Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Mnui rtii Turn MARKETS ,
Wheat Strong Locally , But Heavy
ut the Seaboard ,
1'rovlslon Trmle ItrnrMily Inclined
Kxcosslve UnVrliiKRi mid SliortH
Principal Hiiyers-Cnttlo
Drnintiil Fair.
CitirAfio , Nov. -Special [ Telegram to
Tun HUB.The ] wheat markets opened
weak at a lower range ttmu indented by
ycsU-nlny's closing. First quotations were
tl 05 for December , ? 1.04JjJ ( or Jaiunirv iinil
(1 ( osj for May. There were sales later on
the basis of $1.01 Jf for December , Sl.lM.'i foi
January andfl.Us' ( , for May. That was the
bottom. The course of price * after the early
tcaaon of apparent weakness was upward
From the Inside range quoted , the tnnrkct
mlvanccd 2dl'lc. The itnprnveinent was
steady and was accompanied by buying on n
very largo scale by two or three of the iiln
prlVnto wire houses. There was also liberal
trading for general puhlio account by
commission houses. Contiury to popular ex *
pcottitlon , the morning budget did not
bring country selling orders. 11
brought plenty of 01 tiers , bul
they were generally to buy.
The csKeiico of the advices that went out lasl
night was that after a l.'io decline operators
would be wise in looking for points to buy ,
and the advlco seems to have been followed
extensively. Kuirbai'k returned from New
York this morning , and thucrowd on 'change
opccdily learned that ho was still a bull. The
story circulated that ho placed orders foi
1.10,000 bushels each with two linns , and that
a good Hlmrouf the wheat was bought curly be
fore the advance was fairly started. The Fair-
bunk incident furnished food lor irossip most
of the forenoon , t'illsbury's denial that he
lias , or h.ii had , tiny interest in this market
caused u smile to xuffuso tlio face of the
trade. These weio the personal fcaturefl
of the day. Statistical IIOWH was not
plentiful. from the northwest came
a variety of telegrams con obonitivo
of the statements of small movements. Sldo-
Iraekrd wheat in the country is being pretty
well cleaned up , and deliveries ftom lirst
hnnda are running very light. One of the
leading country elevator linen in that section ,
wires that it got : iuKK ( ) bushes all told , yes
terday , against lU.iU)0 ) bushels a yt-ar ago.
Attempts were made to discredit the roporis
of light deltveriCH in the northwest , but the
facts do not back up such statements. If
wheat is as plenty in Dakoka HS some people
claim , there would bo less suffering there and
fewer calls upon the outside world for help.
Thus far no export business of any moment
nccms to have been dune at this seaboard.
On tlio contrary , thri o appears to bo a notable
lack of business , and anxious inquiries for lips
relative to foreign buying in New York , did
not produce encouraging results. Cash
wheat markets at the scanoard arc quoted as
hnavy. In Now York December la now bo
below May and in Baltimore prices of De
cember dropped below $1.00 at ono time this
forenoon. Locally , the market was strong to
the end. The advadce that was established
as the result of two hours steady buying on
a largo scale , piactically fully sus
tained. There was not a setback of any con
sequence. December advanced to $1. < ) J4 ,
January to f 10" , ami May * ltl. The clos
ing prices were $1.07 for December and
* 1.10 titil.l ( ) > f for May. In the aggregate u
largo business was done in fntuies.
Trade in corn looms up in an encouraging
manner. As compared with yesterday , the
market shows n gain of ldllfc. ) (
There wore no outside orders or change in
the position of the corn deal to affect thu
market , which ruled dull and comparatively
firm. The opening was easier , but it quickly
rallied on goou buying by OHO or two com
mission houses and small offerings. The
weather favors free arrivals , and possibly
henry receipts in December of No , SS. and in
the meantime the demand for shipment con-
tinuct ) good , and the receipts only moderate.
In sympathy with ; wheat , there was a slight
advance near the close , but the principal sus
taining feature at present is thu shipping de
mand for daily receipts. November and cash
corn closed at 40c , an advance of
J c on the closing price of yes
terday. December closed at ! W } c.
Sellers is tfdvXc higher ; ear , at 3Sj c. is
# c advanced , and May , at ! 5HJ c sellers ,
shows an improvement ofi(3l \ Vc siuce yes
The 1110vision trade was sornewnat bearIshly -
Ishly inclined There was no decided weak
ness , but the receding turn witnessed
brought out considerable lomj "stop order"
property , and under excessive olferings the
market suffered depression. In addition to
free Belling the bear side was also favored
by another good run of hogs at Chicago and
other packing points , and with lower prices
for the same. Sellers of products found it
dlfUcult to reulUc satisfactorily , and even
when inside figures prevailed the demand
was far from active. Trading throughout
leaned to thu slow order , llutchinson bought
ijultc freely early in the day , but , later the
shorts were the principal buyers. Cash lard
sold tit $ S.-lt > ( < flS. 15 , heavy mess pork at * 11.70 ,
green Now York shouldeis at ( IKe , and short
rlbsnt J7.f 2' ' . . < vT.tjO. The Highest prices of
the day were quoted at or near the opening.
Tim closing showed a net decline , based on
yesterday's lasl quotations , of KViM.tu on
pork , ! ! ) { ! ( I Uc on lard and o on short ribs.
avis srooii
CHICAGO , Nov. 21. ( Special Telegram to
Tnu 15nn. ] CATTI.B The demand was fair
mid prices steady on fair to good natives ,
with butchers' stock selling sliadti stronger
on account of a light run of Toxans. There
were but few range cattle , and such iniido
satisfactory prices. Tcxans were quoted
Bubbtautiully higher. Veal calves are in de
mand , bul rather scarce. Thcro is u slight
Improvement in demand for Htoulcura and
feeders , but buyers were bidding at very
low Humes , light steers of 7lH > to WK ) Ibs ,
making fiUOCitS'J 00 , and averages of 000 to
3000 Ibs , 2.75(11.1.00 ( ; choice to extra beeves ,
55.0(10t5..r ( > ; medium to good steers , ir : (
to 1500 Ibs , M. ' . > ; [ ' < 5.10 ; 120U to U',0 Ibs , fli.EO
( gl.atl ; 1)50 ) to liiOO Ibs , f2 D0ia.t ( ) : > ; stockers
and feeders , more Hctivo at fi.0oc : < t > 'l.0 ! ! ;
cows , bulls and mixed , * l.SO ( i : .UO ; bullc , f'J.OO
( g.'l.OO ; Texas steers , ft.40i < t < l.iU : ; western
rangers , 2 75i ( ? I.IH ) ; bulk , $ .l.iOiCi.75. ; , :
IlimsUusmoss brisk uith a downturn of
about a nickel or so on ordinary packing
Rorts , while best heavy sold fully as
Btrong as jesterday. Packers and shippers
were liberal buyers , and the general
market closed steady. With fresti ar
rivals there wore AOOO on sale.
Underwood & Co. , and ono of the other
nhlpccrs , paid W ftO@r > .r > T > for a few loads of
fancy heavy , but the great bulk of the best
heavy sold ut M. I0i ( < 5 80 ; and the great bulk
of the ordinary mixed and packing sorts sold
within a range of f. " > .UOii.rU5 ( , with common
and rough packers as lo\v us fV-0u.V-r ! ! > .
There was a fair demand for light sorts with
Jones & Stiles paying UO S.-U ) for 150 Ih
averages , Jou Nnsh paid f5.5 ! ! for ISO Ib av
erages , and tno Fowler outfit wore bidding
J5.2.'i5.iO ( ! for IbO to I'.H ) Ib averages.
Nr.\v YOIIK , Nov. Si , [ | Telegram
to Tin : Hun. ] STOCKS New England was
on active feature of the stock market , and
from the opening declined , though in a umall
way , during thu forenoon. U wiw reported
that the room pool formed not long ago , and
which bulled the stock several points , had
abandoned it , and that tailors striving to get
out from under , helped its downward course.
