THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; .fHTfiRSDAY , NOVEMBER 13 , 1SSS SPECIAL KOTIOBS. linilerttiii he d 16 tents per line for tlio firm , initertIon. 7 cents for nch ul > - firfiicnt inwrtlon , and Il-Vla line per monttt. NnndvntlM-ment taken tor leM.thaniSctifls the flrM .nuerttou. Seven words wlllta counted totlie linot they rmixt run ronAccutlvcly and atit bo paid in ADVANCK. All advertise ment * must be handed In before 12:3 : > o'rlockn. n. . and under no circumstances will they bo Inken or discontinued by telephone. 1'artlM advprtlatne In thnse columns nnd hav- Inu tlielr answer * addressed In earn of Tiir. URB ta 111 tilcniiC usk for a check loanable them to get Ihclr IcUnrx , as none will bo delivered except ou tirwujtntlfin of check. . All aniwery to advef ilarmontH should bo cnclo , cd In envelopes. All d > ortlnemcntd In thesi roluninit are pub lished In both mornlncnnd evclilnR editions of U'IIK Hue , th circulntTon of which ncKr Kates more IMin IS.Ouo pitp rn dally , and irtTH the ail * rrtlsermlin benefit , not only of the city circu lation of TUB JIKE. wit alsoot Conncll DlulTs. Lincoln ami othorcltlos and towns throughout of the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advcrtlfinn for thcso columns wllHre taken on the iilxive conditions , at th * followlnit bust- ness hou fs , who are nuthorlrcd ngcntc for Tiir. iliKsp lal notic r . and will a ote the same rotcil sn can be had nt the main odlco JOHN W. lIKMi , I'hauuaclstKJ South Tenth 8t cet. , _ C HASKA'KnW , Stationers and I'rlntcM , 111 Hontli IClh Mlree' Ci II. I'AHNBWOItTH , Mmrmaclst.illfiCum- 'TV ' . IIUOIll * , 1'liurniacHt.d'l ! North ICtU It . Htreot. _ Ciio. : W. PAHH , Pharmacist , IW.i.St. Mary's I Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. rV\r.\NTii-Sltuatloii : by an linnist. oxporl- v onred mlddlixigod ( lermaii man in coal Intslnt-f-s or In a wholesale store. Addrpsfl I' . Smlih. niHJatkson t. 4a'i 15 * _ -IT * AN'FiiECily'yotrhirninn , u position In a ii tralestntn or iibstinct olllro : oxpfrlcnro mete nt an object timu nalary ; had six months o.rpcflonro Addrew 1 ! fid , lice. ! I74 1C * vir A S'l | F | > - To Mllilt7dollvcr , collect , work IT 111 store or such , by n married man pine- tlcod In liuslniHH and well acquainted In town ; fil enki > IliiKllth nnd HrnndliiaMan , and If nncoK- Haty ( irrinnu ; refert-nci'S glvc-n. Address 1211 N.-'r-thst. ; iu ; HT _ _ * \\7AMTIil > Situation by youtiK man In res- ii huir.'int or hotel , buit of rofnioncos fur- tlMiod. Address II ISI , UPQ ollli-u. Ml Ifl- _ \\rANTKD Situation an linu okoopt-r by n > i yoniiKvldou with I child 4 } i-art old. Ad- drensMl j C'lilcngo Ht. OT I5t \ \ r A NTII ! > Situation' by tTcrman lady as TV lioimekouv r. Canii'nch mtiHlc or Inn- . AddrcKs A. K. , liAx.'Ht' . Omuha. 3M I fit " \ArANT151) ) Umplojment to tak circ of i i hnrsns bv a man who has had IIenrs' ) ex- ppiloiu-o ns a tralnor ; Na piuctlcal vctornurlun. AddirsB H rHep. . i7l 1ST WAiNTKU I'oaltlon as stenographer by young lady. Several juar'n eTiierlPiic'e. CUM turiilsh mai'lilnv. Address Itrowiuill. - : N IHH nt. iilo-lij _ WANTEUT Mftl.E HELp' " \ \ ' AN'fKI JARcnM' i hoiist'hold npivlaltlCH. l ovull M'f IT Co. _ ( i.'t ID , trji N. unit nt. DTII a > ( I ? "VV \NTii-AgenlH : 111 uvory town In the ii e t forour oil buruors for cooking and Iifutinu slovcx. Send stamp for catalogiu- . 1'atisiNon Oil Iltirner Co. , , ' 113 < 13th .sr. Omaha. _ i good for man and stlrkor man VI in a planing mill In the city , must bo sober nnd lellatilo. flood p.n and steady position to thn nctlit parties. Address with li" , Jlcc. liij M \\7ANTKD-Jlalo and romafc < nnvas er for Tl now and fust stlllnc books. standard v oiks liberal terms. Address II lil , IH > i'ollice. TAr.\NTKD A good , nillablD colored man to v uttnnil to liorcnt ami ilellxer goods In the clly. Omaha Ink Mlf Co. , aw't ' fl. l.'lth. asait * \\rANTHU Awnts for "Oatkoll's Compcn IT dlum of JlnMiioja and Hoclal rurniH. " Hpcclal induccmuntn for tuxt your. Ad ill I-KH I lot hind & Co. , lOfJ fctuta st. Chicago , III. ittft 10 L "ANTKI--10 men nt oiue. 41.73. H. II. > Wnndall.UHN 16th. Tel. I , B. HW Il " \ \ \NTKD--llellablo mon totiiko orders tor T T the following publications sold on monthly lujmenls : Our Country. Cabinet of Irish l.ltor- atuie , Voggy's GraphicItcrord.Poinlo's 1'amlly Atliip , family bibles , album.s , i > tc. 1'nll comnils- aloil njld weekly. Hoom4T Paxton block. iR'l ' IB \VANTKD-31aboror.s. $1.75 per day ; S labor- 1 en , winter work , Wor ] month ; 1 dairy * mun , fi track layers for city , tl.Ki ; .tshovoters , II.Ni ; : ; teami > tera. steady woric , t-U H. II. Wan- dell , 401 N. 10th gt. ass llj "M ANTED A few rclIablQ men who can fur- Tl nlsh good lefcrcuco and muko a small do- Jiosit , to canvass for a fa t helling spochilty. ( 'nil between U and 11 aud 1 aud U. room 70. Wludior llutal. UIU 14 * "V\r ANTIJD Cabinet-maker or carpenter who 1 ran do repairing neatly , fti.75 per day. Blend ) woik. Mrs. Hregn , ai4 J S. I5th.JIU7 JIU7 14 ? " \X7ANTniJ A man who can speak German Yl and KngUsh to attend meat market , cor. Wth nnd Walnut. TUlr.NTHDUxpoilcnceil cigar salesman ror Tl Nrliraaku , with refeicnces , KUwnrd ICahn. SI5S ICthst. iCT Alt KNTH wanted for the best and quickest wiling iirticlo uvar placed ou thu market , SauycrK' Climax and liidtsnonsublH CulT Hold ers , for ladles and guntlumun , price Ifin per ] ialr C. H. Hoach & Co. , SIO S. Ifalsted straet , Chlc.igo , HI. illil 15 * \ \ rANTUD- fitst-class law book salesman lor Nebraska ; to handle .spouial law pub- llrallou : poriiinnent position to proper partyi jtatr ci.xpfilenco and roteronccs. Address n tu. Slee "IT A NTKD- Salesmen forouradjustabli ) door ii pliiti's ( you can hell mid clelt\er ut once ) , < leer bells , house numbers , etc , ; 13 tolriaday ea lly made Bond your address ou postal for Tien .samples , clrcuhiretc. . Now York Door IMiito Co , Albany. N. V. 3J7 18 * " \\f ANTKD Knr Washington Territory , grad- T ! OIK , track-layers and bridge carpenter * , roiiiiiion labor. . to tiMI per day , or ) ; il to 110 ] ier mouth and board. An all winter'A job In a inlicl clliiintn. Kverthlngguanuiteed ai repre- heiiti'd nt Albright's H. H. Labor Agency. lf.iJ I'm n.i m ht. y\\ 4J LI'SM UN Wo M Ish n tow men to null our tTtgoods by lamplo to \\holrsale and retail trade. Largest manufactnrers In our line. Kn- close " -i ent Ntaniu. Wages i 1 per day. IVi ma- neut p < Mltlou , No iioslals aiiswured. Monxy for wngi-K.advertising , etc. Ceutou- nlal Man'f'g Co. , Cliiciunatl. Ohio. I.TJ J U M ) " \\T ANTIiD A state manager tn oww oltlco in Tl each of ihofnlloultigcltleK : Topekil , Nash ville and Lincoln , Neb , halary , JI.