Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements nndcrthis head 10 tents per
line for the IITH Insertion , 7 rents for each wib-
requent Insertion , and II Ma line per month.
NorulvMllmtnent lakon for le thanJSiccnti
Uie Orel .nsertlon , Boven words will be counted
to the line : thry inu t run consecutively and
nnt bo paid in ADVANlli. All ndvertHe-
ments mtut bo handed In before 12:31 : o'clock p.
in. nnd unflir no tlrcumstnnces will they bs
taken or discontinued by telephone ,
Partle-f advertising In these columns and havIng -
Ing their answers nddressed in rnro of Tiff HUB
s.v-111 ple o a k for ft check to enable them to got
their Icttcn. as none will bo delivered except on
presentation of cheek. All answers to udver-
tlJfmonlflshould bn enclosed In envelopo1 ! .
All advertisements In thcsncolumns are pub
lished in both morning and evening editions ot
Tnr Ilisr. the circulation ofwhich apgr fr t'-s
moro than 1H.IM ) papers dallv , nnd glv es the ad-
YerUsorn the benefit , not only of Ilia cltyrirm-
lallonofTtiB HFV. nut also of rounrll II In tin ,
Lincoln and other rlttos and towns throughout
this section of tlia country.
'Advertising for thcso columns will bo taken
on the abov o condition * , at the follow Ing busi
ness houses , who are authorised agent * for Tne
Jirrsperiiil notices , and will quote the same
rotes ns cnn be hnd nt the main olllco
" "
W , IIIII.U Pharmacist , SSJ bouth Tenth
OHASKA iilV. : ) Stationers and Printers , I1J
bouth loth fctreot
II. KAHNSWOHTII , PharmacUt , JinCura-
Ing Sti eu.
.1. lllKHIlis , Pharmacist , C4 ! North 10th
/ lio. : W I'AHH. I'lmrmaclst. 1STO bt. Mary's
"Position Bs housekebpcr : cxm-
rionrul ; In widower's fnnill ) pr.'forrpd.
Address II HI. Heg. .KS U
_ " _
V\TAN'II.D-Sltuatlon by Herman "lady us
TT lioiiFnVeefcr. Can tench music or lan
guages. Address A. 1C. , box.W ' , Omulm. M ! 15 ?
KtJn CI.KHK Knglish ; wimts BlMintlnn" :
Krndtintn ; A yonis' ' ixpoilence ; Hist class
, , prcstrlptlonlst : good Addtess II
1,7 , , ItOOOlllLU. .Hit 11 *
WAN'I III ) A situation by a leglsttii'd phar
macist : Ovi'tiiB1 experience ; bostiorereuco.
Andniss II 51 , flee. 878 I It
W A1STHD Ilmploj ment to tnko cnrn of
horses bv n tnun who 1ms hnd in v cars' t > x-
porlenro us a ti.iltun ; Is u ptactlcul vetcimirlnu.
Addions II ru , Hue. yl is *
ID 1'osltlon as stenographer by
joutiK lady Several year's experience.
Can furnish machine. Address Hiownell. 213
N 18th f-t. UK-17J
WANTKD-Ily n competent woman , to do
washing. Ironing nnd houseclcanlng foi
private families nt their homes. Ad'lreis 11 iU
Jlee onko SIJ Ut
\\7ANTIJD A few rcHablo men ho can fur-
T T nUli peed refcrunco and make a siniill de-
poalt. td cnnvusa for a fast HI-HIIIK wpetlnltj' .
Cull betwion and 11 and 1 uiid i room 70.
Windsor Hotel. ! ! | J 11 *
\\7ANTnD rabtnet-makerorciirpt-'iiter wheT
T can -do reimlrlns neatly. 8JTS per day ,
Bteady work. Mrs. Hrega , HI l i S. 15tlu
WANTKI ) A innn who canspuak ( Inrmau
and rncltsh to attend meat markit. cor.
SUth and Wulmit. , lU ! H ;
5 bhovclcr8tl.Ki pcrdaj-7" > tnicK-
mi'li. $1 K'i per duy ; 1 unison , -Tic per Hour ;
2 toauihturfi , steAdy work : : ) ) aboier- > . * 1.75 per
clay. II. H. M iimlBll. 40iN. llUlmt. . ! Ul.i ;
WAN3'KO 1 experienced hurdwato i Icrk.
steady work , 5 corn buskers , . < c Ini nhel ; l >
teaiiistui i. $ j.-i inoJ ; upholsterers , $ J.W1 day ; 1
lounge maker. White's Olllce , 111) ) N IMli.
. > . ! ! 13 ;
WAN'I Kxpi'ili-uced cigar salesman roi
Nebraska , ultli referenda. Kdwartl Knlm ,
215 S. 15th Ht. .f- )
AO KN'ISwnntud fdr tlio 1 > est and ( lulckost
so HIiiK nrtltlo u\or placed on thu market ,
Sawyers' ( _ llnm\ and ludlspvnsuuln Cuff Hold-
. . ern , vf < ji ladles untl ueutlt-inon , price l&o per
> I > il lialEV. . II. lleaclj i Co. , 210 S. Mutated street.
T ChlcaB , 111. Jill 15 *
WANTKO A flrst-class law book salesman
tor Nebraska ; to handle special law pub
lication ; permanent position to proper party ;
Btato oxpiTicnco and referencoa. Address II w.
Heo. au ] 5t
WANTKn-AMiiKlerannof food moral , so
cial nnd business quallUea to take ctiur e
of and t'iu Instruction In a Hhoa tihop. \ \ ork
done bhand. . Klglit liojs detailed to learn the
vtiatle. ronuftuout employment for Kooil.bleody
Torcman.VaKeat42U ajear and \l\ing \ ex-
pauses. .Address-with reference btato Industrial -
trial Bcliool. Kearney. Neb. JaO 1J
WANTED Good , experienced canvassers to
handle our Petit ledger on commission.
Bells to nil outlines * men and yields a remuner
ative punnilt For particulars address II. Mc
Allister * Co. , 1 0 Clark St. , Uhlcago , 111. ! 1M ] )
W'ANTUD Salesmen for our adjustable door
platoa ( you can noli and deliver ut once ) ,
door OollH. house number.s , olc. ; So to $1" ) a day
easily mudu. fond vour address on postal for
free aamplns cliculnrei , etc. Now York Door
I'lato Co. . Albany , N. V. 3J7 IS *
WANTUD-Tw o neatappenrlnff men to trax ct
to sell a staple article to consumer , baliirv ,
commission and railroad expenses paid. Cull
this evening botwien 7 and . Apply to A.
J < owis , lintel Deruy. : .OJ 11 *
AOENTa-Jlist out. new style self lighting
caa burner ; cheapest and best. Matchless
Lighting Co . UJ UeadoHt. . N.-T. ! XK-13
WANTED I'or Wasttlnuton Territory , grad-
eiH , track-la > ers anil bridge carpenters ,
common labor. * ! to 4.J TX ) per day , or Jn to 110
per month and board. An all nlnter's Job In a
mild cllnmto. IIverthlnK guaranteed as reprx-
sonted nt Albright's 1C. H. Labor Agency. 1120
1'nrimni &t. : & - >
WANTKI ) A live energotla man to solicit.
Small cash deposit required. Position per
manent. Haliiiy good. J. V. Jloore , Hooni Wl ,
p Ogden lloumi. Council llluira.-M-\ \ I
I SAl.l'SM UN Wo vv Ish a few men to sell our
goods by Rumple to the wholesale nnd retail
trade. lar p"t manufacturers In our line. Ku-
close i--ccnt Htamn. WngosSlpcrday. 1'eiina-
nontposition. No postals an vsorrd. Money
advanced for vvugun , advertUlui. ' , etc. rcntou-
nlal Mun'f g Co. , Cincinnati , Ohio. 132 J 2 89
WANTUD-doodmentolntlodiice a staple
article to consumers and the trade , lilg
protlts ami steady work. $ VJ to J100 per woet
for the next sit months. Bend 4 cents postage
forsaiu a and full particulars. Addicts. NIch
Ols M'fg Co..Oimlaakft. Wls. 214 I.I *
WANThO A state manager to open olllce In
eaih of the follow ing titles : Topek i , Nush-
vlllo and l.liuoln. Neb balmy , JI UU put your.
Must Invest il.iKH ) Ad < lro-is , tlcoigo S. I line ,
Wagner lllock.-DoH Molnea.Ja , 1J7
- is to hnvo a
live , ovlusho Sunday paper , and It wants
a volunteer i orrespondmit in cnei-j neighbor
hood In the city mid In every town within 10) )
miles. Nopievious exporlonco niedod. Call ut.
room lit ) , lloai d of Trade , betvv oen 1 and R p , m.
this vv eck or w rite. Don't delay. WJ _
"VAfAN" ! HD A good canviisser , apply at " 17
TT N. Ilith ht , Omaha , Nub. 7flT
"tyirANTUD Salesmen , to IntrortuiX' n new
TT anil voiy miMiblunitlcioln his locality nnd
adjoining cities. Salaries paid to iiUho.onet-
petlo ( "itlesmtii. AddronH , enclosing tin out eats
in stumps , the Atlns Afnnufactullng Co , lock
box itsi. dm Innatyjhlo. 'M d 1
rANTii-Mnli : > S. female agontw easv selling
, room 21 , I linker blk , 15thKnrimm. .
