Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1888, Image 1

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It RngcD With Torrlblo Violence
All Alontr the Coast
The Nolilc Work of ilic Volunteer Ijlfe
Crew Incalculable
Caused by
tlie Htorni.
Hurrlonium mul Snow.
BOSTON , Nov. 23. Tlio terrible effects of
Mst night's storm have boon everywhere
manifest along the const to-day. Although
Iho loss of life already reported Is largo , It
would have been still greater but for the
hrnvo olTorts of Captain Jnmes unil his vol
unteer life Having crow of Hull , who nro
credited with saving twenty-eight persons
from disabled vessels. On Sunday afternoon
n largo thrro-master went broadside on the
bcitoh lit Hull. Captain James nnd his men
rushed for the lifo boat of the Mussachu-
lelts Hutnano society at Stony Beach ,
and after strenuous efforts they succeeded in
bringing ashore a crew of nine men from the
tchooncr , wh'e'i proved to bu the Cox and
Urocn fi-oin Phlladcluhla for Chelsea , with
coal. The vessel Is now fast bruukmg up.
Hardly hnd the band of rescuers com
pleted tticlr work nt this place when another
vessel was discerned on the rocks about an
nluhth of a mllu further up thu beach , but
farther from shore than the other. Hur
riedly rushing their apparatus to thu
most available location , they found that
the distance was too great to allow the use
of a breeches buoy , and a lifeboat was quickly
manned. The waves , too , were tremendous ,
and it was only after a hard mid persistent
ntnigglu that the vessel was reached , their
boat twice swamping In the attempt. The
boat was at last brought under this vessel's '
bow and a crew of eight men swung them-
Helves Into It. The return to shore was n
perilous trip , the boat filling several times ,
but it was finally thrown on the beach among
the rocks by a huge wave and entirely
smashed ,
The volunteer lifo savers continued their
patrol of the beach , and at daybreak sighted
u third vessel ashore , about a half mile
northeast of Abbott. She could not bo
reached by the breeches buoy , and us their
Htirf boat had been demolished , thu tireless
men started for Strawberry Hill station , four
miles away , and returned with thu Humane
society's new boat. This boat withstood the
huge breakers and landed a crow of seven
men.Not satisfied with the work already accom
plished , Captain James and his band of
twelve started for Atlantic Hill , seven miles
down the beach , whcrq two inoro vessels
were reported asliore , Hnrc they wore
joined by Captain James Anderson , of thu
Humane society station ut Crescent IJeach ,
and Captain George H. Drown , of the gov
ernment station ut North Scituate. Their
efforts wcro directed to the rescue of flvo
men who could bo seen clinging to the rig
ging of ono of the vessels. The sea was run
ning higher than over known before at this
point , and it wus thought Impossible to reach
the wreck with , a surf boat. Hunt guns were
brought into use , und two lines were almost
simultaneously fired across her foretop by
Captains Anderson and Drown. Thu men in
the rigging eagerly seized the line , and a
hawser was pulled ahead , but Just as a buoy
was about to bo sent out the line became *
fouled and thu buoy was rendered useless.
At this critical moment three young men of
Cohassct , named Ainslo. Antoiuc and Salvador
vader , manned a .small dory and nt great
peril attempted to clear the lines. In this
they wore unsuccessful. The surf boat was
then put out on Its third perilous Journey.
The waves wore enormous , at times lifting
the boat as high as thu maintops of the dis
abled schooner , but the brave crew never
faltered , and at last reached thu vessel's
stern. As iiiick | as they wcro within hailing
distance a nearly exhausted seaman crawled
out Irom under a furled sail. Captain James
threw him a line , which he fastened aruuml
his body , jumped into the sea and was rapidly
drawn into the boat by strong and willing
hands. A desperate attempt was made to
force the surf boat foward to the foremast ,
but the waves would beat it back , and for
nearly nn hour they struggled before they
succeeded in reaching and holding their de-
Hired position. The men in the rigging were
terribly exhausted , and it was a difllcult un
dertaking for them to descend , but , ono after
the other , four of them descended In safety ,
Jumped overboard , and , like the llrst , were
drawn Into the bout.
It was then discovered that the fifth sailor
In the rigging was a corpse , and his body
WHS loft hi its icy resting place , The surf
boat then headed for the slioru and a safu
landing was effected amlil the cheers of the
npectators. When thu storm struck the boat
Captain Kales and one seaman refused to go
aloft and they worn swept overboard. The
others took to the rigging , wliuru Steward I.
Brouifj , of Kast Huston , being unable to
withstand thu cold , died curly Sunday morn
ing and was lashed to a mast uy his
" companions. If the vessel rides out the
Btorm. as now seems likely , the body will
probably bo removed to-morrow.
About ono thousand feet northwest of the
boat , high and drv upon thu sandy beach ,
within reaching distunuo of Damon's pnvil-
lion , lies the three-master , Mattlo 1C. Katon ,
from Boston to 1'urt Spain , with a general
cargo. The captain and crow wuro in the
rigging for efo/lit hours before she struck , but
then succeeded in reaching ttio shore in safety
in thuir boat. Still another vessel was been
drifting about by the untiring band of rescu
ers , and getting no response to their attempt
to placu lifo lines , the vessel was boarded by
thu gallant crow , but no ono was on board ,
It was thu hrlgantlnu Alice. The eruw re
turned to shuru and their noble work was
Hiwiox , Nov. M. The schooner Avolon of
S . John , N. H. , for Now York , with acaig )
of latliF , drugged iishoro on hpvtaclo island
during the storm yesterday. The Avolon ex
pcrloncod a terrillc gale in the bay , during
which three of the o/ow were wuslol over
board and lost. The schooner T. F , Walker ,
of Fall Kiver , from I'hiladclphir , is ashore
nt Hull. Captain West and his first mule
nro reported lost. The schooner Abbott , of
and for Philadelphia la ashore I'ero.
SiiiTi'ATi : , Mass. , Nov.'JO.Tho largo fish
ing schooner Kdward Norton , of and from
Doston , went ashore on First Cliff point at
liiUU last night und Immediately went to
pieces , Her crew consisted of sixteen men ,
and fifteen of them porishcd.
DANVCU" , Mass. , Nov. till. Thu present
Btorm is the worst over experienced hero at
this time of thu year. Tuu wind blows a hur
ricane , and the snow Is drifted ton height , of
three and four feet. The horsu cars have
been abandoned all along the line and relig
ious sorvio sat the churches were suspendm !
last night. Telegraph , telephone und electric
light wires are down , dr.iins nro full and
Btreota llooiled.
