Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Chicago Wheat Boars Dnnolnff to
Dull Music ,
Provision Trndo More Active Pork
TftkcH Ttniil > leO vhiKto the tmrgo
Supply oT HoRs Cattle Mnr *
kct UiiHntlHfnctory.
CHICAGO , Nov. 13. [ Special Telegram to
TUB HFB. ] The supply of speculative
"long wheat" gave out this morning soon
nftcr opening , and up to forty minute * of the
close tlio bears danced to bull music. The
opening range was was II 13'j ' for Uecember
nml ? 1 14 for Mny. There were few trade1
made below (1,14 Outside market news
was bearish In tendency , and the sentiment
of the crowd wai similarly directed. It
noticed , however , that no long whpfit to
( peak of was offered , itnd when the bcnrs
undertook to cover themselves they found
tliat the \ > : \K had been closed Therefore
tlioy Imd to bid for what they needed ,
mid the market did not show n weak spot
until the general giving WHY toward the last.
Although It was conceded that shorts were
responsible for a good share of the advance ,
It wns thought soniexvhat rem.irkablo that
the market should hold so well nftor several
big lines had been coveiod and the pressure
from that source Imd been relieved. The
limit of recovery was not held up ,
but the market presented a strong
front most of the tlmo until late In the
I scsHlon. The market advanced from $1
to $1 Ifi'Vi with only mi occasional reaction
Jt jumped back to $1.15 > ; , and dm United
! within ' ( , c of that priio for some time , and
then reacted to ncarli SI. 15. There was a ,
ncrvousli active demand mound that Ilgure ,
however , but the market lost a good deal of
Its stare-Illness us the end of trading houis
npproiuhed ,
The movement of wheat Is getting
lighter continually. Receipts at this point ,
where prices arc widely advertised to bo
tremendously out of line nng high enough to
attract all wheat in the country south of the
Wisconsin state boundary line , are ridicu
lously small and show no Increase from day
to day , a most inexplicable circumstance.
consistent with the theory that the countiy
supplies mo abundant and that the values
lire wholly , unless it bo as n bright
commission man declares : "l-j\ery fanner
and country miller has n lot of wheat that ho
Is guarding with shot guns , for fear that
somebody will get it away from there
all of which wheat will bo fenced
on the market before next crop. "
The deinind for cash corn was less spirited
and opened lower than yesterday's closing
prices , affecting the seller of November un
favorably , while December opened J < c 1'lghcr '
than it closed the day before , for no reason
beyond the buying of n prominent speculator ,
which caused shorts to seek shelter , but
after being thoroughly alaimcd the selling
done later by the individuil referied to
again reassured smaller operators. The
caily weakness In the seller for the month
and for cash corn continued to the end , but
nn advance Inaugurated at the beginning in
December futures was nearly all lost to
wards the close. November was only ? ffc
premium over December at the close of tiad-
Ing. November closed at40JC , which is c
under jcstorday's price , and Dcccmucr
"closed at ! ) Sc , being ' ( @ c higher than the
cloning price of jcsterday. January loses
J'c and May } ge since the preceding day.
The provision trade commanded increased
attention , and the increased receipts of hogs ,
which strengthened the feeling that the run
during tile remainder of this month was
likely , after all , to make a good showing ,
encouraged traders to toke hold with moro
freedom. Speculation , howo\cr , was mainly
on local account , and the drift of the move
ment rather favored easier prices , pork for
January and Muv closing 7c and lard 2X
< aT > c lower than yestcrdnv. Near deliveries
of pork were nominally Cs higher. Lard for
November declined 5c and short ribs for the
Bumo month
CIIICAOO , Now 13 I Special Telegram to
THE BRE.I CATTLK The iccolpts include
8,000 Texas and western cattle. Choice
beeves , f5.00@5.G5 ; medium to good steers ,
1,350 to 1,500 , Ibs , .20@4 00 ; 1,200 to 1,350
Ibs , 3.riO@-I.OO ; 010 to 1,200 Ibs , $3 00@4.75.
Stackers and feeders , $ J.OO@3.25 ; cows , bulls
and mixed , $ I.31@'UO ; bulk , ? J20fe235 ;
Texas steeis , $2.21@325 ; cows , 81GO&J35 ( ;
western rangers strong , natives and half-
breeds , WSO@4.15 ; cows , 12 5U@3 10 ; win
tered Texans , $2 , ' 5@1.70. The cattle -
tlo business was not at all satis
factory , especially in the native line. A few
lota of prime natives on sale were disposed
cf at about yestei day's prices , but the great
t > ulk of ordinaiy and fair natives
tvero slow and sold lower In some cases 15c
to 20c off , especially in that class of natives
that yesterday sold about $ .1.75 to $1 00 Na-
tlvo butchers' stock was about steady , yet
not In as quick demand as j cstcrday , on tic-
cOunt of frco offerings of Toxans.
There were about 2,000 rangers on sale , of
fair quality , good cniugh for shippers , hcnco
the f.1.75 to W 00 natives had to compete with
thcso westerns , which accounts for the drop
cf 15o to 20o noted above. Texmis sold ut a
toady range and wcro In good demand
Dealers in stockcrs and feeders had no en
couraging news In their lino. Business was
Blow and prices about the snmo as lust week.
Iloos The general market opened about
n nickel lower and closed about lOc lower.
Thoi o \ \ ci o r > S,000 In sight nt various points
la the west , the largest number for any ono
4ay this season so far. The presence of buy
ers for the Cudahy packing concern for the
Hist tlmo this i car helped the salesmen u
little , but , that was offset by a lack of
Hhipplng orders on account of such going to
Kansas City mid elsewhere. Then the specu
lating clement of trade woio buying cau
tiously and , taken altogether , it was
not a satisfactory day for sales
men mid the market clotted weak with u
largo number unsold. At the close quotations -
tions weio about $5 40(35.45 ( for best mixed ,
with common ut 5 ' ,0 5 35. A few lots of
funcy heavy sold narly ut - ' 51@5 00 , but at
the close about $5.50 was the top price.
There was u good demand for light sorts ,
mainly on piicking account. Moian & Hcaly
wanted about ( XX ) to average 145 , costing
to CO , Joe Nash gathcicd In about 100 that
averaged 149. at $5 M@3 CO. The Upton
company only wanted 100 of slngo short av
eraging 105 , to cost ? 5 00 , Ucegan bought
about 200 rough light , nvei aging 100 to IbO ,
ut 10.40.
