"I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY NOVEMBER 25 ; 188&HSTXTJ0JGJ1N PAGES. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ofl'ICi : , .NO li ! IMJAHIj S'lUnirr. J tlhuedby tftrrlt-r in AnI'nit ' of thediya rwintjtm" ! I'cr\\ick. II. W. TH.'ION .MA.VAlir.lU Ill HM' Oin ( J S'O. 4 .SiHUT l.inin. No.- ) . MINOR MliN'llON. N. Y. rimiibinf , ' company. Additional Council Hluffs on cij-'liUi papc. ] ' , loj.'iint tm-ivoatinin at A. Hi-itur'b , men-haul tailor. .MO Hioadwny. Hust linnl mill -ofl I'o.il anil .MUsourl wood. H. I' . Mn.iic > , t'l'l Broadway , 'I lnrintiK > Kora's ( in innn Tin litre com pany , of Htiiii's op * iu house , hppcnr at Uo- IIIUI.V'H S M Piiun hns disposed nT Ins Lowur IlrmuhuiJ iii.ii I < U to .1. W. l-telf , late of Clinton. O'lhu m > \ \ i linn at St. Paul's rhuicti will tnkc its pint in thu "itniccs to dn.For . the first tinii' . I A.riflit nnd Miss I'limuo fioft , both of Omaha , uric nun lied Friday evening at the lusidui.uo of 'HIIIIIU Scliuion Monster street. The \OUIIK liidirs of All Smuts' Guild , of Kt Paul H rhuirliill KIVC u sormlili1 next 'IhurHdiiv cxcnuif ! at the rt"iiilciiLU of Alii. Krirt , on Scvi'iitli Htn-ut. Tinii ) ( tniu of Hittliou-n which hns been dlntliij | < il ut KiM'innn's wns ilnmn hj Miss Mil M lilt i. TiilictXo 1 ill eu the pii/e. It was piniited lii Miss L'ruiie 'and is quite a prirc lei the fortutinle \ \ inner. Next Tnusdii.x nil tlio'.o Inluiestcil In tlio flietnen's louiiiatnunt , uliidi is to bo held in this ciu next .lune , in c uiiuested to meet at the tit.N building to conslilur iiieliniinnry imitterH in lonnccliotiith the event. Mrs. Kiott , who XVHS arrested huro List spring , has hnil lier tiiul lit HuilniKton and WIIB uuiiuittcd Hsr son nis ; also tried at the K.itne tune and both ai'ipiittcd Mrs. Scott. \\iis an ( stud huiu hist .lime il.mgudlth jnuider 1'rof Allen Arinstionp , who was supcrin- tciidcnt of the Council limits schools from 1M % to ISiii , dlvd at > iis homo iti Sioux City lust Wednesday. MeMIS taken ill with inal.ii ial fe\oi List June , and has been an in valid xline. Tlio Council Hluffs iillu club hnl < ls its an nual niL'ctniK to niorifm m lil at I'r.inU LU- VIII'B cifiar stoic. Odiceis for the ensuing je.ir will lie elected The club will also have u shoot at the r.uiye on Wednesday next. The Coliin.il Hluffs ln\pstinent company has been strengthened by the addition of an- othci live business man. The company now embrace's L. U. l'o\\lor , II C. Adilis. Frank K. Stubbs and K. 1 ? . lloiuj a strong ussocia tion , Hiirely. A number of the teachers from the state institution for the education oT thu deaf and dumb , accompanied by Senator O. M. Har- ictt , made an unexpected call at thu resi dence of Trustee riickinger , Friday even ing , and passed a fexv houis very pleasantly. Keprcsentativrs of the lirush Kleetuc Light coinpan.of Cleveland , arc in the city investiiratmf. the matter of putting in an incandescent - candescent nlant. This is one of the results of tin : itcrnt visit of All1. Thomas Ofllccr to tlio cast , w hcic he went with 11 view of looking up a sj stem of cheaper lighting for this city. The siher pitcher awarded bv the Council 131unK ioiihliiMiis | ) to the ( llcnwood ladies' club , thov beintr tliu wniiLis in the pai.ide here October li. > , is to be senttoClenci.il and Mrs Il.im * > oii. The pitcher has been appiopi lately enslaved , oxplitimiigits history and oxpiosiiii ; the tongr.itiilutions of thu fair ones of Glrnwood. Sec \V. C' . S Sec Foricst Smith's peouil column. Orciil lemnaiUsile ! everything goes. Pricin no