12 OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY NOVEMBER 18 , 188&-SIXTEEN PAGES. w n BMMHVMBMMMMMMHBMBMMBMMK ! New Millinery fand Cloak Room , The elegant Millinery and Garments displayed , leluined from 11m east with .the latest has alee picked up many odd OUR CLOAK AND SUIT DEFT. Now novelties are daily arriving. Our eastern buyers are in the market every day to pick up special drives , thus a constant stream of now Cloaks and Suits at specially low prices are coming in. We pride ourselves on our advanced styles , perfect fit , fine workmanship and tli'i finish of our garments. "VVe are aware the market is flooded with cheaply made up stuff that will hardly hang together while in the store , much 1 s when worn , and usu ally sold for more than our tailor made garments but you can toll them at a glance. Barr's Cloaks and Suits have been their best advertisers Superior goods , coupled with low prices , has made Barr's Cloaks and Millinery so popular and necessitated tha taking in of the large adjoining store to devote entirely to these two departments. We are always on hand Monday to give the people ATCHLESS BARGAINS EVERY ARTICLE EXACTLY AS ADVERTISED , DHKSS GOODS DEPARTMENT. LACE DEPARTMENT. BARR'S POPULAR HANDKER MOURNING DEPT. the best assortment in this line to bo We will phico on sale Monday morning A full line of Luce Bed Sets in Not CHIEF DEPT Only the best brands o { black goods found in the city. ing ono lol of finest imported French tingham lace , $1.75 , $2 , $2.60 , $2.76 , 83 , Just received , 25 doz. handsome- em kept in this department , at the lowest PRINI1 DEPARTMENT. Dress Goods , double width , all wool , $1 and up , at Lnco Dcpt. broidered Handkerchiefs in white and possible prices. Something special in Uublts.vchod . colored , which close outat 2oc , worth SILKS. plain , checks and plaids , for 50c per LINENS. wo Canton Flannels nil wank. yard. Monday wo offer a 54-iiich Turkey 40c to 50c. A beautiful assortment of China do FLANNEL DEPARTMENT. . Red Damnsk ut 25c. BARR'S GENTS' FUBN1SHING DE Rcquior Silks for gown fronts , all the Flannel Skirt Patterns in 60 different NOTION DEPARTMENT. BLANKETS. PARTMENT latest tints for combinations. 30 inches styles , from SI up. Twenty gross French Horn Done , 7 , 8 , 11-4 extra heavy , fine all-wool , bound la now fully stocked w'ith Gents' Under wide , $1.25 a yard. HOUSE FURNISHING DEPT. 9 , 10 inch , worth from 8c to loc a dozen. in silk , white blankets , $5. worth $3. wear , Gents' Socks , Gents' Drees Shirts , CORSETS. Forty opal sots , 4 pieces each , OOu a Our price 5c a dozen. DRESS TRIMMINGS DEPT. Collars and Cuffs , Gents' Gloves , Gents' In this department will bo found a sot. HOSIERY. An elegant line of Fancy Silk and Suspendora , Genta' Neckwear , Gents' full line of Knit Goods of nil kinds. GLOVE DEPARTMENT. Jersey Jackets , eto. Just received , 50 Ladles' Black Ingrain Cotton Hose , Tinsel Braids , in all ho most popdlar doz. Gents' full regular Norfolk and Ladies- ' and Children's Skirts , Hoods , Call and examine our line of Silk and fleece lined , with whlto split soles , at shades , 40e per yard , at Dress Trimming Now Brunswick Meriuo Socks , which Toboggans , Leggius , Fascinators , Wool Mittens. The host assortment in 25c a mil- . department. we offer at 25o a , pair. I Sacques , Children's Dresses , and in fact Omaha. Our order department is one of the most complete bureaus in the weak Special attention is given to this department. Goods delivered free of charge for 48 miles from Omaha. Samples sent on , application. Send for catalogue. WM. BARR DRY GOODS COMPANY , ± © tlx sirxd. IDo-u-gieus streets , OaM.eila.ei. THE DOMINION OF ST , GEORGE Observations of an Omaha Minister In Old England. THE GREAT DOCKS AT LIVERPOOL. Xlie Six Classen ol * English Society- Comforts of the Rich and Misery of the Poor Causes of Poverty. Life In England. For 27ie Bee. Landing in a foreign country for the first time is an interesting event in one's life. Everything is now and atrange , and you look and listen until the eye is wearied with seeing , and the oar burdened with hearing. Coming to Liverpool in a ship , the Hrst