NF.W YOIIK , Nov. lit. [ Special Telegram
to TiiRllKK. ] STOCKS The Trunk line cut
In' rates iestei day was too much for the
block market again to day. Thoio was morn
activity manifested and in a gi cuter number
of securities than for some time past. The
market opened with n rush this morning and
them was a heavy pressure to soil , The
feeling was mid the fltst llgurcs
wore lower , but scarcely on a level with the
lowcbt London pi lees , The temper of the
room was decidedly bearish , and Chicago ,
Philadelphia and Boston sold the market
liberally , The start us compared with last
night exhibited declines extending to 1 point ,
I.nkH Shoio and Missouri Pad lie showing
greatest losses. The market IIH whole was
% \cak , but the gieutost pressure WUH upon
the Vnndci hilts , mid of these Lnko Shore
was most active. The southern and south
western slocks were comparatively well
lield , nndwhllo uUls'e , yielded but slightly.
riom 11 o'clock until noon thoio was much
less animation In the mm kct and no features
of Impoiluuce. At a later hour the market
was fairly active mid heavy to weak , at or
near the lowest prices of the morning. Luke
Klioio was about the heaviest sufferer In the
dcpi eclat Ion , selling off 3 points fiom the
opening dui ing the llrst ( uirt of the day ,
most of the remainder of the list averaging
} ( & \ point tower , Thoio was good buying
On breaks on omo specialties , among which
were Na-.v England , Cotton Oil and Villurd
grcup , the founcr closing 1 point higher than
U opened. Tlio cloie wua * other § tron witU
something of n rally , late In the session , In
some securities. Lake Shore reacted ft lit-
tic and closed ot par , a loss of } { from the
0) ) > cnlnj * .
The following wctc the closjnp quotations :
j'.g.4s regular . .li ; > < Northern I'.icinc . J0\
U.H.Jscounons 127' , ' do preferred. m\
U. H. 41'isregular , 10I4C. A , Jf. W W\
{ J.y. 4 < icoiiPons MH > v doprofcrred , 14 Ui
r clflccsof'r ! .US IN. r. Central
fVntrnl I'nrlflc . Y , T.D.n
Clilcapo k Alton .135 itookiilnnd
ChlcnKo.lltirlington C. . M. ASM'
- . t do preferred , . 105V
W la..iSt.I'nuli ' Omaha . 37 li
-irCcntr * ' "P " * Preferred , .104'S '
J..1J. fcW. . . is ! Uulonl'nctne . . . < = JS
Kansas * Tcxm . I , . Ac I' . n'j '
J.alEcShore , Of , | do preferred 27
Michigan Central ffl Wtsteru Union. . . E4'l
Mlosourll'aeillo 7\Vt
MONFI ov CAM , 13a v nt 20T par cent.
Last loan 2 per cent , closed offered at 2 per
SfKituvo HxcitAsaB-Quiet but steady nt
S4.S 'tf ' for sixty-day bills , nnd tl.SiJrf for
demand ,
CnttAno. Nov 13 Wheat Firm ; cash ,
il 12' ; December , tl.UU ; January , 41.11 :
Mav , Jl 14 > tf.
Corn Easy ; cash , 40'/c ' ; December ,
33 c ; January , Iir' c ; Mav , 23X.
Oati-Stradv ; cash , Sl e ; December ,
2.1pCes May , li'.ifc.
Uniicy No tradinp.
Pnmo Timothy no trading.
Flax-f 1 50.
Pork- Firm ; cash , December , 14 573 < J ;
January , $14 OTJ4 ; Mav , * 14 itrjf.
111'111' ' Dcccmbori
Klour Dull nml unchanged.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , jr. 75 ( 3 00 ; short
clear , $3.-J. " > C < M.iTj : ; : shortribs , 7 5J.
Butter rirm ; creamery , ir@19c ; dairy ,
Choose rirm ; full cream Cheddars , 10
OKc ; Hats , 10' @l)34'c ( ) ; Voung Americas ,
Eggs \Vestern , mt < Z20c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted ,
OJ c ; light , green salted , ( IVc ; green , 5c ;
salted bull , 5'4'c ' ; gicen bull , 4 > 4xc ; gicen
drv Mint , " ' .Jc lij ; dry calf , 7gSc ( ; branded
hides , 1.1 per cent off ; deacons , 25S30c ( each ;
drv salted.
Tallow Firm ; No. 1 , solid packed , 5c ;
No. 2 , 4c ; cake , 5c.
Kecoipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 12,000 fi.OOO
Wheat bu 37,000 52,000
Corn , bu 170.000 302,000
Oats , bu I'iU.OOO 17S.OOO
Kio.bu . . . .
Now Vork. Nov. 13 Wheat Receints ,
l.iXK ( ) ; exports , none ; spot market dull , K °
higher , unsettled ; No 'J rod , fl,103f@l,10i4 ;
in elevator ; $1.11@1.11'.C ' afloat , ( l.lhig
I.12'M f. o. b. ; No. 3 red , $ L05Kg ( 1.0(1 ( ;
No. 1 red , $1.17 1.18 ; ungiaded red , 85c@
$1.18. Options fairly active , firm ; opened
Y@Kc lower , declined l ffif.'c , dclincd Jf@ !
Ic , closed easy Yc over ycstci day Decem
ber , closing at $1.11.
Corn Keccipts , 130,410 ; exports , 101,910 ;
spot dull ; No. ' . ' , ' , @ ( ) ' . ; in elevator ,
SO' c afloat ; ungraded mixed , 404'51c. |
Options dull ; KQfi'tfc lower ; December
closed nt 50c.
Oats Keccipts , 81,000 , ; exports 1,8,10 ; spot
market moderately active ; trifle firmer :
options dull ; easier ; December closed at
31 c ; spot No. 2 white , 31'i'c : mixed west
ern , 3'.iiKUc ( ; white western , 3040c. white
state. 'jJrt.'Wc.
Coffee Options steadv ; sales , 20,750 bags ,
including November. $13 f > 0@13 GO ; Decem
ber , $ KU.1Mi ( [ : 50 ; January , * 1330@H 35 ;
February , $13.20 ( < t'13 ' 30March ; , $13 20rfl.l ( 30.
Spot Klo lull and easy ; fa-r cargoes at 15c.
Petroleum Steady ; United closed at
Eggs Firmer ; frcsli in light receipt ;
western , 24J ( a2Iic.
Pork linn , more active ; mess. ? 1000@
Lard Easy , dull ; sales , western steam ,
$ S.57JtfWS.OO ( ; options.Deccmber closed $8.30.
Duller Moro active , firmer ; western
dairy , 12) ) @ 19c ; wcstcin creamery , 10X3
27e ; Elgins , 2Sc.
Cheese Quiet but firm ; western , OCffilOtf
City , Nov. 13. Wheat Steady ;
No 2 red , cash , 90o asked ; December , 8SM
jid ; May sales , 97o ; No. 2 soft , cash , 07c
asked ; December , 9fo : bid ; May , Jl.OO bid.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 28 bid ;
December 23 Vc bid ; No 2 , January , 2sc bid ;
Vluy and January , 28c bid ; May , yo e bid ;
o. 2 , white , cash , 23j c bid.
Oats No. 2 , cash , no bids nor offerings ;
December , 21J c asked ; May , 24 > c bid.
