THE OMAHA DAILiT BEE ; TUESDAY NOVEMBER 3H , 1S8& THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Dullness In Flour Trade Deliveries Light and Mills Shutting Down. WHEAT TAKES TUMBLE. No Dcnimul 'for Kino Cixlllc , but nn Ail < nncc In Prices for Gooil Na- i nnd Good IJntcli- ers' Stock. CHICAGO I'ltODUOn Cnicvno , Nov. 12. [ Special Tclcgiam to THE 13nn. ] Tlio Chicago wheat market averaged dull "nil about KlKcl ° wcr to-day. The \-Hlblc supply , instead of showing a Ue- crease , as Indicated by weekly footings of "dully receipts nml shipments" Saturday , re corded a I Increase of IHWO bushels , This it cxpl'iin-sl on the theory that private ele vators at Minneapolis arc being pretty well filled uti , and It was founil necessary to un load more wheat Into public warehouses than during thu previous wuuk. An additional ex planation is advanced that interior mills have not drawn on supplies so much lately. In deed , the mills tire just now secmiiiitly more Intcii'stcd In getting rid of llniir jtlicuOy ground than In laying in fresh supplies of w it. Ut icss III the Hour trade is for the mor t a strong bear card. A couple of mil Minneapolis wore reported to have hlni wn to-diiy , and n strong elTort ! malt- Ing 5t. Louis to shut down the mills there. A potion to that effect was put in circulation , nnd will be acted upon by the central association of millers to-morrow. Later IIOWH from that quarter was that some of the mills would not wait for such action. All points and iti-ms were not bearish , how ever , Prom the northwest advices uro re- ceivcd Uiat farmers' deliveries are much lighter than , expected , tun ! itmt the move ment by rail froln tllO back country is not coming up to anticipations. Along the Hast ings division of the Milwaukee road , where the movement heretofore lius been freu , ele vators urc toing ) closed up by reason of ex haustion ( if stocks in the tributary territory. It is also noted that flespito the fact Unit re ceipts ut primnri points this year are larger than last year , and export demand hns averaged low , stocks are lighter than n year ago , and tlicsignilleanicof this condition of things is nnxlously asked. The solution may be bullish , and then again if the surplus is represented in large supplies of Hour pressing for sale everywhere , it may be a bearish point The sniullncss of receipts at points most conspicuously out of line is cer tainly n bullish point and argues against the idea , that these markets are held up alto gether by manipulation , as some claim. As to that Hour worked for expoit at Minncap oils last weclt , a local miller le.irns that it goes abroad on consignment , although thu sit uation biistles with news , statistical and oth erwise , upon winch opinions may bo formed. At opening May wheat was sold ntJl.l.V.j' and December nt * 1.13Jtf or ? H@X ° below Saturday's close. May sold olt to frl.14.Jtf , reacted to $1.1.1 , , fluctuated between $1.15 and $1.15 < f u long time , then worked down tofrl.HY , tecovercdc , rem.vlned arouml fl.HXWl-1-1 % . out biolto again toward the to the lowest , level of the session , and left off weak nt practic lly the bottom. December lunged about Ic under May andwas , very inactive. Thu volume of the trade was not heavy. In fact , the condition of the specula live trade is not satisfactory to the commis sion merchant. "IJcspect for buzz restricts short selling , and tiio outlook does not invite investment nt present. " was the way a commission merchant put it , During thu day a good deal of long wheat dribbled out. Shorts were the principal buyers and they were not anxious. The market opened very weak and ruled lower than on Saturday. The opening price of Keller tlio month was Ic below the liguro it closed nton Saturday. December Afc , Jnnu- ury % e , nnd May J O'fc under latest previ ous isolations. These were several causes unsigned for weakness. The receipts about eoualled the estimates , but the weather was clear and cool nnd government reports con firmed previous predictions of the magnitude of this year's yield , There was temporary reaction when the , visible supply was shown to have dccruascd lr > li)00 ! ( ) bushels during the week , but it was not sufllcicnt to carry the nrlco back to the opening figure. The movement out of store was heavy , but theru seemed to bo no great short interest out and receipts expected from the new crop is the strongest influence at present affecting futures. Good demand for shipment main tained this month's delivery above the open ing figure of the day , nfter the lirst few min utes , and closed it at the lop , 41c , but still } ic under the closing price of Saturday. The fluctuations in December were conllncd be tween HUKc and 4Uc , closing nt au iUKc , May being steady and selling from : i9c to ay , > ( , @y.i ) c , closing at : )9c ) hid , but showing n loss since Satuiday of © ' c. In provisions there was no change from last week , Cash meats wcro in quite good de mand , and { fair sales were made of New York green shoulders nt fil.5 , of Id pound green hams at $ .1.00 , nnd of dry suited short vibs ut i7.S@r..2K-thc ( ) ( . outside for fully cuicd. Cash luid was quoted ntS,25. Spec ulation was featureless nnd quiet. There was no movement to speak of by cither bill ! or bear side. Fluctuations were limited nnd lead ing futures closmljibout the same as on Sat urday. Wheru cTiangoa were shown they ' .vcro conllncd to 2Xc. January rested at un- clu'nged prices. CHICAGO MVJK STOCK CIIIOAOO , Nov. -Special [ Telegram to THIS Unu.l CATTI.K "On the face of re turns , " ns the say In y is , that is , on account of light rnin , it was an impossibility that any thing ut all good in the tullvo line ought to Bull better , but thcro was little or no change in values , and trade was by no menus brisk. Some salesmen reckoned an advance on fair to good unlives ns compared with last week nt from 13otoWc. Then again there were others equally as careful observers who quoted only a shade