Liquidation on the part of the longs was also
mentioned us u weakening inlluemo , Them
was more or less ilUjioslMoii on the part of
traders to await the oiitcomu of the railroad
conference , to that business was restricted
on that account. Kcportcd gold exports
caused some soiling , and by coon the market
was heavy at thu lowest pnca of thu morning ,
though the depreciation was largely frac
tional , The close was weak at about the
lowest prices of the day , the decline being
about one iwlnt In most of the Important
stocks , though in some the depreciation was
greater. Now Eugh-.nd gut down to 43 } ( and
closed nt-U , or 2' ' under last hlpht , Mtaour
1'arMflc lost lj nnd Louisville & Nnshrlllo
nrail.vt ! | K > inK It was rumored late in the
day that Michigan Central had cut rates
west of Buffalo 40 per cent , though this was
not confirmed before the exchange closed.
The following wore the i-losing quotations :
I * . P. < s regular IS" * N'orthern Pacific. . rftS ,
V. S. 4srout > nns 12. " , doprefcrred . W *
r. s. tHsri'iruiftr ii)7J4 ) c. AN * . w . . . . 1
1' . S. < ' , q coupons li8V ( dnprnfcrrcd , . .1(0 (
1'ncltlr IA of ' ! j .121 X.V. Central . . . 1W
Central 1'acltic . : MJ * I' . , I ) . \ I ! . Sl
Chicago , t.lton HUockMland . . . 100 V
llilcnRnliiirllugtoii C. , M. * bt. P . . . r.l
It Oulncy . MW'ii do preferred. . . . IKI'4 '
I ) . . I. . & \V. . .rw'4 ' Ht. Paul & omaiui . : ! ' .
Illinois Central. .110 i tloprffrrred . . . .1IU <
1. , II. JtW. . . . ir , fnlon I'anflc . in
Kuntas A Texas .1.1 | W..SI. L. A , I . 18
I.iikcShore . . . ' .nv dn i > rcfprrcd . . 24
Michigan Cential H .Western Union . Kl'
Ml' onrll'aciflo . 16'il
MONEY ox C\u. Bnsv at 2ii2V ( percent
last loan at 2,1 pur cent , closed at ( < { 'J ! <
per cRnt.
SintiMNo IjxrtuNnn Dull hut firm at
M.SII.J for sixty-day bills , and ? -.Si ) % for
Cinrioo. Nov. 21. Wheat Pirmer ! cash
ll.lMPf ; December , fl.07 ; Januarv , M.0ti ;
Miiv , $1.01 1-H5.
Corn Steady ; c.v < h , 40c ; December , U jjc
January : i(5' ( 'c ; Mav , Srtt < e.
Oats i-'lrin ; cash , 2J'4c ' ; December , 2fi , "
May. : M4c. ) '
Hanuv Nothing doinir.
Prime Timothy S
Whisky ? 1.20.
T'orkPlrmcr ; cash and December , $14.53
May , $ l4.77Ja' .
Lard ICasiur ; cash , ? S.40 ; December
* a.'JO ; .Innuary , * > . ! ; , ; May , * s. : © i 33
Flour Nominally unchanged.
Hulk Meats - Shoulders * 7.ii : ' .jftiT no
short clear , W.12'CIS.2"i ' , ; short ribs , ?
7.l'iO.Hutter Firmer icieamery.'Jita'JJ'jCi ' ' dairy
' .
Cheese Quiet ; full cream cheddar * , 10
Hats , iO ( iille ; S'ounj ; Americas
r'gs-Fum ( ; fresh , inj mM'.c. '
Hides Unchanged : lieavj green salted ,
iJa 1 ; light green salted , ( i' ' < o ; green , fie ;
salted bull. . " > ' ( e ; green bull , 4 > 4c ; green
dry Hint , " ' / . ; dry c.ilf , 7t So ; branded
hides , 15 per cent off ; tleaeons , 25iJiJc ( ! : eacli ;
dry salted. lO l.'e.
Tallow Firm ; No. 1 , solid packed , 5c ;
No. S ! , le ; cake , 5u.
Keccipts. Shiumcnts.
Hour , bills . ' . ' 'i.tHIO , ( MK
Wheat bu . Itt.UOO 1B.IKX )
Corn , im . ill 1,000 201,000
Oats , bu . 103,000 b'J.OOO '
Kye. bu . -
Nov. 21. Wheat Hoccints ,
f. o. b , ; No. U red , H.00 > /1.01 ; ungraded
led. 8lcu$1.07 ; No. 1 red , tl 15. Options
active , strong and higher ; early lj@I\c }
lower , advanced a@a'4c ' , and closed , ] iji ( < ! : ho
over yesterday ; No. 2 red and Deceiuuer ,
closed at * l.or > ; .
Corn Receipts , 152,000 ; exports. lOO.SOO ;
spot market fairly active at > 4 ( > B J < ; e higher ,
but steady ; No. 2 , 4S@l'.lc ' in elevator ;
4hif ! < 5Hne afloat ; ungraded mixed , Itt ®
Wl'4e ; No. 3 , 40c. Options dull at JkO'aC '
higher , December closing at 4 % c.
Oats Receipts , 1IH,000 ; exports , 157 ;
sot | ) market ilrmer ; options quiet at ? jc
higher , December closing at HlJ o ; No. 2
white , ; )5c ) ; mixed western , ; (0iJJojcshite ( ( ; ;
western , : i.X'f41c. '
ColTeo Options firm ; sales , llti.OOO bags ;
November , il4 Ifidil . : > ; December. fiy..S
05 U I" ; January , fl3.75 ( < * 14.05 ; February ,
* l)0t ! ! ) < el4.00 ; March , * 13 'JOC'iH ° ° - Spot Hio
strong and higlier ; fair cnigoes , f lli.OO.
Petroleum Quiet and steady ; United
closed at b5j4c.
Eggs Firm : western , 25@2V. (
Pork Lower ; moss , < 15.7r > Mlti.25.
Lard Lower on speculative presbure ;
western steam , fS.s.'xaS.'J'J i , closing at $ S.s3 ;
December , W..7J ( JiJ.01.
Hutler Strong and choice wanted freely ;
western dairy , 13j(21c ; western creamery ,
Istffi.'Uo ; Klgins , ; t'c.
Cheese Stronger ; western , 9'J10 } c.
Ijivcriiniil. Nov. 21. 3IiO : p. rn. Close
[ Special Cablegram to TUB Uni ; . ] Pork
- Holders offer sparingly ; prime mess , east
ern , b2s ( id. linn ; do western , 71s 3d , llrm.
Lard Holders olTer freely ; ; spot 4tis 9d ,
strong ; November , 40s 3d , Hrm ; December
and January , 45s 3d , llrm.
Wheat Holders offer freely ; now No. 2 ,
winter , Ss2d. dull ; Ho , spring , Ss 2 | < fd , dull.
Flour Holders offer moderately lJs : ,
linn.Corn Holders offer moderately ; spot , 4s
SJ. d , dull ; November , 4s bj c , steady ; De
cember. 4sbJ d , bteady ; January , 4s li d
St. IjoulH. Nov. 21. Wheat Firmer ;
cash , $ l.0'i > < ; December , Jl.d2' .
Corn Higher ; cash , Z'Jlif'M c ; December ,
Oals Higher ; cash , 25c ; May , 30j4c.
Pork Steady at f 10.00.
Lard Firmer at fb.U7.Jj.
Hutter Higher ; choice and fancy cream
ery , ; choice dairy , 25Vf2oe. (
MiniH-niiolis , Nov. 21. Wheat Re
ceipts , 101 cars. The demand wns not
active. Holders were asking more and some
sales were recorded at an advance of So ! over
yesterday's lowest point , though some claim
Hint they could not obtain any advance.
Closing : No. 1 haul , December , $1.19 ; May ,
$1.20 ; on tracic , $1.111 ; No. 1 northern ,
December , $1.0 > J , ' ; May , $1.14 % ; on track ,
Jl.10 ; No. 2iiortiiern , December , $1.01 ; May ,
$1 Ob ; on track , $1. 04.
Milwaukee. Nov. 21. Wheat Firm ;
cash , $1.02,4 ; December , $1.02 ; January ,
f 1.04' , , ' .
Corn 15asy ; November , 40)i@4lc ) for old ;
3sKni'Jifor ( ; new.
