THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , NOVEMBER IS , 1888.-SIXTEEN PAGES. llnyflon Itroi , Mommy will be our greatest bnrgnin dny of the year prieea rnt right and left to make room for nn immense holi day fctoek , 'rorriflcflftugliteron lailies'andffnti furnlsliint , ' good's of a\l kinds. Hxtru force put on for this special ale , 100 do/on gents' cashmere mnfllers , lar ; o tdzc , only 15c each , worth GOc. Gents' pure silk handltereheifs only 25c each , reduced from oOc. 1 cane of gents camels hair half hose winced from Me. Our competitors knocked clear out. How is this ? Gents' camels hair underwear IWc , reduced from 750. Gents' hcnvy wool half hose lee per linir. teduced from 'J'ie. 1 case of all wool toboggan caps -'flc : a great bargain. Gents' ealf sKin gloves G > e. reduced from $1. ' _ ' . " > , Hoys1 bicyelo hose , all x\ool , only 1'Jo , woilh Uo. ) Uergeman's best yophyr , 12jc per ounce , full wcicht. Midnight ( juriiiiuituwn yarn , 10o ftkein. Gents' large si/.o silk mufllcrs 100 each , reduced from ? l.'J" ) . Gouts' Arabian camels hair under wear only ! ) . " ) ( each , n job worth $1.50. 1 case of Indies' cashmere hose re duced for this special sale to lOc per pair.All All shades in golden fleece saxony re duced to lOc per slfuin. Children's wool mils only lOcper pair. Oul- wile of chlldi en's wool undorxvcar continued on .Monday. Children's scarlet wool underwear 1-c for It ! inch , rise r > c. C'liildren's merino wool underwear lOo for 1(1 ( inch , rise : ie. Cliildrcn's nntural wool underwear 15c for 1(1 ( ini'li. rise fie. 1 cnho of Indies' jersey ribbed vests , pants ; this lot to be eloped out tit Me , d from ! io. f. ladies' kid gloves , embroidered lxcl < H , on'v 60e per pair , reduced from $1.00. Ladies' cnshmore gloves , only 13c , reduced from lllc. lllc.HAYDKN HAYDKN HUOS. , Dry Goods , Sixteenth st. HAT SALi : . Do not fail to attend our special siilo on men's hats for > | onduv. You hnvo hut to took thro' our lines to ho con vinced that xve aie cutting nriees in tuo on hats and caps. Remember those prices xvlien you call. Men's still'hnts 7"c , worth Sl.oO. Men's e\tra quality Derby hats 81.05 , worth yt.OO. Men's wool hats , best shapes , 23c , north " . Boys' Sa.xony crush hats 45c , worth $1.00. Hoys' and misses' turbin caps .TC , worth Toe. Men's imported Scoteli caps 12jc. worth 7."e. Hoy' fur caps , 7"jc , worth $1.2 > . Wo havs a now shipment of the extra quality seal caps we have been running which \ \ o still oiler at fie extremely loiv price of $ l.0"i ; they arc worth $10.50. IIAYOIIN HKOS. . DrvCioods , Sixteenth St. SHOK niU'AUT.MnNT. On Monday xvu xvill oiler si > ecial in ducements in this department. B. C. Hurt women's goat sboet > for "f.'S.OO. Our reirular $1.50 hand-turns .shoe reduced to fi..r)0. : ) All our W.OO Kid shoes to gofer for $2.oO Monday. Special prices on children 's shoes 'and arctics. See our $1.00 seamless hack , all solid grain school nhoes , "guaranteed. Men's grain Waukonphast. Spring heel shoes , $ : See tins shoxv. We will wive jon money on men's shoos. The best $1.08 all solid calf shoo in the city. HAYDKN HUOS. , Dry Goods , Sixteenth St. HAVIH"ititos. . Grocery nnd IIouso I-'iirnlsliin OOOB ( ! Dcpariiiiont IH Now In Order Our First Hppuiitl Snle ilexins Alonday Mornlni ; . II & E absolutely pure granulated su gar 7e per Ib , o.\ti a cell eo sugar ( ij per Ib. Very best sugar syrup 15c per gal. Choice Carolina rice 7e p'er Ib. Good Carolina rice fjc per Ib. Finest evaporated blackberries 7c , lincbt ovuoratod ] ) raspberries 2oe , strict ly choice evaporated peaches liijo , N. Y. gallon ajiples JJ'ie jier can , ! 5 11) can N. Y. apples . > u , 2 Ib can ciioict ) blackberries oe , 2 Ib can host blue ber ries 7c , 2 Ib can best egg plums lOe , : i Ib standard punches lw per can , ! ! Ib standard pie peaches lOu jier can , sar dines 5o per ) ) ox , best 2 Ib sugar corn lOc pur can , choice 2 11) sugar corn 7c per can. H Ib .standard tomntocs lOc per can. Wo have the largest and most select stock of crockery , glass xvare and house furnishing goods west of Chicago. Cut- prices are beyond competition. ITAYDKN miOS. , Dry Goods , Sixteenth St. Potter fc Cobb's bale of lots in Council 131ulTs has boon ndjourncd on acccuntof bad weather until Thurt-dny. November 22 , nt 2tO : : and 7 : : ) p. in. All come. Do Von Want a fjonn ' } Green & Williams have placed over $ -100,00(1 ( in ical estate and building loans in the past eight months. The facilities this firm have are unexcelled. Alxvavs having the money on hand goes far toward increasing their business in this lino. City property and improved farm loans are made without delay. Applications are not sent east for ap proval. Persons dosirious of obtaining loans of from $ -500 to SIt.OOO can bo acom- modated at once ; a foxv larger loans are wanted by Green & Williams those that can tie closed out by the Ihst of the year. The reputation of this lirm is a guarantee of fair and prompt dealing. This linn also take charge of properly for non-residents ; pay taxes , rent and collect ronta. .Mr * , ,1. Remember our special sale of ribbons on Monday and Tuesday.Voxvill soil nn all bilk moire cream edge , Nos. 0 , 12 nnd 10 , for 111 cents a yard , or $1.15 a bolt. Miis. j. IIN.SON' ! : . " ' Stewart Place lo" * ! , 500. Potter it Cobb's sale of lots in Council BluIts IIIIH boon adjourned on account of bad weather until