Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Hoga Hold Their Own Whllo Cattle
are Weak.
The Cnttlc Mnrket Hi 111 In nn Utisnt-
Isfhctory Condition Tlio Provi
sion Trade n Little Itenr-
Iflh Jlo llrlsk.
CiiU'Ario , Nov. 14. [ Special Telegram to
Tin ! Urn. ] The wheat market bulged to-day
I" ? us on yesterday and closed weak. There
was nn active loc J trade mostof thu day , but
only small business ) for general public no-
count The situation has undergone no
change of special significance , nnd traders ns
n rule confess that they nro completely tit sea
ns to the future of the market. Between
comparatively few grizzled and stalwart
bulls , with radical views , and n compara
tively few continued bean , with equally
radical views , thcro Is n vusturmy of brokers
nnd commission merchants and operators
who nro candid enough to admit
that they have no Frilled convietlot , ns
to what the course of values will ho In the
near future. There are several things that
everybody can see. For instance , it is plain
that the movement of wheat from the coun
try to thu jioints of accumulation Is 4'ti'ib (
] ier cent smaller than It was a yrar ago , and
that high prices do not attract grain from
llrst hands , admitting fnrsukc of argument
that there is plenty In first hands to movo.
Ills also plain that prices on this side are a
good wni above the export basis , and that
iho export trade has dwindled down to in-
Bigiiillennco. It is asserted , hut not clearly
proven , thut Htooks of wheat in mlllor.s'
hands nru very large , and that
the country is plugged full of 1111-'ablu Hour. It is further claimed
that the old world Is going to be independ
ent of Amorlca nnd an increase of nearly
1 5 > 0,0H ; ) bushels in thu amount on passigo
for Iho week , goes to show that the old
wnrl 1 is certainly getting wheat from other
sources for the present , at least. Whether
it will bo able to "keep up its Hi.1 in that
regard remains to be seen. Thav is tlcbat-
ublo ground Whethe.i the movement look
ing to the gem > ril curtailment of the pro
duction nf Hour is wholly due to the hirgo
storks of Hour , or in part to light supplies
of wheat , is albo a point upon which there Hi
nwldu difference ol opinion. The feeling of
uncertainty that so generally prevails is not
conducive to enlargement of speculative
operations , and a material break in prices
seems to bo generally desired , if for
no other reason than to induce
new tmsincss. The air xvas fullof hull points
to.duy , nnd there was more Or less covering
of short wheat in consequence early In the
day , but on hard spots wheat was offered
ntcudlly. 'lha light movement was one point ,
and local millers bidding from 4c to 7c above
December prices for Chicago No. 2 .spring ,
was another. The latter wus made the most
of. The Russian deficiency of 'J,000,000 )
bushels mentioned yesterday did service
again to-day. May wheat opened at SI.I.'IJ'H ' ,
advanced to $ I.15J < , sold off to $1.14 % , uu to
tl.lfi a , touched f 1.15 several times and rebounded -
bounded sharply from that point , but to
ward the clnso worked down below $1.15 nnd
closed weak nt } SI.14V 1.14 % , or identically
the same as yesterday. The averugu price
was l < j ( > 54O above yesterday's last prices.
December closed at f 1.1 ! % , a small shrink-
atro us compared with yesterday. A local
feature of some importance is the shipment
of n round lot of No. 1 hard wheat to HulTulo
millers from Dwlght , Minn. , elevators. This
wheat figures in to-day's receipts. It has
really beea in store In Chicago for about six
teen months.
Opening prices of corn wore higher , gov
erned principally by the strength in wheat.
Small receipts , although somewhat moro
than yesterday's estimates , was an element
of strength , and the principal influence
in the contrary direction was the
selling off of heretofore leading bulls.
The shipping demand was fairly
good , but the weather wus line , and favorable
to the increase of receipts and burdening of
new corn. Exports und foreign demand con
tinue to take out considerable quantities and
a dispatch from New Yorirto-aay notes a de
mand for steamers to load for corn in Jan
uary und February , which probably means
that they hope to have much corn to handle
nt that time , and are making sure now of the
rate of freight. The market ruled llrm , and
contrary to the reason assigned for strength
at the opening , it was strongest near the
close at the same time that wheat wus at its
weakest' and lowest. The closing quotations
ore all in advance of those of yesterday ,
futures maturing this year making the
greatest gain. November closed at 4 ( % < * ,
which is Xc over yesterday's ' price ; Decem
ber closed at UUc , whlchilsK" higher , and
May closed at SlU o bid , a gain of } { a since
the close yesterday. Estimated receipts for
to-morrow are 185 cars , and charters to-day
were for 1511,000 bushels.
The provision trade was a little quiet.
Under the Influence of another fair run of
hogs at Chicago and other packing points ,
the opening was bearish. Early sales of fu
ture product all around wcro made nt
a decline from yesterday , but the
depression witnessed was only tem
porary nud was followed by
stronger feeling on unloading of some long
property pressing on the market. On the
upturn Hutchinson was the largest Indi
vidual buyer. General spccjlation , how
ever , was slow , and almost wholly of a local
sculping character. Cash property was
again In fair demand , but light stocks of
incatA here made it difficult to till orders.
The speculative Interest developed was con
fined mainly to January and May futures.
Hnscd on yesterday's final quotations , clos
ings showed an advance of iiJ OfSe on pork
and 2 ! je on January short ribs und May
lurd. _
CniCAoo , Nov. It. ( Special Telegram to
TUB Bci.l CUTI.K Business rather slow
nil nround , with dragging nnd unsatisfactory
market from opening to closo. Medium and
common natives , the f3fiOffM.25 ( cattle und
thereabouts , such ivs hud to compote with
rangers , ruled lower and maybe quoted at
] 0@20c lower than on Monday. There wcro
u few loads of prime natives that made
nbout the snino ns yesterday or Monday ,
ono lot of 1537 Ibs. steers making
$3.50. Toxuns and rangers ruled steady.
Prime natlvocows and noifcrc , such as would
suit shop trade , sold sto.idy , but canning
stock sold down about as low ai ut any tlaiu.
Stacker and leader trade remains dull. Of
[ v. course there uro a few transactions from day
to duy , but general trade Is In a decidedly
unsatisfactory condition. Prices are
low , especially On light stock. Bales
of TOO to BOO Ib Steers are reported
nt $3.50a2.76l ( and POO to 1000 avorngrs at
$2.85 tf .33. HocelptH Include 3bOO Texas
und western cattle. Choice beeves , $3.00ij (
6.75 ; medium to good steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs ,
M.(05.00 ( ; 120J to 1350 Ibs , fa. 50 ® 1.10 ; 1)50 ) to
S I''OO Ibs , C.OJ ) ( < { 3.7R. Stackers und feeders ,
K Fi.SJKjNUO ; cows , bulls and mixed , * t.GO@ : < .25 ;
JC bulk , f.V K32. < X ) . Texas steers , $3.50 ( 3.40 ;
cows , $ l.UO$3.50 ( ; western rangers' cows ,
* 3.MX < ? 8.00 ; wintered Texans , $ J.jO ( < } 3.SO.
Hoas IhulncsB brisk and prices steady.
A few early sales wore made u nickel lower ,
but later on the demand Improved nnd at the
close values were fully as high as any time
yesterday. The bulk of best mixed sold
about $5.50 , common f5,4U ( < 5,45 and best
heavy I3.K > 5. ( > 0. There was a brisk do-
inund for light pigs of 130 to 140 averages ,
\ r- * l making us high prices as best heavy ,
JmmcJy at f5.tW5.05. ) Averages of 170 to HO
sold nt f3,453ffl,50.
