c THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 35 , 188a THE DAILY BEE , COUNCIlTBLUFFS. OI-TJCU. NO 12 IMC A IIISTIlKET Delivered l > y carrier In Anr Vart of thcCltr * Twenty Cents I'orWcek. UVf. TIMON . . . MANAOB1I TKLKI'HONKS : orricic No , . NICIIIT IIIITOII. : No. 21. MINOH MKNTIO.V. N. Y. Plumbing company. Elcpnnt ovorconllnjrs nt A. Roller's merchant tailor , 312 llrojidwiiy. Ixmic Lord is hilled for Dohtuiy'a to morrow and Saturday evenings. Best hard and soft coal and Mlssour wood. E. K. Maytio , 01 ! ) Broadway , The council held a brief meeting las evening to consider sanitary matters. William Jut-dint ! , freight inspector at the transfer , IH rejoicing over the ar rival at his home of a bouncing hab boy. boy.The The public are Invited to the preach ing service at the Hercan Haptist houfco of worship to-night. Lr. ) Pholp ; is the preacher. A building permit for an $ flM ( ) cottngi was issued to Mrs , H. 1) . Amy yesterday morning. The new residence will b < erected in Coehrano's addition. The funeral of the infant daughter o Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Parker occurred a U o'clock yesterday afternoon from tin family residence , 210 Fourth street. Harmony chapter , No. U5 , O. P. S. will hold' their regular meeting to night. Chairmen of committees an specially requested to bo present , in Uiorc la business of importance. The Gorman ladles of the city an making arrangemunts for a grand uuad rillo party at Masonic Temple hall 01 ThaiiKsgiving eve. The indication ! are that the alTair will be a grand succes.s. The Harmony mission ladies will entertain tortain a dime social Friday evening a the residence of Mrs. .1. Herald , ! j Harmony sreet. Refreshments server about ! ) : : ( ( ) o'clock. Every one invitet to attend. Strangers always welcome The paving on Sixth street in delayed by the non-arrival of blocks. They wil ! bo liere to-day and work will bo re sumed to-morrow. The foundation gang was also stopped , as the contract ors feared that the sun might warp the planks if too great a lead was obtained , The city engineer began work yester day on a now sewer on Franklin avenue , connecting with Uroadway. The sewot is twelve inches In diameter at Its junc tion with the Droadway main , and ex tends up the street four blocks. The work will bo completed in about ten days. Unity Guild will hold its next local Friday evening , November li ( , ut the residence of G. H. Jackson , 517 First street. A cordial invitation extended to all. The regular business meeting of the Guild will also bo held at the same place on Saturday afternoon at c o'clock. It is expected that on Monday next the electric motor cars will begin running regular trips , and that there will bo no occasion for further interruption. Every thing connected with the line is now being put in first-class shape , and all work will bo completed before attempt ing to start up. But little business of importance was transacted at the district court yester day. The jury will not report until this morning at 10 o'clock , when the first case will be called. Yesterday Horace Everett placed $ i,4)0 ( ) worth of oitv war rants in judgment. The day was mostly consumed in hearing arguments on one or two law cases. The attention of the board of county supervisors was taken up yesterday with road matters. In the afternoon a repre sentative of the Oskaloosa Bridge com pany was present for the purpose of ef fecting a settlement for the Indian crook bridge over Broadway. The session will continue the remainder of the week , and the boara will probably adjourn Saturday until the December meeting. Throe drunks wore taxed 87.00 each in police court yesterday morning. John Maher pleaded guilty to disturbing the peace , and was lined $9.60. The case of Frank Peterson for disturbing the peace , wna also called , and several witnesses examined. The court decided from the testimony introduced that the other party waaalso to blame , and continued thocaso-until ho could bo found and brought into court. Messrs. Mynstor , Limit < fc Scabrpok are about to serve papers on the mayor and members of tho'city council to restrain the city from issuing any moro warrants or bonds. The law firm re fuses to divulge the names of their clients in this matter , but promise some interesting