stronger. Good butch- t-rs' stock , meaning prime fnt COWR nnd heifers , are fully 15 ( < i2r ihigher than last week ; old and thin cows , canning stock and iough sluflf generally , did not sliuru In the general upturn to any great extcnl. Tuxans were quoted lf > o highor. There was only one train of rangers among Iho arrivals. An unusually lighl run of Toxuns and rangers was the prime cause for un advance in course and common grades of natives. There was literally nothing doing in stockcrs and feed- rrn up to a late hour , and the chances wore that but few transactions would be completed to-day. Tim receipts include a,5Ut ) Texas und western cuttle. Choice beeves , $5 , iri@ri.75 ; medium to good steeis , l.ll.M ) to ] , r > ( x > Ibs. , 14.50(35.10 ; 1,2W to l.ifiO Ibs , , N.OOG > ,75 : 550 to 1,200 lb . , $3.'ir > . Stackers nnd fee-dors , fS.OOlfiiUO ; cows , bulls and mixed , $ l.W ( : t.Ol ; Dulk , t3.15@MO : ; Texas cuttle , steers , 12.50 < < ) .0fl ; cows , $1.00iJ2,85 ( ; western rangers , f3 35(23.00. ( Htxib Markct active with early sales about a nickel higher , but later on thcro was another sharp upturn , with general market closing a good too higher than on Saturday. Uulk of best mixed gold at f5 fHX ri.M , with gome common going ns low LS f.r > .3f > (3tf.45 ( , Fancy heavy mudo f5.Xfii5.05 ( ) , but Under wood & Co. bought three loads of extra ut the close , Into arrival ul fO.70 , Demand for light sorts wns slow. There were no ship ping orders worth noting , und the I.lpton and Fowler people were the only buyers among the puckers. Closely assorted averages of ICO to ISO , including single sort , sold ut { 5.53 (3 ( f.M < 0 , and light at * .V.U&$5.50. FINANCIAL. NEW VOBK , Nov. 13. [ Special Telegram to Tint UuK.JSTOOK8 first prices on ttocks wet-'i generally u IHUo balovv ft.ilur duy's ' close. Cotton Oil was an exception , nd under good buying It advanced fairly. The volume of trade was rulber small during the morning hours nnd lliore was consider able dullness ; Orngon Short Line nlsn ad vanced inodorutely. The market as u whole was rulhcr uninteresting and at noon was quiet to dull and linn , at beat prices reached , gains , however , being confined to fr'aulona. Ju most lustuucus the market went off ID tho. aftciuoou OD the anqounc uiont that the Now York Central bad mode ft cut of .13 per cent in rates , while the rnta situation in tbo west \vas regarded at unfavorable. Chicago Gas Trust nnd Cotton Oil certificate * con tinued strong nml closed at 1VJ ( IV points nd- Vance. The remainder of the list slumped oft the decline nt the close extending1 to4 \ } points in Missouri Pacific and Nortncrn Pa cific preferred , other securities losing not so much. The following wcro the closing quotations : MONKT ox CAM , Kasv nt S ' par cent. , ast loan 2 pur cent ; closed offered ut 2 per cent. cent.PniMji MKUCAXTILK PAFUII In good de mand nt4V < tlM ( Per cent. STKUI.INO KXCIUNOE Dull but steady nt M.S4 > 4 for sixty-day bills , and t4.8i for demand. _ _ _ _ I'uonucn. Cinctoo , Nov. 12. Wheat Lower ; cash , December , tl.lU ; January , 5 Corn Steady ; cash , 4lc ; December , 3Jl-llicc ! ; January , ! ! Sc ; May , 39. Outs Ste.idv ; cash , 23Iie ; December , r.'Vc ; May , ai < c. live Sic. Hariey Nominal. Prune Timothy * 1.45@1. 40. Fiax-fl 4S > . Whisky f I 20. Pork Kusys cash , $14. 5.2k ; December , $14V.'K ( ; May , * 15 OX Lard Steady ; c.ish , $3.22' ; December , JMI7' ' < ; January , W.10 ; May , ? b.'rK Flour Unchanged. Hulk Meats - - Shoulders , $7.7ri ( < iS 00 ; short clear. ? 8.'ji@S.irj : < , ; short ribs , J7 .7,1. liutter Kusy ; creamery , IDofJiic ; dairy , Cheese Firm ; full cream cheddars , 10 ! f > J' " ; flats , lO ftJIO e ; Voung Americas , TJggs Western , lll 'JOC. Hides Unclianged ! llOavy green salted , OWe ; liglit green salted , OKo ; green. 5c ; salted hull , fi' ' c ; green bull , 4'4c ; green dry Hint , 7' ' < fc , i5o ; dry calf , 7abc ( ; brandeil hides , 15 per cent off ; deacons , .iigpjc eacli ; drv salted. lO Tallow Firm ; No. 1 , solid packed , Sc ; No. 2 , 4c ; cake , uc. Kecoiuts. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 10,000 27,000 , Wheat bu . 1)0.000 ) 53,000 Corn , bu . 121,000 .154,000 Oats , bu . 120,000 130,000 Hyu , bu . . . . . New Vork , Nov. 12. Wheat Hcceints , ! i'.l,0K ( ) ; exports , none ; spot market moder ately active nnd l WlJjc lower ; No. 2 red , > LOUl , ( if 1.10 in elevator , * 1.10J < @ 1.11' ' ! < alloat , * 1.10 @l.ll > 4' f. o. li. ; No. 3 red , ? 105 ; No. 1 red. $1.19 ; ungraded red , Wcfti ) fl.lll f. Options moderately active ; opened l < > ( < i > y.c lower , declined K 1 ' < c , closing lJ4k ( ! l\o under Saturday and heavy ; No. 2 red , December , closing at $1.H,5 ) < . Corn Receipts , lbi,0K ( ) ; exports , 182,000 ; spot market opened stronger and closed steady ; moderately active ; No. 2 , SO'.iWil'.jO in elevator. Sl C'iM' ' o afloat ; ungraded mixed , ril@52'4'e. ' Options dull and . ' ( . ( uXe lower ; December closei at 50 } c. Oats Receipts , 12,000 ; exports none ; spot market moderately active ; easy ; options moderately active and linn ; December closed at lilj c ; spot No. 2 white , 34IYci4j.fc ! : mixed western , 2'3Ju ' ; wliito western , 30 & lOc. Coffco Options opened barely stendy ; sales , 31,250 bags , including November , 5I305@1I75 ! ; December , ? 13.r)5i { ( 111.70 ; Janu ary , fii.45Q(13(10 : ( ; February , Sia.40ftiW50 ; March , $13 fe 13 50. Petroleum Quiet but firm ; United closed Kpgs Firmer and moderate demand ; wes tern , 24fi2. c. Pork Stronger ; mess , $ IOOO@10,75. Lard Stronger but dull ; sales , eastern steam , $ S.UWJ < . < .2S ; December , $ S.40. Huttcr Firm and moderate demand ; wes tern dairy , 12' ' ( u)18o ) ; western creamery , 10jil20c ( ; Elgins , ay ( iB c. Cheese Quiet but lirm ; western , OfWlO 'e. Kuiihun City. Nov. 12. Wheat Lower : No. S red , cash , hSc bid ; December , sales KOo May sales , ( .i"c ; No. 2 soft , cash 'Me bid , unil December , ! ) Sc asked ; May , Jl.Oti usked. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 30 asked ; December 2h o bid ; January , 2Ms bid ; No. a , cash , 2'Jc ; No. 2 , white , cash , no bids nor offerings ; May , SJ u bid. Oats No. 2 , cash , no bids nor offerings ; December , 20c bid. Minneapolis , Nov. 12. Wheat-Wheat sellers were asking about Saturday's prices , and there was more No. 1 hard wheat offered than usual. Closing quotations : No. I hard , cash , * 1. ! > 3 ; December , $1.31 j May , J1.29 ; on track , $1.21. No. 1 northern , cash , $ l.ii : ; December , Sl.l > .f ; May , $1.18' ' ; ou track , ? 1.10. No. 2 northern , ensh , $1.09 ; Deceui- ber Jl.OSK ; May , $1.1.1' ; on track , $1.10. Milwaukee , Nov. 12. Wheat Easy ; cash , ? l.00' ; December , $1.07 % ; January , Corn Steady ; No. 3 , 40J c. Oats Quiet ; No. 3 whltu , 2a > @ ; Hve Qulot ; No. 1 , 27 0. Harley Quiet ; No. 2 , 72c. n Provisions Steady ; pork , $14.0. ! Olnciiinatl , Nov. 13. Wheat Dull ; No. 2 red , $1.05. Corn Steady and quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 15Kc. Oats In good deuianJ and flrr.i ; No. 2 mixed , 27@2"J c. live Steady ; No. 2 , 57c. Wliisky In good demand ( it $1,14 . St. liotils. Nov. 12. Wheat Lower ; cash , $1.07lfc ; December , f I.OO ' . Corn Busy ; cash , 'Wo ' : Deeumber , 34c. Oats Firm ; cash , 22 e ; May , 30'4'c. ' Pork-Steady nt15 00. Lard Lower nt $ S.OO. Wlilskey J1.14. Hutter Steady and firm ; cieamcry , fancy , 2ij@7c ; choice , 2iiC i2lo ; dairy , 22@24c. MVK sroca. Chlonuo. Nov. 12. t'ho Drover ' Jour nal renoi ts as follows Cattle -Kcccipts , 8,000 ; market strong nnd lOu higlier ; beeves , $5.1ft ( 5.7. i ; steers , $ .V.Tii ( r > ,10 ; stockers and fecuers , $ J.OI3.3 ( ! ( ) ; cows , bulls and mUed , $ l,50@i,00 ; ; Texas cattle , $1.10@3.00 ; western rangers , fJ.2 > @ 3.I10. Hogs Receipts , 13.000 ; market stroii r and lOc higher ; mixed , fo.5& : ! . > .U ) ; heavy , * 5.45Vg ( 5.70 ; light. > o 30@5.r > 5bkips ; , * 3.2.Vg5.10. Slincp Heceipts , 4,000 , ; market strong and n shndo higher ; natives , $ . ' ) , U5 4.25 ; westerns , $ l.25.i.tjO ; Texans , tJ.M@l.30j ) lambs , W.00g5.75. ( KniiHUH City , Nov. 10. Cattle Receipts 2,742 ; shipments , 2,700 ; sliodgcr lor all classes ; dressed beef u stiudo higher ; range. steers 5 ( ' < .10u higher ; unlive cows higher ; goad to choice coin-fed , $4.75@5.25 ; common to medium , $ : i.2r > @l.60 ; stackers und iccdlng steers , fl.503.30 ! ; gruss range steers. $1.50 ( $3.00 ; cows , 81.00 C2.bO. "Hogs Receipts , 5,027 ; shipments , none. market Htroiig , active , shade hlger ; good la choice , $1.35(115.45 ( ; common to medium , f I.K ) @ > ,25 ; skips nnd pigs , $2.90@-l,00. Nutluunl Btouk YaniM. Kavt St. IjouU , Nov 13. Cattle Receipts , 2.1U5 ; shipmcntB , 1S45 ; market strong : choice. heavy native steers , $5.00 ( < ? 5.t30 ; fair to good native steers. $4,40il550 ( ; butchers' sloem , medium to choice , f-JVJ ) ! 4 45 ; stack ers and feeders , fair to good , $ 'i,10@.1.15 ' ; rungcrD , corn-fed , (3.00fl.20 ( ; grass-fed , $2.00@3.00. Hogs Receipts. 2,2SO ; shipments , 830 ; market steady ; ciiolco heavy und butchers' selections , $ . > .50@5.tKi : packing , medium to prime. $5.30Ai5.&U : light grades , ordinary to best , 5.25rf ( > .MO. OMAHA lilVK STOOll. Cnttlo. Monday. Nov. 12. 18S8. t The receipts were heavy nnd the maket fairly active at steady to strong prices. The bulk of thu i-ttttlo were Tuxus steers but there were some pretty fair beeves among tlioin and the packers bought freely. Aside from one bunch of live pteers then ; was not mucli deslrablo butcher * ' stock on sale , but thuru'was no end U > the conncrn. There were u few western fei'dnrs but. DO uativts , There were hardly enough on sale to make n market. The buyers took every. tblujit steady prices. 81i cop. 1 hero wcro heavy receipts of sheep nnil quite n good many sold , Receipt ; . Cattle . , . rt,000 Hots ; . . . . . . . . 1,300 Sheep . , . . . , . 4,303 , Prevailing Price ? . The following la a table of price * p.iid In this marKet for the grade ) of Rtoo , < men tioned PnmestCCM , 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . 1 1.00 ( SI.OO Prime SICCM , 1100 lo liJOO ibs. 3.75 t ( 4.2. > Native feeders . 2.50 @ .1 15 Western feeders . 2.50 ( jji.CO ; Hant'o steers , com'on to choice 2.50 ( 'i.2. ' > Common to good cows. , , . 1.25 ( t'-MH ) Choice to fanny cows . 2.25 Gt2.M ) Common to choice balls . 1.25 ftfJ.lHI Fair tocnoico light hogs . 6.20 ( S5.JIO Fnlr to choice heavy hess . 5.85 @ "i.45 Fnlr to choice mixed hogs . 0.30 llcprcHciiiiinvo Silo * . C4.TTI.K. Na AT. Pr. 18 cows , tailings . 1034 $1.25 1 bull . 1550 125 l bull . iaon i.r.o 47 cows , natives . bW 2.dO 21 eanners . 11SI 2.5 3 cows , natives . 1033 2 35 20 Wyoming , natives . 12U 3.75 1\MIB ! CATTI.i : . Owner nnd No. Av. Pr. D. R Chase 10' . steers , Texans . ! KU SMO 105 steers , Texans . 1017 2.40 105 steers , Texuns . UO.J 2.40 42steers , Texans . 10M 240 111 steers , Texuns . UOJ 2.40 C. U. Rhodes- lOOstcers , Texans . It'll" 2. 0 25 steers , Texans . 1)114 ) 2.40 81 steer-s , Texans . lO'il 2.10 Laramlo River C. Co. 91 cows . . . . IM4 2.0 ! ! 4 eows . ' . . . .lUXI 1 5'J ' A. 3. Adinonson tM ! steers , Texuns . 1177 3.15 4 cows . KKK ) 2.3(1 ( 20 steers . 10" $ 2.S5 George Lockwood PncKers' liirchiscs. : Showing the nunibjr of lio. ; < baujht by theleaJing buvera on the in irkjtoJay : G. H. Hammond & Co . 4ll ! Omaha Packing Co . 