THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 23. 1888. LINCOLN SEWS AND GOSSIP , Forthcoming Report , of the Commis sioner of the Labor Bureau. SUPREME AND DISTRICT COURTS Incorporation of the runners' I'rotco- tlvo llf > vnif > r Association New Jsotailes I'nlillo General and IVrsonnl Notci. LINCOLN UuRp.At ? or THE OM\MA Una , | lOi'J ' 1' STnr.BT , LlMOIA' , NOV Zi I Tew If nnj of llio repents fiom tlie various flop.irtmrntB of state to the legislature till * ivinti-r will 1m more Interesting tliati that from ttio hurr-nu of Inbnr statistics The flrputv commissioner , Mr. John Jenkins , lias nlmost llnlshctl his invusligntions , and will Rive the results uf Ills labor to the pi inter within the next ton dnys. The report di'.iU with the sUlus , tnstoiy anil present needs of labor , and it piotniscs to be full and coin- plcto Mr Jenkins , however , bus met with jnaiiv. Oinieultius and hindrance's in piose outing Ills labor , especially fioui raihoail quarters. The liurllngton disdained reply to Ills cjuerrios us to the number of engineers mm mvltclitncn vvlio ungngcd In the strike nnd null the employ incnt of the road , although \vntten to for the information lust Juno ami repeatedly since. The action of the ofilcials of thn road Indicate tlmt they teal cd the ileputj commissioner had hidden designs upon their Interests , and they gave him Bllent contempt for Lourteous appeal. It seems that nothing could induce them to glv clip the v.iluo they jilnt'cd upon labor , for they also declined to state the wxgos paid emploves In any of the departments All the othei rouds , however , K.IVO the information sought In every InsUuiLO. Hut , notvvlth- Alumllnu the slkiiLe of the liutllngton , Mr. Jcnlclns Is pri'iured to furnish more Informa tion on the strllco than the state board Of tiaiisportutloii and tluiboaid of necteUi ies combined So much fet persistent und pUlont work. Tliovuluoof statistical informnllon rnnnot be overostimatcd The llrst chapter of the rcpoit Is devoted to a discussion of the purposes of a huicau of Btatisties and labor , und the second treats of the oiganifktiem of the bureau , The report then taken up the question of strikes In a brief conversation with Mr Jenkins , THIS Hici : icprescntntivo Was convinced that helms thoughtful and in telligent v lews on the question , and embodies them in his leport in a very inturcstltitf man ner Accompany ing this comes a chapter on nrbitratlotius a inciiiisof settling strikes. Ho devotes ncai ly IlftypaRCs to the two subjects , Uounuctudl.v ho the views of farmers as to the causes of failure umoiia their class ; manual training and its Inllucnce ; opinions on the compulsory education Inw , the prison labor problem , ' 1 ho subjects con- flldeioil In the rcKirt | are attracting wide attention , and It is quito probable that laws relating to some of them will follow the re port. Mr. Jenkins also embodies his ideas on tuo Inlluenco of I'inkciton ileteutives on labor diflleulties , lequlring adjustment , Into his lesoarches , and Ills opinions nro not only uovol and original , but they bear the stamp of correctness An appropriation oufiht to bo made sufllcient to insure general tiicnli- tlon of the report fiom Nebraska's bureau of labor nnd statistics. IIIIKAKFIIS AllrAI ) . The second Moor of the government build ing hcio has bocn used for a vveelt or moro past for the public * exhibition of the Piloty picture of the wlso nnd foolish virgins , by permission of the custodian of the bnildin ; , ' . Postmaster Watkins , and there is u decided whisper in some quarters of the city that ho lina gone beiond his jurisdiction in permitting the use of the Hour for this nut pose. The picture is on exhibition under the auspices of the Haydcn Ait club , and by some it is said to DO a pi ivate enterprise. One of the rooms , under control of Deputy Maishal Hastings , was used for a day or two by some members of the club , but hoordeml it peiemptorlly ole.ued ycsteidii.v , and it was done instantly. A yVUVII US' KNTHIII'IIISK. The fanners of Tobias , Salmo county , sov- onti in number , have orgaui/cd and mcoi- poruted the I'armeis' I'rotoottvo Elevator as sociation at that place. At tides of incorpor ation woio Hied with the secretary of state to day. The purpose of the abbociation is to build , equip und operate a grain elevator and buy and sell grain and live stock. For this purpose a capital stoclt of ? 1,000 has been nuthoilzcd and paid up. They pioposo to reap some of the pioflts of "middle men , " and to this end have banded together for co oper ative work. U is said that the association comprises the very best farmers of that portion tion of Saline county , nnd that they have the business capacity to make the enterprise Win. It has the wealth behind It to make it a permanent institution , and it cannot help but provo of great bencllt to the towu and country around. WSTHICT COURT oossii1. The case of W. II. Utinti , vs the Chicago , Burlington & Quiney railroad company , was decided in favor of the plaintiff to day. The Juri gave him Judgment for $959 and costs. 