Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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The Thirteenth Annual Convention
In Session at Waterloo.
Representative ) ! Present From All
the heading OKlon of tlio Country
Srtlo of Flno Cftttlc
Haw key o Note * .
Tlio Hnwkoyo Dairyman.
o , In. , Nqv. 1-1. [ Special to TUB
fan : . ] The thirteenth annuul session of the
Town Mutter , Cucctc and titw association
convened lu this city yesterday , with about
fwo hundred delegates iirqsent. Among
those In attendance- are Colonel It. M. Lit
tler , secretary of tlio National ngioclatlon :
lion 11. \VhcoIer , president of the Stuto
Airrirultural society ; It. IX Sliorniiin , state
dairy commissioner ; Hon. L. S. Gates , prcil-
duut of the State Mutter , Cheese and KRI ? ns
Bociallon , and n largo number of delegate- *
from different part. % of the stain. There are
aluo twenty members of the National nsno
ulnttoii present from Chicago , thirteen from
New York , four from Hoston and emi from
KLouis. . There Is a largo cxhibltioii of
dairy article1) and products.
The excrclnes last evening oomnrlaed the
welcoming nddressc and response , nml nd-
drossoi by President Wheeler , of the Stuto
Agricultural society ; H. U. Sherman , stuto
lalry commissioner , Hon. II. II. Shaaff , of
Illinois , originator of the practice1 of dehorn
ing cattle , and President fl , W. Harnctt. of :
the Chicago produce oxchnnfre. The asso
ciation will remain In session for three dayH.
To-day's new delegations from points
within und without the state swelled the
dairymen's convention to tnoro nearly the
proportion of a national than a state patlicr-
Intf. From all quarters of the country they
fxunc , until the commission men and boolc
farmers almost outnumbered the real agri
culturists. The N * > w York men predominate ;
in numbers and activity over the representa
tives of any other city. This morning's ses
sion was opened with 11 discussion , animated
and exhaustive , of "pastures , drainage and
Brasses. " Following this was a paper on
ensilage and winter feeding , with
out the URiml wide difference
pf opinion , the majority agreeing
that silo and unsilage xvcro Indispcnxablu to
the prosperity of Iowa. The most important
matter of the whole meeting was the ad
dress on dehorning cattle , hv H. H. ShaafT ,
of Illinois , the originator of the process , flo
proved conclusively that all considerations.
financial and human , culled for the general
dehorning of cattle. State Dairy Commis
sioner Sherman read an interesting and long
on the dairy interests of lo .vn , show-
Caper marked increase in creameries , clioeso
factories , etc. , over 1W. The last paper of
the afternoon was by James Wood , of New
York , on the dairymen , the little ones. Local
Bl > cakcr hold the stugo to-night.
To-morrow tho' egg men have aurlofin-
Notable Snle of Cattle.
MitiXBS , In. , Nov. H. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Br.E.J A very notable sale of
caltlu was concluded here to-day , the entire
Jierd of Aberdeen Angus cattle belonging to
William D. Lee , of Leavcnworth , Knn. ,
being disused of at auction. The sale Began
yesterday , with over two hundred buyers
present from Illinois , Missouri , Kansas , No-
bruskn and loWa. The sales yesterday ag
gregated . ? IL',000 and to-day $13,000. The en
tire Ircrd wa rsold in ninety-six sales , realiz
ing ? 2f > ,000 , or an average of J2C9.SO each
nixty-threo cows at an nvcrago of 1304. iiO
each and thirty-three balls at un nvorago of
S203.50 each. The highest price , paid was
for the cow Lady Susan , sold to P. M. Mills ,
of this city , for 575.
Harrison's I'lurallty lu Iowa.
DBS MOIXBS , la. , Nov. 14. [ Special Tele
gram to TiiEiBee. ] lie turns of the complete
vote lor president have been received from
nlncty-cigLtof the nlucty-nlnc counties of
tlio state. TU.O. remaining county ( Sioux ) is
reported as giving an increased republican
majority , though as yet the vote is unknown.
Quoting thVvote of that county the same a
lust year , though it. will Uo larger , and thj
iilncty-niuo counties give Harrison -WD.llw ,
and Cleveland 178,778 ; Harrison's plurality.
nOi01. : It is a noticeable fact that the total is
fll.OOO larger than It was lost year. The
democrats cant more votoi this year thnu the
republicans did last year , but the republicans
increased their vote also , giving thorn this
largo majority.
Tim Modern Woodmen.
Dns MOIXES , la. , Nov. 14. The head camp
ot modern woodmen devoted the morning
session to-day to detail work of the order. It/
was decided that the territorial jurisdiction
should bo all of Illinois north of the central ,
except Cook county ; all of Wisconsin , et-
ccpt Milwaukee : all of Minnesota , Iowa ,
Kansas , Nebraska , Colorado and Dakota.
This afternoon the delegates visited the cm >
Itol and wcro welcomed by the governor.
A Crazy tiovcr.
WATBIILOO , la. , Nov. 14. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB HER. ] It Is reported from
Hawlcyvlllo , Page county , that Stephen
Franks 'llrod upon and seriously wounded
Miss Carrie Love , his promised wife , be
cause she refused to consent to n speedy
marriage. Franks then , shot himself. Both
will probably recover ,
Prlcc-H I-'or Colts.
la. , Nov. 14. Two promising
colts tlve months old , sired by Nutwood , of
Stout's live stock farm , were sold and
shipped to-day to Louisville , ICy.'ho / ' price
paid for the. . two was f 1,000. A yoarlinjc of
Nutwood's get sold souio time ago for $5,001) ) .
Arn Sumo of the Tilings That Make
u diuretic.
Cuicvoo , Nov. 14. [ Special Telegram to
Tun HKK. ] For some tune pant ; the Chicago
Journu ! and the Evening Nfrws have been
waging a vigorous warfura against cigar-
ottos. The Journal has printed a series of
article : ) showing the large number of cigar-
ottcs that were sdid by little shop-keepers to
the pnhlia school pupils , and tin Interview
with the principals of iho various schools ,
and with physicians , shewing the extent und
Injury of the practlco among young boya.
The News has been investigating the compo
sition and effects ofcigaretts generally. With
this end In view a lot of packages of each
Errand commonly used were purchased mid
stripped of the boxes , cards and
every distinguishing mark. Each kind
kind was put Into a pasteboard
box , and the lid was Inscribed with a letter.