Nnw YtmK , Nov. 14. [ Special Telegram
to Tun HBB.J STOCKS The stock market
opened nbout steady this morning us com
pared with lust night's clone , Operators
\vrro Doiuowhat ut u loss to know whut to do
and there wai moro or less holding off to
await developments. Karly trading was on
H declining market nnd values dropped oft
Diutcr&lely In most uccurltics , Lake Shore
ngalu showing considerable animation and
depreciation , losing 1 } points. Market ro
lled nf tor this early wcaknew ud there i
T > I
was some Improvement In values. Thcro
ngo6d support In Vamlcrblltson the. decline ,
nnd slcns of purchases of thcso stocks nni
coalers by Insldersi Now England was act
ive , with Boston Interest heaviest buyers ,
nhd toward noon there wn , n moderate ad
vnnco made' . At noon the market was fairly
active nnd strong , generally at close to open
ing prices. The market closed strong nt
about the highest prices of the day. The
ml vnnco over the opening extended to 1 polnl
in Cotton Oil and Jersey Central , and nbout
2 points In New England nnd San Francisco
preferred. President Dcpcw's statement
that the rate cutting story was greatly exag
gerated tended to restore confidence and
standard buying In Like Shore nnd Trunk
lines , the former closing near last night's
figures. Covering by shorts helped , the mar
ket to rally.
The following wore the closing quotations :
II. H. 4s regular . I27H 'Northern ' I'nctnc. . M' ' {
U. 8. 4scoupons I'.T'il doprpferrecl ltU
IT. H.4'isreKUlnr , . I07U 0. A N. W , IIOU
U. S. 4liRcoupons .lOHU , do preferred , . . . .HI" " !
1'Rcltlcnsof 'M US IN , V. Central KW'4
( Vntral I'Aclflo . a.1 tt'i
' ' ' " "
( lilcftpnlton. . .1M iloc'k isfn nii' . . . . "l07
Clilcngo.llarllngton C. , M. A St. I > t&'i
AQnlncv 110'i do prof erred 100 < +
D.7I. . & W. riVl'i ; ; : St. Paul * Omaha . as
Illinois Control. .HMi | do preferred lOo'l
I. , II. .VW 15 ( Union 1'ftCiHc M'i
Kntmas & Texas. . . IH1 , ' W..Ht.I * AH 1.1' .
LiikcShore W do preferred. . . . Z l'
Mlihlgnn Ontrixl . Pfi Western Union. . . . W.I
Mliiourll'Acillo . . . 77
MOSEY os Cu.t. Ensv at SrtWJ1 percent.
Last loan 3 pur cent ; closed offered at 3 per
cent ,
1'iiiMB MEIICANTILB PAPEII 1Jf@0) ) < i per
STIHI.I.SO : EXCHAVOK Dull but steady at
$4.8-1)4 ) for sixty-day bills , and
CHICAGO. Nov. 14. Wheat Easy ; cash ,
41.12 ; December , C1.13J1. ; January , tl.llj
Mnv , 1.14U-IOc.
Corn Stronger ; cash , 40Kc ; December ,
O.Pfjc ; Mnv. Jt'.iV.
Oats Steady ; cash , 25k'o ; December ,
25KC ; May , W e.
Kyo 55c.
JJarloy No trading.
Prime Timothy no trading.
Flux $ l.IWf il.r.2 >
Pork Firm : cash -December , (14.00 ;
January , S14.72X@14.75 ; May. $1502' .
Lard St cudc.ish ; , M.17 f. 4.'JO ; Do
comber , 8.1)7 ) : January , J.U7 ( .f8.10
May , # 8.a.x .aK- ;
Flour nchanged
Bulk Meats -Shoulders. ? 7.7. > ( S8.00 ; short
clear , SS/iV' jJ : shortribs , J7..V ) .
Butter Firm ; creamery , ! ! lgKc ( ! ) ; dairy ,
Checio Quiet ; full cream Cheddars , 10'/
Huts , lOJjfQllc ; Voung Americas ,
Eggs Firm ; fresh , 10@20c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted ,
CJc ; light green suited , OJfe ; green. 5c ;
milted bull. n.fc ; green hull , 4ife ; green
dry flint , 7' ' < Mij ; dry calf , 7r$8c ; brandol
hides , 15 percent off ; deacons , a5@30o each ;
dry suited. 10j$15u.
Tallow Firm ; No. 1 , solid packed , 5c ;
No. 2 , 4c ; cake , 5f.
Ilcceiuts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 23,003 13,000
Wheat , bu . 45,000 10,000
Corn , bu . 171.000 2.-ii,0K : ( )
Onts , bu . 145,000 148,000
Hyebu . . . . .
Now Vorlc. Nov. 14. Wheat Recclnts ,
78'JX ( ) ; oxirarts , TU/JOO ; spot market dull , '
Oj c lower ; No. a red , .UUJi'ttUO ( ,
in elevator ; $1.1UJ < @ 1.11 afloat , .
1.12 f. o. b. ; No. 3 red , fl.0
No. 1 red , 51.17 ; ungraded red ,
SI. 14. Options dull and irregular heavy ,
opened . ( iJ4'c higher , declined KglK 'i
closed } ( < si } o under yesterday. Dccomoer ,
closing ut * 1.1 ( % .
Corn Koccipts , 187,300 ; exports , 103,100 ;
spot opened weaker and closed steadier ,
moderately active ; No. 8 , 49 @ 50c in ele
vator ; 50il50j/fc ( / afloat ; ungraded mixed ,
4.Pi'50 > i'c. Options very dull ; 'si ' e
nlclier ; market firm ; December close : ! at
50 , ' < c.
Oats Receipts , 4,300 ; exports 150 ; spot
market moderately active and steady ; op
tions firmer and quiet ; December closed nt
31c ; spot No. 2 white , 34 , ' c : mixed west
ern , ! ! 9@32o : white western , 30@40c.
Coffee Options steady ; closed barely
steady ; sales , ,10,753 bags , including Decem
ber , miJO&13.4.V January , $13.-JO@13.40 ;
February , 13'.00@13.25 ; March , $13.10.il3.25.
Spotllio dull nnd weak ; fair cargoes ut
Petroleum Quiet and steady ; United
closed at 8. ) c.
Eggs Firm and fair demand ; western , 2. > c.
Pork Firm and quiet.
Lard A trifle "higher nnd quiet ; sales ,
western steam , $8.00 for choice options ;
sales of December ntS.39.
Butter Strong , good demand at 2-5@3So ;
western dairy , 12) ) < ft 13e ; western creamery ,
Cheese Choice stronger and quiet ; west
ern , 0@10J4C. ,
Ijivcniool , Nov. 14. [ Special Cablegram
to TUB BBR.I 3:30 : p. m. close Pork Hold
ers offer sparingly ; prime mess eastern , 82s
fid. firm ; prime mess western , 70s , tlrm.
Lard Holders offer sparingly ; spot , 48s
8d , firm ; November , 43s , flrui ; December
and January , 42s ( id , firm.
Wheat Holders offer moderately ; new
No. 2 winter , Ss 2 > d , firm ; new No. a spring ,
8s 3d , firm.
Flour Holders offer moderately nt 12s ,
Corn HolderB offer freely ; spot. 4s DJ d ,
dull ; November , 4s 9d , dull ; Deccmoer ,
4s 0 > d , dull ; January , 4s 7j d , dull.
MtntioapolU , Nov. 14. Wheat The re
ceipts were 323 cars ; shipments. 4(5 ( cans.
