6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 14 , 188a THE DAILY BEE. OOUNOIlTBLUFFS. OFFICJ5. NO 12 I ! 3AIlh BTURHT. Delivered br cnrrlfr In .Anv Pftrt of the City a 'lAvrnty Cents I'cr Wci > ! c. 11. W. TII.TON. . .itANAUr.K. TKtittl'IIONGS : HrfiNF s OFFKT. N'o. . NIIHIT r.niTnit. No.SI. MINOR MKNTIOX. N. Y , I'hiiribuig company. The board of trade will meet next Tucftday evening. Start the new year with a clean , neat set of books , made by Morchousu & Co. lilcgant overcoatings at A. Kcitcr's , merchant tailor. Hit ! Broadway. Best hard and Mjft coal and Missouri wood. K. 14. Mayno , 010 Broadway , John Mutter was arrested last ovcninp for disturbing the peace on "Tlio How. * lie put up 8sl6 fur his appearance foi trial tills morning. Contractor Murphy will begin work this morning on J. J. Shea's two new hoiibcs on Fifth avenue , near Eightli street. The buildings will bo veneered with brick and will cost S-i./HX / ) . The bower at the city jail was out of order Monday , and all city prisoners were taken to the county jail. The iieccf-tiiry repairs were inado yesterday morning , and the pots of the police are ntrnin quartered in tlio cooler. Marriage licenses were issued ycfctor- dny to George Ilodrull and Julia B. Cleveland , both of Omnha , Fritz Gactli and Annie Leila , both of this county , and Patrick Brown and Hannah Jollicn , both of this city. T. B. Baldwin nml W. D. Hnrdin have formed a partnership for the doing of a general real estate and loan busi ness. They have fitted tip as their olllce a portion of the old skating rink building , No. oOI'carl street. The hoard of insane commissioners yesterday examined William Goodwin , who formerly resided at 8H5 Pierce street. Ho was first arrested for drunk enness , and found to be a candidate foi the insane asylum. The commissioners ordered him bunt to Mount Pleasant , and ho was taken thither last evening by Deputy Sheriff Currio. Police court business was light yes terday morning. S. C. Kendall and Lo-iio Cooper were each nsbehscd $7.iO ( for in toxication. Frank Peterson was charged with disturbing the peace. His cabc was bet for hearing in the afternoon , and ho was released on bail. Ho was mil-rested a few minutes later charged with vagrancy. Ho pleaded not guilty to the latter charge. A largo audience witnessed "Hold By the Enemy" at Dohany's last evening. The company was a good ono , and pre sented this interesting war drama in an intorcuting manner. Tlic situations were thrilling and the tableaux de cidedly realistic. The scenic elTccts wore strictly first class , and assisted ma terially in a proper presentation ol the play. The Adams Express company is fitting up an ollico at IJ17 Broadway , and will make its first into this run city to-mor row. Their express matter will bo for warded over the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul. The United States oxnress , now carried over that line , will bo transferred to the Chicago , Kouk Island & Pacific. The present messengers will bo retained. The Adams express matter at the transfer will he handled by the Pacific Express company's em ployes. The stone paving replaced on Broad way by the now bridge company , inbido their tracks , is in very poor condition in many places , and is causing much adverse criticism. The work was done ina hurry , and without proper inspec tion. Many of the granite blocks are already loose and considerably out of place and there- are many low spots , causing the street to bo very uneven. The indications are that it will not belong long until the whole job will have to be done over again. See W. C. Stacy's'ad. Sco Forrest Smith's special column. We have listed with us some cash and a few good farms to exchange for Coun cil Bluffs property. A. A. Clark & Co. , Broadway and Main. E. II. Shcafo & Co. make long or short time loans on real estate , in sums to suit , at Jowcstratoof interest. Ollico Broadway and Main street , upstairs. r- Mixed pickles in bulk at N. I. Tib- bitts , : ! 45 Broadway. Dr. C. C. Ilazon , dentist , opera house block. Personal 1'nrngrnphB. Fremont Benjamin , of Avoca , is at tending court. Frank Levine is rejoicing over a now boy at his homo. Mrs. Paul Temple , of Rule , Neb. , is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Smith. Messrs. McAdams & Atnbcrg leave for Chicago to-night. Alderman George Motcalf has opened tf real estate ollico at No. 14 Pearl street. Presiding Elder Smith loft yesterday morning for UowCityto attend the con ference of the Methodist preachers of this district. i Colonel \Vhittlcsoy has boon ill for , ton days or more , but was able to bo out yesterday to begin his duties as foro- inan of the grand jury. 