Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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01 rici : . NO 12 ptt\nij
Dell\eiedlty cnrrler In Any I'prt of thentya
Twenty Cents 1'crU'tek.
HtfMsr.PS Office No. 4.1.
NHIIIT KlilTnit , Nd.'l.
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Elegant overcoatings at A. Roller's ,
merchant tailor , 311 ! Broadway.
Best hard and soft coal and Missouri
Wood. E. E. Mayno , 01 ! ) Broadway ,
Regular meeting of Fidelity council ,
Ko. MM , Royal Arcanum , this ( Friday )
evening at 7't : ( ) o'clock.
Preaching by the pastor , Rev. T. F.
ThiuksHinatlho Beroan Baplislchureh
tills evening. The public are invited.
f'hicf Lucas is pulling on more style
than a Crescent City dude. That new
overcoat is a daisy , and it Ills his
thapoly form to perfection.
A building permit for a 81,000 resi
dence was issued yesterday to Mrs.
Amelia Burclmrd. The building will
be erected in Squire's addition.
Squire Biggs ystordny tied a double
knot for the bonelil of Omaha. The
happy pairs wore William W. Comslock
and Alice G. Stearns , Fred Wallen and
Kate Anderson.
The park commissioners have re
moved the benches from Bayltss park
and are preparing for winter. Spoony
couples will please take notice and gov
ern themselves accordingly.
The case of McGco vs Snnguin was
argued before Judge Aylesworth yester
day in the superior court. The case in
volves a dispute in regard to the tax
titles of thirty lots in Brown's subdivis
ion. It was taken under advisement.
The trustees of Iho Iowa institution
for the deaf and dumb will hold hold u
meeting in the eity to-day. Trustee
Itancko , of Iowa City , arrived in Iho
city yesterday , and Trustee Weinstein ,
of 'Burlington , is expected this morn
ing.Mr. . Frank P. Carlcton of Nebraska
Cily and Miss Eva Ralston of this city
wore united in marriage yesterday at
St. Paul's church by Rev. T. J. Maekay.
The ceremony was witnessed by a few
intimate friends. The happy couple de
parted for Ihoir now homo with the best
wishes of a hosts of friends.
Pedestrians on Broadway were yes
terday forced to run Iho gauntlet of two
fires. Tlio cutting down of the old cottonwood -
tonwood on one side of Ihc street and
the work of tearing down the old Pa-
cilic house on the other compelled them
to seek safety in Iho middle of the
Btreol , al the risk of annihilation under
the wheels of streol cars and passing
The now cables for the use of the tel
ephone company have arrived and are
being placed in position. The interior
of the telephone exchange is being en
larged and remodelled , and when com
pleted Manager Lane will have the
linest office belonging lo the Iowa and
Nebraska telephone company. As soon
a the changes now underway are com
pleted this city will have the finest
service in this part of the country.
II being reported that some children
attending the Pierce streol school had
been exposed lo Iho small-pox , Ihe
authorities yesterday promptly closed
two of the rooms and will have no ses
sions of school in Ihem until the mailer
can bo fully investigated. This notion
has called forth some criticism , but the
authorities propose to be on the safe
side and run no risks. At present there
is but ono ease of small-pox in the cily ,
which for a cily of this size is below the
.Mr. S. G. Underwood , who has been
attending thoscssion of Ihe county board
of supervisors in the cily for Ihe pasl
few days was yeslorday summoned to
the residence of his son-in-law , Mr. Ed
Ilenton , a few miles from the city , by
the death of his little grandson , aged
three years. The little fellow had suf
fered a few days from diphtheria , and
died yesterday morning. The arrange
ments for the funeral are not yet com-
ploled. The bereaved relatives have
the sympathy of many friends.
The knitting factory is increasing ils
force of oporatorft. A large amount of
work is now being turned out for local
trade , and the factory is doing a heavy
retail business. Several families are
having their knitting done there , and
the move is giving perfect satisfaction.
Messrs. Mullen < Si Lindsey have pur
chased the slock of yarn and manufac
tured goods on hand , and are conlom-
jilaling further changes. The factory
is a paying onlorpriso ana is a credil
to Iho cily. The management slates
that Council Bluffs is one of the finest
fields in the country , and expresses
wonder thai no knitting factory was es
tablished here be-fore.
Sco W. C. Stnoy'stul.
Improved and vacant property in all
parts of tlio city ; 90x150 feet on Glen
avenue , east front , a bargain ; business
property on Broadway and Fourth
street. R. P. Officer. North Main
street , DoVol's block , Council Bluffs.
