Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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' "MARRAGE. " 8
is NOT a faleyur ; woman . will luv but one . man , he Husband , if he is smart enuff to Know this } they
will travel through life like 2 pigeons. " Josh Billings.
L Let Us Contribute to Its Success.
Are Your Wages Low ? Have You an OVERCOAT ?
Are your rents high ? Is your SUIT warm ?
Have you a large family ? Is your BOYS' , also ?
Have you had sicknesss ? Would you save on new ones ?
We are selling elegant MEN'S and YOUTH'S SUITS and OVERCOATS.
We've not made any fuss about them , but they're here , good , reliable
- { Honest Bargains of Our Own Manufacture !
G&J LL ON us *
Largest Manufacturers and Retailers of Clothing in the World ,
8 8
S. W. Corner 15th and Douglas Sts. , - - - Omaha , Neb.
Intoroatiug Points Involved In an
Ice Man's Salt.
Official Returns Prom the State Cora-
Ing In Slowly ReappraUemeat of
Sclioal linnds Supreme
Court Note * .
100) ) P STIIEBT , V
LI.VCOLX , Nov. 13. 1
The injunction suit flrst brought apainst
thu Lincoln Paper Mills company by Mr. P.
II. Cooper , Illustrates the fact that what bids
fair to be of great benefit to mast people may
damage a few. But , nevertheless , property
rights must bo protected and Mr. Cooper , the
titan who lias packed Ice during the winter
months to cool tlio parched gu' ets of Lhi-
colniU's in midsummer for thu I'ast ' nineteen
years , comes Into court and alleges that ho
bus ex ponded upwards of $ .3,0 , < X ) on appliance *
Tor packing fee , at a point below the paper
mills , whcro the water of the ercok is clear
and pure , and afford * the best of Ice during
the winter months. Now , sitys the plaintiff ,
como.s tuo defendant and erects a paper mill ,
ami digs largo vnts mid holes in the ground
in which thu dirty straw , rags and other ma-
toriul in washed , and a sewer , belnq dug by
thu owners of the mill , will carry the "tail'
ings , " dirt nnd llltli ilowu upon his ioo iippll-
ancoA nnd ponds , thus milking his property
almost wholly worthless. The plaintill
slater that ho has romoiutratod In vain
Bgaluftt llio iHtfsiiiK of the sower. Ho there
fore prays an Injunction restraining further
work on the sewer , and tin order com
pelling thu Lincoln Paper Mill company to
change tlio sewer so thilt it will carry the
"tailing * " nnd tilth to some ottior | K > int in
the crook , below his property , so that his ice
will not bo destroyed , and which he states
can bo done at very llttleif any additional ex
pense to the defendants. The Injunction was
granted , and the case will be heard.
A FAITHLESS Sl'dt > L' .
Suit wu commenced in the district court
of Lancaster county yesterday afternoon by
Hammh A. Nelson against Jasper M. Kelson
and William IJ. Ilowiud. The ralntor afllrms
that homo tlmo ago she cave her husband
iHJwnr of attorney to bell a drugstore belonging -
ing to her ut 180 South Twelfth street ; thut
lie sold or pietunded to soil it to William U.
Howard , who Is inndo ono of the parties to
the suit , but that she has not received any of
the proceeds of the sale. Sineothen she has
revoked the power of attorney , und her hus-
. baud , Jasper M. Nelson , has deserted
tier and refuses to provide her with bed and
board. The relater therefore prays un InJunction -
Junction restraining the husband from re-
cclvliiR money from Howard on the sale of
the property In question , and nn order com
pelling Jasper M. to pay his dcsortou wife u
rorliiinflxcd sum per week for her support.
The injunction was granted temporarily.
At noon to-day the soorotary of atato bad
received the oftkiul returns from fifty-ono
counties of the state. A moment's glimco
over them convinced Tun Hci : representa
tive ) that T hsyer's tnnjority outsldo of Doug'
la oounty would be 2Sf > 00 over McShano's.
