OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 18. -SIXTEEN * PAGES. THE DAILY BEE. l Um < lSllii : > KVKIIY MOKMNO. THUMB ov 8tiisnurTio.v. nallyiMonilUKK < lltlon > Including SUNIIAT llr.r..0ne Vcnr . W m J'or Six Month * . Km rorThrce.Mimthn . . , . . "w TMK OMAHA .vv MKK , mailed to any nililrw. One Vf nr . JJJ 1Tr.KKr.rHxK , ono Year . - ( W lMAIIAOFriCK.Ni ( . ! ll4AMI ( > I8l'A SAMSTIlKBT. Ciiit'uio ' orrifiK tfr KOOKKIIV IIKIMUNO. NKWVllllKOmrr. . HOOMS 14 ANII IliTllllirNK lii'iuitMi. WASIIINOTON omen. M > , Ml rouiiTKKNTii STIIKKT. uMiiKspoNDHNC'n Allcommtuilratlnni relntlnn tn new * ami tell- torial mnttor Hlioulcl be addressed to tlio KIIITOII letters and remittances Mioulil 1)0 I'Uiii.iRinsn COMI-ANV. nd(1rc ( ieil to TUB IIKK O.MMIA. Drafts , check * nnd lioitofflce orders tel l e niailo payable to the order of the company. TlioBecPiibliSuing Company , Proprietors. K. KOSKWATHK , Kdltor. Tit KIM my IIKK. Oworn Stntctiiciti < > l Circulation. flo brnskn. , _ County of Douglas. ( ' " . .k , swrctnryotThe lien Pub- llHhlnir Companr , iloe.s wiloinniy mvcnr tlmt Iho octiml circulation of TIIK IHll.r HKK fur tlie week riiillnu November 17. im was us follows ! Puiiday. Nov. I ) . K'-VI Monday , Nov. 12 . 1H.MI Jupmlny. NOT. n . WtJI Wcdnuii'iay. Nov. 14 . IN. M Thursday. Nov. IB . IB.IM Friday. Nov. Ill . IB.IK3 Batnrduy , Nov. 1" . . "I. " " ' Average . IM- * ur.oittii : ii. rmmiicic. Sworn to Ijcforn me and subscribed In my t > rr eme tliln 17th dny of November A. I ) . liwtf. .Sval N. 1 > . rUM * Notary I'ubllc. btuto of Nebraska. | . M. County of llougiin. f ( icorpu II. Tziiciinck , being duly sworn , de pose. * and xny.H Unit lie Is ct'cri'tnry of the lloo I'lililmlilng company , that tlio actual avornuti dally circulation of Tut : IMII.V IIKK for th month of November , IKS" , was Ifi.'JU'licoplcH ; for December. 1W. l.VHI copies ; for January , W3 l&-'M copies ; for February , 1SM8 , ropinft : fr.r March , lust , IV.IW ! ) coplo-t ; for April , IWM 1H.TH copies ; for May , ItWH. 17.11 coplii ) : for June. I * " , 111.21:1 : copies : for JnliMS-w. iH.a'ii : coplosfor ; August , 1SHX , IN.IM copies ; for Sup- tembi-r , IKH , HU6I copies ; for October , IBiW. was 18.0 > q copies , ( JKO. II. TX.HCIIUOK. Bworn to befnrn mn and subscrtbod In my pre.sonco this "III day of November , 18.SH. N. I' . FKIJ. Notary Public. No\V that the contractors are through with their work of paving they are put ting in their tlmo in pipe-laying. Tins deplorable domestic tragedy which just now is the all-absorbing- In the social circles of Omaha affords run pic food for .serious rellection , nml presents phases oflifo which have made thoughtful people solicitous for the fu ture of Young America. Tun car stove is trying his hanr quite early this season. lie burned n Jpulltniin sleoporoti a 1'ciinsylvniiia road , and finished a train of passenger cars be fore breakfast in Virginia. It is evident tiio deadly car Hlove is limiting his record. IT is said that the empress of Austria Is contemplating a visit to the United States , and that tlio time of her depar ture has been arranged. The enter tainment of an empress in this country Will bo u new thing , and an accepted method remains to bo established , but if the empress Elizabeth shall make us a visit BIO will doubtless have no cause to complain of the treatment Bho will receive , albeit it may bo wanting In certain conventionalities with'which our people are not familiar , nnd Hvhich perhaps would not , at nr.y rule , bo appropriate here. Gho would undoubtedly receive a most cordial welcome , and being u pretty sensible woman she would very likely derive quite us much satisfaction from the attentions of republican Amer icans as she lias ever done from the ovations of her own people. Whether She come before or after next March , Bho will find in our''first lady" a woman Who is her peer in all the graces and qualities that beautify and ennoble womanhood. WITHIN a few days the now Young Men's Christian association building will bo formally opened and surrendered to thoofliccrs of the association. With the completion of this structure , the people of Omaha may bo congratulated for their real and liberality toward a worthy ob ject. The cost of its erection was borne almost wholly by the voluntary sub scription of our citizens. They have contributed to the building regardless of sect or religious atUliatiim , and the odillco stands a monument to Their public spirit. In the now quarters the Young Men's Christian association will lor the first time be tiblo to carry out the full purpose of the organization. Jt will throw its doors wide open to those who knock. It will give tlio young inon of our city beautiful club rooms whore they may spend their leisure. It will afford them healthful recreation , instruction nnd amuse ment. Everything that contributes to purity , comfort and rolinmont has been bdded to make the surroundings cheer ful and inviting. Under these circum- tancos the Young Men's Christian as sociation cannot fail to attract a largo membership and to exert a beneficial influence upon tlio community. SKCUKTAUY BAVAUIJ has earned the bitter contempt of the entire country l > y his subservience to strong power and Ilia bullying tone to weaker ones. IIo IB threatening JIayti on the one hand for nets clearly within the rights of that nation , and on the other he is foment ing trouble with Peru. The United Btatoa consul at Mollondo , the port of the southern capital Arcqtiipa , had his Cilices in a building whoso ownership was in contest between a Peruvian and the state of Arcquipa. The United States consul rented his rooms from the wrong part } ' , nnd when the house was aoi/cd , his effects were bundled out , the doors locked , and the United Stales Eihiold of arms with the eagle on top was taken down nnd handed to him with the best brand of Peruvian bo ws He reported the outrage , and Mr. Bay ard instructed the minister at Lima to demand an apology , which the Peru vian government refused to give , be cause the matter was purely local and one of court procedure , and not in any Way connected with the national gov ernment. Secretary Dnyard would have nit on his considering cap and worn it [ or n\nny \ hours baforo ho would have asked for an apology from Chili , The United States is friendly to all Ameri can countries , fearless and independent , fcolther seeking offence nor giving DfTonco. It IB disgraceful to us to have It secretary of stnto who is a bully and a sneak , bui fortunately ho will sooti be pcno , ir/.S"n/f A * AKT c The development of art culture tu the west may be said lo liavo had Its Inspi ration in the centennial exhibition of 1870. Prior to that time , only twelve years ago , thurc had boon little local ized Interest in art matters west of the eastern sea board. The great galleries in Philadelphia filled with magnificent products of the brush , the crayon , the chisel and the foundry , the exhibits of the European lotteries and looms , the evidence In short of how much was larking in our country which cul ture and education could supply gave at once birth and a powerful 1m potus to the study and the cultivation of art. A recent series of articles in the Cfittury magazine showed how powerful was the impetus in Cincinnati , in Chicago cage , in St. Louis and Milwaukee , whore wealthy and philanthropic citizens aroused to the public need and the local opportunity gave liberally towards the establishment of art schools and galler ies in Ihoic cities. They laid the foun dations of a future art culture by pro viding the means for study and the in centive for work. The effects are nlrendy powerfully seen In a heightened cul ture , in the creation of artistic taste and in the stimulus of artistic endeavor which may bo looked to to produce sub stantial results in the near future. Omaha has made its beginning in the present exhibition just concluded in the now galleries of George \V. Llnln- gor. Tlio movement was inaugurated not for purposes of display , but in the hopes of exciting an educational interest in art matters in our midst. As u beginning it is highly commendable. It evidences that more of our people have bestowed some attention on drawing and coloring than might have boon expected. Much of the work is crude. Much is worse than crude. IJut this was to have been ex pected in an exhibition where there was no censorship , and whore the efforts of the tyro were given entrance equally with those of the semi-profes sional. Tlio suggestive and interesting point is that a strong and earnest desire - sire for art culture haw shown itself , and that a demand for some local facilities for at least an elementary education in art is making itself felt. Anything which tends to crystallize and centralize such a feeling is valuable and should be fostered in the community. With her many wealthy citizens , Omaha should not bo compelled to wait long for n school of design and a local art gallery. We have a number of men who could easily give from twenty-five thousand to fifty thousand dollars apiece for the establishment of such tin insti tution. There is no reason why the history of Cincinnati , St. Louis , Chicago cage and Milwaukee should not be re peated here. THE I'OS'l'OFFlCE With the libel suit between the man ager of the Itepublicdn and the proprie tor of the Jleruld we have nothing to do and about it wo have nothing to say. But there is such a thing as common decency in the treatment of political opponents. The assaults which have boon made upon Congressman McShnno on account of the failure of congress to pass the Omaha postolllco appropria tion bill are in our opinion en tirely unwarranted. Mr. McSlmno did what no republican in a congress composed largely of southern brigadiers could have done. He succeeded in get ting a bill reported for a republican western state carrying an appropriation of a very largo amount at a session whore economy was the democratic cry. It was a comparatively easy matter for Senator Mandorson to pass his senate bill. The courtesy of the senate is al ways ready to assist the political for tunes of u popular senator whoso term is about expiring. If Senator Mandorson's bill had carried iwo million dollars instead of a mil lion and a quarter it would probably have gone through as easily. Mr. McShano , on the other hand , had an adverse house and an udvorse com mittee. Nothing but his strong per sonal efforts and unflagging energy BO- curcd consideration for the senuto bill nnd a favorable conference report. Had he himself been in his scat , instead of sick by the seaside , when the conference report was presented to the house there is no doubt that it would have passed. As matters stood , the democratic house was willing later to adopt a conference report fixing the limit of the appropriation at 31,250,000 and appropriating $100,000 for the purchase of u site. It would have been wisdom if the senate conferees had agreed upon such a modified report which would have secured the same re sult in the end with the advantage of assuring an immediate beginning of the work. Congressman McShano , whatever maybe bo said of him , seems to have done his best in Washington to ad vance Nebraska's interests , and these of his constituents of the first district. As a democrat hailing from a republican state ho has boon in a posi tion of some advantage , which he has availed himself of to the best of his ahllity. Certainly In the matter of the Omaha postolllcc building no one has any right to complain of Ills interest or his elTorts , Now that ho is about to return - turn to the field of his labor , it is much wiser for his constituents to buck him as far as lays in their power than to belittle - little him and try to cripple him in the effort to accomplish the task thht is before him. . -t i , nnisnix ON General Urisbin's admirable article on wutuilug the west , which Is pub lished in another column , \villduubtless attract the