Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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r 'Morning ' Hdltlom Including SUNDAY
llKK.One Vear . tlo 0)
For Six Month * . fi Oi )
ror'nircoMonilis . . 2 < W
/UK OMAHA Ht'MUY 1IKK , mailed to any
address , one Year . 200
WKKKI.Y HKK. One Vcar . " " )
NKW YOHKOl'Hl K , HOOMM 14 AMI 15TltlllUifF.
llun.tiiMi. WAsiitxdTON UtTicti , No. ! > U
A1I communications relating touowaand Ml-
lorlnl matter should bo addressed to the I.DtTOlt
. . , , , ,
All business letters and reniltt.ineo.sMionld lie
nddn-Hsed 10 Tin : linn I't-nusiiiNO COMPANY ,
OMAHA. Drafts , chocks andpostofHce orders to
lie nmilc payable to tlie order ofth company.
TbeBcePiiE'iliii ' Company , Proprietors ,
K. IIOHKWATKH , Krtitor.
Sworn Statement oi Circulation ,
fitnl of Nebraska , I a .
County ot Douglas. I " "
Ueorge Il.Tzschuck , secretary ot Tlio Iteo Pub
lishing Company , dots solemnly swear that the
nrtuul circulation of TUB DAILY UKK for the
week ending November 17 , H-M. was as follows :
Hutiday. Nov. II . IH.750
Monday , Nov. IS . l.I l
Tuosduy , Nor. lit . I8.0JJ
WrdniMdity. Nov. II . KIWI
Thursday , Nov. 15 . lt\M \
l.'rlday. Nov. HI . HV !
Baturduy , Nov. 17 . .ai.OT.'i
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presence tills 17tli day of Novcmbur A. I ) , 1853.
rteiil N.'r. 1'KII * Notary Public.
Btiitu of Nnbra .kn. ( „ „
County of Douglas , I
( k'orpu II , Tzsciiiick , being duly sworn , deems -
> ems mid ayx that ho Is Hccretury of the lleo
} 'ubllKliIng company , ttiat thu actuul average
dally clrculiitlon of TIIK iMii.v UKK for th
mouth of .November , I'M" . was 1" > , X.'U copies ; for
.December , 1H7 ! , 13.041 copies ; for January , isss
iriSUfl copies ; for I'Vhruury. ItHH. t. " , UJi coplos ;
for.Murcli. I ( MS. ID.GS'J copies ; for April. 18SS
1H.MI coplos : for May. 18 < 8 , 17.IH1 copies ; for
June. IKS.S , 111 , 4:1 : copies ; for July , IBS ? . lmi
copies ; for August , IHHS , IH.1KI copies : for Sep
tember , 1HW. IS.Ifil topics ; for October. lass. wars
Sworn to bcfoio tne and subscribed In my
prenonco tills 7lli day of November , IrtSS.
N. P. l-'KIIj Notary Public.
Tun WhUccliiiucl lletul is getting Lo
1)0 as numerous ns the mysturioua Mr.
TIIK widening of South Fourteenth
Bti'oot under the railroad tracksordorod
l > y tlio council is an net of justice long
delj.vud : to the residents of that part of
the city.
BUSIKKSS men of our uity should not
fail to ttiko advantage of the invitation
oxlondcd by the merchants ot Norfolk
to visit that eity. They will bo most
royally entertained.
TIIK people of the state may now
Bpeak truthfully of Nebraska's million
inhabitants , and the stump orator may
point with pride to over two hundred
thousand sovereign voters who control
her political destiny.
Asvjj approach the end of the year
reports of failures and assignments will
he on the increase. The number of
failures so far reported , as compared
with preceding years for the same
period , is not in the least alarming.
TJIK election of nine councilman is
almost upon us. What are our business
won doing about it'i1 Are they lookinir
tibout lor suitable candidates or sire
they indifferent and willing to lot the
election go by default to boodlers and
straw men ?
TJIK high school grounds should bo
preserved for our citizens as a park. To
encumber the grounds with a separate
building is neither desirable nor legal.
A substantial ward school building
erected on a side street in that vicinity
would be cheaper and satisfactory to ev
erybody. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
THE railroad commissioners of Min
nesota , have decided to Ux a date bylaw
for the abolition of the car-stove in the
Btate. It would bo highly pronor in
view of the action of the legislatures of
Now York und other states on the sub
ject , if Nebraska passed appropriate
laws to do away with the deadly car
Blovc on railroads this winter.
Tun expiration of the live-year guar
antee of tlio Barber Asphalt company
to keep the pavements on Douglas and
Sixteenth street in repair , makes it nec
essary for the council to make ar
rangements by which those streets will
bo kept in good condition. In all
probability a contract will be entered
into with the Barber company for that
ANOTJIKU chapter of the Sabin
Kcamlal , which , by the way , is the latest
ucngiitioti , appears on our telegraphic
page. The colonel is well known in
Nebraska and needs no Introduction.
The Chicago papers represent him as
an attorney of the Chicago , Burlington
& Quincy railway , but we have known
of him only r.s a wild-cat insurance
man and a wild-eyed railroad capper.
TIIK United States supreme court
evidently did not take into considera
tion the hardships of eviction to which
the settlers of the DCS Moines river
lands would be exposed when it con-
Jlrmed the title to the land , Whatever
rights the original land company may
liiive had , some regard might have been
fchowu by the court to protect the inno
cent settlers now ruthlessly removed
from tlulr homes by the legal owners.
