Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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Messrs. W. A. Gardner anil M. M
Van ilorn , trustcus of the West Hamil
ton ProHbyterwn church , say that lr
Mcrcur has not Riven a lot to the church
no has boon erroneously stated.
It IB understood that the iK > Hco wii
receive intrurtions to arrest all parties
who Rive falno residences at the prl
innrlcs to-duy and Wednosdny ot
the ground of 'being suspicious eharac
ters. The ren."on of their desiring U
hide their residences will bo Inquiret
1'rrHiinnl I'nrnjjrnplii.
J. I ) . Oowccn , Lincoln , is nt the Pnxtoi
C. M. Hannon and wife nro guests at the
E. H. Snow and wife are registered nt the
Mrs. 1) . HoylcVhitowood , Dak. , is n
Client ut the Murray.
Hanker FVanlc Castcttor , of Hltilr , Is stop
ping nt the Murray.
John McHridu. a prominent politician o
O'Nuiil ' , is at the Areadc.
John Campbell , Brooklyn , N , Y. , l a
Kilcst nt the I'tixtou hotel.
J. W. Worth. Cheyenne , Wyo. , 13 rcgls
tcrcd ut the Merchants hotel.
J. Miller , of the Minnie Mndilcrn cotncdj
company , is at the Merchants.
Mr. David anil Miss Otilhrio , of Montreal
aic visitors at the 1'axton hotel.
S. C , Incralmm and Frank Ualght , of Chi
cnjjo , arc registered at the Puxton.
Henry Guinea and I' . H. Clarke , of St
Paul , are guestR nt the Merchants hotel.
1) . Surprint and C. Woodburn , of Men
Hampshire , are ifuestx at the Murray hotel.
At the Windsor : Jainus Tate , Uockport ,
Mo. ; J. T. Christian , Hnchport , Mo. ; C. II.
MccKcr and wife. McConkV. ; \ . IX Guv , Wa
tcrtown , Dak. ; Charles CrossGenoa , Neb.
H. 1C. Christmas , lieutenant colonel of the
uniform rank Knights of Pythias , of Wyo
ming , hus returned homo lifter a pleasant
visit with Major Jamfts J. Donnelly , of this
The following members of the C irlctoa
opera company are registered at the Millard.
W. T. Cirleton , Miss Clara Uano , Miss Alice
Tincont , Mins Clara Wisdom , J. K. Murr.i.\
and C. II. Drew.
At the Arcade ; Harrington , Tcka-
mnh ; J. II. Lowrey , IS'uoln , la. ; I ) , .lolmson ,
Irvington : C. W. .lainlcson , Vntnn ; D. D.
Cl.-irk , Noith Loup ; 10. ilershiser , O'Neal ;
W. Horn , La Fayctlo.
CilincH null Uri in I u a I > ) .
Wolf Fishbcck was arrested for being on-
pagcd in a Imwdy-hniiso brawl Sunday nielit ,
and ycstcnlnv he delivered up $12.50 or his
earnings for it.
The Wouhl-lx ! Murderess.
ISIrdic Kobinson , the notorious and repuls
ive looking ncgress who stabbed A. Harvey on
Sunday , was nrralgncd , yesterday but asked
for n continuance until to-duy at li p. : n , ,
which was granted.
The Female Forcer.
Mrs. G. W. Clark , the woinun who at
tempted to pass a forged check on the First
National bank Saturday , will have her i > rc-
llminary hearing on December 5. Meanwhile -
while blio is under J 1,000 bonds.
A A'cry Small Thrft.
Uutlcr Ewing the follow caught stealing
from the Omaha Coal , Coke and Luno com
pany , admitted his unlit on arraignment , but
IIB the amount Linen was so small being
what ho could carry away in his hands , he
was discharged.
Tliclr Condition Improving.
Joseph Schmidt and Frank Spellman , the
young men who were injured by a falling
scaffold at the Willis building on IJodge
street , nro rapidly improving , contrary to
first Impressions. They nro still under the
care of Dr. McMcmuny , nt the Omaha med
ical institute.