All grades hard coal , C. B. Fuel Co.
Weather strips at Chapman 'sart store.
Notice the beautiful finish given col
lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
Tlio County JSoaril.
The county board of supervisors trans
acted considerable routine busincs yes
terday. A proposition from the Oska
loosa bridge company was considered.
The company oilers to replace the pres
ent bridge with a now structure , and a
price for the old bridge is to bo agreed
upon. The board will receive other
bids for the erection of the now struc
ture , and Iho contract will bo awarded
to the lowest bidder. Several bills were
allowed at yesterday's meeting , but the
day's work was unimportant.
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
Sco Forrest Smith's special column.
Wo have no competitors in llnlshing
collars , cuffs and shirts. Cascade Laun
dry Co ,
All grades soft coal , C. B. Fuel Co.
Tliu nintrlot Court.
But little business was transacted in
the district courl yoslcrday. The di
vorce case of Mary Oudkirk vs. Nalhau
Oudkirk was heird ; , nnd Iho prayer of
the petitioner granted.
The urnml jury reported and returned
indictments against several parties.
Among the number were Reynolds and
Sullivan , the burglars who were ur-
4cslod by Officer Martin in Moore &
K-ipllngor's cigar store , and M. M.
Francis , the aged sinner who has shown
buch irrosiHtib.Vstealing proclivities in
this eity since his release from the
JLihcoln penitentiary.
If you want to borrow money , bay a
lot , Imubo and lot , farm , or trade any
thing , KCO A. A. Clark & Co. , Uroad-
\v y and Jtlaiu ,
The Historic Cottonwoocl Tree After
Long Litigation Falls.
On n New Bridge On Ilronil *
wny The Police Find n Few Vic
tims Yet Talk of Hclllnj :
tlio Driving Park.
Will tnc Driving Park Go ?
It will shortly beilcterininoil whether
the Union driving park it ) to go or re
main. The stockholders will hold n
mooting at the boi : < * ( l of trnilo rooms
next Tliursdny evening to imss upon
the following propositions :
First. Will said stockholders sell the
( /round of the association to pay elf the
u.xistlng indebtedness of the sumo ?
Second. Will the stockholders inort-
gnpo said grounds to raise the money
requisite to iiay oil the present Indebt
edness of tliu association:1 :
Third. Will the stockholders parti
tion Haid grounds and pay oil said in-
Fourth. Will the stockholders pay off
said indebtedness according to their re
spective Interests mid continue the as
The park has been a losing invest
ment for the stockholders , and some
means will be devised for placing it on
a paying basis or it will bo abandoned
altogether , and the property sold.
For Sale- .
Money loaned at L. H. ( . 'rafts & Co. " 3
loan olllcc , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value without
removal. All business strictly conli-
dontial ,
E. II. Sheafo & Co. make long or
short time loans on real estate , in sums
to suit , at lowest rnto of interest. Ollieo
Broadway and Main street , upstairs.
Loans made on city business and resi
dence properly. Notes bought. Kim-
ball-Champ Investment company.
The Tree Gnu Now He Spared.
At the corner of Broadway and Pearl
street there has blood for over thirty
years n. large cotton wood tree about
which cluster historic recollections of
local interest. The old tree has been
the pride of Horace Everett , who owns
the largo brick block in froat of which
the tree has stood. There have been
many changes in the cily in Iho years
during which this tree has blood. Time
iind again there has been a clamor for
its removal and numerous uetty com
plaints because of the various alleged
reasons. Twelve years ago the city
authorities determined to cut it down ,
declaring it to bo a nuisance. Mr. Ev
erett stopped into court and a contest
followed , which did not rest until the
supreme court acted in favor of Mr.
Everett. The old iree has been pro-
lected since by a permanent injunction ,
and has stood undisturbed until now.
