THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. EIGHTEENTH YEAR OMAHA. WEDNESDAY MOENtisTG. NOVEMBER 14. 1SSS NUMBER .HM , Both Partioo Trying to Sent Tholr Own Momboru. DEN BUTLER ON THE BALLOTS , JJo Wnnts aVrlt of Mandnmim to Comix : ! the Ismmnco of Certlll- untuH of Election lo the lie- tmnllunn Candidates. WASHINOTOX BUIIBAU Tun OMUU 6W FOUIITEHXTII STIIHET. v WASIIIXOTOX , D. C. , Nov. 13. ) There is likely to be some trouble at the ftrgnnlzntion of the next house of representa tives , for It Is going to be so uncomfortably close that the democrats nro to-day claiming n majority. The repjblicans are nlarmod , nnd nro taking measures to secure cortlll- catcs for candidates of that party who claim nn election. The democrats have telegraphed to every district where thcro Is a doubt or where the differences are Hinall , to have the votes recounted nnd all doubtful ones thrown out , which Is , in other words n hint to USD fraud if possible. According to the ilgurcs ns thov stated to-night , the democrats and republicans each have UK ) members elected , with the Second Louisiana , Tenth Michigan , First West Virginia , First Cali fornia nnd Fifth California In doubt. Of thcio five the democrats ' expect to pet two of a certainty , and proba bly a third , which will give them n majority of ono In the house. And In the Second Louisiana district ! and n district In North Carolina , where the republicans have n very small majority of votes , it is ex pected that the democratic returning of llcers will give the democratic governor n fhanco to furnish n certificate of election to tlio democratic candidates. WANT TO COUNT TIIH nU.l.OTSI. The result of the conference between Chairman Qunv , Senator Mahono and Gen eral Butler at Chamberlain's yesterday , is a movement in the courts to secure certificates of election for three republican candidates for congress in the state of Virginia who , the republicans claim , have been counted nut. Ciencral Butler will have charge of the legal proceedings , with local attorneys to as- nisl him , nnd will apply to the United States district Judge in Virginia , who is a republi can , to grant n mandamus requiring the gov ernor of that stutu to give the ceitiflcutes to the republicans- . This will bring the ba.lots Into court and result in recounting them. In one of the Maryland districts similar pro ceedings will bo taken , and the republicans hope to gain two or tin eo members by this means. NVTIOXAI , IUXK SII.ICTIOX : : . The comptroller of the currency has ap proved the selection of the Omaha National i > ank of Omaha as a reserve agent for the First iMntional bank of Wilber , Neb. , also the selection of the Nebraska National bank of Omaha as the agent for the State National bank of Denver , Col. 11IIIH roil Till : KCOKUK COUllT HOfSi : . Bids were opened to-day by the supervising architect of the treasury , for the interior Jiniah of the court house building at Kcokulc , la. , including stairs , plumbing , gas , piping , mantles , marble work , finishing of lloor , and nil joiner work , embracing glass , hardware , painting , filling and nollsliintr , and vault doois. The bidders were as follows : George VanHorn , Washington , 10.700 ; McCarthy & Baldwin , Washington , 4X'iKl ( ( ; Cudoll & Lehman , Chicago , WoKb ; Reasons Plaining Mill company , Cincinnati , $3r si ; ; John Moore , Syracuse , f-10,0'0 ; H. & T. M. Ellen , Memphis , ! U00. : ; Till ! CIIAMIIUKI.UV-IiXniCOTT WIJDIIIXO. The Chamberlain Endicott wedding day has finally been fixed. Joseph Chamberlain arrived hero lust night and took apartments nt a very fashionable up town hotel nnd spent nearly the entire day at the residence of tlio Emlicotts nnd was occupied this after noon In driving his bndo-elect about the city. It was announced late this afternoon that the day for the ceremony which Is to unite the two has been fixed for Thursday , and tlic hour nt 2 o'clock. The place will bo St. John's church , which wns the place of worship attended by President Arthur and other prominent olllclals. The guests will bo the members of the Endicott family , the presi dent , Mrs. Cleveland , the members of the cabinet nnd their families and some few re lations of the bride from Boston and Salem. The couiilo will make n northern trip imme diately after the ceremony which will occupy n month , and embrace the points of Massa chusetts which arc dear to the hearts of the mugwumps and to the Endicotts particularly. The trip will como to an end about the first week In December , at which time the bride nnd groom will start for their new homo In England. Didn't Snuli Mrs. Cleveland. WASIIIXOTOX , Nov. 13 , [ Special Telegram to Tim Br.n.l The story sent n Now York paper Sunday about Miss Sackvillo West's ' snubbing Mrs. Cleveland lust week is authoritatively dcaied nt the legation. The episode is said to have occurred the day after election. Miss Sackvllle West , accom panied by a member of the legation , was In n jeweler's ' shop on Pennsylvania avenue. While she examined some articles put upon the counter for her inspection a lady entered the door to whom the gentleman made a low bow. "To whom do you spouk , " said Miss Sack- villa West. "It is Mrs. Cleveland , " whispered the diplomat. Miss Sackvillo West turned around and saw the lady standing at the opposite counter With her buck towards her. "I am so sorry , " nuid Miss Sackvillo West , "that 1 did not neo her face to lace , ns I should like to have spoken to her very kindly because her husband has been defeated. " Nebraska nnd Iowa WASHINGTON , Nov. III. [ Special Telegram to Tins Bin.l : Nebraska : Original invalid Augubtus F. Sohrawger , Chirks ; William R. Sherman , Increase Gottfried Bte/el ; Palestine ; Marshall D. Hudzoll , To. bias ; Julius H. Davis , Polnadcr ; George S. Kendal , Dewitt. Jown : Original Invalid George Welngs , Milton ; OrvilM. Rabbins , Corrcctlonvlllc ; Thomas D , Monk , Danbury ; Henry Davies , Wupollo : William II. Sanford , Albla. Increase - crease Charles W. Uurgoss , Limo Springs ; Charles W. Nash , Dos Molncs ; John Osborn , Greenlleld. Original widows , etc Isaac Cowen ( Mary , widow of ) , Bedford. Mexi can \vitiows Kllon. widow of Abner N. Dougherty , Bedford , NohrnNkn nnd Iowa Pntontti. WASIIIXOTOX , Nov. Ul. [ Special Telegram to TUB lice. ] Patents were issued to-day to Is'ebraskans and lowans