8 TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE. MEITKSDAY , NOVEMBER 15 , 18Sa THE CITY : Christ Anderson mid Dora Thompsoi wore mudo one nt the oflleo ol Jiistlci O'Connull , Thin morning Police Officer Savngi received n , highly complimentary Icttoi from Messrs. Edholm & Akin , enclosing ing a check for $2. > for the clover cnj > turo of the rill-round crook and ex-con vict , NnBli who was nrrcstod for steal Ing a buffalo robe. PorHonnt Frnnk CJraU.v , of the Kntms City Time * , And formerly of Omnha , U visiting friend ; In thli city. J. IX Fodtcr , nn old-tlmo Omtihan , form hrl.v book-keeper for Milton Kogcrs , Is spend liiK u few days In the city , At the Arcade : James Slander , Lonls vlllo ; J. .J. Truman , Gunoa : Mrs. KV , Unto , WoepInK Water ? Wlltlnm R Walton Qcnuvu ; David Harbor , Huncroft. At the Cottons Joseph Hoffermvorth , Muskppon , Wli , ; J. C. Uurnctt ami wife , Hcd Oak , In. ; G. I ) . Lowe. Denver , Colo. ; Ji 11. Flnncrson , Evnnston'yo. . Messrs. Stnndcven und Perkins , of the the board of examining eiiRlnccrs , nccom- panled by Mr Ott Icnvo to-day for Pitts win ? , Pa. , to attend the national convention of boiler inspectors which meet * in Unit uitj on the i.'Oih In si. The following members of the Louie lords' company nro registered lit the Cot' rcns : Mrs. Louie Lord , Miss hydln Cord , Miss Myni Lcaw , Harry HIclmnK E.V , Allen , John Lueker , Hurry E. Stanley ami Mrj. . J , Carter , the mutineer of the com' ( iimy. At the Merchants . W. Thoinns , Topcka ; P. J. Ocromo. Syrniuiso , N. Y. ; C. J. V\\l \ Inn , Dnston ; SnmuolT. Woolf mul U. Mc Lean , Chicago ; M. N. lltn-d , Onlesbiirp. 111. ; V. C. Franbuy. Sterling , Neb. ; J. J. ICnowlcs und wife , UurlltiL'ton , In. ; J. W , Greene mul wife , Panama , 111. At the Mlllnrd T. Ualmer , Fred U Kcny nnd J. L. Caldwcll , Chicago ; Ir , T. H. Shur- wood nnd wife , Lincoln ; F. J. Dor mi , De troit ; S.J. Henderson , ! ! . E. Flnuphcr , F. W. UnuKhcfuiid J. P. Mnllory , Now York ; Mrs. Ynrnnll , MuskuunnVU. . ; Mrs. I ) . J. Craigle , son and cluuuhtor , Fort Yutcs , Dale. At the Murray H. J. Flaujihter. J. U" . Stccln , G. T Hnrdcnstlo , F. 1C. Coolcc. J. Colcman nnd U. C. Merrill. Noxv York ; W. C. Hndmau and wife. C. 1C. Miller , Charles F. Kinzio and W. A. Pinkerton. Chicago ; P. H. Skipwith , St. Louis ; J. H. Mulligan , Itochcstcr , N. Y. ; J. C. Abbott , Muscu- tlnc , In. At the Paxton I. W. Lout. Boston ; J. M. Smith , S. A. Scribner and C. McCann , Chicago cage ; F. L. Wnkclluld and F. A. Hill , Sioux City ; J. W. Cmno , Ohio ; J. F. Scales anil wife , Lonhvillu. K.V. ; O. H. Kuinoy and wife , Oho.vcnno , Wyo. ; Isaac JcnnlngH. Salt Lake City ; W. II. Adams and H. L. Ward , Philiulcliihm ; H. U. Hatch , St. Louis. Abandoned Ilu.sltaiul niul Children. Joseph Anderson is a carpenter and re sides on Twonty-llfth no.ir Lcavonworth Btrcct. Ho is now wifeless aud his children motherless , Mrs. Anderson , u few days airo , having abandoned all and lied to Sweden. Two of the children nro attending school ; the others need a mother's e.ire. Dear Ijlquor Selling. The case of Charles ICutnncr and his part ner , G. A. Gustus , charged with Belling whisky on election day In their saloon on South Rittecntn street , catno up before Judge Uorka yesterday afternoon. After hearing the testimony , the Judges intituled n HncnfSHK ) . An a ) > pual to the district court was taken. fllurrny anil Murphy. Scats for the engagement of Murray anil Murphy , at BoyiVs opera house , Thursday , Friday and Saturday evenings of this week , Went on Halo yesterday. "Our Irish Vis itors" has been here aud never played , people ple will naturally have a desire to see the best Irish comedy of recent times played by by the kings of Irish comedy. Standard shorthand school. 