Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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There Waa a Good General Trtulo
In Whoat.
Acllvo With MUle or No Varlrt-
tlon 1'rovlnlotis Soincwlmi Unset-
tlctl-Cnttlo UnUier Slow With
Rood Nntivcs Higher.
CntCAOO , Nov. 22. [ Special TclcRrara to
TIIK HKI : . ] Thcro wai liberal speculative
trading in wlieut to-day and ft broad market
was tlic result. The public , iw well ns pro
fessionals , participated on a generous scale.
1'rices averaged considerably higher than
yesterday , and closed with the improvement
fully sustained. The opening was rattier
wild , with sulcs at tl.lOX Jl.ll V'rlll WM
nboui i/c above yesterday's close. The trad
ing crowd concluded that the market had
been opened high to enable some of the
leaders to sell to advantage , and tiio prevail
ing disposition was to sell. Nevertheless the
market advanced to * l.lll , caned off slightly
and then went to tl.lljf. Heavy selling by
the general crowd and by houses that were
conspicuous on the buying sldo Tuesday and
Wednesday , broke values sharply. May de
clined lirst to ; and later
IocGinbcr sold down the scale from
to fl.OT'4 ' , mid January fromSI.OT'f '
The market rallied about Ic from thusu
prices on renewed buying by Kennctt , ana
persisted purchases by Lyon. The latter
house bought steadily in an unobtrusive
way , throughout the session , on
soft spots. The crowd is Just
now very badly mixed on the question
of speculative probabilities. An old and
very careful observer , who rarely allows his
prejudice or sentiment to cloud his Judg
ment , unburdened himself in this wlso :
"Tho syndicate or combination that
smashed the market down with a great mass
of speculative offerings the other day lias
covered Its wheat , I should say , ami possibly
jnado a turn on the other side. ThUjjbreak
brought out a big lot of wheat on slop or
ders. The market is now about even , I
should Judge , and ri | > o for another raid. It
will continue to present temptations so long
ns our prices am out of line. I wsint to state ,
however , that wo arc rapidly approaching a
legitimate basis , and I cannot s < > o why opcr-
ntors should engage In short selling as cour-
ngcously or as heavily as when prices were
localise hit'lier. 1 hear of some Hour being
worked for export , and foreigners nro not so
indifferent ns our eastern and foreign advices
indicate. "
As before stated , there was a good general
trade In wheat. Commission houses report
tictive business , and that is satisfactory proof
of the revival of public interest in
wheat speculation. The break has induced a
healthy investment inquiry , and now buying
seems to bo generally by good people. "Shoe
Strincers , " as narrow margin operators arc
termed , have fared ill of lato. The closing
range was J Wlc higher than yesterday , viz :
December Sl.lHij ; ; January $1.07 % , and May
$ I.111MK > The near futures made the
greatest proportionate gain. 1'rices are now
ye nbovo bottom touched for May , und 4c
nbovo bottom for December ,
The corn raarkot opened ( inlet and tame at
nbont closing prices of the previous day.
Thcro was nothing , apparently , to cause any
strength in the wheat pit , and that was the
cause assigned Inter for the liriner tone which
the corn deal assumed. Receipts were heavy ,
and those estimated for to-morrow , 39.'i cars ,
were certainly not small enough to make a
bull feature of. Liverpool was quoted firm , but
Atlantic seaboard shipments were light , and
the outward Inspection from here was under
recent averages. There was a good demand
from shorts , however , and they were en
couraged in their desire to buy. by purchases
inado bv leading operators and by the sharp
demand of cash corn. The amount of busi
ness done was light , and principally of u local
scalping character , but the offerings were
light , and the feeling averaged ( inner than
yesterday. The market closed at , 4 ( > % c bid
for November , an advance of % c on Wednes
day's ' price ; December at 38 MU , is , ' c higher ,
and May at as ; c bid , Is virtually unchanged.
The provision trade was somewhat un
settled. The continued largo receipts of
hogs encouraged free soiling at the opening ,
and under the excessive offerings some
thing of a break occurred in prices
early in the day. Later , however ,
the market gained in strength. Morning sell
ers showed a disposition to cover some of
their short sales , and the ground lost was in
n great measure recovered. Hutchinson was
nlsoagood buyer during the last hour , and
the closing all around was comparatively
strong. The day's actual decline In pork was
only B@KP , while lard wan unchanged to
JJJiJc limber , and ribs unchanged to 'J > c
lower. "Grain men and the old bear contin
gent in the product were the principal sellers
on the depression. Speculative trading was
quito active , though for cash property orders
showed a falling off. Cash lard sold at fS.40
@H.4D ; green Now York and Boston shoulders
CHICAGO , Nov. 22. | Special Telegram to
THE Hrx.l CATTI.R TraJo was rather slow
m' ' snlnow'lati ' unsatisfactory for salesmen ,
'et tlioro was little or no clinngo In value3 , as
compared with yesterday , but there were too
many undesirable natives , too many cheap
lookiiiK und common steers on tliu market ,
that they were hard to dispose of ut satisfactory -
tory prices. On account of the light offer
ings of rangers , salesmen that had an orili-
nary run of natives tried hard to get. a slight
advance , but failed to got there. Tlioro were
scarcely a dozen loads of good natives on the
market. Prime native cowa and heifers are-
beginning to sell nt higher prices , and chances
uro that from this time out such will make
better prices. Common old cows and
rough stock ijfliHiniHy had to com-
l > eto with 127 cars of Texas cows
nnd common Teims steers Hint sold clieap.
hence native canning stock ruled slow anil
rather caster. There is nothing new in the
stacker and feeder trade ; buyers from other
states are iscarco , ami thcro are only n few
outside orders. Light , SOO to 91K ) Ib Rtocrs ,
nt t'J.OO'J.50 , and averages of 1000 nnd up
wards , * ' . ! . ? r > @ , VJ5. Hoceipts include 0,01)0 )
Toxaii and western cattle. Choice to extra
beeves , JTi.Odfitfi.iiS ; medium to good steers ,
JMfl to 1500 Ibs , Jl.yO a.\00 ; 1'JOO ' to KIM Ibs ,
KUOft-l.JH ) ; U50 to miKJ Ibs , JU..K.7fi ( ] : ) ; rtock-
crs and feeders , uulet at ? 'J. ( nriJ3.20 ; cows ,
bulls and mlxrd. weak al $1.40i ( < 'J.Sj ( ) TCXHS
cattle , weak and fiffllOo lower ; steers , | 'JtO'p !
a..ll ; bulk , J'J.GO ( < i' > .sS5 ; cow , $ l.fiOfi2.40.
Hogs Market uctlve , with little or no va
riation In values as compared with yesterday.
A few early sales In Uock Island and Hur-
llngton divisions showed a decline of flc , but
later on the general market , steadied up , clos
ing steady. On sale , with fresh receipts ,
nbout iUI.OOO common and rough packers sola
nt f.VSr. . 'i.l'T.H , and fair to good , t5. : X35.J5. !
An occiisionul lot sold at $5.1)7 ) . Underwood
& Co. , nud ono of the other shippers paid
95.4.V3r > .50 for fancy heavy , but the bulk of
yrltnd heavy sold nt t5.40@5.45. Light sorts
nro In fair demand. The Llpton company
bought about 600 , to average 103 Ibs , nt J5.80
(35. ( ! . Alorun & Henley paid W.20@5,1J3 for
2,000. to average ISO Ibs to UK ) Ibs , antt the
Fowler out lit bought their usual number , to
average ISO to 200 lb , at r. > . ' . ' 0@5,45. Joe
Nash , buyer for Nela Morris , paid around
about K > ,40 for Hunt light to uvcrngo I'M
Ibs , or thereiiVouts.
