VII I/ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE .f.r EIGHTEENTH YEAtf. OMAHA. MONDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER 12 , 1888 ; NUMBER 151 TIIEPiTTSBUiOINE HORROR Additional Incidents of the Terrible ! Explosion. 1 IDENTIFYING THE DEAD. Sorrow-fill Scenes nt ilic Mouth oftlio Stinft llcnrt-Ilrokcn IVIvcn nnd Mothcrn WcrniiijrOvcr Their Mutinied Uontli Death In the Mine. ST. Loui * , Nov. 11. Dispatches from I Plttsburg , Kan. , give the following ns some Of the incidents of n mine horror nt thut plnco : For hours after the cxnloslon had emifRMl out the lives of nearly n hundred men , the scene nt ttie pit wus distressing. Poorly clad women with babies clasped tote to their breasts came through the darkness by the light cnst. by the bonfires , llko ling- gnrd , uncanny beings from another world. Some shrieked above ttio storm ar.d mut tered ns they fell helpless on the shoulders of stronger neighbors. Others wcro mad in their despair , nnd toro their hair nnd garments nnd would have dashed headlong into the tomb but for the strength exhibited by the miners from other shafts. Ono poor woman whoso husband and two sons were In the pit , lay her thrco youngest children be- nldo the blazing flro nn.l then fell In hysterics among thorn. She lay unnoticed in this posi tion till morning when she wr.s removed to her homo n raving man lac. At one time thu c'ush of women and children wus so great that it was feared that violence would bo necessary In order to clear a way for the rescuers. The poor creatures fought each other in their despair and in some in stances inlllcting bcvcre punishment. As night were on the work of recovering the bodies continued until the floor of the engine house was strewn with mangled men. Their bodies were placed in rows upon the ground where the rain und snow beat upon them. Most of the victims wore shockingly muti lated , fcomo being so horribly disfigured us to be unrecognizable. All were covered with blood ami dust and many wcro almost stripped of their clothing. There was noth ing left of thq llrst man brought up from the dreadful hole but n bleeding trunk , for his extremities had been blown off. Many of the Kcnrchcrs fainted. As fast as the bodies were brought to the surface there was a rush mndo to identify them. A dozen women in many cases being engaged at onetime time scanning the bleeding fuco of some un fortunate. Them nro still nbout fifty bodies in the lower levels. Some of the victims wcro found buried beneath immense weights of slate , while others wcro discovered in groups nnd In nil kinds of positions. Two men who had not > jeon identified wcro so tightly locked In each other's nrms that It \vas with great diniculty that they were torn apart. Their eyes had been blown out by an explosion , and their faces were so horribly crushed that their bones were ground into the flesh. Coroner Fisher impaneled u jury this nftcrnoon and allowed them to view ttio remains - mains of the dead. The inquest will begin nt 'J o'clock to-morrow morning. 11 will bo u long one , ns every effort will bo made by both company nnd men to as certain the cause of the awful calamity \yith the exception of two or three who will bo buried by relatives , the victims will bo laid to rest with but ono service. The com pany will have full charge of the general funeral und will sec that the men arc given a Christian funeral. The bodies have been cleaned up ns well ns possible nnd plnced in neat cofllns ready lor the solemn services to-morrow. W. W. Allen , superintcndct of all the Santa Fo" mines , arrived nt noon , and began nn in vestigation into the cause of the explosion. Superintendent Robert Craig said ho was moro than over convinced that it was due to R the ignition of coal dust follow ing nn overcharge. The overcharge shot produces u Hume which puff * back and pathcrs up the dust and IffJl'tcs it. Hotter ventilation would have made more terrltlo the explosion in case of dust , because of n plentiful supply of oxygen. Mr. Craig stated that every morning before work two men wore sent through the mine to examine it for gas. On Friday , ttio day of calamity , they reported no gas 03 usual , and ho was of the opinion that the explosion ( if caused by gas ) would certainly have occurred before 5 o'clock p. m. , as 104 men wora working there all day with naked lumps ; but it did not take place until 5:10 p. in , when they began llrlng their shots. This convinces Mr , Craig that it was dust explosion. The mine can bo pnt Into condi tion for work in three or four days , and the money dnmngo is only slight. Mine Inspector specter Findluy's views coincide with those of Superintendent Craig , but many of the old mind's express opinions directly op posite. The relief subscription fund already amounts to $1,000 and it is constantly grow ing , Tlio Indies have been ministering to the wants of the wounded nnd the care of tbo Widows nnd children. Farmers' wives have como in for miles with food , clothing , ban dages , etc. , and all the citizens have been un tiring in their efforts to alleviate tbo suffer ing. AN OUTRAGE ? ) BANNER. A Harrison Fine Hauled Down I'uli- llc Indignation at the Outrage. Ci.RNiiouK , Wyo. , Nov. 11. [ Special Tolo- Rram to THU UEE. | A largo and costly American flag , which was made and pre sented to this town last Fourth of July by the ladles , wan yesterday suspended between the postoftlco building and the bank In honor of the olcc ou of Harrison , Last night some miscreant 01 miscreants cut down the flag nnd removed it. In consequence , the town Is Intensely excited this morning. The flag has not been recovered , nor the names of the per petrators of the deed discovered. All day yesterday threats that this would bo done were uttorcd on the streets , but they were not ercdltod. Rewards have been offered nnd published und the rowan ! fund lias al ready grown boyouj the sum offered. ' The oiti/cns' uoimnluco is 'investigating the outrage and Homnthing will undoubtedly bo done if the wretch is found out. A flag coni inittco of ladies has been formed nnil al though the day is the Sabbath , busy needles are going all ovnr town , and by neon u new Hag will bo raised und guarded. Material for the now Hag wus not at bund in town in sufllclcutquantities nnd donations came in from private sources , contributing the rod , whlto mid blue sure enough , but of vastly different shades. Ono merchant toro down his curtains of red cambric , another gave his blue flannel shirt. AH nro at work , nnd thu cry ou the streets Is , If any man haul * down the Ameicun llur ; shoot him on the spot. Tlio J'roBldont Klcct at Church , , Nov. Il.r-Prcslocnt-Elcct Harrison attended dtvino services