Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1888, Image 1

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A Careful Eotimato Places the Ma
jority at Loss Than Flvo.
lln > lEcdiicllon of the ClnlntH of
Itotli PnrtlcH llio
I/ops Thfin Plvo Sillier Wny.
WASIIINCITOV , Nov 10 , General John B
Clark , Jr , tlerk of the house of represent ! !
tlvos , believes that ICO drmocr.itie represen
tatlves have been elected , and that six dis
tricts are in doubt 1 his Is a calculiitioi
based on an assumption that Wilson ( dcm
Is elected from West Virginn Tlio dnubt
ful distiicts , In Gencinl Clark's estimate , arc
J the First California , TA'itth Kentucky. Second
end North Carolina. Pint , 'Ibird and Pourtl
of West Virginia ' 1'heso districts he sets
down as doubtful because they aio claimei
by both paitictt In majorities so small tha
the oPIcial count mut bo awaited lo deter
mine the result In thc'caioof KuprosentiitlM
Bacon felem ) , of Now Voik , who Is icportec
to have been defcatnd bv eighty imjonty
Cicncrnl Chirk expects that a e-ontesl will en
BUO. Of one thing ho Is confident , and that
Is tlmt the mnjoilti in thu next house wit
not bo live either wni.
Relative to the functions of the clerk in the
nrgnnl7iitlon of the now house , and thejiower
ho Is supposed to be nblo to "xetclso in seat
ing or unseating nicmbcis , Gcneial Clarl
Ha } s that his duties aio fixed by statute , am
aio purely If a member elect
presents a propei eertlllcate of election his
name will bo plaecel on the loll , nnd not
otherwise. Theio cannot bo duplicate
c-citlllcates , because theio in o at present no
dual state governments , as theio have been
at times past m thu south. Gcnoial Clark
mid that from oltldal ice-oiels befoie him the
republicans had elected a majority of one in
thej next houseami this was because up to
tlio present time but ono cci tillcnte had been
presented to him , namely , that of K 'present-
atlvo Herman , ol Oicgon Certillcatcs arc
usually a long time coming in , us they monet
not issued till some tlino after thu oftlcial ic-
tutns nrc made | ubllcIn case the of Mis
MHirl , this docs not take piueo until Jantiaij
and In manv other states the date is equally
remote from election day.
The ivduetmn of claims of both putics to
verv mi iovv mijoiitles of from tlirco to live
or six suggests Intel csting possibilities when
it is romembcii-d that no loss than six per
sons who weio elected to the Fiftieth con-
giess died either bcfoio they had be-on &woii !
in or after the. ) bad taken then seats , anil
that there is a stiong ptobability that theio
will be- some ; deaths among : U > men of mature
turo > ears duiing the long peiiud of thli teen
months inteivcning between clectiondai mil
the assemblage of the new eongicss.
llnriison's Visitors.
IVIHAN vi-eu M , Nov. 101 ho president
elect had the usual number of out of town
callcis to d 11 , among them General Keubeu
Davis , of Abet decn , Miss. , second cousin of
Jeff Dwls. A delegation of about sixty
Indies , menibeisof the Woman's Kelief corps ,
G. A K .irrivcd fiom Cine mnali and vicnntv
at noon , accompiaicd by a splcmlullv drilled
ih inn ' / > rps of eighteen juvenile- . , who led
, tno wiiv out to Geneial Ilatrison's losidcnce ,
followed by the visiting 1 idles and manv
townspeople. ' 1 hey weio icccived in the
parlors by both and Mis. llaiiison
To night Iho couple weie tendered an in
formal iceiptioa by the membeis of the
goncial'H old icgimeitt. The iccei > tion took
place in Wnght's hall , anil lasted until 10
O'clock , when Geneial Harnson and his
pai ty lotutncd home , amid cheeis and v < cll
wishes horn the old comrades.
e'l'ho picsidcnt-elect never seemed in better
health and spirits. The fatigue of the cam
paign has cntirelv disappc.ncd. He has
uioic color in his face' , and friends present
who have known him over twenty years say
ho never looked to better physical advantage
than to night as ho s.tood besielo his accom
plished wife nnd icceivcd the cordial con
gratulntions of Ins old soldieis.
After the depaituio of Geneial Hairison ,
Colonel Mei rill ca'led the meetmir to order
Ifl' '
and submitted a i solution to the effect that
I a committees bo appointed to wait upon the
pie-sldcnt-olcct and asecitain whether it
would bo agi cenblo for the membeis of Ins
icgiincnt to accompany him to Washington
on the ) -Hh of Mai ah to witness and pailicl-
pate in his innugmation. Tins committee
will icpoit in n few dais. It is probable that
tlio veterans will net as an cscoit to General
and Mis. llaiiison.
JHmlnu TcmardH Aelinhn'on. '
MINM roi is , Nov 10 A Uismarck , Dak. ,
Hpeclal sais : It Is icjioitcd that a meeting
of piommcnt citizens of noith Dakota will bo
bold hero soon to discuss the feasibility of
calling an caily constitutional convention ,
that the admission of noith Dakota bo
In ought about at the llr t session of con
ft ens afU'i thu inauguration of Harrison.
The noith I ) ikota dcmociatic eampilgn com
mittee have' demanded of thohcciotaii of
Dakota Tci i itoiy thu coitillc-ato of election of
W. H. Biuilv as delegate to congress. They
assert that the votes cast for Matthews and
lluiclln are void , south Dakota having thu
nccOssaiy quullllcat ons for statehood.
Preparing For the Iiianmir.itlon.
' WASIIISOTOXNov. . 10. Colonel Bowman ,
Major Geode and Quai tcrmastcr Keens , of
Ihii Fiist Pcinisilvania regiment , called on
A. J. Biitton , chairman of thu inaugmation
committee' , to day , to look after quintors for
their regiment Major Geode said that the
entlio Piist bilgudo of Pcnnsilvnula , com-
in thing the Phihidulphia city tioops , will bo
iicTunn Inaugitiiition day Colonel Mooie , of
the Washington Light iiifmttry , has been ic-
iinstcil | : to HCCiliu accommodations for thu
New York Seventh icgimcnt Quai tors have
lice-n K-c-uied at thu Kiggs house for the
Young Men's Republican club of Phila
The Indiana Delegation.
IvmvNU-oiis , Nov. 10 The onirlal re-
tin us indicate thu election of the following
oon'jK'Hsnjei' ' : Fiist district , Parrottdcm. ( ) ;
Second , O'Neill ( doiii. ) ; Third , Urown
( denn Pouith , Holman ( clem ) ; Fifth ,
Coopc-r ( dem. ) ; Slxtn , Brown frcp ) ;
Seventh. Bynum ( deJin. ) : Klglith , Hi-ook-
shlio kdcm ) ; Ninth , Chcadlu ( rep. ) ; Tenth ,
Owen ( H' | ) ) ! Kloventh , Martin ( dem ) ;
Twelfth , McLelhin ( duni ) ; Thirteenth ,
Khlvol.v ( dem ) . Thoilelcyation will show a
tamoi ! t ullc gain of four.