JIM OilKiciliTON' rind his gang ofToffor-
pen square boomers boast that they have
raised tun thousand dollars in subscrip
tions for the city hull campaign. This
is why they and certain boodle coun
cil uuui persist in forcing the question
of relocating the city hall. With ten
thousand dollars of boodle and gangs of
hired ilugoa to do the repeating nt a
tlino when no restrictions exist on
illegal voters , they expect to carry
this city against the well-known iul-
v rso KunUiuent to the Jefferson square
TIIK Bl3i ! is indebted to the state de
partment for an atlas , prepared and
published under the direction of the
secretary of state , showing the location
of the diplomatic and consular olllces of
the United Slates of America through
out tlio world. This atlas ia now at the
disposal of that numerous elass of am-
hil'ouB politicians who desire to repre
sent their country abroad. Members of
the legislature will , of course , ba shown
pro fere nee in the use ol our consular
( tins.
A member of the whisky trust is
quoted as saying that the improvement
in trust securities recently is duo to the
result of the late election. "Those of
us who arc interested in trust compa
nies , " he is reported to have said , "have
a greater fooling of security than here
tofore ; wo have more confidence now in
trusts , and lm\-e no fear of adverse legis
lation. " it is quite possible there arc
persons interested in these combina
tions who entertain the views ascribed
to this member of the whisky trust ,
though It Is not easy to see upon what
rational grounds. There wa1 * certainly
nothing In democratic pledges or demo
cratic action before the election that
should have caused the trusts to fear
adverse legislation from democratic
suciess. This form of monopoly has
had its extraordinary growth since the
present administration cnmolntojo\ver ) \ ,
yet the democratic national platform
did not promise anything for tlio over
throw of trusts , and the popular branch
of congress controlled by the democrats
did nothing hostile to these combina
tions. On the contrary the sugar
schedule of their tfirllT bill was ar
ranged to protect the trust which Is ex
acting the largest tribute from the
consumers of the country , anil if there
was any danger threatened to the
whisky trust it was in the proposi
tion to permit the moonshine dis
tillers of the south to pursue
their industry without interference.
Kvcry anti-trust bill introduced in the
house was buried In committee , and all
the parade of hostility to these combi
nations came to nothing practical.
Obviously there was in the conduct of
the democracy nothing to alarm the
But accepting the statement that the
result of the election gave a feeling of
greater security to the trusts , one of
the llrst duties of republicans wherever
thov are in control will be to show that
this confidence , is misplaced. Every
rouubllcan state legislature should put
itself on record with adequate legisla
tion against these combinations , and
publicans in congress should bo fore
most in urging whatever national
legislation may be found practi
cable for the suppression of
the trusts. The party is fully
committed to this policy and the pcoplo
expect it. The national platform de
clared "opposition to all combinations
of capital organized in trusts or other
wise to control arbitrarily the condi
tions of trade among our citizens , " and
recommended to congress and the state
legislatures in their respective jurisdic
tions ' 'such legislation as will prevent
the execution of all schemes to oppress
the people by undue charges on their
supplies , or by unjust rates for the
transportation of their products to
market. " This declaration was fully
approved by the presidential candidates
of the party , General Harrison saying in
his letter of acceptance : "It cannot
bo doubted that the legislative
authority should and will find a method
of dealing fairly and effectively with
these and other abuses connected with
this subject. " Being thus explicitly
committed in opposition to every form
of combination for arbitrarily controll
ing the conditions of trade , the repub
lican party cannot afford to disregard its
obligation to legislate against the trusts
wherever it has the power to do so , and
we do not believe there is any disposi
tion to ignore its duty in this matter.
Its conduct upon this , as upon all o ther
questions affecting the interests and
welfare of the people , will bo moat
carefully watched during the next four
years , and no shortcomings will escape
the vigilance of its opponents. If the
party is to retain power beyond another
administration it must keep faith with
the people , and in no respect will this
bo demanded more urgently than in
crushing out monopolies and the com
binations that arbitrarily control the
conditions of trade. The professed con
fidence of the trusts presupposes the
faithlessness of the republican party to
one of the plainest of its pledges to the
people , and therefore wo believe it to
be misplaced.
Among the matters which it is ex
pected will bo presented to the atten
tion of congress early in the coming ses
sion is the question of further regulating
and restricting immigration. Repre
sentative Ford , chairman of the special
committee to Investigate the subject ,
and recommend suitable legislation , in
tends to call his committee together be
fore congress assembles in order to pre
pare a report , so that the subject can bo
brought forward as soon as practicable
after the session opens. The investiga
tions of the committee were not
carried as far as was intended ,
but sutlicient information was
obtained to enable the com
mittee to report intelligently in the
matter and to suggest additional legis
lation believed to be necessary.
Among the recommendations that
Mr. Ford will urge is the appointment
of consular Inspectors to every foreign
land that sends large numbers of immi
grants to this country , such inspectors
to bo attached to the American consular
and diplomatic services in the several
countries. Ho would provide that those
who desire to come to this country shall
Illo applications , giving ago , birth
place , occupation , purpose , pedigree
and other important or material points ,
thirty , sixty or nlaoty days , as
may bo thought best , before taking
passage , and during that time the in-
bpcctorti shall investigate the past lives
and records of the applicants and act
according to the facts ascertained. This
plan In doubtless feasible , but It might
bo found not to bo wholly free from ob
jections. There would undoubtedly be
cases in which it would operate unjustly
to dosorvlug persons and thora would
very likely ba other ea esin which care
less or corruptible Inspectors would per
mit umluitlrahla immigrants to coma to
ourshores , It in purtlnuntly suggested
that the mlnifrtaror consul who issues the
passports should be held personally ac
countable for a violation or a lax en
forcement of the law , but oven such
a provision might fail to secure
I if all crises a faithful performance of
duty on the part of those officials.