&UO tier year. Must invent Jl.tu ) . Aililre-n. ( jeorgo & Cllue , \Vuguer lllock , Des Molnofl. la. L.7 - Is to have a COHIIKSPONDKNTH-Omaha ll\e , exclusive Sunday paper , and It wauls a volunteer correspondent in every neighbor hood in the city and lu every town within ion ml Iff. No previous oxperlenctj m'edeil. Call at room "J , Hoard ot-Tr.xle , between 4 and & p. in. this week or write. Don't dol.iy. IK/J "l\ f A N'l 151) A good canvasser , apply at SI7 _ > N. lUth ct.JJmuha , Nob. 757 "IVANTKD Salesmen , to Introduce a new 1 nud cry f ajeahlo article In liln locality nnd djolnlng cities. Balarlfs paid to activeener- RedotaU'smen , Address , out-losing threocents in slnrapK. the Allan Manufacturing Co. lock box jigi. ( ilnelniiatt. Ohio. 701 cl 1 * "tir ANTKD Mi le& female agents easy selling I T goodi , room24 , linrker blk , I5th AElfnrnaui , * l\rANTKD Knercetlomon nnd women every- T > whcroforaBenteel money-making busl- tii-js , t ) weekly prollf guaranteed easier than HOiuoullily otherwise. Kxperlenco absolutely iinncieKsiiry , Pennuneut position and exclu- HM > teriltoiy absuted , t-.C/J sainplas froo. Wiltn for [ particulars. Addtvss , with stump , Blerrlll > lfgjo. ] ± UKIChicago. 4.17 nS. > t \\rANTKD Shovelers ; wages 11,71 per day : II board fl.Oil per week. Apply on work at lUilo , N'li Hhrojji j'ontraclor. 'M\ \\TAK'l'Rn AmantoeoTloItt Hilary ilOtfper T1 month ; mitbt deposit J and give security for money colloctml. Addio&a Heorge S. Cllne , \Vugner block , li ) > < * .Nfoluos , la. . 6.15 " " " ( nN'l ! "wANTKD I75"B month and ex- pensns paid any active perion to sell our tootln ; no capital , ulurj monthly , expenses in dvnnce , puitlculam tree , Ktaudard Bllverware CO. . lto'.liin.l t _ till JB "OiAm. . UM. Tel. Co , 1JM Douglas , * \\F ANTKD Jinn to take the agency of our / 8l2o xll' < xJH Iiictics ; weight WllUs ; relull price Ml ; oilier eirea in proportion. i-anuhance uiul pcrruanont biulnes * . oatrs iu ' t a demand never befoie supplied by other i > afi > ooniiul'd. | as'we are not eoverueu bjr Hie safe pool. AlplneSafe Co , Cincinnati , o. "T"r < iokwant dut"thT'i irf Kxcliauee. Oouu"- /i dl Illuirs , Q51 r , \\ANTKI-KKHl ( life nsurunco solicitors TV with bank refereiic1" * , are wauted ly the Union Llfa nt 4UI Merchants' national bank Vlilldlu. ? , Omaha. Office bourn 6 to ID M. ID , aud (0 ( is p. at. Oil _ -tf FM AUE HELP. " \ \ 7A NTE D-Q Irffot lionseirorkriKS Marty V > at , _ _ 408 15 \ \VANTKD- j-otmg nurse gu-i. innuirc sna Tl HOwarflllti , W915 _ " \\7ANTKO-A lady or Rentlcman of good ad- 11 diess to canva s Omaha and snrroitndlnps f Ot-.sal i. fn popular bfKlk , Address .1. O. W. Jon es. mj ? ( jlark trt. . cnitaKo.SOO ! ! It : " \\rA"NTii-WalIer : filils < tt the Windsor Tl hotel , none but experienced wallers need apply. 401 in _ _ \t" ANTED Laity canrnisers on a now and r fast fslllnrbook. . Solarv tt per day. Small UeptHt requited , Apply to lll 47 , " lloe oiilcc. 2TB-10J ANTKO-Otirl f < > r dln1n room , Klrl ror hou > enork , girl for laundry. H , H.\Vatide | | 4f8 N. 16th at. _ ; is HJ WANTKD-DUlmasher. Ucorgo L. ( lean. | : ta _ DouglaT. - _ _ _ RM14 _ WANTKD-3pinrt | order cooks , 4 girls Kan- ural liotuework. It ) tenmntera , ityotinit man ItoU'lwork Call at once , Bo. Omaha Kmplov. mctit AKonry , opp , Clly restaurant. Nut. , fo. Oiualm * _ juu WANTKD GIrl fur general wotkiinnst be goiltl rook" lulil launciros. Mrs.'N. Mrrriain a i Hi.rt st. im _ TIMNTKn d good waitresses m rlty. tIA > board nnd loom ; 3 for Idaho , * JO , fare paid : nice girl f or family of 2 lu South Omaha , W ; 16 good [ ( IrU out of city , oecond ulrK waltic * * forprltrato fumlly , SI ; Ursf and sl-iond Ctrl In same lanilly. Lots of good places In clt > overjday. . Mrs. Ilrega , U1H H , lAtli. 17 14 ? _ . . _ W ANTKI ) A girl for common liousn work. A'l.'a nth > t..c < irnur of Douglas , OOMI'KTKNT girl for -ffonpral housework. Mii.'iiiin r ilnll. Ifil'i Sherman avo.W "V\rANTii : ) I.adl .s to solicit In the towns of > > this and itdjolnlnif : states. MUet deposit $10 rndgho sc. iirlt\ for iiKincy colli'Ctrd. Salary $ r. pt < r mouth , ( 'nil on J. 1' . Moore , Ogdeu House , Council llliiff.s. ) W- _ j \\r ANTKH Competent Rlrl In family of two vi ( leiinnn prcfered , Mrs. 1) . H , Wheeler .Ir. , < | Batii. > . _ a 10 \ \ 7ANTI3llLady agnnts lor comtimattou IT bustle-skirt , "Daisy" hose supporter , rubber npioiiH , blbt , aleeve.s , nhoulder oraro < , safety bplts , waterproof garmcntx , etc : reliable hoiist1. OnU goods of real merit ; protlts largo. Address with Htump , K. II. Campbell ieCn. , 4 < l W. Itondoljili ht. , Ciile.igo. _ hi-Suov IOJ. \\T A NTIil ) All Intelligent Amrriean xvoman , ii vho Is vrllllng to do M > ! ne housework aud nislst In thn care of children , BIS S - " th st. M * W ANTiiAlad : and glx'o security for mouoy cullccttnl , Aildrr-M ( leorge S , Cllne , Wagner block. leg MolncH , la. 5.'li WANTKlt- competent nurse c'rl ' with good referent-ps. Mrs. J. K. lluum , ! WU Wool- woitn ii\u. ( kill _ _ _ BOARDING. T \IIL1 ! boarders wauled , 1UUJ Dougla" . 311 TVAN11'.D Tnblo boarders nt 170 * Douglas. _ y\ _ Tii-i N 5l > \\rANTiD-Thtity : day boarders , also three 1 T rooiiu rs nt : iii Dodge * t -71 n'JO * " EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. KIIHASIvA Employment "Olllce , 317 N. lOtlf. ' Kll-17" _ C ANAllIAN Kmjiloyihent Onioo. Mrs. Ilrega. " " - S. Kith. Hefereticu Omaha National bank VJ/3 / n ? K SftgRTHAJND.ND . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 81"'iitlOI ! ; ! ndvantagos now given in these Uninrhi'S at Omaha tAimmorciul Collcge.opn. I' O. , cor Kth and Dodge , ' Hen Pitman eystem , Hemiugtou typo writers. Kvory graduate lu good portion. Studc'iits complete inaiuuil Into t\\o weeks , , and write l > il words ill three months. Piactirnl ollico drill given each student ono mouth free Hesitations dully 0110 hour. Die- ttttlnn tliico liourK dally. Day and evening sos- aions. Students enter uny time. For circulars vrlle Horhbungli Jiros. . Omaha. HlHnlO MISCEULANEOinrWANTsT' ' \\rANTKH Horsed to winter. " " ! havo"accoLT 11 niodiitious for 200 hundred horses at Omaha fair ground * , having largo yards for ex ercising during the day ; each norse h > is a largo , warm box stall nt night ; A. Thomson. Omaha fair ground * . > Io7 d is W 'AlfTP.Il Horse and buggy for winter for their keeping. ' Imiulro 1.118 rarnam. _ Ww w ANT1JD-Horses to winter , 9 * per moutli , Immlie oC Ous Wockbach , 418 S 14th st. ; an uj \\rANTii ; ) VouiiK ladles nnd Rcntlemou to ' ' know tlicv can obtain a thorough and prac tl ( al Ijiou le.lcro of teluKrapny. titling thoni- j-clvos in n short time for good paying positions lit tlio Illi'dilr Telegraph hchonl. Hooms KiJ niul"J : Pr.xtoii block , < or lOtl. aud Fariiam st. WANTED-TO RENT. \\7"ANTii : ) To lent Diane foi storage : best ' of caie ; relcienccs given. Address H OU , lice. 3 > q IW _ _ _ " \\7'ANTii ; ) A loom In a private family within - in U'lisonnhltj distance of po tolllcc by a lady who must haxo use of piano. Addie sll ti7 , lie.- . . ar,7 nt \ \ ) To rent a- , house of 5 to > 8 room1" , without OriKOiiit'Ut.'and with principal 1m- nla for permanent lo.sldeiico. between .Hid Mason Hts. , and of 28th , iiiust bt In good condition and ready to occupj- nvNfiv. " 0. Apnly to the F. K. Sanborn Co. , ifUISt. ave. a'J7 ll ) IflOlt HKNT 3 new hoilaua. 4 looms , city 1 water , collier fcnh and State 3t. , Hoyd's ud- dltlou , $1U per month , liuiulru W18 Farnam. | a-a n. _ _ Ijton HUNT Hou o of 8 rooms , 23d and Cnss. -i Iniiiiiie J1Q.U1H M ) , Sliccley block. Mi FOH HHNIV-Tivo live-room housoj , 2Sth end Hedge sts. * I5. tno modern houso. 