* .tT * - . . 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE * . WEDMfeDAY. NOVEMBER 14 , 18S& THE CITY , Tlio veteran dromon moot nl Chief Galllgnn's olllco tliib evening ui 8 p , in. Lnura Davis was iit-rcslo'l yesterday afternoon for nssanlting Martha Mnr- tin. Both are colored. Secretary Nnttlngor of the board of trtido loft for Chlcnt'o last night. lie wilt represent the eity at the mooting of the convention of boards of trade. Three districts have been paved with asphalt this year , comprising eight blocks , making 14OOU snuaro yards ; nine districts with pranito. making 0,000 f-rjuarc yards ; twenty-two dls- tricta with Colorado fcandstono , making 109,000 square yards ; seventeen districts with cypress blocks , making fcO.OOO square yards ; twenty-eight districts with cedar block , making i0,000 : ! tquaro yards. _ Personal Mrs. Charles A. Dewey left Mon dny for the cast via the Milwaukee. General J. C. McHrlde , of Lincoln , tnctn- ber-clcct of the legislature , is In the city. At the Windsor : Darwin Collins , Ne braska City. 13. II. Trull , Lyndon ; Mrs. W. II. Hasmond , Chicago. Mrs. George M. Cooper and daughter hnvo returned front the east , and nro nt homo at fell South Thirty-third street. ReV. Mr. Copeland loft on the Union Pa cific for Spokiino Monday night and will be three days and four nights on the road. Mrs. Guy llarton nnd daughter , Mrs , Henry Kawllns , loft yesterday over the Chicago cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul for Now York. At the Arcade ; .lames Slantcr , Louisville ; J. A , Hamsey. Geneva ; Dr. A. C. Sabln , 13c- ntrlco ; J. A. llcrgcr nnd wife , Long Pine ; G , W. Cook , the shoo merchant , has Just returned from n very successful business trip over Washington Territory , Oregon and California. At the Merchants Walter Crane , Chicago ; D , N. Owen , Hcd Oak , la. ; L. D. Ualloy , Ord , Neb. ; T. F. Cusack , St. Louis ; Thomas II. wultnot , Philadelphia , Pa. ; John Wale , Nebraska City ; C. W. Heyiiolds , Sioux Citv. At the Murray T. R Coppagc , O. W. Mitchell and wife , Harry Lolls , C. H. Kcm- ick , P. U. Whltchead , I. W. Lowe , C. J. Itrachdush , nnd C. McCorinick , Chicago ; AM. . Cran. William M. Titus , H. W. Still- Wpll nnd Thomas II. D.ivius , New York : Krnost. ,1 , Hies , Hoston , Mass. ; George N. Merriam , MinncaK ) > lls. Ati'thoMlilard-L. Herm , W. P. Hlggins , R. Subar , G. AV. Pope , of Chicago ; S. M. Highlands , Pillsburg ; K. Campbell , Port land , Ore , ; J. Heed , Kansas City ; A.Gruvcs , and S. Cars. New York ; Lee Herd , wife nnd child , Now York ; N. A. Hloom , Detroit ; A. C. Lnucr and K , G. Kraws , Now York. At the Paxton A. Miller , II. I ) . Slovens , W. 1 ? . Uabcock , W. H. Atw.itcr , New York ; G. W. Echcnburg , Albert Jtich , A. L. En sign , A. O. Ingelsbeo , Chicago ; C. F. Hrceso , Syracuse ; A. II. Sawyer , St. Louis ; L. Noot nnd wife , Urooklyn , N. Y. ; Allen Danforth , Plymouth , Mass.N. ; S. Hnrwood , Lincoln ; D. S. Lake , Shcnandoab , Iowa. Depraved Voting Ones. Tommy Hobinson , the ten year-old boy at the Cass school who was arrested for the critjje of sodomy , has been released on § 1,000 bonds. Alf. Gavin , the colored boy , is still in .tho city Jail , and will probably bo sent to the reform school. Superintendent James 1mA instructed the principal of the Cass flcnool to forbid either of the boys to enter the school again. < \ liijj Suspect. Will Stuart had Ins trial before .ludgo K'crlm ycsturday on tlio charge of stealing a laprobe , but there being a lack of evidence against him ho was discharged. Stuart is nail ) to bo the same follow who was sus pected a couple of years ago of stealing $12,000 In notes and n $300 gold watch. At that time ho fled the city , but returned a few weeks ago. The police will watch him hero- after. ; _ Says He Insulted Hor. A rather attractive appearing young woman bearing tlio name of Mrs. Tony IloHH , was arrested yesterday b.v Ofllcer Savage on the charge of being drunk. A few minutes after her arrest she was seen by