Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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"Croeeoyod" Roporto Ooncorninff
tbo Condition of Wuoat.
IJcnr Continue to Insist Tlmt Slocks
of Fltiiif nro I'lctli rlc-Chcnp
GrndcH of Cattle Very
Cinc'flo , Nov. 15. [ Hpcclnl Tclcgrnm to
TUB HEi--Wlicatnvcrngfd : ] nearly lelilghcr
to-tiny tlinn ycstcrilny , atitl unlike Tuosdny
anilVcilncsilriy It falloil to run oft shnrply
ttio last tinlf liour , lliough It stiirtcn ilowti
istiortly bc/oro 1 o'clock. Tlio decline wn *
checked , however , nnd a recovery followed.
The market WHS bulled enrly on a rciwrl thut
n member hnd nnnounced the | iur-
jicso of movinjr that tlio French
chamber of deputies nbolish the
import duty on wheat. This wns the prin
cipal reason Riven for the strong opening nnd
the advance In May to tl.l. * > J , n Kiiln of I ' 4c
on yesterday's i-loslnt ; . The market then
worked back to $1.1 1'tf by slow process only
to shoot upward ngaiii to il.U" > Ji fl. ! . " > % .
After thii lust iidvanco the market seemed
unable to got below SI. ijf and stay there.
There were eomo large buying orders in the
market at the limits which could not be
filled. The last advaneo was helped along
by the receipt ofintelligenco of the decline in
EiiKllsh consols. That was enough for
w ftcnlpcrs. Without moro ado they had "troops
massing on Russian frontier. " The correct
explanation seems to bo that the stiff rates
for money prevailing In London nnd some of
\ the continental centers are having a bad ef
fect on tlio low interest bearing securities ,
producing diminished dcmiinil lor them.
Trade was quite active in the pit and com
mission merchants and telegraph companies
report increase in outside business. Trade
Is as restricted , however , owin to the feelIng -
Ing of uncertainty , and the diversity of opin
ion as to the extent to which artillco enters
Into the matter of price is as great now us it
wns a month ago. A few recruits are being
continually added to the two radical parties ,
Numeric-ally the bears are the strongest , but
In point of Inllnenco they have not yet dem
onstrated their superiority. They are inde
fatigable In calling attention to the fact that
modes of Hour nro plethoric ; Hint mills are
everywhere shutting down or getting ready
to do BO ; that there is an Illegitimate tlcscre | > -
aney between the price of No. 2 and lower
grades ; thut the public is taking uo present
Interest in speculation ; that there can in the
nature of things bo no legitimate
export movement while prices on
this side remain no conspicuously
out of line with old world markets , etc. , etc.
The answer Is that in spite of the cry of "no
oxpoits , " about KMKJO.lKiO bushels m wheat
and Hour have been exported from both
consts since July 1 ; that a little Is going out
all the time ; that America will have very
little more , if any , to spare ; that it will make
no difference whatever whether the mills
shut down nr not , as there will bo no surplus
at the end of the crop year , etc. There are
many other rciiHons advanced on both sides ,
but these are the ones most frequently ad
verted to. Minneapolis sent out news in
abundance. It was decidedly "cross-eyed. "
On one hand it was stated llatly thut most
of the mills there would shut down presently
or greatly curtail production and that a biir
Increase in visible stocks of wheat would
immediately follow. On the other hand , dis
patches from a variety of sources dwelt on
the painful scarcity of wheat in that section.
A canvass nmoiiK the elevator people
up there discloses the fact that
stocks in country elevators do not ex
ceed 8,000,000 bushels. Several other
dispatches mention that the stocks of
No. I Northern in Minneapolis is only about
700,000 bushels , and thatl'iUsburgand one or
two others have not less than 2riOO,0K ( ) bushels
bought for May. "Whore is that roming
from I" is the query. Another dispatch
reads : "Three hundred cars of to-day's re
ceipts from the country side tracks are being
cleared of low grades ; 1,000 cars are on the
track , against 2,000 cars a week aiio. " There
was increased action locally to-day , Decem
ber and January being quite active at one
time. December ranged nearly 2c below
May most of the session , with January about
Ic under December. Cables were unchanged
nnd no feature of consequence disturbed
American markets anywhere. They were
generally firm and higher.
I he shipments of corn and the quantity in
spected out of the elevators for the past
twenty-four hours , hovcver , were very
heavy , and the advance in wheat added to
this c/eated a demand from shorts , which
caused n Jlrm opening in to-days trading.
Fluctuations were not violent or extensive ,
and were brought about principally by the
action of local operators , outside business
being quite small. The business done was
even less than recent averages , and tlio pit
at times had a deserted appearance. Tlio
estimated receipts for to-morrownroSilC cars ,
but this was nut an appreciable ) factor in
prices to-day. May's strength eamo from
the heavy present shipments nnd of
small receipts of No. 2 from the now crop
this year , though this did not prevent a weak
closing to the market , which had ruled fairly
tli-iii until about half an hour from the end.
November and cash closed higher by } tfo
than yesterday's llnal prices , while Decem
ber , year and January closed about % c and
May 'Me ' lower to-day than yesterday. The
closing prices were : November 41c ,
December Il' ' 'tll'sc , January ! t7 e bid
and May 3'io ' bid. In provisions trad tug
on speculative account showed no improve
ment. There were no outside orders re
ceived to speak of , and the little business
transacted in futures was almost wholly
local nnd without special feature. In cash
property , however , recent activity was well
Cash lard sold freely at$3.17J S.25 ; short
ribs at $7.5l > ( < f7. . ' ) . ' > , ar.d long and short clears
boxed at 8J c ; for lll-lb given hams for im
mediate1 delivery Oo was paid. Speculative
interest , as usual , was conllncd to January
nnd May. In general the market movement
invnrcd ttio bear side. Largo receipts of
hogs Increased the disposition to sell , and
made professional trade regard sides at
easier prices with considerable favor. Mused
on yesterday's closing prices , pork suffered
no decline , nnd closed for the day at 6ftS74'c ,
nnd future short ribs at B.-ji ' * . Lard was re
latively stronger than other speculative lines
and closed tit an advance of 2
C'nirAcio , Nov. IB. ( Special Telegram to
Tun H : i.J : Fourteen thousand cattle right
on top of ja.OOJ yesterday was too many for
the market , hence there was a general lew
vring of prices on all classes , making n de
cline of 25@)0e : ) since Monday on the ordinary
run of natives. The great bulk of the de
cline Is on such natives as hnvo to compete
with the beat of rangers , To-duy that cl5ii
of slock Is selling within a ratine of t'J.f > 0j ( (
4.00 , nnd along there. Fine fat cows and
heifers thut were selling so well the
surly part of the week have had to
Btaiul their share of the genet nl Uowu
turn , nml low grade canning stock
Is about as cheap as at any timt * . Stacker
nnd feeder trade remains unsatisfactory and
slow , considering actual business In other
branches , and the low prices for good young
Btoe'kura nnd strong welcht feeder * . Light
steers of 700 to PtO Ibs are selling at f.MO ®
2.75 , and feeders averaging 1000 Ibs nnd up
wards , at $ 'l.00@i.2r : > . A carload of milch
cows was peddled out at t20.00@rJ.00 per
head nnd largely at * 2VOOS.VOO. Hcecipts
include 2,000 , Texas nnd western cattle.