Old age creeping on , and the veteran
being half dead , Mr. Everett has con
cluded that , the Ireo has served its day ,
and has given permission lo the tele
phone company to cut it down. A clear
way is thus left for their line and the
woodmen commenced their work yes
Computing the original cost of the
tree with interest for these many years
ana adding the expenses of the ex
tended litigation , the old tree has been
rather a costly luxury , and the decision
of the sunrcmo court is narrated in the
Iowa reports as follows :
"Tho petilion states lhat plaintiff is
the owner of certain real estate in
Council Bluffs , on which ho has erected
a valuable block of buildings , to bo oc
cupied as store rooms and olllccs. That
just within the curbing of the sidewalk
of the street , on which said real estate
abuts , stand iwo largo , thrifty shade
trees , which wore planted in 1850 , and
have there remained without objection
since said time. The sidewalk is fully
thit teen feet wide ; lhat said trees are
perfectly safe and sound , and oiler no
obstruction to the free use of Iho street
and sidewalk ; that said trees arc pleas
ant to the eye and afford a grateful
shade to the public , and especially so
to the plaintiff and the occupants of
said building. They also atl'ord a great
protection against lire to the plaintiff's
building and those contiguous thereto ,
and voulcl greatly tend to prevent the
spread of a con Hag ration ; that the com
mon council of said city , an the loth
day of December , 187C , passed Iho fol
lowing :
"Resolved by Iho common council ,
Thai all wooden posls and Irecs
standing on Broadway , between
Madison and Con tor slreels , bo and
Iho same are hereby declared nuisances ,
and Iho marshal is hereby instructed
to abate the same. " That the marshal
of said city in pursuance to said reso
lution is about to cut down said trees ,
which are nol in facl a nuisance , and
have never been so adjudged in any
legal proceeding. An injunction was
asked. No answer or pleading of any
kind was liled by defendant. A re
straining order , temporary in its na
ture , was granted and afterward an in
junction was refused , and it was or
dered that unless an appeal to this
court was perfected within ten days
said restraining order should bo va
cated , The plainlilT appeals.
Leonard Everol and B.V. . Ilighl ap
peared for appellant , and G. A. Holmes
for appellee. The courl ruled as fol-
lowv. Under Iho allegations of the pe
tition , which in the absence of any de
nial must bo taken as true , these trees
do not constitute a nuisance , and they
do nol constitute an obstruction to the
travel along said street unless the mere
facl Unit the city council huve declared
them so. So far from being so they are
botli useful and ornamental. It has
been the policy of the state to encour
age the growth of trees outside of eity
limits , and the habits and customs of
the Inhabitants of the towns and pities
of the state have been such that many
of such cities and towns now have a
generous supply of shade trees within
their borders. There IB no statute de
claring trees in a street or highway a
nuisance. Nor do wo believe such to
bo true al common Ir.w. Counsel have
cilcd us lo no adjudicated case so hold
ing. Thai an obstruction , whether il
be u tree or something else , in a high
way or street is or may be a nuisance ,
tlioro is no doubt the law so declares.
But it must amount to an obstruction to
the traveling public. UnJor the alle
gations in the petition , however , wo ar
rive at the conclusion , without serious
doubt or hesitation , that the trees in
question do nol constitute an obstruc
tion to such public , and therefore are
not nuisances , The ruling below is re
versed and the cause remanded , with
directions to grant the injunction upon
bunh terms as are equitable.
More Soared Tiiau Hurt ,
Thnro was a lively runaway on First
street about noon yesterday. Jacob
Sollor's hoi'bo became unmaiUigeublo and
dashed down the street at a furious gait.
As ho reached Broadway u street car
wns pn slng , nnd the frightened nntinnl
plunged headlong against It , throwing
the car from the track and knocking
the mules olT their feet. The runaway
fell and silt ! under tlio car , where ho
was held fast. On being released the
flighty brute was found to bobutsHghtly
scratched. The passengers in the
street car were considerably shaken up ,
but none of them wore seriously injured.
Mr. Seller's back was severely sprained
by being thrown from the wagon , but
Ills other injuries were very slight.
lilt escape from scrlo > s injury was very
lltivintr embarked In the real cstitto
business , and being desirousof securing
a largo and complete list , 1 rcsnoctfiilly
ask my friends and others who have
property for -alc to list the same with
me. liuunni : Mirrc.u.K ,
No. HPearl-st.
\Vcilonot Intend to Indorse any except artl-
riot of merit , lint wo tak i pleasure In referring
to tliu " ( tarland Stoves and ltnnKc . whoso
Miperlority M too well established to bo callud
In question. They are believed to bo mi'-eiiinled
by uny in thowoild. Sold exclusively by P.O.
le ) Vol.
The finish on our collars , otilTs and
shirts cannot bo equalled. Cascade
Laundry Co.
1'crHonal Paragraphs.
W. G. Koteham. advance agent for
Lllim ! I3oone , was in the eity yesterday.
C. A. Yceker , agent for "Littlo Nug
get. " was among yesterday's guests at
the Bcehtolo.
Miss Florence ] ? oot , of Ivcokuk , will
spend the winter as the guest of Mrs.
George Mctcalf.
Mr. and Mrs. James Humphrey have
returned from a month's visit with reht-
tives at Fort Dodge.
