Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1888, Part I, Image 1

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    J. L ,
Members of the French Chamber
HoRort to Billingsgate.
Parisians Looking Forward to An
other Season of Sensations.
Followed Closely By a. Mysterious
Murder Near Chantllly.
AVIlli Hlx Other Mn filers AI really Com-
inlttod and Hevernl OiiclH In Pros
pect , the GoHsipH Are I'
Unusually Cliccri'ul.
Tlio Hunting Season ,
\rojiviluhl \ I'M 1i < l Jnmes rfuniim Ilennrtt. ]
1'xiiis , Nov. 17 [ Now Voik Herald Cable
-SDoclal to Tun Hr.i : I Glowing accounts
of hunting and shooting parties , exciting
inns and full b igs come in from all p.uts of
France , and the Vie do Chateau is now in
full swim. The Grand Dukes W Ladimci
and Alexis nnd the Duke do Luehtenburg
still linger In Paris en route for Rlveri.i.
Thej have been hunting at Hannellef with
the buekliounds of the Diiehosso do Useos ,
and yesterday President C.irnot gave a grand
shooting p.u ty in their honor at Ramhoulll.
The line Nfivombei weather was suddenly
leVolutiom/od by the Herald storm Wednes
day but although still unsettled , It Is not un
favorable to the operations of Nimrod.
There was a p. > rliainonlar5 earthquake m
in the ehambes of deputies Thuisday and
the deputies glaied and shook lists ut each
other in a way to iccall those
lively sittings at Varsaillcs just after the
war. M. Floquot's attempt to prevent the
deputies attending the coming lual at Nlmes
uncham"d thu indignation of M Paul do
and such ' 'salaud "
Cassagnac epithets as ,
"diity , " "imbecile , " were bandied
about in profusion and at least three duels
are likely to result.
All this Impassions the public whoso fore
cast of the coming Parais m season is tnat it
will bo a icpetition of last jear. Instcalof
thoPi'im/ini timl we have st tried oil tins
season with the Pr.ulo tiiul and instead of
the Wilson scandal this season , the sensa
tional exposuio of twenty-two poisons and
the threatened destruction not only of a pres
ident but the piesidency and the semite to
Meanwhile Paris is highly excited o\er the
Chnntilly murder alleged to have been com
mitted to defraud a life insurance company
under unusually dramatic ciicumstanccs. At
4 o'clock on the morning of November ! l ,
two peasants going fioin Coio to Cliantilli ,
following tlm lins of railway bordeimg the
forest , saw the body of a man with blond
stained clothes , IjiiiK in a ditch b'-sidc the
rails. There was a deep gash in the throa ) ,
ami several wounds in the chest , made with
a dagger or some sharp instrument. The
clothes wore torn. Truces were found show
ing that theio had been a fear
ful struggle. One of the feet
was completely severed from the
the body. The papers in the clothes of the
muracied man seemed to prove that his
niuno was Ilippoljte Hojos , and it was
under this name that the mutilated remains
were but led by the authorities of Senles. A
few dajs uftcruaids M. C. , an ex-magistrate
mid sceictary of the Phounlx Life insurance
company , found that the llfo of a man named
Hippolyte Iloyos insiiicd in the books
for 100,001) ) francs , payable to a person who
should bo designated by Hoi os in his will.
A man named IJubnis had aflcctod
this insurance. The secietnry of the
Phoenix , lecollectiiig the life insurance
frauds of Van Schotii er and Ur. Castloman ,
ntanccnmdc a thoiough investigation and
found that at several life insurance com
panies applications had also been made to 111-
MIIO the life ot Hippolyto Hovos
ngo n peas ml boy named Luc tncd to insuie
the Hie of Iloyos at the Nulionnlo company.
Again a man named Huct tiled to eflect a
Binnlnr policy on Ilo. olife at the Aigle
company Aftciwauls a mammmed HO.JOS
Figuo picsonted himself at the Franco com
pany to insure the life of his llr t cousin ,
Hippolyto Ho os. The inspector of the
Kraiitu insuianco company called upon M
Iloyos Figuos , who is now believed to bo
the pseudo victim of the crime
at Cliiintilly , and was received by
Him at thoclutcau of Raverolls at Poigny ,
wheio ho was a steward of Comic Raverolls
Iloyos Figuu then declined that his cousin
llippolj te was u woaltln landowner at Chnr-
li cs , but was almost always nbsont "If you
Will appoint a doctor to cxamino my cousin , "
bald ho , "I will notlfi lllppolyto and wo can
llnish up our business quicker. " The in-
npei-tor iimncd Ir Juteau. % few dajs after
wards , by an adioit substitution , Hovos
Flguo was e.xnmlncd medically by Or.
Juteau , who believed the person he
was examining 10 bo Hlppel.\to Hojos.
This | K > licv was however , not concluded , as
the liiHUied had notrendv money enough to
pay the piemium , and these facts aroused
the susplclonsof M. C. , the secretary of the
Pluunlx where the 100,000 francs policy had
been effected , M. C. at once demanded of
the authoiitics at Senles lo exhume the re
mains of the Chantilly victim.
