THE OMAHA DAILY BEEFRIDAY. . NOVEMBER 1C , 1888. THE CAPITAL CITY IN COURT Opening of the $1OOOO Damage Suit of Lovl R. Smith. THE EMMONS-MITCHELL CASE. New Cn cs Commenced In the Supreme and District Courts Mnrhlo Dealers In Convention Xnw Xotiu ICH , I.ISCOLN ncnnxu or Ttir. OMAIU UEE , ) KWV 1' STHKKY , } - LINCOLN. Nov. H. ITo I Tolny , in tlio dUUIct court , .TudRO Clinp- man tried tlio cause of Lev ! H. Smith ntfalnst the city of Lincoln , the amount of ( Inmates clnlmcil Iti the petition beliifj § 10OuO. The matter stood over for some time , Innsmuch RS Jttdgo Field had the case broiinht before him when ujty attorney , and therefore did not tlilnlc It propiir that hu should prctido nt the trial. Throe nttonioyi nppeurcd on o.ich slilo ; on the part of the phtliitifT , Messrs , Sctnck Jk l.aue and Mr. Hush , and on the parlof the city , .Mr. Lnmbrrttoii , Mr. Wood ward and Mr. Wlntinoro. The trial is likely to bo protracted ; at the earliest , not closing before Friday nl'ht. ( The plaintllT claims that on the 10th of January , 1S37 , hu win passing alonir the west sldo of Sixteenth HtiTet between Q and It strcuts , There had been Homo Miovvfall , and there was an opuunifin the lidmvnlk , whence ho nlloKcs a pliuilc had bcr-n removed. At that place tie slipped and fell , thu .small of his buckiitrlkinK agaitiHt thu hard wood of W the nlduwnllt. Tlio injury ho claims ho sus tained was to tlm Hpluu : and It was so serious tLat for months hu wax roiillnud to Ills house , and attended thi'ie , llrst by the late Dr. Ful i ler , and afterwaids by Dr. Hart. Mis allocation now Is that ho is permanently Uis- ubled , and theruforu claims damages as com pensation , to the amount before stated , plead ing Unit the c-itj knew of the Uefect in the walk , or that the defect was of so long stand ing that the city Is presumed to have had Itnowlcdco of it. The Uefeasc , which is not reached at the time of writing appears to bo this It is adtaittod that the city is of the first class , and that Sixteenth struct Is U'ilhln its limits , As to nil ether in a tonal allegations , a complete denial Is made. It Is denied that tlio sidewalk was defective , and that the city had any knowl edge of defect , or could bo presumed to have knowledge. It in fin thur stated that the fall occurred in the day time , when the plaiutiiT by duo caio ought to have avoided it , and that therefore the city could not bo charged with any injury ho had sustained , Further , also , it Is claimed that the plaintiff has not bouii injured to the extent ho allege * . Upon the issues thus raised , the trial was proceed ing when Tin : liui : representative left the court room , and the promise was that the legal light would bo a llorco one. 4. is cofiir ON i'irmoN. : John T , . Farwull filed his petition in the district court to day against Kuille Schultz ot ill , sucking to foreclose a mortgage secur ing two promissory notes aggregating $1,400. The petition of lUchard Nuivoll NIcKeraon vs. Uosu Jane Nickeraon was also Illed , and the case promises to bo one of unusual inter est. 1'liilntllT sots forth that on the Kith day of February , l SS , ho and the dofciidant wcro married in Hayes county , Nebraska , and that they lived together as husband and wife three short , blissful weeks ; that his wife then left him and returned to her mother's homo in Lan caster county ; that prior to this the mother had comniuacod a habeas corpus suit for the recovery of Hose Jane Ourluch , which was his wifo's maiden name , basing her null on the claim that Uosu Jane wits not of legal marriageable ago without parental consent. The plaintiff , however , sots up that she represented herself to bo over eighteen years of ago before the marriage , but after leaving his homo stated that she had deceived him , and would refuse to rccog- nlzo the marriage contract after sbo had reached the legal a > ; e. The plaintiff further alleges that hu is a carpenter , contractor and builder , and that ho cannot prosecute his business while mutters are la this muddled state. Ho frankly admits that thu girl may bo right , and prays the court to declare the marrmgu null and void and