ohjeol. tioo our add. C. B. Carjiut Co. Money loaned on fuimtm-e , pianos , tliainondb , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of intorett. No publicity ; fair anil honorable dealing. A. A. Clark A. Co. , olliee. cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. \Veilo not Intend to Indorse any except nrtl- cltHot meilt , tint \\etului pleasuiu In rcfeiring to the 'Ciulund Stoves and ItntiKus , who o Mipoilorlty Is too wull ( " .tablisliod to bo called In iii | ( > Ntloii. ' 1 hey ni c believed 10 tin uii"nialed byiinvln thnnoild. bolil exclusively by 1' . C. Ho Vol. Kcndini ; lOasy Sonlcncos. Yesterday was motion day in the district court. During thu forenoon , the prisoners convicted thus far during the term were brought in and sentences imposed. M. M. Francis , petit lauen.\ , was fivcn sixty dajs in the county jail. \V. P. Lyons , petit larceny , was Driven twenty dius In jail. .1. II. Smith and .1. M. Hall , assault , were cacti Kivcn twenty da\s. Chailcs Noi ton , petit huceny , weiu given sixtv days. The re mainder of thu day was occupied with motions , and the examination ot witnesses in in law cases. Loans made on city business anil resi dence propcity. Notes bought. Kini- bull-Champ IiuL'htnicnt company. Dresses inailc AVool dresses i5 to $8 , and plnshos JS to $10. Mrs. Siin- , o\ct- The Council Ulnlls Luinbor Co. want jou to try soniu of tlioir coal. All Rrade-s boft coal , C. 13. Fuel Co. Lost A pooKot ai'connt book ; red leather never * . Fiiidin- will leave with J. K. llollunbuuk or this ollleo and got reMUd. . Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. lleiulciuar'i'i's for btovos. ODILI. ; . 'c lli\\Nr : , OU ( Main st. No Hello ToIny. . The telephone comjiaiii lliiished thu work nf jiutting up their new eibles hist evening. Tlio old wires aio still in place , and were used until ( I o'clock lust ovcnlnir , when the cntiio local tulephono seivlco was shut off in order to effect the chango. This will require nil of to-day to com pluto and thcro will bo no norvlco until tomoiiow morning , at which tiino the telephones of the city arc again ex pected to bu again in working outer. If anj tllfllculty Is experienced at that tlmo subscrib era nro icquestod to icpoit it iinincdlatoly ut the central oflli e. 'J'ho changes of the switch boauls in the intei ior of the offlco will be inadu at the same tlmo. and work in ( ill do- imttments will be resumed to morrow morn ing under thu now .sjMi'm , Weather .stnpsatChapiiiaira art store. Notice the beautiful llnish given col ItU'H , cullH anil dhh'tb by CubCuOo Latin dry company. rurjicts at let-s tlnui half their value at our I'learing out sale. Suu prices olbuvvhoro. C , U. Carpet Co. Kemombur the special etuhing sale coininoncing Monday at Chapman's art rooms. * i - * WV. . Chapman will put on sale Mon day morning $1,000 worth of line etch ings and will continue the sale for three ilajsonly. Ailmirors of line art should not , fail to fee this collection , Improved nnil vacant property in all parts of the city ; 00x150 foot on Glen nvonuc , east fiont.a bargain ; business property 0:1 : Broadway anil Fourth uU'ciit. II. I > , Olllccr , North Main Street , DeVol'a block , Council Bluffs. J.G. Tip ton has bargains in real estate. EForSule Cheap Lots near the bridge to parties who will build ut once. Ad- Afp or oidl on J. H. Rice , No. 110 Main I'.ropt , Council Uluffn. SEEKING FOR THE SINNERS , The Revivalists Begin Tholr Nooclod Work In the Bluffs. OTHER NEWS ABOUT CHURCHES. A Tew Sentences In Court Telephone ItcliiR Miulu Tlip Causes of Delay In Startltic tlie