Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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The < ' i c of Paul Stein the constnnlo
who broke Stras or's jaw has been dis
missed by the oourt for want of prosecu
tion ,
Au nfrfd Individual who has been
somewhat ill for the pi'Ht ' few days died
Sunday night at 101S Luavonwortli. He
claimed to have a nephew named
HolmcH at Plattc Center , who owed him
KiOO. Ho will be buried at the expense
of the county.
Personal PnrnKrnplii.
Attorney Strawn left for the east Sun
Mrs. W G. Tafllndernnd son arrived In
this city Sundm from Sioux Falls , Dak ,
mid with Mr Taftlritler will make their fu
ture home in Omaha at 017 Twentieth street.
At the Windsor M P. Hrown , Pnpillion ;
Mr , J. N. Hlnck. Plattsmouth ; II. P. Clark ,
Hentrico , L ( , ' . Marble , Doch ester , and D
Q. Mulrtims , DCS Molncs.
Mr V P Roberts of Minneapolis , Minn. ,
la in the eit\ , having been called here by the
KUddun Heath of his little daughter , Ida Hoc.
on Suturda.v last. The remains were buried
in Forest Lawn cemetery ,
At the Mlllard-E C. Homnn , W. C. Kim-
toll , John A. Keaii , II A. Hllss , S. 11. John
son , Mrs. Keneth Reid nnd C. II. Virgin , of
New York. Clllfoul K11K L S. Perry , C. C.
Fitzmatirice , N P. . Magnus , 1C C ! . Crifllth
and.l O. Kelley , of Chicago ; C. K. Murklo ,
St. Louis O A Cooper , Humbolclt , Neb. ;
R. Flanders , Chadron. Neb. ; Thomas Ran-
ktn , wife nnd daughter , Plttsburg , Pa ;
James R. Wash , Lincoln ; Hr.ul Slaughter ,
Fiillerton. Neb. : I ) , ri. Devln , Oltumwa ,
la , , H C. Randal , North Plattc. Neb. ;
HonrJnynes , Muscatlne , la ; Henry Jansen -
son , Leaveinvorth , Kan.
At the MtirrnA. . Van Hangan , Phila
delphia ; R. J. ( iovenor , St. Louis ; A. F.
Phillips , Fiemont. Nob. , A. F. Longwell
and wife , Shormndonh , In. : Walter L. Ashby ,
J , L. Goldsmith , M M. Judd , 1J. R Nason , J.
A. Nunn , John Sampson and J , Schwa-
bacher , Chicago ; J. Flanagan , W. F. Par-
dee and Herbert Gossnge , Now York ; A. H.
Fuller , Ashland , Neb. , and J. R. Larson ,
Fremont , Nob.
At the Paxton John C. Fleming , John K.
Parks , H. A. Gray , Warren M. Salisbury
nnd Herman 11. Abt , Chicago ; George W.
Hayes , Milwaukee. ( 'Imrles Sjkes , K. A.
Josephine , Henry Helmut , ' , Jr. , and John
DiiBoy , New York , John W. Coal , Atlantic ;
J. H. Grace , Haltlmoro ; H. C. Campbell , A.
A. Abbott , Grand Island ; A. H. Smith , Hos-
ton , (5. H. Pracer , T. li. Dlckcnnnn , John
H. Hamilton and Herbert Russell , Des
Molncs ; Phillip Paine , Lincoln.
At the Merchants W. H. Osborn nnd
wife , Coldwater. Miclr ; O. W. Whittlesey.
Moberley ; David Jackson , Sewaid , Col. ;
S. . A. Haynes , Denver , Col. ; G. T. Hont-
loy and.l I ) . Rayl , Des Monies ; W. .1. Ko-
nin and two ladles , Fremont. Net ) . ; J. L.
Ncvln , Lincoln , Neb. ; F. S. Clinton , Weep
ing Water , Neb. , Charles F. Uhl , Chicago ;
K. Thoiell , St. Paul , Minn. ; Mrs , C. H. Ha-
mill , Villesca , la ; W. H. Dickenson , Chicago
cage ; J. A. Morgan. J. D. Rowley , und C. H.
1'litzgerald , Kansas City.
Itrnoklyn Gctn JLovctt.
The directory of the Omaha Hase I3nll as
sociation have completed the negotiations for
the Mile of Lovett to the Urooklyn club. The
price Is &i,500.
A Methodist llcvlval.