Mr. A. Ulmcr ha gone to New York
on a business trip. Before ho returns
he will take in 1'hilndelphia and Wash
A. J. Conloy. Beatrice ; C. F. Breseo ,
Syracuse : 1) . C. Drown , Albuquerque ,
and George A. Armstrong , Dos Monies ,
were at the Ogden yesterday.
C. A. Loyd. Museatino ; G. W. Culli-
son , Ilarlan ; F. II. Griggs , Chariton ,
and J. Verron , Des Moines , were regis
tered at the Hechtole yesterday.
Mr. P. Mo Adam , of McAdam & Am-
berg , left last evening for Chicago , lie
will return in about a month to close up
tonic unlinished ousiness.
Thomas Siovers , of the Sicvers Bridge
company of Oskaloosa , is in tUo city on
business connected with the Broadway
Indian creek bridge. Ho leaves for
home this evening.
Money loaned on fuiniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horccs , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , otllcc cor. Brotulway
and Main , over American e.xpre' ' . .
Rock Spring coal , Gleason , 20 Pearl
The Council BlunS Lumber Co. want
you to try some of their coal.
The Council Bluffs Investment Co. ,
No. 10 Pearl St. , having engaged in the
real estate business , respectfully re
quest a list from parties having 'prop-
ertd for sale , rent or exchange.
Wanted at once An experienced
clerk for general store. Single man ,
one speaking English and German pre
ferred. Good salary and steady em
ployment to the right man. Call'on or
address .1. H. Kirm , ,
Charter Oak , Crawfor Co. , la.
Up the Unruly.
Prominent among yesterday's victims
n police courl were Ihree of the frail
lenixcns of "Tho Row. " They were
Booked as vagrants. Kittle Leo had a
jaby in her arms and the court allowed
icr to depart , having no desire to turn
.he cooler into a nursery. The other
.wo , Ollic Williams and > lay Robinson ,
yore each lined $10 and locked up in do-
'tiult of payment. James Devins was
.axed $8 for drunkenness. James
Woods and John Burke were each sent
up for thirty days for vagrancy. E. D.
Collamer was charged with being drunk
ind insulting lauies. Ho furnished $ lo
jonds for his appearance , and the case
was conliuucd. ,
Headquarters for stoves.
ODKI.L & UUYANT , 513 Main st.
Illinois and Iowa best soft coal , Glea
son , 20 Pearl street.
E. H. Sheafc loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confidential. Olllce oOO Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up stairs.
For bargains in real estate in any
uart of Iho eity see F , J. Day , the lead-
jiy real estate dealer.
Dresses made Wool dressc.s $5 to $8 ,
silks and plushes $8 to $10. Miss Sim
mons , over Eisoman's.
See Forrest Smith's special column.
Snint Dnrnnrd Place.
I have a number of fine lots for sale
in Iho above addition , located only Iwo
) locks away from Iho street ears on
[ Broadway. These lots are 0x250 foot ,
\nd are choice residence property.
They are high and dry and present a
commanding view , For full informa
tion regarding prices and terms apply
to J. G. Tipton , solo agent , : i7 Broad
Tnlly-lio Visitors.
A tally-ho coaching party from
Omaha took in Iho Bluffs yesterday.
They stopped at the New Ogden for a
jriof rest , and enjoyed a spread in the
dining hall. The members of the party
were John E. Wilbur , Joseph Garncau ,
r. , Mr. and Mrp. E. P. Pock , Mr. and
VI rs. J. 1C. Chambers , Mrs. W. II. Me-
Uord , Mr . Lewis S. Reed , Mrs. W. 11.
UorriH , Miss Minnie Richardson , Miss
jraco Chambers and Miss Bishop , of
Dmaha ; Miss Parmoloo , of Cleveland ,
Ohio , and Miss Hodges , of Boston.
Ailvlcn to Mot hern.
Mrs. Wlnslow's ' .Soothing Syrup should al
ways bo usud forchihlren teething ItsooUiea
the child , softens the gums. allayn all pain ,
cureslwiml colic , and IB the best remedy for
dlarrtiwa. "Ac u bottle.
S. B. Wadsworth it Co. loan money.
Just received , a ear load of selected
Michigan apples. II , J. Palmer , 11 !
For Sale.
An elegant corner lot on Eighth
street. For particulars inquire of
George Motcalf , 14 Pearl-st.
J.G , Tipton has bargains in real estate ,
Sen Forrest Smith's special column.