Nuw VniiK , Nov. 20.- [ Special Telegram
to TUB DIKI : Yesterday's blu/ard was ter
ribly severe all along the North Atlantic
roast as well us in the interior. Several of
thu tttcauihhips which arrived brought ac
counts of severe struggles with Atlantic gules
the last two weeks. The Celtic of the Whlto
Star , linn t\Krleni'cd ) | very bad weather.
Hamilton 11. Salmon , a well known business
inun of this city , sustained seven ) Injuries
during thu voyugo and may bo crippled. The
Btcamcr Alvah , which arrived from Hamburg
nnd Portland with a cargo of merchandise
tut no put-sunder * , suffered inorathan any ol
thu incoming vessels. She labored la tro-
iiiondoiiH seas for four days mid during that
time nix sailors were disabled , sustaining
fractures of limbs or Internal Injuries. Thu
French steamer La Champagne was also very
roughly handled.
CAI-K MAV. N , JNov. . 20.-Tho sea * tire
beating heavily tigulnsi the new bulkhead of
the New Mount Yoruon tract. Thospr.iyft
flying higher over the board walk at the
lower eml of thu city than has over been
known iioforo. The Iron ocean pier remain *
yet. Aboyo the city the sea has. cut avvuy a
breach from ton to flltccu fuut. The sdjht
i ) a mugulllccnt one , and Is wit
nessed by almost the cullro popytu-
lion of the city. A Imlfwav house
Just within the city limits Is n complete
wreck , and now lies flat upon thu ground.
The board walk , or boulevard , owned by the
city , extending from Michigan nvenuo to
Uhelsea , is almost entirely carried away.
1 ho beach Is strewn for miles with debris. A
strong wind luwl a clear sweep nt the water ,
and it rolled towards Baltic avenue this
morning In most alarming volumes. Residents -
dents along the greater part of the nvenuo
were compelled to use boats to get away
from their Hooded houses.
MIXIIATTAN HEUUI , L. 1. , Nov. 20.
Thu tumpest rent-lied its highest strciiRtn
hero at 1 p. m , to-day , the lido being very
high and the breakers tremendous , with a
strong northeast wind driving them on the
esplanade , which runs along the whnlo front
of Munlmtt'iu board. About seven hundred
and fifty feet was thrown hlifli in the air , and
destroyed from ono end to the other. Imme
diately afterwards the depot at the west end
of the Marino railroad was swept Into the
sea bodily , mm In a few minutes more , fully
ono third of the track of the road was also
carried nway. Brighton pavilion was par
tially curried nwuy , and it Is feared that the
rest of thu bulldlngt , ns wull us what Is left
of the mnrinu railroad nnd the east end of
the depot , will .go at the next high tide If the
storm continues.
Lo.vo MIIA.NCII. Nov. 20. Cottages have
been undermined nnd carried out to sen
peacemnal. During the storm bulkheads
have been torn away and the lawns of the
summer homes of wealthy Now Yorkers
have been swept Into the ocean. The loss is
estimated nt from $ : T > ( l,0l ( ) ) to )0KK ) ( ) .
Every bulkhead from Long Branch
to Scabright has been torn outer
or badly damaged. The beach from
Sandy Hook to Barnugat buy Is covered with
debris and wreckage. The Long Branch
ocean pier was damaged by heavy timbers
hurled asrainst It by the surf. The blurt ut
Long Branch has been heavily cut out in
places. At Deal 1 leach the1 life saving sta
tion is in danger. Nearly nil the cottagers
lost their clothing , and many of them their
summer housus which they had erected on
thu bluff.
A Mmnlicr Hcrved With n Summons
Under the Coercion Act.
LOSDON , Nov. 2(5. ( In the commons to
night Gourley ( liberal ) asked if the corre
spondence on the American fisheries ques
tion was to be produced ; whether it was the
intention of the government to negotiate for
a new commission , and whether , in the mean
time , owing to the divergence of legal opin
ion relative to the meaning of the treaty of
1S18 , it was intended to suspend the enforce
ment of its provision.
Sir James Ferguson , parliamentary secre
tary for the foreign ofllcc , curtly replied :
"The government will not publish any paper ,
nor make any statement on thu subject nt
present. A modus vlviendi is in operation. "
Smith , government leader , replying to a
question , intimated that t io governme'nt ,
under the present circumstances , was unable
to make any statement regarding the ap
pointment of a minister at Washington ,
The house then went into committee of the
whole * , und thu debate on thu land purchase
bill was renewed.
Purnell proposed nn amendment to the ef
fect that no money bo advanced for the purchase -
chase of more than a holding , if such holding
were rated ut no less than . ' 0 yearly.
Balfour contended that the amendment
would Interfere with the smooth working of
the plan of sale.
David Sticehy , national member for South
Gal way , stopped thu debate , appealing to the
chairman on a question of privilege. He
stated that ho wus leaving the house when
nn attendant handed him what apneared to
be an ordinary visitor's card. Upon going
into the lobby a constable from Ireland
served him with a summons under the coer
cion act. Ho moved to report progress in
order to give the house opportunity to dis
cuss this audacious broach of privilege.
Balfour deplored the incident , und did not
know under what uuthority it had happened.
On motion of Morley a committee was ap
pointed to inquire into thu circumstances of
the incident , consisting of Sir William liar-
court , Mr. tNIorloy , Sir Charles Hussoll , Mr.
Parnoll , Mr. Timothy Healoy , Home Secre
tary Matthews , Mr. GoBohen , Mr. Madden ,
Sir Edward Class nnd Matthew Ridley.
Parnell's amendment was afterwards lost
by a votuof 151 to 111.
The AHsltiiiincnt. Ijiiw of Minnesota
Held to lie Constitutional.
WAHinxoroN , Nov. 20. The stipremo court
of the United States to-day rendered an
opinion In the case of Henry R. Denny , plain-
tiff-in-crror , versus Charles C. Bennett , as
signee of A. B. VanNorman & Bro. , in error
to the supreme court of Minnesota. The
principal point raised in this case is
that the act of the state legislature
providing that whenever the property of a
debtor is seized by execution against him ,
lie may make an assignment of all his prop
erty not exempt by law for the equal bene
fit of all his creditors who shall lllo releases
of their debts and claims , unit that
his property shall bo equitably dis
tributed among such creditors , is
repugnant to thu constitution of the United
Status so fur us it affects citizens of other
states than Minnesota. It was claimed by
counsel for thu plaintiff in error that this
statute is invalid because it im
paired the obligation of contracts
and also that It could have no extra
territorial operation and could not therefore
be binding on creditors living In different
states from that of the debtor. The supreme
court , In thu opinion by Justice Miller , holds
that the statute is not repugnant to
the constitution. In its opinion the
court says that the statute could not ,
of course , upply to contracts In
existence bofo'ru It was enacted ,
but that thu statute must be const rued to bo
n part of all contracts made after it was en-
.acted and that therefore it cannot bo called
an impairment of contracts. Tn judgment
of tiiu supreme court of Minnesota , holding
tno statute to be valid , wus therefore af
Justice Hnrlln road nn opinion expressing
his inability to concur in thu decision of the
court in this caso.