a : follows : George A. Caster , DCS Molncs , Iiv , wind-mill pump nnd regulator ; A , Judson Elliott , Mason City , la , , car coupling ; Oscar F. A , Faulk ner , Mount Pleasant. In. , farm gate ; Fred- crick C. 1 Unman. Friend , Nob. , chuck for lathes ; \VilliamJ _ , Lindsay , Ottumwa , la. , saw filing mnchfno ; Samuel R. Milieu , Cla- rlndn , la. , bud ; Hugh Chare , usslgner to J. l-\ Leech , Mount Pleasant. la. , end-eate ; William H. Grinnoll , Pnyno , la. , assignor of thrca-fcurths to J. 1C. Worthlngton , ICiik- wood , O. D. Moody , Webster Grove , Mo. , harvester ; Alfred J. Pucrvlncce and O. HIUs , , In. , door chunk. A JUyNtcrlous Nov. 13. Some Irregularity has been discovered. In connection with the transfer of fillvur dollars from tbo mint at Now Orleans to Washington for storage In the large new vault in the court yard of the treasury building , which ha * resulted In * ' Jots of fl , ( > 00. The troosury officials refuso- to speak of the .matter , and very little is known beyond the facts already stated , The llvsr Is stlrfc by tbo Aduas JCxpreu com pany , and the loss will probably fall upon It unless that it can bo prox-on that the pack- nges containing the money were tampered with before they came Into Its possession. x KNOICOIT. The Preparations Complete Torn Vnry Quiet WoddliiK. BOSTON- , Mass , , Nov. 13. [ Special Telegram to Tun BKE.J Mr. and Mrs. GoorgoPcabody of Salem , grandparents of Miss Eadicott , Joseph Chamberlain's future bride , will not attend the wedding owing to their advanced age , but will manifest their npproval of the marriage by giving their lovely grand daughter a check for n largo amount of money. The coming wedding will bo with out | wmp or display because of mourning in the family , two near relatives having died within a year. So far ns the near relatives arc concerned they are very limited In num ber , which ncconntfl for the few I hat hnvo been invited. Miss Endicott 1ms nlrcndy received u laruo number of valuable presents , including a diamond nnd Mipplilro necklace from her uncle in London , Joseph has given her a diamond nnd sapphire crescent for her hair , a pair of diamond nnd .sapphire bracelets , and a diamond mend ring. Her father has given her a diamond mend crescent. In addition to her personal outfit. Including Bcvon costly dresses mndo by Worth of Paris , she will carry to her new homo In Princess Garden , London , a com plete assortment of household linen , each article delicately embroidered with her ini tials. This Is in accordance with old puritan customs. The wedding tour , as previously announced , will ho of seven days' duration , but so far as can bo learned tlio couple will not go to Salem. They will pass but n brief honeymoon In this country , us Mr. Chamber lain has Important business to attend to in England early in December. Bill. CAIINKGIK'S GKEAT QIFT. Ho Will KstnhlUh a Illg Conservatory of niiiHlc In New York. NEW YOIIK , Nov. 13. Tlio long felt want of Now York for a grand conservatory of music , it Is reported , is soon to bo supplied. Mr , Andrew Carnegie , It is said , has been the prime mover In furthering the project. Ever since ho was elected president of the Oratorio society he has sought for some way in which to make an acknowledgment of tlio honor. The disbanding of Theocore Thomas' orchestra made him moro anxious to estab lish n big conservatory. In order to get their views Mr. Carnegie has held several consul tations with the directors of the Philhar monic , Anon and other societies over the matter with Mr. Thomas , Walter Damroseh and a number of leading musical critics. They are all united , it i.s said , in praising the plan and gave Mr. Carnegie nssuianccs of their hearty co operation and support of those they represented. The conservatory will not bo for the use of any organization , but shall bo owned and controlled by all. Those interested will decide upon a leader for the orchestra. This will probably bo Walter Damroseh or Theodore Thomas. BUKXK1) TO DIJtVTIl. Three floilirs Found in the Chut- tnnooKH Hotel ItuliiN. CiiATTAxooot , Tenn , , Nov. 13. Three bodies were iccovered this morning from thoruinsof Bryant's European hotel , which burned last night. They have been identi fied ns Eula Jones , chambermaid ; Major , White of Atlanta , Ga. , and Thomas Mcore of Bloomington , 111. Tlio latter two were guests. The young woman who was burned was caught by n fulling timber near the center of the building. White had escaped once and went back to recover his valise , but was caught on the stairway nnd slowly rouswd to death. His clinched hands were filled with hair which ho hud torn from his head in the agonies of his frightful death. Mooro's _ body was charred to a crisp. A search is in progress for other bodies , but it is thought' moro will be found. R. H. Bigger , of Hendcrsonville , N. C. , who jumped from the third story of the burning hotel lost night , died this evening , ho being the .fourth victim. A Victory For Salvationists. TOPEKA , Kan. , Nov. 1 ! ! . [ Special Tele gram to Tim Bcc ] . An important decision was handed down to-day bv the supreme court concerning the right of the Salvation Army to parade upon the public streets. Some weeks ago the city of Washington , with the intention of preventing the Salva tion Army from parading upon its streets , passed nn ordinance forbidding any person or organization to parade upon any public streets of the city while shouting , singing , beating drums , tambourines , or other musical Instruments , unless consent in writing from the mayor wus first obtained. After this or dinance was passed several members of the Salvation Army paraded ono of the principal streets of that city without consent of the mayor. Their leader , together with suveral of the male and female associates was ar- arrested , and subsequently tried and con victed. Appeals were taken to the supreme court. That court , in the opinion handed down , declared the ordinance void and dis charged all the parties arrested. West Virginia Still Uncertain. PiTTSiiuito , Nov. 13. The Chronicle-Tele graph Wheeling ( W. Vn. ) special says : All the important oftlcial count in the mountain state has not been completed , and until it is no ono will know definitely whether Goft or Fleming is elected governor , or whether the elector al ticket is republican or democratic. The