_ _
The Fort.
Nearly two hundred city people drove out
Sunday to Fort Omaha to see probably the
last dress parade of the season.
Private Thomas Daily of Company B. do-
scrtod Saturday , taking with him as a me ;
inoir of th6 fort Mr. Louis Purlott's gold
watch and chain.
M Candidates Tor the Reform School.
Harry Day anil Frank Hnrtlomnn , the two
young boys who , in connection with the do-
pr.ived McCarthy , have been committing n
number of thefts of Into , were arraigned
yesterday afternoon , but waiving examina
i tion , wcro held to the district court in the sum
of $100 each. _
Another John IN the l < 'ello\v.
Mr. J. A. Stephens , of the Kces Printinc
company , asks TUB BEB to inform its readers
that lie is not the John Stevens spoken of in
Sunday's paper as being lately married , Ho
Is annoyed with constant congratulations
und wants his friends to know that ho is
still single.
Why 1)1(1 She
Mary Uonahoo , a domestic in the employ of
Dr. Dm row , loft the house Sunday , and
has not slnco been seen. The departure was
evidently premeditated , as she removed her
trurnt during the doctor's absence , but she
also left an unpaid board bill for the care of
an infant child.
A Hci-ImiH Charge.
' A negro named Brown Muovoy was ar
rested about 1 , 'M yesterday morning on com
1 plaint of his wife , who claims that ho madon
! criminal assault on his little eight-year old
daughter. Mucvey denies the cliargo and says
that both ho and his wife wore drunk at the
tune , and the arrest was due only to the devil-
ishiicbs of his spouse , whom ho claims is n
hurd woinun.
The Woman SiifTrntlHt8.
The Nebraska Woman's Suffraco associa
tion will hold its annual meeting ia Hoyd's
opera house December it and 4. At the open
ing session on Monuav evening addresses
will bo delivered by Mrs. lOlizaboth C'ndy
Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. Business
meetings will beheld Tuesday morning anil
evening at the First Methodist church , Dav
enport street , between Seventeenth and
Eighteenth. At the close of the evening' ! *
session a reception will bo give Mrs. Stanton
and Miss Anthony at the Paxton hotel.
Among Strnimrrn.
Mary Cleary , an old woman , started from
Ogdcn hovoral weeks ago to get to Now
York. She was found moneyless nt the
Union Pacillo depot und taken in hand by
the police. Tlioro being no other place for
the old ludy she was placed in a cell with
( lisicputublo female characters much against
her wishes. Yesterday blio was taken charge
of by the ladles of the W. C. T. U. , who will
look after her until something can be ilonu
toward sending her to New Yuik , where she
Buys she has friends.
Chnney I' . Coy Iiiniine.
About one week ago , Chancy P. Coy , a
wealthy farmer living near Waterloo , Neb , ,
was taken into custody by Sheriff Cohurn at
the instigation of his family , who reported
thai ho was insane. Ho was brought to this
city , and was place , I at the Merchants hotel
in chnrgcnf J. Hcnsinan. Ills actions at times
were very much like those of an Insane man ,
but the major portion of the time ho was
perfectly Kane. At the request of himself
and family , and on account of his social mid
tlimnchil standing , the affair was kept from
tlie-public. Sunday ho wiis taken to Lin
coln by Deputy Sheriff Grebe
where ho Is conillned In the
asylum. He implored the authorities to al
low him to return to his family , but n physi
cian's ' voice was to the effect that ho hud bet
ter bo taken care of. It Is said that ho Is uf-
Illctcd with salt rheum , and that the medicine
that ho has been Inking is too strong for his
constitution , and to tills Is attributed his
lunacy. Ho Is the father of three children ,
and In said } u be worth about M5,000.
Starch prows sticky common powders
liavo n vulgar glare. Piuzonl's ia iho
only Complexion Powder lit fur use ,
County Attorney Slmcral Gem the
Clilcni > o Itecord of MM. King.