attention which it deserves. It Is an able and earnest pica for gener ous national appropriations for water storage and irrigation In the west , based on carefully compiled figures and reinforced by arguments founded on a largo poroonnl experience along the headwaters of our western waterways , Governor Thayor's memorial to con gress , praying for proltmlnary surveys looking to the establishment of storage reservoirs ut the heads of the I'latto and Arkansas rivers has already borne good fruit in an appropriation calling for one hun- died thousand dollars to b < . * expended in deciding upon the feasibility of the proposed nystcm. The attention of con gress was strongly directed lo the prob lem , and the unanimous support of wes tern senators nnd representatives was freely accorded to the plan. General Hrlsbln shows that by a proper extension of the reservoir plan throughout the west , not only would millions of acres of arid lands bo reclaimed for agricultural purposes , but the great llooilsand overflows which annually destroy Immense quantities of property would bo prevented. Instead of rushing to the sea destroying levees and submerging towns and farms , tlio surplus water would bo carefully re tained for use in the summer months to the benefit of navigation and the en richment of the soil. It Is this feature of the case which makes the problem one of national concern and a proper one for national aid. While millions of dollars are being expended in dredging streams which have never lloated a boat and leveeing rivers whoso overflows can only bo permanently prevented by the building of dams at their headwaters , the west has a right to demand that its Interests which hero coincide with those ot the commerce of the country and the extension of the available public do main shall bo recognized by congress. Nebraska , as was clearly shown by Governor Thaycr , has a vital interest in preserving the llow of water in the Platte , which is now being rapidly decreased - creased year by year through the diver sion of its current into irrigating ditches in Colorado. National legislation is alone competent to deal with the prob lem , which is ns pressing in Wyoming , in Kansas and in Montana as it is with us. AMKHIUA A' UNQHAVJXO. It is not as widely known us it should be that America , has made more ad vances in the art of engraving than nil the rent of the civilized world. Excep tion must however bo made to one special kind , the great live engravings which sire still made b.v ono or two German artists , and which of course are unique in character and unap proachable in excellence. The engrav ing to which Americans liitve devoted their fertility of invention , and their artistic sense of the beautiful is of the kind used for book illustrations , and is chiefly wood engraving. In this partic ular branch , Americans are first nnd the rest nowhere. The French photo gravure which at first was so loudly hailed and so widely esteemed has alto gether lost favor , because in it success is determined entirely by the nature of the photograph. Some can by the use of sand be made tolerably spirited , but the great majority have the stiff ness , the formality , und the want of tone of a simple photograph. There cannot bo the subtle discrimination in the gradations of black and white , which is to tin engraving what color is to : i picture. Every shadow is the same , every high light is the same , and the consequence is that in the photogravure there is an utter absence of values. The French went the wrong road. The Americans started out like the French with photography , but fortu nately for art in this country , they made it the handmaid of engraving , not the mistress , and to this day owe their pres ent proud suwomacy. Our engravers made it their aim to reproduce as ex actly as possible the drawing furnished by the illustrating artist. Formerly the practice was for the artist to draw his subject on the block , and the engraver then cut awtiy according to the well un derstood system of seylography. But after the work had progressed for some time the block was a perfect labyrinth of cuttings and of fragmentary bits of drawing , and the artist too often felt tluit ho was translated like Bully Bottom tom in Midsummer Night's Dream. The thought suggested itself that the draw ing could bo photographed on the block , and that thou tlio engraver could cut intelligently , having before his eyes all the time the original drawing. Never was there a happier ideal It worked a revolution in wood cngi. living , nnd Americans who had already dislin- cruishod themselves by extreme nicety of touch , and discrimination of eye , now sot an example to the world in the abso lute fidelity with which illustrations in black and white were reproduced on the block. There was now no possibility of a careless artist throwing tlio burden of Ids own short , coinings on the engraver , nor could a conscienceless engraver mar n line drawing. Kaoh man from this time forth was placed beyond the possi bility of excuses. The corollary or nec essary minor consequence was a vast improvement in the gonacho drawings , Tor the artists were put upon their mot tle. This great Improvement led to an other one , as all improvements must that spring from a tap root. The prac tise in Illustration is to make ti drawing with Make white und sepia , and this liogots a , certain mannerism which detracts - tracts from average excellence. Objects in the world are not all black and white , imt they appeared so through tlio me- ilium of Illustration , because the artists who made the drawings wore not itulll- clently musters of gouache to prevent their pigments from becoming unduly prominent. There is an association of American engravers , and the members after one of their exhibitions on mo to the conclusion that the sad und sombro effect of the engravings wan due to the illustrations , so they resolved to correct this evil. Again they had recourse to photography. They