'Congressman Lyman was out and about yesterday , to the gratification of his many friends , who were so alarmed by his recent and severe illness. Emory A. Stcdmnn , son of the well known Matt Stodnmn , was married in Chicago last Wednesday , the bride being Miss Gertrude Clingman. Hon. Joseph Lyman has sufficiently recovered from his recent paralytic attack to attend to business , and was conspicuous among the members of the bar at the court house yesterday , while the court was calling the docket and making assignments. The announcement of the death of Fred W. Sharp , in Colorado , causes Mrs. E. Irons , of this city , to believe it was her brother , from whom she has not heard in II vo years. The last she know of him he was in Colorado , but her brother had no middle initial in hlu name , She has written for further particulars. He left a small estate and was an unmarried man. Announcement , Having embarked in the real estate bubinetsj and bejng desirous of securing a large and complete list , I respectfully afck my friends and others who have properly for bale to list tlio same with mo. Gicoitui : MIJTCAI.P , No. M Pearl-st. Wo do not Intend to Indorse any except arti cles of mrrlt , lint we lake i > lo.iMiru In rt-iurrlng to tliu " ( ixrliind Stoves unit Itancun whosu HOpcrlorlty U too well established to bo called linjitentlo ; ! . They ureliellevod to 1 uni'iuili'd ' by any In tu world , Sold exclusively by 1 * . C. 1)0 Vol. _ The finish on our collars , outTs and BhlrtH cannot bo equalled. Cascade Laundry Co. Have our wagon call for your soilo-l cluthea , Cut > ca.do Laundry Co. THE COUNT OF THE COUNTY The Clofcost Rnco Ever Run by the PottawnttomioB. OPENING THE DISTRICT COURT Short < > T Jurors nt Avocn The Now Klscimm lilnck The Itrldjro Tax Doings nT tlic Council Hurt in n Ilunn- \vny. Slinrt or .Intorn. The methods for drawing jurors tot terms of court nro provided by tlio state Ituv , without any thought of providing for double-barrelled counties lilto i'ot- tnwattunitc. Hero there nro two courts to bo supplied , 0110 here and another a < Avoca. The number of jurors rcgulnrli drawn is supposed to do for counties having ono court , but hero with two courts the increased number of terms caiibos the supply of jurymen to run short. As a result there nro no jury men for the term of court to bo hold in Avoca the latter part of this month. Ii is claimed that at the January term of court hero there will bo a like short ness of jurors , as the panel will have to bo drawn out of this year's list , twenty days before the term , necessitating the drawing in December. A move will bo miido to secure an act of legislature to provide for a larger list of names in this county for the drawing of jurymen. Sec Forrest Smith's special column. Wo have no competitors in finishing collars , cull's and shirts. Cascade Laun dry Co. All grades soft coal , C. B. Fuel Co. Money loaned on fuiniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , ollico cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. Rock Spring coal , Gleason , iiO Pearl street. Is It Unsafe ? The front wall of the Pacific house adjoining the part now boingtorn down , is considerably out of place and assumes a threatening attituuc. The lower part is bulged out into the street , and the whole front is out of plumb. It has been braced from the sides since the east corner support was removed , but the wall is far from safe , and it is probable that the council will bo asked to con demn the property and order it torn down. The building is little clso than an oycsoro to the public , and since the work of tearing down was commenced for the new Kisoman block , the old wall constantly menaces the lives of the pjihsorsby. The authorities are in duty bound to protect the lives of the citf- zens , and it is imperative that some steps should bo taken toward properly securing the wall above referred to , or seeing that it is torn down. The Council Bluffs Lumber Co. want you to try some of their coal. If you want to borrow money , buy a lot , house and lot , farm , or trade any thing , sec A. A. Clark & Co. , Broad way and Main. Headquarters for stoves. ODELL & BIIVANT , 513 Main st. Will Ijo.se tlio Printing. Misfortunes never como singly , so it is said , and this scorns to bo the case so lar as the Globe is concerned. The re cent election will deprive that institu tion of the postoHice , which amounts tea a snug