NEW VOIIK , Nov. 'J'3. [ Special Telogrum
to Tim HHI ! , ] STOCKS London prices became -
came materially higher thU morning , and the
market oil Now York exchange opened rather
feverish nnd Irregular , most of the list showIng -
Ing fractional Improvement , ns compared
with last nlght'i ' close. The highest prices ,
however , seemed mndo only to soil stocks
upon , as values receded immediately , mid
during the first twenty minutes , when heavy
business was transacted , the general list de
clined from ) ( to } ( points , later , In Northwestern -
western nnd Lackuwanna , which were closely
followed by Now England and L'nlcu Pacific.
Oualm and Hluhmond Terminal were especial
features of the decline , losing 1'tf nd 1'fS
iwints respectively. There was a good deal
of see saw to the forenoon market covering
by shorts Imparting strength , and liquidation
of long stocks having the contrary cdcct. At
noon the market was fairly active , and heavy
at the close , to the lowest prices thus far
reached , though the general decline was not
large. There was some heavy soiling Of
Western Union nt the close , when prices In
general were fairly firm , and in some stocks
strong. Last nYtircs were usually within 1
point or less of the opening.
The following wore the closing quotations :
CT..1.4s regular. . . . 12S Northern I'aclOo.
IT. P. 4icour > enl I2t do preferred W"i
, . . . . . „ . . . _ , G f .W ICr.1
U.MHscoiipon3..1HV ! ( dopreferred HO
1'aelflcGsof TO . . .121 uY. . Central 107'i
Ontral I'dcine : m < I' . , I ) , fill KU4
Clilmpo ft Alton..Ml Hock island Ito
ChlnnKo.llnrllngt.on C. . M.&St. P KI > <
gnlncy 108' doprefrrred Iffi\
Iliinols . ' ! . ' ! ' . .lopreferre l..ilOO'i !
1..1I.AW I. , Unlnnl'acilte rat \ Texas. . . iniV.St.L. | . k 1' 123
I.ukcShore USSI do prefrrrid. . . . 24'
MlrhlciuH'entral. . M't Western Union Klj !
Moxnr ov CALT , K.isy nt 2- ! per cent ;
last loan at 2 } per cent , closing nt2 ( ; 'Jlf
per cent.
PHIMB MKHCANTII.B Pirnri l.j@0 } ixr
SrKituxn E.XCIUVOR Dull but firm at
W.SS for sixty-day bills , and fl.M for
demand ,
CiftcAno. Nov. fti Wheat-Easy ; cash
fl.US ; December , * 1.0S't'i ' Jnnuar.y , | 1.07f5
May , $ I.I7V- (
Corn cash , 40 c ; December , 3S'Co ;
Jnnuary : i7'so ' ; May , : l7J < o.
Oats Steay ; cash , 2tii/c ; December , SOVc ;
May , . ' 10 ; ! c.
Rye 5lc.
llarley N'othliifj doin .
Pnmu Timothy f 1.53 ,
Wliisky ? l'-2 .
Pork Steady ; cash nnd December , nnd
January , (14.47 ; May , ? 14.7'JK.
Lard Steady ; cash , tS.Vi ; December ,
fiS. ' . " . ! , ; Januury , $8.17 ; May , W.IIJ.
Flour Nominally uncliaiiBcd.
UulU Meats Shoulders , J7.37Jffif.7.rin ;
short clear , $ S.OO@j ! > .l ; short ribs , $ " . -15 ®
Uutter Firmer ; creamery , 22(3 ( 2iic ) ; dairy ,
Cheese Quiet ; full cream Cheddars , 10
' Huts , lllj dijllc ; VounK Americas ,
s Firm ; fresh ,
s Unchanged ; tiuuvy reen salted ,
. liRht Kreen suited , lljft ; ; Rri-en. 5c ;
salted bull , fi'fc ' ; Krcen bull , 4' ' c ; grocn
dry Hint , ( abe ; dry calf , 7So ; branded
hides , 15 percent oft ; deacons , : ij < ( $3Uc each ;
dry salted , lOj lfle.
Tallow Finn ; No. 1 , soliu packed , 5c ;
No. , 4u ; cake , 5c.
liecoints. Shitunents.
Flour , bbls . 14,1)00 ) Sli.OOO
Wheatbu . ! , UOO 21,000
Corn. lU . 33,000 : ! asii.tXK )
Oats , bu . US,000 130,000
Ityc , bu . . . . .
KniihiiH Clly , Nov. 2J. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 red , cash , 1)1 ) J c asked ; December ,
'Jl4c ) ' ; May , H'tfcbld ; No. 3 red , cash , 79c
bid ; No. 2 soft , cash , Wo bid ; December.
05 > < c bid ; January , ! He bid ; May , lM > , ; o bid.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , no bids or
off eritiRs ; December , 2S o ; May , 30cbid ;
No 2 white , cash.Illc asked.
Oats No. 2 , cash , no bids or on'erings ;
May , 2.1''ebid.
MiniK-npoliH , Nov. 22. Wheat Re
ceipts , 370 cars ; shipments , tl'i cars. A bet
ter demand was apparent from millers in
the city , and ono or two mills that have boon
idle for a few days have resumed operations.
Good milling was held higher nt the start and
some sales of northern were made at . 1.10.
Closing : No. 1 hard , cash and December ,
* 1.20X ; May , * l.2ii < tf ; on track , * 1.21 ;
No. 1 northern , cash , $1.0'.i > rf ; December ,
* 1.0'.I3 ' May , $1.1fi:1f : ; on track , J1.12W1.14 ;
No. S northern , cash , $1.U2' ' ; December , $1.03 ;
May , * 1.10 ; on track , $ I.04 ( < 1.08.
Now Vork. Nov. 22. Wheat Receipts ,
35,350 , ; exports , none ; market very dull nnd
lfil'Hc higher ; there was a limited milling
demand ; No. 8 rod , f 1.0(5j4iil.Hi ( ( ) ( ; < ? in ele
vator , Sl.07fcjl.OS afloat , ? 1.07(31.07 ( f. o.
b. ; No. 3 red , ? 1.00 ; ungraded red , $1.00'4@ '
l.O.'lii' . Options active , irretrnlar and higher ;
early J4'@JliC up. declined Ji'C'i'Kc ' , advanced
' @lc , nnd closed Jj'e over yesterday ; De
cember closed nt $ l.Ui % .
Corn Hoceipts. HS.fiOO ; exports , SOO ;
spot market fairly active and lirm at Ic
higher ; No. Z , 50c in elevator ; 4UKf < tt53 > < f
afloat ; ungraded mixed , : i7@50)ic. ) Options
were more active at .VC't'lchiKherand strong ,
December closing at 4ilJ < c.
Oats Receipts , U2COO ; exports , 550 ;
spot market moro active and firmer ; op
tions more active at % o up and strong ; De
cember , 31J , < e ; spot No. 2 , white , JISJ c ;
mixed western , : ( ) @ ( % ; white western , 34
Coffee Options opened steady and closed
barely steady ; sales , 101,500 bags , including
November , fl4. : ) ( u 14.50 ; December , $14.20
@ 14.T : ! ; January , $ l4.1fi@14.SO ; February ,
$14.20C il4.i5 : ; March , S14.20@14.40. Spot llio
strong ; fair cargoes , tlii.ixi.
Petroleum Steady ; United closed at 85T < c.
Kggs Firm for choice : western , 25j$2Uc. (
Pork Quiet ; mess , * 15.75li.25. (
Lard Opened weak , but closed firm and
quiet ; sales , western steam , fS.S7) < f ; Decem
ber. * S.31Jt8.57 ( , closing at $3.57.
Huttcr Choice scarce and strong ; western
dairy , 18(223c ( ; western creamery , lS@33c ;
Elgins , ! )4c. )
Cheese Firm ; western , 9@10K < 5.
Mllwnukuo , Nov. 2Wheat Firm ;
cash , $1.02ljj ; December , $1.03 ; January ,
Corn Easy ; No. 3 , 40K@41c.