Motor. Uni'fiHy IVitlco 1'orce. ' Tne police force Is having Its annual Jangle , isn't it' " ' questioned ft uitl/cn of the reporter yesterday. The si'iibo had heard good slcd rumois ol disafTection in the ranks of the blue loats , but thought thcic was nothing unusually alarming anil so cxpicssud himself. A little later a member of the citj council was noticed as though in deep thought de vising some \\a\ out of the "gas charter'1 dilllcultv "What doou , think of thu police wianglo ! " asked Tin Hti man. "Well , to tell the tiutli , 1 don t know what to ttitnlc. Tor several months past icports luue reached me that a ceit.iln member of the foico was not ailing In haiinony with the test In fait , was SIIMIIIT and doing things whkh would Injuiu the eflleicney of eveii man associated with him , Yon know , to be effective , the foico must boa unit , must work together. Now the men are doing as good wink as could bo expected , all things consldeicd , but this backcapping and backbiting ought to be stopped. 1 huvo seen the major with ief- erem e to placing the inuttoi in the hands of thu police committee for investigation , but ho thinks that isn't ' nicossary ; Unit ho can bottle the trouble himself. Weil , I don't know ; peihaps he can , but I doubt it. " Major Kohl or admitted that there was some difficulty , and that ceitain complaints had been lodged with him by numbers of the force , but , said he , "jou know how it is. When the 'cat's awu\ the mice will plaj ' I have had mv hands so full latulj that I could not give this matter any attention. It is nothing serious , 5011 may test assured. Wo will huvo it fixed up In a few d.ijs and everything will l.o miming smoothly again. 1'leasc don't nuignifj the matter , for there really isn't enough in it to pay iiuj attention to. " Chief Lucas said a change of some kind would have to bu made for the good of the foico and the eiH. One man would piobabl\ have to go , and peihaps two. The matter was in the mayor's hands and would be hi ought to some kind of a settlement within a short time. Until then thu mutter ought not to bo unnecessarily agitated. millinery Given Awny At the Parisian , H41 Broadway. All our trimmed hats , imported and ilo- mestie , at actual cost for ton days. S. 15. Waiibworth &Co. loan money. Wo have no competitors in finishsng collars , culls anil .shirt * ) . Cascade Laun dry Co. Money loaned at L. 13. Crafts ACo.'b loan ofliee , on furniture , pianos , lun > os , wagons , personal property of all ldml , anil all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. Illinois and Iowa best soft coal , Glca- son , iii ( Pearl street. 13. II. Sbcafc loans money on chattel security of o\cry description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidential. Olliee oOO Uroadway , cor ner Main street , up stairs. Among the Churches. The evangelists , Messrs. Smcad and Smith , begin their labors in the Bluffs to-d.iv. Mr. Smead is from Minneapolis and conies herewith with the reputation of being one of the most earnest , honest and successful revival work ers in the land. Mr. Smith has a cift of song which he uses with pleasing and helpful i esults. The Presbyterian , Uaptint and Con- giegational churches unite in these services , and pastors of other churches , and members as well , will paiticipatc , doubtless , moie or less of the time. An attempt is to be made to organize a chorus choir , under the leadership of Mr. Smith. The revival meetings will bu held several weeks. The opening meeting will beheld held this evening at the Presbyterian church. During the wcclc the services will be held