THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY ; NOVEMBER 27 , 1888. = = THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. oi'pion. NO J2 pnAiiij STKHHT. Dcllmedby CAirler In Any I'nrt of thprityn Ivicjity Cents 1'crWicW. II. W. T1WON . .MANAOP.H. TIUI'IIONIS : : : ! Tlti : > iNr s On HE No. a. NloilT Knnoli , No. I. MINOR .MIOX'I N. Y. Plumbing company. Klcpnnt ovcmmtlniis nt A. Roller's , morchnnt tailor , JMO Hroadway. Ucst hard nnd i-oft coal and Missouri wood , E. E. Mnyno , (110 ( Uroadway , The wives of nil Modern Woodmen In the rlty will meet lit Woodman hall Wednesday nftcinoon.nt ; i : (0 ( o'clock , lo arrange for a f-ocml to be held In the near futuie. Oritmdl Hull , of fluthrie county , nnd Hnr- net K. Crawford , of tills city , -are among those who have recently Joined henitstind ImndH for tlie rctnaliidur of life's journey. Council UlulTH lodge , No. 'U , and the Switchmen's Mutnul Aid association of North America , nro prep.u ing for n grand nail to bo Riven at Musonlu temple Monday evening , December 117. W. 0. nnd Henry Hodges got on n rattling drunk yesterday. They willingly took aHile In the patrol wagon , but objected to leaving It nt the stntlon. The uftii ers hnd n llvoly time unloading them , but they got there just the same , nnd the boo/urs were quickly landed on tlui disbccting table in thu i cur parlor of thu bnsttle. A party of about forty neighbors nnd frlcmis galhcrcd nt the residence of J. H. Hume , on Gruhsm avenue , Saturday even ing for the purpose of colcbi atlng the birth- iluv nnnlversniA of Mrs. Hume. The even ing wnn most pleasantly spent In iocinl con versation and games , after which the party sat down to : i tine spreaJ. A ten-pound pill arrived Sunday night at the home of C. 1' . Uiinton , superintendent of the street railway system , IIO'.I Avenue A. Chai ley is greatly tickled over the new ar rival , as it is the llr'st girl in the family , id- though thcio nru boys enough lo 1111 one of Ills largcjt c.irs. Nothing Is too good for tbe little slriincer , and she can have the whole town if she wants it. A marriage license was issued yrslcrdnj to Lev ! Knoll , sixty years of age , ami Mary 13. Wcycr , thirty four , both of Lincoln , Neb. They immediately repaired to bt. Paul's ' church , where they were made one llcsli by the rector. Hev. T. J. Mnckay. The groom moved with the ngillty of many n younger iiiiiii , and blushed furiously us congratula tions we.'re heaped upon him. Arthur Hose , n homeless little live-year- old , was brought to this city yesterday from York township. His parents had scpniatcd nnd left him to care for himself us best ho could. Ho was placed in charge of Mart Hnrdln , overseer of the poor , who will try to flnd n suitable home for him. Ho is n very bright child , nnd there should be no trouule In llnding u family \vhich will be glad lo take him. him.The The union depot project Is the theme of talk now. Most of this ground for the pro posed site on Pourth avenue has been se cured. It is believed now is tlio time for Council Hluffs to secure this isuch needed improvement , and Unit it can be thus se cured by a united nnd earnest ulTort. The citizens who have the matter in charge should have the support of the community in their efforts to .secure this. There was war on "Tho Uow" last oven- ing. Ono of the denizens Illicit up with ben * zino and went gunning for all the rest of the inhabitants of that locality. The police were called but were unable to flnd the pug nacious Individual who was threatening to "cut out livers , " and several otnor such play ful pastimes. The cyprians were considera bly terrorized , and for mio night , at least , locked their doors , and remained quietly ut home. Miss Carrie Hyer died Sunday evening of malarial fever , nt tbe corner of Ninth street nnd Avenue D , nfter nn illness ot but live days. She was'JO > ears of ago. nnd was ip the employ of the fnmily where she resided. Her parents at Nebraska City have been notillcd , and will attend the funeral thi nfternoon at 3 o'clock from the residence. The remains will be interred in this city in stead of at Nebraska City , ns was at tlrst in tended. Sunday inebriates were not plentiful this week , nnd