Oats-No. 2 white , : S0 31c.
llye Quiet ; No. 1 , 55c.
Harley Easy ; No. 2 , fiO c.
Provisions Lower ; pork , $14.47J-f.
Oinclniintl. Nov. 22. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 8 red , * 1.03.
Corn Active and firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 43
Oats Stronp ; No. 2 mixed , 2S >
Uyc Quiet ; Js'o , 'J , 5. " > c ,
Whisky Steady , at $1,14.
St. Ijouln. Nov. 23. Wheat Higher ;
cash , Jl.OIl ; December , $ l)3 ( ) ? .
Corn Firui ; cash , 3J * > 4i(3ii.jC ( ) ; December ,
31 , ' c.
Outs Firm ; cash , 25c ; May , M c.
Lard-5S.iJ.i : ( ( . > .37 > f.
Whisky tl.U.
llutter Firm ; choice and fancy creamery ,
HOQlMe ; choice and fancy dairy , 20ii2Sc. (
lilVR STOUH. .
Cliicngu. Nov. 22. The Drovers' Jour
nal rcuortsas follows ;
Cattle Hcceipts , 15,000 ; Irregular ; cholco
beeves$5.00gS.U5 ; steers. I2.90M5.00 ; stock
ers and feeilers , f2.lX ) ( > ? 3.20 ; cows , bulls and
inlxotl , $1.40@3.SO ; Texas cattle , $1.00(0)3.20 ( ) ;
Hogs Heceipts , 25,000 ; fairly active and
nbout steady ; mixed $ . > .15rf5.33 ( ; heavy , fo.20ij ( >
0.40 ; light , $5.2(1(35.85. ( (
Slice ) ) Hoceipts , 10,000 , ; lower ; natives ,
$3.75(35.00 ( ; westerns , $ ; ) .85 ( < ? 4.00 ; Texans ,
t'JtXS3.35 ) ( ( ; lambs , $1.00 ( 0.00 per 100 Ibs.
KitntmH City , Nov. 23. Cattle itocolpts.
4,8 1 ; shipmentsyciturday , 5,8S2 ; slow and
weak ; Texas a shade lower ; cholco cows
steady ; common , So lower ; good to cholco
corn-fed , $ i,7r > ( i5.25 ; common to medium ,
$ ! l.2f > @ 4. < > 0 ; stockers and feeding steers , fl.lH )
(43.40 ; grass range steers , $ l,00@3Xj ( ) cows ,
Hogs Receipts , 13,500 ; shipments , none ;
generally 6c lower ; some sales lOo lower ;
closing weak with a good many unsold ;
good to choice , $5.2.5C45.15 ! ; common to
medium , f4.80@3.15j skips iiud pigs , $3.00i4
National Stock Yards , Bnst St.
Louis. Nov. 22. Cattle Receipts , 2,525 ;
shipments , 1COO ; market steady ; cholco
heavy native steers , f5.00i75.l0 ( ! ; fair to
good native steers , $4.40it5.10 ( ; butchers'
steers , medium to choice , fJ.l < 0@4.40 ; stock-
c > ri und feeders , fair to good , f'J.IUiSS.a'i ;
rangers , corn.fed , W,00ft.yO ( ; grass-fed ,
$8.K ) < i3.10.
Hogs Receipt * . 5,000 ; shipments , COO ;
market steady ; choice heavy and butchers'
selections , ( .1.25(35.40 ( ; packing , medium to
prime , fS.IO S.UUj light grade * , ordinary to
Lest ,
OMAHA Livu aruuiu
Thursday. Nov. 22 , 1883.
The market was slow and weak , and there
was very little desirable stock on gale. There
were f | "I to a good many natives that had
been fed n little corn , but were not ripe.
There waa nothing good enough to bring
over f l.OU , A choice buucU of corn-fed helt-
ors sold nt $2.PO Feeders were scarce nnd
thrro was not much to make a market. The
general market was about lOc lower ,
The market opened slow with twenty fho
stale loads In addition to the fresh receipts
on sale. The trade was inclined to drnif , and
It was afternoon before the hoes were all
sold. The duality of the lioirs was not as
good ns yesterday , and taking that fact into
consideration the market could not bu called
over 5c lower.
Slice p.
The receipts were the heaviest for some
time , nnd a few were sold. The market was
strong and the dcmnnd good.
CHttlo . 1.200
dors . 4I K )
Sheep . 1 ,500 ,
Prrrallmi ; I'rlciM.
The following is a table of prices paid In
this mantel for the grajoi of stock men
I'nmestcers. 1300 to 1500 lb ? . . 11.10 ( JJ4.SO
I'nmo steers. 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . 3.40 ; < { 4.r > < )
Native feeders . . . . . 2.50 f 3.iri (
Western feeders . 8.50 ( rf2.S )
Rantro steers , ootn'on to choice 3.3U y 3.25
Common to good cows . . . . 1.25 ( < tli,85
Choice to fancy cows . 8.35 ( U'-V.O )
Cotnmonto choiCR bulls . 1,25 ( < i2.IK )
Fair tocnoice light hoes . f > . ( )0 ) W.V1S
Fnlrtocnoice Heavy hn s . 5.20 @ .VH5
Fair to clioicu mixed hoga . 5.10 ( ; ( " ' - " '
No. Av. ! 'r.
2 cows . HIS'I f 1 . . ' ) ' )
4 cows , westerns . 1IMI7 l.)5 )
1 cow . i 10 1.4. !
1 hull . HIM ) l.f.O
Ibilll . 1'ttU ) l.lX )
Iticows . ' .M7 l.tW
1 ctiw , western . 1220 1.70
5stiirH ! . 13.M 1 75
IbulV . K-00 l.bO
10 cows , natives . ' . " 77 8.tK )
3 co ws . 1 1 80 2.00
li cows . ' .i'3 ' * 8.00
7cows . Wi 8.01) )
I.SCOWH , natives . IIKB 8.05
4 i cows . H71 8.15
2lcows ) . ' .KCi 8.1
21 cows , natives . 100J 8.8 , " )
8 stockers . S 7 2.-r : >
42 cows . V5 1 8.5' )
1 cow . 1S80 8. . * > 0
1 bull . 1CM ) 8..ll
1 stag . l.MiO 851) )
II ! cows . Hi ) ; 8.liO
3 feeders . S'.K ! 8.Cfl
7 feeders . s8 ! 8.i ( )
21 cows , natives . 10.2S 2.75
23mixed . ll'Jii 2.75
2 cows . 1C05 2.iK )
35 heifers , natives . 1055 2.W )
35 feeders , natives . 1120 11.05
IS feeders . MKil 3.05
411 steers . 1013 3.15
21 feeders . 1IMVJ 3.17) ) '
21 steers , natives . 111' ) 3.25
21 .steers , corn fed . 1151 3.35
111 steers , corn fed . 1111) ) 3.50
02 Moors , corn fed . 12J7 3.S5
21 steers , corn fed . 1808 4..0 (
No. Av. Shk. lr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
41 . . . .831 KiO S'i.1'0 ' ( X ) . . . .276 800 ? , V 17 ' i
5S..824 180 5.1X ) CO. . . .801 40 5.17' ' , , '
74. . . . 814 2l'0 ' 5.05 153 _ 8)2 : ) 180 5.20
til. . . . 84 1 8KI ( 5.115 01..2I1S 0 5.80
53..84S 3(10 ( 5.05 40. . . . 'JU ( SO 5.80
Ii7 _ 821 240 5.07 , ' j 00 _ 8153 bt ) 5.80
Tit. . . . 201 240 5.10 07 _ 230 SO 5.80
( J3..840UK ) 5.10 5i ( _ 314 UK ) 5.80
78 _ 2l'iO HX ) 5.10 (57 ( _ 23ii141) ) 5.21
05..25 ! > ll'il ) 5.10 5"i _ IMS 8MJ J-.20
77. . . .888 UK ) 5.10 5) ) _ itt'J 840 5.20
(50 ( _ 845 bO 5.10 iX ) _ 2l > 7 8.-0 5.20
60. . . .288 5.10 ( ! > . . , . .22 SO 5.20
(55. ( . . .270 380 5.10 fid _ 'WS : :20 : 580
57. . . .8113 800 5.11) ) (54. ( . . . 2(52 ( 1(50 ( 5.80
04..855 80J 5.15 (5S..8.13 ( 5.80
( i'.l _ 85 40 5.15 (57 ( _ 805 8-0 ! 5.20
50 _ 875 180 5.15 fiO _ 800 HX )
. .84(5 ( . . . 5.15 74 308 8sd 5.88' ' . .