"Wo hare listed with us some cash and
a few good farms to exchange for Coun
cil Bluffs property. A. A , Clark it Co. ,
Broadway and Main ,
Mixed pickles in bulk at N , I. Tib-
bitt8S45 urpudwuy.
Dr. C. 0. Hazcn , dontibt , opera house
block ,
Boston Advertiser : " "What is the o-
crelof handling alj i'ry "
This was the ( | ueBtimi put to an tie-
comulished inombeofrtho Suffolk bar.
"First , n gooit lawyer looks over his
jury , " was the reply , "and selects one
man whom ho must1 ttilk directly to
occasionally there , may be two men ,
but under orditmry circumstances
there is one man inllie jury who will by
his superior intelligence and strength
of individuality load nil the rest. To
this man alone th < 3 shrewd lawyer ml-
dress ( s himself and the juror becomes
Mattered by the distinction , feeling that
the whole matter routs upon him , that
ho alone , in the liuvyurV eye , possesses
qualities superior to'his follow jurors.
This distinction to a large extent has
the effect of creating a friendship be
tween the lawyer nnd the juror , and
ultimately ends in the lawyerV favor
when the jury shnll have retired for
"A jury lawyer must be a man of
largo general information. He must
know history , science , art , literature ,
light and heavyHe must keep in step
with the limes in everything. Ho must
always be fertile with' illustration , hu
mor , pathos , Incident. Anything that
will intcresl his jurors and give them
lo bolicvo tnat he is a man of broad
knowledge. A wise man. In truth , a
"Tho jury want little of law , because
they know nothing of precedent. Show
them in plain bill allractlve language
Iho common souse side of Iho story , and
dwell on unimportant parts ; talk about
the juror's business ; tell him his re
sponsibility ; make him think he is put
llicro because of his wisdom ; lalk to
him about Iho benevolence of goneros-
ily ; give humanity a largo heart ; work
on his sympathies.
"But there is a very essential p-irt of
a case in the impanelling of a jury.
"Thus , if you have a ease where' your
client has boon wronged get as many
old men on the panel as possible. Old
men have passed through suffering.
They Know what it is to bo oppressed.
They have families of their own , and
they will Mdo with the weak as against
the strong. Your client is oppressed
you gain a verdict.
"If you have a case of crime got
young men on the jury and men from
' '
'tho laboring classes. 'The aristocracy
believe that there is not enough law ,
and Ihuy demand the fullest penalties ,
The mechanic and laborer of the lower
class , feeling the oppression of his people
ple , thinks Iherc is too much law and
his sympathies are with the criminal.
In murder cases you can startle a juror
by telling him of the possible damna
tion he will receive in the next world
for hanging an innocent man. He will
not give a verdict for death.
"Great care should bo employed in
the preparation of evidence. A lawyer
may enter a court-room with a theory
to carry out in the trial , and after ho
has advanced for an hour , discover thai
his clienl has given him a wrong story
or an incomplete One. Here is the
period in the ea o when a man must be
quick-wilted and turn without breaking
ul once into the correct line of prouoil-
ure. If ho is not quick , his opponent
will overthrow hir.j. . It , is like a war of
athletes training lirsti , agility and wit
Ihroughoul esscnliajs. . ,
"A lawyer musl npvoi" dispise his an
tagonist. There are two sides to every
queslion. Win on the "merits of your
evidence and intelligence. Lot no
prejudice appear be cool , bo kind offend -
fond no man's dignity.Make your jury
think thai your whoTb soul is in Uie
case. Treat a small , case with as much
euro as a large one. * Treat a poor man
as fair as the rich. ' There are many
magiiilicenl poinls of law which arise
oul of the small cases. No great lawyer
over undertook anything small or largo
without centering his mind and power
in it. Try to win every caso.
"All men are not necessarily success-
'ul because of their technical knowledge
) f law. The success of Benjamin F. But-
.cr lies in his general knowledge , the
vcrsalilly of his intollecl more than in
lis profound legal training. But-
cr had a ea e once against
the government , in which he ap
peared , to defend certain Boston
importers - > f the charge that they wore
receiving kid gloves from Vienna , un
dervalued at the custom house. The
trial was occasioned by New York im
porters claiming that the Boston im
porters could undersell them because -
cause their goods were undervalued
and entered the port at a low duty.