County Attorney Slmrrnl nnd County
Attorney-elect Mnhonny hnvo returned from
Chicago , whither they went on business con
nected with the King-Hccchlcr shooting af
fair. County Attorney stated that
while there ho Inquired Into the diameter
nnd reputation of the murderess of Harry
King. Ho states that ho discovered that the
woman was not legally married to King.
That In Chicago she was an Inmate tlrst of a
house of assignation , nnd that she afterwards
became a mistress , nnd was associated In
this light only , with the mnn whom she mur
dered , Continuing. Mr. Simeral said :
"Tlioro will ho funplo evidence in the case of
n conflicting nature. We will have an abun
dance of testimony showing the woman's '
previous bad character. We went to Chicago
nt the solicitation of H. W. King , sr. ,
father of the murdered man. Wo found him
n kind-hearted an I fatherly appearing old
gentleman. He has not yet recovered from
the shock ho received at the death of his son.
Ho stated that he had no malicious feeling
against the woman who did the shooting ,
nnd that ho only wanted justice inortcd out
to her. Ho also wanted us to obtain all com
petent testimony showing the relationship
of the woman with his son nnd the purpose
for which she cuuic to Omaha. Mr. King
informed us that Mrs. King jr. , nco Miss
Duffy , was slowly recovering trom the shock
but was still conlincd'to the residence. Wo
.also learned that the woman who did the
shooting never was man led to Hurry King.
"Will Mr. King sr. bo a witness In the
trial here I"
"Yes. ho stated that ho would come nnd
give evidence In connection with the life of
thu woman and her character , also the manner -
, ner In which she was related to his son. "
"When will you tile Information against
the prisoner ! "
"I wil. tile information in a few days , and
she will bs arraigned and given nn opportun
ity to plead the present term of court. " '
Standard shorthand school. 10071 Fur-
Where Is Davis ?
Sunday ji woman giving her name as Mrs.
Davis , and who was accompanied by her two
daughters , a young son and a grandchild , ar
rived in Omaha from Salt Lake City. She
was to have been met at the depot by her
sou , Henry N Davis , who resides in this
city nnd who is said to bo employed in one of
the local planing mills. But , for some unac
countable reason , he failed to put in an ap
pearance. The woman In question endeav
ored to ascertain his whereabouts , but thus
far lias been unsuccessful. She and the
family are nt present enjoying the Hospi
tality of the household of S. L , Crawford ,
corner of Sixth and Jones streets.
If you need a perfect tonic for n blood
pnrillor , ttilfo Or. Jones' Kcd Clover
Tonic. It speedily cures all troubles of
the btomnch , kidneys and liver. Can
lie taken by the most delicate. Pricu
fiO cents. Goodman Drug Co.
The New IJ.uilc
The directors of the Commercal National
bank are considei Ing plans for a new bank
building , to ba erected on the site of the old
city hall , -Architects from all over the coun
try are competing , und the designs submit
ted are mostly of abeautifully classic nature.
The directors of the bank propose to com
mence building on or about April 1 next , and
are now anxious to decide on plans for now a
hank which will be mos.t desirable. The
choice will be made , at the next regular meet
ing of the board of directors.
Three all steel furnaces reserved for
Omaha. No joints. Address ,
K M. . WKIU , Itoonc , Iowa.
Hand Unit.
The Irish national game , hand ball , prom
ises to bo a sporting feature in this city. Kil-
gallon nnd Hurt have erected one of the
finest courts for this sport in the west. It is
locntcd on the corner of Chicago nnd Twolftli
streets , is completely enclosed nnd covered
and the dimensions are 2ix73 feet with a
height of HO feet. Sunday it was formally
opened , and n large crowd of prominent citi
zens were present. Several lively six-bunded
tramos took place , the principal being that of
M. Kilirallon , John Nauglo and Thomas Hart
and Mike Lenry , Mike Burke and Martin
Tighe. The game was for a purbo of $30 ,
first two out of three. The first named team
won. This alloy will bo furnished with elec
tric lights so that games can be played nt
night. _
Journeymen Barbers I
A special mooting will be held in the
Paxton barber shop on Tuesday even
ing , November 27. Lot every member
be present , us there is very important
business to transact.
