Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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No AilvcrtlfioiiirnlB will bo taken Ibr
tlirnn column * nllcr l-l : ! < ) p , in.
Xrrins Cnsh In mlvntico ,
Advertisements unrtcrthls hraai * ) cents per
line for the first Insertion. 7 tents for ch sub
sequent Innrtlon , and ll.Wn line per month
Nondvf > ttl tment taken for less Ilinnii'icenti
the Unit .nscrtlon. Sc\en words w Illbe counted
to the lines they must run consecutively nnd
must bo pnld in AllVANCII. All ndvnrllse-
ri mcntB must be handed In before 13HI ( o'clock p.
in. , and under no clrcumMnticis will they bo
tflkon or discontinued by telephone.
1'nrtlw advertising In thcso column * nnd hav
ing their nnswrrs n < ldre < ed in tare of THK HKE
it ill please ask fern check to enable them to get
their letter * , ai none will bo delivered except on
presentation of rheck. All answers to adver
tisements riinuM lie enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns nre pub
lished In both mi-irnlm : nnd evening edition * of
Tun HRIth ( circulation of wlikh aggregates
morotbnn IN.flU ) papers dally , and gives thn ad
vertisers trie bnnellt , not only of thn ritvlrcu-
Intlon ofTm : Hri : . but nlio of ( imnril JtlulM ,
l.lnrolu nnd other cities and towns throughout
thlssecllon of thn rminlrv .
Advertising for these column * will b * taken
on the above conditions , at tlie following busi
ness limices. who are aiithnriml agents foi ' 1 HE
jlEFspi-rial nollres , and will quoin tlio name
rates us enn be had nt Ihc in iln oiuco
" "
"btlN W. lll.LL , i'liarmai 1st , J ) bouth Tenth
Bti eft. _ _ _
HASH , V iDlTv7Btutloiier8 ; and Printers , 113
South 101 h Wtrcot _ _ _ _ _
fiTVX IINSWOUTH , rhoimuci t , 211 ; . turn-
. IllgStlcet
.iTYiT'OHKB , Pharmacist. SSI North llth
1. W I'AHH , I'harmnclst , l"' Jlary's
i \\l ANTU1)lly tt olln , ' married mini of i-x-
f pnrlfiico a position .is cashtor , ussistiint
kkfepcr , or nnj nilico wnrk : bust of rcfoi-
H KHI n. AildUHS 1C 4 , Ike olllto , 4.'ll 17 ?
VOl NUbwUs. spenklng 'llnKHslnudn er-
mini , want" Hltiiivtlon In pihiito family to
work around thn house , or u plnru us gL-tond
cook in leitaiiiant , bent of reit.1'eiices ( 'Ken , A P. . HCI K Itllt Mt. 431 15 ;
\\r AN'IBD-Hltunlloli In drusbtore b ) JOUIIK
T > man \\ioi ) In- could liui st about 'l.fOO it
AatlHfuetorj. Small town preferred llofeier-
rncoH AifiilCHS K .1 Iti'B olllte , 111) ) IHJ
AN'JT.U DIl'cewoiKuj ' ujounglady. Ad-
i K2 , HiuMllcu 415
WAN'lL'D-Sltuatlon by watchmaker nnd
Jeweler after Nov. IHli. Answer , 1C 1 , Hoe
omen. 411 15t
WAN'UID-tfltiiAtion by Ilrst-clais male
cook. liiiiiilu-i.'JIN. iltliHt. ; 41.1 10 *
WANTIJD Situation by youiiff man "J years
of njso. speaklnn iiiKllsli : and ( lermiiu. as
clerk 01 Miiiiu ether tnisluoiH. Adaitf < II 7J ,
earn ot lice olllco. _ ! i.'J2 ' !
" \XTAVrHD-Bltimtlon by mi lioui-nt , expt'ri-
> enced mlddle-.iKed ( Jerman man lu coil
ImalUL'.MS or lu a wholcsaluiitore Aitilresh 1' .
Binlth , 1318 JacUoii t. 405 15 *
l\J ANTI'D liyTouiiji man , ii position "tii a
TT reulcstnto or abstract olllre : i-xperlenco
more of an objrc t than sabiiy ; had fclx months
oxporioiRf Address II Wl lli-o. .lit 10T
"lATANTKI ) Situation by JOIHIK man 1" lei-
taurant or hotel , best of lefNHcnctts fin-
nlKhcd . Addreaall U.J , Iliioolllce. ilol 16 *
\\rANTii : ) hltluitlon as hnusekeepcr by a
V > yniiiiK v Idow with 1 child 4 eai s old. Art-
dro B2W ) Chicago st. _ Wi l"it _
" \\TA N'l 121) SitiinUnn hy ( lerinan ludT a < *
TT hoiisolret'i er. Cantenrh music or Ian-
gimgOK. Addiens A , 1\ . , 1 ox.i'rj , Umulm. 3il ) 15T
WAN'J'KD llmploj merit to take < ai of
hordes by u man who has had 10 j ears' x >
porlonui- a tr.ilnei ; isa practical vetuniiirlan.
Address 11 U. , I lee. 271 1W
WANTIIl ) 1'osltlon as stenographer by
youiiy ludy. aox'oial jeii s experience.
Can fiiriiLsh mai'hino , Addiess lliouuell.I. . )
N IHtli st. L'i'i-l'J
' - - Halosiiian In lilankct
and comforter department ut the I'alr. 1 1th
and Howard. 11 : . ' 17
AN'I'KD A roiitnmker. Tt'lophono at
once. M. llerdolt i ; tjon , duiu.l , Neb.
4' ' 17
. - good waiter for tnblo and
lunch counter ( single man prcfcucd ) , imiht ,
have extierieuce , no other need upoly. Jlor-
chants' lixchmigc , < J15 O st , , Lmcolu , Neb.
4.13 17t
WAN'IKD-Agents to sell n lull lluo ot
household specialties. Lovell M'ft ! Co.
( L't'U ) , ' . ' 21 N. 13th St. 373
W ANTKDAgents In every town in the
vcstfprouroll burneis for uioking and
boating stovoH. Send stamp for catalogue.
Patterson Oil lluuier Co. , J1J fa. ISth st. Onmlm.
Neb. : iuldl.l
W ANTKD A good foreman and stlCKer man
lu n planing mill In the cln. miiht bn sober
nnd reliable , liood pay and hleady position to
the right parlies. Address with "
WANTED Shovclers ; wages ifl.71 per day ;
board $1 00 pur week. Apply on work uc
Tlulo. Kob. y.ach Shrop. contractor. 2Uj _
W ANTKD Agenta for "Oaakoll's Compen
dium of Ilusinoss and boclal Tovius. "
Bpoclal iiilur < 'meiitf ) for next your Ad
dices llorluud to Co. , Id ) Mate st. Chicago. III.
Iki lu
WANTI5D Ilellnblo men to tV'UoideiTtor
the follow lug publications t > old cm monthly
payment : Our Country , Cabinet of Irish Liter-
ntuie , Vttggy'M Oiuphli1 Hi'coirt.I'uDnlo's family
AtliiH , family bibles , albums , fir. Kull commlB-
fllou Duid weekly , Iloom .32 , 1'axlun block.
U'-ll ' 18
AOKN'IS wanted for the best nud qnkkost
Belling iirtk'lo ovri placed on the jiiiiiki't ,
Sawyers' Cllma.\ and lndi.swiir..iblii ! ) Cuir Hold-
erf , for ladlus and gentlemen , price l/io per
p lr , C. It. Httuch k Co. , 210 S. Hal-tod htrret ,
Ulilcago. 111. lilii ! „
" \XrAI\THD-Aflrst-cluus law IIOOK hnle- > man
TT lor Nebiaskn ; to liKiullo special law pub
lication ; pormaiK'i.t pOHltlon to proper party ;
Htato experience and references. Addrosb II ft ) ,
Hoe. U12 16r
VirANTKDSuleamen forouradjubt.iblo door
TT plates iyou can sell and deliver at one o ) ,
door bells. IIUIIHO numbers , etc. ; if. ) to JI \ n dav
oiwlly iimilu teml your addivs on postal for
free s.impleH , ( irculnrs , etc. New \ ork Door
I'lale C u. , Albany , N. V. : U7 IS'
T\7"ANTiD : Vor Wnsliliicton Ton-It ny Rnid"-
TT em , tracklayers mm brl < lgt < c.nppiitnm.
common labor. JJ to * , ' . iO per day , or : ! > to Jio
per mouth tun ] bourd. An all w Inter s .lob In a
mild cllnmto UveithliigguiniintoKil ai reptt--
nentcd nt Albright H II H. Labor Agencv , lUU
I'aiimm bt. 2.11
JAU8MHNNowlnli' a'tnw men to hell oiir
Jgoods by sample to the vvholi sale nml ret.iil
( fANTLD A Mute ruaiiPgej tu onaiiplllco In
T eai-h of thn followllur rlllna : Topeka , Niwll-
vlllo nnd Linciilir ; Neb saluiy , Jl ntiiui war ,
Must Invent tl.Wi Addtess , ( leoi'KO _ ) , Olilif ,
Wagnci Ilioete , DCS Moluos -J In , . 127
i ir i - -
"V\rAN'l III ) A good canvasser , apply nt 217
T T N. loth st , Omahn , Neb. 767
\\rANTI' ! ) Snleameii , Io Introduce a new
TT nnd veiysalfHblo article In his locality and
adjoining oltlus , Hulnit < _ puld lu not ho. utier-
Betioaleumcii. . Addn'su , enciotlugthi'i'ofiiuti
m stamps , thn Atlix Miinufuctuiluir ( 'u. lock
box : KI , Cincinnati , Ohio. 7 1 ri 1
"Y\ Tr ANTED- Mali .V li'imilo ntfonln c V
T T , room 24 , llarLvr bl _ , 16th \ I'm mini.