The so were taken to Prof. Dclafontaiii , a
, well known chemist. When ho bopari his
work ho had before him a series of boxes
lettered from A to 1C , inclusive. Knch box
inclosed n box oftCigurottcs , to the eye , at
least , exactly alike. Following Is the list
and brands indicated by tholetlcris
A , Old Judge ; ' . Sweet Cnporal ; C , Richmond
mend Straight Cut ; I ) , Dulco's Cameo ; R ,
Japanese ; V , Lone JncK ; O , Golden Holt ;
II , Uuko of Durham ) I , CocouroUe * ; .1 ,
Ihiko's Preferred Stock : 1C , Vunity Fair to-
ba/71-o for cigarettes. The News to-night
prfuts the result of the unulyi . The
chemist found that they wuro all mudo of
tooacco Imperfectly fermented , which means
that a greater amount of nicotine \v s pres
ent in them than there sliould bo naturally.
IIo found that all except C hud an UD aUimi
projioitton of Insoluble axl ; u condition
which ho declares t ui3 ! to the gruausr forma-
lion of poi crir.i vapors ; O , on the other
{ iiiia ! ; too lurge u projiortlon of soluble
rwh , which Iho chemist cannot undarutaud ;
K , I * and f ) are shoitcut. and bear uvldoiu-o
of huvtng been stooped In borne uli to
impart no unnatural flavor. II M Ird to
bdliovu that the stuff with wWch thsy ore
Jcii > rfguuV < 'd U aillior- belladonna or extract
of JUaj > A9ii weed , both hjxhly dun/uraim. nur-
colii. * , vrodtic'ng stupefying oliuctb upon
thd nerves. ' Al | evutpt C ? nnd V
are more or Iee5 n'.cpeJ In this
' .utC'j' ' a * le CttlU it. Tlicso art ) Hlclimotid
fitraL'ht Cut and Lone Judc. Only two
brands , O1U Juiliro und Bwect Cnporalveru
foupd tb contain cplum , The amount of
with Ihetolnl contcrtts of the cigarette * . Is as
follows- The dirt In Old .ludge Is to thp
whole amount ns 2 to 20) ) In Sweet Caporal
as.'i.r > to 10.4 : In lUrhmoud Straight Cub as
: i to ! .0.1 ; In Duko's Cameo , I to 11 ; In Kim.
ball .Tapnilcso ns S.ttt to 9.10 ; In Lone .lack ns
2.0) to 8.50 ; In ( loldcn Hell as B to 10.4(1 ( ; In
Unite of Durham as S.'JO to 10.IX ) ; in Cocoa-
rette * BS 811 to 8 > 0 ; In Dukes , preferred
stock 1 0 to 10.40 , and in Vanity Fair to
bacco as 4.SO to 1'
I'rnlrlo KlrrH In Dnkntn ,
Anrnnrr.f , Dnk. , Nov. 14. Largo pralrlo
fires nro racing west and southwest of thK
city. A stilt foreczo is driving thu lire
through the high grass at a fearful rate.
One farmer lost his house , barns , hay , etc.
Extent of ( latiuifb cannot bo leaincd at
OAIIT , Dnk. , Nov. 14. Fierce pralrlo ( Ires
have bcr > n raging southwest of this plnuu In
the midst of a forty-mllo irale. Considerable
damage , has been sustained. The fires arc
no\v tnought to bo out.
The small prairie llres which started yester
day afternoon -west of this orty have assumed
alarming proportions. The wind U sweep *
ing the llames through the tall , dry pralrio
grass toward the citj. The flro bilgado 1 *
endeavoring to fight back the flames , An
nttcmpt has been made to plow a lire break as
close to the advancing Names ns possible ,
but it Is feared that the town will bo
Tlio Aiitl-Orriuiiii Cut hello Movoinont.
Civi ivs'tTi , Nov. H. The dispatches from
Houiu saylui ; that n lictltlon had been pre
sented to the propaganda , protesting against
the predominating Influence of the Gorman
Catholics in America , having been shown to
n prominent theologian of this city , ho said
that such u movntuuat hud been on foot siuco
the last council ut liultimore ; that a petition
was presented ut N'otro Dame , fnd. , ut the
golden Jubilee of Father Sorln , drawn up by
Archbishop Ireland and signed by seven
bishops , embodying a request that the cate
chism shall be taught only In the Ktiqllsh
languugo and that lu these German parishes
where sermons heretofore were preached in
German they would now be preached lu
English ; that no moro festivities of a Ger
man nature should bn tolerated. In short ,
that everything German should bo abolished.
liishops DwciiKcr and Maes were chosen to
present the petition in Home.
Jeremiah Murmiti , of Lewis , la. , is visiting
Lynun Carpenter.
Ed U. Harper , who has been In Chicago
during the last fortnight , has returned.
Mrs , .lolin Pitzgorald mid Mrs. Mnggio
Logan , of Lincoln , are visitim ; T. E. Kelly.
Timothy Flyiiu , a cattle butcher , cut a
three-Inch gash down the back of the left
hand at noon time yetserday.
Mr. anil Mrs. Castor , of Oakland , To. ,
who have been the guests jf Mr. and Mrs.
Solon Walker , have returned home.
The Electric Light Co.'s machinery Is ar
riving and being put iu. The boilers arrived
ycstctildy and nearly till the balance Is ex
pected this week.
The Ladies Uenovolcnt Society held
meeting at the residence of Mayor and
Mrs. W. G. Sloano yesterday , and
arranced for it systematic charity work for
tlio waiter.
E. C. Ryun , superintendent of Armour's
ham department , has gone to Omaha where
he will marry Miw .lennio Colby.
Mr. and Mrs. Hyan will go to Chicago and
return via St. Louis and Kansas City.
William P. Campbell , since May 1 rar ac
countant of the Union stock yards , has been
appointed chief clerk bv Superintendent
Charles F. Hessglno , of the Nebraska divi
sion of thu Union Pacific railroad company.
A petition is being circulated among1 , and
generally signed by persons residing on
twonty-totirth street , to have the grading of
the street Hnished this fall so that water
pipes can be laid between O and Q streets , or
else to have the established grade changed
to suit the street as It i * now graded. The
CDmmissioncrs for want of funds cannot
pradc more , and as the street is only thrco
feet above grade now , property holders ask
the city to finish Iho grading or change the
Ilrotlicram's Slcknais.
"Dr. Kulph , is it true that there is a case of
smallpox iu the citv ! "
"No sir , " promptly responded tuo city phy
sician. .
