6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE SUNDAY NCWJSMHEll 18. 1388.-SIXTEEN PAGEb. THE DAILY COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFIMCJII. NO lil I'KARIi S1UHBT. I'f'llvcrcdliy rnnlor In Anr 1'nit of UicCltyn Iv.cuty Cents I'crWcek. . . , II. W. TII/ION . . . MANAUKH. TILIIMIONIS : : : : llrcivr1 * Omi n No. < I. NHIIIT Ciuinit. .Nn.ai. MINOIl MKNTtON. N. Y. I'lunibing company. See the "London Tailor. " Klegntit overcoatings at A. Rater's , merchant tailor.tl : ( ) Hroadway. Hest hard nndoft coal and Missouri wood. K. H. Mayne , ( Ull Hroadway , Hllnil lloonn nnd hit concert company arc to appear at the liroailwny .Mrtliodist ctuircli December 11. Suhhcrilicrs for thu Xenlly Stevens cou- reirt should rail ut once at Camp At Hills' nnd ticcurc their scuts. The sale of tickets for tlio Xcally Stevens concert Is going on lim , < ly at Camp ft Kills' . Those who wish desirable seats should sc- cure thrill ut once. K. J. Pierce took out building permits yes terday for three now WM ) cottages to 1m erected nt the corner of Fifth nnd Pacific avenues in Siinro's | nildltloii. Tlin Married toadies' V. V. club will bo en- tcrlnlned next Tuesday evening by Mrs. F. A. Connor nndIrs. . J..I. Hrown at thu lot- tcr'H ' residence , ft'rfl Seventh street. Mrs. Fanny Kellogg Ilachert will appear nt the Ncally Stevens concert In the opera house next Thursday evening. This will bo lier first iippoaranuu In concert hero for j-enrs. Ha/el ( Jump lodge of Modem Woodmen has accepted 1111 Invitation to attend a b.in- iinet given by their Omaha brethren on Tucs- ilay evening. A meeting of the order will bo * liulil to-morrow evening to arrange necessary ' details. The Cliantaiiiiia | eirclowlll meet to-morrow i evening at the Y. M. ( J. A. rooms. The ' change for this meeting Is due to the occupa tion of the boatd of trade rooms for another pin pose , and hereafter the clrclu will meet as usual In thu board of trade rooms , J. ( i. Tipton yesterday closed the deal , by which ho sold to Mr. A. C. Woolley , a promi nent hiisiiu'ss man of Omaha , the decant irsidci.ee pmpcrty on Frank street , which formerly belonged to the estate of M. F. Kcollne. The purchase price was $ ! , l OJ. At thu Congregational chtnvli to-day the musical part of thu services , both morning nml evening , wilt be of special interest. The ilimrtel is composed of Mrs. llawley , of Janesvlllc. Wis. , Mrs. ICvans , Prof. MeOer- mld and Mr.Vestcott , with Prof. Do Nor- imindieat the ormin. t The concert at the opera house Thursday evening next is of speuial interest from thu fact that Miss Neally Stevens nnd Mrs. Fanny Kellogg IJnehert nre both claimed by this city , their girlhood being spent here. Council I Shifts is naturally proud of having pi educed two such artists. A few days after election "Hob" Hunting- ton's luxuriant beard disappeared. No one questioned his right to dispose of it , but the ilcinamlcd . " 'No it wasn't boys a mason. , an election bet but the blamed things were un comfortable , besides the color was not very becoming nnd they had to go. " Tlio case of Charles Smith , charged with disturbing the veaee. was heard yesterday by Judge Aylcsworth. The prisoner was lined $11 ro , and locked up in default of payment. The other charge ngainst him , of being drunk on his hack , was allowed to stand over , pending further good behavior. On account of the concert at Dolmuy's opera house the sight singing class which meets every Thursday at Mrs. D.V. . Hush- neli's residence , has been postponed until Friday evening , the ti.'td. No new members can bo admitted after that date , and all arc requested to be in their places promptly at 7 : 'M p. in. The auction sale of lots in Potter & Cobb's addition yesterday afternoon failed to draw it very largo crowd owing to the unfavorable Htnto of the weather. Two bands were en gaged and paraded the streets of this city and Omaha advertising the sale , but the weather was altogether too damp and chilly to create much of a rush. Henry ICIscimin & Co. have In process of erection a magnificent business block , which they expect to occupy In thu spring. That they may not bo obliged to move their im mense stock they will sell it out at greatly reduced prices. The advantages which they offer to the trade are given in their new ad vertisement , which appears this morning. Look for it. It will bq remembered that Alderman Kne- plier lost his mustache on the result of the election. Ho was willing to part with