W. K. Seiner , , President ,
O. L. SAUSIIUHY , Secretary.
A 1'rolmlili ; Vacancy.
There is a probability that Kov. W. A.
Copeland wil1 not return to Omaha to reside
and in that case there will occur a vacancy
in the board of education. Mr. Copeland has
not sent in his resignation to the secretary
yet , but it is believed thnt such a document
has been written by the reverend g entleman
nnd is now in the hands of friends who will
present it for him. On the strength of this
n numberof gentlemen are mentioned as can
didates for the position. Among them nro
Mr. Frank Ucdman , Attorney W. S. Curtis ,
Mr. A. P. Tukey , Mr. Thomas Kilpatrick
and Mr. Henry Livesey , who was formerly a
member. The choice of a successor to fill
the position until the next regular scliool
election In Juno next , lies with the board of
education itself.
JoluiHon's Cyclopictlin , 1888 Edition.
Johnson's CyclopiiMliii is a w.holo li
brary , n complete compendium of all
knowledge , the result of years of labor ,
research and investigation of thousands
of the , eminent scholars of our
time , compressed into tlio fewest con
venient volumes , and tit the smallest
cost to the purchaser.
Testimonialb from the Highest author
ities int o world :
' 'I bo irratofnl the
expect to rest of
my davs for the use of it"ete , Prof. V.
.1. Child , lAj. D. "Good authority for
the next half century , " etc. lion , ( 'has.
1'Yimcis Adams , 1YL. D. ' 'Calculated to
horvo an excellent purpose"ote. Pres
ident A. 1)Vhito. . ' 'Superior to any
work of the kind , " eto. Kov. Win. A.
Taylor. "A tlie.-aurus of useful knowl
edge. " ote. Pros. Alexis Caldwell "After
the Uiblo the most indispen&ablo , " etc.
Pros.V. . S. Clark. "A viibt amount
of iihoful knowledge , " etc. Pri s. Noah
Porter. "Not equaled by any other , "
etc. Hon. .lobojih P. Uradley. "Tho
encoiihuiis are just.1 etc. Prof. K/rn
Abbott. "It is a peerless work , " etc.
Pros. J. II. Siolyu. "It is rich , " etc.
Prof. Dunjnmin Stillinan. "Tho
unount of valuable information is won-
lorful , " etc. Ut. lion. W. H. Glad-
itono. "A worthy monument of Amur-
can scholarship , " etu. Pres. Howard
\ Champion of Prohibition ICun Infer
for Intoxication , '
Two oratorical lights of lown graced the
> olico station Sunday night on the common
charge of bulng drunk. The first was no
other than "Doc" Slovens .
, ono of the lead.
ng tcmporanco orators and prohihltlonlsts of
own. The other was Attoinoy Bell of
Council Bluffs. Stevens has a venerable
nnd ministerial appearance and n profile like
hat of Cicero. Helms also considerable of
ho old Roman's oratorical fire In him and at
ho height of Ins eloquent perorations' no
vlll cuuno any ( military drinker to blush for
iivcr having looked upon the wine. Sunday
light , ho mounted the bench In his cell and
hough scarcely able to stand , delivered a
tirrlng tcmporjiico speech to the bums and
agabonds locltod up wit ! ) him. His audl-
ors worn tluiroughly appreciative and Inter-
upted hint from time with applnuso
ind peals of laughter. TbU moruiui ; before
arraignment he endeavored to persuade the
jailer to pet him some whisky.