majority cannot be moro than two or throe hundred either way. It will probably bo the latter part of the week before the official count is given. Judge Fleming , democratic candidate for governor , has demanded a re count of the Knnawa retuins , which county reported a majority for Goff of 1HJ. ! ) In the counts so far no important errors hnvo boon discovered. What trifling gains are made by ono party are offset by similar gains for the opposing side. Kcnrnoy HoldH . Kcuixr.v. Nob. . Nov. 1. % iSjiccial Tele gram to Tin ; Bnn.J Ono ol tha grandest po litical demonstrations ever ivitnesseil In central Nebraska took placoJierp thnMJven- ing. , A procession ne.irly a milo Injeiigth paraded the principal streets _ of tho'puyV A " genuine log cabin , drawn by"a traction on- fine , followed the crowd. One hundred and ten horsemen bearing torches added to the illumination. Tlio Model Opera house was packed to hear the Jollification speeches promised them. Hon. A. H , Connor , K. O. Holmes , H. M. Sinclair , Norris Brown , Joel Hull nnd Hon. Henry Ficldgrovc , assisted by the Kearney Glee Club , furnished speeches and entertainment for the evening. Work or n Munlnc. PiTTSiiuito , ICan , , Nov. 13. Marie Ber- thuno , of Fiontcnuc , was driven crasy by the loss of her husband in the mine acci dent. Sunday night she poured coal oil over herself and the bed In which lay her children nnd then set tire to it. Ona of the children , the oldest girl , escaped , but the mother and four others were burned to death. The doc tors hold out faint hopes for the recovery of the eldest girl , who was terribly bunted in her cnrtwor to cscnpo. Governor Guy IN Nor Pond. OAIX VII.M ( , Tex , , Nov. 13. Governor Guy wsi not killed Saturday night , as la- ported , Hie wouKl-tc assassin's bullet miss. ing him. Guy's adherents , well nrmr-d , have been ordered to surround the capltdl , and If Bynl nnd his friends do not surrender , a wur of oxtOTiMmition will begin. A Verdict Var $ 'Jsiooo. ; BOSTON , Nov. 13. Miss Surah K. Holland , in her suit against the Providence & Boston rullroad for damage * for Injuries received In the Kctlludulo accident , to duy reutiivod a vertllrt lor 23,000. LONDON'S ' CHIEF OF POLICE , Sir Charles Warren Tolls all About His Resignation , A PRINTED LETTER CAUSED IT. He Would Not Submit to Olllclnl Inter- fcrcnca in His Department Xrnclnc up tlio U'liltcclinpcl Murderer. An Interview With Wnrrcn. LONDON , Nov. 13. [ New York Herald Cable Special .to TIIK BEI ; . ] Sir Charles Warren has copied Lord Sackvillo nnd in consequence shares his fate. John Murray invited the commissioner to use nis pen. Ho produced an article on the police , defending himself. The matter came up In parliament. His superior , the homo secretary , grabbed him , saying that Sir Charles was Ignorant of a rule in the department that no attache should write of his ofllco without permission , This was tantamount to stating that Sir Charles was inattcnthv , so ho resigned. Ho and Lord Sackvillo will therefore soon meet and compare notes. I called upon him last evening in cense quence. Sir Charles is a handsome , military man , looking little over forty and considera bly browned. Ho wears a moustache sug- gcstlvo of silence , and his features arc regu lar and handsome. In plnco of the military martinet which ho is represented to bo in some quarters , ! found a gentlemancourteous in manner , nmlublc of disposition , with much dignity. His manner had more the suavity of a diplomat than the rough and ready style of a military man. "Can you give the Herald any details about your announced resignation , Sir Charles i" "Well , not much , " he replied. "You must understand that until the government has appointed some one in my place I can say nothing. However , there is one thing I wish to bo understood. That is that Mr. Matthews is speaking for the govern ment , but ho is not doing so for me. I , the commissioner , will , when the time comes , have my say. At present I nm still commis sioner nnd responsible for the London police , therefore I may not speak yet. " "Can you suggest the reason of your res ignation ! " "Not fully. But I will say that a great grievance has beun the interference of the home ofllco in the police department. " "Is that of recent datei" "No. It lias been so for two years. The police department had by law been originally placed under control of tlio chief secretary of state. Tlio charge was next made over to the homo secretary. However , this did not make us a department of the home ofticc. I hnvo resisted this latter assumption throughout. When it came to orders being written to us by the homo oftlce clerks it was n little too much. " "Wcru you not consulted ! " "Not directly. A curious feature of the whole business was that the government , icpresented by Mr. Matthews , held me per sonally responsible for all the crime of Lon don , nnd yet they made some communications to my subordinate. It wus First Assistant Commissioner Munro , now it is Mr. Ander son. " "Is there any trouble with the police ! " "No ; that is all nonsense. No feeling such as has been represented exists. I think you will find that the metropolitan police are more contented now than they have been for years. " "You did not resign on account of the last Whitechapel murder ! " Sir Charles adjusted his glasses and smiled. He resumed emphatically : "No. I sent in my resignation before the Kelly murder , on the 8th of this month , immediately after Mr. Matthews' statement in the house of com mons in reference to my article in Murray's Magazine. The resignation was accepted yesterday. That article was perfectly in nocuous and could not do any harm. " "But the Munro case ! " "Well , if Mr. Munro , who has special charge of the detectives , says ho resigned on account of a difference of opinion with mo , this is the first I knew of it. " "Have you any information about the Whitcchnpel murder ! " "No. We arc following up the slight clues all the timo. We have received about four hundred letters. Every single idea was in vestigated. For example , wo were asked to drag a canal nt a certain spot. Wo did so , but there was nothing to bo found. People talk as if nothing had been done. As for tlio Malay story , it cannot hold. Wo have had the water police on the alert from the first. Then , wo have followed up the idea of the murderous cook , and