it but Mrs. K. objected. The only thing was to ob tain Mr. Morgan's consent to retain it. As soon as that gentleman understood the situa tion ho very gallantly made out a bill of sale for the hirsute appendage nnd presented it to Mrs. ifacphcr with his compliments. This is how it is that the alderman still retains his mustache. The residences of this city nro to bo renum bered again on account of the great irregu larity In this respect now noticeable in this lesiicct. Owing to the peculiar manner in which the streets in the older portions of the city were laid out many of the numbers do not correspond at all to the location where they stand. City ICnginccr Stimpson has charge of this work nnd will see that it is immediately and properly done. Ho will liavo to contend with the usual number ot those who kick on every new move , but nl' ' public spirited citucns will give their hearty support. mi Sco W. C. Stacy's'ad" Special ruled columns in ledger , cash , journal , etc. , Morehousu & Co. \Voilonot intend to indorse any except art I- ck-s of merit , but wo t Ko plua.suro In referring to the "Garland Stoves and ICunges , whoso Mlperlorlty Is too well established to be called In < iiicstlon. They iiro belluveil to ha nnoqiialfd by unv In the world. Sold uxcluslvuly by 1 * . C. Do Vol. Iloaddunrtors for htovcs. OuuLU.Si UitYA.N-r , fiia Main si. J. O. Tipton has tlio largest and best ( elected lisl of real astute in the city , llo handles nothing but bargains. Personal Paragrnplm. Mr. Leonard Farr , of Mount Pleasant , is In thu city , looking af lor his real estate in- tcrcstH. Mrs , Lewis Hammer has gene to Chicago for a two week's visit with relatives and friends. W. J. ICetchum , advance agent of Hllnd Boone , was in the city yesterday arranging for the appearance of his company hero De cember 11. Major M. M. Marshall , general agent of tlio " ( J" In this city , loft Fridav evening for Iroiuiois , Dak. , accompanied by his oldest daughter. They will return Tuesday morn ing. ing.A. A. K. Herbert , agent of the Montreal Llfo Insurance company , of Now York , is in tlio city for a few days , assisting Major M. F , Kohrer. the general agent of the company at this point. "Hilly" Smith , who was a well known attache of the Ogitcn house for n number of years , and lately employed by Win. Lewis , is now seriously 111 with Hright's disease at St. JJerimnl'R hospital , where ho is being treated. Ills condition is regarded as very critical. Alias Neally Stevens , the pianlstc , will ap pear in this , her old homo , Thursday evenIng - Ing next , in a grand concert , assisted by Mrs. Fanny Kellogg Haehert. Miss Slovens has made dates for concerts in Leaven- worth , Atchlson , DCS Monies , Uubiniuo , Chicago and Detroit , After the holidays she Will t'e-easi i > \ 1111 twenty onga.s'omonts th re. \Vo have pome choice bargains in bol- toni properly listed with us by parting \vlio hav llioy must huvo money. A , A. Clark & Co. , Hroadway anil Main. i. S.iiut llernai'tl Pliioc. I hnvo a n.n.'iihor of line lols for sale ID tlio above addition , located only two bh > < ; l > H nwnv from the areet cars on Uroadwaj , ' The o lota tire 50.\-'oU foot , nnd iiro choli'ii rciildcnco property. They lira high and dry and present a coiniimndJng view , For full informa tion iv iinJlnj , ' prices anil terms apply in J. G. Tiptoti , eOlc agunt , 627 Dread- yuy , OF INTEREST IN THE BLUFFS , The Contract Lot For a Now Bronel- way Bridge Over the Crook. RETIRING SUPERVISORS CANED. Tim Attrncllnn < i nt the Clinrclirfi A Itntrnyril liuslmml CoiiHolod Iiy n Divorce A I'cw Ar rests Personal. Tlio New HrllK ( < > on llronilwuy. The county supervisors completed their labors yesterday for tlio fall term ami ail- Journcil until tlio first Monday in January. The forenoon was occunled In settling the claim of the Kluvcrs Hrldgo company , of OsKaloo'.a , In regard to the present bridge on Hroaihvay over Indian creek , and letting the contract for a new one. The bid of the Milwaukee ItrhlKo company , of this city , was the lowest for erecting the now structure , and the contract was awarded to tlirin for { 7Tfi < ) . The bill for tlio present bridge , in- cludlnjrflpcrvcnl Interest mid costs , amount ing to $ J.IO.WJ : ) , was paid to Mr. Thomas Biovers. The now structure will bo sixty feet long and sixty feet wide. It will bu made ns strong us possible for n wagon bridge , mid will weigh nearly lOO.OOOpoumK It will be BO nrranged that tlio lloor can bo paved , making u