Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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No A lvortlcniPiit will lo taken for
thrac columns niter lUi.'JO | ) . lit.
TCI ins CaHli In
Advertisements under tins head n cents per
line for the llm insertion , 7 tents for each nib-
requent Insertion , and II "On line Her month
Kou'l ettl'-cnient token tor ie limn"Tiecnts
tbe Hist .nscrtlon Savon words will bo counted
ffltlo line ; they must run consecutively and
nu t bo l > ald In ADVANU : . All advertise-
hicnts nuut be handed in before 12Til : o clock p.
in. mid under no circumstances will they betoken
token nr discontinued by tflophpne ,
Pnr'lesadmtiHinu ' In , < roUimtwfind hav-
Inp their answers addressed In cijre of'in F. lice
Mlllplensrtnsk fornrhoclc to enable them to get
their IctlfiM , wi none * 111 biHlellvorulexcept on
preieiitntlnn of rherk. All answers to ndvcr-
llsemcnts should be enclosed in envelopes.
All advertisements In those columns are pub
lished In both ni'irnlliK nnd evening edition * of
Tut MrK , the rlirulatlon of which nintroKBtes
moio than IK.WJO mners dally , and Klves the ad-
verMser * the benefit , not only of the cltyrlrru-
litloii ofTIIK Itl'f , but nlioof Council HlulTs ,
LI D oh > and other rltiec and lowns throughout
tin * section ot the country.
Advertising for tlieso columns will be taken
fin the itbove conditions , nt the following bust-
ne s hrm es , wh'inieniltliorlrnl agents for Tur
1H.K special notices , und will quote the. finiilo
rnte ns cnn be had nt tli. > main olllco
OIIN \ \ , Hl.LL , Phuriiia < 1st , SO ) South Tenth
: ifiilWV. Stationers nnd Pi Inters , 113
/toulh / ICth M reef
Rll 1'AHNSWOIlill , Phaimaclst.ailllum-
. . _ ltigStieet.
.1. llt'GUKSi , Pbaimaclst. CM Noith lUa
11:6 : W PAHH , Pharmacist , iwiufct. Mary's
I Aicntio.
\\r AMI D A c'onil miller wants a Job to
TT run n small mill. hit.ulv phuo more than
Jarnupij. Addiess C. P. , lei k box I1- ) , Coin in-
1)Us ) , Neb. 70" > ' . ' 4 *
TArANTIJIJ Position by n sober \outia mari -
i led nun Addrexs John IMvvnrds , Coun
cil III u IK In. -U , ( 33
A ) Mv man ofmlddl uigo some capital
and commeiclal iivperlence , wort. , huMiic
In view Interest or saluiy , City rcforomc , K
IW. llee 0.17 : :
\\T ANTKI i Situation by a young man In
' boot and shoe or hat stoic1 , three yeni-t
rxperlence ; spt nks ( Ipiinaii and Knallsli : good
lefercnco Address 1C" > , Hee olllce , fi'irjit
"IV'AN'IISD A position bv a competent liuly
' Kteno rapher nnd Ivpewritei , Address ,
slating salnrj. and with lefel ernes , befoie Do-
cembei 5 , J- . " Van Union at , Iowa Cllj. la.
W ANTl'.D A llrst class snlpsmnn * To" sell
baking powder to the li tall grocoi.v tiade
InOtnnlm. Slate oxpeili'iico and lefereiici1. \ \ .
i : Kplley , Midland Imti-l , Kails is Citj 7UIJ , >
\rANTiD : Men for new uillroad work in
T WomlnR , agood Job and will last a j ear
Almlghts Laboi Agciuy , II JO ratnamst.
7 .1
T\rANTrD Cluntletnan stcnouinphei , no export -
port required , will be rxiucteit to bo a < -
niratoand lapidon typewiltlng. Address 1C
II , Hee. 07. 35
ANTlID I'lrst-rlnss shoomakor. Apply
C. J. Palniqnlst , 315 S. 15th st. mi 2J *
TV /"ANTKD / llxpeiienced ailveitliilng foll-
T Hois. .loluiMon & Co. , iirlnter.s , tor Cumlng
nnd Sauuilers .sts. 07ii ir
' \\7 ANTIU ) A good bl.icksmltn. One that can
TT do all kinds of woik und that h.isgood
rcfeiencos. C. C raimim , Wllcox , Kunrnuj
Co. , Nob. bOI ' . ' 1 *
new , beautiful ; suit ibN- for gift to distant
filemls ; onlj il. Splendid chance tor l hrlst -
limn canvass. Address A V\ Vittoman. Ml Iteado
Bt. NowYoik. 457 .EJ
\S ANTii : ) Agents In every town in The
* w est for 0111 oil burners for cooking and
heating slovos. Send Mamp tor catalogue.
1'attcrscn Oil Uuiuer Co. , : il.'l S. 12th st. Omaha.
_ _
\\rANTKD-ror Washington Ti-ri'ltoiy , praiT-
TT am , tiack-hiycrs and bridge c.upentci- ,
Common labor , W to i0 per day , or n , to $10
Jer month nnd bniird. All nil winter's job In a
mild cllmiite. i\ei : thlng | guaiantcod arcpie -
nentrd at Albright s H. if. Labor Agency. IWO
1' st. a\Ki \
SALl SMKN Wo w Ish a few men to sell om
l.ood.s by dainplo to the wholesale and letall
trade. Lnrgopt manufactuiers In our line. Kn-
clo ccent .stamp. Wages J , ! per da v. Penn.i-
Jleut position. No postals niiswcied. Money
Advanced for wnges.nitveitlslng. etc. ( cnten-
nlal Mim'f'g Co. . Cincinnati. Ohio. iK . ) U b'j
WANTM ) A stnto mnnngci to open olllce In
each of the follow luce cities : Topek.i , Nash-
tlllo and Lincoln , Neb halniy , SI miOper ypai ,
Miiht Invest fl.txw Addioss , ( Juorgo S. flint- ,
Wagner Illock , Des Mollies , la , U'7
. _ Tii : > A good canvasser , applv nt ' ' 17
, . . N. Itith st , Omaha , Nob. 757
\\rAM'Hl > Salesmen , to Introduce n new
and very saleable article In hlHlocnlltj nnd
unjoining cities. Salailes paid to ni theuner-
Bctle salesmen. Address , enclosing thieecents
in stumps , the Atlas Mnuufactnilnc ' 'o. locL
| IOH.I , C'lnclnnntl , Ohio. 7C1 ill *
\\rANTii : ) MnleiV female acentfc easy Celling
T t goods , loom -I , Harlcer bit , 15th jcrm mini.
Tildl *
ANTKD Knergetlc men nnd women nvery-
1 vvheio for aRenteel money-mnkliiK ; busi
ness. I' l weekly piollt ( 'unrunteed iMsicr than
10) ) monthly othciwlso. i\perlenco : absolutely
iinnefesHiiry. Permanent position nnd exclti-
wvn teriltoiy nvsuied. W.VJ samples fiefl ,
JVrito lor Jpaitlculnis. Addiess , with stamp ,
Pletrlll MrgCo. , 111 Chicago. 4 ; , " lUS'rt
( , : ' WANTIU-f7."i ) n month nnd ex-
AiN'lS paid nnv nctlvo pciion to sell our
KOOIIH ; no capital , salaiy monihly , in
navanco , paitlciilai.s frco. Standard Sllverwaio
Co. , llOHton. 4iU
"OOYb Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1J04 lJou ias.
' 17'ANTIID Jinn t take the nRenoyof our
TT MII f on ; RlzeSSuelsxlH lnclic.s ; Ui'lglit f.OU Ilia ;
ratnllinIcol-'i ; other slyes In piopt > iUon A
iniethanco nud permanent business. 'Ihesa
unreti meet a demand nmcr bcfote supplied by
pthci1 satii companies , ns we aio not governed
l > 3 tlio stifo pool. A Ipinobafo Co. Clneinnnti , 0
TVANTKH Rood llfo nsiiranco soMcltois
T with bank lefutenciM , nio wanted bv tlm
JJnlon Llfo nt 401 Meu'hnnts' national nank
Xiutldlng , Omaha , Olllco IIOIIH 8 to 10 a m. nnd
Jtoil p in. til j
" \\rANTUl ) A man to solicit ; salniy flOO per
> T inonili ; must deposit tSi uiul gl\e tediilty
Tor money collected. Address tlcoie | ; s ( 'line ,
T\"nsner block , les Moinus , In , & .
