Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1888, Image 1

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Humor that the Iowa Editor May
Eutor the Oablnot.
Ho Is After the Southern Ballot Box
Mnnli > utvtorH , and Will Make
Iilvoly for
513 FoUllTBENTIlSTIlEEr : , >
WASIIINUTON , D , C. , Nov. 21. I
The Evening Star says : There is much
talk about Mr. Clurkson's going into the
cabinet or some other olllco. ' Ho Is looked
upon as at about the head of political affairs
In Iowa now , and It Is not likely thut hu
would accept anything less than a cabinet
position. Hlsboltovod by many that ho has
no ambition for that. If Mr. Allison should
go Into the treasury department thut would ,
of course , leave .Mr. Clurkson out of the cab
inet. There would then bo an opening much
more to his liking. The seat vacated in the
senate by Mr. Allison would lie a plum for
home ambitious Iowa republican , nnd Mr ,
ClurKson might get it. Thu honor would lie
between him luidox-Ruprcsenatlvo Hepburn.
When In the house Mr. Hepburn was re
garded as ono of the strongest men on the
republican side , nnd ho might prove u strong
rival. Yet Mr. Clurkson's friends believe hu
can get most anything ho wants in Iowa. Mr.
Allison may not want to go into the cabinet ,
Hu may prefer to hold his present honorable
position. i-
Senator Quay has beun hard at work since
the election , nnd wlmt ho is now doing bids
fair to Hurprlso the country. Ho has been ,
nnd Is watching the conirresslomil election
returns from thu south , nnd there is no doubt
that ho has already gathered many facts
which will show up the methods by which
the south Is solidly democratic , nnd how
democratic congressmen are returned from
republican districts. The senator says
nothing of his purposes nnd aims , but hu
never was known to work on anything ex
cept for a purpose , and in this case ho hat
iimdo preparations for long work , work
Which purlmps will not end b 'fore the close
of the Ilrst session of the next congress.
Theio will almost certainly bo more con
tests for seats in the next house of repre
sentatives than In any previous one. For u
n timber of years southern republicans have
refrained from contesting seats to
which they wer entitled , because
they know they had no chance
for justice in a democratic house.
Now , however , It seems that SonutorQuay
is determined that every republican candi
date for congress in the south , wtm bus been
cheated out of his election , shall make a con
test. This is perhaps not so much for the
impose of doing those parties themselves
justice , us to expose the methods by which
the south is being kept solidly democratic. It
is high time that the truth about these meth
ods should be known , because they have
come to he fixtures in southern politics , and if
permitted to exist , would finally result in
Horlous difficulty , as they are already endan
gering our form of government. There -.yill
bo no disposition to Haunt the bloody shirt ,
none to force the southern people
to social equality with the negro , or to make
the latter the dominant race ; nor will there
be any disposition to do any wrong ot any
kind to the white people of the south ; but
there will surely bo a determination upon the
part of tlio next republican congress to se
cure honest elections throughout the whole
country , by means of which our popular in
stitutions can bo preserved. For that rea
son the work Senator Quay is now doing ,
nnd which is to lay the foundation for the
greater work Indicated , is of the utmost im
The house committee on upprourlatlons
meets to-day to begin the preliminary work
on The regular annual appropriation bills.
Major Buttcrworth , of Ohio , one of the
members of that committee , said to your
correspondent this morning , that in his opin
ion , there would bo prompt work done in dis
posing of thu appropriation bills this year.
There was nothing , so far ns ho could see , to
deluv their consiueration , and the committee
could bo depended on to crowd things for
ward at once. On being asked what ho
thought of the chnncB of the house adopt
ing the senate substitute for the Mills bill.
Major Butturworth said :
" 1 do not think there Is any chance that
this will be done. I do not believe that there
will bo time after the bill reaches the house
to consider it as fully us some of thu members
will want to. "
"From your conversation with General
Harrison , did you think that ho will bo likely
to call nn extra session of congress to discusi
the tariff question soon after his inaugura
tion i"
"I have had no conversation with General
Jlarrlson on that subject , and am not pre-
Ted to say what his policy will bo. "
Did you converse with him ut all upon
the subject of thu admission of the new
"No , I had no talk with him regarding the
legislative policy of bis administration at
all , "
"What is your opinion of the prospects of
the passage of a bill for the division of Da
kota nt the coming session i"
"You can judge of that ns well as I can ,
The democrats have a majority in the house ,
and you know what their policy 1ms been up
to tlio present time. It may bo that they
will change- their tactics , and I think that
they see now that they might have adopted a
different policy in this respect , which would
have been highly beneficial to that party in
the northwest. " - PiunvS. : UKATII.
Nebraska and lo\vn Pensions.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 21. [ Special Telegram
to Tin' Bii.l : Nebni'ika pensions : Original
invalid August Beerm-in , Curtis ; James H.
Barnes , Alblo ; ? . Mexican widows Jane ,
widow of Achillas 1C. Hannon , Woodlawn.
Iowa pensions : Original invalid Charles
I ) . O'Noll ' , Harlun ; James E. Wilson , North
English ; Patrick Welch , Now Albln ; hen
Dickinson , Tamil ; Michael Grady , lies
Mollies ; Alexander MuPhorsoii , Cimtrovillo ;
William H. Wlndlj. , New Sharon , Increase
Richard M. Campltt , Dos Moines ; Reuben J ,
Foster , St. Charles ; George W. Melnlosh ,
Allertou ; James A. Lair , Newton. Reissue-
Edward Farnsworth , Wutorlco , Mexican
survivors James M , Love , Keokuk ,
Given Military Burial.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 21 , The funeral of the
late Henry B. Farnsworth , assistant inspector
specter general , who died at Portress Mon
roe Monday , took place to-day. The re
mains were escorted by two troops of cavalry
t ) Arlington cemetery , where they wore In
The Kx-l'rUonui'H or War ,
BLOOMISU-ION , Nov. 21. The annual moot
ing of the ex-Prisoners of War of Illinois , In
session hero to-night , unanimously adopted a
resolution protesting against the erection of
a monument within the limits of thu United
Status to commemorate the deeds done to dis
solve the union and destroy the government.