revelations. It is under stood that the action of the council in letting contracts to its members is at the bottom of the trouble. Deputy United States Marshal Wy- laml , of Harlan , eamo in last evening in charge of one Poppers , of Astor , charged with violating the revenue law. Ho was indicted at the last term of the federal court and was arrested on a bench warrant. Unless ho can furnish bonds , ho will languish in the county cylinder until next March. Marshal Wyland says that the county is full of "bootleggers , " and ho is kept on the move. The budge dispensers had better "look a locdle oud. " A reiHH't was circulated on the street yesterday to the ofToot that E. A. Wick- bam , the well known paving and sewer contractor , had boon killed by the cav ing of a sewer in the eastern part of the city. The report was quickly'contra - dieted by the appearance of that gentle man , who announced that ho was alto gether too lively to submit to interment , although an undertaker visited his homo as soon as the report was started. Mr. Wickham fools very gore over the defeat of Cleveland , still ho 1ms no de sire to quit this earth on that account. The report was entirely without founda tion , as noacoidontof any kind occurred that could give rlso to any such state ment. See W. C. Stacy's ad. For Halo. Improved and vacant property In all pnrtH of the city ; 1)0x160 ) feet on Glen uvonuo. east front , a bargain ; business property op Broadway and Fourth street. II. P. Officer. North Main etroet , UoVpI'a block , Council Bluffs. All grades hard coal , C. B. Fuel Co. Weather utrips at Chapman's art store. Notice the beautiful llnish given col' ; lurs , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. Money loaned at Jj. 13. ( 'rafts & ( Jo.'s loan ollco'on ! furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. 13. II. Shoufo it Co. maUo long or short time loans on real estate , in uums to suit , at lowestruto of intercut. Oflice Broadway and Main-street , upstairs. Loans made on city business ami resi dence property , Notes bought. IClm- Investment company. AIL ABOUT COUNCIL BLUFFS Moro Drives and Improvements Fo : Fail-mount Park. THE PROHIBS AT IT AGAIN Country Jitatlcca Issuing Warrant the City SnloouUts The l xprcHi MuairifXRH Chang * IMR Happily Mntcd. A quiet wedding took place 7 o'clocl last evening at the residence of Mr. W L. Bedison , corner of Bontoti and Ilur mony streets. The contracting parties were Mr. Frank C. Ilondrlcks and Slltu Salome Iledlson , both well knowi young social people of this city. Tin ceremony was performed by Uov. G. W Crofts , pastor of the Congrogationa church , and was witnessed by u lnrg < number of invited guests. The present were numerous and costly , and werethi gifts of a boat of admiring friends. Mr Jiendrii'ks is bookkeeper for the Coun cil JJlutls Insurance company , and tin newly wedded ones will 'continue t ( make this city their home. Announcement. Having embarked in the real estati business , and being desirousof securitif a largo and complete list , I resncctfullj ask my friends and others who huvt property for sale to list the same will me. GKOUOI : MicrcAi.K , . No. 1-1 Poarl-st. Weilonot Intend tn Indorse nny except rirtl clou of inurll , Imto lake plouiuru in relorrltif to ttio " ( InrUutl Stoves iinil Hunger , whoti superiority Is too well cstnbllslu-d to bo cnlliv In question. They arc believed to bo UM-ciimlec liyatirln the world. Sold exclusively by 1' . C Do Vol. The finish on our collars , culTs and shirts cannot be equalled. Cascade Laundry Co. A New Move Atinlnst MnlomiH. Constable IT. B. Crofts , of Oakland arrived in the city yesterday morn in f. and arrested Ed Sherlock , William Probstlo and Charles Carrel for the al leged illegal sale of intoxicating liquor in this city. The informations wore filed by Captain A. Overtoil , of this city , before .Justice Walker , of Oakland who issued warrants for their arrest , The arrested parties wore taken before Squire BarneU , who fixed their bonds at $300 each , which amounts were fur nished , and the urisotiors were re leased. The cases will como up for trial before Justice Walker on the 27th inst. at 1 o'clock. This latest departure on the part of the prohibitionists is anal- together new ono , and one which they expect to prove