Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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It is stated that the State bank o
Valparaiso has closed its doora.
The members of the K. M. A. nro re
Mieclfully requested to be present a
their hall this evening. Huslncfes < i
hpcclnl importance is lo be transacted
ThoDodpo Btreot i-nblollno was ycc
terday opened to Thirtieth street. Tin
Motor has completed Its curve n
Twelfth nnd Dnuirln * , and builtaswitcl
nt .io end of the line near Kloventh.
The condition of the prisoner , Mrs
Harry W. King , who is confined in tin
county jail. IH reported to bo somowha
alarming. Tuesday night she paced he
cell , at times acting as though do
Personal I'araurnplis.
Mr. Hen. Mtern , representing tlio Carletoi
Opera Company , which plays here nox
week , Is In the city.
Hobcrt H. Wilcox , manager of tbe BrewIng
Ing , Klng& Co. clothing company's store , re
turned from Chicago yesterday morning.
Mr. John fl. Corey secretary of a Krul
Packing combany , located in Ventur
county , Koilthcrn Culllornia , is stopping n
tlio Hotel Marker.
At the Windsor : I , . W. Logan nnd wlf
of Kansas City , J. Doolittlo of Illinois , !
W. Itrown of Kansas City , L. M. Aldrlc !
and wife of Minneapolis , Hobcrt McCarty o
Gordon , Ne-b.
Mr. M. S. Hascall , cashier of the 1'ullmar
car company at Ogden , eamu to the city Tuoi
day to tiiko his wife and child homo will
him. The ladyhas been on a visit with he
parents , Mr. and Mrs. William Alstadt.
William Alexander , a colored man , cliargei
with stealing ir from n room-mate about i
year ago , was released by Judge Herka yes
terday afternoon. There was , in the opinioi
of the Judge , no evidence to convict.
ICnlibeil a Km It. Stand.
Nicholas Pirtlllo , nn Italian owning :
fruit and confectionery stand , complalnci
thnt a couple of brothers named Peter am
Joseph Powl , broke into Ills stand and stoli
? .10 worth of the goods. A complaint o
burt'lary ii to be lodged against the fellows
First Wnnl ltt ! | > iil > < 4.
Thcro will bo a meeting of the First wan :
republicans at Forest hall , Friday evening
November 3.1 , for the purpose of placing li
nomination a ward councilman. It is desira
ble that there lie u largo attendance present
Dentil of K W. Sharp.
A letter has been received from Huciin
Vista , Col. , by Chief Seavoy telling of the
death in that city of Frederick W. Sharp ,
who has a sister living either in tills city 01
Conned Hinds , whose husband is a miller 01
mill owner. The letter is signed with the
iiamu of A. V. 1' . Day.
Must Obey I ho Court.
To-day Deputy Sheriff Grcbo arrested
Thomas Shea and Patrick Gllligan on n
charge of contempt of court. Moth nro wit
nesses in the $ .1,000 damage suit of Morris
niralnst Patrick Ford , hut refused to recog
nize the subpoena served upon them.
Postal CIcrkN Appointed.
W. E. Sleek , of Conecron , Mo. , and John
E. Yatcs , of Gallation , Mo. , have been ap
pointed railway mail clerks in this circuit.
The former will be assigned the route on thu
Union Pacific between Omaha and Ogden ,
I and the latter will run on the Hurlington , be
tween Kansas City nnd Oxford.
"Xlic Hue" I'or Smokers.
D. A. D.ivison , of Wymore , lias great , faith
In Tin : IJin : , of which he is the active and
efllcicnt agent in his city. His latest evi
dence of esteem for tlio paper is the christen
ing of a new brand of clears with the name
of TUB HRK. It is to bo hoped they will
prove as popular and attain as largo a circu
lation us tticir namesake.
linlcti'a Trent.
Last night , at the Uarkcr hotel , an elegant
banqucst was given by Manager Ualch to
George Wilson's minstrels. The train by
which the company intended to leave the
city was delayed over six hours as an accom
modation. A very enjoyable evening was
gjicnt. and tl.o members departed feeling sat-
isticd with their visit to Omaha.
Pnltl Dear For the Coal.
A darky bearing the name of Joseph Smith
was caught just before dawn yesterday
stealing a sack of coal from his neighborPat
Donahue's coal bin. He was delivered over
to the police , and on arraignment the judge
fined him $ rJ.V ) . His honor then gave him
a brief lecture , impressing on his mind that
honc&ty is the best policy , and assuring him
that tlio cheapest way to get anything is to
buy it.
A Narrow lOieapn.
An exciting runaway occurred on Daven
port from Nineteenth to Sixteesth about 9
o'clock u > trnlny marning , the wagon becom
ing upset and thdriver being thrown violent-
lj to int.pavement. . He was dragged several
rods , but fortunately some men seeing his
peril stopped the frightened horses nnd
saved the man's ' life. Ho was considerably
bruised but sustained no serious injury.
The wagon was completely demolished. The
cscapu of the man was regarded us almost a
miracle by the spectators.
A Brotherhood Sociable.