Kuergetlomen and vv omen ov cry-
liore for a Kcnteel iiiouey-makliiu bubl-
. I'iOvvfokly ' protlt KUiirautund easUr than
I6U monthly otherwlbo , hxpvrlrnce absolutely
iinuecesnary. reimuncnt jiojltlon nud oxdu-
Blve tcrrltoiy iissiiied. S/.W samplas fito.
Write for liiaitkulniti. Addrchs , with btnmp ,
Merrill Mf iCo. . JtMCIilo KQ. 417 U5T _ _ _
WANTKU-MiovelcrH ; wages J,7 | per day ;
boatd JI.OO per week. Apply ouvvoilcat
Hulo , Neb , yudijihrop contractor. Sill _ _
j"\A7ANTii : ) A nuui to bOllclt ; Eulaiy J100 per
TT iiUuith ; must deposit ta'i and give BKctirlty
for money C4 > llecttd Address Ueorgo b. Cllne ,
Wagner block , DCS Molnos , lu. 6J5
All'.N"l- W.\Nrii-S75 : a month und ox-
iientiMi pild any active person to .sell our
goous ; no , salary monthly , oxneiinea In
adyancv. paulctilars free. titaudanlblUvrwari )
Co. llostnn. 47'J
OVb-Am. illit. 'lol.
WAN'I Kll Mvti In taku thu npviuyof our
safe's ; MzulMdHx 18 inches ; WtlRhtWUIhs ;
r t ll iu1co.ti ; other sliea in prox ] < rtkai. A
rare ( fiance iual priinaunm liuslr.e.s . These
safri ( meet u deiiuind never bolorosupplied by
other E f i rumpiHiled ! m no niu not aovcrned
l > y toe safe pool , Alplnohafe Co. Cincinnati. 0.
IM/ANTKU ( JJiod llfo luurauco solicitors
WT with bank rnforum CM , are wanted by the
Union Life at 4U1 Merchants' national bunk
InilldlUK , Omalia. omen hours 8 to 10 a. m. aud
406 p.m. Oil
_ _ .
COOK the Turf Kxi lianue. C'onn-
A camuua. Sfiiia
Jt ) 7A TBl ) Ulrl for lioiuuwori Inafumllyof
IT two , eutl < c Y BworUi , ay * tJr , iuii >
WANTKD-rirst class lady aienoprnpher.
ono wno U proflcent in the llntn-
ri ' * * v * " | "v n i ii * * > viiu tweof ino limit *
; . . "jpewrlter. to go outof city. Address
31 iflice. . jyig n
\V ANTKD-A young nurse girl. Inqtilre ! &tt
TT Ilonnrdst. joy 15
\\7 A NT EIDl hwashcr. Ocorgo L. Dean. 1SH
T T Doll gigs. 3Q8 M
WANIK 1) 3short order cooks , 4 iclrls gen.
oral housework. l teamsterSyoung mon
hotel work Call at nnce , So. Omnha Hmploy-
ment Agency , opp. City restaurant , N st . So.
_ _
\V A NTr.D-OIti Scandonavlnn girl. 5m
T > CumlllB St. ItU 11
\\TAN1 ii-ilrl : for Roncral work ; must be
TT L-ood cook and laundress , Mrs. N. > Ierriam
! Jgl Hurt at. _ 543
\\rANTKD-d Rood nnltresscs in city , MS
T board and room ! 2 for Idaho , $ JO. fare
paid ; nice girl for fatally of 3 lu South Omaha ,
M ! 10 ( rood Rlrls out of city , ? second Rlrls.
walttess for privnto family , It ; llrst ami second
Klrl In nmn family. Iots of peed places la
city ov cry day. Mn. llrcgn. 3lfa S.
xn Ht
A girl for common house work.
' 21J8 nth St. . comer of miuglnH. 27814
COMPCIKN'l girl for general housework.
Mrt. 'lima I' . Hull. IiU.bherinan aoVVS
" \\rAN'l Kl ) experience houselrioper for Btnall
T T hntel. * . ' ( ) ; piuitry girl 317. Dining room
girls , laundry girl mid waiters for Norfolk , 1st
rlasswnitons for privnto family , two second
ttlrliidrls for AxhUnd. Tlattninoutti. South
Ilnid. Columbus nnd Council muffs and lots of
good places in tltj , Mrs. Hocga U'i S 1Mb.
A \rAWTiou-I.ndlos to solicit lit tluT towns of
TT this and ndjolnlnn states. Must deposit $10
and give Morurltv for money collected. Salary
" "pet. mouth. Call on J. P. Moore , Ogileu
live , Council Illulfs. 2iM-
\\rANTlJD--r.Blrlsgcneral work.Skirls for
TT the w st , f-JO mo ; 1 pastrycook , ( ij mo ; 6
waitresses for onn hotel , jr > : in citj 1 chambermaid -
maid , I tlisli waslinr , cooks for prlvnto family.
'Ihi ! old reliable oHlce.Omaha Onrontt , 111) )
N icth. ; gnj
" \\7 A NTKD Competent girl lu family of two
TT Herman preforod. Mrs , D. \\heolor Jr. ,
001 H y-tth. jllO _ |
WANTI5D Cook aud laundress at once. No.
ffH Douglas. IITJ 1) )
W ANTED-l.nrty ngciits lor comnmatlon
bustle sktit , "Daisy" hose supporter ,
rubber aprons , bibs , sleeves , hhouldor braces ,
Rafety boltwaterpioof garments , etc : reliable
house. Onlv goods of leal metit ; profit1 * large.
Addnsswith stamp. K. II , Campbell Ac Co . 4K4
\V. Ilaudolph&t. Chicago. K-5 nov IfiJ.
\ \ ? ANTI3D l.ady canvassers on a new nnd
T fust selllnir book , b ilai v ? $ per day. Small
deposit leiiulred. Applj to "II 17 , " Hoe nllli o ,
for general housew 01 lC
WANTED AnTntelllgeut American vvomau.
who Is willing to do ome hou > .owork nnd
assist in the cuie of children , 5ia S 'Mh st. 11(1 (
T\7'Ar'TBn Alndv to solicit ; tnnstdctmsitjij
TT nud give Hecinlty for money collected ,
Addiess ( Jooigc S. Clluo , Wagner block. Des
Molncs , In. IU'i
WANTUD A compctontnursogiilwlth izood
referenced. Mrs. J , K. llnumJll Wool-
vvortn n\e.
T'AlIi ) : bo.n Jtrs iv anted , 1G03 Douglas ,
31t i
Family handsouielv situated In modern new
resldunoo will ucromdato fen select board-
cis ; references exchanged. i-'WiJ Harncvat.
10. 16
W ANUKD Tiiblo boarders at 11)8 ) Douglas.
TOJ N .11 *
Thirty day boardom. also three
roomers atSTJil Dodge it. 271 n3U
TKIlUAblvA Kmplojment Olllce , J17 N. 10th.
> Kll-17'
/CANADIAN iniplo : > mentOllico. Mrs. Hrega ,
V73U'-j ' S. 15th. Uefercnca Omaha National bank
0 n 2f
SUPF.KIOU advantages nowulvouin these
brunrhra at Oraiihu t'ommercfiil Collcgc.Opu.
I' . O. cor l.'tU and Dodge , lien Pitman aj.item.
Ilemlngton type .writers. Every graduate In
good position. SUulrtits complete Inanuut In
tu o vTookn , and write IX ) words In threu mouths.
I > ractloal offlco drill given eudh student one
month free. Kecliatlons daily one hour. Dic
tation three hours dally. Day and evening ses-
nlons. Students enter any time. Forcirculms
write Horhbough Hros , Omaha. 218 nil )
VAI.KNTJNn'y Short hand and type-wntlng
Institute , new Paxton building , Omaha ,
Neb. The only exclusive , practical anort > liand
school in the vv est. The demand for snort-hand
writers U largely in excess of tlio supply.
biiort hand is much Mipprlor to book-keeping
and telegraphy as a maims of livelihood. Vt o
give Instructions on Kemlngton and Hammond
type writers , both for the same price.
Jny and evening missions. Students can
enter at any tima aoud for circulars. 752 nU.
WArJTIID Horse and buggy foi winter for
their keeping. Inquire 1313 1'anmiM.
