Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Dig Error lu tlio Posting of Canal
Corn Cloned Wonk nt Iiowcst
of ttio Day 1'rovlHlotin Slow
Cattle nt l , w Wntor
CIIK too , Nov. 3A. [ Special Tclo r.xrn to
TIIK I3ir : ] oponcil r.ithcr ttuiiu ut
f I n for Mny , nnd nJvunccJ bravely J-fc. At
$1 ( H'ttio ' market rcceivoil a cliojk In tlio
form of himvy Belling by Hutchinton , Ken-
null other Ictvlors , Setting ere long nv
kumnl the features of u bcnr raid , nnd the
result of It wus th.xt the marUut broku to
tl UT't for Muy. The waaktica * In noiir de
liveries Wai even more pronounced than In
May , Dcccinbar nnd .lunuaT "lumping to
t\Qli. \ Uccombor > slower in recovering
limn Jitnuary , nnd several times WLH ; oc
under May. H Is doubtful If as niueli
long wheat came out by tlio break as
the attacking party anticipated. A good
many stop orders wcro roiched , as a matter
nl course , but no large lines , so far at could
bo ascertained. Iliitchltison wan represented
to bo a seller of wheat In nil outside markets
nnd ho seemed to bo bending his energies to
depress it to the limit. The attitude of the
northwestern millers Is still baurish , so far
IIH can bo hcen on the Hiirf.icc , nnd some of
them are said to bo largely short in Ohlcngo
and Now York niralnst their cash in
Minneapolis. The writer of a recent series of
bull circulars is quoted as being short of more
wheat at outside markets than any other
miller , nnd ho is , atninccly enough , the larg
est single holder of cash spring wheat in tlio
country , and a terrific bull "on thu crop. "
Hols shrewdly suspected of havint , ' led the
crowd In golnc ; counter to his own expicsscd
notions "for a turn" on it largo -calo , Oos-
Hlp to that effect was lloatlng around this
morning , sub rosu. The market rallied
nearly IIH rapidly as it broke , but it did not
get < iulto to tlio starting | K > int until well
ntong in the foicnooii , when It gut Us
Hccond wind , so to speak , on misleading
llgures Indicative of a decrease in the visible
mipply , instead of the anticipated ineieaso.
On the covering by shorts and quiet invest
ment demand , May advanced to St OS'4 ' , De
cember moving to J1.03JK , January ft.04' ' . , .
For an hour or more tlio trading was tlono
under a misapprehension as to xvhat the vis
ible supply would show. Karly It seemed
likely that the total stocks might show un
increase of about 500,000 bushels. Later
lluu res were reduced until the actual de
crease was shown. On this the price of
May advanced to $1.0 * . ) , Jumpinir * f@Jtfc ,
like lightning. A break of lo occurred Just
IIR ( julckly , ii few mlnutca before
1 o'clock , when an error of about f > UO,000
bushels in the quantity on the canal dis
covered , the market dropping like lead to
Sl.OSV The posting of 429,000 bushels In
crease us the llgure finally reached changed
the sentiment instantly. From -tl.OS there
was a rally of | 4c , followed by a second
HJinrp break below $1.0S. The last half hour
of the session was full of excitement. That
unfortunate error in the posting of canal
wheat cost many traders a round sum
of money. Millions nt bushels were
bought on the blackboard figures , pointing
to a decrease In the visible supply. \ \ lien
the mistake was corrected they began to un
load , and tlio raiders helped prices down by
a furious attai-k , Hutclflnson again leading
thu bears. December hail been used as a
club near the opening , and it was once moro
brought Into requisition at the closo. That
month was offered down to $1.02)1 ) , and
closed there , Junuury being quoted at $1.02 % ,
and Mav at jl.0" ? < . after having sold as low
as tl.07 % , a few minutes bcforo the bell
tapped. The break from $1.09 % to
( I 07lo was the work of only about half an
hour. Compared with Saturday's closing
December shows a loss of U c , January ,
] % e nnd May , J c. The outside news was
conflicting. From the northwest , advice
was tcccivcd to the effect that thu receipts
nt Minneapolis were Cxpoctod to keep up for
ten dayn or two weeks , by which time the
eklctrackcd wheat ut that and the interior
points would bo cleared no , and the dally ar
rivals at the greater milling centers there
after would not exceed 1M ) cars dally. Thu
mills ut Minneapolis are not running to their
full capacity , and after thu 1st of January
BOIIIC of them may a hut down , whether
they want to or not , for want of
wheat. That nt least is the way a good
many people up in that section are talking ,
nnd they appear to believe what they say.
All reports agree , to this writing , that farm
ers' deliveries in the northwest are very
light , and ono elevator manager reports that
on Saturday only 10,000 busheU were re
ceived at his 70 elevators. This sort of news
docs not tally with tlio result of the canvass
reported on Saturday , tnat farmers' reserves
along the Noi them Pacific nro large , though
it may bo as Dialed that farmers are holding
back for better pricts. The best authori
ties , however , now say that 75 per cent of
the northwestern crop has been marketed.
The largo receipts of corn , 272 cars over
the estimate of Saturday , gave the hears a
chance , of which they quickly availed them
selves , and enabled them to secure a decline
ofc on the opening figures of December
futures , and a further drop from , ' )7e ) , the
opening price , to 3iic. November , whicli
lias been bringing from "e to itc premium for
some time , dropped to lu to-day , and buy-
ws of cash corn wore insisting on a l c to
UJ c reduction on Saturday's prices. Novem
ber closed at 37 > Je , December at ! ! 0 > < @
MJi'e. There continues to bo a
good export Inquiry , and as very little more
will go forward by lake this season , heavy
receipts will have to depend on the railroad
curriago , and n heavy Increase in raiHrcighls
will be entailed thereby. Shippers "ppreci-
atcd tills fact and governed themselves ac
cordingly. The close of the market was
weak at tlio lowest figures of the day. There
was a falrlv < ; oed business done , and spells
of consldotablo activity with sellers predom
inating till day , and a depression the ruling
feature , liven the publication of the visible
simply ( Inures , showing n decrease of 1VKO-
IKH ) bushels , failed to sustain prices. Thu
largo receipts , present nnd prospective , and
thu railroads in possession of all shipping fa
cilities , was too much 10 overcome , and the
icsult was as recorded above.
In the provision tradu n stow day was ex
perienced. Speculation was icstrictud ,
featureless and mainly local , nnd for cash
delivery there was less doing than on any
day for over a week. Cash buyers took hold
sparingly , and of meats their purchases wcro
unusually small for this season. Lard sold
for immediate delivery to the extent of 1,100
tierccH ut t3.r > 2@S.f > 5 , closing at $3.50 bid.
Speculative interest , us usual , was confined
to January and May. Fluctuations all round
were confined to a small range nnd based on
Saturday's ' last quotations ; closings showed
but little change. 1'orlt rested only SKo
ua.Mor , while lurd was. unchanged to ! > a
higher , and short ribs unchanged toKu
lower , _
CHICAGO , Nov. 2J. | Special Telegram to
TIIK Hun. ] CATTLB Among the arrivals
were I2d cars of Toxnns and 89 cars of
rangers , or about 5,000 out of the total of
IR.CKX ) cattle. Trndo was only about steady.
There wore scarcely a dozen loads of good
natives on sale , and only n few that would
pass us prime. The bulk of the natives wore
made up of rough and common steers and
cows , the latter making almost as big a show
as last Monday. The Texans were largely
etecrs , hence native cows sold about the
same as last week , but for some cause com.