little $1,000 a year , and the county returns , as figured up yesterday by the county supervisors , place three republican members on the county board. Heretofore the county printing has been awarded to the Glebe , irre spective of the bids of other printing establishments. Last spring a vigor ous kick was made on account of tlio partisanship of the democratic ma jority of tiio board , but without avail. The bid of the Glebe was among the highest , but it was awarded the con tract. It is hardly probable that this will bo the case next year. The elec tion of Chambers as county clerk will not add materially to the revenue of the Glebe olllce. Altogether the election gnvo tlio Glebe a very black eye , and none rcali/.o this fact more fully than its management. Illinois and Iowa host soft coal , Glea son , -0 Pearl street. E. H. Shcafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidential. OIHco 600 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up stairs. For bargains in real estate in any part of the city sue F , J. Day , the lead ing real estate dealer. Dresses made Wool dresses $5 to $8 , silks and plushes $8 to $10. Miss Sim mons , over Kiboman's. Opening of Court. The November term of the district court convened yesterday , with Judge Carson on the bench. The forenoon was takun up in calling the docket. The grand jury , consists of James Rainbow , of Silver Crook ; A. T. Whittlosoy , of Kane ; N. Kirch , of Keg Crook ; O. II. Dutrow , of Grofcont ; S. V. Pratt , of Norwalk ; Thomas Leonard , Hazel Dell , and M. Goodwin , of Kane township. The latter was appointed in place of Ilflir.'y I Fay wood , of Garner , who is now absent on a western hunt ing trip. This accounts for Kane town ship having two members on the grand jury. Tlio following assignment of cases was inado during the afternoon for the remainder of the week : Wednesday , November 14 , Nos. 5,81(0 ( , 6,841 , , fi,8ia , 6,884. Thursday , November 15 , 6,857 , 5,801. Friday , November 1(1 ( , 4,090 , 5.ti i. Several other cases were as signed for trial later in the term. There are forty-six criminal , Ul.'J equity and ! )50 ) law cases on tlio docket. The term will bo a lengtlry ono , and will run well into the holidays. About one hun dred of the < > 0 ! ) cases on the docket are saloon cases and will bo vigorously pros ecuted by the prohibitionists. There are alc'o nearly thirty cases to bo sub mitted to the grand jury. The criminal docket will not bo takun up until the latter part of this mouth and will re quire ( UHHit two weeks , Kxtiot Klcuiion Figures. The board of supervisors continued their labors yesterday in canvassing the county returns. It scums that they liad several more surprisca in store. Underwood's majority for supervisor was'cut down to a minority , and Covclt way found ( o be elected constable over LoTuold .by puo majority * Chamber's majority over Shea for county clerk footed up nearly two hundred more than was expected oven by the most sanguine republicans. The democratic majority in the county was cut down over ono thousand since the last elec tion , The result as sot forth is most gratifying to the republicans , while the democrats are oven inoro angry and disgusted than a wcolc ago , when the news of Cleveland's defeat was first sent out. The vote on county supervisors makes a most ivmivrkublo showing. The totnl vote in the county was 0.4S4 , and the race was so snug that one dem ocrat , Underwood , was defeated by fif teen. The four candidates run so snug thatthoro was only forty-three votes dilTei'onco between the highest and the lowest. The result of the count wtis as follows : Ninth district presidential electors Snilf , r , 4f > 8 ! ) ; Fan-ell , d , 4,8&2. The democratic majority in the county on the head of the ticket was Sil.'l , and varied on the various nomi nees from a democratic majority of SOO to a republican majority of nearly 000. Attorney ' ( loneral S'tono , r , 4,001 ! ; Mitchell , 'd. 4,871 ! . Hailroad Commissioners Republi can : Smith , 4,07(1 ( ; Campbell , 4.078 ; Mahin , 4,487. Democrat : Doy , 5,140 ; Lund. 4,8(11 ( ; Wills , 4,874. D. M. Harris , democratic nominee for congress , received a majority of 177. J. M. Hammond , democratic nominee for district judge , received a majority of 341. II. J. Chambers , republican nominee for county clerk , elected by a majority of nl3. ( W. II. Thomas , democratic nominee for county recorder , elected by a major ity of 750. J. P. Organ , democratic nominee for county attorney , elected by a majority of 172. For supervisors , Alexander , demo crat , 47J54. Underwood , democrat , 4714. Osier , republican , 47l ! ! ) . Perry , repub lican , 40' ' ) ! . The supervisors-elect are Charles Al exander and Alex Osier , ono republican and one democrat , making the board republican , by three to two , for next year. _ _ Sec Forrest Smith's special column. 