Choice beeves $ r,00 5.50 ; medium to good
ulcers , lUiO * A > 1500 Ibs , $3.00fil-J.UO ; J200 to
lWlb81fa.tXa-,00 ! ) ) ) ; P50 to 1200 lb , ) .00@
fj.Xj ( ) stockcrs and feeders , $3.XlC ( < ia40 ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , | 1.50 < i3.13 ; bulls , $2.25 ©
2.60 ; Texas and Indian steers , t .W
@ .1.50 ; rows. | l.80 < re2.r.0j western rang
ers , ti.XX3-J.OO : ( ; wintered Texnns. t2.COQa.7t ) .
Haas In n general way trade was active ,
with the bulk of the sales at about yester
day's range ; but later on , and especially
about 11 o'clock , values were fully 5 cents
lower In Northwestern nnd Hock Island ill *
vltdou * . The bulk of mixed sold at f5.45@
5.60 , and best heavy at fi.5Kii5.JO ( ; some
rough and common sold as lew as fi.aiQ5.tX ) .
The dnmnnd for lights was as active as any
day this week and as high as $3.70 was paid
for one lot of little plga. ulngo sort 'milking
f 5.U&5.CO , au J rough light 0.
NEW Yonw , Nov. 15. [ Special Telegram
to Tuts UK' : . . ] STOVKS-This stock market
VMH pcnrrally boAvy to weak at the n | > cning ,
moil of the list being slightly lower than tit
the close on yesterday. Newa regarding the
trunk-line rates was favorable nnd there wa *
no further pressure to sell of nny conse-
quCDce on that argument. Tradln'g was con-
fined mainly to few stocks nnd the forenoon
developed no new features of Importance
that affected value * . There wns n weak
tone to the Chicairo gas trust and cotton oil ,
and they declined a little , most of the re
mainder of the list showing small gains , If
any change , by noon , when the market was
dull but linn nt the best prh-ci of the morn
ing. New Kngland was active and advanced
1'4 points , which wns subsequently lost.
Buying is still said to be for the purpaso of
securing control of the property. In Into
trade prices eased off , no evidence of trunk
line settlement bring apparent , and the eloso
was weak nt about the lowest prices for most
stocks. Cotton oil lost 2 paints , traders Ink
ing the profits. The decline extended to 1 ' 4
points in Chicago gas trust and ' ' 4 points in
Missouri I'aclllc.
The following wore the closing quotations :
IT. 8. 4s regular . .127' . Northern I'arlnc. . 20' ' i
17. S , 4i coupons . I clnprefcrrcil . > ' {
. 1U7' . C. * N. W . . 101. '
U.S. < ' } scouxms..ll | 1J doproforrcil , 1I4' ' {
I'HClllcCsof 'li : > . 12- ! N. V. I'entral NW'i '
Central I'nrlllc. . Il'i I' . , I ) . .VI ! 21 i
I'lilraKt ) A Alton . .IM Itook Isliinil . . . .107
I'lilcngo.lliirllngtcm 4 * . , M.&St. I' MU
i : yiiliicy IK)1 ) , ilo preferred 1IBU
1I..I..A W : ! ! , St. I'uiiKV Omaha. , i'7'i
Illinois Central , llfiv tlonrofern-d . . . .105
I..H..VW . T iirnlonl'arillc li4'
Kansas A Texas . . Kl : i'i I , . & I' 1:1 :
I.aki'Shorc . Kl do preferred. . . . ai i
.Michigan Central. . P4 Western Union M'ti '
.Missouri Piicitla "
MONET ON Cii.i. liisy at 1 ' 3V 2 per cent.
Last loan 2 per cent ; closed at l.-jO/J per
1'iiiuB MCIICANTII.R Piruu 0 ( iJ(5M ( lcr )
cent ,
STKIIMNO EXCIUXOR Dull but steady at
M.&l@-I..S4ii for nixty-day bills , nud fLS ; ;
for demand.
o , Nov. 15 Wheat Firmer ; cash ,
$1.1 1W ; December , fl.13 , ; January , $1.12' ' , , ;
May , ii.l. % %
Corn Easy ; cashlie ; December ,
.TJ l-ltc ! ; January : i7Ve ; ; May. 80.
Oats Steady ; cash , 2 * Jfe ( ; December ,
21'iV ; January 2i ( } c ; May , Il' ' c.
Hye IMC.
Harley No trading.
Prime Timothy no trading.
Flax ? 1.M.
Whisky fl.20.
Pork Kasy ; cash $1-1. , " > December , $ H.15 ;
January , SU.ti.V , May , fH..l.'i.
Lard Stead. , " , cash , fS.22J4 December -
comber , S.S.12' < f ; January , 13.10 ;
May , # 8.27 ( ( T8.0. ; !
Flour The market showed n trifle better
inquiry to-dur , but prices remain unchanged.
Hulk Meats-Shoulders , S7.i7K ; ; short
clear , ? 3.2r > ( < K37J > ; ; short ribs , $7.5' , ) .
Mutter Firm ; creamery , Jlir2'Ji ( ' ; ; dairy ,
Uhoeso Quiet ; full cream Cheddars ,
flats , lOKGfille ; Young Americas ,
iifc'gs Firm ; fresh , 19g20c. (
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted ,
llJie ; light green "salted , ( i c ; Rrecn , 5c ;
stilted hull , fi' e ; Krccn hull , -I' ' c ; green
dry flint , ' 0bj ; dry calf , 7 ( < ? 3e ; branileil
hides , 15 per i-cntoff ; deacons , yj@3lu ) each ;
dry galled. 10541- " * .
Tallow Finn ; No. 1 , sollu packed , Oc ;
No. 2 , 4c ; cake , DC.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 20,000 5,000
Wheat bu . : iooo ,
Corn , uu . 127.000 552,000
Oats , bu . 170,000 188,000
llyp , on
KnnsnH City , Nov. 15. Wheat- Steady ;
No. 2 red , cash , Oic asked ; December ,
bid ; May , ( J7i4C bid ; No. : t red , cash ,
asked ; No. - soft , cash , l)4e ) bid ; December ,
l)3c ) asked ; May , $1.07 asked.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , SSJ c bid ;
Dot-ember'JS fe bid ; Mny , 'iO i'c bid ; No.- ,
white , civ * , B'.ljtfc ' bill. -
Oats No. S , cash , j.'OjIfc asked ; May,2IVe
Milwaukee , Nov. 15. Wheat Firm ;
cash , $1.01 % ; December , $1.08 ; January ,
Corn Firm ; No. 3I3c. .
Oats-Finn ; No. 2 white , 30S31c.
Hye Firm ; No. 1. . " < 7c.
Hurley Strong ; No. 2 , 74c.
Provisions Steady ; pork , J14.70.
Clnolniiatl , Nov. 15. Wheat Easy ; No.
2 red , S1.05.
Oats Unsettled ; No. ! ) mixed , 27c.
Uyc Quiet ; No. 2 , r > le. !
Whisky Active and llrr.i at $1.14.
Miiinenpiilis , Nov. Ifi. "Wheat In spite
of the heavy receipts of wheat here , sample
tables wore not. heavily loaded with offoriiiKS
In the inormiiK. Sellers were holding for
another advance , and the majority of sales
ranged above yesterday's figures , though the
demand from local millers was not large.
Closing quotations : No. 1 hard , cash , $1.25 ;
December , 81.25 > f ; May , $ l.'JJ > i : on trnelr ,
fl.35 ; No. 1 northern , cash , $ l.ii ; } ; Decem
ber , 51.14 ; May , * 1.1S } ; on track , Sl.lfMB
1.17 ; No. ! i noi-tliern , i-asli , $1.0 } ; Decem
ber , $1.09 ; May , $ l.iy2' ! ; oil track , Sl.ll ®
St. Ijouis. Nov. 1i. ! Wheat Higher ;
cash , Jl.OtUf ; December , $ \.QT \ > { .