this morn , ing ns usual nt his church , the First Presby terian , Rov. Dr , 11 nines pastor. Ho was ac companied by Mrs. Harrison , his son Rimo'.l nnd his wife , ami Mr. and Mrs. MeKco. Tiu ! church was crowded with stragers : in an ticipation of General Harrison's prcsenco. In tbo sermon Dr. Hr.lne * made no reference wlmtovor to the nscont elevation of ono of Us congregation to tlio presidency. Aftortho ncrvIcc-H had closed many members of the Vodrreatlon | ( ; gathered around und shoolr hands with General nnd Mri > . Hiirrisoii. A largo crowd nwuitM his coming out , but there wim : ir < demonstration. The day nt General Ilnuison's residence was u vrry quiet ono , 'J lie general passed most of his , tlmo in t'jo library reading or conversing with his family. In tlio evening a number ct Ills neighbors dropped in und visited for an hour or more. .lion. Win. II , Itarniini'ti Condition , BKimnrour , Conn. , Nov. 11 , A bulletin received at OHO p. m from Lluio Rock states that no cliuugo baa taken placft In William 21. Unruum'i condition since mluulght. HALIKJIUHY'H DINNIOU TALK Ho Sneers nt the Methods of Amer ican Politicians. | foi > i/rf/it ( ; JWS ( / * ) / Jmiiea Gimlon llennrtt. ] LO.NI > ON , Nov. II. fNew York Her ald Cable Special to TIIB Hr.E. ] Lord Salisbury has Informed the world that all is pence , nnd the sky of England is nil scrcno. This is doubt less the proper thing for prime ministers to say when they nro dining with the lord mayor , but the latter part of the speech , dwelling with great emphasis on the necessity of Eng land's making greater naval ami military preparations , contradicts the former Dart. For hu Is well nware that the sky , Instead of being ; clear , has n good many ominous clouds in it. How about the position at Suakim , over which Lord Salisbury passad so lightly ) Is there no danger there ! The English force is small and the enemy nro accumulating with n speed which gives no light anxiety to experienced English ofllccrs. This very morning It Is announced that Gen eral Grcnfell is In favor of n policy of pas sive resistance nt Sunklm. What docs Hint mean , except that the English force Is not strong enough to cope with the Arabs. Arc we In for another Egyptian war. which can bring no possible advantage to English people ple nnd will Inevitably to larcc sacrifice of life und expenditure to drain the treas ury ) So It would scorn. Lord Salisbury gives out word that the English do not mean to retire from Egypt Just yet. They will have to pay dearly for staying there. That much may bo inferred from the past , for fresh troops will hnvo to bo sent shortly unless the rebel lion collapses in an unexpected manner. I venture to doubt whether tlio nation will see those movements with satisfaction. Next comes the little disagreement with the United States. It may be doubted whether Lord Salisbury's reference to that was at all judicious , for expressed no regret for the highly mischievous interference of Lord Suckvillo in the domestic politics of the United States. Ho doe s not dcprccnto tha act but contents himself with a sneer nt the electioneering methods in America and utters nn ill-disguised exultation over the fact that President Cleveland and Ills party have been turned out. Well , Is that wise , especially as Lord Salisbury has made up his mind not to renew diplomatic relations with the United Stntcs for some time to comoi The side xvhich undoubtedly put itself In the wrong nt the outset has not much right to show resentment , even if it receives nn affront. The ufTront is a part of thu consequence quence of Its own net. Lord Salisbury evi dently takes a different view of matters and thinks Lord SacUvillo was not to blame , and the solo responsibility rests with President Cleveland's government. Is that the view which is taken by most Englishmen or by n majority of the house of commons ! There are very good reasons for doubting it. Per haps the question may bo brought to some sort of test before very long. Removing the Kcmuins. UA.I-ID CITV , Dak. , Nov. 11. [ Special Tol- cgram to Tim Hun. ) The remains of Thomas E. Pendloton , George W. Jones , John Erquhurt and J. W. Patterson , the four men who were murdered by Indians near Rapid City in August , 1870 , were to day removed from their place of burial 1o Evcrgiccn cemetery. Exercises of an im posing order accompanied the event , and wore attended by the surviving pioneers of the Hlack Hills. Tlio address of the day was mndo by D. R. Hughes , editor of the Journal , n 'Tiler. ' The procession to the cem etery was ono of the longest ever seen in this town. The nftuir was conducted under the auspices of the city nnd county. AMUSHAlliNrS. The announcement that Gilmore's wonder ful band would give two performances , mat inee and evening , drew large audiences to the Grand opera house. In their anticipations the public were in no wise subjected to the slightest disappointment. Gilmore gave two complete and eminently successful demon strations of his great capacity as a caterer or n ublic favor and the efforts of himself and assistants met with unstinted upplauso from an audience that were prodigal in their favors but somewhat exacting in their de mands for encores. Gilmoro's artists ap peared yesterday with all the triumphs of their past successes thick upon them , and the many "catchy" features of their work as instrumentalists were supplemented by the presence of a very capable quartette of vocaliats. In addition to this the cannon accompaniment was in troduced with m ueh effect ut certain stages of their performance. The solo work by Sig ners RnlTaylo und Stonglor euphonium und clarionet , together with Mr. Sax , who received a double encore for his flute obli gate and selections from UounodsJ opera of "Faust1 , furnished abundant proof of the capacity of the orchestra. nTho band displayed all its old-time precis ion of execution. At no time was there the slightest uppcurance of lack of harmony , and the great maestro , Gilmore , kept his forces thoroughly in hand , wcUdlng the baton as only Gilmore can do , thereby securing a perfec tion of ensemble so necessary for perform ances , such as those of yesterday. Consti tuted as Gilmoro's orchestra is , every man an artist in himself , "great exnectations" were formed. Ferfect faith win kept by the performers , und the public wont uwuy de lighted. In thu selection from "Chimes of Norinumlio" nothing could bo liner than the execution , und u cleverer rendition of "Plumiuctto's" music could not have bcon obtained. The delightful piquancy with which the movements were commenced and carried through a succession of Intricate forte nnd planissamo passages was per fectly delightful. Probably