111 on and rough natives sold slow and lower ,
buyers generally preferring cheap and plenti
ful Tcxans to common and rough natives ,
Hangers also sold fairly well. Taken alto
gether , what few good and useful natives
there wore tnadu as good prices as last week ;
good cows and heifers sold ubout the same
us thu week before , while rough and com
mon natives sold substantially lower. Stock.
erg and feeders wore in largo supply ; trade
slow , no orders , no outside buyers , and only
local speculators to look at the stock and
msku bids. Natives are down to low-water
Iiiurlr and ono can hardlv see how they can
go lower , ( jood bee\fes , fl.WXtfa.15 ; medium
to good steers. HIV ) to 1600 ) bs. , fl.OO I.US ;
1200 to JDW Jls. , t3.6Wgl.10 ; U50 to 1200 Ibs.j
M3VglSO ; stockcrH ami feeder * ,
: if V e ws bulls nnd mixed , ? MO ( $ .CO ;
bill ) : , $ J 202.'tt ; Texas and Indian steers ,
f1 4M ( iV ) ; oows , ? I ( Hci2 ) ! 13 , cstern rang
OM. * ) 00 ' J IS ; cows , ? J 25 if i 00.
Hogs The market oiwncd with n short
but shnrp upturn of n nickel , speculators , in
their anxiety to load up. cntisingt'ioadvance ,
but later on. wheu said speculators found
that the regular buyers were not willing to
follow their lead , ttin.y let go nnd values sold
b.tck to about tlio same as on Saturday , or
say nbout fi-iMOo lower thnn the opening.
Them was more "snnp" to the market in the
Uock Island division than elsewhere , Northwestern -
western and Hurlington at no time showing
the strength displayed In Hook Island , and
at the close the latter was the weakest ,
Most of the mixed sold around nbout $ "i
550 ; bcU heavy f5.r > 0 < 35 ( JO ; n few fancy at
f > n'Wiri 70. The demand for light sorts
was limited. Tliurc were no shipping orders
and packers were Indifferent buyers. The
ordinary run of 1M ) to 190 Ib averages as
sorted sold nt .r > ! Wi < - < ! ) .40. nnd light of 130 to
150 Ib averages at < 5.10(23 ( 55.
Nr.w VOIIK , Nov. 20. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : line , jSTO < KS The stock tnnrkol
opened rather quietly , but generally fraction
ally lower , and , aside from n few securities ,
soon drifted Into a state of stagnation. Lon
don operations \\ero confined to moderate
sales , owing to the Interrupted cable service.
There a declining tendency to values
during the forenoon in most of tlio list , and a
gradual sagging left the market at noon dull
and heavy to weak , at the lowest priees of
the morning , though losses were small.
New Kngland showed a llrmor tone after the
early dealings and closed point above tlic
opening , 'flic close showed a little firmer tone
In general , with losses for the day mainly
fractional , though St. 1'aul rested nt 1
points decline.
The following were Iho closing quotations :
IT. S. 4s regular 1SH1. Northern 1'nclllc. . 24y
I' . H. 4s coupons llH'4l ' Uopreferred Ji7'i
IJ. S. I'fsirgular 107 C. fcN.V IOMVC
U. 8. 4 jscounons KM do preferred , . . .Ml
I'ttclllt Os of V. .MI N.T. Control 107'
( Vntial I'aclllc ar p. , i ) . , vr. am
Chlr.i0 | 4lton 1.T.I Itock Island . . . 105
Chicago , IliirlliiKton 0. , M.&St. P . . . illJt
A qiilncy ICR'i do preferred. . . .103l
n.i. . * w MU't ' St. Paul A Omaha. . 215 ,
Illinois Out ml. II : . doproferred . . . . IW-1
1. , II.&W. . . . 14 Union I'aciflo KJ
Kansas A : Texas . 121. " ' '
r/ikc.Shoro ( CIV ( Vo preferred . . K4C ,
Michigan Central WJjWesterr. Union K )
Mlf < ourll > aciflo 701 , !
MONET ov CAM. Ensv at 2@1 per cent ;
lust lonn ! 2 } per cent ; closing offered at 'J'4 '
per cent.
STKIIUNO Kxciivvatt Dull at M.65 for
sixty-day bills , and SI.88' ' for demand.
Cnit'Aoo. Nov. Oti Easier ; cash
and December , tl.02 > ; January , ( l.ttibf :
May , $1.07 % .
Corn Steayd ; cush , a7' c , December ,
30 11-llic ; January. 'McMay \ , 3S c.
Oats Firm , cash , a > l4c ; December , 20c ,
January , UO c ; May , UOVc.
Uy'e Kic.
1 fancy Nothing doinp.
Pnmo Timothy Nothing doinff.
Flax-l .7. .
AVliisky ? 1JO ,
Pork Kisy ; cash , and December ,
$ H.4 : , January , $1-1.50 ; May , $14.77 } $ .
Lard Steady ; cash , $3.50 ; December ,
* S.)74 : ) ; Jitnunry , f8.'ir ; May , $3.40 ,
Flour Steady and unchanged ; winter
Wheat , S5.00@5,75 ; spring whuat , ? 4.50Co ! ! .7.ri.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , $7.U7X ( ' ' .5 ( ) ;
Rhort _ clear , $ S.OO@S.12 > i ; short ribs , $7.45
llutter Steady ; creamery , 23@33c ; dairy ,
lSrt'7o. (
Cheese Quiet ; full cream cboddars , 10J
Hats , 10 > ( ( Jllc ; Young Americas ,
Kggn Firm ; fresh , 22a23c. (
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted ,
0 > c ; light green salted , fi o ; green , 5e ;
Baited bull , 5Vfo ; green bull , 4l c ; green
dry Hint , 7' < j ( ) < c ; dry calf , " ( gSc ; brandel
hides , 15 pur cent off ; deacon ; , 25@3Ju e.ich ;
drv salted. 10 15c.
Tallow Firm ; No. 1 , solia packed , 5c ;
No. 2 , 4c ; cake , 5c.
.Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 9,000 22.000
Wheat bu . 20,000 24,000
Corn ; bu . 2M.OOO 270,000
Oats , bu . ioy.000 9S.OOO
Hyo , bu . . . . .
Liverpool. Nov. 2(5. ( [ Special Cablegram
to TUB MKH. ] 1):30 ) : p. m. Close. Pork
In fair demand ; prime mess , eastern , b2s Od ,
firm ; do western , 71s 3d , firm.
Lard In fair demand ; spot 47s , firm ;
November , 4lls 3d , firm ; December und Jan
uary , 4"isd ( ! , llrui.
Wheat lu poor demand ; new No. 2 , winter -
tor , tisld , dull ; do , spring , 8s 2d , dull.
Flour In fair demand at 12s , ilrm.
Corn In fair demand ; spot. 4s 9d , dull ;
November and December , 4s 8) d , dull ; Jan
uary , 4s ll d. ddll.
Receipts of wheat durinK past week : From
Atlantic ports , ! KX ) quarters ; Pacific ports ,
77,000 quarters ; other sourcosCOOoO quarters.
Receipts of American corn , 41,800.
Now York , Nov. 2tl. Wheat Receipts ,
1,100 ; exports , 4,000 ; spot market dull and
heavy , and I'je lower ; options actlvo but
irregular , and closed heavy and iyBjlo (
under Saturday.
Corn Kocoipts , 153,000 ; exports , 112,0)0 ) ;
spot market moderately active , but @lc
lower aud weak.
Oats Receipts , 04,000 ; exports , none ;
spot market more active but weak and D c
lower ; options fairly active but life lower
anil weak ; spot white , 35 > .f < gUfie ; mixed
western , HOlglUJo ; white western , 34@42c.
Coffee Options opened steady and closed
firm nnd 35@55c higher than Saturday's
closing ; uules , 5 , 750 bags ; spot no stronger ;
November , $14.15 ; December , $ ! 3.yj ( < ? 14 25 ;
January , $ ii.ijH.2r : , February , fl4.0l@ (
14. ! : March , * 14.00@1.33. fair cargoes ,
$10 50.
Petroleum Quiet but steady ; United
closed atSOtfc.
Kggs Frosb firm ; western , 254@2Gc.