'Iho cause of W. S. Amos vs George King was taken up this morning bofoioajury , Judge Field on the bench. The plaintiff was lopiesonted bj Messts. Pound & Uurr , ami the uefoiident bv Judge Davidson , of Tccum- sch , nnd J. II. Hitchcock. This suit is over a promissory note of SIM , which the defend ant denies having given. The plaintiff icp- resents himself na holding the note as an in- iioccnt purcnaser , nnd seeks to recover or linnw tlmt ho has been victimized , The lauso will probably bo given to the jury this _ t > U'ing. | ! Sll'llLMK COII1T NRVV8. The following cases vvero disposed of : Danks va Stcolo , continued ; Nuvo vs Uoyor , llismlbscd ; liahntlcld vs Duulcuoitu dismissed - missed ; liurko vs Mngee , continued , Tlio following causes wore submltteod : Conklin vs State ; Hiuiull vs State ; How- nrd Uros. vs Jay ; Smith vs Taylor ; LKivon- poit VH Jennings. Orloan vs 1'ei ry. Krior from the disttict com t of Harhin county. Uoveised unless f J.lOJ . i emitted In thirty dnjs , Opinion by llu-se , Uh. J.NKW NKW NOTMIIKS rum it- . 'Iho govcinor to d.i > commissioned the following Nebrasknnn notaries public : William Campbell , Nollgh , Antelope rounty , Chailes M Meek , Gibbon , HutTalo county ; J. S Weaver , Anselmo , Custcr county , August G Johnson , Omaha , Douglas county , M. L. Kiiiery , Cook , Johnson county ; Thomas O'Shea ' , Madison , Madison county , ( ITV SI'VVS A\l > JtOTIJS. The nlco looking colored lady who did the 'light ' ilngeie I act" whllo making a call on 5lis Tins the other morning , was captuied \Vuhoo .vcatoiilay. The property , however - over , was found in the possession of liorself nnd pai amour , She was Louncl over to the distik't court In the sum of $ * > 00 nnd com- niittod to Jail. Jami-s White keeps her coin- pan } as an accessory after the fact , as the | a\v.vors put It. John M , Thuiston icgUtorod nt the Capi tal hotel last evening , and passed to-uuy in tlio capital city. The grand Jurv was discharged this morn ing. No Indictments wore found against the miloonkooppis for violating the Sunday iquor law , ami they now enjoy an easy breathing GeotRO II. Ilenlon'H case was called to-day licfoto Justice Snelllng His brother came to lus i esuuu , and on payment of his boaid bill the boat was discharged , Walt M Keeley stopped between trains to- iln > , en route homo from a visit to Oimilm. Ho is ono among a do/on candidates forchlof clerk of the somite. "Jordan um a hard roitd to trabble , I believe. " C It is concod that General MoHrlda has a Kood lighting clmnco for speaker of the house uf lopiescntutlves. IIo is doing quiet but active work that waj.and ho carries the poll that may knock the persimmon. If elected ho will make an culoicnt and painstaking - taking presiding ofUcer. "I am doing all I can , " sajd the attorney general to day , "to resurrect the sleeping 1 1 eight reduction order. 1 think it will bo called up again at the next regular meeting of the uoaid , but no ono can toll. The queer uctlons In the past does not warrant too much hope. I shall try to eel action on it niijvvay. " The board of education Is considering a plan for graduating classes every six months , Tim vcheiro , hovvuvor , is considered by so mete to 1m Impracticable , built haa not been fully decided upon. The now Christian church promises to bo the most beautiful ono in the city. Its out- sldn appoarnncn Is certainly very flno. The brlclc vvoik is ulldouo except tuo tower. U will bo rooted within n weak , nnd the Instdo work will 1)0 commenced. The i-nal beauty of the now church ot the Holy Trlmtj is gteatly marred bv the height of tno walls Otherwise it Is n very hnnd- somcstractura , Lincoln certainly has the handsomest churohcj of any city in the west. Storm rnlftidnr nnd WoatliT Porf- casts for 1SSS , hi RoIrl Hicks , with CKplinations of the ' 'Ciioat Jovian 1'orioil. " molted to any address on rf coipt of n 2-ccnt postnjjo- stamp.Vrito phiinly jour Nnmc , Poslotllco nnd SUto. The Dr. .1. II. McLcnn Mcdtclno Co , St. Louis , Mo. ADVnUTISlNU TnTrilliKOriON. The Ordlimncc of Woilncsdny Nljjl't In Conillc-t AVItti the Clint tor. A qufstlon having arisen ns to the viliditv of the city ordinance passed Wcdnesilaj night by thecounoll providing that the question of relocating the city hall on thooornor of tei rtli and Fainam or on Jefferson nnd the issuing of $100,000 bonds to build a new structure bt > submitted to the people on December 1 to be voted upon , some opinions wcro sought 1 ho main question was vvhuthrr the ntv charter teiulrrd ten or twentj diBOH which the proposition must bondvrrtisod before It c in no voted upon CltyAttoinej Webster knew nothing of the ordinance Had never seen it Wns not present at Wedndsdaj night's council meeting Could KIVO no opinion as to what tlu > ordinance required Ho was satislli-d however , upon oxuminlmr the citj charter that ton d.ivs notice was sulllciont IIo thought the qnrstion could bo submitted and If passed Uould bo pcifoctly legal Mr W J. Connell was next seen Ho was of the opinion thattwunt ilajV notice to the ieop'o to vote on a proposition was absolute ly necessary If the question were nub- nutted to the people at the next election , and even if voted upon and car ried , the ptoccedinus would bo Illegal and could not bo acted upon. IIo diow up the ordinance several \vecksngo , with the Idea thai it would have been liUon up before. The council have allowed it to tun too long now for it to bo of any use at the next city election. Tlio doctors nroci } much displeased over a competitor who is gradually stealing their best piactlco , wo mean Di Hull's Cough To Manufactuiers Accidents are con stantly occurring nmonp jour men entailing loss of time and suffering. Keep Salvation Oil handy l'i ice 'JD cents. A Kowcly ets JIU Hues. Alfred