THE OMAHAi.DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 10. 1883. THE DAILY BEE , KVKUY AIOUXINO. THUMB OF s n | iy ( Morning I : Jltioni including . Ilix , One Year . 110 00 ror lxilonUif ! . 1 IK yorThreuMonilu . 3 0 THE OAIAIIA Hi'NDAV II KB , mailed to any address. Urn-Year . WRKKI.Y Hue , One Year . . oppirn wr ? unoKniir lirii.iusii. Nr.wYoiiKUiTiru , ItooMsli AMI UTiiiiu-Nr lit II.IHNO. WASHINGTON Uiriei : , No. 613 1'ouiiTKKMil HTIIKET. rol'O- . „ Allrommunliatloni rolfttlim touownnd e < ll torlnl matter nhoulil be ( uldie-wed to the HIIITUII rsisiflsrirrTRH9. : All bnslmvH letters inul remittances MiotiM no Bdilreiwed to Tun IIF.K I'um.imilNH fOMl'AXV. mmi\ . Drafts , checks and iioitolllco order * to tainada jinynlili ; to tha order ot the company. The BccPiiWisliiinlipaiiy , Proprietors , K. HOSKWATEU. Editor. IJH13. Sworn Statement ol Circulation. fctnto . IB > S < Ccmnlyot DniiKlai , ( It'orL'o It , Tzschuck , secretary ot Tim Hen IMifo- llslilnu' romtiilny , docs solemnly swonr that the actual circulation of TUB KAII.V HUE for the week cmllUK November 10 , lb1 wa as follows : Sunday , Nov. 1 . IV-MO Moncluy , Nov. 0 . 1WI . ISM Wednesday. Nov. 7 . ' . ' . > ) tThnrsday , Nov. 8 . Sl.iiu JPrldny , Nov. 9 . SUIIS .Saturday. Nov It ) Amaeo ( iliOUHK II.T/.H < : iHJC'K. Sworn to Itrforc me and subscribed In niy I > renence tills lUtli day of November A. I ) , 188,1. Still N. i . I'Elli. Notary Public. Btiileof Nenrnska. I. . . County of llouula * , fs ( icorRu II. TzBclinrk , lielng duly sworn , do- r.o.MJi and niy that hn H secretary of the Ilee I'litiltshiiiK company , that the uctual nvernuo dally circulation of Tim DAILY HKK for tli month of November. 18S7. was l" > , -'tl copies ; for Decoinbur , 1H.ST , 1\UI1 coploa ; for Jununry , ItkSS jr > . ! : ( W copies ; for February. 1SS8. 1A.UVJ copies ; for March , 18S.S li. ! < K > conle4 ; for April , 1SSS J,74I copies ; for May , 1HMH , 17.1HI copied ! for June , IHIW , iiaii ! : coplos ; for July. likU * . 1H.IKI3 copies ; for August , 18 3 , IS.IKJ coplos ; forSop- 'toinber ' , 1WH , 18 , 1M coplos ; for October. 1 W , was -1S.HS4 ooplfls. OKO. II. TX-SOIIUOK. Bwnrn to before me and subscribed lu my .presence. this Tlh day of November , IKHX. _ N. 1' . FKIfi Notary 1'nbllc. Tun fraudulent plumber inuat go. KANSAS takes the cnko. She loads tlio republican column with 11 plurality of over eighty thousand. WAS it for a .Now York farmer boy Hint Mary Anderson snubbed all the dukes and dukolots of Europe ? LIKE drowning men catching at Straws , the domocratio managers are making dospornto iittompts to grab "West Virginia and Maryland. STHAUNO ballot boxes in Arkansas is Onnllncd to prominent citizens of the 'htuto. ' It is an occupation in which they have proven themselves eminently proficient. Mis. CMSVHMSNU'S underground rail road lias boon formally opened for busi ness. It will carry the mnils to those federal ollleeholdors whose resignation would be acceptable at their earliest convenience. Tim mnp of Western Nebraska will undergo considerable changes. The people of Ohoyonno county have voted to sub-divide it. Whore Cheyenne 'Bproads itself like the state of Massa chusetts across the face of the map elx now counties will he created. They have boon temporarily called Douel , Bcott's Bluffs , Banner , Kimball , Brown , Rock and Ohoyonno until named by the legislature. This will afford an excel lent opportunity to immortalize our Btato patriots and statesmen. THIS people of San Francisco arc con gratulating themselves over the defeat of the democratic boas of that city. He fulled to carry the ticket as he had fixed it , and in consequence his long -pilsrulo , which has boon the curse of that city , is likely to bo ended. The re publicans elected their candidates for 'Blstrict attorney , sheriff , county clerk , tax collector and other officials. For a Jong time not only the juries but the courts themselves have been prostituted to the control of this San Francisco Boss Tweed. Happily the city is rid of li liia political supremacy and the gross miscarriage of justice has been remedied for the time being at least. ; NKIUIASKA has never sot up a claim of being u great wool producing atato , hnd yet compares favorably with many of the states and territories that are known as wool growers. From tables prepared by the Philadelphia Textile association , Nebraska is credited for the year 1887 with n clip of scoured wool of one million sovonty-sovon thousand pounds. AB compared with the clip of fourteen million pounds of California , Or with the clip of cloven million ipounds of Ohio or Toxns , Nebraska cuts but a small figure in the wool market. But the wool crop of the state exceeds that of Vermont , Iowa , Minnesota , Da kota and Idaho , and approximates the clip of Arizona and Wyoming , loading Bhoop growing territories. ONK of the duties of congress , in view bl the speedy admission of most of the territories into the union , will bo to baptize the now states with appropriate names. Idaho , Arizona , Montana and Utah are on the whole acceptable. The OamcB have become familiar , and to tlmngo thorn nrould bo sure to create Confusion in the postofflco department fty the misdirection of mail matter. "With Dakota , Washington territory tuid Now Mexico changes ot name are , highly probable. As Dakota , In all probability , will bo divided into two states , it would , in the jmlmls of many bo a serious mis take to call one North Dakota and the other South Dakota. The southern part of the territory , which is the most populous and likely to bo ad mitted llrst to statehood , should bear the original name , TKo northern sec tion , on the other hand , might bo given n name local as wall as appropriate. It ia pretty generally accepted that Wash ington territory will bo renamed so as not to create confusion with the capital city. As for Now Mexico , while it might boar its original name , it would l > o appropriate to change It