the midunto from the fifth symphony by Hcothovon was the most perfectly executed number. This was played superbly. All the Ideas of the great composer worn given full Issue and the colouring was something'to bo remem bered. In llko manner the "Alpmo Storm Scene , " one ( if Kunkei's must perplexing orchestral compositions , was played Iiy the band , with thu ttssistunco of mechanical ef fects , in such n manner as to rouse the audi ence to prcai enthusiasm. Tim "Pmyor and finale , " from Wagner's "Lohengrin , " as well a-s Pujfuwint's "Carni val of Venice , " brought Into full display the great musical rosouiccs of the company under Colonel GUmont's control. Tlio latter presentation introduced no loss than fourteen holoists , Mnilumo Hlaiit'ho Stone Ilarton Is a so prano singer of considerable celebrity , und nor voualis.'ii ut both mutinco und overling coucorts mot with great upprebntlon. Miss Dudley Campbell is thu forliiiiute possessor of u contralto voice of great flexibil ity. Tilts lady sung the Pugo Song from "Leu Huguenots" with perfect ( ' \ccuilon and KUrli curncslncx of delivery us to win for her the sympathies of tliw undlsucf. Signor Kinosto llaldnn/w , the tunov vocalist of thu company- ns linn an exponent , ft thut rolu us OimUia has hud the privilege of hr.arinj ; for manj n Jong day , His ( 'host .IIOICH urn magnificent , mid HinjliK ! perfectly in tuuo in uvcry number itlUittf.l to him. His pel formation yesterday vorij milof the great fnatures of the con ciirtfl. Hcrr Emll SU-jjor is u very reliable liavitono Hingcr. In thu delicious quartette from Verdi's "Risolctto , " thrso-four artists guvo their hcarw * iv gcntiinu trout. In rvc-rvrespect tliouxlIbltioiisgivcn ) under Colomi ( J limiru's direction wore inobt plcnx- KtcuhiudUjtluyv Ho tins lost none of hi * ? act In voiuMclIng , nnd carried the various iiumboM tojnore than successful tormina- tlcn. Thi'ir ending amounted to positive fu- roT3 of M > pauio. ! Gilmore is truly a mar velous mail ut his business , und his baton was uptly described by un old concert fre quenter as "Not u baton at all , but a maul- fun's vtaud , ' ! FRUITS OF THE VICTORY , Some of the Benefits to Bo Derived From Harrison's Election. REPUBLICANS'BRIGHT PROSPECT The Advantages of ControllltiK the JUcaiiportlontncnt of the Congres sional DlRtrlctH Harrison's Private Secretary. O\mu BBC. 1 Olfl FouiiTKKNTii STUEKT. > WAsni.xorox. D. C. , Nov. 11. ) There is one feature of the victories nt the polls last week which docs not seem to have fully dawned yet upon the minus of the act ors , but which Is being discussed with a great deal of concern by some of the demo crats of the south. That Is that the control of the two houses of congress will give the republican publican party the control also of the appor tionments under the eleventh census. The eleventh census will bo taken in June , IS'.K ) , nnd the reapportlonmcnt of congressional representation will follow during the session of congress succeeding. The suppression of the colored vote In the south will certainly lead to a curtailment of the number of repre sentatives in that section , nnd a correspond ing Increase In the representation of some of the western states , notably Nebraska , Kansas and Minnesota , which are naturally republican. Ibis , together with the admission of four now states with at least twolTO electoral votes , in 1802 , will change the status of the next campaign to a considerable degree , and will be likely to have n marked effect in maintaining the ascendency of the republican dynasty. Southern men profess to believe that their section will lose at least ton electoral votes in the now apportionment , which they natur ally infer will be added to the strength of the republican states of tlio northwest. If this is done nnd the new .states admitted prove to bo republican in sentiment there Is reason to believe that the solicitude of the southern democrats is well founded nnd that some at least of the elements of uncertainty will be removed from the next grand contest , Republican success tins year also means that the control of the United States su preme court is no longer in danger of passing out of the hands of the republican party. President Harrison will , in nil probability , have the appointment of four , mid possibly live , associate justices during his term , and that will insure the control of the highest court in the count.y for the generation unless the mortality among the members of the court is much heavier than it bus ever been before. On the whole therefore the republi can party has increasing causes to congratu late itself us the slgnilicance of last Tues day's victory becomes apparent , rou TUB rnciniBXT's ' IMUVATR snuiinTAitY. The correspondent of the Detroit Tribune sends the following to his paper to-night : "The Washington correspondent are moro interested in the appointment of a private secretary to the new president , perhaps , than In any other change which will bo made upon the inauguration of President Harrison , and when it appears likely that one of their number will bo chosen for this important place , their interest becomes still more keen. It is generally thought here that Mr. Perry S. Heath , for seven years the correspondent of the Indianapolis Journal , will be selected for this place , mid it speaks volumes for Mr. Heath's popularity that the suggestion of his name meets with the heartiest commendation of every man on Newspaper Row without a single exception. The position of private secretary to the president is an executive ono and very difficult to 1111. Hav ing business with the executive oftlce a suc cessful private secretary must have a wide acquaintance with public men. He must bo thoroughly familiar with the routine duties of the white house , as well as a knowledge of i flairs in both houses of congress. So cially ho must have the qualitlcations neces sary to take a great deal of the routine from the executive shoulders , nnd he must be a man upon whom the newspaper correspond ents can rely for accurate and not misleading information. Mr. Heath is thirty years of age. He has resided in Washington for seven years , and is positively one of the most popular in the corps of correspondents. His intimate knowledge of matters before congress would make him a val uable advisor to the president when called upon to consider measures which might or might not bo shaky. Mr. Heath wus one of the llrst newspaper correspon dents hero to start u boom for General Harrison risen and during the latter days of the cam paign he has been at the gcnoraljs side. Ho is still in Indiana and as ho knows nearly every politician in the Hoosler state ho will , if appointed , relieve