Llnton , the traveling nun who claims to Imvo been knocked down and robbed of fMKt n few ilais ago , got into trouble again Wednesday night , this time for insulting a respectable married woman , Ho first addressed her on the street , and she paid no attention whatever to his insulting attentions , ho followed her homo She m- foimed her husband of the \vouldbo mash er's smaitness , and the latter rushing out caught the follow as he was walking away and gave him u hound thrashing. Ho then called a pollcoman and delivered the rowdy over to him. The police got the no\.t chanc o at him and charged him 10 50 for his ox pericncc. Ctonp may bo prevented by giving1 Chamberlain's Cou h Remedy ns hooa as the child shows the first symptom of the disease , which can always bo done if the remedy is kept on hand. Hoarse ness is the first sj inptoin of croup. Sold by all drutftfists. The Omahn Gtinids' Ihitertalnment. The entertainment provided for the patrons of the Omaha Guaids' Uaar , commencing next Monday evening will bo of a very inter esting character. The following is the pro- giammc in buof : Monday , conceit by Omaha Guatdsbaad ; Tuesday , silent manual drill by the Guards , followed by a stump speech by Will Gurloy , whoso subject will bo : "What I Know About Polities. " In the light of recent events the utterances of Mr. Gnrloy will bo interesting to listen to. Wednesday evening the Madrigal club ap pear. Thursdav selections from the oooia of Mr. Sampson will furnish the programme. Fi iday night the Apollo club will sing some pai t songs , and the week will terminate with a grand concert bv the Guards band. A splendid sei ies of cntoitainuient is thus pro vided for the public. Ifoi \ need a perfect tonic or a blood puriiier. take Or. Jones' Ked Clover Tonic. It speedily cures all troubles of the stomach , kidneys and liver. Can be taken by the most delecato. Price CO cents. Goodman Drug Co. A Now Haven Now Haven Disp itch : Charles W. Seiko , to whom $ ir > , UlU ) was bequeathed by a wealthy New Yorker for savingf liiH dauffhtor's life at Newport in the summer of 18S1 , loft this c'ty hibt week , and his intimate friends say ho has gone to Now York to many tlio girl whoso life he saved. According to the story told by Mr. Seiko himself , ho was on the dock of a schooner entering Newport harbor , late at night , when ho saw a young girl row out from the shore , and when near the hohoonor bland up und plunge into tlio water. Seiko throw off his surplus clothing and jumped overboard , leaching the young lady just as BIC ! was about to sink for the last time. Ho placed her in the boat she had abandoned and rowed it ashore. It was late at night and all fashionable Newport had gene to roit by the time Seiko and his fair charge reached the land , so that it was up easy thing for the rough and ready suitor to induct ) tlio bewildered girl to toll where she lived. To avoid a scandal the pair walked to the young lady's residence on ono of the fashionable avenues. She was met by her father , vho , as might he imagined , wan somewhat surprised to learn that his daughter had at tempted to put an end to her life. She told him her story , and a sad one it proved to bo. During the summer she met a young man of fascinating man ners , She was pretty and charming and ho was agrceablo. The end of it was tlmt her lever had betrayed her. Seiko , at the time , received $1,000 , with a promise of moro , piovidodho would never divulge the name of the girl ho had heroically rescued. IIo promised , and the next morning the \ouiigladyand her parents moved to Now York , where Sullco has often vir-- ited the family and has taken much in terest in the girl and her baby hoy. The girl's father died some months ago , leaving a will , uy the terms of which Seiko was to got $16,000 in cash , pro vided ho would marry the girl. Ho loft for Now York hint week to make good his claim for the money , leav ing a sweet heart behind him in Now Haven to mourn his loss. Who the Now York girl Is , or what business her father was in , can not lie ascertained , ns upon this point Seiko has never opened his mouth , Ho refused to toll his mother when pressed to do so before leaving. A Ornnt To the Heckles and return tor 810 grandest trip on record. On Tuesday morning , November 27 , the great Hook Island route , the Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska Hallway , will celebrate the extension of ita famous extern to tlio Hooky mountains by giving a grand ex cursion , the lound trip faro ( or which to Colorado Springs , Denver or Pueblo will bo only 810 , with tickets good for fifteen days. Excursion train loaves St. Joseph ut 0:45 : a. in. ; Kansas City 9:60 : a. m. A A man named Campbell was picked up last night by Marshal Delaney , intoxicated ami almost naked , ivlng asleep besiclo the rail road track In Florence. He was lined fO ,10 yesterday morning by Jurtgo Olinstead , und wont to jail. f Fair white ' -Tlia Great English Complexion TIIIMF IMM T TltllTM PTAHTPn IHIiY rLLL TIIREL S10RILS , Sorlous Acolclont to a Oottplo of Yotniff Tlnnoro. BUSINESS IN THE COURTS Opening oT the MnltiKcr Gallery With : i Collection of Vrtlfitlo ( Joint by Old Mus ters , I2tc. Toll With the Boa ( Told. Joseph Schmidt and Prank Spi'llnunn , two Unneis employed by Chris Spooht , fell from a three storv scaffolding at the Willis build iiift , 1411 Dodge street , vestorday morning and sustained fatal lnjnn < M The