Denioor.itlo Claims Almnelonod ,
NEW Voin. , Nov It ) . A Washington special
to the IwVi-ning Post snis General Clark ,
claik of tno l.ousc , has nnv.ln nbandonod his
claim that t ho clomocnits aio certain to have
u mtijoi it , - , mid states that It will bo necos-
hitri lo await the olllcinl ictuniH and that all
that c.i 'i : i jw be sa.d is tbut the icsult Is In
Knotli-ic-K Suncleilieel.
Lvr urir , Ind , Nov. 10S. . C. Sheu-iin ,
erc-ctari nf tbo dcmociatic national counn.t-
tco , Is he.-o todnon private business. Ho
ilcnoum e-s us fatho the htor.v tclegi aphod yes-
toicbiy that ho had l-ccn summonrel to New-
York tei seu about a ini&'ako in the count.
He KVJr.'s the election
A Pannier Killed.
CAIII isvir.1 r , 111. , Nov. in. in a row fol
lowing a jolllnVaUoa last night
( 'alitaln Sidney Hall , ono of the paradcrs
wit. shot dead. His assailant was lti.liai : !
Owi * , a j"eiKT : of Ihu local yol'.cv forcy ,
'I lui Indian Torrlloiy JMiiilcllu.
KANMS Citr , Nov. 10. A special from
MusUogne , r. T. , reports' an amicable adji'it- '
meet of dinicultiett between Governor Guy ,
of tl ) Ouica'Ka j'r uatlou , H&I ! Uv.-ii ,
A Suiilli Cnrollnn Cdltornn I'resliient-
Illcc-t Harrison.
Untni I-STC.X , s C . Nov -SpecialTele [
gram to Tun Hi i J-Considerable oxcltctncnt
was created In political circles here lust
night bj the leading cditorlil in the News
nnd Courier , written by IMItor F. W. Dawson -
son , member of the national democratic com
mittee. Mr Dawson has Just leturncd from
Washington and the editorial is considered
soml official. It is as follows
These who liavo known Gcnoinl Hirrlsou
loiiganilintiniutclv find excellent points in his
character Tlie cleanness of his private lifo
has never been disputed. Geneiat Hnrr'son's '
war record is more than icspectablo by
merit , not bv political Influence In civil life
ho has been bold nnd uncompromising The
Intellectual force of General Harrison has
been questioned , but his intimates regard
him as iiniuu of big brain With this goes ,
it is usse < ttcelan invincible confidence in him
self 'I Ins Is not the \ievv of the picsidcnt-
e'k'i t that was taken bv democrats In the
late campaign. 'Iho caricaturists then
treated him as n blind or stalking lioiso for
an eastern statesman. But the he.ul no
longer appears too small for the hat It Is
evident from utterances since election that
there is less desire than ever before to dia
goon the southern states It is not uhlikclv
that Senator Chandler will press the bill to
ieiMilnte elections in the south , which ho in-
tioetuced hist wintei. But them are conservative -
vativo Inllucncss at work. Many mil
lions of northern and western capital are al
ready Invested In the south. Many more
millions ran prolltablv be placed in southern
stales. Tnis will go fur to prevent violent
and cocicivo legislation. Thcro is likewise
a widespread feeling that nothing is to be
gained by nttempting to restoie negro rule
and carpet-bag contiol In the south. The
expci Intent bus been tried , and tbeto is little
temptation to icpeat. Tlio conclusion wo
have come to is the southern pcoplu
have little leason nt piescnt to fear extreme
measures on the nail of General Hairison or
of congress , and the southern people them
selves can strengthen bv their conduct the
hope of continued peace nud piogrcts.
Nothing Has Ileen Done Ahout Porni-
Ini * It as Vet.
lM > iv\M'oiis , Nov 10. fSpoelalTelegram
to Tut. Bi i | General Hanlson 1ms not in
vited unibodi to enter his cabinet Helms
written no letteis to the men whoso names
have been mentioned in connection with the
cabinet , and no nmbissadois authouzcd to
lepresent him have been sent east or else
where His moio than piobablu he bus not
considered the availability of any man whom
he would be likoli to appoint , and until he
shall make his o.llcial nominations the pub
lie must remain in ignorance us to his ical
Intentions , except in so far as siumiso may
bu correct. Thu impiession seems to have
got out that ho might icccive proposals for
cabinet olllccis fiom now on , but to some
men who have seen him he said he would not
consider such matters until along in Fob
iuai\ , when the smoke of biulo will have
clcaicd away and the ciuntii will h ive iu-
sinned its noiinal condition. However , it
makes little dilTc icncu to Booster s > t itesmen
w liether the pi csident elect t ikes them into
Ins confidence or not. They nio going to
gossip about possible c-ibmct ofilceis until
they ascct tain who they reallv will be None
of them , somehow , uccoid Mi. Hlamo thu
sec-iet \slnp \ of state- , and the well informed
intimate that he has no ambition to enter the
ViuioiiH He-solutions nnd Mc.mori.ils
-Presented For Consideiation.
CHIC vco , Nov. 10 Tlio National board of
trade resumed its session this mount ! * , ' .
The Cincinnati chamber of commoica pre
sented a resolution for the appointment of a
committee of flvn to inquno into the question
of trusts nnd combinations nnd rcpoi t to the
next annual meeting After some discussion
it was placed lit the bottom of the list of
subjects for consideration when reached.
The Now Orleans chamber of commerce
[ ucscnted a resolution tint eongicss bo
mcmori ih/cd to lake mcasuics looking to
the sticiigUicning of oui baibor and coast
clolcnso Adopted.
On behalt of New York produce exchange ,
a icsolution was offered c.tiling on congress
to i educe the levenue. Adopted.
On behalf of the Cincmniti chamber of
coinineue , a icsolution requesting that the
duti on lough timber bo icmovo I was pro
sentcd Action was postponed until the next
annual mceUnir.
The Now Haven board of trade presented
a icsolution to eongicbs asking fen the icpeil
of thu intcinal luvenuc taxes Action post
l > oned.
The Philadulpln t clumber of commtico
in ( .scaled a and resolution looking
lo the icstiiclion of Humiliation. Passed.
After deciding to hold the next annual
meeting at Louisville , 1CV , the boat d ad
join nc-d.
IZqnnl SnflVaco Assoc-iatlon.
Toprivt , Kan , Nov 10. [ Special Telegram
to Tin Un J Theio was a 1 irgo attendance
to d ly nt the annual eon volition of the Kan
sas Heiual Sufti ago association Among the
resolutions adopted v. cro the follow Inn : "That
the women of Kansas tender their deepest
simpathy to tnolrsistcis in Washington tor-
ritoiy in the matter of the decision of their
supicme cotnt depiivliigthcm of the exciciso
of theii vested light of suffrage ; tlmt wo
most emphatically denounce as unjust and
unconstitutional this unpieccdentcd action
denying the power of a toiiitoiial legislature
u iiiesciibo the qualifications of electors ;
hat wo rcgiet the action of tlio Methodist
Episcopal general confcienco of ISsS , cxclud-
ng the women lay elelegates fiom paiticlpa-
tton in the deliberations of that bed ) ; tlmt
wo ask the legislature to amend the law cre-
itinga Rtuto board of titiRtecs of charitable
nstiliillnns so as to icqniiu ut least two
of Its members shall be women. "
Hall'onr Criticises Oliidfltone.