73. . . .2(11 ( 30 ( 5.15 ( H..807 810 5.85
< i3 . . .31)1 ) Ml 5.15 I5li. . . 2S4 12d 5.25
(55. ( . . .850 2 < ll ) 5.15 (51) ( ) . . . . 3150 8K ( ) 5.85
IK ) . . . .275 1-0 ' 5.15 : . " . . . . 3sS 3-0 5.85
53 _ 8sl ( 1IXJ 5.15 (57 ( _ 8 5 bO 5.85
5li _ 270 40 5.15 C4..300 40 5.85
71 _ 807 200 5.15 M. . . .311 40 5.85
(51 ( _ 278 100 5.15 54. . , . .TO b'O 5.2' >
71 _ 1(50 ( 5.15 (50. ( . . . 207 HX ) 5. . ' )
(52 ( _ 8150 210 5.15 (57 ( _ 805 b ( ) 5.20
54. . . .320 320 5.15 53. . . .311 ] li ( ) 5.I'.0
7r.2 S 2bO 5.15 57..3 > 0 40 5.3 ! )
50. . . . aM 18C 5.15 fi5..S50 40 5.3J
Ii(5..2l7 ( 120 5.15 50. . . . 313 200 5.30
154. . . 255 bO 5.17 ' 52. . . . 344 120 5.30
59. . . .205 4bO 5.1714 53. . . .341) ) 11X ) 5.35
biuir. :
No. Av. Pr.
123 Neb natives . 157 S3.80
Showing the iiumbar of haji bought by
the leading buyers on the m.irkjt , to-day :
O. H. Hammond As Co . 437
Omaha Packing Co . 1MX )
Arinour-C. P. Co . 2b34
and Lowest.
The following are tlic hi 'liait und lowest
priccsp.iid for ho < < during the past fjw days
and on the oqrrejpamlin ; ; d.itj ouo ai : J two
years ago :
J Nov. H j. I Nov. HU. I .Vor. I8jt.
4 10 ( .21 . : n Sunday
Hi f. X 4 IW < ? 0l .11 : i > < lt I 7) )
u r , 2.1 & > 41 4 il & \ (0 351 iiA'1 T"i
3 ) W1 "i 4 : i > fill .11 ; i ( ii cti si
4 4.1 ( Oil ; > " '
5 30 Wi 45 4 UI dfA .1 .1 (11 ( llMl \
; , M ( ? f ) M Sumlav. J 7i ) Ci ! HJ
! , 1.1 ( , < U 4 SO ® l"M Sunday
1(1 ( 6 'M Sol lil 4 1U ( /il : li 3 61 ( & : \ M
- - , r.o 4 ai 4 n. 3 ( n W S.1
Sunday. 4 ra ftti oj U 8) ) W 40
5 : $ ) < 8& M 4 < U , ( J II 70 © 4 ( HI
5 a ) S5J < o Sunday. 3 711 Ui'l UJ
ft 1.1 < W 411 4 fij 0,1 it ) Sunday.
Proilnce , Kriiltn , Ktc.
Ut'TTCii Fancy , solid-packed creamery. 22
( iM.'io ; clioicccountryl'28ilniedium ' ' ; grades- ,
15f ( 10e ; common grades , H@llie. )
Fi.ouil Nebraska p.itents , $ ( i.00@.50 ;
Minnesota patents , fil/.X'f'S.OOj ' ' straight
grades , if5.0C@5.50 ; bakers' flour , f5S5@5.75 ;
per bbl.
POTATOES Nebraska , 23@lOe jicr bu ; Colo-
ado , 75Vf ( | i'e. )
Poui/riiv Live eliickens , $ JriO@2 75 per
doz ; spring oltickcns , ? 2.50 ( < ? ' ( .1KI ; dressed
chicicens , Si ( Ho ) pur Ib ; turkeys , s@l2e.
E < i < JS Strictly fresh , 10c candled.
MAI.AOA. ( " * ' : In kegs , 10Cql2f ) per Ib.
UAJIISAS Common , il.50'iiJ,25 per bunch ;
choice , f 8.5 ) ( ffil.5l ,
LMOS : > 5.50 per case.
OiiANocs Florida , $4.00 < 3 > l.85 per lox.
GAMI : Per dozen : Mallards , $8.50(11" ( ' . 75 ;
teal , $1.00 ( 1.85 ; quail , f2.50 ; prairie cluck-
ens , 6J.50 ; rabbits , fl.OUj siiuirrcls , * 1.0j ;
venison , lfi$10operlb. )
CiiANliuititiits $7.50C < < 0.)0 ) per bbl.
PKOVISIOSS llam , No. I , HKc ; No , 2 ,
llo ; shoulders , 8c ; rib bacon , lie ; clear
bacon , HK i jucnlo hams , lOo ; dried beef
hams , 10 > j'c : dry salted clears , short , SWc :
extra short , S e ; short ribs , h' c ; pickled
pigs' feet , 15-lb kits , bOc ; lard , 9J @ 10c ;
smoked sausage , (5jsc ( ( per Ib ; hog casings ,
Cci.unv 25i30o ( per dozen.
ONIONS 40ii.50o ( per bu.
CuiiuaKou per 100.
UIITS : : 40o per hu.
Tuit.virs 30c jcr ) bu.
SAL-KH KiuuT-Hbls. ? l.75 : half bbls , * 2.5.
Ai'l' Choice , f 2.50 ( < f8 75 per bbl ; fancy ,
$3.00 per bbl ; common , $1.50@1.75 per bbl.
ClDUit Michigan , < li.lKa050 ) ( per bhl of 32
gals ; California pear cider , J15.00 per bbl.
PoiCOHK Rice , 3jf luj common , 2 ( < V3c ,
CAIIIIOTS 100 per bu ,
MEANS Choice eastern handplckcd navies ,
$2,00 per bushel ; western handpicked na
vies , $ l.75@l.80 ; mediums , * l,30i ( l,50 ; Lima
beans , So per Ib.
HAV F , o. b. cars , No. 1 upland 10.00 ; No.
2 upland , S5.00.
Ciioi'i'iM ) Fini : ) < 14.00S15.00 per ton ,
Coiix 31(38c. (
VJNKOAH Cider , lo@18c per gal. 5 white
wine , 10@80o per gal.
Grocers' List.
Revised prices are as follows :
HAOOISO Stark A , seamless , 22o ; Amos-
kcng , seamless , 17)jc ) ; Luwlston A , seamless ,
19 : ; American , seamless , 17u ; burlaps , 4 to 5
bu , ll(314e ( ; gunnies , single , 13c ; gunnies ,
double , 20c ; wool sack , a5o. Twines Flax ,
8Sc ; extra sail , 20@21e ; sail U , SO lc ; cot
ton , 2305 JuWi Of.
