , in Its adei
tbume.aU "
We , the undersigned Hunks and IlankeiR.wlll
pay all 1'il/en diunii in Thu Louisiana .St.Uo
Lottcilos wlilcb niaj bu proaeuted at our coun
It M. WAI.MSM'.V Pros. Louisiana Nat. Hank.
PIJIUItlll.ANAl X. 1'ios. State Nut 1
A. ilAJjUVVi.V , 1'res. Njiw Orleans Nut 1 Hank.
KOI1N. Pies , Union National Uank.
In the Academy of Music , Nv Or-
luanu , Tiiosdny , Occcinlcr 18 ,
1 H 8.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $600,000.
100,000 Tickets at $40 ; Halve : $20 ; Quarters ,
$10 ; Eighths , $5 ; Tweatistha , $2 ;
Fortieths , $1.
' i.ivr orrii/is.
1 I'UIXK Ol'tVii O.O J is $ C01.0 > 1
i PKi.iOK : gdo.oou i * > t)0.oio )
1 PKI/.K OllOI.OKJlB . . JtOkl ( , )
PKI/.KSOK ! i-i.OUuro. , Hl.00) )
fi Pld'/.KSOK ID.UOOare W ) , < JO )
12 I'lll/.KSOl' ' ' B.lWJaro ( W.OIPO
1UJ PIM/.I.SO1' WKIuio H'l.O'lO '
M ) PIC1.KSO1(0aio ! ( BO.IK ) )
CUU PItl/.CSOl' .IK ) am 100,000
100 Prizes of ( lu ) Hro HOOOO )
1IW I'rli-es of illain . . . .
lUii Prizes of 401 aio. 40x ( i
TlllirK NUMUKIt 'iKUMI > AI.S.
W Prizes of * w uro . . . . . . $70,200
IW I'll/eg of 4Kinio ( . JW.fXX )
T > Vfl NlMUEIl'l'hltMlNAI.S.
000 Pi ires of tJUintu . . . . $160.010
1WJ i'ri/esof iMOaie UO.UOO
3,146 Prizes , amounting to $2,110,800
IJri'oHri.uulUTJS. or liny rurtlior Infurraatlou
ileilred , nrlte UtflMr to tliu uii luiilvuuil. cloiulr
lutliiK your ro9ldciui > . llli flnti * , Cuiiuir. KirLM'tniul
number Mururniml lulnrii iniilUlulltrprjr will liu n -
Mind hy jour t'lic'lostiitf uu uarulupe bearing your
tull mli.rcss
tMnl ro TAI. NOTKS. iiMOs .Money ( ) r < 1en . of
Now VorL ICitlruiize In ordlnurjr letter , I'urrvnoi br
K | ) rci5 ( jtour cxn'D i > ) mlilruxed '
Ml A ' '
Or If. A. DAUPHIN. 'kVw'cTuu , , 1 , .
\\uslmiijtgii. I ) . C.
Address RcgistefeT Letters to
New Orleans , , ( .a.
mf\\ RlVn li'"t euili lll licBUrcunrd ° Pr eneo of ( , and rn-
Kuilr , wbonrulu cbnrvoot Iliu ilruwlnv , l B uunr-
unite o ( uttululo ( ulnurs und lnir rlly , lum cho
tti nco > nroull I'qiiHl mid ihntnnonu tun uostlblr
tliTlne wh i number Kill drutru prl < u
'UiMi\HH'H : , ulio. lliatllu ! pa > incnt of jirlrci
nuAiiANruKU iiy lotin NATIOVAI. IIA.NKS
Ni'ir OrU'Hin.nnil tlio'J'ickoU nruiU'neil br Iliu I'ros
Idunt ot an lustlliitlou Hbocu clmrleruil right ! urn
recoKiilteil In Iho lilk-'lioit cuuru. thoreloru , bunuro
ut all Imltatlvui uruiiuniuiouiiiclicnioi.
L'ald Up Ciipliul . $100,000
SiiriUiu . 50,000
II. W. VATIS : , Pieaidcnt.
Lr.wib B , Hi'tD , Vice 1'rcsldont.