It Is said thnt "Doc" Is in the hnuit of
petting periodically drunk nftcr a course of
lectures , but is always discreet enough to go
Into Knottier state to do so. This Is snld to
be the first time thnt ho has bccu arrested
while on one of his sprees here ,
"Wo Point with I'rlilo"
To the "Good name at homo , " won by
Hood's Snrsaparllln. In Lowell , Mass. ,
where it Is prepared , there is more of
Hood's Sarsapnrilli sold than nil other
medicines , nnd it has given the best of
satisfaction since its introduction ten
years ago. This could not bo if the med
icine did not possess merit. If you stitTur
from impure blood , try Hood's' Snrsnpii-
rilln and rotili/.e its peculiar curative
After Blood ,
Hy the timely interposition of friends a
probably serious shooting affray was averted
In this city Sunday. The principals nro
well known to the best ritUcnsof Omntia ,
and especially In railway circles Sunday
they imbibed quite freely and 1m their incan-
dorlngs about the city eimo face to face In a
saloon on Fourteenth street , near Fiirnam.
The enmity that has been standing cropped
out nnd each reached for his revolver. For
tunately friends interposed and prevented
the shedding of blood. It transpired after
ward that only one of the men wiH' armed
nnd that the other left the saloon in quest o.f
a revolver , during which time Ins antagonist
was enticed to unother resort. Later when the
other returned in possession of n 44-cnlllbro
revolver , ho found his would-be antagonist
A grand nourish of trumpets often
heralds the advent of an article which
fails , when tried , to justify the noise
made in its behalf. The unassuming
merits of Van's flavoring ex
tracts derived from choice fruit , of
btnmlard purity , and elected over n
quarter of a century ago to the chief
place among flavors , are too well known
to need more thnn a general reminder.
Cheap competition of valueless articles
heightens the popularity of these. All
Walnut Hill School.
The new Walnut Hill schoal on Hamilton
nvcnue , west of the Bolt line , was formally
copondyesterday. the number o
200 marched from their temporary iminor
on Friday with books , slates , Die. , and wore
assigned to their different i coins. This i
one of the finest school buildings in the city
the Interior finish being particularly notice-
able. On'tT prominent feature if , the c.\ten
sive playgrounds , one for the boys nnd the
other for the girls. A bell \ylll soon bo placer
in the tower. Mrs. Hamilton is principal
and her assistants are the Misses Carter ,
Dawson , Harrington , Stilwcll and Mrs.
Mann. Matt Oalilon is Janitor , which in
sures apple iiio order in all things connected
with the building.
Catarrh Cured.
A clergyman , after years of sulTorinjr
from that loathsome disease , Catarrh
and vainly trying every known remedy ,
at last found a recipe which completely
cured and bavcd him from death. Any
sufferer from this dreadful disease scnd-
, ing a self-addrcbsed stamped envelope
to Prof. J. A. Lsiwrence , 88 Warren St. .
New York City , will receive the recipe
free of charge.
Mnrrinii > License } .
The following marriaga licensoj wcro is
sued yesterday :
Name und Residence. Ace ,
I Max Albrccht , Omaha. . ; 2 :
| Antonio Topp , Omaha 1 !
( John A. II. Hoitis , Portnl , Neb 8 !
| Katie M. Sehlesipor , Portal , Neb
\ Lemuel Jacobs , Omaha : i !
| Lizlo Wilhanib , Omaha 41
Throat Diseases commence with nCopgh
Cold , or Sore Throat. "Brown's Bronchia
Troches" give immediate relief. Sold only
in boxes. Price r > cunts.
New Heats Tor 1'ollccmon.
The following now beats have been cro-
ateit , nnd on December 1 the cloven new po
llccmcn will be placed thereon : Walnut
Hill , ono policeman at nignt ; Tenth street
from Pierce to Bancroft , two policemen , one
on dn.vs nnd ono at night ; Kountze place ,
two officers , ono on days nnd one nt night ;
Leavonwoi th street from Twenty-second to
Park avenue , two , one on days and ono on
nights ; Vinton street , Thirteenth to Twen
tieth , one on nights ; Fnrnam street from
Eighteenth to Twenty-eighth , ono on days ;
Dodge , Capitol nvcnue and Davenport ,
Twentieth to Twenty-fifth , one on nights ;
Sixteenth street , Charles to Corby and re
turn to Grace , west to Seventeenth , south to
Charles , east to Sixtcontn , ono policeman , or
Tlio Charlen A.