Oats -Firm ; No. 2 white , 20@31c.
live IJasy ; No. 1 , 53c.
Harley No. 2 , 70c.
Provisions Easier ; pork , cash , $14 55.
Olnoiniirtti , Nov. 21. Wheat Light de
mand ; No. 3 red , 8l.0.'f < ol.03 > f
Corn -Weaker ; No. 2 mixed , 4'3@13).ic. )
OatsStiong , No. 2 mixed , 2'Jc.
Rvo Dull. No. 2 , 50c.
WhKky Firm ut $1.14.
KniiMi8 CHy , Nov. 21. Wheat No. 2
roil , cash , 02u asked ; December , Me bid ;
May , UtiKj'o bid ; No , 3 red , cash , "so bid : No.
2 soft , cash , $1.00 asked ; December , SM o
bid ; May , $1.05 askud.
Corn -Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 2 > c bid ;
Mav , ao'to
Oats No. 2 , cash , 20u bid ; May , 25/c '
\S < > , Nov. ill Ttio UrovcrV Jour
nal reports us follows'
Cattle Receipts , HfiOO ; fairly active ;
values steady ; licoves , 'J. < .Kw.'i.75 ) ; stocltors
nnd fcuiters , $ 'J.H'vil.IO ( ) ! ! ; cows , hulls and
mixed , $ l.IOt.OO ! ( : ; Texas cuttle , * 2.40 ( < W.y' ' . > |
Wfstura rutih'orH , f'J.7f > i < t4.00.
Hogs Receipts , 2 ,000 ; market wnalc and
5o luwer ; mixed f5.15 ( < i5.40 ; heavy , J5.2i > ( ; < !
5ru ; light , K.\rti \ < trM.
Sheep Receipts , 5,000 ; mnrUet active
nt a Be ailvniico ; natives , J.3.f > 0 ( < i4.5U ; west
erns , $ .1 6U ( < $4. > ; Toxixns , f-.5Uw3iT ! ) ; himbs ,
f l.'Jrif5.bU ( per 100 Ibs.
Nutiuiml Slouk YnrdH , lOust Kt.
LiouiH , Nov. 'Jl. Cultlu Hei'cipta , 5,200 ;
Bhipmunts , TOO ; market btrong : cliolco
heavy natlvo steers , M.OO Sft ! ) ; fair to
good natlvo steers , M.40o.lO ( ; butfliers1
Btoera , incdiJin to choice , M. 10 4 45 ; atock-
ers mid feeilcr * . fulr to ( rood , t2.10ig3.lS ;
- rorn-fed .l,04.40 ( ) .
rniiKLM-H , - , $ © ; graf.s-fed ,
UOBH Kccclpts , 5,400 ; shipments , 800 ;
sh.ulo lower ; I'hoico heiivy ami hulchers'
selections , } 'i.iC3.M ; luckiiiif , inoiliuui to
prime , tf.UKii.V.U ; light ( jraaes , ordinary to
best , tS.OO&fS.S'J. '
KaiiHHH City , Nov. 21CattleReceipts ,
8,700 ; Hhipincnts , 5,400 ; natlvo dressed brcf.
lower , dull ; good , extra steady ; common and
canners , 10@I5c lower ; good to choice corn-
fed , H 75VJ5.25 ( ; common to medium , U ! i"i@
4,00 ; stoukurs nnd fuelling Btcors , fl.CDJUMO ;
KfAas ' range stccis , tl.iU@.OU ; ! ; cows , | 1.00i ( $
Hogs Heoelpts , 11,000 ; sblucisnts , ccnc ;
nmrliot opened 5o lower , eloslns 10o lower ;
peed to choice , $5.00(3n.40 ( ; i-oumion to
medium , fUCOfjl.WJ ; sllps ; uud plfjs , J'J 00 < ( ?
' >
Cm tier.
Wodtii'sday , Nov. 21.18S3.
There were nearly as tnauy cattle here to
day aa yesterday , althouKh some of them did
not nrrive until quite late. The avcrapo
quality ot the Cattle was nothing extra and
renlly deslinblo licet cattle were not jilcnty.
The market was slow and about I0 ( 15a
lower. _
The market experienced another lOc de
cline to day , due to the heavy receipts and
generally lower markets cost. The market
is now about 20c lower than Monday. The
trade was very slow and not more than half
the hoes wore sold at midday. At the time
of closing thera were still : U loads on sale ,
including speculators' ' holdings.
There was nothing here to make n inaikct.
CHttlo . 1.300
Hogs . 0,500
The following is a Ubloof prlc3i paid In
this ra.irnet for the grades of stock men
Prnncsteors. 1300to 1500 Ibs. . $1.10 fa4.SO ;
Pnmostecrs , HOOto U < 00 Ibs , 3.40 iitl.W )
Native feeders . 2.50 ( M.OO
Western feeders . 2.f > 0 o 2M )
Hango steers , com'on to choice 2.50 .
Common to good cows . 1.25 W2.25
Choice to f aney cows . 2.35 M,2. 75
Common to choice bulls . 1.25 fiiii.OO
Fair tociioico light hogs . fi.15 ia52. i
Fair toclioico heavv hotrs . 5.25 fit' > ,40
Fair to clioi.'e mixed hogs . 5.15 ( ( (3.25
Hcpreiomiuivo :
No. Ar. Pr.
I ) cnnncrs S1..T ,
41 cows ! ) ' .
1 cow , native 11X10 1.7.1
'l oxen ami stairs 11(5(5 ( ( 1.75
5 - > ws. natives 1 ICO 2.30
fi e vs 11)3" )
c v , native 000 24(1 (
S.i - , ws 1027 2 M
5 cows , unlives 11711 2.M )
" 1 cows , natives 1017 2.r5
1 cow , nntlvo HM 2.UI
4 cows , natives IIM17
2 cows , natives UU5 2 ( id
1 cow. mitivo ' , ' 00 2.150
11 cows , unlives MO 2.150
10 cows , natives 1072 2.115
Is steers , westerns 11(11 ( 210
2s steers " > 0 a. 10
l > i steers , natives 12,11
2) ) sti-cri , natIves 1090 it. 10
18 stc-ors , n.UUes 1057 : t iv )
III ) steer-i , corn-led natives 1158
25 steers , natives IUVS 4.00
11 hteois , natives US" 4.10
7 ! ) steers , corn-fed natives 121(1 ( 4.UO
1 steer , enrn-fed native 1250 4.UO
Owner. Av. Pr.
AI Howie
00 steers , \Vyo. Tex .1035 tJ.V5 (
C. MeDouifiil
11 steers , westerns 12.10 3.25
II steers , westerns 1283 3.25
Swan L. , t C. Co.
10 eoxvs , westerns 034 2.35
Bay State C. Co.