A very pleasant and numerously-attended
sociable under the auspices of the brother
hood of Carpenters and Joiners of America
took place on Tuesday nightnt the Gate City
halt. About one hundred members and their
wives took part in the festivities , which were
of a very enjoyable nature. Many promi
nent merchants in tlio city presented the
association with some useful article , which
was rallied for last night. After the articles
had been disposed of a supper was served
and nn impromptu dance brought a pleasant
oven ing lo n close.
I'nitly IJiiiloi'iMl.
Edlo J. Itrott , alias Thomas Jefferson , was
brought Into the police station early yesterday
morning covered with blood. Upon exami
nation it was found that ho had a largo gash1
on his cheek , a cut on tlio head , a nose verv
much haltorcd nnd otherwise disfigured.
The city physician was called and dressed
tlio wounds. The man was unnblo to tell
how ho ciiine by his injuries. Tlio police
found him near the Union Pacific headquar
ters and ho could not even tell how he got
there. Ho is a stranger to tlio police. At
least they could not recognize him under his
present conditions.
Dr. JolTeris' remedy cures every case
of diphtheria. No nhvstcinn required.
Tlioso who take Dr. Jones'Hod Clover
Tonic nuvur have dyspepsia , coslivo-
IIOBS , bad breath , piles , pimplcH , nguo
nnd malaria , poor appetite , low spirits ,
headache or kidney troubles. Price 60
cents. Goodman Drug Co.
Deceiving Knilronil
A communication to thu commissioner of
labor statistics nt Dunvor reveals tlio fact
that labor agents all over the country are
swindling men who nro tryins to muko an
lionost living by hard work , anil sending
them out to Oregon und Washington Terri
tory where the supply greatly exceeds the
demand. As a conseuueiica , hundreds of men
uro without money or work , ami among
them are a number who It is alleged have
been sent there from Omaha. The writers
say that the furo from Denver to the pltico
where they wore shipped to get work was
only f IS. but when they tried to got back it
wu ja . They had been proinUcil from
12.35 to per day , but found fl,5'J the
highest rate paid , and only a few oat of tlio
iiituiy hundreds sent were ublo to iet thnt.
The tame tttato of affairs exists ut Klpuriu ,
Karmington , anil Walla Walla. Commis
sioner Urlscoll of Colorado , Intimates that in
future all labor bl.arks shall bo prosecuted
to the fullest extent of the law , but says a
majority of tUo victims uro gut to > o great a
dlstanco thnt trioy never come back to con
plnln , Ho ndVlscB nil tncu lit search of n Jo
to beware of tlio bliu-kbonrd anriotincemei
of coed wnges hi Washington Territory nn
An Absolute Curo.
Is only put up In Inr o two ounce tin boxes
and IB nn absolute cure for old sore * , burns
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin er'J | '
lions , will positively care nil kinds of pile ?
MBKT. Sold b.v Goi.tlman Drug Co. , at 'i
cents per box by mull 30 cents.
Joint HOBS Til run Out to I5c tlio Miss
InjJ Humor > lnftoti ,
Snturdny lust a man known in this lorallt
ns John Hess dropped dead on n fnrm ownc
by n Mr. Hynn , in McAnllo precinct , tbl
county. HuL llttlo wns known of tlio Ind
vidual's career , ntul ho was buried in force
Lawn cemetery nt the expense of Uoutfln
Yesterday inquiry was iniule at tlio coi
oner's olllco coiicortiltiK the description o
tlio di'CPased. It wits pivrn , the partU-ulii
points hiMiijr that one of thu lingers of tli
ritfht hand was off at thu center joint , nni
there was u scar on thu chin. This tnlllei
with the intricate points of ideiitlflcntion li
connection with Homer Mason , who went b ;
the name of HUMS in this section , but whos
protior cognomen was Mason. It nov
transpires that Homer Mason , one niornini
about ono year n o , suddenly left his hum
in Eastern Iowa nnd departed for parts un
known. The reason of hii dc | > urtnrc wa
unknown to his wife , whom Ho loftbchlni
In somewhat destitute circumstances. Thi
w man in cpitstlon honrini ; nothing concern
iiif , the missing man , packed up her chattel
and eamu to Otmiha , t\hinp : upnuurtcrs will
her brother , John O dcn , wlio resides in tin
vicinity of the Carter white lead works
Mr . Mason , whllo here , learned that he
husband had been in this section , and nisi
that ho was known under the nnmo of Hess
She did not hear of the , death of the imll
vidual In question until yesterday , when sli
was informed of the mutter by n neighbor
Inquiry was made which continued tli
identity of Mason. It is ijuito probable tha
thu body will bo examined in tiie imincdiut <
future and given proper burial. Mrs. Masoi
Is yet ignorant of the cause of her husband'
sudden departure from their Iowa home.
Advice to Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should nl <
ways bo usuilforchiUlrcn teething. Itsoothe ;
thu child , softens the gums , allays all pain
curesjwind colic , ami is tlio best remedy foi
dinrriiiuu. iWo a bottle.
A (5 rent Kxuur.sion
To the Hookies and return for $10
k'runtlcst trip on record. On Tuesday
inorninf , ' , November li" , the great Hocli
Island route , the Chk'ayo , Kansas A
Nebraslm Railway , will eolelmito the
extension of its famous system to the
Kooky mountains by giving u raml ex
cursion , the round trip faro for which U
Colorado Springs , Denver or Pueblc
will bo only $10 , with tickets peed foi
fifteen days. Excursion train leaves St.