continuous hloclc paved drive. The bridge will bo the full width of the street , so that it will offer no obstruction whatever to travel when this great thor oughfare is crowded , as it very frequently is. It will bo erected as soon as it can he made , and in ninety days the public will probably bo able to drive over this new structure. Hooks ! Itookx ! . Manufactured to order by Morehouse & Co. Have our wagon cull for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. See Forrest Smith's special column. Wanted ut once An c.xporionceil clerk for general store. Single mail , onu speaking English and Gorman pre ferred , liooil Hilary and steady om- plovmont to tlio rijrht man. Tall on or address .1. 11. Krnu Chiirtor Oak. C'rawfor Co. , la. A Frlc-iHlly Farewell. There was a pleasant gathering last even ing at the residence of Colonel I ) , 11. Dailey , county prosecuting attorney , at It 10 Indiana , avenue. The occasion was the presentation of two handsome gold-headed canes to the two retiring members of the board of county supervisors , Messrs. Samuel G. Underwood and James Holler. The mementoes were the gifts of the other county oflleials , with whom the above named gentlemen have been con nected during tueir term of otllce. The com pany present was quite u large one , embrac ing several members of the county bar , Con gressman Joseph Lyimin , Colonel \V. ! ' . S.i | > | > and others. The canes are elaborately engraved and suitably inscribed , and arc very handsome testimonials of the high esteem in which the fortunate recipients are held. The whole party sat down to n most princely spread , which received ample justice. The evening was passed in friendly social intercourse , and will long he pleasantly remembered by tlioso who wore present. J. G. Tipton , the real estate broker , makes a specialty of selecting homos for the rich and poor. 'l ho Great lon < ) ou Tailor lias come to Council Bluffs with tlio largest block and linust grades of goods ever seen in the eity which will ho niiido up ut the lowest figures ever given any where. No. OJ57 , corner of Broad .vuy and Seventh street , Postolliec block. Remember the ' 'London Tailor , ' ' anil give him u call. Dresses iniule Wool dresses ? .r , to $8 , silks and plushes $8 to S10. Miss .Sim mons , over Wiseman's. See Forrest Smith's special column. Conoofiilnu tlie Churches. The following announcements arc made of religious services to bo held in the several churches to-day : First Baptist church Instead of the usual sermon at 1010 : n. in. there will be a roll call of tlio church and consecration meeting. AH invited to this meeting. At 7:30 : p.m. Hev. Dwight Spencer will speak of the young west and the Mormon power.An in teresting subject by a very interesting speaker. Those who heard him three years ngo will not willingly miss hearing him Sun day night. All cordially invited. Hroadway M. E. church Preaching by the pastor at 10'iO : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Class meeting at G:3U : in the lecture room. Sabbath school at 13 m. The subject of last Sabbath morning will bo taken up nt the evening hour , namely : "Tho Model Young Man. " Young men and strangers in the city are cordially Invited to these services. You will meet a hearty welcome from pastor and people. Services at Overtoil Mission as usual to day , at 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Presbyterian Preaching both morningand evening by the pastor. Morning theme , "Homo Missions , or the KvangolU.ition of Our Own Land. " Sabb.ith school at 13 o'clock. Strangers anil others cordially in vited. Hethany Haptist Church Corner of Hluff and Story streets. Services will bo held at the usual hours , 10:30 : a.m. and 7:30 : p.m. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Pastor Hev. K. N. Harris , residence 217 Hluff street. Welcome. Welcome , Hercan Haptist Church Pastor , Hov. T. F. Thickstono. Place of meeting , Pacillc avenue between Fifth and Sixth avenues. Time of service , 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30p. : m. Sunday school nt i'J in. Moreover there will bo preaching every evening tnis week. Congregational Services morning and evening as usual. Morning subject , "Tho Two-fold Nature of thoChristlun. " Evening subject , "Sins Hlottcd Out. " Strangers earnestly Invited to attend , St. Paul's Church Divine service to-day at 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school , 13:15. : Young men's bible class. 