every slaughter house Is under watch for a murderous butcher. In fact , every clue has been closely followed up. There ara some clues and ideas which occupy our attention , but which it would bo impolitic to foreshadow to the public. " _ THE TBUltOUS OF THE STORM. Great Daiuaco to Itlfo nnd. Property AIoiiK the Count. [ Tnpj/rftf/il / / iSSSliu James diirdon nennet. ] Loxnox , Nov. 13. [ Now York Herald Ca ble S | > cciul to THE Biis. : | As had been ex pected , further telegrams to-day from the coast service brought intelligence of further marine disasters In the gale predicted by the Herald's ' weather bureau. It was accom panied on land by torrents of rain , and there is nuwtT of great Hoods with damage. Last nlght'n gale , which Had been felt on the western coast , traveled northwards , blowing heavily from the south southeast in the north of Scotland and Shctlands , and moderate to fresh east southeast gale on the Yorkshire coast. A tremendously high sea was run ning in seine localities. The passage of the gale was marked by n general mid very heavy fall of rain. This afternoon the ba rometer was rising over the southern parts of the country , but in the fur north the mer cury is still falling with a continuation of the southeasterly gale and heavy sea , The Gal atea , bound for Las Pulmas , arrived at Pal- mouth last night and reported that when be tween the start nnd Eddystono lighthouse they saw , about midnight , distress rockets tlrrd from a steamer. Shu got within hall- Ing distance and was informed that the steamer was In a winking condition and that her boats were smashed and she required assistance , The fearful state of the weather prevented the Galatea from launch- In her boats but she remained closa by all night ur.til 5:40 : n , m. , when a heavy squall struck both vessels and on the WoatUcr clearing up about U o'clock thu steamer had sunk. The Galatea cruised about for three hours but could see nothing1 but wreckage floating bout , nor is the nanio of the steamer .vet known. The brig Granite wan driven ashore yesterday morning between Seaton Carow and thn mouth of the Tees. The Seaton life bent went to the rescue of the crow , but could not closey ! approach tbo vessel before she brought to. All on board were drowned except n youth who was picked up in n very exhausted state by ri tup. A lady who was watching the wVecs : from tbo bench Dceatnc o agitated and ciciicil that she sud denly died. Strenuous efforts wore made both by the lifeboat men and crews of several tugs to save the unfortunate follows , but without result. The grappling irons of the llfcbi .t actually struck the vessel , but got no b ' 10 The schooner , Belle of Banff , from Snndorland , wns wrecked nt Stone Haven yesterday. The crow were rescued by means of ropes thrown from shore. The captain wns so exhausted that ho fell into the water , but wa recuod , AVIck tele gram states that a very heavy storm prevailed on the coast for three days , The appearance nt Wick bay was one of Wild grandeur , huge rollers dashing over the harbor works. Outside the sea was so rough that an ordinary craft could not live in it. Two sailors who arrived In Schull Monday night and proceeded to Skibberccn , reported their vessel'bound from Liverpool struck on Alderman -Rock , Crookhnvcn , on Sunday night during1 the gale , and became n total wreck. Four of the crow were washed overboard and drowned. The captain and two sailors were the only survivors. Now predictions como from the Herald weather bureau to-night covering Wednesday Thurs day nnd oven present appearances fore shadow newer gales. FUANCK AND THE VATICAN. The Speech ofJU. Goblet in tlio Chain- her ofDeputlcs. | Coiyrf(7/if ( / 1SSS bu James Uonlon fltmiett. ] PAUIS , Nov. 13. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tin : BEE , ] The chamber of deputies to-day discussed the budget of the ministry of foreign affairs. M. Ferronays , of the Ulght , declared that ho saw nothing to criticize in tbo policy of M. Goblet during the past six months , M. Goblet stated that the situation could be faced with composure. France threatened no one , nnd was suf ficiently strong not to fear provocation. The government would defend the dignity of the country without forgetting that peace wan the chief interest. An amendment having been pressed to abolish the embassy to the Vatican , M. Goblet said : "As long ns wo live under the regime of the concordat it is necessary to maintain rela tions with the Vatican for the training of the clergy and the appointments of bishops nnd cardinals. Tlio importance of our protector ate in eastern countries ) also requires the maintenance of friendly'relations with the Vatican. Hivnl powers tspiito our protec torate. The friendsnip of the pope is there fore precious. The pope already has his bit ternesses. Is it for ns to increase them ! It has been said recently that the pops could no longer count upon any country but France. That does not , mean that France will intervene to restore his temporal power ; but the moro the pope , is deprived of the power , the moro France ought to honor him by curtailing nothing of lier respect for the high authority ho'rcpsbsetifs. " [ Applause. ] The amendment tons rejicted by a vote of 307 to 1207. The foroigfli budget was finally approved. The budget Ydr the ministry of the interior was ndoijr ] ? d'Without a division. V1UWKD W Tii SUSPICION. The Recent Movements of the Ilus- Hlixn Army on the Frontier. [ Copurtytit 18SS t > u JWmfsOrtitlou Beimel. ] Ounis * , Nov. 13. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THE BKE. ] The extraor- , ' Uinarily largo purchases of grain , hay and army provisions now being made here as well as in Podoliaund In. the district of Kieff byn number of military attendants are at * trading the attention of German nnd Aus trian correspondents. It is said that this is only a timely provision against the exigen cies ofan anticipated longaud severe winter. At the same time , however , the fact remains that the Russian armyj now going into winter quarters on the front , and near military lines of the western frontier , is sufficiently nowerf ul to meet any Untoward political event which might necessitate its instant mobiliz ation , either during the wiuter or early In tlio spring. Russia has , however , no inten tion , so long as the present political situa tion endures , of in any degree depleting her western garrisons. Iij this , there is no act ual cause for the alarm and enpcssimism of the Austrian'and more so of the Hungarian press. Russia's present attitude is dis tinctly a waiting attitude , and for some con siderable time will unquestionably remain the same , unless eomo unforeseen rupture should intervene , The I'arnoll Commission. LOXDOX , Nov. 13. At a meeting of the Parnoll commission , Presiding Justice Han- ncn intimated that all documents of the Times , including even those which the Times solicitor thought spariqus , should bo dis closed in order to assist in the search for the truth. Sir Charles Russell , counsel for the Pamollitcs , stated that ho had received sev eral threatening Jcttors. Justice Hanncn remarked marked that ho also , nnd probably others en gaged in the case , hod received similar let ters. Tlio intimidation of witnesses , ho said , was so certain that precautions must betaken taken not to allow a' preiriaturo disclosure. The taking of evidence in relation to out rages wns then proceeded with. James Mannion , a witness , declared himself both a Fenian and a member of the national league. Ho said he had taken part in several outrages and hud gene on moonlight expeditions. Ho know no moonlighter who was not alto a member of the leaguq. Peter Flaherty , u farmer of Galway , * testifled that ho was a moonlighter , and was not afraid to own it. Ho was pei foctly-rTcadj' to act with the moonlighters again. , a dward Flanmgati said ho had been in Ainorjcn since 187U. He had been present at nuriorous league meet ings at Pittsburfj and JMbW York at which Stephen J , Meojiy bjidj presided. Ho said Mcany had collectcd'tuids for the purpose of buying ilrearmsTor u o in Ireland. The court then adjourned j Th aYe I lowVo ver. WASHIXOTOXNpv. . l.-rSurgeon Martin , at Gainesville , . pla. t graphs that there is one new case ( white ] ) In that city , nnd sug gests the withdrawal' ' ' iT the guards , ns the fever has gained n foothbW in all quarters of thu city. He says , also , that great destitu tion prevails , ' , ! JACKSQXVIKI.K , Flo. , fjbv. 13. Seven now rasas end two deaths were reported to-day. Total cases to date , - ( il Votal deaths , 8W. An IriHtiraneo firotfer SulcldcH. Nisw YOIIK , Nov. 13pThomas L. Betts , an Insurance"- broker , nged thirty-live , shot himself through the | iead at the Hotel Royal to-day , nnd diedWithin in" hour. Disappoint ment over the election and Iliiancial losses caused by It ledto the act. Ho had been a member of the SovetitU regiment. A PorowclJ , to fichurz. HAMnuna , Now 13. A grand farewell was given to-day to Hon. Carl Schurz on the occasion of his departure from Hamburg for the United States , .Tho Prussian minister , Van ICussorowo , the presidents of the and senate , board of trade , and steamship lines , and many other distinguished persons accom panied Schurz to the steamer. Strain BnrKU Burned. MASisTKjuui Miot&Jov. ) 13 The steam barge H. S. Hubbcll'was burned off Point Aubarque at R o'clock * Oils morning , She wus valued ut jao.OOO , and was insured for f2,000. . SAD SUICIDE AT NORFOLK , Mrs. D. S. Armstrong Dies With a Bullet In Her Honrt. . THE HAND OF AN INCENDIARY , I His Visible inn Flro nt Kwlne-Un- happy landing of ft Hcpuhllcati Hnlly Other Nebrns- kn News. Shot Herself Through the Heart. NoitroiK , Nob. , Nov. 1G. [ Special Tele gram to Tins BKE. ] Mrs. D. S. Armstrong committed suicide hero lust evening by shooting herself through the licnrt. Her husband's ' sisters were preparing supper , when slio went up stairs , took n revolver from a trunk in the hallway nml went Into her room. They henrtl n report nml fall , nml going up found her lying on the Moor in tliu agonies of death. Dr. Long was summoncil from Madison and a coroner's Jury was em- pannelled. No reason for the net was elicited except depression Amounting to tem porary insanity. Air. Armstrotur is ne.irly heartbroken over the nlTnlr. They had been married but n few months. Mrs. Armstrong was from Baltimore. Sad Kndini ; of n Jollification. Gt'inii HOCK , Neb. , Nov. 13. [ Special Tel egram to Tun I3ii : : . ] Again the revolver is heard and felt In our town. Last night n number of our people went to lied Cloud to assist in n jollification over the republican victory. Returning at midnight , nil full of fun , the frolic was kept up after reaching homo until Judge Orme accidentally lodged a bullet In the right breast of Nate Doudna , of the linn of Sempleton Bros. & Co. At present the wounded man is resting easy , and although the ball cannot be found It is hoped that nothing serious will result. Ituffnlo Hill's Guest. NOHTU PI.ATTC , Neb. , Nov. 13. I Special Telegram to Tin : BEE. ] Governor Thaycr spent to-day as the guest of Colonel Cody nt Scout's Host ranch adjoining the city. The governor , who is a great favorite here , was royally entertained by Colonel Cody and the citizens in general. To-night North Platte donned its holiday attire and celebrated the victory of a week ago in u way belitting thu occasion. Delegations from Plum Creek , Ognllnla and Sidney participated in the fes tivities. A monster procession with the usual accompaniment of music , ilambcuu , torches and transparencies bearing uppio- printo mottoes paraded the streets. At the opera house on audience of HOO were ably ad dressed by Governor Thayer and Colonel Cody and C. F. Iddings , of this city. A Rapist Sentenced. TEKAMAII , Neb. , Nov. 13. ( Special to THE BEE. ! In the case of the State of Nebraska vs Samuel W. Johnson , convicted at the October term of the district eourt of an as sault with intent to commit a rape upon his own daughter , Judge Wnkoloy to-day over ruled the defendant's ' motion for a now trial and sentenced him to three years and six months in the penitentiary. The judgment of the court was , upon defendant's motion , suspended for sixty duya , In order that ho' ' might apply to the supreme court for a. writ of error. A heading Grocer Attached. NORTH BIXD : , Neb' . , Nov. 13. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bii : : . ] Quito a sensation was created here to-day by the failure of O. B. Prazier , one of the leading'groccry mer chants of this place. The Bank of North Bend took charge of the stock by virtue of n chattel mortgage amounting to $74. ) . May Bros. , of Fremont , have a claim of over $000 not secured. Osterman & Sprick , of Fre mont , nro also losers , and so arc some Omaha firms , the names and sums not known. _ Junintn'flRousint ; Ratification. JUXIATA , Nob" . , Nov. 13. [ Special Tele gram to Tins Bun. ] A rousing Harrison and Morton ratification was held here to night. Speeches wore made by B. J. Smith of Juniata , A. H. Brown of Hastings , and others. Bonfires and fireworks made n great display and the Juniata band discoursed stirring selections. A bountiful supper was spread by the ladles of the place and about five hundred partook of the repast. Great enthusiasm prevailed and the affair was very creditable to Juniata. Granary and AVarchouso Burned. Ewixo , Neb. , Nov. 33. [ Special to TUB BKK.J The granary and warehouse of J. S. Austin , n large hardware dealer , was des troyed-by fire at nn early hour this morning. The alarm was sounded at 3 o'clock and the citizens of Ewing promptly responded , but all their efforts could not save the building. The fire was evidently the act of an incendi ary. Loss , $3.200 ; insured for f2,000. AN ASIATIU-EUnoi'KAN EXPUESS Important Chances Expected In tlio Passenger Travel of the Country. CHICAGO , Nov. 13. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] The next few months will probably see some great changes in the pas senger travel between New York and the Pacific const , and the establishment of an Asiatic-European express , to run between New York and San Francisco , is more than likely. The Chicago & Northwestern , the Burlington , the Hock Island nnd the St. Paul have all given notice that they will not bo bound by the time agreement in running between here and the Missouri river after January 11 , and after that date there is likely to bo great rivalry between these roads In the running time and equipment of their trains , The Union and Central Pacific roads will put on the fastest trains they have over run next month , and when the time limit of the Missouri river lines expire , it is expected that thu Pucillc roads will make an arrangement for the running of through trains from 'Frisco to Chicago and New York. Indeed , negotiations are being car ried on with the Vaiiderbilt and Pennsyl vania lines with this end in view , The new express on the Union and Central Pacific ) lines will bo a weekly "vcstibuled" train with bath rooms , dining car and all the lux uries of the eastern limited trains. It will mnko the run between Council Bluffs and San Francisco Is sixty hours , or eleven hours lees than any time so far made , * A Series of Accidents. KF.OKVK , la. , Nov. 13. [ Special Telegram to TUB Buu.J This city has had almost an epidemic of accidents in the last day or two , Of the more berlous ones , George A. Fry , aged twelve years , jumped from a moving euglno Sunday , struck the rail , falling on the track , and the engine passed over the body. Death resulted instantly. The body was horribly mutilated. 11. H , Dickinson , u prominent and wealthy citizen of Hamilton , opposite ; this city , while returning from duck hunting , lost a hand by the accidental dis charge of his gun. Eddie Cramer , a fifteen- year-old boy , while out hunting Sunday , had his right band and a linger of his loft hand shot off by the accidental discharge of his gun. A Turkish Invasion. Illinium : , Nov. 13. A bnnd of thirty armed Turk * made a raid to-day on the Hen vlnn town of Rciskl , The peasants rallied and offered a determined resistance to the invaders. During the struggle many wore Killed lly German Guard * . PAIIIB , Nov. III. H is rumored here that the German guards of the eastern frontier shot three French ' sportsmen to-day , 'Killing ouo of thtw , 1'KHU INSUIiTKD US. And the Mttlc South American llc- ptiblio Kcfnscs to Apologize. PANAMA , Nov. 13. Serious International trouble Is on between Peru and the govern ment of the United States. Tlfo circum stances nro these : On the assumption that n houseat Mollcndo belonged t J the Aro- tiulpa railway , nnd was therefore the prop erty of the state , orders were given to oc cupy It by force , although the building was declared to belong to citizens of the United States. The United States consulate was sit uated in the building , and this was forcibly closed , padlocked , coat of arms removedand the agent prevented from entering his office for nearly n week. The American minister nt Limn , who protested against thn seburoof the house , on receipt of Uio Intelligence of this aggression , cabled to his government , nnd was instantly instructed lo demand nn apology. The liouso was vacated nftor six days' occupation , but the government peremptorily refused to make nn npology , anil rather upheld their proceed Ing. On this the minister telegraphed the intelligence of the refusal , and the department of state nt Washington ordered him to forward full particulars of the affair before taking further steps. The recently effected treaty between the United States nnd Peru , as well us International law , secures from outrage and any sort of interference nil consular archives and pi on- erty , and unless Peru can show some moro plausible reason than the mistaken assump tion for violating the consular privileges , and that , too , in the face of the warning protest from the minister , it is dlfllcult to see how the government can avoid a serious misun derstanding with the United States , WASHINGTON , Nov. 13. Tlio department of stnto docs not anticipate any serious results from the complications between this country and Peru growing out of the sei7iiro of a building in which was situated the United States consulate a' , Molcndos , Peru , The facts , as reported to the department of state by United States Minister Buck , are as follows : The building which was seized was the property of the Arcqiupa railroad com pany , the acent for the company being also the United States consular agent , nnd u room in the structure was occupied as the con sulate. The Peruvian government took pos session of the building in the absence of the agent , hold it for a few days , and finally turned it over to the agent on Instructions from Lima , alleging that the building had been occupied solely for protection. The consular records were not disturbed. As the action appeared to bo a technical discourtesy towards the United States , an apology was requested but was refused , the Peruvian government holding that it had done nothing lor which to apologize. JIAKIUSON'S MAIIi. Congratulatory Cotters Still I'ourhiR in Demonstration. Abandoned. IxiiuxAi-ous , Nov. 13. The president elect was in receipt of another very heavy mail to-day , which for the present seems to bo occupying all his timo. Ho was at work early this morning in his library , and , ex cepting about an hour's time , given to rccrc- ntion In the afternoon , ho put in the entire day at his desk and was busily engaged as late as U o'clock to-night directing letters. W. H. H. Miller , General Harrison's law partner , is no longer acting as his private secretary , his law practice demanding his en tire attention. In his plnco General Harri son's Uussell B. is . An son , , now acting. un usual number of congratulatory letters arc arriving from the south. 