Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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A Few Points or Inboroat Concern
ing a Public Contract.
A Slippery Colored Crook "Works the
Capital City to tlio Tune of
A liont $1:00 General
Ltxcot.N BunnAU orTiiK OMAIU Hsu , J
10213 P STIIKKT , >
LINCOLN , Nov. 31. |
From time Immemorial the frailties of
human nature huvo become more and more
Apparent. The average man , however ,
rarely over confesses that he is dishonest.
In the ordinary sense there seems to bo no
good reason why Vie should. In most deals
lie pays his debts , goes his wny with other
men and bc.irs uniform confidence and respect
spoct Hut when ho touches public work *
nnd Is put on the pay rolls of a county or
state , the condition of affairs suddenly
changes , and a damaging commentary oa
liumnri nature suddenly confronts us. There
can be no wrong in boating a great state , Ho
it seems bo reasons , basing Judgment on the
general class of work he turns out. Poor
work Ims become so common ou public con
tracts tlmt nobody expects aught else.
During the day TUB HRR representative
took occasion to examine tlio plnns and spec
illcatioiis governing the work of Contractor
John Lanlmm on the capitol grounds. To
the ordinary eye everything seemingly indi
cates tlmt tlio work done and doing is of a
liigh order of excellence , but when the eye
Is put to the work and the specifications ,
dido b.v side , tlio discrepancy becomes so
apparent as to become startling ,
No one capable of iudg" > nt unon
things ordinary can fall to see tnat the dif
ferences between them nro as great as night
Is from day. The specifications are on file In
tlio ofllco of the commissioner of public lands
nnd buddings , nnd can bo heen by anyone
who caics to look Into tlio matter. Ahixst.v
perusal ot thn plans and specifications makes
it plain that the architect contemplated nn
excellence of construction and perfection of
flnlsli not oven nppi cached by Mr. Lnnlmm's
workmen. When it comes to n question of
comparison the plans become very Interest
ing reading. They recite that nil stone work
is to bo free from blemishes. Pavement of
terraces and all walks , both inside the
grounds and all around the outside , on the
four streets , are to bo of red sandstone two
and ono'hulf inches thick and laid in squares
! Hx2' ! ! upon n foundation of six inches of
clear , coarse sand. Then the pavement blocks
nro to bo laid perfectly true and level , and
the whole is to bo run over with liquid Port
land cement , well worked into thu Joints , nnd
tlio entire surface then covered with plank
ing and kept for three days upon all pave
ments , upon the removal of the planking the
surface cement is to bo cleared oft and
cleaned and the Joints rubbed down oven.
The curbing is required to bo rubbed ou both
sides und also on top , and to have rounded
edges , The stipulations also show that thu
curbing ought to bo four incites thick , and
laid ou six inches of sand , both sides to bo
well "rammed. " These requirements have
been grossly violated. Nothing has been
done tlmt even approximates this worlc , and
yet , upon the surface everything loolis well.
It will possibly he urged that Mr. Laiiham
took the contract too cheap , and that ho is
doing good enough work for the money ho
gets. The fact , however , remains Just the
Bumc , that ho contracted to do the work
under stipulated plans ami specifications ,
nnd to get the work underbid other contrac
tors ft0COl ! ) . To save himself mid come out
abend , if possible , ho docs or permits the
work to bo done in a slipshod manner , and
the state is to suiter for his stupidity and
ignorance. Up to this date ho has been paid
on estimates tlio sum of f 1(1,48,1.1)1 ( ) ! , or within
? 10,7ll. ( t of what ho ho is to receive when
the. work is pronounced finished.
The taxpayers oC the state have ariehtto
outer a protest against Lauham's receiving
another dollar ol public money tor the class
of work ho is doing. And the pertinent
qufry Is put squarely to the board of public
lands aud buildings : Is it right to pay out
state funds oa work or estimates that in no
measurable degree approximates the
plans prescribed and agreed upon. Lot it
bo understood , also , that the abortions
pointed out by Tin : HUE representative nro
by no means the worst features of the con
tract Lanbam is rushing to completion.
Gather the plans nnd compare the work sldo
by side , and it will soon be discovered that
the half has not been told.
Last Sunday a well dressed colored woman
alighted from the evening Missouri PaciHc
passenger train , a strangorin a striuigo land.
She passed along the streets as proudly as a
princess , but was soon lost sight of in the
gathering darkness. Where she spent the
night no one seems to know. Monday morn
ing , however , she again appeared on the
streets , nnd inquired for work In different
parts of the city. Her movements wore all
made m a modest , business-liko way , and
she passed from mind almost us rapidly as
she was dismissed from place to place.
No one suspicionea that she was prying for
Jewelry or articles of value wherever she
wont. During the day Express Agent Teas'
wife discovered that her elegant gold watch ,
presented to her by her husband , was miss
ing. It suddenly dawned upon her that it
Lad been stolen. Other ladies reported arti
cles of nominal value missing. And ,
stranger , wherever articles were missed
they were shadowed by the preseneo of the
nlco looking colored woman a short time be
fore. Two nnd two were put together , nnd
yesterday morning the impression prevailed
tFtnt the maid seeking work tlio day
prior was a crook of the slickest kind , and
would bear arrest for ROIIOB.U re-
Bulls if nothing more. Her de
scription was put into the hands
of the police force , but the search made for
'lior has been in vain. She folded her tent
nnd loft ns suddenly and quietly as she
camo. lu the language of the Call , she is
thus far a winner to the tune of over $200.