Corn Firm ; cash , 3S ) Q$3'Jc ; December ,
Oats Higher ; cash , 24Wc ; November ,
23'c. ! ) }
I'ork Unchanged at $15.00.
Lard Firmer nt * S.20@S.22K.
Whiskey SI. 14.
Hutter Firm ; creamery , fancy , 2S@20c ;
choice , 2iCi' ; > tCdairy , choice anil fancy ,
Now Vork , Nov. 15. Wheat Receipts ,
21SOO , ; exports , none ; spot market quiet and t
k'e higher ; No. " red , $1.10I > .fC' < )1.10Ufc ) ,
in elevator ; { l.ll Ql.UK nlloat , 51.11 > i-i ( }
1.12 f. o. b. ; No. 3 red , 11.04) ) 1.03 ;
ungraded red , b'Ji'tW1.10itf ! ; No. 1 red ,
fl.njij. Options moderately active and ir
regular early , J ( fa8e lilRlier , ndvanced J ( < |
* i < ; , fell ? 4C' ? ' ' * , closed J ljtJ-j above yester
day. No. 2 red and December , closing at
Corn neccipts , 152,900 ; exports , 25,000 ;
bjiot stroni ; and n trillo higher , moderately
active ; No. 2 , )9Ji'iiinOi ) ( * in elevator ; 50dSOJfc li
alloat ; ungradediulxoil,4914@'ii39'c. ( Options 11
opened llruier and closed steady but dull ; '
lciomborclosoil at fiOc.
Oats Kccelpts , 4n,000 ; exports 1,500 , ;
spot strong and V3iu higher ; moderate
business ; options ( Inner and itiet ] ! ; Decem
ber closed at ! ) lL'i spot No. 'j white , Sl&fc :
nixed western , UOStf.'c ; wtilto western , 83
@ 3Jq. _
Coffee Options steady ; sales , -11,500 bags ,
Including November , i3.iO ! ! ! ( < ? ii.40 : : Decem
ber , $ l3.'J5it.ri.January ( ; ) ! ; , flii.O.'i ; February ,
Jii.05frf : > 13.10 ; March , $13.03. Spot Hio about
steady ; fnlr cargoes I5' ' e.
Petroleum -Firm ; Unitcdcloscd at S.'O c.
Kpgs Moderate demand ; choice lirni ;
western , 2" > o.
Pork-Active and linn ; mess , $10.00Jc ( )
Lard Firmer ; sales , western steam , ? 3.00 ;
sales of December uttMl.
lluttijr Firm and fairly active ; western
dairy , 12'ff ' < ? -0o ; western creamery , ITQ'JSo ;
Klglns , aye.
ChecBU-Stronc and quiet ; western , 9@
Clilc ii ) . Nov. 15 , 1'ho Drovew' Jour
nal reuortsiiB follows :
Cattle Ki'celpts , 15,000 ; market slow nnd
lOo lower ; choice hooves , < 5.00i43.50 ( ; steers ,
< . ( )0gl.UO ) ( ; stockers nnd feeders , f 00(1 ( . 40 ;
cows , bulls | anil mixed , $1.0 ( < ? 3.15 ; Texas
and Indian cattle , fl.lO.g'i.&Oj wnstern rang 11
ers , liT
Hogs Ueoeipts , 01,000 ; market slow ;
5o lower , closing dull ; mixed , * 3.255.50 ( ;
heavy , | 5. ! ( ii5.W : lleht and heavy , I5.U5M
bkips ,
Sheep Hreeipts , 9,000 ; market steady ;
natives , $2.00@4.40 ; westerns. $3.2.X < ? 3.s5j !
Texaus , fJ.SO HtO ; lambs , f3.65(33f.O. ( .
KaiiHnH City , Nov. 15. Cattle Hocolpts
9.110 ; BliipmcntH , 0,200 ; native beef steers
slow mid about . " > WKk > lower ; grass range
weak nnd lOo lower for common ; choice
cows steady ; others weak and lOo lower ;
stockers and feeding steers active ; good to
choice corn-fed f4.7A@ V. ! *
- , < > ) ; common to
medium , f3.25i$4.CO ; stackers and ( ceding
steers , 1 1. 60(33. ( UO ; urnss range steers , tl.GO
@ 3.00 ; cows , * 1.00&2.tO. $
Hogs Kccelptf , 12.UOO . ; shipments , SlO ;
market strongnnd active ; opened 5o higher ,
closing strong nr.d 50(100 higher ; good to
choice , | 5.3Snt5.42'Y ' ; common to medium , S
.7I@3.80 ; skips uml plj-it , t-J.OOS4.Oft , '
Thursduy. Ko15 , 1SS3.
The situation in the catllo market was
about ( the same ns yesterday. The receipts
were very light nnd there was hot much here
that t the buyers wanted. The packers bought
a fc\v heiid but there wns not a load of choice
beef entile In the yards. What cattle were
sold went at about steady prices , although
the j feeling was weak In sympathy with the
reported | decline In Chicago.
The rcrplpts were about the same as yes
tcrdny and the market was about Mead.\
with yesterday's oloso , or 5c higher than yes
tcrday morning. The market Is now bat-k
about where it was the tlrst of tlio week.
Tlic demand continues good and tbo hogs
were nil sold curly.
There wore no fresh receipts nml nothing
to J make a market. Good muttons nre in de
Hogs 4,200
Provnlhnc I'rloet.
The following is a tibia of price ? p.xld In
this marKet for the graJoj of sloe * men
Pnmosteors. 1300 to 1500 Ibs.$1.10 (35.0 ( ! )
Prime steers , 1100 to ll < 00 Ibs. . 1.00 ; < i4.50
Native feeders 2.50 ( 3.1.1
Western foeucrs 2.50 ( { , 't.UO
Knniro steers , com'on to choice 2.50 ( ii1.25 !
Common to good cows 1.2.1 ( ir2.00
Choice to fanny cows 2.25 ( u2.M ; )
Cotnmonto choice bull * . . . . . . . . 1.35 ( IC2.00
FalrtocnoicelighthoKs 6.20 i'r 5.30
Fair to choice heav.v heirs f > . : t5 ( SJ.Y45
Fairto , choice mixed hogs 5.23 ( i5,33
Itupresniuatiro Sato * .
NO. AT. Pr.
2 bulls 1,300 $1.50
ISi-anncrs 900 l.CO
2 cows 1,100 UK )
4 steers , tailings 890 2.00
1 cow 1'J)0 2.00
5cows , westerns 1,000 , 2.20
3'J cows , iiatlveH 1.H31 2.35
J steers WO 2.35
22 cows 917 2.35
20 steers 913 2.05
20 steers 882 2.TO
ftit steers 1,090 , 3.4 ! )
VI calves , per head 8.50
Owner. No. Av. Pr.
