Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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This ovonintf there will bo a lecture
nt the synagogue upon the "Sur-
vlvnl of the Fittest. " followed by divine
The Unity Shnkespoaro club lias Its
regular fortnightly meeting this
evening at Unity church , Seventeenth
find Cats streets. The first act ol
" .luliua Ca > sar"will bo road. All Inter
ested arc invited to bo present.
There will be a rocular mooting ol
Harry Gllmoro division , 1SJU , of the
Order of Hallway Conductors , held al
their hull , 11210 iniglflf > itroot , on Sun
day , November lh , at l ! o'clock p. m. , for
the purpose of electing oil leers for UK
uniming yi'iir and delegates to the next
annual convention , to bo hold nt Den
ver , Colo. , in May , 18S9. All members
nro requested to bo present.
Louis A. Klnncy , of Hastings , was in the
city ycstsrday.
Twelve members nf the Murr.iy & Murphy
combination are at the Uowns.
C. U. Hacon , agrnt lor the Hose Coghloti
company , Is n guest of the Merchants.
Mrs. J. Swan , of Cheyenne , Wyo. , wife ol
the cattle king , Is u guest nt the Paxton.
"Dock" Woodburn , formerly of Omaha ,
now of Pine HiUgo agency , has arrived in
At the Windsor .1. Y. West , Kansas City ;
A. Miller , Chicago ; J. P ( Jrovc , P.ipillion ;
W. 1C. Snyder , New York.
Mrs. M. II. Carleton , of Loup City , Is with
her daughter , Mrs.V. . S. Silencer , at 11)10 )
South Thirty-fcecond avenue.
W. S. Spencer , editor of the "Western
Knight , " who has been very 111 with typhoid
fever , Is on the road to recovery.
C. K. Woodruff , a prominent barb wire
manufacturer , of Jollct , 111. , htopped at the
Paxton yesterday en route to the east.
Miss Joslo Kncgo , who has spent the sum-
mnr among friends and relatives In Omaha ,
loft for homo at Galena , III. yesterday.
At the Merchants T. C. Jamison , Santa
To ; Mrs. Vcro Craig and li. Kosenthals ,
Chicago ; .1. J. Stuvcnson , Mubcatino , la. ; J.
J. Smith , Lusk , Wyo.
Lmlwig Grobccker , n well-known tenor
singer , formerly of this city , has returned
mill will bo nt the opening of the Gees theater
on next Sunday night.
Thomas E. Mucray , Mark Murphy , T. A
Sweeney , Helena Hardenburg , Hlunche Soy.
tnour , and L. T. Hoes , of the Murr.iy At
Murphy combination , are at the Mlllard.
At the Arcade : M. A. Koekinuer and
wife , Hastings ; Dan Hcaly , Itiuvlins : H. II
Judd and William Crapcnhoft of Surprise ,
CJeorgo R Trush , Wulioo ; William K. Wal
ton , Genoa ,
The following members of the "Murphy
and Murray" company are registered at the
Millard : Thomas 1C. Murray , Mark Murphy ,
T. H. Sweeney , Helena Ilennesoy , Blanche
Seymour and Louie F. Dooio.
At the Paxton draff Smith , Hoston ; M.
Mackeal/e , New York ; . ) . H. Maul , Phila
delphia Pa. ; .1. H. , n. U. Hurlbat ,
V. P. Caryl , Snm Dalton , U. C. Allin and
AugKothe , Chicago. ; Walter. I. Lamb , Lin
coln ; .1. U Marsh , DcsMoincs ; C. B. Jones ,
At the Murray D. Karris , R J. Ilowells ,
H. T. Alter , of Denver ; 1. R Peterson and
Hi H. McLane , of Philadelphia.
At the Millaid S. J. Spring , L. Hursch-
horn , M. S. Jaeger , James Kirby , N. S.
Jenkins and E. E. Perry , of New York ; J.
1C. Hlair , H. S. Shields , J. E. During , C. U.
Gillctt and James K. Hnnna , of Chicago ; A.