' '
Eiifrr.etlpmi'n uud women over
wht > ro fur uguntoel inDiioy-makliiK bust.
ileus. * ) piolll guaiaiilfod caniiilluiii
8 J monthly otheiwl o Expeileliee absolutely
uuneie huiy I'nmnnont position and oxclu-
Blvli'nltiiry iibMued. i..VJ .sumplfla teea
AVrlto firtiiutliunrs. | ) Addivss , v lth stamp ,
l Mt'td'o. . 1I > | Chicago. 4 ' 81 *
COHHE.s'ONDI.'NTS-Oiiviha is to have u
live , exrlnnlvu Sunday pnpnr. nnd it wants
a volunteer coutspoiuleiit In ovwrj neighbor
hood In Ihuulty and In every town within 10) )
in lies. NopiMVioimotpDrloiifuuitideil. fall ut
room t.'J , lloaiddf Trade , betwoun 4 uud 0 p. in.
this wenk or writ'1. Dmnjlfliiy. _ tU ) )
WANTIlD-i7u moilth mid
. jfiiKiM paid any uctlvo jiersuii to nill our
UCKnsni ) ; > capital , salary monihly , PMIOIIM-H in
ivUrnricc , puitlclilau freo. Standard blhurwam
Co. . llo-liin. _ 47'J '
B 01'S-AW. iW-t. 'I1 * ! . Co. , .
(01 (
WANTIID Man to take tlio uti'iicy of our
Bfifli sizuSbxUxlS lnche \\.lKhff.U01b.Hi i .
rttalllirlcel.U ) other Uea In pini ) > rtlou. A
r r Lhanne and perinuiinnt bualneMi , These
onffe nuicl n dcniuiid ne\tT befoi i > ujiplli'd by
other Hofii compaiilei ) , as wo ni not pnverned
bj trie fcftfe pool. A Ipluot afe Co. Cliuimiatl , O.
. _ MO
A COOK wniitadHtllieTuif Cxrlianite. Conn-
-0-cll ( Jlutrn. _ Jil i )
W Aninii flood life imnaiice soilcltou
vrlili bauk luf.runcos , nro wanted by tliu
m Life at < Ul Merchunts' natlojal u\nk
luudlnu , tinfth ) . Office hour * 3 to 10 u. m. ami
t t > i > , m. ( Ill
WANTKn-Exporlcnced cigar salesman ror
, Nebrftskft , with references , ndnard Kahn ,
21f > jl5thst } , sr
" \V ANTIID Mnlenndfmnnle canva < en for
IT new nml fst scllln. : books , standard
works , liberal terms. Address H w , lice ornce.
am 2st
AVTRV A man to solicit ; unlary tlOO per
month ; must deposit fti" > and give security
for in oner collected. Adartks George S. Cllne ,
Waprttcr block , 7)ci Mollie1 ! . In. 6.'W
_ WA NTED-- E Nl A L
\\TANTUD-ScandInavlnn glrl.2tll nitnlng
' * 413 IQt
\\TANTHD nrt-cln s Amerlcnuor lri h girl.
' t Apply ar.'t St. Mnry'a ft < e. 4J7 17
WA N Tii > Competent nlrl In famlljrof n In
Wvomlng , W ) : 2 dining loom glrLs for
Idaho , 12U ; girls for Ashland , 1'ullcrton , tireen-
wood , llerlln ; steady flwi > do woman for housp-
kopperat IheyctmiWy , > . , | .Xj ) fnro paid for all ;
thorouwhly trained waitress for prlvnto family ,
II : 20 girls for general house work. Mrs. Hnga ,
TU' , S l&th St. M lot
"V\f ANTI'DNomnu to wet nuro n babv at
T > hep own home. Mrs. Ilrcgn , ail'i H. ifith.
111 If.t
" \ATANTI.D A first class bisque mnker nt
> once. Mlsi U. II. ierrlll. H , n , i'IDouglaB . ,
I - t .
4i-i r.
WAJ housowoik , 1KJ1 Marcy
M St. 40115
\\T A VITJI ) A young nurse girl. Inquire 2202
T > How illd M. iK n
W ANTin-\Valterr ; ( rttti ) Winder
hotni , none but cxpctlclitdl waiters iioeil
apply. _ 401 Id
" \\'ANTiD : I.ady caiivne ers on a now and
fast hslllnir book. BnUrv $ J jier day. Small
deposit ro < uilrod. Apply to " 11 4T , " Uco olllco.
\\TANTii : ) CHrl for penoral ork ; must beT
T T gooil cook and laundress. Mrs. N. Merrlam
2 < J3J Hurt at. 313
OOMIMJTKNT girl for genornl housowortt.
JliH.Thua. r.llull. 1M" . fchtruian aoltS _ ! ' ) _
\ . \ rANTUDLiultoi to solicit In the towns'of
< ' this mid luljolnliin ttates. Must dcpoxlt ill )
andglvu'-enirltv for money collected. Salary
Hfi per nioutli. Cull on J. K. Jloorc , ORtleii
llouio , Council I Hull H. 2ia- )
WANTIJD-l.aily npents lor coinomatlon
busllu-aklit , "Daisy1 hosa supporter ,
lubber aprotiH , bibs , alcoves , shoulder biacus ,
hafuty belt" , wateipioor garments , etc ; rellablo
hoii'e. Onlv noodsof leal merit ! prollts laiBC.
Adiliehs with stinn | ) . I ! . II. Campbell A : Co. , 4 H4
\V. llaiidolpli * t , Calcuco. hfunov liij ,
" \ \ rANTKD An lutelllKent American woman ,
who willing to < lo bomo hoiibowoik nml
ussHt In the t\tru of chlldien , D18 S i'oth st. HO
\\rAKTJJD-Alndy to solicit ; mustdoposUir.
T mill nlvo bucntlty ror money collected.
Address Oiorjo ( S. Cllno , Wagner ulock. DCS
M Dints , In. KO
_ _
WANTED A competent nuree cirl with Kood
references. Mis. J. li. Itaum , rail Wool.
wortn a\e. Hi'J '
rillli ; Hlir.I/lON , 101 S.2."itli st , ror. Dodgo.
L rirst-closs family hotel , lloiud and rooms ,
hlnglo or ensuito , at ic.isoiinble pilces. Kifer-
elites i eiUlred. | Tliosa wishing rooms for tlio
winter , yluase npply soon. J. Campbell , 1'rop'r.
rpAIIIji : bodrders wanted , 1IXW Douglas.
1 ! 1
"XXrANTlID Table boarders ) at 1708 Douglas.
" \\rANTr.D 'Ihlity day boarders , also three
V > lOOinerS at 2221 Dodge st. 271 1120 *
\TF.HltASICA llmplcvment Olllco , U17 N. lOtir"
CANADIAN Employment onicp. Mrs. Hrega ,
314'j.S. ' IDth.Itofuienco Omalu National bank
Z'M ' ffit
kLjin'rilTIt : ( ) aiU-antages nowRlvpiun these
Obraurhes nt Omuliu Comtneiclul Colloge.opo.
I' . O. , cor rth and Dodge , Hen Pitman system ,
Itomlngton typo writers , livery giaduate In
Kood position. Students complete manual In
two weeks , nnd wiitDW words in three mouths.
Practical olllco drill given each student one
month free. Hecltntlons dally one hour. Dic
tation three horns ( lady. Day and t veiling ses
sions. btudents enter unv time. For circulars
VMllo Iloihbougli llios. Omahn. 21B n9
"Wf ANTKD Horses to winter. I have accom-
V inodutioiis for 200 bundled horses at
Omaha fair grounds , hav lua largo yards for ex
ercising during the day ; each norse has n largo ,
warm box stall nt night. A. Thomson. Omaha
lair grounds. _ 3.V7 'I 1 1
\\7" nnd buggy for winter for
tholv keeping. Iminlro 1J18 Farnnm.
" \\rANTr.D-Hoises to winter , i" per month.
V > luriuiiooCGus Weckbath , IIS S 14th st.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; _ L7L _
\\rANTFD Young ladies and gentlemen to
know they can obtain a thorough and
practical knowledge of tetegiapny. fitting thorn-
helves In a short time for good paying positions
nt the IHectilo Telegraph school , llooms I52S
nnd 62U Paxton block , cor 18th and Farnam st.
