Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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Cponlng of the Biennial Session at
DCS Molnos.
Annual . Convention of tlio IHUtcr ,
CliiTMC ntnl KKK Convention Tlio
Kirch DlHtrlct llrtt mention
Hnwkcyo Notes.
' Tlio Moilnrn Woodmon.
DR3 Moixr.s , In. , Nov. IB. [ Spcclixl Tele-
grain to Tin : HKK. ! Tlio licnd camp of
JMoclcrn Woodmen of America opened Its bi-
cnnlnl session hero to-day , four hundred
nnd llfty delegates , rcprcsuntliiB sovcn
etntci nnd Dakota , \voro pro c'nt when
Ilond Consul J. C. Koot , or Lyons ,
called the im'ctltiK to order. Lobor
ComtniiMonor llulclilns oxtci.dcd the wel
come of tlio local camps , nnd Mr. W. AV. Wit-
tncr , president or the coimnuri'lnl cxclmiiRo ,
cxtcnduil the welcome for the city. The
tocnd consul responded on bchnlf of the order.
' .Tim rofjulnr reports were submitted , sho-v-
Inff , among other tilings , tliut tlio receipts
for the term ending September ! > , IbbS ,
oinounted toatotul of'JJ ; Unit the
expenses , Including f22rXX ( ) paid for death
bonollts , about equalled the receipts. On Octo
ber 1 , 1SS8 , there were ! i'J,7TJ members , nn
IncrcusoOf overlllteon hundred In the bien
nial term. The Illinois delegation the
largest In nttciidunco determined to recom- Springfield as the place for the next
Convention , which meets In lbl'0. '
! i.
A Ilrutnl Murder.
Dr.s Moixiis , la. , Nov. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hills ] A brutal murder Is
{ reported at St. John , Mo. , by n young man
pained Scott. Ho had cheered for Jeff
pavls after the republican r.itlllcatlon
jieetinff last Saturday night , and was told
lot to do so again by a young boy named
Daniels. Ho disregarded the protest and
, ho boy btartcd to whip him , when Scott
Ircw 11 Imlfo nnd stabbed Daniels , killing
aim Instantly. Scott lied , but wns c.ipturcd
nnd Jailed yesterday.
The Dnlrymon. t
WATEIIOO | , la. , Nov. ! . | Special Tele
gram to I'm : Bin : . ] Several hundred dele
gates , representing Iowa dairy districts , as
well as nearly nil important commercial con-
Ires In the Mississippi valley , anil points as
far cast ns New York , are here in attond-
pnco on the state butter , chccsonn.l egg asso
ciation's annual convention. New York
Sends thirteen , Chicago contributes about
twenty , Uoston four , St Louis one all inein-
PCrs of the national association. The exhibi
tion of dairy products and machinery is largo
and very good. No business was done
A. nntiflentlon at Cedar llnplds.
CCUAH RArin * , la. , Nov. 13. The rcimbli-
gans of the Fifth congressional district held
fk big ratilicatiriti meeting hero this afternoon.
Addresses were made by Congressman ICerr
find others. This evening there was a line
demonstration of fireworks and hugo bon
fires. Twenty thousand people were on the
Accidentally Smothered to Death.
EMMHTSIIUIIO , la. , Nov. ! ! . P. .1. Shcohan ,
fr telegraph operator employed by the Chl-
.cago , MihvaultQo & St. Paul road , was
found dead iifbcd Sunday. It is presumed
fhat , ho was smothered to death by u pillow
irhlch had'fallcn over his head.
Sniilt Sto Alarlo Canal. .
OTTAWA , Out. , Nov. 13. Contracts for the
Construction of the Sault , Ste. Marie canal
jiavo been awaYtled'to Hugh and John Uyart , '
Cl Toronto and Hrocla-illa. Associated with
them Is ill. J. Hanoy & Co. , of Watortown ,
N. Y. The amount of the contract is ll.BOO-
An order In the council has been passed
Increasing the export duties on pine logs
from 82 to $3 per thousand feet , board
V Tlio Clydesilalo Assnolatinn.
CniCAOo , Nov. in. At the tenth annual
picotlng of the Amoricun Clydesdale associa
tion , the report ot the executive commlttoc
on the Clyclusilulo Interest was roeolvcd.
ffho following odlcersvcro elected : Presi
dent , S. T. Clark , St. Cloud , Minn. ; vice
president , John C. Huston. UlundhiRvlllo.
111. , secretary , Charles F. Mills , Springfield
1111 , treasuior , William Moduli , Pawpaw ,
11 jl J.U.
TlieVcntIicr Indications.
For Nebraska Fair , followed by light
rain or snow Wednesday afternoon or uvon-
| np ; colder ; northerly winds.
For Iowa Fair , followed by local rains or
light auowa ; colder ; northwesterly winds
with cold wave.
For Dakota Light snows ; colder ; north
erly winds with cold wiwo.
Killed lly a Street Car.
ST. JosEi'K , Mo. , Nov. 13. [ Special Tolo-
5)- pram to TUB IIHK.J Louts Stevens , the
5)f 'eight-year-old son of a widow woman living
f at Sixth and Scott streets , was run over by a
. I Union railway street car in front of his
mother's residence at 9 o'clocK to-night and
U I Instantly killed. The boy was 0110 of num
ber of small boys who Imvo been in the habit
of Jumping on and off passing cars.
A I'ostolllco Ilobbcry.
CHICAOO , Nov. in. The postal authorities
licro have received word that the postoftk-o
at Fort Suclllng , Minn. , was burglarized last
night. About $3 < M ) In money , and poslal
notes und registered letters to nn unknown
amount weru taken. The registered mail
f. lioro Is generally heavy on account of the
proximity of the government military post.
Cnrllnlo'H Perforated Tickets.
CINCINNATI , Nov. 13. The examinalion of
tlio ballots of Hoono , Campbell , Kenton and
Pcndlotoii counties , in the Sixth Kentucky
dlslrict , shows thai 7,50.2 perforated tickets
< wera cust for John O. Carlisle , Ills majority
ia the entire district was (1,1) ) . " ) 1 , so that if no
further search Is made there are enough bal
lots to defeat him If it shall bo declared upon
0' contest thut these perforated ballots are void.
t.a Hie Grain Elevator lltirucd.
a UUWAI.O , N. V. , Nov. 13. This morning
n flro in the Wheeler elevator destroyed the
Interior of the building , involving u loss of
* JO,000 ; fully insured. It contained IW.OOO
if Ijushols of wheat nnd barley , much of which
will bo saved , though In a damaged condition.