But the important matter to be
avoided ia thai of carrying regulation
and restriction to such an extreme as
will exclude from our shores immigrants
who have everything to recommend
them except a pecuniary qualifica
tion. There hns been a great outcry
within the pnst year against pauper
labor , with the effect of creating a pub
lic sentiment favorable to shutting out
everybody who cannot come to our
shores with a plethoric purse , regard
less of the conditions which make de
sirable and useful citizens. Some dem
agogues have urged that no for
eigner coming to this country to labor
should be permitted to hind unless ho
has enough money to subsist on at least
a year , forgetting that millions of those
whoso industry and thrift have helped
to make the nation what it is in all
material conditions cnmo here with lit
tle besides their wealth of energy and
integrity , on which they have builded
to their own honor and to the prosperi
ty and greatness of the country. It is
the instinct of a narrow selfishness
which acsorts that wo have no more
room for this class of pcoplo from other
lands , and which would exclude them
if lacking the monetary qualification.
There is no division of opinion as to the
desirability or necessity of shutting out
pauper labor , and our laws already
provide for this , but there
should be a discrimination between who have the ability and the
willingness to earn n livelihood , and
who come with a purpose to assimilate
with us , and such as are paupers be
cause they arc neither competent nor
disposed to bo otherwise. The test for
admitting the immigrant to the privi
leges and opportunities of this country
should be character rather than capital.
There is still room here for the intelli
gent , honest and competent workers of
other lands , who arc prepared to be
come Americans in all that the title im
plies. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The only connection the redoubtable
Colonel Sabiu has with the Burlington
railroad now is his pocket full of passes.
The colonel , however , is not the only
insurance agent who is capping for
railroads in Nebraska and takes his pay
in passes. Wo could name half a dozen
captains and colonels who hold com
missions ns managers of insurance com
panies and dabble in politics
as convention packers and legislative
lubricators while other agents who
have too much self-respect to do such
infamous work are obliged to pay their
fair. The day is not distant , however ,
when the insurance agents with railroad
attachments will call out the resent
ment of the people that will make such
business too odious to bo carried on
with impunity. There is no good rea
son why any manager of an insurance
company should bo deadheaded by a ,
railroad to the detriment of honorable
Just before the late land-slide , Coun
cilman Hascall assured our citizens that
he did not intend to interfere with the
police commission if elected to the
senate. A large numbar of voters had
grave doubts of Mr. Hascall's sincerity.
Their opinion is now fully justified by
Mr. Hascall's declaration that "a mossback -
back governor is not lit to appoint mem
bers of the police commission , " who
ho insists should be elected by the
people. On this point many good citi
zens differ very radically with Mr.
Hascall. The metropolitan police sys
tem is designed to remove the
control of the police from
the demoralizing influence of
party politics. If the people could sel
ect the commission without the inter
vention of party machinery , with its
ward caucusses , political bummers and
strikers , it would doubtless bo very sat
isfactory. But experience in all largo
cities has shown that the police cannot
bo made efficient without divorcing it
from the influence which is all potent
in politics. If the police commission
ers owed their election to the lawless
elements that have to be kept in
check by the police , they would have
to pay tlieir political debts by the ap-
pointmontof a class of men on the police
force that would wink at crime and go
into collusion with outlaws.
This is precisely what the present
system seeks to avoid. Omaha is not
the only city in which the police com
missioners are appointed by the gov
ernor of the state.
Mr. HnscaU'H opinion of Governor
Thayer is scarcely a good argument for
changing the system , which has
wrought a marked improvement in our
police , in the matter of discipline
efficiency and personnel.
I ) ' . .7. COXNELL.
The official returns received at the
state capital from the cloven counties
which comprise the First congressional
district give Hon. W. J. Connell a
plurality of 3,407 over his democratic
opponent , J. Sterling Morton. In view
of the fact that the First district , two
years ago gave the democratic candi
date for congress over 7,000 majority ,
this may bo properly called a political
revolution. Mr. Council's constituency ,
comprising 00,057 voters , numbers
not less than : ! G5,000 people.
This is one of the largest con
stituencies any man has over repre
sented in the lower house of congress.
Mr. Council certainly has reason to
feel gratified over the marked oxpies-
nioii of confidence ho has received from
the people , and wo fool safe in predict
ing that this confidence will not be be
trayed , Mr. Connell owes his election
largely to the fact that in the past ho
has shown active sympathy with the
industrial classes. His career as a pub
lic olllcor has been a fair test of his sin
In congress Mr. Connell will repre
sent the people of the whole district ,
and not merely the city of Omaha , or
any particular corporation. While ho
has always been a staunch republican ,
he believes lu curbing the power of
monopoly , and will favor such measures
ns will ameliorate the condition of the
laboring man and give the producer re
lief from oppressive burdens.
Tun Oklahoma boomers have had
their spirits revived la anticipation of
the friendly attitude which congress is
likely to manifest. The early admission
of Dakota and othar territories presages
well for tho'pa'SSago of favorable legisla
tion in their behalf. The Springer bill
now pending In the house calls for the
opening of Oklahoma to settlers and the
organizatlot , bt a territorial form of
government. . Should this legislation bo
passed during the coining session , sev
eral million , pcros would be thrown
open to settlement and a great rush of
emigration would undoubtedly lake
place. The recognition of Oklahoma as
an independent territory would , however -
over , menace thfl existence of Indian ter
ritory. Oklahoma , to all intent , is a coun
ty in the conVr' < 5 of Indian territory. If
Oklahoma bo opened to white men and
given a separate form of government ,
there would be the peculiar spectacle of
a new territory surrounded on all sides
by the lands of the civilized tribes. The
effect of this condition may bo easily
imagined. The white people of Okla
homa would gradually encroach upon
Indian territory , and by degrees absorb
the lands belonging to the Indians. The
boundaries of Oklahoma would expand
on all sides until eventually Indian ter
ritory would be swallowed up by the
now territory. Such an absorption is
inevitable and explains the reasons why
congress has been cautious in passing
the legislation asked for by the clamor
ous Oklahoma boomers.