Vocnler Co. , Ilalll-
more , Mil.
Tor Tutor , I'arent , Teacher , Child , or
Frieml.botlioloBancoamliiBefulness will ho found
comtiueJ in a copy of Webster's Unabridged.
Betides many other valuable fenUirC3ll cuut&lui
A Dictionary
of 118,000 Words , 3000 nngnuInKd ,
A Gazetteer of the World
I locating and describing 2. * > , OQO Placce ,
A Biographical Dictionary-
, of nearly 10,000 Noted IVrjonp ,
; A Dictionary of Fiction
found only m Weliatcr ,
All in One Book.
3000 moro Words and nearly 8000 rnoro H1n -
tratlnni tlian any other American IMdlmiary.
Sold liy all JlooliKcllers. I'mnphletfrf u , (
.G. & C. MEHIUAM& CO. , I'ub'rt , Springfield , Mas * .
" WE AK ME N ?
* = f .TmuoiTi nlijj" < > & " currtn'ii ol
JIT n > U7 4 > ' - > u A -t.kVwMMiorl
. _ . . _ . .
. - - i'f-lo h > HIl i.aVlluicu 5lrto lh. Eltctna
C rr nt > VJ 'fiUlDiUllr rw.furt lt j5ico KtuS. . ill clhir L.lti.-rfontcii.iuVrl
mictnll/riiriillnlli-reiiiaiilbr. ptmiitiliUe'rtairiD
thnUnndcn Elect. ; g Ci. 169 LaRilic it. , Chicago
. „ . HOW TO ACT.
fu ' IxulVlporftnilMinhomllteitored. Tie.
" lE ) nittute Decline ftinl Kuncllonft ) di nr.
M _ . AW ( ttfriciirfd /iQutHtom&chMiMliclDcl ,
STRONG Kcilotl TiraiUeicntfrreon tj-plicillou. -
MARSTOf CG.l l' rkrl..S.roIk ,
Fos , Dolls , Pliny oofl _ Alliiiffls , &c , '
IVII1 have their full Una of samples displayed
U thu following plu-ea before Nov. 'J'tli ,
jrand hani ! , Columbus , Norfolk , Hastings
and Lincoln.
o any of the nbovo towns. For purlieu-
urs und dates , address our travelling
inin ,
I101H231T LTTIIU ,
e , Nebraska ,
Absolutely Piore.
This powder never vnrlei. A mnrvel of purity
Btroni-tli and wliolesoinelioss. Moro uconoin-
lc l thnn the oidlnary klnd < < . and cnnnot be sold
In competition with thu multitude of low co-it ,
short welK'it ' alum or phosphate iiowdcrs. Sold
onlvln cans Itoval HaklUB I'owdor Co. , lit
Wall street. Now Vork.
She Tried and Knows ,
A lending chemist of New York
nays : " No plasters ofuiicli merit as
the Plasters liavecver
A tli-lo-plio-ros
before been produced. " They are
n novelty becnnsc they nre not made
simply to sell clienp , they arc tlic
best tlint tcienec. ukill and money
can produce , nnd nill doliit : is
claimed for them. For Hpruins ,
neheHveuk ncis , lameness , etu. ,
they nro uiicqnnlcd.
W Fullnn Ht , Sanilnsky.O , Nov.HI.87.
