Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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I Dealing In Wheat Was Largely
Among Professionals.
Provisions Depressed anil flower The
Jiinntul Tor Cntllo Kulr iiml
1'rlccH HleiHly Hue * .Stow
CIIIWAOO , Nov. ST. [ Special Telegram to
TIIE HKE.I Wheat fiolJ "In oniccs" yester
day afternoon as low as $1.07 , nnil this mornIng -
Ing It was offered nt $1.Q07 . The ofllelal
outline to-day was $1.07. In reality hardly
n trndo wns mndo below ? 1.07 , ' . ( ' , mid trans
actions wore not heavy below $1. OS. The at.-
vance from $1.0T to $ ! . ( } { xvas compressed
within n period of a very fuw minutes. Mini
tipencd the ball by bidding on nn oxccedliiRly
ncarco article , and shorts began to Inquire
for it , when n discovery was made. The
price lilted Ifc ) , as stated at the top. Hutoli-
inaon and others of the bear fonUiiRont sold
freely mid the market broVo bark under
Jl.OS. The next boom carried the mar
ket to Jl.'OT. H subscucntlv ] re
acted to $1.08 , barely touching it , how
ever , and jumping back nbovo SHIS' ' , ; .
For the last half hour the tone was very
Htrontf , and a further advance of Kf'r' ' ° was
scored , Mny going to tl.Wtf and closing
there. December ranged from ? 1.03J | ' at the
opening , down to $1.0J > < f and up to $1.0.1 > $ ,
cloHliiK nt SUWVf January opened at $1.0i'f : ,
sold uptoSI.OV'h ' , and i-losed atI.OI' . The
prcat bulk of the trade was In the May deliv
ery. Full carrying charges prevail noiv 1'or
wheat , and professional carriers arc doing
what they can for themselves. Dealing to
day was largely among professional traders.
The two parties seem to bo more evenly
matched now than they have- been yet , and
the dally volume of business is heavy ,
despite the narrowness of the market.
The struggle is vony earnest , and the open
Interest In the market Ms unquestionably
heavy at this writing. The bull leaders are
Btnhborn and rich. The market has gone
against them seriously of Into , but they stand
by their guns manfully and refuse to concede
for an Instant that tlielr promises or calcu
lations can bo wrong. Tlio break of 10 > < ; c in
December and lOc in May only conlirms
them In their opinion , nnd their refusal to
sell out at any terms offered by the bears is
a source of annoyance to the latter. A re-
concentration of the largu lines of wheut
that were scattered during the early stages
of the last decline from (1.18 , has taken
place , and the buarn Had themselves con
fronted by quite as determined a party as at
any time. They can sell the market down
easily enough , but when they undertake to
cover , they moo. , with the sumo old trouble ,
viz : scarcity of offerings. The bull party
Bcems to aild a little to its lines ou every
break , despite the warnings that tire given
continually that prices are artltlcially high
nnd niiibt break n good deal further before a
permanent Improvement can bo hoped for.
As the price of cash wheat In New Yorl ; and
Chicago approaches low water mark the mar
kets at both points perceptibly harden. New
York reports considerable buying of futures
for foreign account , and some correspondents
ndviso tlielr friends hero that wheat could
now bo worked for Antwerp , If ocean freight
room could bo had. Not much is heard about
it. but foreigners are quietly feeling for
wheat on this break. Talk is also beard of a
reduction oHussian supplies in
the near future , and the foreign market
news is beginuinir once more to assume a
favorable color. From a variety of sources
it is learned that the farmers' deliveries in
tbo northwest are rapidly falling off. Along
some lines they arc lighter than ever before
nt this season. The receipts at Minneapolis
promise to diminish materially in the near
future. Duluth reports n shipment of over
200,000 bushels to-day , making the shipments
nt northwestern points to-day "about equal to
the receipts. The stock of contract wheat In
Duluth now is > almost nothing , against y. > 0- ,
000 bushels a year ago. Sanderson of Mil
waukee reports an inquiry for Hour , and
agents at this point are doing considerable
business in a quiet way. It is quite certain ,
however , that the interior millers who have
been accustomed to buy supplies in Chicago
liberally at this season , uro doing almost
nothing in that line now , though they may
resume buy ing later.
The opening of trading In corn was fairly
active , and llrst prices were \ + o lower than
the close of the previous day. December
opened nt 'tO ? c , and November at a premium
of ) &a over Unit price , with May at US c , as
It closed on the preceding afternoon. The
opening figures soon gave way to a lower
range , December declining to IMilfc , and May
to 'ISjfj'c. The receipts were again in excess
of the previous day's estimates. The weather
was promising for a continued free move
ment from Jlrst hands , Liverpool was
quoted dull and lower , and railroad freights
nio now staring shippers in the face , in
plnco of the low rates by lake , which can not
bo much longer available. The heavy crop
Is now having more inlluenco upon trade
than before , and the feeling among
speculators Is bcarlxh in tendency.
Trading throughout was fairly largo In vol
ume , and considerably over the recent average -
ago , but extra activity was brought about
by the efforts of the holders to unload their
property on a very weak market. The feelIng -
Ing was heavy at the close , and prices wore
near their lowest. November was within
1 MUc of December , closing at IWj 'Wfyo ,
witn December' . May closed utUS' ' c.
The provision trade experienced a sharp boar
movement. The unexpectedly largo receipts
of hogs at Chicago and other points devel
oped an unusual disposition to sell. The
opening was heavy , and when Cudahy and
other prominent traders fuvnlsnod the buy
ers with more property than they wanted ,
Belling assumed the proportions of a raid.
The offerings for a good portion of the day
were , in fact , largely in excess of- the do-
mnnd , and , us a consequence , prices suffered
u severe break , with only a limited recov
ery. Hascd on yesterday's closings , the do'
clnio actually established amounted to ! llfg )
! IT a on poi-lt , } 0@o \ on lard , and 15e on
nhort ribs. The best prices of the day pre
vailed at or near the commencement of trad
ing , nnd the lowest shortly before 1 o'clock.
The depression witnessed naturally oncour-
tiged covering of short , contracts , and in a
general way business was quite active
throughout. A largo amount of'atop order"
nnd poorly margined holdings were also un
loaded. January and May were , as usual ,
leading months.
CmcAdo , Nov. 37. | Special Telegram to
Tint liii.1 CATTI.IS Demand fair nnd prices
steady all around. There was u bettor dis
play of good natives than fora weak or up ,
and among the lots were several of the old-
fashioned big cattle. Some salesmen and
many of thq buyers rate the best natives a
shndo lilgher , but taken altogether there was
little or no change. The display of cow
stock was ns largo , In proportion to the total
number , as on any day last week ,
yet prime fat cows and heifers sold
right up to the average , but on
the other hand , there was a big run of poor
nnd common Texans that sold cheap ; henca
common native canning Block had to keep In
the wuko of these Texans , and also had to
sell cheap. The few load * of rangers made
fall1 prices. There U no improvement to
note in stackers and feeders. Trade gener
ally may bo quoted dull. Light steers of ,0-J
to 00 Ibs may bo quoted at M.OO@'J5 ! , and
feeders averaging UOO to 1,000 Iba nt f..fil ®
a.'i1) . Veal calves nro lower than last week ,
ItcccliitslncludotX'OTcxag ' and western cnt-
tlo. Choice bcovea.f 5.lVV$5lH.Viiicdium ( topcod
steers , liifiO to ir > oo Urn , M.OO(34.7S ( ; 1'JOO
to ia : > o ibs , * .5o4.30 ; i&j to 1:00 : ibs ,
8.CO. Stockers and feeders , JI.OJQU.M ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , * 1.45@aeO ; bulk , $ . ' .10(4
8.45 ; Texas cattle , f2.85wy.40i cows , fl.UOQ
U.80 ; western rangers. M.WX'f I.GO ,
Hoas Values 10@15o lower , in some In
stances iiOo lower , but at this reduction there
was active business , with about all classes of
buyers on the market. Trade was rather
slow at the opening , salesmen giving way
slowly , but the situation was one wherein to
hesitate was to bo lost , as the run elsewhere
was the largest this season so far , there
being some 70,000 to 70,000 In sight at various
poluta In the west. Comiuoa packing sorts
sold down to &i fiOtrt ! . & " > , and best' packers
around nbout & > ,40. Fancy heavy sold largely
nl i.45. Underwood & t'o nnd eastern ship-
pcrs sorted up to f3 1) nnd $5.45. Light
weights were rather scarce , hence salesmen
were not willing to sell light r-ut of their mixed
unless they could get ft.rflOc for sort. Sales
men preferred to sell their mixed as they
rame from the cari. The Morris outfit paid
? .V40 for light light (1W ( ) to 140 Hi nverngoM ,
while Moran St Mealy and the Fowler party
were endeavoring to Illl In at { 5.35(35.40 ( for
UO to IW-lb averages.