DHIED FIIUIT Figs , In boxes , per Ib , 18@
lOo ; dates. In boxes , 7@10c ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per box. $2.50@3.75 ; Malaga
loose raisins , f2.3CK.u'3.M ) ; new Vult-iicia
raisins , per Ib , SJ c ; California loose musca
tels , per box , f2.00@2.10 ; California Loudous ,
18S , 18.40 j pitted cucrrics , per Ib , lOo ; Call-
fornla pltteil plums , perlb. IStStfto. ilrleit
blackberries , per Ib , " 'jQ ' c. dried rnspber
ries. per Ib , 24V. ' < , ' . " ) C' ; evai ornteil apples , ( ( j
lie ; California sun-dncu ieaches , I3c ; Cali
fornia unjntrod evaporateil pouches. l-V/t'l i' ;
evaporated California npprieots , 1vc ; Xantee
currants , 0 _ W70 : Turkish prunes , 4'4iJ4"4e ( ;
citron , 8-'c 84e : orange peel , 15c : lemon peel ,
HV : California French prunes , llwlOc.
CoFni : : Mocha , 85a8t5c ; llio. good , \d l
17e ; Maiulahling. 2iVn8Sc ; roasting Rio , 15J (
H5c ; O. O. Java , 24t.'iV ( ; Jave , Interior , 22.n ( ,
C5c ; Rio , fancy , lOofllV ; Santos and Mara-
ealbo , 17llOe ; Arbuekles , 81' < ; McLaugh-
Hn'sXXXX , 21 ' 4.
SfdAii Oranulated , c : conf. A , 7-\e ;
white extra C , 7l4c ; extra C , 7Jic ) yellow C ,
CJc ; powdered , S'ac ' ; cubes , 8'4c. '
HIIS\VAX : : Choice yellow , 8UOi'-'K-'i dark
colored , 13nl4e.
CitiiEsn Youni ? America , full cream , 12 ( >
12'j : full cream Cheddars. Iligl2c ( ; fullcreatn
Jlnts , 12'c. '
Pii'Ki.cs Mcillutn , in bbls , J5.00 ; do. , In
hnlf bbls , * 3.W ; small , in bbls , $ 5.IK ) ; do. In
half bbls. 3.50 : gherkins , in bbls , f7.t)0 ) ; do. ,
in half bbls. $4. CO.
TuiiA io Plug , 2(5'all5c ; smoking , 10(3Xc ( ) ,$1.85 per30-lb pall.
SU.T ft. : Krt'J.J5 ; per bbl.
Roi-K-Mil , lOJfo.
Mu'l.i : SfoAii Mricks , llfifVJo per Ib ;
penny cakes , 18t Uo per Ib ; pure maple
syrup , SI. 00 per gal.
TIMS Young Hyson , common to fair , ISdi1
25i % ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 3lit55e ) ( ;
Gunpowder , common to rood , 88di85c ; tttin-
powder , choice to fancy. 4V.Hi'ii.1 ( ; Japan , com
mon to medium. isoi8o ( ) ; .lupan , choice to
fancy , 30w45e ; Oolong , common to good. 25
( it'i'n1 ' ; Oolong , choice to fancy , iV.Hjiiik1 ; Im
perial , eoiiimon to medium. 2 , ' > n5. Liu ; Imperial ,
good to f aiiey , 40 < 5'ki.
NI-TV Almonds , I.Vn lsc ; Illborts , I2cifl5c ;
llrazil , OOUOe ; walnutIS.1 ! ; pecans , lOmlli1 ;
peanuts , ( . ( it > c ,
CK\I i < tit : 1' Id.1 per Ib ; assorted cukes.
fryci.V.1 per Ib as per list.
CtNMH Mixed. S' < J13.- ; stick , .w/fM V ;
rocl ( candy , U } ( ( i)13c ) ; taucy eandy , ; m8bc.
Iiry ( iiioilH.
COTTON FI.\SNII. : > Ul per cent dis. ; t L ,
.V-.e ; CC , l-5iV : SS , T Namoicss ; , { . RX ,
ISc : R , 2'e ( : No. 10. b' . e ; No. 40 , HiHi' ? No.
(50 ( , 1-V1 ; No. bO 1.ll.jcNo. 3ilciolnroii , Oo ; No.
fiO , i-dlorod , l'.V ; No.70.colorod , I8l.IJristol ; ,
r ' .ji' ; Union P.u'illc , 17c.
Cxiii'i'.r W.viii1 Ilib white , H'a'o ' ; colored ,
21 ' , e.
H\TTS Stundnril , b'e ; gem , lOc ; uc.iuty ,
12' ' c ; bootie , 14iH. : . eased , ! ? ll.5t ) .
| > u , ST- Solid c.ilurs Atlantic , lie ; Slater ,
5le ; lierllu oil. (5'e ( : ti.inici1 oil , "u.
i'iiMPinkuiitl : Kobe s Allen , ( i.'j Rivei--
point , 5ii > ; Steel River , liV ; ; Richmond ,
O'f ' ; Piifitic , 7e.
I'ltiSTi Dress CUirtor Oa'.t , 5' e ; Ram-
ape , 4'.iLudLri ' : c ; Allen. He ; Rifhmond ,
15' ' , cVinil ; or , ( ) ' . , ( ; Ktldystone. ! ! ' 1 ; P.icilie ,
' Me. nni ) Siiir.riSi ( Hi'rkeluy cambric
No. (50. ( O'jc ' ; Heat Yet , 4-4 , l5Ve ; butter cloth ,
mills , He ; . 'epiwrell , 18 in , lie ; Pepperell.
415-in , 18e ; Pciiperell. ( 4. Hie ; Poppeioll , b I ,
Jle : Pcpporell , 0-4 , 8.5Popporoll. ; . KM , 8.V : ;
Clinton , 4-4. b'V1 ; Triumph , lie ; Wamsulta ,
lie : Valley , 5c.
Fi.XSEI.S Plaid R-ifts aien , 20c : Ooshen ,
38' .c ; Clear Lake , 3iPyj ; Iron Mountain ,
FI.VNXBI. Wnite O H , No. 8. ? ( . 85c ; 0
II , No. I , „ 0 ! : H H , No. 2 , : ! .f. 21'1 ; H H ,
No. I , ) ' { . 30c : ( Jucchcc No. 1 , ) * { , 4'c.
CouKT.IcvxAnili'oseoitjrln. . 7 ' .jo ; Kcar-
surge i e : Rockport , 15'fc ; Concsto.'n , I)1 ) e.
Ti ( KS York , . " ( ) in. , 18' ' , e ; York , 3J In. ,
11'Kc ' ; Swift Hver.7l'e ; Thonullke OO , si v ,
Tlinrndike K1C. s c : Thnrndike I'.O 0 } . . ;
Thorndiku XX , 15c ; C'onlis No. 5 , O1 iO ; Cor-
dis No. 4 , 7' ' , c.
I INIMArnoskeiip : , 0 oz l.Tjfj ( ! Everett
o. ' . I31 , o ; York. 7 < > / ! , 13 , e ; ITuyniiiker , * > ' .c ;
JatTiey XX , 11 ' .2V : .lalfrey XXX , l'J'2e ' ;
He.ivor Creek AA. I2e ; Ueaver Crock BB ,
lie ; Heaver Crek CC. lle. )
I\INT : 'oicv J i\xi : Memorial , 15e : Dakota ,
ise ; Duriinin , 27' . . e ; Hercules , l e ; L-jaming-
ton , 2'1 < f < ' ; Cott weld , - ' } ) * : .
Cu.\sil Stevens' B , tie ; Stevens' B ,
hlc.ichcd. ic ; Stevens' A. I'.ji" ' Stevens' A ,
bleached. bV" Stevens' P. b'.je. ; Stevens'
P , bleached , li > , e ; Stevens' N , O' e ; Stevens'
N , bleached , 10'Xe ' ; Stovuhs''SRt ' , 12'ni ; .
Mi'-rri i. IXKOI s Table on cloth , $2.59 ;
plain Holland , O'.c ' ; D.ulollollaml , 12' .c.