requested the illus trating artists to glvo them drawings In ivator colors , not in black and white , ind these were photographed upon the jloek. As photography presents ecr- ; alu colors as light , nnd others as dark , irrespective of the facts , the photo graphed painting on the block had to incessantly corrected by the original , and this has led to a development of color perception among the rising engravers - gravers which Is undrocodontod , To obtain suggestions of color effootH by ivoud engraving would seem tit the llrnt thought Impossible , but lo these who uiivo studied atohiiigH notl.lnar is morn natural. Summing up the gonontl ro- eults it may 1 > ? elnimud for American wood engraving- ! that they roproiluco anrtscapes with a power of color sug gestion and u faUlifxtluoa ? to the orig- Innl without n'pariidlcl in the history of illustrative artJra $1 Tltictn : was unvBllcd at Auburn , Now York , last Thur S-fastalucof William II. Howard , a largo number of distin guished cltl7.on participating in the ceremonies. Tlldmemorial of the great statesman was erected by the citizens of the city which was his homo during the greater part of hisAlfo , and with which his illustrious fame'Is Identified. It will assist to perpetuate the memorv of one of the foremost of American statesmen , and therefore Ithrj- event possessed a national Interest. William H. Scwnrd was eminent among the greatest men of a period in American history which put to the severest test the wisdom of statesmen. In the senate - ate and in the cabinet there was never any doubt regarding his rank , and dur ing the civil conflict his unfailing faith in the final triumph of the nation was a source of strength and inspiration to the administration of which ho was a purl , and to llio country , tlmt was of inestimable value. As secretary of state In the administration of Abraham Lincoln , ho managed the international relations of the government with u masterly wisdom and discretion which gave him a place among the greatest of diplomatists , while as ono of the antislavery - slavery loaders ho contributed hardly less than any other man la the nation to the education of public sentiment against .slavery. Few tnoti in our his tory better deserved to bo remembered in marble and bronze than William II. So ward. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tun American girl Is once more being freely discussed in England , the marriage of Miss Endicolt and Mr. Chamberlain furnishing the text. The generally solemn and somewhat platitu dinous newspapers of London have departed from their ordinarily traveled path and tried to talk humorously and satirically of the preference given American girls over their English sisters - tors , expressing the fear , which may be partly sincere , that unless something bo done to cheek the tendency among prominent Englishmen to secure Amer ican wives English society will in time bo dominated by American ideas , and oven the politics of that country become affected. There is a genuine compliment in this for Amor- can women , though from the English point of view it may not bo so regarded. It is a confession of the superior force of American women which is warranted. The fact is unquestionable that the girls of this country"arc bettor educated , possess larger practical experience , and are bettor trained in affairs , if not in the formal niceties of social observance ance- , than the average English damsel. But there is no danger that she will over seriously menace the supremacy of English women iinthoirown social cir cles , nor will her occasional matrimon ial triumphs in England be won at the cost of broken British hearts. English men have no causa of regret when their society is enriched by. such an acquisi tion as Miss Endicott. MONTANA is proud of her school sys tem. There is not u city or town in the territory that has not a school of its own. The census prepared by the su perintendent of public instruction shows that every child of school ago in the territory is on the school roll. This speaks well for Montana. VOICK OF 'JI1K STATK PUESS. Ulysses Dispatch : Postmasters are of few days and full of trouble. St. Paul Press ; To President Cleveland : Howard county gives you 4T majority. How is New York 3 Nebraska City Prpss : If the Knights of Labor want to become a power in the land they will tie to Powderlv. IJeatrico Democrat : In speaking of tlio Omaha postofllco the Democrat would say : "Let 'er go , Gallagher. " North Bend Flail : It is said that this ad ministration will know no north , uo south mill no cast but Sackvlllo West. Clay County Democrat : Now that Harri son is elected It Is presumed that all will re ceive that loan promised forty acres and a mule. Ulysses Hcrnld : The proliihs fcol worse over their loss in the contest than tlio demo crats do over losing control of the govern ment. Grand Island Independent : With six dully papers in Omaha and three In South Omaha , the Omahogs should not suffer for intellec tual provender , Button Register : It is rather early to begin to seramble for the imatofllce. De cency demands that we wait until after the funeral Is over. Nebraska City Press ; Nebraska and the entire northwest would bo rejoiced to sco the patriot nnd statesman Alvln Saundcra or dered to occupy the wur department. Columbus Journal : Tlio southern problem and the problem of the great cities are two of the most dintcalt things the republican party have before them for adjustment. Auburn Post : Mcfbano's pasters were put to such good use tlmt ho WUH elected road supervisor in thirty-three different dis tricts mid for constable in a western county. Wood Hiver Ga/.ctto : All republicans who want postofllecM hold up your hands. hbhhhhbbfabb Plattsmouth Herald ; A democrat who will stand around tbcso cold days uuiid the gloom of defeat and croak about the republican party being the advocate of whisky must cer tainly be devoid of sliamo. Schuylor Quill : The best udvico wo can offer to