77 cows SHil 2.40
40 cows ! ) iil 2.40
20 steers 1111 300
2J steers 1 1 73 3.00
Eiiimcr&on & White
214 bteers , Col. natives. . . , .1053 2.05
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk , P
rci..243 lee 05 , , , .318 240 ? 5.25
75 . . .242 KM ) 5.15 ( W. . . .2(11 ( bO o.'S
05. . 5 15 : i. . , .301 40 5.25
01. . , .241 10J 5.15 MS. . . . : w ' 5.25
OK. 40 5.171 , ; (50. ( . , .307 'b ( ) 5.25
IT . . 200 5.20 (51. ( . . .21)3 ) 80 5.25
( JO. . .2V. ) 240 S.-O 04. . . .2(57 ( bO 3.25
( W. . .2kS 2bO 520 fa. . . .21)7 ) 5.23
.20.1 120 5.20 .2.2 ! 5.25
.2-0 120 5.20 .270 120 5.25
. ' 10 5.20 f.O. . . .291 280 5.-A-1
on. . Hi' ' ) 5.20 115. . . .271 120 5.25
55. . .244 10 J 52J 72. . , .243 bl ) 5.25
70 . 20J 5.20 55. . . 100 5.25
75. . ,2M 280 5.20 C.O. . . iiios bO 5.25
05. . .257 200 07. . . .2(50 ( 240 5.25
015. . .2.5 W ) 5.20 70. . . .271 2SO S.25
till. . . ' > [ bO 5.-0 01. . . .319 240 5.25
.202 1(50 ( 5.20 05. . . .2M 100 5.25
71. . . .250 120 5.20 05. . . .2S7 80 .V. ! , )
65. . . .271 120 , ' ) .20 00. . . .301 320
77. . . .2.H KiU 5.20 150. . . .281 100
51. . , .2i3 bO 5 20 7'J. . . .25(1 ( 2 < X ) 5.25
( H. . . .301 2MJ 520 I'M. . . .2S4 3 0 5.25
(11. ( . liliO 5.20 01. . . .21)1 ) lf > 0 3.27) ) a'
( Vs. . 851 ] l0 ! 520 Ci. . . 120 5.27' B'
58. . 2 > 2 200 5.20 ( i'J. . . i'lblj 200O 5.2T > ;
0(5. ( . 2J7 120 5.20 47. . . O 5.30
OJ. . 2M 240 5.20 53. . . ! : 2-tO 5.30
53. . 2lV > bO 5.20 55. . . .ai'S 100 5.30
01. . 2CO 5 20 05. . . ' 100 5.30
09. . i5S ! 210 5.20 53. . . .31(5 ( 100 5.20
09. . .242 100 5.20 52. . . .3i"i 240 S.30
03. . .285 1UO 5.20 55. . . .32.1 bO 5.30
75 . . .214 bO 5.20 00. . . .313
07 . . .244 b ( ) 5.20 74. . . 2.15 SO 5.30
( V ) . . . .252 2-10 5 20 08. . . .207 5.30
(13. ( . . .279 40 5.20 05. . . .310 120 5.30
4 . " 20 5.20 53. . . .303 100 5.30
11. . . 'Jili 2 0 5.20 50. . . .351 bO 5.HO
M .21KJ 2-10 5.20 5 < J. . . .212 W ) 5.30
CJ. 280 r , 2) ) 05. . . .32(5 ( 200 5.30
57..318 400 5.20 01. . . .3J3 5.32U
01..2158 200 5.20 or. . . .314 100 6.32K
77. .270 2W ) 5.20 01. . . 5.32K
50. . : ) ( ! UX1 5.22 > < f 4S. . . ! its : : 120 5.5 ! !
07. .278 120 5.2 iy 05. . . .307 20) ) 5.35
M. .20S 100 522JJ 55. . . .314 10 5.40
71..2W 240 5.22'i ?
Showing the number of hos bought by
theluadlng buyers on the marktit to-day :
O. H. Hammond & Co . 500
Omaha Packing Co . l.M'O '
Ariuoiir-C. P. Co . 3,312
Highest niitl Lowest.
Tlio following are the liigheit anl lowest
prices paid for lioijs during the past few days
and on the eorrespoadm : ; d ilQJ oao ii-i.l t'.v-j
years ago :
I Nov. ! < . I NOV. i m. _
II , f > IJ ftfi V , Sifuday. J 41 ( r > i 70
7 ! 6 3(1 ( 4t."i In 4 1U l .1) ) Sinuliiy
81 fi y : > i ! 'i BO 4 I/I Cfit 35 3 ( i3 itl 7J
U t , ! Ti & 't ft 4 "i ( r l 10 3 5) ) Wl 73
10 u 3) ) ( itf l'i 4 M Ol , 3 li > Cil SJ
llj Siiiulny. 4 41 1 86 ' '
12 G ; u 4 0) ) Wl ' > , " ) 'l OS'1 © ' ! , H )
1.1 r , 1.11 SuililAy. 3 71) ) l S3
M i : > 40 1 J fflt .VJ Sumlay
Ifi ; i j 4 10 ( ifii : r ,
17 rt i'5 W'i BO 4 WJ 4t < fil
IS Siiiulny. 4 ft'i Cal 0 3 M ) ft .l 40
1) ) r > 3D & > fill 4 40 ffil HI : ) 70 &i no
a ) n so tsvio Sun Iny. J 7U ( iii UO
li\\n \ Sleek Note *
U. I ) . Tnylor , Franklin , in with hogs.
J. Shank , Newport , wus in with u car of
W. H. Shoemaker , Franklin , In with
E. S. Hullou , Ashliind , was inquiring for
A. N. Doilge , Ilosorvo , Kan. , was herewith
with lings.
C. W. L-nmm , Henderson , was in with two
cirs : of liofc's.
IM GriUlii came in with three loads of hogs
from Cuslilnc
W. T. nicUley , n Columbus shijijicr , camp
down with hogs.
G , A. Hell , F.ills City , was nmons the vis-
tors nt thu yards ,
Cortland was rniiresontcd hy A. W. liachni ,
who \viis here with hogs.
T. J. Collins , Wyoming , was among the
western men at the yards.
L. K. Hutfn , Paxtou , Nob. , came In with a
car each of cattle and hogs ,
H. Elliott and \V. U. Combs came in with
wo loads of u.tttlu from Numalu City.
J. H. Kickel and M. C. Hnrover , Hastings ,
a. , were looking over the yards for feeders.
Glen wood uus rcirudentcd ) on thu market
iy E. S. lioijart , who uamo In with a car of
SatnM. Crooks , who bought hogs for Stow
nrt , of Council lilufi's , last sc.ison , wna at
the yards.
L. L. Knppal , of the firm of Itappal , Lomb
t Co , , leaves for Chicago to-night to remain
until niixt reason.
E. M. llk'hardson , of the flrm of Hralnard ,
llrhardson & Carpenter , lias rcturued from
n visit to Muffalo , N. Y.
I'rotluuo , FrultH , 1C to.
HUTIBII Fancy , solid-packed crenmerv , 22
( gi'ic ; choice country , 19c ( { 3o ; inediuiii
t'riiclcs , l& < VWui coinmon grades , lOitCHk } .
I'l-oiH ! Nebri'ika patent * . { 0.00 ® 7.50 :
Minnesota patents , W.'SRS.OO ; straight
grades , tj.OO&VOUj bakers1 Hour , S.25cjo.75 (
tor barrel.
POTATOES Nebraska , 25@IPc nerbusbol :
Colorado , 7f.(3bOo. (
SWKUT PoTA'ions 3e- per Ib.
I'oULTUV-I.ivochlckons.ifi.S'JQS.'O per dozj
pring chlokcim. $2.W(33UO ( ; dressed
oiis , bglOoper ( ib ; turkeys , S@l'Jo.
Eoos Htrictly fresh , Ulo cundled.
Common , SliWjtt'J 2o per bunch
Choice , ? i.M1@3..W.
IjfiMONi -,5'J per cnsei
OIUN-OKK Vloriiln , f .OvCt4 ) 25 per box.
DIME 1'cr dozen : Mallards , fJ.50 tS7"
teal , et V fl 85 ; n : > " , JifiOs nr.Urio cliiok
ens , J3.BO ; rabbits , ? l.H ( ) ; .squirrels , $1.C > 0
venison , ( M lOo per Ib.
nuNMiKUUlKt 37 : > 0a9.00 ( per bbl.
1'iiov iois Hams , No. 1 , ll'fe : No.2 , He
shoulders , Sc ; rib bacon , lie ; oionr bacon
U'ttfj picnic hams. 10tdried ; boot hams
Id'ji' ' , dry salted clears , short , SSe ; pxtn
shoit , Uc ; short ribs , $ ' 41picklid ; plprs
fret , 15 Ib kits , ykInrd ! , UJiQllOi' ; smokct
sausage , OWSc per Ib ; hog ensi'igs , 17Ho. (
CKI.EUI 'iVuiltic per ttozcn.
OXION 40oOo ( per bu.
Ctiiiuon-$200pcr 1W.
HHETS 4tc ) per bu.
Tmvir 3"c per bu.
SAt nt KtiAur Hbls. W T.hnlf bbls , .7B
Ai'ri.K' Choice , W B0ota5 per bbl ; fancy
$3 IK ) per bbl , common , f 1.50gl.7 ( < > per bbl.
Cincn MiohlRim , WOOijirtftOpcr bbl of ! V
pals ; California pear older , JliUKl per bbl.