Hcvlvnl services are now being hold in the
South Tenth street Methodist Episcopal
church , conducted by the pastor , Rov. C. N.
Dawt.oii. For a week the audiences
Imvo mcicnsed nightly and a growing inter
est is rcpoi ted. A general invitation is ex
tended to the public.
W. L. Wiseman got to his store on St.
Mary's avenue Sunday evening just in time
to discover a burglar getting out of ilio back
win low. Ho gave "htibo to the crook but
was soon distanced. On returning to the
store Mr. Wiseman found that a silver watch
n revolver and a promissory note had been
taken. The tlnot is still at large.
The Npoil ol' a Morgue.
Speaking with Superintendent Mahoney
yesterday the want ot a public morgue was
referred to by that gentleman. Mr. Mahoney -
honey instanced the case of John Hess , the
man who dropped dead a few days ago at
McArdlo , as one in which it would have been
advisable to keep the body for a few days
for the purpose of identification.
minor Canunltlcs-
Mis. Kato Fox is suffering from a broken
collar-bone , caused by falling against n door.
Jtvns dressed nt Hell's drug store.
James Shea sued Louis Goldsmith for ? 100
damages damages , to repay him for Injuries
received through falling into a cesspool loft
unprotected by Goldsmith. Justice Holmes
{ javo Judgment for tlS.75 for time lost and
money expended.
An Absolute Curn.
la only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
nnd is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wwiids. chapped hands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles.
MEKT. Sold by Gomlman Drug Co. , at 'io
ceuts per box by mail UO cents.
Goint ; Hack Homo.
Lulu James was rescued from a probable
life of shame through the efforts of Detective
Jlorrignn Sunday night Horrigan ascertained
her whereabouts and took her trom n house
of ill-fame on North Twelfth street , where
she had been residing but a few days. The
father of the girl had written to Chief
Scavoy , asking his services In the mutter.
The case was put into Ilorrigan's care with
tbo aboyo icsult. Ttio girl accompanied by
her father loft yesterday for their homo In
If vou need a perfect tonic or a blood
purilior. take I lr. Jones' led { Clover
Tonic. It speedily cures all troubles of
thu stomach , kidneys and liver. Can
ho taken by the mobt dolocate. Price
CO cents. Goodman Drug Co.
To StreuutlKMi thu County Itulldlnu.
Commissioner O'ICcofo was busily outraged
yeatordiiy afternoon looking over the plans
of the county building , with u view to having
strengthening girders of iron placed in vari
ous parts of the structure. Mr. O'Keefe ex
plained that the condition of thu building
was. thoroughly halls factory , but It was
thpughi better to take this precaution , as
i.omu of the arches wore not considered quito
us reliable us the commissioners would ile-
slro , The proposed additional work will cost
ubout SIKH ) . _
These who take Dr. Jones' Rod Clover
Tonio never Imvo dyspepsia , costivo-
nesrs , had breath , piles , pimples , ague
nnd malaria , poor appetite , low spirits ,
headache or kidney troubles. Price CO
cents. Goodman Drug Co.
A Oil til Smollioroil to Dontli.
The homo of Mr. Chas. W. Spray ofOmaha
Vluw was the scone of a sad accident Satur
day night , resulting In the death of their 4
months old son The child had been put to
bed In its usual good health , but on awaken
ing , Us parents were horrified to Unit that it
hud died during the night. Appearances
wont to show that It had bcou accidentally
fiitlTocntod , and although Dr. Hosteller WIIH
utonco summoned , his bcrvk'cs weioof no
nvu.ll. Mrs. Spray is cntiioly prostrated
with grief , at the sudden death of her child.
Jitck and Jill each took n lull ,
Old-fashioned kind full grown ;
Jnck'u went down but with a frown-
Jack died from "cause unknown , "
Smiles will suporbedo many frowns ,
nnd many discomforts will bo unknown ,
when Dr. I'ierco's Pleuwuit Purgative
Pallets entirely supersede , as they hid
( air to do , the largo and loss etllciont
of our forefathers. Kvery day they
now laurels ! Most popular when
most | 1U abound !
s' Muku u Haul ,
catered a house at Second and
Williams streets Sunday night and stole u
shotgun , a revolver , three suits Qf clothes , a
wutch uud fcfO iu uiouey , About 11
o'clock yesterday one Frank Lucas wns ar
rested by Ofllocrs Cullcn nnil OuboH on sus
picion of bolnp the thief On Ills person was
found the revolver stolen Ed Lncay , ft fel
low who wns pitying bllllnnls with Luens nt
the tlmo of tlio nirest , wns ulso taken into
ciistod ; ' on suspicion of being nn acootnplicc ,
Throat IJIspnoes commence with nCough.