a reporter and was then crying as if her heart wcro broken. She showed no signs of Intoxication , and claimed that the arrest was made by tlio ofllcer because she refused to yield to his indecent proposals. Hurled by Strangers. Drcxcl & Maul , at whoso place the remains of Colonel George rest , received o telegram from the lattcr's relatives in St. Paul , Minn. , Jn which they declined to either attend to the Jnirlal.or contribute to the necessary expen- d'ea thereof. This afternoon n contribution phpcr was started for the purpose of defray ing the expenses , and In a short time benev olent .liundH turned in (40. The refusal of too colonel's family to interest themselves in his obsequies is strongly censured , the more BO because he has grown sons who are In good circumstances. With n I'nirof , n..N. Glrlick , who has been in the employ of the Great Western Giuno and Poultry -at 4l7 Sqiith Thirteenth street for two weeks | > ast , was sent to the Murray to collect a bill p $33 Monday. After getting the money lie Secured a horse and buggy from the livery Btable belonging to Hoinan & Terry , and tllbu skipped the town. About the same time n well-dressed and gentlemanly appcar- Ibg fellow giving the name of Charles Wat- Hin.8 , wont to Withrow's ' livery barn on liar ncyj nnd secured a horse and buggy and also sUllipcd. It Is thought the two hnvo gone to gether. The horse hired by Watklns is a red Barrel mare with a small star in the face. Tlio vehicle attached was an end spring biipK.v with the stamp of Easton & Clark ou the hind nxlo. Gcrinnii Athlctca , TiiO itnnual meeting of the Missouri Valley Turnbczlrk came to a close Monday In St. Job , Mo. , and E. Q. Grubo , who represented the turners of this city In the gathering , ro- tUrnud Monday night. Alfred Meier , of Atclii- SOU , nhd Mr , Qrubo , of this city , wore elected president and vice president respectively. There vvoro five societies represented by twenty delegates , the former being ICansus Gjty , St. Joe , Atchison nnd Pluttsmouth , The bylaws of tlio association were revised in Botno minor particulars. It was decided to liojd no bczlrlt turn feat next year , as 1ms ton customary , bccauso of the bundcs- turif ? < 'Ht which will bo held at the time In Cin cinnati. In this there will bo representatives of nil the loading turn societies in the country , Omaha's voroln will bo repre- Rciitcd with Its bust class , the iminca of which have already been published in Tin : It tit. Spmo of the classes will attend the fast .which Is to bo held In Munich , mid which IB to partake of mi international clmr- niiter. The headquarters of the Missouri valjoy ttirnbozlrk was located with the Kansas City social turuverein for the next two years. Hall Notes. . . -A telegram from Chicago announces that the Union Parlllc and Central 1'acltlo roll- rptda hnvo decided to run a special vestibule train weekly from Council Bluffs to San Francisco. It Is to have nil modern Im provements , including dining oars , steam ; aimtlng and electric lights nnd will leave tlio 1 Muff * every Wednesday. At headquarters tnb olMclals Know nothing about it , but < u ARfilsthnt General I'assqnper Agent Lo'nax i 4 Cthlcago , there may bo some truth in a the. wnort. ' Jjngincor William D.iy , who was strlclten \vHh small pox , Is convalescent. Ho resides at.WW Twenty-Jifth street. guporintemJont Ucssequle.of the Nebraska dlvlaloii Union J'aclllc. was at his desk yes- tcttlay , t ftnd < K > ntitlio dny looking over thb.yiirds and becomliiB acijualntcd. . ) J , Campbell , iroiifirnl freight ugont of the UrcKJii Itallwuy .t Navigation f-uinpany. oUd W , AV. Klndlay , general frolght agisut of , ' th'J I'antiuihllc , wcro at Union I'.iclllc headquarters - quarters yr sterd y. > 'tvQ itgtectives from the Nebraska rtetect- ivba , soclatlon have been J'JtailS'i for cerv-1 ( leu on the Union 1'aclria. Tvyo fih curd of tUeUnlieil States comuils- > 'clon passed thrtuigh Omaha jcaU.rday. , * Jh'0 overland twin came la from thu west W two tcctiouo jrckVcrdtiy , 'Tiiut from Denver Was on time , but the section from Ogdcn did not. reach Omaha until noon , Union Pacific train No , 3 went West yes- tcrdav nfty minutes Inlc. It was delayed by the Uurllngton. No. 4 from the west , is forty minutes late. The Durlmcton arrived nn hour and five minutes lalo from the east yesterday. The following station nponts hnvo been appointed b.V the Union Pnclllo : Miss M , K. Wilson at Magnolia vice O. W. Eaknian , re- llcvcd ; W. A , HootPtlncrnt Stockdalo vice J. C. Case , resigned , nnd E. It. Cheney at Blue Uapids vice It , C. Uonnoy , relieved. A live and one-half pound potato adorns the desk of P , A. Wnrrack , Union Pacific headquarters. It Is a specimen of what they rnlso in Greely county , Colorado. The contracts for the now Union Pacific rolling slock have nil been lot and are only awaiting the necessary continuation fiom the contractors. Totals nt The onirial totals of the vote In Douglas county for state ofllccrs , and also county ofllcers , ns completed yesterday , nro ns fol lows : coxour.33. W. .1. Council , rep 10,508 , ) . Sterling Morton , dein 10 , ( 7 E. P. Graham , prohib -I it I J , \V. Kdgertoti , labor 107 OOVKKNOII. John M. Tlmycr 8,503 John A. MuShnno -,49 1 George K. Hlgclow 41 David Hutler ! George D. Mciklejohn ' . 0,01 Krnnk Folda 10,0r John Dale 45 H. W. Potter 5 sEciiut.vur or STATI : . Gilbert L. Laws 9,90 Patrick A. Illncs 10W John K. Hopper -If. I. Ilcuthorn o. STATI : TIIKASUIIII. : John K. Hill 0,09. James M , Patterson 10,90 James H. Stewart 43 D. C. Nash 0 : Al'lUTOll I'l'llI.IC ACCOUNTS. Thomas H. Uenton 10.0K W. A. Poynter. 10,837 John F. Helm 4IS II. S. Alley 153 William Loose 7SS2 W. II. Mungcr 1U.1I7 John Harm ! 421 N. F. Knox COMMISSIOXIIllS l'UIIUOI\Xl > 3 AXU 1IU1MIXIS. ) John Stccn 11,078 P. H. Jusscn 10,000 Arlcmus Hoberts 430 W. F.Wright 03 SL-l'lUIXTiMIKXT ) I'UIIMC INSTRUCTION" . Georiro It. Laws : 10,031 Marion Thrasher lO. HoratlnL. Hilton 43o Mrs. M. F. Wood / 00 ST.VTI : HVN.iroits. I. S. Hascall 7.701 John H. Erck 0,00(5 ( E. P. Savage ! > ,70 ; ; John T. Paulson ll.OJS W. A. P.xxton 1US , ! W. Il.IJiuns 11,7.1 Prohibition vote 454 IICI'KKSCNTATIVCS. Daniel Condon 10,073 William Mulhnll 10X1'J ( U. S. Hcrlin 10ol : ) ( Cliristian Specht 10,401 George O'Urion 10,4011 P. J. Williams 9'JOO Morris Morrison 0,783 Henry Estabrook 10.287 Elias Gilmore 0,087 U. C. Gushing 11,071 S. 1J. Feinio 10,51)4 ) W. A. Gardner 10,852 John H. Hungato 11,143 John McMillan 10,1124 Frank K. Morrist-y 10,1534 William Neve 10,003 Kaspar Podolok 10,4(55 ( Adam Snyder 10,935 J. P. Koo ( prohib. ) 405 G. E. Thompson 4(5(5 ( ( Average prohibition vote 451 COUXTV ATTOllXCY. W. F. Gurley 0,023 T. J. Mahoney 11,090 Wr A. Andert.on < prohlb. ) , . . . , 440 COUNT * COMMISSIOXIJU. Gustav Andreon 10,278 Ulchard O'KcelTo 10,833 When the totalt , were completed the books were turned over to the canvassing board in order that each member might , attach hissig- nature. Messrs. Kocho nnd Dennis unhesi tatingly appended their cognomens , but Major Furay refused to sign the returns un less he was allowed to make an indcnturo concerning the alleged irregularity In the First ward. County Clerk Kocho stated that such an Indenture -was uncalled for , as no ir regularity existed. Judge-of-Elcction Pickard , who Furay claimed had not qualifiedCounty Clerk Kocho maintained had qualified ; nnd , in consequence quence , the mere absence of his name at the base of the return sheet , was of no import ance. Furny held differently , but the returns being signed and certified to by a majority of the board the result was declared formal , the mayor refusing to sign. Ills opposition was based on the fact that the printed formula on the returns required him to certify , among other things , that the showing was a faithful abstract , by the re turning board , of the votes found upon the returns in the poll books , The major said ho could sign to nothing of the kind , but con sented to do so with the following provision : In signing the