119 IK
"WANTIID--Hy widower and family of 4.
V > jomigcst 12 , in pilvnto family , suite of
looms furnished , modern , and board , distance
immaterial If iv 1th barn accommodations. Ad
dress 1C 5 , llee. 440 17 *
\\7"ANTKI ) To rent , one large uufutirlsed
T ? room with closets or alcove , within eight
blocks of nth and Webster st. Address. 1C 7 ,
llee Olllce. 441 15 ?
" \ArANTP.D-To rent nlano for storage : best
of tare ; references given. Address H02 ,
lice. 3V ) m
\\rANTKD-A room In n private family with-
il iii reasoiiablo distance of postolllce by a
lady v\ho must have usu of piano. Addiess H
07 , Hoc. 3fi7 IK
T\rANTii , ; ) To lent a liouso of 5 to B rooms ,
V > without uasemi'iit , and with principal 1m-
iiKnouients tor permanent n > HldnrH , between
Webster and Mason stu , , and cast of 2fltli , anle
must be In good condition and ready to occupy
bvNo\,2i ) . Apply to tlie F. V. banboin Co. ,
KOISt. Mary's nvo. IW7 Itf
HUNT New 9-room house , all modern
rovemonts. 2d'und ! Chicago st.s. . lent
reasonable. Inquire 1IIU Farnam st. 429
"JjlOH IllIriT New b-room hoiibe , never occu-
J- pled , double parlois. illniiiK-room , kitchen. 4
bed-looms , I clo-etH , 1 china rloet,2rnplK > anM ,
ci'llar. i-ti' . water closet , oo il bins , city water ,
etc. , In house , $ "i per month , heated , Mreet
cats 2 blocks awny. lno.ulro at 28 W Nnvnrd , or
II. (1. lluil auk , 111) ) : . ' l < > uuni , npatnlM.
' 1
_ _ _ _ _ J'JI
FOIt IlUNT Two live-room houses , iMth and
Doilgibt * . flrj One modurn liouso , Ip rooms
Imiiacuulc. , & - ' " 111 ! > t , * ( H ) . Hlngwalt Itros. .
llaiki-r block. ; i73 22 *
IflOIl Iti.NT : Hrtiitu of 8 rooms , -iid iTniTTjiujsi'
lncUiio | Iloom Wi , aiu-ek'y block. ! IVI
Lioll IILNI' Wbemitlful
- > . n-r liOtii-o ,
J handy td schoolstreet uitj.on paved street ,
with biitu , . as , hoi and odd wiiter nuil other
modctn loiueiiien i > s Call at ouru. ( ' . F.
llniilbiin , Meicliants' National Hank. 131 20
"JjlOlt Itl.N'l' . I houses , h looms , 7 looms and. 1
-L ro'ims , modern coir enlcm'i's in s room
hoiur. W. C. Cain , 2Mh and Illondo. 421 I7
IJIOIt HUNT Iloitso urooms. imiulin : 10.'o"a
r Ibth st. 4111 17 ?
"Ijioll HHVr-lOroom lion * . , modern convon-
X1 leiKos , 2011 Unit , JIH.
10-room bucUhuii * ! ) , srW Hint i > t. all couven-
ler.ofs , 10.
T o loum houses lull and Vlnton.
Two ! ! i.loin hoiibes. nth and.Lii.kson.
I locm hiiuso , 1,11s S. ctliTit.
5-iouiu liousi' . 'ith ; and lmdi ! > ti .
( leo. .1. l.i.x , Itoom I , Cununuuli.l block.
" 1J1OH Itr.XT-Neut cotinge , live inomi , cellari
J bind and heft \tAter ; eiiiitvuti'ntly ur-
iniigi'd ; HISlMliht , bet. l.eavi-iiiiuli mm M.I.
( on. Apjily no cor ' "d ami Mason. 2.ti | h *
Hi\T : Six loom hous" , ioy Davoiipoit.
I P. 2irt
"iriOlt HliNT-noiisei. stoics nud Hits ; from
X1 { 'i tu JAW ] ifi inonth. to duilrablii c nuut ! > ,
7 loum house , wuh Ht.iblo. i.ii.
( I loom Hut , bath , gas. oti' . , t.'i.
Hloie. I > ) i Park uvc , with b.isemoiit.luclustvo
of water , f > > ,
t ) loom liuusv * , "ill Chi Mgo at , , J5X
I ! room hotlso , utnblf. etc. . r W.
t-toio nxiina mi Ht. Mni-yVaw , II , ' to in.
Two rl'loiidld ' H room resldcuceA , furnucea ,
raiiKes , mantel , lautidrv , very iHilmbl. loca
tion , K.'i nnd t * : > , '
II mum icildeiico 2ll2Cai4rit. , | , i > .
Mneronm lnnut > bu Uauudnis iif.-vr Pratt
. t't , jyit and cold vvatur , batli nud rloset ,
blu t'or t\M \ > ImrnQii , rcu roaiu iiiiuso Bit wo
location , clfy vYAtvr , jood tibb ! , llutli houses
vcr } deslinbhi .
C , r. . Mayne. Uhtate 4 : Trust CQ ,
_ _ _
T7IUH lKNT ( J < < t. llll S. "Ill tue , . anlca.V
J-1 1 Hum lioimii i r , ioQil r lr ; rooum newly
p iici'il | and imtnt til ; nfpoymd : lluoclatom
water. Kent f-.i n month. poite sloii uivouut
once. Apply tu HfJI' lutii at. plmniiacy.
HOS'l o-voom huiiM" , illy water. No. HID
t. luoulieat iw ; Ho'v rd. 64i
TTIOH HENT Now 5-room PottnRo , Inquire , T .
X1 COD 'rroiol.Loavtntvorth between 27tn & * tli.
FOIl HRNT 2 now house * , 4 roonn , city
writer , corner 2'th and State st. , Hoyd's ad
dition , 110 per month. Inquire 131s Farnam.
a > l 15
_ _
"ITIOU HENT 7-room hou c very chosp for
A1 tlio winter ; barn if. necessary Call nnd see
about it at once. C. F. Harrison , Merchants'
National Hank. 45)20 )
"lilOlt HUNT 7 room house , cheap , nil ronvou-
J ? leuco , mi N. 17th , .Inquire BIOS , nth st.
jgai 18
_ _
FIVlMtOOM liouso for rent and furniture for
sale , M. B. 17th. 403 W
FOIl HUNT A C-room house , well , clltern
and nil modern lmproTctneut ,2C.a Chicago
t. . tZO a month , iqiciulre next door. lifi 15t
8 1100.M house. 71 ! ) S. ICth near .1 ones St. .
lr.Mttlcc. _ UTO Dodge st. S
'pwo story building , corner 14th nud Howard.
1 Fnfiirnished rooms , olllco rooms or light
business. Apply at house ot'SU S.Uth st
2V ) Iff ?
_ _ _
IjlOH HUNT n-room modern Improved house
- IA 1 IncMllty. Kent moderate. Apply. M. Kl-
guttcr , liol Fnruam st. xt
HOI SF.'i rooms and bath room : c od barn ;
V,2l Davcnpoit st. ! Inquire 2MS Cap , nvro
| lijl 17J
_ _ _ _
( _ > : Vi , nltiP-rcK > m house. No. Iffil N 17th St. , al
Pcnnvcnlence ! " , including furnace , luqulio
Hoeder's drug stotc , tor. 12th and llntnev sts.
210 1BJ
" 1711 III HUNT House 8 rooms 2221 Cnssst , cot
JL' tnge 'jionms loth nnd Hickory. Imiurio room
jOH. SnVeJeyJilk _ 1BI _
171OU IJIINT < ) no ot those 10-room houses in
JL * 1'nrlc Torrnct' , cor. lluuscom park , alt mod
ern Improvements , HO per month , inquire Leo
l.eavenworth. . W9
171OH HiNT : 4-room house on E. ICth st. , two
-P blocks south of Vlnton St. : will rent for 110
per month or sell on terms to suit purchaser.
( Jco. J. Stomsdorll room 0 , oppositn P. O. 012
"IJIOH IlKNT Lnrge B room house Np. i33
X1 Davenport 8t.
Largo 1 1 room house cor 2ltli and Capitol nve.
fi loum house 2it l Howard nt ,
4 room 12th and Vlnton sts ,
D loom house "iitli and .loncs sts ,
5 loom house 2210 Pierce st.
Apply to ( Jreenc& Williams , 1st Nnt Hank
Illdg. WJ
_ _
OH IlKNT 8-room house nnd barn , 8 13 cor
BUh nvo and Webster st , $ . ) per month , In-
iulre O ) Paxton block. P , .1. Creodon. ffll
ITinlt HUNT A now 8roonhouso , with city
X' \ \ atcr and bath , also u good bntu , at the N ,
N. corner lid nnd j'nrnam , nt S.W per month.
one htore , IBtll nnd Vluton , r.t J15 per month.
Also suite of I ) looms , with city water , above
stole , * 1J per mo. Also n nice it-room house at
S. W corner Fnrnam and 20th , with bath nml
city vv ater , at J10 psr month. Apply room 4M ,
Paxtou block. -77 17
brick house. 2111 Ilamlltoa st. All
I modern Improvements , SW.