the Monuny morning grist in po lice court was correspondingly light. W. 11. Mitchell nnd William Hunter were the only boozers who pleaded guilty , nnd they were flncdfS.lOoaeh. H. Layton was cinched to the tune of $9.00 for disturbing the peace on South Main street. J. H. Heft was charged with being drunk , but ho strenously denied it , nnd his cnse was continued. William Stewart wus booked as n vag. "Stewart. " mid the court , "you nro charged with the gravest of crimes you have squandered your whole life. Now , if there is nny place on earth where you can go , nnd try to become a umn , get there immediately , nnd never let me see you here again. " Ho went. * Sco W. C. Stncy'sad. Wo do not Intend to Indorse any except arti cles of merit , but we take pleasure In rererrlne to the "Harland Stoves und Ranges , whoso huperlorlty Is too well established to bo called In question. They are believed to be un o.tialed by any In the world. Sold exclusively by 1' . O. Io Vol. J.G. Tipton 1ms bargains in real estate. S. B. Wndsworth & Co. loan money. See Forrest Smith's special column. Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s loan ofliee , on furniture , pianos , borsos , wapons , personal property of all kinds , and all Mber articles of x-aluo without removal. All business strictly confi dential. _ Personal 1'nrnirraplis. S. E. Maxon has gone to Deadwood on business. He will bo absent but n short time , Dr. Gcorgo S. Guernsey , of Keosauqun , a former resident of this city , is hero for u short visit with friends. Mr. Thomas Boucher and wife leave town to-day for n visit of several weeks to their daughter , who resides nt 1'apojoy , Franklin county , la. Henry Mudgo , who has been wrestling with inflammatory rheumatism for several weeks , Is able to be out again , but still wobbles a little , and has to use a cane. E. H. Shcafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly conlldontial. Olllco 600 Broadway , cor ner Main btruet , up stairs. Pickloil tripe und pigs' foot at Tib- bitts , IMG Broadway. ! Tlio London "Tailor's" is the place to get your clothes made , G37 Broadway. * All day yesterday Chapman's art store was thronged with visitors. Thu open ing of the otuhing sale was a completes success , the number sold being far in excess of what was anticipated. Everyone ono was enthusiastic in their praises of I < thesogoms. The low prices at which they are offered are an inducement to purchasers. The halo will continue two ( lays longer and no lover of art should fail to see the collection , The finish on our collars , cuffs and shirts cannot bo equalled. Cascade Laundry Co. lirothorhond Farm For Bnla. The nbovo farm of COO acres is situated near Mulvcrn , in Mills county , Iowa. II is in ono body , nil fenced , with good houses , barns , sheds , wind mills , eto. , eto. Tlio selection is one of the best on the Missouri slope. It has this year over 400 acres under cultivation. "Will bo bold on long time with low rate of in terest. For particulars address A. A. Chirk fc Co. , Council Bluffs , la. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A , A. Clark & Co , , olllco cor. Bronrtwuy And Main , over American express. THE DOINGS OF THE BLUFFS , An Old Detective RecoRnlzos n Number of O'NoiU'B ' Bonrdoro. CYPRIAN WITH A FORGEQ ORDER. HlioVnltn to Get It Honored A Dny In Court 1\\o VOIIIIK Asplro to bo Cowboys. HIP lllrdd. Detective Tom Ormsby , of Omnhn , was In the city yesterday. Ho came over to get Pearl Wright , nn Omah.i cyprinn , who was confined here in the city jnll nt the request of the Nebraska authorities , who wanted her for petit larceny. Slio refused to accompany the ofllcer back to Nebraska soil until Judge Aylesworth told her that if she remained hero she would be sent to jnd for six months for vngrnney or be required to give bonds for good behavior for a year. She concluded to lace tlio court on ths olhcrsldeof the river nnd risk getting more than sixty days. During bis stay In the city Mr. Ormsby visited the county Jail and was surprised to recognize In the alleged M. M. Francis the notorious H. M. C'linse , whom Ormsby sent to the penitentiary for three years , In 1SS3 , for grand larceny. Chase Is serving n ninety days' ' sentence