II. MolTatt , of Kansas City ; C. H. hidings ,
North Platte , Neb. ; Mrs. E. E. Smith ami
Mrs. Jessie R Croan , of Shcnamloali , la. j J.
J. Orr and wlfi > , Buffalo , Wyo. : Albert
Hlaek , Newark , N.J. ; J. 13. Coolcy , St. Jo
seph , Mo.
A Hoc Serenade.
Murray & Murphy's band serenaded Tnc
Uiiu upon their arrival in the. city yesterday.
'Iho music rendered was of an oper.itic tenor
and the rendition excellent.
Klcctlon AlistractH.
County Clerk Hocho forwarded abstracts
ol election of the vote of Douglas county for
legislative and state ofliccrs to the sccictary
of state and speaker of the house yesterday.
Another Operation.
Ed Knott , the switchman who lost hia leg
a few nights ago , hud to undergo a second
opetation yesterday and his leg was am
putated nearer the thigh.
Colonel Ilenrj 'H Itcport.
Colonel Henry , inspector of rillo practice
In this department , has made his annual tar-
cct report to General Hrookc , commander of
the department. A review of It will appear
Is Shu Crazy ?
Mrs. Sarah Lechman , who lives at 1H17
California street , has sworn out a warrant
for the arrest of Mrs. Ella Hadins , n neigh
bor , who , she claims persistently curses ,
abuses her , nml carries a weapon to kill her.
Mrs. Leohman buried her husband only a
week ago.
Ueprcsoiitatlvo railroad engineers are gath
ering in the city , and to-night will
hold a secret meeting. Those already ar
rived claim that it Is only a regular business
meeting , but others wiv that It Is much more
important , business that brings them to
Omaha at this bc.ison of the year.
Tlio Eden Museo Is crowded this week ,
and the attractions nro worthy the great at
tention given thow. J. W. Cofley , the dude
skeleton , is interesting all by his marvelous
and curious person. Coffey weighs but
forty pounds , and has iivory appoar.mco of
the most accomplished dudu. While ho Is
not n tiling of beauty , this wonderful man Is
aoy forever to all who enjoy the marvelous.
The attr.ictlons in all p.irts of the house nro
excellent , mid no one should miss this week
at the muscc.
Oiniilm as a 11 .Hkot Marlcnt.
W. N. Nnson , chairman of the bureau of
manufactures of the board of trade , says
that the future of the Omaha
basket factory is assured. Sixteen
thousand dollars have now been
secured , and the ix'muinini ; fl.OCK ) Will bo ob
tained this weak. This will give a tmllding
thrco stories high , with a force of forty men ,
the work of whom will 11ml a market at
A Dully Punished.
Bill MoRirl.itid , the iiaekdrivor who was
arrested for being drunk and kicking In a
( door , was arraigned before Judge licrkn ,
[ found guilty and lined $ r.M ) . As ho paid
over the money to the Judge he remarked. In-
HolenUy , that thu magistrate was stcalini ;
the money from him. The Judge Immedi
ately sentenced him to ton days in tlio county
] ull for contempt of court , showing lilm that
I nl least police Ju Igcs are frco from thu bully-
lug of such as ho.
Old liard'H Hafo.
Superlritcadci't James , of the public
schools , denies the statement made in a
morning paper that tlio Uard street school
liulldlug Is unsafe. Ho declares that ills
onu of the best built buildings in the city. Ho
Jm personally inspected thu , structure , and
Tin ! > iMica unable io Jltul an unsafe spot la [ ( ,
Ilo sees no reason whatever why it should
not bo continued. As fur as the shaking of
the building by passing trains is oonoeniOi' ,
Mr , JuoiOji doolarjs. mil any building , how
ever subv.aal lal , is similarly arfcctod , Ho
RCtiS fl& use of squandering the public money
on a now structiuo.
Tlio P.oliuo Court ,
Heforo Judge IlcrUa the case of C. H. Illg-
gms , charged with selling ll'iuor ' niter midnight -
night , was pontln\ied until to-moriow at 8
li , in.