8100111 frame. No. 201. ) Hamilton St. , 437,50.
Leavitt llurnham. No , 1 Crolpjiton block. 401
POH HKNT 3 story brlckTesldouco , IDW ( Jap-
Hoi a\o. , 10 rooms. Apply to C. II. Qulpu ;
1J1OH HUNT To responsible party , 'j-rooiii '
X' brick house , 113 South 35th st , 150 feet fr6ui
cable line. I'lirnaco uud nil moderu.coQvcm-
cnces. Kent iV ( > j > er month. Apply to J. Wi
Grllllth , 1) ) . P. headquarters iSO 16
Fol : iaNTM-"rooiu : ii9Use , SS S. 18th.
FOB HKNT When you wish to rent n house ,
store or olllco call on us. II. H. Cole , room
6. Continental block. C1J
FOIl HUNT House with nine rooms. 113 S.
24th st. Mount A : Orlllin , 213 S. llth st 713
Inoil HUNT Uioom Hut. nth nnd Howard ,
' J0"i mouth. Apiily to J. L. llraudols tt Sons ,
corner IHtli nnd Howard. 748
1J10H HUNTAtvery low rates. 10 and It new
X1 residences. 2104 nnd 2414 , Cass street , Claiko
Place. Olio block south of Crclghtou college , on
Farnam and 21th street car line. All modern
improvements. Auply , II. T. Clark Union Trust
Co. , or at 2420 Cass street OU
FOH HKNT b room house , 2413 , 7-room house
212:1 : Poppletou ave. Geo. 1. Gilbert , Wlth
nell b'l'g. 61
FOlt HKNT-10-room house with steam heat ,
at 2(11 ( S. 21th st. G. E. Thompson. Shoely
block , Kith and Howard hts. 234
FOH HKNT lly Hosworth Se Joplln , llarser
block , ; i , 4 , f > . 0. 7 , i * , 9 , 10 , 11 , 14-room houses
In all parts of the city. 590
F UHMSHF.D rooms , at 1J02 Douglas , rent low.
40-J 21
FOH HUNT Furnished or unfurnished
looms at20JI Howaul st. 41 lt ! )
Foil HUNT Nicely furnished front room ,
suitable for 3 gentlemen , 420 N. Ibtn st.
43317 *
"I71OH HUNT Corner bay wlndyw suita ejfl-
X1 gantly furnished rooms for ! ! or < gentlemen ,
lient , gas and bath. Price reasonable. Apply
at upper Hat , 1J.M Capital nvo , cor llth. 407 1U *
Foil HUNT Two nicely furnished rooms
.suitable for 2 gentlemen or 2 ladles or man
and wife , 1513 8. lutli. 42S 10 ?
4 > PLUASANT. f mulshed fiont rooms ; all mod-
--jernconveniences , 2irw Ilnrney st. 375 1(1 ( *
FN" HUNT . 'mulshed loom. Enquire at 716
18th. , 372 20
IHNISHHD room , all conveniences. f,2S S.
"th , KG 16 *
Foil HUNT Is'liely furnished front room.
Gas. bath and heat for $ . . ' 0 per mouth , at 1SU
fnriura st. cor 17th st. .7JI ! ( !
F"OH HENT family handsomely situated lit
modern now res denco will uciomdato few
select boaulers ; references exchanged. 2UC2
Hartley Bt. 1(10 ( 17 *
T7IIJHN1SHUD room with Iraard. ( las , bath It
X' furnace heat in house. 2121 Sow aril st. 344 10"
CBLY f uruWied rooms all modern con
JL > veniences , also board , 100 ! ) Douglas. 311
F' I Oil ' HENT Furnished rooms with furnace
heat. : 1701 Capitol avo. : l IDt
F OH HUNT 2 front rooms , furnished. 1817
Davenport st , 4 tt 17 *
FOH HKNT WcH furnished front room , f ur-
nace heat and pus , for ono or two gentle
men , within half block of 2 car lines. 2717 .lack-
sou fat. 4 JO Kt
KI ) room , on cable line , with good
board. * 1 n week , r ; _ ' > N. 20th. Sit ) IM
POH HUNT 3 rooms , furnished complete
for housekeeping , nnd a 5 room cottage , fur
nished. 120. ) NJjJtli. _ ! ? rL ! ! ! _
Ior 2 furnished rooms In fieo. C. Hobble's
Iioiihe. JJllWDodgost. Inqulro thero. Table
board convenient. 230 P > *
FUHN1SHUD rooms at IHII Capitol nve.
_ 278 18 *
AVENUE Hooms-At Iid3nnd lOPil'npltol nvo
2 blocks fiom P.O. newly furnished , pilvate
boai ding House pleasant rooms , nil conveniences
' . ( El 1SJ
T/1OH HENT-i urnished room with both gas
X' and heal , ill ) n mouth. 2J27 Dodge st ,
17UU8T classrooms , now brick residence , prr-
X1 MUO family , Old s. luth ht. All modern 1m-
provt incuts , 2. " > 7-17J
O HOOMS for rent , modern conveniences : nlso
'lio.cul Hill Doimlas bt. 21117 *
ROOMS-riist-ihiss homo board , 1718 Dodge.
18.- , lot
1711'HNlt-HUD rooms ut 2101 rurmim si.
X1 147 in *
TJVMl HKNT Largo , nlcoly fiirtilJhod south
X'room i Bte.un heat. 111)1 ) Douglas. USJ-10'
"I71OH houseki-epfng I'nrtly fuuiipheii first
X1 lloor , U rooms and closets. 1013 Capitol ave.
_ _
"VT1CEI.V Fuinlshed loomf , 2IOil Furmim.
> 141 ID *
TTHMt HE.NT-I uriiHhed rooms , with or w 1th-
X ? out bo.tld.jit Kill ) Davunpou st. 140 Kt
ITIOH HENT-NIco furnished nnd lin
X1 looms at 141V D < nle st. Eiiriulio 1 12l ; Doug
las St. , 1001112. IDS 15 *
17IOH KENT A nicely furnished loom , all
X1 modem convenience , " , 1HW h. luth cor 1'aolllc.
_ UU is *
HENT rilc'il ) fiirnl.neit rooms , single
or en biilto ; boivid If desired ; 1811 Cumins ,
EfjHOANT fn.nt and bin k iiarlora.
Etiltable foi-2 rmtlemeu or man and wife ,
modern convenlcr.c fj. liiUi ) Douglas nt , U.'I
" ' "
It UNT-Fiirn'shmlrooTn. '
TJIOH illSNT Nlco largo furnished room with
X1 Kirovssuitable foi 2 eentiemon.lPaFuinam.
KOOMSvithstovni 11 prr tt.ek orllJiOIper
month. K4 ) R itfth at , 4KJ nM
IJ1OH ItENT KuruUhed or unfurnlsni'd tonni
X1 for two een'.ls-aea , or man ami wife , Vttsi
Jlownnl Ht. 644
F loom , A. Haipp , 1.111
_ _ _ ' _
ilUUN'lSHKDrooni , lUB20tli'nwir .
61U nfti *
. _ _
- - - , iw -
170 It HKNT Frrrnlined roorni m Oreuuli : blk
X1 cor. Utb Hnd lodc ) BIB. luquLra of Uto. It , ,
DMl * UtllarU hgl ltim fd ro n
TTO R HENT FurnlBlrerf room. outUrout ,
X1 NR KcorBlst ( irrJ't ' > aTonport at. 4 < 0
AHOEplcosanl room ; ' furnished , brick flat.
nfcag > N ' ' ' ' _ 465
T71011 IIKNT-A"tafpe front room , newly fur-
X1 nlshed , onth front , cheap , comer 17th nml
CnrolugaJtg , nor esft earner. _ ! W3
HENT A lidndiome room with alcove at
FOK St. Mary'gATPi _ 619
FO R R E NT'ffi < 5ffijsjy TN IP" Ig.HEP
"R1OH HENT T v6n > a'nnt unfiirntdicd front
X ? rooms. Imiulri ) nf Dr. E. II Hoffman , N. 1C ,
Cor. 13th and JacKpliifcts. 31' .
P OH HENT 1 Inrftl ' front room , unfurnished
N _ 13th St. . . . S3-J
rTNFUHNlSIlEU-Sultnblci for nouseKcepme.
U Three CJ ) rooms. 2101icholas st. . 11 M )
Two c-'i room8.cor7Vli nnd I'acltlc ist . 7 ( X )
Three (3) ( ) roomi , loili N. 20th at. . . 11 2fi
Three Oil rooms. 701 K I'aclllc st . 12 JO
Three ( ! ) ) rooms. 1410 Pierce st . iJ rt )
Tlirce p ) rooms , 1010.N. 2 utst . 10 w )
Three (3) ( ) rooms , T07 I'ncillc St. . '
Pour (4) ( ) rooms , 1701 Webster st . . W 20
Two (2)roomslsfl ( ) | Hownrdst . 10 m
Eight (8) ( ) room Hat 171 > I Webster st . S ! W )
.ItuigB Heutlnn AKency , s. w. cor. Hurnev and
15th sts Hooni 1. lip stairs. 2 * )
H UBNT-aor 0 rooms at COS N 13th st.