entirely successful. Heretofore the cases have been taken before Justice Burnett and the defend ants have taken a change of venue to the court of Squire Sehur , who has in variably discharged them. It is stited that this obstacle will now bo over come , as the cases will be taken before county justices , and there will bo no possibility of the de fendants getting their ease before any democratic justice in this city , as only ono change is permissible and that to the next nearest justice. In this way the prohibitionists hope to bo able to secure the enforcement of the law and close up the saloons iu this city. The jaw ami order league admit that it is impossible to do anything with the saloonkeepers with the oflicers now in the city , and this move is taken up as a last resort. The leaders have the great est faith in its effect , and indulge in the most sanguine hopes for the future. It is als-o stated that the prohibition ists have been "spotting" those who fre quent saloons and will have them sub poenaed as witnesses. It will not bo very enjoyable for those wno take an occassional glass to bo called out in the country as witnesses. Business men will bo very sly about slaking their thirst if there is a liability to bo called away from home and into court to testify. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. See Forrest Smith's special column. Wo have no competitors in finishing collars , cults and shirts. Cascade Laun dry Co. All grades soft coal , C. B. Fuel Co. Money loaned on fuinlturo , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , otlice cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. New Driven FOP the P.irk. Yesterday afternoon the park com missioners , with the mayor and Alder man Lacy , representing the city coun cil , visitc.d Fall-mount park to devise certain improvements in that beautiful resort. Arrangements wore made to cut Graham avenue at the point oppo site the park ontr.inco , to the depth often ton or twelve foot , and widen the street about twenty feet. This will give an easy grade for the motor line which will bo laid between this date and Oc tober 1,1880. The entrance to the park will also bo cut down considerably , and instead of turning abruptly to the right , the roadjwlll ascend in nearly a straight line and an easy ascent to a point near the southern terminus of the park. From hero a road will bo cut out inside the hills , which will , by a tortuous but delightful descent , roach the lower level inside the hills. The two drives thus planned are not exceeded in plcturosquoness and beauty anywhere in the country. Another grand improvement devised is the cutting of a tunnel through the hills directly from Graham avenue to the road inside the hills. This will bo ilug at a point nearly opposite the residence of Mr. Lamb. It will glvb ill rout access to the park to those who ilesiro to roach it quickly , and at the aamo time bo a delightful addition to natural beauties of the park. Another artificial spring will be con structed inside the hills , near the exit of the tunnel , which will bo supplied with water in the same manner as the one already built. Work upon the utroets will be commenced immediately mid will bo prosecuted as rapidly as possible to completion. Rock Spring coal , Gleason , " 0 Pearl etroet. The Council Blulls Lumber Co , want yon to try some of their coal. If you want to borrow money , buy u lot. house and lot , farm , or trade any thing , see A. A. Clark fc Co. , Broad way and Main. Ad ami Last evening the Adams Ex.pross iompany succeeded the United States Sxpross company on the lines of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul railway : ompui y. All express n\attor \ arriving m the ovpnluu trains was turned over to the Adams company , at its now ofllre. 