for petit larceny , and It seems that ho took the name of a founer pal , who wns sunt to Toil Madison last spring from this city to servo nn eighteen months' sen tence. Ormsby also tried lo sue Ihe dnrkev Grandson , Ihe clothesline thief , but the fel low kept his face covered nnd the ofllcer was unable to get n view of him. Ho also saw Thorpe , the forger , and mndc n bluff at him regarding his Omaha record. Tnorpo weakened as the oftlcor told what ho knew , nnd sulkily reinsert to answer ques tions. His ready tongue failed to stand by him in the presence of Ihe shrewd detective who knew so much concerning his past rec ord , and ho was unable to face him. Ormsby recognized several others among O'Neill's ' jail-birds us having been incarcerated on the other side of the river. The ofllcer icturncd home with his prisoner on the 3.45 dummy. See Forrest Smith's special column. Rock Spring coal , Gleason , 20 Pearl street. All grades hard coal , C. D. Fuel Co. Dr. O. C. Hazon , dentist , opera house block. Great remnantbnlc ! Everything ROCS. Prices no object. See our add. C. B Carpel Co. A Forced Order. A woman entered Eisemnn's store y terlny afternoon and shovel the clerk nn order rcid ng us follows : "Conn cl Blurts , Nov. 20 , 1W > 3. Mr. Else man Pleasfe give bearer $50 worth of goods and cburgo lo in.account. . . Gcorgo Glcnson , coal dealer. " The nolo was shown to Mr. Eiscinan who immediately called a policeman , nnd the woman was taken into custody. She said that n man giving his name as Gleason railed at her home on "The Kow" Sunday evening , and represented him self as a coal man , having nn ofllce on Pear ! street , and another at i'acilic Junction , ami wanted to sell her soinn coal. She refused to take n iad , and ho left some time later , piomlsing to see tier again. About 0 o'clock ' yesterday morning he visited thehousoagnin , und bctore bo left wrote out the above order and gave it to her. To use her own language , she "thought she had a snap , " but later de- \elopmentsconvinccd her of her mistake. She was reouircd to write a similar nolo tc satisfy the ofllceis that she hnd not forged the order , and was finally released , miuus the order , which remains in the possession of Chief Lucas. 'Ihe only coal man on Pearl street is.D. E. Gleason , who disclaims nil knowledge of the affair. The name signed to the order was Gcason instead of Gleason , although the woman says her visilor gave the latter name. She describes Gleason as u thin faced man wearing gray chin whiskers and ralhcr in- differcnlly dressed. The friends of D. E. Gleason have chaffed him considerably over but " " takes it good-na the matter , "Denny" - turedly nnd sets up the cigars , as it is plainly "a horse on him. " Weather strips at Chapman's art store , Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , culls and shirts by Cascade Luun dry company. Loans made on city business and resi dence property. Notes bought. Kim- ball-Champ Investment company. Dresses made Wool dresses $5 to $8 , silks and plushes 88 to $10. Mrs. Sim mons , over Eiscman'8. "Wanted to Be Cowboys. Ofllcer Oleson arrested a couple of youth ful wanderers at the Kiel hotel yesterday morning. They had stnrled for Texas , and were planning to become cowboys of the most pronounced type. Their nnrnes were Nnt Southcutt and William Brown. The former lives with his uncle , Roll a Hincs , n jonductor on the Uock Island , living at Stu- irt , nnd the latter is thu son of John Brown , i hnrncssmakcr at tbe same place. The boys ire nged eleven nnd thirteen years respect ively , and had read dime novels until they leclded that Texas wns the only place on jnrth whore llieir aspirations lor fame could 30 gratified. They left homo last Friday , ar riving in tills city , on the following day. They then look a very short trip out into No- jrnskn , and made up their minds that they Jld not want to > go lo Texas very badly after ill , nnd stnrted lo return homo. Brown , sr. , irnvcd in the city yesterday morning and . rosscd the river to Omnha on a search for , ho youngsters. They were corralled shortly iflerward , nnd the fnlhcr nolilied by tele- ) hono. Ho rclurned and lnft in the ivcnhig for bis home , accompanied by .he