Lurd Higher and better export demand ;
sales , western steam , spot , $9.10 ; options ,
sales , December , $ S.07 ( S. 70 ; closing $3.(18' ( .
Uutter Higher ; choice scarce ; western
13@25c ; western creamery , 20@J4c ; Elgins ,
Cheese Firmer und in fair demand ; west
ern , 9 > 10Vc.
Kaiikits City , Nov. 2d. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 red , cash , no bids nor offerings ; Decem
ber , mxles ut Wl } c : No. 3 red , cash , 70o bid ;
No. 2 soft , cash , ' .I5u asked ; May , Sl.lUJ bid.
Com Steady ; No. 2 , casli.iSc bid ; Decem
ber , no bids norolTerings ; January , 2Su bid ;
Mny , ifOjicbid.
Oats No. 2 , cash , 20 > fc bid ; May , 2o > ( Tc
Oinclnnntl , Nov. 20 Wheat Light
demand ; No. 2 ted , $1.02.
Corn -Dull and lower ; No , 2 mixed , 40) ) < c.
Oats -Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 2V@2JKc.
Hye Steady ; No. 2 , Mo.
Whisky-Steady at $1.14 ,
Mlnnonjiolls , Nov. 20. Wheat Ho-
colpts were 072 cars for 48 hours.
Buyers were holding oil In the ilrst half of
the session on prospect of a further decline
In speculative markets , but these gave evi
dence of moro strength than the market for
cash wheat. Sellers were holding ut about
Saturday's closing prices , but some reduc
tions were also offered without buyers.
No. 1 northern was held nt $1.03 ; No. 2
northern at $1.00 , Closing : No. 1 hard ,
cash and December , $1.10 ; May , $1.24. ; on
on track , * 1. 1801. ID. No.l northern , cash and
December , $1.0o > ; May , $1.12 5 ° track ,
fl. 0001. 10. No.2 northern , cash ami December
f 1.00 ; May , $1.07 ; on track , 1 1.00 ® 1,02.
Milwaukee , Nov. 31. Wheat Easy ;
cash , USUu ; December , 09c ; January ,
$1.02 .
Corn Steady ; now. 3017c. (
Oats Easier ; No. 2 white , 30c.
live-Easy ; No. 1 , 53)/o.
Harley Kasy ; No. 2 , 07) ) < e.
Provisions Steady ; pork , cash , $14.15 ,
tit. IjouU , Nov. 2(1. Wheat Lower ;
cash and November , $1,00 ; May , tl.OOJ.
Corn Lower ; cash , 85c ; December ,
Outs Lower ; cash , 28c ; May , UOVc.
Pork-Firm nt 115.00.
Lard-Firm at $8.25.
Whisky $1.15.
Mutter Quiet , but steady anu firm ; choice
to fancy creamery , S0@31c ; choice and
fancy dairy , 20@2c ,
ClticiiKu , Nov. 2d. 1'h ti Drovaw Jour
nal reports at follows
Cattle KecelpU , 15,000 ; Urmer for good ,
others ycak : beeves , $4.50(35.15 ( ; steers , 13.25
@ 4.J5 ( ; stockers und feuaer . * i 10 ( 3.30 ;
cows , bulls and mixed , $ l.-10QJ.OOj Texas
cattle , $ lWd 3riOtcstcrn ; rangers , $ J'i
4 IS
Hogs Receipts , 17,000 ; opened fie lilgher ,
hut advance lost later ; mixed. $ 'i.'i.Vi50 ;
heavy , Ki.U'gC.i'O : light , $ . OM500 ; skips ,
$3.6Krt.Ii.7fl. (
Shcap Hccclpts fi.OOO ; slow ; natives ,
$3.K425 ( , westerns. $ jn0 3.05 ; Texans
$4 50 ( < t.'t.00j lambs. $1 00r. ? 00.
KniiBns City , Nov. 20. Cattle Heceipts
P,900. shlpmcntsOJO ( ! ; about steady , cxeep
for common , which were in some ease
IOC lower , good to choice corn fed , $4.750. 25
common to medium , $ ! U5i4,5U ; stocksrs
and feeding steers , $1.00n.lO , grass range
Meets , tl.'i'I.OO ( ( ) ; cows , $1 50 { 2 40.
Hogs Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , none
active. Rtrong and 5c higher ; good to choice
$5.25(3:5.35 ( : , common to medium , $5.00@5.2o
National Stock YnriU , I-Jnnt S ( .
lyoulH. Nov 20. Cattle Receipts , 5,000
market stonily : cholco heavy native steers
4.50(3510 ( , butchers' ulcers , 'medium to
choice , $3.30tf4 ; IS ; stockers and feeders , fal
to good , $2.0Q320 ) ; rangers , corn-fed , $ .1.00
@t 10 ; irrass-fed , J lOtrfll.lO.
Hogs llccelpt * . ! I,80J ; shipments , l.SOO
market higher ; choice heavy and butchers
solccllons , $5350 5.55 , packing , medium to
prime , $52I ( > { 5.40 ; light grades , ordinary to
best , 15.103530.
Mon lay , Nov. 20. 18S8.
There were n good many c.Utlu here to-day
and the buyers had a better opportunity to
select what they wanted. The trade was a
little slow , although a goad many cattle were
disposed of before the closo. The fooling on
the market was o.islerln beef cattle , and the
packers were n little inclined to bo bearish
Feeders wcra In demand ntstrongnrlces am
the few ticio changed hands , as high as J.'l. 1.
being paid.
I loss.
The receipts wcro light , hut tlio demand
was good , and everything was sold at nnces
ranging strong to r > e higher than Saturday
Thcro was not u prime load of hogs In the
yards , -so that the top was only $5.35.
Thcro were a few very common slice ]
here , but nothing good enough for the
packers ,
Itnucipts' .
Cattle 1.0IX
Hogs „ 2I > ( M
Sheep v 6'W
Horses 100
is I'rlom.
The following is a tabbof pricai p.UJ In
this marxct for the grajuj of nioa't men
Pnmostoors. 1300 to 1503 O4.SO
Prime steers. 1100 to W > 3 ibs. . 3.40 ; < l.5 ( )
Native feeders 2.50 ( ai.0"i :
Western feeders 2.50 ( < f3 1)0 )
Hani : o steers , com'on to cholco 2.50 yitt.'JO '
Common to good cows 1.25 fa2.25
Cholco to fancy cows 2.M5 ( $2.90
Common to choice bulls 1.25 (32.00 (
Fair tociioico light hops 5.10 itt.VJO
Fair to cholco heavy how 5.30 ( qj : > .40
Fair to choice mixed hogs 5.'JO ( ( $5.30
No. AT. Pr.
1 bull 1,210 , $1.25
3 bulls 1,397 1.37 , '
1 bull 1,403 1.50
Ibull 1,010 , 2.00
23 cows , westerns 118-J 2.10
8 cows 1,117 , 2.10
3 cows 1,000 , 2.10
20 cows 1,008 , 2.15
2 cows 1105 2.15
3 tailings 1,123 225
1 steer , tailing 1,2)0 ) 2.25
25 cows , natives USt 2.35
17 cows , natives ! I2 < J 2.37'tf
21 cows und steers , mixea. . . . 853 2.37'
18 cows , natives ldi)2 ) 2.40
10 cows 1,105 250
1 cow , native 1,130 275
tex 1,070 325
3d steers , corn-fed 1,129 3.55
Ib steers , corn-fed natives. . . .1,200 4.00
2-1 steers , Polled Angus 1,181 4.00
77steers , corn-fed natives..1,20- 4,00
Owner. Av. Pr.