On Monday the iemuins were exhumed In
the presence of all the available persons who
had known Iloyos Figuc , ox steward of
Como do Riivci-ojis , They remembered him
n * a large , stout , muscular man , with
n huge bristling mustache. When the
coflln wns opercd tlio stench nearly caused
nil present to faint. When the ghastly re
mains were levealcd all present stood
nghast. The bed > of the muulered man was
Hinall , emaciated and feeble. Instead of n
bristling uiousiaclie , there was a slight In
cipient down on the lips of the corpse. Kvery
onooxnlalmrdi "No , this la not Hoyos. " On
Tuesday the clothes that had been found
wen discovered ' .o bo much too largo for the
wearer. They bore Die Initials "II. II. "
nnd the address ol n tailor at
ItamboncUo who rooogni'.sd them
us HIC property of Hippolyte , The Ho.tos
tr.ui drror had consequently dressed his victim
in his own clot'ios. ' Tilts b.ul been done before -
fore the crime , for not only the outside
lilolhlm ; , but the linen and underclothing
wcrn also found to bo the property of Hippo.
l.vle lloios. Moreover , the waistcoat and
trousera had been pleated ana sowed so
us to make them fll their victim , Thu
jtol'i-o ' arieotoil the real IJoyos at
Yivllci.fein.c , wlieio ho was living
very comfortably wltli his nilslrcast
t'.i-.V ! ill'.lo named J-'i
u . - . sirjsitly | ) vvotrui ;
Iloyos Ho wns confronted witli the Insur
ance agents and wns recognized bi thorn as
the man who , under ihu nnmo of Dubols ,
Iluot mid lloios Flgue , had called at the
various life Insurance companies to Insure
thp life of Hlppoljto Hojos In other words ,
lo insure his own life under another name ,
pnjnblo to himself.
What bafllrs the aulhorlllcs now Is lo find
oul who murdered the innn. It Is discov
ered Hint a Belgian named Baron was
rmplo.vcd by Hoyos ns n sort of scivant.
Huron i& now missing. When last heard
of he wns stopping at the Solell Levant Inn
at Rambonlot , and , strangely enough , ho was
rcgisteied nt the Inn , not in nls own name ,
but In the name of lloios. Hoi os moreover
paid all Ilaron's bills. Hnron was a small ,
emaciated looking man , with n high forehead
mid slight downy moustache. His appear
ance corresponds w ith Unit of the murdered
man exhiimod on Monday at Scales. An
other extraordinary fact is that Huron's right
foot was deformed and It was the light foot
of the body found nt C'hnntllly thnt was
tev 01 cd from the leg. No trace of this missIng -
Ing foot has jet hccn found. From the evi
dence now before the authorities this sensa
tional crime was effected in the following
manner ; lie os had insured his own lite for
100,000 francs , payable to a person name 1 In
his own will whom ho aftei wards personified
and got the money In Harons he found the
instrument to accomplish the purtose.
Under some pretense Huron had been pre
vailed upon to put on his master's clothes.
Letters and papcis belonging to Iloyos wore
placed in Ilaron's pockets Hovos and Haron
then set out on the fatal Saturday night
on their long walk In the Chantilly woods.
Hoiosallnohcd his victim with a dagger.
The wounds In Hie neck prove this , i'hen
there must have been n long nnd desperate
struggle , for drops of blood were scattered
about over n space of twenty live paces
and the clothing was torn. The mur
dered man was placed on the railroad
Hack , so that his right foot would be severed
from the body bi a passing tiain. All the
material elements of the ci line were accom
plished CXIK Uy as the murderer intended but
he did not reckon upon the keen scented
sccictar.v of the Plm-nix Life Insurance com
pany. The scheme was on the veigo of suc
cess , The murderer would have duly pro-
senled himself and gel the money from the
insurance company , just as Ur Castleman
once did in another instance
Now 1'.iris is on the eve of f-till another
sensational trial. Thursday Hoyos and his
mistiess wens brought to Chantilly and eon-
fiontod with the body of the muuleied man.
Thu scene took place in the stable. The
woman , Pique , carried her tour-months old
child in her m ins HO.JOS ttied to eomeal
his featuics by holding his hand before Ins
face when introduced into the presence of
the body of Ins victim , and when asked if ho
i ecogni/ed it , exclaimed :
"Ceitamly , that is H.uon. "
"You miiideicd him , didn't you ? " asked
the judge of instruction.
"Oh , " icplied Hoios , "that is for you to
prove if .vou can. "
Hojos was at once put in jail awaiting
Among six other murders committed din
ing the week , one is worth eablniL' , for it
iccalls a scene in Othello. Lo Hieton , an
anaiclnst oiator , strangled his wife , nn
Alsatian , on Tuesday night at Montrcnil.
People who lived in the same bouse
witli Lo Hrelon were moused in
the dead of night by a wonian's shrieks and
shouts of "Hell ) , he is strangling mo ! "
Hastening to the scene they found Le Urcton
kneeling ou his wife's chest , piessing his
hands qver her mouth. A candle was Ilickcr-
ing on tlio nianllcpiece. Lo li ! < ton , tuiniiiff
to the intiuders , exclaimed :
"You may call as loud us yon please , she
will neither answer nor move "
When ariested he said : "For the Iwo
years tliat wo have been m.irncd I have
never jet been able lo gel Iho better of my
wife in an argument. I have succeeded at
last. "
The contouricres and modistes aie ; still
reaping n golden h.u vest. Ono of the fea-
luies of the now evening di esses is tliat the
bodices me half of one color and half of an
other , the contrast in some cases being car
ried even to the material. A dress of green
muslin de chiffon sprigircd with gold thiead
is draped over a skirt of Iho pilc-st possible
shade of pink satin The bodice is half of
the pale , though vivid , gieen spangled
with gold , and the other half
of satin and silk muslin of
pale pink , the two colors scorning to merge
one into Ihe other in the most inexplicable
way. I saw to day , in the Rue de la Paix , a
magnificent dinner dress of flame colored
velvet t1 mimed with d.nk Russian sable tails
and black and llanut colored tassels This
umbilici superb coloi mg with i iclincss and
illgint.v. Tills dioss was made for thu Grand
Duchess W. Ladimer.
Have to Pass a Higid \nmin.U I on on
Tinoci Things.