Lnxiios , Nov. 10 B.ilfour , chief sec rctary
'or It eland , made n speech tills morning at
ccda. In criticising Gladstone's recent
speech at Birmingham , bo said that the ullc
gallons set foith by the ox-premier were
hninctoilzcd by unblushing impudence. It
VMS monstious that the very man who ap-
loiuted the bulk of the resident magistracy
n Ireland , although such invectives had led
0 murder and suicide , should , in order to
obtain n cheer from a Birmingham mnb , hold
hem up to tliu odium of their fellow men ,
x'evcr once , in Iho course of a long speech ,
rail Gladstone- deviated into iiccurau.v , A
noi u scandalous pcifoinmnco had never
been ; ; .vcu by a gi cat statesman.
Keep Out or FIoi Ida.
W\sinsaTOV , Nov , 10 , Surgeon
lamllton has iccolvcd a telegram from the
surgeon at Jacksonvlllo , Fla , saying : "A
steumcr has art ived at Muvpoi t w itb a largo
iinubci of icfugccs and it Is going to bo dltll-
cult to keep them out nf Jacksonville. Tnoy
vill bo in rested If they come In. I
mderstaml u largo number are coming down
on the next steamer from New Voile. I ro-
most jou to take steps to prevent the
tc.imcr bringing them , ns May port Is only
hlity three miles from here , with uluiou
roi stunt communication. Besides , sovcral
-ases of fever have developed there'.1' '
A Cotton Hteiiinur Burned.
Ciumnmi.v , S. O , , Nov. 10. Tlio British
tcamcr Sandi-ngiam ! ) , loading with cotton at
. 'atulerhorst'b wharf , wa < found to bo on lire
n the fonvard hold at 0 o'clock to night ,
5liu has l,4iiO bales of cotton aboaid , The
oes I ? exjicc'.ed to bo heavy.
Wiec-ks on the niltlsli CO.IHIH. .
LONDON , Nov. 10. Violent gales hove
auscd nuir.cioua wm.-Us oa the went coast I
1 Great liiiUitt. j
Three Hundred Fighting Mon
Shipped From Now York.
Seven Aincilcnit Slilpi Detained at
I'opl-Aii.Prlncc V Serious Htnto
of AIT.ilrH UxlHtliiK on
UK ; Island.
for Ilnjll.
New Yoniv , Nov 10. [ Special Tolcprnmto
Tin : BLI- . ] Between two and tlnco hundred
able boulcil men wcio mvstcriously shipped
from tills city Friday The general ' " I'res-
sioti is th.u thci have gone to Unit ! and will
assume the role of lighting men Friday
morning gangs of men with their baggage
over their shoulder * were seen in West and
Grocimlch streets , with their faces sot for
1'ior I , North liver , where n small steamer
was anchored Silently the men boarded the
stciimcr uud were taken down the bav A
few of the men told companions the.weio .
hound for Central Atnei ie.i , but would not
stnto the nature of the business four of
them \\cio greenhorns , and u tiromincnt
man w ho know s them snis"When they
were about to stint I asked where they were
going , but could not get n sutisfuctoiy
answer. Suddenly itstiuekmo they wcio
being shipped to Havti , and I asked them ,
but .ill replied South America They , how
evur , ictuscd to say they wcio Hied
for. by wliom or wliut wages.1'
Messrs Mcssengei A. Co. , of Maiden Lane ,
hnvu received the followitiK letter fioni tno
captain of one of their vessels ut Port-au
1'ilncc , ; ind in view of the serious natuio of
the communication , they h.uo forwarded It
to tlicstatodcpintmcnt at Washington with
a request Minister LJ lynrd Older another
gunboat down to Hnvti at once :
"Noithern ports all blockaded In open vie law and wildest dis-
older prevails at Port au Prince- Both
patties arc paitlal to assassination.
Teleimuiuo was basely assassinated.Veie
it not for this he certainly Would have been
electi" ! and there is no doubt but he would
lm\o seive-d tliu jieople faithfully. Port-au-
1'ilnco , Petit Go.ive , , Jeiemio , Lcs
Cuves and M.ragoane alone aio in favor of
Gcnciul Lcvitiino , tlieiest of the county
having declined for Genonl Hlppolitu. "
[ PicssJ Messenger & Co , of Maiden
Line , iecei\cd a letter fiom the captain of
one of their v essels at Port an Pi mee i ester-
day , and in view of the serious nature of the
comtnu'ikation , thcj have foiwuidrd it to
the staudcp.nttncnl at Washington with a
iequust that , U.i > aid older another gunboit
down to Ihivtl at once 'Hie letter states
that the not them ports aio all blockaded In
open violation ol the Intel national law , and
that the wildest disouler prevails
in Poit an Prince. The steamer Hajticn
Hepubhc , the letter goes on to state , wns
sci/ed as a ] > i ivato and not as a blockade
luiiner. The Ilajticns wanted to shoot all
tlic ollleers and trow , but the foteign eon
Kills piotcsted against this , and the lives of
the Amoi leans weie theiefoio spited
Thcio is onlj one m Poit au-
Pnnco and she is ll.viug the French Hair.
Theio .110 seven Anieiic.inessels now du
tamed in this poit , and theio is absolutely
no dofoiiM1 in case u mob should
take a notion to commit depredations
Tlit > schooner Willi mi Jones ot Boston
was leeentli sei/cd The H.ntiens llicd
shot actors hei bow , eoiniiellmg her to hea\o
to , vvhentlioi bo.uded her and puttheciew
in nous They then toweil the seliooner to
Poit au Pi mi o , where slio is detained as a
pn/c. This soi7uio was undo seven miles
out at sea , and the captain of the William
.Jones has piotested against this ille-riil
bcmuo to Minister Thompson. The other
American vessels cannot get their e-le.nanco
papeis or cugo , and these winch will bo ner-
mittcd to depai twill have to icturn to the
United States in ballast.
An Illinois Girl Klnpcs on flic IJvc ol'
Her Intended M.irriace ,
PAIHS , III , Nov. U ) A sensitional elope
incut occuiicil at IJedmon , near heio , list
evening. Miss Minnie Gordon , daughter of
a wc.ilthj mr ichant in the place , was toh.uc
been mai i icd to day to a \ oung fanner named
Ciider , but another suitor. T. L Sampson ,
planned an elopement , and Mr Simpson and
Miss Gordon left on the Midland coning
train. They have not been located as jet ,
but the supposition is tint they have been
mat i led ,
1 he Illinois Veterinarians.