WANTKD-lllds foi the building of two 7
loom tenement Hats. Plans and .specifica
tions can be se n at olllco of Western Land and
Jjoau i\chaiigo : , 117.N. 10th st. _ 254 U
W ANTI'D Holies to winter , $7 per month ,
Innulro of Uns Weckbacb , 418 S llth ut.
" \X7ANTED-Young ladles and gentlemen to
TT know they can obtain a thorough nnd
practical knowledge of telejjrapny.nttlnK them-
nelv ea in n alioit time for good iiaylng positions
at the Klectrlc Telegraph school. Rooms 028
ami 629 Paxton block , ix > r 10th and Farnara at.
149 1W
THOU HUNT No. KI1 8. 7th avo. anlcefi-
JL'room house in good repair ; rooms newly
papered nnd painted ; idee yard ; fine cistern
water , Kent ! > a month. Possession meu at
oncu. Apply to Hell's 10th st. pharmacy..Kill
8 UOOM house , 710 B. 15th near Jones Bt. ,
Dr. Mnttlce. 10U1 Dodge st. 3-,7
rpwo story building , corner Uth and Howard.
JL Unfurnished rooms , olllce rooms or light
butdnesu. Apply nt house 01 31.1 b. Oth st.
3-HOOM cottage , furulnhed for houbu-lceeplng ,
{ 10 pur imiuth. Wl IK-ratur Ht. 144 in
$10 H loom House , bath room , hot nud cold
u atnr , ga. , sou or. pav ed hti eet , new. C. F.
Harrison , Merchants' National bank. & i
TTlOlt HKNT HcauUful Broom house , bath
JU ix > omj hot aud cold-water , cistern In kitchen ,
80vvcrconnection , gas ; hard plna tlntsh. uuleu-
did furnace ; house UHW and complete. $40 par
month , tall nt once. 0 , r. Harrison , Morrlumls
National bink , 77S
"TJ1OH ItKN'T Neat cottage , five rooms , cellar ,
JL1 hind aud soft water ; ronveiilontly ar-
niuged ; Mlh 11-th Ht , bet. I eavenuortli and JIa-
con. Apply no cor "Jd and iliisou. 2W If
TfilOH ItRNT - 9 room modern Improved house
J A I locality. Hunt moiUirate. Apply. M. Kl-
guttei. 1C01 rarnam Bt. * S l
"ITIOK HUNT House , 4 ix > emi , and onn of 7
JU looms. litli and .louos ; liouse. 7 Teems ,
stable and laignyard , Suthundllarney ; modem
house , 10 i oonirt. ' and I.oi list , Kountro place ;
looms , llth and Doica.s ; .1 rooms , loth and
Maitlm. Mimhaiul Mahoney , Koom 500 , I'ux-
ton blc. '
Ol'SKli ' rooms nnd bath room ; good bin n ;
iV.'l Davenport bt. ; luiUlre | > ia Cup. nveO
liM 17 J
Foil ItKNT 'Ivvo ihuroom hoiihcs. 107 nnd
IW boutliMtli t , Sl'i ; ono moduru ten-room
house , r ti South atn St. , very low. Hlngvvalt
in os su ilj
qfi , nlno loom house. Xo ltu'1 N 17th st. , all
Inconvenience * , InclmllMK furtiaco , Inimlrout
Hocilci'H ( linn sliiu1 , cor. l"th and Harnoy sts.
_ _ _
T7IOH HKNT House 8 rooms iiSl Cassst. cot
JL' tuirertrooius luih and Hickory. Inimlre room
MS ) , ttfi el v bile _ 181
F I OH : HKNT New fi-room cottnse. Inquire Ja-
_ 1CT lit
171OU HUNT Blx loom house , 1(09 Davenport.
\ I43UT
_ _
TTIOlt HKNT A 6-room house , ivell , cistern
X' and all modern impioveinents , : & ! ] Chicago
St. . ISO a month. htfiire | next door. 1J lit !
POH HUNT Larse 8 room lionio No. SW3
. in room houin cor.ilth and Cupltol ava.
6 room house aiil Hovvurd st.
4 room huuse 12th and vinton sta ,
u room house Situ and Jones su ,
6 room bonso flU Fieri e st.
Apply to Urren i& ' Wllllnme , 1st Nat Itant
11KNT ft-roorn nouto and barn , B 1 ! cor
JU th ave and Webster st. Hoxrmonth. . In-
quli tOj 1'axtou block. P , J , Oroodou. 821
TTUJH Hl'.KT Ono of thoia ID room houses In
JL1 1'arlcTi'liactf , cor. Iliinscom parK , all mod
em Improvvmontii , 140 pprmonth. Inuulre Iao
& . Nlcliol. 2fth and lieav envvprth. HuO
"I71O11 ItKN'l1 "room lieu Hv\tth large barn.
JL I1& per uuinth' for the. winter. U r. llarrl-
on. 18&o. UthbU
_ _ _
TJVW HESl Arooiu'honsB. . city vv atisr ,
-C facincst. luaulre at low Ilo'vnrJ.
triOH UKNX A flno new B room liouse with all
JL1 modern Improvements , such as gas , bath ,
hot and cold water on both noorn , lnsld all
liard llnlsh , Urpe wlndotvnnnd Inrco grounds ,
corner of Hickory and ( leorRla are. Price wu.
r. H. Sulmon lSl I l.cavftnvvorth Bt. " 76.
rr HOOM brick lionse , 2411 HtniUtonst. All
I modern Improvements , ITO.
8 room fram . ' o. 3019 Hamilton stH 827J30.
Loavltt llnrnhnm. No. 1 Crelghtou block. tOl
17 Oll HKNT S-story brick residence , IOIOC p-
X1 Itol nve. , 10 rooms. Apply to 0. H. Guloitj
TTIOIl HKNT To r > sponi < lbio party. 0-room
JU brick honse , 118 South ST.thst.lW feet from
cable line. I uruace and all modern conveni
ences. Hent Mi per month. Apply to J. W.
O ninth. U. 1' . headrninrterg iM IS
TJIOIl IlENT-M-oora' house , K3S. isth.
TjlOIl HUNT Two store rooms , > 'hlch nro con-
JU verlod into llvInft rooms , nroomil each , atS13
per month. N. K. cor. 16th and Mason , Inmilra
: tI4S2f.Ii st. 211
_ roora houiw on S. 10th , . two
blocks south ofVlut6nst.i will rent for 110
per month or ell on terms to sulfr purchaser.
( leo. J. StTnsdoTff room C. opposlUi r. O. 012
TOOH HKNT When you wish to rent a house.
JU store or office c , lroh us. H. E. Cole , room
0. Continental block. 61 }
CWK HKNT House with nlno rooms. 113 S.
JL ? 24th st. Mount X Orllllu. JI3 3. lltli 91. 711
TOOH HUNT Hj-ooin llat. lHh and Hovvnril.
JU Kn month. Ai > plv to J , L. Ilrandols 4. Sons ,
corner 13th and llqvvhnl. ' 748
IjlOK HKNl' Atv ory lovratos. 10 and II now
JL1 reBldencen. 2404 and 2414 , Cast ntrest , Cl&rko
Place. Otin block nouth of CrelghtonrolliigK , on
Tarnum nud 21th street car lino. All modern
Improvement ) ! . Acply , H. T. Clark Union Trust
Co. , or at 24JO Ca s streef. 014
TOOtTHKNT Now 8 room house wltlifurnl-
JL Hire , city writer , bath , etc.reutrnl location ,
Ml per month , J. H Purrotte , rental ugoncy ,
KWl Chicago at. 83111
TO11 ' KENT b-room house , " 113 , 7-room house
JJ Sl.3 Poppleton ave. Qco. I. Gilbert , With-
nollb'l'g. Clfi
TO ° H HKNT 7-room Hat , dry water , batn and
JU modern conveniences. 3 unfurnished and .1
furnished rooms for light housekeonlng. All
over 1003 Howatdat , C. V. Bhaw , 1815 Howard.
FOR KENT-10-room house with steam heat ,
at 20.1 S. 24th ht. (1. H Thompson. Shroly
block , 15th and Ilowaid sts. 14
FOH Iinr.T Hy "iiosvvotth & Joplln. HarKor
block , { , 4 , R. 0 , 7 , , V , IV , 11 , 14-room houses
In nil pnrts of the city. MO
TTlTfllNISH Kirroom vvItTTboard. Ons71)Ttir&
JU furnico heat In house. 2121 Boward st. 111'
ICIIIA' furnished looms all modern con
veniences , also bonrd , MW Douglas , : ill
FOHKKNT Fuinlshed rooms with fuiuaco
heat. 1701 Capitol ae. . 1U1 lilt
"IT IIUNlSIIKDroom , on cable line , w Itli ftood
JL1 board , SI acek , 1J3. N. L'Oth. 3J.S m
TTlOlt HUNT 3 rooms , furnished complete
X' for housekeeping , and n 5-room cottage , fur
nished , 1AW A' IDtli. J i 15t
ROOM and board cheap for two In private
family iaia Hurt street. &U 11 *
Ior 2 furnished Tooma In Qeo. ( J. Hobble's
house , 2-llU Dodge st. Inquire there. Table
board convenient. 230 10 *
TTIUHNISHUD rooms at 1811 Capitol ave.