\Cnwirlulit \ J&ISliu famrHJiinlin Ilciiirlt. ]
PMII , Nov. 17. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tin : Hun 1 The municipal
council have appiovcd a vlgoious report con
coining the examination of the professional
capacity of Parisian cochers ; and have
named a commission to hold examinations ,
composed of two poisons , ic-pre-
sontlng tno prefecture of police , two
poisons icpresenting the companies who
lot cabs , and Unco intelligent cubdiivcis
The examination is divided into two parts ,
oral mid practical. The oral will compuso
the three following poinls : First , the best
way to dnvo between three given spots In
Paris' The coulter must gtvo his reasons for
encli route , explaining thu pavements , con
dition of the s'rcets , ascents , descents , otc , ;
second , a description of the street
corners of any six streets ; thlid , Knowledge
of the police requirements of Pans , such us
what to do when ho meets n funeral or body
of troops , what to do nt rai'way ' stations ,
theaters , etc , The piactlcal cx.imlimtlmi
will bo made with u largo woolen horse.
The cochcrs will bo requite 1 to har
ness nnd uuliainesb their cabs
to this horse , art ! will bo taught
how to sit on their box and how to hold their
loins. The only weak point of this regula
tion seems to be thai there is i.o examination
in diiving.
As I close , the weather hero is
more like Juno Umn November ;
everybody is out on the boulevards.
The Champs Klysees , the Tullerles
and Luxcmbouig gardens show summer lints
of dress , nor are parasols Ic-ftnthumo. Paris ,
ever fond nf a revolution , llndsonc lo day for
the calendar.
Lord Saukvillo'H Slice-en * ,
SIm Jnmu Million
LONDOK , Nov. 17. [ New York Herald
Cablq Special loTnu Hun. ) Thn question
of the appointment of a successor to Lord
Sackvilla will bo brought before the house of
commons on Monday , when Mr. Gourley will
ask the government wheth6r It intends to ap
point a now minister to the government of
the Unites. ! States , on the departure of Lord
Saekvlllo , or whether It inlei-'ls to wait until
the prcsldc = V-elcct cnt'jra on hi % duties.
Enjoying to the Utmost the Plons-
uros of the Kink.
Which Blda Pnlr to Become n Crnzo
Among the Qoutlor Sox.
A Man Who Bntloaroil HimsolCto All
By His Qront Bonovolonco.
Ceremonies In Observance of the Team
of SI. Leopold Watching
the HnsslniiH Accident
or Suicide ?
AVonthor in Austria.
[ CnfyM | | JRSS/ij / ; Jamo ( fondm ltcimttt.1
VIRNVI , Nov. 17. [ Now York Herald
Cable to Tin : LJnn.l Cold weather
has come. Yesterday the thermometer
marked 0 = " below the t 'c/ing point. For
tunately there was no snow , and as a con
sequence no interruption of railway traflle.
Skat ing began early In the week. The Vienna
skating club , undoubtedly the Illicit estab
lishment of its kiiul , is ciowded every dn > .
Them is no river or lake skating \vitnin
i each of the capital. Ainateuts will piobably
enjoy tluco or four months' season this i car.
It ts only latterly that the Austiians cul
tivated skating , which promises to become n
national pastime. In the provincial towns
girls are not nllo\\ed to skate. In
Vienna the fair sex 'aio in the
nmJonU on the lie , having mote time nt th < ? ir
disposal than thuir liusbands mid biotheis.
At the skating Unb ladies may bo seen in the
early hours of the day , among the best
skuteis bomg the Princess Melternich and
the Princess Kcnss , wife of tlio German em-
The emperor has gone touttendtho funeral
of his fathei in-law , the Duke Ma\imllan ! ! ,
of Havana. It is aniiouiiLCtt that as the em-
juess cannot retuin from Gicece in time for
the funeral , she has continued her voyage , as
pioviously arranged. The picsidcnt of the
reiehsiath pioposed a vote of condolence to
their majesties The Vienna newspapers ,
in speaking of the late duke , allude
to his litcruiy entertainments. Undei the
psuciloiiym of Phantasus ho wiote several
novelletes , poems and plnjs and adapted
Victor Hugo's "Luoicvia ISoigia" HI veiso
for the ( Joriiinn stage. Ho lived in strict ic-
tircment , leading the life of a country gen
tleman. Ho was an accomplished iideraml
passionate sportsman , and utterly indiffeiciit
to politics. His betiovolencj was proverbial ,
and ho was beloved and respected by all who
came in contact with him. He had cclcbiatcd
his golden wedding last summer. His re
mains lie in state at the ducal palace in
Munich and will be deposited to-morrow
in the Attin church till midnight , when thcv
will ho ! n state theio again Monday night till
. " o'clock , when the funeral will take place.
The couit opera and the Hourg theater in
Vienna will bo closed on that evening.
Thursday being the least of St. Leopold ,
was observed as a close holiday throughout
lower Austua. at. Leopold is thopitrou
saint of this piovmcc. Ever since the canon
ization of Margrave Leopold , the Viennese
have been accustomed to go on a pilgrimage
to his sin mo. After performing their devo
tions the pilgrims invaiiably visit the \\ino
cellars beneath the s icred edilice and freely
quench thirst to the memory of their patron
saint. The castle ot Margrave Leo
pold was perched on a piccipitous
mountain , now known as Leopolds-
burg , overhanging the lordly Danube ,
within an hour's drive of Vienna. Leopold
and his \\ifis , the inaigravin , weto icnowned
for their piety , and immortali/ed themselves
uy founding many uionasteiies and convents ,
the largest of which is Klostcrmiburg. The
crown of St. Leopold is plated on the head of
every Ausuiau empeior at his coionation ,
The Vienna bouise , owing to the unfavora
ble news recaived fiom all ( tors , was
veii Hat today. A saimoDluiil Russian
tologiaphio agency represents the new or-
gani7.ition of the Russia ar.ny as meiely
falling back of two divisions of
lulaiitry and one division of cavalry from
the east to the west empire , but the
potent facts leave no doubt that the real
movement is the reverse of this semi onioial
attempt to disguise the real eh ir.ivtor. The
changes just ordered in the Russian army
canhiidly fail to inci ease the bad impression
cieated in Germany and Austria by the
latest military disposition * of Russia , which
a few days ago I cabled to the Herald.