embryo cow punchers. During their itay at police headquarters Judge Aylcs- .vorth examined them in arithmetic , und con duced them that they were in more urgent iced of the advantages of the | ftiblio schools ban of broad brimmpd hals and cattle whips in the plains of Texas. All grades soft coal , C. 13. Fuel Co. Lost A poclcot account book ; rod oather covers. Finder will leave with F. E. Ilollonbcck or this olllco and got owurd. Ilavo our wagon call for your soiled ilothes. Cascade Laundry Co. Headounr'ors lor stoves. Ouuu. & [ iUVANT , 613 Main at. la There a Boml ) For Overtoil ? Last Saturday evening Captain Over-ton fas waited upon at his homo near the city nd Information given him which was not of ho most reassuring character. The inform- jit had seen a suspicious looking man pur- basing dynamite in Collins1 gun store in ) maha. Wondering what ho could want vltli It , he followed the fellow as ho cauie , way. They boarded the dummy and came o Council Bluffs. The fellow came up Jroadwav and disappjarcd at No. 153 Broad- tray. Additional iuipoitanco U attached to hcso movements In view of the saloon light iow being waged , and in wlfirh Mr , Over- on takes a prominent part. Improved nnd vacant property in all tarts of the city ; 00x160 foot on Glen .vonuo , east front , n bargain ; business iroporty on Broadway and Fourth treot. R. P. Oflicer , North Main trcot , DoVol's block , Council Bluffs. The Council Bluffs Lumber Co , want ou to try borne of their coal. In District Court. The arguments in the case of Maish vs ilartm ( it al were concluded in the district court jcstcrdny , having occupied the greater part of ten day. 1 he case was t.iken under advisement by the court. No other business of ltni > ortanco was transacted during the duv. The rases assigned for to-day are Nos. 5&H , 6S40 , 5b41 nnd fi&l'J. Carpets nt less than half their value at our clearing out sale. Heo pi-iocs elsewhere. C. U. Cut-pot Co. See Forrest Smith's special column. Invitation. All members of the Fidelity council , It. A. , nro invited to attend Union Pacific council ( 'hiesda.v ) evening at 1U14 Douglas street. Will leave on the fi 45 dummy. W. A. UiioNcnKO , Hegcnt. 13. II. Shenfo & Co. make long or bhort time loans on real estate , in sums to suit , at lowest rate of interest. .Olllco Broadway and Main street , upstairs. Illinois nnd Iowa best soft coal , Glea son , -0 Pearl stroct. A Nlm or Nipped. A sneak thief stole an overcoat last evenIng - Ing from a dummy in front of the store of J. W. Hacliarnch , on Broadway. The act was seen by some bystanders , nnd they gnve chase , calling for thu police. O nicer CuMck responded , nnd the thief wns overhauled near the alley north of llroadwny on Main street. The cent wns still in his possession. Ho wns lateen to police headquarters nnd ex amined , nftcr which ho was taken to the county and locked up. The theft was n daring ono , us Iho streets were filled with people at the time , nnd the bold thief could not hope to escape without being seen. Ho evidently trusted to Ins legs to get him salcly away , but ho reckoned without his host. His little act will probably send him over the road , as the garment wns quite a high priced one. The Illlle Clut > . The rifle club held n meeting last evening at the store of Prank Levin , 501 Broadway. The following olllccrs for the ensuing year were elected : President , George Motcalf , vice president , W. G. Oliver : secretary , Charles Matthui ; treasurer , M. F. Hohrcr. Arrangements for n grand turkey shoot to morrow at the range were completed. The shoot will begin at 10 o'clock and continue through the day. Forty line turkeys have been received , also a dressed beef , which will go to the successful marksmen , For bargains in real estate in any part of the city see F , J. D.iy , the lead ing real estate dealer. The ladies of the Gorman Catholic church will give a Quadrille ball on Thanksgiving evening at Masonic Temple. No pains will bo spared to make the evening one of pleasure. An elegant buppor will ; ii-o be given. Dalby's orchestra will furnish the mubic. Tickets to ball and supper $1.00 each. We have no competitors in finishsng collars , culls and shirts. Cascade Layn- dry ( 'o. The