10 rooms furiinoiietc.ritl.'iS.Sthst , RIO. lllngwalt Pro/ ! . , Ilarker block. 379 ! JB * _ _ IjlOlt HKNT7 ronu , ch ap , all convcn- -L1 u-iite , II ! l N. I7th. Unimlre 1U S. lllth Kt. USI ! IK fTlOH HI5NTHouses , stores and Hats ; from X1 til to l.iu per luoutli. hi desirable tuiuiuts. 7 room linuxe , with ( rtulile. IS ) . Ii loom lint , bath , gas , cite. , f-Ti. Ktoic ) . Tint Park a * f , with basement , iacluslvo otnoter. * 'M , rocm h u > e , TiU Chicago st. , $ s ) . it room house , stable , otc. . to ) . Ptrtro romn on St. Jfary'snvo , $13 to 15. Two * pleuilld ll room residences , furnaces , laiitiem.uilc'l. . liiundri. very .desirable lota- tioii , $ ; , * i auds\ 11 loom icsfdenrn. ! | < " ' . * i ( ) . .Mm * room lioiue on Uauudcr nnar Pratt hticct , hot and ciild water , bath and rioter , htnbli- for two lioi-hpi" , Seven loom house sam location' , rllv w.Ue'good stable , Uoth houses \ ill-suable. . t. I ! M.iyne , Hml IMatc & Triiot Co. Ijioil HiN'T-No. : Nil 3. 7tli nvc. . auk-on- J niiiiii luniMi In goud lopulr : rooms nenly V.npHifd and iialntod ; nlcnyard ; tlnucistern wnter. Kent VU a month , jvmcsalon given at oiirn Apply to Hcll'ii lUth st. 8 HOOM iiouie. 71't S. tilth near Jones bt. , < ( W. Dr. Jlnttlre , K l Dodge st. a-JT qMVO ftorv liullillu ? , corner llth and Howard , t'ufiuiiHIiDil i-dnmri , olllcii roouiH or light business. Apply at lioiivjordllb. itttli st. y > ) lilt ) -llOOM rottage , fnrnl hpil for houso-keeplng , > W pur moutli. aili liacatiir t 144 Ht $ : nSrooin noiHf > , bath room , hot and colil Hater. K.IM , sewer , paved street , new. t' . P. Iliu ; 1011 , Moruiantv National bank. 521 1710H HKNTHeatitlful 8-ronm liousa , bath J-1 loom , hot ami rold water , cistern in kitchen , RfuciTomnxtlon , gas ; hard pine llnlsh. Hulun- did fniuai'i-i houiiii new and complete. $10 per iiioulh , mil nt onco. C. K , Harrison , Murchanti National h.iuk. ; -s HKS"JVNi'Ut cuttnno , live rooms , cellar , hard nnd heft water ; rouviMilently ar ranged ; HIS IMImt , het , LoavotiHortU and M.v i-ou. Apply ne cor tf'd and'jlasonCM * Tj'OH HliNT li-room modern Improved house JJ A I loc.illty' . ! litmt moderate. Apply. M , El- vai rarnam st. an _ orSHiirDonisnnd bath room ; good barn ; -il Davuiniotttt , ; inquire 25b Cap. uvoU . UJl 17 ] uf't' . i.nn-it'uiit lioniie , No. 1321 N 17tli at. , a TeomouIi'iiccS ; luelndliig furnaco. Inriuho Horclcr'4 dug stole , cor , I''tli and Harnoy st.s. * . , "i'I ' icj "ITItJK IIKSTIIouM ! Brooms 2 ± il Cassst , cot 4. ' tape ft roouiM lUtU aivl Hickory , liuiuiro room WW , i'lieHlcy blk. 1st UiN'J.-ono ; of those 10-room house j In Park Tenure , cor. llunscom purit , nil mod- eru ImpiovomeiiU , IIU pcrmontu. luuutra Jo ANlchultfUi and Leaven worth. aja l/iiill HUNT i-rcKim tiouia on B. 10th it , two J.1 blorks outU of Vlnton at , ; will rent for n\ Per month or aril on terms to lult purchnei/ ( ieo. J. bteniadorg room 9 , oppoalte I' . O , flu Jftm HKNT 7 room house wltli Urge barn n per month : Tor Hie wlnUr. U. I' , llarrl- ou , Uco. _ "l | HliNl' c-room iioutp , city water. No. lllU ucl" at. luqulroatltw Hortni'i oil tOH HKNT-A fine newsroom house with all JL1 modern Improrements , such as gas , bath , hot aiul cojd. "water on lioth floor * . Inside all hard llnlsh. largo windows and largpjnronnds , corner of Hickory and Georgia ave. Prlrn sau , r. II. Salmon-1.13 LeavonTforUi at. 775. OH llRNT-NewR-roomcottairt. Jno.ulroja. con TroleU Ieavrn I * orth bltvrcen Z7tn .t 23tli. 183 i fa H ilKNT-Blt rornn nouse , 1109 Davenport. " | ? OH nrNT-A ,1-room hott e , well , cistern J.1 and nil modern Improvements , iviil Chicago at. , ISO ft month , linuulrcnett door. U.i ! . ' "fiVHt HKNT-Lnrge 8 room benne No SAT -I ? tn\eniort ) | < > t. I .n i go Irf room homo cor,24tli and CapUol-rwe. f. rim house 9K1 Howard st. 4 room house izth nnd Vlnton sts. v room lion 10 snth nnd Jones sts , a room house 2310 Pierre st. Apply to Green \Vllllams.lst Nat Ilnnk OR IIBST 8-room noitoe and b rn , 8 E coi F 23th ae and Webster t. tn per month. In- i 1'axtou block. I * . J. Creedon. 8U ITIOH HKNT A new S-room home , with city X1ntvr and bath , also n Rood burn , at tlio N W. comer I'M nrnl Parnntu , ftl SM par month. one store , loth and Vlnton. nt IIS PIT month. Alrfo suite ot ftroum * . with city water , nliovo Mme , } n ] > cr mo Al o n nice il-room house al 9. W. coiner rntiiam nnd i'Oth. wlUi batli anil rltyvat r , ntllO per month * Apply room 4.'W , I'UKtoH block. ' 377 17 . br"lrk liotifc. Ulll Hamilton it , All I modern Improvement * , $10. ft room frame , No. Sflin Hamilton t. , JJ7.nO. loalit Ituriihuin , No 1 Crelghton block. 401 F OH HKNTJatoTry brick residence , IU10 Cap itol nvo. . 10 rooms. Apply tn C. It. Qulou. _ _ 4i * TilOU Itr/NT Tf > r * i > onslblo pany.i Broom JJ brick house. 118 Soutn 'JMh t. iw fcot from cnble line , Htrnaco nnd nil modern convent- enri-M. Hnnt W > par month. Apply to J. W. Orimth , 1 * . I' . hentUiunrtera _ iM 13 lll.NT4roofu : house , ttti S. 18th. TjlOIt HUNT Two store looms , Thlch uro con- Jj vortodlnto living U > OM > , ( Jroomuoadi. ntjl't PIT month , N. I' , cor. 1'JiU.nmi ' Masotl < Inquire . . . . . > . . ' - ' - , ItnNT When you wiah toinntn house , FOH or otllce call on un. 11. K. Cole , room 8. Contlmmtal blocfe. C13 _ HIKT : Itounn wltli nlnoxoomi. 113 S. FOH St. Mount .V Orlllln. 2U B.jltli.fft. 7H " oil TusST 14-room flnr. lUh'nnd Howard. i& ; month. Apply to .1 , 1 , . lliaiidels- Sons , coi nor tilth nudllow ant. _ _ 74a 1J1OH HKNT At very low ratoi. 10 and 11 noV JL1 residence * . -104 nud 2414 , Can struef . Ulnrkn I'lnre. One blftck south of Cielijhton collcKK , oil Knrnatn nnd " 4th street car lino. AllMiiodont ImprovamentB. Aoplr , II. T. Clark Union Trust Co. . en at .m t'asi stro t CU _ Oil ItlJNT ti-ioom honie , 2113 , 7-rooiu house 2421 I'oppletou ave. Guo. 1. ( Jtlbcrl , With- ncll iri'R. _ _ OW _ _ UHNT 7-room tint , city waU-r , bntn anil modem coiivonlencei. B untunilnhod aud II furnished rooms for Hcht honiekeonlnB. All ovei 1WK1 Howaultt. C. 1' . Shaw , 1U1. > llowiird. 1J1OH HUNT Ill-room hoiisoVith oteam heat. J1 nt ail S. ' 'Itli HI U.K. Thompson , Slicely block , nth and Howard tfl. 'Jit TT10K ilK.ST Ily Iloswortli A Joplln , llnr'net' JJ iiiocri ! : , t ' R. B , 7. P , " ' " ' 11,14-room Injiisea in aii'pnrts o't 'thio cttv. , , 5i ) RENT-ROOMS FOlt ItHNT Conior bay window suit * ele gantly furnl&hcd IOOIIIH for " or 4 Rentleincil. lii'iil , Ki\t \ and liath , 1'rlcv loa&oimhlo. Apply nt upper , 1'BI Capltiil a\e , cor Htlu 40J lb" * J Tf.nASANT fitrnlshod front rooms ; nil mnd- > -t oru conveniences. axMJUarnoy at. 373 Jti * I OH HKNT I'nrnlshcd room. F.nqulr'e at 718 FS ! - - ' 18th. 37i'A ) FOH HL'NT- Furnished room , 8DIN 17th st , jat-m FI'HNIHIKD room , all conveniences. KM 8. 17th. * 3"0 IS * OR HKNT Nicely furnished front room. ( as. bath and hc'.it for . ' 0 pur month , at ISil Fnruniust.cor 17th t. 301 10 * IJHMl 11KNT family handsomely situated , in tntnlerii ui'W lesjdeuco will tiecomdato feiv solftct lMurder i references exchanged. iXXXJ Harney gt. . IW Ii * IjmilNISIIKD room with board. Qas , bath * -U furnafiUiens in house. 