Hull & Moore
.Mailings , Utah 1,13(1 ( j'i.25 '
3stecrs ( ) , Utah 1,101 3.20
20 steers , Utah 1,0 , JS 3.0J
Swazcy , Neef .t Douglass
49 feeders , westerns 1,107 2.75
5'J cows , westerns 9 , " > 0 2.25
2.steers , west tailings 1,055 2.0'J
2 hulls , westerns 1,325 1.50
C. U. Rhodes
100 feeders , westerns l.OSO 2.05
No. Av Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
* 5. . , .217 2tO $3.10 50..2 9 > -0 i
73. . , .210 200 5.25 .7.1 20 ! ' 300 5.85
4. . .372 5.25 53..2S2 120 5.35
02. . , .277 2H ( ) 5.25 02. . .273 100 5.33
(19. ( I . , .230 210 5.25 07. . .253 200 5.35
v70. . , .220 2X ( ) 5.25 58. . .295 100 5.85
08. . , .275 200 09. . .253 200 5.85
74. . , .284 100 rliaJK 09. . .257 100 5.85
Oil. . , .214 80 5.27o' ! 111. . .833 240 5.35
73. . , .213 2SO 5.27' 09. . .2M5 12) 5.85
78. . , .251 SO 5.30' ( U. . .275 80 5.31
53. . 200 5.80 00. . .800 3.20 5.35
OS. . 5.80 11 .258 40 5.35
r > . . 2SO 5.30 05 .219 100 5.33
5S. . . .231 U20 5.30 100 .2)3 ) 100 5.35
51) ) . . . .237 80 5.30 70 .2110 210 5.35
01. . . .24S bO 5.3J 01 .312 203 5.35
82. . 80 5.30 40 .307 12. ) 5.85
77. . 100 5.80 07 .290 SO 5.35
129. 2SO 5.30 54 .302 240 5.85
on. , , .210 100 5.30 C > 7 .2s2 3l > 0 5.35
so. . , .274 240 5.3' ' ) 09 .211 120 5.35
49. . , .205 120 5,80 55 .818 40 5.37 ; ;
" ; 500 5.80 59 .299 8(1 ( 5.40
5.80 07..2S2 300 5.40
( > 5..2 < Mi S'J 5.30 08..288 240 5.40
71..2.11 120 5.30 00..339 320 5.40
71..240 100 5.30 54..314 bO 5.40
Showing the number of hos * bought by
thclcading buyers on the market to-day :
G. H. Hammond ft Co 400
Omaha Packing Co 1,839
Armour-C. P. Co 1,09"
Highest and Lowest.
The folio wing are the highest and lowest
pricespaid ' for hears duringtho past few days
and on the corresponding dates one and two
years ago :
" 1 Nov. 18S8. I Nov. 1M7. I Nov. 1SSH.
4 UJ < & 4 -l ; i - > wi w
8 W 4W ( in
4 OTi d.A i 8 M Wl ( i"i
Sunday. 4 05 © 4 > 3 4 ! > & 'J (13 (
61 fi 20 @ 5 M 4 10 C4I5 3 57'jfi'l ' ! lie
G C 10 W > T > 3 Sunday. ! ! 4U Gtfl 70
7 811 4 10 tl 11.1 Sunday
8 4 on @i : 8 K > ddi 70
4 2'i QOI 40 3 51 : i 75
4 35 SM 5- ) 3 Ki 46) ) 80
4 45 ( ft I 5T 3 tS
4 U ) Ctf.l 5" ) 3 5 HO
Sniulny. 1 70 i'l tO
4.1) ) ( it M Sunday
Live Stock Notcfl.
I. O. Urovin , Sewnrd , marketed a load of
43c hogs.
John Homer , , la. , was In with n
load of hogs.
J. O. Stevenson , Greenwood , came in with
a load of hogs.
Heavier hogs sold hero within lOc of the
top in Chicago.
One year ago the receipts of hogs at these
yards were 10,514.
J. Hnstjc was among the shippers who
came in with stock.
Hlrd City , Kan. , was represented by 13.
W. Nott , who came in with stock.
W. H. Krrett , Harlan , In. , was among
those who sold hogs at $3.43 , the top price.
Armour's hogs bought In Kansas City yes
terday , cost 0 > o less than their drove bought
in this market.
The last of the commission firms have
moved into the Kxchangc building , the addi
tion making plenty of room for nil.
Mr. Harper has returned from Chicago ,
where ho went on a visit. Ho stopped at
Sioux City on his way back but was not very
favorably impressed with that city as n live
stock market.
William Parsons , one of Squires & Co.'s
hog buyers , has arrived hero with his fam
ily. Dick Parsons , who has been buying
hero for Squires & Co. for a while back , will
return to Chicago.
I'l-ntlticc , I-'rults , I'tc.
UuTTEit Fancy , solid-packed creamcr.v , 20
@ 23o ; choice country , 1820c ( ; medium
ifrades , 14@17e ; common grades , 10lie. (
FI.OUU Nebraska patents , tO.OO ( < J7.50 :
Minnesota patents. $0.258.00 ( ; straight
grades , fi.00g.'i.0 ( ' ; bakers' Hour , S5.25W5.75 (
per barrel.
POTATOES Nebraska , 25@40c per bushel ;
Colorado , 7B@ ) c.
Pofi.TKV--Livochlckens1$2.50@2.75perdoz ;
spring ohlckens , $2,50@3.00 ; dressed chick-
eiis , b ( < { 10o per Ib ; turkeys , 8@12e. C
KuosStrictly fresh , 19e candled.
Coxcoui ) Giui'ts 30l40o ( per 10 Ib bas
MU.ACU flnu'iH In kegs , 8j510o per Ib.
HiXtN'.is Common , (1.50c 3.23 per bunch ;
choice , J-.50@lt.50.
LUMON-.S J5.5'J ' per case.
OnIXOES Floridu. * 4.00@4.2.I5 per box.
CJA.MB Per dozen : Mallards , rAWtf2.7ri ) ( ;
tciil , fl.00@1.25 ; quail , 23.00 ; prairie chickens -
ens , tll.Wt ; rabbits , fl.OO ; squirrels , $1.00 ;
venison , ( JfflOo per Ib.
CHANUKIUIIES T7.50@9,00 per bbl.
Pitovisioxs Hums , No , 1 , llj o ; No.2 , lie ;
shoulders , 7 ? < c ; rib bacon , lie ; clear bacon ,
} c ; picnic-hams , lOc ; dried beef hams ,
c ; dry salted clears , short , 8) ) o ; extra
short , 8Kc : short ribs , Stfc ; pickled pigs'
feet , 15 Ib kits , & 0o : lard , I'KdJlOcj ' smoked
sausage , 0@Sc per Ib ; hog casings , 17@lc , O
CRI.KUV 25Cif30o per dozen. 3
Oxioxs-40C50o per bu.
CAinuai-t2.00 : per 100.
IJiu/rs lOe jier bu ,
TUIIXIIM 30c per bu.
SADKII KIIAUT UblsM,75 ; half bblst2.75.
Ai'1'i.u-i-Oholce , I2.50W2.75 per bbl ; fancy ,
13.00 per bbl ; common , I1.50O1.7J per bbl.
CIDKU Michigan , fO.OO@0.5J per bbl of 33
pals ; California pear cider , $15.00 per bbl.
PopCoitx Hicc , SQile ; common , 2QJc. !
OAHUOIS ( Oo per bu.
HEANB Choice eastern handpickcd navies ,
$3.00 per bushel ; western hand picked nu-
Vies , fl.751.60 ; mediums , * 1.30@MU ; Lima
beans , 5o per Ib
HAY-F. o. b. cars , No. 1 uplan-J , No. Ib
upland , $5.00.
UiUK-llO.UO@10.00. ,
Ciiorrr.n Fr.BD-414.00 ® 13. 00 per ton.
Cons nir > r.2f ! . "
VINBCUK - Cider , lOQISo per gal. ; white
wine , KXR20C per fftl. "
Grocer * ' J/lRt ,
nevlsed prices are s follows :
HAOOISII Stark'A , fceainlesii , C2c ; Amos-
kenp , seamless , 17'fc ' ; Ilfewlston A , seamless ,
19c ; American , Jcninlcss , 17c ; burlaps , 4 to 5
bu , llWUc ; gunnies. iBinglo , I3c ; gilnnlcs ,
double. Wo ; wool sack , 85c. Twines FlHst ,
JlSc : extra sail , anyiilq ; sail H , 2KJ21c ( ; ; cot
ton. 22o ; jute , PC.