thing you will observe are the docks and landing stage. The docks are gigantic Blono walls huilt out in the river to the deep water line , and enclosing areas of ileop water , where the ships Ho to dis charge their burdens , and to receive their cargoes. Tlieso docks are sup plied with iiumuiiho gates , through which the ships enter or depart at high water. On the inner and partition wallb , stand great warehouses , which re- uoivc the incoming and outgoing mer chandise of many lands. Liverpool and Its sister city , Uirkunhoad , have about niuo or ten miles of solid btouo docks. The lauding stage is TUB LAItOKST VI.OATIXQ IIODY ever built by man. It is a great plat form nearly half a milo long , and from fifty to ono hundred fcot broad , resting upon largo iron pontoons , and DOnnooting with the shore by nbout u iloion wagon-ways and covered foot-ways. Upon the landing- litugo are a number of frnim buildings , Including a custom-houso and railroad ofllco. This marvelous construction is about ouo hundred feet from the shore , reaching out Into deep water , and all the mlgnty mass rises and falls with the tide n. distance of twenty-five foot. It is composed of many sections , and in rough weather its undulations are not unllko the movements of a mighty nor- pont. I know of few things' more in teresting than the docks und landing- Ktago in Llveritool. You may well pause and observe thorn , for you will not see their like again. The things that most Impress a Btrungor upou landing iu England uro the AOB OK TIIK COUNTKV and the permanency of all kinds of constructions. The nouses , fences mid briduuu nro nil built of brick , stone or iron , and with ordinary euro will last for centuries. As men move but seldom Lore , a mun builds a house und estab lishes a business not only for himself but for his descendants for generations1 , and often the same family , through its miccoi'ding generations , will live In the sumo house . and con duct tha same busino&a for conturioal This permalloy of things has its advan tages and disadvantages. Money is uoithor tnnda nor lost bo rapidly as it is with UH In Amudea. While progress in " "England IB Blow , and in muiiy rospoota the people are behind the times , this may bo praforiiblo to moving at a fever ish and headlong paco. . England is a finished country in a material point of view , and the people who have ade quate possessions there are happier than any people could bo in the mad pursuit of wealth. It may bo bettor to bo slow in some respects than to repre sent an unhealthy growth. The time will como in our own country when men will return from the far West to the Middle and Southern and even the Eastern States , and marvel at the rich and uncultivated country that they passed over in their rapid rush for the setting sun. Upon every hand there are monuments ments in England reminding us of the days that are gone. When I was at the Old Independence Hall in Phila delphia and saw the room in which the immortal Declaration was signed , and looked upon the old boll that rang out the glad news of the birth of Liberty ; and when I was in Fancuil hall in Bos ton , and then crossed over to Charles- town and climbed to the top of Buukorkill monument , I thought I was in an atmosphere of antiquity. But when compared with what England contaitib , those things are but the crea tures of yesterday. Recently Mr. Gladstone spoke of the parliament that was iu power in 1770 as a ' 'late govern ment. " . And such it really was. Think of the history of the world , and even that of England , and how young is .our country. And if the ohild has assumed such proportions already , what will the full grown man boV I stood upon the old wall of Chester , that was begun by Julius Casar , prob ably during the life-time of the Apostle John ; and there are many old houses and castles and abbeys there that wore built during the dark ages. Most of these cabtlcs and abbeys are in magnifi cent ruins , but some of them are quite well preserved. They wore built not only In the superstitious days of old , but in the times when might made rightj and the abbeys are monuments of the reign of priest-craft , and the cast les are souvenirs of the days of blood in the good old times. Some out : has said that Americans have no reverence because they have no ruins. Wall , I am glad that we have no monuments of the superstition and barbarity indicated by many of the ruins of. the old world ; and if wo hud such it would not bo like us to rever ence them. But I must toll about the people whom wo find inEngland. Of course there are muny exceptions , but English men themselves will boar mo out in say ing that we do not generally meet the bo&t.looking English people in America. Englishmen are such ardent lovers of their own country , und usually oo over estimate its relative advantages , that few of them will over ioavo it perma nently unless forced to doeo by poverty or crimo. Consequently the majority of "raw" Englishmen that wo meet in America cotnu from the very poor classes who huvo for centuries boon pinched with poverty und inured to drudgery and distress. They are there fore neither so rollnod nor hnndsoma as the families that have never boon in want , and who have no occasion to seek for a livelihood abroad. In America the features of the rich and puor are much alike , but it is notbo in England. Cen turion of luxury on the ono hand , and extreme want on the other , huvo loft their TKAUKS IN TIIK FKATITIIKS OK TUB I'.KOl'US. The bettor classes are generally very handsome , but the poor uro usu ally found in the opposite extreme - tremo , To Hoopla who can care well for their bodies , the climate is ftw- orablo to the most beautiful complex ion. Dull will toll you how the people are arranged as to clones ; and this de scription is not ( mug inory but real. The first class is , pf course , the royal family , which consists of the queen and her descendants , and these whom they marry who arc of royal blood in other nations. To the royal family no onp can ever belong except by the accident of birth. The second class is composed of the nobility , such as dukes , earls , marquises , knights , etc. Most of these titles are hereditary , and these who do attain to them by great wealth or talents are not equal in social standing to these who in herit them , but who may be lacking in many mental and moral qualities. It is marvelous how the people reverence these high ditrnitarios. Even Mr. Gladstone used language > like this : "As far as I am able to enter into the feelings of a duke , " etc. The third class consists of untltlcd statesmen , eminent physicians , lawyers , scholars , authors , clergymen of the es tablished church , noted noncomformist preachers , and people who are rich enough to _ live without any kind of busi ness. This th'.rd class composes the gen try. No man below It is considered a eren- tlemanin England .Hainan iscompollcd to follow a business , or to work with his hands or brains in order to make money ho is not a gentleman , but only n per son , and the gentleman does not care to associate with him , and especially to oat with him. Between people who own carriages and these who do not , there is u 'great gulf fixed. As lonir as Mr. Gladstone fells trees simply for exorcise or pleasure , the in dustry of the "grand old man" is a sub ject for general comment and lid mi ra tion v and the chips from his axe adorn and dignify many an English parlor ; but let the eloquent old statesman bo compelled to chop down trees for a live lihood und the glory of his chips will depart , and they would not oven burn bettor than the. kindling of the poor' woodman whose knowledge extends lit tle beyond the horizon that hides the great world from his vision. The fourth class is composed of ordi nary professional mon , prominent mer chants , skilled workman of the highest class , etc. This is a very ueofel ohms , corresponding to the same people in America. These men and women do not perform manual labor , but with their business und brains do the most important work of the country. Few of this class tould or would work with their hands , and retain their caste. One of those men will smoke his pipe on the street or in company , and think nothing about it , but to carry a market basket or a baby , lie would con