2iai Soword st. JH49 * XT/U'LLV tiiruhhed rooms nil modem con- iiren , aisp board. JiMJ lougUs.jlJl , * - * F ) ll HKNT Furnlshod-iooius with fuinaca { heal , 1701 Capitol ave. 3.111'Jf TJirtlNIBIinD loom , on cnblrt line , with good JD board , tl a w uek , Igjj N. auth. ffM IbT " | 7 < OIl HKNT It rooms , furnished complete JJ for housekeeping , and aS-room cottage , fur- nlalied. I'JU N linn. 333.151- Ior " furnished rooms in ( Ieo. 0 , Hobble's houso. " 119 Dodge st. Inquire there. Table board convenient 230 1C * ' UHNISHKD rooms at 1811 Capitol ave. SK is * AVIJNl'i : Kooms-At KiCland HIIA Capitol ai-e i blocks from P. O. newly furnished , private boardlug House pleasant rooms , all conveniences VtiJ 18J HUNT-furnished room with both gas ami heat , $101month. . 2iT7 Dodge st. 2W OH RKNT rnrnUned south front parlor or suite of rooms.TM \ Capitol avo. 2114 14 * FtHRTcl.issioouih , now brick residence , pri vate family , CIS S. IBth at. All modern itiv provuments. J7-17J FOH HKNT I'liinlshed .sleeping looms , S.s and 110 , piyable weekly or monthly. HOT Howard. na 14 * _ 2 HOOMS for r nt , mnjern conveniences : also board nmnouglasst. ail K * _ "ROOMS- 1'Uat-c'lass home l > oard , 171S Dodgo. J-V iain ; Ft' ItN'l.SHKIl rooms at 3101 rarnam st.J47 J47 15 * TT1OH HHNT- Large , ulcoly furnUhed south J.1 room ; steam heat. lOl'l Douglas. OSIO' FOH hoiisekpep/ng / Paitly furnished llrst Hour , ! ! rooms and closets , 1015 Capitol ave. 14' > IS * rtirnlshfil rooms , 210t > Famam. 141 1U * POH HKNT Furnished rooms , with or with out board , at 1IJ10 Davenport st. 14U IM FOH HKNT NIcti furnished aud unfurnltihcd roouiH at 1411) ) Dodge st. inquire list Doug- Ins St. . room ' - . 1C315 * HKNT A nlrelv furnlsbed room , all J1 modern conveniences , lltr.'S. lUth corpnclllc , _ _ _ _ ,101 ia * t IitOlt HKN'1' Nlcclv ftirnlsned rooms. sluftlo 01 en suite ; boiucl if dc > lied ; 1811 Ciinilug , E Mid ANT front and back parlors , furnished suitable forgentlomoii or mauaiid wife , lucicli'rn conveniences. IIWI Douglas ht , 1)37 ) liPOll HKNT A hundsomo FOiith loom for one J-1 or twog ntlemeu , ( onvpniout to cable and horse car line. Knquire111 Douglas st. 811 RUNT rurnlshnd room. US S. 25th.7in 7in Ijl HKXT- Nice large furnished roomwltll I.1 iULOYei.iiltal > le for'5 gcntlemeiilSSiKiiriiam. , ' 428 l > OO.MSwlihstov s * l per week or U.M per Jt moiitli , tvc-4 e s 18th st. 4. 1123 * HKNT I'lirnHlied or unfurnlsUed loom , two gentlemen , or man aud wife , 02) < llouantst. fi < 4 HNISI1BI ) loom. A. Hospo ; 1011 Douglas. TTiU'ltNlSIIKDroom , 113S2Cth near Dodge. J3 .siunio * TilOlt HKXTFurnished room , south front , J-1 NJ ; cor U'ht and I laveuport st. 480 I.AHOKiileasant room , furnlihed. brick llat. J Hl'ICIifcavoit | ' FOH HKXT A large trout room , newly fur- nlshed , south tiout , cheap , corner llth and CumlngtKi < , northeast corner. . : ri IVH > it HUNT I irnlnhedrooraiinareunlg blk Jcor , Mlh and Dodge sti. Inquire of U o. It. , Darlt. Millard hotel billiard room. U17 FOR HKNT A nnnasouia room with alcove at KtfJ bt. Mary's ave. 018 F0 RENT ROQMa UNFURNISHED. FOH HKNT Twotileasant unfuinlshcd froilt rooms. Inquire o t Dr. K.H Hoaman , N. I ! , Tor. I Ith and JHckson n'.s. 'M " 171OH HKNT-3 unturnlshbd rooms for Hsht JL1 housekci > | ilng , Ui ! , ith , Uotwecn Juckbon and Letycnwortli. iilj ! < TTIdlt HKNT 1 lurjefrOul room , unfurnished J ? . rTN'lTllNI91li:0-Suitable ] : for nonseiccepiug. U Tlneefl ) rooms. SHU NieliolisM . 11 fiu TH-iHvJuonu-.toorUhand PuclUq st , , . . 7 IW ThrfiMiiiuoinNiiiiii N.authat . „ . 11 a' . 'Jlireo rii roomx. 70H { Pacific a : . ia W Tiirnj 0) ) rooms , illft Pierce c ; . , . . . , t ! so 'Ilireol-ijitionis. lUlflN.i'ln st . . . . „ . , . . 10 00 Three ( Hi rooms. 7117 l' * < 'liio st . , . h ro rourllnoouH. ! 7U5WulMer ) tM . , , . . 10 i'O Two r ; rooms 18IH Howard n . , . . . . , . . . lu w Klclit ( tlroom'llut I7l > \VeLatfi-st l , , . . . , - . f i W Judge. iKiniH" Agency , t.\r , cot. lUrnov and l . HKXT 3or6 room ? atCOS N 171OH HKNT 5 chamber * ronvenienl for hou o JL1 koeptng to a man aniC It * without chll < ttn,3 blocltJ from postonice. tlW NlTtb. _ _ _ g > 0 1 RETTf STO R E8 A M D Ft ICJ ; furnlsnod iWrent , 2 room * , at S3 O Darker block. Applj" Janitor. : 114 * 171011 HUNT -Store antbtot of new rooms rca- JL1 connlit * . Iniitttre , dntg itore , Bherman are. nnd Corlir at. - 318 14 * _ _ IjlOK .HUNT On6 stor mom , ono bakorji one J.1 llat. cor. rnr > c are. and Woolworth nve. In Hillrc 'ITioi. ! ' . Hall. 617 Tarton building. Ill ; ITtOH HKNT-Storsrooro , No.SlI B. Hta t. Ap. JJ plv at 1110 Howard at , _ ffli ITtUH UKN'T-0 store * -on 16th and I/earea J wortli. apply Hank of Omaha. _ BW 171OH HRNT-IlrieK store , flit above , ! 4th anO J.1 Hamilton , dealralile bualnets location , vltt Uurnham , room 1 , Crelghtou block. 003 OH HHNT omen suite tS > month. ' . ' otnc s fin each , all fronting Iflth St. , Itusn. man block. N. K. Cor , Kth ana Dougluj. W. M. liusliman. 13UlJ-avtinwortti. n i RENTAL AGENCIES" ' I F Vou wnntyour nomes rented' place them willi UtuawA A Co , liUi , oppoill * poKlotnc * . GKO. J. Paul. Ttm I'arn st. Houses , stores. etc. for rant. _ ISO t VK Rive special attention to remlnt ; unil col- VT lertlnpr rents , list with us. It , K. Cole , room f. . Cotitlneiital block. K4 _ KOHOK J. STKHNSDOltri' , room ll , opp. I' . O. , will hereafter Rive special attcntlun to renting homes , nloreii and ilat . K you want your property rented without .delay nnd to roll- ublrt tenants , do not fall to Hit tuo sarao with him. 02,1 FOR RENT-rVllSOELANEOUS. FOH HKNT Cheap. 1 lia\o n largo livery barn , store room nnd three living rooms , 50x100 fcer , and accommodating some U ) horses , good location for store , on Doilgo st. this side of the licit line , Ouialin , that I will rent cheap to resimnslblo partloit. W. H. Vaughan , I41tl Far- nam bt , Omaha. i.45dll ) "T7IOH HKNT flood barn , 4 stalls , feed room JJ and wagon sncd. Inquire uliWi'i Hownid Ht. 541 OTICK-I.ost A check dated Nov. 6th or7th amounting to $1UU , payable to Kd Mauror , but not properly executed. Sivld eheek Is stopped in thu biuikH ill this city , 1'ursous are warned not to cah the numo If presented. Vnl- entlnoNock. 401 lit LOST Iliown iiaule1. H months old , named "Hub. " loft ejo here with mange ; leave at A. I ) . T. ofllco ou Dougliis st. nnd gel reward. _ 891 15 LOBT llclwcen 17tli nud 16th sts. . on Leaven- worth st. , ouo pair of eye glasses with chain If found plense 87S3. l th st. : w 14 * T OST On Monday , nth. 1 black backboard. JUtop btiggv , aud single harness ; wa * < last ( .ecu with horses In front of my barn about 7 p. in. : $5.UOiowurd will bo paid on return of propoity to my burn. W. ri. Jardluc , IIN. . llth t. FOUND. FOtrND-Land contratt from M. T. Patrick to Mary A. Ooleynnd Kate T. Holey. Call at Hca olllce. a S 11 FOUND A waterspawfel slut , about one year old. dark bronn color. Owner can have mil n u by calling on John SoKol , 1.KJO S. tilth aud pajlugchargas. , „ Ut8 In * PERSONAL : iS ( -ila 21.12) ) not forgotten. 