Thursday. November 22 , at 2.0 : : nnd 70 : ! p. m. All come. Metropolitan Gallic. This cable road passes Stewart place nn Lowe avo. , ono of the llncst building sites in Omaha. Will sell a foxy lots in this addition. Room HI Pu-at National bunk. Tlio Knot That low prices nnd line goods are promptly appreciated by the ladies of Omaha was illusliated by the crowd of buyers nt the closing Bale of McDon ald ? H cloak stock. Choice goods at fifty cents on the dollar seems to make shop ping rather pleasant. They have still nbout txvcnty thousand dollors worth of clonks for ladies , inissos and children. Ton gown suits and furs to olTui'iit prices cut in two. Their desire ib to cloM ) the stock within thirty days , and unques tionably at the figures put on goous it will do done. Of cour e , it is ( loth-able to call otirly , ! I11 S.J/ilh fet. Ilnllroiul Shorn. A full line in congress and halt : r.t 12.50. 82.76 nnd $3.00 nt MILLER'S CASH SHOK STOHE , 012. North 10th St. TIlUTII'SMlOllTYVlIjIiI IlBVAllj A Card to the People of * Oinalin nnd Vicinity. For the purpose of misleading the public nnd more especially to injure us and thereby gain our largo trade , fairly won by our smmro dealing , liberal busi ness principles' , certain ever-jealous would-be competitors have circulated the fal o report that Omaha's loxvest price shoe house the Chicago Bargain Shoo company , have removed their business from this city , Wo take this means to refute all such misrepresenta tions nnd nro pleased to inform our many Iricmls and patrons that xve have consolidated our business witff "Tho Popular1' shoo store , and will hereafter bo known as the Popular Chicago Hnr- gnin Shoo company , 1520 Douglas street. where we shall bo pleased to see all of of our old customers nnd as many now ones as will favor us with a call. As in the past we shall continue to wage war on high prices , nnd oiler the very best grades of foot-wear at the very loxvust figures possible. Our facilities arc hotter than e\er. To fullv demon- strati' that wo are alive nnd for the bcnolll of our friends , to xviiome feel grateful for past pntromigc , we shall begin the greatest s.ilo of shoes , rub bers and felt goods ever heard of. Tills slaughter sale will not bo limited to a fexv articles , but will include everything in otir largo nnd well-asfcorted stock , and will commence MONDAY , NOVIMBIU : IOTH. Babies' button shoes , lee , 2cJoc ( ) ; , lOc , 50c. ( lee , 7oe , 8jc , UOc , etc. Childien's shoes , 50e. GOe , 7oc. fe > o , 31.00 , ? 1.15 , $1.25. * 1.15 ; , SI. JO , $1.50 , $1,05 , $1.75 , etc. Misses' button shoes , blc , $1. 00. $1.15 , $1.25. $1.'I5 , $1.50 , Sl.lW , $1.75 , $2.00. etc. Ladies' button shoes , woi-i < cd button holes , nil solid leather. $1.00. Ladies' shoes , 8"ic , $1.00. $1.15. $1.2 > , $ l.t5 : , $1.50 , $1.75 , $2.10 , $2.50. etc. priced cut on our entire line of line slippers , all styles. Ladies' genuine hand xvelt shoes , Xiegler Bros. , Philadelphia , made \vnukonplmst , opera and Nexv York lasts , all styles , widths and si/.cb , $4.25 , worth $ j.OO to $ ( J.OO. Men's1 genuine calf shoes , nil si/es nnd styles , $2. 13. These shoes are bet tor than any heavily advertised so- called $ ; ) goods sold olsexvhcru and must bo seen to bo appreciated. Ladi-.s's genuine hand turned shoes , Xiegler Bros. ' Philadelphia made , all stiles , widths nnd sues , $1.00 cheap at $5.00. Ladies' slippers , 25e , MalOc , 50c , ( He , 75c , 85c , i)0e ) , $1.10 , $1.15 , $1.25 , etc. Boys' shoes , Wc ) , 75c , fejc , 'Jic , $1.15 , $1.25 , * 1.5 : ! , $1.50 , $1.75 , etc. . etc. Men's shoos , ! )5e ) , $1.15 , $1.5 ; ! , $1.0" ) , $2.10 , $2.15. $2.85. $ , ' ! .05. etc. Men'soootsl. . ' ! . > , $ ! . 75 , $2.00 , $2.ij ! , $2.50 , $2.75 , $2 ill ) , $ ; ' , .0 ( ) , etc. Boys' boots , $1.23 , $1.3 ; ! , $1.05 , $1.00 , $2.15 , $2.5 ; ! , etc. . etc. Ladies' good rubbers , 25e ; misses' and childion's rubbers , 20c ; men's good rub- bei.s. 45c ; bojs'good rubbers , ! i5c. All otlier goods in like proportion. Noxv is the time to lay in jonr winter supply of boots , shoes and rubbers. Above all , don't buy anything in the line of foot-wear before calling on us , or you xvill feel sorry for it. Marl : well the name and number , and be very par ticular to get our right address. T11K POPITLAUCIIICAGO BARGAIN SIIO I : COMPANY , Omaha's Loxxest Price Shoe House. One Price Only. Home of the Big Shoe on Wheels. 1520 Douglas st. Bushman Block. Potter & Cobb's sale of lots in Council BlulTs has been adjourned on account of bad weather until Thursday , November 22 , at 2oO : and 70 : ! p. in. All come. South via the Knilxvny. Txvo more of those popular harvest excursions ut half fare will leave Ouinlri at Ii:15 p. in. on Nov. 20 and Dee. 4. For tickets nnd full informa tion , call nt Wabash ticket ollice , 150.2 The \Val > nsh Falls In Uno. Commencing November 1 the Wnba&h will run a Pullman BulTct sleeping car diieet to and from Omaha , leaving the Union Paeilie depot at : > :15 : p. nu , daily. In addition to thoabove.ncwandeli'gant reclining chair cars ( seats free ) , are now runninjr on this train. On'y ' 4S hours Omaha to New York via the Wabash. The best and quickest route to all points south and southeast. Ticket ollice No. 1502 Farmim street. Now Upright I'iunoH can bo bought on $10 monthly payments at Meinbcrg's , 1510 Dodge st. Stewart Place lots $1,500. 