in the Fust Baptist church. The following announcements arc made of services to bo helil in the several chinches : licthany liaptlst church , corner of IHuff and Story streets Services will be held at tlio usual hours , 10liO : a. in. and 7 . ' ! ! ) p. in. Sunday school at. ! p. in. A cordial invitn- tion is extended to all. Pastor , Kov. E. N. Harris. Sei vices in the Congicgational church this niprning Preaching by the pastor. Subject , "is a Revival of Hsligion UcMiablc ! " Union ruviv.il services in the Picsbjtenan church in thu uvcnlng. Presbj turian Preaching by the pastor in the moining. Sabbath school at IS o'clock. The union gospel meeting in the evening' conductcil by Kvangcllsts Smead and Smith , will bo held in this church. First Itaptmt church Preaching by the pastor at 11) ) ! 10 a. in. Sunday school at 12 in. Young people's meeting In chapel at lip in. All joung people invited. Union service in Presbyterian church conducted by Cunige- lists Smcad and Smith , 7tO : ! p. in. Hioadway M. E. Church Pi caching at 10.30 a. in. and : 'M p. m by the pastor. Sun day school at 12 m. Class meeting at I'uIiO in the lecture loom. Stiangers in the city are cordially invited to these services. Horean Huptist ChurcU Pleaching to-day hi the pastor. Subject In thoinoining , " 'Jho Sabbath. " in the evening , revival. Sunday school after moining service. 1'laco of meet ing , Pacific avenue between Fifth and Sixth IIVU1U03. Services at the Oveiton mission at the usual hours. Uev Mr Alexander will speak in thu morning , and Captain Overtoil m the evening. Dining this week there will bo meetings cveiy evening. St. Paul's Chinch Divine service to-day at 11 a. in and T)0 : ) p. m Sunday school at 12:15. : Young men's bible class at 12.in. boimon topics , moining , "Patiencu Under niniciilties ; " evening , "Kobeit Kismetc. " The new quaitclto choir will sing morning and evening , assisted by the boy choir. Ser vices at All Saints' chapel ot the usual houis. Sunday school at It o'clock , Young men and strangers nhvajs cordially welcomed to tucsu services. T , J. Mackay , rector. J. G. Tipton maltos real estate in all of its departments a specialty , anil does the largest business of any man in Council JilulFs. The finish on our collars , cuffs and shirts cannot bo equalled. Cascade Laundry Co. * Mi.xed plclclcs in bulk at N. I. Tib- bilts , 345 iJroadway. See Forrest Smith's special column. Rock Spring coal , Glcaion , 'J6 Pearl sttcct. To Secure tlm New Union Depot , The subject of securing a new union depot IB being quite giinoratly dlscussotl among the business men , There scorns to be two plans prominently uiged onu that of securing pri vate subscriptions , the other that of having the city vote a live null tax to aiil the enter prise. Those favoring the private subscrip tion plan call attention to the fact that taxes are high enough without Increasing them for any purpose , however laudable ; that those who urn to bo chiefly bcnctlttud by tbo now depot should givu voluntarily tp secure it , nnd that small property owners uud woiklnj ; classes should not bo burdened by it. On the other hand , tho.o favoring a tax say that many heavy property owners do not five up a cent voluntarily to help diy public enterprise , uua ttint if tuxcil they would jo compelled to i-ontribnto their Just slmrc. They also unro that the tnx woltld bo very light , und would not be felt , whllo the aggregate would bo sufficient to secure thu cnterpiiso without anj doubt , As to the dc lrabllitv of securing the new union depot thcie is almost a ummimlt , * , o : feeling , the onlj