Death of the Dnko of
TIIOY..N. V. , Nov. -Commodore Cicero
Price , father of the Duchess ot Murlborough ,
died tit his homo in this city at an earlv hour
lust evening. Ho was eighty-three years of
ago and death resulted from pneumonia. Ho
was commander of the sloop Jamestown ,
United States navy , and , for disregarding an
order with ruferenco to muster rolls , was
suspended for two yours by Secretary Welles
und put on half pay. Ho then cunio to his
residence in tilts city and has lived quietly
hero ever since , with occasional visits to
Now York. Ho was greatly opj ocd to the
marriage of his daughter , Mrs I.o'iis'llam-
mersluy , to thu luku of Marlborough , and
did not see bur afterward. Another daughter
is thu wifu of Alfred Hunshuw , of Baltimore.
A cablegram was to-night sent to London in
forming thu duchess of her father's death.
l < "nr the OpcnliiK of Indian Territory.
BtXTKit SHIINOS , Kan , , Nov. 20.-- [ Special
to TIIK BED , I An Indian territorial conven
tion will bo hold in this city on Tuesday , the
ISth of December , for the purpose of tukln ?
active steps towards the early opening of the
Indian territory to white settlers , nnd the
allotment of land to Indians.
This convention is called by prominent per
sons from various localities , both In the ter
ritory utid on Its borders , tor the purpose of
securing the opening of tha cntiru Indian
territory , and notblmply some particular sec
tion of H.-
The committees have arranged to give
every visitor to the convention u trip into thu
Indian territory.
Arrangements will be made with the rail
roads fpr a bpcclul ratu. Our committee ex
tends n cordial Invitation to all persons who
feel un Interest in this imitlcr , and our board
of trade will give U a hciutyvclcguie. .
An Operator's Mistake Results in n
Torrlblo Catastrophe.
A Number of Others Seriously nnd
1'erlinps Fntnlly Injured Fire
Adds liorror to the Scene.
The Orders Conflicted.
COLOIIADO Si'itiNos , Colo. , Nov. SO.
[ Special Telegram to Tun Hun. ] Ono of the
most awful railroad catastrophes in this state
occurred at 11 o'clock this morning on the
Denver & Klo Grande road ono mlle below
Hustcd , where the Salt Lake express on the
Denver nnd Hio GVnndo collided with the
north bound Hock Island passenger , killing
two men Instantly and seriously Injuring sev
eral others.
The Denver & Ilia Grande loft the union
depot at Denver at S a. in. , nnd consisted of a
buggugo and mail , Immigrant , two passenger
and a Pullman car crowded with passengers.
It arrived nt Palmer Lake eight minutes lute ,
and started down the grade on this side , run
ning about thirty miles an hour. One milo
below Hustcd thu road makes a sharp curve
and cuts through the bunk. Issuing from
the cut , the engineer saw rapidly approach
ing , the Hock Island .train not tlfty feet dis
tant , and too late to make any effort to stop.
A moment more and the two engines came
together with terrific force and fell over in a
inuss of Incxtricablo confusion. The tender
on the Hock Island engine telescoped with
the haggaga ear , nnd the tender and two
baggagu cars on the Denver & Hlo Grande
also telescoped. All thu pusscngcrs were
thrown from their seats , and a scone of con
fusion ensued. Men , women and children
rushed for the doors nnd windows. The
shrieks of the wounded wcro appalling , and ,
above all , was hoard the horrifying cry of
"Fire I" Flames were seen leaping from the
Denver & .Hio Grande baggage car , In which ,
by telescoping , cscapo to thu men Inside was
rendered impossible. _
A dozen willing hands caught up axes and
other tools nnd the men wcro soon freed.
The flames spread rapidly and two Denver &
Hio Grand baggage curs nnd ono immigrant
cur were destroyed. With the aid of hand
grenades the tlru on the Hock Island train
was extinguished.
Thu llreuian of the Denver & Hio Grand
train was picked up some distance from the
train. Ills injuries are so s nous that ho will
probably die. The engineer of the Hock
Island , with his II reman , hud both Jumped
In m the cub windows and full down a bank ,
receiving Injuries about the head , though not
serious. The engineer of the Denver & Hio
Grand jumped , but was struck by thu cub
door and seriously wounded internally , and
received a cut on the head.
In the Hock Island baggage car were' found
the dead bodies of the express messenger nnd
baggage man , both with fractured skulls.
The killed arc :
\V. H. PitiiTS , express messenger on the
Hock Island.
J. H. FLY.V.V , baggageman on the Rock
The woundc : ! are :
MAIITIN MOXIIOK , engineer on the Denver
& Hio Grande , slight fracture of the skull
end badly hurt internally.
Pi : mi Lux.v , fireman of the Denver & Rio
Grande , head ahd face cut nnd internal in
juries ; will probably die. DEititr , engineer , Rock Island ;
head cut and boay badly bruised.
HAIIHY SMITH , llreuian , scalded and face
and head cut.
The responsibility for the accident rests
with the dispatcher. Conductor Tom Car-
cnce , of the Hock Island train , received ord
ers at Colorado Springs to go through to
Denver , giving him the right of track. Con
ductor Smith received his ordersat Uurnham ,
giving him the right of track to Colorado
Springs. No blumo can be attached to the
crow of either train. Many passengers had
severe bruises and cats , but none wore seriously -
ously injured , though their' escape is miracu
Neuroes Charged With Trivial Of-
lenHCH nnd Urutnlly llltrc.ttcd.
OHATTANOOOA , Tcnii. , Nov. 20. S , A. John
ston , a drummer for a wholesale grocery of
this city , is Just in from u trip which took in
Smith , Jackson and Clay counties. Ho says
a veritable panic exists there over the opera
tions of a band which is supposed to be the
Ituklux for the reason that negroes only are
molested. The organization appears to have
its headquarters at Carthage , in Smith
county , but others assert they nro located at
Tomkinsvllle , Ky. , Just over the border.
About two mont.hs ago notices to leave , or
quit certain practices , were chalked on the
doors of many colored people's houses , par
ticularly along the bottoms of the Cumber-
hind river. No attention was paid to thu
notices. A month ago a score of man sur
rounded the house of Hicks Smiley , who
lived near Gladdlco. and culling him out ,
tied him to u treu und built a 11 ro about him.