Nnw Yontc , Nov. 'J7. fSpecial Telegram
to Tun Uie. : ] STOCKS Stocks opened nbout
steady , and early in the session there was a
little pressure In St. I'aul. London sold
some of that stock , but b < 5ught It back later.
There was a firm tone the most of the fore
noon , and the general list rose ; gradually ,
led by New England nnd Lake Shore. There
wan a good deal of dullness , and nt noon the
market was firm at the best prices of the
morning , gains being mainly for fractions or
extending to about 1 point. Covering by
shorts was one of the strengthening factors
to-day , nnd reports of the near settlement of
the rate wars also- helped the market. The
close showed irnins for the day were mostly
In n small way , extending to I'/ points in St.
I'aul , nnd about \yt paints in Lake Shore and
Now England.
The following were the closing quotations :
P.S .4o regular. . . . Northern Pacific. . 2
I * . S. 4s coupons } " " do preferred r > ulS
V. H. I'isruKUlar. . ins C. * N. W I10i !
U. H. < ' is coupons. . ItiU' tin preferred 141
raclllcUsof V > . . .HI N. V. Central IW (
Central I'nclnc. . . . ilo' ' I' . , I ) , ft 15 ai'
fhlrago .VAIIou..ii4 : llork Island IM'l
t'ldcngo.llnrllngton C. . M. fcSt. 1' l > 'l'
&qutncy ltfli ) ilo preferred 103' i
II. . I.ft . . . . . . . . . : St. I'aul A : Omaha. ; : u
Illinois Control..Mfi ilo pro f erred KW
1. , II.&W H Union Pacific ' : ?
Knnsns & Texas. . . IS \V.St.Ii. fcl > IH
I.nkcShoro luil'j ' ilo preferred. . . . " 4 ? .
M Irhlcan < 'out rol. . Hi1 i Western Union Kli !
Mosnv ON C\M. Kasyat 2u2j-i { percent ;
closing offered at 'J per cent.
PHIMC MnitCANTim PAI-KII lM@ ° ) li Ier )
STHIIUSTJ ExcuiN'OR Steadv but dull at
SrI.SI' * ; for sixty-day bills , and ! for de-
Ciltt'Ano. ' Nov. 27.Vhoat Shade firmer ;
cash and December , tl.OU > ; January , ( l,04.f ;
May , fl.d'.i.V.
Corn Kasy ; cash , 3(53-10c ( , December ,
e ; January , : tOc ; May , 30Vc.
Oats Steady ; cash , 2iVi ! ; ; Dcccmber.SOJi'c ,
January , ' 'ti c ; May , itUj'oO. '
Uye Klc.
Uarley Nothing doing.
Prime Timothy Nothing doing.
Flax fl.fil.
Whisky ? 1.20.
Pork Lower ; cash , and December ,
$14.10 ; January , 514.17 ; Mny , $1U7&
Lard Easier ; cash , fS.i"J : < f ; December ,
$3.'J7 tf.rnnimry1 ; S3.15 ; May. $ S.27iJ. }
Klour Slow and unchanged ; winter
wheat , S" > .0li ) ( .r.75 ; spring wheat , S4.f)0 ( ! , J.7.'i.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , S''Jjftsr.MT'a ;
< iort clear , fS.OOftJ-U1. ! . ' short ribs , 57.353 ( !
Butter Strong ; creamery , S CO.&c ;
A ilry. ID&IOc
Cheese Unsettled ; full cream Cheddars ,
10 { < ail ( ) < fe ; lints , 10 > ( ( Jllo ; Young Amer
icas , llt < l'll ' } c.
KjrgA Firm ; fresh,22ig23c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted ,
G. ! < fe ; light green salted , ti c ; green , 5c ;
salted bull , 5Jic ; green bull , 4'c ; green
dry flint , 7.jfi6Sc } ; dry calf , 7@Se ; branded
hides , 15 per cent off ; deacons , 23gUOo ( each ;
dry salted. lOiDlJic.
Tallow Firm ; No. 1 , solia packed , Co ;
No. 2 , 4o ; cake , OL- .
Xlccoipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 12,000 Sil.OUO
Wheat bu 110,000 l'J,000
Corn , bu 3r > S,000 lli.OOO
.Oats , bu 145,000 117,000
Uyc , bu
St. IjoiilH. Nov. 27. Wheat Higher ;
cash , Hl.OOK ; May , * 1.07 .
Corn Unsettled ; cash , 35c ; May , 35'j'c. ,
Oats Firm ; cash , 25o ; May , IJOJs'c.
Pork HeaVy at $15.00.
Lard Firm at 3.23.
Whisky tl. in.
Hutter Higher ; -choice to fancy cream
ery , 32@30c ; choice and fancy dairy ,
2S ( 30c.
Ijlvorpool , Nov. 27. [ Special Cablegram
to Tun llm : . ] 3:1(0 : ( p. in. Close. Pork
In fair demand ; prime , mess , eastern , 82s Od ,
firm ; do western , 71s 3d , firm.
Lard In fair demand ; spot 47s 3d , firm ;
November , 40s llrm ; December and Jan
uary , 46s , firm.
Wheat In poor demand ; now No. 2 , win
ter , Ss , dull ; do , spring , 8s Id , dull.
Flour In poor demand at 12s , linn.
Corn In poor demand ; spot , 4sS' d , dull ;
November and December S Jd , dull ; Jan
uary , -Is Od , dull.
Minneapolis , Nov. 27. Wheat The ad
vance iu speculative markets gave sellers of
milling an opportunity lo ask higher prices
for samples again , and No. 1 northern was
hold from $1.10 to 81.15 , according to quality.
Buyers were not showing much fear , however -
over , and for the first two hours there was
scarcely any trading. Some sellers claim
that they were asking no more than yester
day , but were unable to get bids. Receipts
were 419 cars and lib were shipped out. In
tlio last half hour trading improved , butsam-
ulo tables were not cleared away. Closing :
No. 1 bard , December , $1.20 : May , * 1.25 ;
on track , Sl.20C < * 1.20 > . No. 1 northern , Do-
cem'ber , $1.07 ; May , ? ) .14 ; on track , Sl.OS
@ 1.11K. No. a northern , December , $1.10 ;
May , I-1.07 ; on track , S1.02@.04. (
Milwaukee , Nov. 27.-Wheat Firm ;
cashOli o ; Dccember.Sl.OO ; January , ? 1.01 } < f.
Corn iCusy ; now , .KiQKiSi.
Oats-Steady ; No.'U white , 20@30c.
Ure Quiet ; No. 1 , Me.
Barley Quiet ; No. S , G7l , o.
Provisions Easier ; pork , $14,10.
Cincinnati , Nov. 27. Wheat Scarce ,
higher ; No. 2 red , $1.03.
Corn In moderate demand ; No. 2 mixed ,
Oats Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 2
Hye Quiet ; No. 2 , B5
Whisky Active at SI.U.