scaffolding was constructed by two of Specht's tinnernniiu'd Remolds anil IIowc1 , tince or four weeks aio , and though lather frail in nppc-.ii ance has been in constant tiso over since , as considerable ornamental work has been done on the front of the building There remained only about an hour's ' woik tocomplctc this job , but the nlnstcrcis suppos ing that the work was llnishod had removed pat t of the bracing , Joseph Schmidt , a young man of about twenti-two , and L tank Spell- man , u lad of fourteen , were iloputed to fin ish the tin work At 10 o'clock the boy stepped on the scaffolding , and ten minutes latei ho was followed by Schmidt The lat ter had sumo misgivings as to the strength of the si alToldlng.and tested it to sco If it would give aiii. As a tesult the left uprightwhich was i esting on n slender timber below with out even a nail to hold it fast , gave way , let ting the board on which the boys woio stand ing slide off , nnd precipitating both of them to the ground. Schmidt full with his face dovv aw aid on the pavement , nor the curb stone , and Spellman , who shot downvv.uds in an upright position , landed ncarthebascof the building. A number of people who wore in the street at the time weio hnrrilied spectators of the scene.V. . H It lynor snvs that Spellmnn stiuck a projecting timber nt the second story in his downward ( light , and this some what changed his course Alexander Os- borne , the patiol driver , who was across the sttcet , saw the testing of the scaffolding , the sudden crash and subsequent fall Ho considcied the manner in which Schmidt fell ns mostteinaikablo , as the pHce where ho hi was several foot beyond the peipondic ular of the place where the scaffolding gave wav. wav.Spellman as picked up insensible and ap p irenlly dead , and Schmidt was b irely con scious They were earned to Dr. McMon- amy's medical institution , vvheroacoips of doctors immediately examined them and did what they could to lessen Iho suffering of the unfortunates. It was found that Spell- man had suffered a compound fracture of the femur or thigh bone as it is bettor known. The tendons nnd muscles in the legion of the abdomen WOIP lac- ciatcd and there aio thought to be internal injuries IIo suffered mo t ex cruciating pains until put under the inliu- encu of morphine Schmidt's iiijuiies are all Internal , there : > cing violent ptins In the diaphragm and iliac legion. Theio are no hopesot his sur viving. Ho is a man of about twenty two , and has been living with his patents at Twelfth and Uancroft streets The parents of the boy Spellman live in Goiminy , and the onlj relative ho has hcio is u sisicr. FIIKSI1 1'MtOai COUE/Y. / A IJeo Ilcportfr Visits I'nk Chung Vnng and llin Sttito. The hotel reporter dropped into the Mil- laid and stepped up to the register. IIo ran his practiced eye down the page in quest of prominent arnvals , until ho struck this : There was no mistaking It , yet no under standing it , and ho nppcalcd to the chief cleik to help him out. "Host thing you can do Is to go up anil see them 1'JI , inst lloor , parlor bedroom they can only throw vou from the window , " was the sympathetic answer , and after measur ing the distance Irom ceiling to floor , the re poi tor made his way to the number indicat- eo The llrst knock nl the doir un answered , but a second ono brought a dm k skinned Coican they spell it Koican to the fiont. "Can.ou , . speak English ! " the loportor asked , as he tried to take in the texture of a wno hat the foreigner woro. Hut there was no answer. "Is the boss in I moin the prince ! " was the next question , but the only answer was a stolid staio. Then the icporterdrow out his note book and tnado a motion as though to vvrlto , and at once the foi eigner showed signs of clvili/a- tiou und that ho had been interv towed bo- foio. Ho throw the door open , salaamed , and the repot tor got far enough into the loom to sco unothor foreigner , diesscd in blue , sitting cross-legged on an aim chair smoking a long stemmed plpo that boio a striking resemblance to the pipe of peace. Then he was reassured and said "good daj , " nnd afterwards "good morning , " but wilhout avail , and ho thought his chances for an in terview were at an end , IIo had cntltoly lost sight of the man ( or from Us dtcus it might have been n woman ) , that had shown him in , but ho caught sight of him ( or her ) gesticulating wildly in a corner of the loom from which a door opened , nnd at once closed tbo conversation , A few minutes , and a third foreigner emerged neatly attired in a brown mother hubbard , and an almost invisible hat or hair pin Ito looked solemn , and the icportor thought of the men ho might have sentenced to death In his own country , where they bury a victim up to the neck in llmo nnd then give him all the water ho can drink , so tlmt the pursplration will slack the limo and cat the llosh oil Ids bonus. Hut the police wore near , and ho said "Can jou speak Kngllshl" "Cannot. " "Is there anyone around that can ? " "Cannot" "Is there anyone to help you out English railway Korcal" "Cannot. " And then ho went back. Down stairs the reporter learned that ho had been brought to the hotel by Mr , Scott , chief mtcrpictcr for the Coioan empire in Omaha , but who tills In his simrc time in the position of chief clerk of the passenger depat tmont of the Union 1'acllic. It was also learnud that an elegant meal hud been or dered for the party