J. Hnntoon & Co.
13 feeders 1003 33.15
93 cows 1075 2.45
Mr. Matthews
19 cows 1027 2 35
Icow 910 1.50
10 cows 950 2 35
1 co w 9(5 ( ! ) 1.50
.7 ! steers 1117 2J-5
20 steers ma 2b5
23 feeders 904 2.99
William Marr
29 steers , Texas 1141 8.30
20 steers , Texas , .1143 3.30
18 steers , westerns 1033 350
1 bull , western 1(5 ( > 0 1.2 >
8 bulls , westerns 1304 1.75
Johnson & M.
Scows 105(5 ( 2.50
Icow 1100 2.00
llcowi 1133 2.50
William Trownsell
13 steers 1421 32' .
7 co ws 1018 2.40
Denver L. S. Co. '
11 steers , westerns 10S4 3.00
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
(18. ( . . .167 12) ) ? 4.90 . .am 2'Ki '
N ) . . . .2'J4 40 5.05 07 ! ! . .248 SO n'25
(54. ( . . .HIS bO 5.15 f > 5. ( . .2f > 9 120 S.25
04. . . .218 200 5.20 70. . .2(50 ( 120 5.25
' ' . .250 120 5.20 t > 8. . .242 M ) 52.1
w' . . .2SO 5.20 68. , . .2S9 120 5.30
01. . . .2.14 12J 5.2J 59. , 120
(55. ( , 40 5.20 61. . .231 bO Kbj
58 , . . .2S4 2SO 5.20 50. , , .2sO 100 5.30
70. . " 200 5.20 05. , . .302 230 5.30
04 . 219 200 5.20 ( X5. . .27(5 ( 120
7 , ) . . . .221 1IX ) 5.20 71. . .2I5 ! 120 siiio
70. . . .212 120 (54. ( , . .287 80 5. : > o
57. . 1(50 ( 5.25 G3. , . .300 -M )
78 . ! ! 259 100 5.25 (58. ( , . .279 200 siiio
11. . , .27'J 5.2i 5S. , , .276 40 5.30
03. . . .278 200 5.25 07. . , .310 UM ) 5.35
( ir . . , .2S7 240 5.25 ( is. , " 120 5.35
ra . .22 120 5.25 2. .283 120 5.35
73..250 110 5.25 (55..29J ( 80 5.35
Highest anil I/owcst.
The following uru the highest and lowest
prices paid for hogs during the | UU few days
and on the corresponding datai oua and twj
years ago :
I Nov. im I Nov. 1K < 7. Niv. ISS1.
o : t ) & > 15 4 VI 441 fi'i
r , su iftS Snndav. 3 70 Wl hOi
u ! 6 i : > > 10 4 'M © I'M
6 ; 10 < tf ( : r >
_ i H ) 4 M ) 461 f.3 i ) ( V , 4 1 K' ,
Sunday. 4 A3 tEl CJ ! I 2. ) < A40 \
4 40 Ol K ) II 7U ftl ( Kl
fi20 < & * > 40 Sunday. 3 70 4D-I UO
r , ir. Wi 4) ) 4 6) ) 11,1 .O Sunday.
5 U ) © ' . : n 4 60 ifil HI 3 5'J 4M 7ft
5 OJ w > srii 4 0) ) Wt 00 : i fis to ) ffi
6 10 Si.ri iJ 4 0- | ' , 0) )
Bllllday 4 U ) < & { UO" ; i 45 4 ! > l U >
I'nukcrH' PurclinsoH.
The following is the number of
bought by the leading buyers in to-day's
O H Hammond fi Co 4(53 (
Omaha Packing Co 79J
AruiourCPCo 1154
Produce , KruttH , Ktc.
HUTTBU I-'anoy , solid-packed creamery. 23
( iji'ic ; cholco couiitryl'J@ ' oincdluiii ; grades ,
15@l'Jo ' ; coinmoii grades , H14c. )
FLOUII Nebraska patents , f3.00@7.50 ;
Minnesota ] ) atents , M.i'a7.75 ( ; ; s'.r lKlit
grades , $5.00@'i 50 ; bakers' Hour , * 5.'JJ@3.75 ;
| icr bbl.
PoTAToiis Nebraska , l XiiSIOc per buj Colo-
ado , 75(3 ( iUc.
SWKKT POTITOBS D@3) ) c per Ib.
Poui.Titv Live clilckcng , $ J.50@375 | > er
doz ; eprliiK chickens , 6 J. 500) ) ( XI ; dressed
chlcKcns , 7c < ? So per Ib ; turkeys , b@lOo.
Kiias Strictly fresh , 2-u candled.
MALAGA OIIAPES In koss , 12o per Ib.
UAKASAS Common , f l.Wf.iti.Uo per bunch ;
choice , $2.53(3.1.60 ( ,
LUMONS W.oo per caso.
OiuxdES-Vlorida , U.WXS1.75 per box.
GA.JIK 1'or dozen : Milliards , W 50@.7. " ) ;
teal , f 1.00@l.y5 ; nuall , fJ.50 ; prairie chick-
cn 1fJ.7r@t.OOr.ibblt81H.OOsuulrrelsl1.0ji ; ;
venison , UjilUc ( per Ib ,
CiiANnuiwiBS $ J.OO ( < ? 9.00 per bbl.
PiiuvisiON-8-IInina , No. 1 , 11 0 ; No. 2
lie ; shoulders , 7Jc ; rib bacon , lie ; clear
bacon , UK" ! Piumo hams , 10 j ; dried beef
: iains , 10 > { o ; dry suited uleara , short , SU'ui
extra short , 8o : short ribs , b > fc ; ploldo.l
pigs' foot , 15-lb kits , Mc ) ; lurdj
smoked uausagc , C@ ti per Ib ; bog casings ,
ir 25@30opor dozen ; fancy 50c.
ONIONS 30tf-40i ; ) per bu.
B-fa.W uer 100.
Hrcts40i' | > cr bu '
Ti iiNir < , > io per bu. .
So nuivtiuT-Ublsi.Sl'Tr.jliiiHbbK ' | 2 71
AITI.ES Cholco , ? i.V ) , ' < , W5cr | bbl. fnncy
. ( H ) per bbl ; common , 81.i > ty4l 7.'i per bbl.
Cinnn-M'ohljpin. ' ? ! ty ; , ro p r bbl of 32
; Cnlifoniln pear older , $15 IKI par bbl
POP COHV Hico. 3- ; common , 2 > < e.
CumoT * 4 c per bu.
Hi : v-ss Choicp eastern hatidplckcd nnvic *
? J.OO per bushel ; western bandplckod na
vies , t 7.Xil S ) ; mediums , $1. 0 1.50 ; Llm.
boaii" , f > c per Ib.
HAT F. o. b. car * , No. 1 upland W.OO ; No
2 Upland , K > IK ) .
Hit \v * i ; > CUtf 10.00.
Ciini'i'iiii t' tn : ! U 00 15.00 per ton.
COHN ' . ' ( Kit STc.
Cider , li@lSc ( per gal. ; white
wine , 10rf"0o ( i > cr gnl.
Ho.sci 1-lb frames , ICOJlSc.
Grocorn' lilnt.
llcvlscd prices are follows !