sider next thing to disgraceful. The fifth class is-mado up of all small store-keepers , ordinary workiiigmon , and farmers ( i.e. , farm laborers ) . Many of this class uro quite well educated , and many arc very ignorant. Education is not general among the poor ns it is hero. The sixth'class are very poor , many ofjvhomaro beggars. I can hardly give you au idea of these for wo have nobody in this country like them. Here the very poor are often na clean and in telligent as anybody ; but in England , extreme poverty is frequently another name fovj noranco , worthleasneas and tilth , SluTo the establishment of the Feudal system % the poor nro the born vassals of the rich , know of nothing bettor , expect to bo nothing else , and Boom ( juito satisfied if they can obtain coarse food , clothing , shelter und plenty to drink. Those who are not employed tis servants pick up u precarious "liv ing" by doing od'd jobs , and by bog ging. But the bettor * class of servants como from the fifth tyul not the sixth class. Those last are gen erally too low to obtain respectable em ployment , It makes the wfaole heart sick to go into the slums of an city and sou. the thousand : ) of half.- starved and nearly "naked people swarm oat of the narrow streets and buck oourts on a line day. Hero are multi tudes of children whoso eyes firstopened on these bare brick'walls , dreary courts , dark alloys , and dirty streets. Hero these poor creatures who were intended to bo in the imago of God , are living in entire ignorance of wholesome food , warm clothingsunny skies , kind words , and happy homes. What has reduced the people to this condition11 ! or , What makes the slums of these cities ? Even their condition of servitude would not reduce these popolo to such straits. There are two principal causes. OVUIICKOWDINQ. There are too many people in many of these old countries , especially in the cities ; the supply of workmen is double the demand , wages are very low , and in this state of things the survival of the littest becomes the rule. The more com petent and industrious find employment , und the incompetent and indolent go down , and with them many worthy pco- who have become the victims of unlor- tunate circumstances. Drink. This is the most copious feeder of the slums. Thousands of people who could live above want upon their wages are impoverished by drink. And what is worse than all , the women are , in many cases , oven harder drink ers than the men. Little children are sent out upon the cold streets , often iu rain and snow , to soil kindling wood or to bog , and are frequently beaten by their drunken and brutal parents if they do not return with n given sum of money. I have been children from five to ten yours old on the streets late ut night , barefooted oven in winter , and crying for money that they might re turn to some supremely miserable place that they cull "homo. " Every day mon , womoii and children go "siiijring 1 through the streets for bread and money ; und iu some parts of the city you will walk few paces or turn few cor ners without confronting some of those poor mendicants. Many of thorn are in the greatest need , and many inoro are simply trying to obtain the means to buy drink. What is being done to remedy this unhappy state of things ? There uro tnauy agencies at .work ; I can not men tion thorn all ) but a few will indicate to you that England' is trying to care for Iicr ooor : " ' 1. The city governments do nil in their power , Ilratvby furnishing work in making roadscleaning ( streets , ate. , for all who are willing to do such work. This extra work coinos very heavy u ] > on the taxpayers , bufc'thoy ' discharge these obligations without much complaint. If some of our American poonlo who grum ble at high tnxosicould but live awhile in the old world } they would return to their homes poorer , but wiser und bet ter contented. Secondly , by providing for as many us possible in the alms- houses. Those urfS Hllod mostly by people ple unable to work , 2. The churchcs'do much for the re lief of the poor , aid ) in this the Estab lished church cxoelc all others ; and what wonder ? for she has plenty of