Iho Atliloi | > iiiRM 1'Unler ' actrrt llli
EaiHc. It l tlio ! ' < I ever trliil anil I
i > o many Vlniln. Our ilrUKt'i * *
fnlcl "plimteniim-nllalKiut tlir > same" lull
I ilnn't think wi lion I x | > ralm il my nnn
nud nliouldt-r InInly , anil U IIM It * cu
) < nlnfnl atnco , but It ilocn not pilu meat
nil now. Mm. WIUM MAOIU.
8-Send C cents for the Ixniitifnl colored pic
ture , " MiNrl < li Muldi-ii. "
Mnny men nrt > unmlmlfnl of
tin' lu\\3 ot lienUh nnil expoin
tbcmoolvca to n'l ' kinds ol
DURING wrntlier. f-u < .l Imprudence
nflcn results In Uitnccroui
UoiiKhs , Coltl , chc t Pmns.
AN llhcuiuatlsin , bclutlca nnd
oilier iiHlnfiil iillllcllui : . 1IKN-
HOV'S I'l.AsrKIt will be fnuiiil
thu must tollable external
EXCITING nrneily knonii for the prompt
rvllcf und curt1 of cntli ail
ments. It keeps nt ) n tienlthj-
Ituw uf the blood when the
body Is exposed tothc ravapes
PRESIDENTIAL of the miisllm lenient weather.
Careful buyers ulll ask for
. .
nil others.
tf end two rent ttanip to
CAMPAIGN Seubury \ .lohnnnn. 21 I'lutt
Htroc't , N , V. , for a copy of
TOII. a Tiiliuililti household
bo ilc.
Tlic "GleMeuiiiiif Cape Top Overcoat
The most successful garment intiochiced
by us this season. The capes are do-
tuchuble and the materials arc of
strong twceJ and the splendid Irish
Frlcc textures. Also n coiuploto stoclf
of plain Overcoats and Frieze Ulsters.
W , J.
Surgeon and Ph/sim /
OlllroN. W Corner mil arJ D.mifl Offlco
telephone , ilio. UoalUonco tuloiiU Jtio , J 1 i.
MK.NT , a Kuarantfiecl npi > pfor | / | , Hysteria , Olxzl
nous. C'onvulsloiiH , rjts. Nt-rvous Neiiralulu
Headache , Nervous { 'lustration , raiiscdliy the
use of nlcohol or totwcro , Vt'iikofulnrss , Mental
lepin ) > slon , otteiitacfof the lira n , rfMiltmuin
Insanity , nnd Irniling to mlii-ry. ilvcty and
uciitli , I'reiiiHtnrnOU ] iijro Ilair nnnss Loss of
I owerinolthorhux. Involuntary I.oiscv mm
Bpermatorh.i'ii rnusol hvoviir-overtlon o'the
bruin. s lf-abnso or over ln'llil cn'-o. I'nrli box
contains ono niontn'd trnntment. abox.or
six boxes for 1 1 00 , sent by mall prepaid on m-
celpt of prl < - ( > .
To euro any cae With oich order received by
iiMfor U boxes , acronipa'iled ultli $ ) mi , wo
u HI seiul the purchaser our nrJttfii Knnianteo
to refund thu money If the tro.itmimt deus not
liltuct acnrit. ( InurnmotH l-siicd only by ( . K ,
[ iOJUMAN. HniujjlHt , solo Afont , lliorurnam
Street , Omaha Nub.
Ono of the Most
In the Treatment of all Ciironic or the
So-called Incurable Diseases ,
A cure guaranteed In all casi-s of I'HIVA'rr
ind SKIN IJIHKASi : * . All disorder * ot the
iudKNiitiV ; ( UKSTOHKU.
I'mlur Itie DoUnr'B form of treatment no dls-
bo la considered Incurable , until Die. purls o'f
ho body ailected by dUeuse. nro destroyed
'uatcrtlmn they e.ui bo repaired or built up ,
Treatment by correspondouco. Send stamp
or reply.