PolCOIIN ICico , iXJClo ; common , SQt , < ) c.
UAIIIIOTS lOe per bu.
HiiANs cholco eastern handplcked navies
$2H ( ) per bushel ; western hand picked tin
vies , * l.7r > ( rtl.Si > ; mediums , ? ; Linn
beans , fie per Ib.
HoF. . o , b. cars , No. 1 uplan : ! , $0.00 ; No
2 upland , W IK ) .
Hiux-ir..ia ) 8ir > oo.
rip.ifU.O : < Xj1500 per ton.
VINKOAII - Cider , 10@lSc per gal. ; white
wine , Hk.i"JOc ( per
CJro < Mi' ' Iilst.
Hevised prices tire as follows :
Ctirrrr.sMocha. . ! J.Vu2io ( ; Kio , peed , li'ift ?
Uc ; Maiidahllng , . > i ! > c ; rnastlnp iilo , ] / > (
licO. ! ; O. Jiivo , x'lofJilc ' ; .lava , interior. ' J.'W
-.V ; Hlo , fancy , UtiCl'.U' ' ; Santos and Mar.i-
ualbo. I'CBllii' : Arbuckles , 'JI'io ' ; McLaupii
tin's XXXX , 21 ' , . .
St'iiAit ' Uranulutcii , TJ e ; conf. A , 73Ni'
whlto extra C. 7'fe ; e.xtra C , 7'to1 yellow
C. til.0 | ; powdered , ' 41' ; cubes , Si4c.
MHIMWA\ : Choice yellow , 2i ( ; 2.l ! 'e ; dark
colored , tilC'Ctlo
CUM in Younit America , full " 'ream , \ < fc
12' c ; full cream Cheddars , ll ( < Z12c ; fill
cream Hats , rjt o.
PicKi.r.s Modlum , In bbls , $5.00. : do , in
hall hhl.s , $ . < . ( ' ( ) ; smiill , in bbls , * r > ( ) < > ; do , it
half bbls , ! .r > IU gherkins , in bbls , $ .l)0 ) ; no ,
half bbls , S-UH ) .
'I'unM'io Pltm , 2(5 ( ( MO ; smelting , HXiiOc !
CuAc'KKiiM-HdilOe per Ib ; assorted cakes , b
( < iiiei ! i > er Ib as per list.
HUUIIXU Stark A , seamless , 22c ; Amos
ke.ig , seamless , 17'jC ' ; Lowistou A , seamless ,
lS c ; American , scamli-ss , 17c ; burlaps , 4 to . "
bu , IKul-lc ; Kiinnles , single , llo ! ; guiiiiics ,
double , iiOe ; wool s.ick , : iTns Twines Flax ,
! ! c ; oxtr.isail , 'JO i'JIc ; sail U , : > 0(821e ( ; cot
ton , 23o ; jute , Uc.
Lluiiiii Fiiuir Figs , in boxes , per Ib , ll@ !
lc ( ! ; dat < 'B , In boxe , Tfti'lOi1 ; Ij > mlnn Malaga
layer raisins , per box , fa.riO1.75 ;
loose raisins , $2 'iOciJ''l ; new Valencia
raisins , per Hi , 8'l4c ; California loose musca
tels , pcrbox , f2.Hif2.10 ( ) ( ; Catifiiniia Loiulons ,
1SS8 , W.40 ; pitted cheri IDS , tier Ib , Illc ; Cali
fornia pitted plums , pur Ib , 12iiUlo ) ; dried
blacubernes. i > or Ib , r'iQic ' ; dried raspber
ries , per Ib , JMCI.n : ; evaporated apples , 7\ ( ( ?
lie ; Califoinia sun-dried peaches , lo ! ! ; Cali
fornia unpared evaporated peaches , iX MSc ;
evaporated California appricotsic ; Zuntve
eurrants , C..jfVerc ; Turkish prunes , 4'4@4 ' c ;
citron , 2'Ji6i4c ( ; orangu peel , 15c ; lemon peul ,
Kic ; Ciilifornia French pi lines , ll ( )10c. )
.1 r.i.i.n.s , ? 15 1 per ! ) ! ! > pail.
SALT $1 : iiftl.i5 ) ( : per bbl.
Iloi-i ; 7 Hi , lU'/c. '
M.M-I.I : Sun \u Hriclts , IKffilSc per Ib ;
penny cakes , ISvflUu per Ib ; pure nuiplc
syrup , $1.00 per gal.
Tms Young Hyson , common to fair. 18 ( < J >
2oo ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 'iOytWic ;
( iiinpowdur , coinmon to good , 22TOU. > c ; lun- !
powder , choice to fancy , 4lKin > 5c : Japan , com
mon to medium , 15KOc ( ; .lapan , choice to
fancy , : U45c ) ; Oolong , common to good , 25 ( ! |
: t5c ; Oolong , choice to fancy , WK TOc ; Impe
rial , common to medium , 'J5fi.T > e ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , 4ft50c. ( )
NIIT-I Almonds , l.C' l7c ; filberts , 12 1 IMc ;
Hrazll , ' .Id ? lc ) ; walnuts , 12c ; pecans , lCylic ( ) ;
jicanuis. Tjdiflc.
CANDMixed. . ISc ; stick. bKC ' . ; ;
rock candy , 10jS ( > 13o ; fancy candy , 7i2 ( ! c.
Dry Goo ls.
COTTON FI.ANNIII.S 10 per cent dis. : LL ,
5JA' ; CC , ( > Xc ; SS , % c ; Nameless , fie ; 11X ,
iso ; K , ' 'Oc : No. 10 , 8) ) 0 ; No. 40 , 10 } c ; No.
( Ml , 1'JKc ; No. 80 , lIlHu ; No. ItO , colored , ' .Ic ;
No. SI ) , colored. 12o ; No. 70 , colored , r ! < ; c ;
Bristol , 12) ) ic ; Union I'acilic , 17c.
\VAHI- Bib White , Ib c ; colored ,
IJ TTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty ,
12lTc ; Ltoono , 14o ; 13 , cased , tti.M.
1'uiSTb Solid colors Atlantic , tic ; Slater ,
5J < c ; Herlin oil , ( i > < c. ; Oarner oil , 7c.
I'liiNfPink and Kobes Allen < 5o ; River-
point , fVc , : Steel Hiver. O c ; Uichmond ,
OXc ; Pacific. 7c.
i'liisrs Charter Oak , r > Xc ;
Itmnapo , 4)1i ) ; LodI , fi c ; Allen , tic ; Kich-
mend , 0 ; < lc ; Windsor , lij c ; Eddyhtone , C ! c ;
Pantic , O c.
HI.BACIIED SHKETISO Herkele.v cambric
No. ( K ) , OKc ; Host Vet , 4-1 , ( ij/e ; butter cloth
O O,4l.c ; Cabot , 7K ; Furwell half blcaclied ,
8 t ; Fruit of Loom , HJ c ; Grccno G , tij c ;
Hope , 7JiC ; King Philip cambric , lie ; Lohs-
dale cum brie , lO' ' c ; Lonsdale , Oo ; New York
mills , lie ; Pepperell , 42 in , lie ; Pepperell ,
40-in , 12c ; Popporcll , (1-4 ( , lc ( ! ; Pepperell , 8-1 ,
lile ; Pepperell , 11-4 , 2tc ; Pepperell , 10-4. 2."ic ;
Canton , 4-4 , 8 c ; Triumph , 6c ; Wamsutta ,
He ; Valley , r c.
FI.ANNII.SPlaid : Raftsmen , 'JOj Goshen ,
Clear Lake , 3d > jcIron Mountain ,
FI.ANNII : , White G H. No. 2 , % , 2r > o ; G
H , No. 1 , 4' , aitu ; U H , No. 2 , , 2 J ; H
H , No. 1 , = 4 , liOc ; Qui-cheo No. 1 , % , 42c. Androscoggin , 7'.jo ; Kcar
sarge , 7 > c : Rockport , OJ/c ; Conestoga , ( IJ c ;
lioiCH-York , 110 in. , 13jis ! ; York , : U In. ,
ii : } < jc ; Swift river , 7JfcThonidiko ; OO , SK ;
Thorndiku KF. S' c ; Thorndlko 120 , O'Sc ;
Thorndlko XX , 15c ; Cordis No. 5 , O' .o
Co-dis No. 4 , IKc.