the president of the po litical work of the stato. Mr. Heath has travelled extensively in Europe , and besides his newspaper writings bus written an inter esting little work on Russia , which was pub lished this summer under the title , "A Hooslnr In Russia. " A few years ago Mr. Heath wrote a scries of letters upon the duties of the various executive departments which wore the best papers of the kind which have yet appeared. Colonel Alexander , formerly fifth auditor of the treasury , has been mentioned as a possibility in this place , but Colonel Alexander told your correspondent hlmsoif on Wednesday last that ha had no intention of appearing as n candidate for the position in any way , nnd further , he said , that In his opinion Mr. Heath was the best man for the place , and the one most likely to bo selected by the president-elect. A FUND rou sins. ( iKxr.iui , siimtiDAjr. A schedule of General Sheridan's estate has been filed in the court and foots up t < 55- 000 , including his real estate hero and on the island of Nantuckct , his library , his valuable swords and other ralics of value. As most of the property is unproductive , Mrs. Sheri dan will be left with a very small income and a few friends have undertaken to ralso a fund of $100,000 for her benefit. They no not appeal to the public , but are quietly passing a paper nronnd for signatures with grunt suc cess. Several gentlemen , umongthcm George W. Child * , Anthony Drexel of Philadelphia , Vice President Morton , Joseph Pulitzer , Marshall Field , Gcorgo M. Pullman , P. D. Armour , and General Algur , of Michigan , liuvn subscribed f 5,000 each , and n number of others have contributed $ 1,000. It is belle veil that the sum desired wil bo raised without dilllculty or much delay. FKKrAiuxo KOII TIII : INAUOCIUI , BAI.I , . The republicans In this city have already got into a squabbln about the nrrnngmeents for the Inaugural ball. The Republican league took the Initial step Immediately after Harrison's election was assured , and ap pointed n coniinittco with General Edward I1' , Hcalo ns chairman , to set the machinery in motion. This league Is n political club , which embraces in its membership nearly all tlio oniclaU In the District of Columbia , und they naturally would like to display their nrdor as early and us often ns possible , but the prominent citizens who do not belong to the dub have clubbed together against this assumption of authority , and have called n meeting , nt which a committee of citizens will bo appointed to tuku charge of the ball ami ralsn money to pay the expenses. In order to settle all disputes ns to the chair manship of this committee , Senator Quay hut bt'cn uslu'd to select a man , nnd ho has named Colonel A , T. Hrltton , a prominent lawyer , who was tha largest contributor in lha District of Columbia to the republican campaign fund. Thu Weather Indication ) ) , .I'or Ncl'raMtu ' : AVurinnr in eastern portion , Mutlonury in western portion with southerly FcirPakota : Fair , followed In northern portion by 1's'it ' ' rain or biiow , slight changes In tem.'itraturc with southwesterly winds. Tor Iowa and ylseonHln ; Warmer in ex- trflino riorthwi'Morn Iowa , stationary tern- IKiruturo wltlt bouthwestcrly winds. . I'or Illinois ; Slightly warmer , fair , ' outUwoat < rly winds , . , ntn HI : MunimuJns C ISvldcnco CotinccQlntc n Canadian Minister with a Terrible Crime. MoNTiir IT , , Nov. 11. { Special Telegram to THE HF.R. ] In Juno last the community of Danville , near here , wn4 startled ono morn ing by the finding in a mlUK | > nd at that plnco the dead body of Miss Lily Powell , the handsome daughter of Kov. Dr. Powell , n Congregational minister residing nt Shor- brook. Investigation showed that the girl wn * undoubtedly murdcrofl. George and Fred Allen nnd a woman tc whom the latter wua paying attentions had been acquainted with Lily Powell , and the night before the lattcr's ' body was found the four had nttcmtcd a Salvation Army celebra tion. Hie Aliens were arrested. Fred Allen nnd the woman proved Indisputably that they were not near the scene of the murder , and George Allen proved nn nllbi bj the testimony of the murdered girl's father , Dr. Powell. All the prisoners were dis charged and $1,000 reward was offered for the murderer's ' apprehension , Detectives from Montreal were secured on the case. As a result , two weeks ago Gcorgo Allen and ttie woman were rcarrcsted nnd indicted for the murder of Lily Powell. A strict watch was nlao sot over the father of the murdered girl. The trial began on Thursday , but no evidence directly connect ing the Aliens with the case was adduced until this mornlne , wtien Mrs. Schcnevln , a neighbor of the Powells , was asked if George Allen had said anything to her nbout Lilly before the latter wus murdered. She said she had been told that Rev. Dr. Powell paid n man $300 to kill his daughter. It seems that Powell's wife when she died left * 0,000 to u son and daughter ; Powell went sailing with his son ono day and the son never re turned. The father said ho fell overboard and was drowned. It is now believed that Powell killed his son and had the daughter murdered so he could got their money. The case is still being worked upon by detectives , and the trial goes on. 'Powell Is under sur- velllunco. THIS ChKAUANOE UKCO11O. The Financial Tr iiHaotloiiH of the Pant Week. BOSTON , Mass. , Nov. 11. [ Special Tele gram to the Hr.i : . ] The following table compiled from dispatches to the Post from the managers of the lending clearing-houses of the United States , shows the rate per cent of Increase or decrease ns compared with the amounts for the corresponding week last year : < "West Snutte Mrs. C'lovolancl. NEW YOUK , Nov. 11. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ! A Journal special from Washington says : Through the medium of his pretty daughter , Lord Snckvlllo has re venged himself nga'Oist President Cleve land in truly English stylo. Miss West went out shopping yesterday with nvoll known member of the Italian legation , for whom the young lady has of Into shown n decided partiality. The two entered n big dry goods store on Ponnsylvnniu nvenuo and were talking over.thelr purchases when the president's carriage drove up to the curb and Mrs. Cleveland alighted. Miss West nnd her Italian friend saw this but affected ignorance of the in ct thut the president's ' wife wns In the store , Mrs. Cleveland approached them. Tbo young at tachco raised his nat. Mre. Cleveland acknowledged the salute und spoke to him. Then with a smile she ex tended her hand to Miss West. Hut that young lady would have none of it. With n supcrcilllous nir she looked at Mrs. Cleve land from head to foot as if she wcro some important beggar , j tWHn n well studied dramatic action she shrank from the ex tended hand and folding hers in front of her , turned her back do the president's wife. Mrs. Cleveland blanched for a moment. Her position was very embarrassing. Half n dozen of the store employes bad witnessed this incident nnd Miss West's Italian friend wore a stolid look of prnocupatlon ns if ho were careless of the insult offered. Mrs. Cleveland's face flushed , her lips contracted nnd her eyes flashed. Her equanimity , however , was very eo'on restored and with out suylng another word to cither Miss West or tlio Italian , she passed on to a neigh boring counter und transacted her business quickly nnd left the store. Inasmuch ns the two ladles have often been seen together of late the incident hashirovldcd great food for the gossips. The prevailing opinion Is that Lord Sackvllle's rccint discomfiture ought never to have influonbod his daughter's good manners. To an intimate friend she ad mitted that she keenly felt being snubbed , not so much because llio British minister's daughter had snubbou her , as for the reason that she had hoped tij leave Washington for ever with nothing bui pleasant recollections of tbo place. \ Housing ; Ratification at Oraf'lon. GHAI-TON , Nob. , Nijv. 11. [ Special to Tun HUE. ] A rousing ratification was given In this place last nlghfand Harrison nnd Mor ton was in evnry mojuh , There w _ tiring of anvils , blowing ofhorns ) , ringlngCi bolls , men , women and children iniu'chlug nud singing , in short a ' 'night mndo hideous. " Such demonstration Wus Indulged In for over an hour , when the procession Inarched to n huge pllo of baled hay saturated with oil , nnd with proper ceremonies the largest bon tire our people ever saw was started , Then fol lowed the speech making which was of the very best , bcwjuse , it cntno direct from the hearts of uuch old soldiers us Cap- tolns Heal und. Uurdctt , Mr. Teller , Ucorgu H. Warren. fiditor'Fisher , Prof. Hurts , l > r. Hallard , H. J. Ouy and otliern also favored the crowd with ( uilliusiastio remarks. Ttio glee club was on bund und rendered their usual stirring songs , which wcro greatly en joyed. The oxcreUcs closed with n grand free oyster' supper for thu democrats and prohibitionists. Everybody was happy , re- jub.llcuns rejoiced , democrats who had been weening-yiped their eyes and laid asiuothu red bandana , and even the prohibitionists smiled a sort of'a smile. Btcaiuulili > Arrival * ) . At Now Vork-JTho Alaska , from Liver- pop ) . i ' WONMTIIEANTIMONOPOLIES The Thirty Thousand Iowa Railroad Votes Fall to Materialize. THEIR CANDIDATES ARE ROUTED " \Vhllo the Antl-Corporntloii Cnntll- tlntoi llollUiiTrctiuMiloiiH M : | ur- Ity.nnd tlio Ucpiililtcniifi Sweep tlic Suite Iilkc u Cjclnur. A Political Tidal Wave. DES MOIVKS , In. , Nov 11. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : lii ) : : . I Tlio political "tlilnl wave" lias struck Iowa In full force. Harrison risen nnd Morton hnvo carried the state by more than 30,1)00 ) ninjorlty , anil ovcry candi date on the republican state ticket Is cer tainly elected. Tlio battle has boon fought and the victory won by the unU-monopoly clement of the party , and the : < iUOO ) railroad votes that were to bo cast against the repub lican ticket did not materialize on election day , or were inoro than offset by the votes of old-timo grconbaekors and democratic farm ers , who Hocked to the republican stand ard on account of the bold position taken by the last state convention In favor of the control of corporations. The (10,000 ( majority called up for Smith and Campbell for railroad commissioners over Wills and Dey , the railroad candidates , attests In some degree the popularity of these ofllclals. C. L. Lund , tlio other domoct title candidate , seems to have boon lost sight of in the deal , but ho is iiulto likely behind the party vote many thousand. Tlio railroads appear to have made no cITort to elect Limit. Kvery ono of tlio tickets so industriously peddled on election day by their heelurti and strikers had the names of Wills and Doy instead of Campbell ami Mnliln , but llttlo effort being made to beat Smith. The scheme to get Wills name on the union labor ticket seems to have succeeded in many places and Dey wus suuported by them almost to a man. The city of Dubuimo , a union labor stronghold - hold , ( jives Doy more than -1,000 majority over Mnkin The railroad nnd the antimonopoly - monopoly elements vied with each other in cutting M.ikin and voting for Dey , and ho has come very near bolus elected. Makin's majority is not more than 2,500 , and may bo entirely wiped out by the ofllclul returns from Fremont , Pattawutumie , Carroll and other strong democratic counties. The republicans of this county ( Polk ) were completely dozed by the completeness of their victory. To carry this county by 1,000 was the highest expectations of the most sanguine , and when tlio returns showed more than 2,000 majority for Harrison nnd the election of the whole state and county ticket , they could hardly realize it. Among the residents of DCS Moincs are a largo number of boosters who have taken Horace Groely's ' advtco and "gone west , " and their enthusiasm was unbounded. Everyone of them , so far as known , voted for Harrison , and their influence contributed largely in piling up the magnificent majority for the state ticket. Another result of the election is the utter rout and dlscomlituro of the so-called independent republicans. This element , which favors high license rather than prohibition , and was able to muster eight or n in u hundred votes , last year , was squarely defeated. Phlllipps , their pet candidate for prosecuting attorney , though endorsed by the democrats and supported by by the union labor party , was boated by Macouiber , the republican and prohibition nominee , -by. Qtua4aur hundred majority. This means thut the prohibitory law will bo.enforced for the next two .years to the very letter , so far as this ofticor is concerned. The prohibition candidates for [ ustice of the peace and constables nro all elected m the city , with a single exception , and the question whether or not the prohibi tory law can be enforced in a city , tlio size of DCS Moincs , will have a fair trial during the coining two vcars. The defeat of Weaver and Anderson for congress was a surprise to all parties. The heavy vote polled in the district , the excite ment of a presidential campaign , the defec tion of leading old-time grcenbnckcrs , and the determination of the democratic leaders , to unload Weaver at any cost , were the main elements that contributed to the defeat of the greenback