"Is it not true that an army attache con
nected with the Department of the Platte is
now down with this complaint ! "
Dr. Ktllph meditated for a few seconds ,
mid referring to his note book , said : "It was
reported to me that a man mimed. Brothcram ,
who U an assistant to Dr. MacParliu , the de
partment surgeon , was sick of smallpox ,
but when 1 inquired of the doctor ho assured
me that it was not so. Urothcram. was
merely suffering from 'irritant fever.1 "
' You did not sco Brothcram yourself ,
"No sir , but I ain assured by General Mac-
Parlin that the case ii not smallpox , und ho
ought to know. "
Speccblegs and Unknown.
Late , last night the police discovered an
elderly man lying on the ground north of the
Sixteenth street viaduct. The unfortunate
man was unable to speak and remained in
that condition when rcmoved'to police hcaa-
quarters. Dr. Ralph wits summoned to at
tend the poor followaad promptly responded.
At the time of going to press the uiua re
mained in the same condition. It is hardly
likely ho will recover. There were no pa
pers found upon him to show who ho is.
Catarrh Cured ,
A clergyman , after years of sulVering
from Unit loathhouie disease , Catarrh ,
iinrt vainly trying every known remedy ,
ivt lust found u rccijio v-li\ch \ completely
cured and saved him from death. Any
MilTcror from thia dreadful discuso Bencl-
inir a self-ndilrcsbud stamped envelope
to Prof. ,1. A. Lawrence. 8S Wnrron St. ,
New York City , will receive the recipu
free of charge.
Monthly Meet I UK of the Ijoyal
Thu members of the Loyal Legion met last
night at the Millard hotel fur the transac
tion of tholr usual monthly business affairs ,
The work done urns of a routine character at
the termination of which the members pres
ent at adown to n banquet served up In Man.
ager McDonald's best stylo. The gathering
wn very informal , there being no list" of
toasts set apart. Though Inlormul , it was
none the less pleasant , and a very delightful
tiuiowu& enjoyed by all present. Amongst
those present word Mayor Uroutch. Lymun
lilubardfton , Cnutalu Humphroy , Major
Drown , .1. N. II. Patrick , James Franco ,
Major Franklin , Church Howe and Joha Ii.
Ferry. _
nomantiu Children Elope.
TUINTUX , N. J. , Nov. 14. Charles llugga-
boreageu sixteen , a clerk corn Ing $1 a week
in a carpet store , has eloped with Lulu Hob ,
aged thirteen , daughter of Ante Holz , a
wealthy Gorman In the produce commission
business. The boy and girt were first mUsed
Sunday night. They have been traced as fur
aa Jersey City , l > u' < have not yet been found.
Neu'M I'Voiu the White Panha.
OAIUO , Nov. M. Messengers who hava ar
rived at Wadyhalfa report that the' myntcil-
ous Whlto Pashn In Haher-el-Go el district
Iris fought a great battle und klllcU many
dcrvlfhe * .
Poiltlrcly Cared by
ttieta Little rillf.
They lao ruUera Dls
treta from Dyiptr
Indigestion and Too
Hotrty EiUlng. A per
fect remedy for Dl t-
ne g , Nausea , Drowsl
ucis , Had Tasta In the
Ubutb.CoatcJTongue ,
fain lathe Bide , TOlt-
Pir > UVKri , Ac. Tnr rf u.v. ! ? the Doifoli
an4 prf ret Constipation and I'ilci. T ! .
m ! ! f r < an-1 ea ( ' t to tkk * Onl/ can p' ,
U i-rntt
Mayor Broatoh mid Chairman Dttl-
combo on the City Charter.
Its I'oworw Should Bo Extcmlcil
llntlier Than Curtailed Hoard
oC Public- Works ntul Other
Municipal Slattern.
The Otnnha Charter.
Mayor Uroatch wants n better city
charter. Ho thinks the- present ono should
bo amended or a now ono created. His
honor was Interviewed last night'by a UEK
representative upon tho-subjcct.
"I have no objection , " said the mayor , "to
being put on record as saying that I am in
favor of amending our present city charter ,
It lids got to bo altered , and thoifgh I nnuiot
exactly prepared to tnlk to you to-night , still
you can say that much. "
Asked his opinion upon the question of
reverting to the old style of things In polica
matters , Mr. Uroatch smiled and said :
"Evcryoiirj knows hotv I feel upon that sub
ject. Any change I shall support.twlll not
not bo to abrogate the functions of the polica
commission , but rather to extend them ; to
make them moro nuthoratntlvo tliati they
appear to be at the present time. "
"How about the board of public1 works ? "
"Woll , sir , you can quote mo as
saying that I would hgvo that body
less of a figurehead , and more of
a reality that it is nt present. To correctly
lulflll the purposes for which they were
called Into existence they should bo free-
from the obstructive tactics sometimes
brought to play against them. I hope to sco
the board iu this position that they shall have
thu llnal disposition of contracts scut before
them , with no mipcal from their decision. "
The mayor further said that he was simply
waiting to see if any new charter was being
prepared bv others , if not , ho himself would
bava one drafted.
When spoken to respecting the privileges
accorded to cable , motor uud horse car com
panies , who jumped in whenever it suited
them und caused much mconvonloncc to public
travel by tlio manner irt which they loft the
public thoroughfare , the mayor said that our
present charter was sufllciently comprehen
sive to cover that trouble if advantage were
taken of the provlsitms therein' .
"Yes , there are two or throe things in our
city charter that 1 think it would be as well
to amend , " said Chairman llitlcombo , of the
board of public works , last night , "but I
guess our delegation will attend to them.
Ono of them upon which I have spent much
thought Is our present system of paving.
It Is wrong , but the council' Is not to hlamo
BO much as the property owners. They
seem to have become possessed of n mania
for paving the streets , and although the near
approach of winter will soon put a stop to all
works of the kind , the office is daily crowded
by those wishing the streets paved nt
once. I tell them its too Into , but Its
no use , and then they go and badger the
councilmcn until they order the paving done.
Now , I think the legislature should
restrain the board of public works' from
authorizing the construction of paving until
ono year after the grading is done , and 'the
sewers , gas nnd water mains laid , with the
laterals extended to the curb. This would
give tlio road bed a chance to settle and prevent -
vent paying nn oxhorbttant price for grading.
