THE OBIAHA DAILY BEE : TWESDAY , NOVEMBER 27 , 1888. { SPECIAL NOTICES. AclvrrtlKsmtnti under tnis hevlio cents per line for the Crst Insertion. 7 rcnta for each pub- rtqtient Insertion , and ItMn line per month NonilVfttlfMncnt taVeu for less thanincents the Ilrkl .nscrtlnn , Fcven words will be counted to the line ; they must run consc-cutHely and must be paid In ADVANCK. All advertise ments tutm be handed In bcfor * 13V ; ) o'clock n , in. , nnd under no circumstances will they betaken taken r r discontinued by telephone. Parties artvmislnn In thp p columns nnd bar. Inn their nnnwrrs ( wldreimed lu care of 1 it r. I1E will please ask fora check to enable them to eel their letter * , ns none will be clelUerod except on presentation of check. All answers to adrer- tIRcmentfl should be enclosed In envelope' . All advertisements In UIM * column ; arc pub lished In both mornlne and evening editions of 'I HI : IJts. the circulation of which eegreRatcg more than 18XX ( ) papers rlally , and elves th ad- Yortlfers the benefit , not only of the citr circu lation of TIIK llr.B. but nloof Council Bluffs , Lincoln and other cities nnd towns throughout thlsRcctlon of the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for the < o columns vlll be taken on the above conditions , nt the following bull- tieis houses , wlii > rue authorised agent * for Tur. Unrcreclal notices , and will qiioto the sams rates rs can be had nt the mnln ollirc "oi IN wTnuTLnh'arni ; ciVC 5 South Ttuth tJ Street. OIlAfilJi r.llDV , Stationers and 1'rintcrs , 113 Fouth ICth Street W .L HUOIIliS , I'liarmaclst.c ! < North loth Street lib. W. PA Kit , 1'h.umacist , IH.O St. Marps Avenue. sTfUATIONa WANTED. _ _ rAiVl'KU .Situation by a cuntlcman us Btunoyraplier and typowi Itor. IH owner of n : hlnocun ; uHerefercntfj. Addrosa ICCS.Ileu. JITl'ATION WantPd-lly a Hrst. < laRS J well lecommt'ndL'd. Addiens 1C7Her. . WANTKD lly woman accustomed to iravol Ing , a position an connianloii or uuiae fus nn Invalid lady going to ( nllfoiula , or would tnkochurge of children ; lufcrcnccs exchaiigud. Addre sICiCIllee. KJJ 27 * _ _ WANl'llD-Hltuatlon ns dilvcr for delivery wagon for dry goods toru : nndreforonces.unUHuciult } If rfiiulrcd , .T.Johu- KOll , K18 8. 2Jd Ht. 811-271 WANTlD-Ily ! man ofmlddl oagc somu capital and commeiclal oxperloncv , work , ha\lnu In vlutv Interest or salary. City lefcrence. K IK , lc ) > . Ml U'lif WANTED HELP. W A NTfip- ) tPiuiTs f or r.iliro rt grttdlng in Wyoming , at Albrlght' Labor Agoncy.1120 I'aiiiam st. bo'J " \\7ANTHD- Agents to handle the new patent TT ( liomlcal Ink Kraslng I'cncll. ( Jicatest novelty ever produced. Kinsos Ink In two ( seconds ends , no abrasion of papur. 'MO lo Wfl per cent inolll. One n cnl s sales amounted to $ ! 20 In nix diiys : another 111 lu two hours. Toirltory nbsolutuly fioo. Biilniv togood inun. No ladles iiecduuswor , .Sample. iS rents. Tor tcrniK and full nartlcularx , addrosn the manufacturers. J. W. Sklnnor & Co. Oaalnsku. Wii > . Kir 2St " \\rANTED-Thorough busliiPBH uinn to super- TT Intcud wholertilu aud retail buttlnosH at Omaha. Will control 610.003 to 1 15,0(0 stock of coodn and miuiugo Umm cs. Salaiy. t.-.fl ) and famtnUion. Cahh depoult of fcl.010 to MOiK > re- riiilred. lleht references given ami icqulred. CBNTUIiy. 236 and 257 Wabash arcane. Chi- tago , 111. M2.2TT Mon for now railroad work in T Wyoming , a good Job and will iaot n year. AUnlRlit'B Labor Agency , 119) ) Farnum st.7'M 7'M WANTKD Agents In every town in the .west for our oil burners for cooklm ; and licHtlng Htoves. Pond Ktamp for cHtalogue. I'attcrscu Oil UurnerCo. , JJlllb. 12th Mt , Oumlta. Nob. : WidIJ , _ SALKSMIIN- wish afow men to sell our goods by Mauiplo to the wholesale- and retail trade Laigust manufiittuiPis in our line. Ku- Closu2-ccntstami ) . Wages $ ,1 per day. Perma nent position. No postals aiuweiml. Money udvantcd for wages , advertising , etc. Centen- iiUl Mau't'g Co. , Cincinnati. Ohio , l.ti J3 ' . ' WANTliU A state monager to open office lu rarhof the follow Ing cities ; Topekii , Nash- vJUo and Lincoln , Neb halavy , Il.WWuor.veur , Must Invest Jl.tmo. Address , Gcorgu S. Cllue. Wagner Hlook , Dos Moiues , ] a , 127 .iJTUD A good canvasser , apply nt ill" . . N. ItJtli tit , OmaUu , Neb. 7J7 WANTUD Salesmen , to Introdiicu u new aud very saleable article In liK lo < : ! llty and adjoining cities. Salaries paid to active , ener- Ketlc KiileMineu. Addicss , enclosing tlneecents iiiitumpHthe Atlas Mnnufuctuitiif : To. lock lox Shil , Cincinnati , Ohio. 'f.l d 1" WANTED Miile.t remain njeut9 onsv selling coeds , room 24 , Darker blk , 15th Asl'iitnam. TMcll * HUNT'S WANTBD-J75 a month nnd expenses A penses paid any active poison to soil our Kooils ; no capital , salary monthly , expenseIn advance , paitlcnlars free. Standard Silvorwiuo Co. , lloston. 47 B OVH-Am. Dtst. Tel. Co. , 1304 Douglas. liOJ \ ANTED Man to take the agency of our T > fcafes ; size SWxIHxIH Inches ; wclghloOO Ibs ; retail piicej.r > ; other sizes In proportion. A laie chance nud pcrmannnt business. These pates meet a demand never belore supplied bv other t > afe companies , as wo aie not Kovornod by the safe pool. Alpine Safe Co. Clnumiati. O. \\TANTElT-tood ; lifo nsuwnce solicitors TT with bank references , ore wanted by the Union Life ut 401 Merchants' national Dank building , Omaha , Onico hours B to 10 u. m. and loll ( III \\rANTKD-A man to solicit ; salary } 100 per T month ; must deposit t2.'i und give hecurlty for money collected. Address George S. Cllno , Wnguer block , Des Molnes. In. 635 \\7ANTED Male nnd female ranvnssem for TT now aud fabt belling books , standout Oiks , liberal terms. Address II 01 , Ilee olllco. WANTED--FEf.1AL HELP. VMarey. . , "ANTUU-A good kitchen girl at 1 ( H Iod e NX ) 378 WANTUO Woman to clean xtoie llxturns. Inquire , 10 ! ) N Illtll St. bin ; do "cooklnsind laundry work. Call at 607 N 20th ht. h2 ! 211- \\rANTED-At ' \ : > S Howard St. , n icllable TT girl , ( li-rmnn. Dane or lil h piuferred ; must be good cook and laundress. 7'S ' \X7-ANTKU- -A good girl for yenoial house- v work. 700 a. iwth ot. 7 7 : .w \\r ANTKn-filil to for her bmud. 'all at 181 1 arnam \\7 ANTL'I ) liimen for city > v.rk. * l.7.'i ! 1 cook T > foi'cnmp ; 5 tciinibtnrs , li-.W. 11.11Vtn. . dell , 408 N 111 111 Bt. Djl-ai * \ TANTUD-A lirht cluhK Kill for Koneral T V housu woik. .Mrs. 1'hlllp 1'ottei'ill ( Jup Hal iivenn 77(1 ( ! * ! \VANT1JU-A Kovoriio < 8 who nn i-pcak ' l''rcncli , Ceriuau , and is HI cciinpllslifil in vorui undiiutrnmcutul mmli. AiUux-i ! ) llox : t\ city. 4t < i "YVANTKO A lady to solicit ; mustdep'JMt"l3i uud lvu secuilly for money collected. AddiesN Oeorce H. Cllueacuer block , lint Molnea. la KM * I\r ANTUtJ Ladr solicitors. Miinl niakojsiim Ti deposit. I'osltlnu iiernuuirnt. falai v f vi per month. Addreas. K ill , rare lice , inn d J _ GIIIL wanted , peed wages for u uood nil I at WISISth.upatalis. MVjf BOARDING. HHELTON. 