statesman. The republicans bought the greenback papers in his district , mid either suppressed them or turned thorn Dgainst their chief. Every prominent old- time greenbucker who had deserted the party was placed on the slump , and "Farmer Caine , " the union labor candidate for governor last year , openly op posed Weaver's election. Davis county , Weaver's home , only gave him GOO majority , a loss of nearly five hundred from two years SIL'O. "The defeat of the great chieftain and leadIng - Ing exponent of the greenback theory means the death of that party in this state. The Strceter votes returned this year only foot up from six to ten thousand against 1.1,000 votes for the party at the last election. Then there are factions in the party striving for leadership and masquerading with the demo crats for personal advantage , and another year will witness a still further reduction of their voting forces. The defeat of Anderson in the Eighth district was a surprise to the most astute re publicans. His own county ( Fremont ) is largely responsible for the result. His major ity of about eighteen hundred two years ago completely molted away , and Taylor county , which gave- him seven hundred , now goes about four hundred for Flick. Anderson was not defeated because- the people of his district repudiated the "Imogeno platform" on which ho wus first elected , but rather because - cause the republican party has dethroned "Hepburnlsm , " nnd made the leading prin ciples expounded by Major Anderson a part of Its creed. In other words , thousands of anti- monopolists voted for Flick because ; hey believed he was ( Just as strongly in favor of correcting corporation abuses as Anderson. Ono of the most grati fying results of the election was the com plete vindication of the policy adopted by Governor Larrabeo In regard to the control of corporations. The magnificent majority of 00,000 for Smith and Campbell for railroad commissioners may bo taken as the measure of the governor's popularity. His sufo to say that this emphatic endorse ment of the pcoplo will not only encourage ho railroad commissioners in doing their duty , but will also allay tlio fears of timid partisans who dread the power of the rail roads in politics. When Judge Huhbardgcts through counting the votes Wills hicks of a majority , if ho is wise ho will ndviuo the Northwestern that hereafter it had better attend to its legitimate business of trans porting freight nnd passengers and keep out of politics , especially in a state Where the people nro as determined as they are in Iowa to correct corporation abuses and secure relief from railroad extortion. The curses of the average democratic uoli- tlclari at the course pursued by Chairman Hunter are both loud and dcen. If their memory docs not fall them , it will bo many a year before they n'lll allow themselves to bo drawn Into another corporation combine to defeat the will of the people. Ku.\ . Columbus Will Celebrate. COI.UMIIUS , Neb. , Nov. U. [ Special to Tun Bii.Ji : : The election of Harrison und Morton will bo celebrated by a grand Jollification Monday evening. A torchlight procession , headed by two bands , will parade the princi pal streets , The buildings will be illiimin- utcd on the route of tbo procession , C. B. Stillmun will convoy a pound of cheese to the residence of JO. D , KitipatrJrlr , In u toy wheelbarrow. L , W. Weaver will enjoy a rldo in a wheelbarrow uround the public square at tiib hands of another democrat. John Tniumliill , u veteran of the war. will act as grund marshal. Delegations will IK ) invited from the country and surrounding towns. Columbus was the first city in the United Stntcs to ratify the nomination of Harrison und Morton , and L. Qcrrnnl made the ilrst speech. Mr. Oerrurd will ho called upon Monday evening to address the pcoplo In Fitipatrick'a hall oil the election of the \VICKIU.Y DUSlNlvSH UU Tlio lifrcct of the PronltliMitlnl Hlec- tloii on the Country's Trnde. Ciurvtio , Nov. 11 ( Special Telegram to Tun Hun , ) Tlio same features that were olv served In financial circles during the pro cccdlng week largely prevailed during the past week. Money was in good demand from the local grain trade for tlio purpose of handling cereals hero and at interior points where there nro stocks accumulating. Coun try bankers nro also asking fur liberal lines of discounts , and the demand for mercantile purposes has been good , mid also by many Jobber * whoso collections are cash. Sales were materially curtailed by neglect of bnil- ness for iMilitics , and now that tlio election is over business will claim moro attention , and the demand from that wnuvu Is expected to subside ; the decrease , however , will bo moro than balanced by enlarged calls from other lines of business instead of diminution in demand , It is likely to still further ex pand and although banks nro strong In funds they will uiiquestlonatily ilml the sup ply of paper seeking discounts quite .is largo us they care to provide for. Interest rates were firmly maintained nt ( I per cent on call and ( % < iS per cent on tlmo loans , and borrowers need not ho surprised to see slightly suffer prices within the next few months. Such , nt least , is the opinion of some of the best banks hi this city , unless , however , there Is enlarged foreign demand for gold to settle our trade balance , which unfortunately has been materially increased by the refusal of Kuropo to taKe the average per centago of our bread stuffs. There is little reason to look for an m\\ \ \ comfortably close money market during the next six months. Shipments of money to this country were moderate. New York ex change has been bnroly active at " > c discount to 'J5i ! premium per $1,000 and closed tit par. Foreign exchange was stronger and higher. Documentary sterling sold at M.b'JJi@4.KlU , closing at W.Slt. Jobbing trade in dry goods and miscellaneous lines of merchandise was slow , but prices for nearly all leading arti cles were steady , nnd marked changes In val ues are not anticipated in the near future. Merchants who are in a position to select their customers say that collections are fairly good , but some houses complain of slow payments , though hope for better results in the near luture. The New York stock market was dull during the early part of the week , as Wall street operators devoted moro attention to political affairs than to speculation. Tlio lirst two days wore devoted to ovening-up trades , as shorts feared n Mmrp advance. There was also n disposition on the part of room traders to buy for a small bulge. A firmer feeling was developed and prices ad vanced moderately. The market opened strong and higher after the holiday and the "iongs" took