to bo sent to the loom , but that the gentleman named in the llfth line had raised Cain and refused to ont be cause thu waiter hud put all the dishes on ono table. Mr. Scott handed the following interpretation of the hioroglyplcs ; Pak Chung Ynnp.plonopotcntiarv forthokingdom of Korea ; Yo Lang Jay , third secretary of legation for Korea , and Yo Yong Ha , at tache. They had come from Washington and were on their wav to Korc.i , via the Union Pacltlc , on account of the illness of Pak , but would rot urn la u mouth or two if his health would permit. They were shown thu sights , and the llrst place visited was the transfer , to look up some lost baggage , and then they tnolc In the Union Paciilc , Burlington and Pullman headquarters. Later la the day they vlsltad the board of trudo and other pluccs of interest. Tlio minister's outer dross wasa blue silken tunic strotthitigto the nnklcs and sllghtlv confined o\cr the bteast with a silver btuklo The most sttlkinjr part of the costume was the head gear , a kind of broad brimmed lint with a sugar loaf crown , apparently woven out of black wire , though In icnlitj woven from flno stilngs of strips of the 1 egulpatot black bamboo. The shoes Mvit' the Chinese pattern All the puitj were dressed much alike , copt tlmt Socrctaiy .lay's tunic was of blow n silk , and the servants wore diessed in goods of cheaper si ado. The hsad dress was worn In the ptrloi andnt meals. Sail , Uliciitn With its intoiiMj itching , dry , hot skin. often broken into painful 'cracks , and the little wutiM'V pimples , often onuses indescribable suffering. Hood's sarsa- ivu'lllu has wonderful power over this dlioaae. It purities the blood and ex pels the humor , and the skin wilh out a scar. Send for book containing many statements of cures , to C' . I. Hood & Co. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Muss. i.o noil's Mj\i . The Nnnio Not Vet Quito Applicable to th N't-vv Mrllicm Louis Hold Is alive and in his right son os ycsteidnv ami thanks the fates th il he was unsuccessful In hisattcmpt Wednesday night jump to fiom the now bridge and drown him self , nnd is loud in his laudations of those who pi o vented him from committing such n rash act. The cause of Mis Insane action is n French courtesan , on whoso account Lnvvis forsook Ins wlfo and child in Chicago several months ago , but who repays this infidelity now by utterly Ignoring him. Gold followed this frail creature of the demi monde fiom Chicago cage hero , and onlv a few weeks ago back to Chicago 'Ihoi have been on the best of terms , nnd when only a fovv dajs ago Gold stalled for Oniah i again Rhc promised to fol low him hero and ho was to meet her at Council Uluffs Wednesday cv ening. Ho went notoss the nver to meet her as per appointment , but mean while she had transferiod hut nlTectiom to another and met Gold coldly. Ho grow dns- pcralo.and returning to Omaha drank deeplv until about midnight , when he bade all his friends farewell , BUV ing they would never see him aiMin. Ho no\t made his wav to the now In idgo , when ho discoveied that IIP had spent his last cent nnd hud no money with which to pay his faie HeofToiod the toll taker his overcoat if ho would let him pass , but that ( rontloinan suspected something was vviong and tefuscd to let him on the bridge. Gold then loll , bill making Ins way Anther down , ho crawled up the ladder to the bi uigo , and was rapid I v neai mg the i ivcr befoto ho was dtscovcicd bj the watchman. An exciting chase ensued , and the latter did not succeed in catching up with Gold until the would bo suicide was clnnibeiniK upon the railing to take the fatil loan. Instead of falling into the cold wateis of the Missouri , ho toll into the aims of the watchman , who pulled him back and inarched him oft the bridge amid a showcrof expletives. Today Gold f coin hoaitily ashamed of himself , and sweais ho will over hcioaftcr leave drink and fallen women alone. Jack and Jill each took a mil , Old-fashioned kind full giown ; .lack's went down but with a fiovvn Jack died fiom "cause unknown " Smiles will supersede many fiovuis , and many discomforts will be unknown , when Or. Pieice's Pleasant Purgative Pellets entirely supersede , as thev bid fair to do , the large and less eOicient pill of our forefather- . Every day they gain now laurels ! Moat popular when most ills abound ! The following building permits were issued Jjy Inspector Whitlock ypstcrdav Augiisl Isaacson , frame house , "iil ! ) pout . . . 5 1,000 . ' . ' . ' fiaino houses Human J. I'av. two'-story , and burns , Monmuutli Park 4,000 A. II. Atvtoo'I , two a-storj frnuios. Mou- mouth 1'ark . . 