311 14 * IP the blonde lady in itiargc of two little boys on Ctimlmr st. car yesterday afternoon dc Hires further acquaintaiic * with the gent ( ger In the city ) whom ohc partially reco ubed on ro ir platform , will sha kindly drop a uoto to O. IIJjKoynoliKIaiivlll9.illl. ) 3.VJ 14 * PUKSONAL lllegantUrlpIo and quadiuplo plate caitoiy , cake dishes , water anil tea sets , spoons , fork * , gtp , absolutely frc with evorv Diirchasn ot KfTO and upwards as a . olliSrlngl1' L. O.joncr ) , Ameri can clotnerl.HW . Farnam. , Out of town readers send for catalogue. . _ _ UtG-lR TpEUSONAlr-If youif vo parional item , or JL any communication , drop It lu one of The Bee's message-boxer- 10 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS- FOH SAfjH Cheap , a new , large , elegant 8 hole range with water connections aud warming o\en. Htti CullfoiulaHt. 380 lot "IjTOH SAI.K Cheap , seven , shares utock tin * JL' tual Investment Company ot Omaha. Neb. Hoom 4. U. 8. bank. UO.t I5T FOIl HAliB- complete traveling ntbber stamp outQt , cheap. Address H 71 , lice. 40. 14 * TjlOH 8AI.K Furniture and lease of throe X ? rooms for housekeeping. Steam heat , gas , bath. Rent$15. 1'artlss leaving town. 40 N. leth St. 4th floor. , 235 H TGlOlt SAI E I'urultiiro and lease of I0-room J Hat centrally located , < ostlng over $1,000 , altd 8-year old pony , cait nnd hanwss and 2 lotslu Hyde Park for foCO. Parties must leave town , luaulro H. H. Wamlell. 40d N. 10th st. Tel. lifts. 390 J5j fjlOU BA M } at a bargain , the trotting stallion JF Wlndwood. Wluawoodls.a brlftht white , of perfect form , stands 16 nouns mgh audU a graceful mover : wai sired by Whirl wind Chiuf No. 2300. he by AVhlrlwlnd. sire of Lady Mac , 1-.S.I ; Uarkns 2:2.1J : ! ; dam of Maud Messenger , "illl t. etc. : dam of Wlndwood , Mayweed , record aI274. ! i > J" Umber Bill : second dam the noted Molly W. . by C'use'H Red Duck , etc. Mayweed hau won races over ten differ ent horses with records belo w S'f\ price $1,500. P bt olllre address James AukUnd , Beatrice , Nebraska. FOH HAIU Omi or two fi-year-old delivery horses , or will tiadu for larger one. : EM ] Hurt st. X ) ! ) JSt "T710H 8ALK-Atn bargain , one ot the best roadsters (7 ( years old , with pedlgreo > In the city , nnd new Bnydcr top road w.xgon. No more stylish ilff lu Omaha , \vjll sell at a bargain foi' casli or will take good first mortgage paper. Dan II Wheeler , jr.lnsui-ftnce ( ) , Hooin l.Orelgh. ton blk. UII 10 "IjlOH SAIiK I iirnltuvoiNholfl or part or ten- -L room house. Hi J Dudgo st. house for rent. 2881IH ACAIllNr.Tgrnntl upright piano , Urst-cluM make , for sale at n nacrlflce. only used ono year , part cash mut part ; tlmo If desired. Address - dress 10 , care Dae. 753 dl FOR BAH ! or trade New two seated car riage and tluglo top buggy. Hoi by. 1521 Farnam. 375 Foil BALK Very line family horse and phaeton at your own price. Imiulre.ioom 21U , First NatlonalUank. b70 MISCELLANEOUS. PHOPOHAI.K will bo recalvod for leasing the prlvllegcnf cutting Ice from ivsevolrs of this company until Nov. Xltli. iiperltlcacloiis ar omre. American Water Works Co. IHIO Capitol tel avo. ' novUdlt DHF.R8MAKINt-Mlss M. A. Shine Is pro- pared to do fashionable dressmaking at most moderate prices irt ! l7 Ni Itlth st. K.1M ( I > HINT1NU , Mclirldeifclltyan , ICinDoil | { . . _ _ _ 1H7U MrUHIDK k RVAN. urlntlug , 1510 Dodgo. . . Ik IWdf ! "VTOTICF. to contratdra nud buildersVou -Li will suvo money byfgitrlnx with Haymer * II r , their stock orbullilrs' hardware m com- pletu and prices low. , j _ I30nl7 TNroitMATION wltllat charge to parties Jw Iihlng to buy , bollj Btrado South Omaha iiropertr. D. I > , UincltBn , Hoom 43 , 'Darker block , Omaha. 7'o PUHNITUHK rarefuliji moved by the Omaha Auction and Storage Co. , 1UI Kainam st. Tel epomie 1205 , , HllnlH JNO. MI/LUnONACd-TllSB. / 10th it. : 10 stone. cutters , \So lineal foot , Colorado sandstone , < Kfl _ fPHK banio taught as on art by Oeo. Ocllon JL b ck , ; KJ Fo. lutli st. itr : GO to Il yinerillerf(3r"nno tools oncirbulld- cr ' hitrilwaro , (31 H.'ltUU at. Her buTldloe , ' _ _ _ _ AB8TRAOT3 OP TITLE. MIIANi > Oiiaran eo and Trust Co. . LW 1-ar nam Complete abstracts furnished , & titles to real estate e < nmaedparfect ! d A guaranteed , , * tt.7 BKNSON&CAHMICIIAKL furnUti complete and guaranteed abstracts of title to any real entato lu ( Jmuha and Douglas county upon abort notice. The moU complete set of ub "tract boots In the city. No. 1W Farnam at. M STORAGE STOIl A < 1 -Merchandise , 310 South 10th st. Wl i STOHAOK-At low rate * at llsi rarnam st , Otnulm Attctloa i' Htora e Co , 131 S * ai south mm 671 rPHACKAOK , itorAse , lowest ratti , W. X llusUtnau , Ull Loartnwort OTJ WANTED-TO BUY. \ \ IrANTHD-To bur milk from 6 to lee cows Address 11 64 lie * ollico. < 1 Hv \\7ANTKD-Furnlturrt , carpets. Move * an 11 household coeds of nil kinds. Omaha AilO tiun A Storage Co. . 1181 Farnara. m TO L&AN ? \1 ONKVto Loan-On Omaha and South Omn JWJ Tin property. 0. K. Harrison , Merchants' Nn tlcnalbank. T77 MONRrto Loan-Lowest rales. loans closed promptly , II , B. Cole , Hoom 0 , Continental lllock. DOii _ 61'EH CKNT money to loan-Cash on hand- w , M , llarrli , room 30. Frenter block , opp. T.OAN3m de on real estate and mortgage * JU bougnt. L wl B K d & Co. , 1531 Farnam. 051 1 OAN8 made on re l e tato.Mortgagesbotmht JL-r. M. HIchard onH. 6 , .w.cor. l6thDoitcla1 373 n 3 ? HH. 1RRV M00,0in to loan on city property and Improved farm laud. Frenzer block. 60 MONKV to loan on ltnprov d real estate. Lenvltt Uurnhani , Crelghtou block. Ai7 MONKV to loan. O. K. Davis Co , real cstata and loan agent ) , l&OJ i amain nt. 013 < IJM1G,000 to loau at 0 per cent. Llnahan A Ma- J > honey , room 50i1. Paxton block. WO GOOOHty and farm loana wanted by A. K. Hlley. 1518 Tai nsin. CM EH A t , estate loann , lowest rates. Odoll Ilros. A. Co , 313 9.16th st. ftIO TVfOS'KVtoloan ; longtime. George J , Paul .111 HOT Karnamat. (01 ( BVILDIN 0 loans. Ltnahau It Manoney. tics DO VOU want to borrow money ? Ifyouhav * diamonds , vatches or jewelry and doilro to eirect a loan on favorable tormi In a strictly private and confidential manner , or should you want a loan on furniture , horses , carriages , land contract * or personal property of any de scription , yon run have money advanced at Iiiweft ratea of Interest aud ample time to pay by calling on or sending postal card to the ' . . . Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. " 0 loan out our own money , make outoiir pwu | > apor and pllj. no commission , thus giv ing the benoilt to the borrower. utir facilities nre such that wo can accommo date you in n piompt and confidential man ner , giving yon fair , honorable and courteous treatment. All loans renewed at oilginal rates. We will payoftnny mortgngo younowhavs and glvo you lone tlmo and low rates ; will loan any atim'from tSa to 11.000. Commercial and 1st mortgage paper bought. Omaha Mortgage * Loan Co , looms iilT and 213 Klist National Hank building. K3 nitlK Omaha Financial P.xcliange , Koom 15. JL Darker lllocfc , southwest corner ot Farnam and Ifith sts. Makes a .special ! ? of short-time collateral nnd real estate loans. Money atwnys on hand In sums of { 100 and upwards to any amount , to loan on approved Secured notes bought , sold Or exchanged. Clear real ostnte and cash to exchange for good flrst or second mortgaeos. Loans made upon land contracts , stocks , bonds , trust deeds , nr t or second mortgage so- curlly , without publicity , delay or rod tape. Financial business of any kind traus acted Promptly , quietlv und fairly. Hoom 15. Barker block Corbett , Manager. in I MONKV To Loan Hythe undersigned , who lias the only properly organized loau agency in Omaha Loans of JIUto Jl.WJO mad * ou f mm- ture , pianos , organshorseswugons , machinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly contldontlal. Loans so made that any part can be paid at any tlmo , each payment rtduclngtne cost pro rata. Advances made on Hue watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they nrodealing with , as many new conccinsaro daily coming Into ex istence. Should yon need money cill and .see me. W. H. Croft , room 4. Wltlmoll building , loth and Harney. ONKV toloanouchattu ) securities , nisnop M1 Wheeler Loan Co. . room 0 , Barker block. 80nI7 PEOPLE'S FINANCIAL Kxctangfl The fair est , quietest , most liberal money exchange in the city : loans made without delay .or pub licity. In any amount largo or Miiall , at the lowest - e-st rates of Interest , on any available security ; loans may bo paid at anv tlmo or renewed at original rates. O. HouBcaron. mgr. . room Gfl J , Harker blk. , Itith and Karuam. 1)17 ) n IK MONKV to loan on household furniture , pi- auoH , horsoa , wagons aud other puraoual property ; also on mortgage paper and contract a as collateral security ; cash always ouhAnd : lib eral extensions granted ; buslnasi transacted fiilrly.nuletly ami promptly. The Fairbanks In- yejtuieut Co. , S W cor lutli & Douglas , uiistaita , tfJO MONEV to loan on improved property at first hands. No applications sent away for ap proval. Security and titles examined free of charge o borrowers. Lombard Investment company. IK 8. 13th St. K)7 ) T6 I.OAN Ftom one to two hundred thous and dollars or smaller sums promptly , east ern capital always on hand cheap. Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. , Oeo. W. P. Coates. u board of trade. itH ) to Loan-Mil amounts to suit ou col lateral and personal security atreasonable rates -business btrlctly contldontlal Nebraska Mortgage Loan Co.rooma 018 St 519 Paxton llldg 882-dl.l. MONKV to loan n turmture , wagons , etc. , without removal , or on Collateral security. Business strictly confidential. A. K. Croenwood &CoM 111 Cunningham blk , cor. BtU& Jackiou. MONIH'to loan In any amount , either for building or otberwlie , at lowest rates oC Interest and un short notice. D. V. Sholos , room 210 First Nat'l built , cor. Mth and Farnam. | 44 < 1 G + V , I'lCCK loans money , cash on baud , tXU.OOO , c n be placed ou city and farm prop erty at lowest rates ; building loans a specialty. Hoom 4 , Frenzor block. Opp. I' . O. tiUO r. 15 * MONEY toTloan on Improved city property or for biilldlag put poses : lowest rates ; no delay. Mutual Investment Company , room 1 , Darkcr'block , IBth and Farnam. _ i-'W AWO.OOO fl- per cent. Money to loan ou im- dprovod farms or city property , James A. Woodman , at the old fire Insurance ofllce of Murphy It Loyett. g 8. 13th t. _ U41 _ T\ON'T boiTOW money on furniture , horses , J- wagons , etc.imUl you have seen C. II. Ja cobs , room 410 , First National bank building , cor. nth nnd Farnam _ G42 _ made on city property , chattel and. LOANS security , mortgages bought. Kim- hall , Champ < ) c Ryan Hoom 0 , U.S. Nat. bank ONKV to loan on furnttmo. Horses , wagons , etc..orou any approved security , J. W. Hob- bins. H. 'M& Suoely blfc , I Stli aud Howard. M I MONKV to Loan On real estate nnd chattel sucuiltv. Money \vlthout delay. Western Land and Loan exchangp , 117 S. imhBt. 5'JiluJ MONEV to loan ; cash on hand : no delay. J. W. Squire , Kl'J Farnam st. First National bankbujldlnjc. _ BU _ (215,000 to loan on Inside property. Semi first P mortgages for sale. Nathan Shelton , 1M > Farnam street. t5 / MONEY/- Loan City und country : cnnap ratfif , no-doUy. L. P , Hammond , iW Paxton - ton buildlnu. lilt ) _ TDEOPIJK'S FINANCIAL Exchange-Largo X ana Binall loans for long and short time , at lowest rates of Interest , on real estate , mort gage 'notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches and Jewelry. Don't fall to call if you want fair and cheap accommodations. O. Uous- caren , 'mgr , room 58 ! j. Uarkor blk. 15tU and Farnam. 917 n 15 * BUSINESS CHANCES. " 1J1OH S.\ LiA : nice now stock of hardwuro , -L invoice about Jo.OOJ , part cash , will glvo tlmo on balance , located lu eastern Nebraska. Ad- drob ? P. O. ito > c ! 8 , Cozad , Nub. ilfi'J I0t AN active or silent partner with. J.VK1 to * l,000 for busluem in Omaha ; large prolltss no op position. 11 ( IH lice olllce. 1187 r.t _ _ /"IHOP-HOrSR feeding BOO daily , for sale V-/cheap. Addresa H $ llee olllcB. g 7 U * WANTED-An active or silent party with fi50 to VW 111 ii profitable info mauufactur- i buslne.SH , Address H ou. Bee onice. JIU 1C , ' TTIOH HAM : -A small aud well-assorted drug JLV stock ; including uleguut llxturos , at a bar gain If taken soon. Can bo moved to advan tage. Addrfua immediately A. llrown , care u igBtore. am N. asth , _ aj5 10 TJIOH SALK -Newly refurnished , well-paying JP hotel , lu thriving town on main linn of U P. Call or add ! CBS , H , H , W , 1011 Howarcl.Om.tlia , | 3UI 11) ) ' _ _ _ THOH SA1K tlrocnry bunlnnsB , tplcndld loca- V tlou in suburbs of Omaha : stock to be sold at Invoice ) price. AiUUem HM HUB. Mi IB' "IJ10H SAI.i : Oun of the most prosperous groc- -L1 cry and Hardware store * near boulli Omaha ; samnlo loom attached. If preferred the grocery and iiardvvare More will b sold separalu from uample loom. Hatlsfartory reason given for sell- ng. Inqulio of Muyer if Haapkr , wholcMtlo gro- : ur < , Omaha. aT7HI _ A HA HI ! opportunity : The wait-known Haw. ley house for rent , and furiiltuio for nale , on easy tonne , to good pattlm. This Is u rare ipportnnltjr rortherlgitt tuaii , Address. John lawlty , North Platte Nob. _ 'JVi i 8AlK-My restaurant , located on 3 l N JL1 iutb Bt. . doing a good buslnost , wllUell cheap for cash If taken within IM days , as I yum to ( to south. H 0 l.oivlB & Hon. IIU IS * AIllllCK yard ID full nmnlngorrter on switch of U. V. und II. * M. Uuf'tUiboller , pallutti orapi.w , buck shciinto iimtclt nnd aoft tnml nacjilnc good clay , for sale chtap. Addre.s < II 1SJIOJ , 7t l > V\TRwighto employ a reliable tnanlnyonr T > county. Noexporlenra required ; penna- nent position for thre years. Salary increased each rear. Light , * a y. g ntel business. Money advanced forsalary. advortlslng. etc. Largest raauurrs In our line , Knclnse cent. No postals. Centennial MT Co. , Clnslnnatt , O. FOH THAUK-Two thousMid acres Improved land to trade for merchandise or rattle anil horses , ( ieo , H. Homing. Stuart , Neb. 8M-OW riV ) RXCllANOi- : of the best restaurant -L stands In cmitrat Iowa , value ot bulldlna IOX > , for Nebraska lauds , will assume , or bal ance on easy terms. Goo. H. Moore , Oxford Junction. Iowa. 371 int rpo KXCHANOK-Kor general tmrchandHo. JL ttli ) nrres or Improved lands tnoro 01 loss , In- cumbered , lu Norton nnd Philips counties , Kansas ; ] < > two residence properties , clear. In Hue western town. Address D. J. M. , llox IIVV , Hlverton , Neb. 370 IB * " \\rANTI3D Stock of goods in oTchanc * for i' farms and city pronorty. Western l.aml and Loan Bxchnnge. 