At present there nro no funds for grading
purposes , and the mayor vetoes all contracts
for grading. The property owners , however ,
rush through their paving schemes , and the
contracts call for an allowance for 'extra
grading. ' The paving contractors have
to engage a plant for thut purpose , and the
cost counts up , as in the case of
Vinton street , where f'J.200 was expended for
grading four blocks at liOo per yard. Of
course the property owners pay for it , but it
would not have cost much more than one-
half that amount If proceeded with in the
ordinary way. Then , agalnrwhen , the pav
ing is dona before the tilled eartn in sewer
and pipe trenches has settled , it leaves n
hollow beneath the pavtsffleat and it soon'bo- '
comus broken uud useless. The exi > ensp of
the repairing becomes enormous , and asdt is
paid from the general fund it has to bo born a
by the citizens nt largo , who thus suffer from
the undue hnsto of the others. Twentieth
street from Pierce to Centre is an example.
The paving ordinance was rushed tbrjuirh ,
and while the material waff being placed on
the ground the water works company
was laying one large main ami the gas com
pany two others. The contractor go
ahead all the same , and the chances are that
the. paving on top of the now made earth ,
will have to bo repaired at the expense of
the city before long. For awhile Omaha
grow so quickly that it was necessary to rush ,
the pavement In the business part of the city
to keep our good name , but with the amount ,
wo have now constructed it is no longer
necessary. I am in favor of extending a' few
of our leiidlnij- thoroughfares as far as de-
slrablo , but think n check should be put to-
our indiscriminate paving , and I intend to
recommend the council to cut-
down the appropriation for the intersection
fund , from $100,00(1 ( to S5lOOQ ) , which will
check it about half. The only proper way ,
however , is for the legislature to restrain
the council or board of works from ordering'
paving to bo clone until the in-ailing is com
pleted , all necessary pipes am ) sewers laid ,
and the earth allowed to settle for at Icust
one year.
"Another thing that should be remedied Is
the calling for separate contracts for the
curbing ac.d paving. . This necessitates the
issuing of separate bonds , and causes a
great deal of unnecessary trouble and ex
pense. Besides thut , It often leads
to vexatious delays where the pav
ing contractor has to wait for the
curbing contractor , as happened last
year , ana it gives dilatory contractors
a chance to luy the blame on each other when
they don't feel Inclined to push on their
work , and thus escape tuo penalties they In
cur. The man who gets the ono contract
should got both , und Cuuld bid accordingly.
To do this the charter should be amqmlcd to
enable the city council to Is-juo bonds for
the paving and curbing combined and to < let ,
the contracts in the same way , and thia
would not only save endless troublu and nn-
noyanco , but dollars and cents.
"One more thing is ncrdcd.iatid that Is
power for the council to borrow from the
fund to pay the sidurics of another , This la
meant for the bcnellt of the
Inspector nnd the city ns well.
We cannot get good men very readily on the
present terms. In the first place 'they have
to wait until thu contract Is completed and
levy made , which Is generally done two or
thrco months afterwords. They cunnotcven
get u warrant or the scratrn of n pen to show
that the city owns tlion : A doling nnd yet
they are expected to keep themselves und
families alive for three , four , live or.evun t > Ix
months without u cent. Thisis siiiiplylm-
pojslblo and I bava already lost several of
my best men , while others have notified mo
that they won't re-engage next year. It leaves
thorn open to temptations' OB well , bocnnsa
when llmmclully embarrassed , It is only na
tural for thorn to look to the contractors
they mcot daily for n Jlttlo tcm'prrary ns is -
anfo. Once thny receive it their usefulness
Is at an end , tor they would be more than
human to repay a Ulndness of that kiud by
un ovcr-rcnlous inspection. Thp contractors
know ft , and doubtless soi-o of them would
be wlllnig to profit by It. Now , to put an
end to nil thin , the ins | > ectors should bo paid
monthly tliosunift a other employes of the
city , and when thur * uru nn. funds for the.
purpose , tha council should bn pupoWetcct to
borrow from the general fund , salary fund or
other fund , a sufficient amount to pay them ,
and the sum thus takuu from thnso funds
could Ira repaid as soon as the levy u made.
I think the legislature would give the neces
sary permission If rtfi.cRt | d.17
Ailvlee to Mothers.
MM. Winslow'i.Southing ' Syrap should al-
Will's be usHdforcliiMrcu teething , Itsoothos
tha Child , so/tons the tvms , allays all pain ,
cuivsw ! d colic , and 1st thn be : * ; remedy lor
diarrUou. ! > ! > o a bottle.
A Jlorao Thlof I'Yoni I.uva Sentenced
to i/io / I'ontontltu-y.
John Steward , tha horse thl f captured at
DPS Molnos , was arraigned before Judge
Groflf , and as was foreshadowed In Tin :
UCL- , entered a ; il a of guilty. Evidence of
tha pruvlous good character of thj prisoner
was produced , r.ttd ho displayed his hands to
thu cvuit , uhioit aUo Uor& evlJeucoof huv-
Ing performed manual labor. 'Ho stated that
ho was th9 only moans of support ot an
aged mother , and solicited mercy from the
court. Judge fjrpfT doled out volumes of
fatherly advice , and then administered n
sentenced of oiitt'.rear ' nt hard labor lathe
penitentiary. Although this was the mini
mum allowed uy law in such cases , the pris
oner took his wluoncc very perceptibly to
Equity cases In cJisncory arc receiving the
attention of Judge Walselcy.
The case of Slomnn ntjninst Knuftmnn
Hros. , nn. nctlin/ recover f 1,000 on n
promissory not A before Judge Hopcwoll.
An InforiimtlArj'A'iis Hied Tuesday by the
state against DtoJC'lnrk , charging' him with
having , on or uWiit the Ulh day of November ,
assaulted ChnrtesfKlng with intent to kill.
Judge Qroff was taken 111 yesterday
nnd the proceeding * in his chamber have
been discontinued for the , present.
Ulchard Unrnnclo sues Thomas P. Hind-
nun to quiet title on west one-half of south
one-half ot Jot 40 , Oefso's addition.
The case OfI'nyne ncjaliHt Hongland was
called before1 Judge hopowcll late yesterday.
The Nebrrskn Saving bank have entered
sutlt ngalnst F. C. Mollrlde , ot. nl. , for the
recovery of < JU\X \ ) and Interest nt the rate o f
ID jior cent from August no , ISbS , The
debt at IssUe was Incurred in the form of a
promlssory'noto for vnlno Yccclvod.