3Ir' . .1. lleiison. Remember our special &nlo of ribbons on Monday and Tuesday. We will sell an all Mile moire cream e Ige , No ° . 'I , 12 and Hi , for Hi cents a yard or 'jl.lo a bolt. Mils. .1. UKXSON. Think It Ovor. And then buy your tickets to Chicago and any point east over the Chicago iS : Northwestern Hy. They run three trains a day between Omnhnnnd Chicago , making close con nections vvith all eastern lines. Their dining and sleeping ear service and day coaches are models of elegance in every icspect. Their vestibulcd limited train from Omaha depot direct to Chicago daily at 50 : ! ! p. in. , arriving at Chicago at 12 o'clock noon , is absolutely unrivalled. It is n solid veslihulcd train with ele gant leather upholstered smoking cars , day coaches of the latest design and llnish , and Inxurioun sleeping cars with hot and cold water , and all modern im- movoments. This is the only evening train with dining cars east of Council Bluffs. W. N. BAisaxK , General Western Agent. City Olllco1101 Farnam st. Mtllo Tycoon .Mimic , and nil other Into music , at Meinberg's n.iible store , 1510 Dodge st. Pnttor it Cobb's sale of lots in Council Blntls has boon ndjonrncd on account of bad weather until Thursday , November 22 , ut 2IiO : and 7HO : p. m. All come. Kpoulal Nolluo to tlio Mrs. Will K. Hahir 138 South 21th st. , stamping and instructions gi yen in nil kinds of art , embroidery and needle xvoik. Make i our own Christmas pres ents. Special Sale. At the Now York dry goods store to morrow morning of wjiite nnd grey blanket at greatly reduced prices and our stock of IndieV muslin underwear nt less than half price to cloxo it out. A. it. Loon : , 1310 and 1812 Farnam fat. Ladies' Turkish but lib TucFdnys and Friday bt ) , to lundei Boyd's opera house. Standard typowvitero for rent , 1007 Fari.nm. Stewait Place lots $1,500. I'lano nt n liarunln , $1,000 GhicKoring piano , as good us new. for 200. Term's to suit purchaser. At MeinbcryV , ? 510 Dodge et. HAYIH3N lUtOS. Special Dircnln Hnlo .Motidty. Ticiul this over carefully nnd compare our prices with those that others nsk and you will always Uml us at the bet tom. . ' 1 cases dark comforter calico at 'He worth 8c ; 2 ca es soft linishcd blenched mu lin , full yard wide , 11 jds for $1 , worth lOc a yd : 200 pieces now style dress gingham , OJe a yd , worth 12o } ; 100 pieces e\tra ln'avy canton llannol , SK * yd ; a full line of colors just received in single and double faced canton llnu- nol ; snow white cotton baits , It rolls for 25c. Our prices on towels have always been the loxvest. Here wo come airnin on Monday , 100 do/ damask towels , plain white or fancy borders , knotted fringe , lOc each. This is no mistake in print , hut plain lOe each. All linen toweling lie , 5c , tic , 7c , J-c , ! Ic , lOc ami 12jc a , vd , , a good big lot to select from and wo guarantee satisfaction. Wo will place on sale Monday the biggest bargain over offered in table linen nt I7eayd. You may hnvo jour choice , cither bleached , red or creitn , It will pay you to investigate this bargain , npecial bargain in white bed spreads at $1.25 each , worth double. Double width table foil on Monday at ( JOc a yd ; 0-1 raw silk table covers at $1.15 each ; h-1 raw sillc table covers $2 each. Our prices on double width sheeting you will llnd "all right. " Our stock of tlniinels is large and must bo cut down. Klderdoxvn llnnnel at 45e yd. Special bargain in all wool , red twilled llannels at Ktje and lilc yd. 5-o/ plaid llannol 15e yd. Fancy striped skirting llannels in great variety. A largo assortment of plaid llannols 51-in all wool grey dress llannels 'Me yard , \\oitli7oc. French plaid dress llannels JOc yd. White twilled llannol . ' { 5eworth 50e. Large size bed comforts 75c each. ColM bed spreads nt 880 each. blankets at ! )8e ) $1.25 , $1.05 each and nn extra barirain in horse blankets at Sftt.ol ) each. Our blankets me going fast. We have some oKtra good bargains in Cali fornia blankets. We have all wool blankets from all the leading woolen mills diicct and can , therefore , save you money on tlio same. Wonskjou to examine them nnd you will find it to your interest to trade * at the popular house of HAYDHN BROS. , Dry Goods , Sixteenth Street. I1AYDKN ItltOS. Clothing Department. Special bargains to-morrow only. Men's overcoats , $2.50. Men's heavy chinchilla overcoats , $1.15. Men's heavy cassimcre all-wool over coats , $0.00. Men's heavy worsted overcoats , $51.00. Men's imported worsted overcoats , $12.011. 20 dinoront stiles of men's casbimere suits at $5.00. Heavy all-wool cn&simeie suits , $7.00. Fine imported cassimero and worsted suits for $10.00 , $12.00 and $11.00. Children's heavy pants. 