Hitherto the Austrian press has abstained
from discussing the new Russian army
organizations , their reticence being mainly
due to the fact that Count Kalnoky happened
to be absent from Vienna when the
Russian general order was promulgated.
F.vcn after the foreign minister's retuin the
papers neie hesitate to take up the subject ,
which is a bad symptom. Matters Imvo ad
vanced so far that every move on the part of
the Russians la instantly reported to the in
telligence department of the capital , with
the icsult that a corresponding countermove
Is made on the Austrian side. As a matter
pf eomse , this inodo of procedure is usual
only in cases when the conviction Is enter
tained that fin tliur wai nlngs are. of no avail ,
and things must bo allowed
to take their course ; and this ,
In fact , appears to bo the Impression
pic-vailing in the loading circles In Vienna.
At last night's performance nt Ronachcr's ,
the largo now cafe , the concert was inter
rupted by what is icpreseiited by some to
have been nil accident , and by others an at
tempted hiilclde , I''or some time past a South
Ami'i lean tight rope dancer named Caicedo
has been engaged there , and ono of the
principal attractions of the place. It was his
last performance , as ho wns engaged for Lon
don. His wife had recently given signs of jeal
ousy , and yesterday , shoitly before the day
performance , she rushed nt him with a
knlfo and wns prevented with diniciilty from
injuring him. Caicedo succeeded , however ,
in getting through his work as usual , not
withstanding the emotion ho had gone
through , but In the Interval that elapsed till
ho uppeurod again in the evening he lost his
nerve and told the personnel of the estab
lishment thnt there would be something
worth scelufc' at night. The rope on which
Caicedo performed was stretched across the
stage at a height ) ! of fifteen feet , and there
was no safety net underneath It. It was ob
served that when Caicodo began his perform
ance ho omitted the usual stop * and walked
oaiolessly along the rope until , ou teaching
the middle1 , tie lothis bnlnticingpole drop mid
either fell or let hinKolf fall , head foiemost
on the wooden floor benoath. Ho was car
ried off in nn unconsclousjttato There wn ,
of course , tremendous oicitement in the
house , mid iimuv uooplo left Immediately.
The man lies at the hospital delirious and in
a precarious condition.
Advices received here from Athens to-day
state that nt Mycenno , where the society have now sus
pended opcintlons for the winter , the result
of the excavations during the past season
hnvo been highly satisfactory Fiftv tiro-
historic tombs hnvo boon opened in the vicin
ity of the ancient cllj and a large number of
valuable relics have been discovered Among
them nro stones with Inseilptions , so called
island poms , copper vnscs and various other
objects in Ivory , gold nnd glass Nearly the
whole collection will be brought to Athens
and deposited In the museum , but some are
expected to bo sent hero.
sAcKvniLi-\\ .
Lord llnndotpli Churchill Admits
That lie Itltindcrcd Itndly.
iropirfuM"Mliamr / / ] irfmtIrmi / M
Los DOS , Xov IT [ New York Herald
Cable Special to Tin : Hru.l A speech do-
llveicd by Lord Randolph Churchill this
afteinoon must give rise to much discus
sion , especially in icspeet to its al
lusions to Americans. It was delivered
to an immense audience amid great demon
strations of approval No public man of
eminence in Cngland has over before taken
up so distinct and bold a line concerning
the lel.itions between England and the
United States Of general tnlk about amity
and good will there has been enough , If not
too much , but Lord Randolph is the first
statesman who has substituted sound princi
pies for empty palaver , and indicated : i
couiso which can nlona secure permanent
good will between the two countiies. He
bodly aflirms Lord Sac'fvillo ' committed an
unpardonable blunder , and that his iccall by
his own govcinment should have been
prompt. With still gi eater cour
age and wisdom , ho denounces the
proposal to keep the United States
without an Knghsh minister , as weak and
vindictive and dangeious It will not bo dif-
ikult foran.\ono who remembers Lord Salis
bury's recent speech at the Mansion house ,
to divmo what Churchill meant by his
caustic allusion to a policy of "sneois and
sulks" Salisbuiy rather more than in
sinuated that President Cleveland had
been turned out because he turned
out Lord S.ickville. The prime minister
takes an eccentric view of Ameiicnn poli
tics , which is only natural , considenng that
he never htudiedthoui. To suppose , however ,
that Americans rose up in indignation against
Cleveland because he was somewhat brusque
towards Saekville , shows a degree of
simplicity and credulity scarcely to
be looked for in u professed cynic. It is
satisfactory to llnd thnt at a time u hen the
Standard and other papers , have been woik-
iniro hard to stir up u bitter feeling towai d
the United States. An immense meeting of
the working classes should be willing to
listen to such words of truth and soberness.
The lesson of LoiU Randolph's remarks will
not be lost upon the country , and it is toler
ably safe to predict tint the house of commons
will not allow thaiu1to be lost on the min
At ImllniuipotlH.
IvnuvAPOLH , Nov. 17. The big ratifica
tion set for to-night was abandoned in ac
cordance with a lesolution of the committee
nt Tuesday's ' meeting. So many people had
already i.itiiied , and the others being tired of
participating every few da\s in sueet pa-
lades , that the committee concluded the
Indmimpolis public wanted rest and a cessa
tion of the noise and din that has reigned for
tinee months past. General Hnmson spent
the day quietly , receiving so\cral calls.
Among'these was A. C. Meilctte , goveinor-
elect of the prospective stnto of Dakota. He
spent an hour or more with General Harri
son , discussing in a gonoial way the situa
tion andcxnei'tntionsof the pcoploof Dakota.