3T7 Armour C. P. Co . : iU8 Illchest and The following uro the higheit unl lowest prices paid for hogs during the past few days and on the corresponding d itj j 0:13 : u'l 1 twj years asjo : " 1 oct. HSS. i ot. im. i ot. mi. Ijivc Stock Notes. Bogs steady. Desirable cattle strong , W. E. Skinner , general western agent of the Street Stable Uur company , wus nt thu yards. N. A. .Tnnics , of the Mcduuo Springs Cuttle compnny , came in witli twelve cars of cuttle from Oapnto , Colo. A Missouri man says ho can invest $ lOJil in sheep and b"rn every pound of wool pro duccd for live years and make more clear money than cun be mudo on cattle , horses or hogs. Cattle feeders are ceitninly tired of doing business ut u loss und they cannot be blumed for being disheartened when everything hus seemed to bo against them for so long. Drovers' Journal. OMAHA WHOIKS\IE MARKKTS. Produce , Fruitn , B c. BuTTnii Fancy , solid-packed creamery , 20 @ 23c ; choice country , 18u > 20e ; medium grades , 14@l c ; common prudes , 10@ltc. ! Fl.oun NebrasKu cutents , fO.OOu)7.50 ( ) ; Minnesota patents , 30.25@S.OO ; straight grades , fo.00 ( < f5.50i bakers' Hour , $5.23@5.73 per barrel. POTATOES Nebraska , 25@40o per bushel ; Colorado , TSfffiSOc. Sneer POTATOCS 2c per Ib. POIJITIII Live thickens , $ J.nOa3.7.5 ( per doz. ; spring chickens , SiSO a.OJ ; dressed chickens , 8@10c per Ib ; turkeys , S@l2c. Eons Strictly fresh , 1'Je candled. CoNcoitn Giurus 30@10c ; ] ier 10-lb bas ket. ket.MALAGA MALAGA GitArits In kugs , SC'SlOo per Ib. HINVXAS Oomtnon , fl.5J2.25 per bunch ! choice. S3.BOiZi.50. ( ; Li'.Mo.s's fo.SO per case. OKANOBI * Jamuicu , $5.00SC,00 ( per barrel ; Florida , $4.00@ 1.25 per box. OAMB Per do/cn : Mullurds , $2..M/i2.73 ) ( : teal , $1.0.@l.sri : < iuuil. S.0l ) ( ; jirairie ehiek- ens , fJI.SO ; rabbits , Jl.OO ; squirrels , 51.00 ; venison , 8@12c per Ib. CKLiiitr 25 ( ' ! iOo per dozen. Osios.s IOS.10D ( per bu. CAIIIHOI : J.2.00 per 100. 13uci8 lOc | ) cr bushel. TuuxiPh 30c per bushel. S\t'iii ' ; KiiAUT-Ubls , $4.75 ; Half bbls , 2.75. Aiiri.i : > i Choice , -2)0@2.7"i ; per bbl ; fancy , (300 per bbl : common. $ l.r,0i ( l,7f > per bbl. CiDKit Michigan , ? 0 00 r.f , > 0 per bbl of 32 gals : California pear cider , $15. < > 0 per hbl. Per COHX Kico , H(64e ( ; common , 2(5)c. ( ) CAHHOT8 0c per bushoi. \Ns-Clioieo eastern hundpickcd nnvion , $2,00 IX.T bushel : western hunil picked nu- vics , ? 1.75@1.80 ; medluniB , * l.3u@1.40. Lima beans &u pur pound , HAY F. o. b. curs , No. 1 upland , fli.OO ; No. 2 upland , W ( K ) . HiiAX J1500lfi.OO. ( 'ci ) KKBD $14.00MO.OO ( ! per ton. OATH 22@iie. ViNHOAit Cider , 10@15o per gal. White wine , 10@Mc per gnl. CicAXiiEituiKs f7.nO@9.00perbbl. PIIOVISIOXS Hums , No. 1 , I2o ; No. 2 , lie ; shoulders , 0)40 ; rib bacon , llj c ; clear bacon , I2u ; picnic Mains , lOc ; dried beef hams , lO e ; dry salted clears , short , OJ/o ; extra short , 0 } > ju ; short riLs , 0/o ' ; pickled pigs feet , 15-lb kits , 80o : luvd , 9J @ 10o ; smoked Bausage , WQSa per Ib ; hog casings , i7@18c. Grocers' Ijinr. Revised prices nro as follows : lUauixn Stark A seamless , 22o ; Amos- keag , seamless , 17 > < e ; Lewiston A. seamless , 1'Jc ; American , seamless , 17o ; mirlaps , 4 to 5 bu , ll@14c ; gunnies , single , lao ; gunnlea , double , 20c ; wool sucks , ! 15o. Twines Flax , aSo ; exlru sull , 30@21c ; suil li , 10@20c ; cot ton , 21o ; lute , < Ju. DUIEII FituiTS Figs , In boxes , per Ib , 13 ® ICc ; dates , In boxes. 7@10c ; London Malaga layer raisins , per box. t2.50@a.75j Malaga loose rnlslns , $2. ! X < l2.r > 0 ; new Vulen- elu raisins , j > er Ib , la\ \ California loose mus catels , per box , $1.00 ; California Londons 1888 (1.45 ; pitied cherries , per Ib , lOc ; Califor nia pilted plums , per Ib , 12@ia ; ) ; dried blackberries , ) ) er Ib , 7K@So ; dried raspberries , per Ib , 24Q25c ; evaporated ui > - plcs , 7M@llc ; California sun dried pouches , 13c ; Culllornia un pared evuirarated peaches , 15@18e ; ovnponited California upricots , 18o ; Zantce currants , U fe'c ; Turkish prunes , 4j4@4Jfo ; citron , 22W24c ; orange peel , 15c ; Itunon pool , lOc ; California French prunes , COFFEES Mocha , 25@Mcj Ulo , good , 10a ( > 17oj Manduhling , WlCeiij : rousting Hio.5 \ ( $ Itio ; O. G. Java , 24@2d ; Java , Interior , 22o > 25c ; liio , fancy , ItXglU ; Santos nnd Maru- culbo , 17@10o ; Arbucklus , 21o ; McLaugh- lln's XXXX , 21c. . SUOAII Granulated , 7J c ; conf. A , 1\6\ \ \ white extra C , 7o ; extra C , TJ o ; yellow C , fljfo ; powdered , 8o ; cubes , go. . IIovuv 10@llc for 1-lb frames ; strained honey , 10llo per Ib , B BS\VAX Choice yellow , 20Q22WO ; dark colored , 13@14C. CIJBBSB youug America , full cream , 12Q 12 j'c ; ( ull crcnrn c.icUir * , llg/lSc / ; full cn'iun llatM , 12J c. PioKi.r. Mi'iUimi , in bbls , J.1.00 , ilo , In half bbls , 1.00t smiill , lnlibN , , fJ.OO ; do , in half bbls , M.RO ; gherkins , lu bbls , $ " .00 ! tlo , half bbls , $1.00 Toiutro Plup , 2V ( i'ic ; smoking , liVjflOc Jt.i.i.u : * ! . ' . ! per.W-lb mill. Su.T 1.3001 B5 per bbl , KorE 7-10 , lO'ic Mu'i.i : HL'out Hricks 11 ( < M2e tier Ib ; penny cakes , 12 ( < Jiac per ll > ; pure maplu syrup , fl.UOpcr pul. Tmo YoutiR II.v > on , common to fair. 1S ( < ? 2oc ; Youne H.t ou , pooil to fixncy. JW . 'wf ; Gunpowder , common to ( Jwul. 2i@.l.fki ; Gunpowder - powder , clioice to fnnei,4KN' ( ! > . > o : .Tiipan , com mon to medium , IfiOCJiics'Jnpnn , choice to fiiiu\\ , "Oi4. > o : Oolom , ' . common to good. Wdf .T.V" OoloiiK , cboico to fattev , N0c ) ; Imiie- rlul , common to medium , 95 ; Imperial , good to funcy , 4l ( < i rOL' . Nfr Almond , lfi ( ( 17c ; filbert * , 12&iir > e ; Uniril , 0jtilOf ( ; walnuts , I'.V ; pecans , HjJ ) ( lie ; ) ica'iits ) , ( 'Kci'.ii' . CinfKh'itx .V310c per Ib ; assorted cakes , 7 ( fJ2."x : per Ib. as per list. Oism Mlxol. &rtl.'tc ( ; stick , 8 f ( & ! " -5 rock caml.v. in' WKIo ; fancy candy , 7c < t2S. l > ry Goods COTTON I.T.\NVM.S IU pjr cent dls. ( Lt. fi c ; CO , 0fu ! ; S3 , 7fiv , Nameless , r > o ; KX , 18o ; It , UJo ; No. 10 , S' ' < c ; No. 40 , lotfo No. ( JO , ! 2 < < c ; No. SO , lilJtc ; , coloredHo ; No. 50. coloicd. Uc ; No. 70 , colored , I'- Uristol , 13'rc ' ; Union Pacific. 17o CXUPETVAKI Ulb White , iv > ' , colored , 21 UxTts Standard , ie ; Gem lues Beauty. 