Sellers of sample wheat wore holding linn ;
thcro were some sales at yesterday's prices
they claimed and some at > < c advance. Clos
ing quotations : No. 1 hard , November ,
fl.24 ; December , $1.2t > ; May , $1.29 } { ; on
tracK , $ l.3l@1.25. No. 1 northern , November ,
$1.13 ; December , * 1.13i ; May , fl.l74' ! ; on
track , $ l.I5 < > . No. a northern , Novem
ber and December , $1.03 ; May , $1.12 , ' ; on
truck , $1.10 < gl.ll.
St. IjouK Nov. 14. Wheat Higher ;
cash , 1.07 > ; December , 81.07-y.
Corn Higher ; cash , 39@40e ; December ,
5 , ' 4'e.
Oats Firm ; cash , 23o ; May , 29 'o.
Pork Unchanged nt $15.00.
Lard Quiet at fS.l'iU.
Whiskey14. ! .
Butter Unchanged ; creamery , fancy , 20 ®
27c ; dairy , i0 ! ( $40c ;
KIUIHIIH Cliy , Nov. 14. Wheat Stronger ;
No. 3 red , cash , OOo asked ; December sales ,
COK ; May , U'iJ o asked ; No. 3 red , Decem
ber , 78o bldjNo. 2 soft , December gules , 07o.
Corn Steady : No. 3 , cash , 28) ) bid ;
December 2SJtfu bid c No. B , white ,
cash , 2Uo bid ; May , 3 o bid.
Oats No. 2. cash , 21e asked ; December ,
21 e asked ; \fay , 24'ic bid.
Milwaukee , Nov. 14. Wheat Easy ;
cash , Sl.OOJf ; Deconibor , $1.10 : January.
Corn Steady ; No. 3. 40h'c.
Oats-Firm ; No. white , 30331C.
Rye Easier ; N.O. 1 , 57c.
IJarloy Firm ; No. 3 , 78c.
Provisions Steady ; pork , $14.00.
Clnoiiiiiatl , Nov. U. Wheat Dull ; No.
3 red , $1.03.
Corn Irregular and unsettled ; No. 3 mixed ,
43Q45i ! ; new ear , ! MifHi. ) ( * ,
Outs Finn ; No. 3 mixed ,
Kyo Easy ; No. 2 , 6Uc.
Whisky Firm at $1.14.
Nov. 14. The Drovers' Jour
nal report * as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 13,000 ; market weaker ,
choice beeves , J5.000fl.75 ; steers , M.OOST.OOj (
stockcrs and feeders , t2. 5@3.40 ; cows , bulls
and mixed , (1.50 3.25 ; Texas cuttle , ? l.l 03
3.40 ; western rangers , f J.50jJ4,00. (
llog HccQipts , 22,000 , ; market strong ;
mixed , * 5.25 5.5D ; heavy. (5.80 3.00 ; light ,
f > .IO < i. < 5.tB ; skips , fJ.755.15.
Sheep Uecelpts , UKKJ , ; market strong ;
natives , t2.f > 0@4.50 ; westerns , $3.25C < i3.S5 ;
Tcxniib , | J. 0 ( < Ci.40 : ; lambs , $1.0035.75.
National Stock Vnrda , Kast St.
IjoulB. Nov. 14. Cattle Heceipu , 2,5 < K ) ;
shipbmnts , 4 % ; market steady ; choice
heavy native steers , eMXX&ICO ; fair , to
good native steers , fMOft.lOO ; butohers1
steers , medium to choice , $3.304 40 ; stock-
era and feeders , fair to good , tJ.OO3.0 ( ] :
rangers , coru-fed 1.7.1. $ ( ; - ,
Hogs liecelpts , 1,000 ; shipments , 400 ;
market lower ; choice heavy and butchers'
selections , $5.35@5.43 : packing , medium to
[ irlme. $5.20@5.40 ; Ught pwacs , ordinary to
City. Nov. 14. Cattle Ilecclpts
7OnO ; shlpmfints : i,303 ; native o rowed beef
and butchers' steers slow nnd 5(3 ( lOa lower ;
rntigo beef steers strong to IOC higher ;
cows steady , good to choice corn-fed , $1.75
(35.25 ( ; common to medium , $3.M@4.fiO ;
stockers and ( ceding steers , $1.W ) (3.U : ) ;
grass range steers , H.5.X&3.0J ; cows , $1.CX )
< ' . ! 85.
Hops Uecclpts , 1,1,000 ; shipments , none.
market nctlve but 5c lower ! good to choice ,
$ Vr ) ( < ? r . : i5 ; common to medium , $4.l < @ . > .15 ;
skips nnd pigs , $2IHX4 70.
Wednesday. Nor. 14 , 1BS3.
Tlicro wore a few cattle hero but they wcro
nourly all Texas steers and hardly peed
enough for anything but canners. The sup
ply of desirable beef c.ittlo wus very light.
The butchers' stock was not as good as yes
terday's offerings nnd there were no good
feeders to speak of. Naturally enough with
such | > oor receipts of cattle the market was
very dull and the buyers could hardly find
anything to suit. Chicago reported n lower
market nnd the feeling hero was lower in
sympathy with It.
The receipts of hogs were nbout the same
ns yesterday In both number nnd quality , al
though there was nothing as choice us the
extreme top yesterday. The market opened
Go lower nnd In so mo Instances hogs sold lOu
lower , but the trade strengthened nnd the
market closed steady with yesterday. The
demand was good nnd the hogs we > 'u all sold
before the closo.
The market wns fairly active at steady
prices and about everything dcslrublo was
Cuttle . 400
Sheep . G4i
Prevallmc Prlom.
The following is a tibleof pricoi paid. In
this maricot for the gra1o > of stock mou-
Prime steers. l.TOOto 150J Ibs. . $4.10 135.03
Prime steers. 1100 to 1300 Ibs. 4.00 u 4.M )
Native feeders . 2.50 (83,15 (
Western feeders . 2.50 OJ3.UO
Itaniro steers , com'on ' to choice 2.50 3.2.H
Common to good cows . 1,25 C52.00
Choice to fancy cows . 8.25 C4-.SO
Commonto choice bulls . 1,25 (32.00
Fair tocnoice light hoes . . f > . l. > ( U5.25
Fnlrtocnoioo heavy hoes . 5.'tO @ . " > .40
Fair to choice mixed hogs . 5.25 ( < $ j.35
No. Av. Pr.
0 stock cattle . 700 $1.'JO
5 stock cattle . 1,130 1.30
12 stock cattle . 725 1.30
12oalves . 410 1.50
Ibull . 1150 1.50
2 bulls . 1,110 1.55
4 calves . 370 1.05
3o.\en . l.f.90 1.75
1 bull . 1SW ) 1.75
5 yearlings . 382' 2.00
1 cow . 190 2.00
3Scows . 822 8.15
2 cows . 805 2.25
2 cows . 1,885 2.80
22 cows . 1,100 2.30
21 cows , natives . 1,033 2.40
4 steers , tailings . 005 2.50
3 feeders . SOO 8.155
Ghcifers . 80S 8.75
11 feeders , natives . 8'10 3.00
-0 steers , natives . 1,03 , 3.30
18 steers , natives . K > 4 3.35
40 steers . 1 ,3X ( ) 4.10
20 steers , corn-fed natives . 1,845 4.40
No. Av Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
71. . .213 3.K ) $ - > .15 70. . , .21(0 ( 120 $5.30
50. . .227 307 fi.30 C5. . , 80 ' 5.HO
03. . .240 HO 5.30 58. . , .277 120 5.30
CO. . .241 3-10 06. . . .2WJ J20 C.80
74. . .2(0 ( IIS ) 01. . . .2IS5 80 5.31) )
.214 820 " ' .2H ! ) 80 5.30
.281 MM 5.35 50. . .3)3 ) 230 5.80
70. . .839 120 5.35 en. . , .291 240 5.30
51. . .80S 13) ) 124. . . .271 400 5.30
40. . .277 SO 0.35 08. . , .246 12J 5.30
70. . .254 80 5.25 S3. . . .303 500 5.30
70. . .23(1 ( 300 5.25 57. . , .278 240 5.30
78. . .288 5.35 71. . . .261 80 5.30
74. . .247 200 5.25 03. . . .893 40 5.85
180. , .8:17 : 120 5.25 00. . . .330 40 5.35
59. . , .271 100 5.33 01. . . .293 100 5.35
81. . , .211 130 5.25 58. . . .293 120 5.35
JIT , . . , .852 200 5.23 OH. . . .800 380 5.35
3. . . .250 1X ( ) 5.35 01. . . .302 40 5.35
61. . , .2 4 120 5.25 01. . . .276 130 5.35
' 2. . . .205 2.SO 5.25 C5. . . .207 280 5.85
r4. . , .200 a 10 5.25 54. . . .294 100 5.85
03. . . .850 300 5.25 63. . . .315 SO 535
54. . . .253 240 5.25 55. . . .313 130 5.35
02. . , .283 320 5.25 1.18. . . .303 ( HO 5.40
08. . , .277 1 < K ) 59. . . .884 200 5.40
80. . , .283 280 5.27' * 71. . . .308 200 5.40
3. . , .274 120 : 214. . , .805 840 5.40
60. . , .203 160 5.80
No. Av. Pr
16'J westerns 122 $3.35
84 westerns 125 3.35
Pncitcra * Purchase * .