Hubtmitlng McShnno's inajotity ovot Thuy-
er's lu that county and the losult will bo
very nearly if not quito Thayor's majority In
the state. Harrison's plurality will closely
approximate 30,000 votes. Ills thought that
" "tbo oftlelal vote of the state can bo an *
nountad to-morrow , nad this will be much
butter Until estimates.
The State Hank of Oxford commenced
business at Oxford , Furnas county , on the
Ifltb of July , 1888 , and will continue for a
period of ten yeard from that Uato , on a sub
stantial capital u took of (30,000. Ai tides of
incorporation were lilud tvltli the secretary
of ntuto today , The following incorporutors
ami uiombern of thu company attest its sol.
venpy : W , H. Soju-lcs , Ceorgn H.Jackson ,
S. L. llureon , r * L , Soarlos , H. A. Audor-
< con nnJ R. H. Hcrson.
Thu vote in Choyouno couuty at the last
election was decidedly in favor of suo-divis-
ion , PJve counties have been created from
the lerrltory within the county named. The
identity of the old boundary lines has boon
lost by Deucl on the north and Scotts Hluff ,
Banner and ICimball on the west. Cheyenne
county now comprises.the territory south of
Dcuel and cast of B.mner , and a portion of
Klrnball , or the southeast portion of , the old
county. A big rib was also taken from
Hrown and is called lloolc county. Thus it
can bo seen that the citizens of those coun
ties are not in favor of boundary lines large
enough for A state.
c The board of educational Unds and funds
met to-day and approved the reappraisement
xOf the school lands of Thayer county. Under
Hho .old appraisement they were valued at
JLfXUo (4 per aero and now at $7 to SIS. It
was the sense of the boardthaf there shall
bo a reappraisoment of the school lands of
Antelope , Adams , Colfax , Fillmore , Frank
lin..Pumas , . , Hall , Horlan , Jefferson , Plattc
and York counties , and It was so ordered.
The party plums have hardly been awarded
by the votes of the state , but for all tnat the
fight has commenced for the spo.ikorshlp of
the next general assembly. Candidates arc
nllnost as numerous as they wore boiore the
various county conventions , and the contest
over the organization of the house already
promises to bo spirited. The folloxvlng can
didates have entered for the race , and they
are going nt a 2:20 : gait nt this time : Cody.
of Howard ; Yocum , of Adnuis : Majors , of
Nemnha ; McBride and Culdwcll , of Lan
caster ; Lee , of Furnas ; Watson , of Otoo.
The general complexion of these ; iads looks
somewhat rallroudlsh.
iurncMu COUUT xnirs. .
State ex rol Covey vs Gaslm. Reinstated
and submlttod.
The following cases were argued and sub
mitted : Hallok vsMcDcrmott ; State ex rcl
Oyler vs Hnrlan county ; Mead vs State ;
Pox worthy vs Hastings : Williamson vs
Hcllmau & Co , vs Davis. Error from the
district court of Douglas county , Afllrmcd ,
Opinion by ( Jobb , J.
State ox rul Lapham vs H. A. Uabcock.
Original muudnmus. Writ allowed. Opin
ion by Maxwell , J.
Dunham vs Watson. Error from the dis
trict court of Saunders county. Judgmunt
uiodllled. Opinion bi Maxwell , J.
Sloman vs Bodivcll ot al. Error from tlio
district court of Douglas county. Afllrmcd.
Opinion by Maxwell , J.
Hait vs Barnes. Krror from the district
court of Mwriolc county. Rovorscd and re *
mandcd. Opinion by Maxwell , J ,
Cburnh Howe of Auburn U in the city to
day. It i whispc'ied that ho boeks to bo
president of thu senate. The mills of the po
litical Rods.turn out queer capern from thotio
follows who nro out of politics.