The search for her , however , continues , and
will bo kept up until it is reasonably certain
tlni she has gone "a glimmering. " Moral :
A nlco looking colored girl , about twenty
years old , might bo called a dark mulatto ,
well dressed , medium htuture , regular feat
ures , weighing about 120 pounds , a stranger ,
and searching for work , might bear watch-
AiMcios incorioratli.g | the Snliiiu County
Abstract association were illod in tlio olllco
of the secretary of state this morning. They
iirt lorih tlmt&U > , ( KXl have been sot apart to
ma "M"i a company Unit has for its purpose
fiii nishing ubsliMi'ts of title to real estate in
tlmt county and reporting instruments tiled
for tvcord , The association commences
liuMmsi on tlio MOth day of August nnd con
tinues under its charter for ten years. The
following gentlemen organized and incorpo
rated the institution , viz : J.V. . A'nn Duyn ,
1.V" . Johnson , K. E. Mclntyru , George II.
IluMmgs , KrankV. . Miles , Stanley Larson ,
\V U. Miiyuard , John W. Lyth , George TV
Sawjci'i H1Coo. . Cicorge L ) , Stevens , J. L.
Tcdlmll , .1. H. Xeil , T. H. Miller , J. < ; .
Tburston , H. K , Dent , A , E , Mooller , nnd L.
E , Houtliworlh. This company ought to bo
solvent It iscomposcd of lawyers , bankers ,
oountv ollici.Us and clerical gentlemen Gener
Couit mot pursuant to adjournment.
SlHtuox rcl. Craig vs School district No.
2 , Philips county ; plaintiff given six days to
I'rve briefs.
Tim following causes were argued ami sub
mitted ; Kearney vs Thcninnson , State ex
rol , Thompson vu Kearney.
Srhuyler National bank vs John f ! . Bal
lon p ; error from the district court of C'olfavc
county ! nfllrmed ; opinion by Maxwell , J.
Fii-Nt National bank vs Hector O. Hollnng ;
error from the district court of Colfax
'county reversed and remanded ; opinion by
Maxwell , J.
Bohuylcr National bank vs Null R. JJol
long ; error from the district court of t'olfux
county traversed and remanded j opinion by
Miuwoll , J ,
Tepool VB Saunders County National ;
error from thu district court of Bnumlers
county , anirincil ; opinion by Maxwell , J.
Early vs McDonald ; error fron the district
court of PlattocQUnty ; ufllrnica ; opinion by
Maxwell , J.
UJo vsilUMoH , error from the district
court-of Iltu'lau county : alUi-incd ; opinion by
Mnxwoll , J ,
VollmerysStato ! error from 10 OljtrUt
court of Dpuclas wautyj rnvorscd unit ic-
niandodj opinion by KUCKO , Charles J.
Tho. ajf rega'.o rallrond mileage in Urn state
of Nebraska is 4.903.415 miles Mr Warlnp
bns made a careful compilation nnd this may
bo regarded us a cortect statement.
The case of Dunn vs the Chlcajro , Hur
lington & Qulnc.v railroad company occuplci
the attention throughout the Ptitlro day. I
Is attracting considerable attention , am
every Inch of ground in hotly contested ,
The grand Jury is hauling the boys over the
coals at a lively rate. Saloonkeepers who
have been In the habit of violatlng'the Sun
day lavin Lincoln will find that it has boot
n poor way to servo the Lord. It is prcttj
certain that pat cases lie against several sa
"I regard Ofllcer Mitchell , " said a prom !
ncnt attorney to Tun HUB man tills morning
"as ono of the most faithful and oniclonl po
licemcn ou the city force. That man Em
inons is crazy or n crank. It would bo n ca
laniity to have Mitchell removed , and the
council committee who passed Judgmen
upon him know this to be true. "
A docn or more stalwart republican1
hunger and thirst after Postmaster U'ntklns
shoes , and tlio mnchlno has commenced to
turn for the winning man , Hut who he wil
be no one scorns anxious even to ha/ard f
guess. Among tin- aspirants the following
gentlemen are prominent , viz. . Colonel Tay
lor , Editor Gere , .1. C McHride , E. P. Koif
gen , Judge Parker and C. C. Hell. Capable
gentlemen , no doubt , allot them.
S. C Oat ley was seriously hurt In n run
nwny lust evening about 7 o'clock. Hu sus
mined several severe cuts and bruises. The
vehicle In which lie was riding was sinusheii
into n flue lot of kindling wood.
Thirteen ill-fatmsts were brought Into
court yesterday and assessed flues nggregat-
inir $210.50. The profits of shame proved to
bo n prcttv good sum for this > veelc. It is
said that the grnnd Jury is also after tlio
"madams" with a sharp stick.
To Colorado and Ilcttirn.
The grenl Hock Island celebrates its
( fraud openingTo celebrnto thu open-
in p of its great system , the Hock Island
route , tlio Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska
Railway , will run n grand excursion to
Colorado points on Tuesday morning ,
November 127 , leaving Kansas City at
! ) :50 : and St. Joseph at ! ) : 15. The faro
for the round trip to Colorado Springs ,
Denver or Pueblo is only $10 the lowest
ever known in the history of western
travel. The excursion arrives nt Colorado
rado Suringsat 8:10 : , Pueblo at ! ) : : > 0 and
Denver lit Hl.'J. " ) the next morning ;
tickets rood for fifteen days , magniliccnt
view of the Hockies for seventy-live
How Docs Crow Itcnlly Tnstc ?