TIIK interest shown , chiefly by Wash
ington correspondents , regardin g the
future of Colonel Daniel Lament is
doubtless complimentary to the ellleiont
private secretary of Mr. Cleveland , one
of whoso merits is that ho has been suc
cessful in maintaining excellent rela
tions with the newspaper men. A re
port respecting Colonel Lament that
possesses some general public interest is
that ho may bo given a life position as
judge advocate general of the army , a
position that has been practically va
cant since the suspension of General
Swaiin. some three years or more ago.
The appointment of Lament to the po
sition would be exceptional , though not
unprecedented , but it would be a reward
for valuable services rendered to Mr.
Cleveland which few would seriously ob
ject to , and probably none outside of
army circles. Lmnont is said to have
the required legal qualifications.
I IIODK Isi.Axn was the only slate in
the union requiring a property qualifi
cation for voting. At the recent elec
tion an amendment to the state consti
tution was adopted by a large majority ,
doing away with this obnoxious restric
tion. The law now provides that every
male citizen above the age of twenty-
one , who has resided two years in the
state and six months in the city where
ho wishes to vote , is to have the right
of suffrage. The now law has enfran
chised several thousand citizens , and
will materially swell Little Ilhody's
voting strength. What effort this addi
tion will have on Rhode Island polities
remains to bo seen. The state has been
reproached , not without cause , of being
a rotten borough. It is to bo hoped
that the now law will infuse a healthier
tone into the politics of the little slate.
Nebraska Citi'New. : Ofllccscokcrs should
bo careful. They sbould remember that
they killed Harrison's ' grandfather in a
Grand Island Independent : An appropria
tion of nt least * 153)00 ( will bo rcauircd for
tlio Soldiers' and Sailors' homo at the next
Fremont Tribune : There is a time for all
thinga , remarked Mr. Solomon , und he was
counted a wise wan. March , 18S9 , will bo
tlio time to turn tlio rascals out.
Hluo Hill Leader : It may bother us some
what to keep alive during the coming repub
lican administration , but wo ain't like people
who can't get out and hustle , or hit tlio road ,
if necessary.
Lincoln Call : Among the encouraging in
dications that the price of commodities nro
stiffening stnco the election maybe noted the
sale of Pitcher Lovett , of the Omaha base
ball club. Hovas sold to Brooklyn and
brought $3,500.
Kearney Hub : The fact that Lincoln wants
the earth and ia reaching out for everything
else in sight should not alarm tlio rest of the
state. When the time coinos they will settle
down into the regular appropriation groove
and take what they can get.
Hnrttngton Nonpareil : Wo nro not for a
tariff lor protection , because it does not pro
tect. We are not for a tariff for revenue , for
that mode of raising funds coats too much.
Wo are for absolute frco trade , for wo believe -
lievo in every tub standing on its own bottom ,
and in allowing everybody to buy und sell
where they can do so to the best advantage.
Springfield Monitor : There are some no
torious violators of all social anil moral laws ,
who fail to appreciate the difference between
martial and marital life , ns in the case of the
unfortunate young man , Henry King , Jr. ,
who was murdered nt Omaha mst Saturday ,
The too frequent repetition of the lattur re
sulted in the forcible illustration of the for
Hastings Nebraskan : Nebraska's state
militia has been on dress parade. It must
now bo ready for war , and from the appear
ance of things the military strategy of formIng -
Ing a hollow square might scorn neuossary to
adequately protect itself from the enemy's '
assault. The press , forming the skirmish
line , has opened up n preliminary firing
which indicates a strong force behind.
York Times i If the state Is going to devote -
vote $35,000 a year to a military establish-
inent it would bo imui : ) * better to devote it to
the Grand Army of the Ucpubllc than to a
few blinking swolln , who strut around like
turkey coclts , at the expense of the state.
Thirty-five thousand dollars a year would go
a long way in furnishing needed assistance
to the men who belonged to an army that
fought In the field. . They need It more than
the holiday onicers'of ' the stuto militia do.
Tlio fact Is , the taxpayers need the money m
their pockets.
North I'lattc Doinqorat ; A few cranlts nro
proposing to havo' in bureau of animal in-
iustry for the state of Nebraska established
i > y the next legislature , in order to provide
some soft positions -for partisan workers ,
If a business can bo conducted with profit It
can be done without any fostering care on
the part of the state ; If not , It is worthless
and should bo discontinued. Our farmer
Friends should Insist upon the establishment
of a state board for the purpose of procuring
the necessary rainfall for crop purposes ; by
so doing they would avoid any loss by drouth ,
and they are equally untitlotl to reimburse
ment as the stock grower.
'J'wo Gone Girls.
lioston linUtttn.
Two giddy elrls wo soon shall forgot ,
Campaign Llzo and Election Hot.
Tiio G. A. It. In tlio South.
GYinr/eiloii / ( .S. 0. ) U'oriJ ,
Every Charleston man In whoso heart
; hcre glows one spark of gratitude should
condemn the statement that the Grand Army
of the Republic Is largely n pension-hunting
association. Wo hnvo no nflllliition with the
Grand Army of the Republic or any of Its
members , but wo cnnnot forgot tlmt wbcn
the people of Charleston looked almost In
despair at the ruin which the earthquake
brought In 1S35 , the Grand Army of the Ko-
public caino to our assistance.
Tlio Tliooloiry of Politics.
fCcic Yoik Ilfraltl ,
The theology of the times All republicans
nro good nnd will go to hcnvcn ; all demo
crats nro wicked nnd will bo "fired. "
To Mnko ttio I'oor Man's Cup Sweeter.
The Now York courts ore no\r tnckllng
the BURiir conspiracy. The people's trust Is
that the law will prove superior to the sugar
trust ,
_ _
An Off Year Kor the Drys.
Loutfvillc Court'r-JHiirnal ,
Not only is General risk defeated , but the
discovery Is made that brandy can bo manu
factured from watermelons. Certainly this
is an off year for temperance.
fi ,
Out , Out , Out.