\\7ANT15ll -Male nnd fomnla canvnsH'iK for
> now and last sollluu' books. M.uiil.iid
V01 ks , llbeial terms. AddiC33 II til , lleo olllco ,
Mi ' .lif
WANTIII-i\perlencotl : clRnr snlcMiiiin nil
Nebraska , with rotoioiiccs. IMw.inl K.ilm ,
S1HB IMIiht. it.-.i
\ \ \NTKD-liOod islil 'orKi'iiirnllioiiHuvvoik. ;
TT must bn good cook nnd lauuiliess 'ulo
Ja\ciiioit ) [ st. 7W tfl
* \\r ANTl'.D A good pincllcal womnn , Mui > t
TT bo n uooit cook and laundiess Two lu
h. rninlly. Watjes } 1 per w-oU. Apply at lift" " ( ' .ill-
f. * ill
T A N TKD An miniated and lelined v\oik-
Inu ImnseUrepei for u clniKjman In a
ronutiy tdvrn , lady not tinder Mvo.usof age ;
lilao first-dais girl for gunuial Iiou o\vork in
iVyciiihiK , WO ; ' - ' good dliilng-rooin wills ; oed
lu private families every dav. Miti.
B. 15th. tl3'i : *
C31HL for general housework. Tl'J 8. l th st.
7' ' 1
WANTliD Lidy Ktenopr.ipl.ei and 15 pe-
w liter Adtliess K 41 , llee. d70 ± 1
" \\7ANTiD : I.iidy stenoKiiiphor , iniiot be good
T > Kiielloi nnd underatand lypcvviltlUL' . Ad-
I' ' flrenh K Mi , Hee. UT1 ' u'J
iu "
TXrANTinT-A : jjlil , family of three. "iT
Ifornlabt , t4
in'KNT Kill for housework. Mid.
' 1 iios , V , Hull , i ; > L1 Hhci man ave. KM
ANT15D A Klrl for irenoial lumsyuoik , o\-
coptcookliib' . IK ) California , cor. : > lthst.
A co\crne < 3 who can gpeaU
> i Knincli , ( ittrnmn , nnd Is accomplished in
T nt mid luitruincntal muskAd'trv x H x us
city. 4i i
'IXT'ANTBD-Alady to solicit : must deposit i1
Tl und give uecuUty for money collectoil
Address Ueorga a ciluo , M'scner block. Des
> Iolnes , la , Mi
\\rANTKO-Ladvtolleltorii. Must innkesmall |
> i1cpo it. Position permanent. i-iiUiyit3
per month. Address , K3l , cure lice. 010 ii II
ANTKO-Youii to rosin with hc-ase-
f ANTUD A ior uuuvral houstiwort.
- -
G1HI , wanted , peed wages for n good plrl nt
50) ) a ISth , up Mnlra y-rt
aua roonw. ! S N U'th
OAHH and rooms ,
i : SIIII.ION. : 101 H.aim st , cor.
rust-class family hotel. Hoard nnd rooms.
miiRlf or ensulte , nt reasonable prlres He for-
r-ncps ieqtilred. These wishing rooms for the
v Inter , plcaso npply soon. .1. Campbell , Prop'r.
rpAHIn lonrdf > rs wanted , 1COO Douulas ,
JL nil
\VrAN'lii-Table : boarders nt 17US Douglas
V > 73J N <
people wanting rclnilnerntlve
Xu rinplojment cull No. M18 Capitol ave Nov.
ZlatidiM. W7 2
fyfiilHASK ; niiiplov mciiro niforilfN ! lfith
Li ftWdld
G IAN'ADIAN Hmnlojmentonice. Mrs llr un ,
3H'iy. IMh.IteferciKe Omaha National bank
-'I n 23 ?
VALUNTINK'SShorthand ! "ane 'IvpewritinR
llif.tltiite , New Piijcloti btiildtmr , Omaha ,
Neb. The nnl.i i > xt lii lvo , leRltlliinin sliortlmtul
sclioul lu Ui stale.oronu hnntlreil gradu
ates in good situations. The Behool is under
the in iiLiucmi'iit of ( ' . ' ' > ntcntlnn.ollli Inl ' ton-
ORiai > ) ier ifthe.lil lilillc nil dlstrlt tuf Nelnnsk.i ,
nnd Pror II. It. luvle ! , n.i evpirleurod teat het
and vuibittm r. pitir Day nnrl evening ses
sloii't MndiiitsLan eutei at nuj time. Send
fordictilarx 451 1)16
\\TANTI.D * > Uilii > niof | horses nml tmiles to
t sellnt nurtinntfaturdaj , Nov. " 4 , luo'clork
n. in , at the .lellersnn Square Livery .V : .Moek
Auction f-tnbles , 4,1) ) N llllh St. 7152.1 ;
ENO AC ) I'MTA'Td to do dress-making In fam
ilies olnlted , Miss Stltidy , ' 'OI7 l.eaxon-
woithst. TSt s
\ X'AN'riilressmakliig : ) in private fninlllos
V > bj thocla > . ik)1 ) S. 17tli st B' ' * " ! W
\\rANTii-lloomsnndboar : < l In private fam-
T llj foimanund wllo. Iteferenios glxon
nnd leiiuliud. Attorney , KiT. ) Hee otllce. MTI'
"l\rANTii : > Horses to winter ; new barn ,
T > goon yaid for oxnnl e. Ik-st of reference
given. John Haraid. nth and Ohio 4Vii
\\rAMKI ) Young ladles nnd gentlemen to
know they can obtain a thorough and
prartli ul knowInilge of teleginpny. titling them-
sehcs In n short lime foi good p.tying positions
lit the l.lectrlr IVlcgtapii school. Rooms Cj'S
and jvu 1'atton block , ror IfitI , nnd I'arn im HI.
ll'i gJt
" 1 % rANTUllloihos to winter. I have accom-
f nmdations for a bundled horses at
Omaha fair grounds. haIm ; largo j aids for ex-
n islngduiliig thud.i ) ; each IIUIMI hus n largu.
warm liox stall at night A. Thomson , Omalia
lalriiotmds. y.17 d 11
\ \ rAwTKIHorse and buggy for winter for
t > their keeping , inquire Ulb rarnnin. .
\\TANTUt ) My nslii le.ontlemiin. ( fnrnlslipil
T room , hcal.gas and bath , ceuti.illj UK nted ,
Addiess K 17 , lleeolllcc. t9 ;
VANTKD ? Hoom and boaid In pilvntrfnm -
T > llybnjounglnily emplojcd dining the
day. AdiliODi II , K\celslor olllco. GU > 1K'
WANTHD 7or8 ipom hoase , all model n
conxeiileiues State location and rent. Address -
dress 1C fl uie Iloe. 7JU "S *
" \VANTii ) Ity L' ladies , a comfoi hibli- sitting
loom and bed loom with bouul. Address
510 1'ieice st. C57 J
" \\7"AN'IKD Hoom ( fitnilshedi wanted by
> gentleman A. wife with board , ftato tcuns.
Addu-ss 1C 4' . ' iloe. UVI . > (
\\7AN'ir.D-Ity family of 1 , two fmnlslied
T > rooms with boaid ; best ot tefurumvs. Ail-
dress w Ith paiticuliis , K 10 , Hee. Ctio X *
AirAN'IliU 1 iniilshod loom In rhiistlnn
i t family with gas.Curnace and conveniences ,
foi ' 1 voting mun. ItcforBiicea fji\en. Addict ,
1C a ) , lleuollice. 1 , ) SZ *
fpOlt HUNT Alnlco 7-rOom cottage , 'Jll >
JL1 DaMnport st luiiulio C. L. Hilikson \ Co ,
2IL' N loth st. 701) ) 'l
H hi : of 0 looms for lent , llUSOthst.
701 2H-
TjiOK HUNT 4J"i per month , new U ) room
X1 liiiuscs , v1th all modern Impiovementh , good
location , and at prices aio the cheapest and
most desirable to be found in the city. Ames ,
1W7 raimimxt. ti'Jl J-'l
F ( Tit"III'.NT 7-ioom house. ll'HN. 17th. ? 18
pei mouth. Appl > ntaitl S. 1 Ith. 717
FOR Itr.NT "i-iooni cottage. 11 * ; tl room cot-
Inge , fli > . Inquire , Nutheitou Hull , Hoom
4ii , I'lrst Nut. bink. ( > si ) ?
