Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    > i
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Under tlie new and Safe administration , Council Bluffs will improve
in greater ratio than any city in tlie west during the coming three
years. We propose to sell to the highest bidder ,
Potter & Cobb's II [ E9 I
Being- the 160 lots next east of the Fair Grounds , adjoining the Northwestern Round House and Re
pair Shops. Splendid high and dry ground , title perfect , clear of incumbrance. Warranty deed and
abstract of title furnished with each lot. Terms % cash , balance 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 years , at 6 per cent.
The property is less than three quarters of a mile from the post office and one block from street cars ,
Free transportation from Potter & Cobb's office , 1601 Farnani St. , Omaha , and from Benson &
Shepard's office , in Masonic Block , Council Bluffs , after one o'clock on day of sale ; also from Dummy
Trains at Broadway Depot after 2 o'clock.
AT 2:30 : O'CLOCK , SATURDAY , NOV. 17 , 1888.
For further particulars call on us at our office , 1601 Farnam St. , Omaha.
1 * l"1" i" " c& >
C. C. PACE , of Lincoln , Auctioneer.
Yesterday's Session ol the State
Board of Pharmacy.
The Council Committee's FlniltnRS in
the Case of feruinous VB Mitchell -
ell Matters in the Supreme
premo Court ,
1029 P STOEBT ,
The state board of pharmacy was in ses
sion to-day. Present : W. C. Lane , Lincoln ;
H. D. Boydon , Grand Island ; Henry Cook ,
Rod Cloud ; Max Becht , Omaha ; A. F.
Stroitz , North Plntto.
Tlio object of the session was to oxamlno
applicants for tlio practice of pharmacy In
the state , under requirement of a statute on-
aotmcnt. Forty-nine pharmaceutical stu
dents presented themselves for the examina
tion , and it Is said they waded through the
list of questions with a zest that attested
they had not boon devoting time to the
study of their Bclioson profession in vain.
Some of the members of the board of exam
iners stated that the state had a splendid
corps of druggists , und that it was largely
duo to the law necessitating knowledge and
examination before ontarmg the ranlcs of the
pharmaceutical profession.
A coMMi'.xnAni.K KNTKiiruisn.
During the past year many prominent on-
terprisoH have boon inaugurated throughout
the state , and most of them will doubtless
prove to bo u great bcncllt to the respective
localities in which they nro located ; imlcoil ,
some of them l y claims to stuto pride , nnil
como In for n generous share of state inter
est , filed with the secretary of Btato to day
can bo found articles Incorporating tlio Iowa
and Nobraika Phonograph company at
Omuhn , with a subscribed capital stock of
ftVi5XH ( ) , which has for its purpose the use ,
purchase , sale , renting , lousing and subleasing
ing of the phouogrnph-grupliophono patents
of Thomas Alvu Edison , Alexander Gnilmm
Boll , Chichlstcr A. Uell nnd Tuintor , with nil
ImprovoniontH , owned or controlled by the
North American Phonograph company. And ,
cortulnly , this enterprise can not hulp but
awaken Just share of state interest. It is
destined to become a great enterprise nt no
distant day.
The following gentlemen organized and
comprise tlio company : Prank Murphy. J.
O. Phillips. Klcmoii Drake , Simon S. Ott ,
Hamilton S. Wlclis and Qeorgo IS. Towks-
bury , Business operations are not to bo
confined to Iowa and Nebraska alone , but
will take In the territories of Dakota , Men-
tana and Wyoming.
The council committee appointed to invas-
tlKnto Editor Emmons1 charges ugamst
Offlccra Mitchell and Pound handed In a ma
jority und minority report. But they differ
In but ono respect. Counoilmon Meyer und
Ensign recommended tbo mayor to oxpcl
Mitchell nnd reprimand Pound. Pace mod-
lies bis report by recommending that both
ofllcors U ) reprimanded nnd Mitchell sus
pended from the foroo without pay for two
The findings are ubmit the sumo. Emmons
Is exonerated from blame. Mitchell is de
nounced for making the arrest and It Is
alleged upon the evidenca deduced , that it
was without provocation , was malicious ,
nnd that Emmons was very roughly handled
and without justification.
Tlila Is probably true , Judgment basing
upon the qvldenco permitted to bo Intro
duced , but the truth , the whole truth , und
nothing but the truth has not been told , und
U was suppressed In the committee room , era
a number of gentlemen who saw the racket
deliberately nnd wilfully Ho' .