The Lincoln woolen nulls had their first
display of manufactured goods at the Capital
hotel , llrstdoor weal of Tun JJit ; oillce , o-
day. It was fine. Tlio underwear miido
from the fabrics manufactured from Ne
braska wool and fashioned by homo hands
was equal to any in the land.
The pastor of the Pirst Christian church ,
Elder Charles Newman , ' fa conducting a
scries of revival meetings t the church
on the corner of Tenth and 1C
streets tlilfl week , and they will prob
ably continue thtoughont next. They are
growing in interest and well attended.
Hon. T. H SUivonson , of Nebraska City ,
was In tlio Capital citv to-day It is sug *
gested thut ho it looklngniround for another
invasion of the Missouri Pacitlo railroad
company. The line to run from here to Hoca
has not yet been built.
The Willard hospital folk * arise to remark
thut all cases which come there for treat-
mouturoftrut examined by a physician , nnd
tbat uo contagious diseases are admitted.
The grounds for the removal of the building ,
sutod by , the petitioners to the city council ,
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria ,
When Bkby wo * sick , ire care her RwtoiU.
Wlua the via & Clilltl , she cried for Cwtorl * ,
WUoo tha b c mo UlM , lha dune to OVutorU ,
Wbra she bftJ CbUdroa , ote K VO thtua CaatorU.
Another Slap to Policemen Under
_ Private Control.
Mayor Brbatch's attention was called to a
circular issued on Monday by the Nebraska
Detective association to the business men
and merchants of Omaha. Chief Seavey
was instructed to at once inquire into the
matter , and procured a copy of the
letter. The Information convoyed waste
to the effect that "tho Nebraska Detcctivo
association had been established , with head *
quarters at Omaha ; " that the association in
tended putting twenty-live disciplined and
uniformed men , under charge of Chief
Hastings , on the streets of Omaha nightly
from 7 p. m. to 0 a. m. That these men were
to In every wny act a policemen , nnd wore
to protect the lives and property of the citi
zens of Omaha , or at least that portion of
them who would subscribe a dollar a month
to the association.
The circular was signed by J. O'Connell. '
Mayor Uroatctt was seen and asked his
opinion. His honor.said that unless these
men were commissioned and qualitlcd in a
proper manner ho should most decidedly
prevent their acting as Omaha preservers of
the poacc.
His honor says that he Is the only ono who
has power to license persons for such duties
as tnis agency proposes , and that ho most
decidedly will never grant thorn permission
to parade the streets of this city as polico-
Chief Soavpysays : "Let them try it on ,
and we'll soon have them behind the bats , "
"Who breathes must suTerand ( who thinks
must mourn , and ho alone Is blessed" who
Knows that pain and suffering can bo cured
by Salvation Oil.
Although wo have hoard persons remark
"U is worth its weight in gold" still Dr.
Uull'B ' Cough Syrup Is to bo had at all drug
stores for SA conts.
Resolutions of Condolence.
, Tlio Omaha Veteran Firemen's association
held a special meeting last night for the pur
pose of taking action with regard to the
drafting of resolutions of condolence for pre
sentation to the family of the late William
Franco , who for many.ycars was actively in
terested In thn work of the association. The
meeting was held m Chief Qalllgan's office ,
and was presided over bv that gentleman.
There was a lar r nlfcndanca , of veterans ,
and the following resolutions were adopted :
Whereas , It hus pleaded Almighty uod in
tbo plentltudo of his iruci utable wisdom to
remove our dearly Mr. Wil
liam Franco , from amongst us whilst yet in
the Mower of manhood , and
Whereas , \\o deeply deplore the loss ,
which wo ns his associates have sustained
nud mourn with his bereaved family the Irre
parable loss ; therefore , bo it
Resolved , That the Omaha Veteran Fire-
IHCU'H ' association hereby express through
your committee those resolutions of sorrow ,
respect and condolence , Sorrow fortnoloss ,
which tuny , In company with his dear ones ,
hnvo sustained ; respect for the memory
which this pagrt will servo to keep erccn , and
condult'iieo with all his mourners. Uo it
Resolved , That a copy of these resolutions
bu spronrl upon the minuter of our associa
tion , and the secretary bo instructed to for.
ward a copy to the family.