Hilly Yodng and ( . ! . . M. Andrewivuro held
In t300 bonds to tlio district couVt oa the
charge of highway robbery. Young and An
drcwo , it Is alleged , slugged and robbct
James Welch of n silver watch and W ot
Hnrney and Tenth street.
William Young nml Kd McAndrows , wh <
were arrested for robbing A nmn Tucsda ;
night , have been held to the district court it
the sum
It WnH Upcncil YcHtonlay Mornlna lc
Hcnnter lilnlngcr'H Residence.
There arc few visitors to the Llnlngct
gallery In the morning , but ample amend ;
arc furnished . In the everting , when thi
andsomo room Is crowded. Tin
hanging of the pictures was evidently hur
rled. No. 100 , a beach wood , by Mrs
Cclma H. Hlgglnson , has considerable merit.
At the llrst glance it offers some resent
bianco to the paintings of .Tarvis McEntee
the artist of sombre forest scenery
.n the fall. I3ut this is merely
'uncrflclnl ' , and it requires but a slight ex
ainlnatlon to show that the Omaha artist ha <
methods of her own. which are entirely dls
tlnct Iroin others. She comprehends the
force of crny tones , and in these she is upot :
the whole happier than in the russet tone :
which aio predominant. Slight as the picture
turo is it reveals clearly that the artist paints
nature sympathetically and comprehends
harmonics and values. The brush work ennno !
well be estimated in the present position ol
the painting.
Mrs. Edwin Davis has an oil painting of an
old violin ( No. .7J ) , which also has considera
ble merit , especially ol manipulation , but
this Is a specialty which oilers less difileuity
limn any other branch of oil painting ,
In the water colors there arc some of con
siderable merit , moro especially in the archi
tectural elevations. The design for the puuip
house of tlio American Waterworks com-
paiii , exhibited by the linn of Mendelssohn ,
Fisher Lawrie , is a real gem nml shows n
surprising mastery over water color art. The
line of the peaked roof is a little too archi
tectural , perhaps , but with that exception
little cat ) bo said of it thnt Is not in its
praise. It Is presented in warm and cool
tones , instead of the usual formal tinting ,
and the ornamental details are rendered with
strong relief. The bold tinting of the sky is
also commendable. The artist is fairly
ubieast with the Architectural league , whoso
exhliiition last spring in New York revealed
the fact that the architects of America arc
doing aquaiellcs that will compare favor
ably moro than favorably wilh the efforts
of all , save a few water colorists like Coleman -
man and Louis C. Tiffany.
b'rcdenc Knight's architectural drawings
are not very good , but , on the other hand his
water-color landscapes nro charming and
show a practiced hand. Tlio "Sliaaed
Path" ( No. lJis ) full of the best qualities of
water-color work , warmth of tone , brilliancy ,
transparency , and picturesque suggestion.
The latter quality touches the very key-note
of water-color painting , which not only per
mits but Insists that spaces shall bo Illlcd
with charming color that shall be suggestive
only , and need contain no elaboration of ob
jective form. No. 13S , a Japanese doll , by
the same , is full of this suu'gestivouess.
Another water color artist who deserves
high commendation is Miss 1C. E. Pettis ,
whose aquarelle of little birds perched upon
a bramble snray mixed in with ox eyed
dnisicb is a delicious bit of nature. It is
wanting a little in coloring , but it makes up
for this In the charming characterisation of
the impudent little siskins , and in the faith
ful drawing and tender hues of the lloral
forms. When Miss Pottis comprehends the
latitude allowed to the water colorist she
will go far. for she is in love with nature and
delights in rendering its playful and
Innocent side. Frederick Church , of Now
York , has made the Held of bird comedies
his own , but Miss I'ettis lias an equal gift of
perception of the lun there is in these little
things. It is assumed that this is an original
sketch , and has not been borrowed from any
There is a pen and ink drawing by Sidney
Smith of an interior in the residence of Dr.