difference being ns to wajs nnd means. The piescnt union depot , gcncr nlly called the transfer , belonging to tin Union Pacitlc , is not located , eentrallj , and docs not answer the purpose desired. .1. ( { . Ttpton , the u-al estate broker , can sell .uni a homo on monthly paj- iiH'iit * < . Why pay rent when property is doubling in ahu V Can > o tel V llrotticrhooil Pnrin Per Snip. The abo\o farm of 1(00 ( acres is situated near Mnhorn. in Mills count. . , Iowa. II is in one body , all fenced , with good houses , barns , sheds , wind mill , etc. , etc. The selection is ono of the host on the Missouri slope. It has this yeat over -100 arrcs u tiller cultivation. AV111 be Mild on long time with low rateof in terest. For particulars address A. A. Clark .V Co. , Council HhilTs , la. Hooks ! ItookM ! Manufactured to order b > Morchouso & Co. _ _ All grades bard coal. C' . 13. Fuel Co. For bargains in teal estate in anv part of the oity seeF , J. IJ.iy , the lead ing real estate dealer. A New Methodist Church. Several of the leading denominations have latelj stinted new chinch oigani/atlons to n.eet the needs of this glowing city. The Methodists , who me generally so aguicsslve , arc not to bo behind in this , Some of those in the southcin part of the city aio planning on a new Methodist chuich and have sccuicil a lot , corner ol Third street und Tenth n\e- nue. Dr. ( loiclon has genoiouslv ngieed to donate the lot if the society will build a church to cost not loss than W.OOO. Thu first public stait toward raising inoncj for this will be Thursdu * . night next. The ladies will give an ojstcr supper in Lic.y's building on Main Mi cut , and hope to realize libcrnllj for the new entei prise. To IJOVCIN ol' Kino Art. The great etching sale at W. W. Chapman's begins to-morrow and con tinues for thi oo days only. $1,000 worth on exhibition. This is tlio finest collec tion over seen in the west. The pieces ore 01 iginal artist's proofs , from the ma- joritj of which no copies will bu printed. This' is the chance of a lifetime to get gems of line art at a very low figure. Apprentice girls wanted by Miss C. C. Nicholn , 2'2. > Broadway. Mi-s C. C. Nichols , fashionable dress maker. who is recommended by Charles ( iossagc it Co. , Chicago , can be found at 225 Broadway , the Piattnor place. J. G. Tipton for Broadway bargain'- , Personal Mr. J. II. Cahoon and bude returned last evening from an extended trip in the north and east. F. J. Down , of London , 1'ncland , and Joseph H. Alecch , of Hoston , aio in the citj1 for the put pose of iinestigating the work ings of the electric motor sjsteui. They were then taken over thu road on one of the motors to allow them to w itness its workings. They expressed themsehcs as hiuhb pleased and seemed thoroughly satisfied that the system is a complete success. Mis J. S. Judd has been socuied by the St. Mora's Avenue Congiegational chuich , Omaha , as soprano in the quintette choir. Council HlufTs talent is in demand abroad as well as at home. Mis. .ludgo Tipton , from Hloomington , 111 , is in the city , the guest of her cousin , J. G. 