Cmcicio , Nov. 10 Sixty Iho member *
weio in attendance at the opening of the an
mini meeting of the Illinois State Veteunaiy
association at the Sherman house this 11101 n-
ing. Aftc-i an addicts upon the proipcutvof
the association , the following oflUerswcre
elected Picsident , W. L. Williams , of
Hloonilncton ; vice ptesidents , J. T. N.itlrcs ,
Delavnn ; C. S Gieun , Uichmond , and .lames
McCllntoel. , Gnlva ; conesponding secro
t.irvi S. H. Baker , Chicago : Ucc-ording secre
tary , .I. 1\ Pease , Quincy : tiiMsiuei , .lohu
Scott , Bloomington. In the aim noon the
discussion of top cs was taken up.
IIceinui-Kini : Fight.
YoitK , Neb , Nov. 1. ) To the Spoiling
IMitorof Tin Hi ii To scttlo a wagei be
twccn two f i lends of Tin : JJrp , will jou
kindly turn to such records as you may ha\e
at hand and Infonil mo the numbcrof rounds
fought , the tune in houis and minutes and
the icsult of the gieat pti/ti fleht between
.lohn C Ilocnan and Tom King , in Lnglaml ,
that oceinred .some time between 1600 and
1N5I , andgioatli oblige
Gianni : P. Cnucoiuv.
[ The battle ) was fought December 10 , 1S0.1 ,
nt Wadhnist , England , for f 1U,0)D. ) It 1 isted
twciitv-llvfj lounds , fought la thirty the
nnmitos , when King was declined the win
ner and the uliauipion of Ungland mid
AmctUj. ]
Killed Iliri Fatlier-ln-Lnvv.
Nrw HAAKV , Conn. , Nov. 10 Solon G.
Jenkins , while In a drunken lit last night at
Wallingfeird , shut and killed nls father-In-
law , Stephen Anthony. The murdered man
was about sixty i cars old. Pi\e ic.irs ago
Jenkins , who wns a prospcious incichant ,
municd Anthony's diughtor He took to
diink and his wife went to live with her
parents. Forsovoial days past Jenkins had
been on aspieoand had tlucatcncd to kill his
father in law and hit ) whole family. Tlio mUr-
deier is in juti , which is Hurroundcd by an
angrcrovd ; vowing vengeance.
An Abandoned InlVint.
HVMIIOMIT , la , , Nov. -Special ) [ Telegram -
gram to Tin : BKE | The family of Mr. Homy
Watklns , a di.ijimm , wore surprised at
finding an Infint a few weeks old lying on
the door step yesterday moinlng , MrVat
kins is thoi.\nonyin n ( "Old Honesti" Itself.
The father of ( lie child Is supposed to bo
soiiio ono prominent in the polities of the
county H was uromptly doliveied to the
citj aiitliorltlca.
A niu Stilt Decided.
Munqvarte , Mloh. , Nov. 10 The well
known suit of J. II ChanOlorvs. the Culumot
and Hccla Mining i-ouipanv , brought to recover -
cover posst-ss'on ' of a laigo part of land , on
which the same Is located , was decided by
Judge KOVCIUH , of the United States court ,
who took the case from the Jury. Ho
decided against the plutntifT on the ground
thuttl.o Calumet uud Hecla title was good.
'I be casu will go to the supreme coui t.
Drowned U'hllo Skatlii ) , ' .
Sr , CiofD , .Minn , , Nov. 10.Two young
Gonsof John Maivln , a wealthy farmer liv
ing near here , were dronocj to Uuvhlo |
Sexcrnl VcHscIs Are Wrecked ntu
Many litres I < ost.
( rnpgtlfftt K Jiu JfiniM f.oi-iloii Mfnnrt 1
LoMinv. Nov Irt lNow York Herald Ca
bio Special to Tnr Hr.e. | Still moio sue
cessful tlina ever before was the Herald's
last storm warning The gale predicted Is
psr so , interesting in narrative apart fron
being a prediction. This excnlng's oftlula
report from the meteorologicalofllce , ourtli
sajs : "A gale of extraordinary violence has
been blowing all Uio morning along the
northern coasts of England and Wales , in the
south of Scotland , and over the north of Ire
land , There Is very serious danger nt sea
mid on shore , and In oavcral Instances loss ol
life has resulted. As showing the extent of
the gale , the Fife coast , the Uljde , the Eng
lish channel , the northern ocean and the
Welsh and Irish shores were equally visited
bj the storm. UloidS fiom Holy-
head sajs Unit A fearful gale Is raging in the
Irish channel this morning , A great quantity
of shipping has taken refuge at Hol.Uicad
A ship nshoie tnear Church b.u , opposite
Holj head , speedily broke up. The crew c in
bo seen in the rigging clinging for life to the
masts It is feared sonio of them have been
w ashed aw ay. The vessel Is ashoi e near
Carnal\on bay , and has signalled for help to
llol\hcad. A lifeboat hns Just been sent to Its
assistance. A German bark in peril outside
was being towed in by the powerful tup-
Welcome , when the towlug rope broke and
the tug abandoned her. The Knight of bt.
Gcoigo and a life crow then went out to her ,
and the captain's wife was put aboard the
lifeboat and bi ought ashore , and the boat
ngiin gallantli loft to bring off the crew ,
the tug remaining alongside to render assist
mice All steamers arriving at Grcenock
from niiRlish and Irish ports report the gale
exceptionally severe. Steamers going up the
Clj do wei e unable to step at the piers. The
West Highland mall steamer , which loft
Gieenoek this morning , had to return
after passing Uunoon , the sea making com
plete headers oor her. The sen Is washing
over Diinoon ana ICirnshoie , destroying the
road and pom ing floods of water in private
gaidens. Seveuiliachts in the ( Jlvdo lock
were driven nshoio The Pirth of-Forth all
night was a seething foam. A tug and a
barque are ashore on the Fife coast , and in
ti.ving to land from the but-quo in .1 boat
which was swamped , tnree men were
drowned. Gluyen wa-j today visited by a
Innncane wind , which wioueht great dam
age in many quai teis of the town. Thomas
Ciaig , aged llfty-thrce , who enjoyed the
icpntationof being the tallest man in Glas
goiv , wascmploicd to remove ntotteiingsicn
from a house , when he was tin own by the
\\indiothepavonipnt .and instantly killed ,
child mined McLotUcliicr was ulown
against a cab and mured. The o\
liibition building suffelud considerably.
Sixty feet of the roof of the craml hall was
torn awav and the woik of icmoving ex
hibits had to bo postponed , as It was not
safe for the workmen to cntoc the building.
A chimney stack forty feet high fell and a
man named Chai tens vvavclimshcd to death.
At the mouth of the Tyno a calo continues
to blow fuuotislv. A storm swept over
Armagh this morning , causing gieat dcstriie
tlon of propel itv throughout the country.