017 Broadway. The outgoing evening train carried Adams Expres ; messengers , and hereafter this company will have exclusive control of express or this line. There will bo no cutting ol rates , as the company \vill carry to com * mon points at the same rate : as the Other companies. It , is stated that there is a probability that the running time between this city and C'hlc-ago will bo considerably reduced , as the Adams company has reduced the time on its line between New York and Chicago to twenty-five hours , and is pre paring to shorten the time between Chicago cage and St. Paul to eight hours. lleadnuaricrs for stoves. ODIUJ & BHVAJJT , 618 Main st. Illinois and Iowa best soft coal , Glca- son , 110 Pearl street. E. II. Slioafe loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidential. Olllce 6 < K ) Broadway , cor ner Main street , up stairs. For bargains in real estate in any purl of the city see F. J. Day , the lead ing real estate dealer. Dresses made Wool dresses $5 to $8 , silks and plushes $3 to $10. Miss Sim mons , over Eboman's. Uneasy llltie Cents. It is rumored that there is a little trouble in the police department , and that some changes will be iniulo before long. Ithcems that thorc are "offensive partisans" in all branches of the city service. The powers that bo deny that there is any disaffection in the ranks , but nevertheless there is certainly n lit tle friction at some point. AH nearly as win bo learned jealousy is the cause of the dillk'iiHy. If the members of the force worked together as a body , and not as individuals , it is possible that their labors would result more satisfac torily , both to themselves and to the public. See Forrest Smith's special column. Bnint Ilorrmrd Place. I have a number of line lots for sale in the above addition , located only two blocks tiway from the street cars on Broadway. These lots are 50x2-50 feet , and are choice residence property. They are high and dry and present a commanding view. For full informa tion regarding prices and terms apply to J. G. Tipton , bolo agent , 527 Broad way. way.We We have some choice bargains in bottom tom property listed with us by parties who say they must have money. A. A. Clark & Co. , Broadway and Main. Personal Paragraphs. Hon. G. W. Collison , of Harlan , is at tending district court in this city. E. A. Dabcock and W. J. Trotter , Avoca attorneys , are in the city on court business. Hon. W. H. Rollins and Henry M. Clarke , capitalists of Portsmouth , N. H. , are in the city looking after business in terests. Charles T. Ressiginc , the new super intendent of the Nebraska division of the Union Pacific , madujns first visit to the Bluffs side yesterday. Mrs. W. M. Claroy , of Nebraska City , who has been visiting with Mrs. W. N. Young in this city , for the past week , returned homo yesterday morning. Mr. W. A. Smith , a prosperous mer chant from Pennsylvania , has been in the city during the past two days , in vesting in Council Bluffs realty. He is a brother of Miss Addio R. Smith , and thinks strongly of locating permanently in this city. J. H. Clark is Judge Carson's court reporter this term. Mr. Shales has oc cupied this position , but is now absent on a visit to Oregon. His place was to be supplied by Mr. Binington , but Mr. Clark made arrangements with the lat ter gentleman to report for Judge Loof- bourow this term , leaving Mr. Clark in this city. The change was made on ac count of the ill-health of Mr. Clark , who preferred to stay in Council BlulTs. S. B. Wndsworth & Co. loan money. Just received , a car load of selccte d Michigan apples. H. J. Palmer , 12 Main-st. Fortjnle. An elegant corner lot on Eighth streot. For particulars inquire of George Metcnlf , 14 Pearl-st. J.G. Tipton has bargains in real estate. A Famous Kluction lint. Syracuse .lournal : Probably the most " noted election bet was that" made by Rucl Gridloy , of Austin , Nob. , in 1002. He bet that ho would beat his oponont. The terms of the wager demanded that the loser should carry a sack of flour from lower to upper Austin. Gridloy lost , and the day after election started on his trip , accompanied by the entire population of Austin. The question arose as to what disposition should bo made of the Hour , and some ingenious individual suggested that it bo sold nt auction for the benefit of the western sanitary commission. Gridloy was auc tioneer , and the bag was knocked down for 8250. The purchaser declined to receive it and suggested that it be sold again. The idea took like wild fire , and the bug was sold again and again , and before night the sum of $9,000 had been realized. Grldley saw fame for him and gold for the sick sol diers opening before him. He entered heart and faoul into the iiloa , and ho started with his now famous bag of Hour oa an expedition which