"irtOH Itr.XT I lut , 7 rooms with modem 1m-
X'piovements in desirable location Fiiiint-
motor .sale. Address K ! W lieu olllcc. > " > * "It
T7IOK HKNT-lloUMj I looms , N. W. Cor. 11th
X1 and Cum Ing. Imiiilieon pi utilises. li"l'1 *
171OH ItCNT Nlro l-roomhouse loc'ited S lltti
X' ht. . Nil ; Inquire , W8 N ItitliBt. , loom 11 lil *
17 HOOM house nn red car line. $ lfi per month ,
I II. II. Cole , room U Continental Illock ,
O TWO story fl loom llou c' on cable line , Jib
p r month , H. K. Cole , room 0 Continental
"IJ10II UIINT A house ot 8 rooms , in coed ie-
X1 pair , with all the principal nrcoimnodatioin.
liuiuire at Oil S. Itth St. , between Jackson and
Lcuvunvvorth. r > 13 ' .t %
"IT1OK ItUNT Neat n-iooni coltaKO to siniill
X 1'iiuilly. Jmiulro on prcuiLies , No. Bl'.t K , 1'Jth
TJIOH IlIlNT Klegaut now bilcfe ten room
X' houses on cable. Iloth hot nnd cold water ,
Iftiinclilos , hnrd wood , oak linlsh. 'I ho tln , > st
ivntluK housed in Omaha. Kent very lovv to
proper tenant. Ilcfoience reriulrcil , flirt'ii &
\\lllluins. \ \ _ 1st Nat. Uunk llillldlUK. _ 5B.V.-J'
Tbll It UN'T l-room housc.JJIO Williams st.
5HOO.M house , S.2lth st , , near thot , tower !
ru ;
TJIOH HKNT New R-rooin hoiian with all mod-
X' ern improvements. ( .01. Ilickoiyandtloorgia
are , price j5. Iliniulro J'iU Le.uenv\oith at
"IjiOH HUNT Iloiife of ? rooms , ZM nnd Cuss.
X1 liKiulio Hoom CU8 , Bheeley block. , ; > !
"I71OH HUNT One ot tlioso 10 room houses in
X1 I'ark 'Icriace , ( or. llunsroni jiuric , nil mod
em Improvements , flO per month. Inmtlie Leu
X Nlcliol , t.\-tli and l iuenvvorth. RKI
fjlOH HHNT Neat 0-iooni liouse , good lo
callty , lout } 18 a month , Iliennan A Co.-
rhiimbui of Commerce ) . V'l ' I ,
Foil HKNT T\vo \ nvc-i oem houses , 'Nth and
DodRo.stii.JIS. Onu moileinhouso , IDiooms
f in naccetc. . . MO a. 3.5th Klngwalt Ilros. .
Darker blocV. ; 8 ' "i *
POH HUNT Ni > , 111) ) 8 , 7th live. , nutcoS-
room house in good repair : rooins newly
papeitd nml pnlntud ; nlceyiird ; llnncistein
water , llent fcii a month. Poieiwaluu Ken at
once. Apply to Hell's 10th st. pharmae.v.
HUNT 4-room house , Kr : y ! Isih.too
too i > at
TJ'OH HUNT .i-rooiii modern Improvedhmifio
X1 A 1 locality. Kent moderate. Apply. M. Kl-
gullcr , U l I'uinnm t. -jui
HOl'sr.U looms and bith ronm ; enod bain ;
-.VI Davenport st. ; luqulieSjIb Cap. ii'VeO
I710H HK.VT llonso 8 loomn 'JiM Lass HI , cot
X' tiiKofi looms luth and llUkorj , liuiulioroom
WJs , bhi'vlev blk Ibl
1/1OH IllNT t-rouni House on P. inthiTt. , two
X' blocks south of Vlntonsi. ; will lent foi 111) )
perinonth or hell on terms to stilt muchnsci.
Ufo. J..Stenisdurlf room 0 , opposite P. O. tlia
POH HKNT-8-room House and b ru. b 12 cor
"alhuMi and Webster Ht , ? RJ per month. In-
( pjliobUTiPaxtou block. P , J , Cioedou , Kl !
7 HOOM bricl. house , all I llnmllton . All
i modern Improvements , 8 iO.
8 loom fiaiuiNo. . ail l Hamilton nt. , (27.50.
Le-\vltt Hiirnhttiii , No 1 Croluhton bloct. 401
POH HKNT When you -wish to rent u house ,
store or otlke call on us. 11 , K , Cole , room
C. Continuum ) bloct. en
Foil HKNr7room flat. 11th and Howard.
tJ."i month. Apply to J. L. llr.indols A Sous.
corner IJthnml Howard. 743
THOU HI2N1' At very low rates. 10 autl iTnew
X1 rcildences. ' . ' (01 ( and 2414 , Cass street , t lailce
Place. On block south of Crel hton colloc1 * . 011 ami I'lth .street car line. All luotUrn
improvement * . Apply. II. T , Wart Uulou Trust
Co. . or at "I'Xl i.'aai atiaet fit
"iriOH HKNT 6 room house , 241J , T-room hou a
X1 24SI popplBtoti avu. 0 9. i , Ollborl , With-
n ll li'l'u. _ flip _
"fnOH HKNT10room lionso vrltli teanilieat.
X1 nt'-M ! a. 24th st. O. K , Thoojpwii. Shuly
block. Itlh ami Howard ats. VJI
HUNT K'evr tt-room hoiue. ' .ill inodFrn
-I1 linpnivoni nt. , S1 l und Chlcat'u ts. . lout
renspUHblo , liuiulie llimriiaiii si. ti'i
HOOM iouw/u lStincRrjoaf4 at. .
Dr. Mitt.ce , l-xaUoil DSt , WI
TTIOH Ht'.NT-IIomos. dtorcs and
X' t i ) to JJO p , r mouth , to desirable lenanta ,
7 room house , with stable , $ > l.
room Hat. bath. RIX , cu , , l-T. .
Ftore , 1T)7 ) Park I\VP , with bnsemonl. Inclusive
of vv atur , < .
room home , lilt C'hl-ar ) st. , is ) .
0 r&om house , stable , etc . &M.
Ptore rooms on St Mury'savo. in to 15
Two splendid II room residences , fur nice * ,
rations , mantel , lanndrv. very dcslrablo loia-
tlon , i7u and js. , .
U room resilience. 3113CM1 ct , t,9.
Nine room home on Sumdcrs upar Pratt
Mrect. hot and cold water , , bath and closet ,
stable for two horses , y.iven room liousn name
location , city water , good stable. Doth houses
vcrv desirable.
C. V. Mnj nc , Heal Kstate A Trust Co.
_ _ _ 38.1 _
Hl'.N'T fi-room 1101150 cor ot loth nm
Don ns st , Iliiiulto at 1 1C Woolworlb ave.
FOR IUiNT-0-room nou * , city water , No IIP
Pa' lllc si. Inquire at 180y Howard. 511
Foil lirNT-llv Ikmvoitn , V .lopllti , Ilarker
block , 3. t , B. d. 7 , ! * . V , in , II , H-room houses
In all parts of the rltv. _ t'JJ
"FOR" RKNY--ljooTfls TJTfNfsHEDr
HUNT- Cornel bay window suite of fur
nlshed roomi for "or 4 Bi-nttemen. Inrludlnt ,
heat , tins nud liith , 1'rlce rnasonalilo Auply
at upper Hat I'M Cupltol uvo , cor. lltli ' st.
iriOH HUN J' Two or three rooms , fuinlshet
Jl \intuinished. . suitable for hmiiekooplnc
t i bldi ks 1 1 oin mint home , lloppor > \ \ li
llam , loom .in , ( liamberof Commeice. ( Wi ;
On\p | with boiud , 1WJ Dodge , llofeienees
oArhnuged. TO'J & 3 *
AVIIM i : rooins , at 1C.11 nml IC15 Capitol HM- , ,
me chtupval llrst class fauilly looiin In i lt\ .
_ _
FOlt lir.NT .1 looms furnished or unfur
nlshed , slnt'lo or togothor. Ki ) ) S. 1 11,11.
with heat , 1701 Caplto
- qp. . UM-rt
I > I < I < ASANT flit nlshed room with boaul.mod
cm com enloiKos lu house , -I'Jl SownritHt ,
ik-U g ;
"ITIdlt HUN ' ! ' Comfort.vblj fuinluliPil room on
J-1 cable line. 1'lisi'apltol ' n\e. fiO'l i
lCN'I'-Nlci'ly fiunWied fiont parloi foi
* ? gentleman and wlfo. li < 17 la\eiiport ) st ,
( u".l -'J *
_ _
' > NUT. loom ? , fin Dished for hou-ekeoplnp ,
Onew ftunltuiif.unly J Jpoi iiiuulh , IfwiCoiby
" | j1UHNISMit : ) front loom , IS. 1814 U.ivenpoit
X ? OIQlllDj
It HiNT : I'urnlshed loom. Heal , gas nnd
bath. 116 K 2oth. dU'
FUHNISIIKI ) looms , isalarnam. \ .