1018,2.1th St. , cor , JL First-class family hotel. Hoaid mill rooms , hlngle or ensulte , nt reasonable piiceu. Hufor- lues lequlred. Thosu wlnhlng rooms for tne > v Inter , pleuse apply toon. J. Campbell , Prop'r. /T\ J-Vy bloclts dom P.O. , newly fuinUhed , pri an lioaidlnghouiii > , plcasantioomi > , allconvtiulences OAHDINU and rooms , 22J strorl. i l-3Tt B OAItl ) and rooms , 1B12 Chicago st I ! boniders wanted , ltXj ) Douglas. , 3H \ \ 7ANTED- Table boarduis t UtW V > ' , ; N ill' BUREAUS. O'ANADIAN Kmpioymentoruic. .MIJ. iu-e .r .Illii H. 15th. Kuffi once Omaha NHtlouul bank. VfUllltASKll Kmployment olllcc' , ail N IWJi HI. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \VANTKI-Tli Ciciamerle. Ull B 14th nt. , o | > - TI poslte raxtou hotel , want all ladin * und pentleuion to try their ilium rn. No liinoli LOtiutcrii. Tables ic urM'il fc. l.c'ivs I'niiimu- tatlon tickets , tJ.V ) tar M.UJ. C0-'v { SHORTHAND .AND TYPgWRTn jjO. V A I.KNTINK'S Shorthand a"nft Typewriting inMltuto. Nr I'Bxton bulldlnir Omaha. Neb. 1 he only exclusive , Icgltlmata shorthand ( school In the state. Uverono hundred crftdu * ales in jood situations. The school w under the tnanfiRfment of O. C'n [ ntlneonicl l men- OKrapticrof thpihljurilrin ) district of Nebraska , nnd 1'iof. ' II. II. IloylM , an experienced teacher and verbatim reporter Day and evening ses sions. Students c n enter nt any tltno. Scud for circulars. t'i U is \\rANTin-llootninate. : Apply cor. inth and IT Jones ) rent moderate torxt WANTKI-Iaily ) corro'pondmit. Object matrimony. Address , K t7 , llea office. \\rANTr.n-llntclier chop at Sth nnd Dodtju , v out-able line ; thickly settled. Ooo.l class of trndeVe have bulldlnn to rent. Potter Sc Cobb. board of trade building , Omaha. 70S 27t \\MNTKD To < lo waihlnf * by the day In prt- v vats famlllei. Addiets K 02 , lice. 735 : W ANTr.D To cash In a pavlnc mini- ' v ness. Only bona fide offers will bu Invest- ! Bated. Address K M. Ilee. r C W * WANTED i'outiK ladles and gentlemen lo know they ri\u obtain n iTioniURh nnd kiinttinilRo of tdH rapny , tlttlns them- uelvei. lit abort time for fruod paying putltlons at the lilectrlr Tnlesraph school , Konun 5.J3 and 0-"J I'&xtou block , cor IdtL and 1'armin st. H3 dU to do Jl'llliB solicited , JH Sturdy , 2U17 U-avon- worth st r 'l M \\TANTHI ) Horses to winter ! now b.irn , T Kood ynrd for sTnrclse. He-it of lofercnco given. John llnzard , 1'ith and Olilo. 4.VJ _ 'J * \\f ANTIIU Horsei to winter. I hnvn arcom- T iiiiidiition't for 'M3 hundred horsoi at Omalia fair croimdi. having lnr o yanl ) for ex- rn lncj diiriiiR the day ; oath noiru hus lar e , warm box stall at night. A. Thomson , Omalui fair urounds , 357 U H WANTHD Mono nnd buqgy for winter for their keouliu ; . inquire i15 ; ! I'ai nam. WANTED-TO RENT. WANT12D 7or8 loom hoase , nil modern convi'iilem-es. State location and rent. Ad dress 1C 61 cam Hoc. 7HI 2b' " RENT-HOUGES. FOU Itr.NT-So. 1411 8. 7th n\u. , anlcoiV room house lu Rood repair ; rooms ntnvly paperud und palntod : ntcuyiudj line cistern water. Kent S2j n mouth. roti > essloii < ? ivon at oucn. Apply to llvll'a 10th st. pUarmncy. FOIt HUNT Nli'p new cottngo , 8IS. 10 : I rooms upstair ? , ( ID ; : i roonn up ufn , $ A. S. 20th t. , south of tracks. Ttmo. Olson , room 1. Con tinental block , IJtn and Douglas. ik.i-2d FOIMIRNT 7-roomod new house with liir i- cellur.cit- water uud batli.Apply 231 ) I'rauk- llnst. sia It _ _ _ TTlOH ItTINT .Vroom cottage , Pavenporf it , 818 J- per month ; [ > -rooin oottago J10 par month. Jnciulro Nethcrton Hall , room 12j ; , 1st Nut bank. hll M _ TT\OU \ HUNT Desirable modern hoiisei. My J-1 list Is the best In the city , romprlslm ; only dwolllnjrs hlchnro In pooil ci.ndltJon nnd nc- ccssable by various cixr IIIIBS. Nutherton Hall , rental agency , loam 42J , 1'iist Nat bank. B1627 _ _ TTtOU IIBNT ruinbhoit cottage of 7 rooms , J-1 completu for housekeeping : location cen tral ; reference io'iulr il. Address A. It. O. , ' rooui Kt , board ot trade. 82jj 1 * HOUSliS and Hats , and furniture for sale. Co operative Land * Lot Co.U'i N 10th st. < , ) ! M _ IT OH Iir.NT Cheap , 10-room house- , bath , JL1aturtlosot , gaw , utc. , iicrfect order , 222 < J Leavcnworth Ht. , with bnru ft dealicd. 5-ioom houses on car line , $14. city water in , n-rooin Hat. 1709 St. Mury'i avenue , only 820. 12-room Uou'O and barn , city water , gas , etc. , only $1(1. ( Hugh G. Cluik , Hoom 7 , Hoard of Trade. tuu 20 rrtOU HUNT Cottage , 141 Convent st. Innuiiu JC lS.Iacksoust. ) 7W 20 * FOlt HKNT C-rooin cottoga on full lot , de- hirable location , well , clstoruund city w.iter. Inquire as N. 20th st. 7W 1 * 1T1OH HUNT A ton-room house , on nw cor. JL 17th and Capitol nve , one block from busl- ne-iS , Hooms iau bu rented and pay the lent. Hutted for boardcis. See Dr. Jf'-vllle , nw cor. Douglas and llth. 74 ! ) 2J H OL'SE for rent. J. W. Fead. 7M 29) ) : Tj'OH HENT U-room modern improved hoiiso JL1 A I locality. Hent moderate. Apply. M. EI- Hittter , 1C01 Farnam st. 2flJ EENTS ruduc ed , 3 to 10 rojm houses all paits of city. J. H. I'arrotte , ItOU Chicago.743dl 743dl ( OH nnNT Ilv Hoswoith i .loplln , Darker block. . ' ! , 4. 6. 0 , 7. 8 , I ) , 1U , 11 , 11-room houses in all parts of the citv. D90 ( T HOO.M hon e , S. 2lth st , , near &liot tower. > ! ! SOJ _ _ _ FOH HENTNow 8room ; house with all mod ern Improvements , ror. Hickory andijeorgta ave , piiceiWu. Emiulro 1213 Leuvenwoith st 43.1 FOH KCNT Ono of those 10-room houses In 1'pik Tenace , cor. Hanscom pars , all mod- eiii Improvements , f(0 ( per month. Inqulto Lee & Nichol , -btli uud Leavunvvorth. BOO T71OH HENT House 8 rooms 2-M1 Cass st , cot JL1 tape 5 rooms ICtli aud Hickory. Inquire room COji. Bheeley bite. Ib4 T71OH KENT 4-room house on S. ICtn St. . two JL' blocks south ofVlntonat. ; will rent for SID per month or s > ell on forma to suit purchaser. ( Jeo. .LSternsdorff loom ( I , opposite P , O. (1U ( ! OH HENT Houses 7 rooms , 20th and Har- uoy ; 10 rooms. 21st ami Locust ; 7 rooms , 12th aud .lout's ; 3 rooms , 19th and Martha. Llnahun & : Jl ahonuy , 1'axton block. 844 T71OR KENT -ioom bouso and barn , S E cor JL ! L'Sth ave nnd Webster st , WJ per month. In- qulro (10,11'livton ( blook. P , J , Creedou. 82-1 8 75)0 > 7frame. No. 2tfit > Hamilton St. , SI7.6oT 8TJ Leavltt lluruham , No. 1 Crelghton block. WA ) TJ OH HKNT When you wish to rent a house , JU store or ofllce call on us. H. E. Cole , room 6. Continental block. CIJ FOH HENT 6-room house , 2413. 