democratic postmasters Is to resign on the 4th of next March and ave them selves from being remove's on the general grounds of ineompotency'J nnd the special flI charge of "offensive partLmos , " I Norfolk News ; Tno N6ws wants to sco genuine civil service reform gets its work in tA tt on the United Statefc marshal's ofllco in t Nebraska about tlio llrjt thing after Prosl- dent Harrison takes hi ? tieut , Mr. Hierbou'or will have to . go. Aurora Republican ; Uoforo election wo 1t 1i. 1 prophesied that If thn republican party i. should win , prices of farm products would i.t advance. Wo are of tlio same opinion yet c and the farmer who can hold Ills corn till t next Juno will be the winner. York Times : There is considerable talk about Ah'in Snundi'ra for senator , but it will probable all oml in talk. Wo believe Jili there are enough members elect , who will lif listen to nothing elite , to elect Mamlersoa on lid tbtt first joint ballot. d Fremont Tribune : Tjio- policy of firing the to corrupt from places of emolument is nearly v two thousand yours old. The "lowly Naza- c reno" made a whip of small cords uud went Into the temple , nnd M tic made the office holders flee bo uttered the cry which is so pertinent to the present time , namely , "Turn tbo rascals out. " Springfield Monitor : Tlio political hue of the press of western Nebraska will undergo n sudden and unexpected change in consequence quence of tbo result of the election. Tbo patronage of tbo land oftlces has afforded subsistence to many n poor democratic scribe who will now be compelled to disavow bis political principles or seek more protltablo occupation. Wymoro Union : The coming legislature should cut off tbo extravagant appropriations for military companies. There is no sense la paying out tbo amount of money that they cost for somi'thlng tlmt the state nor tbo people derive no benefit from. If tbo boys want to parade and have n good time it Is nil right , but let them ilo It at their own ex pense , Lyons Mirror : Hugh J. Grant was la t week elected mayor of New York City. He hud been sheriff , Ho now has nil the qiinH- llcations required for a democratic candidate for president. In addition to liU qualitlca- lions , his name Is ( Irani. The Mirror merely refers this matter to its democratic friends , provided they shall think it necessary to try for the presidency in ISM. Kearney Hub : The fact that n borso shoo brings good luck Is well understood by tbo inabitanta of Kearney , and over Hie doors of many private dwelling * nnd some places of business , will bo found variously ornatnentcil llmt unfailing defense uguinsl witches. To bo effective , however , u horse shoo iniisl be put up right , with points upward. Any other way is wholly useles1 * . Those who bad bad luck In the lute election bail better look to It and sec if their shoe is all right. Sutton Advertiser : It Is claimed b.v those who are Intimate with the clouds that each separate cloud 1ms a silver lining attachment. If there is any silver lining to tbo cloud that now envelopes tlio democracy , it Is not visi ble to the naked eye. The night is dark , the sun Is hid , The owl doth chase the rut , And not a single star doth cheer The lonely democrat. Across the heath the bitter blast With icy breath blows cold , The shivering , hungry mugwump stand * Outside the sheltering fold. And where arc now the mild prohlbs , Who lately sang with glee , And shouted till they strained their ribs , To help democracy I Alas ! they'll ' never sing acaln , These prohibition cranks , They've hung their harps in willow trees On Salt crock's ' stormy banks. They'll never sing their songsi again , To win old Orovor's light ; Old CJrover now must sing alone : "Ob , whero's my boy to-night ! " And the Won. Detrntt TrOtwir. It is thoold story told in new form of the school-house against the democratic party. To Take t lie Stiffen ins Out. Jliiffaln Brjuras. Lot. the western territories bo admitted at once , and all temptation taken from the southern states to secure power by intimida tion and outrage. A Cruel Surest Ion. ( Vif < vilIlcralil. . Tlio heartless suggestion is made that some of tbo London police dress themselves iu women's clothes to look as much like the fe male denizens of the Whitcchupcl district us possible , and thus invite au attack from the assassin. Policemen , ns u rule , don't like to bo assassinated any more than anybody else. Interesting Rending for Grorcr. AVio I'urSun. / . On March ! , H2.1 ; , Monroe retired from oflice , and returned to bis residence of Oak Hill , in London county , Virginia. Ho was chosen a justice of the peace , and sat in the county court. American Cyclopedia , vol. 11 , page 7C3. Mr. Pilluiore afterward resided in Buffalo , taking no prominent part in public affairs. American Cyclopedia , vol. 7 , page 188. Immediately after the Inauguration of Mr. Lincoln , March -1,1801 , Mr. Buchanan retired to bis home at Lancaster , Pa. , whore ho passed the remainder of his life , taking no part iu public affairs. American Cyclopedia , vol. 3 , page : (32. ( They Will Need the Northwest. ( 'harJetton fi'eim atvl Oourfw. Wo cannot get along without tlio north west. Wo shall have need of Illinois , Mien- jail and Wisconsin in 189'i , ami we shall need them as badly as the man in Texas needed iiis pistol. The indications are tlmt the northwestern states will play a most import ant part iu the politics of the future. Cer tainly more dependence can be placed on the vote of that section than on the "lloaters" of Indianaand the knife brigade who hold the casting vote of New York. Wo may dis count the prophesies of the leaders If we > lease , but we cannot underestimate the in- luenco that the voters of tbo northwest will nave on the presidential election four years notice. Disfigured , lin Still in the Hint ; . Atlanta Constitution. It is time to put the campaign of 18S8 bo- dnd UB , and address ourselves to the cam paign of 18W3. It is going to bo desperate