Cold , or Sore Thront. "Urown's Hronrmnl
Troches" jrlvc immcdliito relief. Sold only
In boxes. 1'rlco' ' . cents.
It wns Ilnllnwc < l <
The bill claiming dues to the extent of
$ : iiOO b.v the city from the county , for "cr-
viccs rendered in taking chnrRo of prisoners ,
lias been disallowed by the county comiuis-
slonors. This action was tnkon upon In
structions given by County Attorney Slinornl ,
who held that the city was in no way entitled
to rcmmiPratioii for that work , inasmuch an
the Jurisdiction of the police Judjo ( extended
over state criminal cases.
The Amount Involved In a United
States Court , Case.
The rase of JJurrott against Kllwood In
forei'loauro proceedings , was disposed of by
Judge ntindy. The court held that the
plaintiff , on his original bill , was not entitled
to maintain his suit , and dismissed the origi
nal bill but hold that the suit was letfiil on
the cross bills filed , anil ruled In fuvor of the
plaintiff. The amount in litigation is about
$75,01)0 ) , which Involves real estate in Omaha
and nt other points In this state.
Tno Kriinil jury has returned nn indict
ment n ninstn government ofili'lul. but the
leiiorof thu llndliiK has not been divulged.
It is thought that the arrest will follow to
day.A. .
A. Li. Harbor n commission merchant on
South Sixteenth street this eity , was in-
dlctedb.y | the federal grand jury yesterday tor
sending "dunning" postal cards through the
mails. Harbor was arrested Into yesterday
afternoon and was arraigned before Judge
Untidy. He entered u plea of not guilty.
. .lessoV. . I-oguo was arraiunud buforo
.ludgo Dandy on n chargeof pilfering the
malls and embe-vloment. lie pleaded not
The grand jury Is Investigating tin alleged
timber land steal , and in consequence several
of the Indian residents uro in attendance us
This court will have befoio it the coin
ing week a. very important case affecting
issues amounting to SiOO.OOO. The Kit
ter Cattle company , of Texas , tiled last
weelc before Judge Uundy n petition
praying that a receiver might bo appoin
ted in the estate of the Harlem Cattle
eompanv , whose ranches are in Colorado
and Nebraska. Tno Carter company nfllrin
that the defendants owe them $ ! , UOO. Sat
urday last , the defendants , bythelrattorneyB ,
Cavenaugli , Crane and Atwell , nled an an
swer to this statement , and placed on record
aflldavits showing they were perfectly sol
vent and possessed ranches and blooded stock
to the value of S00t ! > 0 ( > . They alsu ( lied a
motion asking that the petition be dismissed.
Altoineys Coke and Uobers , an eminent linn
of Texan lawyers , with w horn are Maniuotte ,
DC Weeso and Hall , of Lincoln , appear for
tin1 Carter company , and by the local firm of
attorneys referred to represent the defend
This suit is very likely to bo prolific of
much interest.
The District Court.
Al. Kdxvards enters suit against John Flan-
nagan for tGS..Ci. The action i brought to
recover the value of board agreed to bo fur
nished b.v defendant to plaintiff. Defendant
denies ho is indebted to plaintllt in any sum ,
mid further alleges that the plaintiff is not
the llrstrduss brielimaker he represented
himself to bo , nnd further brings in a coun
ter claim of fl'.H.'J. ) for loss of brick said to
'nave been spoiled thiough plaintiffs igno
rance of his business.
Herman Keshner vs John Flannagan. Suit
is instituted for the recovery of laborer's
wages in the sum of $ . ' ! ! ) 5' ! .
The ease of Joseph Dies vs Clifton E.
Mayno was on trial before Judge Wnkoloy
yesterday. The defendant is sued for thu
cost of a certain building which ho refuses
to pay for upon the ground that the work is
net acccording to contract ,
County Court.
The case of John A. Wakefleld against
Henry Finger was conciudcJ yesteidav m
Judge Shields' court. The plaintiff was
awarded a verdict in the sum of $7o0.41.
This trial has occupied the court four
days , and was hotly contested throughout
by both sides.