WO 15 ?
IflOK HI'.NT 6 chambers eonvcnlent for house-
J keeping ton man nud wife without clillilren.u
blocks from postolllce. aiB N 17th. fclK ) is *
IJIOK llfiNT-Ouo store-room , onolinkery , one
X' lint , cor 1'ark nvo. and Woolworth nvo. In-
qulro 'Iho-i. I'.Jinll , 617 1'uxton building. Ida
TTTOTF lliJNT Storeroom , No.2H S. 14th ut. A
JL1 vlv at 1110 Howard st. _ Wl
TT10K HENT 3 stores on Wtli nntl licaroa
JC worth , npply IJMik ot Omnhn. 61B
1T1OK UKNT-Hrlck itoro , lint nbovo , 21th and
J ! Hamilton , deslrablo busltiesa location. I.e.l-
vltt lliimham , room 1 , Crelghtun block. 00"
Olt 11ENT onico suite 926 month. 2 Blnf-le
otllces < 15 cjich , all frontlns IBth St. , HUMI-
man block , N. K. Cor. ICth nna Dout'li" . W. M.
Uilshiuati , 1311 I.i'avunworth. 021
fJ ? YOU waul your Homes rented place them
L with Uenawft it CP. , litti , opposite postofTlce.
. KO , .t. Paul , ll09 ! 1'ntn , st. Houses , stores ,
G etc. for lent. 150
Wi : gln special attention to renting and col
lecting rents , list with us. 11. K. Cole , room
0 , Continental block. C'4
KOI IOC J. STKIINSDOKHF , room il. opp. 1' .
O , , will hereafter gl\o wpeclal attention to
renting houses , stores and Hats. If yon want
your property rented without delay and to roll-
abln tenants , do not fall to list tuo same with
him. G23
TT1OU HUNT Cheap I have u largg livery
J. barn , store room and throe living looms ,
GOxlOtf feet , and accommodatliiij t > omoW ) hor.sos ,
good location for stole , oil Dodge ! > t. this Kldo of
the Holt line , Om.iha , that 1 will rent ( .bean to
responsible pal ties. W. It. Vaughau , U'Jrt ' ray-
n m st , Omaha. ytSdJO
OH HUNT Good barn. 4 stalls , food tSom
nuil wagon sued. Inqu'ro at K.i Howard Kt.
& 14
IOS'l A pair of oyo-plasses near I.enven-
Jwoith street s = olloo < . Mniliir jileaao icturn
to 808 S. ] hthstiqv't , nd receive reward. 421. ' If )
"SjOTlcn f.oslHi-A check dated Nov. 6th or 7th
- Iumouutlug to ifllW , payable to I-d ; Mnuror ,
but not properly uxociited. Said iheck Is
Stopped at the blink's ) In this city. Persons are
war nod not tocisli tlie same If presented. Vnl-
cntlno Nock. ) , 4U4 16t
LOST llrown Spaniel , 8 mouths old , named
"Itab , " left eye ot\ with mange ; leave ut A.
D. T. olllcu on Uouglaa st. and get toward.
.i'.U ' 16t
J ;
FOFND A water9Anlel ] hint , about 0110 year
old , dink brpwa , color. Owner can ha\o
same by calling mi John bokol , KUU S. 11th and
paying charges. " > 'r ' 31015'
llleftarit triple and quadruple
JU plate castors , caUe dishes , wuter and tea
sets , spoons forks , etc. , absolutely tree with
every purchase of jq.OO and upwards as a
Thanksgiving oflerlng. " I , . O. .tones , Ameri
can clot nor Mull Put num. Out of town readers
bend for catalogue. t'fG-lfi
IJKHSONA1.I Ifyounavon personal item , or
any communication , drop It In one of The
Ueo's message boxes. IQtt
FOH SALi ; or Troile Two horses and express
wagon , will take mottgago notes , carriage
or unj thing tatlstixctoiy. S. A. Sicilian , Cor.
Farnarn ana 33th its. 4Td
FOIl SALE 1 will sell my line roadster at n
buigaln for cash or for good paper. Ho has
trotted In :3.j. : and is a very pleasant driver
either single or double. W. .1. Hughes , drug
store. 10th and Webster sts. 447
Full SAIiI ? Haul or f > oft coal stove cheap ,
2117 UoiigUib Ht. 418 1M
T7KH SALB C treating and " cooking stoves ,
JL ? a ) lamps. SO window shades. i.till fct. Mary's
avenue. 417
FOIt SALK Cheap , a new , large , elegant 0
hole range wlrh water connections and
\\nrining o\an. W i California st. 3.SO lot
T710II SALK Cheap , seven shores stock M -
J ttml Investment Comjiany of Ornuhn , Neb.
Iloom 4 , U. H. bank. iOUlM
FOIl SAkE A complete traveling lubber
stamp outllt , cheap. Address II 71 , Itee.
402 14 ?
Foil SALE Furniture and lease of three
rooms for housekeeping. Steam heat , gas ,
bath. Kent 115. 1'nrtles leaving town. 40 < iN.
IMUBt. 4th floor. 23514 *
TTlOtt SALE Furniture and of IC-room
J ? Hat centrally located , costing over 11,000 , also
tf-yuarold pony , cart and harness and 2 lots In
Hyde I'ark for J&OO. I'artles must leave town ,
inquire H. H.Vnndell \ , 40d N. Kith st. ' 1V1. ] aJ. .
800 15j
" 171OII .SAMO at a bargain , the trotting utalllon
-L Wludwood. Winawoodisa briglit
white , of i > erfcct form , htnnds lit lianas lilgh
and is u graceful mover : was Hired bv Whirl
wind Ohlct : No. ZM. lie by Whirlwind , biro of
I.ady Mac , 2 a ) ; Itaikits " : - . " > I i,4 dnin of Maud
Messenger , :1U'.J : ' , etc. ; dam \Vlndwood ,
Mayweed , record -:27'/i : ' , oy l.lmber 1)111 ) : second
dam the noted Molly W. , by Case's Ited llnck ,
etc , Mayweed bus won races over ten dllfer-
cnt horses with records below S:2.i : , price $1,500.
I'ost olllce address James Aukland , lleatrlce ,
Nebraska , 3USU *
Foil SAIiK Ono or two 5-year-old dell\cry
liaises , or 111 trade for larger one. 3(05 (
IlurtPt. Ill ) 15 *
FOH KALi ; At a bargain , one of the host
loadstars (7ye ( is old , with pedlgreo > In the
city , and new fnyder top road wagon. No moro
btyllsh rig lu Omaha. Will Hull at a bargain tor
c ash or will take good ilrnt mortgage paper.
Dan II. Wheeler , jr.lnsiiiaucB ( ) , Itoom l.Orolgh-
ton blk. X'l 1U
"ITlOlt SAlil-I ! urnlturoivholo or patt ot ten-
JL room hoiibo. JuiJjpoilgo st. house tor rent.
ACAHlNTri'graml upilghtpiano , llrst-clans
make , for sulo at a.icrlllcu \ , only used ono
j enr , part cash iiud part time it ileslrud Ad'
10 , euro IkjtV 752 dl
FOH KAI.K or'trade * ' Now two seated c
riogo and sfngl'top : buegy. Selby.
Farnam. , / ( 1175
171OH BAIK Veryj line family horse and
X1 phaeton at your own price. Inqulia loom 210 ,
Flrbt National Ili uKf 1)70
DHF.SSMAKI > i < lH-NlM M. A.Phliro is pro-
p.ued to do fanhlonablo dresf making ut
most moderate prices ut JI17 N. hlth st. B2U-I i
. - _
II I'llHIDE ti Hl'AN , printing , 1510 Dodge.
- * lH7dl )
Wi. -
NOI'ICIJ to contractoM and builders-Vou
will save moiiuy by llgurlng with Haymer *
Her. their atock of bullderii'hurdwaru u corn-
plate nnd prices low. i 0n7 !
T71UHN1TUIU5 carefully moved by the Omaha
X1 Auction and Storage Co. , 1121 Karnam st.
Teleponue 12C5. llril |
JNO. MUI.DOON & Co.ni5 H. lOth st. : iTstonZ
cutters , 1-c lineal foot , Colorado sandstone ,
rilriB banjo taught as ail art by Geo.l' . OellelT.
X bgck. 32J So. 10th el. 182
GO to Hayiner 4Her for tlno tools nndtbulld- , b.'l 8.10th bt. , Ilur building.
TMflDI.ANDQuarantoa and Trust Co. . Vm tar
-LU-mun Complete ub.stractn furnlihad. It title *
tor al tiUte ezatulDedpar.ect d & guaranteed ,
"PKNSON&CAHMJCIIAIU. fumuu compi.ta
X- > and guaranteed ttbstructi of title any
r l estate In Omaha und DoiiKlas county upon
ibort notice. The uio.t complete set ot uustr
booJuinthtcltr. No , UVt F rn u it , 6i
S "TOUAcrKffrchRndlsoT alTsomh lOust ,
STOHAar low rates nt 1121 Farnam at.