< SS 21 *
rpWO pleasant looms vlth hteam heat and
-1 bom d. pi Iv nte family. 'JUG S. Zlth , 111.1 ' 'fl
"I/llHST-CLAt-Siooms. newbrlck resident o , pri-
Jl vnto family , boaid It dcsltctl , ( < 18 P. llithhl ;
all modern Improvements. B74 5 i +
HKNT-Largo , nicely furnished south
steam heat , lilt I Douglas. U8J-'J'
rp\\O front rooms In one ol the tlm-s t rest-
L In the city , contrail } located , steam
he itlng , gas , w Ith nso of batli i oem , on Dec , 1 ;
retereuces lequlied. Addiess 1C 15. Itee. utl
Hauiey , furnlnhed loom , J3 month.
APOVTII parlor and ludioomiltublo \ for u
lady and Kentleman , or t o or tluee pontlo-
men : inoderato terms nnd llrst-clais board.
: &KISt. Mui > 'nu\o. 401
' fiirnlslicHl iconn all modern con-
venlenccs , also board , KWJ Ioilyl.xs. ill !
1OH 11 HNT-a or Brooms at COS tnitli st. '
POK HUNT f'urnlshcd rooms with bath gas
und heat , J10 a month. i.7 Dodge bt.
I710K HUNT A large ft out loom , newly fui-
-L' nlshed , south front , cheap , corner 17tK and
Cumlngs BIS. noitheast cornet. IWs
flOlt HUNT Nlcelv furnlsned rooms , singl
or uu suite ; bo.ud If desired ; Jbll Cumlng .
- -
EMUJANT front and back pallors , furnished
suitable for " gentlemen or limn and wife ,
modern conveniences IWJ Douglas at , D.J7
HKNT Nlco largo furnished room with
alcove.sultnblo for 3 gontloinen.lSirjraiuam.
ID OOM S with stoves Jl per week 01 ifi.50 per
JLX month. 603-1-0 S IBth st. -fi. icil *
FUHNISHKDroom , IMS20th near Dodge.
010 n3o *
171OH HUNT Furnished rooms in Orounlg blk
JL cor. nth and Dodgn sti. Inqulro ot Goo. H. ,
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. C17
AHOK pleasant loom , fuinlsUcd , brick Hat.
JU1 Cnicugoat .405
fJ10H lir.NT One elegantly furnished back
JL' parlorgas ; and steam heat , with.board.
Inquire or address .Mrs. H. JyLllanda ) ! , 1721
Dodge street. , , - . . ,
FOlt HKNT Unfurnished rooms Three rooms
in I'ltch block , cor. Woolworth nnd Park
avenues , water , gas , bath nnd nil Inside conven
iences. Enquire at soutn cor. of lint , up stalls.
IT1OH HUNT 3 chambers convenient houso-
Jl keeping to a mun and wlfo without chlldri > nj ;
blocks fiom postollico. 3W N 17th. L'.iO 3.W
UNruilNISHin : Suitable for noiisekoepimr.
TlneotJDiooms. 2lii ( ; Nicholas st. . . . lift )
1'our (4) ( ) looms , 1178. liith st. . . . . 1H ( X )
Three ( III room cottage 31st und Paul st . . ] J 50
Tluee ( .1) ) rooms , 1108 S. 7th st 10 UO
Tlueo < ; ti ) < > oni3 , KL'SN. L'Oth st 10 ( X )
Two (3) ( ) rooms , cor 7th and Paclllc st . . 7 00
'J hree (3) ( ) rooms , IIHII N. 30th si 1135
Three ( . < ) rooms , 1010 N. 31st st , 1000
Tlueo ft ) rooms. 707 l'a < lllc st 11 50
rotir(4)iooms ( ) , 17W Wubstorst i ao
Judge Hentlng Agency , s. w. cor. li rnev and
15th sts. Koom 1. up stairs. 33n
T71OH HUNT-5 unfurnished rooms suitable for
JL1 family. 1410 Chicago st. 5M 'il
FOlt IiiNT : Flat of 10 looms , 113 N 14th St.
Jnquhe nt 103 14th st. 550 3It
" 171OH KnNT-6biiIcu7ooinH In fiedlck's block ,
JL1 15iK ) 111 l rnrnam st , on 3d lloor ; one olllco ,
east liont , on 3d lloor , over Omalm Hanking Co ,
bank. cor. lot list nnd llnrnor st. luqiiuo at
lull r.iuiaiu . - > ( „ loom 8. Punlseii \ Co. < TJ3
FOH HUNT One stoio-room , one bakery , cor.
J'uik ave. aim Woolworth avu. inqiiliu
Tho-t. P , Hall , 517 I'uMon building , lw !
FOH HKNT-Storeroom , No.2H S. llthst. Ap.
Vlvjit UIDlJqwiirilHt. 11
10ll HKNT .1 stoios on Kith und Leaven"
JL' worth , apply llauk of Omaha. OI'J
1T10H HR.NT-Ilrlik stoitt.llat above. 2lth and
JL1 Hamilton , desirable business location. Lea-
vitt lluinlmm , room I , Cioighton block. MJ,1
FOH HKNT-Olhca suite 83.1 month. 3 single
onicfcs f 15 each , all flouting luth St. , llusll-
man block , N. U. Coi , 16th ana Douglas. W. M.
llusliman. UU LeavenworlS. CJ |
IF YOU w nt your Houses rented place them
with IJunawn It Co. , 15th , opposite postojllce.
KO. ' .l.l'aul , ICO'J ' Tarn , st. Houses , HtoiesT
etc for lent. 150
" \ \TK glv specinl attention to renting and colT -
T lecting lenta , lUt with us. H. L' . Cole , room
6. Continental block. on
GKOItCil ! J. STnilNHDOHFl' , room ( I. opn , p.
O. , will heieaftei give special nttontlon to
renting hotiies , stolen and llats. If you want
jpnrpioperty routed without delay and to roll-
abla tcunnts. do not fall to Hat the BAIUO wltli
ONU MILLION ACHKS-Stoolc men. atten
tion , 'J Ho Union Pat lllc Hallway company
offer foi Itjnue one million ucros bo > t gra/lnii
laiitls In eastern and ecntial Coloindo for
period of onu or tw i > yeais.
Will le.iso lu nimutltlea of uot less than four
sections to one party.
All applications subject to Ilia approval of thu mud commliHloncr , and mutt be muUp
on ol befoit ) Dec. 20. Ibt8.
1 or particulars M to terms and location of
lands nddifhs. mentioning this paper , H Mu-
Allntatrr , LaudCommiiisloner U , P , H'y , Omaha . , . . . ,
Neb ,
171011 HUNTClieup. . I Imvo a largo livery
JU' barn , store loom and tlueo living rotims ,
0li > l feet , and accommodating some M horse1) .
good location forstoif. on Podge tit , thlssldu of
ho Kelt line , Onmlia , tliat I will rent cheap to
responslbln paitlos. W. K. VnuiU u , 14 Far-
mm 4l. Omaha. 3IV11U
IJKHBONAL Yout * ot UieTithTeceTv"ed ) : WIIH
JL most liumiy to hei from > on. Let iiieknow
oui'uirlval , I VTlll be bertt. PcoploH.
73684 *
I > KHSONAli If you nani a personal Item , or
any commuulr tou | , drop it lu ou of The
707 sa
Foil 8ALK Ilorees , mules , harness nnd wag
ons nt private aale any time or at public auc
tion Saturday , Nov CI , IA o'clock n , m. , at the.
Jefferson Siiuare Livery Ac Stock Auction Stables ,
42UNluthst. 710 aj
SAIi-Klneb-yr : , bay horse. 1100 Ibs.