23e. Children's wool pants , 15e. Children's wool suits , $1.80 , $2.00 and $2.23. Just received a line line of latest im portation in children's suits which we offer for less than manufacturer's cost. To-morrow only. SIIOi'DHPAimiBNT. Wo will oiler to-morrow our A calf men's shoes for $1.S ) guaranteed. Our hand-bowed men's shoes reduced from $5.00 to $11.50. Special inducements in ladies' and childion's shoes. A full line of over shoes and felt goods cheap. Sec our seamless back school shoes for $1.It ( ) . IIAYDIN : BROS. , Dry Goods , Sixteentli st. niirllnsjton Koittc. The Burlington Vestibule 1'xpress , No. 2. vvitli dining car , leaving Omaha nt'l:50 : p.m. , arriving Chicago at 10:00 : a.m. , is the best train for the east. Ticket oiilcc , 1221 ! Farnam street. Cedar blocks for fuel ; nothing better. Mount it Grillin , 21U S. 14th st. $ IOOO Chiclccrini ; IMnno , as good as new. for only $200 , at Moin- borg's , 151i ( Dodge st. Do You Want a new heating stove or have you a stove tlmt does not give satisfaction1 ; If so call and examine the Acorn line of stoves sold by John Hussio , 2107 Cum- ing street. This line includes stoves for every kind of fuel , and are sold at prices lower than is asked for inferior stoves. Your especial attention is called to The ACORN ART PARLOR for hard coal. This stove combines the circula tion of a furnace , tlie ventilation of a fireplace , with the base heating quali ties of a base burner , and vx ill save on 50 per cent in fuel. It has imi tators but no equal. On application I xvill furnish you with the names of hun dreds who are Using ACORN stoves in Oinalin. JOHN HUMSIK. 2I07CUMINC STICKP/P , Near Saunders st. , sole agent for Acorn stoves and ranges. Take the Chicago , Milwaukee it St. Paul railway , short line to Chicago and all points east , north , and northwest. Tlie only eastern line running .sh oping cars direct to and from Omaha on all trains. Passengers from the east arriv ing on the evening trains reach Omaha at 7:05 : j > . in. without transferal Council Blulls. Pullman Palace sleeping cars , olegantday coaches and the linest din ing cars in the world nro run on all trains. For tickets and other informa tion apply at 1501 Farimm street , Barker block or Union Pnoilio railway ticket olll cos. F. A. NASH. General Agent. Chant ; * ) of Tlinn. On and after Sunday , November 18 , the through vestibule sleeper for Chicago cage , via the Rock Island route , will leave the Union Pacific depot , Oinahn , at i > ; 'M p , m. Silver Creek is the best soft ooal , only J0.50 per ton , try ' it , 221 S 14th , Jell W. Bedford. Stewart Place lots $1,500. 'thinks He Known Tnseott. Cm , Mo. , Nov. 10 , A young man whose inliul is totally derniiKed and who gave his name as Hugh Kendall , and Dan ville , Neb. , as his lesldonce , was consigned to tlio city hospital yesterday , Kendall Is possessed of several strnniro hallucinations , tie IniuKines nt one time that he Is in some way ronnwtod with JOUMK Tascott , the slnjerof inilliotiaiio Snoll , of Chicfi o , and tlmt both tlio PiiikertoiiB are after him Ho claims tlmt Tuscott keeps the Dundee house In Danville and tlmt no is disguised as a little old man. Kendall IB positives of this , fur ho tlilnlis ho 1ms boarded with him. At another time strange men wanted to murder him. Tlio lunatic vvus arrested by the police some diys ago and plncoil in a cell over night. On the following morn ins , ' he seemed rational nnd was released. Yestuulny lie again wandered into thn central station ap parently in abject fear of nn unseen enemy and it was dcomcd advisable to put him under medical treatment. A halco Steamer Ashore. SAUI.T STE. MAIIII ; , Mich , Nov. 17 The steamer , bound up with nearly n full cm go of general merchandise , Is ashore ten miles cast of Grand .Murala. Slio is re ported to bu la bad condition. She has about hovcn hundred tons , mostly coarse ft eight , on board , M1LL1NW SALE , The Immense Rodttotkm Sale of Mll- liaory Continues To-morrow. THE FAIR , I3TH AMD HOWARD STS Will Offer the Orentww Millinery Hnr jjiilns ol' the Season Stock. Musi Go to Make Hooin For llul * Idny Goods. The ( , 'roiit bale u tortiiod for Satur day will bo continued to-morrow oxvinj , to the uiifnvuniblu weather of yostor- tiny.Your Your choice of oxer 100 elegant trimmed mod huts , latest styles of trimming * not u hat in the lot worth IQM than 1-'t.oO. Wo will bell for ! ) , jc , ! )5c ) , ! ) : . Our entire stock ot Imported Prcnol l > atlcrn hats iirnl bonnets , worth fid am * 115 , lit M.7o and $5.To. Ladies' finest foil soft crusli huts , ! 5e. ! ) \Vo liavo thoiu in all colors , forinci price $1. FANCY FCATHKHS. Fancy win s , all colors , that were lOc at Ic. Fancy feathers that were -Ic at ( ! c. Fancy feathers that wore 15k at l25c. Fancy feathers that wore 7 < ic at ISc. Fancy feathers that were 0 > e at ( iHc. Keinoniber The F.Ur never deceives in their advertisements. Millinery will bo cheap to-morrow at TIlK FAIR of ,1. 1 _ . Hrandeis & Sons , oO:2 : , oOl , flO , , VS ) and oil ) S. tilth. The leading and most popular milli nery department in Omaha. The dcnth of a Topokn ( Kan. ) man vvns caused by : i cake of soup , .vlilch slipped fiou Ins h.imls , stiiklinru small tumor on hit let , and causing : \ fatal hoimnrlmKO. SK Children at a IJIrth. A Dallas ( Tex. dispatch sujs : " .Mis. Goonjo Ilirsch , 01 .Suturd.i.v , B.IVO birth to six childicn , foiu \ioys uiul two gnls. All me dointf well. " Mrs. A. , of Mlllbur.v , Mass , tfuvo birth to to\ir \ girl babies tlie other afternoon. The smallest child weigh * thice pounds , uml thu othuis ni.irly six pounds each. They aie all bright and active. A dlsp.itcli from Uhincbeck , X. Y. , reports that "llshurinun at vm ions [ lonits along the central Hudson arc catching strange lisli. They vvuiifh u triflu over a pound and have he.uls like bull do s. In otlier lospeets tliei icsemble tlio coinmoa snckeis. " Ko.idinastor Koviero , of Anioricus , Ga , 10 turned . \estoidu > lioiu a tup over the Anioi- icus , 1'icston & Lunipkin r.iilro.ul , bunging with him the skia of a snow-white sipnrrel , killed in Wilwc county a ilnj or t\vo 11150. The little annual perfectly white from tip to