S. D. Mercer , which lias great merit , and
could bo reproduced to advantage by the
Kchitino lilm process. It is to be rcgrctlcil
that there are not more attempts in
this line , for much may be
achieved by a skilful baud that
will compare with good etching.
It is true that though it seems casv it is
abominably dinicult , but it is by no means so
dillicult as painting in oil colors , and many of
tlio exhibitors whoso success in that depart
ment has not been marked , might do com-
niLMidablo pen ami ink sketches. No notice
is taken of the Paul and Virginia because it
is dillicult to say to what extent the use of
photography has been allowed to go in this
It is to Do Waeeil During the Legis
A double-header in the parlance of the in
surance agent is n company which nuthori/es
moro than ono agent to solicit business for it
in a certain city. There are llfty such com
panies in Omaha. Some of these have from
ono to ten representatives. The com
pany which it is claimed is most distin
guished in this respect is the Glens Falls.
Tlio orthodox insurance men are opposed to
this multiplicity. They claim it injures busi
ness , deinoraliyes rates and leaves the citi
zens at the mercy of a crowd of people who
do not depend upon insurance busi
ness for a livelihood. The imitation
of tlio question by local underwriters has at-
ti acted the attention of the special agents of
the one-agent companies and thcso have de
cided to moot in Omaha on the ' 'Oth of this
month to talio stops to design a bill which
will do away with these cut-throat agents.
Tlio proposed measure will endeavor to limit
companies to ono agent in a city , tliouuh
homo people think that such a law would be
"Who are the leaders In this move ! " was
asked nil insurance man.
"I know of only three , but they ore well
known and will attract at least liftv or sixty
other special agents. These are Uob Key-
nolds , of the Connecticut of Hartford ; J. E.
Iliehards , of the Insurance company of North
America ; O. Dana , of the Cicrmun American
Insurance company. "
Hut , tlin Hurclar Escapes Even With
His Hullut.
A reward of f2l)0 ) has been offered for the
nrrcst of the burglar who broke into the
itorcs ol Wallace & Wm&Tster and Smith
tiros. , at Tokumah recently , and stole silk
.flush cloaks , Jewelry , clothing and divers
ather valuables. The deputy sheriff who
mi-sued the- thief got shot In the mouth , but
lie retaliated with a bullet in the burglar's
: oft wrist. It is now known poMtivoly that
: ho burelnr Is no other than the notorious
Itcddy Wilson , well known to the police
icro. Two years ago ho was convicted of
nirglary and given n year in the penitentiary
mil 1ms horvcd u number of terms in jail also
Tor minor offenses , Ho is now believed to bo
ipuratlng wilh his old pal Doug Maguire and
t Is thought , they are working between
Dmalui and Sioux City.
nnd DompHuy Slun Articles
l'"or n Kiftucn-Iloimil Content.
Artii-lcs of agreement fora llftecn-round
rlovp contest worn hiffnoil yesterday after-
loon octwcon JiniR's Llnilicy of this city nnd
JuFour's unknown , who turns out to bo none
ithcr tlmn tlio clmtnnlon lightweight of the
'acillo slope John Djinpsoy. The iiiiiteK is
o tuko place In public in South Onmlin on or
icforo Uccuinbur 10 for u purse i.f ? l,000.
jcmpaey is rated u number one mini from a
uiKilistiei standpoint , he Imviiig won some
lolly contested vietorios. Ho is niled ns a
mrd hitter nnd clover boxer , mul is said to
ominaud big money at thu hnndn of Ills ad-
Hirers. The coming contest with Lindsey
'ill tie nndur MnnniU ol Queoim'ji.'rry rules ,
) ein | > sov ii uow under the tutoivhlp of Pntsv
Still Unidentified ,
The man who was found In it state of In
fusibility close to the Sixteenth street via-
I'li't ' on Wednesday night was removed to
ho hospital yesterday by Dr. K.ilpu's ' in-
trurtlons. The unfortunate follow con-
limed in the condition as when found
iy the police , qiilla unable to give the slight- *
st clue to lib identity. The city physician
i of tbo opinion that ho will 410 ,
my wife to use I'o zonl's Com *
ilc.xion ) ? owdor 1 > uca > in-it iniuwiyci ; her
oolcS and is us fragrant us vlulyts ,
It Will Ho rinccil nt the Service ol
Untiring Appolntocn ol' Cleveland.