A wilt of attachment has been issued nt
the instance of William J. Maxwell against
Luntm Hight. Mr. Maxwell ndlrms that
Mrs. Hight is about to convert her property
into money , with intent to defraud her
creditors. Having entoicd nn fiction in
Judge Shields' court for $7. > 0 , the balance
duo on a promissory note , Maxwell wishes
to protect himself in this manner in event of
Judgment being recorded in his favor.
Only $10 to Colorado Springs. Denver
or Pueblo and return. Grand Hock
Island oxeui-hion Tuesday morning. No
vember ii7. Tickets good for fifteen days.
A. Ijawycr Thinks nt Ijeast Two
.Judges Should Ho lOmployed.
The matter of revising the city charter in
relation to the police court , is occupying a
prominent place in legal circles. That the
work devolving upon the present incumbent
is too much for him to handle , is generally
conceded by those who are practitioners in
his court. Sticaking of the matter a well
known attorney said : "Tho police court oc
cupies nn important place in the city eov-
eniment. The manner in which it adminis
ters penalties and construes the law , iclleets
more or less upon the morality of the eity.
Then , too , it is the stepping stone in the en
forcement of our pcnnl code. To sum it all
up it Is the chief shield of morality in any
largo city like Omaha. Now , there was a
lime when one police judge could handle all
the cases that camu under his Jurisdiction ,
but that time in this citv has passed.
1 will venture to say that Judge Herka ou
an average each day , handles mow crimi
nals than are arraigned in Kansas City. St.
I'aul , Minneapolis , or cities of that class ,
notwithstanding that all these cities employ
Irom three to live police judges , and nil sal
aried. Now the matter resolves itself into
two forms. The penal law must bo amended ,
making the penalty more severe , uhich may
have a tendeiuJyto lessen the commission of
crime , or amend the charter no as to employ
two Judges instead of one , "
Only $1(1 ( to Colorado Springs , Denver
or 1'uublo and return. Grand Koclc Ib-
liuiil excursion Tuesday morning , No
vember ii7. Tickets gooil for ill teen days.
In County Clerk Hocho's olllco yesterday
the following documents were placed on Ale :
J. G. Koobct to John Fry , bill of sale on
the building at the southeast corner of
Twontv-sixth and Q streets , South Omaha ,
and nil fixtures therein. Consideration ,
.MW. .
Kammorcr and Gust us to Henrv Mies ,
bill of sale nn frame building , No. I'i'U )
South Sixteenth street , south end of lot 1 ,
In Hurtinan'H addition , together with all the
saloon llxtures and stock , billiard tables ,
etc. , ami coouing utensils , now used in the
business of n saloon and lunch counter , Con
sideration , 6 . ' . ( XKJ.
Only $10 to Colorado Springs , Denver
or Pueblo and return , drand Hock
Inland excursion Tuesday morning , No
vember 11. Tickets good for lif teen days.
A Hellluercnt Hestaurantotir ,
P. O'Brien is u saloonkeeper on Sixteenth
and Cass streets , and C. Johnson keeps u
restaurant next door , yesterday a dispute
arose between the two men respecting cer
tain sewerage and the payment for keeping
Ihp.ccss pool in proper order. Words led to
blows and In thu encounter Mr. Johnson
drew a revolver and was oa the point of
shooting O'lJrlon when L. Lagarus , who
wns standing near , wrested the weapon
from him. This was not before Johnson
had , however , kicked O'Hrlcn in thu abdo
men , Indicting very serious Injuries , winch
tnity possibly prove fatal , O'Hrien ' was
carried to his homo and JolnibOu locked up
In the central jiollcu station.
Standard shorthand school. 1007 j Fnr-
Tlipy Arc Arrlvlnc Vnr To-tlnr Impor
tant Meeting ,
To-tlni the convention of special insur-
guranco agents of all the larger companies
doing business In this territory , meet In this
city. It is expected that about fifty repre
sentatives will bo In attendance , some of
whom have already arrived. Among these
nro Joseph Klclnrds , Robert Reynolds of the
Connecticut of Hartford , George , M
G. Hently of the Niagara of New York , nnd
John F. Dale of the Phccnlx of Hartford.
The aim of the agents Is , If possible , to de
stroy the system of "dnuble-hciid-
Ing1 which has lately been In
troduced hero , and which local
agents claim has demorali/od the business.
Hy double heading is meant the practice of
having more than one agent employed by nn.v
company In a given city. In Omaha some of
the companies nro repiesented by as many as
four solicitors who cut the rates under to got
business. The convention will make Inquiry
ns to whether or not the practice mav be de
stroyed by law. If such mabe done , a bill
will bo framed and Introduced into the next
legislature in January.