HAtKiiso Stark A , aoamlosn , We ; Amo5
kcKR , scninlfsi. I7'jc ; Lewlstou A , seamless
10c ; Americnii , seamless. 17c ; burlaps , 4 to f
bu , lltaHe , gunnies , single , Ko ) ; gunnies
double , We ; wool saclt , Mo. Twines Flux
! We ; extra sail , 2)21ei ) sail U , SOftJSU1 ; cot
ton , S2c ; Jute , > "c. "
DIIIGII Kiii-ir flpi. in boxes , per Ib , 13(0 (
lllc ; dates. In boxe , 7 ( < 7 > 10c ; London Mulntrn
layer r.iliins , per nox , t2 M/tiJ 75 ; Mulng.
loose raisins , J2.l50i ; 'J .M ) , new Vnlunula
raisins , per Ib , S'jcj California loose munea
tolH , per box , (3.IKit'J.10 ) ( , Cnliforni.i Londons ,
I8sv , 10 ; pitted clu-rrlos , per Ib. ISo ; Call
fornln pitted plums , per Ib. l'rfllc ! ; drieii
bliickbcrnes , per Ib , " 'jOV ' , dried raspber
ries , per Ib , 24 ( t . ' . " > ? ; ov.tiwr.itod apples , 7 > - rS |
isc ; California siin-Uried pc.R'hes , Me ; Cali
fornia unp.ircd uvnpor.iteil peuoliL's , ir > ( u I'lc ;
ev.ipoiMtoil Californi.i apnricots , ist.j Xanti-i
currants , ! . ( rc. Turkish prunes , I'jOJ-'V' '
citron , yjn'--c ) : omngo peel , I5i. ; lemon peel ,
llic ; California I'Vench pi lines , llfifli'c. '
CoFtiiMochn : : , aVitiOo , Ulo , good , HVS
17c ; Mnnilnlilltii ; . 'J ( ) < c24c ; roiMlliiK Kio , lfifl ( (
Ulo ; O. (5. .luvn , ' 'KiO.VH1 ; .lava , Interior , i2'ii ! >
Z&a , Hio. fnncy , ISfJIUc ; Sautis and Mara-
calbo , 17i7ilc ! ) ; Arbuoklcs , 2l'i ' ; McLangh-
litrs. KXXX. 21 > 4
Stn\K ( ifiinulntctl , 7' ' c : conf. A , Tsc ( , ;
\\hlto c.\tra C. 7'4c ' ; extra C , 7'ic ' ; yellow C ,
C > l < jC ; powdered , ' o ; ctibos , hlif'
MII.SWACholcu : yellow , 20 ( < r JJe , ' ; ilarlc
colored , 1H ( Hi1.
CIIKCXU YOUMIJ America , full crc.ini , 12
U' ' . , ; full cream elicddars. lljjWc ( : fullcieam
Hals , 12'ic.
PICICI.KS Medium , in bbls , $5.00 ; do. , in
half bbls , $ : ) . ( ) ( ) ; small , in bbls , * ii 0) ) ; do , iu
half bbls. $ .l.i\ ( ) ; gherkins , in bbls , jr.OO , do. ,
in half bbls , ? I.IK ) .
Toiiuto Plug , 2.i7l ( smoking ; ,
JBI.I.ICS ? l.'j per . ' 10 Ib pail.
SALT $1 : iiVf l.B : per bbl.
Koi'i : 7 Iti. I1- .
MAI-I.K Sro ui-Hrlclts , lir < ? 12c per .b ;
penny calces , l.Vdlc per Ib ; pure m.iplu
syrup , $1 ( K ) per gal.
Ti8 Voung Hyson , common to fair , 19 ( ' < >
25c ; Young Hyson , trooil to fancy. 'JJVf ( fl.'c ;
Gunpowder , common to cood. 2J ( J5c ; Gun
powder , choice to fancy.UKu ( Vic : Japan , com
mon to medium , 15u20c ( ; Jnp.ui , choice to
fancy , S0it ( > 45c ; Oolong , common to good. 25
@ lie : Oolong- , choice to fancy , .rf/70c ( ) ; Im
perial , common to medium , 25 ( < tnu ; ; ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , 40 < i5i ! ) : .
NOTH Almonds , I SOB 1 Si- ; filberts , ! 2'.D15c ;
llriuil , iji10c ) ; walnuts , 12- ; pecans , ID llc ;
peanuts , itic. :
Cituiccits ireio * per Ib ; assorted cakes ,
8C12.V per 11) us per list
CANDI Mixed , O'iiiBIS'jC ' ; stlilc ,
rbck candy , MiJtffiJilHc ; fancy candy ,
Hi L AN.I Hi n us-n OOe.
Com nn Ji@ ) iiC. .
( iool8.
COTTOV Fi.KSsri.s 10 per cent dis. ; LL.
5l c ; ( JU , ( i'Ji'c ; Sri , Tjife1 ; Nameless , 5e ; HX ,
l c ; U , 2Uc ; iN'o. 10 , 8j < jc ; No. 40 , 10'c ; No.
l-O , 12 , ' ; No SO laijojA'o. ItJ.colored , ! ) c. No.
511 , colored , 12 ; No.70colore.l , 1'JWc-j Bristol ,
12'-c : Union P.u-iflc. 17o.
Uui'irViii1 Bib white , 1'Je ; eoloied ,
S Standard , Sc ; gem , l ( < o ; beauty ,
12' ' jc ; lioone , He ; B , c.isjd , * i5) ! ) .
Pius rs Solid culori Atlantic , He ; Slater ,
Cc : Berlin oil. U' c , ; ( i irnocoil , ( VjiJc.
Pitivrs Pink and lloojji Allen 0 ? ; Ktvor-
point , 5) < Jc ; St < ; cl Uivci-j O' ' . c ; Richmond ,
( i'jo ; Pacillc. e.
1'uis-T.s Dress Charter Oak , 51/3 ; Hum
ape , 4''c ' ; L.oti,5' ] ' c : Allen , Oo ; Uichmond ,
( > ofmdsor ; , GJ c ; Kddvstouc.ii' ' c ; Pacitic ,
liLR4tiiiBD Snr.r.TiMiHefkoky cambric
No. ( X ) , ! ) ' * < : ; Best Yet , 4-4 , OJ/c ; butter cloth ,
dale cambric ll' c ; LousJale , He ; New York
mills , 10j < jC ; Peppercll. 42-m , lie ; Peppercll ,
40-in , 12c ; Peppercll , ( M , ICc ; Peppercll , 8-4 ,
IMc ; Pcpjiprull , U-4 , 2'ie ; Poppcrcil. 10-4 , U5c :
Canton , 4-4 , 8l c ; Triumph , ( \Vnui9Uttit ; ,
llc ; Valley , 5e
Ifi.AN.NKi.-j Plaid Hiftsmen , 20c : Goahen ,
32'a'c ' ; Clear Lake , 3'Jl , c ; Iron Mountain ,
Vi.Assni. i White G H , No.2. . ' , . 22 'c ; G
H , No. 1. ? { , 20j ; H H , No. 2 , { . Si' ' c ; B H ,
No. 1 , H , HOc ; Qucciice No. I , % < 42c.
Coiisir.lE4NS Androscoggin. 7 c ; Kear-
sarge , 7J , c : Ifcjekuort. ( i' ' c ; Conrsloga , O' ' 1.
TIC-KS York , 30 in. . I2' c ; York , : m ,
l.'IKu ; Swift river , < D/c : Thorndike OO , S'.jC ' ,
Thorndiko KE. 8K" ; Thorndike 120 , < JH i
Thorndiku XX , 15o ; Cordis No. 5 , O'j'u ; Cor-
dis No. 4 , 7'-C.
Desiils Amoskead , 9 oz , ItiJ c ; Everett 7
oz , l ic ; York , 7o , lUUc ; Havm iker. S'rfc ;
.laffrey XX , ll c : JtilTrey XXX , 12' ' c ;
Beaver Creek A A. 12o ; Heaver Creek HB ,
lie ; Beaver Creisk CC. 10c.
KKNTUCKV JEVJJS Memorial , Ific ; Dakota ,
18c ; Durham , 27Hc ; H roulus , Ibc ; Lenmlm-
ton , 22 > < c ; Cott wold. 27 ; < fc.
CIIASII Slovens' H , llj o ; Stevens' B ,
lileaclied. 7c ; Stevens' A , T c ; Stevens' A ,
bleached , SJ c ; Stevens' P , S' ' c ; Stevenn1
P , bleach d , ll o ; Stevens' N , SiJ c ; Stevens'
N , bleachud , 10' c ; Stevens' SItt , rJ' ' o.