Jfflco Bushman Bloo > < , 16th ami
Douglas Sla. Omaha , Neb
for this week will be in our boys' department. Many of our patrons
eagerly look forward to our special sales in this department , and
we have decided to give them the coming week , a benefit greater
than everWe will call the attention of mothers who haye been in
the habit of paying $6 , $8 and $10 for suits and overcoats for little
boys 4 to 13 years old to the suits and overcoats which we sell
this week for less than half these prices. They are equal in every
respect to those sold by others for double the money.
A few samples ot the many bargains we offer are the following :
200 very neat Children's Overcoats with capos to match , at $1.90.
200 excellent Chinchilla Overcoats with capes of same material at $2.r > 0.
A beautiful line of Chinchilla Leaver and Astraelmn Overcoats of handsome designs -
signs , and elegantly trimmed with plush and fur , at one-half their value
In suits we olEer to-day :
.300 of our celebrated strictly all wool Children's Suits , sizes 4 to 12 , elegantly
made , at $2.50 ; the regular price of these suits is everywhere $5.00.
We have received and opened especially for this sale an immense line of 13oys'
Long and Knee Pants , among which wo offer some decided bargains.
Our buyer having closed-out the entitc stock of a manufacturer of line Pants , wo
have arranged the goods into several lots , and are enabled to offer thoin at one-half
their regular retail price , At the figures wo marked thorn they will bo found the big
gest offering this season.
500 pair line strictly all wool Cassimero Pants , heavy weight , at $2.
800 pair elegant silk and wool pants at $2.5O.
400 pairs extra , fine .all worsted Pants , as good as any custom made , at $3.75.
Extra long and reversed sizes for young men will be found among them. Comment
on these Pants is unnecessary. We show some samples in our Douglas street window ,
but that will only give you the idea of HOW TIIKY LOOK. We want you to call into the
store and examine the stuff they are made of. The cheapest of all these 3 lots wo
mention were never sold for less than $4.00.
But while-we devote the most SDace to clothing , we do not neg
lect our furnishing goods. Every department has been considera
bly enlarged since we have the new addition , and in every line we
offer daily some new drives. Just now we are having a big run in
Gloves and Underwear , The prices we sell all these goods at are
big attractions. Handling everything , as we do , in immense quan
tities , it is utterly impossible for other houses to offer goods at the
prices we do.
Plain Figures and One Price.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
The Burlington takes the lead.
It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraoka.
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha proper.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver th
evening of the same day.
It has been progressive in the past.
It will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250.
Depot on Tenth Street.
I : fioute ti
iT.ftPA.aB.Br .
1'ald Up Capital . $ -100,000
II , W. Vm.s , I'reiident.
LtwiH y. Ithi ii , Vlto J'rcsldont.
A. U , TOU/.AMK , 2nd Vlco President.
\V. II , . 8. lludiins. Cuuhlor.
H , W. VAir.H , I.KWIS S. ItUKD.
Corner l"tn unit I'limam Sin.
A Ocnerul liunklnj ; llublneiisTransacted ,
NOB. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.
Real Estate ,
2i8S. 15thSt.Omaha.
3. I * 8TAIJII , 1010 Howard St. , Omaha , has drawn plans and
Bp'jclUtulloiu for u room frame houst. which combine *
utility.comforttumouiy mid Ijtnuty.lnn wuy Imiionslblo In any couil
house UiatconU from ll.'ioo to tl.nri ) . As moro than l J _ -
will ro , Itmi ulford to olforn copy for Original and cplrndld
6toTP"Sulp" ! ' ! ? a1forl' ' { ' " 'is 5215 < lMB"8 | farnlibeU. as can be jude a
for .Tarl tyof _ , , = : : : : s : form thn imts or plansof completed bulldlnuaof
" r s oil d tcrlptlenn. I imvo In my cfllie , rannlnK lit c i > t
_ _ fronit8.OiOtoHOO.lXW , My unusnol experience wlllBuarantc satl8factlo
' ted reliable coiilruetcra culy arc Diag dou lay worka. 1'urtlua wlabluB to bullj
cordl.W la rlt d. - .