I. CCho grain was owned by difforenl local linns
und was valued at * 120,000 , and fully insured ,
A Hoarlut Fuvur Upldomlc. , Nov. 13. A special from
Jamestown , D.ik , , s.iys thut un cpldomio of
Hcarlet' fever Is r.iglng there. Churches , sunday -
day schools and public ; schools have been
oruorod closed during the prevalence of the
dUouso. A number of deaths have already
A. Ilriikonmn Cue to Ploooa.
DunuqVKi Nov. 13. [ Special Telegram to
THE HUE. | Abraham Qrobol , a brakeman
on the Chicago , St. Paul and Kansas City
road , was killed this morning at Onclda ,
. forty miles north of hero. Ho fell between
the cars and was cut to pieces. Ilia rouuilua
\vcre brouijht here for burial.
Tlio Alabnmu LiciUIaturo.
' MONTOOUKUV , Ala. , Nov. 13. The biennial
, BCislou of the general assembly of Alabaum
opened this morning , O. Hargravo was
nominated by the democnitlu caucus for
prosldont and C. O. Shorter for speaker of
tbo house. _
DIoxloan Opinion * of Harrison.
CITT or MEXICO XVia Galveston ) , Nov. 13.
t Soitor Dublan , inlulstor of fluunco , says
that tbo election of General Harrison will bo
toncflclal to Mexico , and Scilor Uuraudu ,
inlnlstor of luutlco-thinks thai tliu now'uil-
rnmlstrtttlou In.tUo United States will \n- \
croa o tha coinincrcd anil harmony bctvroeu
republics. , '
An Election to llo Called to Vote
Hondf ) For Tfcw Hcliool MoimcH.
An adjourned meeting of the board of edu
cation took plnco last night In their room in
the Masonic block. The president called the
board to order nt 8 o'clock , when It wns
found that twelve members were present.
Mesirs. Copolnnd nnd Goodman xvoro
wore the absent members. Superin
tendent James announced that night
school ! ) had been opened and were being
well nllcmlcd. The superintendent nlso reported <
ported sickness among the pupils of the
Forest school , nntl mitiROstcd that other
rooms should bo provided , the present ac
commodations being too small. No action
wns taken.
Miss S. Hi RiiiniUMon , missionary , asked
permission to use u room in Hickory school
house for religious purx ] > ses , on Sun-
clay and Friday nlchts , providing crml nnd
lUht were putd for by these using the room.
The rcnuest was granted.
Welshans , Pratt & Co. asked for an ad
vance of $2.01)0 ) ns part payment on n contract
for furnishing steam heat In the Park school.
The reiiuest was granted , providing the war- ,
runt should not ho presented for payment be
fore January 1 , isso.
A communication from Mr. J. O. Willis ,
offering land near Florence for sale for
school purposes , was referred to the pioper
The committee on buildings nnd property
reported that the Hancrofl school is com-
plo'.cd according to contract , that they nro
satlsilcd with the steam lioalltiR apparatus
at Lake street school , nnd that land nt Gib
son be leased for one year with the option of
purchase , said land to be purchased for the
erection of n school building. The two first
reports were referred nnd the latter adopted.
Haruara Scholu was appointed junitrcss nt
Gibson school ,
The committee on clnims recommended the
payment of the followingnmotinUs : John H ,
llano for work nnd material nt Lake street
school , t"'Jj'J.80 ; Strung & Clarkstonin heat
ing apparatus at Lake street school. $2,203.
Also for material nnd labor nn Hancroft
school. To Arthur Hurd , fH.BT'D ! John Howe
& Sons , SSSfi ; Rose & Halfor , SJ17. To A.
W. Phulps & .Sou for labor and ma
terial nt Walnut Hill school , S.n.5'.W.
To L. J. Lcuilng for grading at OmahuView ,
$ l27.'JTi.
These claims were all allowed.
Mr. A. Mlllard introduced n resolution in
structing the secretary of the board to fur
nish the state , superintendent of public in
struction with an engraving of Lake street
school , that ho may tiVe ; an engraving of the
same in his next report. Adopted.
Mr. Uccs introduced n resolution asking
that the special teachers of music and draw
ing piaco a time tablu In each Kchool .stating
the time of their visits , and that the prin
cipal teachers report to the secretary of the
board each month the number of visits made
by visiting teachers to their respective
schools. Adopted.
Mr. Morrison introduced a resolution to
build n two-roomed school at Forest.
The board then went Into committee of the
whole to consider the question of submitting
to the people the proposition to vote bonds to
build new schools and to improve the high
school Mid grounds. A lengthy discussion
arose ns to tlio most advisable way of dis-
poamg ( if the money in case it wus voted on
uiul carried.
Mr. F. K. McConncll wanted ? Cr.,000 to
build u new grade school on the high school
Mr. J. J. Suville objected , saying that the
accommodation at the high school was ade
Mr. Morrison objected to having $05,000
spent in building a new structure on the high
school ground. Ho thought $511,000 quito
Mr. Coburn favored an addition to the
present high school , although he at one timi ;
thought a new building advisable. He advo
cated the spending of (75,000 in building an
addition , improving and repairing the pres
ent structure and beautifying the grounds.
Mr. Clark advocated impioving the pres
ent high school b.y nn addition instead of 'a. ' ,
now structure , and if nccessary'Would wil
lingly spcnd$75OUO on .such improvements.