Now Vurk , Nov. ST. Wheat Receipts ,
2,7riO ; exports , none ; snot market quiet , and
J-iC' 'ulilKhor ; No. 'J red. ? 1.01 fidl.OJ ( In ele
vator ; ? 1.0J > ; @I.03 % filloat ; $1.0l } . ; < < il.0ljlf !
f. o. b. ; No. ! i red , liriUfe'.Kic ; ungrutied red ,
80c < ! i8l.01 % ; No. 3 red , guiB. Oitions | active
and hiuhcr ; opened diljfa lower , advaneed
l'4'@lcand ' elosed llrm ut@r oover yes-
terdity ; No. 'J red , December , closed atfl.OlX.
Corn Keeoipts , : il,05tl ; oxpnrts , l.V.I.IIUO ;
spot market active but weak nnd 740 lower ;
No. " , ! ! ( ) | Si4'e in elevator ; isI4'@l8J < fo
alloat ; ungraded mixed , ii7@W'iiU Options
more aetivo , ' .i o lower , heavy , December
elosinj ; at 4 % t. ' .
Oats Keeoipts , 51,000 ; exports , 1,000 :
spot market loss aetivo and i dt' ' o lower nnd
weak ; options dull and , ® ' lower ; Do-
cumber , 31.V ; spot , No. 2 wlilto'ari ? < @ 33 o ;
mixed western , UJ ( : c ; white western , 3
, .
Coffee Options steady ; sales , 87,000 bags ,
including November , SH.35tiJ14.r'i ; Decem
ber , ill.l5@l4.15 ! ; January. 5.14.20(314.40 ( ;
February , Hl.2.14.40 ; March , $ l4.U5'i }
14 55. Spot Uio steady , fair cargoes , ? 10.25.
I'otroloum United closed nl85 o.
Kggs Firm ; western , 25l ( iiic. ;
Pork Lower ; moss , Jfl5.5WiiiIB.75.
Lard Actlvo export ; moderate specula
tion and lower on full receipt of hogs ; sales ,
western steam , spot , fS.b2J ( ( ? S.S7K , closing
atflb7X ; options , sales , December , closing
at SS.CO.
Hutlor Strong ; western , 14@27c ; cream
ery. 22@37o ; KIgins , asejatlc.
Cheese Higher ; western , 9 @U'fc. '
Knimas Ciy , Nov. 27. Wheat Steady ;
No , 2 rod , cash , ( Hie asked ; December , bSo
blu ; May , WJ < f bid : No. 3 red , 77o bid ; No.
U soft , cash , IHJo asked ; December , 02 > e bid ;
Mny , t l.Ot bid.
Corn-Stoady ; No. 2 , cash , 2SWc bid ;
January , 29'i.o uskcd ; May , 2SKo bOats .
OatsNo. . 2 , cash , 21u bid ; December ,
21 ? asked ; May , 25c bid.
iiivis sroost.
Chlcnito , Nov. 27. 1'ho DrovorV Jour
nal reports as follows :
Cattle Kccoipts. 10,000 ; market steady ;
cholou beeves , $5.0tt@3.U : ; steers , * 3.20@ 1.75 ;
stackers and feeders , fl.li033.UO ; cows , bulls
and mixed , $1.4583.20 ; Texas cattle ,
3.40 ; western rangers , $ : l.5'Jt.tO. ( ! |
Hogs Kecolpts , i(5KX ( ( ) ; market weak and
15c lower ; mixed , t5.SOQ3.4U ; heavy. I.Y85M
5,50 ; light , f5.255.55 ; skips , 13.50(43.10. (
Shco | ) Ueccipls , 0,0 JO ; market steady ; na
tives , fj.734.50 ( ( ; westerns , tl.2033.bO ; Tex-
ons , S3.50jjil.30. Lambs , ? 4.00 , < SJ.2d.
Ql auba City , Nov. 27 , Cuttlc-Ileceiiits ,
5,434 , shipments , 4.500 ; market strong nnd
moderately aotivo ; good to choice corn fed ,
S4.7oMo.20. common to medium , $ .3.3-.W4.i > 3 ;
stookors anil fceditig stecro , Sl.tX ) < i,40 : ;
grass range steers , 1.COJ3.00 ( ; cows , tl.WJ
( < ? -J. ; . . " .
Hogs IJccolpts. OOflO ; shipments , none ;
market . "KVTlOc lower , closing 10o lower ; good
to choice , $ .VJiQJ5.23 ( ; common to medium.
Nntlonnl Stuck Ynrdi , 1'Jnst St.
I/oul-i , Nov. 27. Cattle Receipts , 3,000 :
shipments , MX ) ; marki-t steady ; choice heavy
native stcrrs , 5.00. ' . * ) .flO ; fair to good native
steers , W.l C'Jj-OO : butchers' steers , medium
to choice , M.H.V7M 40 ; stockers nnd fecdc
fair to good , $2.00 .3.15 ; rangers , corn-fed ,
W.H(75 ( ) ( ) ; crass-fed , .10@i.l5. :
Hogs Keccipts , 0.401 : shipments , 1,100 ;
market lower ; choice heavy and butcher * '
selections , $ , i.30f < 3 50 : packing , medium to
prime , f3.20vr > .3n ; light grades , ordinary to
best , S5.00M3.25.
Tuesday. Nov. 27. 18S9.
The supply was largo and the buyers took
advantage of HIP situation to bear the mar
ket. The quality of the cattle was good and
there was some very choice corn-fed steers
and muro good cows llniti have been seen on
the market in a long time. The market was
lOf/Moc lower but uncaven nnd in some cases
cattle which happened lo strike the buyers'
fancy brought nearly steady prices. Feed
ers were In light supply and good demand at
steady prices.
The unfavorable reports from other mar
kets nml the heavy receipts knocked prices
down 5i7ilOc ( bulow yesterday. Salesmen
were slow to accept the decline and the trade
dragged but the hojrs were all sold before thu
_ _ _ _ _
The supply was light and nbout everything
' - ' - - ' - -
desirable was sold.
Cuttlo. . 2,000
Hogs. . . 4HOD
Sheep. . MO
Horses. 50
Prevailing I'riou ? .
The following w a table of pricji p/ilil In
this mancet for the gr.Uoi of stock men
I'rnacstoors. ISOOto 1500 lbi..f 1.10 ( ffil.fiO
Primosteors , 1100to 13JO ibs. . It. 10 t < 84.40
Native feeders 3.50 ( ift.05 ]
Western teeders 2.50 ( a'-.l'O '
Kunco steers , cotn'on to ehoieo 2.50 yi'U.lK )
Common to good cows l.'J'i M2.25
Choice to fancy cows 2.t. ! " > WD.UO
Cominonto choicabulls 1.25 M2.00
Fair tociioico light hogs ft. 05 icC5.15
Fair tocliolco heavy ho. ? 5.25 © , i.3. >
Fair to choice mixetl hog ? 0.15 ( n > 5.25
KoprcHHiunuvo S.iloi.
NO. AV , Pr.
1 bllll 1,021) ) $1.40
1 coxv : ioo ; : J.50
8 cows UC9 ] . (
2 cows 1,055 1.85
2 cows - . U75 2.00
12 cows 1'0'J ' ' 2.10
111 cows , natives 1,002 2.20
21 cows , natives 1OSO
12 butchci-b' stock 874
10 butchers' stock 970
SI cows U72 2.30
14 cows 1.12S 2.-I5
0 cows 1,1415 2.50
21 cows , natives 1,111 2.50
22 feeders , natives S73 2.50
21 dinners 1,155 2.50
22 feeders H5 ! D.75
2i : feeders , natives 'Jil'J 2.75
22 cows 1,1 5 2.75
17 cows , natives 1,2 10 3.HO
10 St. cors 'J ! 3 3.00
31) ) cows and steers 1,073 3.00
13 steers , natives ' . 1OIM 3:25
2'J ' steers 1,013 a.o ; :
40 steers , natives 1.031) 3.30
10 steers 1,100 3.40 v.