The following iontleuieu ° were admitted to
practice : P. P. OlmsUud , John Kverson ,
J. G. Thompson , J , O. .Yolser , W. S. Mo-
State ex rel Cox v Hanlon. Motion to
open judgment overruled.
Tito following cuse * were continued :
Carter vs Munson ; Thorne vs State ; Lind
say vs Lindsay ; Tulloclc vs Webster county ;
Nowall vs Klinball ; Kaymond vs Woolman ;
Chicago , Burlington & Qulucy railroad com
pany vs Starmer.
The following causes were argued and sub
mitted : State OK rel Hobbius vs Spink.
Motion. HuiTvs Slife ; State ox rel Craig
vs school district No. " , Phclps county ; State
ox rel Covey vs Gaslin ; Burkholder vs
Burkholdcr ; Hill vs Wilkinson ; Youngson
vs Pollock ; Alexander vs Graves ; Winters
vs Means ; Taggart vs Fowler ; tyo ) VB
Court adjourned to WedncsUay , November
14,1S3S , at 8:150 : o'clock a. ui.
Governor Tnayor wishes Tin : Bui ; to say
that his letters and telegrams of congratula
tion have been pouring In on him so continu
ously that be will find it impossible to answer
them , but he wishes the writers to bear in
wind tiiut fully ho appreciates their kindness
and good will , and he furthermore desires
to express his sincere gratitude to all who
so manfully stood by him and gave him such
earnest support during tula remarkable
political campaign.
Arepubhcan ticket has Just been received by
Attorney General Leeso from n friend xvho
lives in Cliaso county. Meeker was rail
roaded into the seat lie will take in the Ne
braska legislature next winter. Ho was
nominated by tlio knavery of the roads and
elected by the generous UHO of their monoy.
But it now comes to the surface that Meeker
traded everything on the ticket in any way
hostile to the railroads , and oven cir
culated , or caused to bo circu
lated , all over his representative
district , and especially in Chase county , re
publican tickets with Loose's name omitted.
At the polling places in Cliaso county it was
impossible to Hud a ticket with the attorney
general's name printed upon it , and wliutovcr
vote ho received there was due to the use of
the pencil. It is said that it can bo proven
that Meeker was a party to this infamously
treacherous deal. Ho will become one of
Nebraska' * legislators , and , like Judas of old ,
will probable play at betrayal for thirty
prices of silver.
Them will be no more cedar block paving
clone in Lincoln this year. The work thus
far gives satisfaction.
A petition signed by fifty citizens of tiio
city was submitted to the council lust night ,
praying for the removal of the W. C. T. U.
hospital from the prcsont site , on the ground
that tbo contagious diseases treated there
are dangerous to the neighborhood health.
Tlio plea is not without good reason.
Hon. C. C. McNisli , of Winner , Cum-
ing county , who was in Lincoln to-day ,
loft for homo on tlio evening train.
Ho was down to attend the final
meeting of the state republican executive
committee , of which ho is member ,
The council had an hariuionlous discussion
last night ovsr the report of the claims com
mittee. When it comes to questions of
llnanco the council t > ccuis to have a supreme
distrust of each other , The discussion was
prolltless. Half the members of the council
got very wrathy ,
Judge Piold is running oft the docket of the
district court at n lively rate , but no Im
portant decisions have been imuio to-day ,
The city council has dedicated a portion of
Eleventh street ( .T to O ) for fast driving. It
Hcems that the "dads" are bent on having
so mo place for the dear people to break their
Nobroskuns at the Capital F. D. Foss ,
Crete ; J. E. McClure , Omaha ; C. D. Del-
worth and A. II. Bowcn , Hastings ; Charles
J. WhltnPalmer , : Franks. Osborn , Aspen ;
J. W. MCLand , David City ; A , E. Upton ,
An Absolute Cure.
is only put up in large two ounce tin boxes ,
und is nn absjlute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erui > -
tlons. Will positively care all kinds of piles.
MEKT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at W
cents per box by mall 80 cents.
The PyHUnn Hall.
Tno regular monthly mooting of the ofllcors
ot the Omaha Second regiment , 1C , of P. ,
will bo held to-night Among other
subjects to be discussed will bo the hall pro
ject which was started last full. The torn >
porary check wulch the enterprise received ,
owing to certain circumstances , ha , It is
claimed , lu do way interfered with the event
ual success of the venture. The energetic
and hopeful members of the order are reirii-
larly paying their assessments , and the fund
now in the treasury amounts to considerable.