4,0"0 .1. I' . Morgan , stable. Orchard Mill CO Joseph Amleroon. I storj tramu cottiigo , 1'arkor's iuldltl"ii . TOO Five permits , nggiecratiaK . . J ( ' .r W Mary J. Holmes' new story , "Mildred's Ambition , " a story of social ambition , by the most popular story writer in America. Every mother should read it and place it in the hands of her daughters. A pure , domestic story not at all sensational , but intensely interesting. "Luman Skinkle's Relig ion , " by Josiah Allen's Wife. The best story she has ever written. Its rich , keen sarcasm is irresistible. She keeps the reader convulsed with her sharp hits spiced with pure fun , strong common sense and sound moral lessons. The opening chapters of each of the above will be found in the November num ber of the Ladies' Home Jour nal , now on the news-stands six cents. CURTIS PI'BUSIIINO COMPAKT , FOUNTAIN BRA.2STI3S FINE CUT AMD PL/TJQ- IncomD'irafaly thnt Boat. 100 CIGARS FREE. I-.XTltA 11UI.1II.1LV U > 'l'iiC. : To rapidly liitroiluco our new "i'limy Cureii" clear. Wo nlll. 1C ordered at once , deliver 1OO ol them , limes of 10 clear * each r III : 12 to any Post ur Kjproin oRlca In tlio U. 8 Alto unf yrar'a ub > crliilluu postpaid to Texu > Blrllutoupon ro > celpt of four Italian thn je rlT rule fortlml pop * ulur Illimruleil topago Journal. Write iiuiuo und luiitoDlru uiidreis plalnlr Huinll br rtiilfttereil inn 11 or tionnl note ftml addreio ill once K. W. TANSILL& CO. , 66 Slate St. , Chicago JUDICIOUS AND PERSISTENT Acivcirtlalug hns always provoa Buccoeiful. lloforo plaolntrnny Newipapor Advertising censuS LORD & THOMAS , 1DVIKTIS1SU iUUMK , 4 J 0 Ui.4.1.1. BU U ClllnAQO. PEERLESS DYES PECIAL Overcoat Our 'great ' sale of ( Ino Rlysian nnd Heaver overcoats and ulsters , are nn ( 'Ntrnoidinary oppor unity for cash buy ers throughout tlio icotmtry to suauro bargains , for never n the history of our business Imvo wolbeon able to ofTor such extraordinary bargains in thor oughly honest , reliable , well made and perfect lilting overcoats and ulstors ns we are nowshowing. Wo offer an unequalled list of now , nUrnclivolrirgnlns in line elysian and beaver overcoats , ulsteis and capo over coats. Se how our prices compnro with or dinary retail prices for the s\mo goods. Lot No. 1. NVo offer 200 striullv nil wool diagonal overcoats , ( cloth made by the famous Putnam Woolen Co. ) coats that wo Imvo sold regularly all this sea son for SI 5 oaoh. We have them in regular si/oi , In dark Ovford mixtures , and wo ofler them now toeloboat$10 each. Lot No. 'J. Wo offer 20t ) pure , all wool , blue eljsian ovorconts , made with piwd edges , nnd trimmed in the very best manner , coats that wo have sold at ? iM each all the season ; we offer thorn now to close , in all < sios , at $ lr > each. , We offer a very attractive bargain in a gray chinchilla ulster , wool lined the garment that vvo intended to soil for $15 , but wo overstocked on thorn and will now oflor them tills week at S10. This io leaa than jobbers got for thorn Freeland , Loomis & Co. Proprietor Cor. Douglas aiicl 15th Streets , BOSTON , NEWYORK , DES MOINES , . OMAHA OH INTO 2O TO 6O DAYS. This if. a disease which has heretofore Ualllct ) nil Medical Scieneo. Wo hivi" n llnniedy , unknow n to unyono In tlio World oiitslclo of niu Cunipauy.niid one that haa NDVIU ; TAILED to euro the most ousuitato cases. Ton dnj 1 1n recent c.isesdou ? ilieiork. . 't U tlio old < In onto duop suited c.wrs cant wo oliclt. We Imvo rmtdliiindiodswlio have beau tljaiulonort by I'li > > > lcluns , and pronouucul lucu able , and vo clmlleniethe Woild tobrnu M a I-ASO tlmt wo v > 111 not cure In less tliiiu slMv days Mnto the hlstoiy ot inodi.Uio a. line hpocitl ? for Svplillls lnis been sought for b luovor found until our vvusdlscovorel.nnd wo are Justlllo I in It Is the only Hcmody In the World tlmt \ \ 111 pos itively < 'iue , because tlio liitHot Medlciil vvmki , publl-lu'il by the b-at known uiithoritles , say tlu'io was iiover .itruo spocitlc before. Our ram- ody will cine when evcrvtliliiR oNo lifts r.illed. Whvuusttioui time and money with patent medicines Unit nuor hatt virtue or doctor with phvMclarHth.xt cannot euro you , you that IIBVB tiludov 01 jtutilKflio should coinoti ) uslow and get pDriiiaiiont tellof , > ou m er umi'i.i' It olio- tthuo. Mailc vvo sav. 111 liu end vou must tak out irmedvor NEVHIt iecovt i mid vou that have boon iiHUctcd but u 'Imrt time hliould bv .ill moans coino to us now vi * on j In Un otn w cases ever c.-t permom-ntlv oined. Manv ROI help an 1 thluk they are free from the disease , but In one1 , tvtoortluoe vnars after It appears again in .1 moro hoirlblo form This is a Blood Purifier and will Cute tiny Skin or Blood Disease when Kvcrything 1'lt-o Kails. THE COCK REMEDY CO , Itooin 10 and 11 , U. H. National Dank building , Oinalia , Neb. Public sale of import ed draft stallions anil ti ot- tlnn stock ut Vork , Neb Nov.-'T , H < fH , commen cing at U n in , Wo v\ ill oiroi ourontlro slock of hors s , about M In number. : i I'nr- ciierons , I Clyilortdalo , 1 hhlre , I I'renUi Cana dian , several Rtade draft anil ono trottliiR stallion 'Iho lialanco consMs of 11 ott IIIK bred inuron , f llllus nnd drlv . Oiia sears , time * , poodbankublapanur equlre > d. 5 ner-rpiit -KCmint foi caah.3ALU / JtAIN OH SHIM ! . , ! ( ) wo. IHI1ACU. M. WOODS. Auctioneer. U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. 1'aid Up Capita ! . $100,000 Surplus . 50,000 II. W. VATTS , I'-'esident , L.MMSS. Ithi'D. Vic i'losldont. A , 13. TOU.AM.I'ml Ij-o I'loslilent. w. II. H. Hiiciniit , chiller. DIKLCTOIW W. V. MOIISP. JOIIVB. COM.INS , II , \ \ . VATLS. IKVVISB , ItLbn. A 13 TotVAUN. Ilanklii ) ; onico- THE IRON BANK , Corner l.'tli and rurnamSU A lianklim linslnoasTransacteJ. JOSEPH EILLOTTS STEEL PENS GOLD MRDAl. PARIS EXPOSITION MS. Nos. 303-404-1 70-C04. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. lniCTcrinitfromllio leirtxtiofyouthfuj u lerron , enrlr < 1 * . , , .v , . anlioCKl. eto I Kill will valu Wl tn-otlna ( c lrd ) euntalnlngr mil luirtlcuUn ( or liotn. mint , five of ohur t * Ad'lreu PROF.F.C. FOWLER , MOOduo , Conn. WAFBRfl are tuccetufully UBcxl monthly by orer 10,000 odles. AnSa/e.Kffcctualandi'leatitnt per box hytaalloratdniKKlls. .Spa It J _ rticular ! 