- * - harness , low phaeton ami cutter , all ncarl )
new. Or will excnango for house nud lot cleir
or with small lurwnbiaiico , 'llio Oothnm rigui
store , i.1,1 S , liitli1. . 'i'M
171OH SALi : or liniie-Soda fountain anil
X1 doiiblo milk shako cheap for ash , or will
take now fountain or show cases. S. K.Kemp ,
lllnlr , Neb. tfll 2 , ' *
131AM ) tor salt ) or trade. Inquire , Hoom 313 ,
Paxlou block. . , . . . IJ13
SALK-Cliean for cash Largo law II-
biiuy , olllco turnlture , abslrnct book * nnd
good law practice In county scat , It. W.Ink ,
Nelluh. Neb fiQj go *
F OK SALi-On : teims , furniture and leo oof
a hotel of It rooms , located on U. P. Jl. H. in
agood town , liuiiilio of Western Laiulnud Loan
IXrhaiigc. 1I7 > . If.thM. MilM _ _
FOH SALi : 2 cook stov cs nud 4 parlor stoves
i'UII St Mary's ave. ivs
FOH SALi : or trade Now two seated car-
lingo and slnglo top buegy. .Selby. 1UI
Fnrnniu. U75
ACAIIINUrgrnnd upright piano , tlrst-clnss
make , foi halo nt n siicrlllco. only used one
3 car , part i ash und part time U desired Ad
dress II 10 , caio Hoe. 752 dl
I poll SALi : Very line family hoise and
phaeton nt ) our ovvu } > rlco. luuulio loom 210 ,
First National Hank. b7U
rilllEbinJo taught as an art by Gco.F. Oolleu-
JL bock , tiij So. lUth st. IB !
AlTTIOIs sitlu of hoibi's. nniles , wagons , liai-
ness , etc , eveiy Wodnosdav andHaturdiiy.lO
o'clock a. in , , at tlte Jolluioun Pciuuio I.lxerv A
Mock Auction Stables , 4-0 Ninth st. Parties
having aiij thing In this line to Hell call and see
us. 711 ' . ' 01
] JAIlTlis : wKhlng puichases mailo In New
- Voikdiosi goods , millinery , holhbu goods ,
etc. . can hav o .samples loiwmded , pilces whole
sale , through Waid \ lloswell. Hotel Hrokei- * ,
171 ilroadwny ; have u w ell posted lady bin er.
Uul Ui *
TDAHTIl'S who deslio to ) ) iirchaso horses ,
J mules , Iminess or wacons , would dowellto
attend the opening fcal" S.iturdav , Nov. Ml. 10
o clock n. in. , nl the .leller-oii hinaro ( livery
nml stock Auction stables. It will bo the day
to get u baitmlu. 71 J "I *
HI > SMAKIN-Mlss ! M. A.Shlno Is pro-
paied to do fashionable dies'iiiaklng nt
most moderate pilces at < j7 ! N. ICth st. flll--.t' .
LADI US Mole and superfluous hair on the
fttco or neck lemoved , nnd the roots In
stantly killed by the olectilc needle piocess ,
leiu lug no marks or scais. Positively the only
pcrmanc'iit lemedj Mrs. Dr. Packard , 1822 St.
Mury's nvo. Wednesdays and Thursdays only.
&Kd If
_ _ _ _
( Ameilcau lliilldlng and Loan association
ciation , the leading balldlug society of the
United States. Authoifjed capital ioO.OOO.OtXl.
Shares flOO each , pavabln ( X ) cents per month
each. Subs' ilbo lor sli ires at .WJ S Itltnst M
A. I'pton , pies't local boaid. 4'U '
> , 1B1B l > odp .
M 7lIIllUi : \ I ! VAN. urlntlng , 151C Dodge.
l ! 7dO
_ _
J NO. Ml'l.DOON k Co.aifs. 10th St. ; 10 stono-
cutters. U'c lineal foot. Colorado sandstone ,
_ _
and 'IViistTcoT. liV ) > 'l ar
nam Complete ab-itracts furnlshod , t tllles
torettl ostata oxamluoJfiirCoctod ( ) [ &guarantead.
BCNSONXCARMlOltAKri furulsh complete
and guaranteed abstracts of tltlo ute any
real entato In Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. 1 ho most compluto set of abstract
books In the city. No. 1509 I nrunm at. BJS
a'lOKAHK-Merchandibe , ail1 South 10th st
J H71
TOHAOi : At low rates at 1121 I'm nam st.
S1 Omaha Auction A. Storage Co l'V >
' : Household gootls U1S South 10th
S' 671
rrytACKAOE , storsge , lowest rates , W. M
"JL llualunan. 1311 Loavenworth. CJ )
WANTEPTio : : BUY' .
"Vjff VNTEO riiruitiiro , ciiriicti , "STovus and
TT household coeds of all kinds. Omulin.Mic
tlon JtiStoruBO Co. , 1UI raruam. 1J5
' borrow money on turnlture , horsoi ,
wagons , etcuntil jou have soon 0. II. .la-
cobs , room 410 , I'lrst National bank bulldliiff ,
cor , i-ith and 1'aruain fil
Loans negotiated nt low rates vvlth-
out delay , nnd iturchaso treed couimurcial
paper nnd mortKtigo notes. B. A. Sloinan , Cor.
MtU anil I'm num. 49 !
to Loan On real estate and chattel
MONKV . Money vvllhout delay. Western
Loud and exchange , 117 a. Hiih hi. 6QqnB
LOANS made on city pioperty. chattel and.
collatmal socniity. mortjpVKt's bought. ICim-
ball. Champ & Ityan iloom 0 , U. S. Nat. bank
Ip F. COOK loans money al a per cent on loans
JUJ of H0,0rtand ) npwardc. llrini ; abstiact or
tltlo and BIIVO delay. 11 1 UoiiRlas. 410dUI
MONI3Y lo loan on tiirnitnre , hones , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. J. \ V.llob'
bins. it. 13 Shcoly blk , 15th and Howaul. IVI.I
M ONI3Y : to loan on tmpiovod real chtato.
Leavltt liurnhnm , Ciclghton block. 617
I .OOK liniti : If estate Inan
* ul low rates call oa ( Jrover Stevens , 151 !
Karnam struct. 57I2. ; " >
MONI3Y to loan ; cash on hand ; no dnlns.1. .
W. fiiulie , 121'Jl'aiuam ' st. 1'lrst National
bank bulldiiiK. OH
MONKV to Loan-City and country ; ciinup
lutes , no dolay. L. P , llammuml , 40-J Pai-
ton building. OIK
MO.N'I'.Vto Loan Oil Omaha and South Oma
ha in open y. C. 1' . HaiiUon , Meichants' Na
tional bank. 77T
MOXUVto Loan LovTcst rules. J.onns closed
promptly , II , i : . Cole , Hoom U , Conllnentul
OPiil : CUNT money to loan-C sli on hand
W. Jl. Hauls , room SU , 1'ioiuor block , opp.
7 > KMOVKO-To loom SOU. 1'irst National bank
Jit building. Nevv England Loan und Trust Co.
I B41
, OANS made on real estAto.MoitRnge < boiiht (
Jl' . M. Hlchaidsou.H. tfy. .cor. 15lhi Douglas
GIIOVKH ST1'UNS.aKI rarnam Rt Money
to loan on leal Chlia jit low rates , 57,1
MONKV to loan. O. V.lavls Co. , real cslate
_ nnd loan agents , litt'i A'aniam st. MS
jrjOO.000 to loan nt fl ptfriqant. Lliiahan ii Ma-
3 honey , room frtJ , Paxton block , l
Er.MOVHI ) loomUM Tirst National bank
_ buildliiB.'iovldKhFirriist Co , ( ill
DO VOU Wftut t borrowinoney/
Head ttiK
It will aavtijou time.
Vou can borrow from
II. P. MastorH ,
nuccossorto W.It. Croft ,
loom 4 , Wlthne Ibld'n . iritliandliaino.vMs.
. , , ) , utx , u , i , iw , i ,
In fait itnyHiuiiyoH uunUmfmnltmo. pl
ior-eH , mules , wnyoiis etc. . on eiihiei terms und
at low er rates timn nt nav other olllco In tne city ,
vlthont ptiblicltypr lemovnl of property from
If an Installmc'iit is due on your property and
oil cannot meet It. rail and bee me. 1 will pay
t tor you. If you Im vo a loan In any other of
fice , cull uiidKetmyiutes. I vvllltnkolt up and
CHriy U for you.
1 make loaiiD for one to fclx months and you
ran pay n part at any time , i educing buth prin
cipal nntUnleiest ,
All loans renewed At original latcsuudno
hniues for papers.
All business btrictly conlUlontlal , Cull and
eo mo ,
Don't fnrpet the niimbor.