money to upend in that way. And this very thing gives her u strong hold upon the poor , us well as to rouiu her power und influence upon the rich. But till the churches do well in this direction , and only the lust judgment will reveal the sorrows soothed and the sufferings assuaged by religious' people in Eng land. 8. The various benevolent socie ties are doing much to miti gate the sulToringfl of the poor , "Strangers' Hosts. " "Sheltering Humes , " etc. , are numerous , and nro doing n grand work for the needy. .Sheltering homos nro places when ) 'riciid'oss orphan * ) are taken and fed and glothod and trained in .good bo huvior and in books for a few months , and then taken away to Canada , where homes are found for them in respect able families. Hundreds are taken out there every year , aud their change from the most abject wuntand , keenest suffering to the fair fields' and happy homos of the new world is literally sal vation to the lost. 4. Many rich men are doing much for the poor in an individual capacity. Rich men in England are often princely givers. I am acquainted with a mem ber of parliament who gives 110,000 meals to the poor every year. I yisited a largo hall in Liverpool whore this gentleman gives a tea and some money once every week to about three hun dred aged widows. I never saw so many widows together before , and could but reflect upon the borrow that was represented in the past and present lives of these ! 500 women 1 A commend able thing this in a member of parlia ment to devote so liberal a share of his means in brightening the liresof the worths' poorl But the people needing help increase rather than decrease in numbers , for several reasons : 1. There are more of thorn than can bo helped short of a go no nil division of property , which , of course , will never bo. " . No people increase so rapidly as the very poor in England. Children , come in troops , and arc tin nod out to augment the social dillicullios of the country. 8. Muny of thcso people uro so indo lent and shiftless that their wants are continually returning. 4. The already overcrowded popula tion is becoming uioro densely populated all the time , and as the population in creases the condition of the poor grows worse. Sojno relief is gained by emi gration , but few of these people can move without assistance , and they are the very people whom a now country does not need. 5. Above all , the curse of strong drink is the great cause of the people's poverty. Mon and women pour into the snloons and drink until the last penny is gone. Under ull those circumstances , provision for the ) wor in England is a question most dillicult of solution. A. MARTIN. IION'KV KOll THE Butter/lea / of gold flllgroo are popular orna ments for the hair. Urncelutg in various designs of braided sil ver are iu high favor. Stylish umbrellas uro niodo with handles of petrified wood. Long shapgy furs are fashionable trim- mines for winter cloaks. Flounces , both gathered and itoiutod , are ween on stylish costumes. The rediiif'oto nnd draped polonaise are about equally fasblonalilo. Fushlomiblo uosttuno * of clotli are sovcro in outline and entirely without oruamuntu Uou. Uou.Two Two materials appear Iu muny of the short coats and other fancy wrapd , und hi moat of the long mantles. Among the nntty fashions for stylish young women are charming houso-drcssus of India cusliuioro 01 various handsome art shades. At Hoseburg , Ore. , Is a "Ladles' Hammer Hrigadc , " which makes a point of keep ing down the naila Iu the woodoti sidomilks , IClogartl jet bonnets uro made iu open trellis designs and rich nrniljtssinia devices laid over foundations of whlto or deep orange It Is now possible to bo the possessor of an entire fur coatumo including bonnet , cloak , JaoUet , vest , bUlrt , gloves und riding- shoes. Ono of the mcro fushionublo garnitures for millinery this * oasou i jot luto. ; It U murio of very line-cut beads btrung on wire , and l very elegant Iu effect. Largo plaids are inuilo up lilaxof the gpodf , the skirts being but slightly drni > cd , The bodice is made of plain matoriul of the cole most prominent In the pluid. Women ticket agents