Hallways of the World. According to statistics just compiled by the Archiv fur Eisonbahnwcocn , the total length of the railways of the world on January 1 , 1887. was 6112,505 kilome ters , as against 7t02 ! ) ! kilometers less at the end of 1882 , being , therefore , un in- creabc of more than 22,000 kilometers a year. At the same rate of increase the railways of the world should at present measure 550,000 kilometers. Moro than half of the railways are possessed by America namely , 260,000 kilometers , of which 222,000 kilometers belong to North America. Next follows Europe with 201,000 kilometers , then Asia with 24,000 kilometers , Australia with 1-1,000 kilometers , and Africa , last , with only 7,000 kilometers. Of the railways of Europe at the be ginning of last year , Germany hea e the list with 88.000 kilometers , followed by France with 38,000 , Great Britain with 31,000 , Russia with 27,000 , Austria- Hungary with 23,000. Italy with 11,000 , Spain with ! ) ,000 , Sweden with 7,000 kilometers , etc. In propartion to land area. Belgium stands highest , having 15.4 kilometers to every 100 square kilometers of soil ; next follows Saxony with 16.1 kilo meters , Great Britain with 10 , Alsace- Lorane with 9.4the Netherlands with 3 , etc. Lowest stands Russia , Norway ind Turkey , each having only one-half kilometer of railway to every 100 square kilometers of area. In respect to proportion of railway not and population in Europe , Sweden sarries the palm , with 16.0 kilometers of railway per 10,000 inhabitants , Turkey being at the bottom of the list with only 1.8 kilometers. North America stands much higher than Sweden , having 39 per 10,000 inhabitants ; but jven this country is outdistanced by Australia , whore , in consequence of the population being so spread , and railway construction carried on on such an cx- : onsivo scale ( moro than 11,000 kilo Tietorb a yeartho ) average railways are U.3 kilometers per 10,000 inhabitants , [ n western Australia it is as high us 'i.8 kilometers per 20,000 inhabitants. IIorsIYml's Aclit I'hosphato' Recommended by Physicians if nil hdioole , Tor the brain , nerves , mil Stomach. Dcatlntr n. Lawyer. Detroit Free Press : ' -'You nowspa- > er fellers , " said a Taylor Township armor to a reporter the other day , 'have had so many guys and gags at idor that the majority of people loliovo we udd half water in every aso. " "Don't you ? " innocently inquired the cribo. "Nol you blame numbskull , wo on'tl" 'But I I . " uOh. of course , you thought so , but ou fellers ain't expected to bo too mart in the top-htory. However. I ma going to toll you about a lawyer in own. Ho wanted a barrel of ciderbut , o was terribly afraid of being cheated , lo engaged mo to bring in the juice , nd in order to keep mo straight ho aid : "Now , thoh , when the cider comes I hall test it with a lackaduisial , and if Ijcro is.nny water in it I'll make you wont for swindling. " "Did ho bay lackadaisial ? " asked the eportor. "Something like that. It made mo a it mud , undbo I planned to fix. him. I rought in a cask holding forty-eight allons. Thirty-gallons were well atcr and the rest cidor. I left it at his ouso , and to-day I called at his olllco 3 got my money. " "And ho wont for you ? " "Hardly. Ho gave rae half n dollar xtra , anil said it was the lirat barrel of onuino cider ho had had in ten years. " JEW BARGAINS ( ROADWAY LOTS , i-'UtST AVENUU LOTH , > FEJtRY AUDITION LOTS , PKRUY ADDITION LOTS , IVANS' ' BRIDGE ADD , LOTS , IRYANT & CUVUK'H ADDITION IjOTB , XREET'S ADDITION LOTS. AL.SO SO AOJU2B OF HE BEST PROPERTY IN TOWN KOK I'LAXTINU. W. C. STACY , 19 % No. 8 Main Street. 