to restore to the defendant her maiden name and grant such [ f , oilier relief as justice may demand. It strikes Tin : HIE : man that such another petition has not been filed la the courts of PJ the state for a whole month of Sundays. Mrs. Niekorson ought to thank her husband for shouldering the blame in this mesal liance. THIS TOMIMTONI ! TOIf.KUS. The marble and granite dealers of No- braaku mot In convention at Lincoln to-day , at the call of Secretary Nelhart , of Ilrowu- villo. There wcro twenty-five representa tive dealers in attendance. The call recites that the object of the meeting is to reach a higher plane of general improvement , the elevation of trade in all departments , the formation of social and friendly intercourse , honorable dealing between its members and the discussion of the host moans to free the publlo of Irresponsible dealers. Tlio session proved to bo very interesting , and most of tlio representative dujlers of the state were present. The discussions wcro lively and interesting torosting and tended to a better understand- fnu of the needs of the fraternity throughout tffc stuto. stuto.THE THE KMMONH-JIITCIIKl.LCASi : . The CIIHO of James Emuions against Officers Mitchell and I'uund was called for hc.iring before Justice Snolllng to-day. IJut the "Xroseoutor , or persecutor , was not ready for * ! rial. Thu olncers wore. The plaintiff did ot seem to euro to have thu trial ilxed so Vhat the testimony of Attorney Stearns could bo brought against him. There is some thing lust a little fctrungo about this. The dofoiulants , however , were tlrin and the casu was riot for hearing next , Thursday , when , possibly , the action of the council committees and the animus of the whole ulTair will bo shown up in Its trim light. Thu ofllcers of the law are bent on having u square deal and this is right. NEW NOTAIlinS PUIIMO. The following Nobniskans wore commis sioned notaries publlo by Governor Thayer to-day : Harry M. Mar-quins , Heaver City , Furnas county ; William A , Claghoni , Louisville , Cass county ; Luther McMahlll , Max , Dundy county ; .1. D. Henry , HolUrogo , 1'holps county ; John Thomas Fleming , Harvard , Clay county ; Ohio KIIOY , Sidney. Chuyenno county ; Charles I ) . Francis , Nullgli , Antelope - lope county ; S.unuel L. Christunsc , Cluul- ron , Duwcs county. ricon.iMTinx or iimviitn , The governor to-day issued n proclamation of ruw.ird of J1UO for Iho arrest Albert Han- oimtino , the murdororof lllr.uu Katun and William Ashley , near Cozad , Custor county. The prompt attention the governor gives to this ( rightful murder , thu history of which Is already given to the public , evidences that ho proposes no .juartcr for thu cold-bloodod murderer while ho occuplos the executive chair , SI I'HCMU tOUUT NRWB. Mr. A K > . Churchill of Omaha was ad mitted to practice. ( Jates v.s 1'arrutt , continued ; State ox rcl Covey vs Ciislln , writ allowed. Thu following causes were argued nndsub milted ; Mcrrell vs Wcdgowood ; State ox rol FraiiUlIn county vs Cole , on demurrer. UTV NISWS AND XOTIIli , The cause ol the Stuto of Nebraska ex rcl Fraakllu county vs John G. Koll.v. to make the iiofrndnnt whack up fees , v.'ri.i Illed for hearing before tlio supreme court to-day. Sixty-live counties of Nebraska aru In with nfllclal election niturns. Thu.ver'8 imijorlly over McShanu will Jiuj ? 20,1X10 votes u\vful bard. U will not miss it "an hundred" votes olt tier way. Hon. Charles Holmes of Tocumseb tarried in Lincoln an hour to-dny on his return home ward from a business visit to Omaha. Ho about * long and loud over republican success , Hon. A. K , Couy of Howard county spent Inst night In thecapltal city. Ho K after thu spcakcrslilp of the next houiu of representa tives with a vigilant nyo. II. M. HURunoll , of the Call , will $ tart for Ran Antonio , Tuxtis , Sunday , to attend the national pro * * abstoci.itioii , ' 'liush" will Join the excursionists from that place to Mexico City , after which lie will return to tbo bpsom of his family and further newspaper glory. Governor Thayer loft to-day for Clilc.i&o , where he will meet his wife , who has spent the suuimur in thu