The Unities were not allowed to touch
him. though ho was hcatud up pretty
well. Ho was then released ana
driven into' his .house , after having ru-
euived a dozen suiuct lushes. Thu very next
night "Met" Tompkins was enticed from his
house , four miles further down the river.
His hair was sheared and his back tarred and
feathered. He was told to warn his "thiev
ing neighbor.- look out. " The first man
seriously \vhlppotl was "Wat" Jenkins , ten
ant on the farm of H. H. Haddock , near
Hutler's Landing. Ho was given twenty
lashes on the legs for the alleged illegal pos
session of fowls , und was threatened with
hanging next time. Molly Powell , a colored
lass , whose reputation is not of the best. , was
almost stripped of lior clothing , tied to a
frisky mule and galloped a dozen miles up
ami down the road near Ccllnn. Shu was
threatened with tur and feathers and u duckIng -
Ing in thu Cumberland if bho dlil-not go to
Nashville. The latest victim is Henderson
DuUo , u very old colored man residing near
Carthage. Ho was the most severely pun
ished of any who have yet been visited.
Duke was accusud of stealing corn , The
raiders havu created the greatest terror
among the colored people , who say many of
thu people warned aru good citizens , The
whites appear Indillerent.
An Incorporated Political Ol nb.
I.N' , Nov. 20. The president
elect passed u quiet but busy clay In his library.
Ho had few callers. The Harrison Homo
club , an organization with u membership of
TIX ) prominent Indianapolis republicans , nnd
which did somu ctTcctivo work in General
Harrison's interest at Chicago und throughout
the campaign , has decided to main
tain n permanent organ i/.ation. Handsome -
some headquarters will bu opened , where
newspapers und political literature of uvcry
Kind can bo found , anil out of town visitors
entertained. Pending thu intervals between
elections , the rlub will devote its attention to
securing the enactment of laws looking to
the amendment of the present election laws ,
for thu purillcutlnn of the elections and thu
punishment of fraud and bribery. It Is be
lieved that this will prove- ono of the llrst po
litical clubs In the * Unitotl Status incorporated
for this purpose ,
A Fatal
NBW HOLLAND , Pa. , Nov. 20. By the explosion -
plosion of a It eg of powder In the store of
George Pnrmor , ut Scrufftown , on Welsh
niounUiln , Saturday evening , his daughter
Dcrthu , tun years old , was killed. Partner
WIIH 1 utully Injured and hig wife and two or
three children slightly Injured ,
Till ) Pirn Itrcord.
SVII.MIV , N. S. W. , Nov. 20.Tho offlccs of
the Town and Cjuiury Journal In this city ,
burned , causing u loss of 100,000.
_ . * -
Is That lln IB Aunlh IMnccd nt tlic
Head of thu Order.
INDIAN-ATOMS. Nor. 30. Powdcrly , In re
sponse to n reporter's questions to-day , stated
that he was entirely catisflod with the gen
eral outcome of the convention , nnd con
tinued : " 1 regret only ono thlnir , anil that Is
that I ain again phiood at the head of the
order. Personally , I tftn sorry for it , nnd I
honestly did nol expect It , I might have
stepped Into a better thing1. A position hnd
been offered rae which meant moro money
and less work. In fact , papers were drawn
up and about ready to bo signed by which I
would have received fOOOJ for about three
months' work. "
The grievance committed had nil the morn-
inc , and thu coses of district assembly No.
4'.i ' , of Now York , wcro disposed of. A dele
gation headed by James K. Qiilun was
agreed by the convention to bo the proper
one. A resolution was Introduced for tin ex
pression of the convention on the strike of
the switchmen In this city , and it was re
ferred to a committee.
The business of the afternoon was merely
of a routlnu character. Ono of the llrst
things done on reassembling was the passage
of a resolution to adjourn the assembly sine
dlo to-morrow at noon. The eoijimittco on
appeals and grievances resumed work. The
only cose of importance considered was that
of George Schilling , who , as master work
man of district assembly No. S4 , of Chicago ,
ayspcndud local nssomby No. 400. The local
appealed to thu general muster workman ,
and was by him reinstated. Schilling there
upon nupealcd the case to this body on the
ground that thu master workman of the dis
trict assembly , nnd not the general master
workman , had authority to sus | > end local as
semblies. During thu hearingof thu cnso
Schilling vigorously denounced Powdcrly on
thu lloor of the assembly. When Schilling
concluded his statement General Muster
Workman Powderly took the lloor nnd argued
in lustitication of his action by claiming that
when the dispute arose between the dis
trict master -workman and tao gen
eral master workman , the latter , being the
superior olllccr , was entitled to authority.
Tno debate being closed , the general assem
bly llrst refused to sustain Powdurly's action
in sustaining the local assembly , and then
refused to endorse Schilling's appeal. By a
small majority vote the whole mutter was
then referred to the now general executive
A number of other unfinished appeal
cases weru referred to the executive board.
The uewly elected general ofllcers were in
stalled this afternoon. To-morrow the lesls-
latlvo committee will submit Its report. It
Is understood that Robert D. Layton and
Ralph Beaumont will constitute the now
committee on national legislation with Layton -
ton as chairman.
Tno following nnmod Cities nro applicants
for thu place of holding'tho ' next general as
sembly : Toronto , Canada ; Atlanta , Ga. ;
New Orleans ; Toledo. O. : Albany , N. Y. ,
and Providence , R. I. It is thought to-night
that either Toronto or Atlanta will bo chosen.
. StrooR Possibilities of Ills Deserting
I'ollticH Tor Literature.
New YOIIK , Nov. 2 < 5 , [ Special-Telegram to
Tun BEE. ] The report published Saturday
that James G. Blaine was about to become
the editor of the American Magazine aroused
interest umong publishers and local politi
cians. There has boon so much talk about
T Ua'mc's relation to the , .coming . administra
tion that the report of bis prospective return
to the editorial chair is a matter of more than
ordinary imjKirtancc. . 'VBlalno is wlthou.t.oc-
cupatlon. It is knowhijliat after his defeat
the advisability of his entering the field of
journalism was discussed by him and his in
timate friends. Walker Blaine does not like
it out west , preferring literature to law , and
being very closely associated with his father
in taste und ambition.