immortalized himself and brought joy and comfort to thousands of suffering soldiers. His re ception everywhere was lik a Roman triumph , and the people , Infected by the noble work , vied and struggled with each other in their generous ri valry. Grldley sold his Hour all over the west , and finally exhibited it at the sanitary fair in St. Louis. Afterward the flour was baked into small cakes and sold at a high price. When the grand total was added up it was found that Gridloy's bet had been the means of adding more than $150,000 to the funds of the western sanitary commis sion. For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge to parties who will build at once. Ad- ilreHs or call on J. R. Rice , No. 110Main street , Council Bluffs. All ministers of the gospel are re quested to call on J.'C. Mitcnell , corner Main and Broadway for half faro por- inlie over the Northwestern road for the year 1881) . _ _ An Indian University. Washington Post : Colonel Jacques , i wealthy Philadelphia ! ) , living luLon- : lon , has offered toyivo $1,000,000 toward Lho establishment of n univorblty in Washington for the education of the Indiana , on condition that 92,000,000 are raibed. The matter was laid before the Now York Academy of Anthropology last Monday night. Viroqua , princess jf the Mohawks and ruler of what remains - mains of the Six Nations , who.was pres ent , win asked by Preaidont Mann to ultlrc.s . the association. Shu talked most cntortalulugly of the pant F. J. BREZEE , Taxidermist and Naturalist. Permanently locnted at No. 14 North Oth St. , opposite Postoflloc , on Motor HH Line , Council Bluffs , Iowa. If you liavo specimens don't watt for prices , bond them to him before they spoil. II you don t want them after they are mounted , ho will pay you the highest market prico-for them. Will make- specialty of heads and dressing of fuw during tl c winter. The "WHITE" Is King. This is the verdict of nil ladies who have used the White Sowing Machine See it before buying any other , OI'l'ICR , 05 Middle Brondwnj. J , Mi BROWN ) M3II3g61" . and future of her rtice. She firmly believes that there is nc salvation for the red man except in education , and her present trip to Now York is with the hope , by raising sutll- oient money , to found a university in Washington , where , as she says , "my people can bo surrounded by the best 6l intlucncus. " To accomplish her purpose the Prin cess estimates that & ! ,000KK ( ) will bo needed. One-third of that amount hiu already been promised her by a Col. Jacques. The chairs of the embryo university are to bo hold by Indian Professors. Viroqua , or the "Flower of the Mo hawks , " traces her descent through several centuries and has devoted her life and fortune to the education of her people. Of the six great tribes there now remains but tome H,400 members , who arc confined to the Grand River Reservation in Canada. The Princes has a brother , Oronhyatokha , or "Burning Hky , " who was educated In England under the supervision of the Prince of Wales. The Princess is quite confident of success in the attainment of her object , and is going to lecture on the subject in various parts of the country. See Forrest Smith's special column. We have listed with us some cash and n few good farms to exchange for Coun cil Uluffs property. A. A. Clark & Co. , Broadway and Main. n Trust. Chicago Tribune : "Little ns you are , boys and'girls , " feelingly exclaimed the good brother who was mldrcMsinp the children at Sunday school , ' 'you can do much in your own way to check the power of the iniquitous combinations that nfllicts the land. Are you willing to join me in an effort to'punish with n righteous punishment one of the worst trusts in the country the sugar trust ? ' ' 'Wo are ! " shouted the children. "All who want to punish that trust , that interferes so jmieh with.your inno cent pleasures , ristf up. " All rose up. "Now repeat alter me this pledge : 'For three month t ) ' " " 'For three ' " all mojithb - "they re sponded. " ' ' " 'I promise - ' "I ' " promise - , " 'Not to eat any candy of any sort. ' " And in thbmidstof n profound silence they all sat down. . They were .tender-hearted children , and the punishment seemed to them too severe. _ _ Mixed pickles iii bulk at N. L Tib- bitts , 34o Broadway. Dr. C. C. IIazcnr