3 postagH sUxmiM Addreu tat tUItBKA ClIEMICAb CO , UuTHOIT , ItllCU. Ww aalo ( tndbi ) mall by Goodman Drug Co , , Omaha , ' in quantities. Our price , remember , U $10 ; all siyos , from 35 o 41. Lot No. 1. Wo nsk your attention to ono lot of 800 pure all wool , fnnoy ( 'asai- tiHM'O suits , ( cloth mado. by the well known Alcolianinvillo Woolen Mills , ) In ineiliuni dark brown nnd white mi\- lure , ainglo breasted sack anils only , In regular sio3 , now suits just made up at the unprooodentodly low price of $12 per suit. Send your order for ono of these suits , with the understanding tlmt jou will have $ o on the ordinary retail price throughout the country. If you do not feel hatisllod with this state ment when you havs examined the sail , return it at our expense. Lot No. H. We oiler f > 0 suits of the Nonvalk Mills l-'tno Silk and worsted goods , in men's three button , cutaway frock suits , bi/es It 1 to-1U. a suit which wo told last ocnson for sfciJ. They are made from goods costing $ : ! a yard. Ono of the host , .styles and ono of the best made suits in our stock nt sinj price. You can buy thorn now at $15. FOR OYEI Our stock of men's fine fur overcoats is now complete , consisting of : FULL MINK , MINK LINED , MARTEN LINED , OTTER COLLARS AND OUFF3 WILD OAT , COON , ASTRAOHAN , GOAT , RUSSIAN LAMB , Your Left Liver IS OUT OF ORDER ? BEAD THIS IF IT 13. A Proprietary MoOlcma that neoiU but trial to prove Its worth. Dr , Calender's ' Left liver Bitters , Tne only Distilled Hitters In the United BUtca. Th only flitters recognized liy the Dnltod States Internal rovcmio lawn as a Pro prietary Medicine. Lawfully Pattmted. No. ot Patent 149,573. Contains no fusil oils , no essential oils , no foreign substance or daman * tag driiKB. A perfectly puie medicine , com pounded from Pure Itoot Herbs and Old Pcachj pleaiant to the taste , quiet and aoclMve In lt affect. Cures Dyspepsia , or Yellow Jaundice la flreday * . H.igulatcg the novvela. Invlcoratea InacMre Llrer , Cures Diseased Liver , Hevlve * Ibe Kidneji , improves the Appetite Quickly. Regulates the wnolo system. New T.lf to tba whoU lystem. oI'Oftl > lTorIllttorinra oM in Omnlia , Neb . liytlio ( lowing clruKKiilH lllulmriHon Drug Co , Hpccliil wijiiiesalt' . lor IIIQ Atiia Inlorestof Ncbrn'lcii. HIJ. ( ) ? > lrui ! c'o , VV. .1 VVIilti-houia. T. VV.Xpiif- funl , bam H. Tflrniwiirtn. Hthrotur a 1'liurciinojr Kuliiuv Co.lilinjliullsi.vt. ) I'nrr.J. A. l-ullcr A.Co. W I. lluk'lHliilm II ContH , C..1.1 rlio , VI. 1,1'oivoll 1. Il.dpntHcli.Jcilin K. Hullikf. Morrtll 3 I'liitrmiicr .lanins iMirnytli. II. < J Hell , Dr. I J. H tvlllu , ( J. M. Cm- > ey , F Chiindler. Mnlm'a I'liarnmcT , tliirnor t Diiy t 3.1 } hluc.J VV Clarke , . ! . H.Hclimldt. Mnx lleclit , J H UiriMonson. W K. Lamliariion , II H. Cor , M r Conrnil , Krark W. t'onf. It Kmnimion , CJno. Itooilcr Boyil'a I'lmrniiicy , C. A. Mulclier , llownru , Mojori , trunk Dollcine A Oo , wholesale Uanlori lu CluHrsanl Healt i is Wealth ! nn. K.O. WKST'K NKKVK AND HiuiwTnr\T HUNT iv niiar.iiitietl/ipeolfl / for DyHtorla , 1)17/1 nos , ConvnlHloiiH , i'lti , Nrrvnn.i Nonnilitla llendacho , .Nnnoin Prostration , rnnsed by the * tii.8 of alcohol or tohaocn. VValtefiilntss , Menial Iepinslon , HoftenliiKot thn llraln , rnsultniKin Insanity , and leaclinp to mlnoiy , dc-ony and aentli , I'lcMimtiirmJld ago llairnnnesi , I.OHS of rowei In BllhorhO'c. fnvoliintary I.OSIBH nnrt Bporniutorliii'a cnuaoil by over-exertion of the brain , self-abnsoorover In InlKonco. llach box conlalni ono month'o tro.itineat ? 1 IH aliox.or Blxboxes fcirS'i 00 , 6 < nt lJJ' mall 1'iopald ' on la c lpt of prlc o , W1J OIJAUANTnK SIX HOXKS To t uro an ) case \ \ 1th o jch orilur riicelvod by us for six boxes , acrniiipanlccl ultli ii u , v > o v111 send thu purchaser our writ Inn uaran'ee to i ( ifund thu inoiny If the tro itiui nl dnuu not eiroi t aciiin , Oiiaiantees I HIIOI ! only by C. I' . ( JOUDMAN , lni5l ) t , Solo Ai'unt , 111U Kurnam .Street , Umulia Nut ) . Lemtrltable for powerful ymp belie tone , pliable acitloti and b- iplute durability. 3J year * ' rcjeord | the beat guarantee of tUt c j | lenre of tuese liintru wcnta. a 'i " " urinurj troubleseaallvquick- 1) uiulHafdlyctirodb ) Dori'l'llACup. Hnverul tusin. cur'oil 111 Hevini ( la > .s Bold il M per box. all driniKlxtH , or by mall trnin Do- uituMff.Ui lUWhituSt.N V. I nilDlroitiuiib Are I he HKSU PEERLESS DYES MUSKBAT LINED AND DOQ SKIN COATS. Fine Seal Caps a Specialty , Beaver Gauntlet Gloves , Seal Skin Gauntlet Gloves , Beaver and Mink Collars and Cufis. Express Orders , Wo vvill sonil p.iphajros conUuning1 suits of clothing , fiirnisliiiifj pooils , clothes luul VNUoloiiH of nil Kinds Itopt in our establishment , to nny mJdress til NebrusUn , lown , Knnsiis , llukotn , Colo- railo , or Wyomlnjr , C. O. 1) . , pivinff buyer1) the iirlvilopo of oMiniinlnjj oJs before \ \ $ iii for them. , By this rmiKeincnt people Hvinji i' ' ( Ubtiint towns can obtain every mlvnntn o of seeing nny nitiele ot nieiehandiso In our stock nt their own towns , examin ing the same before paying for thorn.and if notporfoutly satisfactory , rotnrniiif ( goods to us at'onr oxpunso. Money for all amounts exceeding $10 may bo rC- turned at our oxpcnibo. Try This Arrangemont. For years vvo have Bent goods all over Iho llnitod Status in this manner by express with the moat satisfactory results , You talcd no risks. Examine the goods , and return turn thiun at our o.xpciibo if they do not please you. ItlUs for I'nbllcj 1 VI 11 1 inc. 8TATI5 Or N'niJIt.VSICA , OH 1U1 ; Ol Tllli bTAlt IIDAIIIIOK I'lllNrlNO , t i j.iM-oiw. NOV. r > , issu. r NOTK K TCI 1111)1)1 IIS. Sealed proposals w 111 bo rocelved at aur tlnio on or bctoro j o'clock p. in. of the llth clay of December , A. I ) . 