/oncer ( l'rc s.
We violate no confidence in utterly dis
crediting the rumor that I'rosident-oloct
Harrison's private secretary Is engaged on a
political novel entitled , "Ono Out , All Out ;
or , The 1'ostumstor's Hogira. "
Utah in KiioekitiK nt the Onto.
Salt /jiitf Trilmnc ,
Utah will ba redeemed by the influx of
now men , nnd by the growth , ns welt , of the
Mormon people away from their shattered
idols. It Is not too much to hope that in the
next presidential CAIIVU.HS , or the next but
one , the people of this commonwealth will
take part , tlio "Kingdom of God" uud Its
"twin relic of barbarism" having , meantime ,
faded like the unsubstantial pageant of a
vision , leaving not a wrack behind.
A. Six Ycnr Term.
r/ifcdvn if net.
There are many arguments in favor of n
six-year term. A presidential campaign un
settles business. It causes heavy losses in
trade. It costs millions of dollars , it leads
to general uproar , ill temper , dyspepsia , and
extraordinary ulTuslou of spirituous liquors.
It seta people to gambling. An extension of
the presidential term two years would wipe
out one-third of this annoyance from every
subsequent century. There would bo more
time for business. Each administration
could have un adequate period in which to
prove the ertlclcncy of its particular policy of
government. The president would have time
to get acquainted with tlio members of bis
cabinet before ho and they were removed
from olllcc.
Senator Halo thinks Mr. Blalno will bo
secretary of state.
William It. Barnum continues to improve ,
and Uiero is hope that ho may live to report
the status of the mule market in another
presidential campaign.
Senator Ingalls told a reporter at Atchison
the other day that , had he power , he would
sco that the setting sun of March 4 , 18SS ,
shone upon no democratic ofllcuholdcr in all
this broad land.
Without waiting for the yawp of the polit
ical stumper to fairly cease its reverbera
tions , Joseph Cook has started on a lecture
tour extending from Massachusetts to Kuu-
General Harrison , according to a religious
weekly , refuses to onen his mail on Sunday.
Aside from the moral aspect of this arrange
ment the rule gives him one day off anyway ,
which must bo great cause of thankfulness
Just now.
Lr. ) GcffeUeii's imprisonment in the Moabit
prison in liurlia is described as a comforta
ble one. He occupies two cells , one being
the size of a large room and pretty well fur
nished. He is permitted to cater for him
self , and is at perfect liberty to use his pen
in private correspondence , which is , how
ever , subjected to censorship. Ho is also
allowed to take outdoor exorcise by himself.
Nebraska Jottings.
York dealers are paying 22 cents for
The Congregationalisms of Harwell have
bought a lot and will build a church in the
Marsh McLean , the absconding implement
dealer of Tekamau , is reported to bo dying
in Canada.
Vin Edwards , of Hastings , Is to take an
overland trip to California drawn by a six-
goat team.
Dennis Correl , an old veteran living at
Spriugtiold , has been admitted to the sol
diers' homo at Leavonworth.
The Garficid County Quaver , published at
IBurwcll , is ono your old , und is a healthy in
faut , with good prospects for a long life.
A gang of toughs has boon driven out of
Tcltnmah by vigorous manifestations of a
healthy public sentiment against their pres
ence there.
The Fremont Herald claims that there is
moro corn being transformed into beef , mut
ton and pork in Dodge county than in any
other county in the west.
Tlio new county of Kock already has a
county scat war on its hands of mammoth
proportions. Newport and Hassott are the
leading contestant ! ! for honors.
A young man named Morrison caught his
foot in a railroad frog the other day at Cody
Just as a train was approaching , The engineer
discovered his predicament in time to reverse
the engine , but the cow-catcher struck his
foot nnd mashed throe toes.
The trade bureau of Fremont has issued a
neat pamphlet , entitled "Fremont Illus
trated , " tilled with facts about the livu in
terests of that thriving little city and adja
cent territory. The pamphlet contains fif
teen illustrations showing the principal
cattle focdlngbarns nnd farms , tlio packing
House and other points of interest.
A Nebraska City young lad y , who Is n firm
believer in .spiritualism , announced the other
day her engagement to a woll-known pro
fessor of spiritualism , saying his soul had
asked for the possession of hers. Tlio pro
fessor was Informed of the fact , but greatly
to the young lady's surprise nnd chagrin re
fused to marry her. KvMontly somebody
had boon "monkeying" with the spirits.
A remarkable story Is told by the Hcutrico
Democrat of the killing of thirty pigs by n
turtle. Mr. F. M. I'othoud , who rondos
some four miles north of Beatrice on Indian
creek , missed his young pigs , ono or two
going each day. Thorough search throw no
light upon their mysterious disappearance
until one day the hired hand saw the hogs
considerably disturbed by something , and
hearing a young pig squeal ho rushed down
to the edge of the crook , and thuro saw n
largo tilrtlo , with a young ply In its mouth.
The turtle had killed the pig and was eating
It. The man killed the turtle and It meas
ured nearly two feet across the back , and
Imd a head as largo as his two hands.
I own.
The packing house at Muscatino kills 200
hogs a day.
A state convention of county auditors will
bo hold In DCS Molnos December 10.
Columbub Junction has inaugurated n
novelty by organising a ladles' fire company.
A Hnrlltigton man who was attacked with
cramp in the night took a dos.o of hairdyo by
mistake and almost bccumo a corpse.
The Farmers' flub nt Alden will begin n
series of nifictliigx to last during ttio winter.
The Runcral subject for discussion Is "Winter
Management of Stock. "
A young man who was married at Hurling-
ton the other night gave the oniclutlnir cler
gyman u f 10 gold piece by mistake for a $3.10
join , und went to the preacher's rend ! < > Hfu hi
the middle of the night and demanded resti
tution. Ho got It.