Omaha Auction A Storage Co 13.
lilDHAOE-Hotischold eoods 31 > South , 10th
XJ 671
rnilACKAQK , ftorSEf , lowe.t rate * . Vf. M
X llushman. 1311 LsaTenworth. K9
\V.\NTED Furniture , carpets , stoves and
T T houseliold good * of nil kinds Omaha Alie
tion Jk UiraKO Co. , 1121 Farnnni.
MONKV to txiftn City and country ; rncap
rates , no delay. L 1' . Hammond , < OV I'M-
ton building. 040
I\l ON'EYto I/ian On Omaha and South Oma-
JLU lia property. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Na
tional bank. 777
TA 1"INi\rto ) : Loan Lowest rates , i < oans closed
! 1 promptly. H. E. Cole , Hootn 0 , Continental
Ijlock. tw
61'KH CENT money to loan Cash on Hand
W. M. Harris , room SO , Fronzor block , opp ,
1' . O , | BIM _
LOAN9madeon real estate nud mortgages
bougut. Lewis S Hcod & Co. , 1321 Faruam.
f > M
I OANS made on real ( " ) tnto.MnrtKaBe.sbou lit
XJl.M. Hicliaulson.H. ,8.vv.cor. lotluVDoutlas
iitL1 * :
H 11.1HEYJoOOftXl to loan on city property
and Improved farm laud. Freuzar block ,
tl a
M ONEV to loan on Improved real estate.
I.eavltt Iturnham , Ciolghton block. (517 (
MONHV to loan , O r. Dk'UOo. , real estate
and loan ngonf , IXj 1 nrunm st. 019
loin nt 0 per cunt. Linahati , v Mo-
- _ - ' honey , room fiOJ , 1'axton block. WO
.Pi ODD city and farm loans wanted by A. II.
Ut lllloy , 1519 rarnara. CjJ
K JA ; ] loans. Ion oil ratea.
A Co. , ai2 S. 10th st.
MONUV to loan ; long time. Utorco J. 1'aul
1609 I'nrnam st UJ1
B U1J.DING loans. Llnahati & Mauouev.
DO YOU want tu borrow money ? Head this.
11 will save > ou time. It will save you money.
You can borrow fiom 11.1Mavteis , Mirce-sor
to W. It Cioft , room -1 , Wlthnell bld'n. liith and
ItmuovHts. HU , i.'d , * V , J10J , J.YO , jaw. * 1WX ) ,
t'j.OUO , IIO.IKJL > ,
In fact uuy sum you w nut on f multure , pianos
horses , mules , wagons , etc. , on easy touus nud
at low er rains than aiiv other olllco Intheclly ,
without publicity or removal of property fiom
your possession.
1C nil Installment Is duo on your proneity and
you cannot meet It , call nud see me. It w 111 pay
you. If you luivo .1 loan In nny other olllce , call
and get my intes. I will tnko it up and carry It
for you.
f make loans for one to six months nnd you
can pay u part at nny time , inducing both prin
cipal and Intelost.
All loans renewed nt original latos and no
charges for pnpei s.
All Dullness strictly confidential. Call and f > eo
mo.Don't forget the number. Iloom 4 , Wlthnell
block. 5
DO VOU want to boriow money ? If you have
diamonds , watches or Jewelry and desire to
flecta lennon favorable terms lu n strictly
private and confidential manner , or should you
want a loan on furniture , horses , carriages ,
land contracts or personal property of any de
scription , you cau have money advanced at
lowest rates of Interest and ample time to pay
by calling on or bending postal card to the
, „ , Omaha Mortgaga Loan Co.
We loan out our own money , make out our
owu papers and pay no commission , thus giv
ing Ilia benefit to the borrower.
Our facilities nro puth thnt wo can accommo
date you in n prompt and confidential man
ner , giving you fair , honorabla aud courteous
ti flatulent.
All loans ronowad at oiiglnal rates.
We will pay elf any mortgage you now liaro
and give you long time and low rates ; will loan
any sum from $25 to ! 1XJO.
Commercial nnd Ibt mortgage paper bought.
Omaha Jloitgago Loan Co. , loonid 217 and 218
1'irnt National Hank building. CJ3
fTlilE Omaha financial Exchange , Hoom 15 ,
X llnrkor Hiock , southwest corner of Faruam
and 16th sts.
Makes a specialty of short-time collateral
and real estate loans.
Money always on hand In sums of $100 and
upwards to any amount , to loan on approved
SeBecure'd notes bought , sola or exchanged.
Clear real estate and cash to oxchaugo for
good Brst or second mortgages.
Lioans made upon land contracts , stocks ,
bonds , tiust deeds , tint or second mortgage se
curity , without publicity , delay or red tape.
Financial business of any kind transacted
Promptly , quietly and fairly. Kooin 15. Barker
block Corbett , Manager. Kl )
-ONEV ( toloau on chattel securities. Hlsnop
M ' Wliocler Loan Co. , room 5 , Harker block
PEOPLE'S riNANCIAU Uxctango-Tho fair
est , nulelest , most liberal money exchange
iutJieclty ; loans made without delay or pub
licity , in uny amount large or small , nt the low
est rates of interest , on nny available secmlty :
loans may bo paid at any time or rouewed at
original tales. O. Bouscaron. mgr. , room MK ,
Uarkor blk. , 15th nnd Farnam. ill" n 1'rf
MOffEV to loan on household furniture , pi
anos , horses , wagons and other personal
property ; also on mortgage paper and contracts
as collateral security ; cash always on hind : lib-
ernl extensions granted ; business transacted
falrly.quletly and promptly. The Fairbanks In
vestment Co. , S W cor IMh & Douglas , upstairs.
_ _ t _ lUfi
MONEY" to loan on improved property at first
hands. No applications sent away for ap
proval. Security and titles examined free of
charge o borrow ors. Lombard Investment
company , 309 S. 13th st. _ fl7 !
rpo LOAN From one to two hundred thous-
Xand dollars or smaller sums promptlv , cist
ern capital always on hand cheap. Philadelphia
Mortgage and Trust Co. , Goo. W. P , Cantos , 13
board of tinde. _ B-18 _
KV to Loan In amounts to suit on collateral -
lateral ami personal hecurlty at reasonable
ralesbusiness strictly conlldontlal Nebraska
Mortgage Loan Co.rooins 618. & 61 ! ) Paxton Hldg
to loan un furniture , wagons , etc. ,
without removal , or on collateral security.
Business btrlctly Loulldentlal. A. K. Greenwood
& Co. , II 1 Cunningham blk , cor. Llth to Jackson.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * *
MONUV to loan in nny amount , either for
building or otherwise , at lowest rates of
Interest nnd on short notice. D. V. Slioles , i oem
210 First Nnt'l bank , cor. 1-lth and Farnam. t'iV )
GW. PKCK loans money , cnsli on nand ,
1)00,000 , can bo placed on city nnd fmm prop
erty nt lowest rates ; building loans n specialty.
Itoom 4. Frenzer block. Opp. P. O. ! WO n n * _
MONUV to loan onTniproved city property or
for building purposes ; lowest rates : no
delay. Mutual Investment Company , room 1 ,
Barker block , 15th and Farnam. _ .Mi
A500.000 fi per cent. .Money to loan on im-
cpproved farms or city piopeity. James A.
woodman , nt the old fire insurance olllco of
Murphy 3 : Lovelt. 220 S. 13th st. _ Ml _
' borrow money on furniture , horses ,
wngous , etc. , until you have seen C. II. Ja
cobs , room 410 , Flist National bank building ,
cor. 13th anil Farnam _ oj 2 _ _
ONFY I.oniiK negotiated at low rates with
M out delay , ami purchase good commercial
paper and mortgage notes. 8 , A. Sloman , ( or ,
J3tli and Fnrnnm. 4U
OANS mode on city property. < hattul and.
collateral security , mortgage bdiight. Klin-
ball , Champ & Hynn Itoom B , U. H. Nat. bank
171 F. COOK loans monov at Uperient on loans
.I'-Jnf JlO.oni and upwards , no delay , llrlng
abstract and HIIV o delay. 1 121 Douglas.41)dI4t
MONUV to loan on furniture , norses , wagons ,
etc. , or on nny approved security. J. W. Hob-
bins , It. 'M > \ Sheuly blk , 15th and Howard , ci I
MONHV to Loan On teal estate and chattel
socuiltv , Money without delay. Western
Land and Loan exchange , 117 K. 10th ht. 50 < Jn3
M ONEV to loan : cash on hand : no delay , J.