12J < c : Uoono , 14o ; 11 , cased , $ il.V l > iiiSTS Solid colors Atlantic , Co ; Slatar C } < e. llerlln oil. G e ; Garner oil , 7e. 1'itixrs Pink and Robes Allen , c ; Kiverpoint , 5 c ; Steel River , 0 o ; llich mend , 0 > fc ; Puciile , PIIISTS Dress Cliartcr Oak , ' ; Runiiipo , 4'ic ; Lodl , S'le ' ; Allen , tte ; Richmond mend , OVie ; Windsor , Eddystonc , 6 , 0 ; Puellle. ( i'tfc ' . „ , , , Bit-mien SIIEKIISO Uorkuluy ciiinbric NO. rke ) ! > : Most Yet , 4-4. ( ij/o ; butter cloth * JO , 41'c ; Cnbo * . 7 > c ; Furwell half bleachcil y i" Fruit of Loom , 9Uc : Greene O , 'd'i'e ' ; nope. ; / ; Kl"l. Philip cam bric , u0. Lo s < ) ale . . cambric , < e. Loiisduio , 9c ; New. * ° rk mills , lo'ftc ' ; 1'eppercii 42-in , lie : Pepporoll , 40-ln. vJo ; 1'eppercll , ( W , Illo ; pjpporoll. S.4 , 2lo ; Pep- lioioll , 0.4 , 2.1c ; Pepporcll. 10-4 , 2'c ; Canton 4--I , 4c ; Triumph , Goj Wumsutt He ; Val- Fl.AsvXit.s. : -llnftsmeti,2ic ( ; Gostien , 8-'Mc ; Clear Lake , 3jK ; Iron Mountain , "G KNiu/-Whito-G H.No.8 , , 2 . e ; G. 'io ' ; . . ; York , aJlni , Vjifu ; . . . . . 13JJ-0 ; Swift liivor. be ; Thorndlko OO , 8Kc ; Thnrndlko ISf. S' i' : Thnrnililro i' > 0 , O'i'u ' ; Thorndlko XX , 16e ; Cordis o. f > , VMo : Cordis No. 4. ' , > I „ , , UKVIMSAm Mtetip , oz , lOJu'e ; Everett , 7 o , 13Uc ; York. 7 ojajsc ; Hawn ikcr , 8 ! o ; Jaffrov X X. ll'c ; JatTrey XXX. i-J } < o ; Ucavur Crca AA. 12c ; Ue.ivcr Creek UB lie. Uc ivcr Creek CC. lUc. KENTUOKVJIHVS.MetiDrlal , iSc : Dakoti. ISc ; Durliam , 2Xc ; Hurcult's , isc ; Learning ington , 2J > o ; Cuttswold , 27' ' c. ' On inn. Stevens' H , 0 e : btcvcns' U _ , - , _ - _ - - N , bleached. lOo ; Stevens. SRt , ftll CEU.ANEOL'S. TllOlO OU C1J n , $ -.50 ; plain Holland. 9 > < e ; Dado Holland. I2j < je. Brown sheeting Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7JJc ; AI- hinlio H , 4-4 , 7'4V ' ; Atlantic D , 4-1 , 0Hfc. ; At- Pepperell. S-l , Ib c ; Pepperell , 9-4 , 21c ; Pep- pcrell , 10-4 , 23c ; UticuC. 44.P c ; Wuchu sett , 4-4 , 7t < c : Aurora R , 4-4. 7c , Aurora H , 4-4 , ' " 'liucKVe < t Point iJ in , 8 or , lOHc ; West 1'olnl 2J in. 1 0 oz , 1 c ; West Point 29 in , 12 04 15c ; West , Point 40 In , U oz , IKc. PLANSEI.S Red , C , 24 in , 15 } ; E , 24 in , 21 e ; G G , 24 in. ( c ; H A F , % , 2 o J R F , 5 , 27 > c. UisnilAM i'luiiKettcnecks , 7'fc. ; Whitten- ton , 7 } c ; York , 7Kc ; Normandi dress , 8K : Calcutta dre : Whittenton dress , M-Jo ; Renirew dress , 8fy ! ( l2'o. ' CxMiinii-s Sluter , 5'4"c. ' ; Woods , 5 , ' c ; Standard. SJi'e ; Peacoiift , 5J/c. PUIST.I I.NDMio HUM : Arnold , iiVjc- Amer ican , ' 4'u : Gloucester , flVfo : Arnold C long clolh , ! ) : Arnold H Ionclotli , ' 0 } : Arnolil Gold Seal , 10' ' < : Stietet A , 12 ; Windsor Gold " Ticket. 11 > K. _ IrutH ! iii < l ClieinicnlR. MiMT.i.iAXLois Stilph. acid , lKui citric acid , OOo ; lurturic , fiOo ; bill , copaiba , l8c ! : borax , 12c ; ehloroferni. 47c ; glycirine , 2.c ! ; gum arable , elc-ct , $1.0J ; gum ca-nphor. : i5c ; gum opium , ? 3.25 ; sulph morphia , S'.SO ; bromide iiotassiuin , 42c. Oil.1' Carbon , 150 ° , lOKc ; headlight , 1750 , 10'c ' ; gasoline , 74 = , 12' c. West Virginia summer , lie ; zero. 17c ; No. 1 golden ma chine , 18c ; extra W. S. lard , 84e ; No. 1 lard , l7c ; turpentine , 52c ; linseed , raw , 58e ; boiled , ( He. QCINIXE P. < k W. , per or , 55c ; German , per or , 4l > c. tiuinber. First and second cleur. 1'4 in. . . $49 00@51 00 first and second clear , V/t in. . 47 00 ( < i50 00 Third clenX \ C\y\\\ \ \ . 43 00a4li ( 0) ) A select , I' ' iZlU in . 37 ( ) ( tt39 00 B select , 1 VWtf in . 35 00(0.37 ( 00 A stock boards , 12u ( > 10 feet , 12 in . 40 00 B stock boards , VXrtW feet , 12 in . 41 00 C stock boards , 12(1(111 feet , 12 in . 3i ( ( K ) D stock boards , 12 C1H feet , 12 in . 23 00 Flooring , first common , li in . 34 00 Flooring , second common , ( i in . 32 00 Select fencing flooring . 1 00 Siding , first and second clear , 14iili ( ( ft 25 00 Siding , lirsl common , 10 feet . 22 00 Sidinir. second common . 1900 Common boards . Ki O.I No. 2 boards , all lengths . 14 50 Fencing No 1. 12W20 feet . 10 50 Fencing No. 2 , 12 , 14 und IS lect . 15 50 Joists and scantling , 2x4 , 14 lu ieet..lli 00 Timber , 4x4 , 8\S , 12cKi leet . 1700 Pickets , Dand H Hat . 22 00 Pickets. D and H square . 25 00 Shingle's , extra A . 2 bO Shingles , slandaid A . 2 00 Shingles. No. 1 . . . 1 50 Lath . 240 O. ( J. Halts , 2)tf in . 70 O. G. ButN , > < .xi : , S. I. S . 40 3 in Well tubing , D. and M. bev . 22 00 heather. Hemlock sole , 18ojrc ( ) per Ib : oak sole , 31@ Ut'c per Ib ; ouk huiness , ; iO@ 2c per Ib : selecj tcil ojkiind , , ' ) upcr Ib ; oaK und hem lock tipper , 20@22c per foot. ueailocU culf skin , No , 1 , bOutlWo per H ) , according to weight ; oik caUhkln , No. 1. 9c@1.0J ( ) per Ib ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra $1.00(31.10 per Ib ; hemlocl : kip skin. No. 1 , l < 0 ( ( 70o per Ib : oak kip skin , No. 1 , 70. < fSOc per Ib : Phila delphia kip skin , extra , SOCnWc pcrlb. French culf skins , ( according to weight and quality ) , $ tier Ib' French kip skins do. 8Ucc $1.10 pcrlb. Coiuovan russett , isu ; satin finish. 20u per foot ; welt leather , J3.50@4.00 per side ; moro 'cos , ( pebble goat ) , 20g30o ( per foot ; moroccos , boot leir , 25 ( ! (0o ( per foot ; glove calf skins , 20A30c per foot ; Douglas kid , ! lO@40a per foot ; kangaroo skins , 40@.Vo ) per foot , according to quality. Toppings , $3.00(7)10OJ ) per docn ; linings , $5.00@9. < > 0 per do/en ; apron skins , $10.0J@ 12.00 per do/en. _ Mctnla nnil Tinner 8' Stock. Block tin , suiull pig . $ .28 Block tin ! bar . ; | . 29 Copper , planished boiler sues . 34 Copper , cold rolled. , , . 31 Copper , sheathing. . , . , . 30 Copper , pltls . ; . . . 