are to bo employee on the StiUen Island rapid tr.msit raihvuj lino. They arc cheaper than men. Fourteen employes have been discharged. Brown fur of all sorts is in high favor , bu for the use upon clotli wraps of blue , or red or green , or yellow-brown , black U mos oftcn uosBii , and is much bettor stylo. Velvet yokes and heavy deep cloth pleats are noted on winter long cloaits , and the bodices ices of new tailor gowns , notwithstanding the fact that tboy are made of wool , are very much trimmed on the fronts. Braiding grows more aad moro the rage for jackets , mantles nnd gowns , .all of which should be accompanied by u braided bonnet of their own stuff , If you would- reach the very tiptop of good style. Hero is u notv field open for the Industry of woman. A Miss Whwslock , in Minneapo lis , makes a good1 living by te.tohing whist , nnd a Mrs. Thomas , at Camos , Idaho terri tory , Is a practical shoemaker. $ Of Amelia clotli , the now-named rival which it is fondly hoped will distance Uio time-worn Henrietta. It is confidently as sorted that it will fold nnd drape to equal tlio older stuff , and cannot bo persuaded to grow glossy no matter how long it is worn. At last , fashion ordains a gown the pocltot whereof does not require au expert of tlio se cret service for its discovery , but opens smil ing to the free air of heaven nnd the hand of Its owner just aa they did in the days when drapery was unknown. Fans of flowered gauze ribbon woven In and out over very slender sticks uro the proper tilings to carry with tha evening gown d la Josephine the which , by the way , should be of some thin stuff , gatuc , muslin , net or cambric , if the wearer would be strictly and rigidly correct In costume. Ttio variety of elegant oiltnido wrap * dis played this Hcusou is marvellous , for no two models seem alike , and the exhibit appears to bo an endless one. In previous seasons la mode decreed u certain fixed length und style for outside garments. Now every style SCCIIIH to obtain , from the nutty hunting jacket und short sen 1 coat , to the long , sump tuous French garment of heavy brocade and Lyons velvet , fur-banded and fur-lined , with countless dressy vislto.-i , military coats , nnw- mnrkcU , driving jackets , nnd pcplum cape ? aud pelerines us u happy medium. It Is said that | P IS than a yi'iir Is the average ago professional life of a good-looking school teacher in Merced county , C'ul A YYinlloUl , ICun , , married man wrota a love letter to a young girl , and she turned It over to u local p.ipor , In which it was printed verbatim. Lady Herbert is now on her way to this country to attend tin ) wedding of her sou , the Hon. Michael Herbert , who Is to marry filU * Hello Wilson. This is the lirst time , it is said , that the mother of an Ungllsh bride groom has crossed the ocean to witness the murrluga of a son. In some parts of Franco the bride is crowned with a myrtle wreath , which is transferred to hand when nho In blindfolded aud the bridesmaids dance about her while she seeks to pluco the wreath on QUO of their heads. The ouoso crowned , ns the suiwrstl- tiou gowt , will herself be a urido the follow ing yeur. A IlspM City Uak. ) citizen boa rather a lively time celling married. He hud the con sent of the bride's p u-enU , but a hU brother Interfered and u list fight occurred. The groom came out victorious , though with u brolicn hand. The woddmg then took place Knd tha party started home. On the way the wagon was overturned and the right unn of the bralo was broken , Hov. William Uusso , of KL Luke's Gor man Lutheran church of Now Vork city , preached a law SunJayn ugo fin llrfct Hennoii uiuoo his return from Kuropu. Ho loft throa months ago , Intending to return In August , but was detained by the fact that while iu Hlldosheim , near Hanovor.ho mot-tho Uarou. ens Asnos Non Horlesieni , second daughter of the cniof counsellor of Juntfco of Hlldu- Hliotm , and u llrst ivnisin of Count Hudolph Von Jlonnlgscn , an iiitiniutn friend of Ills- inurc'r. Their acquaintance resmlUid Iu their mnrriiiKO , and , In ihti course of UU borinon , Mr , Himo ruforroit iu fcohug U < rni8 to his good