7-room house S4S1 1'onplelon itve. Geo. L Gilbert. With- nell b'l'g. CIS _ FOlt HENTlOroom house with bteam heat. at2m S. 34th st. O.K. Thompson , Hheely block , ISth and Howard sts. "il FOH HEM New V-room hoiiso , all modern Impiovemeiits , ( d and Chicago ats. . lent reasonable. Inquire lllu Farnam st. 429 UKNT 4-room houseK ! S. IStli. 1C ! Dfl > _ FOH KKNT HouscH , htores and flats ; from . ' 0to J.1X ) per month , to desirable tjniinis. 1 room house , with stable , } X ) . U loom Hal. bath. ga , utc. , * J" > . Stole , Kil7 l'arkacwith basement , inclusive of water. I JO. t > loom house , Till Chicago St. , $ > ) , I ! room house , Mublt- , etc . JW , Stoiu looms on St. Mary'savu , JIJ to 15 , Tuo splendid 14 room rcyldt-iuTi , furnaces , laiiguiimntol , laundry , very desirable loca tion , * 7fi uud tSV 1 1 room icHldcnco. 2112 Ciss st. , Jo. ; Nluoroom hoiibe on Sauuders n ar Pratt street , hot and cold water , bath and closet , htahlo for two horses. Seven room Ifonso sumo location , c'lly water , good stable. Hoth holism \ erdutiable. . , C. E. Mnyne , Heal Estate * Tiu t Co. _ _ * J\J HOlTKliU rooms and luth room ; oed barn ; 2521 la\onpiut s.t. ; Inquire 2il8 Cap. nveo ihl cllj HUNT n-rooin hou e , city water , No. lll'J ' -L1 1'uclllo at. Inquire ut 1USJ Howard. Oil 1/lOlt HENT Ater > low rates. 10 and H new A1 residences. " 40 < and 3414 , f'ass street , C'larko I'laco , Onn block south of ( 'rcl ntoncollects on rurniim and 2Uh stit-et car Hue. All modern Impiavemtmt.s. Apply , H , T , Clark Union Trust Co. , or ut M4A ) < ; as Btreet U14 . . HUNT lloufo of Brooms , Sid and Cass. umlre Hoom f l , Bheeley block. JHI nLENTr gppyJZMSH'g ' .HEJaj FfH liKNT Hrsirabio furnlsheiTiobrnji ; nnw honnp ; ull inrilom couvcuieucei ; also baa id 310 B , 3Jth bt. , MlK.'h Til IIH NIS Mitt ) rootux , Jjoaul It cUi red ioj ? Jl1 Cas , ( vill 36 * T7TfinfIPnni > room for rent ; modern roil- J-1 Tonl'jucesmul that ( .lassbounl , 'Mb HoiiRlm. FOH HENT- Large , nicely furiitthcd south room ; steam heat. 101J Douglas , 'ju-3 } ' TTlCllNIBII'Un trout room- with KM , heat and J ! bath. In private family. Heferencrs i - quired. 2413 DOIKI\ ! 611-3) ) ' T/1OH HKXT To 2 young men. nice room nnU -I1 Uoaid ; Iwst location In city , Cull IK4 Cup- llolavc. H7 SJ HliNT-ChetrJul , warm loomi , wltli hoird. In private futnlly ; ull modern con venience * ; rcf , oxchanae < t , WJ lUinry ft. I OH HKNT I'nriiUhod room , bath , can and Jlurnace , 50 ; Pleasant at. H17 37f _ I A1IUE fiont room , furi.Ulied , lieuted and J vail mudern conv nltiKc lu hcmst , ita H Ktli. 4)18 ) M f 13th , Fr want K llT.NTr-Ktirnlsheil rooms with bath g Mid heat. S ± ft Dodge t. 200 FOR illXT : B nice roonm for gentlemen 110 per monthi 3 room * en suite. , furnished or unfurnished , pond location. S IB s 18th st. 19 ST IJ1OH UK NT Fnrnl hcd front room , steam ' lient and every convenience : 10 mlnut from 1' . O. ! private family ; 8319 Oouglis st. Piwl" l 1011 KENT-Niceh furnished front parlor ! N W ror 2Mh rnd Douglas t , cheap. Sfl-Vn * USlHAUIiK fiirnlsbed room. 2310 Davenport t. 773 , A > f TjlOH HKNT 1'urnlslied sleepins loom , M tip- -1 ? ward , payable wecicly or mouthy. HW How- arrt. 775 2- < ' _ _ _ _ _ T710U Iir.NT Nicely fnrniilied.roomsMl mod- Jrn > coiivetil nccK and flip licit accotntuodiv- tlons , to iir t-cla. < 3 people only SSOJ rarnarn st. "I7Ull ) HUNT A nice , pleasant room for ono or JL two gentlemen , ail modern conveniences. KJi ) S 20th st. , brink residence , cor. 20th and St. Ma ry a nve. 78J 3ii * south fiont loom , IMI 1'iuiinm. It ItnXT-Jor 0 rooms at COS N 13th st. ) JOO.MS with board , 17LTJ Dodgo. lleforences kcxchniiKdd. 701) ) AVKNtTi : rooms , at 1013 and inn Oxpltolnvti. , me cheapest lint cla s fiiuilly rooms in < tty , 71C3J * lilOll ' UKNT Itooms with heat , 1701 Capitol - - nve. thSJ-UTt TJI.UASAN'T fiirnlshad room vltll bo.ud.moa- JL crucouvenlonces in liouso , 2131 Sownrrt st. OH ) 27 * ri\VO pleasant rooms with stenm heat nnd bom d , pi ! > ate family. 205 ! ' . 24th , liir > 20 O NICK rooniH , lurnlshcd for hou cKi'eplnir , Jncw fiinilturi.only J2J per month. lli'fi ' ; Corby. ( 4.'j 20' TfU MlN ISlfni ) front room , 8A 1S14 D venport -t1 HUNT I'm n'.atiml room. Heat , gas and bath. I10S. 2jih. CI2 FIHST-CIiASSrooim , now brick rosldoneo , pri vate futi'llioard if desired , 018 S. lltlli st ; Kllmodoru itupruvenu'iitd. 571 2iit rpWO front looms lu onu or the IliiCftt rcsl- JL denies In the city , centrally located , steam huatlng , gas , with IIHO of bath room , on Dec. 1 ; references ieUirt-d. ( [ Addiuss K 15 , lloo. fill A SOUTH parlor and Oedrootn , suitable for n lady and gentleman , or two or three gentlemen - men ; moderate terms nnd llrst-claas board. 2 , " > Ugt Mary's iivo. 4tVi N lCniA' furnished rooms all modern con- reuIencBs , also board , ! Bj9 DougUs. 311 NFOK FOK HKNT A large front room , newly fur nished. south fi out , cheap , corner 17tli and Cumlngs ats. northonst corner. 1Mb F OH HKNT Nicely furnlsnecl rooms , slnglo or en suite ; boatd if dcsii-ed ; 1S11 Cuming. ELKCANT fiont und back parlors , furnished sultalJe for a gentlemen or man and wife , modern conveniences. 1XD ( ) Douglas st. OJ7 TT10H ItBNT Nice large tnrnWied loom with JL' ulcove.sultablo for2gentlemen,1823K'rtruam. R OOMS with stoves 51 per week oriJ.uOpor month. 502-4-0 8 18tti at. 4" > 2 n'i" ) * iron KKNT yurntehed rooms in Ulroums blk JL1 cor. inth nnd Dodpe sts. Inquire ol Goo. It , . s , Mlllard hotel billiard room. 017 LAUCJE pleasant room , furnlahod. brick Hat. H1G Chicago 3t 4G5 FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. pv. 0 rooms 510. 1815 CasSht. L M5 27 * 3 NICE imfunituhcd looms , 1902 F.irnam F OH KKNT 5 unfurnished rooms sultablo for family price $15 UU 1410 Chicago bt. 6bl S' , * rpWO unfurnished .southeast rooms with IBIKU J closet , blaik walnut bed room ael for sale , N W cor 13th and Howard. 770 2 It F H KENT Unf in nbthed rooms Three i corns in Fitch block , cor. Woolworth aud I'-ark nrcnuotf , w ter , gas , bath and ull inside conren iimces. F.miulri- soutn cor. of Hat , " 1J1OH KENT 5 chambers convenient forhoiibc- JL1 keeping to a man und wlfu without chlliln1.I blocks from postofllco. 31fl N 17th. 1.1W . d-Jt rTNPUKNIBHRD Suitable for nouseiceeDiiigT ' U Three ( J ) rooms. 1027 N.2jth t 12 W ) 1'our (4) ( ) rooms , 11.1 P. lith ) St 27 W TineuIt ( ) room cottage in alloy llthand Chi cagosts . . IDOO Four (4) ( ) rooms , 417 S. lUth ht lh M ) Three e rooms , 1108.s. 7th st 10 CO Tinee ( HIrooms , Iff.'SN. SOth st 10 W Throe < : rooms-.ltn N.ajthst 11 U ) Three ( HIrooms , 10IUN. 21st st , : . . . , . . 10 W Three (3) ( ) rooms , 707 I'acltlo t It W ) 1'our (4) ( ) rooms , 1701 Webster st IB KO .liidgu Heutlnp Agency , s. w. cor. Ilarnev and Ijthsts. Hoom 1. up stuli'b. 2 % FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES- FOH HENT Cheap , 2 large stores and 7 room Hats : South Itlth near William bt. Enquire James Sally , uu premise * , or Llnalmn & Mnho- uey. 812-28 OH KENT -5 olllco rooms In Hedlck's bTock" riOMfill Farnam Bt , ou2d floor ; one ollice , cast front , on 2d lloor , over Omaha Uanklug Co , bank. cor. lljtli bt and liarney st. Inqiiiro ut 1511 Farnam st. , room 8. 