either to a name historical in its application like Montozumn or Aztec ; or a name might bo given to the state that should per petuate one of the fathers of the coun try , such as Hamilton , jQlTorsoii , Madl- eon or Fronklln , f lALAHMISTS. There is said to bo nn attempt making in custom financial circles to cronto t soarf on the presumption that the iiou administration will withdraw the pub lie money from the depository banks The idc.'i Hint this will bo done is basei on the views expressed by General liar ribon regarding the course of the pros gntadministration in depositing sticl tnrgo amounts of public money with the Tumks. There Is not the slightest dun fltr , however , that the now udmiulstiu tton will put into immediate effect iihj financial policy that would radlcallj affect the monetary slUation , and if it shall happen , ns docs not now appear probable , that a largo part of the de posits now in the banks are still there when the now administration comes in they will unquestionably bo pormittoi to remain until they can bo withdrawn without dislurbnncu to the money mar ket , Hut those deposits are now being returned to the treasury , and the chances are that the bunks will hold a compara tively small amount when the change in the national administration takes place , so that the question will prob ably have solved itself by the time the now administration shall have got down to business. In any event there is not the slight est reason to apprehend any now departure of an extreme character. Whatever the republican administration shall Hnd that needs to be remedied will be attended to in such way and nt such time as will best sub serve the interests and welfare of the people. Those who would create alarm by urofesbing to approhund anything different are simply seeking their own aggrandizement , knowing perfectly well that there is no substantial reason for their pretended fears. The financial affairs of the country luivo always been carefully and wisely guarded under republican direction , and there is not the least ground of doubt that this re cord will bo maintained by the now ad ministration. THE PRESlDEX'nAL TERM. The close of u presidential contest is always followed by a discussion of re forms suggested by the trying and costly oxHorienco of these quadrennial polit ical conflicts , and this year the discus sion is quite as general and earnest ns heretofore. A change in the presiden tial term , prolonging it to six or eight years , and reforms in the methods of electing the president , are being urged upon the public attention , and they are worthy of being carefully considered. There is undoubtedly a growing sen timent in the country that the presiden tial term , ' should be extended. The confederate constitution provided for a term of six years , and made the presi dent ineligible to ro-olection , being in this respect , if in none other , an im provement upon the federal constitu tion. Jt is not necessary to refer to the reasons which led the framers of the constitution to fix the presidential term at four years , because however proper and forceful they were at that time they do not apply with equal cogency now. It may bo granted that it was wise and expedient , when the country hnd but about four millions of people , pursuing industries that could bo little disturbed by a political contest , to allow the [ jooplo once in four years to vote upon the question of a change in Lho executive ofllco ol the government , but the conditions are very different with a population of sixty millions , car rying on vast and diversified industries which must be more or less unfavorably inlluencod by a prolonged political con- Hict. A national election in this country is an extremely costly affair. Accord ing to competent estimates the late cam paign caused a shrinkage in the inter- ial commerce and industries of ttic United States amounting to not loss , han live hundred million dol- ars , or more than eight dollars icr capita of the population , ind yet the business of the country was apparently not so seriously affected as usual by the apprehension , excitement and other conditions incident to a na tional political coatost. To this great sum must bo added the vast outlay for the expenses of the election , which , if lot properly to bo considered as a loss , s Btill to n very considerable extent a vasto. But if the matter of cost to the energy and prosperity of the country is tot deemed a sutlicient reason in favor of prolonging the presidential term , .here . is the further and perhaps no ess forcible argument that it is desirable for political and patriotic rea sons that the antagonisms of these con- licts shall not recur so frequently , and , , ho importance of this consideration is ikoly to become more apparent as the nation grows in population. The gen eral tendency of national campaigns , to which the lost was perhaps an oxcop- , ion , has been to nrouso the popular pas sions and to cronto sectional hostilities which have sometimes gone so fur ns to .hrcaton the ponce of the country. It s not to bo supposed that these experi ences would bo avoided if the presiden tial election occurred but once in six or eight years , but there would muni- ostly bo an advantage in having such experiences at longer intervals , and , here would bo more time to recover from their ollects. Already the organs of the defeated party in the late eleo- , ion are urging their partisan friends -o prepare for the next campaign , which , as one of them puts it , is distant only fourteen hundred and fifty-four days , and therefore no time is to bo oat. Were it remote twice that num- jor ot days the organ referred to would inrdly bo so anxious to prepare at once for another political battle. There would bo ample time , and it could address - dross itself to something else of more mmodiato concern to the welfare of its readers. The question is > one for careful and serious consideration , An extension of the