41 steers , natives 1,115 arc
12 steers , natives 1,010 3.50
17 steers , natives 1,204 u.oo
10 steers , natives 1,130 3.CO
42 steers , natives 1,179 3.75
31 steers , natives 1,145 3. SO
21 steers , natives 1,100 3.b5
15 steers 1,207 U.S5
18 steers , natives 1,255 3.85
21 steers , corn-f-id natives. . . . 1,224 4.00
57 steers , natives . ' 1,200 4.00
3S steers , natives .1,200 4.05
30 steers , natives 1,241 4,05
22 steers , natives 1,2(12 ( 4.10
30 steers 1,242 4.12K
13 steers , natives 1,100 uiy. ;
13 steers 1,147 4.12) ) $
20 steers , corn-fed natives..1,335 4.15
20 steers , corn-fed natives..1,337 4.23
3'J steers , corn-fed 1,318 4.27K
20 steers , natives lu5'J 4.50
itASOt : CATILI : .
Owner. Av. Pr.
II. G. Hand-
110 feqders , westerns 1034 52.75
D. & H. G.
105 steers , westerns 1133 3.00
L. Gillette
05 cows , western 1074
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Silk. Pr.
15. . .212 40 $5.05 ti'J. . .257 U20 $5.20
80. . . .215 120 5.05 IKI. . .270 80 5.20
01. . . .273 300 03. . . .234 400 5.20
08. . . .231 Iti'J 5.10 OJ. . SO 5.20
. .200 400 5.10 ' ! ! 2 8 SO 5.20
r-j. . .257 80 5.10 e'5 ; ! . .209 200 5.20
70. . 23S 200 5.10 03. . . . 06 3 JO 5.2)
71. , .23'J 3UO 5 iajf 5t. ; . . .2S1 200 5.20
70. . .853 320 0(5. ( . . .270 40 5.20
ti'J. . .335 280 53. . . .310 240 5.20
01. . .203 10J 5.15 5'J. . 80 5.20
20. . .825 80 5.15 05. . ! ! 2SJ 300 5.2J
SI. . .17'J 5.15 ' ' . . : iou 401) ) 5.20
18. 5.15 oi' . . . .2'J2 200 5.20
74. . 274 280 5.15 ( U. . . .203 IliO 5.20
03. . .2(11 ( IliO 5.15 47. . 2SO 5,20
71. . .251 200 5.15 2110 5.20
70. . .250 200 ( A.\ \ iOJ 5.0
( K. 8J 5.15 01. . 2'.I2 ' 200 5.20
. . . , iOS ! 200 5.15 ' .205 100 5.S2X
7 . . . ,2.o 2(0 ( 5.15 in' ! .31S , i,2."j
< i'i 520 5.15 as. . .3)7 ) 400 5.25
00 . .Mi 120 5.15 57. . . : tot : bO 5,25
O'J . .2(1) ( ; ; iio 5.15 0' ) . . ,2 7 120 5.25
OS . .207 too 5.15 CO. . , .2'J7 ' 1111) ) 5.i'5
10 . .KIS 5.15 ill . .300 20J 5.25
: ) . . . . : KO ; 5.13 oa. . , . 0.1 bO 5.25
iO.'J.'S ll > 0 5.15 no. . .310 210 5,275 < T
01..2SO IliO 5.17 > < f 5 < 3. . .31)1 ) uo : 5.30
OI..2'J'J ' 120 ! ) . . , .3.VJ 2(10 ( ' 5.30
on. . tiU 51. . , .2'JS 40 5.30
72 , .2rs 210 til. . .237 200 5.IJO
70. . , .2S'J 10) ) CO..310 bO 5.30
r.'j. . ICO 51..JJ09 SO 5.35
00..303 210
No. Av. Pr.
112 natives 77 J3.40
05 western corn-fed 123 3.75
The following Is the number of hogs
bought by the leading buyers in to-day's
G H Hammond & Co ; 5'J3
Omaha Packing Co 1313
Armour C P Co , 1125
.1. P. Squires & Co. , Hoston S'J9
T. M. Sinclair , Cedar Kaplds.- . - . . 715
Illglicwt anil Ijowost.
Thofollowing uro the highest an 1 lowest
prlcespiid for hos during the past few d.iyi
nnd on the oorrojujudint ; datoj eau uuj IWJ
years ago :
I Nov. 1 Nov. IH-i ) .
4 U ) < if.i 5.r > a U5 fifi'l H )
Himday. 3 7U ftil bO
4 SO 4tl M Sunday
& M di'i UJ 4 IU 4M : tj 3 61 UJ bi
5 ' 5 4i' > M 4 :0 dU f , : 3 IV > W8' \ (
Hunday. 4 f > ' ) Ul ( ! ) 3 "J 4fl IU
B 30 S5 W 4 40 4Bl BU ! 1 70 4 00
6M Wt 4U Hunday. 3 70 &l UJ
& la Oii tl ) 4 UJ Ul UJ Sunday.
aUO W 3 4 &U it.I SJ ! l O'J &l 75
r > oo 4 ( ! ) : i r > 5 ct ) u
-'I IU ( ft'i 40 4 in 6S'i03 3 4i ( & 't 0-
Buiutuy. 4 60 < ai uo 3 45 (0,1 Oi
I'roiluco , FrullB , I'"tc.
BUTTEII rftnuy , sollil-iuokcil creamery. 22
@ ? . ' > o ; choice cuunirylUC4vniciilum grades ,
l ( % l < Joi common ( 'rauus , 10@llc.
l''i. uu Nobr.iska pntenn , W.00@7.51 ;
Minnesota iiatont * , $1.U5C < ? 7.T5 ; straislit
grades , 15.00 3.50 ; bakers' Hour , (5.25 ! < J5.7ij
per bbl ,
POTATOES Nebraska , 25Tf lOo per bu ; Colo-
ado , 75@iUa
SWKKT POTATOES 33 > o per Ib.
POUI.TIIV Llvo chickens , $ J.50(23 ( 75 per
doz ; spritif ? chlekens , $ J.r > 0@'J.Oj ( dressed
chlcitens , 7 ( < j > So per Ib ; turkoyd , 8 ( 1 Oc ,
Kaos Strictly fresh , 23o candled.
MAL.IOI ( iiiAfcs In koRa , I'io per Ib.
HANANAS-Comnion. ll.DOSS.i.'o nor bunch :
Choice , | 2.60(23.W. (
-J.'i.OC per ca < r
Ou V'.IM Flnri.ln. . f-f.'P > n 7 * .
CtAMttPer dozen Milliard * , .
tciil. l , 0n1 ( , 'j ' ; cjunlt , S-V > T : 1'niirlo chlok-
c 5 , | t 7.i@ 00 ; rubllt , tr.W ; sinurrols , J1.0J ;
venison , titii liV per Ib.
CK vNUi.iiniu'if..0iii0.03 ) ? per lilil.
PRivi ( iiiNg-Itnin * . No. 1 , lljfo ; N'o. 2
lie ; hnuldcr * . 74'o ; rib bacon , llr ; clcrtr
bacon. 11 ' < ; pirnlc hmnx , lllc ; dried boot
hnins. Hi-,1" dry salted c'cnrs. short.
extra short , S'e ; short t-ib < < , t > ' 4c ;
IIIKS * feet. lVlb kit * . M'e ' ; lurd ,
stnoltrd satmiffc , O Se per' Ibj hog casings ,
CKI.UUV S.'i.fJHOt1 per dozen ; fancy JOc.
ONIONS -30K-lOo ( | n-r bu.
Cinnu.n ft.Xpcr ; ( 100.
liinT4 : I0iit | > r bu.
TfiiNipft .Wo per bu.