east. The governor and Mrs. Touyer will return home on .Saturday next. RTho clouiibiut , ' , nntlBojitlo and hoaliny qualities of Dr. Bu o'e Caturrli Huuiuily nrp AVAIjKB AMONG TI1K SCHOOLS. The KvMiinjr ( Schools in They A | ticnr ( Jndrr liAinpllulit. Tlm bnnrj of odiifation must cvldcnHv ba waihnir for the people to vote the $100,000 bonds to get uionoy to put the fences , gat. a nnd grading around Center street school in proper repair. Like Pompeii , the sur roundings here are awfully out of repair. The night school at Center street Is con ducted by Miss La Hue. She was the first to establish niKht schools In this district and claims she lias met with considerable success. She Is assisted by Miss Itoyca , who leaches the higher grades , the seventh and eighth , Miss La Hue devoting her tlmo to tbo less advanced pupils. Holh tin-so ladies tench hero during the rtay. There arp thirty-eight night pupils in this school , which began its work on Monday night l.i-tt. There are txvolvu under fourteen sr > f nc'1 , liftmen from fourteen to oiuhtenn. and clown from eighteen to two'it.oni' . and nv < r The pupils nro rmplo.vcii during the da.ut almost every kind ot business. There are nmongpst the pupils several reg Istercd as cigar inakeis , cirpentern , and clerks , one bookkeeper , aged twenty-one , mi eli-etriclan , aged twenty-one , a Jockey , n dis tiller and a person of nu occupation , aged twenty-four. There Is a bouse-wife and her husband , ( Mohemian ) aged respectively , thlrty-thrcu nnd thirty-live.\cars. The pupils m Miss Hoyco's room were younger than in the other , only one being over twenty-one years old. The pupils wore Well dressed , clean nnd apparently respectable. There was , how ever , a talscliievlous twinkle in the eyes of some as they spied Tin : Hii : : man. Miss LnUuo aught night school hero last winter , and spoke highly of the benellcial results ot thu school. Most of the pupils who attended her class last yuar appeared promptly at the opening night again this season. Castcllar. "Here's another old follow going to school , " said an urchin , who stood at the door as the reporter entered the Castullur street school. "He wants to learn something , " remarked another of thu crowd. "Why don't you go to school , boys I" queried the repoitur. "They llred us , " said the first speaker , "cos1 wo goes to school days , " The Castollur Street night school Is con ducted b > Miss Smith and Miss Owens in ono room , and by Miss Nagl In another. Kiieh of these ladles teach bore during the day.There There are IS scholars under 14 years of ago , 3J from 11 to IS years , IIS from 1H to ! 31 years , and 9 from Ul upwaids. There nro 4 colored miplls attend ing , 0 of whom nro married. The attendants nro all employed during the day , and comprise clerks , laborers , mechan ics , tailors , cigar-makers and carpenters. The appointnco in Miss Smith's room im pressed ono very favorable , each student evi dently buing in earnest under the carclul guidance of their teachers. Miss > Nazi's class was being dismissed as the reporter entered thu room. The LOIIK Scoool. The night class at the Long school is com posed of two grades. The llrst class is taught by Miss Jennie L. Woodward. Thu total number of her scholars is twenty-four , all of whom arc white children. The average is about sixteen years , none being over twenty- one. Twenty of the scholars tire boys , most of them bolng employed as clerks In the Union Pacific headquarters , and some aru stenographers and typo writers. The second grade is under the instruction of Miss M. K. Jordan , who speaks in the highest terms of her class. Of the twenty pupils eleven are colored. .Tho ages vary creatly , running from fifteen to thirty years. One member of the class , a gentleman , is iort.v years old. Of the twenty pupils there are twelve males and eight females. Nine of the class are over twenty-one. Miss Jordan stated that quite nn increase upon this num ber was expected. Most of the imilos In this class are bricklayers nnd the fumalos are en gaged in doing housework. The Hartinan. Tlio night school at Hartinan is conducted l > yMIss Emma Kearney , who