Hoofs w oic blown off houses ana tinj stacks
blown down , while the telegiaph and tele
nhone wires suffered severely. The stotm
has been raging at l.iulfnsl since midnight
and many casualties are .reported. The largo
galvanised it on shed'at the. Albert bridge , on
which several men were working , was blown
doiut , and two of themreceived frightful iiv-
juiies , ono man fntallji fa Uelfnst lough
live vessels wcio broken from their moor
SIX IS T1IK NUMRUH. Silent Senator Quay Clniiiiflln
lilt ! IIOIIHC.
WIIINOTOV , Nov. ID [ Special Telegram
to Tin. Hi r. | Those who have associated
with Scnatot Qmv during the iccentcam
[ laign arc willing to take what ho says foi
granted without further' investigation. He
[ Iocs not talk much , is perhaps the most re-
tuout man in public life , and never sajs any
thing unless ho has something to sav and is
cot tain of its accuracy. Dining the cntiro
campaign he did not make a smt'le boast or
: ) icdiction. No ono could get him to say
whether ho thought the republican ticket
would win or not , and the Hist time he ex-
) rcsicd an opinion on the subject was about
5 o'clock on the aftcinnon of election day ,
when , haMng usccitamcd that the game
n the cities of NewYoik and Urooklyn
: iul been plajcd honestly by the
nen cng.iirod in it , ho sent
i telegram to General Ilnnison
iinnouncin ? tiat | ho had tarried New York
stiteandwas elected , when Qua.cut that
lisp.iu h everybody , who knew nun and Ins
JIM uliaritics , stalled for the Hoffman house ,
: ) ( Toitng to bet odds on Harrison's election , given on Cleveland a
few hours before Senator Quay said early
'n the week when he Hist cime to Washing
ton , that the republicans would have si\
najoiity in the next house of representatives ,
mil the ic-tuiiis fiom the doubtful distiktH
ook as if his prediction would lie fulllllcd to
theexait liguiis. He has not given anj details
tails , has not named the dlstiicts fiom which
he expect' , the votes to come , but has given
the llgui cs as six , and stopped thoie. Two of
the.doubtful disliictswhich the democrats
woio ccitnin of Becaring bo.umd a doubt ,
the members of the latter pirtv hcie piactfc-
alii gave up last night , and them temains
but two more to hear from , ono in Kentucky
and the other in West Virginia The Ken
tucKv distiict Is given up by the Courier-
Join nal and Senitor Heck , who has received
piiv.ito infoimution. The West Vhginia dis-
tnctwill not be definitely heard from for
homo days .vet. but Is stoutlv claimed bv the
republicans of that state. If it Nhould KO i o
publican that pirtv will have siv majoiity in
the house. If It should go Democratic , they
will have foui.
A Couple ui'Doyu 1'lay n Shrewd Trick
on n IMiotogr.iphor.
HosTov , Mass. , Nov. 10 Two bo.s . played
n xhrewd trick this uftoruqon on a Tromont
street photogiauher to sequre a watch. They
said that they wished to sit for their plc-
tuics.uiul the pliotogcupUcr proceeded to
place the boys In prtlpef ibaltlons befoi o the
camera. Everything wan ready for the ox-
] Msuiu of the plato when onoofthobo s
suggested that ho would to better
advantage if lie had a watch and chain , and
ho asked the photographer , for the loan of
his watch Just while the nit lure was being
taken , Ho handed the articles over to the
boy , aud then , as bo was ing tho.
camera again , the two boys ftviddcnl.v got up
and inn out of the room and down the stairs
to the stieut and cscapod.
Toll Into llUQwn Trap.
WAVMI , Wis , Nov. 10 Krnest Ungcr , a
hunter from Milwaukee , last night arranged
to Hctngun for deer. Getting Jest in the
woods , ho ran into his own trap and received
the whole cluir c in the thigh. He was this
morning found unconscious by a parly of
Hoaichoia. After being ehot < he dragged
himself to his gun and lired signals lor nolp
through the night His recovery is very
The Canadian Trip Alinnilnnoil.
OTTAW v , Out. , Nov , 10 Lord Sackvlllo
and the Missca West have abandoned tholr
proposed trip to Ottaiva. The governor ( 'on-
eial has. loouivcd a dUjiatch that they will
Bull sail from New York for Franco at un
caily date ,
Poster's liluiilicsH Wns Private.
WtsiiiNfliov , Nov. 10 Ttio dispatch from
the City of Mexico icpoi ting that ox-Mln-
Utcr Foster has presented claims against
Mexico. forf , OUX)3 ( ) is without foundation ,
went to Mexico on private
Mfl AHQTAVP'C ' ICT I \ M\V\ \ \ ,
, liLAUolUAbo LAM iilu\Ii \
It Crontoa Oonstornntion in tbo
Ranks of tbo Ministry.
The Great Champion orilniiinn
Will Ad\oento lite .MensmcM t < or
Ireland Whlcli llao Suc
ceeded In Scotland.
A I lnnk Mo\enien ( .
New YOIIK , Nov 1(1 ( [ Special Telegram
to Tun IHrl The Mail and Uvpress Lon
don cable sajs The cabinet is somewhat
nonplussed. The "Grand old man , " whom
the conservatives and unionists nffect to
despise , luis made a fresh move which tins
surprised tbo ministry. This is Gladstone's
announcement last nitlitthat If the govern
incut , us tliey tincatened , present n bill on
Moudav embodying a demand for a vote of
15,000,000 , additional for the extension of the
Ashbourno net , ho will inovo an amendment
embracing the arreais scheme. This clover
move has taken the inlnistci ml bench quite
unawares. U was expected there that a mo
tion would bo made by the opposition
in the shape of a dnect negative of
the government's motion. This would
have enabled the cabinet debaters to use the
argument that Gladstone was again opposing
a measure designed for the benefit of Irish
tenants , merclj because it was pioposed bi
lbo government. Gladstone's demand , thus
presented , for the simo treatment for Itclund
as has been eminently successful in Scot
land , is turning the enemy's Hank In a most
unexpected fashion. Urgent w hips will bo
issued for a division on this amendment ,
which , it is expected , will be taken on Tues
day night.
The inlluenco of Lord Randolph Churchill
is stukingly shown in n decision of the gov
ernment unexpectedly announced last niulit
L > y Smithto drop the project to cieate a min
ister of agriculture. Chuichill intimated his
intention to move the rejection ot this plan
To this is belie > ed to bo duo the cabinet's ac
Upon icceiving a deputation lecently , the
king of the Belgians is icported to have o\-
[ ircsscd grave feirs of the danger of the Lu
lopcan situation , for which Uclglum must be
prepared. This sounds as if there weie
something in the itimors of Bismarck's design
sign of getting at Prance pit tly through
Belgium , and icvvnrding King Leopold for
ils assistance.
Sir Charles Young's play , of the stle of
lis "Jim. the Penman , " which was left tin
finished among IPS papers , has , in accoid
anio witb the wish of the dead play-w r ight ,
icon completed by Dramatist Wills , and is
now ready for production.
Several Mutters Tonehlnji Irish Al-
l'airn Hriolly UlsciiHscd.