SU-KU ICiufT-Hbls , ? .r : halt bbl * , | 2.7r .
Ai'i'i.Ks Choice , ? 'J.fOii"J ioperbbl ; fancy ,
I3.1X ) per bbl ; common , ? l."iOl.73 per bbl.
Cinnii-MiPhlgan , fl.OO < H 50 per bbl of 32
gaH ; California pear elder , Sl.YOO per bbl.
1'op Cons lllee , 3o ; common , 2) ) e.
CMIUOTS 40e per bu.
Hcs Choice custom handplckcd navies ,
fJ.X ( ) per bushel : western liandpickeil na
vies , $ l.riil.Ml ( ; inedlunib , < l.aOvjl.50 ! ; Limn
beans f > c % per Ib.
HAI V. o. b. curs , No. 1 upland 10.00 ; No.
2 upland. $ .1.00.
UiM\-J.VKJMfi.OO. | ( ) (
Keen fH.OOvjrlu.OO per tou.
OAT ? 2i
VISKII MI Cider. HKojlSc per gal. ; white
wine , low iOc per ( 'al.
HONUV 1-lb frames.
Grocers' lltt.
Kuvised prices nro as follows :
HAIUIINO Stark A , seamless , 2ic ; Amos-
oasr. SLMiuless , 17'jc ' ; Lcwiston A , seamless.
lUc ; , seamless. 17c ; burlaps to 5
bu , HtifHi1 ; ( 'iinnies. siiL'U : > , lye ; punnics ,
double , 20c ; wool snck , ; t.ic. Twines- Flax ,
3 < e ; extra sail , ! Mr$21ir ( ; sail 1J , UOta'Jlc ; cot >
ton , 2-'c ; jute , Oir.
) : KHVIT Fips , In boxes , per Ib , IS'i ?
Itlo ; dates. In boxes , 7fllie ( ; London MalaiM
layer r.tisins , jicr ivxV.J. , . " > 0'.iti.7r ; > ; Muln a
looe raisins , S'J.olicii.oO ; new Valencia
raisins , per Ib , t > : ! 4i' ; California loose musca
tels , per box. $2. < > lii2.10 ( ( ; California London ! ) ,
ISs * , . . > ; pitted flierries , per Ib , ISc ; Cali-
fornm pitted plums , per Ib , 12ijiyc ( ; dried
blackbornes. per Ib , 7' ' . ; < < iho ; dried raspbur-
riiM , per Ib , .M'l/'J.'ic ; evaporated apples , 7Vj(3 (
IV ; California sun-dried peaches , l.'ic ; Cali
fornia unpared evaporated peaches ,
evaporateil California nppricots , 18canteo ;
currants. ifn7i' ' : Turkish prunes , 4'4 < ( ? -lio ;
citron , 2i i'Mc ; orange peel , Lie ; Icinnn peel ,
llli1 ; California French prunes , lUalOo.
Corrni : * Moehn , 'JociSUc : IJio , good , IfifiB
17c ; Mtindahllufr. 2Vii ( < 50 : roiustintr Hlo , 1Ii §
NIC ; O. ( " ! . Java , 2-lwJlic ; .lave , interior. 22'i )
Me ; Hio. fauey , Ib u'li'c ' ' ; Santos and Mtiru-
calbo. 17rtllc ) ! ; Arbucklcs. 21 ' 4' ; McLaugh-
SfOAU Granulated , 7j e : conf. A , 73Bc ;
wiiito extra C , 7l.t't' ; extra C , 7' o ; yellow C ,
"Ku ? powdered , S'-ifc ; cubes , feWt1.
Hens WAX Choice yellow , iiOCMj'MKe ; dark
colored , 13l4u. ( Vounir America , full cream , 12@
12'i ' ; full cream Cheddars. Il ( ; i2c ; full cream
Hats , 12Kc.
VifKi.Ks ! Medium , iu bbls , M.OO ; do. , in
half bbls , 53.00 ; small , in bbls , Sfi.OO ; do , ir ,
half bbls , S8.M ) : Rherkms , in bbln , J7.00 ; do. ,
in half bbls , ifl.OO.
TOIIACCO PltiKi 2iC ( t5o ! ; mnoklng , 10@'JOc.
JUI.LIES $1.25 pct-yo-lb pail.
SALT Sl.iOi.Sl.JD : ( : per bbl.
Koi'U 7-10 , 11.- .
MAPI.K SuoAit Uricks , ll@12e per Jb ;
penny cakes , 12ivfVJc. per Ib ; pure maple
syrup , $1. IK ) per pil.
Tms YoiinR Hyson , common to fair , 18ji ( )
25o ; Young Hyson , ijood to fancy. ItOJI.Vic ;
Gunpowder , common to ( rood , 2JVt25c ( ; Gun-
l > owder , choice to fancy. { ( Kgl'ioc ; Japan , coirt-
mon to medium , l.ri.-0e ( ; Japan , choice to
fancy , 30Cii.45c ; Oolunjf , common Ui nood. 25
@ ' 15c : Oolong , choice to fancy , .Wit70o ( ; Im
perial , common to medium , 2oQJ35c ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , -tOvuriOc.
NUT-- Almonds , luCiClSe ; filberts , IS loc ;
Brazil , ilfrDlOc ; walnuts , 12u ; pecans , 10ii ( > llc ;
peanuts , uc ' . 'c. '
CitvcKcns ! i@10i. per Ib ; assorted cakes.
6fti23e per Ib as pc"r list.
CAXIIV Mixed , 0 , ' < J'ai2'c ; stick , i (7illc ( ;
rock candy , 10 } t7eiic : ; fancy candy , 7 ( 2Sc.
HOLLAND llrmuxo OOo.
Conriiii OJijdg'J o.
Dry Goods.
COTTONFiANNni.s 10 per cent dis. ; LL.
53 e ; OC , OJ e ; SS , 7 c ; Nameless , 5c ; RX ,
Ibc ; R. tJOcr No.10 , 8Uo ; No.10 , lO e ; No.
00 , 12' ' < < o ; No. 80 13 c ; No. UO.colored , c ; No.
W , colored , 12c ; No.70colored , 12 > io ; Bristol ,
12Kc : Union PaiMllc , 17c.
CAIIPBT V/Ani1 Bib white , 19o ; colored ,
IJATTS Standard , SB pom , 10c ; beauty ,
12' c ; boone , He ; B , cased , fii.50.
1'niXTS Solid colors Atlantic , ( ic ; Slater ,
Cc : Berlin oil , ( i' ' e : Garner oil , li@7c.
PJSISTS I'inkiind Kobes Allenvllc ; Itiver-
| ) oint , 5 > < fe ; Steel River , 0'ic ; Richmond ,
5.jC } ; Pacific , 7e.
S Dross Charter Oak , SJ c ; Rain-
npoI' e ; Lodi , . "ii c ; Allen , Uc ; Richmond ,
tie ; Windsor , 3 > c ; Eddystone.OKo ; Pacific ,
> > * c.
c.Bi.nACHKi ) Sucr.Ti.vo.Rerkclcy cambric
No. ( JO , UXc ! ; Best Yet , 4-4 .C. e ; butter clotli ,
O 0 , 4'j'c ' ; Cabot , 7' ' e ; Furwell half bleached ,
Sc ! ; Fruit of Loom , ( IJ o ; Greene G , O' ' c ;
Hope , 7fo : King Philip cambric , lie ; Lons-
dale cam brie , ll' ' c ; Lonsdale , Ou ; New York
mills , 10 , ' < fo ; Pcpperell. 42-in , lie ; Popporell ,
415-in , 12e ; Peiipcrcll , ( i-4 , Nic ; Pepperell , 8-4 ,
Jlc ; Pepjicroll , ! M , 2ie ; ; Popporull. 10-4 , 2Sc :
Canton , 4-1 , b''e ; Triumph , Oc ; Wnmsutta ,
lie ; Valley , uc.