13:15. : All Saints Church Corner Third avenue and Eighteenth street. Hours of worship , ) UiO : ! a. m. nnd 7:30 : i > . in. Sunday school , 3 p. m. Young men and strangers always cordially welcomed to these services. T. J. Mackey , rector. Tlio 5 o'clock class nt the Young Men's Christian association gymnasium will meet every day beginning next week. This class is the onn especially for business men and a "business man's system" is in use. Mr. II , ( ! . Sinead , of Minneapolis , an ovangcllst of excellent spirit , and whoso work has been crowned with marked results , assisted by Mr. A. J , Smith , a gospel singer from Boston , will open a series of special union religious services m this city on next Sabbath , November 3r > , probably in the oven- ing. There will bo in these meetings n co operation of various churches and their pas tors with F.vangelists Smcad and Smith , The Indications uro that these special efforts will bo crowned with most desirable results In the revival of the churches and in tno conversion of souls. If you want to borrow money , buy a lot. house ami lot , farm , or trade any thing , BCO A. A. Clark & Co. , Broad- wily and Main. Money loaned nt L. 11. Crafts ft Co.'s loan olllce , on furniture , pianos , horsns , wagons , personal property of all kinds , nml all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. | A Itimnwny Wife. Yesterday was motion day m the district court. As It was the llrst week in the term the motion docket w.is not very full and was quickly disposed of , The divorce taso of Homy S , Terry vs Matilda U. Terry wa heard. J , W , lloss appeared for the yluluUS. TUero wus uo de fense and the decree was granted as prayed for. The defendant Is alleged to have skipped out for Vancouver's ' Island with an other man , The would-be husband also tool three horses belonging to Terry , which wen pastured a few miles from this city. Tcrrj wrote to the woman asking for the custodj of their two children. The reply informed him that ho could have one , but the othci had no Terry blood in his veins and would hi kept by the mother. Although tlio woman and her paramour got uway with three horses , it is claimed that she still has u horn on Terry. _ Illinois and Iowa 1 ot * oft coal , ( .Jlca- ton , 'M 1'carl street. K. II. Sheafo loans money on chattel rccnrity of ovary description. I'rivnto consulting rooms. All business strictly confidential. UHlne f > ( )0 ) Hroadway , cor ner Main street , up stairs. The finish on our collar * , eulTs and shirts cannot be equalled. Ca-cade Laundry Co. O panel opening of roller rink Moniluj evening. HP fore l ho Mar. City board was rather short yesterday anil Judge Aylesworth was not lavish In his sen tences. Norman Hullock was fined 7.0' ! , and three vngs who had no visible mc.uis of support mid supported butlittlcclothing , wereturncc ; out into the storm. Ktiima Smith was also charged with vag raooy. She pleaded guilty to being drunk , having dr.ink three glasses of Iowa prolilb ition Juioa , She w.n lined $ S,10. She toll ! several talcs of her experience with local "peelers" and said the oftlcer offered to hit her go for $ ' ! , but shocould not pay It , neithei would she advance the amount exacted b.v the court , and she was accordingly removed to the "sky p.irlor" of the jail. We have listed with us some cash and a few good farms to exchange for Coun cil Hlulls property. A. A. Clark & Co. , Hroadway and Main. Money loaned on fiunituro , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clurk & Co. , olllee cor. Hroadway and Main , over American e.\press. .l.G. Tipton has bargains in real estate. The Kirst Flurry. The first real snow storm of the season began about half p.ist ten yesterday morning. The Hakes fell quite rapidly for a short time and the ground was soon covered During the afternoon the fall was quite light , and made outdoor business disagreeable , without materially increasing the depth of the snow on the ground. The fall measured about an inch , and made travel decidedly uncotnfort- able. The boys appeared with their sleds ut the first appearance of a flake , and waited patiently until enough had fallen to tit the sidewalks for iron runner * . The snow came down just as naturally as last ye.ir , and will bo on hand to furnish a white Christinas if necessary. FO.C Sale Cheap Lot- , near the bridge to parties who will build at once. Ad dress or call en .1. H. Uice , No. litMain ) street. Council Hluu's. S. 11. Wadsworth & Co. loan inoiiev. -Mixed pickles in