J : 278 18'
A A'ENUE Hooms-At lOH and lOin Capitol nvo
-cVy blocks from P. O. new ly furnished , priv ate
boarding noubo pleasant rooms , all tiouv culem us
_ H HUNT furnished room with both gas
lUul heat , 310 a mouth. ' 1X1 Dodge st.
T71 ° " HKNT 1-urnlBiiod south front parlor or
JU tulto of rooms. U20 Capitol ave. ' : ? H
s rooms , new brick residence , pn-
JDmte f.imily , 618 S. 18th st. All modern Im
provements , J7-17J
"TTOIl HKNT Vnrnlshod sleoplm ; ro6ms.
-C $8 and J10 , pajable weakly or monthly. HM
Howard. 112 11 *
2 HOOMS tor rent , modern convenience's : also
boird. 1911 Douglas st. 211 17 *
B1 OOMS yirst-class home board , 1718 Dodge.
.TOOKNIBUUD roatns nt 2lOrTWnam : st. !
jU ' 147 15 *
FOR KENT Largo , nicely furnished south
room ; steam heat. 101J Douglas. 982-10 *
FOH housekeeping Partly furni hed first
floor , 3 rooms and closets. lOlfi Capitol ave.
145 15 *
N1 iV Furnished a corns , 2108 Parnnm.
141 18 *
FOK nKNT-rurnished rooms , with or vv 1th-
out board , at 101U Davenport si. 140 lot
FOH KENT Nice furnished and unfurnished
rooms at 1410 Dodge st. Enquire 142U Douglas -
las st. , room2. 15315'
"I710R IlttNT A nicely furnished room , all
J3 modern conveniences' , 1103 B. 10th cor Pacific.
181 Ib *
FOH HKNT Nlcolv rurnlsn a rooms , single
or en suite ; board if desired i 1811 Cumlng.
ELECjANT front and back parlors , furnished
suitable for 2 gentlemen or man and vv If e ,
modern conveniences. 1009 Douglas st. 027
FOR HKNT A handsome south room for one
or two gentlemen , convenient to cable nnd
horao car line. Knqulro 2111 Douglas st. 41
FOH HUNT Vurnlshod room. 110 S. SGth.7U2
ELEQANT front rooms , cheap 623 S 11th ,
7C3-N. 13 * _
TT10R KENT Nice largo furnished room with
ntcove.sultable for 2 gentlemeu,18 l Farnani.
"DOOMS with ntoves ill per wepk orSlfiOper
XV month. GU2-4-0 8 18th st. 45J ai.1 *
IJ10II JIKNT Furnished or unfurnished room
J- for two gentlemen , or man and wife , J025
Howard st. 544
FUHNISIIKD room. A. Hospo , 1S1J Douglas.
TTiUltNISHKDroom , 1118.-Oth near Dodge.
Jj mo nai
F I OH RENT Furnished room , south front ,
N 12 cor " 1st and Davenport st. 4bO
LA110 E pleasant room , furnished , brlolc tint.
1410 Chicago Jt 465
T71OH KENT A largo front room , newly fur-
JU ntahcd , south front , cheap , corner 17th and
Cumlngg sts. noitlioast corner. UPS
CTOR ItKNT Furnlnhed rooms in Greunlg blk
JU cor. 13th and Dodge sta. Inquire of Qeo. 11. ,
Darla. Wlllard hotel billiard room. 017
HKNT A naudaome room with alcov o at
2GJ9 St. Mary's ave. 018
Oil HKNT a unfurnished looms for light
housekeeping. ( SH S. I'th , botvueu Jackbou
nnd Loavunvvortli , M7 II *
POH HUNT Two pleniant unfurnished front
looms. Juqulio of Dr. Ilolfnmn , b , W , Cor.
llth aud JaikHon t > ta. 313
POH UKNT To small family 6 unfurnished
rooms , $15 , 1410 Chicago st. ! iW 13 *
IOH HUNT 1 large fiont room , unfurnished
llth st. Kll
* H HKNT--3 or 0 rooms at 003 N 1 rth st.
)016 ) ;
FOH HKNT S chambers convenient for house ,
keeping to a mini and wife w Ithout children , J
blocks from poatolllcu. Ultf N 17th. QUO V *
TTNPLTKNIbUKD-bultablofor liouseneepinir.
U ' 1 111 coJl ( ) ooiiis. 21W Nicholas ut. . , . . . 11 M
Two (2) ( ) looms , corUhand Pucllcbt. | , ; , . . . 7 00
1'our ( II rooms , M s li < th Bt. % , . . ; . , . . . . 3(1 ( 2o
lhreoJroom ( ) .loi9 N.aothBt. . . | , , . .s. , " . , 11 23
' 1 hreo ( .11 rooms. 70HJ I'acltlcst. . . . . . , " , : . , Id M
' 1 hree HI rooms. Itlu I'lercest iJ W
Three I'l ) rooms , 1010 N , 21st st 1000
Three n > rooms , 707 I'acUlc st li M
l'our(0rooms ( , 17DI Webster st , . . , , . . 10 20
Two ( J ) looms 1818 Howards ! , . . , , 1U 00
Judge. Hentlui : Agency.s.w. cor. lUrnev and
IGth sts Itoom 1 , up st.ilrs. -M
" " "
O FKICK furnished to rent , 2 rooms , at 9
llarlcer block. Apply janitor. U31U *
TOO K HUNT -Store nud flat of new rooms rea-
JU honabln. Inquire , drugstore , Sherman ave ,
and L'orby st. ills 14 *
FOH HUNT One storo-rooui , one bakury. one
llat , car. Park nve. and Wonlworth ava. In *
qulru The . K. Hall. 617 Paxton building. ll *
TOOK HUNT Storeroom , No.2U 8.14th st. A p.
JU ply n > 1110 Howard st. ffll
_ „ HUNT 0 store * on lath ana Leavea
worth , apply Hank of Omaha. fill )
TJUH HK.NT-llrlrk itore , ilat abov . 4th aod
-L Hamilton , deslrablu business location. I u-
vttt llurnham , room 1 , Cralghton block. 60 *
imou ItENT-Omcd tulu tX > month. S
JU offlcqji li eadu all froatlDZ Itlth it. , lluiui-
man block , N. U , Cot. loth ana Douglas. W. M.
Buslimsn , Mil Learenivorth. 61
IF YOU want your Bousus rrnteil place them
With lloimwft ft Co , JOth , opuoslte pontolllce.
J KO. J. _ I'aul 1W7 ( rorn. at. Houses , stores ,
tc. tot root.
VVTE glva special attention to renting and col-
TT loctlngrtmfi , ' list with us. II. K. tole. room
8 , Contlnantflllbloob. 014
EOHOF. JI'9TKI1N8DOHKF , room , opp. P.
O , will hnrfjifur give special attention to
renting houses , stores and flat * . If you want
your property rurifud without delay and to reli
able tenants , do cot fall to list tha same with
him. , ( KJ
FOK HKNT t np 1 have largd livery
barn , storr tqom and three living rooms ,
COxlOd feet , mldlMcomniodatlnK ome < v liorsts ,
good locntiowfor storn. ou Dodge st , this sldo ol
the line , Oninlia , that I will rtnt cheap to
responsible patf.U's. W , It. Vaughau. U M Far-
nam st , Omaha. Slidlu
TT10II HKNT-Oood born. 4 stalls , feed room
JU and wagon shed. Inriulro at 203i Ilovrard t.
T OST IJetwccn 17th and 18th st . , onl.onvmi-
JLJ vv orth at. , one nilr of eye glasses with chain
It found please return to 878 a. ISth st , l * < j *
1 OST Ilauiboo cano on Axundnrs or Ames
4-J HVenuo Tlio Under will please leave It nt
Ilee OlHcu or address II 5 % same place , 321 1 JT
LOST-On Thurtdny the 8th. a little skyo ter
rier , color white and groyj will nnsvvorto
the name of 1'iiety Liberal reward will be
given for hU return to 2710 Parker st. Mrs. II ,
O. 1'ark. _ _ S71 18t _
- , 6th. 1 black bucklionrd ,
Jtop buggy , andslngle harness ; wna last seen
vv Ith liorse < In front of mj barn alxtut 7 p , in. ;
W.UO row nrd will bo paid on return of propetty
to my barn.V , ti .laidlne , 11J N. llth nt.