These members also hold that the hall will
be built before the close of next year , and
that It will bo worthy of the society. In the
meantime it is quite likely that the regiment
will make use of the great coliseum for drill
purposes , the structure being largo enough
to enable a regiment to go through field man
Aecjtain philanthropist buys alargc quan
tity of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup every winter
and gives it to the noorsuffcring from coughs
and colds.
There is not a case of neuralgia which can
not bo at once relieved by the use of Salua-
tion Oil. At all drug stores. Price 25 cents
a bottle.
Mr. Council Suggests In Ex
isting Laws.
InashorttalkycBterday , Hon.W. J. Connell
outlined a fewpoints on which ho suggested
legislation should bo passed the coming ses
sion of tlio legislature. Ono of those was an
amendment to the election law which
would provide for the counting of
votes every three hours. Another
was the passage of a registration law which
would bo in harmony with tlio opinions of
tlio supreme court , and wiiich would provide
registrars to sit ou tlio day of olcctiou to
register those who had not been able to reg
ister before.
In the matter of assessing there was also
required a change , and Mr. Council favored
a county assessor who snould hold his odlco
by tlie year , and assess property at
its full valuation , such value to bo deter
mined by sales of other property of relative
location and worth. Such an assessment
would give us a better showing iu a llnancial
way in the cast.
The charter should also bo amended so ns
to give the tight of eminent domain to the
city for the purpose of. acquiring land for
paru and boulevard purposes.
Mr , Connell offered to enlarge upon tlicso
ideas at an early day.
Beware of worthless imitations of Dr.
Jones' rod clever tonic. The genuine )
cures hcadncho , piles , dyspepsia , ague ,
malaria , and is a perfect tonic ami blood
purifier. Price 60 cents. Goodman
Druy company.
\ IJIK ! With all the Iiintliiots of a
ItnHhl Iliiznuk.
On complaint of S. Stoud , Christie Con-
neer , n lad of ten yours was brought to tlio
county jail yesterday under order of Judge
Olmstead , of Florence. Ho is considered a fit
subject for the reform school , Mr. Stoud
stated that ho was a ranchman living on
Station's island , isomo six miles from Flor
ence , and that the boy's father was in his
employ. About three years ago tli3 mother
of the lad tiled , and the father who is a reck
less kind of a man paid but little attention to
his oIts'ring ; , and the boy naturally bccatno
wild and inigchiovious. Mr. Stoud took tlio
lad to his homo and endeavored to care for
him as u more matter of charity. Of Into-
however , young Connccr has taken purlieu ,
lar delight in destroying everything he could
lay his hands on. In addition to ruining tno
house furniture ho would take down the
barn door , the horses stalls , and all the out
houses. On several occasions ho attempted
to destroy Iris benefactor's barn and house
by letting then on lire. Last Friday the boy
broke down the barn door , took ono of
Htoud'a ' horses und ran away. He was
caught in Council Bluffs Monday night and
when asked why ho had taken the horse re
plied that ho did not want to walk when ho
could ride. Tlio lad can neither write nor
read , and Bays ho never even opened u book.
It is by copyliif uflor nature that
man cots boot results. Dr. Jones' rod
clever tonio is nuturo'fl own remedy , is
jiuroly vegetable , can be taken by the
most delicate. Cures ull stomach , Idd-
noy and liver troubles. Goodman Drug
company. > 0 cents.
, , $ HrfaHlt3l.rp.g-
Santa ' Abie : and : Cat-R-Cure
For. Sale by
Goodman Drug Co.
MOItl ! rOVUliAll
THAN avail ,
Three Lonetlis
Short , Medium and Kr-
tnt loag.
-T.J > ? ;
Twelve Oracles ,
IfeiP W Highest Awards
U runted ,
niC8TG6oDH : AND
801,15 MANUVAOTUIllilU.
JlenUon llioOiuaba Itvu.
PANY , having an established trade
on a line of goods , cuatiotica ly j > nt-
ents , find It necessary to open a
branch houao In this city nnd will
furnish from * ° iw j/-/i * < /
sand dollars in cash towards same ,
with a satisfactory party furnishing
an equal amount-
Address , with fall particulars , giving
age , pact experience nnd roforoncoa.
Union National Bank , Chicago , III.
Overcoat Sale !