The convention also sent n long congratu
latory message to Ucnoral Harrison , prophe
sying "that the comrades will now recolvo
Just , liberal and fraternal treatment from the
prcsk'ent. "
Thn Illinois National Guard ,
CIIICAOO , Nov. 21 , The sixth annual con
vention of the National Guard association of
Illinois met at Battery U armory to-day ,
General Reuse delivered his annual address
in which ho dcpioculcd the tendency toward
the cultivation of those graces which show
well on parade In preference to development
in Uho direction of unofulncas IB actual
A LmrKO Tract ol1 Sioux City Property
In Iiltluntlon.
Stow CITV , In. , Nov. 21. [ Special TeloJ
gram to THE HKI : . ] Suits were Hied to-day
in the district court by the heirs of Horace
Bacon to set aside a sale for taxes of lands
which nro now comprised in four important
additions to Sioux City. The property Is
part of the business portion of the city , nnd
is worth J2,00000. ? ( ! The land was sold for
taxes twenty years ago , and the purchasers
under the tax title have been endeavoring to
buy out the heirs. The latter prefer to go
Into litigation. _
At Kvi ; Mitchell's Uoniz.
WASHINGTON , In. , Nov. 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : MII : : . i The body of Miss Eva
Mitchell , whose tragic death occurred In
Chicago last Saturday night , arrived In this
city to-day accompanied by her half-brother ,
Oliver Mitchell , and wife , nnd was interred
by thu side of her mother In n private ceme
tery la Jackson township , ten miles north
east of this place. Evil Mitchell was born
eight miles northeast of Washington , la. ,
about iwj'J. ' Her father , Leonideb Mitchell ,
was a prosperous and respected farmer In
this county for a number of years. Her
mother died some years since. While attend
ing school she made her homo in thu neigh
borhood where she had lived and part of the
time with her grandmother In this city. Since
her removal to Chicago , some two years ago ,
little hai been known of her whereabouts
until the shock of thu news of her un for
tunate nnd mysterious death.
The Jobbers Mean
i'i : , la. , Nov. 21. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : HII.J : The Jobbers and Manufactur
ers' ' union of this resolved
city to-day to pre
pay thu freight charges on all goods shipped ,
nnd to send their freight bills to the railroad
commissioners , so that suits can bo com
menced ut once imnitiht the roads for viola
tion of the law which 1ms llxcd maximum
rates. As the penalty for each offense is
& > , UOO , tluj roiltls will have a big bill to pay
if thu suits go against them. Telegrams
from the railroad ofllciuls , Just received ,
usk for delay in the action for a week. They
are evidently alarmed.
More Settlers Kvlctcd.
FOIIT DODOK , In. , Nov. 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bii : ! . ] United States Marshal
Forgo and posse made four evictions of river
land settlers to-day at Homer , Hamilton
county , making a total of thirty so far de
posed. There nro 100 writs to be served on
settlers on wlmt is known as the Snell Bur-
roghs tract , nnd the work of evicting will
probably begin to-morrow. It Is feared that
there may be forcible resistance , as intense
feeling is being aroused.
Fatally Kurncd.
DuntiQtri : . la , , Nov. 21. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Bii : ! . ] Maggie Hansen , twelve years
old , daughter of Mat Hiinsen , of this city ,
was putting wood in the stove this morning ,
when thu Humes caught in her hair , which
was loose , and in an instant she was en
veloped in lire. She is now lying at the point
of death.
Appointed Mv the Governor.
Dr.'j MoiNns , la. , Nov. 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bin.J The governor nas up-
pointed Miss Lucy Curtis , of State Center ,
a member of the state board of school ex
aminers. She is nt present county superin
tendent of Marshall county.
Two People Meet , Court , Marry nnd
Separate In New Yorlc.
NEW YOUK , Nov. 21. A queer case 1ms
come to light in n police court here. A young
English girl made the acquaintance of a
gymnast through a matrimonial advertise
ment. Five minutes after seeing her ho pro
posed marriage. She pleaded for time , but
married him the next day. Ten minutes
after the wedding she deserted him in the
street because ho told her ho already had a
wife and three children living in Hoboken.
The following day ho was arrested in Ho
boken and gave bonds for the support of his
first wife. Thou ho lied , either to Boston ,
Mass. , or to Akron , O. His name is Benja
min Halfpenny , janitor of a building hero
and teacher of fencing to the Young Men's
Christian association of Hobokcn.
Halfpenny married hislirstwife in England
six years ago. She came from Malta. They
have thrco children , the oldest live years ,
and the youngest nine months old.
Both wives are now trying to punish him
for bigamy. The last wife would not explain
her haste to marry Halfpenny.
Another Man Arrested In Connection
With the Murder.
CIIICAOO , Nov. 21. Willium Curtcn , a
friend of 1'lagmnn Masterson , has boon ar
rested in connection with the Eva Mitchell
murder. Ho had been talking about the re
lations that existed between the girl nnd
Mustorson , but when arrested denied any
knowledge of the affair or of the suspected
man's whereabouts Saturday nislit. The
pollco say they have been unable to find any
definite cluc.but that circumstantial evidence
is strong against Masterson.
IlllnotH Halibut h Association.
Ciueuio , Nov. 21. The Sabbath Associa
tion of Illinois , in convention to-day , dis
cussed the question of the possibility of
doing away with running Sunday trains and
publishing Sunday newspapers. It also
listened to addresses by Dr. A. Knowlcs , on
"National Conscience , " and by Hon. P.
Lord , of Elgin , on "Economies of Sunday
Trains. "
In the afternoon session Uev. Dr. Horick
Johnson discussed "Tho
Sunday Newspa
per. " Rov. Dr. John Hall , of New York ,
also spoku briefly on the subject , ns did Rov.
Dr. Benson , of Chicago. Rov. L. M.
Strathan , president of the Wheaton theolog
ical seminary , rend the report of the com
mittee on Sabbath tralllc , which was adopted.