work , nnd it will ronulro every man at his post and every trob of his heart at the service of his party to make victory possible. Let every democrat put aside prejudice , pride , or whatever liindraneo may possess him , nnd full Into Imol There is no time to bo lost , for "It is just fourteen hundred and fifty-four (1451) ( ) days , including Sundays , from C o'clock this morning , until the polls are opened for the election of a democratic pros- dent ! " Quiulc Counting Needed. Clerrldiul Leader , [ t Is greatly to bo hoped that the extension c of telegraph lines and tlio improvement of postal facilities will KOIUU tlmo make it possi ble to determine the result of n national election ' tion In every state within a reasonably short tlmo after the voting ceases , Everybody ro- tltl tl iiiombors tbo suspense through which tbo ' country passed ! n 18-S1 , when the outcome hinged upon the great and densely populated state of Now York. This year the decision of tl tltl the pcoplo was , fortunately known almost im tl mediately , but the long delay In Bottling the result in West Virginia tthows bow easily worse stuto of affairs might have been brought about than existed four years ago , If Now York bad gone democratic , the elec tion would have been docMoil by the vote of West Virginia , and that vote 1m * not yet been determined with sufficient accuracy to nettle the state election. With such a tre mendous strain us would liave been caused , bud the result in the entire country been trembling in the balance , fcorious trouble 800 might have resulted , West Virginia is none too orderly and law-abiding iu its mountain counties , ami when things fame to n pinch there would have been lively times , A Do8nraii ] ! Ohuraot rOaplur { ) il. tl LiTTi.i ! HOCK , Ark. , Nov. 17. News bus lire just been received of the capture ut Cumber atpi land ( Jap , Tcnn. , of J. A. Clifford , a fugitive has from justice since last March , and under in Ml dictment for murdering or being accessory ten the murder of three convicts ut Coal Hill ecU mining camp , Jefferson county , Ark , of U which ho was warden , The brutalities to In convicts ut ( Joal Hill furnished a great sen- tlio tbo time. ID CU11KENT TOP/C9. The teniloncy of men to humbug them selves llrst and then others Is phenomenal. In splto of the fuel that wine , properly spcnk- ing , cannot bo made In tlio eastern states , It has become an Important industry In Chau- tauqna county , A place named lJrocktonon the Lake Shore railroad midway botweeo Buffalo and Erie , Is the center of the grape- growing and wliic-innklng of Portland township - ship wbero there are now 3,000 acres devoted to the culture ot the Concord vine , Tbo yield Is reported to bo from three to eight tons per acre , and there is no second growth. From the Coneont grapes n wino Is pressed which sells for from ono dollar to three dollars lars per gallon , Wns there ever nucli an Im posture ? Concord grapes do not contain stif- tlcleat glucose to innko real wine , for with out some adventitious assistance the must could not complete Its first fermentation. The experiment of making wino was most faithfully tried by Lonpworth , of Cincinnati , who used a mixture of Concord and Isabella grapes for the famous Longworth champagne , nnd who made other light wines by n inlu- Rllng of Concord nnd Cntawba and Clinton grapes. Longworth and his friends deceived themselves into tbo belief that this was real wine , ami they Induced the public to agree with them. Hut It was remarked oven then that Longworth's Isabella champagne would not keep , and this was demonstrated most unpleasantly ata grand banqnetof the Wheat- growers association of the Mississippi valley , held in St. Louts. Lougworth's champagne , two years In bottles , was one of the features of the entertainment , but it could not bo drunk , for it had become muddy water , with a taste of gum. Tlmt gave a death blow to the wine business In Cincinnati. * * Jtilivs Verne's fanciful picture of the bottom tom of the deep sea must be taken with many grains of allowance. At every paint deeper than a mlle 5'JSO feet It is a vast desert of the most'monstrous character composed of a slimy ooze into which falls silently every skeleton of the forms that die in the upper strata of the ocean waters. H was this slime which Huxley culled protoplasm , nnd In his ecstacy at the thought that mutter could cre ate Itself independently of the vivifying breath of Infinite Love he made the impas sioned declaration that it contained all the promise and potency of life. Never was there a guess further from the truth , for this OOM Is in fact the chnrnol house of all bony substances belonging to sea-living creatures. It has been examined microscopically and has been found to bo precisely similar to tbo an cient chalk deposits of the cretaceous period. Uctwecn this Iwttoui of chalk oo/.e , and tbn upper waters there is n middle stratum in- Imbitcd by deep sea creatures that feed upon t'lc carcasscs us they slowly sink. Some of tlieso have no eyes , but many long feelers , others have enormous eyes , others again are strongly phosphorescent , and light up those eternal twilights by Hashes which they emit with every movement of their bodies. The texture of all these deep-sea monsters is remarkably loose so that the water can pass freely through them , and consequently they arc unable to live in less dense waters , and die when captured long before they reach the surface. Hero is another beauti ful instance of Darwin's law of evolution , which is generally recognized as true oven by men who are orthodox hi their views. IJut the orthodox generally tire delighted at Huxley's blunder , and all their organs of opinion contain sly bits ut protoplasmic error. * . M „ Line engraving is still fondly cherished in Dussoldorf , and au engraver of that famous art center has just couiuleteu after ten years of painful toil a copper plate of'The Last Supper , " Leonardo du Vinci's great Iresco. The