Our great sale of line Elysiuu and in quantities. Our price , remember , is MUSKRAT LINED AND DOS
Beaver overcoats and ulsters , iiro an $10 ; all sizes , from 35 to 44.
extraordinary oppor unity for cash buy Lot No. 4. Wo able your attention to
ers throughout the .country to sucuro ono lot of JiOO pure all wool , fancy cassi- Fine Seal Caps a Specialty
bargains , for never ln the history of mere suits , ( cloth made by the well ,
our business have wclbcon able to offer known Meohuiiisvillo Woolen Mills , ) Beaver Gauntlet Gloves ,
in medium dark brown and white mixture
such extraordinary bargains in thoroughly
Seal Skin Gauntlet Gloves
oughly honest , reliable , well made and ture , tiinglo breasted back suits only , ,
perfect fitting overcoats and ulsters as in , now suits just made up Beaver and Mink Collars and
wo are now showing. at the unprecedcntedly low price of
We offer an unequalled list of new , $12 per suit. Send your order for ono Cufis.
attractive bargains in fine elysian and of those suits , with the understanding
beaver overcoats , ulsters and capo ovor- that you will save $5 on the ordinary
coata. retail price throughout the country. If Express Orders
Se how our prices compare with ordinary you do not feel gatisllcd with this state ,
dinary retail prices for the same goods. ment when you havs examined the bait ,
Lot'No. 1. AVe offer 200 strictly all return it at our expense. Wo will send packages containing1
wool diagonal overcoats , ( cloth made by Lot No. C. Wp offer fiO suits of the suits of clothing , furnishing goods ,
the famous Putnam Woolen Co. ) coats Norwalk Mills Pine Silk and worsted clotlics and woolens of all kinds kept
that we have hold regularly all this sea goods , in men's thrco button , cutaway in our establishment , to any addrossin
son for 816 each , We have them in frock nulls , siv.cs . 'M to 42 , a suit which Nebraska , Iowa , Kansas , Dakota , Colorado
regular si/.es , in dark Oxford mixtures , wo sold last fiea&on for 822. They are rado , or Wyoming , O. O. D. , giving
and wo oftor them now to close at $10 made from goods costing $ . ' ! a yard. Ono buyers the privilege of examining
each. of the bust btylos and ono of the best goods before paying for them. ] Jy thla
Lot No. 2. Wo offer 200 pure , all made suits in our stock at any pnco. arrangement people living in distant
wool , blue elysian overcoats , made with You can buy thorn now at g5. ! towns can obtain every advantage of
seeing article of merchandise in
pined edges , and trimmed in the very WITH HUH any
our stock at their towns examining
own ,
best manner , coats that wo have sold at
' ing the same before paying forthoinand
" oll'cr them
"S20 each all the season ; wo
now to close , in all sl/.es , at $15 each. if not perfectly satisfactory , returning
Our stock of men's fine fur overcoats goods to UH at our expense. Money for
is now complete , consisting of : all amounts exceeding $10 may bo re
FULL MINK , MINK LINED , turned at our expense.
Try This Arrangement. For yoara
Wo offer a very attractive bargain MARTIN LINED , wo have sent goods all over the United ,
in a gray chinchilla ulster , wool lined OTTER COLLARS AND CUFFS States in this manner by express with
the garment that wo intended to sell WILD OAT , COON , the most satisfactory results. You take
for $15 , but wo overstocked on them and nojrises. Examine thoSgoods , and return -
will now offer thorn tiiis week at $10. ASTRAOHAN , GOAT , turn tliam at our expense if they do not
This io loss than jobbers get for them RUSSIAN LAMB , plcaso you.
Freeland , Loomis & Co.
Proprietors ;
Cor. Douglas and 15th Streets ,
Advertising has always p'-ovua
successful , lloforo placing an ?
Newspaper Advertising consoi
U I * i lUoitliik WnH , i
rCtnLtOO UltO Bold by I > rui-tl3 .
Noa. 3.O3-4O4-I7O-CO4.
l'o > UlTelycuredinilu il j CrTff ,
liar fc Juleotr > UiiffBctlo lie ! U
Trau.cojublaul. UuwaotMdlli )
cmljr ODO InlliwworiilR ,
c < mllnaoui JiltttHa "
Oomfortihlo ftuit Kfl flytt. AvolJ rft1
J OrerO.QOOeared. HfprtHlawpfor ]
_ AL 0 KLKO-rltlO MELT * * ITOIt DlK
St. MORME , | UVUTOI 181 WiUIX Mb ,