Mlnnonpolls , Nov. 13 Wheat Selleis ,
as on yesterday , wcro holding for previous
nices from the start. The outside speculn-
, ivo market opened weak but recovered soon
mid on a sharp advance later buyers were
stimulated into activity. Closing quotations :
tfo 1 bard , cash , November , $1.24 ; Decem
ber , $1.25 ; May , $1.28 5 ontraclt , $1.24 No. 1
northern , cash , November and December ,
$1.14 ; May , $1.18 % ; on track , $1.15. No. 2
northern , cash , $1.0 ! ) ; December $1.09 ; May ,
* 1 00)1 ; on track , $1.10.
Milwaukee , Nov. 13. Wheat Easy ;
cash , Sl.OG'a' ; December , $107 ? ; January ,
$1 OS'f. :
Corn Steady ; No. 3lO c.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 white , 30@31c ,
U\e Firm ; No. 1 , 57 c.
Barley Firm ; No. 2. 73c.
Provisions Steady ; pork , $14 50.
St. Ijoiils. Nov. 13. Wheat Lower ;
cash , $1.00 bid ; December , * l.07) ( .
Corn Firm ; cash , 2'lc ; December , 34 c ,
Oats Higher ; cash , 23e ; December , 24c.
Pork Dull nt $15 00.
Lard Easy at $3 12 > f.
Whiskey $1.14.
Mutter Quiet and firm ; creamery , fancy ,
0@27c ; dairy , 20@40c ;
Cincinnati. Nov. 13. Wheat Dull ; No.
2 led , $1.05.
Coin Unsettled ; ; No. 2 mixed , 4l@45) c. I
Oats Firm ; No. 3 mixed , 27@7 } c.
Hye Lower ; No. 2 , 5Cc. o
Whisky Flint atU4.
Nov. U The Drovera' Jour
nal renorts us follows-
Cattle Hccolpts , 10,000 ; market irregular :
hoico beeves , * 5.00 ( < ? 5.o : > ; steers , $ , ) 00@4.90 ;
lockois and feeders , $ , ' .UO@.2' ) > ; tows , bulls
and mixed , $ l.r ! > @ .l 10 ; Texas cattle , $1.GO@ >
2" > ; western rnngcrs , & . ! iji-i.lli. ( ( !
Hogs Uccoiiits , 2).000 ; maikot slow nnd
o lower ; mixed and light , $5 25V ( ( ) " > 55 ; heavy ,
s"i 35 ( 5,115 ; skips , $ , J 5lt.
Sheep Kcceipts , 10,000 ; market steady ;
natives , $2.40@4.20 ; westcins , $ J.OOMJ 00 ;
Texans , $ . ' ( U J O ; lambs , $4 00 (5.70.
KaiiHnM City , Nov , 13. Cattle Receipts
0,124 ; shipments , 2WS ; dressed beef lower ;
angosteeis opened steady but closed weak
tnd 5@10c lower ; good to choice corn-fed ,
4.75@5.15 ; lommon to medium , $ .l.2' > @ 4 CO ;
tockois and leedlng stt-ors , fl.50ij330 ;
i-ass tango steers , 1.50@.OU ) ; cows , $1.00
HogH Receipts , 11,5" > 0 ; shipments , none.
naiket lOo lower ; good to choice , $525 ( < j >
J } ; common to medium , } 4.85Q ) DO ; skips
and pigs , SJ.IKKLN.IJO.
National Htock Ynrd , Kast Rt.
Ijoula , Nov. 13. Cattle Keeolpts , 2,10s ;
shipments , 1,555 ; imukot steady ; choice
ic.wy native steers , $5.00 < < i5 ( 0 ; fair to
good native stoeis. fl.40&i500 ; butchers'
tcors , medium to choice , f.i.40i.4 ( 40 ; stockers -
ors and feeifeis , fair to good , $ J.10@300 ;
rangers , coin-fed , $ JOO ( < 44.10 ; grass-fed ,
J OOQ3.00.
Hogs Receipts. 7,200 ; shipments , 1,000 ;
narket weak ; choice heavy and butcher * '
elnstlons , $5 31 > @ 5 45 ; packing , medium to
irlmc , * . > 25@5.40 ; light grades , ordinary to
> cst ,
Tucsduy , Nov. 13. 1833. v
Corn fed native cattle foi mcd the bulk of
ho beef supply to day for the flri > t tlmo in
omo weeks , nnd there were no fresh ro-
olpts of westerns or Texas beeves of any
account. The market was fairly active at
tcady prices and about everything dcslr-
blo in the way of bcof cattle changed hands
bofoio the closo. Thou ) was also a good J3
upplyof butchers' stock and some very
; ooil corn-fed natlvu cows. The fcoiter
uuikot was poorly supplied ,
The buyers started out In the morning f2
\ttli an npparont determination to break
he market , In which they wcro assisted by
ho liberal receipts. In some cases they suo-
ccded in getting the rnirket down 5o. but 3
he market closed with yesterday , The hogs
vcro all sold in good season ,
The supply was fair ant ) tao
] , (00
Sheep 700
The following u a UblJOf prlcai pild in
this rn.irK.ot for the grata * of ntoc < men
I'nmestecrs. ITOOto 1500 Ibs..tlOD (3100 (
Prime steers , 1100 to U < 00 Ibs. 3.73 trU.2.1
Native feeders 250 ( S311
Western footers 250 $3CO
Hancosteers , com'on ' to choice 2.10 ij3.2,1 ;
Common to good cows 1.2.1 W2.W )
Choice to fancy cows 12.25 ( tf2.bO
Common to choice bulls 1.25 rS2.lK )
Fair tocnoico light hops ' 20 l < * 5 HO
Fairtoctioico bcarv ttotrs 5.35 (5-1.4 ( %
Fair to choice mixed hogs . . . . 630 ( & 5.U )
lloiircriiMitiitivo S&l.i * .
No. Av. Pr.
IbuVl 1550 $1 00
21 cows VJ1 l. ( > 5
a cows i'5'J ' ' 1.75
Ifi cows i f9 l.M )
14 cows , natives 1,012 , 1 ST.
20 cows Wi2 1 SI
17 eous t > .13 l.tM )
22 cow s V31 I.I'll '
firows 1,004 20J
2 cows > ' .00 200
Ucows 1.1MO 2.00
1 cow 1,3.10 2.00
17 cows. . . , S'54 ' 2.15
4 oxen nnd stags 1,480 2 20
33 yearlings ( > U"J 8 23
17 cows 1,023 , 2.2.1
2 cows 1,1150 V5
21 cows 1,103 35
SI cows 1,012 240
1 ! 1 CO WS 1 , t Hi 240
4 .v.irllngs 75.1 2.40
15 c i ) w s Hfii 250
1 cow 1K5J ( 250
Scows 1.010 2 50
Hcows 1,011 250
20 cows , natives , . 1,025 2 W )
70 feeders l.OUi 255
4(1 ( cows , natives 1,157 2 75
20 steers 1,058 2.75
2 feeders 1.1S1 rb ! ?