Dm iti : Fitt'iT Figs , in boxes , per Ib.
lOc ; dates. In bo.Vcs. 7itlOij London Malaga
layer ralslni , jicr box , $2WHt8.75j ! Malaga
loose raisins. t2kHi2.f : ( > ' . ) ; new Valencia
raisins , per Ib , 84C ; California loose musca
tels , per box , $2.1HM2.10 ) ; California Loudens ,
S , f2.4ll : pitted chel-rics , Derlb , lOc ; Cali
fornia utipared evaporated peaches , 1Sc < < tsc ;
evaporated California appricotH , IScCantce ;
currants , O1 , ( it7c ; Turkish prunes , 4 @ 4nic ;
citron. 2-iiilcj ) orange ] ieel , 15c : lemon peel ,
lOc ; Califurnla French prunes. llyflOc.
Coi-nis : : Mocha. 2V 2tlc ; Kio , good , lO ®
17c ; Mandahllng , 20@2- ; roasting Hio , 15i ( *
lOe ; O. C3. Jtivo , 24rt-0c ; Java , interior , ! WQS
25c ; Hio , fancy , KKiglOc ; Santos and Mara-
calbo. 17jrl ( c : Arbuckles , 21' c ; McLaugh-
lin'sXX.\X,2l > , i- .
Sl-OAit Granulated , 7J/c ; conf. A , 7 } c ;
white extra C , 7\c ; extra C , 7-Vc ; yellow
C. 01'e ; powdered. SJjc ; cubes.8lic. .
HKESWA.X Choice yellow , 2C ) < ilJ2l ! , c ; dark
colored , I8it14e. (
Ciir.csn VOUIIR Amerlcn , full cream , 12 ( ? >
12 , ' c ; full cream Cheddars , Iliil2c ( ; full
cream Hats , VJHc ,
PifKi.Ks Meiiium , In bbls , $5.00 : do , in
half bhls , $8.00 ; small , In bbls , * 0.00 ; do , In
half bbls , S3.50 : gherkins , in bbls , J7.00 ; do ,
half bbls , S4.IH ) .
Ton \cco- Plug , C0-05c ; smoking , 10@19c.
JKM.IKS f 1.25 per 80-lb pall.
SALT $1 80 ( < J1.85 per bbl.
HOI-I : 7-10 , 10fe. ?
MAri.i : Si'OAit-Hricks , ll ( < M2c per Ib ;
penny cakes , 12vi 13c per Ib ; pure maple
syrup , $1.00 per gal.
Tins Young Hyson , common to fair.
2oc ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30 ( < f55c ;
Gunpowder , common to good , 2225c ; Gun
powder , choice to fancy , 40i ( 03c :
mon to medium. 15'n20c ; Japan , choice to
fancy , 30@l5c ; Oolong , common to good , 25 ( '
85c ; Oolong , choice to fancy , 50i70i ( ) ; Impe
rial , common to medium , 25a85c ( ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , 40d.Vo. ( )
NOT.Almond - * , 15 ( < ? 17e ; filberts , 12fi15c ;
Urnzil , OC'dlllc ; walnuts , 12c ; pecans , 10illc ( ;
peanuts , 0 ( 9c.
CiiACKKittB'.nllc * per Ib ; assorted cakes , 7
@ 23c per 111 an per list.
CA.MIY Mixed. ST13c ; stick. 8 ( ffi9 > a'c ;
rock candy , 10'i@13c ; fancy candy , 7a2bc. (
Dry Goods.
COTTON- FLANNELS 10 per cent dls. : LL ,
5J c ; CC , ti i'c ; SS , 7 = re ; Nameless , 5c ; UX ,
ISe ; H , 20c ; No. 10 , H'e ' ; No. 40 , 10' c ; No.
450 , 1'JJfc ' ; No. 80 , 18J < io ; No. 30 , colored , 9c ;
No. 50 , colored. 12c ; No. 70 , colored , 123a'c ;
Hristol , 12We ; Union Pacific , 17c.
CAHI-UT W.Mii' Bib White , IS' c ; colored ,
21 > < c.
HATTS Standard , Sc ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty ,
12 } c ; Hoonc , 14c ; 13 , cased. $0.50.
PIIISTH Solid colors Atlantic , Oc ; Slater ,
5) c ; Berlin oil , 0 > c ; Garner oil , 7c.
PUINTS Pink and Kobes Allen Oc ; Hivcr-
point , BijC ; Steel Hiver , Oj Jc ; Hlchmond ,
Pacillc. 7c.
I'm STS Dross Charter Oak , 5 } c ;
Ratnapo , 4h'e ; Lodl , pi e ; Allen , Oc ; Uicli-
mend , ( % c ; Windsor , li } c ; Eddystoae , O. c ;
Paeilie , 0,4c. , , ,
UI.IACIIID : : SIIIITIXO : Berkeley cambric
No. 00 , 9 } < , 'e ; Best Yyt , 4-4 , 0 ; c ; butter cloth
O O,4l4ef Cabotj 7 > v ; Farwell half blcaehod ,
8 } < , c ; Fruit of lyouu ll'j'c ; Greene G , 4i'4o :
Hope , 7 o ; King Philip cambric , lie ; Lolis-
dale cambric , lOJije ; Lonsdale , 9c ; Now York
mills , lie ; Pepperell , 42-in , lie ; Pcpperell ,
40-in , 12e ; Pcpiicrcll. 0-4 , lOc ; Pepporell , 8-4 ,
21c ; Pepperell , y-4'ic ! ; Pepperell , 10-4. 25c ;
Canton , 4-4 , SJ-jC : Triumph , Oc ; Wamsutta ,
He ; Valley , Be. ,
FI.AXXHLS Plaid Raftsmen , SO : Goshcn ,
32fc } ; Clear Lake , ; IO } e ; Iron Mountain ,
OIISKT JIAXS Androscoggin ,
'e , 7 'c : Uockport.'OJi'e ; Uoncstoga , OKc ;
Ticks York , 30 Iri.'l2 , ' . < e ; York , 33 in. ,
13Kc ; Swift river , } ' ( cThorndike ; OO , SJ c ;
Thorndiko KF , Sl-fc ; Thorndike 120 , 9 ; e ;
Thorndike XX , 15c ; Cordis No. 5 , 9 > c ;
Codis No. 4 , I'ic.
DUXI.MS Amoskoapr , 0 oz , 13V e ; Kvcrctt
oz , 13' Je ; York , 7o/ , 18'c ; Haymaker , S'.jc ;
Jaffroy XX , llj-ic ; Jaffrey XXX , 12'ic ;
Beaver Creek AA , 12c ; Heaver Creek U1J
lie ; Beavei- Creek CC , lOc.
KKXTUCKV JEANS Mnmorial , 15c ; Dakota ,
ISc ; Durham , 27Ke ; Hercules , ISc ; Leaming
ton , 22 , ' < c ; Cottswold , 27' < fc.
CHASH Stevens' B , Oc ; Slovens' B
bleached , 7e ; Stevens' A , 7j c ; Stevens' A
bleached , S' c ; Stevens' P , & } e : Stevens'
P , bleached , 9 > fe ; Stevens' N , 9&e ; Stevens'
N , bleached , 10'Wi ' * ; Stevens , SKt , 12 , c.