Ho also advocated spemiing $15,000 extra in
improving the high school grounds
and. building walks around tho"
same. Eventually the committee reported
that the proposition be submitted to the
people of the city of Omaha at the next city
election , to bo held on December 4 , to vote
oonds to the amount of S400.0JO for the erec
tion of new schools , the purchasing of sites
and the improvement of the school grounds
in the city of Omaha , the bonds to bear 5 per
cent interest and redeemable in twenty
years. The report was adopted. The
money to bo expended in erecting schools
and procuring sites is as follows :
Handings. Sites.
lathrop S2T.COO T.athrop 8 8.00J
WeotOmuha . . . JT.tOJ Hickory (1.500 (
Vlntou 1:7.1x10 ( ilbson 2,500
Vninkim 27.UJU Orchard Hill. . . . C.OiW
Ione ( addition ) 37w Fort Onmlm. . . . Il.OXJ
Hickory 4iiKW Dupont 0,500
1'nnl 45,10) ) Improvement of
Dnpont ajOJJ High school
Center 34uoo ana other
High school g'lls (15.000 ( grounds 20,000
fcTiO.OOO I & 0.009
The report of thocommittco , of the whole
was adopted.
Mr. ana Mrs. Henry Funger were elected
janitors nt the Dupont school
A motion by Mr. Coburn that telephones
bo supplied to the most important schools
was adopted.
An Important Case 1'ondliiK In the
United States Court.
A somewhat complex land title case came
up before Judges Dundy and 13rowor in the
United Slates court. A man named Hurley
owned land in Lancaster county , in this
state , und a man named Flynn began a suit
to quiet titlo. Hurley resided In Maryland
and could not bo sorvcd with n summons nnd
the latter was executed Ihrugh the news
papers of this stale. When the case cauio
up in the district court Flynn was granted
the title , in action , to the lands. Flynn then
sold the land to Uickotl & Wilson , und they
in turn disposed of it to a man named Arndt.
Hurley , after the decree had boon granted ,
disposed of tlio land to Griff * , nml now Arndt
and Griffs are contesting ownership. In an
ejection suit of Griftn against Arndt a ruling
was made in favor of the former by the
United States supreme court on tbo grounds
that the decree granted Flynn was void.
In this Judge Hrowcr agreed but Judge
Dundy dissented , and accordingly a certill-
cute of division was agreed upon and the
Huino will be referred back to the supreme
court for final action. The uiutLor of a .iln
referring It is to settle the point of law as
rcgnrdH the summons service. 1 > lhi
In the ease of John F Snawig against
Amos W.vimns , the defendant was given ton
davs to lilo a reply. " .
In the case of l uclen Woodworth against'
W. K. Fletcher , a dismissal. 'was' > ynnitoJ
with costs assessed to the phllntllT.
Stephen Huio against OlofVodburg ;
Sprallln ngalnht Alnscow : Phamlx Life In
surance company ugalnst Kbun Cooley , were
dismissed at the costs of plaintiff In each
In the case of Gcorgo ChrUtle against C.
S. Uurnham , in a foreclosure of mortgage ,
an extension of ninety days was granted.
In the case of Frank Allies against Sur.ih
K. Campbell , a decree was granted in favor
of the plaintiff.
Several minor cases were disposed ofwhile
others weru luldovcr to the January term.
The grand und petit Juries wore not com
plete nt the opening of court and in consequence
quence were Instructed to defer action until
n full attendance was had.
This morning Judge Dundy will charge the
grand Jury , and they will then proceed to
consider the cusps of V ? . II , Walston , who is
charged with robbing n postoflico ; H. A.
Hulbard , with counterfeiting ; A. Ic. Jacobs ,
embezzling letters containing- treasury war.
rants , and J. C. Turtle , the ox-mall carrier
of Omaha. _ _ _
District Court.
The Jury in tha uasoof George Hughes
against Josojih Shorlooic returned a verdict
of $9.20 in favor of the plaintiff. The action
-was for $53.75.
Tbo case of Otto Lobock , administrator ,
against the Leo-Clarko-Androcson company ,
In an action to recover (5,500 as mauoy duo
for tliu existing good will of the linn and the
right of lease of the property It before Judge
John J. Hard In has illcd a petition against
Frank Parmnleo and Charles F , Imbrio to
recover ft)20 ) damages , alleged to have been
received by the plaintiff on account of au at
tachment having been Instigated by tbo do-
The case of Phllllpi ngalnt Dennis , in nn
action to recover ? 120 for services , Is on trial
before Jtulpo Groff.
Mnrthn Sutnnor has filed foreclosure pro
ceedings ngnlnst ( leorgo T , Walker ot nl. in
the amount of M,000 , In ono Instance and $350
In another.
Al Petty , charged with grand larceny ,
changed his plen from not guilly to guilty.
Sentence wns deferred.
John Stewart , the horse thief , arrested nt
Dos MolnM. and brought hero by Deputy
Sheriff Grebe , has announced that upon bin
arrnlgnme"t to-day ho will enter n plea of
An information was Illcd yesterday by the
state ngnlnst Dan Clark , charging him with
having , on or about the Slth day of November ,
assaulted Charles King with Intent to kill.
County Court ,
Proofs were filed with the Judge of pro
bate in the will of the Into Charles J. Hyan.
William H. Spellman 1ms entered unit for
Judgment against Urchnan &HuRhosiln the
amount of 173.70.
JnmcB Morton & Son obtained Judgment
ngnlnst G , W , Walters ct nl. In the nmouiit
of $300. _
Tlioy nro Posted Upon n Hotel nnd n
KnnsnH City Man.
A slick trick wns practiced on the Millsrd
hotel people yesterday by a party named F.
C , Allen , who purported to como frqtn St.
Louis. Ho registered on the 10th inst , nnd
left on the 12th , giving In payment a check
for fM mode upon the Stock Kxchnnpo bank
In South Omnhn. His bill was nbout M To
this he added other items. The totnl of these
wnsdcductcd from the facevalupof the check
nnd the balance \vas given to tbo guest , who
professed to bo a cattle mati. Manager Mo-
Donal.l bcuAtno uneasy , nnd made inquiry In
South Omnhn , and found that thcro wns no
bank of the name nt thai place , the nearest
approach being the Union Stock Yards bank.
Hut thai institution had no funds on deposit
belonging to the alleged Wells. It was there
ascertained that Wells had mndo another
bogus check In favor of John M. Comslock ,
Kansas City , and for the same amount. Mr.
Wells' whereabouts are unknown , but it will
bo unwholesome for him to como into the
vicinity for some ilme.