24 cow s , cot n fed 1,010
40 cows , corn fed 1,2.1J LMO
10 steers 1,2'.U '
a steers 1,4 J5 8 50
Ib steers , corn fed l,2 < > ti 3'JO
20 steers , corn fed 1,252 4 ( H )
IS steels , corn fed 1,211 4 10
Ib steers , corn fed 1,311 4.10
31 steci s , corn fed 1,1.17 4.1.1
17 stccis , corn fed 1,20. ) 4.15
3(1 ( steers , corn fed 1,2JO , 4 27 > , ;
IS steers , corn fed 1,23.1 4.35
20steers , corn fed natives. . , .1,3JJ 4.50
Owner and No. Av. Pr.
Clay Forrest
73 tailings 1,177
New Hampshire C. Co
1 115
Brown lllifl Cattle Co
81 cows POO 2.00
22 cows 8'J7 2.00
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
70. . .2,14 200 $1 20 64. . .2S1
59. . , y.r s M 52 7J. . .264 5 35
02. . .214 bO 5.2,5 57. . .2.S2 240 f. 35
b ( ! . , .214 120 525 67. . .200 2 0 5 35
64. . . .ate 120 5.25 5S. . .270 120 535
. . . .240 100 5.27 5fi. . .2.yJ KX ) 5 .15
' 240 4. ) . . .3C ( 245 535
c' ; ; . ! 2'l ( ( 80 6 30 51. . .271 2bO 5.35
( ! 7. . . .247 240 530 7(1. ( . .2J8 1W ( 5 3.1
57. . " 280 5 30 6J. . . .2'U ' 240 531
fit. . 2T9 bO 5 .10 Kl. . . 200 5t5 :
74. . . .2.18 840 5.30 03. . . 40 5 31
( VS. . . .21(1 ( 80 5.10 40 535
5b. . . .301 2 0 5.0 ! 00. . .274 1W ) 5 31
09. . . .233 KiO 530 (12. ( 360 53,1
SI. . . .250 200 5 30 111. . . .2S8 2bO 5 35
. .273 4bO Ft 30 57. . . : ) ii 200 5 35
Co. . . 280 240 5 0 (4) ( ) . . . .284 120
' . .277 200 50 ! ! C > .l. . . .27U 1IU ) 5.37 > ;
W ) . ! , .2.8 iifio 50 : ! 61. . . .2h5 KW 540
70. . . .250 K.O 5 30 61.Hi. ( . . . .297 21H ) 540
74. . , .241 44T ) 5 JO 08. . . .29J bO 540
OJ. . , .3.10 KX ) 5.30 08.W ) . . . .297 240 5.40
( .5. . , .2.10 130 530 65. . . .805 21H ) 540
5' ) . . . .244 120 530 60. . . .331 200 .140
03. . . .237 3CO 5 : ) 52. . . .3i2 80 5 40
67. . . .24V4 ICO 530 ( j2. . . .293 K.O 540
13. . , .2b2 400 530 59. . . .303 120 5-10
78. . , . .2.11 100 530 CO. . . .283 KX ) 540
( il. . , , .807 120 532 l > 3. . . .8bS ISO 5 40
' ' ' 100 5.32X 53. . . .328 120
M' . , ! ! 2bO 1C.O . 58. . . .347 240
68. . , .270 20 5 50. . . 307 . 655
i.icur SOHIS.
No. SOHIS.Av Pr.
345. 200 8535
No. Av. Prl
294 Utah 112 ? 330
92 Utnli 114 330
Highest nml Lowest.
The following are the highest and lowest
prices paid for hogs during the past few days
and on the corresponding dates ono and two
years ago :
I uct us * , i u-t. mr. i ot. i3n.
& i > &t &o 4 10 ( Ql ) . ) > 3 OJ < &l 00
Sunday. 4 15 < u > ( 3C . < TO il SJ
5 S3 ® 3 J5 4 1 < tU 40 3 05 ftt ) 7 >
f , U j < i ,5 36 Sunday. 3 C.Cfl 80
6 .a w , 40 * Sunday
Nov. IbSS Nov. 1S87. Nov. 18SO.
5 20 © 1 45 4 00 < J61 a. " , 3J ® .I 70
C 00 < & ; 45 401 J GO SMC.-1
5 10 < & ' } 4i 4 I dH ' . 3 50 ft-i ai
Sunday. 4 03 341 O.3 V ,
B 20 ® 5 M 4 10 ® 4 M 3f,7 ! I4i ) K >
a lu < fr > u.ri Sunday. 3 40 44. ) 70
fIJ ) M 4 10 < J ) 3 40 J 70
6 22fc if&r 55 4 00 ( il .15 .1 ( M @n 70
fi 25 4S1 4" , 4 Jtt &l 40 3 5) C5.I 75
Showing the numbsr of hos bought by
the leading buvcra on the market to-day :
G. H. Hammond < ffc Co . Gil
Omalm Packing Co . 1 , log
Armour-C. P. Co . 1,005
J. P. Squire < fcCo . : . 513
T. M. Sinclair . 345
Ijlvc Stock Notes.
II. Perkins was looking over the market.
Ho has Just como fiom Sioux City.
II. C. Stryker , Rising , cauio in with a load
of cattle which sold on the maiUet.
I. H , Shocks , York , put a top on the hog
market. It was the finest load of hogs re
ceived here in a long time.
Arthur Pony , Wahoo , came in with a load
of cnrafed cattle of his own feeding , which
sold on the inaikct at 54. 50.
J. M. Shaw & Co have opened tneir com
mission oflko In the 1'xehaiigo building un-
dei the direction of J. iJ. Chi'stlim. '
Hogs sold hcio within 5u of the extreme
top paid In Chicago. The packers hero who
have houses in Chicago claim that their
mixed hOn'snio costing fully as much hero
as in Chicago. The i epoi ts i ci elvod from
Chicago would seem to indicate that they are
about i jght.
Produce' , FruitM , I2tc.
ii Fancy , solid packed cioatnory , 20
© ale ; choice country , IS a.'o ; medium
grades , 14fiil ) common ; grades , I0@14c. | )
rioiw Nobi asua patents. SO OOCiC'.nO ;
Minnesota patents , WJ5@800 ; straight ®
grades , $5 Wiir > 50 i bakers' Hour , t5 lijJiS 75
per barrel.
PorvTous Nebraska , 25@-10o per bushel ;
Colorado , 7ft@SOc.
S Kr POTATOES rio per Ib.
POUI.TIIV Live chickens , Ji.T.TT S 2 > per
do ? . ; spring chickens , fJ.50i.MO ) ; dressed
chickens , Sdi'tOo ' per Ib ; turkejs , & ( ( jl2e.
Koos Stiictly fresh , 2Io candled ,
CONCOI.U CSiui'ua i)0@40c ) per 10-lb bas
MAI.AOV GKAPRS In kegs , 12c per Ib.
UAVANAS Common , tl.50tf2 ( 23 per bunch !
choico. W OG < ffl.i.50.
IwFMOvs | A 60 per case. i
OIUNOI s Jamaica , $5 00(20 ( 00 per barrel ;
Florida , f 100 1 25 per box.