Mibt-Ki.i.Axr.oirs Table on cloth , $2.50 ;
plain Holland , 9 } e ; Dado Holland , 12J c.
lirown Atlantic A ' ' Atlantic
Sheeting , 4-4 , 7''c ;
lantic II , 4-1 , 7)4c ) ; Atlantic I ) , 4-4 , 0 fc ; At
lantic 1' , 4-4 , Oe ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , 4e ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , O e ; Hoosier
LL , 4-4 , tie ; Indian Head , 44 , 7'-tjc ; Law
rence LL , 4-4 , tc ! ; Old Dominion , 4-1 , 5J c ;
Pepperell H , 4-4 , 7e ; I'opperell O , 4-4 , OJfc ;
Pepperell , 8-4 , IS e ; Pepperell , 9-4 , 2lc ;
Pepperoll , KM , 2lc ; ; Utica , C , 4-4 , 4 ? o ;
Wachusctt , 4-t , 7 Je ; Aurora K , 4-4 , 7e ; Aurora
era H. 4-1 , OKc.
Dfcis West Point 29 in , 8 oz. , tO e ; West
Point 29 in , 10 oz. 12c ; West Point 29 in , 12
oz , 15c ; West Point 40 In , 11 oz , lOc.
FiAXXii.s-Hed : , C , 2-1 in , 15Ke ; E , 24 In ,
2l4eGG ! ; , 21in , 20c ; HAF , % , 25c ; JKF ,
9t , 27JijC.
GIXCIIIAM Plunkett checks , 7 } < jc ; Whitten-
ton , 7Kl ; York , llc ; Normandi dress , S c ;
Calcutta dress , S' e ; Whittenton dress ,
Renfrew ress. c.
CAMIIIUC.S Slater , 5'4c ' ; Woods , 'iji'c ;
Standard , 5'/c ; Peacock , BJi'o.
1'i'iXTH , IxiiinoBi.UK Arnold , OJ c ; Amer
ican , 0'4c ' ; Gloucester , ( Vfo : Arnold C long
cloth , 9o ; Arnold 13 long cloth , W a ; Arnold
Gold Seal , 10 } c ; Stlcfel A , 12c ; Wiuusor
Gold Ticket , lutfc.
-jH nnd ClionilcalH.
Misciii\xious : : Sulph. neid , \c\ \ \ citric
acid , COe ; tartarlc , 50c ; bal. copaiba , IWo :
borax , 12e ; chloroform , 47c ; glycerine , 25c ;
gum arable , select , 81 , 00 ; gum camphor , 'ilc ;
gum opium , * 5.'t,25 ; sulph. morphia , $2,80 ;
bromide potassium 'Jo.
OILS Carbon , 150 ° , lOJ c ; hcadlight,175 < = ,
lC > ie ; gasoline , 71 ° , 12'u'e. ' West Virginia i'J i
summer , lie ; zero , 17c ; No. 1 golden ma 'J
chine , 18o ; extra W. S. lard , 84c ; No. 1 lard , 11
4"c ; turpentine , 52c : linseed , raw , 5be ; 11e
boiled , Olc.
QUINISM : P. & W. , per oz , 55c ; German , I
per oz , 40c. i
Lumber. jtl j
First and second clear , I1/ In.$19 00(351 ( 00 tl
First nnd second clear , 1H in. . , 47 00(1/50 ( 00 tlK tlt
Third clear , I'/lgUi ' in 43 00 40 00
Asolect , l'ir < ( > l' in 37 00W89 ( 00 K
H select , 1JCOUK It ) 33 00 ( a5 00
A stock boards , 12@10 feet , 12 In 40 00 1t
B stock boftrds > 12fMU feet , 12 in 41 00 t
stock boards , 12ftf 10 feet , 12 In 80 00
D stock bourdsj U'tf'lO ' feet , 12 In 23 00
Flooring , first common , 0 in ! M 00
Flooring , soeoml ciiinmon , 0 in 32 ( K )
Select fencing llborfug 19 00
Siding , llrstnnd soc-'onil clear , 14if ( 10 feet.25 00
Siding , llrst coriimo'n , 10 feet 22 00
Siding , second tronihion 19 00
Common boards. . . ' . ' 10 00
No. 2 boards , all lofigths 14 50
Fencing , No. i ; 1'J@-0 feet 10 50
Fencing , No. 2/12,14 , and 18 feet 15 50
Joist and scantllng2x4 ; , 14 ( < 310 lect 10 00
Timber , 4x4 , 8x8 , lO feet 17 50
Pickets , I ) and' ! ! flat 22 00
Pickets. D and'H .square 2500
Shingles , extnt A. ! ; 2 SO
Shingles , standard A 2 00
Lath 240
OG Batts,2kin 70
G Butts , # x3 , S I S 40
in well tubmg.D and M bov 22 00
MotulH and Tinners' Htoclt ,
Block tin , small pig $ .28
Hlocktin , bar 29
Copper , planished boiler sizes 84
Copper , cold rolled 81
Copper , sheathing 80
Copper , pltts. . . . . . 80
Hemlock sole , 1837o per Ib ; oak sole , 31 ®
3Co per Ib ; oak harness , 80 ( < 782o per I1 } ; selec
ted oak nnd trace , 85o porlb ; oak and hem
lock upper , 20 22o per foot , Hemlock calf
skin , No. 1 , 60 < a90o per Ib , awordlng to * *
weight ; oak calf skin. No , 1 , 00c ( < $1.00 per
; Philadelphia calf skin , extra , * 1.00@1,10
lierlb ; hemlocK kin tkln , No , 1 , 00 ( < s > 70o per
b ; oak kip ckm , No. 1 , 70@SOc per Ib ; PMla-
. .10 per Ib. Cordovan russett , lo ; satin
llnlsli , 20o perfect ; welt Icnther. $3.5' ) < Neo
per side ; moroccos , i pebble poati , 2iK'(3C (
per foot ; moroccos , boot lev , 8X < f80o per
fool ; glove calf .kms , 2i'30c ' i > er foot ;
Douglas kid. ! * 0if4tH. ( ' per loot ; knuparoo
skins , 40iif 0c psr foot , according lo miality.
Toppings , $ -1.10 1000 per dozen ; linings.
M.WCIP00 per dozen ; aprotiskms , $10.00 ( < 9
12.W per dozen.
The Mystery of n flat.
ICe v York World : A mysterious mid
pathotle auction sulo took 'placo in Now
York tlio other day in an uptown lint.
H hiul cvidcntlv been occupied by n
woman , young , bountiful nml refined ,
nnd she lind gone out of ilwitlioul removing -
moving even her rings thut lay in the
jewel stand on the dninty drosssng-
tuhlo. Everything wns sold unrooi'v-
I'dly. A piano with n julu of tongH and
sheet after olivet of elat-nic-al musk * . A
library containing nil tlio best of Ihr
modern authors , and many whom the
verdict o ( the ages have con
secrated ; books finely bound and
artistically illustrated , showing thai
tlie reader liked to have her menial
food served up on dainty tlishos. Pio-
tures llml , while thev were nol perhaps
very costly , showed tlio owner know the
best and appreciated it. Hrie-a-brao of
sorts and well solcetuil , A lablo ser
vice consisting of napery like uin ,
and china showing Iho bcs-t of the
Wedgwood , Kovresand Worcester man
ufactures. A wearing apnarel dainty
enough for a princess. Tinv slippers ,
Hvo-and-a-half-glovcs , stockings like
silk cobwebs , and handkerchiefs as lino.
Kastorn shawls , dulieato lace-
trimiiied lingerie nil the beautiful
things with which a high-broil and lux
urious woman surrounds hei-bolf. Ap
parently no selections had been made ,
nothing kepi back , and Iho .woman had
walked nway bovond a doubt with noth-
W" hut Iho clothes she wore. The nue-
tioncor said briefly in answer to all inter
rogations , that tlio owner had suddenly
determined to go inlo n convent , and
had directed that the oiiliso contents of
Iho Mat bo disposed of for the benelit of
the institution slio had entered. It was
plain Hint the tragedy of n life lay be
hind it , but what it was , the details of
it , will never bo known.