To a concspomlcnt to-night Mr. Molletto
said that the president elect proved a good
listener , but lofraincd from oxpiossing in
any manner his views legardmg the ndmis-
bion of Dakota. '
The second annual chrysanthemum and
floral exhibition closed last evening , ii'id to
day General and Mrs. Harrison woio the
recipients of a number of beautiful lloial
gifts. J
A Kansas Mn'ii Tor the Cnhlnet.
TOPBK * , Kan. , Nov. IT. [ Special Tele-
irram to Tin : HUB. ) Congrcssm in Turner ,
of the Sixth distiicb , said to day in an inter
view "There will bo a demand upon Piosi-
dent Ilnriison for position In the cabinet
for a man f i mil Kansas. If Senator Plumb
wants the poitfolio'of Secretary of the Intoner -
nor he undoubtedly can haveit. He can best
sci v-j the people ) gf Kansas in his piesent ca
pacity , nnd it is doubtful If ho would accept
t. In tliat event I think Governor Osborno
stand u good show 6f getting it. "
Grndy Positively DccllncH.
ATI.ASM , Ga. , Nov. 17. Mr Grady hns a
letter in the Coiifctflulion in which ho iigam
declines to be a candidate for United States
senator , The movement to wit him in Gov
ernor Colquitt's place has progressed dining
the week in spltojof Giad.y's jcpeatcd re
fusal. {
An Ovntfon to Morton.
Pun viu UMIU , Nov. 17. The parade of
republican clubs to night in celebration of
the paity'H victory was a gieat demonstra
tion and Vice President Mm ton , who re
viewed the procession , was given nn enthu
siastic ovation by the " 5,0 )0 ) men in line and
many thousand spectators.
Tlio Arknn Jpi Hot urns.
LITTIK ROCK , Nov. 17. Complete oflicial
returns of the Iatocloition , in Arkansas give
Cleveland bfi.OW , Harrison 5s,7W , Strocter
ID.IiJI ) , Fisk OU. I
An Krror < u ( Indiana.
INDUNAI-OLIH'Nov : 17. A clerical omis1
sion of 2,81X1 republican votes was made in
the aggregate eoiiKTC88.Io.nal vote announced
yostordnv. This jr.qw * the tcpubllcan plu
rality 1,571. , '
A JOBp irt tlo Shot.
K \xs\s CITV , Nhv.jlT. -Dcspeiado Queen
was shot and killed near Vinita , I. T. , last
uNcnlng by District Sljeriff Carter nnd posse.
Trank liarbcr , who v ys with Queen , hud his
horse shot from' ' under him , but escaped.
Queen was in thoMiuwiurl Pad lie robbery at
Gibson , I. T , lastpiiuug , and was wanted in
difli-reiit parts of the southwest on several
charges , ,
Admiral Italdwin Dend.
Nnw Yoitu , Nov. 17. Hear Admiral Hald-
win's condition showed u marked change for
the worse this morning , and his demise oc-
cut red at noon.
The funeral will take place from St Thomas
Protestant Episcopal church , on Fifth ave
nue , next Tuesday afternoon at U o'clock.
The Manitolm l/eglHliitur ; < > .
Miv.VKU-OLH , Nov. 17. A Winnipeg spe
cial says.that UialogUhituro adjourned to-day
until January , Authority was granted the
go\eminent to" push the constitutional rights
of thu pi evince by appeal to Kngland if nec
essary , anil also to adopt retaliatory incas-
uresngalnst thu Canadian Pacllio road if its
obstructionist tiictics wvro portlbted in.
The Oponlng of the Rolchstng
Awaltod With lutoroat.
And Gonsldorublo Roatlossnoss
Munifoatod in High Circles.
Prospects Thnt the Session Will Bo
Poncoftil and Uuovontful.
It Succeeds in Crontinu Discontent
Among tlio Gorman lloui > cs The
trll > iilioii oT Troois
Colonial AfTali-s.
1 ho German Ko
l' ' 'PI/lW / IteS tin Xrit Viilh AK'iictiitnl J'/f * .1
Hum iv , Nov. 17. The cmpeioi's sjiecch
nt the opening of the reichstag on Thursdiii
Is awaited with nn exciting Inteii'st. ailsing
from the revival of the war aim in. The olll-
clal opinion is that , although no unusual
pomp will attend the ceremony , the eripcior
will open the reichstag In peison. If the
tone of the semt-olllcial press were the
guide , the speech would plainly remind the
Germans that they should be on the aleit ,
menaced us they are by powcifnl militaiy
neighbors on both sides. Hut tliu semi olll-
clal picss do not this time icpicbcnt tne olll
cial opinion There certamlj is some lost
lessness in high circles and uneasiness in
llnancuil nimrteis , but it will sin prise both
If the emperor's speech does not tend
to icassuie them in regard to his p.ieillc in
tentions. It will allude to the results of the
Imperial policy in cementing the trip.ntite
alliance , and will piobably be suffused
throughout with a spirit of optimism which
ought to extinguish the new wai scare. It
will otherwise bo rather barren of interest
Allusions will be made to the aimy and nu\i
iidministiation , colonial development and the
Hismarck-Salisbury agi cement in regard to
the suppicssioii of the slave ti.ule. Some
projects of important internal bearing will
(111 ( up the measuie of imperial refeiences.
The reichstag will Hist appoint a piesidont
to succeed U.iron Wedell Pliesdorf , who will
be made minister of the icjal household on
thcad\entof the emperor. Heir Von Lev-
ct/ow , who filled the office from IbSl to IMS I ,
will probably bo his successor. Herr von
Lcoet ow is now landes diicctor of the piov-
ince of Hrandenburg. He is a conservative ,
and left a line record for capacity as presi
dent during the years ho tilled the oflliv.