Tlio lilttlo Hoed.
A llttlo seed lay In tbo carter's path ;
A llttlo shoot bowed lu the strong wind's
wrutli :
A llttlo shrub grow , by Its roots'held fnat ;
Then u stout tree braved all the winter's
blast ;
A llttlo cough started 'twas only light ;
A little chill shivered the hours of night ;
A llttlo pain cauie and began to grow ,
Then consumption laid all bis bravo strength
Be wise in time , Chock the llttlo
cbugh , euro the Httlo chill , dtspoll the
llttlo imin ere the little ailment boeomoa
the strong , uni'onqutmiblo'fjiruit of dts-
oiise. Dr. Piorco'a Golden Medical
Discovery talcon in tttno , la a rumcdy
( or thcso ilia ,
Memorial Gitna.
The following resolution Iwas introduced
into congress by Goo. W. E. Dorsey , and
was approved by July 14 , 1870 :
Resolved bv the senate and house of repre
sentatives of the United States of America
In congress assembled , that the secretary of
war bo , and ho Is hereby , authorized to
deliver to the governor of the State of Ne
braska four pieces of condemned iron can
non and twenty round shot , to be used in
the erection of a soldiers' monument at
Omaha , Nebraska.
This resolution was forwarded to Mayor
Broatch who transmitted it to Gover
nor Thayer with the following letter :
Dear Sir I am in receipt of a letter from
the Hon. Gee. W. . Dorsey enclosing
a copy of a resolution which I enclose. Will
you please make the necessary requisition
upon the Secretary of War for the cannon
and round shot ! Yours respectfully ,
W. J. BHOATCII , Mayor.
The Idea of the mayor is to have a monument
ment 'erected in Jefferson square , thereby
Improving and beautifying that portion of
the city.
The motto of California means , I have
found it. Only in that land of sunshine ,
where the oranjio , lunion , olive , fig and
grano bloom and ripen , and attain their
highest perfection in inid-wintor , iivo
the herbs and gum found , that are used
in that pleasant remedy for all throat
and lung troubles.
SANTA ABIE the ruler of coughs ,
asthma , and consumption. The Good
man DrugCo. . haa boon appointed agent
for this valuable California romudyand
Bella it under a guarantee at $1 a bottle.
Three for $2.50.
the only guaranteed euro for catarrh.
$1 , by mail 81.10.
Inspector Agaluat Plumbers.
The superintendent of plumbing1 Informs
TUB BER that the firm whoso men did th < 9
job of plumbing In Ed. Walsh's house , which
wft exposed In yesterday's ' paper , are doing
what they can to prevent a plumber em
ployed by Walsh to remedy the criminally
careless work. The reason they give for
their Interference Is that Walsh has not paid
fop the Job bf plumbing yet , nnd Walsh gives
us his reason for not paying that the Job was
n place of botchworkthat has endangered
the lives of his family ) but will pay them If
the work is properly repaired. Superintend
ent Duncan has notiUqd the linn thut the Job
must bo properly done inside of twenty-four
hours or arrests will follow ,
"What is Lady ? " The
mother's question , me daugh
ter's reply , and an aunt's
ideas. Thanksgiving1 Fash
ions Autumnal tints , incan
descent trimmings , handsome
fabrics , bandaau bonnets , sty
lish flat hats , correct cos
tumes , novel corsages , by
Mrs , James H. Lambert.