Miscri.LANtoUb Table on cloth , S25) ;
plain Holland , ll' ' c ; Dado Holland , 12' ' c.
Brown Sheotinir Atlantic A , 4-4 , Tc ;
Atlantic H , 1-4 , 7J c ; Atlantic D , 4 4 , % ;
Atlantic P. 4 I. lie ; Aurora LU J-4 , ( ! c ; An
rora C , 44J c ; Crown XXX 4-J ( IJfi- ;
Hoosicr LL , 4tie ; In li.m Head , 4-4 , 7Kc ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , flOld ; Dominion , 4 4 ,
1 > o ; Peppercll K , 4-4 , 7u ; Pappercll O , 4-1 ,
% c ; Pepperell , 8-4 , l c : Pdppjrell , 0-1 ,
-Me ; Pcpp'i-cll , l'-4 ) , 21e ; Uti-i , C , 4 4 , l c ;
Wachusett , 4-4 , 7 o ; Aurar.i K , 4-4 , 7c : Au
rora B , 4-4 , li'tfc.
DITK West Point 23 in. 8 oz. . lOJ e ; West
Point 29 in , 1(1 ( oz. 12140Vcst ; Point 29 in , 12
oz , 15c : West Point 40 in , 11 oI0c. .
FiANXni.s-Ucd , C , UJ in. K a ; K , 2-t in ,
21 e ; GO , 24 in , 20c ; HAF , X. 2w ; JKF ,
% . 2i"c.
GIVOIIAM Plunkett checks , 7J c ; Whlttnn-
.on , 7'.jc ' ; York. 7' c ; Norm null dresi , Jjjjji1 ;
Jnlcuttn dress , b'fc ; Whittenton dress ,
Uenfrow dress ,
CVMIIIIIUS Slater , fij c ; Woods , 5'4'c ' ;
Standard , S' c ; Peacock , iV c.
PUIETS , IXDii.n BLI-K Arnold , ( ! Kc ; Amor-
can , li'fc ' ; Gloucester , ( i c ; Arnold C lone
cloth.iJc : Arnold B long cloth , lOWe ; Arnold
Gold Seal , lO c ; Stlofcl A , 12c ; Windsor
Gold Ticket ,
[ " "irst and second clear , I1In.fl9 00351 00
First and second clear , 1 > in. . . 47 ( M@V ) 00
Third Wear , l1 ! " . ; ill . 43 03 ( 4(1 ( 00
A select , l O'l in. . , . , . H7 09
B select , IKfjil'tf In . : u 00
A stock boards , ICdJIO ft , 12 in . 411 CO
B stock boards , 1205111 ft , lain . 41 00
C stock boards , 12u ( > lrt ft , 42 in . : tij 00
J stock boards , r.'yfilO/t , 12 in . 'ii 10
flooring , ilrst commoi\ 0 In . Ul 00
flooring , second common' , 0 in . 31 00
-iolect fencing flooring. . . 19 00
Siding , Ilrst and Second ulearUGJU > ft. .25 00
Siding , Ilrst common , 10 Jt . 22 00
tiding , second common , . . . . . 19 ( K )
Join mon boards . 1(1 ( 00
S'o. 2 boards , all lengths. , . 14 50
Fencing , No. 1 , 12 20 ft. . 10 f > 0
Fencing , No S , 12 , 14 ami 18 ft . 15 50
Joist and scantling , 2x4 , 14@10 feet. , . . . Ill 00
Timber , 4x4 , hxS. 12@K1 feet . 17 OJ
'iekets , I ) and H llat . 2J 00
'Ickets , Dand H sijuaro . 2200
Shingles , extra A . 2 SO
Shingles , Standard A . 2 00
Lath . 2 40
O G Hatta , 2 > < f In . OJ
O G Halts , Iix3 , S I S . 35
3in well tubing , Dand M bov . 2200
hen t her.
Hemlock solo. 1827cperlb ; oaksole , 33@
Site per Ib ; oak harness , yo@32o per I1) ; solac
ed oak and trace , : ! 5u perlb ; oak and hem.
ock upuer. 20-22o per foot. Hemlock calf
kin , No. 1 , bOc.Ko per Ib , according to
velght ; oak calf skin , No. 1 , 00c@1.00 per
b ; Philadelphia calf skin , extru , * l.M@l ( 10
icrlb ; hemlocK kip skin , No. 1 , 60@70o par
b : oak lip , No. 1 , 70ftOc per Ib ; Phila
delphia kip skin , extra , bO@UOo perlb. Frenujj
calf skins , ( according to woightand nuallty ) ,
1.15cjl,75 ( per Ib. Frenbh kipbkins , do , SOcQ
1,10 i > r Ib. Cordovan ruasctt , 18cj aatiu
nnlsh. COc t > cr foot ; welt leather ,
per side ; moroccos ( pebble poaO , Srt
per foot , moroccos , boot lev , 8530c ( pc
foot ; glove calf skins , seigTOo tier foot
Douglas kid , ; ? iVT40c l' ' r foot ; kangaroo
skins. 40utf)0i : per foot , nccordlng to ouallty
Toppings , $ < MOOO per dozen ; llnlnes
KttWfiliO ( ) ( per dozen ; nproiiskins , llO.tKX ; :
12.00 per dozen.
.Mc.tnli nnd Tinners' Stook.
Block tin , small pig ? .2
Block tin , bar 'j' .
Copper , planished boiler sles fl
Copper , cold rolled ! )
Copper , sheathing , * i (
Cojipcr , pltts 3 (
Copper , llHts 3
Gal. sheet iron , Junlatn , 50-10 and 5pero. ttis
Pat. planished Iron , 2 to 2 ? A 10' ' ,
Pat planished Iron. 2-1 to 27 B ! 'i ' ,
Hoofinc , 1C , 14x20 , 112 sheets $ Ow
Hooting , IX. 1U20 , 112 sheets 7 W
Hooting , H ! , 20x''S , 112 sheets 11 ( U
Hooting , IX , 2K2S ( , 112 sheets ! . : (
Sheet iron , No. 20. . . . : i M
Sheet iron , No. 27 ; t C
Tin plate , best charcoal
1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets SrtM )
IX , 10x14 , 25 sheets 8.2T
Tin plate , coke
1C. 1014. . 225 sheets 02 , '
Steel nails , per keg 2 2i
Steel wlro nails , per keg 2.'JO
An Absolute Ctirn.
Is only put up in largo two ouncu tin boxes ,
and is nn absalutu euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and nil skin crip-
tious. Will positively care nil kinds of piles.
MKwT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , nt'io
cents per box by tuiiil 30 cents.
liiHtrmncntH Placed on Hruuril Dtir
ititr Vcstcrilny.
1 A Cottrell and wife to .1 II llycr , nnd ' {
of liK'ixi'4 ( ! ft , und s w cor n w or w o li-li-
1:1 : o , > \ < i . . * ; tooo
J llurkcr vt nl to N V \ < ) I , . .VTt'o. . lots
11. 14 and 11) ) , l > lk 2 , sub J I Itcdlclc aadd ,
w il . 7,000
0 II Whrolcrjr nmnvlfo to 1) \\hcelcr. .
lot 15 , blk I. Cluiundon\\ . 3.1.0J
C II llartninu to.l (1 ( lluilmnn , llartmnn s
rescrx o. i | c il . . . . . .
Cl'l'uriiur loSSParH , lot 3) ) , blk''I.
Walnut Mill , xd . . 2,100
HT.Miixwell Hnil wifu lo V N lloss 'i '
of lot U. blk liCi , So. Omal.n it. . 1,000
F W Munnehe to .1 I' fcciser , lot at , blk ! . ' ,
Illmcliiuiph'sailil. w il l.OOJ
.1 Illln } to M Dounellv. lots Pi nnd 16 , blk
S , Mc ( orinlrk'i * "il ii'ld. 11 c < l . . . ]
A Johnson nnd wlfi' to A. Sharp , lot 10 ,
blk 5 , Ilowi A"HI' " add. w il C.OUO
T II THj-lor to ( ! Schrot tier , o 1U ft of lot
IB. aud n ir > It of e 1U ft lot 17 , blk JO ,
Patrick's''il add , wil . 4,500
W Arthur to'I Ilurd , uml ' , of vv 'i of lot
n , Vilk "T , " Fhtnn'ti Si com ! mid , w < 1.