rtcntist , opera liouso block. rTe To -nilnlBterp. . All person's entitled to half faro passes over the Chicago & Northwestern rail road are requested to call without delay uufln J. C. Mitchell , agent for the same , corner Main and Broadway. Blic Had host. Chicago Tribune : "Mandy ! " almost shrieked the elderly aunt , ns she en tered the parlor unexpectedly and found the young lady clasped in tlfo arms of a young man \yho was kissing her with every indication that ho had had con siderable practice , "what on earth docs this mean ? " "Nothing but an election bet , auntie , " replied Amanda , with n look of heroic , martyr-like resignation on her lovely face ; "I lost. Go on , Mr. McPelican. How many was that ? " Bewar.o of worthless imitations of Dr. Jones' red clover tpnie. The genuine cures headache , piles , dyspepsia , ague , malaria , and is a perfect tonic and blood purifier. Price 50 cents. Goodman Druir company. J. Q. A. Ward is engaged upon a statue of Henry Ward Beecher for Pros pect Park , B'rooklyn. It will bo of iieroic six.o. and will show the subject dressed in his characteristic manner. The granite pedestal , to bo design-id by R. M. Hunt , will be nine feet high. At either side of the pedestal will be bronze figures. At the left a young negrcss will bo seen laying a palm-leaf at Mr. ncccher's feet. At the right will be figures of two white children. JACOBS O For Sick and Nervbus HEADACHE- - AND FOH- rOOTHACHE. Cured Promptly ' ind Permanently. Bold by DriiKicltti nd Dculert. THE CHARLES A.VOGELER CO. . Btltlaort , Ml ) . GEOf GEMETCALF No. 14 Pearl St. 0 CHE MORRIS'T ' PE WRITER. $15. Is equal t ) u 7 High Priced Uachlns. TtioKdlfon Mlmroerapti , the best apparnlui for nanlfolillMtf , uutonrufhl'J n < l tj | > o niitlnwort. . MO cuplcn tan bu takuu. The Escolsior Cc. , Council Bluffs , la. FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY 1014 DouulM St. , Omaha , Neb , LOTS IN FERRY ADDITION ! Fcr & Short Tinu I Will Offer 10O LOTS In Kerry Addition to Council lllutn ou tbu fol lowing Twins : liiRldc T.ots on Avc. A I < VK Inputs lxts on Avo. II flu Inside r ott on Avo. U Kt ln < liln Lot * on First , Aj-o. , CM Lots on Second Ave Ml Ix > ts on Tlilrd Ave OT Lots on N. Slrtn Fourth Ave 4M InMOe U > t on S. SUlo Fourth Avo. . . . . . . . l tW All t'ornor Lots ivi More. TKHMS Ono-trntli cnsli , bnlnnroliinlnp nnmiiil optional pnvmonts , with n per cvIn - tvrest , puyftulo annually. Will Rive conc - c tract for warranty deed nnil turnlih ab stract when fully paid , W. SH21 > Ui\TOPI % No. f , North Main St. . Council UltilT ? , la. NEWBARGAINS HKOAI > WAY IOT. , KlltST AVKNUK IjOTS , DiriUV IjOTS , Y ADDITION I.OTfl , EVANS' ' BRIDGE ADD. LOTS , HH Y ANT & OtiAltli'H ADDITION IjOTS , STREET'S ADDITION LOTS. jlhSO 2O A % RKS Ol ' THE BEST PROPERTY IN TOWN KOK 1'IjATTING. W. C. STACY , Telephone 1W. No. 0 Main Street. SPECIAL NOTICES. "NOTICE. SPECIAfjftdvertlspinuiits. such as T.oat , found , To Loan. For Sale. To Iteut , Wiints , HoardIng - Ing , etc. , will bo Itivi-rttMl In this column at the low rate of TUN UKNTS I'EH LINK for tlio first Insertion and Fire Cents 1'er Line for each sub sequent Insertion. Leave advertisements at onr office. No. I- Pearl Sttot't , near Uroadway , Council lllulTs lawn. WANTS. ' 171OK11BNT 2 or n nicely f iirnlsned moms for J ? hotiftokeeplng. Cull on or address Dr. F. W. lloughton , 10U Uroadway , Council lllnirs , la. Stock for Sale-Cheap or will trade for DUUO Council llhKlH property. Address or cull on Iliirlu Huns .tCo. , Comii'll HlutT.s. la. EUHl 8AI/K Or Kxchango A Rood uniln do- JL vator In nn Iowa town , to sell or trade for farm land. Jonnston Ac Van Patten , Council Illulls , in. WANTED Two Kcntlemen boarders , or miiu and wife ; private family ; tUe minutes walk from P. U. lU-ferencea required. K 8 Dee ofllco. ofllco.WANTKD Mattress makers at d A. Deobo WANTKD & Co's. TTIOU KENT Seven-room cottaton the cor- X1 ner of yd avo. and Utli st. W. C. James. IlKNT A large number of good dwoll- FOH . Call and examine list. M. II. Sheato &Co. , bioudwoy and Main st. . up stairs. FORREST SMITH'S LOOK ! LOOK ! LOOK ! LOTS IN CHARLTON , A new addition , less than Ji mile north of Broadway. Hankers , merchants , professional men. mechuuicD , worklugmen and everybody can make monev