"How did it really taste ? "
The question was"put to Professor K.
L. Morse , the young Harvard man , who
paid an election bet by eating u dish of
crow in South Chicago recently. It was
put seriously to the professor as an odu-
euted man capable of describing bis ex
perience by a gourmet who is not averse
to treating bib painto to a now sensa
tion when properly recommended.
"It has a decided gamy ilavor. " said
the professor. ' 'To persons fond of wild
meat this will not be a drawback. The
Ilavor , in fact , is not as strong us that of
borne wood cock or even rail that 1 have
eaten. The crow [ ate was probably
young , us it was tender nearly as
tender as si half-grown grouse. I only
spealc for ono of this ngo , "
"How was it cooked ? "
"Mine was baked plain , and served
merely with some cress. I disdained , to
shirk full payment of my wager by a
resort to French cooking. Besides ,
when I found I bad it to do , I was really
curious to know how the bird tasted.
So 1 did not permit it to be stulTod with
soiccs or disguised by a sauce. I ate
crow. "
"Now , honor bright , can you recom
mend it ? "
"That depends , " reflectively answered
the professor. "You see , this bird lias
so long posed as a creature of ill-onion ,
it is blessed with so coarse an appetite
itself , and tradition and common opin
ion have so long maligned it that 1
couldn't recommend it to one whose
palate is much allected by his imagina
tion. But to a man who can sit down to
table oblivious of superstition and ridi
cule , I should say crow might take its
place along witn prairie chicken or
woodcock on his menu. I can say for
myself that I should have thought the
bird I ate belonged to one of the edible
game species , without any suspicion of
crow , had I not known beforehand what
it was. "
"Tho crow , then , is not so black as he
is painted ? " said the inquiring epicure ,
"By no means. It would not surprise
mo to see crow take its place some day
at Dolmonico's or Kinsley's among the
fashionable game dishes. Other lirds
of its Ilavor are becoming scarce except
in the wilder parts of the country.
The crow , on the other hand , oilers
tempting facilities to murketmen al
most at their doors. "
"Well , " philosophized the corn-mot ,
as the conversation drew to a close ,
"stranger things have happened in gas
tronomy than tlie ono you predict. The
jackdaw of Khoiins , in snito of a ban
by the priesthood , was once relished by
Preach noblomen. Peacocks and par
rots were cooked whole in their plum
age in the time of the fastidious Ilolio-
gabalus. Nowadays wo have French
cooking more wonderful than any
thing to which "history can point. Ah !
there's no telling but what the future
may vet do justice to the crow. If wo
could only got it out of politics , it
would not take so long ! "
Ifyou are about to make a pudding , a
jolly , a cake or other article of pastry ,
don't , my dear madam , if you have a
duo regard for your hut-baud's , your
children'y or your own digestion , use
any other than Van Duxor'a Flavoring
Kxtrnets. They contain no deleterious
chemical ingredient. The sterling
llavorn named arc in every way worthy
of your confidence , since they are deli
cious , pure and highly concentrated.
Grocers every where _ soil them.
A Modern CniKoc.i
Philadelphia Ledger : Prof. Lee ,
Bowdoin college , who was the
naturalist of the recent Albatross
expedition , in the South Pacific ocean ,
discovered a modern Cruson on Charles
island , ono of the Galapagos group ,
which was formerly n convict colony of
the Kcquador government. The crow
of the Albatross wore told that Charles )
shuid was uninhabited except by a few
) ! ga nnd other animals left behind by a
'ormor colony. They found , however ,
in old man , nearly naked and with a
long gray beard , who at lirnt seemed
afraid of thorn. "Ho came to the island .
with a .searching party after a valuable
species of mobs , and becoming separa
ted from his companions ho was de
serted. IIo lived on fruit and herbs
nnd had a hut built of the skins of
boasts ho had killed with a pockut-
knifo. lie was glad to KOO his fellowmen -
men when he recovered from his IIrot
'oar , and his desire to return to his .
[ rJonds was granted.
- '
riri > A'lctlms Burl oil.
ROCIIKSTEK , N. Y. , Nov. at. The funeral
of the HX | unidentified victims of the big lira
lioio wns held to-day in tlio rink. Along
iroccsinion followed the remains to Mount
jlope rcnwtery. Helln wpro tolled , ( lacs
were at hiill'niant , and the stores alon the.
niuto were closed.
Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria ,
When Baby WM title , we gate her CutorU. "
Whca ah WM a Child , ho cried for Cnstorli ,
Wbea bh bacamu Mliu , ab clnut ; to CVutoru , ,
Wtrn slie had Chlldrec , sheRtre Uiwn CiuitOri * ,
Washing Compound
has become more popular with the
women of this land in less time
than anything ever Invented for the
The intelligent rich use Pearline
because of the superior results ob
tained perfect cleanliness ,
r The intelligent middle class because -
cause of the superior results , and the
fact that , in doing away with the rub
blng , it does away with the worst of
the wear and tear on clothing and
paint wakes a saving.
The intelligent poor because it
takes the drudgery out of their
hardest work a delicate woman can do a large wash
with the aid of Pearline know ifs better than soap.
PEARLINE will wash clothes clean paint , china ,
silver , glassware , windows , oil paintings , carpets without
taking up better in less time and with less labor , than
anything known ; besides it is absolutely harmless.
Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers are
offering imitations which they claim to be Pearline ,
orthe same as Pearline. " IT'S FALSE-they
arc not , and besides arc dangerous. PEARLINE Is never peddled , but sold
by all good grocers. Manufactured oaly by JAMES I'YLE , New YotU.
MKN AN'D MttAsunr.s or HALF A Cnvruuv
15y Hugh MeCulloch. Largo octavo.
Price -M. Published by Charles Scribner's '
Sons , New York.
A more disappointing book was never
issued to the public ! Wo expected
much from Hugh McCttlloeh , because
it Deemed natural that u man who hnd
been so excellent n secretary of the
treasury should bo also a man of sup
erior intellect. We had a right to be
lieve that u man who mingled upon
terms of equality and intimacy with the
greatest men of the union in the most
exciting period of the nation's life
would have preserved borne memories
that would have enlarged and rounded
our knowledge of them. Wo were justi
fied in assuming that in the ripeness of
bis faculties the bale and hearty
septuagenarian , ex-secretary of the
treasury , would give n volume bubbling
over with the wine of true wisdom ,
the quintessence of great stores of ob
served faelH and of matured deductions.
Nothing is further from such great ex
pectations than the actual volume. It
must be a failure from the jioi'itof viowof
publication , because it is tin inferior
production , showing that outside of his
banking operations Hugh McCutloch
was below the average man in intellect
ual grasp. Bal/ae in his wonderful
novels made a specialty of bankers , and
ranked them very low , expressing his
general view by'the declaration that
men could comprehend what Goil
thought of money by the hands
in whioh he placed it. Hugh MeCul-
loch unconsciously hat. verified Balzac.
There is some little interest in the be
ginning of the work , which describes
the Boston of 1S8'2 , and the Indiana of
1833. If the author had comprehended
how little he had to say ot the great
men whom Lincoln gathered around
himself that was new , or that was inter
esting , he would have made much more
of this part than ho has done. In his
connection with the state bank of Indi
um , lie could have shown to perfection
Lho manner in which that institution
liclped to build up the state , and ho
could have explained thoroughly the
real functions which banking should
Dorform. lie knows this to the red
heart's rcddob.tcorebutinstoad of telling
us what all wish to know , and what no
one can toll as well as ho , he devotes
the greater part of his book to com-
iientaries of the public men of the
Lincoln era , taken mostly from the pub-
.io press with some faint additions of his
own. Wo are living at a time wliou
there is a strong and widespread dis
satisfaction with the national banks
juscd upon many things , but chiefly
upon two. The first is tlmt they have
made themselves parties to the sale of
railroad bonds issued in defiance of law ,
and in direct violation of the rights of
stockholders , and have carried this to
such a pitch of audacious contempt of
oublic opinion , and disregard for public
norality that they have become a
scandal and a reproach to the American
mine. The second is that as b.v the
very nature of their charters they
como to an end with the payment of the
uitlonal debt , they have formed an
association to provoiitand delay its pny-
nont , and this has resulted in the
) uildingup of a huge yearly surplus ,
niich of which is wasted in needless
i\o one better than Hugh McCulloeh
could in an incidental fashion have
javod the way for a return to a state
system of banking based upon just such
i bank as that with which he hud so
nuch to do. If ho had ( rene into the de-
ails of the work done by the branches ,
ve might have found in a return to buch
mnkintr a remedy for those agricultural
oeustbIn human form that cat up our
vobtern and northwestern farmers with
isury. Those posts take advantage of
ho fact that the national banks do not
> orform the functions of agricultural
Minks , and the farmer who wishes to
> orrow money is compelled to have re
course to them , and they skin him
ilivc. Recently in Dakota a farmer
vho borrowed $ , ' { 00 was compelled to
give his note for $350 , and to pay 1 per
lout a month interest. The business of
oaning to farmers is ono essentially
connected with the prosperity of a face-
Jon so absolutely agricultural as our
wn. The writer believes that the state
mnk of Indiana , through its branches ,
lid such a business , but Hugh J le-
L'ullooh has Kept that fact to himself.
) ur present national batik * use their
iinds to loan to great railroad institu-
.ions , to float masses of railroad bonds ,
i > brace up wheat speculators , etc. , but
hey have no use for the bushices of the
arming element.
Like a certain old man who would bo
> ratng ! Verges McCulloeh insists upon
riving us his views as to the merits of
ho union generals during the war. Wo
reinblo at the thought that the C'on-
.ury magazine may engage him to write
lib account of famous battles from what
10 hoard people nay about them who
voro there. And as if tills wore not
enough to condemn his volume , he In
troduces liib views upon the tariff , and .
cpcnts them In u preface. There never
vns so billy an old man. He being a , look * upon England as the
rrcal sum of human wisdom and repeats
he tvxioin * of English teachers. 13ut
the poor man confutes hinibclf by bin
nvn reminiscences. Ho bhakob his
loud dolefully , and says : "Oiirtrado
rith South America is lost , gontlonion.
Wo buy colTco of Brazil to the amount
fifty millions , mid Brazil bu s only
o the amount of ton millions of us- .