hero of this achievement is called Rudolf Stung , and bis name will now be come immuiortal , and will rank with Raphael Morghcn and others who have sought success by doingdifllcult things , and by appealing to the judgment of a select few , nnd not tbo undiscrimmating horde. Bernard Pallssy , the famous French cera mist , painted over his workshop door an in scription to tlio effect that nothing greater or tbeautiful could bo done in art without much labor and great pains , and this is em phatically true of line engraving , which is the slowest and most laborious process known to man. For this reason the cost is great , nnd good examples often fetch $300 or $400. Slang's engraving of "The Last Sup per" Is the only thoroughly correct one ever mado. Raphael Morgheu's ' was made from a drawing of a copy , not from the original , which could not bo seen at that time. It was in tbo refectory of the monks of Santa Maria dclle Grazic , at Milan , and was copied by Alurca d'Oggienos , a pupil of Da Vinci , for the monks of Castellazo in the sixteenth cen tury. A drawing was made from this copy for the use of the old engraver. Hut Stung betook himself to the original and worked upon bis engraving face to face with the Im mortal fresco. Ho lias therefore produced what is believed to bo a thoroughly faithful rendition , and bis work is greatly praised by the critics of .Munich. # * How fondly the American mind dwells upon everything Incidental to the public schools ! In turn ono subject after another bus been mooted and improvements have been suggested. The color of the whitewash , the height of the walls and windows and the ; number mid position of the latter , the proper j & construction und height of desks and benches , , tbo best fiize of type for class books these { are only a few of the topics that have engaged - gaged tlio soundest minds of tbo country. Hut now comes a plain old Massachusetts a doctor and decluros that all these improve b ment ; * are of no avail , are mere vanity and n vexation of spirit unless attention is paid to tlHi tln tbo quality of tbo lunches. His vlow Is that Hi the corporeal strength of a girl of fourteen flIV Hifl cannot be maintained by n pleeo of pie and a IVW largo pickle , which it appears is the regular tl W luncheon of the Massachusetts school girl in outside of Boston. In lloston itself the lunch inC fluctuates from dny to day , but contains us lit chief Hems Hod a eraekeni , chocolate creams , litli sandwiches anil caramels. This old Ksculap- ius insists upon It that u warm meal Is oven more necessary for the advanced pupils \ \ than for younger girls , and bo proposes that tbo school Janitor should fiirnlsn n good lunch to all the pupils and the teachers for a SIA moderate sum. The idea Is most certainly a A good one , and ought to bu carried out in all the large cities where there are janitors to thu school buildings. A There is at tbo present moment a very pretty quarrel botwcoon thn mayor of Dura- Or tur , Ala. , and tbn mayor of New Uccatur , an adjoining village. The mayor of Now Ucc.i- Tl tur has telegraphed frcply to northern cities for iiKsistaiice , stating that they bad 000 In digent whites and l.OOJ . blacks to support. ' The mayor of Decutur telegraphs that New Decatiir has bud no yellow foyer , > alicnt % and that the population all told is only , Tbo htatu health olllccrs , com V < menting ( iliciully ) oa tbo clrcum- md stanc-o , declares that tbo immunity of us : Now Decatur from tlio plniruo mii'lo ft a J { ( wl ccntur of refuge for many indigent persons , de Tlivfco people could have plekoil cotton hid dewe they chosen to bo IndiiBtrioUH , for tbo lulls open , but there N a stagnation caused by panic , and tbo rnK'.ihir combine of Industry boon paralyzed and brought to a stand still. There h no doubt that tbo health oill. Bll of Alabama states tbo c.ue correctly , I IsohvloiiH that solongnstho mayor of Now 811 Uucatur umkcsan effort to suppart iho pvcplc i bis community , they will not work , nnd j I b''ht Hiirvicu hn can do them U to stop I no Ltiefr niiioua and m' them to uotisn pi-jliii-f , I vu KINGS AMI QU13KNS. The Itaby Ucrnmn prince Is In feeble health nnd Is rumored to have Inherited bis folhur'l malformation of Iho left arm. King Otto of lutest development of tmuiiii , U U ) huacinu himself a black cat , His demented majesty now moves round on all fours nnd cnlN loudly for live mlco. King Milan , of Servin , Is n frrcat gambler , nnd , It is said , Is unable to get nwn > from the baths of Ulelcbenberg beeauso he bus no money ami his creditors are holding htm foi deut. deut.King King Milan has settled 1,000,000 francs on cx-juern ( Nntalio. A million good francs In placeof one bad husband , oven though it sixth rate King , would not seem to bo u bad oxebiingc. Mrs , Mackay recently presented Queen Isabella , of Spain , with some rare pieces o ( china. It is asserted that hcrox-mnjcflty hat offered to use her influence to secure a Span * Ish title of nobility for Mr. Mai-kay. The empress of Austria Is really coming to the United States , Her trip is based mi her deslro to bo rJd for u prolodgod time of her husband , whom , ns everybody knows , she thoroughly dislikes ; and nlo iu the hope tlmlu change of nlr may lessen the rheuma tism to which she is an absolute martyr. The shah of Persia has an original way of dealing with railway troubles. A llttlo while ngo there was n riot at the Tolierau railroad station. His majesty's plan to do away with such nuisances In the future Is to stop nil trnfllo on the road and oblige the minister of war nnd other personages to ride up and down tbo unliro line warning everybody around not to begin rioting any more , Knglaml is bemoaning the fact that ( ho prince of Wales has lost Ills skill as n marks * limn. At the Imperial bunt in Austria ho missed four stags , much to the surprise nnd disgust of Francis Joseph. Tlio reason for this decadence iu his ability ns u hunter is not bard to discover. Ho smokes