tin , and was quito a curiosity to those who saw it. The cMiT.oniinary force exerted Siy grow ing fungi was hhovvn the other ilav utKxeter , a Xew llampsliiro village. It was noticed that u cone about seven Indies in diametei was ruing In tlie middle of tin asph.ilt vv.illr. Hene.ith it a miislnoom was discoveied , which hud cracked and raised a solid stietcli of asphalt two iiithci in thickness. The physicians at the Bellevue hospital , Xew Yoricha\o advertised for u four-lic.idod baby. It should not be concluded , however , that they intend to encourage the production of this fit > uk of natiiio. A year ago a girl baby with three nearly pel feet hands at tached to her right aim was brought to the hospital , and tlio physicians wish to redis cover the phenomenon. ' A llsli story as follows comes from Lon don : A CJnmsbi smack wnile tisliin 'in the North sea on the 24th of Octobui , bioiight up a plaice , having the lotteis printed on it , llH. Head , " one arid n half inches in length. It is supposed that the lish was bi ought up when jotiiig , that then the letteis were cut upon it , and thai it was afteriv.uds thrown over- boa ! d. A thick skin had grown over the letters. The liudcr intends pit-serving the plaice. Ulili/.iniC IlloodlioiimN. London Truth : Tlio bloodhound cry , HUe most other cries which originally had n , grain of sense in them , is being carried too far. Before wo determine to rely exclusively upon bloodhounds for the detection of murderers , I would suggest the following experiment : Lot a sheep bo tethered in the iniddlo of a field over night. In the morning let a butcher , entering the field from the east , go up to that sheep and kill it , and. caving the carcass on the ground , depart < ) ! . - north. Then half an hour afterwards let a policeman , a respecta ble married man , but with noamity , that thus the .susceptibilities of Northumberland street may bo unrullled. acting upon "information re ceived , " enter the Hold from the weal , and find the slaughtered sheep , and de part due south. Now comes tlio blood hound upon the " -ceiio , and obviously there arc five courses open to the intnl- ligont animal : 1. IIu may elect to follow backwards tlio track of the butcher entering - tering the field , for obviously the foot of the butcher smells just Ihubnmo whether you begin to smell it at the too or tlio heel. 1' . lie mav to the way the butcher went when leaving the Hold. . ' ! . Ho may go on the rovcr o track of tlio entering policeman. Or (1) ( ) on the line taken by the retreating constable. > . Ho may lie down on the top of that sheep and out as much mutton a ho can. It tlio dog is hungry this last is un doubtedly the course which ho will adopt. If , on the other hand , he is not hungry , but intolliirent ( and also , like Halanm's ass , inspired ) , he will distin guish , not merely between the tracks o/ the butcher and policeman , but also be tween the two tracks of tlio butcher , and , following the right one , will 11 ml that worthy in his favorite public house. Then murder will cease upon the earth , for no criminal would be so mad as to court certain detection , nnd the golden ago will return. In the meantime it is of obvious that thu bloodhounds should he supplied to Sir James ilanncn and Justices Day and .Smith to enable them to find out who forfrod the " 1'ar- nell letters. " AN UNPAlTMFin , WII 'I3. .111 H. IliHcnow Tlroa. of Her IliiHlmml and DfHertB Him , MII.Iiint Nov. 1(5 ( , Ippsclal to Tun Hm. . On Wednesday Inst Mrnest Itoscnow , of Sioux City , In , accompanied b\ \ his friend nnd banker , William 'from , paid a visit to our village. They hud Jtlrs. Helen Uosenow and August Ten nrrontod under a warrant for adultery. The couple had been rusticat ing hereabouts for about nix weeks under the imiao of Henry Wagner and wife When the offenders were brought befoiothojus tlco the Injured husband I clouted and refused to appear us a witness against his \\ifo , who In the meantime gave up her soven-year-old son Charles to his father , Mrs Kosenow also signed a document acknowledging her guilt. The seducer concurred in the con fession of Mrs. Uosonow. From a reliable source it Is learned that Mrs. Kosenow left her paramour on Thursday morning , and followed her husband to Sioux City , Mho marital relations of Kosenow and w.lfo have been very unsatisfactory for some time , and slio has loft her husband before this in search of a more congenial partner. Book-keeping , penmanship , arithme tic , short-hand and telegraphing , day nnd evening bcssioiiB. Omaha Business College , lith ( and Capitol avenue. HAYliX : HUPS. Millinery nnd Cloak Sale. Wo propose to inaugurate the tolling ami decisive millinery and cloak pale ot this -cason. Wo will offer n line of ladies' felt huts at 2-ic , floe nud 5o ( ) each , tlmt cost 81.00 to $1.23. We will nKo pln-cu on sale a flue- line of French hats at less than import cost. This sale will Include n beautiful assort ment of fine fancy feathers at fie , loc , I'lc ' and 25i each , never be fore old less limn $1.110 Ostrich tips ntoo , sold in bargain Miles at il'.lo. Our stock of fancv feathers is beyond comparison in quality , variety and price. A full line of ladies' elegant worsted jer oys at 75c , worth 1.50 ; at $1.00 , Sl.'ii nnd $1.50 you got choice of elegant jer seys worth ffii.UO each. WO ladles' and mis--os' long ulsters nt $ o. : > 0 , worth $10.00 each. Ladles' cloth garments nt fl.OO , $ (1.00 ( and $ ( l."o , worth $10.00 to * lo.OO. 700 ladies' plush garments , nil Mitln- llncd nnd made in the best and most ap proved styles nt f't.OO. ? 