teaches in the same place during thu day. In this school thcioworu 17 pupils under U years of ago ; Jl from 1 1 to 18 years , and 0 from IS to 21 " years and over. Among tbo total number nro eight girls. Several hero could neither read nor write , and consisted princl- l > ally of Bohemians , Irish and Germans. Miss Kearney had no assistant , but the pupijs seemed to bu under perfect control , and discipline appeared to bu decidedly good. They wore not so well dressed as at the Center school , but nil appeared anxious to learn and showed great respect for their teacher. All of the pupils who attended at night were employed during the day. Karnitm School. At the Farnam street night school wore found thirty-nlno pupils under the instruc tion of Miss Gazette. They averaged about fourteen years la ago , the oUost being a youth of nineteen. They were an intelligent lot of young people , and many of them were well advanced in their studios. There wore but live girls among them. All of the pupils have employment of some kind during the day. A largo number of them are musscn- gor boys , and others are learning trades or are employed about stores. One or two are of foreign birth , and are endeavoring to mas ter thu difficulties of English. Dr. JofToris1 remedy euros every case ol diphtheria. No physician required. The Lioat * of Broad. The petition of bakers to the council on last Tuesday night to amend the bread ordinance so as to rcduco thu weight of a loaf of bread from sixteen to twelve ounces , was signed by the following firms : Joseph Garnoau cracker company , Schwab & Co , , Fred M , Peterson , Henry Hucgcn , G. C. Kucnno , W. S. lialduff , Vodlca & Boyle , F. F. Mulligan , W. L. El- sasscr , Otto Wagner , Z. H. Hoeder , Some of the bakers were seen yesterday and asked why they had made the above reViost. All of them gave about the same answer , the basis of which was the deslra to protect themselves. Said one of thorn : "Thero Is nothing wrong in our request , and the people will admit this fact If they open their eyes to tuo facts. Wo nro not anxious to redueo the weight of our loaves because of a deslro to make moru monev. That would bu acting too sollishly. Wo know wo could not do it But \vu must reduce to uiaicu oven ordinary business pro lit s. Flour has raised. If the raise were only SO cents , say , wo wouldn't mind it on 100 pounds , but the price has actu ally doubled. We don't use Nebraska Hour , because wo can't. Wo have to go to Mlnno- Mit.i for it. To-day wo uru paylnir for our bust Uwur lust think of it-SJ.23 per 100 pounds. This same Hour cost us some time ago just SJ 'J" > , When wo paid the last prlco we made only fnir prollts , Now that ttioprico has been doubled , how do you expect wo can continuu to sell without muklugacorrospoud- ing raise I" "When was the price of Hour raised ? " "About two months ago. " "What caused thu ralsol" "Well , you'd ought to kno\v. It was the corner on wheat whloh Hutuhinson in Clil- nigo rnudi' , and wic | | | | demoralized not only thu bakers , but thu grain dealers. " "Why did you not raise your prices at the tlnioot the rntso in grain and lluurl How have you made bread these two months without u murmur , when , according to your allowing , you must have been losing money I" "Well , I'll ' tell you whv that was , too. Our mill men told us that there was going to bu u ni'so In Hour , Wo took their word and bought an unusually lurga stock of llour. That has lasted us up to thu present. It Is now nearly gouo. I know I put all the money I Imd into flour , if I hadn't I couldn't have kept up tlio past two months , Some baiters bought more than me , while , I guess , ( larnoau purchased a great deal moro than noverul of us. " ' How lout ; will this high price In llour continuul1' "I don't know. " "How long will you folks ask to have your loavoa weigh only twelve ounces | P "Only until the price of ( tour drops to its old liguro. " ' 'Havu you cvor known llour to rate ns blub before I" "Yes , once , nbout sixtcon years ago , Then wo oil | loavp * byru ut 1C wlp 4 | > jcce. In those day a a mua put us much bread as ho Fail' white hands Soft healthful skin " PEARS'-- * Great Enilisfi Complexion wanted in a lonf , and charged as much as he wanted , too. " "Do jou sell to consumers' " "Not to very many. Nearly all of us bakers sell to storekeepers , giving thorn twenty-six loaves of sixteen ounces each for $1. Some fellows , I hear , give twenty eight. " "Why don't you raise the price Instead of decreasing the wolpltU" "That would bring pennies into circnla lion. They demoralize business. People would forgot them half the time , get credit for a cent or two , forget nil au.iut them later and thus cutall a loss upon the dealer. The trade dou't ' want ponnics. If xve ralso the price it would have to bo either to 0 or 7 cents per loaf. " " 1 see by Tun Unp. that n baker's ilozon Joseph Onrncau and twelve others -havo asked the city council to reduce the weight of the present pound loaf from sixteen to twelve ounces. They give as the reason that thu price of llour has gone up. I don't ' tlilnlc the council will bo foolish enough to grant thulr request , for it is n downright steal. If Hour has advanced , let them advance the price of their bread , the s.imo ns any ether class of merchants would do If the cost of an urticlo they were Belling had advanced. Puo- pie will then know what they are paying for bread , nnd will expect lower prices when llour is lower. Hut If you reduce the weight of the loaf , the citizens will bo in the dark and have no redress , and will bu kept on pay ing starvation prices lor light-weight loaves when there Is no necessity for It. The cost of making bread has not advanced ! )3Vff ) per cent , and yet that is what these bakers pro pose to ndit to the price , and want the coun cil to sanction it. " of worthless imitations of Dr. Jones' red clover tonio. The genuine euros headtiche , pilus , dyspepsia , nyuo , malaria , and is a perfect tonic and blood purifier. Price CO cunts. Goodman Drucr company. SOUTH OMAHA. The KI Hies' Daughters. The Kings' Daughters , an undenomina tional . benevolent ladies' society , met Wodues day afternoon at the residence of Mrs. W. G. Sloane , and organized , by electing Mrs. W. G. Sloane. president ; Mrs. Gcorgo Masson , vice-president ; Mrs. Hubert Maxwell , treas urer , and Mrs. A. J. Caugbeysccrctnry. The following chairmen of committees worn sip * pointed : Missions , Mrs. J. D. Jones ; tem perance , Mrs. A. .1. Cauphoy ; city evangoll- zation , Mrs. George Massonand , charity.Mrs. William G. Sloane. Notes About the City. T. P. Stephens , of Cudar Rapids. Nob. Is in the city , visiting Z. Cuddington Building inspector Joseph J. liuou has issued two building permits to the 1C. S. Newcomb lumber company for houses , ono an ofllco and the other a warehouse ot the yards west of Lawrence street , and ono to James Carroll , Twenty-sixth and F streets. Nellie , aged MX years , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hobert T. Maxwell is sick with scarla tina. tina.A A quorum of the city council failing to meet last night , no session was held. The next mooting will bo Monday evening. Crime1) ami Criminals. John Rnsmussen , who was arrested on the charge of stealing a butchcr'B ' block , will have Ids trial November Hi nt 2 p. m. J. M. McGraw , who is serving a ten years' sentence for burglary , is endeavoring' to raise money to take an appeal of Ins casu. Owners have been found for the two ele gant fur caps taken from Charley Davis , the negro thief who was sentenced recently for stealing an overcoat at the Millard. The caps wcro stolen at Minneapolis and have been sent back to their owners. A million people will buy the Christmas number of the Ladies' Home Journal and Practical Housekeeper six cents at the news-stands when it is ready. A million people will buy the Thanksgiving number six cents at the news-stands when it is ready. A million are buying the November number , now ready six cents at the news-stands. By sending ten cents in silver or stamps you get four numbers by mail. LADIES' HOMR JOVRNAL , Philadelphia. XXCB XOX IlltS firfT.n ) u roa "Anchor" Stone Building Blocks , . uverojjo twr. .Aj > J > l7 for Descrtpth e Catalogue , tent iwal-fctu , tu F. AD. RICHTCft & 00. , S10 Broadway , Now York. 100 C3OARS FREE. K.XTltA IIOI.IIIA.Y < ) KKiiC. : Tu ruphllr Inlrixluco our new "I'uu.y ( Jnrcn" cliiurVo nil ) . K D nip red at once , ilrliver luo ol them , 9 boxes of CO cluurn cnch FUK.K to uny I'ost or Kzproi offlcu In Ihe U M Also our yunr' * > uli * vrl | > tl < > n paitpnlil in Texu. HUlliiB * upon re * ocliit of lour ilollnritUu jcurlrr tu ( orthut pop. ul r Illuitrntoil InpuEo Journal. Write nunio nnd pontoutce uililrcti plalnlr. lU-uili by rtaUtorcd mall or penal nolo n ml mlilrcx nt unce K. W. TANSILL& CO. , 55 State St. , Chicago. .E . iwiUtiuTfuroITiiaO dajiipyl r. Jloruo' lif : < Mr < MainctlallrU | Trui , oombluul. UuaranluJtho only ono la the world ircncratlnjj ncontlnuoua Xltctrio t" Jfoanrfft . . 'current. Bclcnttflo.I'avrcrful , Imrable , - . , , , _ OomforUblo nutt Kiroetfto. Avoid frauds. > ci > " orrrltOMcDn ( ) > .l. KcnMftdinpfnriiunipUlcU AJ. l > KI.IiOTJtlO lIKt.TH lOK : Pl-tAhtk , ua. HOfiNE , IHVEUIOR , lot WABASH AYE , , cmuco. . FOUWTAIRT FINE CUT A.NI3 PI incomuHrablv h Dast. Surgeon and Physician. Office N. W Corner iltli an J Oouulu.4 St. OOlca tojUuuco UilouUouo. & 3i "PEERLESS " DYES ESTABLISHED 185II 180 So. Chicago , Ills , I ClnrkSt. The Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Is still Treating with the Greatest SKU a dJUCCESS Chronic , Ncryons and Priyatc Diseases , 43-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lott Manhood , Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible Dreams , Head and Hack Ache and all ihe clTecil leading to early decay amlpethaps Consumption ot Insanity , treated scientifically by new method * with Mi 8 YPKH ius and all bad niood and Skin DIs- eaies permanently cured. rs-KIDNEYoml URlNARYcomphints.Olcet , Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Vnrlcocele and all dUeatef of the Ccnlto-Urm.iry Organs cured promptly without Injury to Stomach , Kidncjs or other Organi. a3 No experiment ! ) , Age and experience Im portant. Consultation free and sacred. 5 Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diveses. flS-Those conlemphtiiig MarriaKe < cnd for Dr , Clarke's celebrated cuidc Male and Female , each i < ; cents , both as cents ( stampO. Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter or call may -ue future suffer- int and shame , and add golden > ears to life , 99Iook "Life's ( Secret ) Errors50centsstampj ( ) . Medicin and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to n. Addrui F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 186 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILK. . Your Left Liver IS OUT OF ORDER ? BEAD THIS IF IT IS. A Proprietary Medicine tliut uoodu butatrUl to proru Its worth. Dr.Calbder's ' left Lbir Hitlers , Tno only Dlstillod.r Bitters In tko United States. The only flitter * recognized by tha United States Internal revenue lawn as a Pro prietary Mefllrlne. Lawfully Patented. No. ot Patent 14-9,673 , Contains no fusil oils , no essential oils , tie foreign substance or dnmag * Ing driiKS. A perfectly pure medicine , com pounded from Pure Root Ilerl < s and OKI Peachj pleasant to the taste , qulut nnd decisive In Iti affect. Cures Dyspepsia or Yellow Jaundice In flredays. Ilejrulatog tha Honela. Invltrorntea Inactlre Liver , Cures Diseased Liter , Hevlvoi the Kidneys , Improves the Appetite Qulclily , Regulates the wnolo system. Now Llfn to th Trbol * system. ol.oftl.lvcr Ultieriarn sold In Omnha , Neb , tjytlio llowiiiiJ ilrucKiats : Illclianlsnn DriiR Co. , gpuolal Whnluialu. fur tli0 umu Interest of Nebraska. Ho- laOoouSm"m7C0. ! ; ? ! . W. J. WWtelioa o. T. W. < p it- fan" , r-atu II. Kurnswortii. Scbrotur'a Pharmacy Kiilin.vCo.JolmUmdHli , M. 1'urr , J. A. tiillur & Co. W. .1. Iluiilics , John H. Con to. C. J. Vrlce , .M..1. Powell K . . . . Mnrroll'a ' ll.jMitsth.John K.Hiiiriky. I'buruincr .lutuDi frorsytli , 11. O Boll , IJr..l. J. Suvlllo , C M.fni. ser , V. C'lmrullor. Malm's Pharmacy , yurnuy A Day'n J.U. Kliiir.J. VV Clarke , J. II. Schmidt , Mar IIoulit.J S.CbrlMcnson. U' . K. Lambcrion , H. H. Cor , Max Conritrt , Krar.kf. . 1'ogtf. 11. ltn uiui'on , ( loo. lluoder Boyd'a Pharmacy. 