1'aulseii & Co. 4I "fiTOH HENT One store-room , one bakery , cor. JU Park uve. and Wonlworth avc ; . inqulie Tlioa. F. Hall , 617 Paxton building. LW TTloirHENT-Storeroom7No.2US. 14th St. AJ > JU ply nt 1110 Howardst. tH TJ1OH HENT 3 stores on Kith and Leaven" JL' worth , apply Hank of Omaha. Ol'J FOH HENT Ilrlek storf. Hat above , 24th aud Hamilton , desirable business location. Lea- Titt Iturnham , room 1 , Crelghton block. fiOJ OK UENT-Omce suTto 125 month , 2 single offlces IIS earh. all fronting 19th sc. , Iluan- man block , N. E. Cor. 16th aud Douglas. W. M. Bushman , Ull Lc&vvn\7ortn. 021 RENTAL AGENCIES. TV YOO want your nouses rented place thorn JL with Uonawa iCo. , 16th , opposite postofflce. C2S GfJO. .1. Paul , ItXlJ Farn. bt. Hoiues , stores , tc , for rent. IM WE give special attention to renting nnd col lecting rants , list with us , II , K. Cole , room 6. Continental block. . C.4 EOItf 1 K .I."sTKHNSIOHFr. ' room il , opp. t > . O , , will hereafter give special attention to renting houses , stoios and Hats. If you want your inopeity renttid without delay and to ieli- abla tenants , do not fall to list ttiu same with him. CT FOR RENT MISCELANEOU5. HENT Cheap 1 have n largo livery bain , store room and three living rooms , MxliH feet , and accoinmodatlnt ; some M horses , good location for stoie. on Dodgn t-t. this side of the Hell line , Omaha , that 1 will rent cheap to responsible partlus , W. H. Vaughiin , Hlfl Far- nauiht , Omalu. 21'idlO IjlOH HUNT Waiehouso with trackage , ceil- JL trally located , adapted for produce forward ing and commission bushiest. Can give lmm - dlato poo-eHslon , Apply , S. A. Sloman. l.'Wl rinimiiibt. a 741 27 > . < i ONE' MILLION AlTusrstock : pien7 altotT- tlon. Tno t'nlon Pncltlc UalUvay company oiler for lease one million acres beat grazing hinds in castem and central Coloiado fora period of ono or two years. < r Will lease In quantities of not less than four sections TO one party. All applications subject to the approval of the general land comnilisloucr , nnd must bo made on or brforo Dec. 20 , 1HP.8. For particular us to terms and location oC land ) addro > R , mentioning this paper , II. MeA - -A Master , Laud Comrnlbslouor V.I' , ll'y. Omaha , Neb , OWdtl PERSONAL. IJEltSONAL-Wlllthe person who picked up large black-ond-wliltu setter dog with chnin , collar and ilea tag No. & of Ifcx , on Plxtuenth Mreet last Friday , turn him loose nnd save trouiilov Wm. Sltia-ral. wan ; TjlEHSONAI/ you tiara a. jieraonm Ittm. or JL tiny communication , drop it In on * of Tue Dee's meseaga bozei. IM FOR 8 A L. EM18 CELL A _ N EO U 8. SA LIMU lieaci of "fmjh luillch cow's at ' * lrii ) , L'WJ Cuming bt. E , ti. Jeiltr Tfion FALK-At usacrlllce. 75cows and food ; JO easy term ; oirnvi * dead , must be uold. Ad- Myert ) . Someiaet. Neb. CiUdlJ 'I710H 8ALU-Toyi and holiday gooiH at les V than wholesale value to closa out rftocn ; bla bargains for cnuatrluercliaiits , AdUrens 318 S.IOlli st. , Omaha , Neb. 79J 3U 0 t IIOItSK-l'OWF.H endue ami boiler for Bale , ticap , AOUrtsa K Oi5 Ilee oalce. 1OH BAIiK-HoMf , 0 years old , sound ami J-avntlo. Ono alntle harnesa. u IwirirUwIn - aul ; 'J. ' , V , JltttrlMi 31J S , iitU it , I'J'i Mf PIANO for sMs or tnnW1. Inaulio , Hoom 311 , 1'nxtou block , _ i _ clJ Foil A LK 2 cook st TPcs and 4 parlor stoves SfillSt Mary'5 nve. T I 4VS TjlOtt'SALR or trad 4-Sow two seated car- J rlnge and single tip buegy. Sclby , I5JI Farnam. , _ . 3'5 CAHINET grand ivPficht piano , first-class mate , for sale nt a sacrifice , only u < ed one year part c.ish aul parj rlm.e If desired. AdI dress H 10. core Ilee. * 7iJ dl " 171 OH 8ALB-Very Hno family horse.acd JL phaeton at your own price , inquire room " 10 , j I'lm National Dank. b76 | LD3V ' CTHAYKn-Sunday. Nov. 23 , amnll I'ay V'horso. depressed right hip. strap nro-ind noik . Itewnrd tittld for hlaxe urntn 1410 Far * nam Rt. John nxn. 872i' l I LOST Ona otter skin Rlova for loft hand , ' nmrked C. S. ! pleaw return to Western < nrt t nice works , Kith si , bet .Iak on and Jonoa , und i , receive icxvard. C. Ppocht. 703 ! j 1 STKAVnn-2 yenr oM bar nnrspcolt , white t star in foiehnail ; has on f mall bell. Uetnrn t 0. 11.1'ritcbett , cor. Mtliimd 1 st . . South Omaha 7772 ! ' MISCELLANEOUS. A IISTHACTS Munban & Mnhoncy , loom > a , I'nMin block , 4'- _ IK the old gentleman who doti" the sodilluc fur m ( > on E-auuderi ft lust uuinmei' will cull at my oillco ho can get his mono } . C. II. Mat-tie. ifiolt fashionable drcs-inaklng and Instruc- JH tlons over the I ) . W. Moody tailor avMeui , call nt rooms 4h ! and ! . ' ' > Hamgn blk , 1-20 * mlllFbanJo taught as an art by Qoo.i' . Oclloa- JL beck , It'J So , luth st. 1SJ PAttTIUS wishing purchases made in New Yorkilress goods , millinery , holiday good ? , etc. . can liavo s-amples forwarded , pilces whole- sail- , through Ward .V Hoswcll. Hotel Ilrokurs , 171 llrondwuy ; have a well posted lady buyer. LADI -Moles and suporlluo\ib hair on the fac or neck removed , and the roots In- stnnily killed by the electric needle procost , luuvlng 110 marks or ncurs. Positively the only m-rman'-nt icmedy. Mrs. Dr. 1'ackiird , 1S22 St. Mary's avu . Wednesdays and Thursdays only. S2d H- _ AGENCY Amfllcan nulldlug and Loan asso ciation , the leading building society of the United St.itoa. Authorized capital )0OU1Oi)0. ) Shares 1100 each , payable CO cents per month each. Subscrlbo for Bimi-sat IW1 S lOthst St. A. I'pton , pn-s t local board. 4'U ' ) HINTING. iluBrido & Ityan , U10 Uodg. . Ib7d0 M : i UYAN. printing , 1510 Dodge IbtdO JNO. MULDOON & ro..irj S. 10th St. ; 10 stone- cutters , 12c lineal loot , Colorado sandstone. O-'iJ ABSTRACTSOP _ _ " \J"iniANrKJuaranteo and Trust Co. . ISM l-ar L'J-uain Complete ubstracts fiiriilshud , & tltlea to real estate examinedpiirfccted A guaranteed. BENSON iCAHMICHAKL furnish complete and guaranteed abstracts of title . .to any real estate In Omaha an A Douglas county upon abort notice. Tlia niostjioinplete sot of abstract boots In the city. No. IMJ I arnam s > t. C23 STORAGE JTOKAOK-Merchand/sb. 319 South 10th st i r'71 ' STOUA < 3E At low raUs at 1121 Farnam st. Omalia Auction & SUiiairo Co 13.1 ST01lACK-irouschodE'oods ! [ 31' ' . ' South 10th l 671 nSuACKAQR , storaga.lowest ratas. W. M JL Iliislimun. Mil LeaVeiiworth. C.9 _ "V\7ANTKD Purnllure , carpets , stoveo and T household goods ! kinds. Omaha Auc tion & ytorago ( . 'o. , 1121 'jf.irnum. 1)5 ) LOAN JM W 1'BCK loans pioirey. rash .on hand , 4600- VX'OtlJ. crtn bh placed . 