Brown Hhcetimr Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7r.'c ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 74'e ! ; AUniitic 1 ) , 4 1 , fr. , e ;
Atlantic P. 4I. . lie ; Aurora LL. 4-1 , lie ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 42 ( o ; Crown XXX. 4-4. I5 c ;
llooMerLL , He ; Indian Head , 4-4 , TJ e ;
Liuvrence LL. 4-4. lie ; Old Dominion , 4 4 ,
: U ; Pepperell R , 4-1 , 7 < : ; Pepperell O , 4-1 ,
r-7e ; Pepiiei-cll. b-4 , I'-Ke : Pepperell , 0-1 ,
81e : Pepperell. 10-4 , 83e ; Utiea , C , 4-4 4 fe ;
Wiiuhusett , 4-4 , 7'jc ; Aurora R , 4-4 , 7c : Au
rora B , 4-4 , (5 ( .f\ (
Dt < - KVebt Point 2'J in , S oz. , lO' c ; Wc-st
Point 20 in , 10 oz. 12c ; West Point 811 in , 18
oz. 15e : West Point 40 in , 11 fif. . H5c.
Fl.ASXEi.s-Rcil. C , 24 HI. 15 > f.E ; , 24 in ,
21'j'e ' ; < ! G , 24 in , 20c ; HAF , ? { , 25o ; JRF ,
? 4. 2r ; 'c.
GisiiiuM Plunkott checks , " ' /e ; Wliitten-
tou , 7'e ' ; York , 7'.je : Normandl dress , S'-Jc ;
Calcutta dre- , s'ue ' ; Wlnttcnton dress , bVj'e ;
Renfrew dress , s' 'fn 18U
CAMiiiMf- Slater , fl'
Standard , 5'e ' : Pejieoek , 5'4'-t ' ; .
PKIETS , INDK.O Bi.i i : Arnold , liji/c : Amer
ican , I5'4e ' ; Gloucester , ii'4e ; Arnold C long
cloth. 0.- : Arnold Jl long cloth , IH'ju ; Arnold
Gold Seal , ! ( ) , e ; Stiefel A , I8u ; Windsor
Gold Ticket , li ) . .e.
< licinioiilH.
Mi < -cii.i.\Mors : : Snlph. ncid , lTfe ; ; citric
acid , tiJe ; tartaric , . " ,0e ; b.U. copaib.i , r c ;
borax , I2e ; chloroform , 47c ; glycerine , 25e ;
gum arable , select. SI. 00. gum camphor. ! He ;
gum opium , < .25 ; Milph. morpliia , i'J.s ) ;
bromide polabsium , 48c.
On. " Carbon. 150 = . IdJ e ; heatlllL'ht ,
175 = , li ( } < jc ; gasoline , 74 = . 18'rfe ' ; West Vir
ginia summer , lie ; zero , 17e : No. 1 golden
machine. ISc ; extra W. S. lard , blc : No. 1
lard , 47e ; turpentine , 58e ; linseed , raw , 5-e ;
boiled , Ulc.
Qfi.MNi : P. fc W. , per oz. , 55c ; German ,
per o4'5c. .
First and scennd clear , l' ' in. . .540 005Z51 00
First and second clear. l-i ) in. . . 47 ( ) : ' @ 10 ( HI
Third clear , l'W'l ' , > ; in . 43 00yr4l ) 00
A seleet , 1'4 ' ( 1 In . 37 00n30 ( (0 (
1 5 select , 1 ' Jft/i \ > tw . 33 OOfti 35 ( II )
A stock boards , It 05:15 : ft , 12 in . 41 ! 1)0 )
If stock biiirds. 12icHi , ft , 18 in . 41 IK )
C Mock boards , 18 ( ltift , 18 in . 3ii ( K )
1) ) stock boards , 12c Hi ft. 12 in . 8.1 00
Flooring , lirst common II in . 31 ( K )
Flooring , second common , 0 In . 32 0) )
Select fencing flooring . 10 00
Siding , lirst and second elear,14alli ( It. . 25 00
Siding , first common , 1(5 ( ft . 82 ( H )
Siding , second common . 10 ( K )
Common boards . Hi 00
No. 8 boards , all lengths. . . . , . 14 50
Fencing , No. 1 , 18i(80 ( ft . 10 50
Fencing , No. 8 , 18. 14 and Ib ft . 15 50
Joist and scantling , 8x4 , 14 ( < 'H1 feet . 115 III )
Timber , 4x4 , SxS. l2G/ni ; feet . 17 50
Pickets , D and H flat . 22 HO
Pickets , Dnnd II bijunrt ) . 8500
Shingles , extra A . 2 SO
Shingles , Standard A . 2 110
Luth . 2-10
O G Halts , 2' < f in . . 70
OG Halts , 1 x3 , SIS . 4(1 (
3 in well tubing , D and M bev . 22 00
nnd TiniierH1 Stoolc.
niock tin , small pig . . ? ,2S
Hlock tin , bar . 80
Copper , planished boiler sizes . 34
Copper , cold rolled . 31
Copper , sheathing . , . 30
Copper , pitta . 'M
Hemlock sole , 18g27c ( per Ib ; oak sole , 31 ®
3 ic per Ib ; oak harness , 30jf38c per Ib ; selected -
lectod oak and trace , 35g per Ib ; oak und
hemlock upper , S0i22c ( 'per foot. Hemlock
calf skin , No , 1 , 80 ( 00o per Ib , according to
weight ; oak calf skin. No. 1 , ! ) OiHI.OO ( per
Ib ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra , ? l.ov ; < j > l,10
per Ib ; hemlock kip skin , No. 1 , COctTOc per
lboak ; kip skin , No , 1 , 70 ( 8'Jo ; Phllndel-
jilua kip skin , extra , & 0afKo ( ) per Ib ; French
calf skins ( according to weight and duality ) ,
$1.151.75 per Ib ; French kip skins , do , 60oiS
fl.ll ) per Ib ; Cordovan russctt , ISe : satin
finish. 20o per foot ; welt leather , ? 3.50 ( < J4.00
per side ; moroccos , ( pebble goat ) , 20j30o
per foot ; moroccos , boot leg , 25t30o ( per
foot ) glove calf skina , 20ic30i ( ) per foot ;
Douglas kid , 80g40c ( per foot ; kangaroo
skins , 40@50o per foot , according to duality ,
Toppings , $8UO@10.00 per dozen ; linings.
M.OOfijO.OO per dozen ; upronskius , ? IO.OO@
12.00 per dozen ,
Only $10 to Colorado Springs , Denver
or Pueblo iiiul return. Grain ! Kock
iBlunil excursion Tuesday morning , No
vember 27 , Tickets good for lif teen days.
Graphic Description of Scones at I'oll-
Ing Places In Dakota.
New York Tribune : There is nn ud-
vantage of livint ; in a territory that tlto
people wlio i-esldo there do not apprcei-
ate as fully as they should in fact , they
never PCCIM to appreciate it ut all. 1 re
fer to their escape from the presidential
Having no voice in these contests ,
they , in a measure , lose Interest in them
ami become mere lookors-on hero in
Vienna. AVailo the state voter puts on
a red muslin coat and a green paper
helmet and tramps through the dust , or
mud , or both , to the wild unhallowed
notes of a brass band , the territorial
voter sits around and abuses the govern
ment because he can't or , at least , be
cause there is no reason why lie should.
Ho is not happy in his exemption. Ho
doesn't appreciate his freedom. In
deed , it is no uncommon occurrence for
him to hand himself together and march
the streets and make night reasonably
hideous , oven if ho is not allowed to
vote. He argues that his displays of
party patriotism muv encottrgo his side
in the states , and also , perhaps , in case
of success , win him the appointment as
postmaster. "With no desire to say any
thing which could possibly olYcad the
most ardent follower of one of our leading
parties , T would jitat state in passing the
fact that in 1KHJ. in Brooking * , lnl . ,
there was but one democratic vote east
for that party's candidate for territorial
delegate to congress , it not at that time
being reeoirni/.iMl there and havintr no
local ticket in the Held , and after its
national success there were eleven ap
plications for the position of postmaster ,
each Betting forth as the basis of the
claim of the applicant that he had cast
the only democratic ballot in tiio place
at the last election.