advantage of the ndvnnce and sold freely and secured fair prollts. Outside support proved inadequate to sustain the ap preciation anil a sharp recession In values followed , and about all of the Rains were lost. The feature of the trading was the ac tivity in Chicago gas trusts , which are on "unlisted room , " and a listed and larger ad- viinco was recorded and fairly well main tained. The weakest securities were "coal ers" and southern stock , which sold freely. Grander stocks were ( inlet , the only feature being tbo statement of the Chicago , Burling ton & Quincy for September , showing a net loss in earnings from 1S3T of $144,000 , and for nine months ending September ISO of $5W,000. , ; Tills , however , had little effect on values. Vunderbilts were steady and relatively stronger than other trunk line stocks , owing to a report that they were earning moro than their present dividends. The closing days witnessed increased trading. Taking the market on a'whole , it was a narrow and nervous one. The total sales on the New York stock-exchange-'for the wcclc ending Friday were 040,73. ! shares. Business in produce circles has been moro settled and the excitement attending the presidential election has died away. Specu lative trading has been only moderately active. Neither buyers nor sellers were ap parently willing to trade to any extent but were rather disposed to even up their trade. Among shippers there was moro inclination to forward grain eastward before the close of navigation , consequently there was a lit tle more life in shipping circles. Receipts of grain at all western markets have been moderately free , and shipments well maintained , especially from lake ports. Considerable grain also has been moved from the interior points on through rates of freight. The prices which have ruled were somewhat Irregular , ruling higher on some cereals and lower on others. Export movement of corn has stimulated that article and oats have sympathized slightly. Seeds have shown a little moro steadiness , but improvement In prices was slight. Provisions were stronger and prices more favorable to sellers , duo to light re ceipts of hogs. Receipts of cattle and sheep were well maintained. Export movement of articles , excepting corn , has been small , considerably loss than at this time last year. Speculative operators give more deferred deliveries pref erence and are gradually transferring their trades ahead. May delivery is slowly gainIng - Ing In favor. The bulk of trading is now in deliveries beyond the oncning of the year. Wholesale HorHC-Stciillujr. TOI-KKA , Kan. Nov. 11. [ Special Telegram to TUB BKK. | The Morton county farmers are greatly excited over the wholesale Horse stealing which has been in progress there for several days past. Morton is situated on the Indian Territory lino. Friday night twelve desperadoes headed by the notorious outlaw , Uill Doty , came up from No-Man's- Land for the purpose of driving off all the tiorscs In the southern part of the county. They be an with Captain Milton's herd of thirteen thoroughbreds , which were released from the stables nnd started in the direction of the territory. The remainder of the gang then visited every ranch In the township and took possession of every horse of value. When they reached the farm of .Tamos L. Horlon ho nnd his sons showed light , and with three shotguns nnd plenty of ammunition they made it warm for Doty's crowd. The desperadoes were too numerous , however , and Horton und his sons were finally cap tured. The thrco prisoners were tied to a fence with heavy rope and wera compelled to remain in this position until discovered seven hours later by a neighbor , when they wore released nnd found that every horse on their farm hail been driven away. Over sixty head of horses were captured by the gang and driven to a point three miles below the territory in No Man's land. Hero the gang congregated yesterday with their liorses and started for the Oklahoma country. They had pone but n short distance when they wore overtaken by a posse of Morton county farmers. A desperate light ensued during which George Hill , ono of the horse thieves , was seriously wounded and his crowd was compelled to take to flight , but managed to got uway with twcnty-llvo head of horsos. The farmers nro organising a vigilance society nnd will bo prepared to meet the gang when they put in another uppcar- uncc. A Fnrowcll to Itov , Coiulaiul. ] Farewells usurped the place of the us.ul : Sabbath evening services in the Unitarian church last night , and members of the con- grcgutlon crowded around to say good-byo to the pastor they had listened to for years. To-night the Kov. Mr , Copeland leaves Omaha for Spokane , W. T. , and as ho makes no promise to return , It Is probable thut the far west will be the scene of his future la bors. If ho so decides his family will leave in the spring , ami bear to him the best wishes of tno many friends made during ills pastor ate In this city. I.iist evening was spent In n liomo-UUo , Informal manner , which gave- everyone present u chancu for a parting word und u furowoll olunp of the pastors hand. Tlio I'lro Fiend In Ban Francisco , S. N Fniixcieco , Nov. 11. Fire broUaout at the corner of Ninth and Market street about midnight. McCus' carriage factory , Pringlo's ' eboe factory and Fink & Behind * Inr's furniture factory burned. Total i-jsg , 100,000 ; mewdpce. 30.000. IN MEMORY OF THE MARIYRS , - Disciples of the Rod Flag Hold H Mooting. THE USUAL SPEECHES MADE , IVrvltl Appeal1 * to thi ImliorhiK Man to Throxv OIV tltn Vokc of tlio CapitalistFlory l < itn tilotu Ciuituroil. At Mc-tr. Unit. Simply , yet strikingly , was Moti1 hall decorated yesterday , but the red and black colors of anarchism look the place of the na ttotinl Haw , ni they dratied the portraits of those who , n year ago , expiated upon the gallows the crimes their te.iehlngs had led others to commit. Aroun 1 the wnlls were pictures emblematic of the growth of nn archi.stlcal doctrines , interspersed with Gor man mottoes , and below the portrait that adorned the stage was ono reading , "Our Heroes roes Against Tyranny. " The o In Gorman wore of the usual nature , calling on work * ingmen to nwulto und know their might , nnd urging them to "Down with tyranny" Anarchy still lives. Ladies were among tuo audlenoo , listening quietly to the declama tions of the orators , nnd altogether there was an nir of quietness about the mooting Unit seemed nt vnrinneo to all preconceived notions of what It should bo llko. Otto Von den Stein took the chair , ami after briefly recounting the incidents they were called uton | to memorise , introduced ns the llrst speaker , Andreen Ahlotis , of