0.A. . Melcher , Howard Meyers , Frank Dellnno A. Co. . wholesale dealer * In C'Biirs ' unl loft I.Ivor Ulttor.t A Sure Cure OR Wo will guarantee to cure any case of SYPHILIS in 20 TO 60 DAYS. This is u disease which has heretofore Batlled ( ill Medical Science. WehnvDn Homoily , unknown to anyone In the World outside of our Company.uml ouo that hm to euro the moat obstinate cases. Ton days in repent cases does the work. Itls thooldchionlc deep st-fitoil cases tlmt wo Wo hnvo cured lituiiliods who have been ubundoued by 1'liyalcluna. and pronounced Incurable , and we clinllenRetlio World to lirlnu us a ease that wo will not euro In less than sixty day * . Silica the history of medicine a true spoclllo for Syphilis has boon sought for , but never found until onr Itl.VCilC REMEDY was dlscovoroil , and wo nro Justified 111 flaying It Is the only Kemeilyln the World that w 111 j > oi- itlyely cure , because tlm lutmt Moillcal Works , published by the best known authorltlt-H , suy there was never iiti-uo Hpcclllu before. Our rem edy will euro when ovorvthlnn else him failed. AVliyantu your tlino nnd tnuuur with patent medicines that nuver had virtue or doctor vUth physicians tlmt cuirnot euro you , yon that have trlod everything t'Kohhonld come to ns iiuwmid Be.t permanent relief , you nex or runlet It eKe- uhuru. Murk what wo s.iy. In the end you must take our remedy or NKVIilt locovernnd you that have been nlllloted but u Hlinrt UIIID Hhoiild by all nic.un CIHIHI to ns now , not onu In oxer get peimanuntly i-inod. Many KOI help niKl.tliiiiK they are free from thu dlteuse , but In one , Uu > or three yitiim after U appears again In a IUOKJ horrible form. Tills is u Blood I'nrilloi' mid will Cui-o any SUiu or Blood Dlsuabo whoa n'rolbo Pails. THE COOK REMEDY CO , Itoum 10 and 1 ( , l | , S. Hank lmilill % , Ujiuiliii , .Neb. I'tibllc BUIO of Imported diaft htullloiM and trot. IliiKbtock lit Vork , Neb Nov7 ! , IHhS. coiumell- ctllKUt U liilu m , \Vuuill olh'i our entire htockof linrscs , about yj in iliiinbyi ; . 'I 1'or. r cnorons. 1 C'lydi-si ale , S Shire , i I'leiicli < W iilnn , bovurul draft nnd ono trottlnu Ht.illlon The b.ilunco tontUtHOf tvottlnghrcd niarcJ , filllos aiuldrlv- Inu hordes. lUHSIK Ouo yoais time , good bankable j.aper . .oniilred. B pcr-cent discount for cnsh. BAI.l : HA1N OH HlllNi : . Hend for catuloKiio. . ' . M. WOODS , Auctlourvr. JUDICIOUS AND PEHSISTtrif Adrvitlelnff has alwayn pioyon euoccflsfiil , Jlcfoio plnclntrnny ; Niiwapnpor Advertising consua LORD & THOMAS , " ; tt IB i Uu4 IU > BlrnU OHlnAOO. unit all tirinary troubles caulh , fi ly ndhufc lyfiiredUyl)0(71' ) ( IAuii. ( ( ! mile . Several cahcu cured In Mt > ven < lu , Sufi I II.6U per box , all druioUlE ( , or by mull tram Do- cm * Mfg , Co. \Vbftobt.N. . V. 1'ull Wrectloa * FOAV poojili * have niiy itlt'a of thp iiingnitn.lo of the Im iiH1 \vo niv doinpj. It is n sight to see HIP throng of huyow nhvnys in our store. The biggoat throng is on the second lloor , nnnng the overcoats. Though the weather has been warm and other houses have sold but few overcoat-- have moved thousands of them al ready. We had nn immense stock enough wo thought to last us tluough the seamen hut our tremendous trade the past two weeks has thinned them out so much that we have to let u | > advertising them for a few days , until we gel in fresh goods , for which we have telegraphed our buyer. Our special sales are becoming famous throughout the city and stale , and in accordance Nvllh our promise to give every week some new drives , we will this week have n BIG SUIT SAL1D. During the. next six days we will prove most conclusively to the thousands who may cull on us , that , we faithfully keep our promises. It is the always carrying out to the letter what we adver tise , that has made The Nebraska Clothing1 Company famous and our name a household word throughout this section. The following extraordinary offerings are made for this week Lot No. 1 , consists of about four hundred business Suits , all sacks , plain and fancy cheviots and cassitneres , STRICTLY ALL WOOL , with good serge lining and honestly made at $5.80. Make no mistake , this is not a cheap suit. It is as good as yon will buy anywhere nt from ? 