'm Pity nud farm prop erty at lowoi > t rates ; building loans a specialty Hoom i. 1'rcuzer bloot. Opp I' O. UI2 dlJ * rplli : Central Loi-n AT Trust Co. , No. 1011 Tar- JL mini St. , have u hiieclal fund of S1B3.0JO to lonn at utmsuallyloiv rates of interest ouclioico Omaha or Council Hliills prop tty , ' MONEY to loin on Improved city property or for building purposes : lowest rat s ; no delay. Mutual Investment Company , room 1 , Darker block , 15th and Fariiam. 63d ] V | OXKVto Loan On Omaha and South Oma- J-'J ha property. C. F. llairlson. Merchants' Nft- tlOual bank. 777 MONKV to Loan Lowest rates. Loans closed promptly , H. K. Cole. Hoom 0. Continental lllock SPECIAL fund , MyKO to loan at ( > per cent In- on Oinahu real t-state. Call at once , L. 1' . Hammond , loom ! , Darker blk. Ulii- < h500,00a fl per cent. Money to loan ou 1m- tDprovod farms or city property. Jamoi A. Woodman , at the old lira Insurance ollice of Murphy & LoveH SW H. l th st. 041 DON'T borrow money on furniture. Horses , wagons , etc.until you have seen 0. U. Ja cobs , loom 410 , First National bank building , cor. 13th and Fnruara 012 M ONE V Loans nsgotlatcd allow rates with out delay , nnd purchase good commercial paper and mortgage notes. B , A. Slomun , Cor. Mtli and Karnani. 4J9 MONEY TO Loan Unreal estate and chattel eecuiitv. Money without delay. Western Land and Loan exchange , 1178. 10th st. 603n8 T OANS made on city property. < Uattel and. JLJcolUtrral .security , mortgages bought. Kimball - ball , Clump & Kyan Hogm 0 , V , S , Nat. bank MONEY to loan on furniture , norses , wagons , etc. , or on any approved security. J. W.'Hob- bins. H. W Sbeely blk , 16th and Howard. ( ! 41 EF. COOK loans money at 0 per cent on loans of 810,000 and upwards , llring abstract of title and Have delay. 1421 Douglas" 41DdI4t MONEY to loan ; casn on liaud ; no delay , J. W. Smili-o , Kia Faruam st. First National bank bull Jim : . Oil 61'EH CENT money to loan Canli on nand W. M. Harrln , room 20 , Frouzsr block , opp. 73 EMOVED-To room 30S. First National bank -It bulldlui ; . New KugUaul Loan and Trust Co , till MONBV to loan on Improved real estate. Leavitt llurnhum , Crolgliton block. (117 GOOD city and farm oans wanted by A. C. Itlley. 151V t''arni > in. Kii _ II EAL estate loans , loweit rates. Odoll Ilroi. Sc Co. , 313 8. 18tll at. (110 ( LOANS made on real estate and mortgages bougnt. Lowls S. H ed k Co. , Ml Faruam. ( S51 ONEV to loan. O. tS Davis Co , , real tstato and loan agents , IWyi'urnam st. 618 , to loan at 0 pefjient. .Ltuulian & Mahoney - $ honey , room rxw. I'aWon block. uoj REMOVED To room 308 , FJist National bank building. I'loviilimt Trust Co. till M1 ONEV to loan ; lon time. O forgo J , Paul Furnam st , evil " 11 > UlLDlNfi loans , | Jjphun & Manonuy. DO0l' want to boruiw money ? Head till * . It will save you time , It will save you money. You can borrow from il. I1' . JPHstero , succeoiortftW.U. Croft. room t , Wltlme ibld'W. 16th and liarney sts. 810.130 , Wl. JIO'i. ' iJUi.'jsJ ) . ! , ( ) , , UUO , tlU.OUO. In fact any Bum you want on furniture , pianos horses , mules , wagons etc. , on easier terms and nt lower rates timn at nay other olllcB In the city , without publicity or removal of propsrty from your possession. If an Installment U duo-on your property and you cannot meet It. call and see me. I will pay It tor you , If yon bore a loan In any other of- lice , call und get my ratej. X \ \ 111 take It up and can y It for you. I make loans for one to lr months nnd you can pay a part at any time , reducing both prin cipal mid Internet. Allloaiii renewed at original rates nnd no charge * fey papers. All bualneaa strictly confidential , Call and SBB me. Don't forget the number. Hoom 4. Wltlmell block. 431 pI'-OI'LU'S Financial Kxclmuco-Tho fairest. J. fjulotest , most llbeial money exchunK * In thu city ; loans made without ileluy or publicity , in any amount Urge or smull , at tne lowest ratei of interest , on any available security ; loan * may be paid at uny tlmo or renewed at original rates , o. Houscariw , ingr , room M ! { , llorkerjilk , nth and I'arnam. 7 < H MDKEY toTonn In any amount , either for building or other.vl.e , at lowest rutoa of Interest and on nhort notice , i ) , V. HtiobJ , room 910 First NufI bank , cor. UtU und Farnaiu. 10 W TJLa ron want , to borrow monev ? If von hart JL/a mends , yratohes or JT J lry and'dtstr * to ffect & loan on favorable terms In strictly private and confidential manner , or should you want loan on furniture , horses , carriages , Und contracts or personal property of any cl - . crlpllou. yon can havs money advanced at loirost raws oflntereM and ample tlmo to pay by calling on or sending \wsln\ \ \ card to the . . . . _ . Omaha Mortgage LOAU Co. „ „ „ ° ' ° u nj out our out ; own money , make our lug tK1/ nnnt ' ( to l W thn borrower. " ° wmrauslon. thus Bl . our oclutles ar * ouch that we can accommo- 2i * K5 * tn * Ptompt and confidential man- fr/iuuent yo ' honorixbl8 antl c ° r' ' ° us Alllonns renewed at original rates. We wilt pay off any mortgage you noir have I , and give yon lone time nnd low r tes ; will leant t any sum from fi > to j Commercial and 1st mortgage pap r bought. I Omsxha Mortgage Ix > n Co. looms 217 and 215 j 1 list National Hank bulldltu. tV.3 ' Omaha Financial Exchange , rtooin 13 , .U-r llloclc , southwest corntr of rarnim and Inth sts. i Ma'tss & specialty Of short-time collateral anfl real estate loans. Mnnev always on hand In sumsof JIO ) and upwardsio any amount , to loan on approved " ' Sucurc'd notei bouHht. sold or exchanged. Clr real estate and c < h to exchnngft for coed first or second mortgages. Loans made upon land contracts , stocks , bonds , ttustdsods , flr t ors coml inortgae * as- tnrity , without publicity , delay or red tapo. Financial builness of any kind trans .cl a Promptly , auletlr and fairly. Hoora 15. Marker block Corbett , Manager. _ till _ _ KoFliE'S Financial Exchange -Largo nnd stiinll loans for long imd short time , allow- ejst rates of Interest , ou real estate , inortgjige note < , chattels of all kinds , dlauionds. watclios and jew iry. Don't foil to call If you want fair and cheap accommodations. O. llouscnron , niKr , loDin 5 ! 4 Darker blk , 15th and Farnnm , r 70S i _ _ _ MONCVtoloan on household furniture , pi anos , liorsuj , wagons aud other psrsonal propci tv ; also on mortgage paper and contracts a' cnllatcral security ; cash always onlnnd : lib eral extensions granted ; trans .ctod falrly.quletly nnd promptly The Fairbanks In vestment Co. , S W cor 15th A Douglas , upstairs. MONEY' to loan on Impioved property at first bauds. No applications sent away for up. proval. Security nnd tltlns examined free ot charge o borrowers. Lombard Investment conipanjr309 _ 8. 