Hoom 4. Wlthnell block. 4 5
U'b Plimiicial K.x ( ImiiKoVrnn fairest ,
X iinlftest. most llborul money oxclian ii in
ho city ; loans made w Uhout delay or publicity.
u nny amount large or i > mall , at the lowest.
rates of , oi | any avnllnblo security ;
oans nifty bo paid at any tlmo or renewed at
jrlKlmil rules , ( i. lioiuc.iivn , IIT , ruoui Wt ,
Utiriti blk , lotn und i aruoiu. TO )
T\O YOU want to borrow money ? If you hav
Jl-'diamonds , watches or jewdrr ami dwlro tc
( ffect a loin on favorable terms In astrlctlj
private and oouildeullal manner , or should yoi
want R loan on furniture , hordes , carriages
land contracts or personal property of any de
scrlptton , you can have money advanced a !
lowest rates of Interest and ample time to pa )
by calling on or rending postal card to the
' "PRDX | Mortgage Loan Co.
w in.n
> ve loan
our otitotti
own money. in k
. , „ , } ' ? ? , Lflnll'l ' P 7 no commission , thus glV'
fl..i ? . i.nn' * * ° tnl ( borrower.
Our Mciutip , are such tint wo ncpomrao-
S ? ' * M" In n mompt and contldontls.1 raan <
treitment r ° U ' llononllt Rml courtaou *
All loans renewed at orlginil rate * .
We VI 111 payotlnny uiortgiga vounowhAta
mid gt\e you longtime nnd low r tes : will low
any sum from ( Jo to tl.ODO.
, Commercial and 1st mortgage paper botiRht ,
Omalm Mortgage Ixian Co , rooms JI7 and 21S
1 Irst-vntlonal iFank building 0\H
T.OANSmndeon real o tate and mortgages
JU bougnt. Lewis S Hoed & Co. , 1521 Knruam.
GOOD city and faun oans wanted by A. 1C ,
Illlev. IMC rvirsini. Cj.
HAL estate loans , loweit rate * . OJell Ilros ,
A. Co. , JI3 3. loth st KM
M OXUY to loan ; long time. accrue J , Paul
ICOil r.unnm st Ml
loan * . Lltmlian & Manonu y.t
rp il n OniMi Prn"a"nclal .xciaimo. non
- - I'ttrKer Hiotk , southwest corner of 1'uruam
and 15th sis.
Mak i a specialty Of short-tliuo collateral
and real estate lo.ius
Money always on liniut In. suras ot JllW and
tipwarda to any amount , to lo u on opprored
Socure'd notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Cleirie l estate and ca-di tj oxchauno for
Bood tlr t oretond uiorlg io .
IjOini made upon land contracts , stock ? ,
bonds , trust deedi , nr-it or second mortgage so
cially. without publicity delay or rod taps.
rininclal bif-luois of any kind tiansacted
Promptly , a'lletlv ' and fairly , Koom 15. Llarkor
ulock Corbett. Manager. ( VI4
MONKVtoloiu on household fumlluro , pi-
nnos , hoises , wagom and other poiaonal
propurtj ; ahoonmoitgage paper mid contracts
as collateral security ; cash always on h uul : lib
eral extensions crautod ; buslns-o transacted
falrlj .quietly nnd promptly Tlio Talrbanki In
vestment Co. , SV cor 16th \ Douglas , upstairs.
T > K01ii'S [ ; rimmclal iind
Mimll loans for Ions ? and shot t time , i\t low
est rates of Interest , on leal estate , moitgago
notoi. chattels of nil kinds , diamond" , watches
and Jeweiry. Don t fail to cull If you want fair
nud clioup accommodation * , O. Uousuirun ,
mgr , loom tiny Darker bile , 15th and Taruam.
cu _ ; o\
MONKV to on lmmoed pioperty at llrst
hands , No applications sent nwuy for ap-
prdral. Security and tltlot examined free of
clmigd o boirowois. Lombard luvostmeut
company , 30'J S. J3th st. ti 7
fpo WiAN1'ioni one to two hundred thous-
JL and dollais or sin tiler sums piomptlv , oast-
oin capital alnavs on h.indLheap. Philadelphia
Moitirago and TnutCo. , teo.V. ! . 1' . Coates , u
board of trade. t 8
_ _
to r.oan-ln amounts to Milt on collateral
lateral and pciboual security at ; ioi-onablo
intosbusiness strictly eontldcnttal Nebiaska
Alortgago Loan Co.ioom3ult > & , 510 1'axton Illilg
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; ! ' * : "jL' ' ' ! : _
MONiV : to loan uii tnrmture , vrngoni , "tc. ,
without removal , or on collateral security.
Business btrlrtly tonlldentlal. A. K. Oreenwood
&Co. , It 1 Cunningham bile , cor. 13th & Jackson.
OJ'J '
MONKVto loan In any amount , cither for
building or othernlie , at lowest lates of
Intel est nnd on short notice. D. V. Sholes , room
210 First Nat 1 bank , cor. Mthand I'm num. | 0Q
GW 1'IjCK loans money , cash on hand , fw , -
IX)1 ) , can Uu placed on cltv and farm prop-
city nt lowest rates ; building loans a specialty
Hoom 4. Prciizer block. ( ) pp I' O. fllJ dli ) *
MON13Y to loan on Improved city propeity or
tor building pmposes ; lowest latos ; no
delay. Mutual Investment Company , room 1 ,
llaikor block , 15th and I'arnam. 5JJ
AEOO.OOO fl p r cent. Money to loan on Ira-
fflprovod farms or city propoity. .lames A.
woodman , nt the old flre insurance olllco of
Murphy & f.ovett. a O S. nth st. ii41
TJHHlSALi : A one-half inteiest lu a peed
X' paying dry goods ana mliliueiy biismes.
S2.0JU cashie < iulred , bal on llmo. Inquire of ( .
H. Mueller , Lniumle City , Wjo. Tor. 701 St
AHAUi : Clinnce A building nud mnchlneiy
for t > alo. lla b en running lor six months ,
doing U good IIH > lug business In manufacturing
furniture. Can be. bouglil cheap. 1'or terms
Inquire of Thos. Lee , ( Jinnd ihlunu. OM2 ! )
Bl'SlNKSS Chance Hotel men. ror sale In a
rapidly Rrovv Ing tow n ot over 10,0 W inhab
itants , a liret-rlass good-pa > ing hotel contain
ing 10 looms. Will be sold veiv cheap , as owner
must Mill on nccotmt ot Illness of wife. 1'or
parllculaislnrtuire of SolPiiucc.Windsoi hotel ,
Omaha Neb. C8427
\\rANTED A man with * - > 00 that deslios nn
TT Intere-t In aWife , piolltablo business , lo
address. 1C 41 * . lleo. 710 24 *
FOlt SALK A small and well-assorted drug
Stock , incliiillnn elegint llxtnres.atn bargain
if taken 0on. Call be moved to advantage. Ad
dress Immediately A. Hi own , caw drugstore ,
aiiNath. 712
rORSALr.-Jl.,000 ! stock ofhardwaro for
sale , doing n splendid business is located In
one ot the best towns in the state. The stock
is clean und In good hliupe : the l canon lor hell-
Ing , other business ocennj lug my tune. Part
cash aud bankable papei for balance' . Addiess
K 41 llee Olllco. fall 24'
TfOH SALKor nxehnnge , lease nnd fuinltuto
X1 or blocK.of thlrtv-llvo looms , centrally locn-
ted , and prolltubly occupied. Addiess 1C 'Jl
lleo. . f,77
\\7ANTiI ; ) P.iitnerwltli $100 to take out llrst
TT class ontertalumout with uxcluslvo terrl-
tory. Address K 4,1. llee. B7S ZV-
\\rANinn Knergellc biislnnsj man , smell
i ? capital to represent an eastern llrm. lllg
thing to the light man. Call or address Iho H ,
J , S. T. Co. . W , S 12th st. , Omaha. Oiti ! 2t
FOH SALi : Newly lefurnlshed , well-paying
hotel , in thriving town on main line of u P.
Call or address , K , If. W. , 1011 lioward.Omahu ,
ill'J V
T710HPALH or tindt ) agood meat market at
JU ft bargain , K' T llee olllco 68l-25f
AHAHi : opportunity : The well-known Ilnvv-
ley house lor lent , iiud furniture for sale ,
on easy terme , to good nai ties This Is u rnie
oppoitunlty for the right mail. Address. John.
I law ley. North Pintle , Neb. IWf 22'
TCAN place about il.OOO on llrst mortgage nt
good Interest and ou good Hccurlty. D. 1) .