presidential term would possibly locossitato some modifications in our governmontul system , the expediency of making which would call for prudent loliberutlon. It has been suggested us in objection .to the change that it would 30 a stop in the direction of pnrllamon- .11 ry government , but. there does not Boom to be very great force in this , The ( residential otlloo would not bo deprived of any of Its constitutional prerogatives , and its influence and authority ( is a co ordinate branch of the government \vottd bo in nowise restricted. And if ineligibility - bility to ro-olcotion wove a condition of the txlonded term , it might reasonably bo expected that the independence nnd dignity of the executive oflleo would bo bettor maintained , that its incumbent would bo more fully the guardian of the popular interests regardless of political or partisan considerations , nnd that con sequently the relations between the ex ecutive and legislative branches would bo generally and under all circumstances more harmonious and satisfactory , while assuredly the tendency would bo to in crease popular trust in the executive. Wo have little doubt that nn extension of the presidential term will come in the not far future , Tim Kxiairrs AXD i-nts. At the convention of the Knights of Labor in Indianapolis , one morning session was devoted to the general sub ject of women's wages and to hearing tliu report of Mrs. Barry , who had been given n commission to investigate the condition of woman workers nil over the country. The letters of Nell Nellson iu the Chicago Ti'mesand the New York Il'orW have already mndo the facts no torious , and therefore to recapitulate them would bo simply a tax upon the indulgence of the readers of Tun Bun. Mrs. Barry's recommendations are ot more interest. She desires the adoption of laws for n more speedy amelioration ot oppressed humanity and more effective restriction of child labor , and from the Knights of Labor particularly a stronger interest in the matters , of women workers. It is not pleasant to be forced to criticize the labors of so zealous a person as Mrs. Barry , but nevertheless it is obvious that Mrs. Barry has boon sedulously endeavoring to get water from a deep well , and her rope was too short. Her conclusions conclude nothing. Her recommenda tions point to no definite line ot action , and it is abundantly clear that she does not comprehend the situation. In the first place no law can prevent the overcrowding of cities ; that is no direct law. The oppression of women workers is due solely to this over crowding. When business men recog nized that there was a vast element of population eager for work , they determined to profit by the circum stance , and to go into the market for labor at the lowest rates as they would go into the market for raw materials at the lowest rates. There is at present a glut of apples , and those who have them for sale in London , Liverpool and Glas gow will sell them for whatever n pur chaser will give. In Now York , Chicago cage and Philadelphia there is a per manent glut of woman and child labor , nnd it fetches , therefore , just what the employer chooses to give. Upon this fearful foundation of human agony has been built up a great trade in furnish ing goods both for men and women. In these three cities such articles are made not alone for the districts legitimately belonging to thorn , but for the United States. The custom of retail houses in every state of the union is sought for by an army of commercial travelers , and Lho goods made at the expense of hu man lives are eagerly bought because Lnoy are of the newest styles and of the best materials. The competition is so rcat that the margin of profit is very small , and it lias boon demonstrated that iho persons who really are benefited , by -his abnormal nnd detestable state of things are the wearers of the goodt > , be they men or be they women. Nothing can bo more false or more misleading than the cluirgcs of inhuman avarice made by Nell Nollson against the om- iloycrs. The real sinners are the pubic - , ic , and the worst sinners arc the women who are enabled to dress far above their means by the crucifixion of sister women and young girls. If this state of things is intolerable , , he way to amend it would be to pre vent the crowding into cities. But low is this to be done ? Wo are working in a vicious cir cle. Women crowd into the cities .hat . they may get work , nnd the more .hoy . crowd the more work there will beef of this sweat-box order. Plainly the chief reason why they crowd into cer tain cities is because their work has gone from thorn , and they follow their vork. If the women of Omaha wear dol- nans made in Chicago , the dolman mak ers of Omaha must go to Chicago for their work. If the men ot Omaha wear shirts made in Chicago , the shirt makers of Omaha must go to Chicago , hat they may continue to make shirts. Chore is no getting over this syllogism. s there any real earnest desire among ho general public , who are the true > eneticiaries of the sweat-box system , o abolish it , which means to pay more or inferior articles for the love of iiimunity , aiid out of a sense of justicei * lave wo not become corrupted by the labit of purchasing certain goods for ess than half their lugitimato price ? \re wo capable of rising to the high ilnno of according their duos to wage vorkors'If wo are in earnest the plain omedy is a return to the guild system. According to this plan there would bo a ; uild of haberdashers for Omaha and the listrict attached to it , nnd no one could vitlnn that district sell any article of mberdashory without being a member of the guild , any offender against this system would bo liable to arrest , and rial in a guild hall with a probability ty of being sentenced to a fine of one Uousaml dollars , with imprisonment or six months. This system practically mites permanently the interests of those vho make and those who sell , and it shuts out