80 An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINTMENT Is only put up in large two ounoo tin boxes , and is un absslute cure for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and ull skin erup tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles. Ask for the 6IUG1NAL ABIETINE OINTMENT - MENT , Sold by Goodman Drue Co. , at 23 ceiits per box by mall 'M cents. M AI)1)3NKI | > H K H. A Lover Shoots til in sell * Before Ills Sweetheart , Who Becomes Insane. MU.SFOHDSVILLK , Ky. , Nov. 12 Details of a shocking tragedy reached hero to-day from II iwictts , a little- village ueverul uitles back the country. On Thursday afternoon lust a party of young people went out nut ting. In the party were Henry Uowo und Sullie Logsdcn , Young Rowe and Miss Logsden bad been sweethearts for a long time. Whllo walking together ypung lowe { asked Miss Logs.len to name a day for their wedding. She replied that nho would do BO when ho took bis lust drink of liquor , Rowe said ho bad done so and would prove U then and there. Ho stepped off two or three p.iecs , pulled a revolver from his pocket , nhil before anyone could ix-ntb him , sent u bullet through his temple. Miss .Logsdcn fell to the crass In n swoon and when she recov ered Was n inving maniac , She Jins been locked up Under guard , nnd lifts struggled until nil the licsh 1ms been beaten off her hnnds , ' Rowe \ms n telegraph operator , and belongs to nn excellent family. Ho is believed to have been temporarily insane. Cough * nnil told . Those who nre suf fering from coughs , coliK sore throat , etc. . should to Brown's Bronchial Troches. Sold only in boxes. sun CAPTUIUL > TUB SIU Toronto StiulcntN Draw Hose Coth- Inn's CnrriaKo lo Her Hotel. TOIIONTO , Nov. 12. Hose Coghlan has made a great impression among ttic students of Trinity medical college , and the Grand opera house where she Is playing "Jocclyn" wns the center of attraction for them during her engagement. Their cnlhuslasni found vent one evening in nn extraordinary demon stration. When the curtain went down on the third act Ihe studious gods cheered vocif erously. In answer to their repeated culls Misu Coghluu appeared. She was led to the center of the stage , when from the wings two student * appeared , one carrying a parch ment , while the other staggered under n largo lloral design. The parchment bearer read his document und then presented it to Miss Coghlun , while his companion tendeied her the llowers. Rose made us neat u little speech ns the occasion permitted , and Ihen the piny was allowed to proceed. After Ihe play the students hurried to the stagi door , in front of which stood a r-losod carriage without hoisos. As soon ns Miss Coghlun appeared , bearing the llorul tribute In bur arms , she wns escorted to the carriage by Augustus Plltyn , her manager , n double rope wim attached to the carriage , n couple of humltcd students manned it mid the lady was drawn to the Uo sln house. Ailvlcc lo Slot ho : H. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup should al ways bo used forchildrcn teething It soothes the child , softens the gums , ullu.VR nil pain , cures.wind iclic , and is the best remedy for dlarriiaM. 25 < ; u bottle. Ho Tliuwecl Out Dynamite. Pmxmno , Nov. 12. A Bradford , Pu , , special says : Charles Benson , a Swede , who had charge of the dynamite used in blasting rocks ou ' .he uew lumbar road near Kcttncr Pa. , wus thawing out the stuff at a lite to day when it exploded und his head was blown off. Two Italians wciu badly injuicd. Bolh men wcro found several hundred feet away. I like my wife to XIBO I'oz/.oni's Com- pluxion Powder because it improves her looks and is us fragrant us violets. THIS UKAI/rr MAHICI3T. liiHtriinicntH 1'laoe.l ou Keoor.l Dur- inc Ycstcnlny. J A Umthun to Jno Hlkyv 120 ft of o 241 ft of n I2T' ' , tax lot 1 1. s e or sv : i10 , lit e , \vil . Jf.COJ JIKI lllley uii.l wltu to t lunoiicli , w VX > ft of e'JWrtotn IJiVitnxlot ll.seofsw . ( .Mi ) . 1.1 c , w d . 3.0JO 0 A Jo l ) n to The Danish Ahs'u , -.ix.l. I ) ft 0 i Market stand wCentieltnv , sec 2.J , ir > , li. l oil . ! " > 0 II > I MeCo.viiaiii lhu < ibaniltoNMerrlnm , hits 1 unit " , blk " , lluury \ tihvlton'u aid. wd . -"i.roO A ( i Climlton nnd wife to Win N McLean , 1 > t IH , blk 1 , lot 4. lilk - ' , lot j , blk 4. in tl- tttephue , \ \ d . 1,8.10 A Kketo .1 lA-niy. lot U' , blk 8 , 1'ntrltk's 2.1 . add. w d . 1,100 J Van CuiAp and Hlft-to.I Dollish , lot 4 , blk. i' ' . Vun ramp's add , wil . 100 F It Haves to Jiio Thonipsoii , u ' of s w 4 , 1(1 ( , 1'Jo , wd . MK ) M t > title in I ! A Solomon , lot A , blk 61 , ricireacu. 11 u a . . . . . 2 II Klkjer uimnifoto WS ( ArniB'Kmir. lf > ts 1 tiud - . blk - ' . Aini'-tioiif : sd add. w d i.,7NS .1 A McMiune to.lus Mnismlth , lot U , blk > , W.-tt Hlclo.wd . 4.10 UHKIllhon and \\ifutoj K Hazard , 18 ueres mse lit. 1" . 1 1 e. < 1 . 5,003 Union Mock \ a-ils Co to K Kt'lley. lot 0 , lilk : ) . Sud uild toOmiih.ivd . G.10 South tJmiiha Laud Co to Methodist. ii : > Ls- copul church , lot n. blk 41) ) . i > oUmiihad . 1 South Omnhi : 1 nud Co to Methodist ipls- : eopal ehurc'i , lotO. blk4 , So Omitlia , U 1 J S lienuedy to A Wylle. oUl'i Uof wftl ft.lots 1 nnd' ' , blk II , Ambler I'late , w d 310 J L llenni'ilvto M I. Learned , \ % 1111 j ft lots 1 and 2. blk II , Ambler Place , \ \ d . 350 CK lluskins nnd husbunil to .1 K Klack , lot B , blk S. Heed'h 3d add , w < 1 . 2KK ( ) J r riurk uml > \ lie to K li Wordi-n. lot , blk 5 , ln-ed'b .id add. w d . 2,600 llyron Itrcil ft nl to A. Hle-,1. w ys lot 11 , III k 2. Campbell'uilil. . w d . 600 llyron Heed to Ororci'lantzlnBer , e > , , lot 14 , blk i' . Campbell s add. w d . fX)3 ) C li Van C-amp nndlfe to W ami it Mls- ) It n v * sw HI , 1 1. 1 1 e. w d . 8"5 W .1 Vun Armani to K 1' Dearies , lot 24 , blk a. Hawthorne , wil . TOO ot ; llcctuorth iiinl wile to H U Devrlcs , JotH , Cutiup.VsL'diiild. d , . 3,000 Nels l'ar.s < ins and w Ife to I ) Klnlayson , 4 ft of w cst eiid lot 1 , Yutcs & Kevd's add , ncd II llolln and vifc to A.I llobcrts , lots - > nml 211 , Wmerly mill , wcl . 1.C03 S S Campbell to I' B Illeter , loth 2 , ! 1 and 4. blk ; i ; lots 1 und - ' . ulk 4. and lots 1 and 2. blk r. , und n ' .5 lot I. blk C , 1'rntt s sub , wil . 12,000 C Ij Hurt nncl wile toC 1) Pliulley , lot 20. Hurt's i-ul' ' . 