_ 107 U
FOI'ND A w atcrspnnlol slut , about ono your
old , dnrlc brown color. Owner cnn have
mime by calling on John Sokol , l.BO S. Itth nnd
t > a > lug charges. 310 If. *
rpAKKN tfl' Hay mare nony. saddle mark on
JL back. Gco. T. Hlrd , Horence , Nebraska.
LlS 21) ) not forgotten.
IK the blonde ladv In rliarge of two little bojs
on Cumins st , car yesterday afternoon at-
sires further ac < iualntanco w ith the gent ( Strin
ger In the city ) whom she partially recognlrod
ou roar platform , tv 111 she kindly drop n note to
O. II. Hov noldH. Danville. 111. 352 H'
PKH80NAL Hogaut triple nnd quadruple
plate castois. take dishes , water and te.v
sets , spoons , forks , ito , absolutely tree with
every purchase of $ olU and upwards us a
"Ihanksitlviug oirorlng. " I , . O. .loiios. Ameri
can dottier HIM Karnam. Out of town readers
bond for catalogue.
IDKHSONAI/ you navoa personal Item , or
Jl any communication , drop It in one of Iho
Dee s message bozos. 1CH
FOR 8AIiK at a bargain , the trotting stallion
\Vlndvvood. W'lnuwood is a bright
"whllo , of perfect form , stands Ifi hnnas lilgh.
and is a graceful mover ; vvus sired by Whirl
wind Chief t < o. 2j(0. ( liobyhlrlvvind.slre of
Lady Jlac , 2 J ! ! ; llnrkUB U:2.'iJ , ; dam of Maud
Messenger. 2:10 : ( } . etc. ; dam \Vludwood ,
Moywood , record 2S7J { . oy Limber Hill : second
dam the noted Molly W. , by C.ise'x Hod Muck ,
etc , Mayweed has won races o\prtou dllfer-
mit horses with records below B:2i" > , pi Ice IIMW.
1'ost olllro address James Aukland , Beatrice ,
Nebraska. 31120-
TTTOlt SAIiSfdrnltute nnd lease of three
JU rooms for housekeeping. Stuamheat , gas ,
bath. 116 rent. Battles leaving town. 4UI N 10th ,
jthlloor. ; ! ; tl aiol3 ; *
T71OH SALK Opq or two .l-yenr-old delivers
JU horses , or will trade for larger ono. m O
IlurtEt. it. 'i , iOlot
POK SALt /Vt.n' bargain , ono of the best
roadstera'(7i ( < 5slrsold , with pedigree * in the
citj' . nnd newl'njfdBr top i oad "w a rm. No more
stylUh rig IrVbiiiiTia. Will sail at a bin-gain for
cash or will tttUoiftood llrst mortgage paper.
Dan H. Wheeler , jr.lltisuiancu ) , Kooin l.Ureigh-
ton blk. . .Kl 10
T710HSAljE-J'-t\nlturo ' whole
- - or part or ten-
JU room housS. inil Dodge st. house for rent.
' " 2RS10I
t34eop tar a few days , good Syour
old mnrrt with or'without buggy ; arrautc < l
0. 1C. ; good totbuggy. . i aison. or saddle , Sao
Ijer. X. J. JJcara.JfJjra. nfl. oi-.gla sj jt
CAIHNEi1 crand upright piano , llrst-class
malce. for HUle'at a lacrlllce , only used one
year , part. caub anrt part time if deslrnd. Ad
dress II lOuCnreJtee "Will
TjlOH BACK or trade Now two seated car-
JU riage and single top buirgy. Selby. L'l.'l
Faruam. . ( To
OIL tank wagon , nearly new. with or vvltnout
team , easy 'terms. Hutchlnsou A. Wcad ,
1534 Dodge st. 1M17
FOK SAI B Very line family horse nnd
phaeton at your own price. Inquire room ' 10 ,
First National Hank. f > 7G
A GOLD toand ring free. See our sample book
Jtof all thu latest designs In visiting c aids
and ngenta terms for -c. Ohio Card Co . ( 'ucllr. ,
Ohio. JO- ! .
HEi53MAKJNU Miss M. A. hlne is pre-
paicd to do fashionable
most moderate prices at 317 N. 10th at. tCT-lT
T AD1KS Superfluous hair on the face , neck
JLJor arms removed , and the roots instantly
killed , by the Klectrlc Needle Process , leaving
no mar to or scars ; positively the only perma
nent romedy. Mrs. Dr. Packord , IKS bt.Mary's
ave. ; Wednesdays and Thursdays only.
HINTING. McHrldo & Ityiin , 1510 Iio'dR. .
[ 187da
cBHIDK If HYAN. jirlntlug. 1518 Dodge.
IdTdl )
"VTOriCE to contractors- builders Ton
-LX will eare money tijr flunrlnu with ItaymurA
Tier , their stock of btilldan * hardware is complete -
plete and prices low. UUnl7
INlfOUMATlOH wlfhout charge to jiarties
wishing to buy , nell or tindx t > outh Omaha
property. D. D. bmeaton , lioom 4J , Darker
block. Omaha. 770 _
"ClEliT hats pressed and reshaped ; feathers
JL ? cleaned and curled. * .M. Schadell.aiHN I8th.
TT1UKN11 Ulin carefully moved by the Omaha
JU Auction and Storage Co , 1U1 1'arnam St.
Teleponno 1205. IllnlS
JNO. MULDOON 4 : Co ,3r > S. 10th St. ; ID stone
cutters , 12c lineal foot , Colorado sandstone.
TUB banjo taught ai an art by Geo.K. Hellon-
beck. JSi So. luth si. 1-t !
GO to llaymor & . Her for tine tools nudtbultd-
era' hardvv ] are , M S , 10th St. , Her building.
MIDLAND Quarantee and Trust Co. , 1 > l > ar
nam Complete abstracts f urnlsaod , & title *
to real estate exainlaed.pnrfccted A : punrunteej.
BKNSON4.CAHMItHAKf < furnish "oomplota
and guaranteed abstiacU of title to tiny
real estate in Omaha and Douglas cotinty upou
abort notice. 'I he most complete sot of uustinct
boon * la th city. No. 150/J1aruam st. Ol
SIOUAOK-JIorchandlse , 3IU feouth 10th rrt.
* > ' ' ' fi71
STOHAl\-oU > < jo rates at 1121 IVrnair ! st.
Oirulin Atictlpp A Stoi ano Co 11)
iUTUltAUiiHIltowhold'goods U1V South 10th
0 _ wf 41 _ _ .fi"t _
rpRACKAGK , Ktorago , lowast rates , < W. M
JL llughmauf } ) \ fLeavenwortu. \ . _ ffM
_ _ _
\/AN'Ji5D-//S0iuy ; ) inllCfiom r. to 100 Sjw"s7
> Address 1IT > tlU e otlico. Ml I4
WANTUD-yTpJui } livery business in central
or western JflTiraska. Address Kleck Hros.
Ulghton , la. " " ' W1X
WANTED l'umiture. carpets , Btovos and
houKehold cooils ot all kinds. OmnhaAuo
tiou ibtoragtrCWVlU'l 1'urnam. >
" \1TONEV to lx ) u l owost rates. Jxians closed
J-'ipromptly , II. E. Cole , lloom 0 , Continental
Block. ayJ
6PKH CliNT money to loan Cash on Hand
W. M , HarrU , room 20 , rrcnzer block , opp.
T OANSmadaon real estate and morteages
J-J bougnt. Lstrti 8. Reed & Co. , 1621 Karnam.
rpo LOAN-UOOO private mouey. Apply at
JL onco. V. V , Hurrlkou , Merchants' Nut. bank
m in
, OANS made ou rqul esute.Morti < agebouglit
Ik' . M , Itlclinrdaou.Il. O.s.vv.cor. iSth'VDouuUs
H it. IUUr-LOO.OOO-to loan on city property
, and Improved fanii land. Iteuter block.
M ONKY to loan on Improved real estate ,
LoH\ltt Clarnhatn. Crclgtitoa btoclc. iliT
MONKV to loan tu any anlouut , either for
building or othervvUe , ut lowest rutos et
inUreit ana un yhort Jiollco. D. V. Shale * , room
tig ilrtt NfttU b&ak. cor. UtU uiul i'urunt. HO
DO TOU wnnl to borrow money * If you have
diamonds , wntolios or jewelry nnd detlreto
ITect loan on favorable terms In a strictly
private and confidential manner , or should you
want A loin on furniture , hordes , carriage * ,
land contracts or por'on-U property of any d < > -
ccrlptlou. you civn have money advanced at
lowtvtt rate * of lntere t and nmpla time to pay
by cBllliiK on or sending postal card to the
XP.- . _ Omaha Mortgage I/onnCo.
o ipon out our own money. wak ontonr
own papers and pny no commUston , thus giv
ing the b n < at to thn borrower.
Our facilities are such that we ran accomrao-
date you in a prompt nnd connil n(1l ( i nn *
ner. Klrinff ym\ fair , honorable nnd courteous
All lo ns rcnsvreJ at original ratoi.