'Among them arc many from democrats -who uniformly state that althoughtho result jyas contrary to their " wishes and expectations , yet they"accept the people's verdict with good grace , not n few oven stating that they believe the result of the election will prove beneficial to the south. Senator Allison's congratulatory was re ceived to-day. A committee of citi/ens having in charge the demonstration set for next Saturday met in the New Donison this afternoon and de cided that politics had interfered with busi ness long enough , and that therefore there would bo no further demonstration at tempted. Judges Woods of the federal today charged the federal grand jury on the law concerning elections. _ Suggesting Appointments. us , Nov. 13 , [ Special Telegram to Tin : lien. ] The News this evening prints this bit of interesting political gossip : The first suggestion that has been made to General Harrison since his election regard ing appointments came from the leaders of the Irish anti-ClevelanJ ( movement , four of whom , Dr. Carroll of Philadelphia , nnd Messrs. Dovoy , Brislin nnd Ityan of Now Yoik , arrived in the city last Saturday , but returned to the eastyestcrday. Efforts were made to prevent the public from learn ing the purpose of their visit , out they did not hesitate to say they wprc here in the interest of a repre sentative American of extraordinary ability whom the Irish citizens would bo pleased to see honoicd by the administration. The rep resentative American in whoso elevation they are interested , it was ascertained , is Wharton Barker , the Philadelphia banker , and proprietor of the Philadelphia American , Mr. Barker was one of the original Harrison men , having strongly urged his nomination at the convention in 1SS4 , and ho did what he could in the interest of the Indiana candidate preceding the triumph last June. His claims to consideration , however , are based largely on the work that ho is said to have done during the campaign. When Carroll , Dovoy and others begun political missionary work in the interest of the republican candidate they formed an organization known as the National Irish- American Piotectivo society , which , us a po litical movement , was entirely independent of the republican national committee , and re ceived from it no pecuniary aid in defraying necessary expenses. Wharton Barker was their backer. Jt may may not be entirely reliable , but the information comes from pretty good authority that ho gave as much as Jr > 0,000 to the orgnni/.ition. Therefore Carroll and others , who were among the leaders in the movement , uro anxious that ho should receive Home re ward. They were so kindly received that Dovoy undertook to explain to General Harrison that the members of the Irish-American protection organi/ation felt ' that they were too young in tlio republican 'party to expect any ofllcial recognition , but it would afford them much gratification if a representative American who had been especially friendly to them , us well as to General Harrison himself , should ho honored by the administration. General Harrison's reply is said to huvo been neither encouraging nor discouraging , and the inter view ended with the callers feeling that if they hud not accomplished much , they had done their friend no harm. The position that is desired for Mr , Barker is a pretty high one , In fart , the visitors expressed doubt to their friends hero if ho would ho disposed to accept anything below the treasury iiort- folio. U has been suggested , however , if ho should not bo called into tlio cabinet , that there are strong reasons for the belief that ho would make n good minister to China. Indianit'H Guliernntorlal Vote. INDIAN U'OJ.IH , Nov. 13 , The olllclnl returns - turns of the vote for governor of Indiana were completed to-night. The gubcrnu- torlul vote is WtCM , against 403.091 for gov ernor in 1831 , General Hovey , rep. , 203,191 , ; Colonel Matson , dcm. , "ill,003 ; Hughes , pro , 9,7iiJ ; Milroy , labor , U.fiOl. Hovoy's plu rality , 2.101. against 7,3'KJ for Governor Gray In IbVJ. The prohibition vote in 1881 was 8,333 , The ofllcial returns on presidential electors are not yet complete , but the returns thus far received indicate that tlio presiden tial vote was only u few hundred in excess of the ( gubernatorial. The ofllciul returns of the congressional vote will bo completed to morrow. Three More JlodleB Huoovorod. Kocncvmi , N. V , NOV 13. Three moro bodies were recovered from the ruins of the Lantern works this afternoon , They were crushed \ ) and burned beyond recognition. Imbor Roproaontntlvoa In Annual Session at IntUnnnpolls. BARRY ORDERED FROM THE HALL A Humor In Circulation to tlio Thru Ho Contemplates the of a Now Order. The Kiiluhtn or Imhor. , Nov. 13 It wns quarter past 10 o'clock when Grand Mutter Workman Powdcrly called the Knights of Labor meetIng - Ing to order , and requested nil persons not regularly accredited delegates to retire from the room. During the morning session the repoit of the committee on credentials was considered , There were three lady delegates in attendance , nnd other ladies present con nected with the order. Tlio morning session lasted till half past 1'J ' , nnd was lively , but the work was nil com- jilcted when a recess for dinner was taken. The report of tlio committee on creilcnthus was nt once taken up and considered. The cases demanding attention were moro in the nature of protests than contests , some per son or persons protesting against what they considered