Coun cil HlulTs , who said it was not the llrst tluio ho had addressed an Omaha nudlcnco ou n somowliat similar occasion , and referred to the killing of Arm strom : by the militia some years ago. Ho said they were accused of being revolutionists , and yet n capitalistic paper In Omaha had said , the day after election , that events were pointing toward nn aristocracy or n revolution. It was not considered a crime for the press to make that statement , but it wus for them to do go us socialists. Look ut society us it is now constituted , und you will see that u few want to control the many ; they want to sny what you will eat. drink , wtwr , or do. but when tlio question is to better yourcondition , they leave it a blank. Look nt Nebraska , where they talk about personal liberty , nnd then look at things us they uro. All should study hociiillsm , and especially the Gorman citizens. Many would like to know whether socialists nro numerically strong or not , nnd all such -should refer to Victor Hugo's immortal work "Lea Mlscrnblea. " Every class and every ago has had its martyrs. Luther was one , Giillico was ono mid the men that died in Chicago wcro the martyrs of to-duy. butf the principles they advocated huvo not died with them. The disciples of unurchy are found among the poets and writers. Longfellow - fellow wrote it , nnd 1'roctor read it among the stars. It reached from California to Maine , both above and below ground. It is found among the professors , touchers , me chanics , miners , nnd oven among the churches ( "So help mo G d , I Know of them in Council HlulTs , " the speaker said ) . Anarchy had no wlsU to diiturb the religious beliefs of any , as It taught freedom of thought to all. A few weeks n o u lecture on behalf of the Knights of Labor stated that members of that body wcro not nimrchilts , und the luttor could thank God that the statement was true , for in tlmo of trial the knights had htood idly by and saw tbo martyrs hanged. They had stolen their ideas from the anar chists , and from them learned thd doctrine that the railways should be owned by tha state. They were instructed to refrain from interfering with politics , on the pain of for feiting their charter , and yet how can they bring around reform If not by the ba'lotl ' If It's not the ballot , it must bo revolution The knights do not meddle in politics and look to the ballot for reform. Neither do the anarchists meddle with the ballot they look to revolution for reform. And if they are revolutionists , what is going to be done about it ) He bad been to the halls of tha convention In Philadelphia , and hnU scon enough there to warn the workingmen of Omaha to come out and Join the socialists and leave Powderly nud his crew to paddle their own canoe. Silcnca is good , but was it right to remain silent while martyrs hanged ! That is what the knights had done , and it WAS to keep Spies forever silent about n transaction , in which a banker was discreditably asso ciated , that he was made a victim of legalized murder. Ono of the planks of the prohibi tion party platform was to abolish , or make elective , the senate or thu American house of lords , nnd yet the same wish had always been among the dreams of the German socialists. Tha prohibitionists were manlier than the othoe parties , and it is right to give even the dovll credit wiien he deserves it. They were men of convictions und they did not hesitate to announce them , although It put thoin on the same level us the much nbusod anarchists , who sought the name reform. It was a cue * whcro the extremes of both parties met on a common platform. Anarchy cannot ba stopped. Its principle is one for nil and all for onoand it will como whether It is wanted or not. Omaha is n young city nnd has not felt the hunger und want that is known in Chicago and Now York , but the time Is coming when it will feel it , und then it will bo found that anarchy is not dead not oven in Coun cil Bluffs. Mr. Short , nlso of Council Uluffs , wan tha next speaker , nnd addressed tlio "brollicra and sisters" from the standpoint of an "Irisli Fenian. " He claimed to bo an "American Fenian , " ns well ns Irish. Ho was glad to be among such men us ho saw befoio himbo- cause they carried such noble principles , und they should look on the deceased anarchists as being true American cltl/.ens. He had been nineteen yours in Council HlulTs and hud never hoard such noble principles. Tha 'I principles for which men had been executed In England ar.d Ireland and Chicago wcro tha principles of humanity , where humanity should bo governed in its own best Interest. The principles for which thcso men died ex tended around the world , nnd traced to land lords and railways the misery of the world. There were sotno who Bald that talooim wora the cause of the misery , but the speaker : denied it. Ho had been in the business him self , and ho know there were noble souls in it , looking for the benefit of their fellow men. Ho would not sny what he dona in tiie pant , for it would not be becoming , but the question was , hero wo are and to whom does the land belong ) To thu few or to tha whole nation I If it belonged to the few , ttio nation was poverty stricken , and If. It ) was , the ) Kipulution was necessarily jo > r. The poverty of Ireland was caused by the land slipping from the poopls Into the hands of the fow. That question was now before thorn , and ho would llko to see every man and woman , fenmns. Tha women could help their husbands as they did In the battle of Limerick , where they turned an English victory Into defeat. Tliey should educate each other , mid when next called upon to cost their wanted.'I tlgato the character of the candidate usklng their BUtTrnrvs. Mr. Sehenecko spoke at some length In German und was followed by Miss Krolsdermor , who recited u poeia commommorativoof the events of a year iigo. She was followed by Dr. Murder and other * in German , and then the hull wus relin quished , to bo filled ut night with the merry dancer , in the pluco of thu anarchist inourn ers. imvii OrookH Cuptiircil. Sergeant Haze , assisted by Ofllcers Fror toy , llloom and Newman , made a very neat catch of three burglars yesterday ovonlng. Information wan received early Sunday morning by Glimf Seavey Unit the "Q" depot ut Kmmorson had been' burplnrUcd "and urn wards'pf M4 In , hard cash stolon. The do- scrlptlo ) ) of the crook * sent on to the Onialm police was niCHgro in the extreme. iJotwIth * standing this thrco young men were arrested last night In ICfllo Clow's joint On Ninth fit rent. When locked up they gava the ti'.mca of Henry Dowd , Willie JJuwd , am } Charles Smith , The authorities are coat UUcnt tuvy are tbo mvu wanted.