Advice lo Mothers.
Mrs. WnaloWs Soothing Svrtip should nl-
wayc be Usedforchildienteething Itsonthes
the child , softens the gums , allays all pain ,
curesjwind colic , ami is the best lemeJy for
dlarrhu'a. Mo a bottle.
The Latter Day Saints are conducting a
series of meetings at their chapel , Twenty-
Ill st and Clark streets. idor ! H.C. Hronsoii ,
of St. Joseph , Mo. , will preach each evening
during the week. Mr. Kay Potter ,
ptesides at the organ with an excellent
choir The public is cordially Invited to at
tend these services. Seats free and all are
J'vory application d\cs ri'tlof ,
Kxoiy bottle contain * 11 cure.
Iltery buttle tented ns to quality.
CTCT7 Genuine Bottle Bears tbe Firm's signature-
Kvory ton ! Imonlal Htrlctly trim.
livery ilny IncronKoil < l < 'imiiicl .
ICtery patient IH uniuzuil mill rureil.
Eiory utlio ur | > ln succumbs.
SoM by Druggiitt and Dcalcri
Xlio Chnrlci A. Vogelor Co. , Ilulto , , Mil.
Cures Oiuslia , ColU-i , Asthma , Kron-
btiltiH , Jlchlli yVustnitt Diseases
mid Kcinl'iilnu * HiimorH.
OJT TllKlirvi'lM. AllTK 11. Tlin front iiupnlnrlt )
ot"Wllliiir il'iiiiiiioniiilofCiill.lierlllliiml Mine IIHH
liMlild" ! Kiinif iiiiirlii | < l | > liil IIT-XIIIH to iiUi'mpt tn
niilni Dlfil-Inil'li' iirlklu of ttiolr i > n in iniifni tare ,
hill liny | ior ii who -.LfforltiL' l from < iiiiulK , CulilK ,
urCiininiiilitliiii , sliinil I he cari'lnl nlurillicj pnr-
thiiHii llilsnrililc. Tliii re iilt iif lit n o lire II" hi' t
rccoinnn'iiiliitlnn : nnd t'lo pnipili'tor h i' aniplo i'\l-
ilcnrn on Illcnl llsuri'il Mir < < In pnliiinirir } mm-
pliilnti 'Jhc I'lii | ilmt3 of Liniu i > n e' o < n nni t
ninriclloiix li"illni ! ; IHIHIT , us c ouiblnol ivltli tin1 imtn
Cud IHurOll li ) lr ) Wilbur It iHiruul.irlv iiro-irllu il
li > tlio nicillral liirull ) . .Siild l > > A. II. Wll lion ,
Clu'inl-t , lii-lon ! , nnil nil ilriD.'k'l * ! " .
Anil all nature nsHiimo u winti'ry n
I eit , tho.o nlio nre prtulotit nnd i cnn-
omlcal will botllu to lonk ubout for pro-
toc'llon ii iiln t cold vrnthrr. ohnnscM
of toinpcraturc , anil tlii'lr roinlts. Win-
terflotlilni ! , fuel nnil HI'.N-ON t l'n . -
THE 1 hit nre ro ) Kiil/vit 111 tin1 mo t Impor-
Hint liousulinld iiec'i' ltU's. 'lliHpl i tcr
IIIIM vucnrtMl n porimiix'iit plni-o In every
LEAVES ucll reKiilntiMl lieu eliold , n thu most
viiliiiitilu exti'rnnl leinely knonn for
CDUUTIM , ColiN. Clllist 1'nlll . I ) Kknctlt * .
ItliuutiuitlMii. KtlatlcH. I.titnltiL'o nud all
aohrs und pnliitt i > oclllinr to 1lim sraium
BEGIN ot tin > < ur. ( iwlnic to Its cii'iit popular-
It } III N-.iVh \vmtlinsbconlnrKnly
lilillntinl. hiMur biiyprH Kliould nlvrityt *
ii k fnrllv NWIN'I * Hiul refu > Hll ottieiH ,
TO FALL tliiisitxolillin ; w irtlili"-i prmliKls.
Sifffml iniicviit otninp tosi'ijbury .V
John'on. 21 I'latt Mri'i't. N. V. lor a
lopyol INMIll'l IIIISHIIIM Till : 1)1)1-
TOII , a viiliinblu honst'liol I book.
Tors Dolls. &c ,
01. " MIMVAUKII : : .