1U.OO and MS.OU : such garments as mo advertised e\ery day at Sl-'i.OO to SJn.OO. Our shawl department is a tremendous success. Hood beaver alinwl fl.O" ) . worth ftl.Ol ) Good shawls $1.00 to $ U > 0. Black cashmere shawls in nil grades during this sale at less than import cost. HAYDKN IJUOS. , Dry Goods , Sixteenth street. iiAYonrs HUPS. DrcNH ( ioodH Sale. The most unrelenting cutting in jiricoH. Lancaster worsted dress goods , in all shades , He .Mini , worth 1-ie. Hi- ( inch English ciushmere , in black and colors , llMo , worth t7e. ! Doublefold fancy dross goods , Htc , worth II"ic. K- ( iuoh all wool tricot , in new shades , ± ! c .Mini , reduced from flOc. Beautiful Fruneh basket chocks , 'fie. worth Toe. 18-inch imported Henriettas , black and colors , 4"c , worth Toe. Fancy French combination suitings , fiic. worth $1.K ( ) . Paris novelty robes , beautiful combina tions , ij'l.T. ' " ) and $10.00 each , cost &i7.00 to import. Silk plushes , in all the now shades , ; Uc ) yard. If you can't got the bhade and ( juality of plush \ou need , give us a call ami wo will suit .veil in quality , shndo and price. Striped silk pjush at 'Vie , worth $1.50. Quilted satin lininirs , G5ciud. . . Our sillt sale is at- t 'iicting more attention than any siilo we ever attempted. Guinet black silks at ( i'c ' ) , worth $ ! . - " ) . GUI net black silks at SScortli $1.7. " ) . Other numbers ( iiiitiot black bilus at equallvlow prices. Sujierb Flench Henriettas , in black and colors , at : fe ! ) , lc ! ) , .Vc ) and 75c per jard .Monday and Tuesday onlv. HAYDKiN BROS. , Dry Goods , Sixteenth Street. First Principles oi'Tradc. Detroit Free Press : .lake .Mrs. Growler wants two more yaids of that cloth she bought here yesterday , but she says we charged her 10 cents more than Wool ( V Co. Dealer Ho\\ much did they charge her ? .lake Sixty cents , and we've been getting 70 for it. Dealer Well , whv don't she buy it at Wool's ( hen ? Jake They haven't any ; nobody in town lias it except us. Dealer How much did jou say it was a yard ? Jake Seventy cents. Dealer And she wants two yards ii'ore ? .1 akc Yes. Dealer Nobody else has it ? Jake Nobody. Dealoi Well , let her have it for 00 cents , then. The republicans of thu Seventh ward are requested to meet at the Park house , Ilanscom park , on Monday evening Nov. lit , at S p. m. , for the purpose of nominating a candidate for ward coun cilman to be voted for at the election to behold Dee. 4 , next. By older of the Seventh ward republican club. CiiAs. A. Pori'Kii , Sec. Pro Tern. Frederick , the le.ining hatter , his : just received the largest and most ele gant line of caus for boys , jonths and gentlemen ever shown in Omaha. Boys jerseys , plush , cloth and fur. Men's seal and fur of every description. His store is crowded with all styles of caps to suit everyone , prices from $1 to ' $10 , $1) and'$18 for seal. AMUSEMENTS. Tiua Moiidnu ( in-l L'Jthontl 20 tit. GEORGE WILSON'S NEW REFINE ! ) MINSTRELS , fir.OKGi : WILSON , ( Of "W.ilt/-Me.At'ala" Inmo ) to roitTV pjin.tiicKs to MON'ir CHISTO KIltST I'AltT. Thu most nnt/llni ; display of wealth and ginn < lenro\ pies ntod tolm'cuof minstrelsy , l mi ml thu Woinlot. Walt < l'iu o \ oc-.illHts Kn- hunting Miirilcllcaiitiral Dancing. ( nuhj t-oiiK-i > ents go on biiluntu o'clock mornliiK. Two A'l'thts , MonddH and Ttietnl u , Aoi . unit ini'l anilXOth. 'JliuliiuiiK AlinrUiuitur Mil AIDI.N BENEDICT , biipporlcil lij MIH < I inuti"i hielil. Mini Ills own ( inner. fill iinii ( > uiiln tlio Cri'iilcst llrninii uf HIM Avu tram lliti imxl HOiiiU-rlul novi-lI'tiirwrlttiii , Altixandur DuiimH' Mnsteriileco , MONTE CRISTO. TliH foiiiiiiny | Ourrlos Ita < mn fctunery. SI'HIM NoTKI. Kl n'llioii niul Dcilliirs Hill liiitin li'iii ( ll In MurMi'M'rllrnn ulnilnnH liihiipinirliil | IUL | ilia Hint .Mr lli'iiuilkl Miinto t'n lii' HII | IT u titri'lircHi'iilitllnniiHliiHiift rl" 'c-n win In Amcriui. llffcric'd r-Liit Biilo will ii | > n Mliinliiy iit'.iu in. .OPERA HOUSE Friday nml Salut'tlny , Not-ember XX , 2i nntl 24. ( SATI'JtUA 1' MATIN HE. ) ROSE COGHLAN. t'ndiTtlmiminnBonient of AiiKiistim 1'ltoti , UIAKIJ : * r. OKIIII.ANSUO. mantle I'lav JOCELYN. I'ne Coinpnnv lirlniri , nil the Seem ry. ( 'ostilinos , I urnltuii ) iihcdln thu I'luy , F.VJTHn.VV nMCMNC , only pirfonnuniu of PEG WOFFINGTON. lUgnlar prices. Peats go on hulo ut U o'olock VVcdnusdu ) morning. © EDEN MUSEE © COBJl ANP FARNAMST5. 19. Don't fall to sco LILY CONROY , The Only Lac'y Contortionist , A MARVELOUS WOMAN ! Grand Attractions in all parts of ho house. Gnu Dime Admits to AH. niiiis lly Keening Your red Drjr ntl AVnrm. - S. MTM.r.H. THK CASH SH010 MAX , Has just received antl / line of and children's WAUM LINI : SHOHS AND SUP- Which wo shall oiler Monday nnd all next week at LOWiST : CASH THICKS , A few of xvhich we quote below : Ladioi' beaver , Ileeco-lined. button , * L\00 ; ladles' beaver , front foxed , lleucc-lined , button , SU.OO ; ladies' beaver , llannel- lined bals. $ l..ill ; ladies' beaver , llannol- lined felt Mile- slippers , $1.00. ladies' fell plush bound slippers , $1..V ladies' oporn ( Uppers , $1.U5. Our ladles' and chil dren's llreside comfort shoes and slip pers are just the thing for cold feet. We have just received