bulk at N. I , Tib- hilts , "I-1) Broadway. _ Dr. C. C. IIax.cn , dentist , opera house block. _ Sec Forrest Smith's special column. All grades hard coal , C. H. Fuel Co. > ' ! On the Water. Before the police went on duty last even ing Chief Lucas called the entire force to gether to inquire into certain matters rela tive to its cfllcloncy. Tin : HUB man inter viewed the chief after the meeting with tlio following result. Said he : "I asked the boys if there was any dissatisfaction anywhere , and without exception they said there was not. I asked them if 1 had ever given them any occasion to think 1 had any 'pets , ' and they said no ; that all had been given an equal show in the work which falls into our hands , and that I had shown no disposition to dis criminate against any of them. I am ut , a loss , " continued the chief , "to see how such a report could have been started , for surely there is no reason for it. When I took the ofllee I gave strict orders In regard to drink ing wliilo on duty. Tnis order has been generally orally obeyed. What few cases there have been havq not interfered with the work of tlio force in the least. I will have sober men and the boys know it. I must have disci pline , and wliilo I nm at the head of the force I will have it. If anyone thinks he is my pet he is at liberty to quit , for I hnvo none. Wo are getting along nicely and the boys arc doing good work. The public may bo sure this will continue as long as 1 am chief. " Weather stri ps at Chapman's art store. Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , cull's and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. E. II. Sheafo it Co. make long or short time loans on real estate , in sums to suit , at lowest rate of interest. Olllco Hroadway and Main street , upstairs. We have no competitors in finishing collars , cull's and shirts. Cascade Laun dry Co , _ Improved and vacant properly in nil partb of the oily ; OOxloO feet on ( Jlen avuiuio , cast front , a bargain ; business property on Broadway and Fourth street. H. P. Ollicoi- , North Main falrcot , DoVol's block. Council Blulls. Mm. Ijord at Dohnnny'H. The Louie Lord party hold the boards at Dohnnoy's opera house last evening in "A Member of Congress. " Mrs. Lord is , ns of old , a conscientious actress and has sur rounded herself with a very able support. There are no sticks , each member taking his role with ability. Tlio comedy presented gave good opportunities for nil and they were utlllral to the best possible advantage. The stand hero has not been a prolltablo one , the audiences being very light. The company go immediately to Fremont , Neb. , where they will open the recently completed opera houso. Whatever bill is put up thcro the people may bo sure of n treat. For bargains in real estate in any part of the city see F. .1. Day , the lead ing real estate dealer. Loans made on city business and resi dence property. Notes bought. Kim- ball-Champ Investment company. Rock Spring coal , Glcuson , 0 Pearl street. The Council 15hills Lumber Co , want on to try some of their coal. A FRIGHTFUL FATE. San Francisco Examiner : O. S. Church , of the Grand hotel , is tlio owner of a largo ranch in Sierra county. Ho is handy with his gun , mil is ohock- ful of reminiscences and experiences with big game in the mountains of Sierra. The other night he was in a reminiscent mood anil , after observing that from present indications' this waste to bo a great winter for bear anil deer in Sierra , ho said : "Tlio most horrible experience I over know a man to have with a grizzly was near the Sierra buttcs. twelve miles from Sierra City , in tlio ( JolJ Lick country. The man was Samuel Berry , famed in the north as-in export hunter and trap- pur. At odd"pm'iods liu made his head quarters on the ranch of my father , A. l > . CUureli , in the uforebuitl county , twenty miles from Truekce. That en tire region is full of the various kinds ot game that California h\inter f so much delight in , and on the occasion of which t speak , I Jerry was there with a big lot of traps , dogs anil guns. "Ho had started in for the winter's campaign and was well equipped in ' very way. Ho set out from our house on tlio 121th of November on < iiow. hoes' intending to return'Ulfat night. As it developed afterward. h6 made his way over the level valley on the snow and reaching the higher ground near Sierra Unites , took oil his long wooden snow- shoo.o , and climbed to the heights in his long-topped cowhide boots. Ho