8nint Ilernnrd Place. I have a number of line lots for sale in the above addition , located only two blocks away from the street cars on Broadway. These lots are 50x2-50 feet , and are choice residence property. They are high and dry and present a commanding view , F"or full informa tion regarding prices and terms apply to J. G. Tipton , sole agent , 627 Broad way. way.We We have some choice bargains in bottom tom property listed with us by parties who say they must have money. A. A. Clark iic Co. , Broadway and Main. Hurt In n Kunawny. Yesterday afternoon the first serious accident occurred as a result of the steep hill on Madison s treat just outside of Fair-mount park. The victims of the accident are Mrs. Frank Racer and her sister , Miss Ryan. The ladies had visited the park driving the family horse. When descending the hill the buggy crowded upon the- horse and ho started to run. Miss Ryan was driving and she pluckily held to the lines dur ing the mad rush into the city. At the intersection of Madison street and Broadway the horse toolc a sharp turn to the loft and , striking the sidewalk at the engine house , the buggy was overturned and the occupants were thrown heavily to the earth. Both la dies were taken up in an insensi ble condition and taken to the ollico of Dr. Houghton , whore remedial agents were applied and the unfortu nate ladies recovered consciousness. Several bruises are the principal re sults so far as can bo learned , although Miss Ryan suffered sadly from the shock to her nervous system. She was completely prostrated. A little five- year-old daughter of Mrs. Racer , who was also in the bugiry. escaped without a scratch' . Late in the evening both ladies were removed to their homo , 110 North Sixth street. The buggy was a complete wreck , ami the horse was considerably cut about the legs and body. Those conversant with the locality where the accident occurred will marvel that the results wore BO fortunate. _ _ S. B. Wausworth & Co. loan money. .Tust received , a car load of selocto d Michigan apples. II. J. Palmer , 12 Main-st. - _ _ Thn Council at Work. Last evening the city council mot in special session. Present , the mayor and a full board of aldcrmon. A resolution was adopted authorizing the payment of bonds in the sum of $2.15,000 to the Omaha and Council Bluffs Bridge company , as per vote of a ma jority of the citizens at a special elec tion hold in 1880. An ordinance vacating Broadway ex tension street from the west line of Ferry addition and reinvesting the title in the Omaha and Council Bl nil's Bridge company , and that the city execute a quit claim deed to that tract , was pushed. The matter of irregularities in the matter of charging improve ments to the Broadway Mothodiht church property was brought up by W. A. Mayno and referred to the judiciary committee. A resolution was introduced by Alder man Knophor declaring the charter of the gaslight company forfeited on ac count of non-compliance of the company with the terms of the charter. Alder man Lacy desired that the matter should bo referred. The same position was taken by the city solicitor and Al derman Motcalf from the fact that the charter expires next February and no good could bo accomplished by this inothod of procedure. Tlio matter was referred to the city solicitor and judici- try committee. Alderman Motcalf said it was a notorious fact that wo are paying three times too much for JUH , and some action should bo aken to afTot-d relief. These was con ceded by the council aim the dilTeronco of opinion was as to what was the best notnod to pursue to secure the desired esult. A lot of intersection bills , sewer , grading and paving were ordered paid. j'his cleans up the city improvements for the year. Alderman Motcalf moved that the iity runrtilml bo instructed to remove , 'orthwith , all obstructions from Fuir- nount avenue , Carried. The citizens on South Seventh pro- .csted against the condition in which that street is and the constant blocking of that street by the railroad. The narshal was instructed to notify the ailronds to open that street within live For Bide. An clogant corner lot on Eighth itroet. For particulars inquire of Motcalf , 14 Pearl-st. . J. G. Tipton bus bargains in