Territorial cities frequently.however ,
get up considerable interest in the local
contest for county ollicors and call out.
n full vote. I remember living in Rapid
City , Dale. , a few years ago on election
day. This place is in the lUack hills ,
and is supported by both the mining
and stock-raising industries , though
lying among the foot-hills it is rather
more of a "cow town" than a "mine
town. "
All day the short street where the
polling place was situated was crowded
for Us full whole width. They were a
rough but good-natured lot , all anxious
to vote , and more especially to see their
friends voted and that there
was fair play for all parties.
There were no revolvers car
ried owing to a M.rict city ordinance
against it and a desire on the part of
the iiien to , as ono of them expressed it ,
"uphold any < lum-fool law the dinged
mullet heads wanted to puss ; " the six-
shooters were left at the various saloons
or on the saddles , where they "could
be got mid'lin' sudden in case of riot or
anything of that kind.
Opposite the polling places the judge
of probate had his ollice , and he w.\s \
kept busy all day making out allidavits
for tlio.-e" whoso riirht to vote the judges
might ( piu tion. He was not kept so
busy , however , that ho did not oc
casionally Und time to.lip out and se
cure a drink of the most stimulating
lluid which was obtainable. lie was
hininolf a candidate for ro-clection on
one ticket. Ono small man , a new ar
rival in the country , came in about neon
and wished to make alii lavit as to resi
dence , etc. . when the judge said to him :
"Voting for mo for jodgo of probate ,
"Not much. " replied the little man.
"Haint , hoyV'
"No. "
"Haint going to vote for old Jake
Rublee , lieyV"
"No , fciiO'
"Wy , the best probate jedgo the
county ever bad , you miserable whelp ! "
howled the judge , his anger rising.
"Can't help it , I ain't going to vote
for you. "
' CJoinir to vote for Hank Daggott , be
you1" ;
" ! "
"You bet
"Got right out of this ! Move right
out ! " yelled the excited judge , grasp
ing his iron seal ; ' 'git right up and dust
out of this ! Do you s'poso I'm going to
degrade this judicial body by swearing
a man that is such a blank fool that bo
don't Icnow how to vote ? Do you think
this court will lo\vjr itsalf to lot n
dabbed idiot make affidavit ? S'poo
I've got any time to fool with low-down
critters that don't know a good man for
jedgo of probate when he see.s him:1 : If
you do you'll disk Ivor your mistalco'foro
you get through with mol" Then the
little man went out , and the judge ut
the "swearing iron , ' ' as he playfully
called the seal , back in its place and
turned his attention to a moro intelli
gent man. The dignity of the court
was saved.
It was the generally received opinion
during the day that "Joe" Reynolds
should bo allowed to vote half a do/.on
times. He was an old hunter , and also
had a little ranch twenty miles west.
Ho arrived in town the night before
with the largest bear over killed in the
bills. It was a cinnamon , or silver-tip ,
and as large as a grizzly. The gri//.ly ,
old hunters say ; is never found outside
the Sierra Nevada range. This bear ,
known by his monster tracks , had been
carrying off hogs and calves in the
neighborhood for three years. Ho had
killed one man a year before , who hail
shot at him. He killed the man with
one stroke of his paw. Reynolds shot
him once , with no elfect. The bear
rose up and charged him , and only
a bettor shot saved him from the other
man's fato. The carcass was brought
to town in a wagon , the scat being
removed to make room for his headand
as it lay on its buck a great paw
extended out over each wheel. The
proposition to vote the bear was
frowned down ; it was pointed outnhat
he was dead.
To Colorado null Itcturn.
The great Hock Island celebrates its
grand opening. To celebrate the open
ing of its great system , the Rook Island
route , the Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska
Railway , will run a grand excursion to
Colorado points on Tuesday morning ,
November Ii7 , leaving Kansas City at
! t.r)0 : and St. .Joseph at 'Mr . The faro
for the round trip to Colorado Springs ,
Denver orl'noblo is only $ ! ( ) the lowest
ever known in the history of western
travel. The excursion arrives at Colorado
rado Springsat B-l : < ) , Pueblo at 0:30 : and
Denver at 10'i/i ; / the next morning ;
tickets good for fifteen days , magnificent
view of the Rockies for seventy-five
r. u. CALMER. N. r. inniuAK. J. n. JII
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
omio-llooin 2Oppo ii Kiclmnitn Jlulldlnu , union
Bloc * YtmU , houtli Uuialm. Nub. _ _ _
Live Stock Commission ,
( loom IS , K-icbunuo Ilulldlnir , ( Tnlou block Yards.
Buulli UnljUm , Neb.
Commision Dealers in Live SocK ,
Opiiniltu Kichnngo IlulldinK , Union Stock
Yitrdi , HoutU UiimUu , Noli ,
Of Omalia , Limited ,
teh * * ' , BoidliiDcrtolenaenU
Agricultural Implements.
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
CimlMiyss ami UU IM , ,1oue * PtroMbel
_ irtitomAhiv , i'l > rr\kn ,
AgricnltnralIrnplemontsWagonsCarriagcs , ,
lluRRlc , Ktc.Vlioloiftlo. . Omittin. Nrt < rtkfi.
Whnlttttle Petit n In
Agncnllnral Implements , Wagons & Buggies
gOl.aB.WSaml OI7 Jonci Street , Omntin. _
P. P. M AST & C O
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
Cultivators , H r Itniei. CUIor Nlll ml I.ulmn 1'ul-
Yemen. Cor. lllh ml Nicholm street ! .
- WholriMp
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
_ M vi'-fioln * Strrel * . _
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W. R Mrnd.Marmjp.r. lJ13l.enTcinw.mhJt , Oowhm.
.Manufacturer * * mt Jobbcrt In
Wagons , Bnggies , Rates , Plows Etc ,
Cor. t'th ' urn ! IViclllc titrecti , Omntm.Ncb.
Artlstn * Materials.
A HOSPE , Jr. .
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
111.1 UouiiUn Streol. Onuuii , Nol > rnik .
" " Bpoksollors nnd Stationery
H. M. & S. W. JONES ,
Succcssoroto A. T. Kcnjutl A Co. , Wlmlt'snla A Ilctnll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Fine WeJitlnir Stulloiier } ' , ( . 'ninnu'rrlnl Stationery
lo.M DiitiirlB' Stiect. Onmliu. Nfb.
Boot * and Shoe * . _ _ _ , _
( SurceHBorH lo Ilccil. Jimefl A Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
> Binl ; § lor llo-ton llubbi'r SlimCo. . INK , 1H'4 ' A. 1IW
llnrney St. , Oiunl.a. Nebr k .
W. V. MORSE A. CO. .
Johoers of Boots and Shoes.
1101 11KM105 DouKlsi St.Oinnlm ManuTaitorj-Sum-
Coffooa , Spicoa , Etc-
' " "
OuiHlm Coffee mill flilce Mllli.
Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
flavoring Kitractf , Ijxundry Illuu. lulu. Klc. llll
llllillnrnuy Slrool. Ornnhii. ell ln > .
Crockery and Clnasvvnro.
" w. L."WRIGHT.
Ascnt for the Manufacturer ! and Iroporteiiof
Glassware Lamps Chimneys
Crockery , , , ,
Ktc. Offlce , .117 S. l.Htli ft. , Omuhn. Nubmnkn.
IiiiooriL'rs anil Jobber * of
Crccierj , Glassware , Lamps , Silyerwarc
Etc. 1514 l-'cr.-m St. , Xcr l'3xton
Commlsalon nnd Storr.go-
" "
Storage and Coiiiiiiission Merchants ,
. . .
eciLitlr- " " - T * f. | M.rr.n i'f .iltry , Came
112How.rdStr nt. Omaha.
puccetsiirs to MrShnno A Hcliroeilcr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omuba. Nobruika. _ . _ _
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Collision
Merchant. Corre pondenre ell < -ltp.t. 1011 North ICth
Mreet , Oniahit , Neh.