W. 7. . Sohc'r , ek al. , dolnp buslhcss nt
Kphrasta , Pa. , sued D.ivld Kaufman ot. nl.
in the county court for the payment of f2SO
ntid Interest nt the rate of 7 per cent ,
from June 50 , 18SM. The defendants con
fessed responsibility1 , nnd Judgment was
given accordingly
John D. Thomas has filed suit against
Clmrlos W. Kdgorton atid G. Hlmorod , Isaac
Hnscall und Henry DeUon , Edgorton's
bondsmen , for the recovery of damages by
reason ot n bond filed by the defendant , Ed-
gcrton.and . which when foroclosc'd upon was
round to bo utterly valueless.
In the case PJillllps vs. Dennis , the Jury
found H verdict for the plaintiff , in the sum
of $17.20 : ) , provided that the money remain
In possession of the court until the Ileus In
the case are cancelled.
' United States Court.
Judge Hrowcr disposed of the motor In
junction case against- the street railway
yesterday by remanding It to the district
court. He held that the nature of the Issue
did not involve the Jurisdiction of the federal
The case of Aaron Cover against S. P.
Vnnnctta , In an action to open und set aside
n former decree Of the circuit court , is be
fore Judge Urewer.
Follx VH. Patrick. Decree sustaining de
murrer to bill , nnd dismissing case nt com
plainant's costs.
Hays vs. Hatty et. ul. Decree for com
Koskrom vs. Fusha. Dccrco for defend
ant.Wynt vs. Rlelinrdso'n country. Demurrer
overruled nnd leave given to answer.
County < /oiirt ,
E. II. Carbctt has brought suit ugains t W
H. nnd II , D. Smitli , in nn action to recover
$ lf > 0 Judgment on n promissory note.
A Chnptcr of Accidents.
J. F. Hospodsky , editor of the Narodnl
ListI , nearly lost his eyesight Tuesday
through the carelessness of a physician , who
put up his own iirescription. By n mistake ,
ho put up a8tron _ solution of carbolic acid
instead of cocaine , and the result is n badly
burned face and u painful injury to the eyes.
Ilnn HqYn and Pole'1-
Jim McQuade4Kpnglnccr of Union Pacific
engine 031 , was Ifftocked down by a runaway
team on Pierce str.Cet Tuesday night nnd badly
injured. IIo was strUcIc in the ribs by the
pole of the wngort'jihd ' will be confined to the
house for some time.
Damaged 15inployca.
Chas. E. Siniths nround tlw U. P. yards
in behalf of the PoC lc Mutual Aid associa
tion , settling up Vq claims of railway men
for loss of.limbs.i Howard Thompson , the H.
& M. switchman , who lost hl right hand
Oct. 3 , will recoil $8t..r 0 < > . A former notice -
tico iu Tun Umi ftaid'Jthat Thompson was the-
man so badly beatoftKbr the striker * , but
that was a mistake. " '
Thrown From n' C r.
Frank FerrymaTi , a bright 14-j-ear-oid call
boy , was seriously injured nt the Tent a
street yard Tuesday night. He had dclivor/jd. /
a message and wa $ standing on tha top ofa
box car , when ajar caused by taking up'-tho
slack of the train , threw him to the ground.
Hn was taken to St. Joseph's hospital , and it'
was found that his shoulder blade was frac
tured and dislocated. Ho resided with nis
father near Twenty-flrst and Hammond
streets. The father lost two lingers a short
time ago.
Maslfcd Finaora. .
Attorney Strawn gel ono ono of his fingers ,
badly smashed yesterday by a street-car dri
ver suddenly shutting the door on it as
Mr. Strong was aboutrto pass out.
in Iho ears , sometimes a miring , bu/-
/.iitg HO u nil , are causedby cntnrrh , llmt
exceedingly disagreeable uud very com
mon dibouso. . Loss o smell or hearing-
ulso result from catarrh. Hood's Siii'sn-
parilla , the great blood purifier , is
peculiarly successful remedy for this
disease " , wliich it cures by piirlfyinff Hie
blood" . If yea suffer from cntarrh , try
Hood's Saraaparilla , the peculiar
Officer Bavnge'a Blackmailer.
The trial of Mrs. Tony Heldt , who was ar
rested Tuesday by Officer Savnqe on the
charge of being : drunk und disorderly , was
hold before .Tudgo Berka yesterday. She
denies being drunk , but Ofllccrs Savage and
Dempscy and Mr. Colin testified that nlio
was drunk and used profane language. Of-
Ilccr Havagn denies ever having made any in
decent proposals Ul nor and claims that he
never saw her until the tim of her arrest.
The other police oflicers condemn the asser
tions of the woman as being intended for
blackmail. Tha Judge \va * satisfied of the
woman's guilt add fined her 13 and costs.
An Absolute Curo.
Is only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped band * , and all skn erup
tions. Will positively car ? all'kinds of piles.
MErTT. Sold by Goodman Druar Oo. ( at 'M
cents per box by mall 30 cents.
ICallrnad Kotos.
J. K. Ryan , a heavy Huston railroad con
tractor , an * family.ciyne ( n on special cnr
from the east yenefifrty , itnd will remain
In Omaha a day or Irto ,
Mr. Hunan , one'of'lhc government dlreo-
tors of the Union " "Paplllc , arrived from the
cant and went wckt > ml night iu the Union
Pacific spcciat'carr * ' ;
AVcbstcr SnydoiyWViucr Buporinlendenl of
the Union PaclllcliHas left for Qalveston ,
"They can say wfjij } ; ( hey like , but there's
gQliif ? to bo big tro.i ) | > Jo on the roads before
long , " said one rifilroai ] employe in a IKM- |
tlou to know , "and you can put it down thut
the Burlington Isnit going to win tills strike.
If you don't believe It look at this , " and ho
produced a rot'elpted-ajnl bill for his winter's
supply "I'm BO Aifu oUH that I'm ptilting
In my winter's coaf .now. and If you've any
friends toll them fjff do .the same. Just ask
any of the boys'W'lijit ' tlio grievance- com
mittee have boon dirt rig slnca the convention
I know of ono , a chairman , who hadn't time
to stop over at lil-i - home , but went on out
west to confer with the men out there. Of
course they keep silence , "
"About seventeen ycurc ago the Union
Pacific ran a tr .fn something like the one
they propose to put on now , " said a Union
Pacific ofllciul. It wua a Pullman train ,
made few stops and quick time to Oakland.