the power of capital oyor labor very completely. But it would raise irices materially. IK half the journals of the country are to bo boliovcd General Harrison's irst appointment as president will be a private secretary in the person of 3orry d. Heath , the able and brilliant Ynshington correspondent of-TiiKBiK. Without having boon consulted in the natter Tun BKU can endorse all the Peasant and good things which have > eon si > id uoaporning the suggestion of Mr , Heath's name , A genial gentle man and hard working journalist , ho is it the same time a well equipped stu- ent of politics who has ( raveled over hrce continents , and is us fumllii r. with men ? nnd measures , ns l\o is with ovcnts and omirreneo < < . Among nil the brilliant and imliutrnjus corpsof Wash ington corrcsjwligonts none stands in higher . ' Colonel Heath. Ho is tactful and couilooti.4. and popular be cause ho is both. Ho is discrete , hand some , in comfo tahlo circumstances financially and Raa'au acquaintance with public men 'till over the country which is excelled 1 > y few in Washing ton. General ifnrrason has known Colonel Heath for many years , and if ho makes the selection which ho is credited with inteluling , ho will hit the bull's eye and ring the boll nt the first shot. TlieyConcede It. Call. The indications arc that the railronita are about to concede the election of William Lecso , Hnri-ouitin , ai . Instead of sweeping the stroats of Lincoln , the Call innkca the harrowing proposition that they should bo harrowed. It liven Overcame the Collar. .A'cic York dMiiitlc. His grandfather's lull it covered up hi * cars , nnd it ran way down to his nose ; but when our own Grover ho put it on his head , it hid him way down to his toos. She Got It. / Glate. IJolva Lockwood was one of the fortunate ones. She expected nothing , ntul got it. That slio is n womnn with u level head is shown by her statement that n woman who pets a pug dopr Isn't civilized , Tired of Knstoru Control. A'ew Oi leans I'ieaynt. It is tlmo the woat had its due weight in the control of the national government. Now York is the center of the money power , and for thut reason seems to monopolize influence over national affairs to a dcsreo that is by no menus healthy. If Illinois shnll establish its right to bu the pivotal state iu presiden tial elections none will rejoice more than wo. HIM Itcnllr Helped Cleveland. J\Vu' I'otk Sun. On account or Governor Hill's ' nomination , Mr. Cleveland hns received , at n low estim ate , 20,000 votes iu this state that would otherwise have been deuioil to him ; while the contest raised between Mayor Hewitt nuel the successful Tammany candidate has tended to heighten the interest of the elec tion , to increase thu number ot democratic votes , and consequently to inerensc the num ber given to Cleveland and Thurtnan. UHO of Money in the Campaign. I'rnvl'ltttct Journal. The worst feature of this year's campaign hus uuquestionably been the abundant use of money. How much has been raised for one purpose and another during the last four months can only bo.cpnjectnreil , but that the total amount far exc4o"d the sum spent in any preceding cauvass in. at bjj apparent to every body. The only rep&ujjpg fact about it is that n larger proporfioiitftUan usual of the campaign fundshasffcoarijapent this year on the printing and circulation of tariff discus- sious and inforunith'atK.Vruis , of course , is entirely uuexceptio 'ible.laud , indeed , help ful to a fair oleciion. ; Bl no one doubts that an alarming proportion cr the funds collected has been used fur dlsfcrettitablo , if not crim inal , purposes. IndbeJ , fuo increased use of money in elections in , rcqent years , both for expenses that are really legitimate and those that are only euphemistically called so , is something that calls-loudly for reform , ' Lost ! ! Tribune. LOST March , 1S33 , in the city of Wash ington , 1) . C. , a copy of "Civil Service Laws" for the use of the chief executive. The loss of this book has seriously interfered with the proper administration of said laws. The person finding said book nnd returning it to President Harrison after March 4 , 1831 , will receive the thanks of the nation. Also , at same time ami place , certain mem ormulu of promises made during the cam palgn of 1894 , which promises have remained unfulfilled on account of said loss. The finder will please destroy these memoranda. Also my luclc. The loss of this was not discovnrod until the recent election , the re suit of which leads mo to think it must have been lost for some time , The person llnaing this and returning it to me before the next election for sheriff at Albany takes place will do uio the greatest favor that lies in the power of man. G. C. Break , Drunk , Hronk. Chtcaao Tribune. Break , break , break , From the White House , Grover C , For Uncle Sain has leased the place To a man with a pedigree. , The Year olMublloe. lluneer t'ress. The solid south is breaking ; Let "or break- Tin democrats are quaking ; Let 'em quake ; This ia the year we jubilate ; MDCCCLXXXVIII. STATE r.'ol > ra ! iu Jottings. Bollwood is to have a M,000 , Catholic church , A petition is already in circulation at Te- cuuiseh for a change of postmaster. The Wolf county proposition in Greeley county was lost , at the late election , St. Paul voted bonds to fund the city debt nt a special election held on Wednesday , The champion corn husker of Sarpy county is Kd Woidnmn , who disposed of 1U6 bushels and twenty pounds in eleven hours. Tim postolllco at. Plattsmouth has been re moved ncross the street Irom its former loca tion. It is now in the Anheuser-Busch build ing. ing.H H , II. Stoddard , n Plum Crook poulterer , who publishes several , poultry periodicals nt Hartford , Conn , , is talking of removing his printing plant to ICcar/ioy. / A man named Bainbridge , living at I3mrnet , lias been arrested and jailed , charged with in ce t with his thirteen-year-old Mop-daughter , who is