Lovnox , Nov. 10 [ Special Cablegram to
Tin : Bri.l In the commons yesterday Mr.
Smith , government leader , s'T'd in older to
facilitate the work of the session , several
nils would be abandoned. These would in
clude the tithes bill , the lush diamago
Jill and the bill for ci eating a minister of
igiicultuio. He stated that the government
uoposcs to ask the house to vote t"OOU)00 , , ( )
'or the extension ol the Aslibouine act.
Gladstone gave notice that on Monda.v ,
when the motion was made , he would , if the
> roposal meant an addition of . 1,000,001) ) to the
LfyOOO.tOJ all cad spe'it , move an altcrn itivo
o the effect that the house should piocoel
o deal with the question of aricais and ap
> li to Ii eland the pimciple alie.ulv applied
with such great advantage in the CMSO of the
Scotch crofters. [ Liberal cheers. ]
When the estimate for prisons came up for
consideiation , Dillon moved a i eduction of
the silaiy ot Dr. Liarr , as a protest against
its conduct in Dundalk jail.
Hulfour , in offering the motion , dcclnieil
10 never heard of Dr. II in- until ho had been
selected bi the I'nglish pusons bo.ud to fui-
lish independent testimony regarding lush
nison discipline. It was tin o'lgh ' such tes-
imony , added IJilfour , that the govcinmcnt
lad been able to expose the foul conspnaey
of which the unhappy Dr. llldloy had been a
iitim. [ Cries of "Oh , oh , " and cheers 1
Dillon asscited that Dr. Hair was n
veil known Orangeman fiom the north of
Ireland and a protege of the duke of Aboi-
Dr. Clark ( radical ) , member for Caithrcss ,
denied that Dr Hair possessed the high
( luallllcations attributed to him by lialfour.
Ho ( Claik ) had sat beside Harr as a ssudcnt
at Glasgow nnlveislty and bo know him as a
most culinary and dull student. Ho would
vote in favor of n icduction because he be
lieved Dr. r to bo a disgi.ico to his pio-
Mr Laboucherc said Dr. Harr had been di-
ie < tly responsible for two deaths. [ Shouts
of "Oh. " ] Ho ( Libouchero ) , cJid not care
for the snceis of the gentlemen opposite.
Ho hoped ho nud they would alvvajs dis-
ngice. If ho ever found himself agreeing
with them ho should be utterly ashamed of
himself. [ Laughter ]
Matthews , homo secretary , bore tcstiir.oni
to the high chin actur of Dr. Burr.
The Painollltes continued the debate for
some time. Finally n motion to reduce Dr.
Burr's salary was negatived by a vote of 110
to 07.
After Twenty Years.
WAIIASII , Ind. , Nov. 10. Mathlas Grotcn
per , of Livingston county , Illinois , Was to
day man led to Mrs Leah Miller , of Hoann ,
this county. Mr. Grotontrer was a widower
of sixty-six and Mrs Miller n widow iif forty-
live. Mr. Grotcngi r moved from tills state
twenty yearn ago , and it is undi'i stood that
the wedding to day is the result of an old at
tachment. Mi. Grotcngrr came to this
count ! on n visit a few weeks ago , when hemet
met bis old Hume , and > ows weio lencwed ,
BeiiHnllonal MlHsontl ArrculH.
ST. Lot-is , Nov. I'l ' A special to the Post-
Dispatch from Kprmglleld , Mo , sajs n sen
sation was created heie to day by the anest
of Albert Silverberg , Mr. hiimincilluld ,
L. Friend , John und A. I1 Blown ,
wealths and prominent Hebrew rltl/ona , on
the charge of grand larceny The wariants
wuro issued on the aftlduvits of A btoinbci g ,
of Kansas City , agent of a wholesale cloth
ing dealer , wlfo charges them with stealing
nearly ( 10,000 wortli of re id y made clothing.
Had AVrculc In KniimiH.
nLDOUADo , Kan , Nov. 10 A heavily
loaded cattle train of twenty-five c.ns went
through the Walnut river bridge , near this
city , last night , The cnglno and ten cars
wciacomplotolj wrecked. A hundred cut-
llo were killed and many crippled nugincer
Spencer was fatally injured , The loss to the
company nill icacb fc'io.doo.
. 4. . -
U he Brake-man's Stilko Bottled ,
L < rAiETru , Ind , , Nov , 10 The brake
men's strike on the Louisville , New Albany
& , Chicago i ail road wascompiomlscd to-day ,
the company agreeing to pay through brake-
mvu 'i cen.t a wi ima. 199,9 !
A cMU'iiiM ? ruiM ois
tilndnner tires .V Co .of Ctilento , I-nil
Ciurioo , Nov 10 | Special Telegram to
Tun HRP ] The heavy v\holcsilo clothing
firm of Lmdnuer Bros ( Jo , whoso place
of ImMncss Is nt the southeast corner of
franklin and Adams streets , Illed confes
sions of judgment in the superior com t to-
daat noon agfrcgatlug fHi | , V > J iV * . The
oonfcsslons are To Honrv A Kohn. $110-
III ' .M , David A. ICohn , $ l. * > , in4 17and Gcorgo
I'lnstein , tiustee , fM , IW 2 The llrm con
sists of Major L' . Benjamin and Seligmau
Llndaucr and Aaion Uosenblatt , and is re
garded as one of the largest tit ms of whole
sale clothiers In the country. Tho.v moved
into their present store a little over n .vcar
ago and occupied the entire building , which
Is eight stories and a basement in height.
The llrm was organi/ed something over
eighteen . \eais ago b > Benjamin L Lindiiiier ,
who came to Chicago fiom the custsomo
> ears before the Hi o and began business on
Lake- street , ac ir Dcaiboin Ho was at first
alone , but as business giow the two other
hrotheis , and llnnllv Mr. Uosenblatt , were
taken into partnership After the Ilio the
Him did business In temporary quarters
while the city was being u'bullt. mid then
si tiled do\\n \ at 7"i und 77 Wabasb avenue ,
where they icinnlned see'ialoars , moving
thcnco to Isl Monioc street. Two jeais ago
the volume of business done bv the concern
had grown till it was second to that of no
house west of Philadelphia , and itwasiee-
ogni/ed us an aggressive competitor by
the old , established 111 ins in tholr
line in the east. Their trade was
so largo that they felt justllled
in taking the eight stoiy building on the
southwest coiner of Adams and Fianklln
streets , and added extensively to their nianu-
factuilug facilities Dining the last sixty
dins the llrm has paid out between $ . ' 00,000
and f.iOO.000 for imnufiictuimir material
The capital stock originally was $ . ' 50,000
They look to an cnilv settlement
mid expect to resume business in about
llfteen dajs.
The JOO persons in the employ of the firm
had about : > , OTO deposited with their em
plojers 'Ihe llrm g.ivo employment to
about two hundred hands , male and toinale- ,
when all the dep.ntmonts wcio running on
full time.