Chief Deputy Cnlhoun It In receipt of a lot
tcr from n I'cnilsylvnnia friend , which 11 of i
model tenor , Kncloscil In It WM a tlckci
printed in regular railway form. It Is ovei
tlio "Cluvolnnd Down-Hill UndcrRrouni'
railroad , " and comes direct from "Emigrant
headquarters" at "Headwater Spring * , Salt
Hlvcr. " The coupons entitle the bcnrer t (
trnnsportntlon from Thurmnn to Cleveland :
Hitls-lmrph to Thurnmn ; Flak-brook to Hills
burgh ; Helva-Dear to risk brookj nntl fron :
Washington to Uelvn-De.u- the following
terms :
The ( specifications are tliat in consideration
of tlio reduced n\tc lit which this ticket if
< > old , the holder agrees to fulllll tlio condi
tions of the contract an nttuehoit ,
1. This ticket li irood only ono way the
Cleveland Down-Hill Underground road will
never bo nblo to provide return transporta
J. This ticket is strictly limited to train
drawn by locomotive "Free Trauc , " which
leaves Washington March I. ISS'.t.
! 1. No stop over allowed , unless by order of
the civil tcrvlco commissioner * .
4. The holder hereof , In consideration
of Its oeliiff issued In this dreary hour
of misery , us a last resort , will not expect
any pie wrapped up with the lunch provided.
5. The company will not hold ifsclf re-
responsible for any damage arising to pas
sengers on this train , bv reason of collisions
with the Proprietor and Progress road , which
runs in the opposlto direction.
I. On presentation of this contract to the
company's ntfunt , D. Liimont , at Head
water Springs , Salt river , n rebate of n red
bandanim will be given , as u memento of the
Tlio ticket Is slpnod by the following man
agers : I' . O. Mugwump , superintendent ;
Hoper Mills , general passenger agent.
Standard shorthnml bdiool. 1007i Far-
How tlie Contractors Have Worked
Tills Year.
During the past season Contractor Smith
has paved with cedar block the following
streets : Douglas , from Twenty-llfth to
Twenty-sixth avenue ; Twenty-fourth , from
Wirt to Spencer ; Twenty-fourth , from
nam to Dodge ; Douglas , from Twentieth to
Twenty-fourth. Ho will have all his paving
contracts llnishcd to-morrow except one
block on Tenth street , between Martha and
Castellar. This will probably be held over
on account of a proposed change of grade ,
and by a resolution of the council the work
has been Indefinitely postponed.
Uepan Hro-i. it Co. have paved Capitol avu-
nuo with cedar blocks from Sixteenth to
Twentieth and n very small portion
tion of it is yet unfinished ; .lack-
son from Sixteenth to Twentieth
Is also about completed. South Eighteenth
from Humpy to Leavcnwortlt Is concreted ,
but us the contractors have failed to get suf-
llcunt blocks , the work has had to come to u
standstill and limy not be completed this sea
son. Mr. Fox has loft , for the south to see
about getting sufllcicnt blocks to complete
these three jobs.
Hugh Murphy has paved with granite Vin-
ton street from Sixteenth to Twentieth ,
which is now about Jlnished , also four blocks
on Castellar , which are nearing completion.
Grace street , from Sixteenth to the Holt
line has been graded and will bo paved by
'Iho paving of Nicholas street with Colorado
rado stone bv Mr. Murphy is about finished ,
and that on Twelfth , from Chicago to Davcn-
nort , is progtcssiiitf. The injunction will
liold open one block of the paving on
Eleventh from Mason to Williams. Douglas
street , from Seventh to Eighth , will bo
finished , soon. Lcavcmvortli street is being
curbed , and Pierce , from Fourth to Fifth ,
and Fourth , from Pierce to the alley north ,
will bo laid over to allow the heavy filling in
to settle during tliu winter.