about to become n mother , A Thanksgiving turkey escaped from its moorings at Vork tho.otlior . duy and dashed through the pinto glass window of a store , smashing the henry'jllnsJ Into smithereens. The trustees of DOMIC 'fcollngo gave n pub lic reception to the cHizcns of Crete to cele brate the completion of the $15,000 fund to endow a chair of natUM'- science in the col lege. lege.The The boss democrat of tha little town of Bee is congratulating himself tyi thu fact that the republicans of his town'lif l no sand , llo of fered to bet f 1,200 on election day , but could Hud no takers , I own. Five ladies have become members of the Dubuquc labor congress , One farmer near Muscatino made 3,000 gallons of sorghum this year. Work has been begun on the lust block of paving to be done in Burlington this season. The Lira Ho University Oratorical associa tion holds iu homo contest ut DCS Molucs. ' December 13 , The potofllco nt Norway was broken fnto by burglars the other night and between WOO and WOO stolen. The religious harvest , as the result of the seed sown by revival meetings at Parkersburg - burg , added eighteen members to the M , K , church on probation , Frank James created nnoiiBa ion in Musoa- tine the otlior niuht by appearing at the oixirn. Ho was on his way hprau from a visit to the Younger brothers. A Davenport lady who wag m the habit , pf paying the- grocery bills noticed that pota toes constituted n great share of the family expenses , so she tundo tin investigation which resulted in the discovery that her beloved , husband had boon having his clears charged ns potatoes. Of course n fuss followed. The little town of Hnwleyvllle , PORO county , WHS thrown Into a high stnto of ex citement by Stephen Franks attempting to kill Miss Carrie Love. Franks Is a young man about twenty-three years old nnd had been courting Miss Love for some time. Ho desired n speedy marriage , but the young lady wished to wait for n few months , Ho drew n revolver and ilred two shots nt her. One of them took effect. Ho then made nn unsuccessful attempt to shoot himself. Both parties aw lu u fair way to recover , Dakota. The silk hat hai become the style at Yank- ton since the election. The Ward county seat hns been changed from Burlington to Minot mid local option was defeated. Pomblnn county had enough of local op tion In two yours , and defeated it this time by SCO majority. A Dcndwood lady broke n clmlr over the henil of a prominent attorney the other day us a gentle rebuke for his vulgar talk. W. H. Potter has been discharged from the lKMilto.uti.iry nt Sioux Falls , having served ono year for monkeying with the mulls In Lincoln county. The prospeets arc very bright for the building of the rend from Mnndnn to Knpid City. It is expeeted thut grading will begin early In the spring. The First National bank of Columbia has given notleo that it will surrender its charter the 1st of January. The Hisnmrek National bank dropped the "national" from Its name some days ngu. .lohnny Johns , a Tcrravlllo bnrbor , has de veloped into n most wonderful pistol shot , llo has knocked off the sight ! from his pistol and when u bird ( lies over ho raises his gun , llres , and It is u dead bird. He shoots pipes from the months of miners walking by , nnd in most cases makes the boys dunce to his music. It costs him nothing for budge. The Press and Uakotian says : Locnl op tion was defeated in Cass , Grant , Mlnne- halm , Splnk , Beiidle , Davlson , Brown nnd Hughes counties and perhaps in other coun ties. It was carried in Uiokoy county nnd perhaps others. In Cass , Grant , Minncliaha. Splnk , Beadle. Brown and Davison counties the law has boon tried n year and its defeat this full in tlioso counties is a result of ex perience , In Minnehuha county the major ity against local option is 1,200. , There is ev idence in these verdicts that the local option law of Dakota is not satisfactory. AMUSHMKNT3. Murray and Murphy , the Irish comedians , appeared at Boyd'a ' opera house last night in "Our Irish Visitors. " They have the can dor to style this production an absurdity , and for tins , at least , they are to bo com mended. It is all that that term suggests or implies , and it belongs in a class of absurd "reductions of which the stage of to-day is already overstocked , but of which the sup ply seems to bo Hteadlly increasing. So- called plays of this kind can have no proper classification In the drama , ana whatever value they may have as a moans of fur nishing passing amusement to that very large class ol people who go to the theater merely for pastime , without any thought of intellectual profit , the obvious duty of criticism is to represent tlioso pro ductions for what they are , and not what they generally pretend to be. In the present ease , Messrs. Murray and Murphy have sup plied thu proper description in calling "Out- Irish Visitors" an absurdity. As to these comedians it can bo said that In their way they arc clever , but that is quite as strong a term as their merit deserves. The fact is that most of the so-called Irish comedians of the present are not in any true sense come dians at all , but simply people who can pro duce a fair imitation of the "brogue , " Rrimaco ludicrously , and somewhat skill fully exaggerate the mannerisms and peculiarities of a certain class of Irishmen. Tlioso who remember when Irish comedy vyas popular as presented by Barney Wil liams , Billy Florence , and some others , whoso fame is identified with it , can find little to please them in the efforts of present- day Irish comedians. The other members of the cast in "Our Irish Visitors" are of moderate merit , perhaps the neatest special feature being the dancing of Miss Blanche Seymour. The entertainment was seen by a numerous audience , and portions of it were received with cordial favor. It will remain through the week. A Card Kroin General liadcau. The following was addressed to the New York World in a recent issue : "As your