Joseph at I ) : 15 a. in. ; Kansas City 9:5C :
a. m.
Only $10 to Colorado Springs , Denvei
or Puehlo mid return. Grand Rook
Island excursion Tuesday morning , No
vember 27. Tickets goodifor lifteon days.
Instruments IMueotl nil ItRcorU Dur-
inji Yu.stonlay.
Ij 11 Lockwooil and wife to M Smith , lots
ft , li , 7 ami f < , blk 117 , HeiiMm , w < 1 . { ] HOO
K It Lnclcwood ami wife to M Smith , lot
10 , blk : . ' . Junction View terrace , wil. . . coo
M Smith and wife to I. II Iock\vood. lots
r > , 0 , 7 anil s , bit Si , llenson , unU lot 10 ,
blk : ; , Junction Vluw terrace , w cl . 2500
AVimlsor Place Untlil'i ; ass'n to 0. I ) Sut-
pl.i'ii , lot ! J7 , Windsor Place extension ,
w il . EOO
Windsor IMacc UnililV as 'n to C S Wool-
ley , lot l"i , Windsor rlace extension , w cl 800
V I. Cotton and wife to J A Krtlg , lot ID ,
W A HeUii'k's add , and lot M , blK u ,
Orchard Hill , w il . . 3,000
M li Wild and wife to O .1 IClerlo et al , lot
I ) , blk 1 12. Horuncr , w d . COO
J Wlslernnd wito to ! ' ( ! Darnw 1UO tt
lot 0 , blk il , llrookllnr d . TOO
A 1' Drake t-tal too llrndlcy. lot IB , blk 2 ,
Drake's add , w d . ooo
M Wilkinson to US Manlsby. lotslt and 18 ,
lilfc li , Satmdera A ; IIIiuebauKh'H add ,
Walnut Kill. w l . . 2.000
Patrick Land Co to A li West , lots 20 , 21
amis. ' , blk 117 , Uundeo Place , wtt . 8.000
F W l.i-o to I , ! Iee. s 15 ft lot 2 and n ! IO
ft lot : i , blk : i. Mil ) . I 1 Hedlek's mid. qed 600
1 , It Hill and husband to Mutual Imp Co ,
w 60 tc lots 1 and 2 , blk 1 , llimscom
place.v a . 2,000
C iCnchur and wife to A Turtle , w } j lot 4 ,
blkii , Parker's add , wd . 2,710
G W lx > Kiin and wife to CHSteadman , lot
11 , Btamon place , wil . " . C50
JI A llyers to J Nichols , o M ft ot w 24 lot
1 , Ilartt let's add , w d , . 2
Sixteen transfers , aggregating . 522,2i)7
ItiiiliihiK Permits.
The following building permits were issued
by Inspector Whltlock yesterday :
T. II. Smith , iilturation , l"il'J Douglas . j,00
Charles Impy . 75
H , K. Conupson , warehouse . 2.10
( jeorpa CnnlluldT\veiity-elglilU and Wool-
comb . 100
Four permit * . nggrvgatlnf ; . $ 1,225
If you need a perfect tonic or n blood
purifier , take Dr. Jones' Red Clover
Tonic. It speedily euros nil troubles of
the stomach , kidneys and liver. Can
1)0 ) taken by the most delecato. Price
50 cents. Goodman Drug Co.
Marriage licenses issued yesterday :
Name and Hosldenco. Ago.
I Adolpb Swauson , Omaha . IU !
I Nellie Lundicn , Omahu . 2i
( Isaac 13. Uhoadcs , Omaha . i > S
| Anna Anthens , Omaha . 18
I Frank Lank , Omaha . ii2
I 1'ony Uhndo , Omaha . . 10
I John A. Kus cll , Omaha. T. . " . xs
I Abbio Grim , Omaha . 20
I , lame W. Conrey , Omaha . IS
I Sarah McGcc , Omaha . i'j
Senrcely liavo the citizens of Omaha
liad time to express their appreciation
zl tlio exhibit of the Western Art asso
ciation , of the efforts of its members ,
ivhon Air. < ! . AV. Lin in per offers to
place on exhibit his extensive and riiro
[ oliection , undnr the uuspieos of , and
for the bonollt of the Association. The
irallory will bo opened to tlio public on
Thursday at 10 o clock a. m , , November
111 , continuing through the days of Fri-
; lay , Saturday and Sundav. In thogon-
aroiiH muniliconco of his oiler in thus
plat-ing his gallery and collection to the
bonolit and advantage of the association
Mr. Llningor establishes forhimsolf the
same relation to Omaha as hold by tlio
uonorous and philanthropic C'urcurun.uf
\Viishington t'lty. Tlio exhibit , com-
[ irising works from the brush of the
Ljnuul masters of Hnropo and purchased
: it great cost , will provo a great treat to
Lho lovorH of art , exceeding , as it does ,
uiy private gallery west of New York ,
ind inasmuch as the price of admission
is but U.r ) cents and tlio proceeds to bo
for the art association in establishing a
l > ernmnoiit institution for the exhibition
ind sale of their work , wo sincerely
liopo the oltixona generally will attend
ind thus add their unto in assistance to
iccomplifih thl great work , rollouting
Lo the credit of Omaha.