Unnlilo to
CHICAGO , Nov. 21. Efforts to reorganize
the Western States Passengers' association
on the basis of a new agreement , have thus
fur been unsuccessful. The inability of the
various lines to agree on a plan for disposing
of outstanding tickets and contracts , which
constitute the disturbing element In the rate
situation , has prevented any progress being
made in the direction of harmony.
The general managers have now been In
session two days , and they will moot nguiu
to-morrow. There seems to bo little hopes
of reaching a harmonious conclusion ,
Cleveland Htisy nn HU
WAHIIINOTON , Nov. 21. It is announced at
the white house to-day that the president
will remain nt O.ik View until ubout the
meeting of congress , In order to devote his
entire time , without Interruption , to the pre
paration of his annual message to congress.
Double iliuiuln I" Kansas.
WICHITA , ICau. , Nov. 21. Juke and Joe
Toblor , colored , were executed this morning
In the county jail for thu killing- Cass and
Goody ICuutz near thu Sao and Fox Indian
agency In August , Ibb5.
Antl-Snloon Republicans.
NKW YOIIK , Nov. 21. The national execu
tive committee of thu anti-saloon republicans
is in bobsHni hero to-day with closed doors ,
discussing the future jiolloy of the organiza
tion. *
Thn Tiilrly-Kluhth Victim.
KociiEsTmi , N. Y. , Nov. 21. William Dev
lin , who Jumped from the fourth story ot the
Steam Guaiu and Lantern company's buildIng -
Ing on thu night of the lire , uled to-night.
lie Is the thlrty-elfihtU kuowu victim ,
Another Attempt Mtulo to Murder a
Woman In Whitochapol.
Tlio Victim Tears Away From Ills
ClutcliCH and tlio Wotild-ltc Assas
sin liscnpcs Theory of
the Police.
Jack the Hipper Agnln.
LONDON , Nov. 21. Great excitement
was occasioned this morning when it was
reported that another woman hnil been mur
dered nnd mutilated in Whttcehapol. The
police immediately formed n cordon around
the premises. An enormous crowd rushed
to the vicinity in which the crime was said
to have been committed , where it was learned
that another murder had boon attempted
upon a low woman by a man who had accom
panied her to her lodging , but in this in
stance his work hud been frustrated. Ac
cording to the woman's story the man had
seized her and struck her once in
the throat with n knife. She struggled des
perately and had succeeded in freoinir her
self from the man's grasp nnd screamed for
help. Her cries hud alarmed the man and
he had lied without attempting further vie
lence. Some of the neighbors who hud
heard the screams followed tlio murderer
for about three hundred yards ,
when ho disappeared from their
sight. The woman says she is fully able to
recognize thu man , and gave n description of
him to the police. The police are hopeful of
boon capturing him.
After investigating the facts the police are
of the opinion that the attempted murder in
Whlteehupol this morning was not the work
of thu man who committed the atrocious
murders in that vicinity recently.
Further investigation by the police shows
that the Whitoclmpel woman who reported
this morning that she hud been attacked by
n man who went to her lodgings with her
suffered only a slight abrasion of the skin on
her throat , nnd the police place no credit in
her story of attack. They believe she in-
dieted the injury herself while drunk.
Took IIin Time to Kscnpo.
LoNnos , Nov. 22. [ Now York Herald Ca
ble Special to Tim HII : : . | Up to 4 o'clock
this morning nothing ban transpired to show
that any now Whlteehupol horror has oc
curred. The Londoners , like Americans ,
have heard of newspaper made murders.
After the strange experience of yesterday it
will bo hard to deny that there nro news
paper made murders. For an hour or two
yesterday London was encouraged to believe
that the Whltccunpcl miscreant had
added ono more to his long list of
victims. For an hour or two more it was
told that he had failed in the fatal stroke by
n hair's breadth , but that a woman lay at the
point of death. Then slowly London was al
lowed , as best it could in the case of extras
and frantic correspondents , to obtain posses
sion of the fact that a man aud woman had
wrangled In a common lodging house , and
that the man had inllicted some slight injury
on the woman's throat and she on his face.
The half drunken woman raised an nlnrni and
the man was pursued , but contrived to escape.
The whole affair happened in the morning
in ono of the most densely populated dis
tricts of London , and though there was a hue
and cry at his hcols for a time , and everyone
beiiuved the murderer had at last been
caught in the act , the supposed miscreant
got clear away.
The scone of the adventure woa In the
heart of tbo neighborhood which all under
stand to bo under patrol , night and day , by
vigilance committees and by representatives
of law and order. The supposed murderer
loft an upper room in a common
lodging house , and passed through n
kitchen full of lodgers. The man
ran into the street with some men
after him , and was so little Dressed for time
that he was able to turn and strike one of
his pursuers on the face before he finally
vanished. Nothing happened to him. No
indignant citizen tripped him up , and above
all , no policeman barred his way. It is idle
to say that this Is not the man whom every
body wants to catch. He was believed to be ,
and ho would have enjoyed the same immu
nity if be had been that rufllun himself. At
this rate of progress in police precaution it is
doubtful if ever they catch the real man.
I visited Scotland yard at midnight , whore
it was said distinctly that thu whole atTair is
n wrangle.
Further Consideration ol * the Land
I'urntinHC Hill.
LONDON , Nov. 21. In the house of com
mons this afternoon Madden , solicitor for
Ireland , moved a second reading of the Irish
land purchase bill. Lnbouchcro moved that
the bill bo rejected. lie complained of the
undue haste in which the measure was being
pressed forward , and said that there was an
obvious desire on the part of the government
to prevent the country from considering their
proposals on the question of land purchase.
Ho doubted that parliament had obtained nt
the last election uny authority to legislate
upon this question , the immense Importance
of which required thu sanction of the coun
try. As the bill stood , it was a gross Injus
tice upon the British taxpayer ; besides that ,
It was Injurious to Ireland , ns it would en
courage a gigantic system of absenteeism.