Hosn In Mb frames , lT@18c.
GAMI : Per dozen : Mallat Us , f3.50M75 ( ! ;
tenl , l.o1.2'i ; quail. MOO ; pralrio chickens -
ons SJ50 : rabbits , fl.oOa ; < iu irrcls , (1.03
venison , 8@12o per Ib.
CILIIU : 25AiOc per dozen.
ONIONS ) OM50u per bu , '
CAIIIHOE $2.00 per 100.
UBKTS 40c per bushel.
TUIIMI-H 30o per bushel. D
SAVKII KIIAUIHbls , W.75 ; hnlf bbls , ? 2 75. ! }
AITWSII Choice , f jw@2 ; 75 per bblj fancy ,
00 per bbl ; common , $ l.50Tl,75 ( per bbl.
CIDCII Michigan , * 0 00@0 60 ] ier bbl of 32
gals : California pear cider , JIM * ) per bbl.
Per Cons Hire , : iC t4u ; common , 2@3c.
CAUHors 40o per bushel ,
HCASS Choice eastern hnndpicked navies , ,
t'O per biiblicl ; western hand picked nu-
vies , $ l,75@l.bO ; mediums , $1.30(31.40 ( , Lima
beuna 5i : per pound ,
HAV V. o , b. cars , No. 1 upland , ffl 00 : No.
upland , 15 00. I
Cnoi-i'ED FKEP-.J14.00S15 00 per ton ,
Coux 31Uti. ( !
VJNKOAHCider , 10(316o ( per gal. 3
trluv , 10a'4)o ( ) per gal , '
Is Like a Cannon Ball Without Powder.
MORAL : A innn fhnt vpay \ ' \ \ $00 to n Merohnnb Tailor for n Suit or Omvoat when ho enn bnv the si m
iliar garment for less than half Unit price , has cither more money than brains , or he does not u e his Wits to the
best advantage.
Workman and Independent Man ,
It is to your interest to call nml see our extensive stock of Fine Merchant Tailor-nmile Suits anil Overcoats ; the
most skeptical observer and inveterate bargain seeker is sure to be suited.
Owing fo the heavy consignments , we have lately received from our agents throughout the country , we will
cfler these goods at the following VBHV LOW PHICKS.
$ O.DO buys n CHINCHILLA. OVERCOAT , which wns mnde to order for $2O.
$11.CO buys n CASSIMERE OVERCOAT , which wns mnde to order for $22.
$13.76 buys n good CHESTERFIELD OVERCOAT , which wns mnde to order for $28.
$10.OO buys n fly Front WAKEFIELD DRESS OVERCOAT , which wns mnde to order for $8O.
$2O.OO buys n KERSEY OVERCOAT , which wns mnde to order for $4O.
$24.OO buys n Sntin Lined MELTON OVERCOAT , which wns mnde to order Tor $ BO.
$28.BO buys n Silk Lined TREBLE MILLED MELTON OVERCOAT , which wns mnde to order for $ OO
$3O.OO buys the finest SCHNABELS CHINCHILLA OVERCOAT , which WHS mnde to order for $ OC
$38.OO buys n fine BEAVER TRIMMED ( SHAWL COLLAR ) OVERCOATwhich wns mnde to ordo
for $7O.
4O.OO buys n FUR LINED OVERCOAT , which wns mnde to order for $85.
FALL SUITS , CORRECT STYLES , Elegantly made and Trimmed ,
$9.6O buys n Seymour Snck Suit , which wns mnde to order1 for $2O.
$11.5O buys n One Button Snck Suit , which wns mnde to order for $22.
$13.75 buys n Strnight-cut Snck Suit , which wns mode to order for $28.
$16.OO buys n Rnilrond Snck Suit ; which wns mnde to order for $3O.
$2O.OO buys n Four Button Cuinwny Suit , which wns mnde to order for $4O.
$24.OO buys n One Button Cutnwny Suit , which wns mnde to order for $8O.
$28.BO buys n Bnnnockburn Cheviot , snck or frock , which wns mnde to order for $ OO.
$3O.OO buys n Crepe Worsted , ( imp. ) 4-Button Cutnwny , which wns mnde to order for $00.
Of every description of goods and any style from $3.00 to $10.00.
They must be seen to be appreciated , from $1C.OO to 140.00 ,
t .50CJ9 OOpcr bbl.
PnoISIONS Hams , No. 1 , 12c ; No. 2 ,
lie ; shoulders , 9 c ; rib bacon , llj c ; clear
baton , l c ; picniutmtns , lOo ; dried beef hums
dry suited clears , short , 9Ke ; extra
short , 9) < o ; short ribs , Ol o ; Pickle pigs
feet , 1Mb kits , 80 : Jprd , 94@10c ; smoked
sausage , Cft'Sc per Ib ; ho casings , iT@18o.
Revised prices are as follows :
BAOOINO Stark A seumless , 22c ; Amos-
kcag , seamless , 17 c ; Lcwiston A , seamless ,
1'Jc ' ; American , seamless , ITc ; , 4 to 5
bu , ll@14c ; pinnies , single , lite ; gunnies ,
double , 20c ; wool sacks , :55c. : Twines Flax ,
33c ; extra sail , 20@21o ; sail B , 19g20c ( ; cot
ton , 21e ; JUMJ , l c.
Uifinn rid'iTS Figs , in boxes , per Ib , 13@
lOe ; dates , in boxes , 7@10o ; London Malacca
layer raisins , per box. $2. 50(23.75 ( ; Malaga
loose raisins , $2.0 ! < a250 ; new Valen
cia raisins , per Ib , VJio ; California loose mus
catels , per box , $1.00 ; California LondonslSb
$ \ I'S ' ; pitted cherries , per Ib , lOe ; Califor
nia pitted plums , per Ib , 12@nc ;
dried blackberries , per Ib , T' gSc ; dried
raspberries , per Ib , 2 © 2.5c ; evaporated np-
ples , 7M@Hc ; California sun dried peaches ,
13c ; California un pared evaporated jicaehcs ,
lemon peel , 16c ; California Trench prunes ,
COFFUES Mocha , 25@2 < ic ; Uio , good , lft@
17e ; Mandahling , 2U28 ( : roasting Rio , 15 ®
16c ; O. G. Java , ai@2 < ! ; Java , interior , 23 < < g
25c ; Rio , fancy , lOcrtilO ; Santos and Mora-
calbo , l"(7ilUc ( ) ; Arbuckles. 21 } c : McLnugh-
Hn'sXXXX , 21'fc.
SUUMI Granulated , 72ic ; conf. A , 7 } < fc ;
white extra C , 7Ko : extra C , 7jl c ; jellow
C , ( IJ c ; powdered , 8 | c ; cubes , 8 ; c.
HONKI 10@llc for 1-lb frames ; strained
honey , 10llc per Ib.
UunsVAChoice jellow , 20@22Xc ; dark
colored , 1.3@14c.