set a lot of traps for marten , mink and other fur-bearing animals , making a wide de tour of about llttuen miles. This prob ably took him eight or toll hours. Ho had left word nt our house that he would be home that night , but he did not come. The weather was cold , for the altitude is pretty grcal there , our ranch being itself o,00 ( > feet above the sea , and it was nearly a continuous climb from there on. "Well , wo got anxious about him. for it is sparsely settled thereabout , and wo figured it tliat ho must hnvo got tripped up in some way. Not coming homo the next day , either , we organized n posse of six or eight men and set oil' in pur suit. Wo followed ins trail and pushed forward until night .shut down on us and we could go no further. "Next day , reinforced by about fifty of the ranchers and miners who had gathered in to aid in the search , we set out in all directions , hunting steadily the entire day. There bait been a light fall of snow , however , and in many places his tracks were obscured , and night came on us without our search be- inir "successful. "We knew by this time that Herrv must have met with a terrible fate. If not killed bv wild animals he must have been fro/.on'in the bitter weather pre vailing in the top of the mountains at that time. "The excitement in all that part of Sierra county grow intense , and on tlio morning of the third day there was gathered at our ranch such a heterogen eous mass of rilleincn. laborers , ranch ers and trappers as had never before been seen. The crowd numbered fully leO , and it was understood from the start that Uerry was to be found that day. Some of Hurry's most intimate friends were in the throng , and they vowed that they would neither eat nor drink until they had found him. "Hounds were brought into requisit ion and all possible clews were followed up. Thev had climbed the mountains many miles north of Sierra City , and it was far into the afternoon when one of the searchers struck the trail of Berry's snowshocs. They followed it down the declivities as fast as possible , but in many places the newly fallen snow had obscured it , and they lost a good deal of time. The squads separated , and closed in together at in tervals. Finally a small party discov ered it again after it had been lost for nearly an hour. They followed it down into a big canyon , \\'lioro , owing to the exceedingly preeipitoifs descent. _ tlio hunter must have descended like light ning.Must Must at nightfall they came upon a LOTS IN FERRY-ADDITION ! For a Short Tim : I Will Offsr 1OO LOTS In Terry Addition to Counclllllliilfs ou tlie fol- . ' Insiilc Lots on Are. A..T * f . S iitlO lnitil3l.otsimAvo.il . . . . . M * ) Instdo Lotion A ve. ( J . . , . * 'M Inside Lots on First .Avo. . ' . . ! . . W" Inside Lots on Sc'i-oiKl Ave . f > OI Inside Lots on Thlnl A\e . M > Insldo J.othim N. Sldo Konrtli Ave. . - , . 4.V ) Inside Joth nil S. Slile Fourth Ave. . . - . -HO fc 'All Corner Lots ( VI More. TERMS One-tenth rnMi. bilanrciunliioannu.il optlnn.il pavmonls , with h per rent In terest. paj-alilc ftima.illy. Will give con- trnt t for warranty deed and furnish ab stract when fully paid. w. MiK s.vroi : r , No. . , North .Main St. . Council liluir.la. . NEW BARGAINS BROADWAY LOTS , KIKST AVKNUK IiOTS , KI3KIIY ADDITION KOT8 , I'KIIKY ADDITION IjOTS , EVANS' ' BRIDGE ADD , LOTS , UIIYANT & Cli.Utli'H ADDITION IjOTS , STUKRT'S AUDITION lift US. AltSO 2O At'KKS OK THE BEST PROPERTY IN TOWN KOJl IM < ATTIXG. W. C. STACY , Telephone ! ' . . No. 9 Jlaln Street. SPECIALJSIOTICES , NOTICI3. ' ' . Lost , Found , To Loan , 1'or Sale. To Kent , AVnnta , HoardIng - Ing , etc. , will bo liiHurU'd in this column at tint low rate of TUN CUNTS PCIl I.INI ! for the ) Rrat iinvrtlon and Kivo Cents I'er I.lnu for uarli t > ub- aeciuent Insertion. Leave ndvertlBnineiits nt ouroffleo. Nn. II'earl Street , noir Hroadway , C'ouncll IllnlTs Iowa. WANTS. HKNT 2 or n nicely furnlsiiod rooms for eneepliiK. Oil I on or tidiness Dr. I' . W. n , ll > i Hroadway , Council Walls , la. HAlii : Or KvchnnBU A jrood Krnln ele vator in nil low.i town , to hull or trade for farm land. Jonnston A : Van 1'atten , Council lllultH , la. HKXT Seven-loom cotta e. on the cor ner of : ! d avo. nml Htli st. W. ( . ' . .lames , HUNT A Inrfjo number of good dwell- FOlt . Call nnd exnmlno list. H. H , Sheafo A : Co. , Hroadwny nnd Mam St. , up stairs. lanrc rroni rooms to rent furnished , 1 Foil from street car , Inquire at llco olllce , Council