Coal , Coke and Lima-
c6AL7"coKE & LIME co.
Jotes of Hard and Soft Coal ,
SCO South 1.1th Street. Onmhn , Nehrmka.
J" J. JOHNSON o& CO. .
Mannfactnrers.ofL'iie ' , , ,
ndHlilpjM'rs uf tXirtl , Oialc , Coinen IMAMcr. l.lin
llraluTileand Suwer Plpo. OllleJIS.S. . litk
SI. , Omaha , Nob. Telciibin til.
Dry Coodo nno Notions.
M. E SMITH & CO. .
Bry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
HU2aml 1101 DouKlm.Cor. llth pt. , Omaha. Nob.
Importers and Johoers in Bry Goods , Notions
Gents' FurnUblnu'Condi. Torncr 11 Hi anil HOJUOJ
fata. , Omaha , Kubrnbka.
Shippers of Coal and
211 f oulli 13th HI. . OmaUn , Keb.
Wholesale Bealers in Furniture ,
Xurnniu Strccl. Omaha , Kcbraika.
Omuha , Nebraska.
cA LL'ACH En"t coTi *
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
700 , TOT , 709 nml 711 F. HHh St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1 lh and I.caTenworlh ftrcoti. Omalia , NebrAikn.
" " "
Whnlctalc Manunctnri'r ( of
Saddlery & Moors of Saddlery Hardware
AnUI. thcr. 1IUI , UilS nnrt 1407 Iluraoy Ut. , Omaha ,
i Ntbrmk * .
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Bprlniii , Waiton Stock , HarUwuro , I.umbor , Ktc. l'.V
anil 1211 Harimj Slroi'l. Ouiaba.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Uvcuanlca' Tool * fcnd IluTnlo Hrnlm. llK > Douvlai
Street , Omahii , Nobru'kit.
nECTOiTTwTLHE"LM Y & co. ,
Wholesale Hardware ,
Jthend Ilaruer Sli. , On'Rha , Neb. Wettcrn Agenti
for Auitln Pondtr Co. . JerTi'ruon Hteel KillB ,
Kalrbankt Stantfunl Hi' ! ci.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Wetals , Sheet Iron , etc. Accnts for Uow ScaUb ,
Miami I'owdor Kmll.yman Karbeil wire ,
Uinalia , Ntbraakn.
Hata , Cups , Eto.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Ilanier Btruet. Omahit , Nob.
. .
' _ _
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
19U ftrcetiMid Union Puclflc Track , ! .
Dealer in Lumocr , Lath , Lime , Sasi ! ,
Poem , Ktc. YurdiCorner : ih ud IJtfiui'm ' ; (
C. N. D1ET2.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
ISthnrul California Slrct . Omaha , Nobrn k .
lumber Liinc Cement"
, , , , Etc ,
i'0"1" . 1 < " 1 IXuislai F.U..Om ha.
To Dealers Only ,
Office , I ( W Ciirnnm Plrcct. Omaha.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Hulncy While Mine.
CHAS. n. LEE ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Oirrots nml 1'nrquot Kloorlnir. Wti and
. rVlllllnory nricl Notions. "
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
a > . n BUI ! t\1 \ South lllh Str M.
_ _ _ _ _ _ Ovornllo. _ _ . - . . - . . - . - .
Manufacturers of Dyer-alls ,
Joni fiuits , Shlrti , Kto. I ( ( Burnt 1101 lougl s Street ,
_ Omnlm. Jst'h.
Polesale Notions and Furnisliing : Goods
Ittl and W.Sdith Kith St.Omatia.
_ _
Wnolsalo Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ale Hrcme. Ktc. , Omaha. A. 11. lllfhup. Manager
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing ; Good ? ,
1105 UnrncT Slrcrt.OniMin.
Office Fixtures.
.MnmitnctiinVB t
BanK , Olfico and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantl < > . Stili'l'Onnl ! , . Hook Case' , DniK Hxtiirpn.Wal
rrt r . l'Hrtltliuii > . HnlltnmCmmt 'r , llprrnml Wlni
Cooler" , Mlrrors.cliKnrlury nm' nllirc , 1.W and 17S
i-oiith l.ltli St. , Uiuitliu. Tulol'liunu ' 11l. : !
Paints and Oils.
Wholesale Donler * lu
Paints , Oils , Window Gtes , Etc ,
111 * Vnrnam Ktroct. OmahaNob.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry i > nice Block of Printing , Wrapping ndVrltlni
1'a er. tipvclHl Attention elvnn to cur load orders.
'aporJJoxos ,
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Not. WIT nnd 1J1U Donglns St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
Bit nnd DM Jonua street Omali * .
Storage , Forwarding & Commission
Storaie , Forwarding and Conunission ,
Crunch lioiiMi cif tbo Heimoy Ilnppy Co. IliiKKioaal
wtjuli'Bulu und re lull , l.'iiu l.MOniul 131'2 Izanl tTtruet ,
Oninlia. Telt'iibune No , 700.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1W1 North Elgthtecntli Street , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Kpeneter. Proprietor. ' .KM Doilao nnd 103 unil 1M
North lUtU Htruut , Omaha.
Prlntors" Materials. _
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dealers In Type. Prcisiin anil 1'rlnlcrB1 Surpllos. 603
South lath Street. Omiilin.
Coods. _ " _
Manufacturers and Dealers in Ruhlier Goods
Jll Clothing anil Leather llcltliik' . 1KM Kiinmin HlreeU
S.Jtah , Doors , Etc.
\Vbolcsu1o Mann : iclurors of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Moulffings ,
liranch Offlce , 12th nnil Itnrd titrcpti.Oinuhn , Nub.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
VMildluRi , Stair Wnrk anil Interior Ilnnl Won't I'lif
an. N. K. Cornermh nml l.i-urunworlli btroct * ,
Onahu : , h'vu.
Sto m Fittings , Pumps , Etc. _
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Jtcum , Wntpr. 1U Inay nnd MlnluK Hiippllen , Etc.
SMI. Vii and J | Knniainblri'Ct. Onmha.
CH u HcnTLL PU"M > co. ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Jteam and Water Bupilc ) | . n' > "ln'inrl"r fnr Malt ,
I ITirnnm t. , Ora
Strom and Water Supplies ,
engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Neuron - - . . , . .MWW
Iron Works.
Carter & sou , l'rnrr , .Munnfnctiirfrxif nil klndi
Steam Boilers , Tanks and Sheet Iron Work
Work ! South 20th and II. & M. Crofting.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ,
EnRlnoi , llra i Work. Ooneral fnunilrr , Machine and
Jiua uillli Work. 1 1 men und Work ) , U , I * . U/ .
un'l I7lh atruet. OninliH , _
Manufacturers of Wire anil Iron Railings
IHtik Halls , Window Onardi , Flower Hliuuls , Wlro
fl niKle. Ill Kirlli Kth Htruet , Omnli .
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
Voullr.JMI Work. Iron an'I Wlru FeoclnK. Hlgn . 1210 ,
U. Aiiilreen , 1'ruc'r Cur. llth nn Juckiu-i Sl .
Iron and Wire Fences , Railing ? , Guards
und Pcreeni. forbunki , naicci iloicrsilJenroi.ptt ) ,
luiPM'f.1 Awitln ; ! , 1-OcKnnlUi .Muriilnur ) itna
Uiiuir.lth tvorli . lir-jiitliUOi ft.
Fireaui Burglar Proof Safes-Tlrac Locte
IliliUulU rt.Uu , v i.jci it. . i
'nu V.'ork.U'J b. pU bv.