Until the homo rule measure was carried
nothing ought to bo done toward land pur
Sir Gcorgo Trovollyan , liberal , warned the
house that if It assented to thu bill it would
not be able to stop further grants , and it
would soon bo called upon nnd compelled to
advance more millions , Among the dangers
of the Ashbourno act , not thu least was that
It committed tlio Hrltish taxpayer to a sys
tem of landlord purchases which gave no
good security for advances , and which loft
thu tenant in a position to repudiate it if bad
years rendered aim unublo to pay his Install
On motion of Parnoll the debate was ad
Fatal Kyplosioii ol' Petroleum.
LONPON , Nov. 21. An explosion occurred
at Hristol this morning on board the schoon
er United , laden with petroleum. The vessel
was wrecked and three men at work on
board wcro killed.
A MurdoroiiH Card I'luyor.
ATLANTA , Ga. , Nov. 21. Throe men , Ed J.
Cohen , T. H. Thomas and ICeMolcl , played in
the Pitts house , at Covington , last night. At
dayllplit Thomas was found murdered and
Cohen fatally wounded. Kchold Is in Jail
charged with thu crlmu. Great excitement
prevails over the mystlrous murder ,
Itclcrado Klcotlon Klotn ,
nEUUUPB , Nov. 21. The elections hero
to-day resulted In a serious riot. Troops
wore called out to restore order , and n col
lision occurred between the soldiers and the
people , Many persons wore Injured.
Western Postal
WASHINGTON , Nov. 21. [ Speclil Telegram
to Tun UBE. ] Joseph H. Wood * has boon
appointed postmaster at Tynoy , Polk county ,
vice S , E , Woodn , resigned.
A poBtolllce has been established at Rosen-
dale , Hamilton county , Iowa , with John J.
Skaaturo as postmaster ,
The Position Tendered , to Klljnti W.
llnlford , of Indliyiapoll * .
INDIANAPOLIS , Nov. Si The president
elect this evening tendered Elijah W. Hul >
fo'il , managing editor of the Indianapolis
Journal , the position of private secretary.
Mr. Halford Is forty-three years of ago ,
nnd catno from England when n child
with hie parents , who settled In
Cincinnati , Ho began his newspaper ca
reer as reporter on the Indianapolis
Journal twenty-live years ngo , and rose
In a few years , through successive positions ,
to thu managing editorship. Ho was for u
time mannRlng editor ol the Chicago Inter-
Occun In Its Ilrst years. Returning to In
dianapolis , ho resumed the managing editor
ship of the Journal. Hk > was for a few years
private secretary to the late Senator Mor
ton.He haslongtalcon an active and prominent
part in Indiana politics , nnd was a delegate
to the late Chicago convention , representing
Indiana on thu comuilttco on platform ,
and shares with lieu , William MelClnli'y ,
-of Ohio , the distinction of having contrib
uted no inconsiderable share In the construc
tion of the national platform , upon which
the late campaign was fought and won.
As an editorial writer ho is widely known
forhis able and Incisive political articles , the
pungency of his style giving his writings a
distlnctlvoness leaving no doubt on the read
er's mind as to their authorship. For several
years pnst Halford 1ms been on intimate
uud conlldential terms with General Harri
son , nnd his selection for this important po
sition now tendered him occasions no sur
prise here. The new private secretary is
married and has ono child , u daughter of
seventeen. Ho is the elder brother of J.
Halford , of the Washington bureau of the
Associated press.
lNtttANArousNov.21. The president-elect
had a large number of callers to-day , 111110111 ;
them u hundred or more delegates attending
the annual mooting of the grand lodge , I. O.
O. F. The prominent out-of-town callers
during the day were Govornor-olcct Milleto
nnd Delegate O. S. Gifford , of Dakota ; Gen
eral J. M. Hackleford , of Evansville , and
State Senator S. P. Thompson , of Hainsella ,
Ind. Whllo not receiving callers General
Harrison was busily odgagcd upon his corre
The gas litters to-day began to pipe the
general's ' residence for natural gas.
The Allccf-d Jllectloii Framln.
Wiir.Ki.iNO , W. Va. , Nov. 21. Chairman
Cowden , of the republican state committee ,
will print a card in the morning in answer to
the democratic charges of fraud on thu part
of republicans , in which ho says that In ull
counties In which frauds' are charged by the
democrats the election machinery and re
turning boards are in the hunds of the demo
crats. Ho adds that ho Is prepared to prove ,
and will prove at the proper time and place ,
that all sorts of violations of law were
committed in the interest of the democratic
party. He claims Goff'B election as governor.
Ofllclal Voio of Knnsas.
TOPEKA , Kan. , Nov. 21. [ Special Tele
gram to THK UKB.J The oQlclnl vote of the
state is as follows : Harrison , 1S3,5'J2 ' ; Cleve
land , 102,541 ; Stroctcr , 3(1.2 ( W ; Flsk , 0,432.
The plurality for Harrison is 79,001 , n gain of
1,400 over 18SO. lluitfptiro.v , for governor ,
179.WM ; Martin. 10i,95I.)5 ( ) Humphrey's plu
rality , 73.WU. ( The plurality given , for Harrison
risen is the largest giyen' by uy state , even
exceeding Pennsylvania , which cast a vote
nearly three timesas gl-eat as Kansas.
Arkansas Dpmiocrnts Cry Fraud.
ST. Louis , 'Nov. 21. 4i special to the Post-
Dispatch from Little Hdclr-Ark. ; , says war
rants have been sworn font-against nearly
llfty persons , principally -negroes , for illegal
voting in the recent election in Jefferson
county. Democrats are. the complainants.
The Vli-ulnia : Returns.
RICHMOND , Va. , Nov ? 21. The following
are the ofllcial returns , of the vote of Vir
ginia : Cleveland , ICl.OJ ? ; Harrison , 150,4-12 ;
Cleveland's majority , Ik36. The vote in 1884
was : Cleveland , l-lfvtOT1 ; Hlaino , 13'JU50 ;
total , 2S4S53. Democratic loss , 4,000.
Connecticut * ! ] Olllclul Vote.
HAHTFOHD , Conn. , Njov. 21. The ofllcial
canvass of the vote o Connecticut shows
Cleveland's plurality tq be 30. ; !