real estate. JEUK The WellKnownHporlVcilsa Hand some MnHsnehuselts Lnily. NEW VOKK , Is'ov. 13jr-Jpro Dunn , the well- known sporting man , Uecamo n benedict Sunday. The bride -was .Miss Louise F. Xnglc , of Cambridge , Mrrts , The ceremony was performed by llijy.V , P. Kenny at the church of the Holy Innocents , Thirty-seventh street and Broadway. . Itutho presence of n number of friends of ihofontracting parties , among them being nintiV prominent sporting men. HI lire the art ravin which Jero Dunn killed Jim Elliott , thoVupIllst , In n Chicago resort , the former has devoted himself to horacracing anil has owned some of the finest stock on the turf , riant year his horses were very successful nnd ho wou consider able money. Mrs. Dunn Is a very beautiful and attrac tive young woman. She comes from nn old eastern family , Is admirably connected , nud her pcoplo nro thoroughly satisfied with her choice of n husband. Mr. Dunn has been on the spot , has made tlio acquaintance of all the lady's relatives , and has won them over to bin side. Mr. nud Mrs. Dunn will have n wedding tour , embracing a fnlr share of tlio show places , such us Washington and Nlng- nra Falls , after which tho. " will return and stay down at the Kossmoro hotel. Then Mr. Dunn will send his horses Into winter quar ters , wind up the season's business here , and take u winter's trip with his bride to Cali fornia. McCaffrey mul Kitten to PlRht. MiNXKAi'OMx , Nov. lit , Dotiilnlck Me- CalTrey , the heavyweight pugilist , ar rived in the Twin Cities yesterday afternoon - noon from Pittsburg. He Is here to arrange for n glove contest with t'at Killcn , to occur November HO. Hosaid Unit lie was in excellent physical condition , and expects , after u fort night's training , to make an interesting light with hard-listed Pnt Killen. Ho claims that when properly trained ho is twenty-live pounds the lighter man. Ho will begin ac tive training in this olty at once. MoAuV.fTo SliiiiH to Flclit Myers. Niw : YOIIK , Nov. 13. Champion light- weight.laok McAulifTo and Jimmy Nelson having closed their sparring engagement at Brooklyn theater , Jack at once began the completion of the match with Hilly Myers , of Springer , 111. Hoth Myers ami AlcAullffo have their forfeit , money up at the oflico of the Boston Globe and all that was necessary was for McAnlilTc to draw up and sign arti cles of agreement and send them on to Myers for signature , An interested crowd watched the making of them. THK SOLID SOUTH IS T1KKD. Significant KxDrcHsion Prom a Promi nent and Inilitf utlnl Bourbon. CIUKI.RSTOX , S. C. , Nov. 111. The News and Courier has published the opinions of thirty county chairmen on the situation. One of the leading democrats in the state cre ated a sensation by saying : "I for ono am getting tired of be'ng ' used as a catspaw to ruko the chestnuts out of the lire for north ern politicians of New York and the Howitt- Hill-Onint stripe. For twenty years or more those people have been using us to servo their selflsh ends. The solid south has been used as u catspaw by them and tlio solid south is n solidified fool if it docs not kick over the truces. I would have a con vention of the southern states and discuss the situation. Let us say to the national republican committee , wo are tired of this thing .and we want'to break through the traces. Give us your assurance that you will leave us alone to manage our state affairs and that you will give us decent fed eral officials in the south pnd wo will break up the solid south mid vote for the best man for president , whether heiho a republican era a democrat. " i A BABY IIEIIt. MISSING. Mother and Father "VVcro Quarreling Over-His I'o.ssensioii. Nr.w YOIIK Nov. . , 13.-TThe two-year-old son of Frank Wasson ! thd heir to the great estate of Prof. Wasson , the millionaire rail way car manufacturer , has been missing since Wednesday evening , and the police have been busily at worK company.'S afforded them by the anxious mother. The story of the child's disappearance has brought to light the fact that its father is about to begin proceedings against bis young wife for divorce. The mother believes that the father is responsible for the strange ab sence of tlic child. Mrs. Wasson culled at the police station Wednesday night , and stated that her son was last seen on Wednes day evening , when ho was given into the cure of the nurse , who has also disappeared. Much Grain Burnett. NEW YOIIK , Nov. lil. This morning Watr son's store , extending from 150 to 150 Fur- man street , owned by Colonel Watson , and leased to the Fulton Grain Milling company who had 3.10,000 bushels of oats , wheat and corn in store , burned. Thousands of bushels of wheat , corn and oats , flowed down from the different stores and covered up half of the street. The total lessen on grain , building and machinery is about 5550,000. Tlioro is an insurance of $150,000 on the building and machinery and the 'raln is mostly Insured. At noon the engines were still pouring streams on the ruins. It is thought the 11 ro originated in the engine rooms. Mexicans Capture American Soldiers. EL PASO , Tex. . Nov. 13. Captain T. H. Logan , commanding theUnitcd States troops at Fort Hancock , on the Hio Grande seventy miles below hero , with several moni tors of his command and a civilian , L. W. Evans , last Sunday went on the Mexican side of the river to hunt. They were ar rested by a force of Mexican frontier guardsj who took thorn in custody as soldiers ol a foreign power found on Mexican territoy , under arms. Civilian Evans was released , but the captuiu mid his soldiers are still In custody. They AVIII Take The Tax. Some of the bridge company uro said to bo in favor of refusing ncoopt tlio tux voted by this city , on account of the conditions attached. If they should not accept the bonus they coula fix tlio rate us they BOO fit. Tlioro need bo little doubt , though , about whether they will take the inonoy. It.will bo tnkon , and the conditions , as far as a tar ill is eon- corned , make the highest rates permis sible IIH follows : Each footman across the bridge fie Each passenger on motor cars lOo Ono horse and rider. , lOo Ono horse , buggy and 'driver. . , . , ] 0o Ono horse wij'on , or light carriage 15o Two horse wagon , or hack i0c. ! For Sale. Improved and vacant' ' property in nil parts of the city ; 1)0x160 ) foot on Gloii uvonuo. onst front , a bargain ; business properly on Broadway and Fourth street. 'R. P. Odlcer1 , North Main street , DoVol's blocjjf. Council Bluffs. All grades hard peal , C. B. Fuel Co. Weather strips at Chapman's art store , Notice the beautiful finish given col-J lurs , culTri and shirts by Cascade Luun dry company. ' , The New Klxninan. Illoolc. The plans for the now block to bo ' built by II. Kisoman ft Co. , on the slto : of the old Pacific house , give promise of a structure of rare beauty. The ; front is to bo of plato class , and four stories high. Tlio building will be ( ! 8 foot front by 178 in depth. It will boone ono of tlio finest buildings of ita size in the west. Money loaned at L. B , Crafts A ; Co.'s loan ollico , on furniture , pianos , horses , [ wagons' , personal property of all kinds , and till other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. Loans.inado on'city business and residence - donco property. Notes bought. Kim- biUl-C'hump Investment company. 'S W1XB Ha Contents Htlnjr High Trice * nt Auction. NEW YO K , Nov. 18. [ Special Telegram to THE Hnn. ] The wluo cellar of tlio late Sam- ucl J , TiUlen was vandalized by an auc tioneer and crowds of purchasers to-day. Five hundred and twenty bottles of Stcln- bcrgcr brought from $3.50 to SO per bottle , porno double O Madiera brought t3.60 , and some Hluc-grass whisky forty years old brought f 11.50 per gallon. In all 440 bottles were sold , Another Compromising hotter. NEW YOIIK , Nov. 13. [ Special Telegram to TUB URn.l Juilgo Denny's trouble In Corca was the writing of a letter. Ho was appointed from Oregon as United States con sul at Shanghai. During the Arthur admin istration he found himself out of a job and was appointed American adviser to the king of Corc.a til a salary of 18,000 a year , In an evil moment Judge Dunny wrote a letter showing that Corea was not n vassal of China , The letter pot into print and his re call 1ms been demanded by the Chinese gov ernment. Our Government , however , is In no way responsible for Denny , as ho was ap pointed Ly the king of Corca. Two Ijlttlc Trcooiif * Married. DBS Moivr.R , la. , Nov. lit. [ Special Tele gram to Tim Hin.J : The "Little Tycoon" opera company that played hero last evening had a little surprise for Itself In the mar- iago of the lending tenor , Mr. Aldrieh Libby , of Hoston. to Miss Kate Powell Terry , an un derstudy from Philadelphia. The couple had been more loving toward each other than the rcnulrome.nts of the play strictly called for , and yet their marrlago was a surprise to most in the company. They received hearty congratulations after the curtain fell and the secret came out. MlNHionnry Council in WASHINGTON , Nov. 13. The twentv-nlnth