1'ark Place , w d . 2,500 Helix ot .1 S Slmlllo CJ Johnson , lot 7 , blk in , Shull'K id ndd. \ \ d . OM M l.lnd nnd husbnnd to ( ' M Pelcraoti , o ! i lot 21 , 1'elhitm Pluce , w il . 2,500 C li Johnson und ulfe to ! ' M llummond , purt lot II , blk - ' . DenlsB'M iidd , w l . . . 4.GOJ Tim I'atrU k I , ind Co to .1 M MclCorm , lots 21 nnd 2x' , IIIK 12U , Duiulee I'luce , w d. . . . 4.200 Tlilrty-two tiansfers , aggregating JS7.1B7 Hlg O hus clvenunlm sal enllsfactlon In tbc cure of ao.urrlitca end lllopt. J prescribe Hum' fcc'l cafe lu rzi'Oinmcsil- e It ta nil nuirorerg. A. J. MOIJIUt , H.D. , DccsCur , III. SoM by JJruirilstl JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL rAKIS XrOSTJON JS78. Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4. THE MOST PERFECT OP PENS WETAlf ACVIOII'HKK. HOW TO ACT. JsJ ' \ IwlVlforanilManliondlUitoied. Pre. N . M titl Fiinrilcmkl illror. h Hi-dlclntl. , PENNVnOVAL 'WAI'BRR are \successully used monthly by over 10,000 yLodlett. Are Safe , Kffectualanil Mratiint ' $1 pi-r box by mall.or at rtrufrKlst * . Sealed Particular ! 1 poKtngti Btwnps. Addnusa Tnc EUIUKA CUKUIC L Co. , DUTIIOIT , MICH. F0r aal andbij malt b\i \ Goodman Drug Co. , Omaha , Kelt. DREXEL & MAUL , ( Succetisois to.Tohn 0. .Incogs. ) Undertakers and Embalmers At tlio old Htuiul. 1407 Karnani St , Orilrrs by telegrnpli Hollclti'rt anil pruiaptly attemleil. TiiR.phouo to No. ' ! . - . OOODHH.'ll , ATTOIISKV.A - . , DIVOKUKH-A. Ht. . t'blc o : ailrleefroei 1 year * iperieiicoi tuslucss qulcllr "nil Imallr trnnsacteJ 1'Ai.Mrn. x. p. mm uv. j , u , PALMEH. RICHMAN & CO. . Live Stock Commission Merchant ? , Ofllce llooni 31. Opposite Kzchancv llullitlnk , l/nlon . houtli Oiu li , N U. _ _ f.ORIMERWESTERFlELD& MAI.EY Live Stock Commission , Iloom IS , Kichauge MtilldlnK , Uulou Sleek Tards , boutbOmiha.Kcb , ALEXANDER & FITCH. Commision Dealers in Live Sock , UcornK , Oppoiltu Kiohanfe ItulMluf , Unlou Block Yardi.boutU Omalit.KBC. " * * " * " " UNION STOCM YARDBC6. . Of Omaha , Limited , Agrlcultiirni Implements. " * "CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in AgriculturalImplementsWapiis , , ( 'arrURfi anJ llns lo J ( i * Ftrcrt , t ] twi'cnttli and Idth , Omaha , Nebraska. LININGER & "METL > ALF co. . Agricultural Implements , Wapns , Carriages s. Kto , Tholcnalv. Omaha , Nr Whclesftltt Dealers In Agiicnllnral Implements , Wagons & Bugles Ml , , UK nod Wi Jones Fired , Oiuithn. P. pTrvfASTA"CO Mannfactnrers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , CulllTMnrs , liny Ititkcs.Cldrr MUM mid I.ubsn I'ul- Tvrltvrs. Cur llth and .MoluilM Mrcvls. WINC-AlMPLEMENT Co Whotoalo- Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Bnggies . . . l" > - ' " ' Snl mn-Pts OMAHA 1I11ANCII. J. F. SEIBEHL1NC3 A CO. , Akron , Olilo. Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine , W. K. Mpn.l , Mfinmcr 12P icnvcnworth st Oranlia MOLINE.MlLBURN&STODDARDCo Mnnufnctiuvrn and Jul'bvn In Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , Cor , lull nml I'acltlc ilrcoU , Umnhn , Nrb. Artluts' ' " 'A HOSPE. Jr. , Artists' ' MaUrials , Pianos and Organs , lin lUiuiiUs Slrerl , Omnlia , Ni'briiskn. Booksollora nnd Stotlonors. H. M , & S. W. JONES , Successor'to A.T. K nyon A Co. , WhuUiilc AHctiill Booksellers and Stationers. Kino Wedding SlaMnnrrr , Cominertlal Mntloiicry liK lluiikrlaiStrvct Unialin. .Ncli. _ _ Boots and Shoe * . _ KIRKENDALL. JONES & CO. , ( Miccvrturs to llccd. Jones A lo ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes Aitenlsror lloston llul.l.or . Phoc To 1103 , 11U1.V 11W llnrney St. , UumhaM'bmnkn. . W. V. MORSE .V CO. . Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1101 , 1103-11U5 Douglas St . Oninlin Munuractorj.Sum. luorM. Mi stun. Coffees , Spices , Etc. " "CLARKE COFFEE co. Omulia Coffee nud bplco Mlll > . Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , HavorltV Kilracl , Ijiunilry Hluii. Ink * , Ktc. lilt llll' llHrnuy btreut , ( < nmha , Nebraska. Crockery and Olaaswnro. _ ' W.L.WRIGHT , AK'nt for the Maiiufacturers and Imrmtrtsof Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Ulc ( ) Bliv/llb 1'lh M. , Omalia , Kcbrn k . PER FNS , CATCH &CAUIVIA"N IniUDriLT" and Jol bcrs of Crccierj , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware Ktc. 1.114 K = r. . ffi St. c1'ston llulldlnf. CommlsBlon and Storage- " _ RIDDELL fi RIDDELL. Storage and Commission Merchants , . . , . , . Hpccliutk ! - - , \ ( Jnmc , _ 112Howard Strtnt. ( ) ma.ha. _ CEO. SCHROECER & CO. . piicccBsnrn to M ( Shane A r-ehroeder. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Cuialia. Nebraska. FREDERICK J. FAIRBHASS. Wholesale Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision Merchant. Corrospomlpiicu solicited. 1011 North Iftli titreet.Oniitha. Ntili. Coal , Coke and Clmo. OMAHA" COAL , "COKE & UM'ECO. JoDto of Hard anl Soft Coal , 2CFJ Poutli 13th Btrrei , Omitlm , Nrhrntka. J. J. JOHNSON & [ CO. . Manufacturers oflMe , Andrhlnnprs ut l o l. CoAk , Cu.ncn t'i Htcr , Mm UtalnTile , nod Hewer I'lpe. OU2 21S.S. UtU St. Ouiabs , Nob. Wt'iiUin fell. Dry Cooda nno Notions. " " * M7E SMiTH & CO . . Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1102 and 1IW rxniRloi , Cor. llth PiOmaha , Keb. K1LPATRICK-KOCH DRYGOODSCo Importers and Joliters in Dry GooflsNotions , Gents' FurolsbhiK ( looili. Corner llth and Btg. Omaha. Nebraska. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Shippers of Coal and CO'M , ill fonth Will St. . Oniftha.Ncb. ' Furnitur DEWEY & 'STONE/ / Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Karuam btreet , Omnha.Ncbrnaka. CHARLES SH1VERICK , Furiiiturc Nebraska. Groceries. PAXT ONTGALLAGHElV CO. . Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 7UD , 707 , 709 and 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Ncli. McCORD , BRADY * CO. . Wholesale Grocers. I 111 and J.tnTenwortli Street ! . Omaha , NulirnikB. Hardware. MARKS BROS. SADDLERY CO. Wholesale Manufacturer * of Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware And leather. Hill , HOI nnil 1IU7 llnrcer Ut.Omaha , Nebraska. Heavy W. J.'BROATCH. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , om , Wagon Stork , lUldwnni. I.uinlier. Etc. 1VX auil 1211 Ilaru 7 Utrt > t , Uuialia. HIMEBAUGH * TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , UiCtiaalct' Tool ! and nuff lo Kcilei. IWi Douglai Hlreet , Unalia , N lir ka. HECTOR. WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , Ctband tlarner Hti. , Omaha , Neb.TriternAaenti lor Aunln Powder Co. . Jefferson tSteelNallr , l-alrbanks Ulandard Hcoles. Hcoles.EN EN HARD- Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate. Metals , Sheet Iron , * UAi.'f nts for IlowiBralfb , MUinll'owder nd I.yinmi Harbed Umnhft , Mubraalta , , Etc. " " " ' "W. L. PARROTfE""cO Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , 1197 Earner BUcat. Omahk. Neb. _ Lurnlier. " OMAHA LUMB"UR : co. , All Kinds of Building Material at Whoteolt 18t4Btrc t nrt Uulou PaciaoTmck-.Om.Ui . " " * " " LOUIS BnADFtTRDT" Dealer In Lumber , Lath , lime , Sash , U r , l to. 7 mCoru r 7tU sod JUoMlaj ; L'vruil Khiaa C. N. Dealer in All Kinds oflumber , tbniut C l fomlA Strcvto.Onmrm , j Lumber , Lime , CeocntJtc , , Etc , _ _ Corner < Uh ml DousUs ? u. . Orimha. l.W. HARVEY LUMBER CoTT To Dealers Only , Offlr * , n i Cnrnnm Ctreot. Omaha. JOHN A. WAKEFIELBT Wholesale Lniuber , Etc , ijillnrjVliltu Mine. CHAS. R. LEE. Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood C ri > H9 and 1'Arguel Flooring Mb. and IVntglat Millinernncf ; Notions. I. OBERFELDER A CO./ Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions OvornllB. CAN FIE LD MANUFACTURING Cib. , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Pauls , bMtts , > 1to. lunniul llUIDouulii ! Street. Ournlia. Nub _ _ J. T. ROBNSON NOTION CO ? Wholesale Noiions and Furnishing Goods 4l ( mill 4X < p < utli llUh SI. , Oinntin _ 0B. | | " "CONSOUDATED TANK LIN E CO. , Wholsale Reflned and Lubricating Oils , AilfftiX'KSf.lCtc. . Omalia. A II Illshmi. Miiii ncr. VINYARD Si SCHNEIDER. Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Good ? , 1H6 Humor Street , Omnhn. Offlco Fixtures. . . , THlTsiMMONDS .MAXUFACTLMUNcTcO. Mimulmliirc.4 uf Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Mnntli" > Sldclioar.K Hook Omi' % Dmc Klxtnn-t.JVnll Cn p < , raitlllMii * llRlltimiiroiinleri . lluiTnudWIiio Cmdi'r * . Mirror * otr. Vnctory nnO ofllc,1 , liAluud HJ4 ioilth Mill SI. , Uiuulm , Tulepliuno Points nnd Oils. CUMMINGS Si \Miolo lo Donlvrulu Paints , Oils , .Window Glais , Etc , Ills Fnrnnm btr ot. OniHlm.Nob. CARPENTER Wholesale Paper Dealers , Cnrrr ft nice stock of rrtntliiK , Wrui > i > liiK mid Wrltlnl l'bpar. BiH'Clsl attention Ken ! to mr load urderi. _ Paper Boxos. ' _ ( JOHN Lrwi'LKIE , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , Kos. Hi ; nml'J Uouglu * St. , Ouinlia , Neb. _ - . . . . - _ Seeds. PHIL. STIMMEL iTccf. ? Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds fill Hiul liu Jones btri'i t Uinnbu. Storage , Forwarding fc Commleslon ARMSTRONG. PETTIS "tt CO. . Storage , Forwarding and Commission , Crunch IIOUPC of the llmnrvIliiirny Co. HuuKlrsut wliulcsalo uiul rctiiil , 1 W IJlOituil MlUnrd Street , Ouiuuu. Tuleuliunu No. 7W. _ Brewers- STORZ&"ILER. Lager Beer Brewers , 1S21 North Klgthlccutu Street , OmHbu. Neb. Cornloo. EAGLE COR"NICE WORKS. MannfactnreGalyanized Iron and Cornice , Julm KpcncU'r , rmprletor. IQU Dodgu nnd lUlund Id North lUtk btrutit , OuiiiliK. - - - ! * ' Printers' Materials. . . _ _ . _ . \VESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION. Auxiliary Pnblishers , Dvalcra la Triie , 1'rossi'i and I'rlnliTH1 tiupnllcs , f/U South 12tb8trcet.Oiukliii. _ Rubber coeds. _ " OMAHA RUBBER Co" Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods 311 Clothing mid Leather lleltlmt. 1008 Knrimin f treet , Sj ah Peers , M. A. D1SBROW i. CO. , \Yliolcsalo Manur cturcra uf Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , . Drnncli Office , 12th llnil UnrJ Btrcrts , Omitlm , Nub. 1 BOHN MANUFACTURTrTc"CO. iVanufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , . ' : uldlniri , Slnlr Work uiul Inlc'rtnr llur.lVcJ < > .l riu < un , N. IS. CurnurStli nut ! l.cjuvuuwortll fctrri'ts , Uinatin. NIIU. Fittings , Pumps , Etc. ATll STRANG CO. . Pumps , Pipes and Engines , Steam , Water , Kn.lwny nnd Mining Supplier , Kla , VM.Vei unil V8I Knrtuilil Ktrt'Ct. ( MUHliu. CHUHCHILL PUM > "clo7i " Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam and WntPr Supjillos. H < " 'lnnntpr l < " * lmt. eel a Viirnnm t. , Ota U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. . " Sl6m ? and Water Supplies , Ilillldny Wlod Mill * . 1)18 ) and SO ) rnrnnm Sl.OiuabB. _ " r . UDB , Aclllij MIUI K < T " " BROWNELL & OO Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , Wort HJ m .mP. . , R.W M. . , . IH1 III } - . - , - , - . - " Iron " VVorkg. _ . .f STE"AM"B OILER WORKS , Carter i foil , rrii | > > . MuraifiKUiriTH of nil ind ! Steam Boilers , Tanks and Sheet Iron Wori Works Houtli iiUlli and II. A > l. Cnmlny. ' J'A.XTON A VJKKI.i.MJ IK N WOllKf. Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work , ICniilnet , Urns' Work , General Foundry , Muolilrio and llluckBiultli Work , imiiiiund Wurki , I' r. lly. uad KtU titnOtUoiiiliii ! OMAHA Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings P sk Halls , Wludow Ouitrds , Klnwi-r Kliunl ( , Wlro tliius , Ktc , I2J North IMIi Mri'i-l.Oiiiulia. OMA H A S A F E n un cNwn K S , Mau'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes I Vnult . .lall Work , Iron and Wlm Ki'iirli.ii.Hlens Ut ( ( > .Au.Uu a , I'icp'r. Cor. Ktlinn 4J ilsiuii ti , CHAMPION IRON nncl WIRE WORKS Iron and Wire Ffincos , Railing * , Guards and Scri-cns.for bunks , oAlti'S iioivp ii'i.l iui-e . etc , ui.ieii A lui : l ckiniiih ; uwB UihM WHITMOIiE. Fireaad Barglar Proof afMiao Lqcte uea.r- . jr-u fcft&J. " " " " ' i SY pgiot