Ho "Would Idko to''Seo Her a i'nrt of
This Country.
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Nov. 21. An Intimate
friend of General Harrison said to-day :
"General Harrison , lllyl all presidents , will
desire to do somcthing/that will give his ad
ministration a prominent place in the history
of his country , and I have reason to believe
that ono of his Ilrst ofllcial acts will bo the
negotiation for the annexation of Canada. "
"What is his plan of annexation ? "
"Ho believes the United States can and
should receive Canada fna peaceable manner.
His idea is that the territory cun bo annexed
to the United States by assuming Canada's
debt. If the territory caunot bo obtained for
that consideration , 1 think General Harrison
would favor paying a' considerable bonus. I
understand he has said privately that the
surplus in the treasury could not bo spent in
a wiser manner tliah by buying Canada.
Whatever his plans for making Canada a
portion of the UnltodJStates irmy be , I know
ho heartily favors such , a move , and will so
recommend In his flrstmessago to congress. "
Probable Murder ol a Ktuto Witness
in Georgia.
MACON , Ga. , Nov. ' 81. The Brunswick &
Western railroad company has been missing
oranges from its cars * at Riverside , and on
Tuesday morning a white man by the name
of Weaver was arrested , charged with steal
ing the iruit , and carried to Tifton , in Worth
county , for a commitment trial. A colored
train hand by the name of Luke Brown was
summoned as a state .witness in the case , but
was warned by Arch .Golden that If ho ap
peared as u witness niralnst Weaver ho would
shoot him. Drawn went on the stand , and
as ho began to tell what he know Golden shot
him through the bowels with a Winchester
rillo. The man is expected to live but u few
hours. 1
Woman Sufrr/ifciAtH ' Session.
CINCINNATI , Nov. at. At a meeting of the
Woman's Suffrage Association to-day the
committee on credentials reported fifty-three
delegates present from nine states and the
District of Columbia. The committee on
business and nominations was appointed , as
follows : H. B , Hlackwcll , Massachusetts ;
Mra , Martha C. Calanan ] , < Iowa ; Mrs. Sarah
C. Schrader , Ohio ; , Mrs , 7 . C. Wallace ,
Indiana ; Mrs. Laura R , Clay , Kentucky ;
Miss Octavia W. HaUss , Michigan ; Miss A.
H. Hluckvvell , Now York ; Dr. Caroline
Dodson , Pennsylvania ; Mrs , Julia Ward
Howe , Rhode Island ; Mr. Fred Douglass ,
District of Columbia. The annual report
was road by Mrs. Dodson. It showed that
over ] , OUO newspapers had accepted the offer
made a year ago to' supply suffrage news.
Great quantities of tracts and leaflets bearing
upon tlio subject had also been distributed.
An informal discussion arose upon the sub
ject of a consolidation of the associations ,
American and national , but no action was
Thn Weather Indications.
For Nebraska : Fair , southerly winds , sta
tionary temperature , except in extreme south *
west and northeast portions , slightly warmer.
For Iowa : Fair , stationary temperature In
southern portion , warm in northern portion ,
southeasterly winds.
For Dakota ! Fair , southeasterly winds ,
utationnry temperature.
It Begins Ita Investigations of the
Gattlo Transportation Question.
All ol' Whom Testify to thn ilxUtonoo
oT n Powerful Combine Wlilcli
1'rautleiilly Controls
the Market.
The1 Cattle Question.
ST. Loi'i1 , Nov. 31 The senate committee
investigating the cattle question was late in
getting to work this mornlnc. The ilrst wit
ness was .1. L , Bush , of Colorado City ,
Texas. Hush spoke of the decadence of
prices of eattlo , and attributed it principally
to overproduction. Replying to n question
of Senator Vest , the witness said that ho had
heard of a combination of dressed beef in
terests ! u Chicago , but did not have personal
knowledge of its existence. The witness
had no personal knowledge of discrimination
by railroads. Ho considered Chicago the
controlling market of the country.
The next witness was J. M. Osborne ,
division freight ngent of the Wabash. The
witness said he had been in the freight
business forty-two years. He owns a farm
in Nebraska and raises cattle. His evidence
was substantially as follows : There are
fourteen elassilleatlons In cattle. Thirteen
of these are sold by weight , while milch cows
are sold by the head , Chicago was
undoubtedly the largest eattlo market in the
country , and the shipments from Chicago to
interior Illinois wore very largo. The Illi
nois farmers buy good cattle , but the pro
duction there has largely decreased. Os-
berne then explained how the consolidation
of commodities at any point reduced prices.
Ho did not know personally of the existence
of a combine In Chicago with the purpose of
reducing prices to producers. There was an
element In railroau tariffs now which had
never existed prior to the passage of the
inter-state commerce law. That was printed
rates , so that the shipper know Just wlmt he
had to pay. One-sixth of the cattle shipped
from Illinois to Chicago averaged 1,200 to
1,500 pounds. Cattle rose $1 per hundred in
May last , but have depreciated 50 cents
Senator Vest What caused the rise in
prices in May I
Witness I think it was the appointment
of this committee. I may bo hung by some
of the cattlemen for saying this , but I nui
not hero in the interest of cattlemen.
Senator Cullom You are safe hero.
Witness I never saw , and I think no cat
tle man ever saw , n rise in the prices of cut
tle in summer before.
Senator Vest Is not concentration of the
market at Chicago nil injury to eattlo
raisers I
Witness I think so , but others are of the
opinion that it is an advantage , because they
take all thu light cattle and use them for
cunning purposes.
Senator Vest -Is it not a fact that St.
Louis as a cuttle market has largely de
creased !
Witness It has not increased.
Senator Vest Hut Chicago has gone
all cud I
Witness \cs.
Senator Vest When did this great differ
ence between the two elites begin !
Witness The maximum was reached hero
in 1881 , when the receipts were 5oS2 : ) ( ! head.
Chicago's receipts that year wcro l-l'J3,5oO.
St. Louis dropped in 1880 to 3(7,550 ( , and
Chicago In that year was 1,963,900.