117 S 11th. ! W.'dlJ FOH KXCHANOE-Ilouae aud lot in Cicston , Iowa. House and lot lit lllalr , Neb. 100 acres In Lincoln county , Neb. HO acres In Howard county , Nob. Lot In Satiudrr.s & Hluiobaugh's odd. ZU lots In othoi addlllous. A. P. Tukey , 15th and Dowlas , " ri WKNTV-TWO beautiful Chicago lots for a J . house aud lot lu Omahn ; must be froojof In- cumbraucr. Amelia Knopf , Derby hotel , 113 Nit \t rANTii-llntminit : material of all kinds , TT for cash ! Hist mortgage notes , lots , lands , iP , etc , W. J- Paul , IdU Farnam st. CT7 nibll Trade Choice lot lu ( { rammorcy Park JL. ' and choice double corner In Upton Place for good land. 1) . V. Stioles , IO , I'lrst Nafl bank. _ 577 _ mo K.VCIIANflK-tO new bouses In South JL Omaha for clear lots lu Omaha , south Oma ha or Council Illuirs. Win. L. Monroo. Ill ) N. & > thst. LMl 181 " \\TANTKO-IIorie nnd bupgv orphoatoufor T ? lota , etc. Win. J , Paul , lilW rarnam st. ffM FOH K.VCHANOK or Snle-SO choice Improved farms , 14 to 30 miles fiom Omahn. Will pay somu cash In nxclungc tor Omaha clly prop. rty : or tuuomeut blocks or residence pjoportywlll do well tolltvestlgat'1. iF. : _ jtlngcr , lliN. ) ir.ili. 173-1. > . , VpOH KXCIIANliU-Two Nobraskn farms for JL1 clt > roslilcuca property. Address 4121 Nlch- olasst.clty. _ _ 171 IB _ _ HX ) RXCHANGK-Kiiulty In two lots two JL blocks from car line. II 3. , Deo. 931-10 FOH KXC IANUT-Vof ! desirable residence property In Omaha , any or all of following : 41) ) choice lusldo resldeiico lots In Hastings. UK ) lots in Lincoln. filO acres tluo f mining land , Luncastor county. Fine residence iiropertv. Lincoln , ( iooil lental property , Lincoln. Choice fancy residence , corner , Los Angeles. A neat residence property tn Ilanscom I'lace. Also some good ntoitgago notes. Address , giving location and prlco of property , J. R. 11. , care Uaum Iron Co. , lil" Loavenworth. Ml IIIAVK real and property ot nil kinds for trade. Call and see mo. George J , Sterusdorir , loom ( I. opp. 1 * . O. HM CL/ilRVOYANT OHTl'NH lollor Mrs. Lorormun can no cou- on nil nlTalrs of life. Satisfaction guaranteed. No 1)18 ) N Ifitb st ( Mil (114 ; "Tvlt. NANN1K V. Warr. n , clairvoyant. Med- JLSlcitl aud busiuohs modlum. Female diseases a specialty. 11 ! ) , N. loth st , Itooms B AS. fi , ' > 5 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. TiOH SALU-inOxMS on . . W , cor. lUth antl JL'Mason st . ; alHo eM lots s and n block 11 , Kountzo & Kuth'H add. ; also lot lit block 111. same add. , oii 0th ht. This property Is owned by party in Montana , and can be bought at a bargain ; submit oilers. M. A , Upton Co. 3C6 13 FOK SALK-llero'H a bargain : - - feet south fro it on Douglas st. between lOtlt and llth. at loss than $ , C.O per front foot. How long will von let your money wear your pock ets out with a bargain like that staring you lu the face ? M. A. Upton Co. 3oTi FOH SALB Nlca 0-room house on Corby St. , cast of Shern'au avenue. Ilnely furnlslicd ; v 111 sell bouse and lot at less tnan It Is worth nud throw furnlttiro in ; owner leaylng city. Put that in your pipe and smoke It. M. A. Upton Co. 33 ! > SALK A choice farm 30 miles from FOH Omahn. llncly located nnd has an nbundauco of fruit. U.M. Whltfonl , Arlington. Nob. 303 14t plOH SALTWe have thirteen lots lu Central JD subdivision. Council UluHH , twelve acres In Hlco'b subdivision , and eight acres adjoining Hanson's second addition on the north , all near Electric Meter line. Will t > oH in a bunch utii ppsith o bargain. 0. E , Mnyno , Heat lO.state A ( Trust Co , , Omaha. 3iJ > rilWO-STOHV brick block , nearly now , with JL stores ou first nloor and seven room Mats ou second floor , with all modern improvements. This property is on corner fronting paved street , with sewer , water and gas nnd brings an annual rental of Sl.i'M. Wilt sell cheap on terms to suit. Address H 70 , Hot ) , 103 FOH SALE Or trade for laud not liicum- bered : New hotel , 2S rooms. In thoprospar- ous town of Oolrirlis. Fall Hlver county. Da kota , 73 mlles wjuth of Hapld City. Price Jj.POU. Rents at $70 per month. For Ele Lumber yard aud hardware busi ness ; large protlts ; Rtoek in.UOy. yards and 1m- provemouta JLOOU : will take laud tor one-half. Bnlanco cash or bankable papers. Con glvo satisfactory reasons for selling , Address II. A. Callnnd , Oelrlchs , Dnk. W4 18J I HAVE $14,000 worth of property soon to bo sold for mortgage. The coming Instdo prop erty of South Omatia Kcqulres ( I.UUO cash. Can , bo bought at a bargain. D. D. Smoaton , Omaha 771 $ S buys a full lot und good 4-room cottage oaiy terms and good location. D , V. Shales , room BIO , First Nat'l bank , cor. 13th and Far- nam. 6ja $ ,1,500 buys a good 2-story 8-room botisa and lot. east front , lit Windsor I'lace , a birgaln. D. V. Sholei , Hoom " 10 , First Natlouof iiaulc. 678 FOlt SALE Two elegant homos in Ilanscom Place on reasonable tnrms : mortgage paper taken as part payment. Jlosworth St Jurillti , UarKer block. WJ IOT8 For Sale 1 Imvo 10 nne lots In HrlggA' Enlace add , for sale. For further Information address K. Joffcry Oalenn , III. HOI iriOll BALB-Lot WxlW. wltli good a-story JL1 house nicely finished , all modern conven iences , within f blk paved st , , Vt blk from Park school und M. H. church , Ilanscom placn. This is one of thn best proportlos tn the city , and can be had at a bamalu by addiesslug tua owner. 1' 14 , I'eu ollico. 44B TjVW SALE Or exchange for Omaha proper- J : ty , 80 acres , suitable for platting ; will make 4001ot3 ; all clour : big money in it for some one who can push tills ; located just outside ot the city limits of Council Hlulls. Inquire Cieo. J. SternBdorlf , opp. postonice. 