Tin ; Cut In Tjtvo Stock Kntcs.
CIIICAOO , Nov. 13. The Western Freight
association , at Its meeting to-day , took no
action on the proposition of the Chicago &
Northwestern to rcducb rates on provisions
and live stock to 5 cents from Omaha to Chi
cago. There was borne discussion on the
subject , and further consideration wns post
poned until Thurmlny. Intha meantime the
reduced rutos will not bo put into effect.
Tlio Manitoba Uallroad Troubles.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Nov. 13. A Winnipeg
special says : The Canadian Paclllc and the
Dominion government triumplrcd in the rail
road crossing matter , the local government
giving orders to-ttay for the immediate
suspension of work for the winter on the
Portage extension of the Northern Pacific
& Manitoba road , owlnir to the inclemency of
the weather.
Governor Gordon Inaugurated.
ATLANTA , Ga. , Nov. 13. Governor Gordon
was inaugurated for his second term at noon
to-day. The Inaugural address deals with
the late election and the effect it will have
on the south nnd individual states , taking
the stand thai he does not believe thnt re
publican success means the degrading of any
southern states by tho' enactment of force
The Knn ns Mine Horror.
PiTTsnuitnii , Kan. , Nov. 13. Ono thousand
miners assembled in mass meeting to-night
to take action on the Frontenao horror.
Resolutions a rdngiy qondem'nlftg State Mine
Inspector Fflnioy were adopted andhis reV
moral demanded , , U w'as ilsp ! > agreed that
each man should contribute 'to tbo relief
fund bis sburo in lifty'bushels of coal , 'mak
ing about $1,000 in all.
American vs. German Bishops.
LONDON , Nov. 13. The Chronicle's Homo
correspondent says : It is certain that the
American bishops have petitioned the con
gregation of the propaganda against the
predominant influence exercised by the Ger
man Catholics in America. They urge upon
the Vatican that it is advisable not to permit
the formation of separate German parishes ,
or the nomination of German dignitaries.
The UtcH Willinx to Move.
JAMACIA , Colo. , Nov. 13. The southern
Utos and the commission bavo been in coun
cil for tlic past two days , und have agreed
upon the terms of a treaty for the removal of
the Indians to Utah. The Ut s commenced
signing the trcnly this evening and appear to
bo well pleased with the terms ugreoa upon.
A Steamship Arrival.
At Philadelphia The BrUsh King from
.The Jews In Ecynt.
Baltimore Sun : Cuneiform tables
found during the present year in the
grnvo of royal scribe of Amonoplila III.
and IV. , of the XVIII. dynasty Imvo
brought to liht | a most interesting
chapter in the history of unciont Egypt.
It has been known that largo numbers
of Semites of the same race as the Is
raelites nnd possibly themselves Israe
lites fought in the Egyptian urmios
and built the great wall on the cast of
Egypt and pyramids in the Nile valley ,
but it has not till now been nuulo clear
what first led to the migrating from
Mesopotamia to the land of the Pha
raohs. The tablets explain the puzzle.
They are for the most part letters ad
dressed to Amcnophis , nnd among them
is the correspondence of this king with
Tushratta , king of Mesopotamia.
AmonophiH , it appears , was a mighty
hunter. In the lirst ten years of his
reign ho killed , it is alleged , 102 lions
with hla own hand in the plains of
Mesopotamia. Co this as it may , in the
course of one of hid oxpedUions
in bourch of big gu-ino no mot
Ti , the lovely daughter of Tushratta ,
and foil in Move with her. His suit
prospered and in due time their nup
tials wore celebrated , and Ti went down
into Egypt accompanied by 317 of her
principal ladies , These Scinotio beau
ties produced , it appears , a favurablo
impression upon the Egyptians. Their
charms led to the advent of others of
their countrymen , who , finding" that
Egypt offered a favorable Hold for their
inherent business capacities , settled
down in great numbers and gradually
acquired possession of tliu lauds taud
goods of their hosts. The fact of the
preservation of this library of cunnoi-
form tablets testilies to the inlhienco of
Queen Ti. Under her protection her
countrymen probably enjoyed excep
tional privileges. At any rate during
her reign they prosnorod greatly , and
during the reigns of the feeble sovereigns
eigns that followed Ainonophis III they
were probably able to maintain their
position. Hut with the advent to power
of the XIX dynasty came n chunge.
Tlio aliens wore put to the uncongenial
tasks of making brink and building
walls , pyramids , etc. , until atlongih they
rebelled and loft Egypt in a body for Pal
estine. Inonoof tholottorstranslated by
Mr. Bodge , of the British museum ,
Tu hrnttn proposes lirst the continuance
of the arrangement mndo by their
fathers for pasturing doublo-humpod
camots , nnd thus loads up to the main
proposal , which U that Alunio , his great-
tiephnvr shall marry the daughter of
King Amouophis. Mania , ho suggests ,
might bo allowed to visit the young
lady nnd woo her In person. Suoh an
alliance'would , ho considers , ho a bond
of Union between the two countries. As
though by rvn afterthoughthe udda thut
an article Amenophis had asked for
would bo sant at once , and with it
"largo gold jars , largo gold plates and
other articles of gold. " The wily Tush-
ratta returns , after tltla meaning Inter
polation , to tlio inarrlaJTo question , and
promises to dUTta hanusoinnly in the
matter of the tlov ry as his grand father
had done on n 11 co occasion. As for
the resources of h s kingdom , ho boasts
that "its cold is 1 ice dust which cannot
bo counted. " lit cancludos with nn
enumeration of tl 0 presents of pence ho
sends by the hear ref the letter gold
vessels inlnld with lapls-lazuli ,
turonty pieces if Inpis-lazuli , nine-
Icon inlaid gel 1 objects of cased
gold , forty-two ol : , octs made of precious
stone , harness , cli iriots , carved wooden
articles , and tin rty ounuchs. Lapis
lazuli , harness and chariots snoin to
have been imported largely into Egypt
from Mesopotamia , A letter from
Kuri-Gatou , Klngt > f Knrndunlynsh , the
traditional Garden of Eden , to Amno-
phis IV. , asks for gold for the ornamen
tation of the house of his god , and olTors
in return anything. Amenophis may
want from Babylonia. Monnwhllo
Kuri-Galzu sends , u lot of Inpls-lazull ,
ten sots of narncss , flvo chariots and
various woods. A.third letter from the
King of Alashlya to Amonophls shown
that very pleasant International rela
tions existed. The writer nsks that the
property of a subject ot his who Imd
died in Eg.ypt bo sent back to his lam-
lly. Ho begs also that Amenophis will
accept "live vessels of bronze , the like
of which are not mtulo In I3gypt , " with
a hull Amonophh had nskou for. Ho
premises to so ml also certain trees the
Icing of Egypt desired. In return for
nil his gifts' the Iring of Alashiya asks
for only "two kukupu jar.- > and a man
who understands eagles. " What a
"kukupu" jar is wo are unuablo to say
precisely , but it appears from those
letters that dales
the hrlc-a-brnc crane
back to 1000 13. C. and perhaps u good
deal farther.