A prominent publisher near Astor Place
said , when asked for an opinion , that he be
lieved there wus more truth * in the report
than most people fanplcd. "Blaine , " said
ho , "need not quit politics to become an ed
itor. If ho goes into tho'llterary field it will
bo to make money and td hold and increase
his influence. "
"What publication will ho associate with ? "
"That's a puzzlo. Ho'.wrbte for the Amer
ican Magazine lust September , and It is gen
erally acknowledged that' Blaine likes that
periodical because -professes 'to bo
strictly American , and' in full accord with
his views. Then , too , hero is a now man
agement nnd entirely now directory elected.
The gentleman then manager , but now pres
ident of the company , wont to visit Blaine
soon after the publication , of his nrticlo nnd
spent several days with him over what wcro
regarded as future phlhs. It was reported
thutBlainownsoffcrcd $30,000 and an interest
for regular contributions. "
Mr. Davis , of the American Magazine was
seen at his ofllcc , TVJ'Uroadway , but declined
to bu interviewed.
IlcSnys lie wan Mistaken , and Exon-
crntes I > r. Slonet. -
EI-OIN , III , , Nov. 'JO. [ Special Telegram
to THE HKH. ] The Sabln-Stono affair , which
has wrought up Elgin for the last few days
here , has finally boon settled. Dr. A. N.
Stone has boon deemed innocent by the citi
zens of Elgin from the first , and now the fol
lowing humiliating confession from O , C.
Sabin , his assailant , settles the entire matter
satisfactorily to this community in general.
The confession :
Elgin , 111. , Nov. 2(5 ( , 1883. Dr. A. N. Stone ,
Elgin , 111. Dear Sir , At the time I made
the assaulton , you on the lllth inst , I acted
upon information which I believed to bo
true , but since that time I have becomes con
vinced that 1 aid you a great wrong und nn
injury , not only m committing the assault ,
but in the statements which I made to a re
porter of the Chicago 'Tribune , and which
wcru published in that paper on thu 20th inst ,
and to Omaha papers , which wonu published
thcrj on the d inst. , charging you witti im
proper and imu enl conduct toward my wife ,
In Justice to you I now state that 1 am fully
satisfied that yon 1 a/u never wronijcd my
wifu , nor injured her in any respect , and that
tliu statements which ( p.jcarcd In said news
papers wcro wholly ta\m \ as far as they ro-
iato to anything dcrogotory to your character -
actor , i sincerely regret mv conduct in this
matter nnd make , BO far as I can , the repara
tion which Is duo to you from me.
Sab'n Is said to Imv6 deeded $ T > UO worth of
property at Ueatrico , 'jNob , , to his wife , and
to have g ven her letter of confession into the
hands 01 E. D. Waldron.
Wliltnmn1 to II J n Model ,
JVW by .hi/iitj f ; < ml-m lltnn'.U. ]
LONDO.V , Nov. 2d.f-fNuw York Herald
Cttblo-Speciul to Ttus BKB. ] Miss J. Wult
Whitman , the handsome cousin of the poet ,
has been engaged by an eminent Danish
sculptor as n model for'tho bust of Litera
ture to appear uoxt ytir at the Hoyal Acad
emy. The artist will firilco It tha greatest ,
effort of Ills lifo. Tha head and shoulders
will spring from'n hu h volume. The design
has Just been registered.
I 'our ImflaiiH Killed.
FouTSiUTii- , , Nov. 20. Word has
Just reached hereof a terrible shooting affray
nt Vlon , I. T , , which resulted In the death of
four Cherokee Indians George Starr , Isaac
Gertie , Jcsso Landrum and Bert Henzcn ,
Thu lust three named wore drunk , and Starr
was one. nf the posse sent to arrest them ,
The shooting becumq general , and Ed Starr ,
brother of CDCorgo.was shot through the
hand ,
Mine. HmiliuiKtr .Wants a Divorce.
PAIIIS , Nov.'O. Bonlungor's.wlfo is tailing
steps to obtain n , divorce. It is stated that
ono of the richest Widows in Franco is will-
iiiir to marry Uoulanjmr. .
They Appeal to the Courts of Wo31
Upon the Pnco of thr Ketnrns He-
publlcntin Have All the Dlfttrlcta
in Dispute The Extra
WASHINGTON nonr.iuTiiB OM.UU Bnc , )
513 FotmTr.RXTii STUBKT.
WASHINGTON , D. O. , Nov. 20. )
The notion of the democrats In appealing to
the courts of West Virginia for an Injunction
to restrain the governor from issuing ccrtitl-
crttes to the republican congressmen-elect , is
in thu nature of n retaliation for the similar
movement on the part of the republicans In
old \MrginIa. There are a number ot le.uling
republicans hero who think that the Gray-
Mahonc policy is a mistake and will result to
the disadvantage of thu party , as It cannot
gain any congressmen by any such methods ,
for the courts are certain to deny the peti
tion. But Quay' ' * object Is the exposure
of democratic methods In the Old Dominion
state , and ho does not expect to capture
nn.v congressmen , but to spread before -
fore the country In 'court the evidence
collected by his detectives , who
hnvo boon investigating the nllcgod frauds.
It is n fact that in certain portions of Vir
ginia tl.o negroes wore not allowed to voto.
The white people wuro on hand early and got
in their ballots , and then when the nugrocs
came up every one of them was compelled to
nmko affidavits and secure affidavits from
his friends , for the purpose of causing ns
much delay as possible , no ballot being ac
cepted , except from whlto men , pending the
production of the affidavits required. A
democratic newspaper man who lives In Vir
ginia , told me that In his precinct much timu
was wasted in this manner , and that the
polls closed before half thu negroes had been
allowed to cast their ballots. Senator Quay
has affidavits from several thousand who
werothus prevented from voting ; n sufficient
number to have changed the result in the
Senator Quay announced this morning ,
with the same positivenuss that characters
izes all his infrequent utterances , that the
republicans will have a majority of nine in
the next house of representatives.
"I understand. " said ho , "that the demo
crats of West Virginia are poing into court
with their trouble. That is nbout all I know
of Wust Virginia politics Just ut present. Wo
shall have n majority in the house anyhow
n majority of nine. I do not believu that the
democratic governors of the doubtful states
will give certificates of election to men who
are not elected simply because they have the
same pnliticnLfaith. I shall re f use to believe
any such thing until I see it. There is noth
ing to be gained by any dishonest or dishon
orable conduct. It would bo revolutionary" .
Very little is talked of at the capital bu t
the probable complexion of the next house.
The employes are struggling with the hpuo
of n democratic majority , with all the indica
tions against them. It now anpcars that the
republicans have all the districts in dispute
upon the face. of the returns , and that it is
only by a recduhfor 'Jh'atid&mus proceedings
that they can bo deprived , of the certificates.