"Wore it not for the wheat and Hour wo
end to Hnglnud wo could not buy this
colleo. Hut when England can buv
vheut choiipcrolsowhoroaho will do so. "
is terrible , very terrible. It stands
to reason that England can manu
facture cheaper than wo can , because
she pays her work people loss. But
England is losing her trade already ana
Germany is grabbing it , because 'Ger
many can manufacture cheaper than
England. Free trade means a race for
cheap production , and this moans mis
ery to the workiiignuui. We i' America
are determined to be out c t.b"UT *
which will soon come to an em. . . .
ruin of all engaged in it , and then whoi
prices come up to their normal .stand
ard all over the world , the United States
will have all the foreign trade that il
cares for. Men of the Kngltsh school
believe prices can be continually forced
down , but this is ridiculous. At tor a
curtain point is reached , prices mnSt go
up , or free trade nations will cease to
manufacture. In the moan vhiln Old
Verges McCulloeh gives us a good idea
of those halcyon days when Boston har
bor was full of American ships , doing a
roaring trade to everywhere. ' 'Oats
were 0 cents a bushel in Indianapolis ,
chickens 50 cents a dozen , eggs . ' ! cents
ado/.en.beef and porkiij centsapouiid. "
Dead wood is somewhat isolated , and
therefore prices cannot be very high ,
but if the curious reader wishes to
know how these times compare with
tho-.e , let him find out the prices paid
there on those commodities. The Hour-
ing mills there < ire paying 81 a bushel
for spot wheat.
KK Ifyou have made
upyour mine to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla
do not be induced to take any other.
Hood's ' Kar.saparilla is a peculiar medi
cine , possessing , by virture of its pecu
liar combination , proportion and com
bination , curative powers superior to
any other article ofthe kind before the
people. From all atlections arising
from impure blockl or low state of the
system it is uncqualcd. Be sure to get
- -
She Wnntotla Ijunn of the I'rosiilont
An elderly woman called sit the white
house Tuesday to ask President Cleve
land for a loan of $ [ ( ) ( ) . She was in good
humor , and didn't .see mat all displeased
at not gaining an interview with the
president. A reporter of the Washing
ton Star learned that her name is Mrs.
Annie Bronimn , and that she belongs
in Coiibhohocken. She loft homo to
visit a friend in Maiiayunk , but instead
borrowed money and went to Washing
ton. She expressed a belief that her
daughters would be worried if they
know of her whereabouts , hut she ad
ded : "Indeed , I can travel as far as any
of them , and got along as well as they
can. " She was furnished with a trans
portation to her home by the Washing
ton authorities.
The delicious fragrance , refreshing
coolness and soft beauty imparted to the
skin by Pozzoni's 1'owdcr commends it
to all ladies.
An Kvpensivo liurlal.
Philadelphia Ledger : Dr. Henry
Miller , who made $3,000,000 in the man
ufacture of pills , was buried at Wilming
ton , Mass. , recently , in a casket which
cost W.OOO. Four coal black horses car
ried him to a temporary brick tomb
which cost $ ) ( ) ( ) , on a catafalque which
cobt $ J,000 , and at the tomb the casket
was placed , in a big red cedar box , which
coil $2.)0 , hold together by .sixty big
brass screws , which cot SIS. Owi'ng to
the fact that his life ended rather sud
denly , another cqllln equally magnifi
cent , and intended to hold the first , was
not completed in time for service. When
completed it will have co t aa much as
the other , and the two will bo placed ,
one in the other , inside of an oblong
glass case three inches thick , to be
made at a cost of $300. The final resting
place , to bo built at an estimated cost of
$10,000 , will bo a tomb in the village
burying ground.
SneezingCatarrh. .
The dlitiesaiiiK sneeze , snooze. snei > 7.i > , the
acrid watery discharges Irom theoyesand no > e.
the painful inflammation extending to tilt )
tluoal , the Dwelling ot tlie mucous lining , caim-
liiK oliokiiiff sensation , conch , r'.imliiK noi es In
the head and Hpllttlnt ? hcadiclu ( > M , . | iow f.unil-
ar thuso symptoms are to thousands who suf
fer periodically from head colds of inlliiunzn ,
and who live In lniior.uict > of the fact that a
uliiHlo application of StsFonu's It.uucu , Cum :
tea CAT AIIIIII will iilford Instantaneous rolluf. i
But tlilHtri'UtnuMit tit rases of simple Catarrh
Klves but a faint Idea ( if what this remedy wilt
do In tliu chronic fonuH , whort < the breathing is
obstructed by cliolciqg , jmtrld mucous accumu
lations. thu hearing nfrertt-d , smull anil ta.stu
done , throat nlcer.tto 1 and liackliiK cough grad
ually fastening itj-elf upon the dcbillt.iteU sys
tem. Than It Is that thu marvellous eunitiVo
power of HAM-oitn's KADICAI. t'l'im matilfcaU
itself In instuntaneontj ami Ki'nteful lolluf
Cum begins trom thu first application , ft is
iiiplil , radical , pormanmit , economical , sufo.
Sv.vronn'fi lUnirM.rriu : consNts of one bet
tle of the ItAnif .u , Ci'iih.onoboxof CATAIIIUI u ,
Soi.VKvr and an lsti'KOVii : > INII UIH : , price , jl ,
I'OTTiiit Durni & GiiKMirAh Co. , UOSTON.