13th st. _ 8J LOAN Fiom one to two hundred thousand TO and dollar * or smaller sums promptly , east ern capital always on hand cheap , Philadelphia Mortgage and Tiust Co. , Ooo. W. | . Coitas , U boat dot trade. I8 MONKV to Loan In amounts to stilt on col- In'erul and personal secitilty atiea < enable rates -business stilctlv confidential NJbruska Mottgago Loan Co.rooms IS & 510 Paxton llldg ONEV to loan ou turmture , wagons , etc. , M without removal , or on collateral security. Rnslness strictly confidential. A. 1C. ( Jreonwood 4 Co. , It 1 Ciinnlughatn blk , cor. llth ft Jnckson. QUSINESS CHANCES. _ SMALL Jewelry btoro for pale. Ilesf location In tlie city. Address , K ( M. llae OlHce. F572- A shop for sale In a good town. Addiess , KlM , lieoofilce. b'pl " ( it R'nSTAl'HANT fet halo on N inth ht. . prlco /filO , and other business clmnces. Tall on Cooperative - operative Lund A Lot Co.JOS N 10th st. 4 : > 'M I7MJH HKNT furnished bar room , at the JL'ozcns hotel , Address M. J Kr.mck , prop. Wi : wish to employ a reliable man in your county. No experience lequlred ; perma nent position for thrwj years , Salary increased each year. Ltght. easy , genteel business. Money advaured for hnlary. advertising , etc. Largest manuf'rs In our line. Unclose 2-cent. No postals. Centennial M'f'g Co. , Cincinnati. O. AHAHP Chance A building and machinery for bale. Hus been running for six months. doing a good paying business in manufacturing furniture. Can be bougnt cheap. l > 'or terms lutiulre of Thos. Lee , Unind Island , 60128 FOH 8ALR A stock of general niprchandlso In ono of the best towns on the 1'iemont. 1'lklioru X Missouri Valley railroad ; Rtcck will liivoli-o about fll.COO ; yearlv hales WO.OOO. Kor pittlcultrs address .1. 11. Van Gausbcrk. 1'rc- moiit , Xeb. 7CO do * BUSINESS Chance Hotel men. Tor sale In a. ra ) > Idlv growing town of over 10.0JJ inhab itants , a llrst-oa"S ! i-ood-paying hotel contain ing 40 looms. Will bo sold very cheap , ns owuor must s-oll nn account ot Illness ot wife. Tor particular. ! in tulr < s of Sol Prime , Windsor hotel , Omaha Neb. CU42J OH SALK A smaH aud well-assorted drug stock , including elegsut llxturcs.nt a baigalu if taken soon. Can be moved to advantage. Ad dress Immediately A. Urowii , care drug .store , th. 7W T7IOH SALK fl.l.OOO stock of hardware for J hale , doing n splendid business. Is located in one of the best towns in the stati- . The stock is clean and in good bhapo ; the reabon for sell ing , other business occupying my time. Part cash and bankable paper for balance. Address K 4J lice ollice. Co'l FOH RALK or exchange , lease aud fuinlture of block.of thirty-live rooms , centrally loca ted , and nioQtably occupied. Addresb K 24 lle . f7T FOH SALK Newly refurnished , well-paying hotel. In thriving tow n on mnln liuo of IT ( ' . Call or address , H. II. W. . 1011 Howard.Oranha. 311) 20 * T CAN place about ll.OJO on first mortgage at .1 good I mere'it nnd on good uocurlty. I ) . D. Suieaton , llaiker block. DOT A HEAL chance for peed business wltn 41,000 to ILOOO , to become partner 111 llrst-class cash business. Addrcaa K 10 , lice oillco. 4m 20 * IFOR EXCHANGE. T have you to trade for 3 lots in Jerome ParkIncumbraucoof JLlttion the lots. 1C l > 2 , Ileo ollice. 811) ITIOH THADK Three new 7-room houses , city JL ? watur in kitchen , good cistern , fences , walks. ere. : onxt front , on grade ; 2 blocks from tttreet car ; riglit on proposed cable ; oiulty * " ) ,501 ; will trade for clear lands qr vacant lots and cash. W. K. Oratton. 1421 Douglas st. BOI27 _ FOH THADi : Two tnousaud acres improved land to trade for merchandise orcatlloand horse * , tieo , JI. llowrlng , Btuart , Neb. - ANTUD-llullding material of all kinds for cash : llrst mortgage notes , lots , lands ! farms , etc , W. J-I'aul , 160U FarnaniHt. 2 7 171 OH Ti ado Choice lot In Orammorcy Park JL1 and choice double corner In Lipton Place for good land. D. V. snoles , 210 , First Nafl bank , 677 IIIAVI : real nnd personul property of all kinds for trade. Call and see mo. Ueorgo J , Stornsdorlf , room 8 , opp. P. 0. 054 OOK here-Wn will trade * Hj J worth of good unonciunbert'dl land for business or roslduiicoproporty ; * rVXl unencumbered Improved - proved fnim for wild land and assume BOIIIO uncumbranre. Ilou.soaud lot In Hanscom place for building lot orcloar land ; somonipo reildoncat in horth part of city near car and cable line for other property ; good western land forOmaha pioperty ; property of all kinds for trade , Come and see me. Grover Stevens , Oiii 27 \\rANTKI ) Stock of goods In exchange for T farms and city property , \Vcstern Land ami Loan Exchange. 117 B Ulth. { fUAV.l _ TSr ANTl'D llojse and buggy or pneitton for TT lots , etc. Wm , J. I'aul , WJ'J Farnain st. ffM _ TJ10H HXCHANaK-Ilousenndlotln Creston , JL1 Iowa. Homo and lot In nialr , Nob. IbUnoriM In Lincoln county , Neb. 10. ' ) acres lu How aid county , Nnb , Lot In Baunderi ,1 lllmulMugh'.s add , SO loin In other additions. A. 1' . Tukey , IStli and Douelas. OU nxtiHANfiH-For desirable r.isldunce prop ity In Omaha , any or all of following ; 40 choice Uiblde reutdonce lots In Halting . 100 lots In Lincoln. ( HO acres Una farming land , Lancaster county , Fine residence property , Lincoln , Coed rental property , Lincoln. Cliotct > fancy residence , corner , Los Angeles. A neat residence property lu Hauscom Mace , Also some need mortgage notes. Address. , giving location and price of property , J , H. II. , ewe Ilauin Iron Co. , KIT JLenven worth. f/Jl CLAIHVOYANT FOHTONB 1'eller Mrs. Leuorman can bo con sulted on all affalrit of life , Batlsfactlon guaiantoed. No aiBNlOthst C88dl4T H. NANNJE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Hed- leal and business medium , I'umalediseases JI9. N. I lhnt , KobmsiS 4 . ti&5 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. _ -nitAOKAUI'-lO'J feet on Hjeventb . With U. .L V , traclc , only , * I , W , Grover BteveiiH , 1 1 Farnam. u 27 _ 1DEHT bargain In Onmlm-l'ull lot on Lake Ht. JLJjitf/o ; also houses and lots inallpurts or the city. Uiovei-Hteyena , 1MI y rn6m * t. U-0 'ft FOH UKNT Soius very desirable now mod eru houses. 