Sick headache , wind on the stomach ,
billiousncbs , ttiiu&ea , arc promptly and
agreeably banished by Dr. J. li. Mc
Lean'b Liver and Kidney Pillotn.oe
A. Horse Xliicf CruiKlif.
The authorities of Omaha received notice
late yesterday afternoon to the effect that
the individual who stole a horse and car
riage from llolman & Graves had been ar
rested at Henderson , la. , and that ho had the
iropcrty in his possession when arrested.
lCiiisition ( | papers will be applied for to-day.
This is the same individual who collected r > 0
of hii employer's money and appropriated it
: o his own use. Ho was employed by a
jutcher on South Thirteenth street , but for
some tin accountable reason his name was
lot known to his employer or any of his ac
Mnrriaiie licenses.
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued yesterday :
Name and Hesidcnce. Age.
( George Kanicy , Omaha 21) )
( Laura Douglas , Omaha ! > : (
t John fl. Schmidt , Omaha 1 > 7
( Mary Kempf , Omaha 20
( Charles O. Krickson , Omaha 2s
) Ida Kvald , Omaha 22
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies A marvel of parity
itiPii"tli nml ttlioli'soiui'iiess. Moru vconom-
ral than the oiillmuy kinds , and cull not biisolil
nvompctltlon tlio miillltudunr low cost ,
Imrt wi-ljjlit alum or pliusplmtit powders , Sow
only In cans. Itnval llaklni ; I'owiler Co. . lia
Vail tired. New Vurk.
sucuuifuliy lurU inoiitlily by over 10,000
, \refiafe , tlffectitulanil J'lcaiaiit
mall.oriitilruifKlits. Sealed
S jxistajjn eUmips. Address
TJIB r.'nKEA CnsuisAb Co. , Dernoir , Micu.
Ir rattl6 < ui'lt > ! / mall l > ; j ( fooilmnn
cv > , f Onidhii ,
. . mil n
) r uithiiiK full | 04itUuUr
. t ImrtN
Santa Abie : and : Cat-R-Gure
For Sale by
G-oodman Drug Co.
KQt'AL TO I'lt S-
JIOU15 I101' mAK
Three LenRths
Short , Medium ami IX-
tr.a I.oiiK.
Twelve Grades.
IWW Cranted.
Mention the Oinahii ilec.
Mas Meyer-Established 1856-Adolph Meyer
General for
and JAS , W , STARR
Story & ClarK and Slioiiinger-Bell Organs
Wtlto for Catalogue.
If yon could iit'iall thu line tiliif. wo
liavo In OverconlH ; It you knew him cheap
urt-ully llrst cliiKH coit Is boim ; mild , ami
If you wore jiosltUo the workmaimhlp in
our pirmcnls was beyond criticism , It
\\ould bo no trouble 1o ( it'onro vourji.itron-
tie Hut you do not Know this , \\hyuot
us 11 chunco to jiovo it ?
PANY , having an'established trade
on B line Of goods , taiitrollnl by } int-
enti , find It necessary to open a
branch house In thin city and will
furnish from ' " tn-cniu-jii-f timu-
* < in < i iioiiin-K in cash towards some ,
with a satisfactory party furnishing
an equal amount.
Address , with fulli particulars , giving
nge , past oiperlonco nnd roforonres.
Union National Bank , Chicago , IU-
Dr. J. E. IcGrew ,
Ono of Hit ! Movt Successful
n the Treatment of all Chronic or the
So-called incurable Diseases.
A cure cnnrantcod In all tu es of PHIVATIJ
ml SKIN UISIASi.S. : All dUnrdi-m ot tlio
| i"N < 'A.y" ! ' A.Nt5.t'.5' ' : " ' l MANJIOOD
1'iuli-r tli JK ( tor's foim of tieatiucut no ( Us-
nm In cunhiilorcil ( ncuruljlf , until llm iiaru of
ho boily ntTe tcl by lllliea o ura ilchtrujtd
asterthan they ran bo ropnlruil or built ii ] > .