"Butler made these points : First ,
that the gloves wore made for Ameri
cans. That the lingers of the people of
Vienna wore shorter and thicker than
the fingers' of Iho Americans. Thai the
lingers of the Americans were long and
slondor. That the gloves made in Vi
enna for Americans would not bo bought
in Vienna. That if they were put up
at auction in Vienna they would bring
hardly anything. Therefore the true
value of the gloves in Vienna was lower
even than the duty valuation at the
port of Boston , and the shrewd lawyer 1
won his case. "
Wo ahull iiover ccaso to Indorse Dr. Bull's
Cough Syruu ; for without it our paper wculd
have been short of reading matter tills week ;
wo had n shocking cough anil fearful cold.
( Weekly Union. )
Uon't High with jrnin or burns or accident ,
liutusc Salvation Oil , the greatest liniment.
Tlio Two Campaign
Ballimoro American : The domocralic
fight was in the hands of its best mana
gers. General Barnum was the Jliiun-
eial member of the directing linn. He
supplied the funds , kept the ollico-hold-
ors in line and attended to such work as
falls to Iho lot of Iho financial head of
any business concern.
Arthur P. Gorman was the head and
body of the campaign management , and
wbalovor crcdil is due belongs lo him.
From a room in the Fifth Avenue hotel '
the domocralie campaign was directed
by the senator from Maryland. All dele
gations sought him ; 'all ' conferences
were with him , and'if ' the loss of this
lighl is to bo altrilnUodj to a lack of ex
ecutive abilily , Iho shrewd Arthur P.
Gorman must comq , in for the lion's
share of hlumo. When , in 1884 , Senator
Gorman soul throughout the country a
memorable mcssagcito the faithful thai
Cleveland had beouoldctodho _ received
about all Iho pralseJforjtho victory. At
that time the election Jiad not boon de
cided , and apparently Miero was no real
foundation for the tlnun. But , as it
afterward turned out thai Cleveland had
won by n plurality 'of less than 1,100
votes , the rank and Hie generally cred
ited Gorman at thai time with the abil
ity that wonand the determination thai
held to a victory achieved. His reputa
tion as a politician was great not only
in his own state , but throughout the
whole country.
To-day Senator Gorman is among the
defeated. Of nil these who have felt
Iho pangs of defeal , Gorman feels them
the mosl keenly. Cleveland was like
Napoleon I a man of destiny. The
Frenchman saw his Waterloo , and the
proud pacer , ) f Buffalo lias stumbled in
Kings County , while Gorman , whoso
name four years ago was the signal for
applause , has gone down under the
superior generalship pf a Pennsylvania
Senator. Luck sometimes leaves its
favorites. Destiny fails to destine.
The supposed shrewdest Democratic
politician in this country hus failed to
elect his party candidates , and por-
liapi from now on but little will bo
heard of the unconquerable sagacity of
the Miuvtluml Senator.
Now , if we judge by the results , Gor1
man must have been venkdr than the
head of the Kenublinui Campaign Com
mittee , Indeed , in so far 113 tlio
results prove anything , Quay ol ano
seems to have been stronger than the
Democratic combination Gor mini ,
Brk-o nnd Bnrnuni. With the fall
of Gorman as a national nnnnger comes
the rise of Senator Quay. Tlio Repub
lican national party owes Senator Quay
inesllmablo gralilude. From a very
early hour In the morning llll a very
Into hour of the night , he has boon al
hi * desk. Unless he possesses great
power of recuperation.'nairman cjanj'a
health hns been seriously
Three weeks ago he said ;
"I wish the election wnsnearathanil.
I am worn oul and sick. "
He looked like an overworked man ,
nnd yet he never let up for a moment.
Processions passed the building in
which the chairman sat , but he did not
oven raise the eurtnins to look out. Dis
tinguished republicans sought him In
vain. Reporters called nnd learned
nothing. Uiu-easonablo partisans
charged him with every political crime ,
with the single exception of murder ;
but the cool , culeulallng chairman
merely worked harder. Ho was to be
arrested , but he anticipated no defense.
Ho was to be waylaid , but his usual
route from the Everett house to head
quarters was not changed. No such u
character had ever been known to the
other members of the eommitloo. He
volunteered nothing. Ho gave every
man his ear , but few his tongue.
Through all of the campaign , while
Brice was strutting the corridors of the
Fifth avenue hotel , there was no one
who could point out the republican
chairman. He was never seen about
the hotels , and seldom seen tit all.
Nothing perple.xed htm , nothing sur
prised him. Ho was never jubilant ,
never depressed. He conducted the
campaign successfully against many
odds , ( to was always without the funds
neccs-siiry to conduct a vigorous light.
That was the only discouraging feature
of the republican campaign. He nnd
thousands of money agairst him. but he
did his level best , and to-day Mallhow
S. Quay stands the prominent liguro of
the hour as a political manager. Be
sides , Chairman Quay bad staked all
his earthly possessions , with a trilling
exception , upon the result of his work.