Types of Frontier Idfo.
Theo. Roosevelt in Century : I have
always boon treated with the utmost
courtesy by cowboys , whether on the
round-tin or in camp ; and the few ronl
desperadoes that I have soon wore also
perfectly polite. Indeed. I never was
shot at maliciously but onco. This was
on an occasion when I had to pass the
night in a little frontier hotel where
the barroom occupied the whole lower
lloor , and was in consequence the plnco
where everyone , drunk or sober , had to
sit. My us&ailant-was neither a cowboy
nor a bona lido "bad man , " but a broad-
hattod rulllan of cheap and common
place type who had for the moment tor- the other men in the barroom ,
these being mostly sheep herders tvnd
small grangers. The fact that I were
glasses , together with my evident de
sire to avoid a fight , apparently gave
him the impression a mistaken ono
that I would not resist nn injury.
The deadly nITray that took placa in
our town after the cattlemen came in
and regular so tile mo uL began was be
tween a Scotch nan and a Minnesota
man , the latter Idling ono of the small
stockmen. Both End shooting : records ,
and each wusa , mfh ; with ti varied past.
The Scotchman , a'notod bully , was tbo
more daring of the two , but he was
much too hotheaded and overbearing
to bo a match for his gray-oycd , hard-
featured foo. After a furious qunrrol
and threats of violence , the Scotchman
mounted his horse , and , rlllo in hand ,
rode to tlmrJ Qon of tb& " mud ranch
perched on tho.hrinlc of the river bluff ,
-whoro tli6 1Amqrj6aiil lived , and was in
stantly shot-dp vn tjy the latter from behind -
hind a cornc.V.jDtnq | .b.uilding. Later"
onrLonco opened.ajcowbpy ball with the
wife of the vLetor in ' 'this ' contcbtf tHb"
husband lumStalf 'dhlfoiiig opposite. It
was the la-ncbrsJand , Ho knew nil the
steps far bettor-than I did. Ho could
have danced a-minuot very well with a
little practice. The sbone reminded
ono of thd ball where Br'oto Ilnrto's
heroine "flanco'd down the middle
with the man who shot. Sandy Magee. "
But though thcro were plenty of
men present each of whom had shot his
luckless Sandy Mngco , yet there was no
Lily of Poverty Flat. There is an old
and true border saying that "tho fron
tier is hard on women and cattle. "
There are some exceptions ; but , as a
rule , the grinding toil and hardships of
a life passed in the wilderness , or on its
outskirts , drive the beauty and bloom
from n woman's , face long before her
youth has loft hor. . By the time Hho is
a mother she lasin'ewy und angularnnd
thin , compressed lips and furrowedsal
low brow. But she has a hundred qual
ities that atones for the grace she lacks.
She ia a good mother nnd a hardworking
ing housewife , always putting things to
rights , wushitig and cooking for her
stalwart spousrt and offspring. She is
faithful to her husband , and , like the
true American thut she is , oxaots a
faithfulness in return. Peril cannot
daunt her , nor hardship and poverty
appall her. Whether on the mountain
in a log hut chinked with moss , in a seder
or adobe hovel on the desolate prnlrie ,
or in a mere temporary camp.whero the
white-topped wagons have been drawn
up in a protection-giving circle near
some spring , Hho is equally at homo.
Clad in a dingy gown and a hideous sunbonnet -
bonnet , eho goes bravely about her
work , resolute , silent , uncomplaining.
The children grow up pretty much
ns fate dictates. Even when very small
they seem well able to protect them
selves. The wife of ono of my teamsters -
stors , who lived in a small outlying
camp , used to keep the youngest and
most troublesome members of her fam
ily out of mischief by the simple expe
dient of picketing them out , each child
being tied by the log with a leather
strin'g. toastalccdrivon into the ground ,
BO that it could neither get at another
child nor at anything breakable.
Tlio best buckskin maker that I ever
mot was , if not a typical frontiers-
woman , at least a woman who could not
have reached her full development save
on the border. She inado llrnt-cluss
hunting shirts , Coggings and gauntlets.
When I knowtyqr she was living alone
in her cabin in mMrprairlo , having dis
missed her husband six months urovl-
ously in an oxpqed iigly summary man
ner. She not only possessed rodoubt-
nblo qualities of hond and burnt , but
nlso a nlcn HOIISO of justice , even toward
Indians , thnt in npt always found on the
frontier. Once , going thcro for a buck
skin shlrl , I mot at her cabin three
Sioux , and from their loader , named ,
One Bull , purchased a tobacco pouch ,
beautifully worked with porcupine
nuills. She had given them some
dinner , for which they had paid with a
door.hldo. Falling i'nto conversation
slio mentioned that just before I came
up , n while man , apparently from Deadwood -
wood , had passed by and had tried to
steal the Indians1 horses. The latter
had boon two quick for him , had run
him down and brought him hack to the
cabin. "I told "em to go right on and
hang him , and I wouldn't never cheep
about It , " said my informant ; "but they
lot him go after taking his gun. There
ain't nosonso in stealing from Indians
anyjuore than from white folks , and
I'm not going to have it round my ranch
neither. Thcro ! I'll give 'om hack
the door-hldo they give mo for the din
ner and things , anywiiy. " 1 told her
that 1 sincerely wished wo could .make
her Bhorifl nnd Indian agent. She
made the Indians and whites too , for
that matter behave themselves and
walk the stralghtost kind of a line , not
tolerating the least symptom of rebel
lion , but she had u strong natural sense
of justice. The cowboy balls spoken of
nbovo nro always great events in the
small towns where they take place.