CIITESI Vouns America , full cream , lift
12J o ; full creuin eaccuars , ll@12cj full
cream Hats , 12 } < c.
PICKI ES Medium , in bbls , $5 00 ; do , in
half bbls , W.K ( ) ; small , in bbls , (0.00 ; do , in
half bbls , &J 50 ; uhcikins , in bbls , ir.OO ; do ,
half bbls ! W.OO
ToiiAtco Plug , 2C'Sti'c ; smoking , lC@19c
Ji'i.Lii s $1.25 per 30 Ib pall.
Su.i ! ) r ) per bbl.
Koi-i : MO , llljfo
MAW i : SUIAK Hricks 11GE12C per Ib ;
penny cakes 12M3o ( ; pur ID ; pure maples
syrup , $1.00 per pal.
UKAS Young ll son , common to fair. 18@
Sic ; Youm.'H\bon , peed to fancy , ! ! 0@'i5c ;
Gunpowder , common to jjood , 2Ji5c ; Gun
powder , tlioico to fancy,40 10'ic : Japan , com
mon to medium , 15r 20c ; Japan , choice to
fancy , : J0 4r c : Oolontr , common to poou , 25 ®
U5o ; Oolong , clioicu to fancv , 60@70c ; Impe
rial , common to medium , 25 ( 35c ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , 40@io. ( )
NuTs-Almonds , H > @l c\ \ filberts , ISOlHc ;
Hrazll , 9(30c ( | ; walnuts , I2o ; pecans , 10@llc ;
canuts , ( ! @ ' , lc.
CIIACKKHS fl@10o nor Ib ; assorted cakes , 7
25c per Ib. as per list.
C\.MM-Mixed. ; stick ,
rock candy , 10 > j@lW ! ; fancy candy ,
Dry Goods.
COTTOV PI.ANNKI t * 10 per cent dis. ;
liriatol , 12 > < o ; lRlpl | I'aclflc , 17c.
NVAiirfrU White , IbJ c ; colored ,
HATTO Standard , So ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty ,
> c ; lioonc , 14o ; H , cased , tO.CU.
I'MIMI , bolld colors Atlantic , Co ; Slater ,
iKc ; Herlin oil , 0) ) c ; Garner oil , 7c.
PitiN TH Pink and Kobefl Allen Cc ; Hivcr-
lolnt , 5 > c : StceK Hiver , OJic ; Kichmond ,
jVc ; Pacillc. 7c.Ju
PHIMS Dress- Charter Oak , 6J c ;
itiunapo , 4) ) < e : Lodl , JUfu ; Allen , ( le ; Rich-
nond , 6Uc ; SVindsor , ( < Kc ; Eddy stone , C o :
I'aoilic , 6c.
lit IUCIIKII SiirriiNo' Horkclov cambric
Xo. CO , 9' ' o ; Host Yet , 4-4 , ( IJi'o ; butter cloth
O,4'4c ' ; Cabot , 7 o ; Far well half bleached ,
t ; Fruit of Loom. UJ c ; Greene G , tlj/cj
ilopo , 7J/o : King Philip cambric , lie ; Lohs-
lalo cambric , lO Jfc ; I < onsdale , Ois ; New York
nllls , llo ; Popperell , 43 In , llo ; Pejipercll ,
16-in , 12c ; Puppi-rell. 04 , lOc ; Peppeiell , 8-4 ,
He ; Pepperell , 0-4 , 2Jo ; Peppercll , 104 , 3T.o ;
Janton , 4-4 , Bj c ; Triumph , Go ; Vamsutta ,
lo ; Valley , 5c.
FJ.AXM'LS Plaid Hnftsmen.COj ; Goshcn ,
fiytc ; Clear Lake , 30j o ; Iron Mountain ,
KiKc ,
1YANNELS Whito-G H. No. 2 , % t 25o ; G
, No. 1 , if , SOc ; U H , No. 2 , K , 2(1) ( ) f ; W
No. 1 , % , 80o ; Qupcheo No. 1 , 9f , 42c.
COIISBT JCANU Androscoggtn , 7 | < c ; Kcar
large , 7 > < o : llockport , UJ/c ; Conestoga. 6 > ui
Uichs Yorlt , 30 In. , 12X0 ; York , lit in. ,
0 ; Swift river , 7cThorndlko OO.SMcj
I'ltornaike El-1 , g cj Tborndlko ISO , '
Thorndiko XX , 15c ; Cordis No 5 ,
Co'dlsNo. 4 , 1'ic.
UBNIMS Amoskeap , 9 oz , 13Vvfc ; Everett 7
oz , 183Bc : York , 7 oz , 13ljc ; Haunuker , SUe ;
Jnffrey XX , lUsJc ; Jnftrey XXX , 12)c ) ;
Beaver Creek AA , 12c : Beaver Crock BB
llo ; Beavci- Creek CC , lOc.
irKNTUcm JEANS Memorial , lJ > c : Dakota ,
18cj Durham , 27 c ; Hercules , 18c ; Leaming
ton , 22' ' ic ; Cottswold , 2c. .
CitA-iii Stevens' B , IKJ ; Stevens' B
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A. " ; ( ; Stevens' A
bleached , 8J o ; Stevens' P , 8Kc ; Stevens'
P , bleached , tl c ; Stevens' N , ti c ; Stevens'
N , bleached , 10 > { o ; Stexons , Slit , 12 > < Jc.
MisciiiiAVrouM Table on cloth , $250 :
plain Holland , Sl > c ; Dado Holland , 12J.e.
Brown Shcotmp Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 } c ; At
lanticH , 4-4 , 7j4c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , G fc ; At
lantic P. 4 4 , Cc ; Aurora LL , 4 4 , tic ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , 4/cCrenu ; XXX , 44 , 6oHoosicr \
LL , 4-4 , lie ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 c ; Law
rence LL , 4-4 , ( Hi ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
Peppcrcll R , 4-4 , 7c ; Pepperell O,4-4 ,
Peppcrcll , 84 , ISKe ; Peppcrcll , 94 , 2lc ;
Peppcrell , 10-4. 2-lc ; Utieu , C , 4-4 , 4c ;
WncliUBCtt , 4-1 , 7 > c ; Auroia R , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora
era B. 4-4 , tlKc.
DUCK West Point 29 in , S oz , 10 } < fo ; West
Point 21) ) in , 10 o12c ; West Point 29 in , IS
oz , 15c ; West Point 40 in. 11 07 , We.
FLASMI/I Red , C , 24 in , 15'rfc ; E , 24 in ,
21 } e ; GG , 24 in , 20u ; HAP , Jf , 25c ; JRP ,
% , 27'2c.
GiSdMAM Plunkett chocks , 7'jCWhitten- ' ;
ton , 7'ji1 ' ; York , 7 < e ; Normandi dress , 8'jo ;
Calcutta dress , 8 c ; Whittcnton dress , 8 0 ;
Renfrew dress. 8 (3)12 } .