Chest Hnlns , SoronosH , Weakness ,
kliiK Cough. Abthmn , J'lcnrisy
Intiainmation IIIMKVKI : > IN OMI
GJf - MINUTK and assisted to a speedy euro
by the ' ' ' ' A
UirTif'i'iM Asri-l'Ais I'riiKmt. naw ,
ItiMantaiiHOiH mid Infallible antidote to pain.
iullaimnatUm and weakness of the fhust and
J.niiKs , Thoilrst mid onlv paln-kllllnc l'last r ,
.Alldruwjtsts , as cents : llvo forll.OU ; or , post-
aKufiee. of l'omit : Uitmi AND CIIKJIICAI. Co. ,
lloitton Mass
Public halo of imported
draft btalllou- . and trot
ting stock at Yolk. .Nt'b
Nov.7 , l s , cominen-
dngat ! M > la m ,
Wtiwlll olfer onrentlre
stock of horses , abuiit
t UO In number , ,1 1'er-
rclicrom , 1 Clydesdale ,
' I Shire , 1 Trench ( 'niw
tltun , several grade
draft mid one trottlne stallion .Tho balnnro
rooslttD of trotting bred mares , fillies aud driv
ing hornos ,
TIJIIMS : One yearn time , good bankable patter
ounlrtd. 0 ner-ceut discount for cash. BAUJ-
IA1K Oil bllINU t. .
It , WOODS , Auctioneer.
The Burlington takoo the laad.
It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska.
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
Service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha proper.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
foave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the
evening of the same day. Ml
It has been progressive in the past.
It will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250.
Depot on Tenth Street.
Chicago , Ills. I ClnrkSt.
Ibe Regular Old-Established
Is still Treating with the Greatest
j3j ! * _ * _ _
Chronic , Neryons and Private Diseases ,
as-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood ,
Failing Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and nil Ihe effects
leadma to early decay and per hips Consumption 01
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
never-f illinjj sncces * .
ea-SYPHILlSnml Ml bad Blood and Skin Dis.
coses permanently cured.
S-KIDNEYond URINARY complaints , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Stricture , Varicocele and all diseases
of the Genito-Urinary Organs cured promptly without
injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs.
XEw'-No experiments , Age and experience im
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
* 3"Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
ttifThoie contemplating Marriage send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
15 cents , both 2 $ cents ( stami > s ) . Consult tlie old
Doctor. A friendlyletter orcallmay save future suffer
ing and shime , anil add golden ) ears to life , 0i&nook
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors50 cents ( stamps ) . Medicine
ami writings sent e\erywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to 12. 'AJJiess
F. D. CLARKE , M. D.f
(86 ( So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL.
fur Public rr In tine.
LINCOLN , Nov. 15 , ISSS. I
trOTiCK TI ( ninnnns.
Peiileil proposals will be received at any time
on or before ; . ' o'clock p. in. of the llth iliiy of
December , A. J ) . Idtw. for the printing of ullbllls
for the legislature , with .sudi mntters us may 1m
jrderL'il by either house thereof to bo printed in
'hill form , " which Is shown and deilKnated as
Class ono < 1) ) under the printing laws of the state
of Nebrnika.
{ 'or the printing and binding in paper Govern
one thousand 0,1) ) . Ul copies carli of the biennial
reports of the auillloi1 public accountstieusuror ,
secretary of state and conimis .loner . ot public
lands and buildings ; nnd llvo huiulreii ( . 'XXl )
copies each of the biennial reports of the attor
ney Renernl , superintendent piibllriiistmrtion ,
stuto llbrnrlim and adjutant yonerul ; anil nil
itlier repot IK and doouinents that limy bo or-
leicil printed by thn leKlsliiture , except such as
mny enter Into and form a purt of thn .Journals ,
which class of work is known und designated as
C'lnssil under the printing lawn of Nubiaskn.
The bill vork oxpc'iited under Class 1 Minll be
printed in smnll plea type on paportourteeiull )
inchen lontr by eight and one-half ( t" i Inilies
wide , slnglo jiapcr to DO ' 'H pounds double
cap to thn ream and ovi-opt the title jingo ouch
) ugo shall contain not lass than tweiity-llvo'i'i ( )
lues of wolld matter of hovun ( Ti inohe > In length ,
and the lines shall no successively numbered
with a blank only in each sfiaco uetvteen the
The title page of xild bills shall contain not
ess than eighteen ( IK ) lines as nbo\e , with M
nehcs additional siiare allowable for display
title mutter. Itach bid shall state what thu hid'
Inr Is willing to do the work complete for per
ingc , Ineludlngcompo ltlon , paper , pre.sork ,
Htltching , folding and all work or material en
tering Into the work required.
All work executed under Class 1 shall hu do-
ivored In good order by tlio contractor to tlio
> llicoof tlit < Necretaiy of slnto within three ( il )
lays after tno loi'eljit of the order by said con-
ractor from the chairman of the com t/t Ittee ou
) tluting in either branch of the Insist * ure ,
All work executed under Class threu O ) .shall
10 printed in long primer , brevier and non-
> arell type , on paper to bo nlno ( It ) Inches long
) } six ( ill wide , single page , puper to be foity-
Ivo ( ir > ) Ibs. to the ream , white book. Uach bid
inder CliiHsil shall state what tlm bidder in wili
ng to do the work comnleto for per page , on
each report or Item in the class. Including com-
Misitloii , p.vper. prenswoi k , Htitchlng. folding
mil all woikoriuuti'ilal entering Into the win k
remilied. ( iiilley mid jiage in oof must bo fur
llshed wlien required by the olllcers of the
xeeutlvo department or thocli.iirmaii of the
comiuUtof on printing in either hiaiich of the
eglsl.ittne. Work when completed to beliverod
free of oxpi'iisw at the state houro.