above , I concur in all ex cept In thecasa of the second district of the First ward whore no return at all was made in the poll book. This condition was not allowed , hcnco the names of Dennis and Koach only as above stated were appended to the showing , MACHJNKUV VS. MEN. The Brick Manufacturers Introduc ing Coatly Apparatus. "Drlck will bo dearer next year than they nro now,1' said one of the brick manufactur ers yesterday. "Why ! " "Uccauso of the late strike. Wo did not sell all wo expected. The strlko Interfered with our business , nnd a number of the loading brickmakors introduced machinery into their yards. This cost a great deal of money , and was to bo paid oil In Install ments. To help do this wo Imvo sold 11 great deal of our bricks this fall nt low prices. Hut wo can not sell all our stuff. A number of brick will therefore bo carried over till next spring. This amount will probably reach up to 0,000,000. or rather that amount will bo carried over by four or five of the principal llrms , namely IJuiley & Olson , Withncll Hros. , Itner , K. E. anil A. Llvei. % . Thcso bricks will have to satisfy all building demands until the 10th of May. We can't burn brick before that time. ' "How much machinery has been put Into the brickyards ! " "Oh , n great deal. I know of two yards , especially. In ono of these , $22,000 and In thn other $12.0JO have been expended , " "Aro the yards In operation now. " "No. They were closed up on the 1st of October. " "How many men did their closing throw out of employment I" "Counting In everybody I think It can't bo far from UW > 0 men. "What nro brick selling at now I" "Seven dollars and $7,25. " "What will they cost , next spring ! " "At least JS.25. I'd bell mine now at $7. " "Do you expect a lively season , next year ? , ' "Yes , we look for great activity in our business ii strikes do not interfere with It , and they will not at least in the matter of making brick , bee.iuso of the machinery have told you about. SOUTH OMAHA. ' Through the influence of Agent Patterson branch Western Union telegraph oHico will bb established on the enst snip Just as soon us n suitable ofilco can bo secured. MissMatfglaO'Hritn ' has returned from Council Hluifs. / A building ponnlt has been Issued to J. H. Hammond for a house on Twenty-eighth street , Coiner aud Archer's addition. James Householder lus gone to Hastings , la. , to engage In tiio stool : shppinx : buslncii. Morton Wilkcr , an I'lnjilovo attho Armour 'c Cutlahv ( lacking hnusc , while carrying a largo butcher's knifu yesfrday forenoon , lpp9d | auU full , cutting the iadex linger of ho left hnud off. J , 1C , Jttn.es , of Grcnolle , la. , Is veiling his ld frlemJ L'ican ; Curpeuter , Statt.lard Jhortkiud school. ,1007 } ifyr- uuta. THU PEHP KUS1NCSS. Senator Mandcr.son Says It la to be Senator Mandorson was able to bo around yesterday nnd attend to business , having Inn measure recovered from tha effects of his recent efforts during the campaign , Ho leaves on Sunday next for St. Louis , where ho will attend the meeting of the senate committee ? on cattle complication , Which was appointed before the rooont ad journment. This committee consists of Son > ntors George Vest of Missouri , P. B , Plumb of Kansas , Shelby M. Cullom of Illinois , Richard Coke of Texas , nnd Senator Man- dorson. The committee will Inquire Into the wholesaling and retailing of meat and cattle , the existence of combinations among caltlo dealers , the object of which Is to lower the price to producers nnd raise It to consumers ; also to ascertain when beef Is cheaper on the hoof , It Is dearer In the butcher shop ; they will also inriUo imnitrlcs Into the dressed beef business , to ascertain whether certain localities have privileges over others In the samoMno , Tlio committee will take testi mony in St. Louis , commencing Tuesday next. They will afterwards go to Kansas City , later coming to Omaha , nnd if time al low go to Chicago before the assembling oT congress. The subject Is a most liitorcstlng ono , and a number of our stock dealers anil consumers are awaiting the investigation with a great deal of interest. Yon can silpnress your cougli and quickly subdue the irritation of your lunps and air passages , with iv few dosca of Ur. J.H. MuLeiin'a Tar Wino Lung iJalin. L'o cents a bottlo. Wanted Immediately , nt Pioneer ' . .ivory Stables-Hit , and 415 S. 13th St. , i ! cars of horses. Ilotmiu & Terry. Killed by the Cars. Wcnzcl Grossman , ngcd twenty-four nnd unmarried , a Holicminn , employed nt Swift's packing house , South Omaha , was run over by switch cngitio 1159 and Instantly killed yesterday morning a few yards nortn of Q street. Ho boarded at the European hotel nnd was'on his wny to work when the accident oc curred. How it happened no ono can tell ns the engineer first saw him when ho was be neath the wheels. The coroner's jury re turned a verdict exonerating Iho company nnd its employes. Ho had no friends In Omaha , but has a brother in Iowa who has been duly notlflnd. I like my wife to use Pozzoni's Com plexion Powder because it improves her looks and is as fragrant us violets. AVIierc Is Sirs. Toucher ? Chief Scavy received a telegram from the chief of police of Cincinnati , O. , informing him that ono August Tencher had suicided there nnd requesting the chief to look up Mrs. Anna Tencher , who is in Omaha. Efforts - forts to lind the lady up to the present time have failed. A Cold AVavc Coming. The temperature will fall 15 to 25 degrees by S o'clock Thursday morning. A dispatch oo that effect was received from General Greely by the local signal ofilce nst night. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholcsomeness. Moro econom ical than tlio oidlnary kinds , and caunot bo sold In competition with the multitude of low cost , nhort weight alum ov phosphate powders , Sold only in cans. Hoyal linking Powder Co. . 130 Wull street. Now York. OVERCOATS ! It yon could see all the line things wo have InOvcrcoats ; If you know how cheap u really llrst class coat Is being sold , and if you were positive the workmanship In our Karmi'litrt was beyond criticism. It would uu no trouble to Hociiro your natron- Hut you do not Know this , why not give us a chance to piovo it ? Max llejer-Established IBSG-Adolph Meyer Max Meyer & Bro. , SIXTEENTH AND FAUNAM STREETS. General Afjfiitn for STEINWAY , CHICKERING , KNABE , VOSE & SONS , OEHR BROS , , and JAS , W , STARR N-O-S Slcry & Clark and Shoninger-Bell Orgaus MX'IAIi J'lUt'KS AND TliliMS. * ( ' r PEERLESS DYES' tuoh ji September , "October , Thanksgiving .indlQiristmas numbers of Ladies' ' Home Journal and Practi&L House keeper , third of tf jfcar , ten cents ; at the news-stands - , six cents a number , which is so cheap that they who don't buy it are slow to believe how good it is. The million makes it cheap. We have printed nearly a mill ion this month , expect to print a full million next and the next. What then ? Do you know how many a million is. Count a thousand a thousand times. Send it in silver or stamps , LADIES' HOMK JOVRNAU I'lilUtlclplila. OMAHA MEDICAL X SURGICAL INSTITUTE , N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sts. FOB TUB TIIIATM ENT or AM , BIR-A-COES , Appliances for Deformities and Trnssss. Best fncllltlos , apparatus and romedUt for mccris- { nl treatment ol every form or dlsemo requiring Uedloil or Surgical Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard slid ttcndnnce belt ; hospital accommoda tions In the west. WHITE pen CiiioOT'Ana on Deformities mod Draces , Trurtca , Club Foot. Curvature of the Spine. I'llcB , Tumors , Cancer. Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Blectrlcitr. Panilriii , Kpllepir. Kidney. Uladdor , Kyo , ICar.Skln anil lilood.an t all Surgical Operations Diseases of Women n Specialty. HOOK OK DISEASES or WOMEN FREX. ONLY BELIABLE MEDICAL INSTITUTE N A KINO A Sl'KCHl/rV OF PRIVATE DISEASES. All Illool nisen ei lucccssfullr treoted. Hynbllltla Potion removed from tbe sjjtcm without mercury. New rosioratlTo treatment for toss t vital 1'owor. 1'ursons nnublo to vlult us nmy lie treated at homa br oorroipondcnoe. All communieatldns confidential. Medicines or Instruments unit by mall or express , securely racked , no murki to.lhdlefcto contents or endcr. One personal Inturrlcir ircttrrod. Call ami consult tn or send history of roar cage , and wo will eand In plain wrapper , our , . BOOK TO MEN , RREE ; Open Private , Special or NerrousJDIseixses , Impo- tonojr , Sjpullis , Gleet and Varlcocelo , wltu question Ll. Address Omalui Medical and Surotccj ? Institute , or I > K. McMENAMY , v- C r. 13th and Dodge SU. . " OMAHA. fcEB. Your leff Liver IS OUT OF ORDER ? BEAD THIS IF'IT IS. A Proprietary Meclkjaw that neeito but * trial to provu its worth. Or , Callender's ' left liver Bitters , Tne onlr Distilled Bitters In the United BUtca. The onlr Bittern recognized tor the United States Internal revenue laws as A Pro prietary Medicine. Lawfully Patented. No. of Patent 14-9.573 , Contains no fusil oils , no essential oils , no foreign substance or daman- in * drum. A perfectly pure medicine , compounded - pounded from Pure Root Herbs and Old Peach ; piea < ant to the taste , quiet and decisive in 1U effect. Cures Dyspepsia or Yellow Jaundice in flTedays. Regulates tha Dowels. Invlcoratea InactlTB LiTer , Cures Diseased LlTor , Hevire * Ui Kidney * . Improves the Appetite Quickly. BeipaUtoa the vrnolesyitem. New Life to tn ol-ofi llver Hitters lire sold In Omaha. Neb , by tha lloffinir nruuxntii ! Itlclinrdson DriiR Co , Special H.CIirhlenson.V. . K. I.mmbcrvjii , H. H. Cor , Max Conrad , Krar.kV. \ . faitfe , 11. lln mm'on.Oeo. Uoeilor JloriVn Phnrmncr , C. A. Mclchrr , Howard Wojeri , > 'rank Dcllnne A Co. , wtiolc ale dealers In Clviira and J.ellMvcr Bittern 'BEST FITTING COBSEptWORLD1 FORSAIE BY LEADIMC MERCHANTS. MAYER , STROMSE & CO. MT S.-4I2 BROAPWY , N. Y. 2129,350 Tansilf's funch Cigars were BhtWHuJ during the pait two lears , trthout a lrnra. iner In ou omjlov. No other houeo lnthu ; Mnrhl can triita * iullyiaakesachfi Blionrlnc. Ono aauut ( iloaltr oulyl wanted ta.caci toirn. - J SOLO BV.IEAOINQ DRUCCISTS. ! R.W.TANSILL&CO..asmatoS-l.Clileaan. Dr , J. E. McCrew , One of tlio Most Successful SPECIALISTS In the Treatment of all Chronic or the So-called Incurable Diseases , A euro uuaranteed in all cases of PIIIVATH mid KKtN Dlfil'Mtms. All disorder * or thu 3KXUAI. OIKJANH CUKH1) und MANHOOD imdKNliltliV IlKhTOIIKI ) . Under thu .Doctor'u form of treatment no illn- ran ) IN conxldcred Incurable , until the jmrtw of the body nffu-ted uy dlaeahu nru destroyed ruutticthun they can be rupitlred or built up , CONSULTATION r'UIIU. Treatment by corrsunondeuce , tjeoil etuinji Cor reply. Office Bushman Bloo * , 16th and DoimlntSts. . C nmha , tivtit BIGGER AND BIGGER Few people hnvo nuy idea of the magnitude of the business we are doing. It is a sight to see the throng of buyers always in our btorc. The biggest throng is on the second llpor , among the overcoats. Though the weather has been \rarm and other houses have sold but few overcoats , we have moved thousands of them nl- rendy. "We had an immense stock enough we thought to Insb ns through the season but our tremendous trade the past two weeks has thinned them out so much that wo have to let up advertising them for n fe days , until we get in fresh goods , for which \vc have telegraphed our buyer. Our special sales are becoming famous throughout the city ami state , and in accordance with our promise to give every week some new drives , we will this week have a BIG SUIT SALE. During the next six days wo will prove most conclusively to the thousands who may call on 113 , that we faithfully keep our promises. It is the always carrying out to the letter what we adver tise , that has made The Nebraska Clothing' Company famous and our name a household word throughout this section. The following extraordinary one-rings are made for this week Lot No. 1 , consists of about four hundred Business Suits , all sacks , plain and fancy cheviots and