It had the burbpr sliop attachment and all
improvements that Wcro m&dcrn in these
days. It only took on passengers at North
Plattaand Choyonnu'oftor leaving Omaha
und was doiii ? u largo business. It cut into
the Central Paclllc traffln ' , nnd they said it
was cutting their ro'ad to pieces bdcause
their rails wera light , and It was with
drawn , "
Thu Yellow l-'ovor.
JACKSOXVIUI : , Pla. , for. 14.Tlicro wcro
thirty-four new ruses of yoilo-.v fovcr and
two doathfi to-day. Total tasos , 4,1.VJ { total
deaths , OVA
The Onrdon Olty Furulahoa a Ro-
irmrknblo Love Story.
He Vlbrntofl Between Ono of Ills
Own Countrywomen ami n Fair
Scnoiitn. ami Now Will Wed
the Latter.
/ * Fickle Swnln.
Cine \no , Nov. H. [ Special Telegram to
Tun HEE.I A rorauntia love affair Is at
present agitating the French colony in Chicago
cage , Mrs , Josephine Sicotto , n pretty young
widow lu Very comfortable circumstances
who lived on West Ohio street , bns long.been
n great bcllo among her countrymen here. A
few months ago It was announced that John
H , Menjer , a Frenchman , was the fortunatt
man , und that he nnd tlio widow woreto be
married.- Unluckily , however , the susfccpti
We Mr. Mdrgar inct n Mexican girl , Dele
ritn Mnztirny , al n party nnd fell in lotfo
with her , tod. Mfss Mnzuray wna a gov
erncBS In a well known north side family
Merger nnd his last Iliimo also became en
gaged , nnd both women , by some strange co
Incidence , began to press for an early mar-
riago. Finally he set a day foi
the imtirrlage xvlth Dolorita Miuur.iy
She bought nn extensive trousseau am ;
made all the necessary arrangements , finally
sending out the wedding Invitations. Worried
almost to distraction , about three weeks ago
Merger went to Mrs. Slcotto's brother and
inndo a confession , telling him ho loved Mrs ,
Slcottc n thousand times moro than ho lovuil
Dolorlta Maxurny. The brother proposed
that they shonld'consult a lawyer ns to the
best method of getting rid of the Mexican
sweetheart without opening the way for n
suit for breach of promise. They went that
evening to Justice Illume. At the suggr-s'
tion of the justice they came again in n few
nights nnd brought Dolorltn Mazuray along.
A voluminous document was drawn up by
the justice and signed by Dolorita Mazurny
and John H , Merger , releasing ouch other
from all obligations , legal or mural , nnd , In
short , annulling the promise of marriage.
A doreu dressumUers went to woriclmmo-
dlntely upon the trousseau of the widow ,
Josephine Sicottc. The wedding was
set for Sunday afternoon , November
i , two days after the date of the
agreement , and invitations were nt once Is
sued. Mrs. Sieotte spent nearly $500 in
making all the necessary arrangements.
Saturday noon Merger called and kissed
the bride aqd looked nt her magnificent veil
In the afternoon Mrs. Sir-otto and her sis
tcr , Mrs. Webur , went together to the office
of the county clerk and took out the mar
riage license. Merger did not call to sco his
bride Saturday evening. Neither did ho put
In an appearance Sunday mornimr. The
wedding was set for two o'clock. Guests
worenrr iving , the bride was waiting for the
bridegroom , till beautiful in nor bridal suit ,
but lip did not come. At half past two Mr.
Malette ) announced that something had hap
pened , und the guests went home. Nothing
more wus neard of the truant bridegroom.
Ycsterda.vh mnrriugo license was granted to
John B. Merger nnd Dolorita Mazury.
Tlio Exhibit Openiuc at Mr. Lduln-
Rcr's To-Jlny.
The first exhibition of the Western \rt as
sociation opens at the Liningcr gallery to
day , Upwards of three hundred and
fifty pieces have , so far , been catalogued and
the result from all Indications will bo dccid-
enly creditable to the city and stato.
The gallery yesterday presented a very
animated appearance with the enthusiasts
busy hanging and nrraugiug thu various con
tributions. The gallery Is a line structure
with a beautifully tiled lloor. . domed roof and
lighted entirely by skylights. A great many
of the pictures were yet to bo Iiuug and
others were In poor position so that only the
most cursory review will be given which will
possibly omit some of the most noteworthy
There are all manner of subjects , gladiators
in the heat of combat or the throes of death ;
haymakers lunching under the blue sky and
by the side of uurling brooks ; ships reeling
before a hissing storm nnd floating peacefully
in the dead calm of the harbor ; ( lowers , dogs , '
borsoB , fishermen , Italian boys nnd Spanish
dancing girls in fact , all the subjects which
custom haa made picturesque.
Among the most thoroughly artistic pieces
are those of Miss Miller , u young lady of
superior talent who has recently taken up
her residence in the city. Her child's ' head
a little bluck-cycd , bojigeu-balred , chubby-
faced uiUchicf-inakcr , is the subjectof agood
deal of favorable comment. She has
also a landscape with a shimmering distance
and a'wclt drawn group of sheep In the back
ground ( n splendid couy of Paul nnd Vir
ginia with draperies which seem to fairly
nutter iu the wind ; a box of cherries , natural
enough to eat ; a dark-hulred richly colored
head of an Andalusian beauty , and various
Mrs. M. Vanllorn has a little sketch of
grandmother's bible uud spectacles ; Mrs.
lialbach some beautiful flowers ; L. M" . Gil
bert ; flowers ; Miss Nellie Kosowater , n
cluster of very natural cars of red corn , n
Iruit cluster , and two unique pieces , ono u
lobster , and the other some hard boiled eggs.
A. Hothcry has several pieces , among them
studies of game , fruit , ( lowers , nnd a couple
of well execnted boys' heads. II. Strong
has a lai'go ' lumUcai > e with a young
girl and child in the fore
ground. Mrs. Muinaugh has several
good pictures including fruit studies and a
line windmill witli an effective distribution
of lights and shades. Mrs. R. A. Willis
studies of animals , notably sheep , us well as
her human figures , will bo much admired.
Mrs. J. D. Dodman has u largo picture rep
resenting the launching of a life boat with n
fine plnv of wave and sky. Miss Ada Farns
worth among others , has a beautiful little
sea shell study of mdst delicate coloring.