Thn I'rcMldcnt's Message.
The inaugural address of the Great
Hock Inland Itouto , Ihe Chicago , Kan
sas & Nebraska Railway , is lo announce
that on IN'ov. 18 , solid vestibule trains
will bo run between Chicago ami Den
ver , Colorado Springs and 1'uoblo with
out change , making close connection at
the above points with all trains for Sail
Lake , Los Angeles , San Francisco ,
I'orllainl , Oregon , and all points west ;
and at Kansas City ami St. Joseph east
ward for Chicago. St. Louis and
all points east , north and south.
These royal trains , consisting
of Pullman sleeping cars , restful
reclining chair cars and magnificently
furnished day coaches were built ex
pressly for this service by the Pullman
company , and are without question the
handsomest over turned out by that
famous establishment. The reclining
chair ears spoken of are free to all
holders of lii-sl-elats tielcols , and a
cortcous attendant will bo found with
every ear to attend to the wants of our
palrons. Ask your nearest tickel ngenl
for a lickot via the great Rock Island
route , or write toJOHN
Gen. Ticket and Pass Agent ,
Topeka , Kan.
TJiree Voles n Minute.
Washington Post : Three votes per
minulc , sayH a dispatch from Now York
this is the record made by the light
ning clerks in the thirty-beeond pre
cinct of Ihe Twenty-second assembly
dibtrieton Tuesday. Tlio precinct in a
large one , extending from Eightieth to
Eighty-fourth streets and from Avenue
A to the East river , and owinir to the
largo number of new buildings , the in
crease in registry was very great.
When it was discovered , after the reg-
islry books were closed , lhal a total of
1,017 votes were to bo cast during
the alloted len hours on cleclion
day , it was believed to be next to im
possible to accomplish it , for an average -
ago of ono vote per minute has been
considered excellent work. The voters
in this precinct were , therefore , very
uneasy lest they should not bo able to
cast their votes , and the natural result
was a tremendous rush during the early
hours. At 0 o'clock when the noils
opened , there were * 2i5 ( men in the line ,
which extended up Avenue A nearly
lo Eighty-third street. As high as & 2
was paid by anxious voters for a place
near the head of tlio lino. Captain
O'Connor and twelve policemen were
on hand to preserve order. At noon
there were 77/i / votes in the boxes , and
tlio line had dwindled to nothingness.
Not a single arrest was made , and but
one or two challenges occurred during
the entire day.
A Vtrttt Class Hotel.
A traveler on the Pennsylvania Lim
ited is surrounded by the comforts of a
metropolitan hotel. In the dining ,
smoking , library and sleeping cars of
the btcam heated electric lighted vesti
bule train passengers are carried from
Chicago to New York in the quickest
time over made by a regular train. For
reservatioiiH apply lo C. W. Adams , As-
sibtant General Passenger Agent , G5
Clark Blrccl , Chicago , III.
A Very Nervous Ilrlile.
Philadelphia Uecord : Two hundred
wedding guests , who had assembled
in church at Glen Gardner , N. J. , on
Thursday , waited in vain for tlio core-
monies. Jacob Slater , the wealthy
owner of a grist mill , and Miss Annie
Hloom were to hnvo been married. The
invitations were issued two weeks ago.
Many presents were oont to the bride's
house. Tlio church was beautifully
decorated. The minister grew impa
tient , and after half an hour a messen
ger arrived with a note for the minis-
tor. The wedding had been postponed.
The bride was lee nervous lo pass
through the ordeal.
An AliHolute Otiro.
Is only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and till skin erup
tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles ,
MKKT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co , , at 23
cents per box by mall 30 cents.
Kohl by
r.ll. I-AI.MER. K. P. nirilMAX. J. II. UI.AM-llJtHU
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Ofllce-llooni VI. Onpniltu Kichaneo llulldlnw , Lulon
flock Yttfila , Boil 111 Ouiiilm , N ti.
Live Stock Commission ,
Itoom 15 , KxcbanfO tiutldlilii , Unlou block Vnrcja.
buutlj OnjnL , NL ,
Coniinision Dealers in Liye Sod
200IU n , t'po lt I'lcLncge IlulldlnK , Union Ptoclc
Vardu , biMitll Oinuba. Neb.
Of Oraalia , Limited.
ABrTouTfiTrni Implomonte.
* " " "
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
< - rrliU and lliifelo. Jmic * Sttrrlbctitccb9tb ticl
lUUi.Oinatiiv , " -
AgricnlturaHmplementsWagonsCarriage , , $
Dufplo. no. Wholrrnlp. Ornulm , N-br ki > ,
WtiolollMn lloitltr * In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
JOl. KXt , fi > Dd W7 JOIIKI Strt t , OmKlia ,
P.'p. MAST & CO. .
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders
Cullitatort , llaj nnan.Cliitr Mill ) mnl l.uln > n l'iil
Ttrltn * . Cor. lltn ami McholM MH'PH.
Wliolf'alr ,
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
< , f r 1" > i i M * > >
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine.
W. K Mcail , Mansiicr. 151,11 tarriinoith st. Omnlift.
Mauuracturfrinntl Jobbcra In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , PJOWS Etc.
( "or. 8lh nuJ P cllc ( gtrcelt , OmMia , Nrb.
Artiata'Matorlnle ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
IM.t IHnlslM Mrrrt. Omaha , Notjra ki .
Booksellers nnd Stntlonore.
H. M. & S. W. JONES.
Siiccfiscrulo A.T. Kfnjon A. Co. , WhnlfMle AllcUlt
BooksGllers and Stationers.
Finr W ililliiR Slittlonery. Cimmirirlnl St lloncrj
\X1 Douulni Street. Oiunlm. Noli.
Boot * and Shoe * .
ISuccuiBors tu llcetl , Joncn a t o. )
Wholesale Mannfactnrcrs of Boots andSliocs
AK ntnIor llostiin llutifcr Shoe I'o. lltr. , 11U A 111 *
ll rni-y M. , Om L . ebrialln.
W. V. MORSE k CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101,1103-llOi Uouulns SI. . Omnlm MumilacUirySum
mer M. . llLitun.
Coffooa , Splcoa , Elo-
" ' " '
Omnljm Coffee and Sploc Mllli.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
KliTvrlnir KitrncH. Lnunrtrj Illue. Inks , Klc. Hi
1116ll rp r Slreul. ciainln. N lir i > .
Crockery and Glassware.
Atf nt for tfcr Mnnufirtureri anil Imrnrteri of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Cliimneys ,
Etc. JJIScB. 817 S. Will St. , Ore h . Ntbranka.
Importers nnd Julibcrs u (
Crcckcr/ , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Ktr. 1514 St.Aorr 1'axtun BulldlnK.
Commission and Storage-
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Speclnitlr- " - - C'.o ' 'nultrr , Hume.
llSllotrardatriot. Om ka. r
Kucci' torn to McSbnnc & Scbrncdcr. )
Profluce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Flour. Feed , Grain and General Commision
Mcrclinnt. Currcspondcnroollcllol. 1UII North ICtb
etrot't.Omiiliii , Neb.
Coo ! , Coke and Lime.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
2099outh lth Street , Onmhn , Nehrnikn.
Manufacturers ofUme ,
Anilshlpppiii in Ciml , Co.\k , Cuinun IMi'itcr , I.IK
IJralnTilc.nnilsiuwer Pipe. OHlce 'JI8..S. 1HU
St. , Oiualia , Nob. Taleiilicn til.
_ " Dry Goods nna Notions.