Will have thulr mil line of suini ! es displayed
at the following places bufoie Nov. Jiiitli.
Grand Wanl , Columbus , Norfolk , Hastings
and Lincoln.
to any of the nbovo towns. For particu
lars and ( lutes , address our travelling
man ,
Huntings ,
d Ibro
_ _ _ _ - VtiKKKSS , Rlv-
fcnt rtTn- S * " llnuo' , mild , teething currcnli ot .
Bltctric- Itjdlr.cUjlhri.ujh all nk rjarti.nitor-
lngth m . . _ . .loheilth ondVlnmcuiSlrirtill. EUctrlo
Cumnt - * > V ; -f ltlnii > nllrori > criirirfilO , coo Incaib.
UmtiitlmrroirrDtntiovrr all other brlti Wont raid per-
inaniill7curidlnthv lnontbr. btHleil tminrhlvt t *
Tths Sindon ElecK lu Cc. IE ! ) LaSolic t. . Chlcaao
T. E.
liuom 03 Triilerft'
ncicrcoccs-Moirnnolltiin Nntlmiil : Hnnk.
li. U. Imn i. Co. Tbo MriiJetrcct Oa
AilviirtJsliijr hns alwiOB piovoa
Biieccssttil. Jlcforo pl.iclUb'nny
Nowspnpor Advertising consirit
41 ( 19 UiodolcUblrf. ! . CHIRAOO.
Surgeon and Physishi ,
Onlce N. W CXirner Hth uu.t ) At. Oillca
telephone , 1'Jj ' ; Kudiduaco tulopUau , Hii ,
One of ( ho. Jlost
In the Treatment of all Chronic or the (
So-called Incurable Diseases ,
A ruro ( 'uar.intfiul In till ca ra of PKIVATH
nml hlv IN IMSUAHI-X All iiisordcri ot the
aud MAN"OOI )
L'nili-r the Doctoi'i * form of ti eat merit no ills.
rate l coiihlik-reil Incurable , until the pntta of
the lioJy alte.'tfil by dlm-abu nro deatroyed
f abler llmu they can be ropuiruii or built up.
CONdltl/rATiON KllBK.
Treatment by corresponJeiiC'- . Send itntnp
for reply.
Office Bushman Bloc < < , 16th and
Douelas Sts > Omaha , Neb.
Absolutely Pure ,
This DowiU-rncvcrvnrlpx. A mnrvol of purity
htrciiutli " < 1 wholrsoincncss Mom i-iMiiiom-
Irul tliiiu thu uidliuiry kinds , nnil ciiimnt be sold
In competition with tlu < iniiltltiuluof tow cnst ,
short wt'lKht ilium or iilioinhnti' powder * , Sold
uiilvin i-iins Itovul itnklnc 1'owder Co. , IM
Wall street. New Vurk.
Nothing Succeeds Like Success ,
Tlio manifest appreciation of our ellorts
to pirate "llr cUHUinu'iH , stimulates us to
continui'd oniliMUor.
1'ie-ili Inducciui'iils arcnowlivingotlorvit
In the following KOO < K
snnm \ on
A Proprietary MfMicinu lUu iieufe UututrlJj
lo prove Itb wortli.
Dr. . Caliender's ' left lifer Hers ,
Tfco only Dbtillsd UUwrs In the UnlW.-d
GUtcs. Tbe only Hitters recognized by the
United State * luteniul revenue laws as a Pro-
prletary Medlrlne. Lawfully F'atc&tcd. NO of
relent 19,573. Contains no fusil all' ! , no foreign snlihtaucn onlnmag.
lag driiK8. A pprfcctly pute medicine , corn-
pounrled from Turp Root lK-rl > 8 and Old 1'pnch ;
pleasant to tin ) taste , | iilet an.l decisive In lt
Soct. Curcj Dy.ipepslft jr Yellow Jaundice In
HT d ys. lleeulates the Howcls. Inrlcnrntca
Inactlre F.ivor 0'ires DlseasaJ Mrer. Itovlves
toe Kidneys , ImprovcH the Appetite Quickly ,
Regulate ? the wnole - Life to th *
wtol Bj.stem.
ol'UftLtri'r Hilton nro nld in Onm'n. Vub.livt'n '
llowina ilrtiiwus III , luirilHim Dun Cop 'cl ' il
Wbiilu Klf. lur tU0 diiu Int'.Tcst or Ni-lirnscii. | ( o-
tallnrnHH lulliMs. . . . . . .