DUN-IMS Amoskc.ig , 0 oIWe ; Everett ;
07 , lt : c ; York , 7 07 , laj.rc ; Haymaker , i > } ; c ;
, 'affroy XX , ll c ; .iallrey XXX , 12' ' < , c
Heaver Creek AA , l"c ; Heaver Creek 1311
lie ; Heaver Creek CC , tOc.
KiiNiLi-Kr .Ir.ANS Memorial , l.r c : Dakota ,
ISc ; Onrham , 2 3'jc ; Hercules , ISc ; Leaming
ton , 2J"c " ; Cottswold , a 3-fe.
CIUHII Slovens' It , Oc ; Stevens' B
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A. 7 ; < jc ; Stevens' A
bleached , S)4c ) ; Stevens' P , & > . , < " Stovons'
P , bleached , illa'c ; Stevens' N , ii c ; Stevens'
N , bleached , ID'fo ' ; Slovens , SKI , 12'vc. '
Mi- > ( Ki.i.AKKoi'bTablo ' on cloth , 3.50 ;
plain Holland , O c ; Dado Holland , 12'ifc.
JSrown Sheeting Atlantic A , 4-1 , 7lvc ; At
lantic II , 4-1 , 7'4e ' ; Atlantic 1) , 4-4 , % o ; At
Lintic P , 4-4 , ( io ; Auior.1 LLf4 , ( > c ; Aurora
( ! , 4-1 , 4''fc ' ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , O c ; Hoosiur
LL , 4-1 , tic ; Indian Head , 4-1 , 7' ' c ; Lawrence -
renco LL , 4 1 , ( io ; Old Dominion , -1-4 , f > } e ;
Pepperoll K , 4-4 , 7o ; Pcpporoll O , 4-4. UJfu ;
Popperoll , 8-4 , iSKo : Popperoll , 0-4 , 21c ;
Pepperell , KM. 'Alo ; Utica , C , 4 1 , 4fc ;
Waeliusett , 4-4 , 7J < ? c ; Aurora R11 , 7o ; Aurora
era H. 4-1. lyjc.
DUCK Went Point 29 In , 8 oz. , 10' ' fc ; West
Point 29 In , 10 oz. 12c ; West Point ' "J in , 12
oi , IBo ; West 1'oint 40 in , 11 nt , Itic.
Fiavsm.sHud , C , 21 in. 15jfo } ; K , 24 in ,
21 > .fc ; GG , 24 in , 20c ; HAF , % , 25o ; JRF ,
% , 27' ' c.
GiNdiiAM Pltinkott fthecks , ltoWhitten \ -
ton , 7 1- ; York , 7' ' c ; Normandi iiress , S' ' c ;
Calcutta dress , 81-jo ; Whittentoii dress , 8Jc ;
Kenfrow dress. 8 > i12Ke.
CAMIIIIIC.S Slater , S c ; Woods , C c ;
Standard , fl' ' o ; Peacock , SJ/c.
Pl'l.vrs , LNiiiooHi.uis Arnold , ( ! } < o ; Amor-
lean , ( l ) o ; Gloucester , OJ/o ; Arnold C long
cloth , Uc ; Arnold H long cloth , lOj o ; Arnold
Gold Seal , lOJj'o ; Stlofel A , 12o ; Wimisor
Gold Ticket ,
Drugs and Clicinloiils.
MISCI-.M.ANKOUS Sulph. acid , IKo ; citric
ucicl , CiUc ; tartario , / > 0u ; bal , copalbii , ( > 8o :
borax , 12c ; chloroform. 47o ; glycerine , 25cj
gum arable , select , $1,00 ; gum camphor , H4o ;
gum opium , 1.25 ; sulph. morphia , (2.bO ;
bromide potastiiuiii , 42c.
On.b Carbon , 150 ° , lO e ; hcadllshlU5 > ,
WAogaRoiine \ , 74 ° , 12 > Je. West Virginia
Bummer , Ho ; zero. 17c ; No. 1 golden ma
chine , 18c ; extra W. S , lard , 84oj No. 1 lard ,
* 7o ; ' turpentine , 52o ; linseed , raw , 5Scj
Dolled , Die ,
QUI.NI.NB P. & W. | per oz , 55o ; German ,
per oz , 40c. _
First and second clear , 14' ln..M9 00(231 ( 00
First and second clear , \y. \ in , . . 47 00 ( < i50 00
Third clear , l > 4iflHin ( . 4il OOM.W 00
Asoloct , UfMliiin . 7 ( K@U'J ) 00
H select , UfffllM in . W W < aM 00
A stock boards , 12@I6 feet , 1'J in . 4(1 ( 00
Hstock boards , 12 ( < $ lilfcet , 12 In . 41 00
C Block boards , 12tolO feet , 12 in . 8(5 ( 00
D stock bom-ds , 12glO ( feet , 12 In . 2.1 00
Flooring , ilrst common , 0 In . ! ! 4 00
Flooring , uecond common , U in . . . . . ! )2 ) 00
Select fencing flooring . 1U 00
Biding , nrstand second clear , 14@10Ieet.SO 00
, Hrst common , 10 feet , . 2300
Siding , second common . 1(1 ( ( K )
Common boards . . . 10 00
No. 2 board * , nil lengths . 14 f > 0
Fencing , No. 1 . 12 ( < i-0 feet . 10 M )
Fencing , No 2 , 12 , 14 and l ! > feet . 15 M
Joist nnd scantling , 2\1. HiUO ( lect . 1(5 ( 00
Timber , 4x4 , s xS 12 10 foot . 17 M
Pickets , Datid H . 22 00
Pickets , D and H square . 2500
Shlnclcs , pvtra A . 2 M )
Shingles , standard A . 2 00
Lath . . . 2 40
OG Halts , 2' in . 70
U G Halts , 't\ ; , S IS . 40
3 in well tubing , U niul M Ocv . 23 ( K )
Metals anil'Tinners' Stock ,
Block tin , small pig . * ,2S
Hlock tin , bar . W
Copper , planished boiler size * . ' 14
Copper , cold rolled . Ill
Copper , sheathing . ! ! 0
Copper , puts . WO
Hemlock sole , IVWto pcrlb ; oaksolc , 31 ®
V 3 per Ib ; oak harness , i10 ( < i ! < 2c per I1) ; selec
ted oak and trace , ! 15o perlb ; oak and hem
lock upper , 2022c per foot. Hemlock calf
skin , No. 1 , SOC'fWo ' per Ib , according to
weight ; oak calf skin , No. 1 , ! HeG1.00 ) per
Ib ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra , tl.lKKcil 10
perlb ; heinlocK kip skin , No. 1 , (50o0tf ( per
ib : oak kip ckin , No. 1 , 70i iSc ) per Ib ; Phila
delphia kip skin , extra. M > ( ii'Hc ) perlb. l-reneh
calf skins , ( m-cordltig \\ciglitaiid qualit } ) ,
ft I5r , l.5 per Ib. Frenbh kip skins , do , Mc@ )
ft. 10 per Ib. Cordovan rnssctt , lc ; satin
ilnlsli , 20c per foot ; welt leather , i.i.ifi ! ( i.OO
pur siitu ; moroccos , ( pcbblu goat ) , 20uiiC ;
l > cr foot ; moroccos , boot let' , S5iZ.'Wo ( per
foot ; glove skins , 20iIi'IOc ( tier foot ;
Douglas kki , : ! Oi < i4Dc per lool ; kangaroo
skins , 40 ? r > 0t ! Pv'r foot , according Io quality.
Toppings , jvS.t'O ' < i 10 DO per dozen ; linings ,
> ( HHii ii.lHl per dozen ; apronskins , JU.00 ) ( < 3
12.00 per ilo7cn.
minor Mention ,
.lailor.loe Miller , of Omaha , was In the
city ycsturdny on business.