fortune in leading a comu.inlon for liim- self and a mother for his four uiotherlcsi children. Mrs. Blanche Seaman Brown , a concert and opera sin-jer , and Charles S Sprnguo , oj Ohio , son of ex-Cougressmau W. P. Spr.igue , of the Fifteenth Ohio districtwoni , to bo married at church in the chapel nt Nothcrwood , suburb of Plaiiiilcld , N. J. , not long since. Mrs. Brown was an amateur photographer , and tliought u piuluro of the whole bridal groui ) , taken just after the ceremony , would bo something nice. So she placed a photographer in the roar of the chapel , and guvo him Ills Instructions. The photographer was ou deck awfully so. Tha clergyman had raised his hands for the bene diction , saying "Aud whom God huth joined togota " when the photographer llrcd his bomb. Fizz ! Fuffl and a light ning's Hash followed the ignition of a mag nesium cartridge , while the whole distin guished group became imprinted on the in stantaneous plate of the urtist. Everybody was paralyzed. MUSICAL AN1 > WIIAMATIO. "Lord Chumley" will now travel through out the country. It is rumored that the Amy Sherwin opera company has disbanded iu Australia. Mine. Hcleiio Hastreitur bus niitdo a great success ut the Teatro Costanzi , iu Homo , in Cluck's "Orpheus. " Hossini's ' "Stubat Mater" will bo given under the auspices of the G. A. 11. , at Fitch- Ourg , Mass. , IJocembor 12 , Mllo. Nltiita , who has been enjoying opor utio success In poitinns of Kurope , is u Mury. land young lady , Miss Nicholson. Mr. F. S. Mordnunt has been outiigoil for Lho production of Miss Fannie Aymur Mat- thow's now play , "Washington Life. " 'Queen Top.u,1' ' the opera by Masso. in which /ielio Lussan .sings the chief part , n not bailed with praise in the oitiu.s where it hn.s been heard. Mmo. Sofia Scnlchi I.s singing in Londor. She li'avos shortly for Kuiula , whwnsh } fi x > sing ut tluj Imperial Opera house during , ho winter SUUHOII. Mmo. Furseli Madl Is expected In Nmi Yorlf , where she will Tuulio her llrst appear ance with tlio Now Vork Oratorio society ut , he Metropolitan Opera house , Scuor Sarasutc , tlio great violin player , IH small , handsome and genial. Ho will chat and toll Btories by the hour on any topic ; except - copt himself. Ho speaks many lunjiua/os. J'ans is excited over the unaouneuiiient that 1'utti is to crcatu the iolt of Jullutlo ut , ho production of Gounod's ' new work in tint ; r.ind opera. Uouuod him soil will conduct lie orchestra. Mr. lironson Howard will cull his now > luy "Shenuiidouh , " It will bo produced at he Huston museum Kovombor It ) , Miss Viola Alien creating the leading femulo role , Gertrude Kllingham. Karly in August Mr. Crane will open hii Irst season ns u lonu star nndi'r the inuuuge- mcntof Mr. Joseph Hrooks in an nlnliorntii spectacular production of Shakespeare it Henry 1\ ' . , " Mr , O'runc appearing as Fal * stuff Mr. Kdwln IJooth nnd Mr. Lnwrnnco Har- ott , says tlio New York Timei , will Imvu ho assistance of the pupils of the Mad mm jquaro thoutro "dopartmnnt of instruction" n their production of "Othello" and "J'ha Horrhaiitof Vonlco" at the Fifth Avt'iiuu heatro. bteolo Maclcayo nnd Hronsoti Howard , two imong the foremost of American dramatists , vlll iiirmsh plays for Stuart Uob on next cuson. Mr , Uobson will liavo ttio exclusive ontrolof "The Henrietta"nnd Mr. Macleayu mi written for the comedian u roimmtio omedy-drama. lima dt Miirsku , the famous soprano , win econtl.v reported shuttered in mind and liv ng in itqstitnto cliTiim.stunees In a scantily urnishod room in Washington n < | imro , Now York. It is now declared that Hbo is ry.tld ng ( ( Uiutly and comfortably on Ktuton st and , nnd will Mien givu u sorittitof oonr. < uts , Mlns Blunclio Duvonvort , a sister of Fanny ) ftvonport , in a singer who gave much prom , so of SUCCOHH till liur vocal oards wore ud- only ntfuctLMl HOIIIO yeara ago. The mild Ilinuto of Italy him ruxtorud her voice nl- nofel completely , and nho is to nlng In I'aris l'isvmtur and posululy In America next canon. Add 20 ( Irons of Angostura Hitters to ovcvy gl 88 of impure water you drink , 'ho genuine only manufactured by IJr , SioL'in-t A : Sons ,