Senator Vest To what cause do you at
tribute thisl Was there a combination
called the "eveners" in 1883 thut divided the
cattle business )
Witness Yes , there was such a combina-
nation , and there was a rumor to the effect
that that combination took the business from
St. Louis and put it in Chicago. I knew no
other transportation reason for a change in
the market from St. Louis to Chicago.
Senator Vest Did not the "oveners" get
S15 per car ?
Witness There was a rumor to thut
Senator Vest Was the Wabash asked to
pay its share to the combination ?
Witness ( hesitatingly ) Yes , such a de
mand was maJe in 1835 , but the Wabash de
clined to Uo so.
Senator Cullom What roads were in this
combination ?
Witness The Now York Central , Eric ,
Pennsylvania , and connections. From the
beginning of this lOMihination Chicago com
menced going ahead at a phenomenal rate ,
and St. Louis fell back. The combination
was for the benefit of Chicago , and the rebate -
bate did not apply to St. Louis or any other
J. C. Beatty , of El Paso , Tex , , was next
called. Ho stated that ho was a raiser , buyer
and seller of cattle. Ho was In the same
business in California before going to Texas.
The llrm with which he was connected put
$ < V > ,000 in refrigerators , which enabled thorn
to have fresh meat four or live days old.
This was entercly now there. The railroad
ngent informed them that his obligations to
Mr. Armour were such that ho would not get
cars for them to ship eattlo out to the Pacillc
coast. The result was that the refrigerators
had to bo shut down. Then Mr. Armour
began putting beef in refrigerator cars. Ho
broke the market from Zy cents toyt cents ,
and cattle raisers near 121 1'aso were com
pelled to ship to Kansas City ut a
loss. His Jinn now shipped bcof
to the City of Mexico , which
was a bettor market the year around than
any in this country.
Senator Cullom Then you were driven out
of the United States I
Witness It looks that way.
Witness said that ho referred to the South
ern Pacific and Santa Fo roads.
Senator Plumb Did you make complaint
to the inter-state commerce commission )
Witness I think not. Whan Armour
broke our markets down the president of the
refrigerator company , E. A. Newman , made
an application for curs.
Hrowster Cameron testified that ho was
raising cattle on an open range In Arizona.
He considered that Chicago controlled the
markets of the country. When cattle went
into the Chicago market the ill-overs had the
privilege of looking through a liolo In the
fence at them , The butchers had not a fair
chance to buy. Many eattlo raisers wore on
the verge of bankruptcy. A largo number of
producers could have- got out , but they held
on In the vain hope that the Chicago com
bine would not continue to control the prices.
C. C. Slaughter , of Dallas , Tex. , a stock-
raiser and banker , was next called , Ho hud
been to Chicago and Kansas City with cattle.
It was his opinion that there was a very pow
erful combine at Chicago. St. Louis was atone
ono time u market where ho disposed of
cattle. Ho sold hero in 1882 as high as f ! per
100 pounds. The witness thought it strange
when ho took eattlo from Kansas City to
Chicago that ho should bo offered thu same
figures at the latter place as ho had
been offered at the former. Another thing
that struck him as being peculiar was that
representatives of the same firm ut Chicago
as the ono ho had seen ut Kansas City would
bo the only buyers who would look at his
cattle. The offer inada him nt Kansas City
was known in Chicago , as wcro the number
of eattlo coining on. The bill heads were
the same in both cities , and were usually
Swift's or Armour's ,
The commlttca then adjourned to meet at
10 o'clock to-morrow morning. Senator
Coke , of Texas , has not yet arrived , but Is
expected Friday.
Perished In thn Flames.
NEW Yonic , Nov. 21. At a flrn in a tene
ment on Ono-humlrod-aiul-tenUi street this
afternoon Mrs , Mary Lally was burned to
death on the top floor. She was found near
tbo window , out of which she had attempted
to escape.
A not Mot' Treasurer Uana AVrong ,
MACON , Ga. , Nov. 21 , O. F. Adams , city
treasurer , was reported to-day as being about
(20,000 short ( n his accounts , and was sus
pended from offlco to-ulght. Ho can glvu uo
tatUfucUiry explanation ,
Two onicorn nt St. l-o-ils
AVI tli Stiowlni ; Favoritism.
ST. Louis , Nov. 21. [ Special Telegram to
Tut : Hun. I Army society here , and the so
cial set in which the resident military men
and their families move , nro very much ex
cited over rumors which somehow or other
have been set nlloat regarding peculiar con
duct on the part of a coujilo of oflleoM prom
inently connected with the purvey
ing department of the army here. The mili
tary portion of the best society hero Is con
siderable , and no entertainment Is ojuiploto
without the presence of several of the can-
tains , colonels or generals who live \\ithiu
the city or atlclTorson bnrrnclis , the most
important military post In the Mississippi
valley. The h.irracks are located about
twenty miles south ot the city on n bo.t'itifu I
site. The national cemetery at the barracks
is large , and Is ono of the city's sights for
visitors. The olllcers and their wives and
daughters are welcomed into the best houses
of the city , and In return give many an ex
clusive little dance nt the barracks during
the season.
No wonder , then , that fair faces whisper
behind fans or bend together over the latest
novel , niul gray heads come almost In con
tact , whllo the story passes that complaint
has bcou nuulo at the war depart
ment in Washington against two of the
prominent military men of the city ,
ut least , alleging favoritism In the purchase
of suppltesund the letting of contracts. IJoth
men involved in the story have gray beards ,
and won their titles on the Held , niul one of
them belongs to one of the oldest blue-blood
French families of the city. The charges tire
said to have been made by an ex-employe of
the department , and may receive no atten
tion , as it is a sort of cast-iron etiquette in
the army that charges against an o'fllcer will
not bo listened to unless preferred by another
otlieer , and in this case thu complainant is
only a common civilian and clerk. Hut oven
so , ho seems to huvo good grounds for his
Allegations , and the federal grand Jury ma/
take up the matter.