too much to retain a steady hand , ami his norvn.s are not iu a healthy condition. U Is said that ho smokes ten cigars u day ami a largo number of cigarettes. The baby king of Spain recently eamo near to involving bis country In it serious trouble. A newly appointed minister to Spain from an inlluoutlal ICuropean country reached Madrid , and nfter a tlmo was presented to the young potentate , The minister Is bald- headed , but wears n long , flowing board. "O , mother 1" exclaimed Alfonso , when ho can flit sight of the diplomat , "bo's combed his hair the wrong way. " The relations be tween Spain nnd the minister's ' country nro somewhat strained at present , but n settle- went of the misunderstanding is hoped for. LABOK WOULD. The lockout of the St. Louis shoo lastors has been amicably settled. There Is a growing tendency In nil labor unions to formulate some regulation winch will provide for apprentices. Organization among the coopers of St. Louis bus bad the effect of raising wages in every shop iu that city within the lust week. Reports from California show that there nro thousands of idle carpenters on tbo Pa- eille coast , and uo hope of immediate employ. incut. The WIcr Plow company has Just com- plcted an audition to the foundry ut Mini- mouth , 111 , , and several additional bauds will be employed. The Minnesota Car company , composed of Virginia capitalists , with u capital of $100,009 , will shortly begin the erection of rolling mills at Duluth , Minn. The carpenters of FresuoCal. , have formed an alliance xvith tlio bricklayers , thu plaster ers and the bod-cnrriers to uphold their do- inund for ft nine-hour day. The worklngmcn of England are forming into trades unions. Some of these organiza tions ( are already ol considerable strength , and they nro nil growing rapidly August Dolabar , secretary of Iho Jour neymen Bakers' union , hns issued a ronolii' tipn to be voted on by the members. It pro vides for the appointment of an agitator who will travel from oue city to another organiz ing now unions. England used to enjoy n monopoly Jn fur nishing beer to Central America , but ut pres ent nearly all the beer used there is imported srom the United States , American beer being lighter tlinu Kiiglish beer , nnd , therefore , more acceptable to Central Americans. Au electro-magnet with a carrying capa city of SOO pounds is attached to a crane in the Cleveland Steel works , mid readily picks up and handles billets anil other masses ot iron without the use of chains , tonga , or other devices. A more lad in thus enabled to do the work of fourteen or fifteen men. Last week the two great organ Izationj known as the Brotherhood of Carpenters and .loiners and the United Order of American Carpenters and Joiners were consolidated under the name of the United Brotherhood or Carpenters nnd Joiners. As It now exists the organization is the most compact labor union in the world. There remains but ono other organization of carpenters , which la known as the English Order of Amalgamated Carpenters , and it is thought that this union will speedily bo brought into the fold. The Old Speckled Roostor. Ltnculn Journal. "How dear to my heart Is the old speckled rooster. Which fond recollection brings back to my view , With spurs long and pointed and curving , ha used ter Go crowing around till ho made tbo nil blue ; And when some strange rooster woold como to dp battle , How quick would the old chap get up on his guard I He'd make the eyeballs of the strange rooster rattle , And scatter his feathers all over the yard ; The old Hpochlod rooster , the mongrel bred rooster , The " ,0 cent rooster that scrapped in tlio yard ! " Terrorized Community , Spii\mai : ( > , Mass. , Nov. IT. A gang of twenty-two ' tramps boarded a local freight train a little after nooti to-day on thu Boston Albany railroad , between this nlty and Indian ' Orchard. When the train stopped nt Indian ' Orchard station they were obliged to get off while switching was going on. AfUjr. ward they attempted lo bard the train nguin anil a brisk light ensued. Thu train hand * beat thu men off with coupling pins. Tim niflluns retaliated b.v throwing fit-ones until till ! train got out of reach. They then tor- rori/ed the community ffunerally , and threw nt.onos at the depot. Help \va summoned from this city. A speelal train was made up with n force of men on hoiinl. Tlio Irampa were met Juht went of Indian Orchard ami tbo olllcurs gave cliuso. Knell singled out u man. Six wore captured In this way and City Marshal ( Jliino shot and killed u seventh. 'Che shooting watt accidental. The dead man is supposed U > bo u bank burglar. Kail ( I'M When from the vaulted wonder of the sky The curtain of the light is drawn asldo , And I uehold the star.s m till their wide KIgnltlr.uico ami mystery , Assured that those more distant orbs nra suns Hound which Innumerable worlds revolve- My faith grows strong , my day-born doubts dissolve , And death , tlmt droail annulment which life Minns , fain would slum , becomes to life the way , The thorough fare to greater worlds ou high , Die bridge from star to star. Seek how wo mav , There IH IIP other road ncrosn the sliy ; And , looking < ip. I hear star-voices say ; 'You could not reach us if you did not dm. " Killed IllH Lotus vi i.ui , Ivy. , Nov. 17. Near Mount /onion , Ky. , last night , William Nowoomb John Koberts culled Hiram Roberts from bed in iho utoro where ho was nk'eplng obcrts name to the door in bin night cloibos , vhcn the men amullcd him with luilve.s , Il lefcndcd binit-olf with bis revolver , fatally vounding both men. Tbo ntluck wan thu an old quarrel. TIlO U'KlllllIT llllliOlttlOIIH , For Nebraska : Threatening wmitlior and ight snnw or rains , southeasterly winds , tis'ht rlitn In temperature. I''or ( own : Threatening weather and light now or ruin , southeasterly winds , slight e In temperature. For Dakota : Local snows , preceded In orthorn by fair fcUtt'ooar ' ' temperature , arixblu.vlnds. .