No Uhii In Waiting.
Chicago Tribune : "Can I see Mr.
[ IiiggertvV" inquired the caller at the
iail. "Dofore ho was arrested ho owed
no a little bill that ho promised ho
ivoultl pay at this date , and bo lias nl-
vays boon u man of his word. "
"You can see him if you will wait a
'o ' v minutes , " replied the turnkey.
'His attorney is with him now. "
The ttillor shook his heul : and sighed
Ice ply.
"There is no use in my waiting , " lie
Turn and Jerry Sets.
Hot water urns , cheap ,
A. A. ST12\VART&CO. ; ,
H05 Jackson street.
Wlmt the Nntlonnt Itonrtl of Trad
IVniilit I.lkn to Do.
Secretary Nnttlupcr has returned fret
Ids visit to Chicago. Ho comes with the ur
diminished conlldenco In Omaha's future
and says that all he has seen east convince
him more nnd more of the great future i
store for the Gate City.
Mr. Nnttlnpcr's especial duty nt Chlcagi
was to attend the national convention o
boards of trade. The latter was in scssloi
three days Wednesday , Thursday and Fri
day of last week , and the meetings wer
held at the Grand Pacific hotel.
"I found many things to surprise me,1
said Mr. NntUnger , "but nothing more thai
to discover that the great west had jiwc
tlcally no rcprcsent.xtion outside of mysel
nnd a gentleman from Minneapolis. Tin
'effete cast' was there in force. There wen
nbotit sixty delegates present , but cxccp
thu two 1 mentioned , all tlio representative :
ciuno from cast of Chicairo. The presided
of the mooting was Mr. Frederick Frnley , i
line venerable gentleman eighty-live year
old , hailing from the ( junker City. Mr. Frn
ley has presided over thu national t-onvon
tions for twenty-one years , and will probably
continue In that position as long as he is abli
to pet around. "
Mr. Nattlnper considers this repeatei
election of Mr. Fraley to the important ofllci
of chairman of thu national committee i
very great mark of respect to the gcntlemai
in question , but hardly a line of procedure
calculated to bcnellt the interests of tlio or
Ono very Important subject was up foi
discussion. The matter was laid over to the
next meeting , a year hence , and Mr. Nattln
. ? er considers that western boards should
secure representation by the tlmi
of the next meeting , nnd defeat the contem
plated action of the national committee. li
refers to the listing in the United States
census of the nggrcgato indebtedness of the
citizens of laive cities in tlio United States
This , If carried into effect , would militate
against the credit standing of western com
munities. Great mistakes would bo made ,
and Omaha , with other largo western cities ,
would be placed in a false position , and c
wrong idea of their linaucial standing given
to eastern capitalists.
When naked how this would occur Mr ,
Nattinger explained that the information foi
the census was derived in tnis way : The
mortgages tiled on property were taken dowr
and charged nuainst thu city , but credit was
never given for the proportions of such mort
gages that might have been paid off at the
time'of entry. For example A gives n mort
gage on his building for 10,000. That Is UK
amount entered In the census ; although , al
the ssiino time , A U may have paid * . 7,0t 0 ol
said mortgage off , and only in fact owe $3,00 , (
of the original Mini.
The question of silver coinage and the de
sirability of stopping Its issue was alsc
brought up nnd laid over for a year. The
eastern delegates were strongly in favor ol
having the issue stopped. Delegate Cole
man , of New Orleans , protested against anj
interference with the coinage , and desired
to bo placed on record to that effect.
Thu next convention of the associatior
will take place at Louisville , Ivy. The date
has not been definitely lixed , but It will pos
sibly take place in November of next year.
Standard shorthand school. IGO'i Fur-
n am.
What Mr. . Uoolcy Says of Mrs. Iloav-
cn'fl Place.
An old lady named Mrs. Marion Dooley ,
accompanied by her granddaughter , Juliet
Collister , a cirl of about fourteen , were at
the police station yesterday to swear out two
warrants against one Mrs. George Heaven ,
who lives nt U4'.J3 Charles street.
Mrs. Dooley has tlio appearance of a re
spectable woman , and she says she formerly
resided in Lincoln. Two months ago she
came to Omaha , hoping to make a bolter liv
ing , as she has lived hero before. She is a
widow and supports herself and her orphan
grandchild b.v canvassing. She says she
took rooms with Mrs. Heaven at the number
above mentioned , but soon became
horrified to discover that the
house was being used as a house of assigna
tion. She wished to move out immediately ,
and gave Mrs. Heaven nearly all the money
she had. and made arrangements to pay the
remainder of the debt soon. Mrs. Heaven ,
she claims , became very abusive , and taking
all the old woman's and girl's ' clothingwhich
are valued at about fit ) , secreted them , and
refused to give them up until the remainihg
fraction of the debt was paid. Still later ,
while Airs , Dooly was asleep , she says that
she believes Mrs. Heaven went through her
pockets and robbed her of what little money
she had left , and also of a gold pin. A war
rant charging Mrs. Heaven with grand
larceny has been sworn out. nnd Ser
geant Sigwart has been detailed to
investigate the matter and see whether Mrs.
lieu von shall not pay tlio line exacted from
keepers of houses of assignation or prostitu
tion.Mrs. . Dooley is trrief stricken over the fact
that she has had her little granddaughter in
sueli a place.