Proposals for work on each of the ahovo
classes ill not be considered unless the same
bliall boitcronipanleil by a bond In the sum of
Ivo thousand ifiXO ( ) dollars , with t oor morn
hiiretles , tlmt In cuso the party projioslug for
such contrail shall ho nwmded the same such
mrty will within Hvo days after the award to
itin of Hiuh contract outer Into bonds for the
'alllifnl pcrformonco thereof , ns piovlded by
aw and tlo : terms ol these pMpuMilii ,
I'rojmsals shall bn marked "Proposals for
'tibllc Printing" and addressed to the stale
mard of printing in care of tlio secretary of
HtiilD , 1,1m oln , Neb ,
ContraitHon C'lussone \ an abovospecified
will be awarded us it \ \ holt- ,
Contnicts on Class three ( , ' ) ) us above specified
will bo awarded In whole or in purt , as tuo
bo.ird may sleet.
Samples of the work to bo executed under
Classen one and tlirco may bo decn at the ollii u
of the secretary of state ,
Uontracison above clat > es one anil throe to
run two years from Doc. II , l BO.
The state printing board resorve.s the riyht to
eject any or all bldn.
(1.1 , . LAWH. Secietary of Htato.
II. A. IIAIICOCK , Audit r I'ublle Acc'ts ,
C. II. WltliAIJD , State TrMwnwr.
ii'itiltoilla Of the Htato Hoard of I'rli.tlns.
- *
B M i aa Btrnm t tarty il
c.iy. lost n aiihXil ( 'l < ! . 1 will I HCIH ! A rani-- t
( n.iti-M ta\ ' \ < ' < \ - ctintalnlnv full ) i > artlcuar4 | f'T
IIOMJH rui < \ fit * * nfi'hartfe , Adiln 04 ,
PROF. r. c. rowtCR , Mooaus , Conn ,
euucessfully used monthly by iivur 10,000
iljuiles. Aro&i/f. tyectimJanJ [ 'leaiaitt
mail l > u Gooiltiwn <
DruaCo. , Oinahit , Kei > . i
C fifcagmafa-iruBr.Mr ; \ \ diMa
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
The Grandcsl Triumph ol Electric Science Sol-
Gentlemen's Hell Best Scientific enlifically Made and Practically Applied.
wilhKlfflrle Sasiiensorjr , flcdit ; DISEASE CURED WITHOUT MEDICINES
IT" UflR I * " PIOE ? VS I llnr * you Polnn In tliollink. Illiu , Heart or I.lml , . , Krrv
tt VfflbSa vUKlS SVj + f om IH-lilllljr , l.uitiliiiica , llriirrul llrMIII ) , llhciimHll.iii ,
r rnrtl , JVvurnlnlo , Holu < li > u , llUcnimof Klilnrl , Spinal l > l rn - > . Torplil T.It IT. Ijonl , KihnuMlon.
Kmliilotip. AMIiinit , llonrl IMivonc. Ojupepula. 4 unttlpotlon , l > > lprlnH , ImltKifttlonlfnkm' ft , Im-
poteiicr , Oolnrrli. I'lll-n , Kplle | v. Itamb Ague , lllnbctci , 11tlrocclc. Ulon.1 l > UuiiM < * . Kropij. ol . < Inen
kl > brlt ! tu t wluit roil nrril. Elretrlfiltl Inntantly fell' Cnil l > o appllril tu nnr | mrt of the
1 ? ltei trineith.wo < Hi
Trrrr oncRfmitno nnrt tiiiotl l > y n rml8flon. NOI'R tlio fullnwlug wlio lm\o l pn
HIIlKlli \ . I. lluaclnnil , K. S. I'arhiTnnJ J M Ilailett , all on lluaiu of Trnilti. Chli
OI A. Oreffory , coinnilSHion niprchantiitock Ynrtif i Hmlil Dulile , tlinK 'At lion < oman [ A. C. Wootilcy , M D ,
Aim Mil n 8ti ret , Utiirulo , K , V. : O. W. Pcllui , M. . , Mormontawn , lowat Lemuel Milk , Knukakt'o. 111. ; JtiilKO I.
N MurrayNnpcr IIIi > , III. ; K.IJ. Aliliott.nuiit. city wntvr works. South llond , llul ; Itoht K , SnmpBon , ClilcnRo
IHiatoincoi L.I.McMlchaol , M. ! > . , DulTilo. N , y. "Your l lt lm ftccomiillslicil wlnt no ether rcmmly Imst
atcfttly nerves and comfortable sleep at nlpht. " Robt. Hall , alilerman , IM > K&Rt tlihtrtift , Kt\r Vnilc. oic.
uaitirelycurotllnGU dft > a by Hi .
. NKT1T I1KIT poilllrrlr CUITH
, JIornefItlevtroMngtictlo licit * 5DR
XrnRi.comblnod. Guarantcedthaf KUKl'MATIHIHKVniLUllUT
In the TTorldRonerAtlnal . Kinair Kurt . . . .
irjnrtwl chronic dlnoaum of Iiuthscipn ,
jgYiruvjii , f fiMnntlfln 1'nWflffiil IlnrAliIe M ifiaafyflyKl * TVBM ' Contdlna 3 tfllOO ( IrffrCBflOt
SidlWSH& S s % r siffi
' , , , : ?
gi ocii.rtefas
NCESi-Any bank , commcrcUl aRenoy orArombopnil compftrlcn wlthre nT t\lifnl \ nnil north-
IIIMIKO In iflilcafro ; wholc nl lrnBiiitsS nim imitatloni. KLBCTBIC TBU8SK9 foil IIUPTUUE.