Showing the number of hog * bought by
the leading buyers on the market to-day :
G. H. Hammond & Co 8H (
Omaha Packing Co 1,907
Armour-C. P. Co. . . . , 1,927 ,
J. P. Squiro&Co 427
Highest nnd Ijowost ,
The folio wing are the highest and lowest
prices paid for hogs during the past few days
and'on the corresponding dates oua uud two
years ago :
I Oct. Mm. j Pit , mr. ' QIC. H j i.
31 & 'JO < iW tO Sundar
Nov. 18XS. Nov. 1H87. Nov. 1K& ,
5 l ® j 45 4 00 OI 21 3 2.1 & ] 70
fi U ) 4M 45 4 Oi 444 25 3 IX ) 4 'i UT
5 111 © . " > 45 4 03 S4 21 3 60 48.1 G >
Sunday. 4 05 < ftl 25 41 CM 61
4 10 & 4 25
& 10 r/ > Sunday. 3 40 ® 3 70
5.30 4 10 04 IU : i 40 © a 70
63)r 4 00 4il ( Vi a os ® J w
62. , & ' , 41 4 > SSI 40 351 ft : i 75
63) ) < t 41 4 35 ® l 5i 3 65 dil W
Sunday , 4 45 ® l 55 3 BSiiWl 80
fi ! CM 45 4 01 tt < S5 a nn ( ill iio
R W © 3 65 01Sunday. . 370461 cO
Ijlvo Stoolc Notea.
Cuttle weak.
A good sheep market.
Hogs open lower , closo' steady ,
Swan Larson , Miiiden , was in with hogs.
The total number of cattle weighed yester
day wue 1,403.
John Thrush , Schuyler , came In with two
loads of cuttle.
J , C. Dexter , Iowa , came over with two
two loads of hogs.
Henry Lemmor , Humphreys , was at the
yards with a cur of cattle.
C. O. Smith , Milford , was In and marketed
a load of corn-fed steers ut $4.40.
It. A. Morton , Henderson , was in with
, which sold on the market.
Swift & Co. are making arrangements to
commence killing hogs , bur , the date for com.
iiu'iiciiiK operations has not yet been flxed.
At the present time there are hardly enough
hogs to warrant their opening their house.
Produce , FrultH , Etc.
HUTTEU Fancy , solid-packed creamorv , CO
@ 2ic : ; choice country , I8@20c ; medium
grailcs , H@17o ; common grades , 10@lk ( ; .
KLOUII Nebraska patents , t6.00g7.GO ( :
Mlniu'sota patents. 10.25(1 8.00 ; straight
grades , f5.0Jgrj.50 ( ; bakers' ' Hour , | 5.X3@5.75
per burro ) .
POIXTOLS Nebraska , i5@40o per bushel :
Colorado , Tfli Oo.
. . .z
, $2.50@U.oo ; dressed chick-
oiis , b@lOcj per Ib ; turkeys , 8@12o.
Kouct Strictly fresh , liic candled.
CONCOIIU OiiAi-Es ilOi840o per 10 Ib bas
MALAGA Gnu-fls In kegs , Sv lOe per Ib.
JUNANAKCommon , fl.M 'i.'iTl per bunch ;
choice , f-.r)0a1.5'J. ( ;
LBMONK 85.5J per case.
Oitvsors Jimiaica , 500@0.00 per barrel ;
Florida , ? 4.00@4. ! per box.
GAME Per dozen : Mallards , 3.M3.7fi ) ;
teal , < 1.09@l.3.1 ; quail , ? : J,00 ; prairie chiok-
ens , M.50 ; rabbits , ei.OO ; Bqulrrcls , 11.00 :
venlnon , 8r < ? 12o perlb.
CuLKitir 'Xft'Mo per dozen.
O.sioxs 40c < tVo ) per bu.
OAiiiiiUK-4'J.OO nor 100.
Ur.KT tUo per bu.
TIJKXIIM 30o per bu.
BtUKK KltiVT Ubls.$4.7C ; half bbls.fJ.TB.
A ri'LKS Choice , t'J,50 2.75 iwr bbl ; fancy ,
fn.lK ) per bbl ; common , tl.MGJI.To per bbl.
Cuitn Michigan , 10.00 0.60 per bbl of S3
puls ; California pear elder , 815.00 per bbl.
for Cony Uicc , 3Btc ( ; cominoD , 2
OAIIHOTS lOe ficr bu.
UnAVj Choice eivstcrn hamlplcked navies ,
? 2.00 per bushel ; wcstertr hhhd picked un
vies , $ l.75WI.8i ) ; mcdlums , < Jl.TO@l.40 ! Lima
beans , 5c per Ib. j'
IIAv f. o. b. cars , No , 1 .uplanJ , $0,00 ; No
3 upland , M.OO.
Citoi'iT.D FKRD f 14.000 Ri,00 per ton.
Cons 31 ( * 'Wr.
OATS 22@i'c. ) ,
ViXEiuu Older , 10@lSc ror gal ; wht ! <
wine , 10dJOo ) per pal.
OitAsiiKitiUBs.MX n.OO. i > or bbl.
PIIOVIMOXS Hnins , No. 1 , 120 ; No. 2 , He
shoulders , Me ; rib bneon , lljtfc ; clear bacon
12J c ; picnic ham * . lOcj drlpd beef hams
i dry salted clears , short , 9c ; extra
short , Pl < c : short ribs , OJi'c ; pickled pigs
feet. 15 Ib kits , SOc : lard , Vi , ' ( iiiOc ; smokca
suusn'c ( , IX Sc i > cr Hi ; hog casings , ! 7@lSc ,
OroccrH * Ijlut ,
Kcvised prices are ns follow * !