T Hod nnd wlfoto Ait'iur ' , und'J of
e'jof ' lot ; . lilt "J' , " Miluns Second
add. w < 1 . . .
T II Taylo to M M Miusliall , lots Kl , 14
mid I . lilk IH. Wnlmit hill , w U : ) ,000
M M Marshall and wife to Payne & ( lod-
daul , IOIH 11 , H uml 111 , blk 11' , U ulmit
Jiill. wd.
I'avi.u A. ( lOddarcl to M M Marshall , lot " ,
bl ' ' . l.nVeta t > lnct > , w d. .
15 I. I.nt'-on to K I. Johnson , lot 18. lilk ; t ,
l.ako \ lew , w < 1 . . . . .
W I , .Mcl'aguu to I. I ) Spildlng. n .HI It of
s IT. : ft of w H'lft ' ot blk V. .McC.tgno'H
mid. w il
J .1 ( tiiniiilng * toC F Itrel , s 'J ' lot IIbile
21 , WllroVsIM nilil , w d
1) TV NIXP el nl lo 13II Wheolnn , lots 1
and 2. blk 1 , Oxford 1'lnce. d
A Shnrp and ttlfj to A Johnson , lot 10 , blk
5 , Hoggs Ic miVt mill , w d.
Twentj transfers , aggregating $ jl,00 (
liuildln I'crnuts.
The foliowiu < bulldlnjj permits were issued
yrsterdnv :
C. I Str\kLV , frame dwelling on South
and Hilitecntlihtrect *
S. K. JiiLiiMm. rr.imo reslduncu on Twen-
ty-luatsticet - .
U o permit- . . ii'greciiting { t 1,11)0 )
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
on. ChlciiKO , Milwaukee.
, , , ,9.0 ! P * Plo nf N bra ka,0.lo-
fJ , n , ! w' ° ! aMt.VM } > ' Idnho. Nevada , Oregon.Va > .li-
JlIS U. R1 ? California , It offers superior adrantngei
not itble
po by any other line.
Araonir a few of the nnmrrouK polnti of snperlorlty
. iVSt > r l' ' ' * Patrons of Uilh nian Omaha
, \ic'iifw \ . ! * ° V.BLB lu inn'B trul' " n a * ' ° f I > AY
rOAC.IIKh , which
arc the finest that human nrt nnd
nn-nulty cnn ori-itt. . Its I'ALACEM.KKI'INO CA41S
'hui-qiialof which can not bo found eHenhero. At
( oiincll bluff , the trains of the Union 1'arttlo Hall.
wny . connect In union depot with thuso of the Chi-
euro * .Northweslcru lly. In Clilcuao the trains of
' ' * " ' ° conn < ! cUon wlth thofoof allotber
her Dolrolt'Columbui. . Inrtl napoll . Cincinnati ,
J Ink-era I alia , Ilutfalii. I'lllsburg. Toronto , Montreal
o tuti. New Tork. I'hllartelpliia , Ilnlllmore , W ih
Ij-elon , and all potntstn the Kast. A > k fortlcketa Tla >
' °
tMa A" tlck ° l
. E. p. WILSON.
Gen I Manager. Gen'l 1'asar Ageut.
" ' '
' . N. BAUCOTK . "n'WSlte'r Apont.
* JA. r. " K > WBST. City Pan-onger Agent
HOI Farnam Ht _ Omalia. Nub ,
Milwaukee & St Paul '
Chicago , , R'y.
The Best Route from Omnlin nnd Council
muffs to
L'blcRgo , ANU SJIlnniikee ,
St. rani , Mlnncnpolls , Cedar Itispldg ,
Itock Island. Freeport , Kockford ,
Clinton , Dubuquc , DnvcnDoit ,
Clgln , JIudison , Junesville ,
UelolL , Wluona , La Crossu ,
And all other Important nolnts East , Nortbiiust and
For through tickets , call < > u the ticket uncut ut 1W |
Purnaiu street. In Darker Uloci , or at ( Jnlou 1'actllo
1' Sleepers and tin flneitUlnlni Car In tb
world are run on the main Hoe of tbu Chicago , Mil-
nakee , V St. Paul Kallnay , and ierr attention Is pa4 !
to paisenitsri by touruious niploreiol tbecompaDr ,
if. .Mll.nBjl.cleneral Manager.
J. K. TUCKKR. Anlitsnt Uanaral Uansgor.
A.'V. II. CAHl'ENTKll , Qvntral 1'aueiiger ant
llcket Av nt.
GEO. K IIBAFKOKD , A litanv General Priscnfer
aud Ticket Aflat.
J. T. CLAUIC tituerUSuparloteadtoi.
Advertising tins ahrnys provoa
eucceteful , Bcforo iilnolnir any
Newspaper Advertising oonsui
U I * > lUnJcltb Stmt , CHIRAOOu
u. 1'Ai.virn. x , p. niniMAX. .1 , n. III.A CIIAIIO
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Scu-Uuotn5Oppo lto Kxehaneo llnlldlne , union
_ Btock Ynra , t-oulli Omaha. Hull ,
Lire Stock Coimuissioii ,
loom U , Exchange Ilulldlcir , ( Jnloa Etock Yards.
Cominision Bealers in Liye Sock ,
. : au > 23 , Oppotlto Kichanuo UulldlnK , Union Stock
Yurdi , boutli Omaiia , Neb.
" *
Of Omaha , Limited
< * lu V .Bard , BiUfiriiktcoa tat.
Aurloiilturai Implements.
DealerinAericnltnrallfflplenicnts , Wagons ,
ntglM Ji > < io SttT < tbttlrceli8tl > lilH )
ota , Dnnln N > tir k .
AgriciiltnralliaDlBnicnts.Wapiis.CarriaEC . .
lIunKlr * . Etc Wtiok'Kilc. Onuhn , Nf l > t k
\\liolfinlf Healer * In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & finales
mi , Wtl , U6 anil PU7 Jonrn Street , Omttm.
P. P. MAST Si CO. .
Mannfactnrers of Bnckcye Drills ,
C"ullt lor , U j ItnVei.CMtr Mllll and I.ubiin 1'ul
Tcrlicti Cor lithfiiHt Nlcholti Plrcrli.
- Wholnnlc
Agricultural Implements , Waeons &BD ics
'frn r ti'h " * 1 VI * < * ' * MrfMt.
Akrun , Ohio.
Hamsllng Machinery and Binder Twine ,
\V. K. Mffft I , Man er. 15131 tnvonworlh < L Omntia
.MntmfncturiT'fttvlJobl'crs In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cur. Otli nn t l' cltu streets , Omnliit , Ned.
ArtlatB * Nlntorlfllo ,
A HOSPE. Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1M3 l > oucl Btrt'pl , Omfthi , NcbrMkn.
JBooksollora nnd Stationers.
H. M. & S. W.'JONES ,
Saccciiorstu A. T. Kenrmi A \YholomleAIletnll
Bookseller and Stationers.
Kltio WaililtiiB Stationary , Comnitrrlal btntloiiorr
I4 DuuKiai Btrvet Uinaha.Nrb.
Boota and Shoot.
( Succc ser to llreil , Jours A < o )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
AKintifur Notion lluhDir Shoo Co I10J , 11U& HUC
llnrney it. , Ouial > . KctmaUa.
W. V. MORSE & CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101 llttVUOi Douttlm St. Omaha ManufactorySum
mer M. . luston.