The funeral of Mrs. ICrcllc , the mother of
Mr , Krello , hatter of Thirteenth street , took
place from her late residence on Center
street yesterday afternoon. The remains were
followed to the grave by a largo number of
friends of the deceased lady. The inter
ment took place at Laurel Hill cemetary.
Only $10 to Colorado Springs , Denver
or Pueblo and return. Grand Rock
Island excursion Tuesday morning , No
vember 27. Tickets good for fifteen days.
Ninth Ward.
The nldcrmanic fii > ht iu the Ninth ward is
practically settled in advance of the prelim
inaries , by the withdrawal of certain north
side candidates in favor of E. P. Davis of
Hriggs place as a compromise candidate.
This action was taken at the Second precinct
meeting Tuesday night after consulting the
south side business men and citizens who
ugreo to support Mr. Davis.
Mr. Davis is a member of the firm of the
Davis & Cowgill oxvuors of the iron works.
All the editors connected
with the Ladies' Home Jour
nal are high salaried writers ,
for they are the best to be had
for money. The most distin
guished writers in the United
States are regular contribu
tors ; Such names as Elizabeth
Stuart Phelps , Josiah Allen's
Wife , Mary J. Holmes , Rose
Terry Cooke , Will Carleton ,
Robert ] . Btirdette , Mrs. John
Sherwood , Dr. William A.
Hammond , Kate Upson
Clarke. The illustrations are
the finest published and the
artists engaged comprise
such distinguished names as
Frederick Dielman , Wm.St. J.
Harper , W. L. Taylor , H.
Winthrop Pierce , Aug. Buhler ,
Frank T. Merrill , Miss Maud
Humphrey , Miss-Elizabeth S.
Tucker and others.
The JOURNAL has a larger
circulation than any other
periodical ever published in
this country. The November
number is on the news-stands
six cents ,
CURTIS ru iisiiiNtt
ThlnpowdcrnovcrvnrJe" . A mnrrrlof purlt ;
strength ami wliolcsoinoncss. More pconon :
leal tluin the ordinary klniK and cannot bo sol
In competition with thu multltiulo of low cos
short wvlKht ulum or phosphate powder * , Sol
onlvln can * . Itnvnl linking Powder Co. , i :
Wall street. Now Vorte.
Santa * Abie : and : Cat-R-Curt
For Sale by
Goodman Drug Go.
What ? Cured among otberc the
following. They write :
843 C-"ntr l A\e. . Cincinnati , O. , >
January 4tU , KWi. j
Attiloi'horoa Pills have rural ne of liver
ounpulnt nrt ( tyKtxiixia. I f ve Icn ( if
tbr 1'illHtoa friend who in troubled with
IcdlKc tlou and ho has linurovtl wou *
clerf uUy. 1' . H. UOWKKAMP.
16 notcttc fit. , New Ha\en. Ot , !
February loth. 18 H. (
Athlnjihoroa PilU worked womlers in my
caM iif dy > i > tTi > ix KM u A L. C.'LAUK.
Pills emiill nnd
Atli-lo-jiho-ros arc
] ilcisant ; to take , yet wonderfully
effective. Invaluable for kidney
and liver complaints , dyspepsia , in
digestion , constipation , headache.
etc. They'll take awuy that tired
fteling giving now life nnd strength.
for the benutlnil colored pic
ture , "Moorish Mniclcn. "
To those who uresnilcrlnB from
oiiKhs , Colds. Chest 1'alns , Pneu
THE monla , Ithctimatism , Sciatica iiti'l
other pains MJ geneial at this sea >
son oE the year. Stich sufferers
feel far greater Interest in HUN-
soN'HI'r BTKH. a remorty which
never fails to afford prompt ro-
TARIFF licf when faithfully and Intelll-
gently used. This plaster has
ma'lo ' a reputation solely on its
merits as a scientific
ponndcd on ticlctittllc principles ,
IS OF by chemists of undoubted ability
and Integrity. It.s great anil In.
creasing popularity hax Induced
unscrupulous Imitators to put
ninny fraudulent counterfeits on
LITTLE the market. Careful bnvers al
ways ask for IlnxsoN'H Pr.ASTUit
ana refuse all others.
5-W ScMid two cent stamp to
Scalmry Ar.Iolinson.lil Platt Street
INTEREST N. y. , for a copy of "Instructions
from the Doctor , " a valuable
household book.
Tiilro Torn
A decree for foreclo'nro nunlrnt the HUTUO TUN-
' iu-cii onturoil tlm I'nllcil
1Kljt'mn | > nny Inis Jmt In
lutes Circuit Court , Ninth Circuit IMflrlct of Nevada
mil ihu property of Unit company will lie unlil lliiuc-
indor ut an c-urly iliili" , Tuo llrork'niil/iilion Coin.
ullli'o hereby fives notice Unit etnrkliiildcri of that
mupnny will bu nlloweil u INAI < uiioitunlty | | toiuo-
eel Uiolr hitherto nniusantcil flack hy uli crlblni :
o the new bonds nnd deposit biu tliclratock us hereto *
ore ailverlhed. biilivcrlptions to mill boiiiln will INI
uci'lvnl at tlio Union Trtltt Comtiiny , No. "II llruail-
ruy , New York , at thu follow In ; : terms , to-wlti
\OV. .5 , 18HH , AL' 1M. . ,
null thereafter
JNIlIj JAN. U , J.8HD , AT 5f I > . ft.