FLANNELS Plaid Raftsmen , 20o ; Goshen ,
32lju ; Clear Lake , yiii < Jc ; Iron Mountain ,
2i/e. } /
FI.ANNII.WhlteG : II , No. 2. % . 22 , .c ; G
II , No. 1 , .f , 20u ; B II , No. 2 , 9f , 2. > c ; IJ H
No. 1 , % . IWiQucchca ; No. 1 , j ! , 42c.
COIISKT.IKVXS Aiidroscofj.'i'i. ( ' " fc ; Kear-
KO , 7 . , 'c : Hocknort. OJfc ; Concsto 'ii ,
UEXIJIS Amosleas , 0 oz , 10 } c ; Everett 7
oz , lll'.je ' ; York , 7 oz , lUKe ; Haymaker , H'-re ' ;
lalTroy XX , ' ll e : Juffroy XXX. 12' c ;
Heaver Creek AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek BB ,
lie ; Beaver Crook CC. lOc.
ICi'.XTi'CKV JuvNs Memorial , 15c ; Dakota ,
ISo ; Durham , 27e ' : Hercules , ISu ; Leaming
ton , 2J > c ; Cottwoid , 27' ' < fc.
Cit.viii Stevens' B , lij c ; Stevens' B ,
liloiichcd. 7e ; Stevens' A , ! % C' Stevens' A ,
bleached , &Ko ; Stovons' P , S'ife ; Stevens'
P , bleac-liRii , OKc ; Stevens' N. DKi1 ; Stevens'
N , bleached , IOV'5 Stevons' SItt , 12'fc. '
Ml-"Cii.ivxKouH ; Tablu on cloth , $2.59 ;
plain Holland , H ' , re ; Dado Holland , l'J ! c.
Brown Sheelinit Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7' ' < < | 0 ;
Atlantic-H , 4-1 , 7'4'e ' ; Atlantic I ) , 4 4 , Cii- ;
Atlantic P. 4-4 , lie ; Aurora LL. 4-1 , lie ; Au
rora C , 1-4 , 4fc ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , ( Wfc ;
Hooslor LL , 4-4 , tic ; Indian Head , 4-4. 7 > < Jc ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , 0.Old ; Dominion , 4-4 ,
' , yu ; Pepperell U , 4-4 , 7" ; Pepperell O , 4-4.
1-lio ; Pepporell , H-4 , l Wo ; I'opporoll , D-4 ,
Jlc ; Pepperell , 10-1 , 23j ; Utioa , O , 4-4 , 4 ; > fo ;
\Vauhusott , 4-1 , 7 > ; c ; Aurora R , 4-1 , 7o : Au
rora B , 4-4 , fi' c.
DUCK West Point 23 In. 8 oz. , 10' c ; Wmt
Point 29 in , 111 oz. 12K" ! West Point 23 in , 12
oz , 15c ; West Point 4U itf , 11 oz. lOo.
FiAXNKM-Rod , C,2t in. 15Ko ; B , 21 In ,
21'i'c ; GO , 21 In , 20o ; HAF , % < > 25o ; JRF ,
% , 2 re.
GIST.IIAM Plunkott chocks , 7' < fc ; Whitton-
: on , 7 > c ; York , 7j c ; Normundl dress , S'i'j ;
Calcutta dress , S o : Wluttenton dress , b c ;
Renfrew dross , bl , < fMl2Uj'e.
UAMIIUICS Slater , fti o ; Woods , SJi'o ;
Standard , 5 ! c ; Peacock , .I' ' c.
PainTs , IxiJiooBn'i : Arnold , fyjo' Amer
ican , O c ; ( ilouccster , Ol c ; Arnold C lon
cloth , 'Ju : Arnold B lonj ? oloth , lOUu ; Arnold
Gold Seal , 10'tfc ' ; Stloful A , 12o ; Windsor
Gold Ticket , 10 , ' c.
First nnd second clear , l' in.-J9 0051 ( 00
First and second clear , 1) < f In. . . 47 ( )3@.iO ) 00
Third clear , l'4' ' ? Iif In . 4U 00 ( < f4l ( 00
A select , ! ' ' ( lij in . ! )7 ) 00
B select , Uftebi tn . ; Ui ( M )
A stock boards , lif lli ft , 12in . 40 00
B stock boards. 1'J'ijiltl ft , 12 ill . 41 00
C stock boards , 12Crflt ) ft. 12 In . M ( X )
D stock boards , 12iijiift ( , 12 in . 2'i DO
floorlni ; , ilrftt common U In . Ul 00
i , ' , second common , 0 in . ! U 00
Select fencing Hoofing . It ) 00
Siding , llrst and occoml cloar,14@10 ft , . 25 00
Sldlnu , llrst common , 10 ft . 22 00
Siding , second common . IU ( X )
Common boards . HI 00
No , 2 boards , nil lotiKths . M 50
Fencing , No. 1 , I2ii.-J0 ( f t . 1(5 ( 50
Fencing , No. 2 , 12 , 14 and 18 ft . 15 50
Joist nnd scantling , 2x4 , U IO feet . US 00
Timber , 4x1 , 8x8. I2@lti feet . 17 OJ
Pickets , 1) and II Hat . 22 10
Pickets , Dand H brjuaro . 22 00
Shingles , extra A. , , . 2 fcO
Shingles , Standard A . 2 00
Lath . 3 40
O Q 13utU , 2 > f la . ( X )
O 0 Units , 1'3 , 8 I S . . . . . . . S3
0 In well tubing. Dntul M bcv . 23 UO
Hemlock sole , ISyi'J'c per Hi ; oak solo ,
SWc per Ib ; oak harness , ; } 0 , 32o per l s selec
ted oak nnd trace , Me per Ib ; oak nnd hem
lock upper , CO 22c per foot- Hemlock calf
skin , No. 1 , SOQZOOc per Ib , ncoonllng to
weight ; oak calf skin. No. t , WcWl.OO per
Ib ; Phiindclphlu calf skin , extra , $1.00 ( 1.10
pcrlb ; hcuilocK kip skin , No. 1 , ( ViiiOc ( ( per
Ib : oak kip tkin , No. 1 , 70 fOe per Ib : 1'hlln-
di'lphtn kip skin , extra. SOfiUVo per Hi. French
calf skins , ( according to weight and quality ) ,
$1.15it.i5 ( | > er Ib. Fretibb klpsklns , do , S0c ( $
1.10 per Ib. Corjovan rtissett , I'ioj satin
llnish. 20e per foot ; welt leather. f3.S'.ViM.H ' ( )
per side ; moroocos , ( pebble goat ) , 20y 3C
per foot ; moroccos , boot lew' , 25tftOo ( : per
foot ; glove calf skins , StKS'Wc per foot ;
Douglas kid , : tiV7i40i3 per foot ; kangaroo
skins , -tOvitftOc Per foot , nccording to Duality.
Toppings , $ s.ixff10.00 ) ( per dozen ; linings.
fVOOnti.OO ( per tiozcii ; npronskms , $10.00 < jj )
12.00 per dozen.
. \letalM nnd Tinner * ' Stock.
Block tin , small pig . $ .23
Block tin , bar . . .20
Copper , planished boiler sizes. . , . . . H4
Copper , cold rolled . . . Ill
Copper , sheathing . ! ! 0
Coiiper , pllis . 30
Copper , llats . 31
Gal. sheet iron , Junlntn , 50-10 nnd 5pcrc. ( tis , planished Iron , 24 to 27 A . 10
Pat. planl'hcd Iron , 21 to 27 B . i"K "
Rooliiig , 1C , 14x20 , 112 sheets . § 0.00
Roollng , IX , 14x20 , 112 sheets . 7.f.0
Reeling , I.20x28 , 112 sheets . 11.00
Hoollng , IX , 2K2S ( , 112 sheets . 11.50
Sheet iron , No. 20 . 3.W
Shoot Iron , No. 27 . ! U > J
Tin plate , host charcoal
1C , 10x11 , 225 sheets
IX. 10x14 , 225 sheets . 8.25
Tin ulato. coke-r-
IC , 10x14 , 225 sheets . 02. ' ,
Kteel naliii , per keg . 2.25
Steel wire nails , per keg . 2.1U )
AV. C. C. I vAt -
At a mcctliiB held at R. M. Patterson's
ofllec Monday evening , the W. O , C. associa
tion dotctuiincd to hold its next reunion at the
Barker hotel on Monday evening , December
10 , A meeting to complete arrangements
will in1 held at tlio same place next Monday
hicago , nig. iciarkSt.