"If we lose the fight,1' said ono of the
clerks , "our chairman will have to walk
to Philadelphia. I hear he has everything -
thing but his hat on the result. ' ' It 'is
safe to say that Chairman Quay has won
a great reputation and nbout $10(1,009 ( on
Uie light.
Just as in 1S8J , there arc now a doren
different combinations claiming the
credit of Iho victory. The pluralit.vis |
just small enough to convince each fac-
lion thai ils vole was Iho deciding fac
One Knot
Is worth a column of rhetoric , said tin
American statesman. It is a fact , es
tablished by the testimony of thousands
of people , thai Hood's Sarsaparilla does
cure scrofula , sail rheum , ami other dis
eases or affections arising from impure
state or low condition of the blood. It
also overcomes that tired feeling ,
creates a good appetite , and gives
strength to every part of the system.
Try it.
Wo have some choice bargains in bottom
tom properly listed with us by parties
who say they must have money. A. A.
Clark & Co. , Broadway and Main.
For a Short Time I Will Offer
In Terry Addition to Council IllullB on the fol
lowing Terms :
Insldu Lots on Ave. A . . IWO
Inslda Lot- , oil Avo. II . . . . . . . . MK1
Inside Lots on Ave. C . . . . . . . . 4.V )
liiildti Lots on Klrst Ave . < ! M )
Insldo Lots ouSi-cond AM1. . . filX )
Inside Lots on Thii.l Avu . . MK )
Inslilo I.oti nn N. Sldn I'onrth AVL > . 4M
Itislde LotsonK. Sltlo I'liurth Ave . -HO
fir-All Corner Lots r.ll Morn.
TEHMS One-truth casli , balu ire in nine annual
optional payments , with H per cent in-
tt-reM , payable unmuilly. Will give coii-
tinrt for warranty deed and fin Utah nb-
htract when fully paid.
No. 8 , North Main St . Council Illuirs , la
Y I < OTH ,
Telephone lie. No. U Main Street.
. I.O5t. 1'ound ,
To Loan , For Sale. To Itent. Wanta , llnaid-
liiK , etc. . will tin inserted In this column at tlio
low rate of TUN CUNTS I'KIl I. INI ! for tliu llr
insertion and Kivo Cents Per l.luu for oaeh hub-
ioqiiunl Insertion. I.eavo advertisements nt
1111 office. No. 1U I'oarl Stieet , near Uroailway ,
L'onncll Illuir-i lowu ,
IIKNT-2 or II nicely furnlfUied rooms for
housoKeopliiB. Cull on or adrticss Dr. P. W.
IliJiighton , IW Ilroadway , CouncU lilulTH , jla.
7VH BAMI Or Kxchaneo A ( food wrnln elo-
* - vat or In an Iowa town , to fell or triidn for
'iinn land , Johnston & Van Patten , Council
llullH , ja.
OU KENT Seven-loom cottage , on the corner
ner of Ud ave. and Vth nt. W. C. .Iftinoa.
HUNT A lartjo number of Rood dwell-
FOR . Call nnd examine list. K. II. Hhoafo
5. Co. , Droadwny and Main nt. , up Blairs.
A now addition , legu than U inlhs : i < ntli of
Iroddway. llankeru , inurchants , prolrsslonal
nen , inechanlcd , woiklntjmnn and every body
an inuku money Tailor by buying In Churl ion
han In any otliur poitlon of the Now Council
lluirx 'IficHu lota will be bold nt from Jl..oto
; } JOcach. Ono-Hlxth rash , balance In monthly
laynifiitH at B per cent Inteiest , ( 'alloiuluet
row choice ,
'Oil HUNT IloiiHBof 7-rooins , rlorrts. pftiltry ,
cellar , city water , etc , Ko , > W * , th
'OH BAUE LotMlxiaV/'ornorof avo. AnnrtlBlh
tit , Only ! li ) ) , f IUU cunb , remainder
In one and two year * nt b per rent.
'Oil 8.U.i-W : : ucreti of the best gariUnlni ; land
on the best road rmmliiK Into Coun
cil Hindu iiml Omulm. Just east of
this city. Will make yon any terms
you wanl If you are able to improve
It at once. If you want a jr.udsn
this U the limit you want. I'rlce ,
rjoco ,
Room 4 , 3rd TJoQr , Urovra liutiaini ; .
SIZES FROM Especially Adnptea / !