1C07J Fur- nnm. Taken Suddenly 111. Monday at mid-day , Captain Thomas Cor- mick , of the police department , was taken suddenly 111 and ho was at once conveyed to his apartments on Fourteenth and Daven port streets. A physician was summoned aid ) pronounced his afllietion intermittent foyer. Since taking his bed Captain Cor- mick baa gradually grown moro under the influence of the fever , and at last reports he was considered a very sick man. A Deceived Briton. An Englishman holding n ticket to San Francisco arrived In Omaha on yesterday's Wabasb train too late for the Union Pacific. He wished to go to the Union Pacific t o'cot ofllcc to reserve a berth , ana told a cab driver where to go. The driver took him to the Webster street depot , charged him $1 nnd hurried away. A choice selection or two of scripture from his highness followed when ho learned where ho had been taken. TlicHtrcetcar was rich anil honest enough for him on his return trip. Sinnll-Pu.v Prevention. There was a meeting of the members of the board of he.ilth yesterday afternoon in the mayor's oflleo. Dr. Ralph announced that the patient suffering from small-pox wius rapidly rccpvurlnv , the case not being of a virlucnt typo. The doctor also informed the board that he had communicated with the board of education on the matter of preven tion of the dlsonso , and the latter had us- nuriul him that they would USQ every precau tion to prevent the contagion spreading among the children of the city. Dr. .Tofforis' remedy euros every case of diphtheria , tfo physician required. Crimea nnd Criminals. John Pouipsoy , the villainous looking thief who nttemnlcd to go through the pockets of George Sailer nmlanothor of the same name while they wore asleep in a Tenth street saloonwas tried yesterday and bc.ntenced to forty days in the county Jail , eight on bread and water. Putar Nash w.is arraigned for stealing n handsome lap robe from the barn of N. J. Kdholm , Twontv-lifth and Chicago streets. The robe was found in bis possession , MIo pleaded guilty and was given thirty days In the county Jail. n Cowboy. A cowboy named C } . G , Lao'.toy , who was on his way from Colorado to Southerland , la. , stopped a few hours In Omaha and got somewhat intoxicated. While in this condi tion two crooks coutldencod him out of his entire roll of monuy. After getting this they nuked him what tliro itviis and when ho took his watch out they snatched It and * ran away. As he had no money to stay and help the ofllcors find the robbers , ho soul his line buffalo overcoat to n hackinan for $5 , which was Just about snfllclont to take him lo hla destination , and left on the next train greatly disgusted with himself. IVolTu'H Nebraska Gnzotrnr. One of the handiest and most valuable books over compiled in relation lo the stuto of Nebraska Is the SUite Gazeteor and Busi ness Directory Just Issued by J. M. Wolfe & Co , , of this city , H is a volume of 101 'J pages , but so arranged that any facts desired can be obtained without a moment's trouble. The In formation embraced in the work in cludes u general description of the str.to , its productions , neil , climate , natural ml- vantugcs , rainfall , railroad facilities , educa tional institutions , muncH of state , county and city olllcials , nn alphabetical llbt of towns with their population , pea to dices , newspapers , churches , and u complete class- ! llod directory of all business houses in the state , For business men the work is Invalu able. and in a newspaper ofilco it proves it self to be n boon of ready reference In regard to htuto ufTuIre , tlmt can hardly bo dispensed with. _ ' Full Mnt.y M Gem ol purest ray borono the dark uu- fnttiomod cav < * of ocoun hear. " hut not tlmt glistens more brightly than tcoth beau