Mrs. Silkworth contributes ono of the lead
ing features in the Hhn | > o of several large
landscape and forest views. H. H. Uagg's
landscapes , including a view near Lincoln
have beautiful misty distances and rich col
orings. Mrs. Fnllpr' wayside { lowers is a
gem in Its wav. Mrs. < ! . I. ( Jilbrrt has cattle
nnd HCU pieces. Mis.s Pratt , an Italian head.
Miss Hntchinson u cluster of lilacs.
C. N. Ambrose , sea pioeea. Minnie
liluctf , a young musician : MM. John Uruth ,
lilacs ; J. H. O'Neill , the gladiator's last
buttle , a very strong piece ; Miss Albright , a
furin hnuso scene and other- * ; Miss Fuller , n
having scene and jjrouu of cattle ; F. O.
Strung , alako view ; Mrs. .Stimmcl , a well
executed head ; Mmlirodt , u mountainous
laudscapo ; Aim. C. H. Iligprliison , the head
of u retriever ; Mrs. J. J , Uliss , several
landscapes ; Mrs. Points , small landscapes ;
MISH Mealny , a well-colored moonlight view
Mrs. Pierce , several landscapes , and Mrs. E.
C. Hrownleo has u spirited sketch of u pair
of frightened horses flying before an approaching
preaching storm , Among the water colors
will bo noticed a windmill with n line dis
tance , liy Allen ; a group of swallows , by
Mrs. Williams pannes , by T Knight ; a do-
llrfhtful landscape by Miss Murray , nnd num
erous others. Taken altogether , the exhibi
tion l well worth un afternoon of anyone *
time- .
_ _
FonrDoiKic , In. , Nov. 11. [ Special Tele
gram to THU Hic. ; | There was a notable
wedding here to-day in the marriage of Mlsa
Mariah Dolllver , sister of Hon. .1. H. Dolli-
ver , cniigrasxinan-olcdt , of this city , to Mr.
E. K. Graham , a young business man of Cln-
Innatl , Among the guests from abroad
ivere Revurul of the brldo'u fichool friends
From Ohio and Kentucky , and MM. Gover
nor La ? rabce , *
Prnilo HnntRiincil to Death.
P ni" , Nov. Jl.Prado , the man who mur
dered Marie Aqultunt for her Jewels , hus
been gcntonccd to death , no oxtiuiuitlng clr ,
cumstunces being fuund in his favor. The
munlornr received Ins sentence In a cool
manner. _
Ifnvo ThiiiBi Ttiolr Own Way.
CiiMioraix , Nov. H. Several longshore
men went on a strike this morning , doniund-
ing-id cents per hour , an Increase of l.'ocnts. .
The river Is full of vcssols , nnd as they must
bo loaded at once tholr demands will prob
ably be acceded to. Ko ( rouble U
, \
Danger In Driven Well ? .
"A ftroat lillo and cry has boon raised
agaliiBl ordinary wells of Into years , "
said nn oxnorl on dt'tnlfinj , ' water to n
Now York Mail anil Uxpross roporlor
recently , "nnd there hns been a decided
increase In the popularity of artesian
nnd driven wells. the water
obtained from the shallow , nltl-fnsh-
ionod well is often impure , people seem
to have made up tholr minds that walor
drawn up from deep rtown to the earth
will bo free from impurities. But any
such Idett Is the merest mm-
Hoii d. The source * the int-
purities of ordinary wc ll water wo
know becnttsu they are on or near tlio
. surface of the adjacent land , r'rom just
what Kouroo8 a doop-drivon well obtains
Its supply of water wo cannottell. .
Nuisances on the surface may bo abated
or so drained away from the well iw to
fairly protect the water from contami
nation , In the case of wells sunk hun
dreds of fool Into the earth wo onnuot
even ilotermlno from what directions or
from what dNlitneoH the supply comes.
Therefore , of rowrnovo cannot even
attempt to prevent oontnminntlon of Jtho
unknown hoiuves and do nothing what
ever to eliminate the element of mill-
oral poisons drn\vn from the lower
strntn. Tim idea thut n. piped well must
bo proof njrnlnsl drainage is clearly un-
tonublo. us the pluo itself and
the surrounding wall of unrth und
rock form un excellent conduct
in which all impurities limy How
down to the bottom o'f the
well-plpo. Driven and artesian wells
have still nnottior bad feature , ami
that is thu utter uncorfalnty ns to the
continuance of their supply. After
thousands of dollars have 'been ex
pended in sinking n deep well , the aup-
ply may only continue for ; i brief period
and then suddenly cease. In that
case the wall IH usolchj : util the money
snout in its coiiHlruction thrown invuy.
Water obtained from { jrontoit uopLhu is
usually impregnated with baits.or min
erals to ; i more or less dangerous ex
tent. It is rarely lit for industrial use ? ,
and the quality of the supply generally -
erally jrrowa worse ruthor than bolter
when the pumps are worked to draw
up the maximum supply. Avtomp.s to
work u well for all there In in it natur
ally drain till tlio neifrhboring un
derground sources , and moinhu'o of aur-
face nuisances in the vicinity of n well
thus forced i usually soon nlworbod
Despite all these objections to deep
wells many largo eitie have iiivobtcd ,
and nro investing , millions of dollars
in boring into the earth on the. moro
chance of striking a supply of good
walor. Unscrupulous atreuts for divers
artesian and driven well concerns suc
ceed in lobbying their schemes through
the local governments , Ihe local treas
ury usually hns a heavy bill to foot and
generally has its trouble for its pains.
Although to rush from the time-hon
ored , old-fiibhioncd well to the nrtosinn ,
driven or gang well is often like the
proverbial Icun trom the frying pun into
the fire. "
Senator Palmer' * Novel.
Senator Palmer in writing a novel ,
says the Now York Tribuneand his de
sire to complete and put it on the mar
ket within the comintr year is ono of the
chief reasons that led him to announce
to his constituents recently that ho
would not be a candidate for ro-oloi1-
tion. Mr. Palmer has always been fond
of literary pursuits nnd has repeatedly
said to his intimate friends that the
ideal life is thnt of the newspaper
correspondent. Both in Detroit and
Washington the senator hus often
ainu&cd himself by furnishing sugges
tions for newspaper articles , and IIIIH
frequently tried his hnnd nt writing
himself , and with good success. IJis
vast business interests prevent him
from following his inclinations in the
matter of newspaper work , however ,
and bo ho intcndb to .see wiiat ho can do
in the way of writing a book. He be
gan his labor of love last spring , and
during the dull days of the long session
of congrcssj when all the rooms in his
big house except his bed room nnd
ollice were dismantled and cloie'd , ho
put in many hours of good , solid work
with the pen. Ho frequently burned
the midnight oil over his task and , dis
carding the assistance of hia secretary
and friends , he has worked away with
great industry.