mulls. HUNT Nicely furnished front room ecu- FOU located. Address ( j X. llee olllce. FINE , CHOICF IMPORTED MILLINERY IBM Doimlou St. , Omaha , Not ) . TIKIS. Orrirr.n. ' W. II. M. I'usiiv. OFFICER & PUSEY. BANKERS. Corner Main and Hroadway , COUNCIL HIjUFFH , IOWA. Dealers In forttlim unil domestic uxchanue. Collections jnude mid Inteiest paid ou time do- forkcil tree that had fallen In the storm , and just within the fork was a prosit hole In the no\v that Jintl been tramped down , nt though a ilcspornlo strtijfjjlo had occurred there , The snow \va blooil-stniii"i1. nnd the deen tracks of a man led out from it. A few feet away wns one xnowslioo and tlio i > ole which had been u-oil between the Icgs to guide the long runiii > r . "Two rods below was a sight frightful to behold. Merry lay there stark and J-tilT in death , his body fearfully torn and the snow all about rod with blood. ' lie had eotne down the bij ( canyon late in the afternoon , and as siiowwlfoc- men do when belated or e.xlillerated by tlio chance for a ll.vlnpr ride , had eomo at lightning speed. He had not noticed tlio widespread ing forks of the tree , covered as the extremities were with snow , nor a great she-bear and her two cub ; * which were secluded there. Ho must have rushed right in among them. "It is presumable that the bear being thus surprised made at him. for lie had shot and wounded her. This , however , only enraged the bear more , and she followed him up. Kerry lost one of liis suowshoes , and then was helpless , "Worse than this , in the confusion lie lost his gun , and thus ho must htay and outrage in a hand-to-hand oonllict' with the bear. Herry , from the looks of his body , must have been already wounded In the left thigh and severely In the arms. "He drew his knife , tlie only weapon ho had left , and fought nobly for his life , backing down hill as fatt as ho could meanwhile. "Below the crotch of the tree , where the body was found , the snow was again fearfully torn , and Herry , weak from loss of blood , had succumbed , and at the last moment his face was bitten oil by the bear. "H was tlio most desperate eonlllet I ever heard of , and strange to say , the storv has never been told , yet all the old hunters of Sierra remember this as the most tragic battle with a wild ani mal that ever occurred in that section. You see , it was just the besriuning of the solid part of the winter , and the old bear and cubs had Bought this secluded place to hibernate. Probably they had been there for some days , and the old ono was hungry and sullen at being dis turbed , especially as she had the cubs. "The track * of' the three led out in the snow , and along the tracks of the big one was a trail of blood , showing that poor Herry had fought heroically for his life , but the odds were too heavy for him. Some of out * party followed the trail of the bear until it was lii.ally lost in the deeper snow below. Whether the old bear finally died from her wounds , of coin-he we could not Uno.v. "Herry 's gun was found near where he had lirst run on to the bear , and thu knife was still in his hand wlien bib body wiih discovered. "Henry Hint's is the king of the bear- killers in Sierra comity. Ilines is an old-timer from away back , lie gets more bear and deer than any other hunter up there. Ho is well equipped for the busi ness , having plenty of good guns and blooded hunting dogs. All grades soft coal , O. 13. Fuel Co. THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. PEICE $13. Is equal t ) any High Priced Machin : . The Kdl on Mlmcoernpli. tlio lie t iippnrntui for niiinltuMIni ; , iiutoicrnplila und t > | iu nntliu work. iUD lopli-i cnn bo l The Escelsior Ce. , Council Bluffs , la. S STEWART M D D V M , , , , , , , , VETiJBlNARY SURGE HOSPITAL 45 FOURTH STREET. Telephone No. . " > . COU.NX'lIj BMIKFS , : : IOWA mill Parlnr QP Qpt ! OUL allli 1 dllul oul At J , GOLDBERG'S ' "THE FAIR , " Commencing Monday , Nov. 12th. All purchasers of Dry Goods , Clothing and n cut a' rurnl-ihliiK ( ioods amomitlnf ; to fl.O ) will receive a ticket entitling them to a chance on either a line parlor or bedroom .set. Itemum- lic-r , ( joods nri ) maiked lower than ever , and n ticket KOCH with every dollr.r'swoith purchased. Tlie beautiful prizes can I u * > ccri at the stoic , 18 MAIN STREET. CALL AND HPK THEM. GEO. H. MESCHENDORF Will .sell for cash , moiit at the following prices : mm , IUIK. : ; . tc I'OKTIiltllOUSIi. . 