1)0) ) 17(011 ( 8ALE Notfbrlrade , CI3.78 acrosotlm- X1 proved land - miles from Marquette In , Hamilton Co. , Nebraska. Frame house , tramo Htaiilo , UUO acres under a good 4 but b-wlre fence , round cedar posts and a stays : living water , good corral , 2 wells , wind mill , ; KO-banel tank , self'fttcdarlioiirhs , etc. ; 73 a ios clover ; modal 'arm. 1'rlco ( about Jliiper acre ) 7&.G09 Cash 3.HVU 3 years tlnm at H per cent U.OOO Go and look over the land and address the owner , F , K. Atkins , ISO'S Larimer St. , Denver , 3olo. ZI4 FOH SALE 513 acreH Hamilton Co. , Neb. , land , $9 per acre , ouc-tlilrd cash , balance nt it per cent , Address W. J. Wlldniun. Denver. Col , FOIl SALE fir xcnangA. IVe have some Eood Omaha real estate and Nebraska farmi , which we will sell cheap or trade tor stock of clothini ; . furnlthlng good * , drv ( roods , loots and shoes , grocerlej or hardware. Bcbl * - nger Uros. . U14 S. 10th st. OM U AHMVBIIPPL1UB. Depot Quartermaster's Olllce. Omaha. Nebraska , October llith. IHiK Sealed Proposals In duplicate , will be rncolved at tit Is olllce until 10 a. m. ou Thursday. Nov. Mh , IK&s , nt which tlliti ) aild pluc.t , they will bo opened In the prcswure of uttcndlnc bidders for lovernment mippllns of tlia followlDi : kind : Stationery , hardware , lumber nud mUcellane- ousOuartrrmaster'to-tores. LUts giving spo- clllratloiH , ( | iiaiitlllfH anil other Information , will ha furnished on application to thU olllce , 'rufureuco given to articles of domestic pro duction , pilco and quality being oqunl , lllddord should attach n mpy of this udvurtlsement to heir bids. JOHN SIMPSON , Captain ami AH- IstnntQ. M , , U , H.A , olJ-lQnlJ-14 NO. 303 S. 13TH ST. , OMAHA , 1IED , CAPITAL , - - $300,000 $ , Loans Made on Real Estate , School , County uiul Municipal HomUNvuotUt U WM. A , PAXTON. President. WM. n. MAUL. Vlco ProsM-itit. tOnKHTL-GAHLICHH , Kecrotarv. Ald'HKI ) HILf.AiiU , D1HKCTOHB : v M. A. I'AXToy , IlBMtrT. W 0. JlAUl , JOSHl'll IIAUKIJIt. HOUT L , tlAiti.ioiis. Ai.riiK OEO. ii ESTADUSHEU tesi IBO so. Snrnftimtt | . buroiuresi } I Chicago , nis , cmrkst , Ik Regular Old-Eslabllshci PHYSICIAN AND SUeCEOH litimTrtttng ! Uhth GrMt tt SKILL nnd SUCCESS ATT.T.I' . ' tonic , Ncrrons anfl Prialo ? Diseases , * -NKRVOUS DKIllUITY , Lo t M nh d , Fulllnc Memory , Kxliaustlnp Dralni , Tcrtlbla Dreamt , IUtd anJ U ck Ache nil all the tTccU If ( lina 10 early decay and jxilopt Conoimptlon ot Inianlty , treated scientifically Ijr titw nifthpji with nc\er-fAilmj ! tticcrn. 49-SVfHILlSanj nllbad Dlood int ! Skin Dll * eatespermknently cured. * * -KIDNEY nd URIMAnYcomrtalM Oonorrhota , Strlctu rt , Varlcocele and all Dfthe Ocnlto-Urlnnty Oic > ni cured ptnmjuljr wlthtml Injury to Stomach , KlJnt ) * or oilier Orgim. air No experiment ! . Ago ami experience Im * portant , Consultation free ami aacrtJ. J-Sfnd4centt | > tjf ( for Celebrated Woiktoa Chronic , Nervous and Delicate DUexti < Those contemplating Marrlite trnJ fat Dr. Clarke' * celebrated gulJt Mall and Femnle. each H centt , txxh > ( ( enti ( ilamp ) , Comult the clJ Doctor. A frieniuy Utter or call nuy lave luturcuilTer. Ins and shime , and ad J golden J ea to life. Q3 IldoW "Life'sSecretErrors ( ) , " jocrn ( tim | ) . Mtillcln * and utitingt > ent eveiyulieie. securr from expoiutci Hour > ,8to3. SuuOayty to ii. AJdtMt F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 180 So. Clnrk St. , CHICAGO , ILL , Health is Wealth ! On. K.r WKST'S NRIIVP * M > Hum Tiir\t MUST , a Kuarnuteed npoiMllr for DvHtcrla , ll ) > ! 7.l iiess. Convulsions , His , Nervous Nouiulirla llcadapho , Nervous Prostration , caused by the 6 of alcohol or tobneco , Wakolulnrss. Mental Poptfl'sloit , Softonlngof tlio Itraln. resulting in Insanity , aud leading to misery , decay and death. Premature Old age Hancnmiss , Loss of Jow-or In cither so < c. Involuntary Losses nud SpormntorhiijB cHiisod liv ovor-oxertlon of the brain , sclf-nbuso or over ludulgeiife. Rich box contains one mo'itli's tro-itment tl.OO a box.oi alxboxcaforfi IX ) , spilt by mall picpald ou re ceipt of prlto , \VK GUAHAXTRU HIX IlOXliS To cuio any case With luch order received by us for .six Ixnes , nciompunU'il wltlt * ' iw. wu will send tint purchaser our wiltlnu gimrauteo to refund tliii money If thu treatment does not I'lfuot a cure , aimrnnteelsuod only by C. I' . tlODDMAN , lliiigglst , Solo Atont , HWKarnaui Sttcot , Omnha Nab. TOTS , Dolls , Flush Goods , Albums , let , , lit , DBLLOHETiJOEHTffl Of Milwaukee , Will have their full Hue of samples displayed nt the follow Ing plares hefont Nov. ' . ' . " .th. Grand Island , Columbuo , Norfolk , and Lincoln. CUSTOMERS EXPENSES PAID to any of tlio nbovc towuu. For piiftiou- larb and dutou , address our travelling man , I'TTKIl , Sale oi' MoricnKCd Cliattol.s. BTATKOI < "NKHHASICA , louni.\s ) COCNTV. fWSl Whereas , Isaac II. ( limit and I.ouls John- fitou ou the 3d day of .inly. A. I ) . , I8J7 , executed and delivered to lnatnh Timbprjiian n cli.ittel mortgage , dated on said day , upon thn followIng - Ing duscrlbod porMinal iiroporty , to-wlt : Ono ollico stnru , 12 oltlce chairs , 1 ollico table , I hangIng - Ing lamp , 1 Klexcr regulator , II oaithen wood bowli , 7 parlor rockets , 1 parlor sofa , 4 parlor Htuired chairs. I parlor steve , 10 dlnlug room tables with sll\er castors , knives and forks of Bllver n Hit Klass warn and nuoanawuroroniplote , Hi ) dining room chairs , 40 chamber chairs , J din ing room hanging lamps. 1 largo dlulng room Htotu , 1 kitchen raiigo with furniture , 1 kitchen table , all chests , tables and pantry fixture * , 1 Hall llro moot biife , 4Ubedsteads wlthmutresNesi aud beddliiK compk-te , 1 brussels caipec , lir In- eraln carpets , a hompriiipotH , IW commodeM , C dressers , U5 mirrors , nil situated In HeeU liiiujo. Houtli Onuiliii , Neb , tohocuio the puyment of SI.DOO ou the 1st day ot Apl II. A. O. , 1HS8 , anil which mortgage was duly filed In the ofllce ot the recorder of deeas In and for Douglas county on the 28th day of Angust , A. ! > . . IW at 2WJ : o'clock p. m. , and whereas , default has born made In the payment of thn money bccured by said chattel mortgage. Now. therefore , uotlco Is hereby clven that in pursuance of the statute in such cases mnde nud provided , the mild chattel mortgage will bo foreclosed by a sale Ot thu piopurty therein'lbcd , at public auc tion , at the front door of Heed house In South Omaha , In tno county of Dnuglax. state of Ne braska , on the 1st day of December , A , ! > . , 1MB. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day , or BO much thereof as ulnul bo necessary to satisfy the Haldmim of ( $1,50(1) ( ) fifteen hundred dollar * . with Interest , costs and expenses of sale , unlr * the name shall bo sooner puld. Dated this Jd day of November , A. I ) . 188 * . Nov.BliSJ 1SAIA11 TIMIIKHMAN. SteekPianq JUmarkable for powerful rmp thetie tone , pilable adtlou and .b- olBK durability. 80 years' ttc.t ' the beat Ktiarantee of the 5 lencB of tncso ln triin > ento. T. E. CII.PIN , FIRE INSURANCE BROKER , Hoom 03 Traders' nullclloc , CHICAGO. llerorcncci-Ueirnnalltaii National Hank. It. U. Dili A Co. Thu UracUroot Ca Pttlillo sale of Imported chart Ntalllons and I rot- tliigHtiK < at York , Neb IK-H , common- cliitfut ii.IHa in. Wo will offer our entlra stock of horfliH , about UO III numbtir. U Por- rncninn , I Clydesdale , Irthlro. 1 French Cana dian , Huvrral gniUo draft aud ono trolling utalllon The balance coiiKlstH of ti ottlna broil mares , fillies anddriv- lu/r liornes , Tl'.HMU , Oun ycai-s time , good bankable paper .eciulred. fi per-ccuii discount forrasli. HALU- > HAIN Oil SlilNK. bend for ratalouuii. FHVicFAHHIIACll. I' JL WOODS * . Aiictlonevr. AOViournsH. IIOWTOAOT. l itriconndll iilioMlttiloieJ Pro. in lotolltflln i.d Kunrllon l diwr. FOUNTAIN BR/A.3STDS - F1NB5 CUT AND PL/UGkt Incomparably > ! > > > Psat. JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS ; GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION 1ST ) . Noo. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4. THE MOST PEEFECT OP PJJi ir. j , Surgeon and Office N. W Corner nth an.1 r < ! { MHt. S ! w A.SY jilenfllfl ( judged In cost lobullfl \ \