The returns give the republicans the ono dis
puted district In Tenncssco and the ono in
North Carolina ; that in Louisiana ; tliat-in
Kentucky , and * hreo in West Virginia , be
sides the Haytior district in Maryland. It is
not thought likely that there can be such a
wholesale overthrowing of apparent majori
ties as to reverse these returns , or enough of
them to change the complexion of the house.
If democrats should bo certified from the dis
puted districts of Tennessee und North Carolina
lina , that would not give the majority to the
democrats by several voles.
On every hand the probability of nn extra
session of the Fifty-first congress is being
discussed. In view of the fact that there
w'llbo ' , no tariff reform before the 4th of
March , and manufacturing enterprises as
well as many important commercial connec
tions will bo practically ut a stand-still till
those interested know exactly just what is to
be done witli the tariff , and no action can betaken
taken if there Is not an nxtr.i session before
the summer of 1S90 , it is generally believed
that there will bo an extra session early next
spring. The next question of dividing Da
kota and admitting it as two states , although
popular hero docs not figure so seriously as
the business interests of the country ,
which nro involved. What mitrht bo done in
the way of tariff reform Hoems to bu moro
serious than what is likely to be done. It is
the agitation that the business community
wants stopped , and that demands an extra
session of the next congress to stop it.
Congress will reassemble on next Monday.
Thuru aru few evidences of the meeting in
sight , however. Only two members put in
an appearance at the cupitol to-day , and the
only enanges undergoing are In the way of
dusting carpets , chairs and desks. The com
mittee on appropriations is hard ut work pre
paring its regular annual appropriation
bills , with a view of having ono ready next
week , if It can On reached in the ordinary
run of business. No one expects anything to
bo done with the tariff , although the senate
is to go right ahead with the consideration of
its bill whenever it has opportunity to do so.
Changes have been ordered in the time
schedule of the Star mail route between
Cumminsvillo nnd Petersburg , Nub. , as fol
lows , to tuko effect December 1 : Lenvo Cum
minsvillo Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays
at 7 a. m. , arrive ut Petersburg byI p , m.
Leave Petersburg Tuesdays , Thursdays and
Saturdays at 7 a. m. , urrivo at Cumminsvillo
byJ p , m.
Representative Joe Cannon of Illinois , who
is one of the brightest of the republicans , and
who Is spoken of for the spcukership. was
asked to-day if the lower house of the Fifty-
iirst congress would bo republican , Ho said :
"thavo never doubted that the republicans
elected a majority of the next house , nnd
therefore do not doubt they will organize -
izo and that a republican speaker will bo
elected. This is of fur greater Importance
than the particular man who will be elected
spfi'ikcr. "
"What do you think of the reported plan
of tl.u democrats to admit K.OIUO of the terri
tories ns states this wlntcrj"
"Well , I am In favor of death-bod repent-
nncu If it's of thu right kind. Dakota must
bu uumlttcd or no territories will como in , "
Tim ttwllcliiiicirn Slrlko.
iMUANAj' , Nov. 20. The switchmen's '
strike did not extend to-day to the engineers
or firemen , us was anticipated. The situa
tion remains unchanged , except that all roads
uro moving trains to-day and to-night , und
the blockade Is nearly overcome. Now men
are applying for work at every oflluc , and
the superintendents say that they will have
no difficulty In supplying every htrikor's
place within the next few days , The day ,
Uiken as a whole , was rather disastrous to
the strikers , and there is a visible weaken
ing manifested by some of their number. Thu
general officers of the locomotive brother
hood and firemen's association did not put in
their appearance to-day , us wax given out
they would , It iMiinot bo reliably ascer
tained that either of thosu organizations havn
taken uny steps towards sustaining the
strikers , _ _
Cashier Tallmun Indicted.
Ciuc'AOO , Nov. ' * 2 < ! . Thomas Tullmnn ,
cashier of the defunct Traders bank ,
was Indicted by the grand Jury this morning
on the charge of embezzlement , for having
received deposits knowing that bis bank was
m : F pun via it. "
The Sli.Tvv-Yoho Klnpctncnt Uesult.i In
n Divorce Suit.
CnirAiio , Nov. 20. [ Special Telegram to
TituBcK. | The elopement of May Yolic , of
the "Crystal Slipper" company , and n
young man named Shaw , which occurred
early last summer , is still fresh In the minds
of Cliicngouns. To-day Shaw's wife sub
mitted n lot of testimony before Judge Shup-
nrd Hint will result in her getting n divorce
In the course of n few dnys. Mrs. Slmw Is
the daughter of W. N. Cnldwell , nnd she
was married to Shaw in 1S87. During the
production of the "Crystal Slipper" at the
Chic.igo opera house , young Shaw was par
ticularly attentive to May Yoho. who charmed
more gilded youths than one. She seemed ,
however , to prefer "Kblo" Shaw , whoso
father is n millionaire member of the board
of trade , and n member of thu big firm of
Blnko , Shaw it Co.
"Kblo's" attention was most noticeable ,
und nobody who know him was much sur
prised to pick tip the papers on the mornintr
of July 4 nnd rend that Prlnco Prettlwitz
nnd "libio" had disappeared. Later devel
opments showed that they had taken n train
and gone east. In n day or so May Yoho re
turned to Chicago , though her mother stoutly
maintained that she was at homo confined
with a cold nil day , and then de
nials of the existence of anything
wrong between young Slmw nnd the
pretty actress How about thick nnd fast.
Finally the scandal quieted down nnd many
people believed that the escapade was a
harmless freak of two young persons. Not
so young Shaw's wifo. After nn investiga
tion by hur lawyer she filed u suit for di
vorce , Hpcelally alleging adultery on the part
of Shaw with Miss Yohu.
This morning , before Judge , n
stipulation was presented by the attorneys
for the respective parties consent ! IIR to sub
mit the casu to thu court without a Jury , and
allow n divorce to bo granted on the deposi
tions of Mrs. Shaw , takun in Dupngu county ,
and the evidence of n Wagner sleeping cur
conductor nnd porter , The deposition of
Jacob N. Green , says :
" 1 uni a porter on the Waghcr sleeper from
Chicago to Now York. I ran out of Chicago
the afternoon of July 2 , 18SS , on the Lake
Shore & Mlchlcun Southern railway , leaving
thu Van Buren street station nt S ; 'M p. m.
I know Mis i Yoho. I saw her twice at the
Chicago opera house -once in June , ISbS , and
again In July. AVhen our train reached the
Twenty-second street station Miss Yoho
boarded the cur. She was ncrompuuicd by
Slmw. They went through to Syracuse , N.
Y. , and then luft the train. She nnd Mr.
Shaw occupied section 11 in the car. At
Cleveland an officer brought a tolepram for
Miss Yoho , and I took him back to hcrburth.