CAMiinirs Slater , 5J4c ; Woods , 5J4c ;
Standard , S' c ; Peacock , 5j4c
1'riNTi , INDKIO BLUE Arnold , ( IJ c ; Amer
ican , li'fe ' ; Gloucester , OJfc ; Arnold C long
cloth , 9c ; Arnold B long cloth , 10'c ; Arnold
Gold Seal , JO&c ; Stiofel A , 12c ; Windsor
Gold Ticket , W/t < i.
nml Chcinicnls.
M ist i i.nvnous Sulph. acid , IJ c ; citric
acid , COe ; lartaric , SOc ; bul. copaiba , ( I3c :
borax , 12e ; chloroform , 47o ; ghcermc , 2lc ;
gum arable , select , $1.03 ; gum camphor. ir c ;
gum opium , ? : i 25 ; sulh. ] morphia , t-JSO ;
bromidu potassium , 42c.
On Carbon , 150 ° , lOJ c ; hcadlightl"iO ,
lO'-tfc ' ; gasoline , 74 ° , 12' ' c. West Virginia
summer , lie ; ? ere , ITc ; No. 1 golden ma
chine , Ibo ; extia W. S. lard , b-lo ; No. 1 laid ,
I7c ; turpentine , A2 ; linseed , law , OSc ;
coiled , die.
QUMM , P. & W. , jici 07 , 55c ; Gciman ,
per oz , 40c.
Plrst nnd second i-lcar , 1 ' in. . . ? 40 00@ni 00
riintand hecond clear , 1' in. . . 47 OOW50 IM )
Third clear , IV l'j i" . ) ' W't-M ( ( M )
Aselett , l C"Jl'j ' in . 7 OOfel'J 00
B select , ! ' < ( ( 1'j In . 35 00 ( < f.i7 00
A Htock boards , 12(2)10 ( ) feet , 12 in . 40 00
B stock boards , 12ri5llfcot ( ( , 12 In . 41 00
C stock boards , 1.2r < i > lU feet , 13 in . 'M 00
1) stock bonrds , ll Hi feet , U in . 23 00
riooring , llrst common , 0 In . IM 00
rioorinp , Bocond common , C in . ! U 00
Select fencing Hooi ing . 1900
Siding , flrstandseoond clear , 14 ( 1G feet.2r 00
Siding , llrst common , 10 feet . , . 2J 00
Siding , second common . 19 OJ
Common boards . 1(5 ( 00
No. 2boaids , all lengths . 14 50
renting , No. I , 12@JO feet . 1(1 ( 50
rcncing , No , 2 , 12 , 14 mid 18 fret . in 60
Toist amUearilling. 2x4 , 14$1G ( leet . Hi 00
Timber , 4x4 , 8x8 , 12 10 feet . 17 fiO
Pickets , Dand H Hat . 22 00
t'ickcts , D and H sijuaro . 2" 00
Shingles , extra A . a 80
Shingles , standaid A . 2 I/ )
Shingles , No 1 . 1 50
Lath . 24' )
OG Batts,2Jilii , . 70
O G Batts , JixU , S I S . 40
J in well tubing , D and M bev . 23 00
MctalH anil TiiinerB1 Stock.
Mock tin , small pig . i .23
Mock tin , bar . 29
Joppcr , planished boiler sl/cs . HI
Joiipur , cold lolled . ! il
Copper , bhcathlng . :10 :
Cojiptr , pltts . 30
Hemlock sole , 16ffi'J7o pcrlb ; oaksole , 31@
Wo per Ib ; oak harness , DOrtT.Uo jier ID ; sclec-
ed oak and tiacc , ! i5o per Ib ; oak and hem *
ock ujmcr , 20 22o ] > cr foot. Hemlock calf
Bkin , No. 1. bOCiUOo pur Ib , according to
vclght ; oak calf skin , No. 1 , 90fi31.0U j or
b ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra , SI.OOQ1.10
icrlb ; hcmlocK kiii skin , No. 1 , M@OO per
b ! oak kip .km , no , 1 , 70fibOc per Ib : Phllu.
delphia kip skin , oxtiubOi5lKo ( ) per Ib. 1'icnch
calf skins , ( according to wclghtand quality ) ,
$1.15 1.75 pcrlb. Frcnbll kip skins , do , bO > .GI
1,10 pur Ib , Cordovan rimott , ISu ; satin
Inlsh , Uc ) per foot ; welt leather , fJ .Vr ) < 4 DO
> er niclu ; moroccos , ( pebble goat ) , 201 30
> cr foot ; moroccos , boot Icir , 25@JOc per
cot ; glove ( .all Bkius , 80 ( JOf. ucr loot ;
Real Estate ,
npniTrnTO. IA STAUB. HIO Hovraril St. , Omaha , ha * drawn plans and
AnOnl I EU I aperltlcatlnnsforn 9-roorn frame liouno. which combines
utilHy.comfortoconomy and benutr.lnuway Imposilblo In any Rood
house that cost * from II. MO to SI * W. As more tnan 1JO
l bo built BO. 1 can afford to dWer B copy for Original nnd eplcndlfl
! 6. the usual fees otherwise being from designs furnished as can bo judgea
t.r Plans of completed buildings ot
8 per cent more. all descriptions. I have In my oflice. ranging la cost
. - from | fl,000 to HOO.OOO. My unusual experience M 111 guarantor satisfaction
nnd reliable contractors only are engaged on my works. Parties wishing to build
ar oordlallr Invited.
Douglas kid , 30@40c per foot ; kangaroo
skins , 40.i5cpor ( ( ) foot , accoi ding to quality.
Toppings , * 3 iJOSfllO 00 per dozen ; linings ,
S > 00@000 per dozen ; apionskius , S10.00 < vg
12 00 per dozen. _
Instruineats PJacoil nn RncorU Dur-
iuc Yesterday.