Uhetr.ido of Llndancr llios & Co , ex
tended all over tlio west and noith-
west , and it was regaided by the trade
heioand thioughout the teirltory tiibutary
to one of the foiemost ibms in its
line of bnsmessaiid the announconientof the
falluio will bo a meat hinpriso to the com
mercial public. In this business long credits
and easv teims mo tbo custom , both in
wholesale and ictail lines , and It is impera
tive that a house which wishes to hold its
customeis must be ptcnaied to accommodate
them in a manner equal to the best they can
be ofTeicd elsewheie. In obedience to this
lule , Llndaucr Bros.c \ Co. were obliged to
miry a great many small customeis , who
woio peifcctly good if allowed n little extra
timein which to miilco sales. The firm's
credit in the cait was unexceptionable , and
Lhero the bulk of the li ibiilties arc. Tito sus
pension was preclpit ited by the pie emptoi v
tcfiisul of H. A Kohn , a well known re-
tned capitalist of this citv , to lencw a note
for $110'XH ' ) w Inch he hold fiom the firm.
His determination to have Judgement on this
note cutoied in court mid to put the Rhoi iff
n possession cumo to the liim onlv this
moining , and when Dcputv Sherifl Bmkc
iiimo to the store to servo the attachment
: iapcrs the shock so prostrated Benjamin L.
Lindauor that ho broke down and hud to bo
Lakon homo. The remaining members of the
Him gathcicd at the oQlco of Moses & New
man , their atuunejb , to discuss the situation.
It Hears Only When ( he Iloiiruons Arc-
on Top.
LIMI , O , Nov. 10 Air. Levi Jacobs , a
well known business man of Van Wott , and
whoso wotd is above leproich. sijs that
ifter the defcit of the democratic p.utvand
ho InauL'ura'ion of Lincoln Ins giandfather ,
iovv dead , pi mtcd an apple tiee , with the ic
luest that the tico bo allowed to grow un-
liistinbed. It giew , would blossom in season ,
nit never boie fiuit until the democi.its
elected n majorilj in thu lower house. In
ISi the tree l oi e a few small apples , but
hev withi'ied away , and it nevei blossomed
again until lVs4 , when twont\ bushels of line
nut wcio githercd , and it hns boino each
sea'-on until tl-.e piesent one. The tico
gi.ulu.illv died din ing the canvass just closed ,
md on the moining of election fell , having
otted to pieces.
lint n Mnn Suicided Because She
Wouldn't iiopc : AViih Him.
Hot i OKF , Mass , Nov. Hi Edw in T. Side ,
in KnglNh aeronaut , was connci ted with
. anger's ciiciis. Mis Allen ai rived heio
rom England leicntlj She wns an old
lame of Side's. Side called on Mis Allen
md uiged her to leave her husband .She ic
used. This morning ho n tinned nnd found
icrljing in bed with her baby. Hu hissed
he baby and limed Mis Allen to kiss him.
When she refused ho told hci since she
would not 111 willr him he would leave liei
fir "thutenuntiy fiom whkh no tinveler uj
ui us , " and , taking a pistol from his pocket ,
ilow his brains out .Mis Allen's husband
s a miner In Idalio.
Business Ti onltlcH.
, Nov 10 The hoavv wholes ilo
lothing Him of Lindiucr , Bios .t Co Illcd
onfussions of judgment in the supctiorcoui t
o day nggieg.iting lsj"ii. ( The lii in consists
f Maicr P. , Ben ] imin and Scligman Lin-
auer and Aaron Hosciitilatt , mid isicgardcd
as ono of the largest Ilims of wholesale
elotliicis in the conntiy. The failuio is duo
to HOW ! collections and poor sales on nicniint
of tliu extreme mild weather. The llrm did
u business of $1,000,000 aeiir The assets
nictSJO.OOO. Liabilities , * lt)0,000. )
A rrluiillnl Jleath.
Bi 1,1 1 1 ox n , Pa. , Nov. 10 In the Centi o
Iron tompani's mill nt this phieo this moin
ing John Flack , liftmen yean of a o , em
ploied as seller , st n ted to shut the gates
that stop the machinery , when ho tripped
and fell on the coupling of a line of shafting.
Ho was tin own umicr it , and a bolt on the
coupling ( aught him in the stomach nnd tore
out his llvor and entrails , and wound them
around thu shafting. Ho lived onli a few
It.inUer HOWIS'H 'Murderer.
ATI.VXTA , III. , Nov. 10.-C h Hiiikhardls
not the teal numoof thu villain who killed
the wealthy b inker , Howe , and wife at We-
nona last Sunday , aftenvaids suiciding It
was ascei tamed to day that the imndcrrr's
light name was Lewis , that ho was of negio
blood , and that Ills maiiiuu'o to Mis. Kith
aidsoii was bigamous , Thu woman nad a
husband at the- time in Nebraska , who is believed
lioved to be living vet
Tim \\eatlicr Indications.
Ncbiaska 1'air , followed in western portion
tion bj sno-v or lain , stationny teinperaturn ;
Boutheusu rly winds.
Iowa Fair ; variable winds ; slight i iso in
tcmperatuic In wcstcin poitlous ; htationary
tempcraturo in eastcin portion.
Dakota Pali ; vaimblu winds shifting to
soutlierli ; warmer in not them ; sta-
tionaiy tiMujiL'ii.tuiij In southern poilion ,
'I'lin Paillninent I'lo rununo.
Lovnov , Nov 10 Parliament will bo
questioned on Momlity with reference to the
appointment of a suicr > bsoi of Lord Saula-illo
IIH minister lit Wiuliington On Thuit > Jay
the libhciics disjmtes will bo brought up.
roiindered nl Sea.
Roviniv , Nov. 10 The The coasting
htoamci Valtauna which lelt Cutch , India ,
Bombay with 000 natives on board , is av < ok
ovciduiIt l supposed she foundered In thou
u aV &U bauda were lost.
Yostonlny'a ' Procoodlnffa of the Con-
voution nt Imllmwpollo.
The Cftso ol' Bniij Under Conslderft.
tlon nnd n Ueelxloti i\ncoted :
The KiilKhlM or Inhor.
Nov 1C.A Intge portion of
thu morning session of the Knights of Labor
congress was taken up with a debate over
thoicpoit of the committee on appeals nnd
gilovanccs in a case from Chicago ( leorgo
Si hillinir , master workman of Distiict Assem
bly 'Jl , had granted a tiausfer caul to u nssemblv , anil
the members ot Mutt assembly protested.
The i-ommittco repotted In favor of sustain *
Ing the protest , and after the debate the nv
port was adopted After somn ether unim
portant work had been disposed of n recess
was taken foi dinner.
The first business In the nftcinoon session
was an address bi Kev. Wilbur r. Ciufts ,
of New York , on the question of Sunday
labor. 1 ho central thought of discourse was
"Sabbath Kcfoi in Needs i Nntiomilirntlon , "
nnd it has In substance been delivered by him
bofoi e.