tilled and niado healthy with SO- JSODONT , that tlmo honored donor of comfort aud attractiveness of the dental Special Announcement. The entire stock of lndics'TnisScs' am childrou' clonksBiiitsntidfursformeil ; owned by McDonald will ho offered at retail Thursday morn < ing nt 214 South 15th st. This stock comprhoj the choicest stool in this city. Wo have no old or shop worn goods to offer. The stock is marked in plain fipurci and at such low prices as to insure iti speedy sale. Ladies desiring first class poods and positive bargains should take immediate advantage of this extraordi nary opportunity. liUUlKI ) 1SY HTUANGrlSUS. The llcmnlns of the Imtc Colonel Ocorjco Hurled by Frlcndf. The remains of Colonel E. 11. George were Interred in the Masonic section of Forest IIlli cemetery yesterday aftsrnoon. The funeral expenses were borne by the benevol ent acquaintances of the deceased. The ji.ill bearers were Andy Moynlhan , Henry Parish , K. McHenryand J. Handel. Immediately after the receipt of n tele gram from the family of the late Colonel Lleorge in St Paul , refusing to provide for the despositlon of the remains , Mr. Hnndcr started n .subscription , and with the proceeds the interment has been made. His funeral Induced a gentleman In speak us follows : "When 1 llrst know Colonel George he was starting with Lucius Fall-child , the ex-gov ernor of Wisconsin , for the west. This was during the V > S craze. He and Falrchild were In partnership in the hotel business , but na soon as the excitement cooled ho and the Colonel returned to Madison , Wls. , where ho again launched into the hotel business , being the proprietor of the United States hotel In that city. After a time the Colonel failed in this enterprise and from Madison bo wont to Chicago and there started the Hevcru house , which also came to grief , under his supervision. Next , the colonel went to St. Paul nnd started a hotel with a man named Dutcher. Things went smoothly for a while and Colonel George married Datohers daughter. As Dutcher supplied most of the money in the business nnd George the brains , the marriage was considered by many a capital move. Dutcher being n sport , \vas fond of horse racing , etc. , and Mrs. George being extravagant , the hotel business succumbed to neglect. This led to divorce proceedings on part of Mrs. George , who was hacked up In the struggle against her husband by her mother. It was reported that Mrs. George herself never wanted a divorce. The Colonel did not contest the legal proceedings , and the re sult was that Mrs. Gcorgu came out the win ner , taking unto herself nil property that had heretofore belonged to both. The Colonel then left his family and came to Omaha. Mrs. George , It is claimed , is very well off , and her two sons nro tilling good nnd lucra tive positions In St. Paul. " Pears1 soap is the most clcgunt toilet adjunct. THE mVOUCH It Should Require u Residence of Two Yenrs In Nebr.inUii. "When I was a member of the senate , some years ago , " said a prominent lawyer , "thero was a bill Introduced , making divorce in this state Impossible Bave after u residence here of at least two years. The bill went through without opposition. When it got to the house , It was killed by somj lawyers they wora't lawyers who were afraid they might lose a fee of $ . ' 5 , for securing a di vorce. " \Vohavothopoorc3t divorce law in the country. As it now stands , people may come to this state for a day , return at the end of six months and obtain a divorce on the ground that they lurvo been.six month's a resident of Nebraska. "I know of cases where traveling men , be coming dissatisfied with married life , have rented a room here , put in it a trunk and some "Id goods and went on * and attended to other business in other