'lton. . The many friends of Miss Mamie Fleming In this city will bo pleased to learn that she stands among the highest in the college ex amination at Chitago. Thcic being about sixteen hundred students in attendance , shows that Miss i'lcming is possessed of much talent. Her teacher , Prot. Koelllng , speaks of her as u verj highly talented young lady. 13. II. Shcafo .t Co. make long or short time loans on real estate , in sums to suit , nt lowest rate of interest. Ofileo Broadway and Main street , upstairs. See Forrest Smith's special column. m Special ruled columns in ledger , cash , journal , etc. Morehou&e Jc Co. Dr. C. C. Ha/.en , dentist , opera , house block. Tlio DclnyH of the Motor. The tune of starting up the electi io motor ine seems to still be away oft in the distant future , and the citi/ens arc getting quite im- ulient. They fail to really that the line was not more than half equipped when the Hi steals were started nearly a month ago. and that the cars were run at that time in older that the public might not be dAip- oointedattho time of the bridge ooening. J'he tracks and eiruiit aio now nearly ready ; the setting of a few more poles being all in i eadmcss for use. The principal cause of delay now is the setting up of the heaters in the cars. Several of these have not yet been lilated , and the line will not bo opened until they aio all ready to the up. These huatcis aio small iion affaiis , and arc concealed under the seats. They burn oil , and arc filled once a day. They keep the caisata comfoi table tcmperatuio during the coldest weal o. ' . H is now stated that the cars will icgintoiun the 1st of next month , but as the 1st lasts until the 15th , the exact date can not bo determined. NEW BARGAINS HIIOADWAV I.OTS , FJ1C8T AV1JMJK l-'UKltY ADDlllOV IOTS , 1'KKIIY ADDITION I.OTS , EVANS' ' BRIDGE ADD , LOTS , ItRYANr * Cli\UK'H AUDITION JjOTS , STllKnT'S ADDITION IjOTri. nl-iSO 2O Af RKS OP THE BEST PROPERTY IN TOWN KOI I I'hATTING. W. C. STACY , Teleplinne ll . No. 0 Main Street. FORREST SMITH'S ) wm urixiT FOB SALE. Tor a blioit tlmp. tlio entire aildltlon kno\\n us "TAlKMOl NT" locntfd un the liilU botwei n lithuiu ) lilth avfinioH , thine und u liulf blocks eaht of Main fail ei-t and the aanie from the street rur lino. It inmuinmtx nn < > xti > iiHl\i ) \liu of Umnlm anil Cuiuu II Illnir. . Thl beautiful anil llnoly louiit'il ailillllun or FORTY-TWO LOTS Isnffi'ieil nt apilco Hint \\lll ninety innko the iii'.v'.tor from ; in W per i cut wllhln two > card. U yon \Miul a tmo thnw which > ou cmi boiln ; selllnc ut onre nt an ailviintu ot from 75 ton ) iir < vni onrvlmt It ( osts inii.cullon or mlilrchs II. II MrUrc. 1:111 : Mulu t > t. . or I'oieat BinltJi. at Ilio llnmn bnllilfnc. Hnnt Ubkliy U IH orreri'd o 1 ( \ . but come and nee the vroii- erty und l > n con\liu l'litu \ \ e tell II IOIM tlmn it Is , 'IhoselntK nll | rll now at fiim.ia tn ? WK ) each. Wctdoii't wnnt that for ttain. | lleniuni- b r thla ofTcr Is ouly for u uhoit time. FORREST SMITH , Uoooi , Srd l-'loov , 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON A.LL CASH SALES ! FORCED ; CONCESSION SALE nnd surpiislng Bargains in Clos-Jss , S- ClotIbL.iri.g : % Boots At Henry Eiseman&Co's ' People's ' Store OUR ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE SOLD. In order to give us an opportunlt\ rcarranpo our business for our new KOl'H bTOUY HLOCR , which \\o are crecliiif , ' on the old. I'acillc House Site. Customers will not waste their tiino of they read what wo have to say. Nor will they be deceived when they como to .sec our oodsand learn our'prices. KvoryMnnsr will bo found exactly as we s-ay. Wo oiler a discount of 120 percent ON ALL CASH SALES On everything we ha\o in our lioiiso. Now isour , time to buy. Do not miss this opportunity. Low prices always malic us btiv anil wo arc po int' to make LOW PRICES MAKE YOU BUY ! We adopted this method of slaujjhterinjr our jjooilb just ono wcclc ttpo. anil tbo result has been that our STORK IS CUOWDKI ) with customers all day long , s-o much so that we have added Extra force of Competent