Thn medical purveying depot hero Isone of
the three through which all hospital supplies
such as medicines , instruments , bedding ,
clothing and furniture for the United Stntes
tinny nro purchased , The two others are at
Now York and San Francisco , mill the. bulk
of the nrmy supplies of the kind are bought
here. The men charged with the purchase
of these supplies are said to have learned an
object lesson from the late county board of
Chicago , and to have possibly levied u "com
mission" on purchases made for the depot.
Care was taken , so the story goes , that indi
viduals or linns who could not bo rolled upon
as being "right" on tiio "commission" busi
ness , never learned that bids were desired on
lines of supplies till after the contracts had
beeu awarded to personal friends of thu
Harrington Fined Five Hundred
rounds l > y tlio JudKCH.
LorjnoJJ , Nov. 21. At the meeting of the
Parnell commission to-day , Presiding Justice
Ilannan asked Harrington if ho had any
thing to say regarding the article abus
ing the commission , which bad appeared
in his paper , the Kerry Sentinel. Harring
ton replied that ho had no statement to make
except that hu would accept the responsibility
for what appeared In his paper. The
Judges retired , and Harrington conversed un
concernedly with his brother Timothy until
their retuni. In ten minutes the judges re
appeared and Judge Hnnncn said it was nec
essary that the authority of tbo court should
bo maintained , and therefore such things
should bo stopped. Ho then lined Harring
ton 500.
The taking of 'testimony was then re-
su tiied.
Cleveland Succeeds Detroit In tlio Na
tional IjRilKIIC.
NHW YOIIK , Nov. 21. The base ball con
vention formally convened this morning.
The work of the Joint committees , which met
yesterday , was approved without opposition ,
except the question of high or low ball.
The convention took n recess until half-past
3 o'clock. The only business transacted
with any degree of doliinteness was the ad
mission of the Cleveland club to succeed De
troit. The league also decided that fielding
and battery errors shall hereafter go in the
Teenier niul O'Connor to Race.
WASIIISOTOK , Nov. 21. T. Teenier , of Me-
ICecsport , and O'Connor , of Toronto , oars
men , will row a thrcc-milo race , with turn ,
on the Potomac here on Saturday for ? 1,000
a side and thu championship of America.
lioth are in good condition , and a close race
is expected.
The Appropriation Committee.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 21. Tho-inombors of
the appropriation committee held their Ilrst
meeting to-day , preliminary to the assem
bling of the Fiftieth congress in second ses
sion. Although Chairr.ian Randall was able
to drive to thu polls and cast his vote two
weeks ago , ho does not deem It wise to ex
pose himself to the sometimes un
wholesome atmosphere of the capital
in advancu of the reassembling of
congress , so that the deliberations of
the seven gentlemen present In thu committee
room were presided over by Koprcscntativo
, ) . 1) . Suyers , lifth member on the roll. His
colleagues present were Messrs. Clements.
Hice , Hyan , Uuttcrworth , McCouias ami
Anderson. Thu committee had before them
treasury estimates tor the District of Co
lumbia , and the fortification and sundry civil
bills submitted by courtesy in advance of the
regular time. The sundry civil bill is quito
voluminous and will require fully thrco
weeks for its consideration. The full com
mittee will not meet again until ono of the
bills is ready for report by a sub-committee ,
which is composed of Messrs. Clements ,
Hice , McComus and Anderson.
Ilrutnl Treatment of ft Servant.
HOI.VOKC , Mass. , Nov. 21. Charles T.
Parsons , of Northampton , notorious for
hiring Ignorant immigrants at Castle Gar
den and lens Ing their services to farmers
in this section , was arrested hero to-day for
having a Polander , dressed only in overalls ,
shoes and thin , chained to the sent of
his buggy and suffering intensely from cold.
Thu people hero nro greatly excited over the
matter , and Parsons' arrest Is ull that saved
him from being mobbed. He will bo tried
to-morrow for assault , false imprisonment
and cruelty ,
A Virginia Hunk Falln.
Nnurni.K , Va , , Nov.21 , The Homo Savings
bank of this city suspended this morning.
The reason assigned for the failure by the
board of directors Is thattho report recently
circulated ulfcctlng the bunk's credit pro
duced a run. A director stated this mornIng -
Ing that from the cashier's statement made
last night , the board ot directors hoped de
positors would lese little if anything.
At London The Lydlan Monarch , from
Now York.
At Now York The Elb , from Urcmen ;
the Egyptian Monarch , from London ; the
Westemlanu , from Antwerp.
At QueenstowiiTho Nevada from New
At Liverpool The Peruvian from Haiti-
Tlio Conductors' Aid Association.
CHICAGO , Nov. 21 , Thu fourteenth annual
convention of the Mutual Aid and Benefit
association of passenger uud freight con-
ductois began hero to-day. To-day'a session
was devoted to routine business.
Kohool llulldliii ; Hiirned.
CAIITIUCIB , 111Nov. , . 31. A fire this morn-
intr burned a brlolc school building , cauelng a
tout of 11(5,000 ( ; insurance , (3,000 , ,
Hla Qunrrol With Senator Blaokbure
Assumes n SorlouoAspect. .
The Hot Blooded Colornilo ) ndio ln
tlnmtOH That ( lie Kentucky StAtos-
innn IH n Coward nil ( I
n Iilnr.
The nint'kliiirn-ltuckor AfTalr.
DBNVKII , Col. , Nov. 31. [ Special Tolegrnnt
to Tin : BII : : . ] The Blackburn-Ruckor nf-
fair has at last assumed a serious aspect.
Yesterday Colonel John C. Moore , nn old
southern friend of Ruckor , and who has on
several occasions been identliled with affairs
of honor , nnd is well informed on points ol
etiquette of the code duello , urrivcd from
Pueblo , nnd was Immediately driven to
Judge Ruekor's ofllco. The gentlemen wcro
closeted until after midnight , when Judga
Ruckor stated that hu had addressed an open
letter to Senator Blackburn , in which ho re-
crates nil that ho had said con.
corning his conversation with Presi
dent Cleveland ; Intimates that ho had not
told half ; repeats what Mr. Cleveland said
about the opposition to him In Now York ;
shows that Blackburn has admitted what ha
nt Ilrst emphatically denied ; attributes his
( Blackburn's ) course to fear of the power of
New York politicians In the Kentucky legis
lature in Its election of a senator , and closes
as follows :
Now , Senator , I nppro.ich a point In the
controversy which I would gladly omit , but
concerning which , ns you have given It. great
prominence , 1 am compelled to speak plainly.