Being usually given when the round-up
passes near , everybody round about
comes in for them. They are almost al
ways conducted with great decorum ; no
unseemly conduct would bo tolerated.
There Is usually some master of the
ceremonies , chosen with duo regard to
brawn as well as brain. lie calls off the
figures of the square dances w > thatoven
the inexperienced may got through
them , and incidentally preserves order.
Sometimes wo are nil owed , to wear our
revolvers , and sometimes not. "The na
ture of the band , of course , depends
upon the si'/.o of the place. I remember
ono ball that came near being n failure
because our half-breed liddlcr "wont
nnd got himself shot , " as the indignant
master of ceremonies phrased it. But
all these things are merely incidents in
cowboy's life. It is utterly unfair to
judge'tho whole class by what a few in
dividuals do in the course of two or three
days spent in towninstead of by the long
months of weary , honest toil common to
all alike. To appreciate properly his line ,
manly qualities , the wild rough-rider
of the plalarf should bo seen in bis own
homo. There ho passes his da.ys ; thcro
ho does his lifework ; there , when ho
meets death , ho faces it ns ho has faced
many other evils , with quiet , uncom
plaining fortitude. Brave , hospitable ,
hardy and adventurous , ho is the grim
pioneer of our race ; ho prepares the
way for the civilization from before
whoso face he must himself disappear.
Hard and dangerous though his exist
ence is. it has .Vet a wildjittraction that
strongly draws to it his bold , free spirit.
Ho lives in the lonely lands where
mighty rivers twist in long roaches
between the barren bluffs , where the
prairies stretch out into billowy plains
of waving grass , girt only by tlio blue
hori/.on plains across whose endless
breadth ho can steer his course for
.days and weeks and see neither man to
speak to nor hill to break the level ;
where the glory and the burning splen
dor of the sunsets kindle the blue vault
of heaven and the level brown earth till
they merge. together in an ocean
of llaming iiro.C. .
An Important Experiment.
Chicago Tribune : An elaborate sys
tem of experiments conducted by the
Agricultural college of Michigan show
that milk nnd butter products are
slightly increased by warming the
water drank by dairy cows. Prof. John
son , who directed these experiments ,
says the results are not so pronounced
in'favor of warm water as was expected ,
and the difference is so slight as
scarcely to pay for warming1 the water.
Though the gain in milk and butter
may hardly pay the dairyman , never
theless we may say the improvement of
the cow's condition by the artificial
warmth of the water is great. The an
imal may bo compared to an inanimate
motor lilce the steam engine , deriving
all its power for locomotion and diges
tion from its internal heat. Ordinarily
the heat necessary to keep the animal
in health and vigor and to enable it to
resist external cold is evolved within
its body by the mechanical changes
going on in the process of digesting its
food. When this supply of animal heat
runs low , as it Is sure to do in a severe
winter , the animal suffers In all its or
gans. But if the natural heat is sup
plemented by the artificial heat in the
water the animal drinks all its func
tions are strengthened and its ability to
endure severe cold is considerably in
Heat is also a powerful stimulant to
the heart , so that a cup of hot tea is
much more refreshing than a cold ono.
There is , therefore , every reason to be
lieve that if the Michigan experiments
were tried generally on dairy farms in
winter the results would decidedly in
crease the farmer's profits.
llo Ijcnrncd tlio lluslncsi.
Boston Transcript : Storekeeper ( to
applicant for position ) But you say you
have had no experience in selling dress
goods. I don't see how wo can biro
you. Do you think you have any special
qualification for our business ?
Applicant I have been quite active
throughout the political campaign , and
I have become so proficient in prevari
cation that it is now almost impossible
for mo to toll the truth.
Storekeeper Why in time didn't you
toll mo that in the llrst place ? You'ro
just the man wo want. Take olT your
Overcoat and go to work just as soon as
you like , and as to wtlary oh , settle
that for yourself. Money Is no object ,
you know , where there's an opportunity
to got real talent.
r kndro onou SUn6n-e pa < * . * $ * & 11
Thus the ' Mustang" , conquers pain.
Makes MAN or BEAST well again !
Catarrh in the Head
eompUInt which ftflpcts npftrlr evnrrbOitT , more IMncvroui lenilenc'o ' < clmr ctcrlio Hint rcrr pom
or K > * . It otlulndtoi In n tol.l. or iiiccc lon of coM , nionnTectloncit- ( In lira l vl Ttio foul mnltnr
combined nlthlmpuroblootl , lnnnrefaliloflow trom rtroppln * Into the bronchMI tnbei or InnKdlSTOrf
the no e. tickllnu In the thrttnt , nffnnMto brfnth , llnbta to lend to tironotiltU or ooninmptlon A
pMn over ami between ths oyoi , rlnnlnij nn > 1 biiritlng cntnrrh orl ln lp In Impurlllei In the blood , local ap
nol os In the cnr * . nro tlto more common symptoms. plication * run do but tlttlo liood The common tento
C tnrrli h curoil br llooil'i SnMnpnrllli , which strlkm niptlicxt of trontment l M purify thn blood , nnd for
dlr ctlr Hi ItJrnusobr remorlng nit Impurities from lhl r > nrpo n there l no prcpnrntlna superior io
tlio blood , luilldliiit tip tlindlteiKOtl llnui > .i nml Rltln * Hood's fnrMpnrllln. The powerful notion of thli
h althjr tone to tlio whole $ r'lom. llnnilredsof te * niedlclnoupon tlio blool oxpol. tlio scrofulous Inlnt
llmonlnlt prore beyonil question ttiat n poiltlre euro which fords nnd ImlnKn entitrrnnl dtienig. wblltlt
for catarrh (3 ( found In tonoi Mill bullJs up the nffoetod lueiubrano.