faster by buying la Charltoa than In any other portion of the New Council llliilTs. These lotu will be Hold at from flMto * 300 each. One-sixth cash , balunc'e In monthly payments at B per cent Interest. Call and get your choice. FOB ItKNT Housa of 7-rooms , closets , pantry , cellar , city water , etc. No , tOO 7tb street. FOIl SALE-LotMxlSO..cornerof ave. AandlSth Bt. Only HUJ , 5100 cash , remainder In one and two years at 8 per cent. FOIl SALE 30 acres of'tho best gardening land on the bi'bt road running Into Coun cil Ulutfs and Omaha. Jiibt en.st of this city. Will make you any terms you want If you are able to Improve U at once. If you want a garden thin is the land you want. I'rlce , -UOO. FORREST. SMITH , lioom 4 , 'Jed Floor , Brown Building. c. r. . HUM , . o. A. HEUUNGIIOK. BELL & BERLINGHOF , Architects , Designers and Superintendents of Ctnstrnction. Mr. Ilcrllncliof was KOTCII years wilb MciitlclHsiiliii , FlNlicr&Lonry , niul lias designed many of the lines ! blocks in Uiimliu mid Council IllulTs. Plans and Specifications Prepared and Estimates made on Application , Studio , Itoom # Opera Jfoime Block Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. * 20 and 823 Main HtreeUCouucll DlulTUowa. Sot mil Parlor SB ! It J , GOLDBERG'S ' "THE FAIR , " CommonolnR Monday , Nov. 12th. All piirtlianers ot Dry GooilB , Clothing and lenta' KurnlxhlnR ( looAx amounting to 11,0(1 ( vlll receive a ticket entltlliiK them to a cliauce > n either a Hue parlor or biMlroom net. Hvinein. UT , K o < ls are marked lower than over , and a loket coea with every dollar's worth purchased. I'ho beautiful prizes can liu Keen at tli 18 MAIN STREET. CALL AND 8KK T1IKM. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. iCOUroaUway Council lllufTa , Iowa. UstablliUed 1657 S STEWART M D D V M , , , , , , , , fflllMRY SURGEON HOSPITAL 45 FOURTH STREET. Telephone No. 5iU5. : OUN01Ij BLUFFS , IOWA Council Bluffs Carpet Co : OIL CLOTHS , C PLUSHES , DOOR MATS , CRETONS , u FANCY RUGS , FRINGES , AND R AND HOUSE UPHOLSTERY. FURNISHINGS , UPHOLSTERY.T C PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. IfcTO4 = 05 C. J. COLBV HAS FOR SALE FREE TRACKAGE On the following railroads : Chicago & Northwestern. Chicago , Burlington & Quincy. Chicago , Rock Island & Pacifc and Union Pacifc. Don't wait to buy at second hand , but buy now of the owners. CHEAP HOMES. ON EASY TERMS. Residence lots in the best additions in tlic city. Don't fail ( o call and see if you want to buy. O"T r" lT PX * . U . v v-J I rl JL , MASONIC TEMPLE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. TELEPHONE NO. 112. HARKNESS BRO'S. ' LADIES' ' AND CHILDREN'S ' UNDERWEAR 20 PER GENT. DISCOUNT THIS WEEK. WE WILL CLOSE OUT BALANCE OF CLOAK STOCK AT 30 PER GENT. DISCOUNT. BARGAINS IN BLANKETSAND COMFORTS. : - : : - : . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i New Stock of Ladies' ' and Children's ' Gossamers that Will Be Sold Cheapj Good Selections in all Departments. 401 BROADWAY , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. POST OFFICE MEAT MARKET , H. PETHYBRIDGE&CO. , PROPS. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in of .Aill Orders Promptly Killed and Delivered. Mo. 635 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. / MET HyJraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates , 4DIDI/IMDI . " " Specificatio.u. . Supervision of Public Work. Urown t'i Council Ultifib , low * . IMI CV Dl ( Dl/C Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown UuilUing , 115 IINLLT DUniXL. " " Pearl St. , Council Uluffs , Iowa. VI QPUIID7 Justice ol the Pacc. . Office over American Exprcit , No. 419 ! Ov nUn/l. " Hroadway , Council Ulufli , Iowa. _ Law , Practice in the State and Fed era QIIWIQ Attorneys at . Ji & Ol IVI O" Courts. Onice-Koonu 7 and 8 , ShuBart.U < no Block , Council Rluft's , Iowa. Especially Adapted tof SIZES FROM ELECTRIC 25 TO 300 HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER POWER , Mills and Elevators , ' lUTOMATIC CUT INE. ptclttcatlons and estimates furnlf'ned for cooipliti itcoia rl nt , Iteuulatlon , Durability Gnaw nteed. Can * liow IuUor from u r * irjjt.v fuel Ei-onoin * U eiin l with Corllu Noa-C > ai ! ) i lciri . E. c. HARRIS ; Agent , Send ( or Cataloguo. No. 610 Pearl Street , Council Bluff * ,