We will pay off any tnorionite younovrhdro
and give you lone time nnd low rates ; vrlll loan
any Rtim from Jto tl.OJO.
Commercial and 1st mortgage paper bought.
Omaha MortRngo 1/oan Co , rooms 217 and 213
1 Irst National Hank bulldlUK. J
< ljriOnOXI to loon nt 0 par rent Mnnhaa fe Me-
p honey , room KM , 1'axton
/TJOODclty and farm loans wanted by A. K.
VJ HUey. 1519 Karnam. 6j3
EKALciUto loans , lowoit rat s. Odcll Hros.
A Co , 31J S. IQtli st. O.TJ
MONKY to loan ; long time. George J. Paul
ItOT Karnam st ( til
"JJOlLlTlNa loans. Llnahan & Manoney.
TirONKY to loan. O. P. Dn\Is Co , real estate
J-'JUml loan agents , 1JOJ taruatn st. 013
Omaha 1'lnanclal KichaURO , Itootn l\
Darker lllock , southwoit corner of r.iruani
and 16th sts.
Makes a. Bpoclnltr of nhort-tlmo collateral
nud real estate loans.
Money alwa > s on hand In sums of $100 nnd
upwards to any amount , to loan on approved
Secure'd notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Clear real estate and cish to oxchiuiKO for
goodnratorseiond mortgages.
lx > Atis mndo upon laud contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , llr t or second mortgage s -
curlty , without publicity , delay or red Upo business of an ) kind transacted
Promptly , qttlotlv and fnlrly. Koom li. llarkor
block Corbatt , Manager. tUl
MONHY 'lo Loan lly the undersigned , who
hasthoonlvpropcrl } organlred loan agency
lu Omaha Loans or jlOto $1,000 made ou furni
ture , pianos , orBtinshor eswiiKons , machinery ,
oto. without removal. No delays. All business
strictly coutldontlal , Loans so made that any
ps.rt can be paid at any time , each payment
rednclugtho costmorala. Advances made ou
iluewatchei und dlamimds , Versons should
carefully consider who tlior nro desllng vv ith ,
as mntiynew conccinsnro daily comlna Into < x-
Isteuce. Should you need money call and xeo
mo. W. H. Croft , room \Vithnoll building ,
ISthand Harnoy.
MONKV toloan on chattel securities. Illsnop
\ \\heelcr Loan Co , room 5 , llarker block.
NKI1HASKA MnrtfrnRQ I.oiu Co. makes loans
on nil Limit * of good security nt the lowest
rr.teof interest consl tint with all buslnws
prindjilos All matters regnided as confiden
tial. Wolonuour own money and hnvo the
cash on hand 1'ilvnto rooms for ladles and
others that so dosho , Loans can lo paid oil at
imvtlmo. Advances made on flue watches and
diiimouds. lloouis 518-1U 1'axton blk. . Omaha.
. _ . FINANCIAL Lxctnnge-The fair-
JL cst , quietest , most liberal money otchaimo
In the city ; loans made without delay or pub
licity , In any amount large or small , ut the low
est rates of iutxitest , on anv u.ull.iblo security :
loans miy be paid ut any time or renewed at
original rates. O. Uouscnron , ingr. , room fityj ,
llarker blk , 1Mb and Parunm 01" n 1" > ?
TVIONKVtoloan on household furniture , pi-
-I'lanos , horses , wagons and other personal
property : also on mortgage paper and contracts
as collateral security ; cash always on h'xuil : lib
eral extensions granted ; business transacted
ralrlv.quietly and promptly. Thor.ilrbanks In-
\estmont Co , B W cor 16th & Douglas , upstairs.
MONBVto loan on Improved pioperty at llrst
hands. No applications sent away for ap
proval. Securltj and titles examined free of
charge o borrowers. Lombard Investment
company , < KM 3. 33th st. ft 17
rpo LOAN From ono to two hundred thous-
- Ianil dollars or smaller sums promptly , cist
ern capital always on hand cheap. Philadelphia
Mortgage : iud Trust Co. , Goo. W. J' . Coates , u
board of trade. V18
to loan on furniture , wagons , etc. ,
without removal , or on collateral security.
Business strictly confidential. A. K Oroenvvood
& Co , H 1 Cunningham blk , cor. Uth * Jackson.
GW. PUCK loans money , cash ou nand ,
{ jR ) 000. can be pUced on city and farm prop
erty ut lowest rates1iulldlng loans a specialty.
Itoom 4 , 1'rcuzer block. Opp. P. O. UQfl r. lo-
MONKY to loan on Improved city property or
for building purposes ; louest rates ; no
delay. Mutual Investment Company , room ] ,
Darker block , 15th and 1'arnam. 53d
A500.00J 0 per cent. Money to loan on Ira-
tpprov ed farms or city property. James A.
\Voodraaii , at the old fire Insurance oflice of
Murphyjl J.ovett. 230 B. Uth st. 1541 _
' borrow money on fnrnltnro , horses ,
wagons , etc. , until you Imvo seen C. U. Ja
cobs , room 410 , First National bank building ,
cor. 11th nndFarnajp 042 _
T OANS made on city property , chattel and , security , mortgages bought. IClm-
ball , Champ 6c H > un lloom 6 , U.S.Nat , bank
MONKY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on auv approved security. J. W. Hob-
bins. K. 2uO Sheely blk , 15th and Howard. (41 ( _
MONEY to Loan-MJu real estate and chattel
bocurltv. Money without delay. Western
Land and I oan exchange , 117 S. lOih ht.
MONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J.
W. Squire. L19 ! Taniam st , ITrst National
bank building. 044
flJlJ.tXW to loan on Inside property. Somt first
* P mortgages for sale. Nathan Bhellon , 1M >
Kama m street. 013
MONKY to r/oan City and country : cneap
rates , no delay. L. P. Hammond. 4011 Paxton -
ton building. 84U
IVI ONI5Y10 Loan On Omaha and Bouth Oma-
J-TJ ha property. C. K. Harrison. Merchants' Na
tional bant. 777
o LOAN $2.600 private , money. Apply at
once.C. K. Hnrriion , Merchants' Nat. bank.
122 13
PEOPLE'S 1'INANCIAL Exchnusc Largo
ana small loans for long and short time , at
lowest rates of interest , on real estate , mort-
gate notes , chattels of all klnda , diamonds ,
watches and Jewchy. Don't fall to call If you
want fair and cheap accommodations. O. IJoim-
car en mgr. . room CSi-i , Uarker blic , 15th and
Tarnam. 917 n IS'
WANTIID An active or silent party with
t X ) toiUf lu a protltablo safe inaiiufactnr-
ng buslnees. Address I ! 60 , Ilee ofilce. JtO in *
TTtOH SAIK A .small and well-assorted drug
J- ' stock , including elegant nxtures , at u bar
gain If taken soon Can be inov ed to adv an-
tage. Address Immediately A. llroun , care
drug stoic. V13 N. 25th , ! ! 45 la
FOH SALK Newly refurnished , well-paying
hotel , tu thriving town on main line of U. P ,
Call or address , H. H. W. , 1011 Hovvurd.Oraaha ,
319 10 *
T7TOK bAMI Grocery business , nplendid loca-
I. : tlou lu suburbs of Omaha ; Ntock to be sold
at luvolcu price , Addiess H 51 Hue. 283 lit *
OIlOI'-llorSK feeding 5W dally , for Hale
cheap , Address II .IS , Dee olllco. 287 11 *
"IT1OH HA I.K Ono of the most prosperous groo
Jcr \ and lundwaro stores near .South Oinulia ;
R.implo mom attached If piefurred the grocery
and hiirdvvare store will bo sold separate from
sample room. Fatlufnctory reason given for sell
ing. Inquire of Me ) or A , Hnnpke , wholesnlo gro
cers , Onuhn. 277 14T
TrioTlluiTK Or Trado-Hostaurant In good
JL. ' order at j our ovvn price ; beat location. II
40. lleo ollicu. 23 ! ) 1IJ
AHAHi : opportunity ; llio well-know n JIovv-
lay IIOUKO foi lent , and furnltuie for sale ,
on tuny termo , to good parties , Thl Is a rnru
opportunity for the right man , Address. John
lia\vley. North Platle. Neb. 1)58 ) 22 *
TT1OH SAW : My restaurant , located ou 3-J2 N
-L lAth St. . dolnir a good business , will hell
rheup for cash if taken within .iUtlajs , asl
waul to go south. 11 C Lewis A rion. 14H 15 *
rJUH HAI.R Ix ) < l'liiB | business good location ;
J-1 ulmigulii if sold at once , OAddress H HI
Heoollliv. _ _ Iia7-l.'lt _
AHHICIC yard In full runnlngordor on switch
of U. P. and H. & M. Knglue.boller. pallttta
lor 3.V > , ( Wi , brick theds to match anil noft mud
imichlne , good clay , for halo cheap. Addretu II
lijjlw. _ 7U1 IB
"V\TK wish to employ a reliable man In your
TT county. No experience required ; perma
nent position for three years , Salary Increased
each year. Light , easy , genteel business , Money
advanced for xalnry. advertising , etu. Lare tt
mnnuf'is in our line. Enclose 2-r nt. No
postals. Centennial M'f'g Co. , Cincinnati , O ,
Ui 12 8U
T71OH IJXCHANaB Ilous nndlot la Austin ,
-L' 1 oxas.