A. K. a'ou ALt f , and Vice J'roitdont.
W. H. ti. illmiuii : , Cashier.
Corner istn suit Farnam Sts ,
' A Ocneni ! Ilaulclne HuslnessTnitiiacted.
I TI "ty * / * \
ItcIfaM , Dublin niul Ltrerpool
From New York Every Tuesdav ,
Cabin pn , aifp U" nnd t-'fl , scoordlnn ta location
ot state l-ooin. l.'xcurslon f' to } .V.
Stecrnpe to and from Kuropo at Lowest Hates.
AUSTIN 11A1.UW1X i < X ) , Oon'l Agent ? ,
M llroaaway , Ne\v Vorlc.
JOHN llIKGiN : , Gcn'l Western Accnt ,
1M Itnndnlpli St. , CUlcaso.
11AIIUY E. MOntlES. Apent , OuiHlia.
Kciluccd Cabin Kates to Glasgow Us-
Putli ( > Hieof Imported
draft stallloii ; and t rot-
tlnustock nt \ ork , Nt-li
N'iv. 27 , 18 * ? , coniini'ii-
flllgllt W..Sll ; 111 ,
\\owllloflcroiircntlro \
) orkof horses about
no 1ti ntinibor. a Per-
ucncioni , 1 Clydepdalo ,
> IMiIre , 1 Treiuli ( 'jinn-
dltin , t-cvcrnl Riade
draft nnd ono trottlne Million The bulivnco
< oD l titoftiottlngbredmnre9 , fllllea anddilv-
iuchoroe * .
1 iit.My. : One eHrs time , Rood bankable paiior
.j-nulnil. f > l r-cent iltsioiint fort ash. SAl.lS
ItAIN UK blllM : . t-eild for catalonue.
M. WOODS. Aurtloueer.
fur Public Printing.
OrrtCK orTttE SUTK llo ittior PiusTis-a , >
Ll.NCUI.v , .Nov. 15 , 13S8. )
Ollcr. TO
Fealed prppo nhllt be received nt nnv tlmo
on or bef ore J o'clock p.m. of HIM llth duy of
Deretnbet. A 1) ) . Ittff , for thoprliitltlfrof nil bills
fortholi Klslixtureltli8iiiliinitlctinH mn > bu
ordered by cither houao thereof to be piintcd In
"bill foi m , " whlrh Is shown und deslKU.itml an
Cliiis one d ) under the printing la s or the state
of Nebraska.
I'or the iirlnUtin ana blndinc In paper cover *
ono thousand d.uOi copies eic-h of the biennial
reports of thinuidltor public a ccounts.treuMirer ,
fst'i rotary or state and commissioner of public
lands nnd buildings ; uud five bundled iri < JU )
copies each of the biennial reports of the attor
ney geneinl , stipeiintenilpiit imWlcinstaictlon ,
Hiutu libi in 1,111 and ailjtitmit cenural ; and uu
other icports nnd 'ooumiMits that may beor-
deled printed b > { lie U'lBlature , except sucll as
limy enter Into and form n part of the Journals ,
v liltli cl.iss of work Is know n and designated as
fluss : ) under Hie prinllnplawa of Nebraska.
The bill uork executed under Class I nhull bo
pilnteil tu miill iilra tj po on papei touiteendl )
inuhus lonir by cluht and one-linlf ( P'ti Inches
wide , single pis . paper to be 'M pounds doublu
rap to tlii' ream und exrept the title pi ! eoach
inure frh.ill contain nut lens than twenty-live ( Si )
line' of solid nmtti ref s-eveiKT'lni ' lies In IfiiKtli.
and the lines shnll im Mtccesshely numbured
Mltha blank only In each space uetueen the
of mid bills shall contain not
le < - > th.ui umhteen iK" ) llne < as above.
IIK IHH uddltlonul space nlUm.tble tor display
title matter. iuch ; bid shall htnto hat the bidder -
dor Is uilllmtodt > thu work complete for per
pnjc , IncUullnpcompoiltlon , p.ipei , prcsswork ,
HtltctiiilB , folnlnji nnd all vork 01 innterliil en-
terinc ; Into the \\oik. ruimltcd.