re port of the discontinuance of uiy suit against the representatives of General Grant con tains several erroneous statements , doubtless based on misrepresentation , I bog you will dome mo the justice to publish the following : I have not receded ono step from the stand I took at the outset. I never claimed the au thorship or Joint authorship of General Grant's book. No words to that effect have been written or spoken by me. Consequently I have never withdrawn them. On the other hand L have constantly repeated the state ment I made to General Grant himself , May 4 , 1SS3 , namely : 'I have no desire , intention or right to claim the authorship of your book. The composition is entirely yourown. What assistance I have been able to render has been in suggestion , revision or verification. ' This I repeated before the suit began ; this is every word I gave at the close. "I was offered first of all $1,500 by Colonel Grant in writing , then 85,000 by Mr. Conk- ling both bclore the suit was brought ; next J7nOO by Mr. Conklins , then 8S.OOO , then $10,000 , then J9.750 , and on October ! ! 1 I was paid 411,254 , being the entire amount stipu lated by General Grant , with interest , and which has never before been offered or ad mitted by Colonel Grant. Had this not been paid the case wouldjhavo been tried this week , Yours respectfully , ADAM BAIIKAU , " Jamaica , L. I. , Nov. 5. Phonograph v Short-Hand. Mail and Kxpross : Is the short-hand writer's business ruined ? Are the 150- OOU men and women at present engaged as amanuenses , court and newspaper reporters to bo obliged to look for "other fields of labor" on account of the antagonism of this new and wonderful result of Edison's brain ? These and other equally consequen tial questions are to-day being asked by the thousandsi interested. At first siglit it appears as if this now machine would accomplish these ends so direful to many , so beneficial , perhaps , to more. < It has boon held all along nnd daily 11- 1 lustrated in the matter of salarioH'that i the stenographer is a mere machine ; that ills operations , after the different kinds of pot-hooks are learned , nro purely mechanical. Business mon scum lo forgot that it requiresnotnuly brains to write and brains to read , but brains lo lihton , too. And this is the first and most disastrous weak point about , the phonograph. It must bo remembered thut most business mmi uro not in many faonsos of the word literary. It is difficult to talk good , grammati cal English in prompt answer to a bulky mail , and the ultlluully is remedied by backing and filling , " by changing words and sentences , and oftentimes by entirely altering the original meaning. All this is obviously impracticable in the use of the phonograph. It will bo impossible to niter or improve the phras eology nftor the words nro uttered. Though it must be confessed that the trouble after all is of so much with the machine as with the man , and when the minds of mon become equal to tiio use fulness of the phonograph will vastly in crease. Business men who can dictate n reply accurately and concisely enough upon reading a letter , may utilize the phonograph graph with some degree of success , But even than there are sufficient obstacles in the way of its use to debar its immo- tlintu acceptance. Quo of Ilium is the fact that no economical , reliable and rapid method of copying the letter after it has been dictated into the wax cylinder has as yet been prc&ontod. C/Wius of all business letters in this day of complication ind rush are , as u matter of principle , retained , nmluntil , this obstacle Is over come , it is ti serious ono. Those wnx cylinders nro some throe or four inches long and perhaps half ns much In diam eter , and these attributes of the now- couior nro greatly td its injury when the proper filing of correspondence is con sidered. Along with copying of letters written rocs the systematic filing of letters - tors received. And there are scores of patented fllos upon the market now , the first niin of every ono of which is to economize space , According to the proposed ni''thoil a man who daily re ceived fifty letters will have half his of- flco filled by them. Another point agniust the phonograph is in the matter of time consumed in listening to the contents as they may bo ground out. Everyone knows how much fnstoi * ono can rend to himself than aloud , and this principle applied to the question in hand will show the differ ence in the amount ot time required by the ear reading of the now process ns compared with the eye readin'g of the old. old.In In court reporting the phonograph will , when suitable mechanism is joined for catching the voice in different parts of the room , prove n , valuable auxiliary to the reporter's notes by being u menus of verification us to their correctness. But even hero the stenographer cannot bo dispensed with , for the phonograph is still confronted by the objection that any particular part of the testimony cannot readily bo found , but It would bo necessary to go over an indefinite amount of the evidence before the do- aired portion was ronohed. And , too , every other irrelevant noise in the court room would make its impression upon the cylinder and thus complicate the record and make it loss clear and con cise than the short-hand. the Antarctic Son. London Daily News : It appears to bo probable that 1'rof. Noumayr , of the Hamburg inurino observatory , will suc ceed in getting a South Polar expedi tion organi/ed. It might have boon supposed that until some great measure of success had attended similar adven tures in the arctic regions the most ar dent advocates of such schemes would have doubted the wisdom of exposing human lives and treasure lo the risk of antarctic seas. All the bust authorities are agreed that the difficulties to be en countered in the south are much greater than in the north , nnd the hideous stories which gained curreiu-.y after the return of the arctic