Miss Yoho refused to accept thu dispatch.
'Yoku Is not my name , ' she said. 'My nuino
Is Shaw , und I nin the wife of this gcntlu-
mnn. ' Thu officer retired without delivering
the dispatch. At Buffalo nnother telcgrnm
was received.A messenger brought it and
1 took it to Miss Yohe , but she refused to
accept that also. 'People think Pdon't know
my own name. ' said she. "
The deposition of Conductor George Rushmore -
more , of No. 1-1 1'J ' Pacific avunun , Brooklyn ,
covers thu sumo ground. Mrs. Shaw says
shu has not .seen her husband since thu elope
ment , but received the following from him. "
"Dear Jessie : I will leave hero to-morrow ,
bound for Australia. I may never see you
in this life again , and I have one request to
make ; that is , that j-ou teach our dear little
baby boy to think well of its fatner. Never.
if Ills possible , let him become familiar with
mi' lifo. Good-byo forever. " ,
Iinckr Baldwin's Ijadjr Friend Wants
to Bo n Mayor.
Los ANOKI.BS , Cal. , Nov. 20. Society hero
is greatly exercised over Verona Baldwin's
latest escapade. Verona , it will be remem
bered , received , three years ago , $20,000 as a
compromfso for settling her suit for breach
of promise against old millionaire Lucky
Baldwin. She has evidently spent all this
money , ns two wcoks ago she paid n visit to
San Francisco with a son of millionaire Fallen -
lon ; of San Joso. The brother of Fallen got
into trouble by trying to kill his wife at n
hotel , and Veronn and her lover returned to
Los Angeles to avoid being mixed up in the
scandal ! This morning Veronn came out in
n card , asking the public to vote for her as
mayor of Los Angoles. She heads her card
with a quotation from Third Corinthians ,
eighteenth vorhc , nnd declares that she is
impelled to become a candidate because &ho
has been refused employment as a clerk' on
the score of her sex. What her latest inovo
means no onu knows.
- *
The Cedar Fnlls Railroad Suit.
CHICAGO , Nov. SM. In the suit of Morris
K. Jcssup nnd others , trustees of the Cedar
Falls & Minnesota railroad company , against
the Illinois Central , the Cedar Falls & Min
nesota , and Dubuque & Sioux City railroad
companies , Judge Blodgott decided yester
day that the Dubuque & Sioux Falls com
pany must submit itself to the jurisdiction of
the court by the first Monday in February ,
or the suit would bo dismlseed. The Cedar
Falls road leased its line from Waterloo. In. ,
to the Minnesota statu line October HI , 1SOO ,
to the Dubuque & Sioux City road for forty
years. A mortgage wus subsequently exe
cuted by the Cedar Falls to Jcssup & Forrest
on bonds for ? M07,000. In 1607 the Dubuque
& Sioux City ' leased its own
road from Dubuque to Sioux City
to the Illinois Central for twenty
years , with the option of taking thu lease in
perpetuity. Thu Illinois Central agreed to
assume the Icasu of thu Cuilur Fulls road nnd
the pay rentals duu it. In ISbd the Illinois
Central threw up the lease of the Dubuque
& Sioux City. Jessup t Forrest claim
that thu Illinois Central is liable for the
other twenty years' rental ot thu Cedar
Falls road , but thu Illinois Central denies
this. The Sioux City road has never beun
brought into court , nnd the Illinois Central
moved to have it subjected to thu jurisdiction
of thu federal court or dismiss the bill of
complaint. Judgu Blodgutt decided that the
Dubuque & Sioux City road was un indis
pensable party to the suit , ami entered the
above order. It is likely that the bill will be
dismissed , because the Illinois Central con
trols the Dubuqilo & Sioux City , and the
luttur is not likely to voluntarily enter its
appearance , ns suggested by thu court.
- 4. -
An Old ( jiidy'H Lovo.
Los ANfiKi.ns , , Nov. 2il. A marrlago
that has caused much gossip has just taken
place hero between Mrs. Francisca McDu-
gall.u wealthy wnlow , and ICdward Jcsurn. a
handsome young West , whoso par
ents llvo In Kentucky. Mrs. McDugalPs
son became intimate- with Jcsuni at the
University of Virginia , where both wuro
studying , and persuaded him to como to Los
Angeles. Hu was n constant visitor at thu
McDngiill mansion , and thu mother soon fell
in lovu with him. Hur relatives hero ap
pealed lo Josurn's mother in Kentucky to
use her influence in lrcul | < ing the match , butte
to no uvuil. The couplu went to Sun Fran-
cihco and wcro married to the great disgust
of the widow's relative * . Jcsurn , before hu
went to I'ollugu , made u reputation as un am-
uteur uthloto in New York. Ho is remarka
bly handsome , mid his bride looks old enough
to bo his mother.
the Wii-un for n Strike.
ST. Louis , Nov. 20. A local paper bays :
Although , us fur ns can bu learned , local
trades so ictloi have not received any lull-
mation from Chicago of the organization of
un eight-hour movement to bu carried
through at thy convention of the American
Federation of Labor , which Is to meet In this
city on Dwcnibor 11 , tdoro Is no doubt that
the movement u wt-ll under , vay. Circular *
explaining and urging it hnvo been hcnl to nil
civganizivtluns suppo-ied to favor such a
scheme , ana It will probably bo the Icmling
work of the convonlion. The American
socialists lire thu pushers of the scheme , und
it is their Idea to have It como to a IOIMH in
Ib'Jd , the prpbublo result of which will bu u
strike ,
Pnthotlo Seotios at the Eviction of
the Iowa Settlors.
It Successfully Apponln to Iho 8yiu
pathy nf the Sheriff nud Mis
I'osso Little .Mill Kort-
rlcht'a Nerve.