1"WS , for t'm printing of all lailH for the H'Klslatnro. vvllhoiioh in liters an mayba ordeiHil by cither house thereof to be pilntadin "bill foim , " which is shown and deilKiiatod HS Class one (1) ( ) under tlicpiintlng laws ut the state ot fkCbiaska. I 01 the piintlnt ; and blndlniln paper rovers ono thousand (1HO ( ( ) copies each of thu biennial reports or the auditor milillo iiccoinilstrn istiror , tut IL t.u y of state am ! tommlsslnni'i ol publlo lands und buildings ; and lh hundred ( r > UO ) topics cac h of the hTomilul rc'ports of the tutor * ncy Keneral , superintendent piilillrinstincti'in , state Illii in Inn and ndjntaiit ueneial ; nnd all othci lepoilH and rocnnutiils that may boor * deied ] iriiiled by Ilici liKislatlile , except Hilth a.3 may inter Into and foi in n p.ut of the .loiirnals , \ > hfcli Uasof in k H kno n and designated nn t lass. I under the printing Inn H of NobiiiHka. ' 1 he bill woik executed under Clami 1 shall bo pi inti'd in small pli a t ) pe on papoi fourteen (14) ( ) ilithes long bv < lht ( and one half ( > , > liiLhei wide , hlnglci pijo. papoi to bo 'M ponnils donblo rap to the loam nncl uxi'c pi the title page each ii igu Hliall contain not less than twenty-live CAV ) lines of Roliclinuttm of h ren(7)ln ( ) < * h sln leiiBth , and the linen slKill UH Hiicco sl\cly iiuiiibeied with a blank only In each space uelvvcen tlio UllOH ' 1 he title PIRO of sild bills Hlnill contain not less than elf-litoen ( H ) lines as above , with ( J ) Inches additional spare allowable for dlspliu title matter Kach bid Hliall state v , hat the bidder - dor is uilllni ; to do the work completii for per piiKii , liicHiclliiL'toinpOHltlon , ] iaper , pressnork , HtittliliiK , folding und all work or material on- torlni ; Inti ) the \ \ oik iciiulled. * All vvorlc oxecntjcl under Class 1 shall bo de ll vered In good oiikr by the Lonti.ictor to tlio ollicoof tinseu itaiy of state within throe ( I ) dajsaftei tlie leu-lpt of thocudei ly said coll- traitoi Irom the ch.ilrinanof tha coin inltteuou piliitlnKlnoitherbiunchor the leclslauie. All work c \ cutt' < l under ( lassthreo < ! > xliull 1)0 pi luted in long primer , brevier and non pareil type , on papei to be nlno ( II ) Indus I bj six ( ) wide. sliiKlit pagepaprr to 1)H foitv- ll\o i4li ) Ibs. to thn itam , whllo book. Kuch blcl unilei Class J Rhall Htatu v > hat the bldd'T | HV\I1I > Ing to do the work comiiMo foi pel pagu , on each U'lu.n or It 'in In thu clasx , ln < lndlni ; com position. pipei , pienhwoik , htitthlni ; . foldlmj und nil work or mate ilnl interln lulu the wmlc luiiulied , ( J alley anil page in oof miiHl bo fur * nlsned v\hen reiiulrecl by the olllceis of tlio executive drpaitmcnt ot Ilie chairman of tbq committee on pilntliiK In ulthoi brain h of the k'gltt ] ituio.Voik v\licn tomplutedlo bollvciod free ofoxiiense at I he still o house. 1'ioposiils for work on oath of the ubovo clasHts v\lll not be ccmsldeied unless the haniii nliull bencc ompanlcd by a bond in the Hum nt live thousand tfVMIi clollnia , with IMO or 111010 sureties , that in cafln thopaily proposliiK for Kiicli tontrai t shicll be awaided the name Mich jurty Mlllvvltlilu llvci d.ijs after theawardtu him of Hiich contract enter into bonds fortho faithful perforimmrc ) theieot , a provided by luw and tha terms nt these proposals. 1'ropoH.ils Nhall bo inurkeil " 1'ioposals fotf I'nbllt I'lintliiK" nnd addn sed to thn state boaid of prlnilni ! in care of tno secretary of state , Lluiolii , Nub. ConliattH cm Clans one ill na above specified vs ill be awarded as a w hole. ContrjcU on ChtsH tin en ( .1) ) as nbova speclfloi\ vill bo nvvarded inliolu or in part , as tlio board may sleet Samples ot the v\ork to bo executed under classes one and tin e may bu BIH-II nt tlio olllco of theheiretarj of state. I'jiitractson iibom classes one nnd tlneeto run two jc > ais from Deo. II , IHHH , 'Unthtale prliitliiK bounl luhunes the right to lOji'ct am 01 all bids , ( ! , li. l.A\VH. Hec-tetarv of 8tato , II. A.UADUinC , Audltoi I'uhllo Aco'lR , C. II. VVlMiAltl ) . StatoTriasuier , Uf the btute lloiud of I'l Illtlne. HUE XOX XUU VU1LJJ LJKMS JIK1T \ 18 THB "Anchor" Stone Building Blocks , rani ntoiie , tliruoenlnrn. , Hi. ) III'.HT rillUIlNT for 'clilMron and > udiilu. uverago W or JJewrltitlvo Cataloiruo , eout | iu < t free , to f , AD. RICH TEH tt. OO.i 010 ttroadwtty , 7few Vork. To tlio Klockliolctei-H of tlio Lnncl nnd Cnttln ( 'oinpany. Notire In hureby given that Urn annual meet. Incof thoBtockholderifottlioOKalalluJjundana Cattlef oinp.inj. will bu held at the Cninpaiiy'n ollit-o In the tlty of Oinahu. c'ebr Hku. on Wcdnondaj , Deiember Mh , 1W at lotlonk p. ni , fur lli'J election of dlrectoiN for the uiiHiiIng j car , and foi tlm trunsadlon of stitli other ! ) lili'ss u-i may comu boforti thu meeting. \Vn.i IAM A I'AxiciN , I'naluont. J iHfi'ii I IIASIK , Hctrclary , Omaha , Neb . November 17th , IWS. iu > \ 17 to ( loi-ri If. J , Surgeon and Physician , Ulllco N . W Ouinur Hth ur , 1 OoiiijUsHt. Odlc * w ; Uojld uc tylaiiUyuo ,