. . .
Treatment by correspoudonce , Send etamp
or reply.
Jfflco Bushman BlooIQfh nnd
8l3. Omaha , Neb ,
Our [ grout sixlo ot fine Klysinn nml
Tlonvor overcoats atitl ulstors , tire nn
t'.xtrnoriliiiiiry opnor unity foruitsh buy
ers throvpliout tlio icountry to suuuro
bnrffiilus. for never n the history of
our businrss have vrebccn ublo to offer
such oxtrnorilinnry bargains in thor
oughly honest , reliable , well nindo nml
perfect lilting overcoats and ulslors as
\vo are now showing.
Wo olTur tin unequalled list of now ,
attraelivobargains in line elysian and
beaver overcoats , ulsters and capo over
So how our prices compare with or
dinary retail prices for thu same goods.
Lot'No. 1. Wo olTor iWO strictly nil
wool diagonal overcoats , ( cloth nitulo by
the famous I'lituam Woolen Co. ) coats
that we have sold regularly all this pea-
son for $1" ) each. We have them in
regular HI/OS , in dark Oxford mixtures ,
nnd wo offer thorn now to close at $10
Lot No. 2. Wo offer 200 pure , all
wool , blue elysian overcoats , made with
pined edges , and trimmed in the very
best miinnor , ooats that wo have sold nt
820 each all the season ; wo offer them
now to close , in all sixes , at Sift each.
Wo offer a very attractive bargain
in a gray chinchilla ulster , wool lined
the garment that wo intended to sell
for Mo , but wo overstocked on them and
will now offer them this week at $10.
This io less than jobbers get for them
in quantities. Our price , remember , is
$10 ; all sixes , from 85 toI I.
Lot No.I. . We ask your attention to
one lot of 800 pure all wool , fancy cafcii-
mcro suits , ( cloth made by the well
known Mechauisvillo Woolen Mills , )
in medium dark brown and white mix
ture , Biiifjle breasted tack suits only ,
in regular sizes , now suits just made up
at the unprecedcntedly low price of
812 per suit. Send your order for ono
of thcso suits , with the understanding
that you will save $ T > on the ordinary
retail price throughout the country. Jf
you do not feel satislled with this state
ment when you bavs examined the salt ,
return it at our expense.
Lot No. 6. Wo offer flO suits of the
Norwalk Mills Fine Silk and worsted
Hoods , in men's three button , cutaway
frock suits , sixes 34 to 12 , a suit which
wo sold last season for $22. They nro
made from goods costing $ ! l a yard. One
of the best styles and ono of the best
made suits in our stock at any price.
You can buy them now at $15.
Our stock of men's fine fur overcoats
is now complete , consisting of :
Vine Seal Caps a Specialty ,
Beaver Gauntlet Gloves ,
Seal Skin Gauntlet Gloves ,
Beaver and Mink Collars and
Express Orders ,
We will send packages containing
suits of clothing , furnishing goods ,
clothes and woolens of all kinds kept
in our establishment , to any aildrcs > s in
Nebraska , Iowa , Kansas , Dakota , Colorado
rado , or Wyoming , C. O. 1) . , giving
buyers the privilege of examining
goods before paying for them. I3y this
arrangement people living in distant
towns can obtain every advantage of
seeing any article of incrclmndiio in
our block at their own towns , examin
ing the same before paying for themand
if not perfectly satisfactory , returning
goods to us at our expense. Money for
all amounts exceeding $10 may bo re
turned at our expense.
Try This Arrangement. ' For years
we have sent goods all over the United
Slates in this manner by express with
the inotit satisfaclory results. You lake
no risks. Kxiimino the goods , and re
turn thain at our expense if they do
please you.
Freeland , Loomis & Co.
Proprietors ;
Cor. Douglas and 15tli Streets ,
Mortagee's Sale.
The entire Slock of Ladies' Child-
leii't , and Misse.- , ' CLOAKS and SUITS ,
formerly owned by McDonald , will bo
offered at
5O Cents on the Dollar.