20 ON ALL CASH SALES ! FORCED CONCESSION SALE Unequalled and surprising Bargains In Closutes , Boots At Henry Eiseman & Go's Peopstoe OUR ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE SOLD. In order to give us an opportunity to rearrange our business for our now FOUR STOUY BLOCK , which wo are erecting on the old. Pacific Houbo Site. Customers will not waste their time of they read what wo have to say. Nor will they bo deceived when they come to see our goods and learn our prices. Everything will be found exactly as wo say. Wo offer a discount of 20 per cent ON ALL CASH SALES" On everything wo have in our houso. Now is your time to buy. Do not miss this opportunity. Low prices always make us buv and wo arc go ing to make LOW PRICES MAKE YOU BUY ! We adopted this method of slaughtering our goods just ono week ago , and the result has been that our STOKE IS CROWDED with customers all day long , bo much so that we have added Extra force of Competent Salesmen , And Sales Ladies to wait on our customers. People are coming from Omaha and from hundreds of miles to take ad vantage of this GMR.E.A.T Our regular prices have always been conceded to be the lowest offered in the west , and when you get 20 per cent , extra discount on your bill , see what you nro saving by buying from us. We want lo and mubt CLOSE OUT OUR STOO& For reasons above named. CALL AND SEE US. Mail Orders receive prompt attention. HEfflY EISEMAN & CO , PEOPLE'S STORE HOS. 314,316,318 , , & 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. C. E. BELL. O. A. I1KKLINGHOF. BELL & BERLMHOF , ArcMtects , Designers aufl Superintendents of Construction , Mr. Bcrlinghof was scvciT * years with Mendelssohn , Fisher & Loivrj , and has designed many of the finest blocks in Omaha niul Council Bluffs. Plans and Specifications Prepared and Estimates made on Application , Studio , Ilooin 2 Opera House Block LOTS IN FERRY ADDITION ! For a Short Time I Will Offer 100 In Ferry Addition to Council llluffg on tiie fol lowing Terms : Inside Lots on Ave. A . tCOO InsUU Lots on Avo. fl . MX ) Inside Lots on Avc. C . 400 lnslcl Ix > ts on Hist Ave . 6CO Inside Lota on Second Ave . fiOO Inside Lots on Third Ave . MX ) Instile Lots on N. Bld Fourth Ave . 460 Inside Lots on S. Slda Fourth Ave . 400 37" AH Corner Lots SV ) More. THUMB One-tenth conn , balance In nine annual optional payments , with H per cent In terest , pnyuble annually. Will fiive coti- truct for warranty deed and rurnlsli ab- utiact when fully paid. W. SIEDENTOPF , No. 8. North Main St. . Council IllutTs , la. TIIOS. OmcKK. W. H. M. Pusuv. OFFICER & PUSEY. BANKERS. Corner Main and Hroadway , COUNCH , UI.UFFS , IOWA. Dealers In foreign end domestic exchanRo. Collections made and inteiesc paid on time de posits. posits.GEOI 6E METCALF II No. 14 Pearl St. FO-A.ST , Bakery and Confectionery CIGARS AND TOBACCO. See lilmfor Dread. Cakes ; etc. TO DEALERS-A liberal discount givenl No. 218 Main Street. S , STEWART , M , D , , D , V , M. HOSPITAL 45 FOURTH STEBBT. Telephone No. 2OG. COUNCIL BMJFFS. : : IOWA THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. PIUCE $15. Is equal t > any High Priced Machino. TteKdlson Mimeograph , _ the best apparatus for mnnlfoldlUK , autographic iiad typo writing vtort 3.UUU copies can be taken. The Bseelsior Co.Council Bluffs , la. D. H. McDANELD & GO. , Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. (20 and K2 Main StreetCouucll FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY 1514 Douttlat ) Ht. , Oniiiha , Nob. SNAPS ! 'J Lot , Bryant & Clark , on Second arc. - - Jp O 1 Lot , Bryant & Clark , on Third avo. - - - $250 $ 10 Lots , Perry's sd Add. , on Avc. C - - - tyaQi ) Each 0 Lots , Benson's First , Ave K ibloU ach Lot , Everett's Add. , Third avo. - $500 $ Lots , Fleming it Davis , Ninth and Tenth aves ( M)0 { ) & ' HOUSES AND LOTS -ON- EASY PAYMENTS Call and See c. j. COLBY , Masonic Temple. Ebpoclally Adapted tot SIZES FROM ELECTRIC 25 TO 300 HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER POWER , Mills and Elevators. AUTOMATIC GUT-OFF ENGINE. Specifications nnd estimates fmulshed for complete strain plants. HpRiilation , Durability Guar anteed. Con show letters from users where fuel Kionomy Is equal with Corliss Non-Con < lensln . E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. 