Salesmen , Anil Sales Ladies to wait on our customers. People are coming from Omaha and fiom huiuhedb of miles to take ad vantage of this Our regular prices have alwajs boon conceded to be the lowebt offered in the wobt , and when , \ou got 20 per cent , extra discount on jour bill , hoc what you are saving hy buying from us. We want to and mubt CLOSE OUT OUR STOCK Tor reasons above named. CALL AND SKK US. Mail Orders receive prompt attention. HENRY EISEMAN & CO , PEOPLE'S STORE NOS. 314,316,318 , , & 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. SPEClAIjadvertisements. Bucaas Lost , Fouul , To Loan , Tor Silc , To .Keujt. Wants , Uoard- Ing , etc. , w ill be Inserted m tnls column at the lowrato of TUN CENTS I'EK M.VE for the first Insertion und live Cants 1'or Ltnu for oa < h subsequent - sequent , Insertion. Leave advertisements at ourorflce. No. 12 Vonrl Street , uear lirouilwny. Council lilufls Iowa. WANTS. LADY agents wanted. A specialty which hells Itself. Agents makp I > IB pay 1th no experience. 1'or partluilars address Mr * . . K. C. Harbour , U12 La Piille acnue , Chicago. ; WANTKU Situation by a llrst-class tia\cl- inn aalesmnn ; No. 1 iifciencc * ) u'hen. Call on or uildiess 1'olmei , V Co , JJS Pearl St. , Conn ell Illulls , lq. LOST On luesday last , a line Rolil lieiulvd silk umbrella rintlor wilt please return to Jacob lion arth , Coloiado house. FOK rtRNT Nina loom house , coiniM 5th ave. nnil f th st. Auply ou premises. \V" ANTIID Position as honsekoepei by a com- potentially , llafci eiiL i > evrliuniel. Pal mer A. Co. , 2S Pearl St. , Council Illuir * . . FOR SALE Hood 4-year-old horse. Kentlonud t-onnd. Iliunoss and ton biiRgy. Will sell ( heap on easy terms If bold boon. Inquire t 18U nth st. WANTRD-Pnhltloii In milllneiy bhop ns trimmer , by hulv of lUc years o\prilem.e. Cull on or address Palmer & Co , " 8 1'cnrl street. Council lllnirs. I7KK ) IIRNT Good 8-room hon e with iiantry -I ? nndilobeta ; VM binrel cistern ; good barn with Htalls > for flxehorses. All in good lepair. W. C. httiry. No. 1) ) Main .st. FOR SAUI-Or IIxclmhge AKOodRralnrle- v.itor In an Iowa town , to soil or trade for farm land. Johnston \ . Van I'.itten , Council Hliills. in. 171011 HUNT A Iftrjjo number of good dwell- -L Inj Call and ux mlna list. K. II , Sheaf e & . Co , llioadway and Main St. , up .stalls. FOIt HES'T Two larsu fiom looms , fur- ntslioil , ono block fiom stieutcai Addieas H , IU'0 ollkf , Council Illnlls. CoDfeclioiierv CIGARS AND TOBACCO. h'CB llllll for III Kill CakCM , CtC. TO DEAL.ERS-A liberal discount givenl No . 2lfJ Mom Street. LOTS IN FERRY ADDITION ! For a Short Tims I Will Offer 100 LOTS In 1'eiiy Addition to Council llhilTa on the fol low lug Terms : Inslilo Lots on A\e. A $ iM Inslda Loth on Ave. II . . . WW Inside Lot son A vo. U 4V ) Inside Lot son KlistAvo ft'fl Inxiile Lots on Second Axe . . MX ) Inside Lots on Thlid Axe . . r > ( Inside Lots on N. Sld I'ourtli Ave . . 4.r > 0 Inside Lots ouh. Side Tom Ih Ave 4(0 ( JWA11 Corner Lots J-.t ) More TERMS One-tenth cash , balaiuelnnlneanmiil optional pavmeats , vlth H perientln- ti rest , pa\ able annually. Will nix e con tract for warranty deed und fumlsh ab stract xvhen tullv paid. % v. siij ; > j\T : ( > pa\ No. Nortli Main St. , Council lllutrs. la. THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. PRICE $15. Is equal t ) any High Priced Machine. IheKdlson JllmcoBrapli , the best aimnitus | | for mimlfolUliiK , iuilOL'niillo | ] und ti > e wrilliiu work. 3.UUD tople-i run lie luki'n. The Escelsior Cc.Council Bluffs , la. FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY 1514 DoimlnH St. , O in.ill a , Not ) , UU No. 14 Pearl St. THIS : - : WEEK IS THE TIME FOR PURCHASING HOSIERYAND : : : - : UNDERWEAR AT HARKNESS BRQ'S. ' SPECIAL SALE OF LADIES' ' AND CHILDREN'S ' * CASHMERE GLOVES WORTH 50 AND 75 CENTS , TO BE SOLD AT 25 CENTS. 