W. Hoiilru , 121V 1'urnam st. First National
bank building. _ _ _ _ _ (111 (
aim nmall IOHHH for long and short time , at
lowest rates of Interest , on real estate , mort
gage notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds ,
watches and Jewelry , Don't fall to call If you
want fair and cheap accommodations , o. lions-
caren , mgr. , room 50'/i ' , llaikcr blk , 15th and
Farnam UI7 n 15 *
, _ . . . _ , . . .e corner lot val-
'filed * MJ. Address , 1C R , llee Olllcu , 4 M ID *
HOl'-HoUsi : feeding 600 dully , for sula
Chvup. Addro6i H M , llee ollice. 2b7 IK *
KAI.i- ; men now stock of hunluuio.
liivol.o about ' , , OOJ , p.irtcash. will givotlmo
on bulatice , located in custom Nebraska. Ad-
drum 1 > . O. llox 22K , Cozad , Nob. 'M'J W
V\TANTED-An active or silent puity with
T T * iVJ to)30u Iii u prolltnble safe manufactur-
ng bu-liiB-B. Address II M , lieu olllco , JIO 16 *
POH HAI.H-A hinall and w Mil-assorted drug
stock. Including vlegaut iixtures , ut u bar
gain if taken noon Can bo moved to advun-
tugu Addri-hH immediately A , llrown , care
drug htore , ' . ' N. S6Ui , U45 Vi
AIllllCIC yard in full runnlnuoider on switch
of U. I' , and II. & M. Engluo.bolle r. pnlletts
tor WO.oo'J , brick hhens to match mid soft mud
machine , good Cfuy , ( or au | dJOup. Address | |
7W U
AN Active ot ullfjit partner with ISO ) to tl.OW
for bn lne s in Omahn ; lvrg ( proflta ; no op
po ltlou. H < B lice omco. 3J7 17t
fjlOH SAT.R-Ncwly rsfiirnl'ih * . ! ,
X1 hotel , in thriving town on main line of IT. l .
Call or address , H. II. W , 1011 Howard.OmatU ,
311) ) 19 *
POH SALE Grocery Imsllinss , splendid loca
tion In suburbs of Omnlm ; stock to bo void
at Invoice price. Address H M llae. 28313 *
A HAUK opportunity ! Tlie well-known l
ley house for rent , nnd furniture for sale ,
on easy terme , to Rood parties This M n rare
opportunity for thn right man. Address , John
HnvTloy. North 1'latle. Neb. _ .6S 22 *
171011 SALK-My restaurant , locntod on t-J N
X1 Ifith st . dolm : n good buslnev will sell
cheap for cash if tak u nit bin 80 days , ns I
wnnttogotoiith. U f1 Lewis \ SDH. HO 1 !
\\7Evislito employ a reliable man In yotir
T > county. No experience renulrod ; iiermn-
nent poMtlon for throe years. Pnlarr Increased
each year. Mght. ensy. gcnu-ol buslncns Money
advanced forsalarv. advertising , etc , Iarget
mnnuf'rs In our line. Enclosn 2-ccnt No
postal * Centennial M'f'g Co. , Cincinnati. O.
iriOll Tll.\DU-T\vi thiuisnnd ncrea Improved
X1 land to trade for tnt'irli.indlso or cattle and
horses o o. 11. llowrlng , Miuiit , N 'b
, o-d int
rilO lHANOF. ! { One of tin-best rustnuimlt
X otauds In tentinl Io\ui. value ot bulldltiA
? ( , OV > , fur Nebraska landi , will nssuiiip. or li.xl-
niuoou ea y terun Uoo , H. MoonOxfurd
.lillictlon , lonn. ,171 lilt
rpo l.M'HANUE For general meichandl ,
L ( KM acres ot improved lauds moiool less , In-
cumbi'tcd , In ortnn and I'hlllps counties ,
Kansas ; nlso two roMdiMirc pioponle < , elear. In
lluo western town. Addioss 1) . ,1. M. , llov 1 is ,
Hheitoii. Neb. ; i70 IB *
"XX ANTED-Ktockof goods In exdiango for
T > farms and city property. Western Land
nnd 1,01111 Exclinimi' , 117 8 itih. i Udl3
1T10H EXCHANOE-Housonudlot In Ciostou ,
X' lown.
House and lot In Illnlr , Neb
KM acres In Lincoln county , Neb.
11U ncics In llovvatd eoimty , Nob.
Lot In Sauudcrs .v. lllmobnugh's ailu.
20 lots In other additions.
A. 1' , Tukcy , 15th aud Douclas
rilWHNTV-TWO beautiful Cllkauo lots for ft
J. house and lot in Onmlm : iiiusi bo fieolot In-
cnmbranco. Amelia Knopf , Deiby Kotol , 113 N.
18th. -11" " 18 *
WAN'lT.D-inilMliiK mateilal of nil kinds ,
forrnt > h ; Hist moi'lunKO notes , lots , lauds ,
fttims , etc , W.J-raill.llKM rniiinllist. W7
iriOH Tr dn Choice lot In ( iraminori-y I'nrk
J- and choice double coiner In I.tpton 1'laro for
good InnU 1) ) . V. Slioles , u'10 , 1'ltst Nut 1 bank.
o KXCHANHK-IO now houses In South
Omaha for clear lots lu Omaha , South Oina-
ha or Council lllulls. Win. L. Monroe , 11J N.
gJl IfJ
W ANTKD Horse mid buguy or plioaloufor
lota , etc. Wiu , J. I'aul , HUD ruruuui st.
FOIt UXCIIANO12 iirSulo20 choice improved
fnims , 14 to 30 miles fromOmah.i.N ill p y
some i. ash In exchange for Omal.a city prop
erty : pirtleshuvlnglMiBlnoss or tenement blocks
or residence property will do well tolnvestlgate.
K. F. Hlnger. ll'l ' N.JSth. ITil-ir.
ir\OH \ rXCHAN K-Two Nebraska farmi for
JP city residence property. Address 4121 Nlch-
olaa si , , city. 171 1ST
mo MXCHANO1J Kqulty in two lots two
-L blocks from tar line. H It ! , Itoo. 981-1(1 (
MXCHANBli Tor deslrabla losldunce
property In Ornolra , any or all of following :
10 choice Inside residence lots In Hastings.
Ml lots In Lincoln.
1110 acres Hue funning land , Lancaster county.
Fine residence property. Lincoln.
Good rental piopeity , Lincoln.
Choice fancy losidenoo , coiner , Los Angolea.
A neat lesldencopropeity in Hnnscom Place.
Also some good moitgOKe notes.
Address , giving location and price of property ,
J. K. 11 , care llanm Iron Co. , r.17 Leaen worth.
II1AVK real and pcisonal piopeity of all
kinds for trade. Call and sea mo. Ooorgo J.
SterusdorlT , roomO , opp. 1" . O. liol
"IJlOllTUNE Teller Mrs. Leporman can bo cou-
X' suited on all affairs of life. Satisfaction
guaranteed. No : t8 ! N Hithst 63ii d4 ! ;
. NANNIE"V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med
ical and business medium , l-'cmalo diseases
ft. specialty. 119 , N. Ifith st , Hooms 2 &U. ( S55
Foil HUNT A now 8-room house with all
modern improvements , cor. Hickory and
Georgia ave , price S-5. F.naulro 1213 Leaven-
worth st. 4 g
T71O11 SALK-lOOxllO on 8. W. cor. 19th and
Jt Mason sts , . ; also eM lots 2 nml 3 block 11 ,
Kountzo > V Kuth's add. ; aKo lot2i block 10 ,
same add. , on 20th .st. Tliu in opeity Is owned
by party In Montana , arid can ue bought at w
bargnla ; submit oilers , M. A. Upton Co.
3C6 13
F'Oll SAWI-Horo'H a bargain : 2-M4-W1-BS
feet south front on Douglas st. between 10th
and llth. at leis thau fi.0 per front foot. How
long w 111 you lot your money w ear j our pock
ets out with a bargain like that staring you lu
the face ? M. A. Upton Co. ! &ri
FOIl SALE Nice C-room house on Corby ft. ,
east of Sherman avenue , finely furulsticd ;
will bell house and lot at lef > s than it. Is worth
and throw furniture In ; owner leaylnp : city.
Put that m your plpo and smoke It. M. A.
Upton Co. 3w
ITVMBALK Wo have thirteen lots in Central
JO aiibdlvIslou , Council Ilium , , twelve acres in
Hlcu's subdivision , nnd eight acres ailloluiiig
Heiihon'B second addition on the north , ail near
Klectilc Motcr lino. Will sell in u bunch utu
positive bargain. C. B Muyue , Ueai listate &
Trust Co , , omahn. 3iU
mwO-STOUY brick block , nearly new , with
JLst res on first llloor anil seven room tlut.s on
Hccoud lloor , with nil modern improvements.
This property Is on corner fronting paved
street , with sewer , water nud gas and brings
uu annual rental of W.ffiO. Will sell cheap on
terms to suit. Address II 70. Ileo. 40J
SALK Or trade for land not liicnra-
bered : New hotel , 2t * rooms , lu the prosper
ous town of Oelnchs. 1'all Hlver county , Da
kota , 73 tnllos south ot Hnpld City. I'rlce r > , TOU.
llents nt 70 per month.
For S lie Lumber vnrd nnd hardware bust-
ness ; large prollts ; Block * 1,000 , yards and Im
provements 1X)0 ( ) : will take land for ono-lmlf.