Snicaton , Ilaiker block. Ml
A UK A I , cliauco for good business w Itti $1,000
to S'l.lfcK ) , to bucomu iiai tuor in llrst-claas
cash business , AJtUons K 10 , Hue olllco.
401 ! iO
" \\71i\ushto employ a reliable man in your
IT county. NooxuorieiKO roiiulred ; perma
nent position for three yeai.s , Sal try Increased
each year. Mijht , easy , gentiel bnslneds Money
iul\niicL'U forhalary.adw-rtlslng , etc. Largest
inaimf'is til our line. Dntloso i-cont No
postals. Centennial M'f'e Co. , Cincinnati , O ,
1'Ji M 68
I OOK hprp-Wo will trade J.HIJIW worth of
J t good unencumbered I laud for business or
reHldeiiio property ; * .riioo ( unonctimboiud im-
pro\od luiin ror wild land uiul ussumu HOIIIO
oucumbrance. lloiiao and lot In llunscnm
place for building lot or clear land ; some nice
resldonens In lioitli pan of city near car ana
cable line for other property ; gooil westein
land for Omaha pioperty ; property of all Kinds
fortiado. ConiR and fcco me. Graver Stevens ,
l.V.'l I'urniim. u > l ' 7
T710UnXCIIANCii-Ina : good town about SO
J miles from Omaha u class block of gio-
cerlOH , all bought within the lahtlK ) dajs , will
Inioico about t7rUU. Will also trade the store
building which IK located on the best coiner In
the town , nlfo a line ton rowu residence ion-
yenlently located with modern lonvonlcncus ,
elegantly furnished thioiiahout , lot ir , ' ) x HU. !
Also n > ery line liorbe , dellvoiy wagon , harness ,
sleigh , Ac , &c. The whole will amount to
$ r > .mk > . Will > ell for cash ou easy terms or will
take 'j rash und balance In productive Omulm
pioperty , or dear Nebraxku farms , ( iood
reabon given for wanting to dispose of tlio
above. I'utoniour tiaalng rlothrsand come mo. All kinds of other property for
iade . ticoigo .1. htomsduiir , room U oppoallo
1 > . 0. 6.-
'AArANTHD Stock of goods In exchange for
l I farniK nnd city iiinnorty. Western Laud
and Loan lixclianue. 117 S Mill. JW-'dU .
\\rANTKIJ-Howe nnd buggy or phcaton for
T > lots , etc. Win. J. Paul , ItlJ'j I'urnam st.
.1)0 )
JT OH THADK Two tnousand acres Improved
land totr < vjo for mcKhandlua or tuttlu and
lioues , Uoo. II , llovvilng , btuait , Neb
T7IOH HXCllANaU-llouseandlotln Cieston ,
X1 Iowa.
House aud lot in Illnlr , Neb
ICO acres in Lincoln county , Neb.
110 acre * In llownnl county. Nob.
Lot In Bnunderii Sc Uimuhaugh'j add.
0 lots in othui nddillous.
A. P. Tukey , llth and Douclas.
fjlOH Tradti-Choice lot In ( iranuneroy Park
X1 and < llolce doublu corner In Lipton I'lnce for
gdod land , l ) , v. fciUolw , 210 , 1'n 4' Nat'l67T
OOt'NOII , IH.rrrs lots llshtly encumbered
for farms , II , K. Cole , room 6 Continental
Illock. [ er-a
r. LOT oppo Ite Koimt7e place , bcantlful
lorntlon for IBS Id once , 11 , K. Cole , room i
Oonllnenlal Hljct 617-a
IHAVR real and porjonal property of all
kind * for trade. Call and sc mi , Ueor ; J ,
fitoniMloril , room 0 , opp. P. O , Ml
0 lfKXeTuN7fK Vhiit h vrt you to trade
for nice house In roller's ndd. . near cable ,
1ms 8 rooins , bath , . ovvei , cell r , cistern , well.
Ac. Address P. O lloic 7PJ , city. tv 2J
jTLKO ANTS room hoii'es , moilern convcn-
Oltnto * . 11. U , Cole , room 0 Continental Illock.
\VANTKn-Hull < Jln material of all klntLs ,
T ? for rash : llrst inert mice u tes , lots , lands ,
fauns , etc. n. J-Paiil , 1OTJ Tnt am st , CT ,
O HOl'SKSaiid lots on nth near ( Irant for
farms lightly Incuuibercd , II U. Cole , room rt
Cuntluental block. 017-U3
TTIOH KXi'lLXNOK Kor desirable residence
X' pioperty In Oinnlia , any or nil of following-
4(1 ( choice Inside losldunCe lots In llasllti ( ;
UM lot.s lu Lincoln.
C40 ncies tine farming land , Ijinraslor county ,
Kine residence pivpertv , Lincoln.
Oood lental piopoity , Lincoln.
Choice f.xncy rnsUlenco , corner , Los Anceles ,
A neat lesldenco propeity In Ilanscom Place ,
Also some Rood mortise notes.
Addioss , iHIK location and tirlco of property ,
J. K. It. , caie IlAum Iron Co. , l.'U Loav eiiworth.
' Mrs. Lopormnncinbecon
FOItTt'NRTeller ntlatrs of life. Satisfaction
guaranteed No ,11s ) N littli st a < 0dU :
_ _ _
. NANNIK V. Warren , clalrvovnut. Med
ical and business medium , female diseases
a spcilaity. 11' . ' . N. ICth st. Uooms'J Jcti. IM
: HOMKMind cheap fauns Porlnfor-
JTMIKi us to where j oti can get frco goorn -
menl land nud ctieap piilroad land call ouChas.
Anderson , trom Potter , Choveniio Co. , Neb. , nt
No. IIB N ICtli st. , to day and to night , T-'i p. in.
nilAriCAOK lOJ fJc-ToiTKIcvcJUh st. with U
1. r. tuitk , only .JI.WO. Orou'r Stmen , 15'J1
raimim. r lO S7
' ) ia\ lent when joti can buy a nice Iwo-
DON'T f-room bouse 011 cable and t\\ o borso
car lines lor $ J5 per mouth , including Intel est ,
and no cash pavmont required It. It. Cole ,
loomti Continental block. _ 18 ! . ' !
bargain In Omaha rail lot on Lake st.
BUST , ! ; nlao houses nnd lots luall parts of thw
city. Oiovei btovens , L > 1 I'lirium st. tiO7
SALi--Ur : trade ; whole or ij Interest
I1OH ucres miles from two H. H , depots , , r >
miles from Omalm , best stock nud grain farm
in Neb. line chance for young mini with
mone.v. Cull or uddruss Win. Gibson , loom. ! ! ,
Chamber of Commeice , Olnnhn , or T. It. ( ! lb-
son , 1'remont , Neb. lift ! d-'O *
PnTv rholi e lots lu Orchard Hill foi n shoit
time , .ilso lots in that beautiful addition
known as Koimt..o .las. Stockdale. loom
1U AlllllKtou blook. r > ' 'l ' 2.1
FOH Council lIluITs lots see H. K. Colt' .
1" AHTIiSwl : hlngto floll South Omaha prop
ertj please call on D. D. Suiuaton , Iluikcr
block , Omaha. Wj ) _
you know of a bigger Inrgiin than n full
lolonS4tlinml 1 ts tor Jl.ltxIf ) you do let
in o know of It. D. D. Suieatoii. narker block.
Ouiahu 500
T OH Council llliurs lots see II. E. Cole.
SA Li : Hy Kvans , Ilarker Dlock-Cholca
FOH pioperty : the best Imm land in the
htate , selected M < c jenia ngo ; veiy easy terms.
Hvnns , Hoom 1. Haikcr Illocte. a ii3 !