HAOOIJTO Stark A , scuniless , 22c ; Amos
kcng , seamless , 17 sc ; Lewiston A. seamless
IPc ; American , Bpamlc * * , 17c : burlaps , 4 to f
bu , lli$14c ( ; gunnies , single , ISc ; gunnies
double , 'JOc ; wool sack , iC c. Twines Flax ,
; itio ; extra sail , 2Ka'Jlci ( sail U , 20@'Jlc ; cot
ton. 82o ; jute , c.
loose ratsliu , J2 : KS'J..VJ ! new Valencia
raWns , per 11) , 8Jfc ; California loose unison
tcN , porbor , rJ.lXKit2.10 ; California Lontlons
188 ? , ? 2.4D ; pitted cherries , ucrll ) , lOc ; Call
lornla pitted plums , per Ib , 12t3ti ( ; drlet
blackberries , per Ib , 73i@Se ; dried rnspbor
ries , | > er Ib , 24J5o ( ; evaporated apples , 7J5@
lie ; California Bun-dried penehes , lite ; Call
fornla unparcd evaporated peaches , 15 ( < ? lSc
ovuiwrntcd California apprlcots , I8c : / nntei
currontB. 0i@rc ! ; Turkish prunes , 4).i@4"fc )
citron. i@4i" ! orange peel , Ifie ; lemon peel
lOc ; California French prunes , lll a
UOI-KKES Mochn. 3."ifttS ) o ; Ulo , good , 111 ®
17c ; Maiidnhllng , 2ii@We ; roasting Ulo. l&fti
lt'.cO. ; O. Jnvo , 2K'-'e ( ' ; Java , Interior , a.'ti
83c ; Hio , fancy , ll@lio ( ! ; Santos and Mar.i-
caibo. 17Cilo ! ) : Arbucklcs , 21 ' c ; McLaugh
lin'sXXXX , 21c. .
Slid AK Granulated , 7J/c ; conf. A , 7'fc
white extra C. 7Vi''i extra C , 7'Vc ; yello
C. OVo : powdered , 8 e ; cubes , SJ c.
UKKSWIX Choice yellow , U'Ca--,1 ) ; dark
colored , iiiil4i : ( ! .
CIICI.BB Voung America , full crnam , 12i
12 > jc ; full cream Cheddars , ll@12c ; ful
cream lints , 12J < fc.
PICKI.KS Medium. In bbls , W.OO : do , In
half bbls , 81.00 ; small , in bbls , S < I.X ( ) ; do' , It
half bbls , * 3.M ) : gherkins , in bbls , 87.00 ; do ,
half bbls , ? 4.X ( ) .
Ton icco Plug , 205c ; smoking , ! C@19c ,
JRM.IKS ? 1.33 per HO-lb pall.
SALT $1 no@l. ! i per bbl.
Horn 7-10 , lOJfc.
MAII.ISf < iAii Brloka , 11@12c per Ib ;
penny cakes , 12 )18o ) per Ib ; pure maple
syrup , 81.00 per gal.
TnA8 Young Hyson , common to fair. 18 ( < l >
3-xj ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30@55c ;
Gunpowder , common to good , 3 jft5c ! ; ( Jun-
powder , choice to fancy , 4 ( ) ( < glWic :
mon to medium , 15iJ)20c ( ) ; Japan , choice to
fancy , 30@45c ; Oolong , common to good , 35@
35c ; Oolong , choice to fancy , 50@70c ; Impe
rial , common to medium , 25 < : i5c ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , 40@50c.
NUTS Almonds , 15aM7c ( ; filberts , 13Kil5c ( ;
Brazil , 0@10o ; walnuts , 12c ; pecans , 10 ( 1 Ic ;
peanuts , UMUo.
CKAUKKIIH 5gl'Je per Ib ; assorted cakes , 7
@ 23c per Ib as per list.
CANIIY Mixed. S lScf'"stick. o > ( .i , > &c-
rock candy , 10 @ 13c ; fnnc candy , 7a2Sc. (
Dry Goixla.
COTTON PI.ANNRI.S 10 { )8r cent dis. ;
.We ; CC , 0 > fc ; Sb , "Jfc ; Nameless , 5c ; HXi
ISc ; H , 2Jc ; No. Ill , S cj , No. 40 , lO 'c ; No.
( X ) , I3.fc } ; No. 80 , 13) ) eNo. ; . 30 , colored , He ;
No. 50 , colored , 12c ; No. 70 , colored , ISj c ;
Bristol , 12Ue ; Union Paciflc , 17c.
CAKI-ET WAIH- Bib White , 18 c ; colored ,
BATTS Standard , 8c ; iQem , lOo ; Beauty ,
Kc ; Boone , 14o ; B. cased , $ ( J.BO.
PIIISTS Solid colors Atlantic , Co ; ' Slater ,
5Mc ; Berlin oil , < i > c ; Garner oil , 7c.
PniXTM Pink nnd Hohes Allen Be ; Itivcr-
point , 5) ) < c ; Steel Klver , OJfcj Ulchmond ,
Oc ; Pacific. 7c.
PUINTS Dress Charter Onk ,
Ramapo , 4J c ; Lodi , 5c. . ; . Allen , Oc ; Kich-
inoiul , llj c ; Windsor , ti > i ; i Kddystone , 0 > ic ;
Pucilic , 0 0.
Bi.KAciiBi ) SIIF.ETIXO Berkeley cambric
No. 60 , fl > c ; Best Yet , t-4 , ( IJ/c ; butter cloth
O 0 , 4 > . , c ; Cubot , 7 } c ; Farwell half bleached ,
8 c ; Fruit of Loom , 94e ] ; Greene G , O'/c ;
Hope , 7c ; King Philip cambric , lie ; Lohs-
dale cambric , 10&c ; Lonsilale , ? c ; New York
mills , lie ; Pepperell , 42-in , lie ; Pepperell ,
40-in , 12c ; Pepperell , 6-4 , IGc ; Poppercll , 8-4 ,
21c ; Pepperell , 9-4 , Me ; Pepperell , 10-4. 2.1c ;
Canton , 4-4 , SJi'c ; Triumph , 80 ; Wamsutta ,
lie ; Valley , 5c.
FI.AXNCX.B Plaid Raftsmen , 20j ; Goshcn ,
Clear Lake , UCWc ; Iron Mountain ,
FI.ASXBLS VVhito-G II. No. 2 , 26c ; G
H , No. 1 , % , 23c ; B H. No. 2 , X , Sdjf ; B
H , No. 1 , K , 30c ; Quochoe No. 1 , % . 42c.
CouiKTJitANS Androscoggin , 7)50 ; Kcar
sarge , 7J e : Itoekiwrt , bj c ; Conestogn , OKe ;
TicKH York , 80 in. , 12tfc ; York , U2 in. ,
18Ko ; Swift river , 7cThorndikoOOS ; } c ;
Thorndlko EF , 8Mc ; Thorndlke 120 , ' .l c ;
Thorndlko XX , 15e ; Cordis No. 5 , 0 } c ;
Co'dis No. 4 , 1'tfc.
DBSIMS Amoskeag , 9 07 , 18 > c ; Everett'
lie ; Beaver Creek CC , lOc.
KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial , IHc : Dakota ,
18c ; Durham , 27J fc ; Hercules , 18c ; Leaming
ton , 22J < c ; Cottswold , 27Ke.
CitAsn Stevens' B , ( ic ; Stevens' B
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A. 7 e ; Stevens' A
bleached , SJjc ; Stevens' P. 81tfc : Stevens' '
P bleached ' . Stevens' N Stevens' '
, , .tj c ; , ilKc ;
N. bleached , lO o ; Stevens , SIU , 12 c.
MisciiiANKOUfi ; Tablj on cloth , ? 2.GO ;
plain Holland , fl c ; Dado Holland , 12J c.
Brown Sheeting Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7Ke ; At
lantic H , 4-4 , 7J4 c ; Atlautiu D , 4-4 , 0c ; At ,
lantie P. 4-4 , ( io ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , 4J/IJ ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , CJ4'c ! ; Hoosicr
LL , 4-4 , tie ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 c ; Law
rence LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5 > < c ;
Poppercll R , 4-4 , 7c ; Pepperell O , 4-4 , 0 fc ;
Pepporcll , 8-4 , IS'tfc ; Peperell ] , 9-4 , 21c ;
Pcpporell , 10-4 , 2Uu ; Utica , C , 4-4 , 49fc ;
Wachusett , 4-1 , 7Vc ; Aurora It. 4-4. 7c ; Aurora
era B. 4-4 , O'jfo.