120 to | JO per month. J , II. 1'ar rotte , HKW Chlcaeo at. 821-2 TJ1OH SALK Or trade ; whole or Intareit JL1 KM ucruit 2 miles from two It. H. depots , a'j Men from Omaha , beat stock and grain furm In Neb , tins chance for young man with money. Call or iiddiebs Win. Gibson , room.U , Chamber of Commerc * , Ouialm , or T. it. Olb- too , freiaout , NeU- WS OW TAnTlK3Tlshfns to soil South Omaha prop Jerty please call on P. P. Smeaton , lark ! r block. Omaha. _ _ DO yon know of a bigger birjuln than a full lot on 24th aud I stj ( or 11.100 ? It you do let me know of It , U. 1) . Stneaton. Harker blbck. Omaha. f'OJ ' _ T710H SALR-nerc'fl a bargain ; ft81 ! JU feet south front on Douglas st. between 10th and llth. at less than JAM per front foot. How long will you let your money wear your pock ets ontvnth a bargain like that staring you In thof f ? M. A OptonUa. _ wb aTOHY brlck bloclt , nearly new , with st-ires on nrst tlloor nnd seven loom Hats on .second lloor , with all modern Improvements Tills property Is on corner fronting pixved street , with sewer , water and pus and brings au annual rental offl.RoU. Will sell chi'AP ou terms to suit. Address U 70 , Hoc , 4tfl I OH 8A LU-We have thirteen lots In Central JL ? lubdlvldlou , Council IIIutT , twelve acres In Klcu's dubillMslon. and eight acres adjoining IJenfon's second addition on the north , all near Klectrle Meter line. Will sell In n bunch at u positive bargain. U. R Mnyue , Iloai llatato a ' Co , , uuiaha. Sit FOR SALK A few lotslnStflWRrt place t a bargain. 'I he Metropolitan cable toad passes this addition on Lowe uve. llnrrla Jk I ( arris , room 411 , 1st Natl Dank. 4- ffiWO buys n full lot and goad 4-room cottaja Vcaiv terms and good location , D V. Sholss , room SlCi , 1'lrst Nat'l bank , cor Uth and Tar- nani. C60 _ $3.f > 00 buys a good J-story 8 room house and lot. east front , lu Windsor Place , a bargain. U. V Sholes , Hoom 210 , 1'lrst National UaiiK. 578 "I71OH SALK Two elegant Homes In llanscom JL' Place on rcMonablo terms ; mortgage paper taken as part payment. Oosworth \ Jopiln , liauier block. tOJ O 1'8 Tor Sale-l luno lo line lota in Jplaeo add. for .sale. Kor fuithcr lufoiinixtlou Jcllcry Ualeu'i , III. 801 111 OH 8AI.E-Lot COxVa , with peed 2-story JL1 housn nicely finished , all modern conven iences , within 1 blk paved st. , 'i ' blk from 1'nrk .school and M. U. church , lltnscom place. This Isonoofthn best properties ) In the city , and can bo had at n barcalu by addressing the owner , P 14 , Heo olDce. 443 IflOIl SALK-Or exchange for Omaha proper ty , 80 acres , suttablo for platting ; will make 4001ots ; all clear ; big money In It for some one who can pu h this ; located JUM outside of thu city limits of Council lllutls. luqulru Cleo. J. SternedorlT , opp. uosVofticc. 'J0 > , ITIOH SALE Not for tiade. 613.78 acres or 1m- JL1 proved land 2 miles from Marquette in , Hamilton Co. , Nebraska. 1'rntnn house , frame taul , yoo ncres under a good 4 burb-tviro fence , round cedar posts and 2 stays : living water , good corral , 2 wells , v Ind mill , OM-bai rol Link. Belf-feedertrouphs , etc. ; 75 ncres clover ; model faun Price ( about $12 per aero ) JB.500 Cosh . . ! i.r 00 3 years tlma ate per cent a.OOO do and loot over the laud nnd address the owner , V. K. Atkins * . 150 : ! Larimer at. , Denver , Colo. 244 FOlt SALK 612 acres Hamilton Co. Neb. , land , $ y per acre , onc-tniid caSp , balance nto per cent. Address W. J. WlUhnoh. Dem cr. Col. TTlOK SALE Or JTcnana * . IVe have seine Jgood Omalia real estate and Nebraska farms , which wo will sell cheap or tmuo for stock ot clothing. furnlshlnK goods , dry goods , boots and shoes , grooerioj or hardware , bchles- Inger Ilros. . flli S. 10th s OC.3 Notice. PUBLIC NOTICK Is lioroby given thai Me- Ilrldu A ; Ityan exncuteVI , ucknowlndgud and tiled In the ollice of the couuty olcrk of llouglas county , lu accordance with tile laws of the state of Nebraska , articles of Incorporation , for the purpose of conducting a general stationery , pi luting aud book.-bludme business , buvlug and sollltiif ovorythlng necessarily counecteil with tliHsald busn ss , The caiiltal Block Is ton thousand dotlar.s < tll.4liOi ( , In hlmres of fifty dolluis ( f.VJ.OO ) each ; llfteon ( ID ) per cent to b paid lu. The pilnclpal plucciif outlnets Is at Omaha , Douglas county. Nebraska , und the commencement of the snmu Is on the twenty-third day of October , A. U. 18S8 , one to continue V ) years. The highest amount of indebtedness of Ihls corporation shall at no tlmn exceed one-half of the capital stock paid In. The business of the corpoi.uloti shall bo conducted by a boaid ot dlroctois not to exceed live in number. The olllcci.s shall be a prcbldont , sect clary and treasurer. Tin-articles of Incorporation may be amended by majoilty vote of the board of dlroctois , } n uccoidance with the laws of thc > state of No- bin.ska , Dated this 23rd day ot October. A. D. 1TO. McHHIDKi-HVAN. JOHN A. HVAN , President. W. .Mclliiiut : . aocrctaiy and Treasurer. nI'J-i-d3-lU ! Bias for Public Print I UK. STATK OF NKHHASKA , Ol'HCK OFTI1I2 8TATK IIOAItnOP I'ltlHTING LINCOLN , Nov. 10 , 1S8B. KOTICH TO niDDKUS. Sealed proposals will be received at any time on or before S o'clock p.m. of the llti | day of December , A. D. IbSS. for the printing of all mils for the legislature , with such inatteis as may bo ordcied by either house thereof to be printed In "bill form , " which Is shown aud dehlKiinted as Class one ( I ) under the printing U H of the stnte of Nebraska. For the pi Inline and binding In paper covers one thousand (1,010) ( ) copies each of the biennial reports of the audltorpubllc nccounH.treasurer , secretary of state anil commissioner of public lands and buildings ; and live hundred (500) ( ) copies eiich of the biennial reports-of thu nttoi- ney gene nil , superintendent public iiiHtiuctlon. state librarian and adjutant general ; and all other reports and I'ocuments that may be or- doied printed by the legislature , except sucli as nmy enter Into und foim a part of the Journal * , which class of w ork Is known and designated ns Class 3 under the printluglaws ot Neurankn. The bill woik executed under Class 1 shall bo printed In hinall pica type on paper fourteen (14) ( ) inches long by eight and one-half ( fl'/i' ' Inches wide , single page , paper to be 2S pounds double cap to the learn and except the title page each page shall contain not less than twenty-live (20) ( ) lines of solid matter of s'jven (7) ( ) Inches In length , and the lines shall on successively numbered with a blank only In each space uetwecn the lines , The title page ofsaidblllH sliiH contain not less than ek-litoon (18) ( ) line * as above , with (3) ( ) Inches additional space allowable for display title matter , liach bid shall state what the bin- rtnr Is milling to do the work complete for per pane , Including composition , paper , presswork , htltclilug. folding and all work or mutcrlal en tering Into the work required. All work executed under Class 1 shall bn de livered In good order by the contractor to the olllco of thusecretuiy of state within thiee ( U ) clays after tne receipt ol the order by said con tractor from the chairman or tbocom mlHcoon printing In elth r brunch of the leirislaure. All work executed under ( . 