Work on the sewer between Fourth and
Main sticcts , from Hrnadxv.i.v to Willow ave
nue , is progressing Iliiely. The pipe is now
all on bund , and connections with buildings snon bo made. The work is being done.
by Wickham Ai Co ,
Hrucc Howe has purchased a third interest
in the Council Hluffs Hellcclor , the local so
ciety paper. The mum1 of the company will
bu changed from Carr & Watts to The Re-
Hector Company. Mr. Carr still retains
charge of the editorial department.
Two new plats were tiled with the county
recorder yesterday. Cms wns that of a sub
division of Potter & Cobb's addition , and the
other was a plat of Fairmount addition , Illea
by 11. G McGee.
Marriage licenses wore issued \esterday to
Marquis Cavott of Dunison , and Nctliu F.
Johnson of this city , and Sainuol H. Heed of
Saumlers county , Neb. , mid Miss Mary Doran -
ran of Omaha.
The c.iso of State vs. Lyons was called in
tins district court yesteulay inoining. The
prisoner is charged with larceny of a $10
overcoat from Davis' livery stable. The defense -
fenso was conducted by Hurko Ac Tinloy.
The casts was submitted Just before noon.
Hut litllo business was transacted during thu
afternoon. _ _
PoatV boap is the most elegant toilet
Up Wllli tlie Country.
Mr. William Darlington , of Hoomer town
ship , emigrated from England in 150 , with a ,
comp.iny of Mormons. He was throe months
in making the journey with an ox team from
Council Hluffs to Utah. In 1SGO , without n
dollar , ho married his wife , equally poor
with himself. In tlio course of seven years
ho managed to make and save enough money
to leave Salt Lake nnd return to low.i and
purchase a small farm. In tlio seventeen
years since he settled in Hoomer his forty-
iicro farm has increased Io i00 ! acres , nnd he
now owes no man anytlrng , having yester
day daid to Mr. Kverett the balance due on
a l,7K ( ) note for land purchased of him. Mr.
Darrington ailds Io ills record that of being a
staunch republican and a total abstainer.
Symptoms of Catarrh.
Dull , heavy headache , obstruction of
the mibiil { liihsajjcs , discharges falling
from thu head into tlio throat , some
times profile , watery , and acrid , at
others , thick , tenacious , mucous , puru
lent , bloody and putrid ; the eyes are
weak , watery , and inllanicd ; there is
ringing in the oars , deafness , hacking
or coughing to clear the throat , expecto
ration of offensive matter , together with
scabs from ulcers ; the voice is changed
and has a nasal twang ; the breath is of
fensive ; smell and taste are impaired ;
there in u sensation of diz/iness , with
mental depression , a hacking cough nnd
general debility. If you have all or
any considerable number of these symp
toms , you are Buffering from nasal ca
tarrh. The more complicated your dis
ease has become , ihe greater the num
ber and diversity of symptoms. Thou
sands of eases annually , without mani
festing half the above symptoms , result
in consumption , and end in the grave.
No disease is so coinmon , ino-o decep
tive and dangerous , or less understood ,
or more unsuccessfully treated , by phy-
sicans. Five hundred dollars reward JH
offered by the manufacturers of Dr.
Sago's Catarrh Remedy , for a case of
catarrh whicli they cannot cure. Hom-
cdy sold by druggists , at only 50 cents.
Hurrah IV ) r
Globo-Domocrat : There will bo a
rush for Alaska this spring. The geological
logical survey reports , through its secretary -
rotary , that the river Yukon is an enor
mous stream , ! ! , ! ( ) ( ) miles long , nnd nav
igable for 12,000 miles. Gold and other
precious deposits of metal can bo seen
flopping out of tlio ledges on the river's
banks ; and in shallows , on the bars , $ 5
to $ " ) ( ) a day can bo washed out of the
sands. Nor are the precious metals
con Ii nod to the river vicinity. Alaska
is , in line , a vast treasure-house of
wealth. The winter's approach will
licad oil any o-qicditioiis this seabon ;
ijut it will not , bo unlikely that a second
California excitement will break out
next year. Tlio commercial interests
attached to the mighty river and its
valley are not least significant. On the
vhole , there are sections of Alaska as
promising to the f-ettlor as Dakota.
23 very I hint ; CSooH.
It requires imagination to believe that
wo are whirling around the pun at tlio
ate of several thousand fnot iv second ;
t also requires imagination to believe
that when on the Pennsylvania Limited
ono is whirling over the earth at the rate
of more than fifty miles an hour. The
smooth track , firmly balanced trucds ,
well adjusted springs and the vestibules
, hat join the cars combine to prevent
, ho ' consciousnchs of motion. In the
ibrar\ , dining , smoking and sleeping
cars , with their barber shop and bath ,
, ho trip from Chicago to Now York can
> o made almost as unconsciously as the
orrohtnal trip around the sun. For
reservations apply to C. A , Adams , As
sistant General Passenger Agent , New
York , N. Y.
. U. I'.U.MKIt. K. | > . niCHUAS' . J. II , HI.AM'KAUIJ
Liye Stock Commission Merchants ,
OQlcu-lluom ] ( . Oppntliu Kiclir.neu llullillun , Linluo
_ Hluck VarilB , Siutli uiuulm , Neb. _
.0 R HYI EnTw E STE R F I E IL'p fiTivi A L G Y
Live Stock Commission ,
, oem 15 , KxclmnKO nullilmfc , 1'rnou Stock Yunla ,
suulli Umuliu. .Ni , & ,
Cominision Dealers in Live Sock ,
130IUV2 , Oiipoillo IJlilir.iiL'o Iliilldliiif. L'ulun "lock
V rl , buulli IJinilm , { , 'cl ,
< "S " "
"UNION ST ociTV A R DS co. ,
Of Omalia , Limited
icha F .I
" * "
Dealer in Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons ,
i rrt es mil Iliicglp * Jmn Street , bctuccninli Anil
u ricnlturalIiniilcnientslfa onsCarriagcs )
i. Etp.Vho1ritle. . On hft , No
Wliolciilu Heelers in
Agricultural Implements , Waeons & Buggies
Ml , Ml , .OS and m Jon
P. P. MAST A CO. .
Mannfacturers of Bnckcyc Drills , Seeders ,
CuaiTnlon , ! * n kps , Clilcr MIIU ami I.ulmn I'ut-
Trtlirri Cur lilh ami NK-hoUt ' liri'lf.
Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Akron , Olilo.
Harvcslins Macliincry and Binder Twine ,
W. K. Mciti ! , MMinsrr. IJiai-onvoiwirlli t Otuili
Mniiutnitiircrs aiiilJobl'i'rs In
Wagons , Buggies , Rak'js ' , Plows Etc ,
Cor. fih nn > l 1'nclMc itri-ct : , Omalifi.Ncli.
Artists' Nlntorlnls.
' "
' " " * * "
A HOSPE. Jr. .
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1.M3 Doiu'lun flri'd.dnnlin , b n' ll.
Booksellers nntl Stntlonors.
' "
H. M , & S. W. JONES ,
SucccfjorKlo A. T. Kenj-nn A Co. , Wholesale A Hctnll
Bookseller ; ! and Stationers.
rino Weililluif SlnHciiierr. ComnirrilM Mnlloncrf
I.SA luutlA ) ; < Slrtcl. Uniahu. Ni'li.
Boots and Shoos-
( SiircriMin to Itcoil. JiiuiA Co. )
Wnolesalc Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
Aucuti for Itcnton HulilHT Slum Co. I'.Ui , 1IOJ1U ,
llatuur St. , Ouml.a. Nebrnakn.
W. V. MORSE .V CO. .
Jokers of Boots and Slices ,
HOl.tiro-llOl louiiU ) St.Omalm Manuluctorr.Siim-
iner su. Hi alun.
Coffooa , Splcoo , Etc-
UniAUk toiler anil bplru MIIU.
Teas , CoiTees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
n rorlriE Kilrncn , Ijiuiulr ; llhui. Ink * . Ktc. 1111
Slr ul , OiuaUil , Ngbraskn.