510 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. TST'WHITE" Is King. This is the verdict of all ladies who have used the White Sowing Machine See it before buying any other. OFFICE : , 305 Middle Broadway. J , M , DnUWN , DR. C. B. JUDD , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC TRUSSES. No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on Inrge commission or salary. WANTED LOCAL AM > TKAVUL.IKU AGUAITS OA COMMISSION SMOTHERS & BEECROFT , PROPRIETORS OF COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMAHA -OFFICE3- ) ( COUNCIL BLUFFS P. C. De Vol's Store , No. I OSIUIA Carpenter Paper Co. , No. Ill 604 Middle Broadway. Telephone No. b7. | Douglas Street. Telephone No. CGI3. FORREST SMITH'S SPECIAL FANT FOR SALE. For a short time , the entire addition known as "KAIUMOUNT" located on thti hilN lietHei n 1.1th and loth avenues , thrcu und n half blocks east of Main street and thoMimo from tin'street car line. It commands an extensive rluxv of Umaha and Council Illulfs. This beautiful and llnely located addition of FORTY-TWO LOTS isoffeied at a price that will surely make the Investor from 'i/i / to no per Lent within two year- * . If you want a sure thing which you can l > eiln selling at once nt an advance of from 7:1 ' .oWJ per cent over what It ro ts you , call on or iddress II. (1. McUee , l.W Main bt. , or 1'orest iinlth. at the llrown bulldmg. Don't nik why t Is offered HO low , but come and see thu prop- irty and bo convinced 'hat w e tell It lets tlmn It s. 'Ihese lots will sell now at from Utti to Jf > 00 ; ach. Wo don't want that for th in. Kemeui- jor this offer Is only for a short time- . FORREST SMITH , Room 4,3rd Floor. Brown liulldlnir. SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTS. T ADY agents wanted. A specialty which bolls Itself. . , mnku blfi pny r v \ Hli no expeijLMice. 1'or particulars addresH Mrs. K. C. Harbour. 812 La Sullo avenuu. CUIcago. OR ItUNT-Modern 10 room IIOUSD. No. boutli fith fit. T7IOK ItUNT-NIno room hrnisp , coiner Ull X1 avo. anil Hh ht. Apply nn premises \ \ " ANTKD Position as housekeeper by a < emi i pctcnt Inily. ( Inferences exchanged. 1'aN incr & Co. , iii ! I'earl St. , Council llluirx. " 171011 BALK Oood 4-vear-olil horso. gentle and . hound. Harness aim ton buggy. Will sell cheap on easy tv-rms If sold soon. Inquire t Ifcisuthbt. _ WANTIJn Position In millinery shop us trimmer , liy lady of live ycais experience. Call ou or address I'uluier &C'o. , 'M Pearl struct. Council llliuia. FOll HUNT Good x-rnom house with jiantry nii'l ' clobets ; 1:10 : barrel clatorn ; good barn with stalls for nvo horses. All In good repair * W. C. Stacy , Ko. U Main Ht. * FOll BALK Or Kxclmngo A good grain ele vator In nn lowu town , to sail or trade foe farm land. Junnston & Van I'utten , Council Ululls , la. Flt ) HKNT A largo number of good dwell- Ings Call and cxnmlnn list. 1 ! . II. Slicafa &Co. , Ilroailway nnd Main St. , up Blairs. FOll HUNT Two largo flout rooms , fur nished , onu bloi k ftoin street car Addreufl B. lii'o ollli.e , Council llluirs. Maurer's China Shop. RETAIL , 34O BROADWAY. We carry the largest stock in the west , covering 2OOOO square feet of floor. We do the largest business ! We sell al the lowest prices We deal direct with European manufacturer's and pay no jobber's profits. s oir Cash talks , and we are always in position to Offferr Yon Genuine Bargains ! We offer you for 3O days. In new and fresh goods and good selections , the following : LOT-1 Hand-painted Cupsidors , ers , each 25c Also Fall Line of Best Makes in : s i\ each , IGc LOT 0 Rose Jars , filled with per LOT 2 Good Majolica Cuspidors , fumed rose leaves , each 25c Royal Worcester , each S5o LOT 10 Genuine China decorated Fruit or Ice Creom sots , per set 2.60 and Solid Silver LOT 8 English Decorated Chamber LOT 1 I Genuine China Fruit , TaplitZ , 82 05 ber Sets 4 Decorated 60- Plates , assorted decorations , per LOT English do/en 1.75 Royal Dresden , Tea Sots 83 75 Cut Glass piece LOT 12 An elegant Hand Pnintod Rich , LOT 5 100-iicco ] ( genuine gold- Vase Lamp , with shade lo Vienna band nnd ilowors ) hand-painted match , fine burner , , LOT Wodgowood 0 English DinnorSot Decorated , par Full bot.812 00 each. . complete 3.50 Bronzes and Brass Goods , Royal Saxony , Dinner Set , now lluted shnpcb , And a great many moro bargains per bet S8 GO which our limited space will not permit Bonn Faeience , etc , LOT 7 Nice and choice lot of us to rnumorato , Clioico Dinner , TW , Fish , Game , Sonp , Decorated Gonulno China An Inspection will save LOT Creamer 8 Largo * , each Moss Koso Pitch- 2oc you money. and KG Cream Sets , Visitors and punters cpally.welcome - 34 = 0