The commltteo on appeals aud gilcvanccs
reported the protest of 1) A No 7f > , against
the organisation of National Distt lot asscni-
blj No 'J.'O , their repoit being favoiabloto
the latter I ) A No 7.r > , tlnough A I ) Best ,
claimed that the other organlr.itlon had not
been legall.v pcifeitcd As both wcio com
posed of stiect endiivtis , a decision would
settleas to which of two certain local as
semblies they would bo attached. There-
port of the committed was adopted , and No.
-'Jii will make mi Immediate gain of member
ship of it.OOO orI.IKJO . members. The reason
given on which the piotcst was founded was
technical ovcislght at the time of the or-
ganl/ation , in August , Iss" , but in in.
ality it was a peisonal matter , Dis-
ti let Assembly No. 7. > , being anxious
to ictain the eastoin members whoso
regulai connection was with ! M ( > N A. P.
-.Mi is the thud stioni'cst in the older , and it
Is claimed bits delegate's that it will stc-p ht
once to a fiont place.
The commltteo on the state of the order desired -
sired action on the eight hour movement and
iccommendcd the appointment of a special
committee to look niter the matter and taKe
the proper action It was so oulcied by th.o
general assembly.
Some member , whoso name was caicfully
suppressed , intioduccd a proposition that
icwspiper men bo made Ineligible to mem-
. > oi ship in the Knights of Labor. The subject
was diseusied at some length and with some
w .ninth. When \otewas oideied only half
11 do7cn out of 1,10 delegates would vote for
the proposition , and it was defeated.
Bv a resolution intioduccd and adopted , jt
wasdcculod to give to the press only the ic-
sult of the { impositions intioduccd. although
that had been all th it has thus far been giv cm
out.A lively discussion ensued over the Intio *
duction of a pioposilion to form Chinese info
independent oigaiii/ations As the prcseut
laws stand , Chtncso stand on the came foot-
inj ; as all others , n sunicleut vote bejng the
onli"icquiremont for idinission an members. °
To night the committee on grievances Is
considoiing the cisos of U hoiniis B Bauy ,
of Michigan , and J. M Bloomci , of Toledp ,
O. The case of Bani was given Bloomer was fnimcrlv cditoli"
of the Industiiiil Ncxvs , published at Toledt ) ,
and Ins statement of Ins case is that it is ( o
decide whethei the cxeeiitivo board call
expel a member without tilal. Ho fuither
claims that it is In settle whether a distiict
assembly can destioy piopi-ily. On tli.o
othei hand , it is assoitcd that ho was ox-
P"lled for villifiing olllieis of the order.
Both of these cases will bo icpoited to th'o
gcncial assembly in the moining , and their
action is looked foi w aid to with consideia-
blo interest *
Mis. L M. B.niy , wlin o woik in the in-
teiost of women and gn Is has been constant
for a long time , is coiillned to her bed at thu
hotel Horn ncivous exhiustlon. She ban
been woiking very haid with insufllcicnt
i es t.
A Hifihly Sen-itioiial Slory Kc arcN
Int : His Identity.
Ciucvfio.Nov 10A ficnsitlon il slot v. was
pi mtcd tills moining fiom l lffin , III. , tending
to connect a cta/vman n itnuil George Iliitch-
inson , a foiinci patient at the Klgln hospital
for the insane , with the London Whitcchapal
butcheries w Inch have honillc'd the vvoild.
The story was to tno effect that Hutchinson
had escaped fiom the Llgm hospital and had leciptmed and sent to the Kankakeu
hospital , and CMcipmg fiom the le , had comii
to Chicago and nun dured u woman of the
class to wlih h belonged the victims of thu
Whitcc h.ipd ghoul. Ho was again atic-stcd ,
so the htoi.v goes , and rctui ned to the Kanka-
kce hospital , fiom which ho afterward es
caped , having now be-on four .veins at huge.
The detectives of the Chicago police do-
pat tmcnt have no knowledge ( jf the pei initia
tion of n ( i line such as the ono desci ibcd.and
have no iciord or photo i iph of a 111:111 :
named Gcoigo Ilutcliinson. Lieutenant UN
llott , when seen this morning , said. " 1 don't
think thi'ie c.m be any truth m the stoiy. 1
do not icincmber sue h a eases 01 any record
of it. J heio is no picture In the logucs' gal-
leii , to mv knowledge , of any man named
Georga Iluti liinson , and 1 ntiver heard of
nnymuidci under the eiicuiimtane'i's named ,
Ilowovor , if theie Is any ti nth In the story ,
it might prov o a rood clew lo the identity of
the Whitcchapcl muidcier. Wo will look
it up. "
Want Their Kltrhtf.
CnvMiinti AIX , Dak. , Nov. Hi , In Fubiu-
ary , Ibb" ) , 1'ivsldent Aitliur Issued a pioc-la-
1'iation dcclai Ing the Crow ( 'loeknml Wmnu-
Dago reservation open to settlement. A
laigc number of people Immediately came In
and took up laud. After Clovchind'H In-
aii uiation ho withdrnw the lands fiom the
maiket and ouleted nil xcttleti off , but largo
numhcis aio still living on the lamia
and uio now eliciilatlng a petition
leciting the facts and concluding. "Owing
to the proRt-iit title of the Kind wo icisidu
upon , we i miiul h ivu Hi-hojls and ether nd- ,
vantages vliic-h we highly iirUo Wo pray
the jirc-sidint of the United States or con-
gi ess , in Iho coming scsnlon , U. npon those
lands to settlement foi actual nc-ltlci s , that
our needs may bo supplied by s'in ing titles
to our homes and schools foi ourcildiin ! ! , as
wnaroupon lands wholly unowc upiod , und
not in any way used by thu Indians. "
Cleveland as a Kallroad I'rcMdriit.
BAI rnioiii. , Nuv , IDSjio | lalTlegiam to
Tin. BII : : j Scveial 11111101 loua confoionces
held the last few days bc-twccn President
Cleveland nnd Senator Goi man have led lo
HID piomulg.ition hcie of a rumor that the
nstiitn politician Is arranging to se
em e for the president a position after Ills re-
tncmcnt fiom the chief muglstiacy , thlt *
pos tlon , It Is said , lining the prc'Hldoni'.y of
tin- Baltimore .1 Ohio lailroad. Of courfto.
it is not Known vet whether Mr Cleveland
would aci cpt , but In case he bhould It is un.
dimtood Iho in liter has been so anangod
that the piesunt air.ingmnnut with Samuel
Span cr at the iicad of thu dlioctorato will
continue until Jmii > , at which tnnn Mr. Clfi'/n.
Innd would tiu elected piCNidc'it of the grc&t
sybtc'n built up by .lulin Cj.inelt.
The ; i\prcns ; C'oinpiuiy I'nyu.
NKW YoiiiJ , Niiv. 10J'ho A lai'is expn'M
company has pikl to Trcasnror Hy.ilt
(11,000 , being the amount duo which was
lust bctvyocn Now Orleans nnd Washington ,
fiom ttui shipment of Bllvor , when hoV WA4
eubJlitutcd for $ tolcn money ,