Thp squalor has not yet chosen a title
for his book , nor has he fully arranged
the details of his plot. In fact this part
of the task is giving him considerable
annoyance , an the ambitious author has
ns yet been lolally unable to dispose of
his characters prb | > crly to make the dif
ferent parts of the story , which ho lint
perfectly outlined , ( It 'together. The
here of the senator's book is a snd-
roced young mini who is engaged inn
constant war with fate , and who is des
tined for an unlfmoly Ami unnatural
deitlh. The only source of Inspiration
possessed by the senator in preparing
Ills story U a lingo white cat named
Snm , who has great intelligence. When
the writer is in doubt nboul the wording
of n passage or the correctness of a
statement ho addresses hlmsolf to
Sam. If the answer is "Yes , " up
gocp feline's tail in the air as btiIT an
a rod , Tf "No , " It drops to the floor
with n dull thud. when congress
adjourned Mr. L'almor had oomu to a
question that oven S'UU could not
nimwcr , That is , "What to do with the
horoV" Ho is a tlond weight on the
author's hands and things have como to
thai point where the sad faced young1
man must bo dlspootl of or Iho writing
of the book suspended. The senator *
colleagues and other friends have boon
called upon for advice on this point ,
nnd Senator Mundomm advises that
the sad faced young man bo arrested
and locked up until some way bo dis-
eovorcd lo llnitlly and effectually dla-
\WfO \ of him. Senator Palmer Is al
present living in hopes to think up
some way of gelling rid of his here dur
ing his travels. When he does lie will
rush his book to completion.
Ilcv. Dr. Dur.jrca OOOH West.
Springlicld ( Muss. ) Union : Hoston
loses a good minister und u valuable
ulti/.oii in the decision of Uuv. Dr. ,1. T.
Duryoa. paslor of Iho Central Congre
gational church to acuont a eall to an
Omaha pastorate. Dr. Duryeu has been
a very busy mail , tils pastoral euros
cannot have been light , and his work
on the J3oston school board haa Jioon
enormous especially during the reronl
controversy raised by the catholic ob
jection to the use of tiwinton'H history
in the schools. He-sides Dr. Duryoa hns
rendered valuable service by way
of leclures in the Now England conservatory
vatory of music , Wellesley college nnd
other Inslllulions. He says Ihat ho hus
had live very good calls during the past
year , Including one to the presidency
of a college and another to the head
of the theological department of
Yankton college , Dakota , where
Iho salary offered is $ U,000
moro than he receive1) ) at Boston. Ho
accents the eall to Omaha , however , nt
a reduction from his present salary , because -
cause he sees there a great opportunity
for good service. Ho says : "I do not
think it right lhal so many ministers
gather in the coast eilios while the
west is calling for men. " While ho
was in the west last summer he was im
pressed with the need of good workers
there. When ho was in Ynukton at a
meeting of home mlsbionaries , whose
salaries averaged 'S700 a year , a call was
made for money lo build an addilion to
Yankton college. "When , " said he ,
"those missionaries began subscribing
out of their slender moans toward It , I
was thrilled , and resolved lo do what 1
could lo help Iho growing western cit
ies. "
Boston and New Kngluud will mis.s
Dr. Din-yea , but must admire his self-
sacrificing spirit. He can do splendid
work In the west , and if his example
should be followed bv the scores of min
isters who are ready to candidate for
prominent , vacant pulpits in New Eng
land , a long slep would be tiilcon toward
supplying the eager demand of the
west for Christian workers.
The limo may not be far distant when
"diamonds" will bo .so common lhal
their possession will not he confined to
the wealthy , for It appears thut an 1'Jiifj-
lishmnu hns succeeded in prouuoiug
diamond dust by electricity , nnd It is
believed that the powder is the diamond
mend itself. The result was obtained
in experimenting with carbon to dis
cover some means of "prolonging the
life of both are aud incandescent lumjw.
London Engineering hn * a very inter
esting account of the find.
Airs. Gould IK Hotter.
Nirw Yomc , Nov. 14. The condition bf
Mrs. Jay Gould was reported thin morning
an showing sign * of marked Improvement.
Fears sustained that her illness .would ter
minate fatally are gradually being Uisjiulloil.
Four Men Fatally Injured.
DunnAM , Mass. , Nov. 1-4. The nearly
completed Ice houses of the People's lea
company were blown down this morninp ,
and six men seriously and four others fa
tally injure ] ,
Postmaster Appoint oil.
\Visni\oiov , Nov. 11. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Hen. ] Herman N. Oshcr was Ui-day
appointed postmaster at Graotlinger , Palo
Alto'county , Iowa , vice Jacob A. Spitfa , re
William Showers Hanged.
LUIUNO.V , Pa. , Nov. 14. Shortly after 11
o'clock to-day William Showers was hanged
in the Jail yard for murdering his two grand
children at Annvillo , May 17 , 1887.
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
The Grandest Triumph of Electric Science Sql-
entllically Made and Practically Applied.
TESTIMONIALS . . > uallnn llouru uf'l'riUa , ciif x-
IlU'lil liublv , ( hocrest liurirmtni A. < ) . Woodlor , It p ,
' " - - ' icllllkKnkakH , III. ) JnilKO I.
- 1. | Jiobt It. hanipjon , Clili' KU
r.- _ . 1 ivhitt fir. oilier rented f linn
ill. l.lennnu , tCM iaat : > Miihtiw.l > Now YuiV.olc.
r > i. unaxifs tuciBO-ata.
KKlIf Ilki.T pn.HIVflr rurri
' and MhaudluK
ic of totbieiM.
. ArolJ f KlVetricTlr. " JC mCTKtho
' ' ' ' "
nVi'iniUu'w'c'NlLt"n tb
. Bu.pfn orlr fro wild Jdol lit I It
mKKtKNC : l.TAM Unk. cummrielil , ftt < wltlipiiinr liairfl pnd worfb.
. _ - Of. BUUTBIQ ItirtSIS i a DLlalUB.
\ttX \ > tanJ ( IcaUiunpt&rUlaiUtUxipMnptUt.
DR. W. J. HORNE , Inventor , 101 Wabash Avenue , Chicago.