_ Crookory and CldBswaro. " _ "
Apcnt for thp Mftnufucturcrs iinil Iraportrm of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , y ' "j h I1" " St. . Qpulin , Nrbraskii.
s mill Jot bcra uf
Crcciery , Glawware , Lamps , Silverware
Ktc. 1M < Karn.ffi St. NUl'Tton
Commission and Storage ,
" " "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
- - t- , . . , , .
Spcclaltl- - „ „ > nrj ] ! < ( jnm , .
112ltovrard Strent. Onuhs. i
t tiotcBBora tu Mchhuuu A. Sctimeilcr. )
Proflnce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Ouialm , Nebraska.
Flour. Feed , Grain and General Cominision
Menliant. Correspondence sollolli-rt. toil Nurtli Kth
StreetOmalm , Noli.
Coal , Coke and Lima.
Johters of Hard and Soft Coal.
300 fouth Htli Flrcpl , Oranlm , Npliraikn.
Manufacturers tiltw
An < l lilppi'r oi t nal , Coik , UU.IICH I'i'istpr. *
UialuTlle , ami Sewer Pipe. Onlje 21SH. ni
St. , Omalia , Neb. Telcpbcn bit.
Cooda ana Notions.
M. E'swflTH i CO./
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102and 110J Dounlai.Cor. Ilth St .Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Johliers in Dry GoodsNolions ,
Gents' Kumliblnc CJonrli. Corner Ilth anil IluneT
tta. , Ouinbn , Nobravkn.
Shippers of Coal and Cote.
214 Ponlh nth fit. . Oranlia N'ch.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnam btrecl.Otaatia.Npbraikn.
Omiilm. Kcbrnsko.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions.
Wi. 707 , 700 and 711 H. lOlh St. , Omalm , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
) ill and I.carenvrortb Strecli.Otii.ilin , Npr.i | kr. ,
" " *
Wholesale ManulacturtTt of
Saddlery & JoWers of Saddlery Hardv/are /
Ar.iU.oailiur. HJJ , H05 urn ! ll'JT ' KamaSt. . , Oumlir. ,
Honvy Harclwnro.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
DKi , WHKOII stork , : iurdwaro , I.umlier , Ktc. ,
riHl 1:11 llnrnur btrool , Onmlm.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
MtcUuDlca' Tools and DuITnlo Hc/ilrt. 1WJJ Douulut
Ctrei'l , Oujulm , Nebrn ka.
Wholesale Hardware ,
OiUand Harne Htn. , Omultc , Neb Writcrn Aecnli
tor Auitlu 1'owder Co. , JulTetinn htct'l ts'alli ,
KalbhnL : > HUr.dunl Hciilo.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metals , Sheet Iron , etc. AK nts > for Howe Bculci- ,
Mliuai I'O\MI ! r uutll.ymun llurbed wire ,
_ Hata , Caps , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and straw Goods
1107 Harner Strtet , Omaha. Neb.
" " " "
All Kinds of Building Material at 3k
18ta Hliect and Unlou I'ucldcTruck. Om. : r
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash.
Boon , Ktc. TiUi-Corner 7tti and DOU.-IUJ.
ta vud IViuslai
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
ISlh niul Cnlifoniln sirccta. Onmlm.
Liimlier.Limc . , Ceier ! ! 'Eic , , Etc ,
Cornof fth oiu ) I > oiiB ! < t4..Oni h .
To Dealers Only ,
Office IIOnKnrnamStroct Onrnhi * .
Wholesale Lumber Etc ,
< JUIIICT White Mine.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carreli ami I'artinet Kloorinu h and DoiiRla
Nlllllnorynnd Notions.
' " " "
" " "
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
an _ 8in mHI ? ' mitli Ilth Stti-i-t
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
JFMIS t'ants , fclilit * , Kir 1104 IKivnIa ; Street ,
Onmlm. Ncli
Notions I
J. T. R O uTN S O N N url ON ' C O.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
X1 unit 4V ( , St tith ICtli SI. Oiiinlm.
, . _
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ulmiti-HM- . , Omalia A 11 lli > h'in. Manage r ,
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Good ? ,
UlOUnrnrrSlri-ct. Omaha
Offlco Fixtures.
' '
Bank , Offlcniid'saTo'oii Fixtures ,
nntlf' . Slilplmnrlv Hook CIISI-H. Dr K n tnroi Wall
fa > i"i , railitlmi * ltallliik , ( < iuntcr . llfcranil Wlno
( 'nol < > rH. MlrroiH otr hiirtiirr am * OIIUM * , li.O uua 1J4
tuutli Ijlh bt. , Oiuiiliu , Tuloiiliono ll t.
Paints and
WholoMiIa Dcnluriln
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
llli Fiirnnm ytr ct. Ornulin , Nob.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Tflrry a nice ilnrk of I'rmiini ; , Wrnpiilnit and Wrltlnl
1'i. er. Hpiclul HtiunllOM uivon to lar loatl ordura.
Paper Boxes.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory.
No * . lf7 ! Hint 131'J Iougln St. , Onmlm , Neb.
PHIL. STIMIY1EL"cb i " "
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
1H1 and ' . 'IJJonu ' * Mri-it Uniuliu.
Storage , Forwarding & Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Brnnch buiiMMif Ihu ItpiHiey DURPT On. llurolrt al
wliuleaale nnd retail. l < lilOnnd nl' Iianl Ulrvut ,
Onmlm. Telcpbonv No.7M.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1121 North Kltitluoontli Stroet. Ouiaha , Ktb.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Kponctcr , Proprietor. ICO Undeo and 103 nnU Id
Nonh 1 U Street , Oniiiha.
Prlntora' NJntorlals. _
Auxiliary Publishers.
Dvalcn In Trtie. I'remrn nnd I'rlntrra' SunpllrB. (01
South Kthiiircut. Oniatia.
Rubber Coods. _
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
311 Clututuic and Leather Ilcltlnc. IWJ Fiirnnm IHreoU
Sash , Doors , Etc.
\Vliok' ac ! ] Manur .ctnriTS ( it
Sash , Doors. Blinds and Mouldings ,
liranch utncv , li'tti unit Irurd tjirecl , Oinuliii , Kcb.
'aiiiifacturers of Sash. Doors , Blinds ,
ill tlni. , Stair Work nnd IntP'Uir Hind Wool I up
ail. N. U. Coruur Mh mid li' vol\Tirlli ( btrecU ,
Omaha. Hcu.
Steam Fittings , Pumpa , Etc.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
icr.ia. Wntpr. Ha livnr and Mining bUMilion , lite.
VJU. KB mid SU4 Kuril am Ml vul , Omalm.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Jtoam and Water Bupi.llpn. . 17' " in'iani'ri f"Mant. .
t ' Knrnam t , , Om a
tan aud Water Supplies ,
BROWNELl. & ( JO. ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
" "Hlrnn '
' - " 1HJU
_ _ _ M _ _ Ironworks. " _ _ _ _ .
Carter k sun , 1'rop'n. Mnuuncturur > of nil kinds
Steam Boilers , Ms and Slieet Iron Work
Works ( -until 'Xih Hinl II. A. .M CroHlnk' .
Wronglit and Cast iron Building Work ,
Kniilnet , llran Work Qonornl Iniinilrr , ,
Uluckiiullli W rk. onuoiuul VVurHi , U , r. lljr.
il nib Maul , oiaulm.
Manufacturers of Wire anil Iron Railings
Desk Hnlli. Window nuitnli. Klotrer HtnmliVlro
tlttiit , Klc. til North Ittlj htrtcl , Onmlm.
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
Vaulti.Jnll Work , iron unit Wiru KvHclnx.Hlvni , KIO ,
I ) . AnJitiu , 1'iuy'r Cur lllhunJ JntkBgn bu.
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
BUI ) hcri'im , for bunkf. oiic : . 'i rr roii'linuo * etc ,
'r'HI'll ' ' AlTllUl ! ! ' I.IJCll lllltll .Mill hllllTi Hint
II j.-kBiiillli Work * , nt oiilh lull M
Fireaail Bursar Prasf SafesTliac IA
( jtutr.ilMil nl mr DiubulU aalu a , l.uu cu , , u t.J'l
vuuiti uua jail wu'k , uv a , mu at.