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. SNAPS ! ! j [ Lot , Bryant & Clark , on Second avc. - \ Lot , Bryant it Clark , on Third avc. - - $250 $ Lots , Perry's 2d Add. , on Avc. C - - - Kach Q Lots , Benson's First , Avc K - . . . . E.ich Lot , Everett's Add. , Third ave. - - - - $ ยง 00 Lots , Fleming & Davis , Ninth and Tenth avcs J ) 0 ( ) Each HOUSES AND LOTS -ON EASY PAYMENTS Call and See Masonic Temple. Pe.TJSSEH.3Li. . Especially Ailaptod tot SIZES FROM ELECTRIC 25 TO 300 KORSE LIGHTING , KORSEPOWER POWER , Mills and Elevators , AUTOMATIC CUT- E. Ppeclllcatlons nnd estimates fnuiMied foi complete srcain plants. Regulation , Pin ability fiuar- . autecd. Can slioxv letters liom useis wlit'io fuel iionom : > Is ecju il with Corliss. Non-tomUusing. E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. . "ilO Ponrl Street , t'ouncil Thp "WHITE" Is Kins' JL AJLv/ v v JL A JL JL J-4 JL P JL3LJLJLJI& This is the vcnliot of nil Indies who liavo used the White Sowiiir | Mncliino See it before buying any other. OFFICE , 05 Mliltllo Broadway. J , M , BROWN , DR. C. B. JUDD , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC TRUSSES. No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary. WAJVTKD I.OCAL. AM > TKAVi0l.\ ; < > U.\T.S OI'bM'rf I S , STEWART , M , D , , D , V , M , VKTiJRINM SORGBON HOSPITAL 45 FOURTH STREET. Tclrplioni ! No.1)5. . COUNCIL IJ1/IIKFS / , i : 1'MVA TJICI . Ui ricrn. w. II. M. I'USLV. OFFICER & mil. BANKERS. Corn1 ! Main nivl Ilinulrny , < " ( ) t Nl II. ItMTI-'S , IOWA. Dtaliis In fon'liMi uml dumihtlc evclinuKe. Collri lions uiHile und Intel i t paid on lliiiutle * jiosltK. Maurer's ' Chin ' ; . RETAIL , 34O BROADWAY We carry the lorofst stock in the west , covering 2O.OOO square feet of floor. Wo do the largest busincssl We sell ut the lowest prlcsal We deal direct with European manufacturer's and pay no jobber's profits. "WE IPST S OT C-A.SSC ! Cash talks , and we are always in position to Yon Geirtilne /I We offer you for OO days. In new and fresh goods and good selections , the following : ' OT 1 Iliuid-pninte } ! each loc OT 2 Good Mujollcii Cuspidors , cuuli > r > o .OT i5 HnffHsh UccoratPil Chnin- bor .Son $2 05 LOT -I English JJccorntcd Wl- pieeo Ton Hots $375 ! AT ft 100-piceo ( fjonuinu gold- band und hund-paintcd llowors ) Wodgowood DJnnoi'Hot , per bot.$12 00 LOT 0 HiifUbh Decorated full Din nor Sut , new fluted shapes , per tot $8 50 LOT 7 Nice and cOiolco lot of Decorated Gcnuinu Clilnu Creiimorti , each , 25o LOTH-Lnruo iMoHS HOBO I'itch- ors , each 25C LOT ! ) Koso Jars , filled with per fumed rose loaves , each. . . . . . . 2.5c ' LOT 10 Genuine CJhimidcuomtcd Fruit or Ice Crcom ot * ) , pur hot 2.50 LOT ll-CJonuino Chlnu Fruit 1'liitob , siHbortod decorations , per do/.un , . ] .75 LOT 12 An olofjaiitJIand i'uinted Vnso Lamp , with blmdo to match , line burner , complete , each 3.60 And a gieat many more bargains which our limited bpauo will not permit UH to onumerate. An Inspection will save you money. Also Fall Line of Best Makes in Plated and Solid Silver , Rich Cut Crlass , Bronzes and Brass Goods , Choice Dinner , Tei , Fisii , Game , Soni , and Ie ( Cream Sets , : i iic'is : : i\ Royal Worcester , Taplitz , Royal Dresden , Royal Saxony , Bonn Faeience , Visilois anil pi refers equally welonie