Ilonsclons and
Four DODOK , In , Nov. -LJvorybsJy ) in
Iowa Is talking nbout the evictions. You
hear the subject discussed on the trains , nt
the tables and in the stores. The Idon of ba-
mg set out on. the highway without nn hour's
warning U repugnant to the American mind ,
In spite of thn twelve decisions of the supreme
premo court whlcn sustain the owners of the
land. Hero is Thanksgiving at hand , thu
season of homo cheer and home plenty , and 1
hero arc homeless families with their cook
stoves , their beds , their cabinet organs , tholr
bonks , their pictures , and their nil strewn
along the romls hnlf a mlle or moro from the
nearest occupied house. It looks hard. H
inspires bitter feelings which will rankle q
long time. Mr. Richard Snoll , whoso fnthur
owns thirty or forty of the little- farms from
which the evictions are Inking place , is nut u
monster. lie would never bo picked otltofil
crowd ns n man given to grinding thu face of
the poor. Ho Is a wholesome looking young
man with n good face , mid hu evidently feels
that the situation is disagreeable. Ho said
to-day :
" 1 know it looks hard , but these pcoplo
havu no legal rights upon the hind. They
are simply there dupondlng upon the good
nature of the ownurs. "
The settlers uro more submissive than
seems possible nt first under such trying cir
cumstances , Many n fanner or householder ,
us hu rends of the evictions , will feel his
blood warm up when he looks around upon
his little ones nnd thinks how It would bo in
his case. Hu will mutter to himself , "I'll die
llrst. " But take the whole sceuu. Hure is
thu marshal , reading to him from n lonir
sheet of paper. It beirins with the subduiug
"Now in the mime of the United States of
America you uro o.iimmimlod. " It goes on
through the ron fusing nnd tortuous rlgamn-
rolu of technicalities , and finally it ends :
"is'ow witness my hand and seal.
" W. FIM.I.KII ,
"Chief Justice of the United States. "
Four times out of llvo hu will listen to the
writ , look around helplessly for u few min
utes , und then , us ho sees his furniture in
dnnger from rough handling , h-5 will turn In
and ai'tuiilly hulp thu officers to oviet him.
The most sensational scorn * was at the res
idence of Mr. Hover. As the possu approached
preached the house they were confronted by
n loaded gun In the bunds of Mrs. Hover.
She threatened to shoot , and explained that
tliero wus n very nick woman In the house
whoso lifo would bu endangered by their cu-
tcrlng. The marshal nud his men neverthe
less battered down the door , und on the second
end fioor found a woman with a batie but two
days old , and finally determined to lot the
family remain for the timu being.
But few will bow to the inevitable as cheer
fully'ns did little Jim Kort right , the other
night. Ho lived on the place bib father b.iugl.t
from u man who entered it and got a patent
on it. Around the housu was a ilno grove ot
trees , which Jim had seen grow from the
time they were set out until their trunks
were good deal bigger than his body. "Ilin
saw the eviction of his neighbor , Clianco Pig-
man , going on , and ho came over through the
corn field , his three little children trotting
along beside him. Hu nodded to thu marshal
and asked' :
"Got anything for me ? "
"What is your ntlmoi" Marshal Holbroolc
"Jim Kortright , " ho replied , "I'm on sec
tion 35. I suppose you are after me , too. "
Mr. Holbrook looked over the papers and
found the writ.
"Yes , Mr. Kortrignt , " ho Bald , "wo'ro
coming to you next.1
"I thought so , " commented the philo
sophical Jim. "It's getting late and I reckon
you might as well begin right away. "
It wus getting late. The sun was Just
sinking. Alongside of thu Pigman nnd ICort-
right farms was brush und timber land , extending -
tending down through "tho breaks" to the
DCS Molnes river. No better place in the
whole country could hnvu been selected , if
the disposition hud existed among the settlers
to como up unawares nnd pcpi'er the possa
with buckshot. It has been only n month &t
so hlnco a marshal was fired upon from n
corn field and wounded. But Holbrook decided -
cided to take the chances of a surprise.
While part of the possu finished up Pigman'a
eviction the rest went over to Kortnght'H.
Little Jlin led the way Into the house and In
a very few words told his wife what wan
coming. She looked at the steVe , whuro the
pot of potatoes for supper was steaming , nnd
made no reply. Little Jim picked up n
butcher knife , went into a front room anil
commenced unscrewing the fixtures of u
bracket lam ) ) .
Kortrlghfs homo was n good half rnllo
from the road , nnd ovurythlng had to bu
hauled out to it. The house was a story nnd
a half with a kitchen behind , and it was well
lllleJ with furniture. The oldest daughter ,
a red-checked girl , was away at a ncighbor'H
visiting when the eviction bugnn. Shu re
turned just In time to see her cabinet organ
and the parlor sofa carried out of thu front
room. In the posse wus H mun niiincd Suln ,
whom she had met at dances , and the ac
quaintanceship woinowhut mitigated the U-r
rorti of the .eviction to her. Shu oven sat
down and played a couplu of tunes tor Sulu
before the organ wus hauled uwny to the
"Where will grandpa gol" nskod the girl
as thi ) last wagon loail was being hcapud up ,
"Oh , darn it I don't know. " said littk- Jim ,
with a little Indication of breaking duwn at ,
last. Ho had hold up wonderfully till then.
but it seemed hard that the eviction should
liuvo happened Just when his old father WHS
down on a visit from Sioux City. Thu old
gentleman's valise was brought out and put
on top of thu load ,
The Kortrlghts scattered outtofind shelter
for the night. The littlu children went
across thi ) fields to ono nelglibur , Mrs. Kort-
right and hur daughter started in another
direction , und thu old grandfather trio 1 htill
u third route. Then the serious question ut I1 !
u stopping place for the possu arose. Kivur
hind settlers uro nol notud for thulr hos
pitality to evictors. They have b-jen known
to rufuso tiny prlco for lodgings and food.
Little Jim stood by und heard the buys debating -
bating whether it was best to go to Luhigh
or to Wubstt'r.
"I'll toll you what you ran do , " ho sug
gested , "Thuro's the house not nailed ui |
yet. I'll carry some of the budding back Into )
it and you fellows can all sleep then ) If you
want to. l'v got to lie out on ttiu ground
and taker-arc of these things in the road.
The cuttle are running loosu , and everything
will tiu broken before morning if 1 don't
watch. "
This proposition fairly staggurud the posse ,
and ono of thu hoys said to Jim :
"Kortright , you arc a h 1 of a nice man.
Hero you'vo done moro work than any two
of us moving yourself out , and now you propose -
pose to have1 us sleep in your house while- you
lie In thu rood all night und watch your
things. "
"I ain't no d - d slouch , " said the little
man , us liu turned away ,
The Ki.'ttloi'H Moro Hopeful.
Four DOIXJK , la. , Nov. ! M , Something of
n bcnsatlon was created when it became gen
erally known that * Governor Larubco hail
taken a hand in the DCS Moines river land
evictions , Thu. publicity of the letter from.
the govcrw to the county attorney of Web
bler county , In which thu former displays a
favorable disposition toward the settlers ,
gives them new hope , und. in connection witli
the stand taken by United States Senator
Allison , leads them to hops for u remunera
tion from the next cuniircss. Thu deputy
marshals have returned to Fort Dodge , after
having made fifty families homeless.
Governor Lurabuo'u letter has made u con *
M.U-niiilo change in public sentiment in tlu
Jurl of the state ,