cassimercs , STRICTLY ALL WOOL , with good serge lining and honestly made at $5.50. Make no mistake , this is not a cheap suit. It is ns good as you will buy anywhere at from $10 to $12. It may seem impossible for us to sell it at $5.50 , but wo have promised something extraordinary and here it is. Don't take our word for it , but come and sec for yourself. Lot No. 2 , is a line of very fine black corkscrew suits , sacks and frocks , the regular price o'f which is $15 , and for which other houses would charge from $18 to $20. Will be sold this week at $9.50 for the sack and $9.75 for frock suits. In lot 3 , we ofler the CLIMAX OF BARGAINS our great $10 suit. We have in this lot two styles of- cassimere suits. , on which we stake our reputation , that they arc honestly worth double the money. One is n plain gray , the other n fine silk mixed cassimere. We will simply say that this line of 310 suits is destined to ' become the greatest advertisement for ns. Lot No. 4 , Is a line of elegant cutaway Frock Suits , made of fine fancy worsted , one of the choicest suits ever offered ; tailor made and beautiful fitting. These suits are made for men who demand and can appreciate a superior character of worknansliip. They sell ordinarily for $25 ; we offer them this week at § 13. This ia the moat fearful slaughter of Suits that we ever got into in the very midst of our busiest season. We are opening to-day and placing in stock some very handsome styles of Children's Overcoats of beautiful designs and trimmings. The prices are in accordance with all our goods extremely low. Plain Figures and One Price. Nebraska Clothing Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha. Burlington Burlington Route , * Route C.B.8Q.R.R. .The Burlington takes the lead. It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska. It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car service between Missouri river points and Chicago. It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of Omaha and the West a fast mail service. It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from the East into Omaha proper. It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago. It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver th vening of the same day. It has been progressive in the past. It will lead in the future. Travel and ship via the Burlington. Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Stroet. Telephone 250. Depot on Tenth Street. Burlingfon ' Route , c B & QR'R. GERMANIA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OP NEW YORK. Policies Incontestable and Non-forfeltable After Three Ycurs , HUGO WESENDONCK. President. | CORNELIUS DOREMUS. Secretary Aecnclt'8 In all the liirjjcr dtlus of the Unite -States nrul ( ierimiii.r.uijilra. ASSISTS AM > HUKPMJS OP TIIU COWAN V , DECEMBER 31ST. 1862. Assets . , $260.885 43 | Surplus . $2O7,158O7 - DECEMBER. 3IST. | 887. Assets . $ ,073,24737" I Surplus . $1830.63062 Amount of Insurance In force . . . . . . . . o-S , 000,000 Annual Income , . , $ y. < voo.ooo 'Jliu < ! eriiiatilaposbcs8f8IIO.IUof ailtnlttiila for overv { U/V'J nt llubllitlos.aljettiir limn tluit of any of tUo other three lurtjest i.lfo I JwaraiiceCoinjanlen of tlio l'nlteii.Statf ' ; .0 Idi s ! ! ( ) ( ] anil i07 ! Ernst Benninghoven , Manager , First Naliuiinl Hank. . „ IIOWTOAOT , ( .oilVlfor n.lM . nljo ( > dr.titorrd l'r and Fumllo" ' ' d r. MAMW eiiyuuut. , i.-i ' ' yiFlWCV and all urnihry limilile rn > llynulcl . MUllCI lyni.iUaMyUireilljyJMXriUlfACaik- Miity. t < tvcriilcji ciuri | In f ven ( laB. Hold II.W ) _ KT 1'ox ' , ol ! illuuKiitf , or > iy tniUl fiom Do. cui4 > l/t'.C'o. IK V tmcil.M , V.ruI ! Ulrtctlouji SteekPianq Ittmartable for powerful TMp UiuUc toiin , pllablo itction mid > u oluK qiiratJIlltyTilJ yeara' recor < L Bio b t gui-.rautca of tha lence of tncse InatnniH'nU ) . mildtcllon In ( Ui ciirool Uojcnlura end ( ilfct. I | nctilboltanil feel tqfo In recommend * Inr It to nl | lutTtrtrf , jl. J. 8TONHU , M .D. , Doeolur , III. BoM tr