Hood'g SurHiipnrlllii CureN Catarrh
"I hud Iho tfont symptoms of ehronlo cnlirrh for
"For25jronri 1 Imfo boon troubled with catarrh In tire JPIUV So troubleiomo wni It Hint IcouMnnl
the head , Indigestion , ntul ct-nrrM ilnbllltr. 1 con- nmoll nor tn. tp. 1 found Hood's SnrvipnrllU \ speed )
rinded to trr a bottto of Hood's Snr npnrllln , nnd It ciirr , nnd I nm noir free from this a fill tllsonto. ' ,
illilmpRO much good Hint I continued ini. . n till t J.ll.SAMMis , liny Bhino , N. V.
IIIITO tnVen lira boltlo . My liealtli bus im-allr Ini- "For e eml > i' r < 1 Imd n cntnrrhM nUectlon In mj
prorod , itnd t feel like A dinvront woninn. " Mus.J. thront , nnd Imd tried scTOrnl nieillrlnc ; but rould IInj
II. AIMMX , 8 lllchmond Street , N'owixrX.N J. notliliiHl" liolpnio. 1 mint M ; 1 wm vi-ry much b no-
"Ifeolltmr ilntf to ay thntlKHir Hovl ( > a r n- lilted by uslni ! llood'a Snr upnrllln. nnd would recommend
parllln ndvcrtlsed nnd tooK two botllo * . Ixmcora- mend It Tory lilRhly. " Ki.lAs I' . DKVIUKS , Umnlin
plotelj- cured of Irreitulnrltlcs nml cuiutlpatlon of iujr .Neb.
bowel , catnrrh nnd bronoblnl unoctltfiu. " II. II. .Neb.N. II. If roil Imvo dofldod to t.ikn llooil's Snnv
DUIIOA.V , Atlnntlo City , N. J. pnrllln do not bo Indtictxl to buy nuy other.
Hood's Sarsapari
Poldby nlldru l < l . Ill nit fir M. only Holdbyalldrimulsti. fli six for Kl. outf
byC. 1. IIX)1) ) , V CO. , Lowell , Mnss. by ( . ' 1.11001) & CO , l < on vll , MUM.
1OO Dollar IOO One Dollar
It's Easy to Dye
Possesses many Important Advantages over all Strength ,
other prepared Foods , Fastness
Makes Plump , Laughing , Healthy Bnbloo. AND
ReRUlatoB the Stomach nnU Bovvola.
Sold l > y DrUKglsle. 5c. , SUc. , 8H.OO. ? Simplicity.
WELLS , RICHARDSON & CO. , BURUHnTOH.VT. \\nrranteil to ) lor ino'ro goods Uinti any other
de over nniU ( > , and to tlvu more brilliant mid
durable , foi the l > imon < t , and tuko
Baby Portraits. no other. 36 colors ; to cents each.
A Tortlollo of beautiful baby portraits , printed WELLS. RICHARDSON < S CO. , Burlington , Vt.
on flno iilnto paper ) > y patent photo process , sent
frco to Mother of any Huby born Mlthlii u year. Tor Qlldlnn or IJionzinc Fancy Articles , USB
Every Mother wnnU these pictures ; stud at oucc.
Give Baby's name nnd Kge. DIAMOND PAINTS.
WELLS , RICHARD bN IL CO. , Piopi. , Burlington , Vt. Gold , Silver , Oronie , Copper. Only 10 Cente.
AniKL !
tcruai VUcera. ' Purely vegetable , cuiitiiininB no mercury , Yuiu'eriii or ilclctorlous"driiga.
UADWAV'S I'UJ.S nro ft cure for this complaint. They tone up the Inti-rnnl socretlon' ? to
houlthy nctlou , lestora strength to the stoiuncli r.nd onulilo It to pcrforin Iti functions. Tut
symptoms of UVSl'KI'SI A disappear , nnd with tliein tlu > liability to rontrnct UMeuscs.
Wllllio nrconipllshcd by tiiklnu' HAIHVAV'8 IMIJ.S. lly no dolnc , DVSI'KI'SIA , BIPIC ItlSAU-
AtMIH. mur.xrO.MAril , ItHJOl'SNUSS will Imnvoidod nud thp food that laoutuu contribute its
nourishing properties for the huppoit of the nfttnnil wuhto ot the body.
Price 25 Cents per box. Sold by all Druggists.
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorporated liy the legislature of 18fi8. for
Ilducatlonal nnd I'liurltuble purposes , nnd Its
franchise mndo a part of tlio pre-ii'iit State Con.
Htltntlon , In 1S7H , by an overwhelming popular
tuke place Seinl-AnnunllyrJnno nnd Defoinlini )
INRS take plnco In oacli of the other ton month ! !
lu the year , and are all drawn lu public , at tbo
Academy of Music , Now Orleans , La ,
"Wodo hereby certify that wo supervise the
arrangements for all the Monthly nnd Seml-An-
nual Drawing1 , of The LoulHliimi Htivto Lottery
Company , and In person niiitiiiRO anil contiol
the DniulngK themselves , ana that the same
nro conducted with honesty , fairness , nml In
( food faith towaid nil parties , mid wo authorize
the company to line this ci-rtlllcnte , \ > lth flic-
similes of our KigiutUiros attached , In Its adver-
tlsements "
We , the undersigned Banks nnd Ilunkers.wlll
pay all Prizes drawn In The Louisiana State
Lotturlou which may bo presented at our coun
K. M. WALM8LKV , Vrcs. I.ouls'nna ' Nat. Hank.
IMKIWGLAtfAI'X. I'res. State Nftt'l Hank.
A. I1ALDWIN. rre < . New Orleans Nufl Hank.
CAUL KOHN , l > ros. Union National LI.uilc.
Ill the AonrtcMiiy of MIIRIU , NBW Orleans -
loans , Tuesday , Dccemher 18 ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , $600,000.
100,000 Tickets at $10 ; Halve ; $20 ; Quarter ; ,
$10 ; Eighths , $5 ; Twentieths , $2 ;
Fortieths , $1.