Colfooa , Sploeo , Ktc.
Unialia CoHeo nuil f pice Mllli.
Teas , Coifees , Snices , Baking Powder ,
lavurlnc Kitrictp. l.iundrjr Illue. Ink * . Ktc. 1IH
' "
"iTuilT rp y atr ot , Onialia.
Crockery and Cjasswaro.
Agent for the Mninfacturcri mail Irapoitcti of
Crockery , Glassware , lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc tig co. 317 S. l > th Sit. , OnJHha , Xobr kn.
Imoortpn mil Jobber * of
Crcciery , Glassware , Lanms , Silyerwarc
Etc. 1514 ttr mSt. I < cv I'xUon llnlldlng.
Commission end Storage-
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
eclaltlr1 " * - * * " f'tip * r'niiltrf , ( * amc.
112HowarJ Slr t. Omaha. cr-
( juccrieors to McSbano A Bohroeilcr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha. Nebraska.
Flour , Feefl , Grain and Genera Connnision
Merchant. Corrf | innilpnc sollcllcil. 10JI North Ktb
f Iri'ol , Omaha , .Noli.
Coal , Coke end Limo-
Johoers of Hard and Son Coal ,
209 South 13th Plrcot , Oraarm , Ngbroikn.
Manufacturers ofLlin
AnJitilppciB ur CoalCoak. Camen i'i ter. Mm
Drain Tile , and Sewer Wpo.'C 219 , S. 11th
St. . Qmaba , Neb. Telopbcn Ell.
Dry Goods nno Notions.
M. E"SMI'TH * ccT. .
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 and 1104 PouelM. Cor. llth St. , Omaha. Neb.
Importers andJohDersinDryGoodsNotions ,
Gents' KurnliblnK Ooodi. Comer llth add Huncj
bl . , Om ba. Nfbra ka.
' "
Shippers of Coal and Goto
214 Fouth 13th tit. . Omaha. Neb.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnim Street , Omaha. Nebraska.
Omnha. Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
706. TOT , 709 and 'HSJOth fit. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers
t tti and LeKTonwortli Streets. Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale ) Manufacturers of
Saddlery & Jabbers of Saddlery Hardware
And Leather. 1101,1105 nnd 1407 Ilnrner Bt. , Omaha ,
JHoayy Hardware.
" "
w. J. ROATCH" ,
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Sprlnii , WaKen .stuck. Hardware. Lumber , Ktc. lift
ud 1211 llarne ; BtioctOujaha.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanic * ' Tooli and Buffalo Rcalei. 1106 Douglui
Wholesale Hardware ,
Ctb and Ilarner Hti , Otoaba , Neli. Wiitern Agcntl
( or Austin Powder Co. , Jefferron Hteel Nall ,
Fairbanks tftandanl Holes.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
JletaU , sheet Iron , etc. Agents for Flowe Bcultu ,
Miami l'o\Klur aiiUl.yninu llarbcd wire ,
OtUitUu , Nebraska ,
Hats , Capo , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Haraer Street , Ornakd , Nob.
All Kinds of Bnilfling Material at Who
* 16tj Blreet and Union I'aclllc Track , OmJt .
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
l > our , Htc. Yinin-Corucr 7tU and Uuuclanj Cornel
tU nuil Jtuuilat
c. N. D"IETZ.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th nnil CVtfomln SlrcfH. Omaha , Nct > m < ,
Lumber Linio CcuTeiii/Eic /
, , , , Etc ,
Cornjmh onn Doiiclm Fit. . Otnuh * .
To Dealers Only ,
OBlff.lKa Putnam Sttfft Omntin ,
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
While .
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
\Vc il Carped and Parquet Hoorlni Mh an Doti
Millinery nnd Notions.
luporters & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
ilOnniHU Soillli Illli '
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jcnna piinU.iihlrti , Kt INMnml 11W IKmslai Street ,
Oliinhn , Neli.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
11(1 nnil < U' > PC nth 10th HI. , Omaha.
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Aile ( ! rcn i'Klc.Ora h . A. 11 nithoii. Manatar
Notions aid Gent's '
Furnishing Good ? ,
110& Harnei Streut , Omahn.
_ Office Flxturoa.
Mniiiitailiiro.s uf
Bauk , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantlei. Mdelionr.l , Hook Cam' " , Drug FIMtirps.Wkll
Cnv" I'aitltUitm llallliik'iil'oiintrr > . lln-rauil Wlrtrt
CiMilcm , Mlrrom cli' 1-udorj nm' oltlcf , laacd ITa
touth Uih St. , Oruuhn. Tvlopliune 1UI.
Paints and OB. |
Whuloolo Ionler In
Paints , Oils , Window Glais , Etc ,
HIS ffarnam Stroct. Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry n nice took of I'rlntlnir , Wrapping anil Wrlllnl Special attention Rlvim to tnr loart < mler .
_ Paper Boxos.
Proiirietor Omalia Pacer Box Factory ,
KOJ. m anil 1319 Uouglns St. , Otnalm , Neb.
_ Soods.
PHll. S r\MMElTs \ : CO.r
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
CIl uml 9U Jonon Htrvit. Umiiliu.
Storage , Forwarding & Commleslon
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Dranch houtin of tbo lU'impr Duxry ( > o. BticRles at
wliok'sile ami relnll , 1 U UlOnn < l 1.U2 lianl Street.
Omaha. Tclepbonc No. 710.
Brewera *
Lager Beer Brewers ,
liZl North EljthteentU Street , Omnha , fcb.
Mannfactnre Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
Jotio Bpencter , Proprietor. HUnodaannd lUlnnd Id
Nurth 10th Slreol , Oratha.
Printers' Materials.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
IXnlen In T "
Rubber Goods-
Manufacturers and Dealers in filler Goofls
ail Clothing and Leather llcltlag. KM iiriiam Htre u
838htDoorB _ _ , Etc. _
Wliolciale MonuCictururs of
Sash , Doors. Blinds aud Mouldings ,
Ilranch Office , 12th and linrf Streets , Omaha , Neb.
f'auufacturei's of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
V ulUlDK' , Walr Work and Interior Uarrt Wool Hu
go. N. E. Corner 8th and l arunwortb btreots ,
Oinaha , f > 'co.
Flttlnea , Pumpa , ' Etg.
A. L. ST RANG CO , .
PQIHDS , Pipes aud Engines ,
Jteam , Water , lla Iway and MlnlnK Hiippllei , Etc.
( UO , Vti and Wl Kartiam ijtreet. Omaha.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fillings ,
Jteam and Water Buppllo. TT' ' ' "Mri r. for-Mrnt.
_ Kuril urn t. , Ora a
Steam aud Water Supplies , '
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
hc tron Work : Htearii j Parana , Haw MIHi.
ix'arenn orth f trect , Oinaha.
Iron Works.
Carter It ton , Prop's. Manufacturers of all kind !
Steal Boilers , Tanks and Sheet Iron WorK
Works Houth 20th and D. $ M. Croillnir.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building fort
Enxlnea , Ilrass Work.Qonoral Foundry , Maohlne and
illuckimllb Work , ortae nnd Works , U. 1 * . llj.
aid Ulh street. Omaha.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
Vaults , Jail Work , Iron and Wire Kenclnir.Hlxns , KM.
U. Andrgeo. 1'rup'r. Cur. lltb and Jaciuon tin.
Iron and Wire Fences , Railing ? , Guards I
tu < ] Hcrecni , fnrtankioRlc < . torp reiUlenroi. to.
Imuriivml Awtiliu'i. Ixicloitiltli MHCliliieritnd
Illmkiinltli horn. , lUlt-uiim lltU at.
Fireani Burglar Praif SafesJirae Loc'is
UlllVr.ll A cllt i.II UltUUM H I .t l.UCi CUiUUlyj' *
Vuultl neil JU VIolU , 11V a. 1HU BU