Bill of Fare for Thanksgiv
ing Dinner , with illustrations ,
by Eliza R. Parker ,
These are but a few of the
many attractions in the No
vember number of the Ladies'
Home Journal and Practical
Housekeeper , now on the
news-stands six cents.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
orDoi Molnos ,
o. ,
America few of thn sumaro
, . , ' <
* . .
lAMURKS , which
Ufa the flneit that human art and
ihtBc.a1ll ! ) [ nc5SeSt9 ? ; lu r AOK HI. ! RHINO C'AHS '
( < oiinrtllllulh.t&etralm ! * B0 * b 'ound el > ewta re At
of the Union Pudfla run-
M/ SS.V1" ulo ° fl0"0,1 "A" ! th < "e of the iJhl.
fSK ° , i n ° nbn ii m KrIn Ch c o ths tralnt ol
thfillne max * clo.a connection Wltli ( Uoieof allolhor
i < aiiern lines *
, ? Ci5'Yl * ' 0iaPbV. ' ! ' . . lnfll n polU. Cincinnati ,
i * vl'i ' > > ? ? , " } 1" * ' Toronto , Montreal
" ' r < 2'rTor,1Cl.I1"\lB'Jh' } ( ' ! ' Baltimore , YTnih !
, ud all
points In the Esii , Aik rorilcketa rla
Ullon' A" "ck t
Oon'IM8nag r.
W.N , BAnconir r..nM . wfttVraont.
U. . KIMBAI.U Ticket Agonl
KOI w.iw.tts' { Om ' Clir uiwgir Agent
ana. N b.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. '
The Best Boulo from Omaha and Council
Bluffs to
CLIc go : , - AND - Mllnnnkcf ,
fit I'Aiil , Minneapolis , Cedar
Rock Island. Freeport , Roekford ,
Cllntou , lubuque , Dureupoit ,
Elgin , Madison , Janosrllle , *
Belelt Wluont , La Crosfic ,
Aniallotutr Important polnti i t , Northeait and
For throuh tlcketi.eall on the tlrktt cnt at 1501
ITaruaia strict , la rk r Ulock , ur at Uolou I'aomo
lulla.aD BlMperi and tbcflneilDlnlnrOart In tb
notia are run on the mala Hue of tlie Cblc | o , Mil-
wikeere fit. Paul ualltrajr. ana ererr attontluu li p U
to BMitngeri b emploreiof .
courteoyi tbecomyao/
it UlUlflt , Oeberal Uanaitr.
A. T , It. UAHPiSNTttU , Q n ral I'axsaier aa <
Ticket Avent.
OBO. K. UKAVIOHD , Xnlltaai Qaatral
and Ticket.Ag nl ,
J.T. cLAUK , Qaairal Biparluttadtal.
oipto.Jmi.Ho.Malloihtrbitu. Wonitiin.i
ifd In ik'M ae.tki ( iii.d r > m > klil < c. rt/
. ieiUB ll tl.Chl ia
_ _ _ _ _ erect ( o7joutliral
W ' ' ifliallf.fror. . irlda. .
e y , To t manhood , rtu 1 will stnd a TalusbU
trcatU * ( t aUil > ctiotuntnir full | > rtleaUrs lor
1 on > rur . fret of rh&rg . A(1Jr fl < ,
PHQP.r.O. FOWLER , Moou'us , Conn.
luccuwfulljr ueeU niontUlby orer 10,000
f wLadlee. Arefii/e. KffectualaHd Pleotant
' "y 11 Ppr box by mell.or at drufreUta. Sralett
- fnrtlculan S pontaga RUmpi. Adrtrwa
Tuc KtmxKA CritMicii , Co. , tiurnoiT , Minn.
. mail by ( JooUmtui
Vruu Co , , Omaha , Neb ,
A Sure Cure
Wo will guarantee to euro any case of
20 TO 6O DAYS.
This is a disease which hns heretofore
itaflled nil Medical Science.