Ooodman Dnu Co. . W. ' H'Ulttwo in' , 'I. W.'siiif-
'nnl. ' mn II. Knrii wortli. f i lirotur I'nir.nicy
Kiitinv IM. . I u in filmllti. M I'urr , J.A. nllurxCu.
W. J. llimlUB , .lidm II ( 'null ! , C J. I ran , M.J. I'u'vull
K ll.i < > ntiili.l < ilin K. llutUiy , Moriiill'i I'linrui icy
.liimc r llpll. Dr. J.-JIblvlllB , C .M.Crn-
fuy , K. Cliiindlur. llnliii'ii I'haniinty , tlumur X l.iy'n
J.C KIUB..IY riarkiII. ! . buhiuiilt , Mn lloiht.J
K ChrKH'imon. U * . K. I.nmb"r * < on , 1C. S. < " \ , Mar
Conrnil. KrnrkV. . Vnt-g , II. in mn-on < le > . Itocdor
Ho > ii's I'lnirmiey , ( \ A. > leli.i | ( < r , IIo' ii"l fiiuyuri.
tnmk Dollonn \ Co. . wliulc a'u da ilcri in C. iirM anl
JeULlvcr llltter <
N. W. Cor. tSth & DodRO Sts.
Appliances for Deformities nd Trues.
lint fucllltlei , oppnrutm > tid rcn ) dlm for turccis-
rnl treutiuenl ol urury form If 4l c.iiu tequlrlui
JJuJIcnl nrhurglcal Treatmunt.
Hoard ami ittoaduacei tent Lo > ptal | uccuinuiuJa
tloniln the writ.
\t lUTt run CIHOITI.B on Itoforuilllei unit Mrarct
Truiioi , Cltlti rnot , Curtnlure of lui ) Hplno , I'lli'H ,
Tumors , fnncer. Cuturrli. llrouiUliln. Inbnluilun ,
Blcttrldty , rnmlyti , Upllop y. uidnvy. llladdnr
Eft , Kar , Mkln und Illooj , nn t all Piirxlujl Operutlons
Diseases of Women a. Specialty.
All lllool Dlieaici iiiccciiftilly trouteil. byplillllli :
I'olion runiort'U from tlie H ) item without morcurr.
Neir t moratlru lor Ion ul VlinJ I'OWLT
1'crsoni unabla to rlilt ui may b lreate < t at Iionlo by
eorrotpOBdenco. All ciiiiiiuiinlcatlons eon mi.
ilknt or InilruuienH mnt by aiail or .
eiir ly tmrkpil , no murk * ti Indloita cuntPiilii o.
laujcr. OHU partoaal Intcrrlcw prufurrud mil un i
consult ui or tend lilitory or your caio , anil we wi
ad In plain wrapper , our
Upon I'dtoto , Special or Nurvmn l > lit ! i , Iuno :
fency , Syntillls , Uleet an4 V ru culo , with quuiluni
Cit. Addreit
Oinalta .Iffdlcol and Suruietil fnttltute , or
0r. 13th and Dodi-e SU. . OMAHA. M.'Il
i ucccaaf ully ui.vd monthly liy OUT 10,1X0
yl dlea. AroSu/e , Kffcctuatuntl J'leatant
> " JI pi rlxix hymall.orntdriJ Klsts ftratiil
J'artlculari 3 postnue stamps. Adilrcsa
TDE EuncsA CUKUIDAI. Co. , Damon , Micu ,
Lf9T aitleanrlln/ mall Goodman ;
Vmtihtt ,
Few people Imvo nny itlon of HIP innKiiihulp of the luisiucm wo nro doing. It h n sight to SPC flic throng
of IniyoiN nhvays in our store. The biggest throng is on the socontl floor , among the overcoats. Though the
weather hits boon wnnn nntl other houses Imvo sold lml few overcoats , wo Imvo moved tlionemuli of them nl-
rendy. Wu had nn immense stock enough wo thought lo last us tlnough the sea-sen but our tremendous
trndo the ] iastt\vo weeks has thinned thorn out so much Hint wo have lo let up advertising them for a few
days , until we got in fresh goods , for which \vehnvo telegraphed our buyer.
Our special sales nro becoming famous throughout the city nnd state , and in nccordnnco with onr promise to
give every week sonic new drives , we will this week have n IMG SUIT SALK. During flic next six dnya
wo will prove most conclusively to the thousands who may call on ns , that wo faithfully keep our promises.