I mean your allusions , direct and Indirect , to
wlmt you are pleased to con
sider the difference in our so
cial positions In life , and the argument
your friend , Air. Phil Thompson , busoH
thereon to the effect thut it Is impossible ,
you should hold any correspondence with mo
of a personal nature. Our mutual f Hernia
may not recognize this nssumption of superi
ority , but let that pass. 1 will not say that
you are prompted in this by considerations
unworthy of a iniin of courage , but 1 will sny
that you are pursuing exactly the course a
coward might bo expected to pursue under
like circumstances. Certainly it is not the
part of courage to denounce a man and at the
same time assure him that .your position is so
much more exulted than his that he need
not expect redress from you. As for myself ,
while 1 have not said anything in this letter
or in any of my interviews with members ot
the press which 1 did not believe was true ,
nor anything that is or was intended to bo
personally offensive , yet if , at nuy time , oc
for any cause , you should desire n mooting
with mo , I can assure you that your slightest
Intimation to that effect will meet with prompt
acceptance on my part. It rests with you
to say what the result of the controversy
shall ho. Sincerely , A. W. RfcKCii.
The publication of the letter has created
no little excitement here , and has been the
topic of conversation in every quarter.
Owing to the distance between the two hot
headed Kentiickians there seems to be some
doubt as to whether tberu will be a meeting
or not.
Proceeding of the Fifth Annual Con
vention oft lid AiHoutatlon ,
CIIICAQO , Nov. 21. The fifth annual con
vention of the Western Association of Archi
tects began to-day. The annual address was
read by President Sidney Smith , of Omaha.
The board of directors reported favorably on
the proposed consolidation of the Western
Association of Architects witli the American
Institute of Architects. The members of thq
Western New York State association wera
elected members of the association , eo that
they might take part in the present proceed
ings. The committee on the Metric system
of weights and measure reported favorably
on thu system , and thought that steps ahouUl
bo taken to induce congress to pass a bilj
making the Metric system standard. A
resolution was adopted requesting the chair *
men of the different state associations ta
communicuto to their congressmen the opin
ion of the association regarding this matter ,
and request them to have the subject re
ferred to the proper congressional commit
AVcHtorn PackingIntcrcuto.
CINCINNATI , O. , Nov. Ul. [ Special Tola-
gram to Tun Bin : . ] To-morrow's Price Cur
rent will say : The marketing of hogs in
the west continues to fall short of the corresponding
spending time last year. Ten leading point *
packed about 270,000 , hogs during the week ,
against ! 1S5OLO , a year ago. Total for thosq
places since November , ( iTO.OOO , ugainsj
1,000,000 n year ago , a decrease of : no,000
hogs. Other places packed about us many ns
for the corresponding time last year. In the
general outlook as to the winter supply of
hogs , there Is no now feature , nor is thcra
apparently any more encouragement foe
stocking up operations in the manufacture ]
of product , on the basis of current prices of
hogs , than has previously confronted the
t rude.
J 'licit Ing. N'ov. 1 todutu. | im.H. | TB87T"1
Chicago .
Kansas City , IM.UOQ
Oiintha 60.00) ) ( WIOO (
Kt , I.onls 47'HK ) 7oooa
1 nilliiim po 1 In 47,1101) ) K 1,000
Cincinnati 61. KJ.OOQ
Milwaukee rn.wn r.7.wj
Odar Kuplilx 1 I.IK ) I : n , MIS
Cleveland ll.ftlT wiioa
LoulKVllIu 86.000
Sioux Utr , la . n.ooa
Keokuk , la fl.uio 10.MXJ
Tli ( ! Cattle Convention How.
ST , Louis , Nov. 21. The uattlumcn and
butchers are still apart and it begins to look ;
us though the joint convention would fall
through. Half a doicn spectators and a brass
band was the contingent at Entertainment
hall in tlio exposition building this morning ,
The stage handsoinoly decorated was tlio
only evidence that there was to bo a cnttla
convention. The ran go association members
declare they will not meet with butchers un
less the latter agree to abjure all discussion
of big Jawed bcof , file.
After caucusing all day and up to 11 o'clock
the range association and butchers finally
agreed ujion the following : A conference of
cattle raisers , cattle f-odors ( and butchers
will bo hold In the Exposition hall on Thurs
day evening , November 2.J , nt 8 o'clock , under
the auspices of the Joint committed of the
International Kungoasgoclatlon and Butchers'
association. The session will bo open to the
imblic. It is understood that the conference
will bo more In the nature of a mass meeting
than a convention , The dressed beef men
will bo In attendance.
Coiif'oroncp ( if ChiirlllcH.
Ciuc.UH ) , Nov. 21. The delegates to the
Illinois atata conference of charities as
sembled this morning to confer with the
state commissioner of public charities. A
number of nebulous will bo hold. Thu sub
ject of till * series of proposed meetings IB to
discuss the duty of Mutes , Unit , toward de
pendent and neglected children ; hccorul ,
toward the insane ; third , toward the cnmU
Inal and dcllnuuont classes , Ex-Prcsldont
It. I ) . Hayes will deliver an address to tbo
conference to-morrow ovcnlnc on the sub.
Jcct of "Tho Kodempllon of Waifs. "
A Family PolHomid.
Ci.r.VEMND , Nov. 21 , A mysterious casa
of poisoning Is reported from Plymouth ,
Ohio. Recently William Allen , a farmer ,
and three sons wore taken sick from an uuj
known cause. Next the wife and daughteo
wore prostrated , Allen said thut his tuna
are out of danger , but Ills daughter hat died
and Mrs , Allen Is m'a critical condition ,