M. E SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 anil 110 < PoiiKlAi , Cor. llth ft. , Omnhn. Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods , Notions
Gcota' FurKlrhlng Coorti. Corner llth nnd UaJnoj
bts. , Omuha , Nebranku.
Shippers of Coal and Goto
2H South 13lti St. , OmtbB. Neb.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Kurticm Street , Ornnhn. Nebraska.
Omaha. Ncbraikn.
Croc rlos.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
VOS , TU7 , TO anil 711 \ 10th St. , Omalm , Net ) .
McCORD. BFt. DY 4 CO. .
Wholesale Grocers
t Hi nnd LeitTeiiworth Street ! . Omnlm , Neliraekn.
Wholoalo .MnnufacturerHor
Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware
Anil Leather. HOI , Ho : , nnd HO ; Darner Bt.,0uaha ,
Ncbr sku.
IHoayy j ardvynro.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Bprtngi , Wagon Slock. lUniirarc. I.umlicr , Ktc. 1501
BUI ] 1211 Uaruejr Hlrvct , Oui li .
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
JUcclnulch' TotilB nml llnlFnlo HCH ! ( ' . KOo Duuiilal
Hlreet , ( Jmiilin , Nehrankn ,
Wholesale Hardware ,
fill nnd Ilarnor Kin. , Omnlm , Neb. Weitrrn Ac nli
lor Aumln rondrr Co. , Jullerinn HUcittmli ,
Kalrliaukt Stkndanl Hcnlci.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
ftln , Phcfit Iron , cto. Apcnts for Howe Scnlen ,
Miami l'ouil r nndl.yiniin Curlicil wire ,
Uiualiu , NebranW .
Hntn , Cnps , Eto.
W. L. PARROTTE it c67
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Good&
11U7 II ruor etrtet , OmaHn , Kc
_ J.umbor. _ _
" '
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale J1
18tJ yireet and Ilulpn r'aolflc Track. ( ) m.i .
Dealer in Lumber , Lain , Lime , Sash ,
Io U , KU. IirJi-Ccrujr "Ib nud IJou/lm , Cc-u i ,
< - *
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
Uthaixl Cahforalit Slrgf 1 . Qniah * . Nobrajki.
f UlitJ V . vj. , , , , ,
Lumber ' Lime Cenfic
, , , , Etc ,
Cornerfth And DOUBIM ? la..OmAhft.
To Dealers Only ,
Office , 14(3 ( Knrrmm Street , Om h .
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Ituportril uml Anirrlrmi 1'ortliin.l tVrapnl Stall
Ajitut for Mllw ukpo llrilrnullc IViuc nl tnd
Dealer in Hardwood Linfc
Wtoil Curpft * nnj I'srquc t Kloorlnu. 1Mb ami DouU |
Mltllnorynnrt Notloim. "
Importers & Jotters in Millinery & Nolionsi
! > a iinnml 213youth Illli Strri-t 1
Manufacturers of Oyeralls
; < an > 1'auU , Mi i , Ktr. UWnhd ll i l > ou l Street ,
Ooinlm. Net ) .
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
403 n'l V > HuitlllOtll ! > t , , Onl ii .
_ ' _
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Aile Hroiig. Ktc. . OmMil. A. II Hli hnp. M nmer ,
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
1105 Hnrnor Strcot , Oiimh * .
Office FIxturoB.
Banlc , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
M ntle , Slilrboantii , Hook CH O. , DriiR KUturps.Wall
l'o i ! . Piutulon * . IIMIIiiKJ.roiinti'rs. llcornnil Wine
C'imli'rn , Mirror".etc. Kactory uiu' uttlrc , 1T , J nuil 1131
Couth IVtU MIOmaba , Tclcrliono 1131 ,
Paints and Oils.
WUolo'alo Di'alcr * In
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
HIS Farnam Street , Omnho.Ncb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carrj a. nice utock of 1'rlntlnit , Wrappliia nnd Wrlllnl
Tk 'ir. Spixlnl nttontlon tlvon to car loail urdvrs ,
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory.
No . 1.11 ; and 1310 Douglas tit. , Omnlm , Neb.
. Soods.
, PH1L. STIMMEL .v'cb.r * '
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
11 iiml UU Jones Street. Umalia.
Storage , ForwnrdlnK & Commission
Aft M ST R O N C , P ETT1S "it CO. .
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Drunrh liouteof the Heitncv IIUKCV Co. lluitglesat
wtiulesale nnii retail , l.KH l.ilOniul 131Icurd btreet ,
Ooiulia. Tolopliuiio No. 7WJ.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1531 NortU Klgtliloontli Street , Onmlm , Ntb.
Mannfactnre Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John KiioneU'r , I'roprlptor. l ) Dodco anil lUliinil id
Nurtli Mil tilroel , Uiuiilui.
Printers' WatorlalB.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Di'Blcrs lu TJ-IIC , I'rc M'B nml 1'rlnli'rn' Supplies. L01
South mil Slreel.OiUHhii.
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
911 Clothing and l.catbcr lieltlnz. 10UH KHriium StroeU
ijah , Doora , Etc. J
M. Ai'riiSBROw fTr.nT.G . ,
Vy'liolemilu Muniir cturc-ni of
Sash. Doors. Blinds and Mouldings ,
llranch Odlcn , Ulli nnd Uanl titrceti , Uumhii , Nub. '
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
V tiMlDiti , HUlr Work nnd Interior lliir'l Wooil Kln
B . N. E. CurucrMli lunl Li'iivoiiworlLi huculs , ,
Umalia , ti'ou.
Steam Fittings , Pumps , Etc.
A. L.'STRANG CO. , "
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Jtonm , Walcr , llu.lwny nml Mlnlnx Huppllee. Klc.
tOU , tU anil Wl I urnniii Hired , Uinnhii.
c 1-1 UH"C HILL
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Jlcnw ul Water Supplies. n < " l'iiinrter for .Mnut ,
il Knrnnm t. , Oni a
Steam and Water Supplies
. . . ,
tral.l..x . .
Bt. . O.nah. .
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
ib"rtIfuB . .HnlS'0lhI81a:8K-iu.H'- ? , ; : ! <
Iron Works. j
' ' <
STEAM 'BOLER'wbm | < S ,
Carter b ton , Tron-n , Manufuctnrert of till fclndi
Steam Boilers , TanKs and Sheet Iron WorK
\Vorki tioutliSOtli and 11 A il. CrOMlniT.
i'AxiliN .v "vriJiai'Nij'TjTo.v WUIIKB.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Worfc
Kniilno * . \VorU.aonornl I'oumlrr , Maolilnonnd
liluikiuiltli Work , Oilii o iinil Wurki , U. 1' , Itjr ,
UDI | lith ( JtrflclOmuhu.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings EASY
tk Hall * , Window ( iuanl * . Flower HlanituVlru
Vlirui.Klo. W North Kill Htrt'ut , Omaha.
" " " '
"o M A H"A SA"F"E nnd inoN WORKS ,
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
VaulU. Jail Work , Iron anil Wlro K nclny , Slvir. lUo ,
U. Au4roon , l'iot > 'r Cor. Htli untf Jnckigii Su.
Iron and Wire Fences , Railing ? , Guards
nml Scrnein. for lntnkiolHco4t nrc .r lilencc , etc ,
itupMvoil AwnlnkU > cki > 'iiiili Mnililaor/
Illwrtiiinltli Workn. U K.ullt lllli St.
Fireand Burglar Proof SafG5Tiine Locls
titiier.ii/tif iKi. . ihvUulil ftutu .v
Vnulti iiuil J al : w rk , ilv.S. lilU Hi
i il