parts of the country. At the end of six months they returned , claimed they had resided hero during that time and secured a divorce. "People rtiavc been sent hero by Chicago lawyers because divorces may bo obtained here more readily. I know even of cases where parties have como hero from England solely to bo divorced. "Tho period of residence ought to bo ex tended to two years , especially with tran sients. In the case of those who are known to the residents of this place , of course , the strictness need not bo applied. In construing this law. even as it stands now , the judges do not do all that they might do in the premises. They should ascertain whether these people who seek divorce and reside hero only six months , are really bona lido residents of the place , instead of ucing as they generally arc , adventurers who establish themselves hero but temporarily in order to bo freed from their martial obligations. " Ilorflfortl'H Acid 1'hosphntc Relieves Mental anil Physical Kxlmus- tlim. Robbery. As James Walsh was passing down Thir teenth street to bis homo at 620 South Four teenth street shortly before 11 o'clock Tues day night , ho was soi/ed by a couple of high- wnyincn , who struck him over the bead nnd face a number of tunes with a sandbag , gag ged him and robbed him of his money nnd a watch. The robbers fled. Ho describes ono of them as a tall , smooth-faced fellow who wore a cup , and the other as being short and thick-sot , having a sandy mustache , and wearing brown clothes and a soft hat. Mr. Walsh carries n badly disfigured face as a re sult of the assault. Shortly afterwards n couple of follows answering the description were arrested by Oulcer Cullcn. They give the names of Uiliy Young uud Ed McAndrows. ' It is by copying after nature that man gets best results. Dr. Jones' red clover tonic is nature's own remedy , is purely vegetable , can bo taken by the most dolicato. Cures all stoiimoh , kid ney and liver troubles. Goodman Drug company. 60 cents. K.xpelled. The regular monthly meeting of the Pro duce Commission Kxchungo WHS held Tues day night. The Exchange is now a permanent organization and the outcome of system of weekly settlements decided upon some months ago. The members report delinquent customers to the secretary at the end of each week , and the names are furnished to all members of the ICxchunge who thereafter refuse thorn credit until their names are re moved from the black list. Onu or two members of the ICxchango were detected in selling to customers thus black listed , and after being duly notified to discontinue the practice , were expelled. Thellrms interested arc Messrs. liates ft Co , , anil Mountain &Co. Thn President' * * Message- The inaugural address of the Great Rock Island Route , the Chicago , Kan sas it Nebraska Ruilway , is to announce that on Nov. 18 , solid vestibule trains will bo run between Chicago und Den ver , Colorado Springs and Pueblo with out change , making close connection at the above points with all trains for Salt Lake , Los Angeles , Sail Francisco , Portland , Oregon , and all points west ; and at Kansas City and St. Joseph cast- ward for Chicago , St. Louis and all points east , north and south. These royal trains , consisting of Pullman sleeping cars , restful reclining chair cars and magnificently furnished day coaches were built ex- probsly for this service by the Pullman company , and are without question the handsomest over turned out by that famous establishment. The reclining chair ca.rs spoken of arc free to all holders of Jlrat-cluss tickets , nnd n corteoutj attendant Trjll he found with every car to attend to the \mnt-s of our introns. Ask your nearest tickotnffcut tor a ticket vhf the great Rock Island route , or write toJOIIK JOIIK SKUABTIAN , Gen. TluKot and Pass Agent , Topeku , Kaa , , POLE .TO POLE . OaiTfesTyle's u- * _ _ - _ _ _ --fip Peddlers anil some unscrupulous grocers are offering imitations which they claim lo be Pcarlinc. or "the same as Pe.irline. " IT'S FALSE they are not , and besides arc dangerous. PEAR LINE is neer peddled , but sold by all good grocers. Manufittured only by JAMES PVLK , New York. JJY-GONIS DAYS. A Memento Gotten Up by Some Pioneers. The day on which the Council liluffs nnd Omaha bridge was opened , a Jolly crowd of pioneers occupied one of .llm Stcphcnson's old Concord coaches , one of the two surviv ors of u species of vehicles which the advent of the railroads has rendered almost extinct. The outfit attracted a great deal of attention The gentlemen composing the party felt there was something in the affair more than an ordinary ride. They felt that it was the moans of bringing together , nnd under pe culiarly appropriate circumstances , n party who bad been early in the development of the country , and who had witnessed the de velopment , especially in the matter of trans portation , from the rude stage on which they rode , to the palatial cars which now roll Into the very crevices of the mountains them selves. They agreed to perpetuate the event , and'accordlngly on the following day drove to Hanscom p.irlr , where with a slight swell in the ground , and tall and almost bare trees standing against the glory of the declining sun , the party w.is caught in ad mirable style by the camera. Six horses stand motionless attached to the vehicle , at the head of the wheelers being Jim Stephenson himself. Hesulo tlm driver sits Colonel Hooker , with his broad felt hat. Behind him on the roof sits .John A. Creighton , with his gray hair , grayer beard nnd tall silk hat ; next to him sits M , C. Keith and Captain Marsh ; S. S. Stevens , of the Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific peers from out ono of the windows , Harry Heuol , of the Union Pacific from a second , and Mat Glair , also of the Chicago , Uock Island & Pacific , from the third. On the ground in the vicinity of the coach are E. Huntoon , of the United States. Express company ; W. J. Max well , U. E. Palmer , Plemon Drake , of the Nebraska Telephone company ami Dan Shull. A relief driver titands in the rear. The pic ture is a magnificent one , and a souvenir which all the subjects greatly admire. Look ing at it yesterday in the window of the Chicago cage , Hock Island & Pacific onlcc , Charley Hrown exclaimed , "It's nil riuht but they can't photograph the yell the driver gave when he was approaching u town in those days. " _ There are many things to be grate ful for , if wo would but think to , and among these arc the introduction of Van Duzor's Flavoring Extracts somewhat less than a third of a century ago. If there is a cook in America , professional or otherwise , who has not tested and is not ready to avouch the excellence of these well known preparations , she or ho is wofully behind the ago. No chem ical or other impurity contaminates them. They are simply delicious. Licenses to Wed. The following marriage licenses were is sued by Judge Shields yesterday : Name and Residence Ago Oscar Carlson , Omaha 21 Charlotte Jucobson , OmabiVA Ui Daniel Schester , South Omaha 2t Annie Stchan , South Omaha 11 Edward D. Hyan , Omaha 33 Jennie M. Colby , Chicago , 111 25 J. K. Hrandt , Omaha 20 Minnie L. Monks , Omaha 21 I like my wife to use Pozzoni's Com plexion Powder because it improves her looks and is as fragrant as vio'lets. Arrested. Mr. George D. Duncan , superintendent oi plumbing , has sworn out a warrant for the arrest of Wood & Andrews , plumbers , who , Mr. Duncan asserts , have been putting in putty joints in sewer pipe instead of lead as required by law. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity Btmmtli and wholesomenesb. .Moro econom ical than the ordinary kinds , und cannot busoM In competition with the multitude of low cost , short weight alum or phosphate powders. Hold only in cans. Kovnl Ilaklnt ; 1'owder Co. , I'M Wall street. New Yorlc. She Tried and Knows * A. lending chemist of New York snys : " No plasters ofsuuh merit us thu.\tli-Io-pno-ros 1'Jantcrb Imveever lieforo been produced , " They are n novelty because they arc not made Biiuply to sell cheap , they nru the best that science , skill and money can produce , nnd will do what is claimed for them , l-'or sprains , nches , weakness , lameness , clu. . they are unrqualcd. 4W Full n Ht. . Hanuutkr.O. . Nov.II. 87. ' Tlio Atliloi'lionm 1'laetrr actixl Ilka piilflr. It IH thu I'r.i I e\ee trltil and I ! ia\o nwil many kiniK Our ilnnrtdnt talil "planirrxuniaUalioiit Uiopamo" liut I ilcni'l tliiuk no now. I i-iirnhiiil inj- ana nml ( lumlilrr In July , nnd it lion Ixen fulnful ulucf , but It t\cx' \ not nnlu moat oil now. MrVit.ua JUaiix. Kt" Send C cents for the lvnutifnl ; colored pic ture , " MoorUli italdtn. " THEATHLOPHOROSCO. 112 Wall St. H Y Way ufforj hodlly protection "In jronr A nilnit , " lint iomcllilnv more itibitun- tlnl will bonorcxarj qulto > eon , n > winter U rapldlapproaching. . .In /ELVET / liililltlon to henry clothing , thono who nro prudvnt will provldo a Bupply of llt.NHUN's 1'iasn.lt In iiritlclpallim of COiiBlu. Colrti , ChcH I'alne , Jlheunm- Hum , hclntlcu uuil oilier allmvuts DOLLAR Mlilch uro uru lo prcivull iturlna inn Kull inontbi. Tlili plniior li wall known at a unUonuly rcllnblo rttmrilr' In lucli troulk' i U ultfftYi ruailr fur DN YOUR Ifilnn-rllMc npnllratlon nnd Its cllcct In prompt ami pcrmniicnt. A tbcru aie mnn ) ipurloiii twliatloni In tlio innrkct , ion-fill l > ; jyt > r > rrlll alwayt n k for MINHOS'S iiud reiaronll oilier jiurvui plaslers. rpTHciiil two cent Ump to B a- Imrjr &JobBNJii , n i'lutt htri-ct , N. Y. . for a copy of l.NKTiil-iTioxsr ritox DUSTER TUB UOCYOlt , U T lU tl ilOU > CllVl4 boob OMAHA MEDICAL. " SURGICAL INSTITUTE. Ew gfag gp ? N. W. Cor. 13th & DodRO Sts. FOB Till TREATMENT OF ALL Appliances for Deformities and Trussos. licet fnellltlea , niipnratui anil remedies for mcceiv fnl treatment ot over ? form of disease lequlrlnn Mull nil or bnrglcal Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Honnl nnd nttGndimcoi best lioniiltal HccomiiKxln- tloniln the wo-t. WIUTK run l.'nicULAiison DoTorniltlo * uu 1 tlracci , Trn ei , Club Ki-et. Curvntuio of Iho eplnc , I'llcs. Tumor * . Unocer. Cutnrrh , Hronc-hltli , luhitlntlon. Klectrlcltr , I'nmlrii * , Kplli'i | r. Klrtuejr. Hlndilcr , ' li.e , K r , h'kla nncl Uloixl.nn 1 all Surulcil Operation ] Diseases of Women a Specialty. -HOOK ON DlSEAt-KH Ol' WOMKN J'nKE. ONLY RELIABLE MSDIOAL INSTITUTE JJAKIStl A SI'KClljTV OP PBIVATE DISEASES. All lllool Dlteniet uccciofully trcntod. Sjrplillltle Poison rcmoTwl from tbe uritetu without mercury. Niiir rcitomtlre truitmeut forlo" of Vllnl Power. ' 1'ersuni unublo to vllt in nmy liu treated at homobr corrptiionilenco. All commu.ilcntloin confidential. Wcalclny1 * nr Instrument * ncnt t > y mall or oxprei > * . tocurely jmrkcd , uo mirk * to In Unite content * or BeiiJcr. One parsonnl lutorvlutr prcforrd.l. Call nnd consult m or send tilitorr ol your rose , nd no will Mnd In plain wrapper , car BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon I'riintc , Special tor Ncrvoun IHaoum * . Irnpo- tency. Syphilis , UleetaUil Vurnocole , with qUL-itfon UL Ailttrcts Omaha Medical and S Institute , or DR. Or. 13th and Dodge -fits. . - - OMAHA. NED. WILBOR'S'COMPOUND OF IPURE COD LIVERl OIL AND LIME. Oiiro-i Ciia-ilix , Cold-i , Asthma , llron ohltia , Julill \Vnsiinii Diseases nnd Sciul'ulAin Iltininro. To THE CoNsiuii'TiVB Lot those who languish un- ucrthe fatul t-eveiity ul ourcllnintutlirmiKh any l > l- iiioiiiiry complaint , orcton tlu > i'i > nho lire In decided Consumption , ijy I1O infimcl j-p ilr. There 1 a imfu nml mire remedy lit hiinil. un 1 one cn liy trie.I. "M II- bor's Compound of Cod-Liver Oil and Mine , " without iwtis" the very nau < > : itlnu llavor of the ( HI us ioimerly uned.ln endowed by In I'hoyphHloiif Llmo wlOi a huullni : property which renders tlm O.I doubly Dicactou * . Itcmnrkable tcatlmnntala nf ItsePiCHcy nn bu nliowii. Nild by A. 11. Wll.uoit , Chcmlxt , IJos- on , and all UruMKlBts. OVERCOATS ! If you could see nil tbu tine thliijis wo have In Overcoats ; If you knew how ch an really Unit clncH coat Is beln sold , nnu If you were positive the workmanship In onr itarmcntg wiis l > eyon < l criticism. It would bo 110 trouble to secure your patron- nfio. Hut you do not Know this. \ \ hy not give us a clmnce to prove it ? x Preserve Your Health n. c. IIAI.Lco.'s I-EKKO. HATKI ) lll'CKSICIN L'NDIJH- ( iAUMKNT.SiSMiitn'Hl'at.larrorcl to persons suiccptlble tocolcl tlio bent protection ugalnst l'NiiJ : SIONI-A. UHUt'MATISM. mul all I.UNO DISEASES. Itocoin- niemlod for l.adlns und gentle men by the Medical Kiicul ty Bend for illustrated circular. CAXKIKLD IIUIIUER CO. 86 Leonard S' . , New York City DREXEL & MAUL , ( Successors to John a , JacolH. ) Undertakers and Embalmers At the old stand. 1107 rnrnam St. Orders by telegraph solicited and promptly attended. Telephone to No , . Dr.J.EJIcGrew . . , Ouo of the Most Successful SPECIALISTS In the Treatment of all Chronic or the So-called Incurable Diseases , A cure Biiarnnteeil In all cases of I'lUVATK 111(1 BKIN D1BKAKKM. All dlHordcrx OC the dBXIJAI. 01UJANH CUHKIJ und MANHOOD md INIUO : : v UESTOHKD. Under tlio Doctor's form of treatment no dls- eat.u U considered Jncaruble , until the purls of he body alfectfd by disease uru destroyed raster than they can bu repaired or Unlit up. CONSUI/l'ATiON 1'UUi : , Treatment by correspondence , Send stump 'or ' reply , OffJcoBushman Bloc * , 16th and Douglas Sta. Omaha , BIGGER AND BIGGER. Few people hare nny iden of the magnitude o the business vro nro doing. It is n sight to sco the throng of buyers always in our store. The biggest throng is on the second floor , among the overcoat. Though the weather has been warm and other houses have sold but few overcoats , wo have moved thousands of them al ready. "We had an immense stock enough we thought to last us thiough the season but our tremendous trade the past two weeks has thinned them out so much that wo have to let up advertising them for u few days , until we get in fresh goods , for which we have telegraphed our buyer. Our special sales are becoming famous throughout the city and slate , and in accordance with our promise to give every week some new drives , we will this week have n DIG SUIT SALE. During the next six daya we will prove most conclusively to the thousands who may call on us , that we faithfully keep our promises. It is the always carrying out to the letter what .we adver tise , that has made The Nebraska Clothing Company famous and our name a household word throughout this section. The following extraordinary oflbrings are made for this week Lot No. 1 , consists of about four hundred Business Suits , all sacks , plain and fancy cheviots and cassimorcsr , STRICTLY ALL WOOL , with good serge lining and honestly made at $3.50. Make no mistake , this is neb a cheap suit. It is as good as you will buy anywhere at from $10 lo $12. It may seem impossible for us to sell it at $5.50 , but we have promised something extraordinary and here it is. Don't take our word for it , but come and see for yourself. Lot No. 2 , is a line of very fine black corkscrew suits , sacks and frocks ) the regular price of which is § 15 , and for which other houses would charge from $18 lo ? 