. Mills and Elevators ,
Spec mentions nnil estimates furnlHhcit for complete steam plntif. Itopnlntlnn , Durability Guar
anteed. ( 'an show letters from e is \ \ hero fuel Kronomy is oqttnl \ \ ( tli C'orllM * N'on-1'onilcnslug
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Catalogue. No. 610 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs.
No. 103 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
Now that the New Bridge is done we liavo all that is
needed lo bring the good people of Omaha to our beautiful
city , and giA-e them inducements to buy cheaper than any
where else. We propose to make stu-li low prices to our
Omaha friends that will insure us at least a portion of their
trade. Our stock is not excelled by any in our lino. Wo
soil the beautiful
Everett , Pease it Howard Pianos , and the ROYAL CEN
TURY Organ. Sell for casli or on time. Our stock of small
musical instruments , strings , sheet music and music books
is complete.
DR. C. B. JUDD ,
No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen enlarge commission or salary.
Corxon. I3i.rrrs P. C. Do Vol's ' Store , No. I OMUIA Carpenter Paper Co. , No. Ill
filM Middle Hro.ulway. Telephone No. 87. | Uouglas Street. Telephone No. 'JCO.
No. 14 Pearl St.
PRICE $15.
Is equal t )
any High
TholMI'on Mlmcocrnjrtj , tlie best iippnrntu.i for
ru.inlfoMIng , nutngrnptilc unJ tyi'C ' writing \iork.
3UO copies can hi ; taken.
The Excelsior CCouncil Bluffs , la.
C. E. HELL. G. A. nr.HMNcnior.
Architects , Designers and Siwintoiiileiits
of Construction ,
Mr. Iterliiifrhof was scion years with
Mcmlpfcsolm , I'lslior A : Lo\vry , anil lias
drhigiH'd many of tlio llnot , ( docks
in Onmlia and Council lilnlls.
Plans ana Specifications Prepared and
Estimates made on Application ,
Studio , Room 2 Opera Ifmi * c Hlt > cH
D. H. MoDANELD & CO. ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
t OandB23 Main Streot.Councll IllufTs.Iowa.
Rut Set
CommonclnR Monday , Nov. 12th ,
All purchasers of Dry Goods , Clothing and
fiunts rurnlsliliiK IJooiis amounting to fl.uu
ill Iocolvua ticket cnlitliiiK them to achanco
on either aline imilnr or bedroom sot. Itcmcm-
Ix'r , Koodti are maikod lower than over , and a
ticket KOt't with every dollar's worth pnrcha-t'd.
I'lio beautiful prl/es can bo ( .ecu at the store ,
MODroadway Council IllulTa , Iowa.
A Complete Stork of
.o er than the lowest goods Bold on raby paj-
inuntH at Cash Pi Ices.
I'or tlio ton of WorkliiKinrn , 1 will
; c > pnpon Hnnday frumH a. m , 10 1 p. in.
J'or Second Hand UnoiN In BOOI ! order I will
uy full value , tip'jclal Imluiujurnt to Omulm
! lM ! aiul : t
1514 Doujclnu Bt. , Omaha , Neb ,
Will .sell for cnMi , meat nt the following prices :
IIOII , WA'.r 4c 10e
iuir : : .ic I'ouK < HOP . no
KltltTI.IIiit : liUA&T OP I'OICK HCMST. . be
HI II ItOASr. fie IIAMK. "
ItOl'NI ) S'I'IIAK' fc I ( A CON . . . . "tto
Him.oi.\sTi\ic : me I2c
A'P.At , AND Mrri'ON STBW8 .to
Vi\l : < AND Ml'TTON flc
S.YL'SAdi : OF AI.Ii KINDS. .80
And all other Meats in the same
Proportion ,
NO. : t ! > 7 H'N'AV. TEL. NO. 1C1.
A positive euro for Liver nnd Kidney troub
les , all lilood Diseases , Indigestion , Dyspep
sia , and Sour .Stomach , is found in
Kor sale hy local druggists n"l |
overywhoro. 1'rico ? 1 per bottle , nix for J5.
Address all communications to
im. .1. i ; . IIOOECI : ,
Council IJIull'/Iii.
IRON and
No , 5 1 ninin Hlrci't ,
( 'DIIIKSlI 111 II ( I'M , IK.
CoiresnondentH Mviitloii This I'api'f.
Latest NMClll ( > s In
mm m GOODS
Jims. < ; ,
S.TEWART , i , , D , v , M ,
Telr.plHimi No , iit > 5 ,
COUNCIL llljUl'M'H , t t IOWA