Fiuncisco and Chicago. D.OOQ cured Bcndmmpforlllastratoa pamcblct.
PR. W. J. HORNE , Inventor , 191 Wabash Avenue , Chicago.
Real Estate ,
218 S. 15th St. , Omaha.
O. I * STAIflJ , 1013 Howard St. , Omaha , 1ms drawn pinna aud
apeclllcatlons for a U-room frame house , which combines
iitlllty.cumfort.vcoiioiiiynnU beiiutyliia\Miy Impoaslble In any good
house that costs from JI , : 0 to tl.twi. AH uioro than 1UO . . -
will bo built BO. I cau nffonl to offer a copy for _ - : S = ' Orlglnnlnnd splendid
tT ! > , the usual fees othonvimi lining from
( IcHlgnfl fcrnlBliuil , as cau I > o judged
For aPv " ofa'iia pFa 'V -rSS 11552 form the aots or planaof coinploted buildings of
3 per cent nioro. -rr " 5 nil descriptions 1 imvo in my oniu > , ranglni ; In cost i
" = =
sS = "from tnm ( to100,000. . My unusual experience will guarantee HiiHsfactlon
aud reliable coutractors only are engugod on niy worts. 1'urties wishing tobuiltl
r cordlklly Invited.
Wo will gunruntco to euro any case of
20 TO 60 DAYS.
This Is n disonso whioh 1ms hcroloforo
J3inioil ! till Medical Scionco.
W have a Itomedy , unknown to anyonnln the
World uiitsldo of our Company.aiid onu that has
tocuro the most obiitlnato cases. Ten days In
recent cases does thn work , It is the old chronic
deep seated cases that wo solicit. Wo have
cured hundreds who have been abandoned by
1'hyslclaiiK , and pronounced Incurable , and wo
chullengothe World to Urlng us a case that wo
uill not cure In loss than sixty days.
Since the history of medicine a trim spocltto
for .Syphilis has been sought for , but never
found until our
was dlsoovere l.and wo are jusllllediu snylng
it Is tlie only Itemedy In the World that will pos.
Itlvoly cure , bec.iiisa the latest Medical Works ,
published by thn best known authorities , say
there wasnoyeratruospecllle liefore. Ourruni-
edy will cure when everything else has failed.
Why wnstooiir time and money with patent
medicines that never had virtue or doctor with
physicians that cannot euro you , you that have
tried everythlnge-lno should tome to u nowmid
get permanent relief , you never can get It elsu-
where , .Mark what wo say. In the tmd you
iniiHt take our lemody or NliVKIt recover und
you that liavu been mulcted but u abort time
should by all means come to us now , not ono in
ten of new cases ever get permanently cured ,
.Many gat help and thliiK they are free from thn
clhcnhe , but lu one. two or three years after It
appears again In a moro horrible form ,
This Is a niood Piirifloi1 and will Cure
aiij1 Skin or Blood Disonso when
Kvurything el&o Fulls ,
Itoom 10 and II , U. S. National
InilWIiif , ' , Oimilnu Nd ) .
' ( llllll
Paid Up Capital. . . . . $100,000
Snri > liis . 50,000
If. W. YATIS : , I'rosiUent.
JJKWIH S. Vice 1'rosldont.
A. II. Tiiu.Ai.iN"nd Vice I'roslilnnt.
w. il , S , HufiiiKH. Cashier.
If. W. V ATI'S. { jKVVIHH. Illillll ,
A R. Toir/Ar.lN.
Hanking Office-
Corner llii ! ! and FuriuimStH
A ( leneral llanklnu llusiuessTrausnctod ,
Or the Ll'jnor Habit , Positively Cured bj
Administering Dr. Hiilnes' Golden
It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea with
put the Knowledge ot the person taking It : abso
lutely harmless , and will effect a pormnnent and
peedy euro , whether the patient IK a moderata
drinker or nn alcoholic wreck. 'Thousands ol
drunkard ! bare been tnndo tompfrato men who
have taken Golden Bneclao la their coffee without -
out their knowledge and to-day believe the *
quit drinking of their own froc. will. It never
falls. The system once Imprciuated With thl
Bpeclflc , it becomes an utter impoaailillity tot
the liquor appMlto to oxlflt , I'ot aalo by KullQ
& Co. , Uth and Douglas ca. , ana IBth and Cum >
liiBRts. , Omaha , Nib. ; A , D. Foster & Uro4
'Vninell Ulutfi , Iowa ,
( Buccessorw to John n , Jacobs. )
Undertakers andEmbalmers
At the old stand. MOT I'arnam fit. Orders by
t'jlcaiaph sollcitxKl and promptly uttuudsd.
Telephone to No. ST. .
Non , 3O3-4O4-I7O-OO4.
and all urinarytioubleseaally.nulclc.
ly and safely cured by DOai'U It A Cap cases cured in woven dayft , Bom
11.60 per box , all dniKil ts , or by mull from [ > o < m Wlmofat.N V , I'ullJJt < .ii ( > u