01 ! SAIr. Here's a baigaln ; 22-14-Gfl-SS
feet south fiout on Douglas st. bntween 10th
nnd llth. at levti than M.'O per front foot. How
long v111 vou lot your money wear .v our pock
ets out with n bargain like. Hint staling JOH In
the face ? M. A Dpton Co. ! ra
mWO-STOHY brick block , nearly new. with
X stores on Hist llloor and saven loom Mats on
second lloor , with all modem improvoinonts
Thlspiopeity ! - on comer fronting paved
sticer , with tower , water and giis nml brings
nn annual lental of.i.i ! " > 0. Will bell cheap on
leuns to unit. Address 11 70 , lloo. 401
OH Council mulls lots bCo 11. U. Cole.U20
U20 21
I71OH SALi : Wo have tblrtocn loTs lu Central
JU subdivision. Council lllulfb , tvvolvo acras lu
Hlcu'n hiibdiv islon. and eight acres adjoining
Hon on'rt second addition on the north , nil near
Kieclilc Motor line. Will hell In n bunch nt n
positive bargain. C. K. Mnyne , KeailMato &
'irust Co , , oumlia. U8J
FOH SALi : A few lots In Stewart place at a
bargain. The Metropolitan cnblo road passes
this addition on LOWD uvc. H arils & Harris ,
loom 411 , 1st Natl Hank. 4.80
CC800 buys n full lot and good 4-rooni cottaga
Pcasy terms and good location. D. V. Sholes ,
room ' 210 , First Nat'l bank , cor. 13th and Fai-
num. U3ti
FOircouucll Hluffs lots BCO H. E. ColS '
(120 ( 21
DWX ) buys a good 2 story S room house and
lot. cast front , in Windsor Place , a bargain.
D. V. feholes. Hoom 210,1'lrst National Hank.
FOH SALK Two elegant homes in Ilanscoin
Plaie on reasonable turms ; moitgage paper
taken an pait paymjiit.io3ioitl ) & Joplln ,
llaiker block. ffli
T7l5iTCouncil llluirg lots see H. 1C. Colo.
Tor"Sale-1 have 10 line lots in I5rlggs'
nlaco add. for sale. I'oi fmther luforin.nio11
nddiess I ! . Joifery Unlen t , 111. HOI
EOH SALK Lol BOxl5U , with good 2-story
house nlcoly flnliliod. all moilern conven
iences , wllhln 1 blk paved St. , M blk fiom P.ulc
school and M. E. church , Hansconi place. This
Isoncofthn best properties In the city , and
can bo had at a bat gain by addressing the
owner , V 14 , lleo offlce. 449
TJ10I1 SALU Or exchange for Omaha tiroper-
JU ty , SO acres , suitable for platting ; will make
4001ots ; nil clear : big money in it for .some ona
who can push thin ; located Just outslile ot lliu
i Ity limits ot Council Itlutls. Inqulro Ueo. J.
Sternsdorll , opp. postoflice. . ' 101
cash and Hi per mont h buys nice 2-story
G loom house on cabio and3 horse car Itiifls ,
Investigate. II. K. Cole , room o , Continental blk.
171011 BALK Not for tradn. 51 , ) 70 acres of Im-
JL1 piovcd llud 3 miles from Maiquulto In ,
Hamilton Co. , Nebraska. Frame housef frame
htntilo , 300 acres under n good 4 barb-wlr * fence ,
loiiml cedar ) iost.s and 2 stays : living water ,
good conal , 2 wells , wind mill , y20-barrol tank ,
self-feedertioui'lH , etc. ; 75 ucre ? cloror ; model
Pi Ico'about ( 113 per aero ) J0.500
Cash 3.NX )
a years time at n per cent 11,000
Co and looK over the land and addiessthe
owner , 1' . 1C. Atkins. 1503 Larimer St. , Denver ,
Colo. 34t _ J
- ncics Hamilton Co. . Neb.
FOKSALH-512 , , ont'-tlilrd casb , balance at 0
per cent , Addles * W , J , Wlldman , Denver , Col.
TjlOH BALK Or xcnangu , ( Ve iiave some
JL' good Omaha leal entata and Nebraska
farms , which wa will sell cheap or trade for
Block of clothing , furnUbinz goods , dry eeods ,
booti audHlioAK , grocerioj or uardvvara. Bcbl sInger -
Inger llroa. 14 B. 10th .st. W
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
I < Mn 'fke rM n(1 § * ' ( 'lnl > ' . * l r li ItoiTn
, Clinton , D ton , C ilcuuo Alllwauki'ii
nod ul ! point ! Kail To tUu pooplti of NobrukB VJiloI
rt& * * $ stiW' &t ! r < teM
r S& S h"1
" " " ' ' ' ' ' '
li . l' ' " ' "Vv " j" " " 'f Sbo' ! !
r connect In union depot vvllli ihr > io of tlio ( Till.
' thrillne ? ( " > Jvorlliweitiim piakecli RT. - la - - Chlciiio - Iho - tmln
Xoitern liatt
Cincinnati ,
burir. ivrontO Monln Al
lJ" ' ' ' niujmor. . HMih :
> .a t ASK tot UcUti vl
K iSfiSK'rtiUon Atl tlaot
nrn. K. P. WH.SOX ,
Gtul ilannjtr. Uon'l | ' u r AfCDt.
, N. HA f .
l > , K , 111 Mil At , ! . . Ticket
U V'
M01 Uran
Cnrn Pnrftel t ESTABLISHED 1851 ( 180 So.
Juie ) IUTOSI | chcftgo | > | | | 9. \ cinrkSt.
Ibo Regular Old-Establlsbed
ti still Treating vt Ith IheGrMlesl
Clirouic , Nervous and Private Diseases ,
* S NERVOUS DEUIL1TY , Lett Manhood ,
Failing Memory , Lxli u ilng Drains , TirrlbU
Dreams , Head and Back Acne iinil nil the tlTfctl
leading to early decay nd petlutis Consumption ot
Insanity , treated scientifically by new mclhoJi wilh
never foilinc < ucces
aj-SYl'IULIS.vnJ allb J Bloodanj SkinDls
eases permanently cured.
* -KIDNlYiindURlNARYconir1 lnl , QIeet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strlclu re , Varlcoccle ml ill dUraiei
cfthc Qcnlto-Urinary Organ ! cm edrromplly without
injury to SloniAth , KUne ) < or oilier Ore ns
0d-No experiments. Age and experience lm
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
> Send4cents posUgr for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous nml Delicate Pitches
i 'lhoje conlemr'vtlns ' Matnace rnd for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male tna Female , each
i * ccnu , l ih < cents ( stamp' ! Consul ! lle | old
Doctor Afnendl ) Idler ( ucillifiaysaiafulmesuucr.
intf and haineinil add golden 5 CAto life Cff-llook
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " so , tnt ( ttarnjn ) Medlclno
anduiltlngt sent eter ) licic , secttie from oiioeuto ,
Houri.aioS SuiuUt oloit ' "
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
Iluniilng between council llluu nnd Albright.
In addition to the stations meutlouod , trams
stop at Twentieth and Twouty-fourtu strooU ?
' °
NO.S No. ! . .7Arar.'Vn : ) , - .
No. 0 Osoa'ai iiillC No. Bi n m
A No. 4 . . .0:40 : a.m. A No.'J nt : pm
A No. 4 . . . .1:40 : a. in. A No.6 . . .7IOa. : in.
A 'No , B . ,5J1p : , ni A * No,7 . . . .0,10 : n. 111.
A No. . , GW : p in. A No. II . .11 jtj n ml
A No.0. , ! i:40n.m.A : No.i : 7:10a.m :
A No.4 . ( ! : OUp , m , I ) No.l . , .7OUn. : ni.
II No.2 .8:11)1) : ) ) . in. A No.5 .0:41 : p. m.
No. : ; . .9:40a. : in , A No.l . .0:50 : a.m.
A No 4 7OUi.n. : . ANo.i _ . .H:50n. 111.
KANSAS 01TV. S'l. & cOUNCllj
No.2. . . . , ? . : > . ' .3. . ,
No i
" " " " ' " " '
A No.10 . .7fO. > aIJu" . A""N'O H. , . . , 8:55 : a.m.
A No.U . A No.H UOUn. : in.
A No.8 : i40ii ; m A No.7 . . .lli.V.a. m.
A daily : H dally except Saturday ; 0 except
Buuduy ; Doxcept.Monilay ! fast mail.
ThuilniH ulvunubcivH ij.for Transfir. there
bcliiu'fioin iivo to ton inlnuti'9 but u ecu Tiuus-
for nud local depots.
or TUB
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. '
The licst Ron to from Oumlia and Counci )
Chicago , - AND Milwaukee ,
SL Paul , Mlimoapolls , Cedar Itunlu Bi
Kuck Islautl. Frccport , Itockford , /
CUuton , JDitUuquc , Darenpoit ,
El In , Madison , Joncstlllc ,
Hololr , Vluona , laC'roiso ,
ImporUal point ! Cut , Mtttbcul as !
Kor tUroueh tlcktti , call on t'b tick * ! f eul pi 1M1
Furoftru UuU. la .U rk r Alack , ot at l/Blbp J'nelUa
Ticket Ac'Dt
UKO.H. iiKArronD , iitani ciinirM
ntl'Ilp < ntA , < t.
i , T , C'