Tto Regular Old-Established
Is tll ! Treating xvllh the Greatest
l MXV-r.Tl
Chronic , Neryons and Private Diseases ,
Ktt- NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood ,
Failing Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head nnd Back Ache and all the effects
leading to early decay and iieihjps Consumption 01
Insanity ? treated .scientifically by new methods with
ncvcr-failinc succeis.
VO- SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin DU-
eaeea permanently cured.
* KIDNEY nnd URINARYcomplalnti , Gleet ,
Gonorrnoea , Strictu re , Varlcocele and all diseases
cf the Gcnito-Urinary Urg.ins cured promptly without
injuiy to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs.
Jff-No experiments. Age arid experience im
portant. Consultation free anil eacred.
Hi' Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Woikson
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
43 * Those contemplating Mtrriaae send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
15 cents , both 25 cerils ( sump * ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save future suffer
ing and shame , nnd add golden years to life. jHooK
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( stamps ) . Medicin *
and writings sent everywheie , secure from exposure.
Hour * , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to 12. Address
F. D. CLARKE , ( VI. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL.
A Proprietary Medicine that ueei\a but trial
to prove Us worth.
Dr , Calender's ' Left Urn Bitters ,
TUB only Distilled Hitters In the United
States. The only fllttoru recognized by th
United States Internal revenue laws as al'ro-
prletary Medicine. Lawfully I'ntentod. No. of
Patent 149.573. Contains no fusil oils , no
omentlal oils , no foreign suljstancn or tiiimag *
Ing < lriic . A perfectly pure medicine , compounded -
pounded from Pure Hoot ilerba nnd Old Peach ;
ple § ant-to tlm taste , quiet nnd decisive In IU
Sect. Curc Dyspepsia or Vellnw Jaundice la
HT days. Kegulates the Dowels , luvlcoratea
Inictlre Uver , 0iri > s Dlseniod Llrer , Hovlvei
the Kidney ! . Improves the Appotlto Quickly.
Regulates tlio vrnolo system. New Ufa to the
whole system.
ol.eftl.trer Illlion nro fold til Onmlm , Nnb , bytlia
. . , 'Ju"f ' ! rtraBmif Itlrluinlii'n DriiB Co. , Hpscl-il
Wbnlcialv.lur tlio Ulna Interest ot Nebraska. Ho-
tBlJersusloHcM .
lf W > SU | | .
K. Il.lji-ril vli.Jiilin F. Hullsky , MorrolI'M I'liunuacy
Innicn Kiirsytli. II. f Hull , Dr. J. J. SiiTlllu , IJ. .M.Crfi.
H' , K. riiaiHllar. Iliilin'a riinrmiicjr , .liirnuy ft Diiy'J
J.O. Khic.J W I'lnrkp.1. II. Sclimlilt , .Mar lluclitJ
r-.t'tirhtoiison. W. K. tambaiwin , II , . Cux , Max
t'oiirnil F'rnrlc > * . I'o lf , It. ltt : < iiiiUHsnn. ( Jo < * . Itocder
Iloyd's I'hnrranejr , o , A. Molclicr , Howard Muyer < ,
Frnnk Dollono , t Co. . nbolusalo iloalen In C'lKiira nn.1
l ftl.tvi
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.
S sucficbsfully Ubud monthly by over 10,000
r vl.adles. AruSafe. Kfltctualanil I'lcasant
' y prrliox \ by mnll.or atdrtiKKlsta. Kcaleil
J'articulart 2 postage Blamps. Aildrens
by mail b\i \ i
JDrituCo. , Oinulut. Xcb ,
Incomuarablv thu Bast.
LiveStock Commission Merchants ,
ODico lloom il ( , Oiiuili | KxchuiiL'u llulldlriid l/nlcn
_ btock Vnrda , foutli Omalm. NI.-II.
Live Stock 'Commission ,
loom IS , Kxcuuniie llulldlut. , 1'niou Stock Vurila ,
uuhn , S'eh ,
Commision Dealers in Live Sock ,
pixisllo Kiclmniifl llulldlni ; , Unluu 6tucli
Vunli , tuutli uiuuUu.Veb ,
Of Onialia , Limited ,
" "
Dealer in Agricultnral Implements , Wagons ,
Orrtasei nil Hutelfn. J . HIreot.lictwcenJthani ;
liHh , Umftht , Nelimskn.
AgricnltnralImpleinentsl a onsCarriagc , ?
lluculo. Ktc. WholeKlf. Onmlm , Ncbrnfln.
Whol i le Ie lpr In
Agiicnllnral Implements , Wagons& Bngiies
Wl , X , 6 nn.l WI7 Jonn Strccl , Ornnlin.
P. P. MAST fi CO. ,
Manufacturers of Bncleyc ( Drills , Seeders I ,
CultUnlnr * . Hnj llokf . Clilft Mltln nd I.ul'nn 1'u <
vvrlivri. Cur. Illh nd Nlchulm MrccU. . |
- oj
Agricnltursl implements , Wag
Akron , Olilo.
Harycsllng Machinery anil Binder Twine ,
W. K. Mi-iU , Man Bfr. I21t l.em'onw.irtli > U OniRha.
Mniuif ncturvra nnil Jotibcr In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Flows Etc ,
Cor. lull and P.icltlc strcetii , Omnha , Nt-b.
ArtlBis * Motorlalo.
" " "
HOSPE. Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 Domini Ptrcct , llni h , Ni > br ! k .
BooksollrR nnd Stotlonor.
Succeisomto A. T. Ktiijon .V Co. , WlioU-silo , Vlotnll (
Booksellers and Stationers ,
line WedilliiR Hlalluimry. Cnmnicrclnl Stationery ,
1i J llouk'im ijlreot. Onmlm , Nrh.
Boots and Shoac.
to lived , Joncf & Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
Accnti lor Ponton Itubtier Shoo To. 1102 , 1101 it 11UO
_ llnrncr St. , Ooimhii N
W. V. MORSE & CO. .
Johhers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101,1103-1105 Uouitla St.Omalia ManufactoryBum-
xncr stHuitun *
Coffooo.JSplooa , Etc.
" ' " " "
Umalm CotTco nnd Splee Mllli.
Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
DliTorlrV Kitrncti , Lauudrr Illuc. Inks , Ktc. 1114-
1416 Uarq r Street. Omaha , .Selirmka.
Crockery and
W. L.'wniCHT ,
Agent forlhoM nuf cturrr niia Importpn of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Cliimncys ,
Klc. Offl rc. 317 H. Uth St. , Oinnlin , Ncbmik
Iinoortera and Jobbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lauifs , Silyerware
Kto. 1514 l > raiiuSt.Kor. Pcston Itnlldlnff.
Commission and Storage.
" "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
' ' - " ' " ' "ii" I'miltry , Game ,
112ilovrara Strent. Oinatq.
Riiceesjors to JIcBlmno A Scbroeilcr. )
Prouuco Commission anil Cold Stora
Oiuuhn. Ncbruska.
Flonr , Feed , Grain and General Gommision
Merchant. Corrcipnmlcncnsolicited. 1CII North ICtli
btruut.Wiiuiha , Neb.
Coal , Coke and t-imo.