Ilouuunad lot In lllalr. Neb.
va acres In Lincoln county. Neb.
1'iJ acres lu Howard county. Neb.
Lot in HaunJtra A. lllmebaugh'u add.
SXI lota lu other additions.
A. P. Tukey , IJth find Douglas.
_ _ _ _
T WKNTY-TWO beautiful Chicago lots for a
JL house and lot In Omaha ; must be freelof in.
cumbranu ) . Amelia Knopf , Derby hotel , 113 N.
13th. 2T lit
rpo i'CIIAMJHGood : farm in uortli western
JL Kanittn for a good country printing office
outfit. WadteraLauil aad Loan lixcnanre , U7
N. l6Ui U S ! ( lh
WANTRD-tlulldlng material of nil Mads ,
for cash : first mortgage notes , lots , lands ,
farms , etcf. . J- Paul , low ftiniMu n. s 7
I710H Traas-nioice loTtn ( irnmtnercy Park
JL1 nnd cliolce double cornsr In Upton PInre for
good land 1) ) . V. bholos. 210 , Hrst Nat 1 bank.
. tiT.
rpo KXCHANOK-lfl new houses In Soutl
-t. Omaha for clear lots In Omaha , South Omn
hn or Council Illutls. Win. b Monroe , 113 N.
Sith st , g-H 1BJ
\\7ANTKD-Horss nnd buggy or phenton foi
TI lots , etc. Mrs. J , Taul , low Farnnm t.
FOH rXCIIANOr.orSilo-a ) choice Itnprotei' '
farms , 14 to SO miles front Omiha. Avlltpay
some rash In exchange for Omnta city proi *
erty ; parties having business or tenement blocks
or residence property will do well tolnv * tl nto.
li 1lunger. . IW lHh. in-li
T710irHXCHANOK-Two Nebraska f Arms for
J- city residence property. Address 41.4 Nlch-
olas Ht. . city. 171 16 *
rpo KXCHANOK-lIqultv In two lots two
A blocks frotncnr _ Jlno. H . , lice MMB
TjlOU KXCHANoTf Jf ni in bl resldonco
JU proportv In Omaha , any or all of follow ing :
40 cholco instdo i tsldeneo lots In Hastings ,
100 lots In I.lurolu.
040 acres line farming land. Inncn tor county.
Hue residence properM. IJneolu.
( ! oed rental property , Lincoln.
Cholctt fancy j-csldence. cornnr. IxjsAnK lps.
A luut M'Hlilenro iiropt'rtv In Hanscom IMace.
Also sumo rood mortgage notoH ,
Address , Rlv lug locntlouand prlooof propertv ,
J. K. 11 , rate llautu Iron Co. , 1.17 LKiveiuvorth ,
IHAVl ! real nnd pprsonnl property of all
kinds for trade. C.ul and see mo. George J ,
btornsdortr , room 0. opp P.O. fl * "
IJIOHITNK teller Lm'ormancnn ' Do con-
JLT stilted on nil nlTalrs of llfo. Satlsfnc-tlou
guaiantecd. No UlSNlothst ( WBjlli ;
DR. NANN1H V. Warren , clalrvovnut. Mod-
leal and buslnoss medium. 1'emale diseases
n specialty. 111) ) . N. Ifitli nt. Hooms23. . r > V >
JilOH SALKOr trndo for land not Iticum-
JL1 bercd : Nen hotel , i'S nxnns , in the prosper-
otiHhmnof Ot'lruhs , Kail lllver lounty. Da-
koto , ; I miles south of Kapld City. Price KW. (
Hents ut JTO per mouth ,
1 01 Htlo Lumber van ! and hardware busi
ness ; lurgonrotlta ; Block S'l.lXKl , v ards and 1m-
tirovemeuts'ifl.tXiO ; will tuLe land foi ono half ,
llnlimnrnsh 01 bankable papers , dm give
ButUfnctory reasons for selling. Ailrtioss H ,
A. Callutid. Orth khs , Dak. 2M 1SJ
TTiOiSALir niTI lotoioth st , , lf > tiiorth of
JL ? the llartman school ror $ 'l,5HO. llutchlnsou
As Wend , 1 4 Dodge at. _ 2.W-
IHAVK $11,000 worth of piopcrty soon to bo
sold for mortgage. ' 1 ho coming Insidu piop-
orty of South Omalia Itoiiutres J1XK ( ) cash. Cnti
bo bought at a b.irgiln. D. D. Smeiton , Omnha
( JJfOObujsa full lot and good 4 room cottngo
'Peasv terms and good location. 1) . V. Hholos ,
room 210. KtrstNnt'l bank , cor. 13th nnd 1'ar-
num. _ Coii
tri , ° 0buvsa goo < l 2-story 8 room "house and
lot. east from , lu Windsor Place , n bru alu.
D. V. Mioles , Uoom2IO , lirst Nullonal Uauic.
FOH SALi : Ou easy terms , the tlrst house dl-
lectlv south of Dr. Morcir Hiosldenco.eloveu
looms nnd barn with lot 40x1 U only 81,50) ) . W
T. Seaman , wagons , carrlices. tc. , east side o
10th St. . north ot Nicholas. U70
TjlOU SALB Two elegant homes In Hanscom
JL ? Place on reasonable trims ; mortgage paper
taken us part payment. Hosvvorth it Joplln ,
Harkcr block. B90
OTS Tor Sale 1 hnvo 10 line lots In Ihlggs'
Jnlico add. foi sain. Tor furthei information
Jolfery ( lalumi. 111. TO1
ITUJH SAIK Lot oOxlW. with good 2-story
-U house nlcolv finished , all modern conven
iences , within 1 blk paved St. , li blk from PnrK
school and M , K. church , Hinscom plnco. This
is one of the best properties in the city , and
can bo had at a bargain by addt easing the
owner. P14 , Dee otllco. 44U
POH 8ALH Or exchange for Omaha proper
ty , HO acres , suitable foi platting ; will make
4001ots ; all cleat ; big moiitiy In It for some one
who can push this ; ed just outside of tha
city limits of Council Illulls. Inquire Geo. J.
BternsdorlT , opp. Dostollice. J03
TTloirSALK Not for trade. 043 T8 ncroT of iiii
JO prov cd laud a miles from Marquette In ,
lIamtltpnCo,1Nebiaska , Frame house , frame
BtftDle , 300 acres-under a good 4 barb-wire fence ,
round cedar posts and . stays ; llTing water ,
Kood corral , 2 wellsj wind mill. 330-barrcl tank ,
self-fcedertroufhs , etc. ; 75 acres clover ; model
Price ( about 812 per acre ) , $0,1500
Cash - 3,500
3 yours time at II percent 3,000
Go and loon orer the land and address the
owner , K. K. Atkins , 1502 Larimer st , Denver ,
Colo. 244
FOR SALK 512 acres Hamilton ( o. Neb.
land , 19 per acre , one third cash , balance at tt
per cent. Address W. J. Wllduian. Denver. Col.
POK SALK or zcnange. We have some
coed Omaha , real estate and Nebraska
forma , which we will sell cheap or trade for
atockot clothing , furnishing goods , dry Roods ,
boots and shoos , groceries or hardware. iTchles-
ineer Bros . CM 8.10th st
FOH SALK Not for trade. A nice 2-story
house and lot , completely furl shed through
out , in ono of the best locations In the city.
Modern conveniences. Only tl,750. Terms
easy. A rare chance to secure a home of your
ovvn at a bottom roc.k llgure. Don't delay , but
IOOK this up at onco. George J , SteinHdorff ,
Boom B , opp. P. O. iffl-M
Milwaukee & St Paul '
Chicago , , R'y.
The Best Itonte from Oinalm and Council
Bluffs to
Chicago , AND Milnrnukpc ,
St. Pnnl , MiniienpoHs , Odar
Rock Island. Frccport , Itockford ,
Clinton , Dtibitquo , Dnrcnpott ,
Elgin , Mndlbon , Jancstillc ,
I5cioltt \Vlnona , La Crosse ,
And all ottirr Important oolnts Eait , Nbrtbeost and
Vortliroueb tickets , call on tUa tlckot agent at IV01
Kuruaiu struct. In linrkur Jllock , or at Uuloa 1'aciaa
J' Sleeper ) nd tbe flneil Dlnlnt'Can la tha
world arv run on tile main line ot tba Chicago , Mil.
vrakee A Ht. faul Hullnar , and * v attintlua 1 > paid
to p&uenjtari ty cournoui uuplurui of Uiecowpaar.