Illegality In the appointment of delegates. Schilling , of Chicago , wns iid- mlttcd. Inthocaso of district assembly ' , live delegates , headed by James F. Qnlnn , were admitted , it being held that ut this time it was not proper to go behind the re turns. Barry was In the hall when the session opened. Ho endeavored to speuk , but Powdcrly told him that , hnvinp been ex pelled , ho had no rights thoru and must go. Ho again tried , as he said , to say a word of explanation , but was compelled to leave the hull. hull.Barry took nn appeal from the authority of Powderly and it will bo considered in duo time by the proper committee. Barry claims to bo entitled to a seat , nnd expresses conll- dcnco in his ultimate success , it is said by souio of those close to him that Barry con templates the organization of a new order. Tlio afternoon session was devoted to a com pletion of the organization of this general as sembly and the appointment of committees. The appointment of u legislative- committee aroused some discussion , it being thought by some not advisable to form such a committed nt this time. It is the dutyof this committed to consider legislation which it in desired to have brought before congress , and is in tended to act in nn advisory capacity with standing committees. A was received from the chief ofllcers of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen expressing- good will and hope for success of the order and promising cooperation tion with it. A similar message was received from tlio trades assembly of Indianapolis. Reports of general ofllcerH and committees of the general executive board will bo heard to morrow and Thursday. THE IMIESIDKNTIAIJ TIOIIM. financiers Ileliovo It Should he Lengthened to Six VonrH. NEW Yonic , Nov. 13. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bii : : . | The Herald iirints n page of in terviews on the question of prolonging tha presidential term on account of the neridus loss to business during political campaigns * In nearly every instance bankers , brokers' , real estate nnd other business men favor prolonging the term of prcwideiiU It is snitl by those competent to form an estimate that the shrinkage in the internal commerce anil the industries of the United States in the last four months , which can bo traced to the apprehension , excitement nnd other condi tions dependent on the presidential campaign. amounts to not less than $ , ' 00,000,000. , This is not u cuoss , but is an estimate mndo by several eminent observers , ono of whom is Chnunccy M. Dopew. Mr. Depew reckons the Internal business of the country for four months at $5,000,000,000 , and is satis fied that there has been a loss of ten per cent , during tlio four months of the national contest. That is what it costs to hold a pres idential election , outside of the immense sums spent directly In politics. Other esti mates on the loss of business uro even higher than those of Mr. Depew. In almost every instance the remedy suggested is the pro longing of the presidential term to six years , and making u man ineligible for re election. The Ijntcat Ocean Dlrmfltcr. LONDON , Nov. 13. Considerable wreckage and a number of bodies have been washed ashore between Looc and Polperro , in Corn wall , during the last two days. Ono of tha bodies has been identified as that of Captain Meyer of the Gorman ship Theodore Ruger , from Hamburg for Sydney. The ar ticles that hove rome ashore have likewise been recogni/cd and Identified as belonging to both that vessel nnd to the Cunard steamer Nantes , with which the Theodore Rugor collided thirty-six miles oft the Lbard. There is no doubt of the total loss of both vessels , with most ot the crow of the Nantes and part of the ship's crowi The suivivors who landed at Trouvillu include sixteen of the Theodore Rugcr's ' and two of the Nantes' crow , It is believed that all others went down with their vessels. Later It is now learned that the collision between the Nantes and Theodore Ruger re sulted in the drowning of twenty-flvo of the steamer's crew and twelve of the crow of the German vessel. The Nebraska nrusrKintn. LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov , I1 ! . [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun Bun.J Thu legislative com mittee of the State Pharmaceutical associa tion , composed of James Reed , Nobrnslm City ; W. C. Lane , Lincoln ; Henry 1) . Boy- den , Grand Island , and William B. Shcrgock , Louisville , met yesterday to prepare amend- mcnts to the state pharmacy law of two years ngo. The results of the committee's ' work will bo presented to the legislature thin winter. Tlio examining board , W. C. Lane , Lincoln ; H. D. Hoyden , Grand Island ; Henry CookRed Cloud ; MaxBecht , Oinalni , and A. F. Streit/ , North Pintle , are mooting to-day and examining applicants for pharma ceutical certificates. The No-Ma n'N-Ijand Election. ST. LOUIB. Nov. 13. The result of the elec tion hold by tlio Oklahomultcs in No-Man'a- Land was largely in favor of the territorial government and for the Springer Olilahom bill. O , G. Chase Is elected delegate to con gress , together with the entire territorial council ticket favoring the Oklahoma bill. The Kansas unncxutionlsts polled only u slight vote , _ _ Skipped Krom Can nil n : MONTICCAI. , Nov. 1 ! ) , Walter Gibus , who kept a general store , is nbscnt from the city. His liabilities amount to about t20,0X , ( ) , nnU yesterday a provisional guardian was tip tainted and if ho docs not return by Novcm > or US his estate will bo liquidated , It ll stated that ho left for Host on Saturday night and took a quantity of merchnndUq with him with the intention of dcfiaudlny his creditors , _ _ _ Urakoinoii on a Strike , Nov. 13 , About one hun dred hrakcincn employed on the Louisville , New Albany & Chicago road , tire on a strittu at Lafayette. They demand that their pay bo Increased to 'J cents a mile , the piosent rate being 1.8 cents. The railway official * have asked for police protection. The London Pollen lliivo n C'lm ; . f.o.vnoN , Nov. 18. The police are confident that they nra on the right track In their search for the Whltochapcl murderer. T\Vo persons have been found who tmw the man who accompanied the last victim to her room on the ulglil she wus murdered , Thrir tct ) criptlon of ttis mun tally in cysry ? c i > utt , T JSY u 1 Undid VcMop 1i 1