The governor has written to the manage-
mcnt of the various stale Institutions calling
ittontlou to the approach of winter nnd the
necessity of Inspecting all appliances on hand
to subdue an outbreak of lira Hhould such
iccur , and of taking proper pit-cautions
[ tgamst danger from this source ,
A company of surveyors tinder the Minted
Status geological survey , ro in Grimioll on
iWKod In running it base * liuo from the Uocr )
Island arsenal to the postontca hi Ueu Mclats.
A second line will bo run from Atnnnn if
Uuhunuo , and the two will servo n B liasi <
for the work of the topographical depart
nicnt , which will re-survey thu state , next
An "Kgyptlan Preservation company" has
been incorporated nt Dos Molncs with a cap
Ital of fcWo.WX' . Tlio object of the company i !
to Introduce n new process which , It If
claimed , will hold moat , fruit and vegetable ;
In a | > crfcct stnlo of preservation for au >
length of time in the open air nnd can be
used for transuortlug articles without Ice
For embalming purpose * it Is claimed to be
simply wonderful.
Hay still brings from f9 to fit n ton al
F Hot Springs wants n flouring mill with al
the latest improvements.
The Aberdeen Improvement company hn <
contracted for t00 ! trees to bo planted ii ;
Sheridan park.
The inld-inonth clean lips from the Holt
mines shlpned out of Dcadwood last week
amount to JlWi.OOO.
A Ueudwood dealer recently shipped tr
Chicago 10,000 pounds of tallow , ! JJO call
skins nnd 70J row hides.
The trustees of the Presbyterian church nt
Sioux Fulls have extended a cull to Kov. S.
N. Hiitehinsoii , of Mnrengo , 111.
The oniclal count shows that local option
was defeated in Mlnnehnlin county by 1,000
majority. Last fall the measure carried by
u gooil majority ,
The Lead City Herald says : "It Is esti
mated that fully $ ' . ' ,500OtH ) have been sent
into the 1 thick Hills alone , this season , in re
turn for the cattle shipped out , $100,000 of
svhich went into the pockets of farmers and
small shippers. "
Thr > Histnnivk creamery is In trouble. It
Is claimed by the managers that as much as
forty-live pounds ol butter nhortage has oc
curred on ono day , because each farmer
cheated n little , nnd sent in leas cream than
the ticket called for.
A resident of Kimhall subscribed 8M ) four
years ago In uin of the Methodist church of
that city. A day or two ago ho boean pack
ing up his goods preparatory to leaving the
town , when an attachment ngainst his stulT
was procured by the church trustees. His
CXQUSO I'or not paying Is that ono of the
brethren bet u barrel of apples on Harrison's '
Fargo , having returned to the trafllo In
liquor , is preparing to enforce a rigorous
license law. The ordinance , in addition to
fixing the license at $1,000 , , requires dealers
to give bonds in the penal sum of $500 ; pro
hibits any kind of gambling , music , singing ,
dancing or variety show on tlio promises ; re
quires the rigid exclusion of minors , intoxi
cated persons or females ; the closing of
saloons at 11 o'clock at night ; that blinds or
screens shall be so adjusted ns to permit an
unobstructed view of the interior of .saloons
from the streets , etc.
Counoilnmii Prank Knaiicrls llc-noni-
limteil by Acclamation.
Pursuant to call , the republicans of the
Second ward met last evening at Gustavo
Andrew's ' ofllee , for the purpose of nomin
ating a candidate for the city council. All
parts of the ward were represented , one
hundred and twen.y-ilvo voters being present.
Mr. S. J. iirodcrick called the meeting to
order und the call was road by the secretary.
The meeting then formed into a caucus , the
regular club oflieers being elected to serve.
Mr. Dan O'ICcofc ' , in an earnest address ,
nominated Mr. Frank Kaspar for re-election
to the position of councilman. The mention
of Mr. ICaspar'8 name elicited applause.
The nomination was seconded by Mr. Mike
Lohey , representing the northern part
of the ward , also by Mr. Fred
Helun , from the western pirt.
Mr. M. H. Hcdfleld then moved that the
nomination be made by acclamation , which
was done , and Mr. ICaspar was called upon
for a speech.
He responded , thanking the caucus for the
nomination and reviewing his acts while in
the council. He stated that the city records
would show that the Second ward , during
his term , ranked second in the amount of
money expended for improvements.
Kef erring to the city hall matter , ho stated
that the people of the south part of the city
hud more interest in retaining of the present
location tlian in the success of any candi
date. He regarded a removal to Jefferson
square as amounting to a reduction in valua
tion ol property south , to from 15 to 25 per
cent , and earnestly urged all present to re
quest their friends , regardless of politics , to
come out on election day and vote against
_ _
Bear Discipline.
Youtb's Companion : A traveler who
was crossing the Hocky mountains overheard -
hoard a teamster tell the story of a
mother bear nnd her cub , giving what
he called a good example to human
mothers in family government. This
teamster was going up the mountain
for pine logs , driving n wagon. On the
top of a largo rock by the side of the
road was a young bear. The mother
had started up the mountain as the team
"The cub looked so cute , " said the
teamster , "lying there with its paws
dropping- over the edge of the rook
watching the horses us they came up.
Presently the old bear came bounding
back to the cub , and , giving it a nudge
with her nose , started up the mountain
again , expecting the 'young one' to fol
low."But the cub made no move. The old
bear came buck a second time , and , tak
ing the cub in her arms , gave him sev
eral cults.
"This time the cub obeyed orders and
followed the old bear in a gallop up the
side of the mountain.
"lie know , that cub did , that he had
bettor mind , for that old boar wouldn't
Bland any more fooling. "
Positively Cured 1) }
thusoLittlu Pllld.