\Ve have a Itomoily , imknnun to nnvonpln tlio
World outsldo of our Coinpnuy.and ono tliat haa
to cure the most obitlnate ca-jos. Ton days in
tecent cnsi'sdoei tlio work , icistliaoldrhroiilo
deep se.iloJ cases lhato solicit. U'u have
cured linniliods vrlio tm\o lipcu abandoned by
I'hyslclniiii , und pronounced incurable , unite
clmlleneetliB Wnrlil to nrlntt us ntase that we
will not cunt in less than sixty days.
Since the history of uiudielnr a tnip spocillo
for Hyplillls has bean souclit lor , but iiovor
found until our
was dlscoveroil , niul vvonre jiiBtlfleil In Haying
It IB llie only Koiueity In thu World that wlllpos-
Itlvely cnr < > . bcrnnse tliti lutewt JMedleiinVurks.
published by the btst knuun anthoiltlcs , Buy
theic wan nov-erutnionpuelllc boforr. Uuriuni'
edy will euro Mlion evervthliift ol"ieliiis failed.
\Vhy\Mi9to\ourtlnio and money \vlthpnlent
moillclno-4 thnt novt-r Intel virtue or doctor with
pbyjltlanstliat cannot cure } ou , you th'it Iiaxo
tiiod over } thing che should. roine to us nowaml
Ijrt pcrnmnont relief , you nevorcangfet It else-
whuie. Marievliat \re MIV , In the etui you
must take our teuiedy or NBVKH tecovcrund
yon that have been ullllcted but a churl tinin
should by all moans come to in now. not one in
ten of ntw < ft < c ever got permanently curart.
Many cet liulp und think tnfly are fren from tbn
dlstiaif , but in one , two or three V "IH after it
nppcuriagalnlna moio horrible form.
This is a Blood Purifier and will Cure
any Skin or Blood Disease when
Everything else Fails.
Itoom 10 and 11 , U. S. Nnlionnl IIiuili
building ,
A Uojiroe for foreclosure ataln ; < t the SUTHO TDK-
NKM'ompgnjr has just been onlcrcil In tlio United
Btiiti-s Circuit fourt. Ninth Circuit District of Kovadn
and Iho properly of that company will he sold there.
under at an esrljr data. Tim neorgnnliatlon Com-
mltt bereby vlvea notice th t atocKliuldf r of tint
comptnr will 1)9 nllcjvtcd u KlNAI.oiiportnnUr topni-
tool tliolr blthecto unujscntfil stock b ; subifrlbln.
to tlio non bonds unil ilpposltlnu tlmlr stock ajliereto-
fore adTortlsed , HuhirrlptlniiH tn nld bonds will bo
raoeltrod nttbo Union Trent Company , Mo. Tlllroud-
way. Mew York , nt the lollowhiK terms , to-nlti
NOV. II , 1USH , A.1' 12 M. ,
and Ihrrenltcr
UNTlli JAN. 3 , 1H80 , ATJI I' . M ,
HubscrtDeistotbe bntidswlll rerolrn Trust Compnnr
ceillncnt > , entltllnu Ilium lu thu name niinibnrur
suurei as ihoiodepotllud by lbeiuuniJtl.liiboiilslur {
ancb 66 cent ) und Ourents r st > oc'llrely pnld br tlixui.
Interest at tlio rat * of 4 per cent , nlll Co vllunrud on
* uU > orlpllons f rum data uf pHyiiient ,
rariiiirnt sliouM be made by check an New York to
he Union Trust C'oniuuuy uiiUilmultl boucconuMnlnl
by tlie stork duly pnu'ir ed In blank und itn Author
ization to Ibu Union Trunt Company HUnt turuis
for toll tuiborlistloo and copies or circulars can bo
nbtnlncl upon uppllrullon al tbo Union Trusl Company -
pany s ontiv or t roum luHeT nlG Hour , Mllli Uulld *
nil , t\e\t York
D t a Nk.iv YOKK , Octnbor 3 , IbS3.
II , It , IJAITZiil : ,
I * . O. A. AI , VAN
ly ami unfely curwl by DOUTUW A Cat ) .