DUCK AVest Point 29 in , 8 oz. , lO c ; West
Point 29 In , 10 or. 12c ; West Point 29 in , 12
oI5o ; West Point 40 in , 11 oz , lOc.
FiANNKi.s-Red , C , 24 in , 15 } o ; E , 24 In ,
21 ' 4-0 : GG , 24 in , 20e ; HAF , % , 25o ; .TRF ,
Plunkett cheeks , 75 0 ; Whltten-
ton , 7jtf ; York , 7) ) < jq ; Normandl areas ,
Calcutta dress. 8Jfc ; Whlttenton dress ,
Renfrew dress. 8)V@12Ke. )
CAMIIHICM Slater , fij c ; Woods ,
Standard , GJ c ; Peacock , 6)40.
Pi'i.NTH , IsnidoBi.UB Arnold , OKc ; Amer
ican , O'i'e ' ; Gloucester , ( We : Arnold C long
cloth , 9o ; Arnold B long cloth , 10 > c ; Arnold
Gold Seal , lOKc ; Stlefol A , 12c ; Windsor
Gold Ticket , luVc.
Drugs nnd Chemicals.
i.LANKOus Sulpb. acid , lj < c ; citric
acid , OOc ; tartaric , fiOcbal. ; , copaiba , 08c :
borax , 12c ; chloroform , . i47o ; glycerine , 2io ! ;
gum arable , select , $1.0/1 ; , gum camphor. ! ! 5o ;
gum opium , 13.25 ; sulpu. morphia , 12.80 ;
bromide potassium , 42c.
OILS Carbon , 150 < 5 , 10Kchcadllght,175o ; ,
0o gasoline , 74 ° , 13&0. West Virginia
summer , lie ; zero , l o ; No. 1 golden ma
chine , 18o ; extra W. Si lurd , 84o ; No. 1 lord ,
47o ; turpentine , 62o ; "linseed , row , Me ;
Dolled , Olc.
QUININK P. & W. , per oz , 55c ; German ,
per or , 40c. \
A select , IJ lgln , , , ' , .V . 37 00@ : ) 00
B select , I' lijJ In . 83 00 ( < * a5 00
A stock boards , 12@10 feet , 12 In . 40 00
B stock boards , 12MKfeet ! , 12 in . 41 00
C stock boards , VJrielO feet , 12 In . 80 00
D tock bo-irds , 12 111 feet , 12 In . 23 00
Flooring , llrst common , 0 In . 'J4 00
Flooring , second common , 0 In . 82 00
Select fencing flooring . 19 00
Siding , flrstand second clear , 14@10feet.25 00
Siding , Jlrst common , 10 feet . 22 00
Siding , second common . 19 00
Common boards . , . . . 10 03
No , 2 boards , all lengths . 14 50
Fencing , No , 1 , 12@iO feet . . . . . .10 50
Fencing. No. 2 , 12 , 14 ilnd 18 feet . ,15 60
Joist and scimulng. 2x4 , H@1IJ tcct . 10 00
Timber , 4x4 , 8x8 , 12110 feet . 17 60
Pickets , D and Hllut. . , . 22 00
Pickets , D and H square . 2500
Shingles , extra A . . , . 280
Shingles , standard A . 2 < > 0
Lath . a 49
n . 70
O G Batta , # x8 , S I S . 40
3 in well tubing , U and M Dev. . , . ,23 00
Mrtnlo iintl Tinners' Stock ,
Block tin , Rinall pip . ? .2
Block tin , bar . . . . . . . . . . .21
Copper , planished boiler size * . , .3
Copper , cold rolled . 8
Copper , fthc.ithlng . , . . . . . . .I'1 '
Copper , pltts . , . . . , ! 30
Lent her.
Hemlock solo , 18fii27c ( per Ib ; onksolc , 5)1 ) ®
HOe per Ib ; oak harness , 80riUo ( : per 1\ \ > ; selected
ted oak und trace , : Mo peril ) ; oak and hem
lock upncr , 20 22c per foot. Hemlock cal
skin , No. 1 , rXK'iWo per Ib , according to
weight ; oak calf skin. No. 1 , < JOcl.UU ( ! per
Ib ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra , fl.OOdtl.lO
jicrlb ; hctnlecK kip sklu , No. 1 , f > 0i70o ( txr
Ib : oak kip , No. 1 , TOC < fcNc ) t > cr Ib : Philn
delphla kip skin , extra , MK ' . 'Oc per Ib , Frencl
cult skin * , ( according to weight nnd quality )
* 1. lf < < ll.D per Ib. Frcnbh kip skins , do , 80c@
tt.10 per Ib. Cordovan russctt , ISc ; satn
llnlsh , 20e per foot ; Welt leather. fy.r > 9rf4.00 (
per side ; moroccos , ( pebble goat ) . 20 ( 30
per foot ; moroccos , boot loir , 2.r > ( < r)30o ) per
foot ; glove calf i kins , 2ii@tOc ; tier foot
Douglas kid , : W ( 40c | nr foot ; kangaroo
skins. 40viWic per foot , according to quality
Toppings , $ $ .IOC 10.1W per dorcti ; linings ,
? r > .00 ( < i9,00 per dozen ; npronskms , tlO,00ii (
12.00 per dozen , _
NHirnsk.i Cllinnto ,
Lincoln Call : NobrusUa has no mol-
nncholy days as dosoribcd "Tlio siulilust
in the .yenr. " Undoi' this uoniiil cll-
inato tliero are no drear tlnys without
elieor and comfort. In Nebraska ,
nutuinn is one lonp golden happy In
dian summer tirno that reaches out an
o.xpanso of three IOUK months between
the loiifr balmy summer and the short
criHp winter. It looks aa though the
pods had conspired together to show to
humble mortals one particular localitj
where all Is that calm , SLTOIIO nnd mel
low temperature that only comes in
small packages to the world in general.
In this locality lies Nebraska , and
it covers all the locality. While to
day \vo are enjoying the steady , oven ,
mellow days Hint make this climate
changeless for months , in KUIIMIS
to the south the blighting , blast
ing sand storms of a torrid summer
have given place to the erticl rigors ol
nn arctic winter , ana the humble home
steader in that clime wipes the perspi
ration from his heated brow with ono
hand and with the other reaches for an
overcoat to cover his shivering mortal
frame. In Kansas for the past two days
a blizzard has been raging. Snow cov
ers the ground. Frost liies in the cheer
less , sunless air , and the bleak north
west winds drive the flocks and herds
toward the Gulf of Mexico. The storm
there is widespread , covering nearly the
entire state , and as usual is character
ized as the worst on record.
In Iowa to the east , rain and sleet and
mud and mire nn 1 frosts and hail make
life a burden. To the north , winter in
all its iron rule is abroad , and in Colorado
rado to the west , tlio people are already
hibernating for a six months' winter.
Lot us in the rejoicings nnd cheers
and hosannas of political victories in
Nebraska , stop long enough to sUtnd
and drink this toast : "To the glorious
climate of Nebraska. "
Equal to thu
Chicago Tribune : ' * Mr. Plunkett , "
hurt'idly exclaimed the foreman , "I've
got to go to press in ton minutes , und
we've lost that cut of Levi P. Morton.