Jl MILtBU , denernl Jtfan g r.
J. * TUUKRR , AmliUnt Central Manner.
A. V. It. CAKPK.Nmt , Ocnoial futttager and
Ticket Aacnt
HBU. K. UJiAKFOUO , Aulitani General Pr cnga
aud Tlcktt Auent.
J.T. tLAUK , < J utrt'8upcrnteiil ! ! iH.
A Sure Cure
Wo will guarantee to euro any case of
2O TO 60 DAYS.
This in a disease wliirh line hoi otoforo
Bullied all Medical Science.
\Vohuvo n llemedy , unknown to unjoins In the
World outside of our Comimny.mul one that has
, n cure the most obstinate case ? . Ten days In
ruccnt i aMn doek the vork. . It Is theolddironlo
leep heiilol rusnti that vvu Holtclt , Uu havu
wed hundred * who Imvu bioi abandoned by
I'hjxlclaiiH , and pionounced Inturiilile. and uo
challenge the World to tiring UK n iasu that wo
will not cure lu \ < iM than * lxty days ,
hlnro the history of medic Inn a true HtieclNo
or Stphllls has buou sought for , but ue\tr
found until our
vasdlacoverod.and vseare justitlad In .saving
t Is the only Humudy In the U urld that will pos-
lively cure , because tint latest ilt die nl Works ,
iublli < hed by Ilia best knoun authorltlis , sity
here was norer utruo ( iperltlc belon * . Oiirrom-
edy will cure when oveivthlnK else ha * failed.
Why waste } our time and moiiny vvlthptttiut
nedlclnej that novel had virtue or doctor with
ihyslrlunathutcunnot cure you , you tbut hava
tied uiurytlilngelse should como to us nowand
get permanent relief , > ou nevortunget It else-
whuro. Mark what wu say. In the end you
niUfit take our remedy or NKVKU recover und
you that have been atlllctwl but a short tlmn
iliould by all means come to us now , not ono In
en of new tuxes ever get permanently mrt'd ,
Juny get help uad ihtnK they itre free from tlm
dhieaBe. but in out , twooi turui jonra ufter It
appears asain iu u morn liorrlblo form ,
This is a Blood Purifier nnd will Cute
any Skin or Blood Dlsoaso when
Everything else Fails.
KOOUI 10 nnd 11 , U. H. "valloiml Hank
building , Ouialii : Arfo.
Ch0ag0 | ( m9. \ cmrkat.
Ibo Regular Old-Eslabllslicd
li itl'.l Trcallng with the Orwlwl
Chronic , Ncryons and Priyale Diseases ,
Falling Memory , Exhauitlnc Drains , Tcrrlbla
Dreams , Head and Hack Ache nnd all the cffecti
leadlna to early decay and perhaps Coniutnption o *
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
" 'iff- SyirnfLY8"ind all bad Blood and Skin Oil *
easesi permanently cured.
49 * KlDNUYond UKlNARYcomrhlnti.OlMt ,
Qonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varlcocele ami all ilUtaiei !
clthe Qcnlto-Uriiuty Oigans cured prorartly without
Injury toSlomnch , KUncy * or other OrgaM.
4f No experiment * . Ace ami experience lm
portent. Contultntlon free anil aacred ,
r-Send4cen jpc t ce for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous nnil Delicate l > t < exiti ,
i 'lhotc cotitemplattng Matrlice icou Or Dr.
aarke'a ctlcbrated cuiilc Mule nnii Female , e ch
IS centt , Vx > lh a ; cents ( llsram ) Contiilt the olj
Doctor A friendly Idler or cnll m y i > efuturr iiifTcr.
Ing anil nhimeanil nild golden jean lolife1. W9Hook
"Life's ( Secret ) Krrora , " socenHiUmpOj ( Meillcln
and tiling ! lent ever ) where , tecure from exposure.
Houn,8to8 , Sunilayi y to u , AJtlieti
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
180 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL.
Health is Wealth !
Jn. K.C.VisiV Ncnvr A
HKSr. aBunrantci'dsliocllk- Djstorla , Dlzl
nuis , Convulsloiui , Hts , Nervous Nonralgta
llcadacho , Nenous 1'iostrHtton , caused by thou
ue oralcohol or lobnrro. W aktirnlnrss. Mental
leprn ) < slim , Softeulngof the Ilialn , nxiiningm
Insanhy , and lending to inl < rry. Occny and
death. I'remiiture Old ago Itaiicnuois , l.oss of
1 ovNct lu either sex Imoluutary Losses and
Bpormatorhii'ii i msod by ovrr-oicrtton of tha
brain , Rolf-aliu < ! o or over Induluenrc. Knch box
contains ono mo.itli's tre-Ument f 1 tX ) ft box.or
gU boxes for $ " > 00 , sent by mull prepaid on re
ceipt of price.
To euro uny case With oich order wcelved by
u.s for six bo\cs. acroiiipatiled HU fc't.UU. wo
w111 send the piirthaier our VMlttenBUarauteo
to refund the money If the ti oituu nt- does not
t'llcctacuro. ( luixlatitcoi Issued pnly by C. F.
( JOIllMAN , Uruculst , bole Aeent , llUU'arnnin
Stmat. Omaha Nub.
These figures are moro eloquent than volumes
which might bo w ritten in praise of the peculiar
merits Doshcsncd by the Magee U coils.
T nsu the Magee Kange constantly In my
Schools and Private Kitchen ; It fulfills every
lequlrcniQiit for thu moat exacting work ; I
would not exchange U for uny range mailo. "
bend for our I'urnaco Cltnllar nnd read what
physlcluns professors , scientist ! , mechaulon and
merchant ! ) say of the Magua 1'iirnaces tney havtf
In use. Jon t put in btuam or Hot Water Ap-
puratus.tlll you KNOW what a FIRST-CLASS Hot
Air furnace will do for half the cost.
Tiih MAfn-K ll % nKM , uu ACE8.Ill'ATI a AND
COOK O Srovrs AHE Por.n KvrmwuEitB by
our agents , and wo wuiTant each one to give
perfect satisfaction , to the on ) or. MAOKH
jmilNACK CO. . : B T038 UMOS ST. , Boston. 3
Lake St ,
Agents Omaha. Nob.
QOLD 1IEDAL , PARIS , 18 , w ,
_ abiolutrty ptira
Cocoa , from whlcli th czeoss ot
Oil hai Iwon removed. It Iiai thru
llmti the ttrcnglh of Cocoa mlxixl
Trith Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
and I * therefor * far man economi
cal , ttiUny lut than out cent a
cup. It la dollcloiu , noiuUlilaff ,
tiengtlienlnff , caill ; dJgnted , and
admlrabljr adrrUil for Invalids M
well as for panong la health.
Sold by Oroftrt tttrtttlnre.
W , BAKER & CO , Dorchester , Masi
me xor xtus CUIHJ ziiuca max
) u ma
Blocks ,
real Bton * .
Uina eo ton.
nilM'NT fur
' '
, adultiL
For $1.75 o
2.W ( a
Apply for Descriptlre Catalogue , cent poet-frea , to
610 Broadway , New Yprk. '
Paid Up Cupllul . $100,000
SnrpliiH . 50,000
U. W. YATKB , 1'rosidont. '
I.Mriu H. KihU : , VI to 1'iesldont
A. K. TOU/AMN. 2nd Vlcn rjcsldiint.
\v. M. H. lliHiiiiH , Cashier.
II , W. YA1KK. I.I.VUHS. Ul'.l.U.
Unking Olllco
Corner I-'th and 1'urnam Hts.
A General Hanking HuslnussTiunuacled ,
State Line.
To Glasgow , Itclfast , Utiblln and Ltrerpool
From New York Every Tuesdav ,
Cablnlra i < ngoJ.i nud * ' < ) , urrordlnr to location
ot stat < ) room , llxcuirtloii t < jto tJQ.
Steerage to and from Kurope at I.o\ru t llntoa ,
AUb'l IN IIAI.UU'IN i CO . .
M Iliouiiwuy , Nmy
JOHN BLUOKN , Oon'l Western Agi-nl , , ,
101 Handolph bt , . ci
UA11HVK.MOOUKS , Agent. Oinalm.
Kctlui' d Cabin Rutuu tu Glu8''ow
euoMMii ully uttxl monthby ) ori.r I'l urt
lJidloa. Srotiaff , ] tfftctualan < I Heattint
-l' < irtnulnn j po ' ( ; rtannm.
CUCMIOAL Uo DuniniT , Mtcii.
matt by
Urua Co * OiHt/i ,
I cost
* t
* l