The stock comprises the Choicest
Goods in this city in
Plush and Cloth Newmarkets ,
SHOUT WRAPS , and the Inrgobt as
sortment of Children's and Misses'
Cloaks. Also a largo line of SUITSand
TKA GOWNS , alUersoy Waiblsformer
price $2 to .fo , will be bold atS1.2o each.
in Misses' and Children's Clonks , as
the large Stock must jro regardless of
Tlio Ladies of Omaha and Vicinity
bbonld not miss this Golden Oppor
214 S. 15th ,
Ilchm-n rarnain and Douglas SN.
Policies Incontestable and Non-forfoitablo After Thrco Years.
hiuaOWESENDONGK. President | COnNEUIUS ponUMUS , Secretary
n w Ab'tmclcH In all tub larger cities of tlin UnltuSHtatei and ( iennaull'.inplri ) .
Ahsirrs AM > SUKPI..US or TKIU < ; O.MIM\V.
DECEMBER 3IST. 1862. .
( VBsot8 $260.886 4-3 | Surplus . 8 $207,158 O7
iposbosso * Jlio.Irtornclmit'Jdasiutn for evury MOO.lOof llubmtnu. * batter r.Ulo
linn tlitttotttny of tlio other tinuolin Best J.lto InsurancoCoinpiulea of tile I'nlttil ' htatcu. j
Ernsf Benninghoven , RSanager , M $ MSttui i
N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodfjo Sts.
Appliances for Doformitlca and Trasses.
Hut facilities , npimntui and ronieillCB for auccc -
fnl treatment nt overr form of illscuio reijulrlug
JJodlcnl or Burglcal Treatment.
llonrd nml ntlendnnce ; beat hofpltnl uccuniaioda-
In the well.
Diseases of Woman n Specialty.
> i\iciwn A Ri'KfMi.rr OP
All lliool Dlsoaict lurreB fiillr trtMitoit. byi.lillltio
I Olson ruuiovod from tlin HjateMti wlltiDiit niorciirr.
TJuw rBbioratlvu Ir utmunt for IOM ol Vllul 1'oitar.
IVrgnnr unable to vlilt 111 may hu tn'mcil ( it hoiuulr
coriiiiiionilonco All tdiimuinlontloiii I'niillcleiillBl.
tlrtllrinHi or Inetnirarnti unl \ > j mull or ojpri'in.
pAcurcly pAcki(1 ( , no iimkn to Indlnitn rontcntfl or
uiiilur. Our purnDniil Intrrvlt'vr prt'toiri'tl rill anil
connult u tir Ruml hl&torr of your tuso , uuO wo will
teud in plain wriippci , our
Upon 1'rliato , .Special or Ntirtou * IIUi'Hht'K. Imno *
tcuoy , Myi.hltls , Olact and \uruocolo , wlih queBtfoii
Lit. Alaren9
Omaha Midlcnl anil .S'lirifif" ! Institute , or
ItK. nicIttJUi'VAlIV ,
Or. 13th and Uotlgo frtu. . - - O .MA II A. NGH ,
Toys , Dolls , Plush Gscds. Albums , &c. , &c ,
OI' Milwaukee ,
Will have llu'lr full line of mm ] > U's
at tlin lolluuint ; pl.i' ' uhhcfoio Nov.'ij
Grand Islani , Columbus , Norfolk ,
and Lincoln ,
to : iny of the ubovo towns. For jiurtion-
Inrri anil iliitoh , iiddruMi our travelling
man ,
' ' '
H lemarkftble for powerful rm
.jetlotniu' . pliable nation am'
al ic dura Willy. 3) yt'nrn'rtc.
th beat Hiinrnniio of th OL
lepf n of tlioao liulrniuc-nU ) .
sal ( Htljtucllon | n th
euro nl Oojctriiu-a niid
( iliTt , IpructlLoHninJ
feel safe la r. commend-
I UK u to all ti-rrcrcii.
i.J. STOIlnil , M.D. ,
Dccafiir , III.
boM by
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-CO4.