The prospects are that the session will bo
pacific and uneventful. Hrisk party en
counters mo likely to occur over the colonial
policy , the progressionists and socialists com
bining in hostile criticism. The center will
join witli the nationalists and conservatives
in support of the Koveinmcnt , espccmlli in
relation to the siave trade blockade.
Tne new Hussinn loan is fast raising dis
content among the Geiman bourses. The re
ports of an alliance between France , Russia
and Spain , and rumors ol Russian troops on
the fiontiers of Germany , aio phenomena
which are associated with the Russian loan.
Another tripartite alliance agahiht the Cen
tral Uuropean alliance of Germany , Austria ,
and Italy has not yet been achieved , but it is
aimed in Minister Goblet's speech before the
chamber of deputies in defense of the Vat
ican. The speech was meant to allure Cath
olic Spain toward a sympathetic neutrality ,
if not in actual alliance , with Trance. The
Heilin foreign ofllco is quite alive to the
glowing understanding between France am1
Spain , but an eventual alliance of the two
countries is deemed very improbable.
In icgnrd to the movements of Russian
troops , the Cologne G.uHto in u semi ofll-
cial communication , says : "Tliescope of the
new Russian military orders can not bo
accurately known until war expoits
having clear data on the matter , pronounce
upon it. Tlio reasons published at St.
Petersburg for the redistribution of the
army feebly try to conceal the tinth , but in
Berlin they are estimated at their ti no value.
Tlio fact that Russia is pushing ficsh divi
sions toward the frontier of Germany de
mands keen attention , although men of busi
ness need not discover in those movements
any immediate threat against European
peace. " Other papers show the same un
easiness , although they concur m consider
ing it impiobablo that Russia will openly
hasten forward her war prep irations at tlio
very moment she is appealing for a now
loan. Nevertheless , the money market does
not like to sco Hussia borrowing money.
The bourse in Paiis does not consider the
loan an unmixed evil , since it arranges to
use one-third of the whole amount for con
version This fact modules the hostility to
the loan in Herlin. Still , no subset iption list
will be opened in Hcilin nnd Frankfort. On
the contrary , the semi oflicial press advises
investors to unload on Pans. It Is hoped
that the le opening of the French mat hot to
Russian loans will facilitate the sales of Gor
man holders , The Post issus a warning
against the investment bv Germans in Rus
Man bonds. Thu paper concludes that the
purposu of this loan m to strengthen Russian
cicditnnd encourage a belief that her perma
nent policy will bo pacilic , so that she may
ere long secure tlio largest , loan designed for
war purposes. Already during tlio week
largo amounts of Russian stocks have been
ti ansfcrred in Paris , where the buyei s appear
to bo Influenced by other than business
Ideas. A spirit akin to the mad excitement
lehitivu to tlio Panama canal speculation ,
Incites the French investor to risk his money
In favor of his beloved ally. Russian secur
ities have fallen % per cent here since
Consul Vohoson , agent of the German
East African company at Xan/lbar , has with
ilruwn his resignation , Other olllcials , who
have had their hopes quickened by the
Anglo German nu'r'.cment , will also i cumin
at their posts ,
Paul Reichnrt , the African traveler , has a
vigorous article in the Ueutsehcs Wochen-
bUtt , a free consci vativo organ , in winch ho
criticises the Inactivity of the Get man gov
ernment at the outbreak of the native * In
the recent insurrection on the coast. Reich-
art U no friend of the Anglo German com
pact. Ho prefers to see the Gonnmis act
independently , The Wochenblutt draws the
government's attention to the statements ,
and demands that It explain' why the cruiser
Mocwo lay passive at anchor off Klhva while
the two German ofllclalg of the Kast African
company were being murdered , The Nu
liomil Gazette , In the came btruln , ea s that
the admiralty must Institute an Inquiry Into
tin * matter
An odd incident occurred on the emperor's
visit to Urcslau. The emperor congratulated
Hurgonmster lVie.lonberh' on the result of
tlio recent election when the piogrcsslsts
werodefoited by the few conservatives and
ono national liberal. This congratulation
scorned to bo awkwardly icocived. The
emperor afterwards asking the reason ,
teamed that Friedonberg was a local leader
of the prociosslsts.
Kx-KmpiOHs Victoria nnd the pilncesscs
willlea\ofoi Mnghuul at U 30 to-morrow
inclining , Ye < torda > they went to Potsihlin
and spent a long time nt their doxotions near
Kniporor Piedoriek's tomb at the Frietlens
Rodd s "Life of Ftodcriclt" does not catch
the public , though It Is sympathetic , It Is
noticed that If the empress had not credited
It , it would not hav < been ignored.
The giouiidiiii ; of the lion-clad Kaiser , at
the entrance to Copenhagen , on Thnisd.iy , Is
found to haxo been owing to the fiut that
theie was no pilot on board The \cssel was
floated with slight damage.
Von S.Ubil's "History of the foim.ition of
the now Gorman oinpiio" Is in press. The
general expectation Is that it will be a gic.U
woik Goethe's "Gespr.ieho , " compiled by
\ou llledeiinann , is announced
A lllll lU'l'oi-o tlio Itrlllsh rntlliiiiiiMit
IntofcslH Him.
trojil/rfff/il / * li'j Jaiiifi ( iiinliiii It nnrtt 1
LONDON , Nov. 17 [ Now York Herald Ca
bio Special to Tin : Hi i : . | lloni.v Geoige
will probabl.N take his Sunday dinner m this
city. Ho expected to nrrho in time to listen
to the house of commons debate on the bill
thnt substantially nntioimli/cs land It is to
extend the existing Ashbomne puichase act
The new bill , as amended by Gladstone , has
been already cabled to thu Herald , and is to
bo Introduced under the proposed elosuie ,
Monday , A pailiamentau authontvos , -
toid.ij said , "The Salisbni.goveinmont ,
bj fie nieasmo devoting l. > ,0 ( UIOO , ( purchase
monoi , teaches a dangeidus lesson to the
masses. Practically it shows how discon
tent maj bo used Accomplish government
aid In purchasing 1 mil bj the operations of
this measuie , and any tenant possessing ! !