It is the always carrying1 out to tlie letter what we adver
tise , that has made The Nebraska Clothing' Company famous
and our name a household word throughout this section.
The following extraordinary offerings are made for this week
Lot No. 1 , consists of about four hundred Business Suits , all sacks , plain and fancy cheviots and cnssimeres ,
STRICTLY ALL WOOL , with good -ergo lining nnd honestly made ut $5.50. Alnko no mistake , this is not
n cheap suit. It is as good as you will buy anywhere at from ? 10 to $12. It may seem impossible for ns to
sell it at $5.50 , but wo have promised something extraordinary find hero it is. Don't take our word for it , but
come and sec for yonr.-clf.
Jot No. L' , is si line of very fine black corkscrew suits , sucks nnd frocks , the regular price of which is ftl.1) ,
and for which other houses would charge from ? 1S to ! ? 20. Will be sold this weelc at SjO.oO for Hie sack and
$ f1.7.j for frock suits.
In lot 15 , we oiler the CLIMAX OF BAHGAINS our great $10 suit. We have in this lot two styles of
ca-simere suits. , on which we stake out-reputation , that they are honestly worth doable the money. One is a
plain gray , the other a fine silk mixed cassimere. We will himply say that this line of $10 Miits is destined to
become the greatest advertisement for us.
Lot No. 4 , ] s a line of elegant cutaway Frock uits , made of fine fancy worsted , one
of the choicest suits ever offered ; tailor made and beautiful fitting. suits are
made for men who demand and can appreciate a superior character of worknanship.
They sell ordinarily for $25 ; we olfer them Uiis week atl.5. This is the moat fearful
slaughter of Suits that we ever got into in the very midst of our busiest season.
Wo are opening to-day and placing in stock some very handsome styles of hildreu's
Overcoat ! of beautiful designs and trimmings Tlie prices are in accordance with all
our goods extremely low.
Plain Figures and One Price.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
The Burlington takes the lead.
It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska *
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha propsr.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It v/as in advance , and is the only line by which you can
foave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver th
evening of the same day.
it has been progressive in the past.
it will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Tefephono 250.
Depot on Tenth Street.
Nebraska Nan
i'nlil L'p ' Capilal $100,000 ]
Stirnlus 50,000 |
II. W. VATI-.S , President.
I.MVIHH. Hum , Vice President. ,
A , li TOU/.AMN , "nil \ lei ) ( 'resident.
W. II. H. lIumiKP , Cashier.
' . V. Mniisn. JOHN 8.
11. W , VATKH. J.uwisS.
Corner Uth anil I'arnam 8tH
A General llankInu'lliiblnH ! > aTranbactod.
nl ( n11 urinary troubles mslly.iiilck-
lyunilriaftflycureabyDOCriMtACai ) ;
hi- . rc\eralciBHun cured in Moven tla > s. bold
ij Kl per box , all ill iiuulsts , or by mail Irom Do- , lia\VirteBt.N ) V. Tnll Ulreetlona
WE A If rn B. now TO AOT.
W "JrT \ litVlpor nrl > l rtioodHe loifl. J'le.
mature Ilicllne nd CufClloi l d'Wi. '
il ric r U /.oulhlGinKli ( Mwllcln" .
B"lrd Tt t MlMMnt ff e on t.pllcitl "i.
MAMTOV CO.I ruki'Mi. ' i I 'W
Heal Estate ,
nnUITCPTO IBTAITII. . 1619 ilowonl St. . ( ) ranh , has drawn pluns and
flnun 1 1 LUI fneclflcatluna fora It-room frame honm.nhlcli coinbluea =
utlllty.comfort.etonomy and lirnuty.ln a way linpoMlble In any | } ooa
lioufce that conn from * l. ' to : i. ' W An more tUun IW , . - - - . . . , . . , . , , ,
\ 111 be built no. I can afford to offer a copy for -jS 21 Original nnd n
till , the iiiiial fueb otherWInu being from rtrBlgns f.jrnlnhcd , as can be Judged
I to 7 per wiiiU'tttBijt 'pll a ' " ; ot
[ --s form the net * or plunnof cojnpltted buildings
dacrlptlonn 1 lm > - In my ofllrc , rungliiK I" "
from W.OOO tot 100,0(0 ( , HyunuBual experience will guaranteisatUfactlou
and reliable contrnetow only are engaged ou myvorka. . 1'anloa wlnhlug to bullJ
ar * cordially luvlttd.