10c OWN incur . . .to VOHK CHOI' . He SIIDI'I.DKItHOAST ( ! < IMIHK HO A ST. . . . Hs Hill ItOAKT. . . . . c HAMS. . . IU'C HOUND STKAK. .He IIACON Ilic KIUUJINKTHAK lOc JAltl ) llic viAi.ANi.Mrrro.vsTi\vs : ) : 4u Vi\l. : AND Ml THIN UOAHTS . . hr SAUSAUli OK AU < KINDS to And all other Meats in the same Proportion. NO. tf'27 1HVAY. TKL. NO. 101. TREE OF LIFE A positive euro for Liver and Kidney tronb- leu , all 1 flood Diseases , Imllms.Htioii , JJyhpup- Bla , and Sour Stomach , IB found in MOORE'S ' TREE OF LIFE. For sale by local drugRists and everywhere. Price # 1 pur bottle , six for Address all communications to im. .1. it. Council IJIulIVlii , F. J. BBEZEE , Taxidermist and Naturalist. Permanently located nt No. 14 North Oth St. , opposite Postofllce , on Motor Line , Council H In tin , Iowa. If you have Bpccimens don't wait for prices. Send them to him buforu they spoil. If you dent want them after they are mounted , ho will pay you the highest market price for them. Will make a bpccialty of heud ! and dre-stiing of fury during the whitei- . GREAT T Let us Begin a Busy Week WITH A BIG CROWD TO-MORROW , Will Make It Comfortable For You , as Well as for Your Pocket-Books. We hnvc nothing else to think of or to do but to soil exit our entire stock , amounting to over1 S 2OO.OOO ns quick ns possible. In order to do this we hnve concluded to stnrl right in now nnd give our customers n discount of 2O per "eon ! on every dollar's worth we sell. This tremendous cut will brinci thpusnnds of people fi'om nil over the country to tnke ndvnntnne ol this grent benefit sole. " Remember we monn 2O per cent discount on evcrvthino wo soil. including Domestics , Dress Goods , Clothing , Boots nnd . , , Clonks and Suits. In fact everything In our house. On the bottom of every bill you purchase you will have the ° " O per cent discount deducted before you pny the bill. Our prices have always been acknowledged to be much cheaper than any other house in Council Bluffs or Omahannd when you get your extra 2O per cent off see what a dollar will purchase In our store , ns compared with other houses. We don't pretend to mnke any profit on our snles from now on. All we wnnt is to sell our stock down so low thnt It will enable us to our entire attention TO THE NEW pny BUILDING we nr- erect ing on the old Pnciflc house site , which me monn to occupy in the spring. We wnnt to open in our now locntion with an entire new stock , and add several new departments to our lines. Do you know just whnt we mean to do ? You know that our stock is largel You know that our goods are good nnd just whnt we rept e ent You know o'ir reductionsnre honest ! You know the discount is Inrgel We nre bound to sell our entire stock before moving into our new building , nnd the stock is so Inrge it will take time to do it. Whnt ts our loss is your gain. Everybody is invited to call and Inspect our stock and learn our prices. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK ! We will present a good Sleigh to every boy or girl , with Boy'a Suits , Overcoats or Misses' nncl Children's Clonks. Also of n nice Blnck Fur Muff with every Lndies' Clonk. Wxpress charges prepaid on nil purchases mnde by Omaha or outside customer's. Mail orders receive prompt attention. CALL AND SEE US. HENRY EISEMAN & CO , PEOPLE'S STORE NOS. 314,316,318 , , & 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. See our Grand Display of Holiday Presents on the Second Floor. SNAPS ! ! j [ Lot , Bryant & Clark , on Second avc. j [ Lot , Bryant it Clark , on Third zivcl - JQ [ Lots , Perry's 2d Add. , on Ave. C - Q Lots , Benson's First , Ave K Lot , Everett's Add. , Third avc. . . 2 Lots , Fleming tfc Davis , Ninth and Tenth aves HOUSES AND LOTS -ON- EASY PAYMENTS Call and See Masonic Temple. Especially Adapted foe SIZES FROM ELECTRIC 25 TO 300 HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER POWER , Mills and Elevators , AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE. Specifications and ebtlmalcs furnished for complete strain plants , Itrgulntlon , Durability Onnr- intced Ciui show letters from users where fuel Economy In equal with C'urlUii Non-t'oiideiisliii ; , E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. 610 l'cni-1 Strcot , Council SMOTHERS & BEECROFT , I'llOI'IlIKTOUH OK COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMAHA ; urriv coi 'Jouvci : , li.um-P. ( Do Vol'sStoio , No. I OMAHA Carjiontcr Pap r Co. , No HI iOI Mlddlo Uroiulway. Telephone ) No b7. | Douglas Struct. Telcnlione No , 2/V .