They also relieve DIs
tress from Dyspepsia
Indigestion and Toe
flearty Eating. Apor
feet remedy for Dlzzl
ness , Nausea , Drowal
IIPSS , Had Tosto in the
FID LIV'EIl , &c. They regulate the Gowcli ,
nnd prevent Constipation and 1'lloB. The
Bnmlk'st and easiest to tako. Only ono pill a
dose. 40 In a rial. Purely Vegetable. I'rlco
OASTEB MEDICINE 00.Prop'f ' , Hty Yorlc ,
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. '
flic Dcst Itoute from Omalin and Council
liluffr to
-IilcnfjO ) - AND Milwaukee ,
it. Paul , Minneapolis , Crdnr Itiiplds ,
ituck Island , Frrcporl , llockford ,
Jllnlon , DnlHiqtiP , Darenpoit ,
: \Z\n \ \ , Mmll.son , Junesvlllc ,
Iclolt , Wlnoim , La ( 'rosso ,
ind all oilier Important t > olnt Knit , Northeast ia4
For ttnnuttli ticket * , call on tbo tlrkitngcnl at 1101
' rn m Biroe' . In Darker Ulock , or t Uuiou raciao
! PiiilBan Slc pm na the flnoit Plnlnii Can In the
rorMuroi-ju cm Itie main line of tUe Clilcu u , Mil ;
f Uifo i St. I'nul lUllwujr. mid verttteiuiuiili i > ula
o atuifntfitliT courtcoui umpluruaof tbo company.
H.MII.r.KIIil ner l Munmfur.
J. f , TUUKCR , A l > tunt U ur l Mun ggr.
.A. V llT UAWHNTlill , a n ral l'u.ion ; r ufl
Mysterious occurrences nrovprr < \ d " v ban-
rfnniKsi you can ImiUly look nt a jiaji" vltK
out rending of some siuldim illftiiiim > nriinc of it
pet sou , soiiioiiuirdtir Million ! ncluotottic mur-
ilorcr , soinusuiUlon frcnk of nnturo , some tin.
Rcronntable on plosion : a iimn goes to work In
tlutnornliK ; n.s usual , nnd never returns , n * hli >
nall.M from port nnd Is swallowed up by thosea :
thcso nro only occasional lintnif UIIIKH.
.l 1 > 4 " " 'f'O'ntlmt persons will go clny ftffor
day wuii chronic 'lit
Invnlldism .staring tlunti thu
fiirp. nmiiy Httlp think or care or tluniltlmiU.i
Jit V iot. . , " * Hhl llll1l | | < 1" negloott-d , n sliRht
fn.i , ' ' ' . , "IOUK'1 ' ti'llllsol" ' ' " < ! annoyliiR
I.S.l ,'iiVt'r > 1llluld , " " ' > ' < nlUHU-il Iti
tm a till V the
jvny froquei-t ditching of colds.
HIP it riimsii i. bo ) iii Hs , , mviilvfiUlint nil on-
iTHi.8'OM-l'ml ' ' v ' l > - l wly but surely
r,1,1" ! , " "wnyj ' l10 Vltr-v " " ' tl"it ono brenthM
! ? , im1'1"1"1 } ? , ril"l iH'u ' i > dby putrid masse *
' nn.l l * '
J iii , . ? nn. < ' cnriyltiKKiTiiisof dlsaivsu
spares of tiio IUIIB * . whom
' ' ' y commwlco oir work ot
Why not tiikotliMO eases early when with n
little expenditure .it time , nnd n small amount
of money the condition cn 1m i-0num"i \Vo
tuko cases by the m.ptith , tlio lee envois trout-
input ntul moilleines : vocnuso you no pain , and
the results nro surprising.
"Friends , Homnns , Oountryiiien.leiul nu > your
ears , no said iiiirk .Uitony over the boity of
.lullus fiinmir. This Is only a lluwo of mioocli.
no one would want to luml tlieir ours , but inaiiO
net-lew them , which is I'qillvolent liigiviMR
Iliouarofman Is one of th nioM beautiful
and purloct of all his organs , its Inioinul
mechiinlxm Is fomplluited anil ilolle.ito ; Its In-
trt'glty is nece-eary for tlui perfect pnrfuriiiiinco
of H function , many pe ons neglect some
HllKl t troubles ot the ear , or contiguous organs
until their liuarliiR U pornmntFy ilefectlnV.
\S hat are t ho CIUIMH of oar irotibUMfold. . Dro-
rtuelnR catarrh In Its various forms , mii , it * { .On ,
Hniiuiiiioiui Is the jrieitt predisposing canso ol
aeafnp.,3 throughout all iho htaKii ! . or lICo.
JakliiKoold is one of the most common ami
famlllnr of iihotimiieim.wliieh Is a mutter of per.
Binial uxperltmco with ou'i-yono.
I'liero are thro. , factur.i generally necessary fet
the product On of n colil : l.ow teniporatnre.alrlti
motion , and moisture , as wu know. Mm action oil
rolilorilr.itt or moist atmosplioroortun romilts
In un humiliation of the mucous membrane ot
BOIIIO portion of the air passage * , as lielng tba
point oC lea t re.slstft'ei' , and ns these attack *
rocuro wlih Increased froqiiontoy , we. llml that
tlio Int'laimitory condition penetrates Into
deeper purls continuous with the imiconsmwm.
liratip ol thonosu and throat , notably thoousta-
clan t nbes.which run ti oiu the upper purl of the
throat behind the nostrils , to the middle ear or
The cavity of the middle enr should bo Illioil
\vitli ovor-rviimrrd air , which p.vhses through
t in tubes atu very act oCHWullonltiR , but whoii
t lie lining of the tubes are Imlamrd Itpniraup.
and secretes an excess of mncns which Mtoiis 1111
the tubes ami provunt.s the Ingress of air , iiro-
( tucliiK a xuumod condition of hearing and rltiB-
hilt or uuzzliut In th head.