All work executed iniilcr I Uss 1 .shall be ilo-
Hvered In ( jowl order by the contractoi to the
otllcoot thesecretaiy of Mate within throe Ml
dajs after tne receipt ol tlio order l > > slid con
tractor from tlio thalrnian of the com mlttee on
prlntlnp : In either branch of Llus linjislanre.
All work executed nndor Lluss three lii ) shall
ba printed In Ions primer , bre\ler und non-
paiell type , on paper to be nluo ( B ) Inches Ions
bj six ( Ui wide , fllnglo page , paper to bo forty-
tlvii ( ir > ) His. to the team , white lie > k. lUich bill
under Class : i shall state what the bidder is will-
InKtodo the work cola plate foi pur pa e , on
euth leportorltcmln the < lass , IncludliiK com
position , papei , prcssvtork. stitehliiK , folding
ami all work or materlnl entering Into the w ork
lemduid. ( Jalley uud puge jnoof must bo fur
nlslied when required by the officers of tlio
exocutho department or thu chalrmuu of the
commit too on printing In either blanch of thu
legislature. Work when completed to belli eiod
free of expense at the state bouse.
Proposals for work on each of the above
classes w 111 not be considered unless tliu siinu
shall bo niToninnnled by u bond In the sum of
nvo thousand itr > , ( xx ) ) dollars , with two ot 111010
htiretles , that In case thep.utv nroposlnn foi
Mich tontintt shull bo nu aided the b.imo such
party will within JUo ila > s after the award to
him of such contract enter into bonds for thu
fiilthful perforiuoui o thercot , as piovlded by
law and tlie tornis ot tlieie proposals.
1'roposalii sliall bo marked "Proposals for
Public Printing" and addressed to the state
bonid of prlntlnp In'carc of tne secretary of
btnt , Lincoln , Neb.
Contraction CIni > s.oj > e (1) ( ) us nbo\o spoclllod
w 111 bo awnrdod ns n hole.
Contiactsou Class tuco ) ( II ) ns above specified
will bo awarded in whole or in part , as thu
board may ? lect.
Pamples of the work to bo executed under
chit-sea one nnd thieo may be seen ut the ollico
of thu becretaiy of state.
Contracts on above classes one and three to
mil two years from Ie < - . II , 18bS.
'I he state printing boaid le-erves the right to
i eject nnv or all bids.
O. L. LAWS , Secietai rot State ,
II. A. IIAIiCOCIC , Amlltt.r Public Acc'ts ,
i' . II. WIMiAItD. btatoTieasmur ,
Ii21dtodl0 Of the btito lloaid of Printing.
for this week will be in our boys' department. Many of our patrons
eagerly look forward to our special sales in this department , and
we have decided to give them the coming week , a benefit greater
than ever. We will call the attention of mothers who haye been in
the habit of paying $6 , $8 and $10 for suits and overcoats for little
boys 4 to 13 years old to the suits and overcoats which we sell
this week for less than half these prices. They are equal in every
respect to those sold by others for double the money.
A few samples o ± the many bargains we offer are the following :
1200 very neat Children's Overcoats with capes to match , at $1.00.
200 excellent Chinchilla Overcoats with cnpes of same material at $ L\50.
A beautiful line of Chinchilla Beaver and Astrachan Overcoats of handsome do *
signs , and elegantly trimmed with plush and fur , at one-half their value. „
In suits we offer to-day :
300 of our celebrated strictly all wool Children's Suits , sizes -1 to 12 , elegantly
made , at $2.50 ; the regular price of these suits is everywhere $5.00.
Wo have received and opened especially for this sale an immense line of Boyn1
Long and Knee Pants , among which we offer some decided bargains.
Our buyer having closed out the entire stock of a manufacturer of fine Pants , wo
have arranged the goods into several lots , and are enabled to offer thorn at one-half
their regular retail price. At the figures we marked them they will bo found the big
gest offering this season.
500 pair fine strictly all wool Cassimero Pants , heavy weight , at $2.
800 pair elegant silk and wool pants at $2.50.
400 pairs extra fine all worsted Pants , as good as any custom made , at $3.75.