It won't do to publish Harrison's portrait
trait alono. What am I going to dor1"
The Arkansas editor rollectod a mo
"Matchett , " ho said calmly , "have
you a Sam Tildcu cut of 1881 in" the of
fice yet ? "
"Yes , sir. "
"Put a few more wrinkles about the
oycs , turn the corners of the mouth
down a trifle , and run it in , " said the
editor. "I haven't a subscriber that'll
know the difference. "
Couili < i nml C'oltlx. Those who are suf
fering from coughs , colds , sore throat , etc. ,
should try Brown's ' Bronchial Troches. Sold
only in boxes.
Western Church Builders.
Now York Commercial Advertiser :
An Omaha correspondent of the Bos
ton Advertiser notices the frequency
and line appearance of the churches in
the far west but observes that almost all
of them are heavily in debt. Somehow
this reminds me of a story. After ono
of those flres _ that play such havoc with
western cities , a congregation met
around the ashcsof their ruined church.
What followed can best bo told in the
glowing terms of one of thobo present
on the occasion. "Why , sir , it takes
moro than a fire to extinguish the en
terprise of our city. Yes , sir , before
the ashes of our church wcro cold , wo
bad mot and with unbounded enthusi
asm wo had voted to s > end a committee
to our wealthy co-religionists in the
east to solicit contributions for a new
house of worship.
Inatrtunents Placed on Record Dur
ing Yosterdny. _
Otto Ixibock nnd wire to Charles Larsen ,
lotO , blk "H , " ItaumlerH&IliinebAngh's
add. wtl . S 330
L V Crum und wife to 1C E Churchill , w JO
ft lot H ) . and e32 It lot 11,1'aulscn'i add ,
wtt . 3,600
Mutiml Investment Co. to W A ( lodilard ,
lot 7 , lilk : . Highland pi act ) , w (1 . 0,200
K M Morrison to F Nt-lson , lot 17 , blk 8 ,
Albrleht'Hkimex.iicd . 1
0 K Christ nnd wlto to C Jensen , lot (1. ( blk
"A , " J.OH-U'S llrst add. w d . J.OOO
1 , 11 ( irell and wlto to M T Patrick , lot 14 ,
lillc U. Pnt-lck'H add. w d . 2.COO
A J I'opplftoii to public , plat ulks 1 end
! ! , I'nnplctou's add. Klknnrn .
G M HickH and Wife to J II Jel < lom , lot 7 ,
MK4I , Bo. Omaha , w d . 3,000
O M HICKS and wife to J 11 heldoin. lots
10 , 17. 1C , 1 ! ) . 20 , 21. ZJ and X'4 , Cottage
placo.wd . 3,200
G 0 Wal'an. ' trustee , to H .1 For. lots 18
nnd in. blk 1. Monnionth park , w d . 1,500
J W Votlsnnd wife to A 13 ( iroonnood , o
1J ( ft lot 11. nnd w It ) ft lot IS , blk T. Pat-
rick'tCMndd , wd . 3,600
Otto Lotierk nud wife to A Wedell , lot 6 ,
blk Z , Lincoln 1'lnce. w d . COO
D Jetter and wife to the Mutual Improve
ment Co , lots 1 , S , Viand 14. blk r > , Jct-
ter's add. South Ojnffftn.-wd . 12,000
FM Vromnn and wife to 1) C Doano et al ,
lot 10. lilt I. Kendall's add , w d . 1,050
Titos Williamson to Jus Allen , w 40 ft lot
1. blkX. Shlnn'sMadd.wd . 1 , < 00
Win P Morrow to J Sullivan , lot in , blk 13 ,
OmahaVluw.wd . 7W
F H Dnvla to F MlckclBon , lot 77 , Fair-
mount place , w d . 450
II (1 Clark and wife to A Isaacson , vr J
lot 6. Mk a , Iu Pont Place , w d . 400
O O Wallace , triiMnn. to M 8 Plntts.lotSO.
bit 1. MoumouUi I'ark , w d . 750
Byron ( teed et al to W 11 Klabumle , n X
of nw 10-10-11 e.wd . 1.440
Twenty transfers , aggregating . $11,291
The following building permits wcro Issued
by Inspector "Whltlock yesterday :
W. I ) , f.eamon , two utory residence. . . „ . . ! K.OOO
V. I ) . Hopkins , residence . . . . . 2.MK )
> V. II. Hull , residence . 2joo
5. WelsH , cottage . , . . . . , . 400
Four others aggregating . 430
Eight permits aggregating . lifl.fcM )
. ) _ I'ALMJtn. N. p. nicnvA.v , j. u. III.AM-IIAUU
Live Stock Commission Mcrclianls ,
Uflico Uoom34Oppcwllo Rrchanru IlullillnL' , Union
Bloc * Viirdi. Houili OiuuW , .Neb. _ _
Live Stock Commission ,
loom 13 , Ezcbaaiio llulldlng , Union Stock Yards.
tkiuth Omalia , Neb.
Commision Dealers in Liye Socle ,
" . : om ! l Opjioalto KxctiAUKo IlutltllnK.Uotou Btoclt
YerJ , buutb Oinuau , Nub.
Of Omana , Limited ,
feus f
t _ ARrlciilUirni Implements. "
Dealer in Agricnltoral Implements , Wagons
Currlfigei nnd Ilucitlr J < * ip * Slrerl.tictwccnVttinn
lliirtlr ) ( , Klc.Vholcftlc. . Qinnrin. Nchnokn _
Wholoiftltt Ilcnlrr * In
Agricnllnral Implements , Wagons fcBnggies
_ tOl. ftC. ftt ml m Jon Ptr ct , Om h . _
p. P. MAST"A C o 7
Manufacturers of BncKeye Drills , Seeucrs
CulllTRlon , H r lt kn. Cider Mlllt ml l.ubnn 1M
T r1tcr > . Cor llthnnj > Mrbolnsi < trret * .
-Wtiolc l
AEncnltnral Implements , Waps&BnuEics
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Tivine ,
W. K. .Mpn.t , Manner. UllLcnTonwortli "t Uniulm
MtnuritrturvroniulJobben In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakjs , PJows Etc ,
Cor. Sili aa I 1'tcltlc silrcctc. Oninha , Sct > .
Artists' MotorlnlB. .
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Mattrials , Pianos and Organs ,
IMS Doiirtni Ptri'f 1. Omalil. Nbr k .
Booknollors nnd Stntlonoro.
H. M , & S. W. JONES ,
Succctiornto A. T. Kcnyim .t Co. , WtuilcBnlo A Hctnl
Booksellers and Stationers ,
l-'ine WedilliiR StiHut.ory , CinniucrclRl Slnlloncrj
li.-J llounlns Street. OniKlm. Noli.
Boots and Shoos *
( Micccsinri to Hepil , Jonrt A. Co. )
AlientiUir llofton Ituborr Slum Co. 1KB , 11U&11M
llirnejM. , Otualit. Ntbraaka.
W. V. MORSE & CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101.1MM103 Dougliu St.Omohn ManufactorySura1
inorsu. lit iiuii.
CoffOOB , SplCOB , EtO-
OmaliK CofTf c and Hplce Mills.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
laTorliiK KitrncU , l , > inilrr Illuu. Ink : , Kte. lilt-
UltilUrner Str t. Omati . Nctir tu.
Crockery and Glassware.
Agent for tbo Manufacturer * and Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Cliimneys ,
Kir llffl rv. 317 B. ISUi St. , Oniaba. Nebraska.
luiDoriL'rs and .lobbc of
Crcciery , Glassware , Lanus , Silyerware
Etc. 1514 KcrnnSt. . . \D' Parton liullillni ? .