n full line of OVKUSHOF.S , Including all the latest novelties , from the best rubber factory in the country , which we shall sell tit tlio loxvest prices. First quality goods can be bought any where , ciii'.Ap unmr.H noons AUK AT ANY PHUT. . You can save -0 percent on jour sboc b'll ' this winter bv btiving vour FOOTWIAU A'r ' MiuJu's : CASH SHOI : STOHI : , ( ill ! X. loth street between California and Webster streets. llo'N All Illu'ht. C'liU-atro Herald : An Arbor , Mich. , claims the honor of oriiriiiiitlng the "He's , all rljjlit" veil. It has been known for many years amontr college men , thouirh bcfoio last spring it had failed to attract a vvidor share of atten tion. When the deletrates from tlio university of Michigan branch of the Michigan club went down to the repub lican banquet tit Detriot in February thev edilled tlio gatherinj ; bv the ques tion. "What'stho matter xviOi the U. of M.V" which elicited the equally thread- b.tro response , "She's till ri htl'1 Tliu cry \\nstiikon \ totbo national convention ut Chicago by the Michigan delegation , who applied it to General Aljior , and Hinco tliat timu it htisenjo edn national ropuU.tion. < iaOO - < * - S GARMENTS. a We keep pace with the e a young' men. o f They are the buyers of to-f v morrow. V t 9 a We want them Lo be as sure a we're the advance guarding A our field of enterprise. a ? We're ' not resting on ? ? laurels earned from the past ? generation. The young men ? Alike our good dress as well , y | They like our styles ; & there's a ring about them * I that's new. So with the Y price. A They can afford made-to- measure garments. ? Our Suits to order $20. 4 Our Trousers to order $5. ? Our Overcoats to order A $18. . Are an index of our fair ? | prices. ® | Our finer Madc-to-meas- 9 tire Garments are as high in | quality and as low in price. 1409 Douglas St. , Omaha. A Patterns after pattern , stripes , plaids , checks , mix tures , diagonals , cheviots. Don't expect difficulty in choosincr. Nothing Succeeds Like Success , 'I'liu ninnlf" t aiiprcclution of our i-irorls In please our uiHtomviH , ttlmtilatci nt > t" tontlnned fliidemor. t 1'ieih Inducements nro now belni ; oirrn-d in the following goods , MKN'H OVKIICOA TH. IIOVS1 AN CllIMltI.VS ) BI'IT.S AND O V IJHCUATt. orturicnrcs nre c cT > rtnj Jmri < VcnitiKs ; you 01111 liiudl > look at tinpiT wltii , out rtndlUKof xomu stiddt'ii dlsnliiininlH | ( < of ni IUMOII , aonu'iiiiirdiT without n rait' to tlio mur * derer , lomit snddoii fruik of nature , oine IHH nrci iiatnli'e ' i'iiloHlon | , n lima ptic < to unrklH tinimniilni ; us usual , anil nc\er ri'tninv , a shit * cnlln from i irt nnd Is t\Mil ! ( w eit up 1'v tlio sen ; thi' ii urc mil ) oc < imlininl ImjiiK nlnpi. It Is n ins MCI y tlmt iH-rinns will K dny ftftf * dm with chronic Invnlh Ism sluiliiK them Intlia fiii c. ninny little think ur rare nf tinnltlnmta t'tli'tts of rt s t lit iilliMint nrKlorti-d , n iligUK ciitixrrh , JlioiiKli tiiniliicMntiif and amunlnu I'oth ' to the in riou ni ( I < iilm , l ulli..uil Ita own nv tllllitliefreinci't i utrlitim of colds. t lie ulr | i \ < * * I\K < s bee tunes so inoh , tl.tliat all * IH iiKvlsiiivt. tfmtltnllt \ Is sln\h , imt inrltf slllniiiiia\Mi.v 1 IIP MM y nil that ono brrntliptl 111 smli i uses Is eontiiinliiiitcdli ) juitrltl inanjest In the no o niul lliroat , oarrjlnn m rnis of dlvenpo to the ultlmiitoulr l > iues of tlie lun s hcra rlo-ily hoiivtMl , tin' ) lommriKo then \MnkuC ( lo-ti lullini. VMiy not tnko these rn es onrlv when vlth it little \ieii ) lltnre of time , nnd u small amomitt of inoiuy the roiniltlon run In rumoxui.Vo tuKeias' s lij Hi o in iinli tinitei'tueiii tront- nieiit nml metllfliKHecim c jouiio tmin uml the icsults are suriirlslnc IIOKS THIS .MM IY TO YOU ? "l"i .ends lluinAiifi , rountiymen.lend me youft ems , ' siisuld Mink. AH tun over the body 08 Julius ( ui' 'DiiHisnim figure t'fsiictclu noon -\\oiiitl Hunt to lend theli ( iirx. but nmns muh'it tlienililth is t < tiilMilelit , to lMliK. 'I lu ar of man Is < me of the mo t I eantlfnl nnd jic'ileit of all hts omnas. Its mieriinl nuiliiini-m iHiomplliiitcil niul dellinte ; lt In- tiecliy is nece-sun foi tilt perfictpi'ifoinmnca ol It- Inn lion , mini ) IH'IMJIIS tie lt-et sumo Mlli-llt tiimtitesnf tlie em , ot c intlKllnils orKanl until theli lieurliiK If lieimantiv defeitlvrv hat inethocaif-osof tat Iroiibltsi1 Colil.nro' dm dm < at.uih In Its \ailniis fotmx. nnd itson < seiiitiues | in the jri < "t innllsjiosiiiK innsu on deifness throughout ni the -.tiiKes of life Isntie of the most lommnii famllli i ol iilienomena.whli lilsnninttori f per. Mill il \urlemt' | with eierjoni1. 'I here ure time fm torK nernlh nere'Baryfoe tlieiiioiliii tlon of iiiolii I.OH It iniK-rntnie.nirln motion , nnd molsiuie.ns e know , tin iiitlouoQ to'doi tlrnlt or moist ittmosplioicorun it-oiltM in nn Inllamation of thu ninious membianu o ( some portion of the all | ia S.IKCN us btlnc tlm IHIIIII of len-t resist c , and IIH tlast. uttnckM le nre with nn nnitd frequently , we Uiul tlmtl the Intlnmatiiiy unulitlon penotintvs tie , jier mtlmiinis with tliu iinuousint m brane ol the nose nml tin oat , notalil ) thedistnt clan tubes , \ \ hu h mn inim the upper pail of thu tlno it behind the niHtills , to the lalddlu ciu on tmptiiinn 'I In tn\ltvof themlililleenr vhould be Mllctl wllhev rii-newed air , which pissts tliK.ilKlJ the tnbisnt every aet of swiillow linj , but whoi * thullnliiKnf tli tubes me Indium d It iintrs nn , nnd sei lelesnn excess of mucus whKh stnjis nil tin tubes and p tnents tin Imjiessof nlr. pro. urn 1 1 a nnlllt tl t omllilon of luailliB niul rlui : illKOI bll7'llin In the head. A neciei it d Intlamatlon oC tills kind prndnrpn ptrmanent thUkenlm ; of tlio membrane- thu mlildli uu nnd nlso the tin drum. Otlier i allies of eai tronbltH are s smr lot lext i and smallpox : tlm o dl-i nsooftpii leaxe thu tars In a rondltlonhlrh tanses then } totllsc liaise mat let Itu y.