10 to $12. It may seem impossible for us to . sell it at $5.jO , but we have promised something extraordinary and here it is. Don't take our word for it , but como and sec for yourself. Lot No. 2 , is a line of very fine black corkscrew suits , sacks and frocks , the regular price of which is ? 15 , and for which other houses would charge from $ 18 to ? 20. Will bo sold this week at $0.50 for the sack nnd $0.75 for frock suits. in lot 3 , wo offer the CLIMAX OF HAKGA1NS our great $10 suit. We have in this lob two styles of cassimerc suits. , on which we stake our reputation , that they are honestly worth double the money. One is a plain gray , the other a fine silk mixed cassimere. We will simply say that this line of $10 suits is destined to become the greatest advertisement for us. Lot JN"o. 4 , Is a line of elegant cutaway Frock Suits , made of fine fancy worsted , one of the choicest suits ever offered ; tailor made .and beautiful fitting. These suits are made for men who demand and can appreciate a superior character of worknanship. They sell ordinarily for $25 ; wo offer them this week at § 18. This ia the most fearful slaughter of Suits that wo ever got into in the very midst of our busiest season. We are opening to-day and placing in stock some very handsome styles of Children's Overcoats of beautiful designs and trimmings. The prices are in accordance with all our goods extremely low. Plain Figures and One Price. Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha. Buniiigfon n 't r Route : /C.0&ORR. I The Burlington takes the lead. fit was in advance of alt Imes in developing Nebraska. It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car service between Missouri river points and Chicago. It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of Omaha and the West a fast mail soryice , It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from the East into Omaha proper. It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago. It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver tha vening of the same day. It has been progressive in the past. It will lead in the future. Travel and ship via the Burlington. Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot on Tenth Street. n * > i ? . Ji Buflingtpii C.B.SQ.R.R. Healfli is Wealth ! 1)11. 15.0. WlIbT'S NKItVr. AND IllUJN Till : IT IKNT , ugunninteeil jiclUc [ ) for Dy&torlu , Ittfti \e \ ii. ConvnUlonii , Tin , Nrrvoin NouinlKla leadaoiio Norvoux I'rontratlon , ciumedby tlm I-B of alcohol or tobacco , NVukefnlni'ss. Mental lepinsslon , Hufttiilni ; of Iho Itnilii , r .sullin in n-.anliy , and Icnd.nB . to mHery , decay and lentil , I'lematnro Olt ) .IKO. llnrri'illjoas , l.oas of 'o 'cr In either sex. Jnvoliintnry J.oiseu nnd inetniutorha'ii ca\iio.l by ovor-uxerttyu pf.tho nftln , self-obusnor over Indulvcnco. llaih box pntaim 0 9 yjoutira troaUntnt. , W iv box.or iU' oximori ) w , wnt by mall prepaid on re- olpt of price. WK OUAUANTI3I2 SIX UfXI2S Po euro uny case Wltli each onlor rucoiveil by mfor fclx boxen , ac'ompatiietl Mllli l'iW. no Ullsend the purchaser our Mrlttwii Kiuranteu o refund the money If ti ! i treutnient does not llectactiio , Uuurant ed | > sut > a only by C , lOohMAN. Dfiiwlbt , bolo AUeut , 1110' Itteet , UmuliH Neb , W. G. ALBRIGHT , Real Estate , 2i8SJ5th St.Omaha. BEST AND CHEAPEST SOUTH OMAHA. BUY NOW TliRMS EASY ru. . . . . . . . . ' 0. It. 6TAUU , 161U Howard fit. , Omaha , has drawn plans and HnunilCUl HpociileiUIon3furn9-rooinfrftmoliou ( ! . which comlilr - Mlllty.roinfort.fcuiiiowy and a v ay liupogsllil * In any good house that co tM from II.OuO to JI.-WJ As nioru tbau 10U z Z . . , . , , , will bo built o , I cun afford to orjor a copy for Original mid xplendlfl Kfi. the usuul f ocB otlierwlhe being froiJi sss:5 * ( ] eal us fliruldind , as can be judged percent more. ll .sSS251' ! ! ( leiorptlons ) j im\e In my ofnco , ranglun la rest ' - ff from W.ttw to HOO.WX ) , Mr unusual nxpurlc-oco will gtiarautctaatlffactloo uud rcllulple contractor * cnly arc eoaiail ( ; ; on my work * . Faults wlslJaa to build _ ar corillally lavlUd. it I II