A neglected Intlaniatlon of this kind produces
pcriniiuent thickening of the membranes of thu
uiluilli ; cur and also the oar drum.
Other causes oC ear troubles are moaslos.soar-
Jot fever and .smallpox ; tho-o ( ll.sensns often
leave the ears In condition which pauses tlioni
to discharge matter for years , and of ten ontlroly
destroy the eardrums. It seems unnocu.vMiry
to show that running troin thu ours should bu
abated , but many are still tenacious of the bo-
llof thutbonu * accumulation of Impurity In thn
blood would take place if this vent was closed.
A notnd author snys--Tlie. : constant menace tu
Illo by ulseiiso or bone nnd consequent In.
llunmtion of the coverings of tlio brain , abscosa
of the Drain , Inlliimatlon of tlio veins , blood
poisoning , etc. : the exhaustion from prolonged
discharge , the bail nini'11 which tlio tmtlunt ear-
rles with him , tlio ringing In the ears , tnodeiif.
ness , urn all reasons militating lu favor of a
prompt and speedy Kiippresslou of a dlscharira
trom the ear.
A Few Symptoms of Disease Tlmt
May Prove Serious to You.
Do yon have frequent llta of mental depression
sion 'c
Do you experience ringing or buzzing noises
In vou rears/
Do you faol as though yon must surfocnto
when lying down ?
Are yon troubled with a hacking cotiuh and
general debility ?
Are your eyes generally weak and watery and
frequently intlamod ?
J hies your voice have a husk , thick sound and
a nasal .sort of twain : ?
Is yon breath frequently offensive from some
unaccountable cauo ?
Have yon a dull , oppressive headache , gener
ally located over the eyes ?
Do you have to liawK and cough frequently III
the effort to clear your throat ?
Are you losing your sense of mnoll and la
your sense of ta.sto becoming dulled'/
Does your nose alw.iy.s fool stopped up , fore-
Inir you to breathe through your month ?
Do yon froritiBiitly fool dizzy , particularly
when stooping to pick anything dirt ho Moor'/
DOCM every little draft oC ulr amlovory slight
change of temperature give yon a cold ?
Are you annoyed by a cotibtimt desire to hawls
spit out an endless ( juuntlty of phlegm !
Do you rise from bed as tired and weak as you
were t ho light before and feel as though you
wanted to lln there forever ?
Is yonrthroat lllled with phlegm In the mornIng -
Ing , which can only be after violent
coughing andhawKluu ami spitting ?
Do you occasionally wake from a troubled
sleep with a start and feel as If 3-011 had just
escaped uhnrrlolo death by choking ?
TlKAimu : The above are some of the many
symptoms ot catarrh nnd the beginning of lung
troubles , Not ono case In n hundred will liiivu
alt of them , but every nuu nll'pclnd will have a
few or many of them. The greater or muro SJr-
Ions yum- symptoms , tliemoio dangerous youi
condition. If you Iiavo some or all of ilium ,
Why waste Mini' on patent medicines that arc
not appllcubl' loyourcaso/ Why waste yonl
money on nostrums ) that tire concocted only to
Ljel your money , and mav iiggravatoyonr emu
Instead of helping U ? This class of diseases ia
[ rented very successfully by Dr. .lonlnn. Tha
many cases reported through Ibo dully paper.i
proves tills , and ouch stutomout pnlillsiied Is
> ulstiuitluliy thu mime as glvun by the grateful
liatlent who has boon cured. Wo do not buy our
: asei , , wn have no need to nny themour patienti
lifer them to us voluntarily , and this Is un evl
loncn that wo have done for tliem all Unit wo
prnmlpod. Dr. .Inidun uses no secret nostrums.
uut cures disease by skillful combinations ot
lie best known rrmecIltH , applied In the most
ipprovod anil srii'iillllr manner , and by nsliiK
lie l.'itPHt and most highly incoinumlcd npplliiii'
: es known to the profcs t < n. Ilo thus pro.
IncbsrcMiltH that speak for themselves In tin
irnny patients liociiroM.and wo assure our road
> rs unit this pliyslclan has achieved a MICCO , I
n cm Ing disease that few other docturn caudu
lllCRtO ,
( I/alootliellevue MospUal.Kew York , )
Succeeded toy
harles I ,
Late of the I'nlverxlty of New Yovk City : iil
llowurd 1'nlveridty , Wutdiluulou , D , I , .
Jo. 31O and 311 Ramcfo BulMltiif
! orner r'lftf filth and Harney BIH. , Om.iiu Kt'o. ,
where all curable cases are treated
wl'h ' suceo/is.
Noto-Dr.Chaile.s M. Jordan ha.i IISHII ! !
cut physician for Dr. McCoy. In Oinahii , f i
he past year and Is thu phyfllclAor'ri IIIM
ladu thu cures that hnyu been V'llli.lit'U
, -eekly In tills paper.
Medical dlse&scH iroatcO sVlllfullr , Cuiunmv
Ion , HihjlifH disease , DyitiiepsU , firTttl m
lid all NKItVOIJS DIHI'.AHIiH. All OU u < l' ' j
ullar to tlio eox a u npuvlaltcv.TAUItli
CONSUWATION at olllc * or by ro il , II ,
Oliice hourto ! u a. m. , a to I v. ia , 7 w > [ >
i. , Sunday oiilco houw from u , m. , to 1 p , nt.
Corrospondtfiico recelvea prompt nttoai'on.
Many dltontKis uro isriilU \ > y Of
ordoniliroucu the inaliHiiudUUti..i.i pociii'li
> r those unabln to muko a jouriiiy tu obtt.i
ioi'.8Hi'UJ ( ; < iioaiTj'AL ruK.vniuNi' A'J