IJalanco cash or bankable papers. Can glvo
satisfactory reasons for selling. Address H.
A. Cullund , Oelrlctis , Dak. 2SJJ8J
OJBOO buya n full lot .nid good 4-room cottage
Peasv terms and good location. I ) . V. Hholei.
room ittl ) . First Nafl bank , cor. 1.1th nud Far-
nain U3 (
$3tflQ buys a good 2-story rt-room house and
lot. east front. In Windsor lMaeo.ii bargain.
U. V. Slioles , Itoom 210 , 1'irst National HaiiK.
_ _ 678
Foil SALK Two elegant homes lu llanscom
Place on leasoimblo terms ; rnoitgage paper
taken ns part paym.ut. ( losworth & Jopllii ,
Itnrtter block. m )
For Sale 1 Imvn 10 fine lots In litlwrV
nlaco add , for salt ) . For further informnlloir
addiessK .lollfry Galena , HI. MM
"ETOIt HALI5 Lot , &uxno ! with gnod tory
X1 house iilcolv fliirshod. all modern conven
iences , within 1 blk paved st. , ' blk from Park
school nnd M. K. church , Hiinscom pl.ieo This
IB ono of the best properties in the city , ami
can bo had at a bargain by addiosslng tha
owner , F 14 , Ileo olllce , 418
illOJl BAL13 Or ojteliaiigo for Omali i proper-
X1 ty , 60 ucie-i , sulUiblo lor platting ; will ma.a
4001it.s ; nil clear : big moiiiiy in It for SOIIKI nna
who can push this ; located just outside ot the
city llmll.s ot Council Illnlln. Inqulra ( loo. J.
Stornsdorll. opp. postolllco. ! ! 0" >
1J10H SAI.n Notforlrndn. 6IJ76 acres otluih
X' ] iioved land 2 miles from Murquctto In ,
Hamilton Co , , Nebraska. I'lamn housu , fr.ima
Htanle , U ncres under a gooiH b-rb-wlre fence ,
round cedar post * mid 2 stays ; living water ,
good coiral , 2 wellrt , wind mill , JUI-buirol tunk ,
Holf-feodertioui'lu. etc. ; 75 acrui clever ; model
1'rlco ( about ! I2 pc-r acre ) tQ.VHJ
Cash . .Xr > " 0
y years time at il per cent . . . , . . : io
( io and IOOK over the land and addiuH&the
ownei , K. 1C. Atkins , 15W Luilmor St. , Dnnver ,
Cole , 2I (
FOIt K.\IK-5i ] : ncres Hitmlltnu ( o , , Neb.
land , f'J ' per ncro , omvtnlrd cash , balnncn at
percent , Address W. J , Wlldmau , Denver. Col.
EOH BALI ! Or xonin e , \\o have
good Omaha real estate nnd Ne
farms , which we will neil cheap or truao for
stock ot clothiat ; , furnUliliiK COOIH | , dry ioo'ln ' ,
boots and shoes , groiorleH 01 fiardwaro. Ekhlas-
Incur lire < . , H14 B. 10th st. G'.i i
Uji ( ; uiltnl ] $ IOOOUO
Sui'i ! us 50,001) )
H. W. VAVKB. I'resulont.
LKWI6 S , lU.i i > , Vice l'r Jhlent.
A. 11. TOU AI.IV , 2ud Vice 1're.ildent.
W. H. H. KuniiK * , C-ulilcr.
. , . . . nin.cfoiw
w , v. MoitSB. .iDirw 8. OII.MWS.
H. vv , VATiri. I.KWIHB. Kuiiti.
A 1 ! TOU4VMN.
' Ofllce--
llatiKIHt' - - '
Corner I'jth and 1'arnnin Hta
A Geueral ilaulcluu UuMuti.a Ti auiactttO ,
UimnliiRbotwopnCouncil limit and Alhrlglit.
In addition to the stations mentioned , trntiu
btonutTwentieth and Twonty-fonrtU tr ts ,
and at the Summit In Omaha.
AVestM uril.
Snoely. South
A. M. A. M. ATM ?
6:51 : fi:01 :
nw !
7:11 7:3- : >
pb ; )
I0:0 : > 10:12 WM : !
U U > 11:12 11:23 : 11:30 :
' - , * ' . [ > . M. I'- * ' . 1' . M.
T'.ft5 li'f
I.T ( )
lKi ; 1:1 : !
> :0 : } 6:1. : 5W : !
' Oil ! 6Sf :
(13 7:1 : !
1:05 : 8i : :
0:2. :
10 ( ) - > ; ! 10:2.- : jon : ;
11:0' :
II : U > 11 : _ - nra ;
A No.4. . . , U:4Ua : , m. A No. C ,7jOft.m. :
A'No. 8 nnnp. m. A'No.7 . . . .5:10p. : 111.
A No. 0 0fiOn : , m. A No. H .0:50 : ! > . 111.
A No.O : IOa.m. A No. I ! 7:10ft.m
A No.4 . ( ! : Utp. m. I ) No.l . . .7:000. : in.
U No.2 . . .8:111 : p. in. A Blip. : m.
A No.2 nIOa. in , A No.l .0:50 : a. III.
A No 4 7-.00) ) > . m. A No.i : .0:50 : n. m.
' .
No. 2 . 0:2,1 : a. m. A No. 3. fltfO a. m.
No 4 . . < > :2Ui ) . m. A No.l . : ;
A No.10 , . . .7:05a.m. : A No. . 8:5l > a.m.
A No,12. . 7:00p.m : A No.ll. . . .0:00 p.m.
A No. 8 3:40 : p m.'A ' No. 7 . .11:15 a. in.
A dally : 1) ) dally except Saturday : 0 except
Sunday ; U except Monday ; * fast mall. _
Gouncil Bluffs
And Ghicago ,
ko fr Dp > Mc-lnes. .Mnrslmltown
" . l > | jton , CIMciiKO , jlllli Hiikee ,
. ' . "l" t" 'Pl ' < > ( Nul.rn k .Colo.
"hif Nl" "lla- Oregon , Wuili-
ri " " > cr'or '
. _ r , .
rniJ'lnilrillfriwof " ' 0 "Uinrroui pnlrit ? o ( superiority
iSi ? V-hii'/10 " " " ; < " " ; ' thin nmd lietwrnn Omnlii
. ) \ ( ' fS 'i/'f" ' lt , , ' " ' " iniliis a liar of IAV
nfi , ; , " thollnoil Hint hiiinun rt nnd
liiKViiilUT cyn crenUi. in I'ALAt'r. SI.KKI'INU CAKH
| IC" . ' " ? "ot l' foimcl olii mu Jr At
. ' ' " r"ln.s nf " ' Uiiliiu 1'aolflo mill.
inu dun il | io ( with Ihoio of tlni c i .
, ! . ; " Uy lB W'l'-IIBO ' ' ( llO lr II. of
. ; ii l ( ! { n lines ' " cuillicctlon " llh thoiuof ullolUer
vili , ° _ r"ll-iVi'1 ! ! ' ! iTO'P11".1. ' , ' . ' " ' 'Innapollv ' Clnclniutl ,
r inuaru I nils , lliitlnlo. '
I'lllilinri : . 'i nriinlo. .Monlronl
fn tml' ' ir. ' , ' , " " . , . ' l' ' h"i"nro. Tn.U-
jnUou , and * ll ! palnti In thol.iui Aik lortloiet-
y& y ' ' 10'1'10'1 ' ' A" llckot
uun- ! ! ' , B. P. WILSON ,
Cicn -lanancr. 1 . ( Jon'l I'/unY / ARout.
P. N. HAllCOpJf , ( ' " ! ' 'i ? , ' " , , , .
l > . IS. IUMIIAIl'ntkiit AKMHI.
- " ubr. , ; cm i'm p erAeon
HOI I'ftrnam HU Omaha , Neb.
OF Till !
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul H'y. '
The Host llouto from Onmlm and Cuiindl
Bluffs ( o
t'lilcasjo , AND Milwaukee ,
Nt. J'uul , Mluncaiful ! . , Cedar Jtu.ilda ,
Hock Jhlant ! . Freqiort , Ituukfont ,
Clintou , Dubuijue ,
Miullson ,
Wlnoiin , La G'rossc/ '
And .11 other | raiortnii | ( nolnli Bail , NorttitaU' ' ml
houllioo-.t , ,
FortliroU-b nu tb * tlckot Hgaut ul 1(01 (
Farnaui utreut. lu llarkur Block , or l Ujilou 1'acido
1'iilln.uii flleapori and tlio flneitlilnliiif Can la th *
world urn run un I be main lla * or tuo CliloAKO , Mll <
wmkoo ABt. hiul HmllHHr , anaT ktUnllunl MlA
tv iiKiieD ( ri lj rourttaui nuj \ el ot tUmwiopiuf.
U MII.I.CttI Mfrnl M n . r.
J.F 'lUCKltn. A < il t ntU i > or > l VUn get , ,
A. V It , OAai-kNTKH , Qt Br l ' u * n
BUI ) 1tc. i Agent.
j. T , CfcAUk ; , UIXKU 6u rlat o4 9b