1 I'KI/.i : OK 2IM.IJUO Is 200,010
S PHI/.U3 OK ! ! ) . ' > liru ftl.tOJ )
fi PltlZHSOK inIKM itris WOJ
: I'ui/.KS OK L'.oxiiuv wi.uoi
100 I'ltl'/.ttSOK Will aril HI.OiK )
aiX ) 1MU/.KS OK ( rOaru NIKN (
WXJ I'lll/.KSOK LTOnrn lUU.d'JO
100 Prizes nf il,0 HI mo JNXVHIQ
] OU I'rlxus of Widuru dl.U'JJ '
100 TrlzcHfif 101 aru _ 4H.i < i
' " ' " '
yJI'rle of HKinro . . . .i'.i.'iJuO
000 Prircsof JJt > an ) . . JIMi.UO
wxil'nzuiof guuuri1 uo.uco
3,140 Prize'sftniolititliiirto $2.I18.8OO
Ziy-KmtC'M'i'i UXTKX , < ir nny furiliiT Infiiriiiiitlon
ik' lrd , wrltu liKll > ly I" tliu iiirJomklln. ! , dourly
vlitllOK juarnxl ii'n-n..nil Hliitu , t'uuiux. hlroiauiul
nutnliur More rn , > i I leturri mull ilu'lvory ' will \ic \ n\-
ml lijr your enclnalnit tin onmluim LuiirliiK your
.icnil I'OVl'Alj JJOFKH. Krpiosi Miinpr ( ) nlcr . of
New Vork Uxclmmu niunllimry letlur , L'uriunc/
"press ( at Our uxpcnuoi it Mri > t nil
.M A. DAL'l'IIIN ,
Or II. A. IMUrillN , .Now Crloiiin , I.a.
\VuBhiiiKlon , I ) . C.
Address Registered Letters to
_ _ cw Orluuni , l.u.
l\ llilM JilZ/IV ! 'ri' ' H.1.B | ProBonro of ( Jen-
\ . / IT I llauiirHKiiril ami
ICarly , who uro In cli tr o til ilio ilruwiiud , l uKtinr-
nnlie of nlitiilute fulrn > uuU Intuxrlty , Unit lliu
uliuntu > lire ull nquul. n < l ihsliiuonu tan punlbly
divlnu "Inn number will ilruw n prl/u
"UKMKMIIKII , a'10. ' lliattliB | > nymont ufprireiM
cw Orluann. nml tho'l'ioUiln rn lu'nt"l l > y tliu I'rei
lent uf un liKiliulloii wln u vliurti'niil rluliti nru
roifnliod In tlin IHnhest unarm tlinrcforu , Uuware
of all Iroltulloni or unoii ) ujuu * xcliuiuu * .
Toys , Tolls , Plush Cools , Albums , &e , , &o ,
Of Milwaukee ,
Will have tlidlr full llnu of ( juiujiloi dlHjilayod
at tlia followlnts jilacei before Nov. iUtli.
Grand Jslani , Columbus , Norfolk , Hastings
and Lincoln.
to any of the above towns , For parties
' - ' " - - -
larb and dates , addrods our
nonniiT UTTEO ,
Ilaattuga ,
Beware of Fraud , as my mine and the price art
Ktatnpccl on the bnttom of all my advertised &lioe |
before leavmtf the factor ) ' , whicli protect the wearer *
JUpinst liiRh prices and inferior cowls. If a. dealer
otters W * LJ. Jtuiiulii * shutrn at a reduced priceor
cars he has them without my name nnd price stamped
01 the bottom , put him dcmn as a fraud.
Tlio only onlf 83HKAIMLKSS Shoe smooth In-
nlilo. NOTAOKHorAVAXTIIItKAUtoliurtth *
feet , easy ni lianil-sotrcd and WIM. MOT VIP.
$5,000 REWARD
to any pcriun nr pcrioni wbowlll prove *
Iri ptfilt irfuiif t9 ba truo. Thli bffrr will heM ( food until
January lit , ISM ) .
W * I * . DOUGLAS , Itrockton , MAM.
For sjvlo by IColloy , Stipo.1 < fc Co. and
Goo. S. Miller , Cli2 North 10th St.
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
_ . Uanbaltotrn
, . go. JHIIvrauku * ,
- , - . \\r - , - : f . ' the p opl of N tirm .tolo. !
rHrti ) , Wroralny. Utah , Iflah6. Novaila , Omon. VVunli.
Inston nnd Ciliforqla , It ottttt iuperlor < lt DUHJ
not p s lblii br anr ntliorlln .
Auiunir a fnw of tliu nuiyrraui polntu of lupcrlorltx
nnjojttil by Hie pmrnas of lull roail b ( w eQ Oman *
iinl Clilcazu , nru ll tlir u trulat- dor of IJAV
LOACIIK8. wlilrhHrt tin (1n t ItiHt biiiuan artund
IriKBiiiilly cyn cruaw. Ui I'AI.ACKH'.KKI'/Huciltr )
llio rqiinlofwhlcli ran not b founil elitenburii. At
Coimcll HlurlK. Hi * ruin * of the Union J'aulrto Hall ,
way t'Oiinoct In union rtonot ivltu tUoio of tlio Chi-
piiuo | A Norlliwe t rn Uy. In Ctilcsirp tti tralnt of
i ill line iiaku oloi
coniioctlon WUUI fa on of all ollior
" -
> " ' * " , " . " w rt A vent.
7 i "ilVu
U. M. * .
UIMtJAT.L.TIckot Ait.nt.
iioii kg ate'1
1'ubllo ituto of Imported
tliu ; t ck nt Vnik , Nub
Hoy.CT , 1IW , ( OMIIIK-II'
clngut'JVOu : in ,
We will offer uur entire
Mtoclcnf horne.i , ulioiu
I 'M lu nuiubur , it I'vr-
lcn ron , I Clyilemlnlr ,
MHhlrn , I Irimdi ( Una-
fllufi , nnrurul tfiMilu
draft and on trotting itttlUun. Tim biiMucu
coDHlHUoftrottluubrvu mares , flllfca ami driv
ing huniea. . . .
THKHH : One yuura time , nooiUiankulilo paimr
ouulrud. 5 uor.ccut ilUcouut for cunli. HAIili
HilN Oll lfilllfa
JT. U. WOOD3 , Auctioneer.