Suliscrllitrii totlio bonilswlll ippelvoTru tCompnn > r
etllllc-MK'H , L'lilltlliiK tluim to the Mime number of
linrei' a llio > ocloiio ltert liy them , limit I , Inlioinlslur
itch CioceiitH nnd ulci'nth luspuctlvnlr pultl tiy UUMII.
nieie t lit thu rule nt I i > r T rent , will bu nlluH-ucl on
ub crlitlun | frnm ilnlo at puyinent.
I'll ) nieiit Hhould bu nuulu by check on New York to
liu IIiilnnTriiFtl'nniiiuny iinclblinulil bouci-unipiinlvil
1 tlio ntnrkdnlr enilorwid In blank mid un author-
iiilliin in the l.'iilnn Trust Conipiiny , lllaiik Inrins
erlhls iiiithiirU.ilInn iiml topkof circular * run bu
imilnu.t upun iiidlnitlun | | MI tliu Dniiin Trnut Com.
any nature , or ut room I'J , tcvcnth lluor , .Mill J HullU-
us. Nuw York.
Dated NKW Yoinc , October n , 1BS8.
II. It. HAI/rXEIt , Chairman.
I' . C. A , Al. VAN \Viiij ; ,
Epps's Cocoa.
a tborouKh knowludne ut tlio nnliirnl IIUVB
i Kovcrn Ibu upcutilunDuf | ' " ' ' ami iiulrl-
un , m'irt liy ii carvluf uppiicatl < w'"u'f tiio'tliiii'primer -
en tif wull-tuluclfil ( 'oco.i , Mr Kpim tins iimvlJcd our
ri'iikfunt tallu with it Uellcntuiy lluvoieil buvuraiiu
lilch nmytttve tin many hcuvy ilocior' lillln. ItU
y the JudU'loiia usu of uticli iirllclea of ilelt ihutu
jiiillliiilon miiy bo KriKluulljr built up until htnini :
nmltili In ru > l t ercry trnduncy to ilUeitnu , Hun-
reilnuf .uLtlu lliula-lle uro Itimlliix lirouml u ri'iuly
j attack wliurwur llioni li u weak jiolnt. Wu minr
caiio miinyu lutol ilintt by keeplnuiui clTf well
artlilfHt with pure bloixl and u properly nourbhej
ramei" Civil HtTvlcoiiH cttu.
Wudo liui > ly with bolllni ! water or milk. Bold only
i halt pouml tint liy Croi-em laboluJ Hun :
for this week will be in our boys' department. Many of our patrons
eagerly look forward to our special sales in this department , and
we have decided to give them the coming week , a benefit greater
than ever. We will call the attention of mothers who have been in
the habit of paying $6 , $8 and $10 for suits and overcoats for little
boys 4 to 13 years old to the suits and overcoats which we sell
this week for less than half these prices. They are equal in every
respect to those sold by others for double the money.
A few samples oi the many bargains we offer are the following : Kill
200 very neat Ohilclrou's Overcoats with capes to match , at $1.00.
200 excellent Chinchilla Overcoats with capes of same material at $2.50.
A beautiful line of Chinchilla Beaver and Astrachan Overcoats of handsome designs -
signs , and elegantly trimmed with plush and fur , at one-half their value.
In suits we oiler to-day : '
300 of our celebrated strictly all wool Children's Suits , sixes 4 to 12 , elegantly
made , at $2.50 ; the regular price of these suits is everywhere $5.00.
We have received and opened especially for this sale an immense line of Boys'
Long and Knee Pants , among which we offer some decided bargains.
Our buyer having closed out the entire stock of a manufacturer of fine Punts , we
have arranged the goods into several lots , and are enabled to offer thorn at one-half ;
their regular retail price. At the fig urea wo marked them they will bo founrl the big
gest offering this season.
500 pair line strictly all wool Cassiinero Pants , heavy weight , at $2.
800 pair elegant silk and wool pants at $2.50.
400 pairs extra fine all worsted Pants , as good as any custom made , at $3.75.
Extra long and reversed s'xes for young men will be foun 1 among them. Comment
on these Pants is unnecessary. We show some samples in our Douglas street window ,
but that will only give you the idea of now TUHV I.COK. We want you to call into the
store and examine the stuff they are made of. The cheapest of all these 3 lots we
mention were never sold for less than $ .00.
But while we devote the most sraace to clothing , we do not neg
lect our furnishing goods. Every department has been considera
bly enlarged since we have the new addition , and in every line we
offer daily some new drives. Just now we are having a big run in
Gloves and Underwear. The prices we sell all these goods at are
big attractions. Handling everything , as we do , in immense quan
tities , it is utterly impossible for other houses to offer goods at the
prices we do.