HoveralcaK- cured 111 naven ( layn. Bom
81 6'J tier box , all druirKlBtt ) , or hy mall from Do-
tut * Wf .Co , Uii Wlilie bt. < ti V. 1 ullDlrooUoiw
Your Left Liver
MoUlcmo that uoeiU but * trial
to prora its worth.
Or , Calender's ' left lifer Bite
TUB only Distilled Hitters In the Unite *
united ° ' States ' ' "W nlt.te" recognized by thl
Internal rerenue laves ai a Pro4
prlotary Medicine. Lawfully 1'atentod. No. St
Patent 140,573. Contains no fusil oils Bi
essential oils , no foreign subataacn or flamag *
las ; drufij. A psrfectly pure medicine , oom4
ppundrd from Pure Bool Herbs and Ola peach ]
bleaaantto the taste , quiet and aectslye In Itl
effect. Cures Dyspspafa or Yellow Jaundice la
R.lJ ! ? "e " u > tw y > ° D ° wel . JnTl ort *
MVj tiTir" Ou s BEaSid llw. H K8
KiflnoTi , improYM the
Appetite Qufoulj
KfgWll the vrnole ejstem. Ke > LU to"tii
wkole system.
oJ.eftUTcr Hitters are , od ) In Omaha. Neb. brths >
llowins urumnsut lllch rtl on DniK Co , Hpeclsl
iblJoirs0 < lri" ' tnt < ircjtl > ' Hettraaka. Ko-
taliera as
, OouUmanlirue Cu. . W. . \VlHtehou a , T. WJip f.
fard. Ham U. Karniirurin. HcUrolor's I'buruiucr
Kubn At Co , .lolm Uludlih ; M. 1'arr , J. A. t ullor A. U .
U. l.llii hp , John II.Cimt.C.,1. trice. M.J.l'onoll
r. II.Hnntmli.jolin K. Huflskr , MorreK's I'linrmicr
.lanes Fursrtb , ll.O Bell. lr..1. J. HiiTllle , ( J. Al.CriM
J-O KluirJ.vrciarli'e'j ! , lll'tSimlit. Max'lleotTt ! J
H.CUrjiloii on.W. , 1C. J.tmbor on , U. H. Cox , Mac
, , . . . . . . _
"flnTAtl , Krank W. t'ngt. It. Kasoiuiinn , /iHf. . f.oeaer
Itord's Pharm or , C. A. Neloher , llovraril , Merer * ,
{ rank Dellnaa & CD. , nboleaalu Uvaluri lu dvars aa <
I eft LlYor Blttera
if OR SALE *
lAivoiu'RS-A. uooimmii , ArrniivKv.JkT'iiAir.
\J K tlearborn St. , Cljlca oi Ulrica froci 21 > Q r
zt > en ncei business quietly and ic allf trumaclol
Or the Llqttor Habit , Poslllrcly Cured bj
Administer Jut ; Dr. Unities' Ooldea
U cab t * cl.Ten In n cup of eoff A or tea wlttii
put tbea-nowledBB ot the prrtoh tnklnfi Itjaliao *
lutely harmless and will effect a permanent and
speedy cure , whether ; Uis patlnut Is a modtrata
drinker or an alcoholic wreck , Tuouvaudu ol
drunkard ! bar * been madft temperate men wJia
baysi taken Golden Boecllio li tlielr coffee witi.
fut tnolr knowledge ana to-day believe the >
gult drinking of tbSlr O TD free will , it nerei
falls. Iheiiyttea once imprtvnatuil Witu tin
Bpeclflo. It becoruos an utter finposslbillty foi
lUril < 1S' . 'pP.lli . .to"l e- M' ' " byftubn
' ° -'tcr '
AdrorUelni ; bat alwaya proraa
auccMBful. Ucforo placiutracf
Newspaper Advertlnliig consafj
U li tB U l U SlrMl. CHICAGO.1
[ lugsot
In coat
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