'lass tliroe ( il ) shall be piiutod In long ptliner , brovler and non- narell tvpo , on piper to bu nine ( U ) Inches long by blx ( Hi wldo , Hlnglo page , paper to bo folly- five (45) ( ) lb . to the ruum , whltn book. ICach bid under Class U shall tjtutii what thu blddur l.s will ing to do the woik complete for per page , ou each report or Hem In the clans , Including com position , paper , presswoik. hutching , folding und all work or material entering Into the work required. Galley and page proof must bu fur nlflied when required by the olllcani of tlio oxnctttlvu department 01 the chairman of the cninmllteo on printing In either branch of thn leglsl.itme. Work when completed to bellveiod free of exneiihn ut the ntiito house. 1'roponnls for work on oacli of the above classes will not be considered unions Urn name shall lioit'companled by a bnndi thomim of five thousand ( tiMX ! > ) dollniK , with two or more buretles , that In rase the. putty proposing for Mich rontr.u.t shall lie uwurdcd the same such imtly will ultliln MVII days after thu award to Iilm of Kiicli contract cmter Into bonds for the fiilthfiil piufonnnnro thereof , as piovlded by law and tlTeturmi ot these proposals. Proposals Hlmll be maiki'd "I'roiiosals for I'ubllv I'rlntliiK" und iiddruiisud to thu state lioitnl of piiutiiiK in c.uu of the secretary of btulc , Lincoln , Neli , Contructs on Class one. (1) ( ) as above spcilllod will ho awarded an a uhuk1. coiitmctH on Class throe. ( .1) ) f > above fpeclflnd Hill he awarded inhola or in part , 113 the board may sleet. Humpies of thnork to be executed under classes one and three may bo seen ut the olllco of the Hocrotnry of state. Contracts on abovn classes one and three to run two years from Dec , II , IhHS. The printing buurd ic arvca the right lo l eject any or all bids , O. L. LAWK Secretory of Stnto. II. A , IIABCOCK , Auditor Public Acc'lH ' , l ) . II. U'lLLAHD. StatoTieasuiiT , nl'ldtodlO Of the KUto lloaid of I'riutlng. To thn BiociklioUlnrn of thn O alallu Land and Cattle Cninpniiy. Notice 1st hereby glvon that the mutual meet ing of thoHtockholderHof the Ogalallu Land and CattloCompany. will bo held at the Company's ollice In the city of Omaha. Nebraska , on Wednesday , D rember nth , 1WH. at 3 o'clock p in. , lor thu election of directors for the untiulng year , and for thu ti ansai tlon of tuch oilier bus- infos ab may come beforiithe mating. WII.I.IAM A. I'AXTON , i nidenl. . .IOUEI-II 1'iiAMt. S Onnha , Neb . November 17th , IStW , iiov-I7-to-dec.ri SteckPiano Monnriable for power ll iyB > p Cutle lone"pllabla uctloa and K late quriblllly. t years' rtcoH , M txiat Kunrnulcc of the egeoij leoc of tneae liiitruineaU ) . ESTABLISHED 1861 1 ISO Do. Ch0ne0f | mfl , j cinrkst. The Regular Old-Establlshod PHYSICIAN AND SOflCEOfl lssllllTtMlli-p lthth Gft ltl SKILL and SUCCESS CIiroDic , Neryons and Private Diseases , * ST NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood , Polling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Tertlbl * Dreams , Head and UacU Ache nJ all the rfTecti Iriding to early decay nm ! ptilnpi Con > uniition of Insanity , treated cientlfic lly by new meUioUt ltn nR > ucce $ > . AO-SYIMlILIS.inJ Ml bad Blood nJ Skill Oil * case permanently cured. S-KlUNUYana URlNARYcomrl lnHQlect , Gonorrhoea , Stricture , Varlcoccle and all dlitaiu cf the Qenito-Unniiy Urfjui cureil promptly without Injury toSlomafh , Kutne ) cr oilier Ors n , C jNo experiments. Age nil experience | ni. portant. Consultation free and aacred. as- Send 4 tend vcutUKe for Celebrattd Works n Chronic , Nenous and Dtllcate Dixaiei tffhcac contenipbtlng Mitnuit enil lor Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male jm ! Female , ch 11 cents , loth tj crnU ( < lam < ) Coniult the old Doctor A friendly letter orcaHin.iy vcfutuie utTef. Ina and tharac.anil ndil colden > ear tolife B" ocW "Life's ( Secret ) Errori , " jocemn ( ttanpi > . Medlcini and Mtlllnj ? sent evervtvheic , secure fiom expoiure ] Hours , 8 to 8 Sunda9 In n. Addicts F. D. CLARKE , IV9. D. , t80 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILLt Or the Ltiaor Habit , PosHlrdj Cured I ) ) Administering Dr. llatiios' Guidon BpcclQo , TI CAB be plven in A cup of coffee or tea witty out tli knowledge ot tlirf pi-rfloo taking ltnhso ; lutetr harmless , and will effect a parinSntnt aud apeeay euro , whether tne patient Is moderuM drinker or au alcoholic wreck , ihoutmnds ol drunkard ! have been made temperate uit > u wild have tnk n llolden Hueclflo In tlislr oorfu with' out tholr knowledge and to-day b ll ve thus ult drinking of their own fiao will. U nevot ? alU , The yst ui once Impregnated With tha SpCTitlo , It becomes an utter Imposklbllltv for the liquor appetite to xlAt. For sals by ICuhn fc Co. . 15th nd Uourfas sta. , ana IHh and Cuun Inc sis. , Omaha , NW A. U. Foster & lliol Bluffs , low * . Dtvoucm-rA. ooonuirn , ATIOUVRV.\T-LA * , 121 Dearborn t. , Cluoauo ; norlcn liuui 21 l > crli'iice , bulnu9S qvilotlr " 'nl ' Uvn Room 03 Traders' Hulldluc , CHJCACO. Ilo crcncci Metropolitan National .lank. U. tl.Iiuti A < ' ) . Tim ll mmim TIE TABLES , 8UBUKBAN THAINS , " \VoatwarcI. TRUHHnIMSbctwe.nCtJ"n.cl1 ? "luttatnl Albright. In addition to the stations mentlona stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth - J lourl'u nndallhe Summit in Om Ua.J DreadTrans - Omaha Suoely. hotith A1- way. fer. Depot ) inalm A.M. A.M. A. M. i.M. " " 0:45 : 6:51 : (1:0) ( < "CIO : 0:17 : 0:110 : 0:1)7 : ) 6:50 : o ! ' > 5 7U. 7r : 7- " 7il"i : 7:4S : 74'i ; 7 : ' > 3 b:05 : 78:13 8:35 : BH'i 8:53 : U:05 : 0:13 0:3 : o:4r : 10:13 10-5 : W\V\ : \ \ 10:52 : 11:05 11:13 11:35 : 1I/.W 11:45 : n I * . il. ' . M. P. JI. P. M. P. M. I1. M. 13:1 : : . ' 13.-M 1U : j'-jV ijao 11 ; I. ' . 1 ; , VS 2:0" : 2:28 : ' 3:5. : 3:12 : 3io ! : 4:1 : : . 4- : 4:45 : 6:0 : > KM 45W : : 5:45 : 6:5 : : (1:01 ( : I ) : ! ' Q : B:40 : ' 7:43 : I'lKi sjii.- K:45 : 9:0j : 0 : : 0:40 : 10:05 : 10:35 : 10:3) : ar , 11:0) : I 10:41 10:52 : : 11 : 11:45 : Iv. 11JO f COUXOHj ULUPFS. UII1CAUO , IttlT78li"ANI ( ) ) ft I'AOIl'lO. " Leave. Wrrtvn No2 ( inOp. m.iA No. 1 T6o ; m. No. 0 0:00 : a. lu.O fi.'SOii ! No. 4. . . ; No.JJ. . . . .Vl JsjJ' ! ii CIIICAOO. IIUUL1NOTON k yUl.Vf'r' A No.4. . , .0:40ainA : No. . , . . . . . ; ; . m. A 'No. H : , A * . . , , , . . . : : ) ' ! n A No.O flWn : m.'A ' No.a floor' i ' ' . CHICAGO NOimnVKSTlJHN. N".u uuoa.m , A No.a 70a.iu : ! . . No.4 fi:0)p.mD : No.l 7OUtt.m , il No.a . . . . 8IOp. : in. A N' | ; 4Rn. nil CHICAGO. MILWAUKHK A HT. PAirL. A No.3 . . . .fl:40a. : in , A No. I. . . .BjfiOa. in. A No 4 , .T:00.lll.A.oNo.ll. : | ? ; , . m. KANHAH CI'J'V , & COUNCHj NO , 3. fi'Mn. m. A No. 10. 8Ma.m : , ' " " A No , IS . . . . 7HOp.rii.'A : No. II. UitMp , m/ . OMAHA & faT , LOU18. A No.8. Jl.MOp in 'A ' No,7. . . .IhrVia.ia , A dully ; dally eicept Huturdavi O axrouC Bundjy ; DexcaptMondHy ; fast mull. 'Jl'uo ilmu Klven abovn It for Transfer , lher boln from live to ten jnln.lU-s Unt cell Tiuusi fer and local depuis.