Plain Figures and One Price.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
Nothing Succeeds Like Success ,
The manifest appreciation of our efforts
to please our customers , stimulates us to
continued endeavor.
Kro.ih inducements are now bcintf offered
In the following goods.
Cnro < 9 OoiiKh , Cold4 , Asthma , Itron
ohitiH , Dolilli yViiHtinu Diseases
nnd Hornl'iiluui IlnrnorM ,
OUT TiliriK\riNK : AjiTin.iThoiirent : pnimlnrlty
ofWIIbiir'nCnniponndiifCiMl I.lvcrOlliunl Ilinu"bni
InibuCil tioinu iinprfnclpliMl person * to nttt'inpt to
piibn nirn lniihi iirtlrlunf their own innmifaetmu ;
Init any perfon who lit ittiirerlnu from ( 'oni.'lit < , Cildt < ,
or ( 'onMinnptlon , kbciulil lie fiiiclnl uhuru tboyimr
clnibo Ililmiltlelc. Thu remillxof ll 10-0 are KB bi t
rueiunniiMidHllonK : nnil lliu proprietor linn nini'le evl-
ileuce on tile of III * Krent ueeei In piilinonary eoin-
plalntH. Tlio riiosplmto nt l.nne IIIIOI'KXK u most
innrvpllnuK bciilln. power , an cmnblncilnltli the IIIHU
Unil Uvrr Oil by Dr. Wilbur. It lHip uliirly iirmrribi'd
by tbe medical laeulty. Sold by A. li , Wil. mm ,
Chemist , lloHon , nnilall ilmpKlfitw.
To I lie Ktoeklioldors of tlio
Ijauil nnil f'nflo rompi
Notice IH hernliy given that the annual meet
ing of thoHtockholilerHof the OKalallit Kunilnnil
Cattle Company , will lo held at the Company's
ofllra In the city of Omaha , Nebraska , on
Wednesday , Dei ember Mil , 1HM. at : | o'clock p.
m. . lor tli" election of directors for the ensuing
year , and for thu trnunai tlon of such other bus
iness as may rom before the meeting.
WII.I.IA.M A. PAXTO.V , I'ri'sldcnt.
Josni'ii I'IIANK , Secretary ,
Oiiialia , Neb. . November 17th , IHsS.
- - - - )
Wil Km ,
Ono of ( ho Most Successful
In tlio Treatment of all Chronic or ih3
So-called Incurable Diseases ,
A euro wian.ntteil Inall caes of I'ltlVATU
nnd SKIN IHSIIAHI'.S. All dl urder ot the
and i.Nii ; r in 'i'oitui ) .
ruder the Doitur'w term of treatment no dls-
enni Is ciihlderi'd | Incurable , until lli parts of
thu lioily iillii ted by dUeaxu aru destroyed
faster than they can bo repaired or built up.
Treatment by vorrcsiiondfliico. Beuii ttamp
for reply.
Office Bushmnn Bloc < < , 16th and
DoUglas Sts. Omaha. Not ) ,
Left Livei
AfroprMury Modicum that neciXi but trial
to provo Its worth.
Dr Calender's ' Left Liver Bitters ,
The only DUtlllsd Illttera In tbe United
Btates. The onlr Hitters recognized by tin
United States Internal revenue laws as a Pro
prietary Medlcln * . Lawfully Patented. No. of
Patent 14-O.B73. Contains no fusil
essential oils , no foralfm aubstanco ordiunac.
tar drugs. A perfectly pure inedlcino. compounded -
pounded from Pure Hoot llurbs and Olil Poach !
ploaiant to tha taste , qulot and decisive In It *
effect. Cures Dyspapsla or Yellow Jaumltc In
OT < 1 yn. Itejnlaton the Ilowela. Invlcorntes
Inactlre I.iTor. Otiros Diseased Mrer. Hevlves
Uie Kidneys. Improves the Appetite Quickly ,
euates the wnole Bystom. Now Lift to tU
whel * system.
er Hitters nrn oM m Omalm , Neb , hytna
llowiiiK Illdinrilaon lima ( „
( Jooilinmi liruit Co. , W. J. WlniBhoiico , T. W.Sp if-
fanl. riam II , Knriuworiii. .Schruicr's 1'imrni.iu ;
Kniin.v Co . .lolio llliiiliiili , M I'arrJ. A. ! uller A ( Ju.
W. .1. HiiiilU'B , .liihn II. t'onlo , C. .1. Krlce. .M..I. ruwull
K ll.lient-i'h.Jnlni I' . Multeity , Morrell'ii 1'nurni.icy
.larnnn ( iirujlli , II. C llcll , Dr.J.J.Hiivlllo , ( .M.Cru-
0cr. 1' . IhuiiiJIcr. llnhn't I'lmrinacy. 'Jurnuy .t IMy'.i
.l.C Khif..l W n.'irkc. . ! . II. ScliinMll , Max llechl.J
M'lirlitCMiion , U' . K. I.amiM'raon , It H. Cox. .Max
Cuiiiatl. r'rnr.k W , 1'ugt , It. Hanniui'on , ( io . lloi-ili-r
Hoyil's I'lmrmncy. c. A. Melcln-r , llowanl Moyern ,
Krank llellnnn .V Co. . tvholcialo dcnlerd m Uluun un I
l.l'lt I.IVCT Illlter"
To s , Dolls , Pln li Goods , Albums , &c & , ,
Will have thclrriill line of Hamph-H dlnplayed
at thu Icillou'liiH plai'e.sboforo No/ , ' . ' . "t'l ' ,
Grand Isani ! , Columbus , Norfolk , Hastings
and Lkcoln.