expedition might well have sickened the boldest of this generation ! sufiiciently to deter them from any assault upon the stronghold of King Winter in the south. In compar ing the difficulties of arctic and antarc tic adventure , Sir Wyvlllo Thompson says : ' saysVo can only anticipate disasters , multiplied a hundredfold , should the south pole over become a goal of rivalry among nations. " For various reasons the erent lone land under the southern cross is more difficult of access than the north. It is much colder there than in the Arctic circle. There seams to be no such warm currents as are to bo found iu the north such , for instance , as the Labrador current , or that round the south coast of Spitsbergen. Such emanations from the torrid regions of the earth do much to mitigate the rig ors of the northern sens at certain points , and bring about the most strik ing variations of temperature , breaking up the ice at certain seasons and open ing the way to navigation far beyond points otherwise attainable. Any en terprise of tliis kind will , of course , bo pushed on during the summer months during January , February a.nd the early part of March , that is. But oven in the height of summer the temperature of the air in antarctic regions is always below the freezing point of ben water , and bitter , tempestuous winds and fogs and blinding snowstorms are all but in cessant. No arctic explorer has ever gone beyond the bounds of vegetation. At least lichens and seaweed have been found wherever northern navigators have penetrated , but in the awful soli tudes of the south Sir James Ross found not the slightest trace of vegetable life , either on the land or in the sea , yet ho never came within less than 700 miles of the south pole. The magnetic polo has been approached within 160 miles , and it seems possible that important scientific results might bo obtained by covering that further distance ; but even this is doubtful. A National Aritliom. Springfield ( Mass. ) Union : The cam paign just closed has boonto a larger extent than any other for years , a sing ing campaign. Hut out 01 it all not a single new melody has been evolved , BO fur as wo know. The singing of the campaign has , in fact , emphasized our musical poverty , for , while wo have a number of patriotic airs which survive Lhe war , and will bo romomtiorcd prob- ibly for another generation , wo liavo not a single national song or hymn in which all the people , north , south , east : ind wast , regardless of politics , faith , zolor , or previous nationality can join. We have the hymn , "My Country , 'tis if Thee , " which comes nearer to the national standard than anything > lso. Hut that is written to Uio tune of "God Save the Queen , " ind the issues of the past campaign liavo been such that it could not bo mug , because the melody is "English , , 'ou know. " "Tho Star Spangled Bun- icr'1 may fairly claim to be a national .unc , but not a national hymn or an- .hom . , for not. ono in a thousand can re- > oat a single btniua of it. Moreover , .ho . song was written to commemorate a atlier unimportant event in the war of 81" , and it is not comprehensive ( nough for a national song that will > orvo all patriotic occasions. .Still , it is in American song , and Americans night to know it. Why should it note > o sung in the public schools until the 1iIdron ! know it by heart ? "Yankee Joodlo" is only a tune , lit for the life .nd drum , National hymns liavo boon written by the score , but have never liken root to any oxtont. Keller's 'American ' Hymn" is ono of the bust , ml the music is a litttlo too elaborate or common use. What wo want is a horoughly jjood hymn , sot to stirring lusiu that sings itself such a tune as "Wncht Khein"for ho Gorman am , nstanco. How wo are to como by such un an- horn nobody knows. It ought to bo a pontaneous growthbut wo have waited o long for that , that it ih useless to ox- oct it , unless wo have a foreign war to waken our patriotic inu&os , An im- orial government could create a nn-I lonal anthem , but the American sover- ign Is too numerous and diversified in is tastes to undertake such a creation , v Perhaps borne national musical IIMO- iution might accomplish the work eat- . jfaotorily by competitive trial. A big , rino ollorod for the best national ymn , sot to music , would draw out the i ! octs and composers , and if the Judges M eld the confidence of the people it is osslblu that the outcome would bo gen- rally accepted , Tlion let the common ihools all over the land set to learning ml singing the hymn , and if it were orthy of ltd nliicu and purpose it would , ick. The united States is certainly Id enough to huvu u national hymn of .s own. Soaurn a sou nil mind , which seldom DOS without sound digestion , by using 10 gohulno Angostura. Uittord of Dr , , 0 , il. Biogoct & Bong , The I'nruiuatlc tijrnnmltr Rim , Lieutenant tfallnslcl hefoiv the JC York Klcetrii'OubVooomn : now to the experiment of the ' 'SilUmnn. ' ' The secretary of war wrote the letter to the gun company asking what wo could do whether wo could destroy anything or hit anvthing. Th" lotteV being couched in rather doubtful terms , the answer wn that , w < > eo'iid destroy any vessel then existing in UKI United SUites navy at the range of onu inllo ; that if any moro powerful TOSSO ! were built wo would contract to destroy them , provided wo wore given a chnm < tt to experiment beforehand ; that wo would prefer as an experiment , if ex periments were determined upon , ona of the monitors , ns boiii- ' the best test wo could have for showing most fully the power of Uio gun. There wore some doubts expressed by someof the ofilcora who were concerned In the experiment as to the nccitrnev of the llro and ns to the torpedo effect producible. The accuracy of llro was shown by a series of experiments , five out of six shots being landed in the same spot. Previous to these experiments with the "Stlllmnn" there was EO much doubt iw