Extra long and reversed sixes for young men will be found among them. Comment
on these Pants is unnecessary. Wo show some samples in our Douglas street window ,
but that will only give you the idea of HOW TIIKV LOOK. We want you to call into the
store and examine the stuff they are made of. The cheapest of all these 3 lots we
mention were never sold for less than $4.00.
But while we devote the most sr > ace to clothing , we do not neg
lect our furnishing goods. Every department has been considera
bly enlarged since we have the new addition , and in every line we
offer daily some new drives. Just now we are having a big run in
G-loves and Underwear. The prices we sell all these goods at are
big attractions. Handling everything , as we do , in immense quan
tities , it is utterly impossible for other houses to offer goods at the
prices we do.
Plain Figures and One Price.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
To Clio Stockholder/ the O alalla
Land mill Cntile Coninanv.
Notice is hereby given thut the annual meet-
Inof ; thoStoekholdcriof the O alalla I.mitfanrt
Catllo Company. 111 bn lielil nt the Compuny'i
ollice In Die city of Omulm , Nebraska , on
Wortncirtay , December fith , l m. at ! ! o'clock p
ni. , for the election of dlrectois fortho ensiilni ;
year , und for the tiansuctlon of hiicli other bub-
lueab as mnv come brlore thu nu'ttliiK.
WII.I.HM A. 1'Axro.v. I'rosldont.
.IOSKPII FIIA.NK. Secretary.
Omnhn. Neb. , November 17th , 1S33.
_ . . . 8TAIJD. 1B19 Howard St. . Omaha , has drawn plans and
apoclncutloui for a 9-room frAme house , which combines
uiUlty.comfort.ecouomy and btnuiy.lnaway Impossible in any good
house Uiat costa from fl.300 to si.iWO. As more than 100 , f ,
will bebi'irt po. I can afford to offer a copy for OrlglnMftDd oplendlfl
Si5. the isual tte * otherwlso being from S dtslgns fnrnlshod. us c n be JuflB ii
R tn t n r ( ult.i'Dl4nr.nnnlum fnr. , . . . . , ,
form the sots of placsof completed bulIdlncsoC
nil descriptions. I have In my office , rauijlo in cost
from { 6,000 to MOO.OOO. My unusual experience trill guarantee BatlsfacUon
Z ? an * reliable contractors only uro engaged on my vrorkj. Parties wlahlnc to bnild
Hie oordllir ! luvlted.
ccnilse t e goods they sell .ire merchant tailor made.thereby insuring- goods
style and workmanship.and the prices are considerably lower than elsewhere
$9.80 buys a CHINCHILLA OVERCOAT , which was mnde to order for $2O.
$11.BO buys a CASSIMERE OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $22.
$13.76 buys a good CHESTERFIELD OVERCOAT , which was mnde to order for $28.
$ IOOO buys a fly front WAKEFIELD DRESS OVERCOAT , which was inado to order for $3O.
$2O.OO buys a KERSEY OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $4O.
$24.OO buys a Satin Lined MELTON OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $3O.
$28.BObuysaSllk Lined TREBLE MILLED MELTON OVERCOATwhich was made to order for $ OO
$ OO.OO buys the finest SCHNADELS CHINCHILLA OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $06
$35.OO buys a fine BEAVER TRIMMED ( SHAWL COLLAR ) OVERCOATwhich wasjmade to order
for $7O.
4O.OO buys a FUR LINED OVERCOAT , -which was made to order for $88.
FALL SUITS , CORRECT STYLES , Elegantly made and Trinetl ,
$9.8O buys a Seymour Sack Suit , which was made to order for $2O.
$11.BO buys a One Button Sack Suit , which was made to order for $22.
$13.70 buys a Straight-cut Sack Suit , which was mode to order for $28.
$10.OO buys a Railroad Sack Suit'which ; was made to order for $3O.
$2O.OO buys a Four Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $4O.
$24.OO buys a One Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $8O.
$28BO buys a Bannockburn Cheviot , sack or frock , which was mode to order for $ OO.
$3O.OO buys a Crepe Worsted , ( imp. ) 4-Button Cutaway , which wat. made to order for $08
All elegant and complete assortment of PANTALOONS , from $ .50
to $9,00
A fine line of Dress Suits for sale or rent.
,1119. FARNAN STREET , 1119. OMAHA , NEB.