lease to a fai m at say UOO nnnuallv , linds
his landlord willing to sell him at llfloon
years purchase , land tlio tenant can't p.u the
whole lent due on , and can't i.iise the mone.i
to make a cash puichase of , but
the state proposes to luHaiico him the
monei for a period of fifteen . \cais ,
A puichase at about the rental would
amount to 11,500. At government interest
: ' 3i Pcr cent the annual interest would bo
( .15 , but the gov'Jinment charges the tenant
I'i ' per cent interest , the extra I1j percent
going towaids tlio lep.iymeut of its capital
advanced. Tins on 11,500 is ii > 10s Jner
annum , ropiesentmi ? intoiost nnd lepavment
Haitian ponod. When foily nine . \oars have
passed the interest , or substantially lent ,
must cease , us tlio ropa > men t stn plus has now
satisfied whatever piineipal is due- , and gtho
tenant is bolter off by about t'lKl ( ! ( saved ,
than if ho had kept on pa.Ungtho original
rent of 110 j > er > car. In short , the tenant is
substantially presented with the farm by
the national government , who boi rowed its
price fiom all the taxpayers. In another
sense the rent Is ono of nnti-social-
isin , because the government aid
has enriched merely an indi
vidual. Indeed Gladstolio's amendment
is admirably devised , bunging into
strong relief the landlord leanings of the
government , while the tenants aie opposed
by buidetihomo arreais , with eviction nnd
beggary staiving in fact nothing is done
for them , but the landlords have only to de
mand ifiOfO 000 from the government , nnd
forthwith the commons is informed that all
other business must be set aside until the be
hests of the landloids aio satisfied. It is said
that Mr. Gladstone is pcisotmlly Mixious to
bring forward his amendment at the
earliest possible stage , and his land
lord relief bill if practicable. Tlio debate
will bo taken on a motion for leave to intio-
ducoabill. In that event a division will
piobably bo taken Tuesday night , if , how
ever , an amendment cimiot bj moved until
the second ic.ullinr , a division will be post
poned until Friday next. It is for
the unfortunate , lack-rented tenant
of impoveiishcd land , who is threat
ened with evu lion for liabilities
which his holding has fulled to provide , that
the liberal leader now appeals to pailiament.
strong Irish whip is out all eady and a de
bate is expected ol a sensational character
Many toiisoivatives , who are doubtful as
to the policy of the stop , believing that it is
a system that em bo abused , in order to
enrich individual- . , can bo utilized to transfer
the oiMicislnpof the land from the hindloids
to the whole oody of the community Indeed
Lord Randolph Churchill , who showed his
teeth to the minis ) i\ in a speech tins nftei-
noon at a meeting of his Paddington con
stituents , is expected to cntici/o the govern
ment bill sharply.
How It AVoiUsin Kansas City nnd SI
ST. .loM'Pil. Mo. , Noy 17. [ Special Tele-
giam to Tnr linr J An attempt will be made
at the next session of the legislature to have
the law i elating to the saloon licenses so
amended that the cities of St .Insoph and
Knnsas Cil.\ will receive a larger levonuo
than they do at picsont For this icason an
ordinance , which has been ropoi ted favorably
upon by n committee , raising the city saloon
license fiom f OO to tKI ! ) was not included In
the mnyoi's budgca at thu lust council meet
ing , nor will it ho acted upon until after the
next session of the logishitiuc. Mu\or Lnglo-
hiut will gn to Kansas City shortU to huu >
confcience with Ma\or ICumpf , at winch
time some scheme will bo devised looking to
u settlement of tlio question in uhich the
cities are so vitally intciested , The total
license In this city is 1750. The city receives
only $ JO ( ) . In Kansas City it is * ! sOO , and the
city . 'ccelves ? .r > 0.
A Mr.eaU Kor Mhorl v.
XsnII.I.K , Tenn. , Nov. 17 Ten or fifteen
convicts attempted to cscapj fiom the Ten
nessee penitentiary to night by cutting
through the telling from the fem th floor to
the roof and then thiough the roof. The
warden had been warned of tlio attempt and
had stationed extra guards on the roof and
about the yaid. Guaids Robert llur-
nctt and Charles f'or.jln wcie stationed
near where the roof was cut nnd
waited until seven men had en mo out. when
they ( Jiderul thum to halt Instead of doing
so they dashed at the guaids and Huinet
filed one barral of his gun loaded with buck
shot , instantly killing John Stevens and
painful ! } wounding . T. Honson. None
Tlio American TuiT Congress.
Niw : Yank , Nov. 17.- The American turf
congress , which has been in conference with
custom jockey clubs during the week , elected
for the season ol 1S > 0 1C , I } . Hiewstur , of the
Washington park association , Chicago , as
| irrfcil [ nt.
KtielliMl |
PAIIIS Nov 10La Pans annoUiicis. thai
its I'.eilm c&ricsi.ondint , Robert IV , 1ms
btxu i..iiulcd fU'Ui Prub * a.
A Wonlthy Young Mmi Moots PI
Sudden Death.
About Bronltfnst Tlmo n Lndy Ar
rived From Chicago.
She Knocked Excitedly ut Ono 06
the Rooms ,
Four Pistol Sliols gtilc'Kly Followed
nnd the Kotlj of IlinryV. .
K Foil Lifeless Into
tllO ItOllIlulll ,
An Kurlj MornliiK Trnirody.