to the accuracy of the apparatus that ono officer offered to sit on the target when the gun was fired. [ Laughter. ] The target was a very smnll ono , u ves sel only eighty foot long and twentv feet wide , and at the distance of a mile it looked pretty small , so that It was not an easy thing to lilt or to sink cither , although it was a wooden vessel.bocausu there was no ballast in it. The first shot was exploded short of the vessel , ns it occurred to mo that If I struck it the first time It might bo considered nn accidental shot ; but that explosion shook the vessel up , brought down her mainmast , and changed her bearing with reference to the line of lire. There was only one mast remaining. I then pointed the gun directly at the ship. An officer representing the navy yard there present looked through the tele scope so that ho could see whore the gun was directed. The gun was di rected accordingly , and my intention was to go shortly underneath in the middle and break her back. I may say hero that so confident was I as to the accuracy of the gun , that when I was telling two persons the experiments which I intended to do , I stated that I intended to shake her up by the first shot and break her back at the next , and then destroy what was loft. That was considered boasting ; but it was exactly what I was fortunate enough to accomplish. The next shell struck slightly short , and wont under her and broke her back ; , the pieces of the vessel rising. This view was when the water was coming down , apparently ; it was caught by the photographer at the instant when it was coining down. The next shell that followed was on the chamber above and exploded above water , and another ono went in the same vicinity. 1 followed it up after the ship had sunk , because I wanted to indicate beyond question that I could put my shot whore J wanted it , time after time , and that it was not an dental matter. Ilarnoy Peak Tin. The Rapid City papers chronicle tha arrival there of William L. Flannigan and Samuel Untumoyor. Mr. Flanni gan is the son of a gentleman largely in terested in Ilarnoy Peak tin. Mr. Un- tumoycr is a gentleman who , in a rq cent interview with the Now York Her ald , stated ho had floated the Ilnrney stock in London. Both the gentlemen after stopping 'briefly in Rapid , nro- ceeded in company with Mr. Wilsio , to the Etta mine. What their visit may signify. Gate City papers do not under take to state , and as the gentlemen de clined to bo interviewed its object can only bo surmised. With their usual in dustry in Rapid's behalf its journals jump at conclusions and advance an opinion that extensive developments are to be inaugurated at once : largo plants erected , railroads built , a host of men employed and a vast sum of money distributed. Whilst public credulity hns frequently boon imposed upon , and has often boon led to believe that a sale hud been consum mated and that extensive operations were to begin , disappointment has as frequently followed. The Ilarnoy Poalc company , so far as endeavor to sell the property is concerned , has apparently acted in good faith. An agent has been kept In London for several years , quantities of ore from the mine liavo boon forwarded thereto , the company has paid expenses ot more than ono expert - port , selected by English syndicated formed to take the property from Lon don to the mines and return , and though these expenditures must have been enormous , has never lost heart or faltared in its purposo. That the sala was not consummated two years ngo , was duo to various causes. The conservative English investor is loth to put money into a mine that is barely developed. The Ilarnoy group , including its bonded properties , were nt that time little moro than prospoat holes. The Etta mill has been erected nt great expense , started up and after a few days' run forced to shut down it is said for want ol ere to keep it running. The truth probably was that the plant WI\R \ not suited lo the character of ore [ ind that its suspension was duo en tirely to this fnot. Sinuo then , liow- 3vor , the company has pushed develop ments. Mr. Vincent's report shows that vast quantities of ere are avail- iblo. If confirmation to this ia needed it can bo found in the public opinion of Profs. Car pen tor , Eininons ana others , ivho liavo made personal examinations. L'lio effort to sell the property continued ind according to htoown statement Mr. I'ntorinoyor'H aid was Invoked , ho jlnims , successfully. Untormoyor's ca- cor in Kn < rlund , as hus been iiimlu gun- srally known through the press was luccossful. so far as forming the bri-w- irn' syndicate was concerned. That Icmoiibtrated hu commanded immense urns of money , and it la not impossible hat ho may have succeeded in placing lurney peak tin. Halt JUver. Buffalo Express : Having just ro- nriicil from a somewhat extended HO- ourn up Salt river in company witli its lurlv , tliu Exprohs is able lo assure pru- oslined democratic voyageurs thither hat their worst funrs will not bo rual- r.ud. Salt rivur is a much underrated osort , The Econory IB really magnificent hut there is of it. The air IB ho pure s to bu capable of sustaining human fn alone , and democrats must live ( in ind for many a year to come , Tim x-jety , to bo buro , will bo only BO-BO liilu the buurbons arc up there , but iio religious ail vantages of wandering i the wilderness can not be lee highly rizcd , Thu moral discipline of bointf vur within sight of the promised land i HO desirable that ono returned exile rota ; "i'i ' not the crapes of Cnnan that repay , ut the high faith thut failed not by the way. So step outside and begin the pro- 38H of cooling your toes , boys , while for ( ho bout to start. It Is by copying after nature that mil guts bust rohults. Dr. Jones' ' rod ovop tonio is nature's own remedy , ia uroly vegetable , can bo taken by thu lost delicate , Cures all fltoinuoh , kid- uy and livur troubles. Goodman nnpuny. 60 cents.