annual session of tlio missionary council of the American Episcopal church began this morning in this city. After the service of morning prayer and holy communion , nt which Hlshop Tuttle , of Missouri , read the gospel. Bishop Whipplo , of Minnesota , de livered the opcnini ; sermon. About two hundred and llfty delegates were present , among whom were mauy prominent bishops of the church. Briulc MakcrH In Session. MEM rii is , Nov. HI. The third annual ses sion of the National Brick Manufacturers' association convened hero this afternoon. After the usual routine business , President Dr. Purington , of Chicago , delivered the an nual address. Tlio election of ottlcers lor the ensuing year followed. A Fatal Kxplosion. LEXINGTON , Ky. , Nov. lit. Lite this after noon , while laborers were preparing u blast , a blast of dynamite in a rock quarry , u pre mature explosion killed the owner of the quarry , Milio Garmlcy , mortally wounded John Hays , and seriously injured a negro. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al ways bo used for children teething Itsoothes the child , softens the gums , allays all pain , curcs'.xvind colic , and is the best remedy for diarrliccn. t5c ! a bottle. LOTS IN FERRY ADDITION ! For a Short Time I Will Offer 1OO X-iOTS In Kerry Addition to Council lllutls on the fol lowing Terms : Inside Lots on Ave. A J MX ) Insld3l.otsonAvo.il MX ) Inside fjOts on Ave. C 4M Inside Lots on First Ave MO Inside Lots on Second Ave MX ) Inside Lots on Third Ave MO Inside Lots on N. Bld fourth Ave 4M ) Inside Lots oil S. Sldu Fourth Ave 4CO CET AH Corner Lots fa More. TERMS One-tenth cash , balance In nine annual optional payments , with K per cent In terest , payable annually. Will give con tract for warranty deed and furnish ab stract when fully paid. w. SIII > I\TOI F , No. 8 , North Main St. . Council Hinds. I . NEW BARGAINS BROADWAY LOTS , FlltST AVENUK IiOTS , KEKRY A1 > D1TIOLiOTS , y ADDITION LOTS , EVANS' BRIDGE ADD. LOTS , 1IKYANT & CbAKIi'S ADDITION LOTS , STREET'S ADDITION LOfS. ALSO 20 ACRES Or THE BEST PROPERTY IN TOWN KOll FLATTING. W. C. STACY , Telephone V. < 2. No. 9 Main Street. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. SPECIArjAdverttBomcnts , such fin Lost , Found , To Loan. 1'or Sale. To Kent. Wants , HoardIng - Ing , etc. , will bo Inserted in this column at the low rate of TUN CUNTS I'BH MNK for the first Insertion und Five Cents I'er Line for each sub- Becjuent insertion. Leave advertisements at our office. No. K I'earl Street , near llroadway , Council ItlulfH Iowa. WANTS. " 17)011 KENT 2 or 3 nicely furnlsned rooms for -I ? housekeeping. Call on or address Dr. F. W. Houghton , 10) ) llroadway , Council Hlnlls , la. DltUO Stock for Sale Cheap or will trade for Council Illuiru property. Address or cull on HurJo lliuis iCo. . , Council HUHIX la. /1HOICK furnished rooms , heated by furnace , V-/y nqunres south from llroadway ; locution tlrst-olass ; good board convenient : relerences required. Apply 710 Willow nve. , between 7th nmlStn. W.O. Wlrt. ITVJIl SAI.K Or Hxchungo A ROOI ! Brain elc- Jvator ! in an Iowa town , to sell or trade for farm land. Jonnston A ; Van ratten , Council llluira. la. WANTED Two gentlemen boarders , or man and wife ; private family ; tlvo minutes walk from P. O , Itcferencea required. K 8 lleo olllce. WANTKD-Mnttrcss makers ot C. A. lleobo A Co's. TJ1OK IlKNT Seven-room cotta e. on tlio cor- JL ner or yd avo. and Oth ft. W. C , J ames. TTKU HKNT A larKO number of good dwell- Jlugs. . Call and examine list. K. II. Sheaf o ACo. : , Uroadivay and Main St. , up Blairs. FORREST SMITH'S SPECIAL WANT LOOK ! LOOKLOOK ! ! LOTS IN CHARLTON , A now addition , K'su than * i inllo noith of llroadway. Jlunkeru. merchant * , jirofesBlonul men , mechanics , working-men ana everybody 'an make money faster by buying In L'hurlton lmu In any other portion of the New Council Illuiru Tli en o loin will bofcoldat from JIM to IVJUeacb. One-sixth cash , balance In monthly > ayments ut B per cent Interest , fall ami ( jet rour choice. lOU KENT Hou of 7-rooms. closets , pnntry , cellar , city watt-r , etc. No. MX ) 7tli ktreot. rOUSALB-LotWxISO..cornerofave. AandlBth Bt. OnlyM'j ) , 1100 cotih , remainder lu one and two years at H par cent. "OK 8AM5 30 acres of the bent Burdening land on the bfHt road rmmliii , ' Into Coun cil lllufTH and Ojnuliii , Jiiht oust of thin city. Will make you any leiina you want If you nro able to improve It at onto. If you want garden thin la the luiul you wnnt , I'rlce , ttXW. ) FORREST SMITH , i , 3rd Floor , Urowu MUELLER MUSIC CO. , No. 103 Main St. , Council Bluffs. Now that the New Bridge is done wo have all that ii needed , to bring the good people of Omaha to our beautiful city , and give them inducements to buy cheaper than anywhere / where else. Wo propose to make such low prices to oufi Omaha friends that will insure us at least a portion of tliois trade. Our stock is not excelled by any in our lino. "VVa sell the beautiful HARDMAN , FISHER , A. B. CHASE , Everett , Pease & Howard Pianos , and the HOYAL CKN > TUHV Organ. Sell for cash or on time. Our stock of small musical instruments , strings , sheet music and music booka is complete. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Kspcclnlly Adapted foi SIZES FROM 25 TO 300 ELECTRIC HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER. POWER. Mills and Elevators , AUTOMATIC GUT-OFF ENGINE. Specifications nnd ostlmntps furnished for complete utriun plniiK IlrRiilntlon , Durnlilltty Ounri antcril. Cnn Bliow letters fioiu users where fuel Uconomy ts equal with Corliss N'oti-Comlenshift E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. 610 Pearl Street , Council Blulls. DR. C. B. J U D D , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC TRUSSES , No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary. AND TRAVELING AGENTS OX COMMISSION SMOTHERS & BEECROFT , I'llOPUIETOIlS OK COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMAHA ) OFFICES ( COUNCIL BLUFFS P. C. DC Vol's Store , No. I OMAHA Carpenter Paper Co. , No. Ill 504 Middle Broadway. Telephone No. 87. | Douglns Street. Telephone No. 'AM. C. E. HELL. G. A. HKHI.1NGIIOF. BELL & BERLINGHOF , Architects , Designers and Superintendents of Construction , Mr. Herlinffhof was SPYCII years willi Mr iidclcHofin , Pislier & Lowry , and lias designed many of the finest blocks in Onmliu uud Council Bluffs. Plans and Specifications Prepared and Estimates made on Application , Studio , Room. 2 Opera House Bluclc D7H. McDANELD STCO Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. tap and S3 Halo Street.Couucll Bluffajowa. Bed Bora Set nil Parlor Set At J , GOLDBERG'S ' "THE FAIR , " Commonclntr Monday , Nov. 12th. All purchasers of Dry Goods , Clothing nnd Ot'iitH' J'urnlhhtnf ; Coons amounting to fl.UO will receive a ticket entitling them to u cliancu on either a ( Inu parlor or bedroom set. Ilcmcm- her , K < > oilH iiro niurked lower than ever , and a ticket ( toes with every dollar's worth purchased. The beautiful prizes cun bo been at the store , 18 MAIN STREET. _ CALL AND SER THEM. _ S , STEWART , M , D , , D , V , M , E HOSPITAL 45 FOURTH STREET. Telephone No. 205. COUNU1IJ BMJKFS , i I IOWA DYE WORKS NO , 29 MAIN STREET , Latcht Novelties In HUMAN HAIR GOODS MIlS. C. , GII MuTTC. FOR SALET A Complete Stock of ! OOK and WING STOVES .owar than the lowest foods sold on rauy pay- nt'iita at C'usli I'llcex. 1'or theaccomodatlon of Worklncmen , I will rvvpopen .Sunday from 8 u. in , to I p. in , I'or Ht'coml lluml ( Jooils lu good order I will my full value. Special Inducement to Umulm 'ubtumerH. A. J. MANDEL , . W.l ami : t25 ! Jlroiicluaj. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. OODroadway Council JJlutTu , lovra. U 157 FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY 151-1 Doujjlaa at. , Ouiubu , NeU GEO. H. MESCHENDORB Will sell for cash , meat at the following prices ! mm. HREF < c rOHTKRHOUHE. . 1 COKN HREF 40 P01IKCIIUP. . SIIUin.URItHUAST.be J'OHK ItOAST. . HIM ItOAST. no 1IAM8 VMt HOUND STRAK He IIACON l53 SIULOINSTKAK. . We i.Aitn. . . . . . . . . . ; . „ iJ * VRAr. AND MUTTON BTKWS VRAIj AND MUTTON HOASTfl :8 : BAUSAQfi OF ALL KINDS And all other Meats in the samef Proportion , NO , 027 B'WAY. TEL. NO. 1C1 | TREE OF LIFE A positive euro for Liver and Kidney troubv les , nil Hlood Diseases , Indlycstlon , DyspctW slu , and Sour Stomach , is found in MOORE'S ' TREE OF LIFE For KO.\O \ by local druggists nml druggist everywhere. Price $1 per bottle , six for f5i Address all communication ; ) to DIE. J. IS. 31 Council UluflVIn , HOT WA ER KEATING A Si'tiCIAI/L'V. WIND MILLS , " J IRON and' WOODPUMPS. PUMPS. _ _ PIPE . il > and I * FITTINGS , JOIIXNo. . 5-1 fllnln Slrnct , ' Ciiiiniill ItlulTW , la. Corrt'Miiondents Mt-utlon Thl OE METGALF I" ' No. 14 Pearl St. THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER , PRICE $15 , IB equal tl any High Prioel Ifachlns. 7t ( , KJI on Mlmeotupb , the tcit uppiratui fq luutilfclillrji' , ulosraphlo and tgrpu wrllliu * ' 'r a.UCij roiilci tan be lalien. The Escolslor Co.Council Bluffs , I * ,