Jobliers of Hard and Soft Coal
MS South Hth PtrcPt , Onmtm. Nehr ka.
" '
MannfactrajfLline ,
Anrtshippers ot Coal , Co.ilc , Coiiien 1'iii ter , T.lm
llraln Tlio , ami Sewer Pipe. OnueJ19.H. . ntk
St. , Omaha , Net ) . Talcplicn 611.
Dry Cooclo nno Notions. _
" * '
MrESM'lTH & CO. .
Dry Goods , Fnrnlsliiiir Goods and Notions ,
llO-Jand 110 ( Dou la , Cor. 1Kb St. , Omarjn , Nob.
Importers and Joliliers in Dry GoodsNotiOis , !
Cents' Furnlslilnc Conils. Corner Illh uiul IJuncy
St . . Onmlm. Nvbrnclin.
Shippers of Uoai and
SI I South lot h ft. , Ormika. Nell.
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrniture ,
_ Kunmui Street , Omahii. Ncbrnikn. _
Omulia. .Ncbi.liko.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
M , 707,700 r.nd 711 S. lOtli St. , Omnlin , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
I Ih nml I.PATonvorth Strooti. Omuliu , Ncbraikn.
_ _ Hardware.
WhoK-Bulo MnnufHcturora of
Saddlery 5 Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware
Ami Lonlhcr. NO ) , lia'i iiml IIT7 Ilurr.ojr at.,0mnli.i ,
Honvy f ardvvarp.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Sprlne , Wa un Ktnck , llnulwnro , I.itDilior , Ktc. JJ3C
una Jill llonn-'jf htruut , Uuiulm ,
Dnilders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanic * ' Tooli nml ItiifTalo Hcnlni. 1105 Douglnl
Street , Umulm , Niibrunkn ,
Wholesale Hardware ,
fill and Ilnrno' Htn. , Oiunli.l , Noli , Weilcrri Aecriti
tor Auitln 1'owUer Co. , JoRurnnn Htuul .Suite ,
I'Ulrounki standard Hcalci ,
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
IalH , Sheet linn , otc.ncuts fur down Hcule& ,
Minniil'owtlcr auUliymiin liurbud wlru ,
Omalia ,
Hats , Caps , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods.
IIW Iluruer h'tr iet , Oiouhn. Not ) .
_ Lumber. _ _
All Kinds of Building Material at Whole ile
liUHIruetanil Union 1'ucinc Truck , Oiu-li .
Dealer in Lumlier , Lath , Lime Sash
Uooro , Klg. Yirdii - Corner Till und
C. N. DIET2 ,
Dealer in All Kind ? of Lumber ,
Slfcct > , Orutttm , Notirn k k
Lumber Lime Cement
, , , , , ,
To Dealers Only ,
OfllcoJIKl Karnnm Ptrcpl. Omaha ,
Wliolesale Lumber , Elc ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Woo. ! Carpels nl Pattiict ] Ktoorln * . Wh niul
( Vlllllnory ourl NotloiiH.
" " " >
Importers & Joliliersin Millinery & Notions
W.Jinnnil tU < < milli Illh Sliwl
Ovornln. | _
Maniifactiircrs of Oycralls ,
) cnti9 I'uutJ.Sblrta , Ktr. H'riiunl . 1WI Domini Street ,
Notions ami Fnriiisliing Goods
4lt ) mill HHi Illh lOtli St. , Omnlin.
, _ _ 0118. _ _
Vliolsale Refined and Lubricating ; Oils ,
Ail < i n-n i' , Kit. , IhuRha. A II Hl h" | , . Mimnttr ,
Notions and Gent's '
Furnislilne Good ? ,
IUV > Hnrncj Slivrt.Omiilin.
Office Fixtures. _
Mnnufniitun > i > of
Bant , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mnntlps. Sldotioar.K Hook CIUPJ. llrn
I'mos , ruit'.tliins. llRllliif , rinniti'r . llprrnnu Wind
Conlprx. .Mlrror'.cto Kndory HIII' oltlco , ITU ) ail 17SJ
baulli 1JIU St. , Ouinlit , Tulciilione 1134.
_ _ Paints nnd oils.
WIolon la * In
Paints , Oils , Window Glais , Etc ,
HIS r.inmm Street. Omaba , Nob.
Wliolesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nice Block of 1'rlntliiK , Wrapping mill Wrltlnl
1'ArOr. BiH'Cinl utlvntlon KIVOII lo cur loail orders.
Pnpor Boxos.
Proprietor Omalia Paper Box Factory.
Nos. 1S17 and 131'J Douglas St. , Oumlin , Neb.
Wliolesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
911 nnd 913 Joncn Hlrurt , Oniahu.
Storage ) , Forwarding & Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Oranch liouiiif ( the llcrmor lluitny Co. lliiKKlci al
nbulcaaltf unit retail , l.tti UlOniul 1:112 : linrd titrcot.
Omuliu. Tcloptiuue No.TM.
Laser Beer Brewers ,
North Itlgtutecnlli Street , Omiilm , y
EAGLE Co f7i : E WORl < sT
MannfactiireGalyauized Iron and Cornice ,
Joun Eponeter , Pmprlctur. SO ) Doiltu nnd l l nnd IU
North 1UIU Street , Oiuitlin.
Prlntora' Materials.
Auxiliary Piillishers ,
Dvnlcrs In Tyro , I'n ncs mi" " ! 1'rlnleia' Supplies , t
bouth 12th direct , Uiualiii.
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rnlto Gcofls
311 Clothing mid leather llcllliiL' . UKX I'lirnnm Btrcct ,
, Dporo , Etc
M. DISBROV f , CO. .
\VUolc' ulo Miiiinr .cturi'rs of
Sasli Doors. Blinds and Mouldings ,
much Uincc , 12th nnil Iziml Blreetr1 , Omulia , Nub.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
' , ' uMluiia , Klnlr Wurk HIM ) Intorlor lliir.l . Won 1 i-'liv
mi. K. E. Curum' Hih nn < l l , aveun urth U'.roct.i ,
Oinubii. Ncu ,
. . .
Steam FlitlnRs , Pumps , Etc.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
itcamVnlcr , Hn Iwnr nnil Mlnlnu Kniillo9 | | , Etc.
'JJJ. Vii ami ' .CI larnnm Htreut , Ounilia.
VI V- MM *
Wfisaie Pflipsi Rpe , Filtiiigs ,
itcam BIII ! Wntcr Rurpllcs. n " " ' " 'inriiir' ' for Ma < t.
_ . Piirniun t. , Un a
St8Pm and Water Supplies
llatllilayVln.l 'y' ' OlSnnil riiiTiiim Bt. , Omalia.
engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Iron Worko.
Carter A son , 1'rop'n. Mnniidictiiriirsofnll kind )
Steam Boilers , Ms and Sliest Iron WorK
WorksHoulh UJtli nnd II , i.M. CrnstliiK.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort ,
Knilnc9 , | lrns < Wnrk.aennml Konndry , Miiolilnaund
lllucki\iilth Wnrk. littlco and \Vorkl , L' . 1' . It ? .
n ml lltb htreot , ( Jmuliu.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
lloik IUIU , Wlndnvf llunr.ln. Klov T Htnniln , Wlro
hum , Ktc. IU Nortli Ifth filrful , < Jiimlia. _
" '
Man'frsofFire&BurglarProofSafes '
Fnalt" , Jnll Work , Irmi UN I Wuu Kendnn. HlKnu. lto.
O. Anilicuii , I'rou'r I r lull and Juiknun riti.
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
rnd Fcreoin , for bank . cnpniil | < irc reil'lcnroi , cto ,
lui'riivi'd AwnliiL'H. l i.'k > aiilli .Mmhliiurr uiul
lll.ielitiiilili Work * . I'JIr-uulli ' Hilt htf
Fireaui Brtr Proif Safes , Tiinu'Loc'is