Commission and Storcgo.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
ecUill " " ' - > - , "
ltry , , rirnc ,
UZHoward Str st. Oman * .
ucceiior > to McSbnne A Hcbrocdcr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
OmHba , Nebraska.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision
Merchant. CorrespouJcace solicited. 1CI ! .North li'tli
Ct ! Cet , OmuLu , Ncl > .
Coal , Coke and Limo.
" ' " " " "
Johte of Hard and Soft Coal ,
20n Mouth Uth Strr-rt. Oranlia , Nrliraikn.
j. J. JOHNSON & | CO. .
Mannfactorers ofWran
rtshlpjivrs ur Cowl , Cuak , Ou.uen Piaster , Ma
Drain Tlio. nnd Bower Hpe. OMac JIH , a. 13th
Bt. , Omaha , Nob. Tclcpbcn til.
Dry Coode ana Notions.
M. E SM ITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Famishing Goods and Notions ,
1KB nnd 11M IXiunlai , Cor. , lltli St. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and JohhersinDry GoodsNotions ,
Genti' I'urnlJhlnR floorti. Comer 1Kb nud llainey
bU..Oamha. Nubrakka.
Shippers of Coal and Cote ,
2I < South 13tti HU. Omahn. Nrb.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnam Struct , Omaba.Ncbrnika.
Omnha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Proyisions ,
' 06 , TOT , 703 nnrt 711 S. 10th St. , Oranha , Neh.
Wholesale Grocers ,
I th and I.eaTonnortb Street * . Onmlin ,
Wlinlcnalo Alanufacturcri of
Saddlery & Jaiiiiers of Saddlery Hardware
And Leather. UUJ , UUr > nnd HH7 UamiiJ til. , , Ooialio ,
Heavy Hardware.
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
JprlngiNY'Kon Htotk , IlarJwaru , Lumber , Die. 1209
and 1211 llarnuy Mtrect , Oiuklia ,
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanic * ' Tooli and Dnrfalo Brnlei. HOi UougUi
ritrect , Omaha , Nebratku.
Wholesale Hardware ,
ttband Harner HU. . Ouialia , Nob. Weitem Afienti
fvrAuitlu 1'owdfr Co. . JefferMin Blcol Nallr ,
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metals , Pheet Iron. etc. Atents for Howe BculCh ,
Jlianil Powder and I.yinuri llurhed
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
11V7 Haruijr utrutt , Omibn , Neb ,
All KMs of Building Material at WMssale
ISUStreut and Union rteleaTrncfc.OmJir. .
Dealer in Lumber , Latb , Lime , Sasti ,
Uoor > , Utc. r -Coruer 7tU and CounUii Cu.oei i !
Mb ted llouilit I '
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13tb ana California Slfocln. Omaha. .Vcbnnta.
' '
Lumber Lime Ce'inelit'iic
, , , , Etc ,
Corner h oml IV > UBlftif.i.Oniariik
To Dealers Only ,
Oftlco , IkTI r rnnm lrrd Omaha.
Wholesale Lumber Elc ,
Qulncr Whltn Llnio.
Dealer in Hardwood Limber ,
VfOfA Carrcta nml rnrqiiol Floorlnf ; Pth ami IVMulaa
Illlnory nnd Notions.
Importers & Jotters in Millinery & Notions
W. 1111 niul 21 ? Poiitli nth Ktrwl
Ovornl'a. _
Manufacturers of Oycralls ,
leant 1'ant * , feliim , Kto. llOJnml HIM IXmflat Street ,
Umahu. Jivu.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
4(0 ( and YiR ( ulh loth St. , Onmha.
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
A le rtmi .Ktc..Oi iili > . A 11 HliOinri. VnniiBnr
Notions and Gent's ' Famishing Goods ,
1105 Itarnvr Htrort , Omnlm.
Office Fixtures.
Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantlet. Slilrlioarl' , Hook Ciim-ii , ! > rii Klxtun'i.Wntl
( a i > * , IVtttltliin-i. lHlllni. ( , CiniiitiT , Hm-rniHl Whin
1'iiiilpm , .Mlrrorn.oK1. Kuolnry am' oftli-p , K.UnnJ li.a
iouth l.lth St. , Omaha , Telephone ItU.
Paints nnd Oils.
Wholesale Dealer * 111
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
1118 Furnatn Street. Omaha , Nob.
_ _ _ Popor.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry * nice Hoc * of Printing. Wrapplnn ami Writing
rn , . r. Bptclal attention nlvon to car loud onlttra.
Paper Boxes.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Nos. 1317 anil 13JU Douglas St. , Onwtut , Net ) .
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
Bllnnd J > 13Joncs"titrwt Omaha.
Storage , Forwarding A. Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Drnnch houiic of the llcrtucy HiiKpy 0t. ( llii lt'n A |
wbvlctale and rotuil. 1.IIH 1310lind 111-1 linril Utrevt ,
Omalia. Tolcvuonc No.0.
lager Beer Brewers.
1W1 North KlethtocntU Street , Omah , Xcb.
Manufacture Galyanizet Iron ant Cornice ,
Jobu Epeoeter I'roprlttor. 930 Doilno ml lUluuil IU
North loth Street , Omaha.
_ Materials. _ _
" '
Anxiliary Publishers ,
Pualenln Type , I're c nnd Irlnti > r > ' Supplies. W3
South mh Street. Omaha.
_ RtUjbor CoodGj _
Hanufactnrers anfl Dealers in Rubber Goo fls
311 Clothlnc and Leather Ucltluit. VXS Knrnnru titroet.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
/bolCBalo Mnnuf'.cturcrtiol
Sasli Doors , Blinfls and Monllings ,
Branch OHcc , ISIli and linrd Streets , Omaha , Nob. s
Manufacturers of Sasn , Doors , Blinds ,
V-uldlnas.KtnlrWork nnil Interior Hani Wool FI *
all. N. J2. CvruurKtti ami Uiavouwurtli Htru-Jls ,
Oiuaun , . 'uti *
Sto orn j lt 11 n e s , Pumpo " , Etc.
Pumps , Pines and Engines ,
H nm , W lcr , lln.lway nnrt MlnlnK Ktippllea , Kle.
WU , va nnil IUI t urnaru htn-ot , Omulin.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam nud Water Buppllei. II'-'i'iunrliT. fi" Mnit.
d Karnmu | . , Ora k
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
' I2ii-15
Iron Works.
Carter & con , 1'rop'f. Manufacturer" of nil llmt :
Steam Boilers , TanKs and Sheet Iron Worfc
Workt jjoulli 'Oth Hud II. & M. Cronlnn.
Wrought and Cast Iron Bnilding. Worlr ,
! ni > 'lne > . Dram Work.aeucral Foundry , Aluolilnn and
JJIuckiuillU Work. Otllie n > ! Wnrk , U , I' . Itr.
und ITlb htrcct , Omiiliu.
OTdN w"ORKS , '
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
) cek Hulls , Window Gunrdi. Clowrr Snn1 ! , Wlra
flKni. Ktc. 1ZI North 10th Ktrtcl.Omulm. _
OMAHA SAFE and ioiwom < s ,
Man'frsofFire&BiirilarProofSafes '
Vault * . Jnll Work , Iron tuirl Wlrn Kenrlair. Kl m. Kta ,
U. Aailreea , l'iop'r. Cor. lltb and Jackton 11.
ron and Wire Fences , Railing ? , Guards
r.nrt Strfonf. fcrUnnknotUr 9. < iorr > roil.Icuco' , ate ,
Improved Airnlnx , Ixiokunlth Mutulni'r ) urid
llllickirulth Workt , tUlhniltli Ulh HI.
Fireand Burglar PraafSafes.TiniB Locks
Acm iur Divbula till a It J.oun U < .iu.i..nri | )
Vuull.aad Jull Woik.U'JB , ISU g ( .
In coat
: ctlop