20. Will bo sold this week at § 9.50 for the suck and $9.75 for frock suits. . In lot 3 , we otter the CLIMAX OF BARGAINS our great $10 suit. Wo have in this lot two styles of c.T-simere suits. , on which we stake our reputation , that they arc honestly worth double the money. One is a plain gray , the other a fine silk mixed cassimere. We will simply say that this line of S10 suits is destined to become the greatest advertisement for us. Lot No. 4 , Is a line of elegant cutaway Frock iVuits , made of fine fancy worsted , one of the choicest suits ever offered ; tailor made and beautiful fitting. Those suits are made for men who demand and can appreciate a superior character \vorknanship. . They sell ordinarily for $25 ; we offer them this week at § 13. This is the most fearful slaughter of Suits that we ever got into in the very midst of our busiest season. We are opening to-day and placing in stock some very handsome styles of Children's Overcoats of beautiful designs and trimmings. The prices are in accordance with all our goods extremely low. Plain Figures and One Price. Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha. Burlingfon Burliifon v Route The Burlington takes the lead. It was In advance of all lines In developing Nebraska , It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car service between Missouri river points and Chicago. It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of Omaha and the West a fast mail service. It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from the East into Omaha proper. It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago. It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can ( eave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver th evening of the same day. it has been progressive in the past. It will lead in the future. Travel and ship via the Burlington. Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot on Tenth Street. Burlington Burliqgfon Route U. 8 , DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB , I'aid Up Capital $100,000 Surplus 50,000 II. W. VATIS , President , LmmH. llr.ni , Vice 1'resldcnt. A. K. TOIV.AI.IN , "ml Vlco 1'resldcnt. W. JI. H. HuoiiKH , CiiHhler. UIIIKCTUIIH. W. V. MOItfiK. JOHNS. COI.MNS , II , W. VAIIS. J.KWisa. KKKIJ. A. E. TOUZAU.V. lUnklng Offlco THE IRON BANK , Corner I-tli and FuinamHts. A Gfin-riil llanklnn HuslnussTruusactui ) . 1 nifi O hMClren nnlvtr . Cor.ilD , lial lallifactlon In the fl TO U1TB/ , I cure ol Go JC ; rlica r.r. J , uoArftAl MOMBUtOUIt. * 4 col t ] ulcct. I piccrlbo ItcnC ' feel safe lo recommend- UrdoilytrlU llir U to all luffereri. jTiiiCUclalCa. , i.J. bTO.NUB.M.D. , L ClUOlODI Docotur , III. Otlo. I'lUCE.Ol.CO. hutal W. G. ALBRIGHT , Real Estate , 2i8S.i5thSt.Omaha. BEST AND CHEAPEST ALBRIGHT'S CHOICE ! SOUTH OMAHA , BUY NOW TERMS EASY IDPUITCPTO. I * BTAUH. J6P ; iow rd Bt. , Omaha , has drawn plans and Anunl I uu I epoclHcatlimnforaB-room rrmnd houso. which ( ximbtnoa mtlltj-.comfoit.ucor.ornr anU beauty.lnnway impoimlblo in any good house .hat cost * from 1 , : 0 to M.IWJ. As moro than 1 > W . . . . . , , „ * > * will babnllt . I can altord to offers copy for _ OrlelnttlMKlBplcnoiq * i . the uiuul foe * otharsvlse being from ZZ - ' dralgns furnlahcd , na CPU be juilgB e(1 211 form ' seta ot PUnio' completed bullilloesoC oil flcEcrlptlcns , I Imvo Jn my olllce , rnnclntr In coifi _ fromtOCOltoHOOXX , ( ( > . My nnuauulexpoUncoJllKuarunteo : Bu.tUf ctloq = ; : : od Work * . Parties wishing to tulld SS = r Bnd reliable contractors only we ng on ray _ _ we cordially tnvlttd. -