-ai" . and oft en i-mliply ( lostiox the e irdi nms It M cms nnnec -i-ary to show tlmt i mining nom the eiirs should bd abated , but mam aie still toimelons of tlio be- llol that soiiuMuciimulutlon of Impiniiy In tbt ] b'ood would take plate 1C this U'nt as i losod , A tinted antliol siiyThe tonvtant menacettl life btii'ense ot bone niul tonseiiiitnt itii llamution of thueo\uilnt's of tin * Iniiln , ub'-ees'j ' ol thu main , Inllimatlon of the veins blootj poisoning , tie : thu t'xliiui-tliin liom ( in IO.IKII ] nisi liaiKe. the bad smill whli h tlie n itlt lit inrJ ileswlth him , tinillinl"ir 111 Ilic i iu' . tut tU > nf KH-.IUO all r.'asons mllltatliiK In laxtn tfn piompt and speedy suppie slon of n dlsclmrcd trom the ear. SOMETHING IVOltm V Few Sviiiiitoms of Mn > Prove Serious to Von. DOJOII h.ixo fmjntmt tits of mental depics- Doou uNpeilcnce ihiKltig or biirzlng noised in vim v ir-s' Do xon tei'l ixs though ) on must Millocato vx hcnl ) ing doxvn/ AIUJOU troubled u lib a hacking tough and general debility/ Aii'jo.n ) i'S ( 'cncridly xxcak nnd vvateiyand trnnii'iitly intlamud/ Does your x olcu Imx o a busk , tblck sound anil a n isal Mirt of txx iintr/ Is jou buMth fri > iiieiitly | offensive iioni i uiiiiccoiintnbli ) ciiusu'/ Iliivi ) j on u dull , opprcsslx-o Iieadacho , HI ally lot.itod oxci tlio OJCH/ Do von havu to baxxk and ( ongb fltincntl ) ID tlio rtloit to dear youi tlnoat/ Are ) ou losing xoui SCUM ) of snioll and If yoni sense of tastu beromlng dulled/ loi" > ) oiiriio i.alw.i ) > leel stopped up , fore iiiL'jou lo biLMtliu tliioii-'li join moutlu Do yon fieiiuuntly ft el dl//y , p uJlrnl.irly xxlii-n htoopliiK to jili k anything oil thu lluoi/ Does eveiylitlliidiaflof lr ninlcveiy " ' miiKu s of It iniii'iatiiri * ' " > on a cold/ , Aru .Mill aniio.M d hy aconstantdeslii' to haxvK pi I out an endless iinantltv of phlegm' Do you -olroiii bedusthedantl wtaknsmj xtiutliu iiKht befoie and Kel us thon0'hou Minted to lie thoiu Imevui / Is.\uin tinoit tilled wlthlihlt-K'n ' In the morn- mr. x\hlth L.inonl ) liu discharged ulteiloleu6 toutliliiKiindliax\KliiKanil sinttngi | > Do win oe aslmiallx waku tiuni a tioiibluil hlei'jiwlth a stint and ft el ax If ) on had just esiapid ahoilliilodiath bj ihykliiKi1 111iu u : 'Ih'Mthoxe ' aie Kome of tlie man ? hymptomxot caliuih ami ( hobeIimliiK ( ol hint ; tumbles Not olio t ise In a bundled will li.ivil all of them lintoMiyoni alh cted will h ixe n fewer m i ly ot them. Tlif Kiea'oi or m uu i r- ioiisxiiiii hmptoniH , themoiu ( liiiijviOIIH join ! conillUon lfon liaxu homuol all ot them , Til ION YOU II/VVi ; OATAUKH. \ \ hy waste time on pltent mi tilt lues that m < t not appllcabl lo joui insu/ \\h ) wasit > ouc n one ) on no'-li unis that menu uiid ( nl ) to ' gel yo'ur mtm'y. and mav agiiraxatejo n case Instead or helping ItThis tlaxHol illst IISIH n tuatetlxtiy noussfiilh b > Di. Jord in. 'Ihti iininx ( iisiH i < poiteil tliioiiKh tln < ilnlh IMJICIM pioxesthls , and < > i < h sl.ituininl Jiulil -met In Mlbst mtlulh tliesann asglx,1 ! ! li ) tliugiate ul pallint xxho has IIOL-II t meil.edonot bayouc cases , XM < haxe no in ed to uiiy thornour patientl ollei them to IIH xomntiirllx , and this in an ovl deuie thntwuhaxu done ioi tliem all that xx-o p i niNed. Dr. .Ionian itsiw no sti rtt nostinniH , out i nr-s dlHtaso by skllllul ( omblnntlinis oC the In ht known lemeilluuiijillMl In t'i most appiox-tdaid Hdentllli nianner. and bj nxhiK thn ha HI Kiulmost hliihlv IUMIIIII inkd iipp'lan- ' tfs l.noxxn to thu profcssli u , Ho thnx pio- dm ( siesnits that speaii fin themstlxcH In thu miiiiy pitli'iitH hec.urei'.iind xxu ni-surii out itiiii- . cis that tills pliHltlan has ai'hli xi d .1 HIKIIH'J In i m Ing dlsiasuthat few oilier ductoix candui pllcatu. J. CRESAP McCOY , ( I.ntc of ItPllcvii" HospitalNuxv Vork. ) Succeeded Dy JOCIOK Charles M , Jordon ( Lain of tin ) I nlvuiMly of Wxv Vork I'lty atlJ ( lluxsaid Lnlvtlaltv , UuMhltie.tun , I > , C. HAS orncKs No. 31O find Oil Ramoo ; Corner I'lfUrntli nnd HiiuieyHts , Onuilin , . * \\liui all cnrubln IIIHC.I uiu tleattd VXUU HULC09H. Note Dr. C'liarlcH > l , .Ionian bus br < n iosl ilntpliy lclan for Dr. .MtC'oy , In Omnlin , tor tlio past ytur und IH tlio phyxlilun ut.'iliui inadn Uiu Linus that Imvtbetn ] iublHlicd ) weeltly in this impel. , / Medlral illfifftseB treated Hklllfully. rnnsiiinn * lion , llrlcbt'H dlhfUKf. Dyxpopxfa , llbuuiiiatlHiiii mil all K KKVOUri OI.SKAUCS All d easi'ii no- : ullar to tliu eexea H specialty. L'ATAItltlf CONSULTATION at oltlco or by null ) , f 1. Olllte. houra-ilto It a. in .Slot p.m. , 7 U)8p , in , tiunda ) olllcu honru fiom U a , m. , to 1 ] > . in. Correipondvnccii'colxtapioinpt ntttnt'on. Manx dlheartof urn tiv.itul eucu'M.sfullv by Dr. lonlon tbroiiKii tliu muliH.iind U h tlnix ( xtsiil lo lor those tillable to niilkti a louritcy to ohl.Ua HIICCH8.SI'fII , IKMI'lTAI , J'llC.M'Ml'.Nl' At'