to jiiiy of the nbovo towns. Kor iiartit-u-
lar& and ilutus , mlilrcos our travelling
JIaHtliif.s ,
Preserve Your Heallli
1) . C. .V CO.'S
< 1 A KM CN'l'.S Hinitn'8 I'nl.iiillonl
to prrhiinn hiiscept Iblo tueoln t hu
best tiruturtioii ncalnst J'NIit'
nil l.l'Nf , Jl.sA ) | { lS { liec.uii-
i.'ieiiileil fur Ijulle.s and ( , ' " " ' lu
men by tlio Meilb-nl I'aciilly
Hend tor llliL-trateil clronlur ,
( AM'IIiU ) Itl'lHtlMt (4) ( ) .
85 Leonard B , , Hew York City
AUvortialnif liaa alnaya
euct'CGifiil. licforo
Nuwspapcr Aclvcrtlflliiff consul
41 II 18 Uui l Utltr iU OHIOAOO.
N. W. Cor. ISth it Dodpo Sts.
Appliances for Deformities and Trusses.
Hot facllltlrt , npparatu ; and remrdloi for moo
fill lioatniunl ot every form of dlioaie re '
Meillcal or Surgical Trcaluiunt.
Hoard and attendance ! t > t liosultal nccommodw m ,
tlounln the wt t. i B /
WUITK Kprtqnotn.AESOnIoforniltleiandnra i , H {
Trunof , Out ) Kert. Carvatuie or the bpino , rllcKl H I
TuiDors. Caocar. Catarrh , llronililtli. rhlialatlon : ' V (
Klnctrldty. Paralylu , Bpllop.r. h'ldnor. UliKtdeM H *
Hc , KarBklaund Bloodand unsuriiliwIOporatlony
Dlaoason of Women a Specialty.
All Illool Dlioajoi aupcoasfiillx trnated , Hyphllltla
I'olson roiuorcU from tlio ajritom without inercuryj
Nuty letcnrallvo matment forlon r Vital Powarl
J'ornoni tinnMo to vim ui mny lie irpntftd at homo fan
eorie.iionJ nco. All coiaiuunlontlonB uonlldantlaU
Mndlcinonor Irmtrnmvnt ncnt tiy raall or eipreis
re-urely pacUnJ. nn nurki to linllcuto iont n ( fid
ainder. Onoiierionallnti-rriofT prefiirrcil. OH an < l
enaiiilt unnr tona hlttory of your caiu , and wo will
and III plain wiuupor , our
Upon IVHMc , Htmclal or Niirrnni ) Uciifo3. Impo < i
teucy , STI'liHH ' , UlcdlanJ \ ' nc celu , with qucitfoul
Omalin Mallcal anil Sitrijicnl Institute , ot
O r. 13tU anJ Dodce yta. . - OMAHA. MIQV
nn. lit' WKST'K Nmivr * " " HIMI.V TIIIMT
MI'.HT a iriiaraniccil im. . ill f"i Jlyhtiirla , Dl//.I
nms. t'onuil oiiH , ntN rvom N'onrululK
llonilnc 10 Nrrv'iiiK ' I' , fanned liy thu
u n of ulcuhoi or lolmr.'o , VVakufuliiexH. .Mental
Donin iron. Suttuiiiuijof Mu lira n r'-miltliiKln
Iiiiatilty. ft'nl lend n to misery , ilecay anil
iii'ntli. I'lomutiirnoiij ; \ llairi-iiiiii''n. ' l.ois oC
i owt-r in nilherKu c. Invnluntury I. < HSOB and
Spermatorli ra raiiiol l < v ovftr-uxcrtlo'i of thu
brain , salf-alwsci or ov ir In luk'i'n . Karli box
contains "no mo itn'H trn'itiiiRiit. fl.'M ' abox.oi
hlx lioxH furi lie , H 'lit by mall prepaid on ro-
reljit of prlco.
To euro any ca a WK'i o icli onlar riicoWtd by
lit * for nix IIO.XUK , acio-iipa'ileit wltli * ' ) . ( ! , \va
Hill bond th p'ireliaser our wrltti'n Kii.irunteo
to rufuiid lliu m muy If th tro u uieiit ilou.s not
L'llect a riii'i ) . ( Jiiarantau4 Irmioil only by C. I' ' .
: ; O-.MAN | ) , UnU'ul.Ht , Hulo Avunt , lIPIKurnaitt
Street , Unialia Nub ,
T. K. CH ,
ICuont OH Trailer * ' Mullillni ; ,
IlOi'ercncce-Metro Nallniml Ilauk ,
U. (1 , linn i Co. Thu Uradxrtet C -
DivouuK4 A , uooniuuii , . .
K ( IJuarborn til. , CUicayoi utlrlcafret ; 21 year *
tf ( kuilneti quietly f ud Icfall ? tr uiacti