J Keper and vtlfu to I ) Kcper , und ' 5 lots
M nnd 27 , bik 1. , Kount/.u i Kiith'u add ,
( i cd . . .1 1
W * J' Urr to K A Oi r , lot tl and M Jj ft lot 10 ,
bile 2 , I'nddotk place , < | C d . 1
J N Orr to W T ( Jrr , lot ! ) nnd \ \ 23 ft lot
10 , lilk - ' . I'addoilc place u o d . . . 1
J I' Hay ct nl to Jlrn I' II Stuck , lot -M. blk
' . CrammerLy pirk , w n . COO
J 1' Hay ot nl to Mrs A A Campbell , Iot27 ,
blk 2 , ( Srammcicj paik , wd . . CCO
O K Holler mid ulfo to S S Campbell , lots
2 nnd .1. blk 7 , lot 1 nnd S , blk 11 , lots 2 ,
J and t , and s 's ' tot 1 , bile U , 1'rntl'H sub ,
wd. . . . . 1-UOO
II Uook et nl to O II Cook , lot 14 , ( ireen-
wood add , wd . . . . . . . 5
11(1 Cooktn ALCoo'c , lot H , ( jrcenwood
add , u < l . . . . .1
Cliaa Haundcn to H K SclmlU , lot H. blk
A , S uriders A IllmelmiiKh's ndd , \ \ d , KO
1' .1 Al < On thy toV 0 Mt tiaoken , lot 1 ) ,
blk 0 , Omaha View , w d . l , > 50
I ! C1 Cold and ulfo to A I.cwls , lot 1 1. blk
11 , llrown I'nili. w d . 450
U K apa'dlntriuul ' lfo to 1' Chnrlton , a w
of n \ \ J-ir . | 1 c , rj c d . . . 1
l.'d Mamur nnd ulfo to M J Hnohi , lot ( ! ,
blk U' , Shull's 2d add. wrt . . . I.SOO
1'H Illiijner to J I'OH oil , lots I , 2 , 9 , 4 and
r > . bile ! JLoto Ilrllllnnt add. wd . . u.OOU
Jai Vote and wife to I nrs koog , lot .1 , blk
1 , Eouth Umnha Park , wd . . . ! i"(0
J H ilimgate to. ) 1 Williams , lot 21 , blk
! 1 lloitnird I'lucp , wd . 103
0 W Hmlth to J 0 Whlnnery , lots ta nud b'J.
Qlxe'sudd , ( i f d . . . . 1
PiumdeiH X Illmobniifjh tn Otto l.obec.k ,
lot ) ! , blk II , bumduis A ; Illmobiugh'H
nddv d . 275
C I ! Mnjuuolnl tol'n sbyleilnn ASJS'II , lot
. blk4,0rcliftidlllll.wd . 1
W I , Mlby ut nl to T Mioeuliiff , lot .1 , Mot-
tei'M .sub , \ \ d , . . . . . IK
U h Stebhlni and wife to W 8 htrawn , lot
2) ) , A Kount/eiidd. wd . 1
W H fatrnwn to W 8 BtebblnH , lot S.I. A
Kount/o add , " d
. ngniiH'ntoBHt amp *
bill , lot 41 , Winder Flaco ex , w d . 2,003
Ida I.mmm to A .M Kitchen , lot 7 , blk I ,
\V iikelci H ndd , w il . , , 1
A M Kltclion toV T li l.omon , lot 7 , blk I ,
Wnkeley'H ndd . , 1
il ( I Clnr and wlfo to W H AdaniH , lot 4 ,
blk 1 , DII 1'oilt place , v > d . CIO
iiK I'nraiits.
The following building permits were issued
by Inspector Whltlock jrstordav !
\Vm. limerson , ono story cottaKo fl.003
Mutual Imustment compnny , rcHldi-nnt . ' ,400
.lanie.s hercMlil. ' '
, dutilllng , 1'nenty-llflli
stiuut . , . . nee
John r. Daley. Improvtmunts. at aw
I'lanklln . . . . . . . 40
liana Klkier , Imiainonl/lwei ly-IUth ine-
nun and Indiana htrrut . , . . , 4O (
Aug I'n n/nl , two cottage * . , . , 2JOO (
I1' . I , , .luhnhnn , cottauu , . ] , ooo
Mia. > luiy 1C. Ovurnll , two cotlaKm 2,000
U , N. llltKH , 'llilrty-becond and 1'opplaton
avenue , two story oikk . . U.orn
H. llar lck , imprutauient. . . , . fX )
C. H , bllkwoilli , two cotta < ; uH , l.ako street I.4JU
Dr. .TolTorlfl' remedy euros every case
of diphtliorlu. No physician required ,
1 lie following murriui.'o llcunsua wcro Issued -
sued yesterday !
Nauui and Hrsldrncc. Auc.
I Samuel Klnton , Omaha . 24
I Itcssio Puyno , Omaha . 18
i Christ Andcrnon , Omalm . t/
| Dnru Tliyinjiaon , Ouiabu . , , . , . . . , ,1V
AAVbll Known Horse Trader Placed
Hcliiml tlic UurH.
Late yesterday afternoon W. E. Helllckor
was arrested on Jackson street , near Tlilr *
teenth , by Oftlcer Gallon and a charge of dis
orderly conduct was lodged against him.
The ofllcer states that Hcllickor is a pro
fessional horse trader. That yesterday ho
made a dicker with an unsuspecting German ,
whereby an exchange of horses wns mado.
He was to gho the foreigner a small amount
of money in addition , out , accoidingto the
ofilicr , as soon us ho came in possession of
the horse he endeavored to ( Ji ivo off. This ,
together with the fact that the horse which
ho disposed of was of but little value , led
the ofllccr to interpose in behalf of the Gor
man. As soon us Hcllk'lccr observed that he
could not cany out his uork , ho thieatcncd
the ofileiT by stating that ho uould have him
bounced from the fone. Olllter Otillun wna
not to bo bluffed in this manner , and ho sum
moned the patiolvngon which ion\oycd ,
Hellicker to Iho cential police station.
The most romnrlcablo euros of ficiofuln
on record htivo boon lu'complihliod J > y
Hood'a Sarsuparlllu. Try it. Sold by
Will \Vo Have mi Opou Hoard.
The giain commlttc ; of the board of truda
held a meeting yesterday nnd discusscdf the
advisability of reviving the "open board"
feature In the organl/ation's operations. The
necessity for such a proccduto was admitted
by everyone pirsont , the only question being
as to how such a definable end could bo ac
i ivcd at ,
It was the sense of the meeting that the
open board should embrace not only bona
fide gi aln dealers , but all dealers in geneuil
pioduce , lu lulling vcgi tables , etc.
The next meeting of this committee will
take plate on the 'Ml\i \ lust. Mr Nattingcr ,
tlio suciotao of the board , Kays that ho is
sangiilno now that the open tioaid will become -
como a tegular part of the board's woik.
I'M IIH t Hear Tliat Child Hcrcnin , "
said Mis. Smith to her Histor , Mrs.
DH\IH , us tliu bound ol u cluld'H ulirlolca
oamo across the pardon from u nol b-
bor'H bouse. "What kind of a woman
liavo iou for a nuiirliborV Does Hho
abiibu her childruiiy" "No , indeed , "
lojiliod MrH. Davib , ' 'Rho is ono of tliu
most tumlor mothord in oxiHtonci.- . Hut
you hho , slio boliovoB in the old-fanll-
lonod ftylcs of dootorinf , ' . When a
child iiccdB phasic , Hho illls a spoon
with botnu iiaubooiiH iloso , lavs the little
victim Hat on her hip , hold nib nosu till
he ho In fotced to open hit ) mouth for
breath , when down goes the dieadfal
monB. Then como the volls. " "No
wonder , " snld Mrs. Smith , "Why
doosn't blio UBO Dr. Piorco's ' Pleasant
PurKutUo I'qllotd'They are oiroctivo
without bolngiiuiyli. . and are as easy to a
take ay sugar plums , J nlwiya ; fivu
them to my children. " "And ,5o do I , "
said MTU. Davis.
A bridge near the barracks is in bad
condition and if not fixed soon will oo-
tull n uumugo suit ou tliy city.