It was in the mm nlng. There was a sp.irsii
oiowd in the lotunda of the Paxtou. Penplo
who hid Just como from bieikfast weiu
wiimloi ing about carelossli. The cane rock-
eis were occupied with re.ulcis of the mom-
ing papers. It was a comp muively peaceful
scone , biokon at times by the hmrylin : foot ,
steps of poitois and tun oilers , the latter in
pm suit of the cailiei moining tiains.
U was the unmistakable voice of n nv
volver. The loungers , the lookeis , the truv
ellois , the palters stopped. The bell-
bojs stalled fiom tnon po.its with
the uipldity of lightning The clcik opened
his c\\os to an unusual dogice.
Crack' '
Simultaneously a whitefacedoungnmn
appeared , stiiinl > ling down tne western stair
case He had i cached the middle step ami
then fell to the lauding of the main stnir-
wny at the west end of the lotimdt. AH
boknv woie st.utled into attention. Thu
great plate mirror reflected t ) all who had
heard the explosions , thu murder which had
boon committed.
Crack' Cinck !
They wore the last shots The white fnoo
turned its to those below. Thq
waxeiing vitality deserted the limbs. A
helpless heap of humanity 1 > ° " the laud *
lug. A woman came and inised the bloody
head in her aims. The stoiis as follows :
H W. King , of Htowniinr , King t Co , ot
this city , was shot and killed jestordnymori. .
ing m the Pnxton hotel ba woman named
Elizabeth M Heeohlor , claiming to be his
wife. Avcidictof killing with felonious m.
tent was icnkorod
About 7.30 o'clock yesterday morning a fair-
lmlio < l and attractive woman of about twonty-
fo.irjeais arrived in Omaha from Chicago.
Sue was well diosucd and ot the c.irringo
Mid appearance of a lady of culture nnjj ro-
Ih. pjient. She took a cab to the Pjixtnu 1 3
hole ! , whore she entered the ladies' wait
ing 11,1111 nnd going to the oflleo registered
"Mrs. K. W King , Jr , Chicago. " Hut as
soon as ho was icgistered and assigmd
a loom , sUe entered ! iio elevator and was
piopelled to tno thud floor. Upon arriving
at thu landing she emerged from the elevator
and tuiiiing to Louis Thomas , the little hell-
boy who escoits guests to their rooms ,
iminiicd :
"Does Mr. Harry \V. King loomonthis
floor ? "
The unsuspecting iouth rcpl > u that ho
did , and added that ho occupied room liO.
"Well , does ho live with a woman hero ! "
she again inquired.
The bellboy icplied in the allinna-
live. Iniesponso to the latter icply , Mis.
King mutteied something in a low tone , and
ut unco proceeded to the loom occupied by
Hairy \V , King of the linn of Hrownnig ,
King & company , clotliiein , on Fif
teenth and Douglas sheets. It was
loom liii as above stated , and a gentle tap at
thu door in ought the response , "All light ;
I will bo theto in a minute. " The sonleni'ii
escaped from the lips of Mr. King , who at
the timollttle suspected that ho was to bo
made the victim of
\ iiouimu : muinm.
While waiting outside the door , Mrs. King
slipped to the elevator and i em.u ked to tlio
attendant :
"Tliat man , Mr. King , Is living with an
other woman. I am his wife. "
She walked restlessly to nnd fie in the
hallwuv In front of the looiu occupied by
King , all the while keeping a eloso lookout
that the door was not opened.
Finally King , in a semi nude condition ,
opened the door part way , and when she
caught sight of him the following coiner U-
tion ensued :
Tin : MI i II.NO.
"is illation , Hairy ( "
"Yes. "
"Well 1 am heic , but I do not suppose that
your are pleased at It. "
"No , I inn not. \vant I 3011 to keep away.
You go down in the pat lor nnd I will sen .urn
in a short time "
"No , sir ; I will not leave this door until
jou come with mo. Now Ilmiy joti Know
how you have tieated me , but while I Jlvo
my love will always ue with you. I will not ,
leave you "
Mr. King shut the door suddenly and for u
moment all was silent save the mmdeicsM ,
who with lestless eyes and pallid lips kept
nun muring something that was not audible
to any of the individuals in that poitlon of
the hotel. Mr. King lalscil the tiunsoin over
his door nnd peering out again
requested the woman to go to
the parlor , wlioio ho stated ho would
join her in a few moments afleiward. ThU
she again absolutely icfused to do , and find
ing all hopes of keeping matteis quiet in that
respea , Mr. King stopped out of his room
v urn TIM : WOM\ ,
who rlalmed to be his wile. The two met
with the ( oulnessof strangersbut tlio in tlons
of the woman boio nvitluuo of mnio than a
moio informal ucqualntame existing between
them After passing a few woids , Mr. King
stmted for the elovatoi , stating that he hail
no desire to talk with this Informal cnllcr ,
but Mis King caught hold of hm arm and ,
with tears in her eyes , remarked :
"Harry , will jou not accompany mo to
hre'ikfastl 1 mean you no Iaim. , I intend
to prosecute jou for bigam ) nnd my father
will prosecu'e jou for forging his mime.
That is what 1 came to inform you of , "
"You getaway from me , " iciiiarked King ,
and ho ictr.iccd his steps from the elevator
to n sofa thpt van stationed In ndnrkciii'il
poition of the hall In the second story ol
the hotel. Mis King followed him anil tlio
two lonversod together In a low tonn , after
which they repilretl to tlio lower ji-irlor ,
Fiiiall.v King aioso to go , ami with thai thu
Slum- ( Jim i ; in' A iuvoiviu : :
logpumlcd thioughout the spacious building ,
Thc < foim of u mini was seen runiiliigthiough
tne uallwny by patties on the Suluu tlo'T ,
AM . ' ; li V/UP i./cn followed by a wcuiau